Problem Solving Skill 정답 및 해설 문장의 기초 Introduction to Sentences 시제 Tense 조동사 Modals 수동태 Passive Voice 명사와 관사 Nouns and Articles 대명사 Pronouns 부정사 Infinitives 동명사 Gerunds 분사 Participles 형용사 Adjectives 부사 Adverbs 가정법 Conditionals 비교구문 Comparatives 관계사 Relatives 접속사 Conjunctions 전치사 Prepositions Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 일치와 화법 Agreement and Narration 특수구문 & 속담 Inversion, Emphasis, Ellipsis & Proverbs CHAPTER 1 문장의 기초 I n t r o d u c t i o n t o S e n t e n c e s 본문 _ p.2 PRACTICE 1 isn’t he 1 3 2 have you shouldn’t we 4 are they 5 could she 6 didn’t they 7 weren’t they 8 do we 9 isn’t it 10 does he PRACTICE 2 1 will you 3 shall we 5 can’t you 7 were there 9 do they PRACTICE 3 2 isn’t it 4 am I not[aren’t I] 6 shall we 8 will you 10 aren’t there 1 where the nearest subway station is 2 if[whether] that man is my new biology teacher 3 what made her so happy 4 when the tragic accident happened 5 6 if[whether] he got married to the English girl who will look after her while her parents are working 7 why you didn’t agree with him 8 how far it is from here to the airport 9 if[whether] my dream will come true 10 if[whether] he has any brothers or sisters PRACTICE 4 1 Why do you think she quit[quitted] school? 2 How do you guess you can discover your hidden talents? 3 Please tell me if[whether] you are an FBI agent. 4 Where do you suppose he comes from? 5 6 I know what you did after school yesterday. When do you believe you can afford to buy the house? 2 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 7 I want to know if[whether] you added your name to the list. 8 Which do you think is the faster way to go there? people? 9 Who do you believe is guilty between the two 10 Where do you guess you lost your camera? PRACTICE 5 1 ①, ② - 1형식 2 ①, ②, ③ - 3형식 3 ①, ②, ③, ⑦ - 5형식 4 ①, ②, ⑥ - 2형식 5 ②, ① - 1형식 6 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ - 4형식 7 ①, ②, ③ - 3형식 8 ①, ②, ⑥ - 2형식 9 ①, ②, ③, ⑦ - 5형식 10 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ - 4형식 PRACTICE 6 1 brilliant 3 tired 5 popular 7 cold 9 serious 11 bad 13 quickly PRACTICE 7 1 good looks like 3 5 7 guilty 9 sweet 11 good PRACTICE 8 1 with 3 with 5 for 2 cloudy 4 6 8 silent fluently late 10 calm 12 pale 2 strange 4 dully 8 heavy 10 rich, stingy 12 sounds like 2 after 4 6 to from fresh, energetic 6 young 7 with 9 with 11 to 8 after 10 to 12 for PRACTICE 9 1 My wife’s full support gave strength to me. 2 He teaches English speaking and writing to the children. They didn’t ask anything of me. I bought an ice cream cone and a soft drink for my friend. Can you tell the reason for your decision to us? The machine will make different types of 3 4 5 6 cookies for you. 7 Can you do a favor for me? 8 The instructor showed how to snowboard to 9 The gentleman found my diamond necklace me. for me. to all the guests. PRACTICE 10 interesting 1 3 7 9 to go 5 quiet to have to go PRACTICE 11 2 to come 4 angry 6 8 to confess sour, smelly 10 to get 1 help 2 to wake 3 decorate 4 enjoying 5 carry 7 printed 8 repaired 6 9 think succeed CHAPTER 1 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.15 1 ④ 2 will you 3 ④ 4 ④ 5 ② 6 ④ 7 asked, to do 8 ③ 9 ② 10 ②,⑤ 11 prevents[keeps], from 12 ③ 13 ⑤ 14 ①,⑤ 15 provides, with 16 ③ 17 ① 18 ①,⑤ 19 shall we 20 he prefers reading books at home to going outside 21 ① 22 ④ 23 ② 24 ④ 25 pay, for 26 ③ 27 ③ 28 isn’t it 29 (1) where the restroom is (2) what the sign means 30 ① 31 ①,⑤ 32 I wonder why they wore uncomfortable high heels. 33 ⑤ 34 ③ 35 What do you imagine the monster looks like? 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 buy/make+직접목적어+for+간접목적어 2 명령문, will you? 의문사가 있는 간접의문문의 어순은 「의문사+주어 3 4 ④ richly → rich remain, get, grow, become은 주격 보어로 명사 5 sound는 ‘~하게 들리다’의 뜻으로 주격 보어로 형 나 형용사가 온다. 용사가 온다. 6 ④ keeps → keep let, make, have와 같은 사역동사는 목적격 보어로 동사원형이 온다. 7 ask+목적어+to부정사 ‘~에게 …을 부탁하다’ 8 의문사가 없는 간접의문문의 어순은 「if[whether]+ 주어+동사」가 된다. 9 ② sadly → sad look은 ‘~해 보이다’의 뜻으로 주격 보어로 형용 사가 오지만, look 뒤에 like가 따라올 때는 like가 ‘~처럼’의 뜻인 전치사로 쓰이므로 look like 뒤에 는 명사가 온다. 10 The host and hostess wrote thank-you notes +동사 ~」가 된다. 10 crossing 11 done 12 to attend 10 ②⑤ 5형식 ① 3형식 ③④ 4형식 13 buy 14 rising 15 cut 11 prevent[keep]+목적어+from+-ing ‘~가 …하는 16 washed 17 come 18 moving 것을 막다’ 19 know 22 walk 25 thinking 20 change 21 fighting 12 allow+목적어+to부정사 ‘~가 …하는 것을 허락 23 stolen 24 to be 하다’ 13 주절의 동사가 think, believe, suppose, guess와 정답 및 해설 3 CHAPTER 1 같이 생각이나 추측을 나타낼 때는 간접의문문의 의 문사는 문장의 가장 앞으로 나온다. 14 ② to understand → understood • help ~ with … ‘~가 …하는 것을 돕다’ 28 주어가 사물을 가리키는 3인칭 단수 명사일 때, 부 가의문문의 인칭대명사는 it을 쓴다. 목적어와 목적격 보어의 관계가 수동일 때는 목적격 29 의문사가 있는 간접의문문의 어순은 「의문사+주어 지각동사의 목적격 보어로는 동사원형 또는 현재분 30 tell은 목적격 보어로 to부정사가 오고, to부정사의 보어로 과거분사가 나온다. ③ to start → start[starting] 사가 온다. ④ see → to see want+목적어+to부정사 ‘~가 …하기를 원하다’ 15 provide A with B ‘A에게 B를 제공하다’ 16 ask+직접목적어+of+간접목적어 17 ① 5형식 ②③④⑤ 3형식 18 help+목적어+(to)+동사원형 19 Let’s ~, shall we? 20 prefer A to B ‘B보다 A를 더 좋아하다’ 21 간접의문문에서 의문사가 주어로 쓰인 경우에는 직 접의문문의 어순을 그대로 쓴다. +동사」이다. 일반동사의 경우 3인칭 단수 현재형일 때의 변화에도 유의해야 한다. 부정형은 「not+to부정사」의 형태로 쓴다. 31 ① 의문사가 없는 간접의문문: 「i f [ w h e t h e r ] +S+V」 ⑤ 의문사가 있는 간접의문문: 「의문사+S+V」 32 의문사 why가 있으므로 I wonder 뒤에 「의문사 +S+V」어순의 간접의문문을 써야 한다. 33 ① Where can you tell me I can ~ → Can you tell me where I can ~ 의문사가 있는 간접의문문 의 어순은 「의문사+주어+동사」 ② becoming → to become - encourage+목적어 +to부정사 22 There are ~, aren’t there? 23 ② finish → finished 24 ④의 had는 일반동사 have의 과거형이므로 hadn’t ③ to laugh → laugh - 사역동사+목적어+동사원형 ④ to move → move - 지각동사+목적어+동사원형 34 ⓒ to stay in silent → to stay silent - 불완전자동 you?를 didn’t you?로 고쳐야 한다. 25 pay ~ for … ‘…에 대해 ~를 지불하다’ 26 ③ truly → true appear, seem, sound, taste, feel은 주격 보어로 사 stay+명사/형용사 ‘~인 상태로 있다’ ⓓ help → to help - want+목적어+to부정사 ⓔ choosing → to choose - encourage+목적어 +to부정사 ‘~가 …하도록 격려하다’ 35 주절의 동사가 think나 imagine과 같이 생각이나 27 • name ~ after … ‘…의 이름을 따서 ~의 이름 추측을 나타낼 때 간접의문문의 의문사는 문장 맨 형용사가 온다. 을 짓다’ 앞에 위치해야 한다. CHAPTER 2 시제 T e n s e 본문 _ p.22 PRACTICE 1 1 bowed 3 affected 5 chatted 7 aimed 2 accomplished 4 declared 6 grabbed 8 scratched 9 tied 11 soaked 13 appointed 15 tapped 17 classified 19 tried 10 destroyed 12 envied 14 designed 16 attempted 18 avoided 20 dispatched 4 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 43 focused[focussed] 44 enrolled 55 succeeded 56 exported 22 carried 24 boarded 26 displayed 28 dried 30 dyed 32 buzzed 34 amounted 36 cherished 38 applied 40 clapped 42 snapped 46 complained 48 attracted 50 hummed 52 inherited 54 curled 58 counted 60 regarded 62 reviewed 64 stirred 66 conquered 68 jogged 70 pardoned 72 limited 74 occurred 76 refunded 78 sniffed 80 published 82 wounded 84 regretted 86 wrapped 88 converted 90 embarrassed 92 married 94 proved 96 dropped 98 survived 100 stretched 21 begged 23 downloaded 25 boiled 27 disturbed 29 accepted 31 buried 33 challenged 35 defeated 37 demanded 39 assigned 41 reunified 45 replied 47 performed 49 connected 51 established 53 gasped 57 coughed 59 crawled 61 fried 63 chewed 65 hugged 67 controlled 69 weighed 71 ripped 73 mixed 75 perched 77 permitted 79 copied 81 referred 83 committed 85 relaxed 87 conducted 89 rewarded 91 changed 93 supported 95 prayed 97 approved 99 completed PRACTICE 2 CHAPTER 2 4 d 7 t 10 t 13 t 16 t 19 t 22 t 25 t 28 d 31 t 34 t 37 t 40 id 43 id 5 8 t id 11 d 14 id 17 id 20 id 23 id 26 id 29 d 32 d 35 d 38 d 41 id 44 t 6 id 9 d 12 id 15 d 18 d 21 t 24 t 27 t 30 id 33 id 36 id 39 t 42 d 45 id PRACTICE 3 1 began – begun 2 drank – drunk 3 met – met 4 dealt – dealt 5 crept – crept 6 arose – arisen 7 paid – paid 8 bit – bit(ten) 9 laid – laid 10 beat – beat(en) 11 wore – worn 12 dug – dug 13 built – built 15 sent – sent 17 fell – fallen 14 cut – cut 16 brought – brought 18 sold – sold 19 flew – flown 20 sat – sat 21 bought – bought 22 forgot – forgotten 23 came – come 24 burst – burst 25 fought – fought 26 bent – bent 27 shone – shone 28 ate – eaten 29 fed – fed 30 drove – driven 31 knelt – knelt 32 slept – slept 33 got – got(ten) 34 found – found 35 cost – cost 36 froze – frozen 37 ground – ground 38 kept – kept 39 hurt – hurt 40 wove – wove(n) 41 chose – chosen 42 forgave – forgiven 43 spread – spread 44 hit – hit 45 hung – hung 46 set – set 47 rang – rung 48 knew – known 49 led – led 50 meant – meant 51 swam – swum 52 taught – taught 정답 및 해설 5 1 d 2 t 3 d 53 stole – stolen 54 read – read 55 rode – ridden 56 put – put 57 left – left 58 bet – bet 59 drew – drawn 60 lent – lent 61 lay – lain 62 won – won 63 hid – hidden 64 let – let 65 threw – thrown 66 shook – shaken 67 blew – blown 68 rose – risen 69 bore – born 70 spoke – spoken 71 caught – caught 72 broke – broken 73 ran – run 74 felt – felt 75 stood – stood 76 held – held 77 spent – spent 78 gave – given 79 sewed – sewn/sewed 80 thought – thought 81 shrank – shrunk 82 grew – grown 83 sank – sunk 84 sang – sung 85 took – taken 86 struck – struck 87 wound – wound 88 wrote – written 89 swept – swept 90 shot – shot 91 tore – torn 92 lost – lost 93 swung – swung 94 understood – understood 95 stuck – stuck 96 wept – wept 97 became – become 98 dreamed/dreamt – dreamed/dreamt 99 sowed – sown/sowed 100 overcame – overcome 101 quit – quit 102 woke – woken PRACTICE 4 1 have already sent 2 have gone 3 has enjoyed 4 have not[haven’t] read 5 has never been 6 has won 7 has rained 8 have just arrived 9 Have, heard 10 have taught 6 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 2 PRACTICE 5 1 I haven’t finished, 완료 2 Ms. Kim has lived, 계속 3 He has bought, 결과 4 Mr. Lee has worked, 계속 5 Sally has already had, 완료 6 Have you met, 경험 PRACTICE 6 1 2 3 Jack has stayed at the hotel for two weeks. I have composed songs for seven years. Liz has visited a nursing home for three months. 2004. 4 My brother has had the laptop computer since 5 I have dated Chris since last June. 6 Mark has enjoyed playing tennis since 2000. PRACTICE 7 1 did you go 3 has been 2 did you meet 4 came, was 5 haven’t been 6 wasn’t 7 have helped, joined 8 haven’t read 9 haven’t driven 10 fell, met PRACTICE 8 1 have been studying 2 have been playing 3 have been looking 4 have been knitting 5 has, been fixing PRACTICE 9 1 ① has moved to another country three times ② has been living in Korea for six months 2 ① has been writing novels since she was 28 years old ② has written eight novels for fifteen years 3 ① have been doing gardening for an hour ② have planted two trees so far 4 ① has been building a church for three months ② has built several apartments since he graduated from university 3 am going to have a piano lesson 5 ① has taught hundreds of students so far in 4 will keep a diary in English ② has been teaching Korean in China for two 6 am going to do volunteer work 5 am eating out with my family 7 are going to have a picnic CHAPTER 2 China years PRACTICE 10 1 respects 3 was reading 5 admire 7 sounds 9 prefer 15 consists 17 believed PRACTICE 11 2 4 is playing know 6 was sleeping 8 do you think 10 Do you have 11 don’t understand 12 was smelling 13 am thinking 14 appears 16 am feeling 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.40 1 ③ 2 ③ 3 ④ 4 He has been working there 5 We have been discussing the issue for an hour. 6 ④ 7 ④ 8 ⑤ 9 ④ 10 ③ 11 ③ 12 ③ 13 had been living 14 ②,⑤ 15 ① 16 ② 17 ⑤ 18 have been cleaning 19 ⑤ 20 ③ 21 had told 22 I have been reading it since yesterday. 23 ⑤ 24 ④ 25 had stolen 26 ② 27 ③ 28 ⑤ 29 ① 30 ④ 1 went[had gone] 2 had given 3 met 4 spent[had spent] 5 already left[had already left] 6 became 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 현재완료의 용법 중 ‘결과’를 나타내는 문장이다. 7 had taught 8 ate[had eaten] 2 현재완료의 용법 중 ‘계속’을 나타내는 문장이다. 9 had lost 10 saw[had seen] since(~이후로)는 사건이 시작된 과거의 시점을 나 PRACTICE 12 1 had been reading 2 had been playing 3 had been expecting 4 had been snowing PRACTICE 13 1 has played 2 has been watching 3 had been walking 4 haven’t met 5 had already finished 6 have been trying 7 had left 8 had been waiting 9 did you hand 10 was 11 hadn’t been getting 12 had cleaned 13 have stayed 14 has been cooking 15 had been standing 16 hasn’t eaten 17 had been looking PRACTICE 14 1 will buy a necklace 2 is throwing a party 타내고 주절에는 주로 현재완료시제를 쓴다. • be interested in ‘~에 관심이 있다’ 3 a minute ago는 특정한 과거를 나타내므로 현재완 료시제와 함께 쓸 수 없다. 4 현재완료 진행시제(have/has+been+~ing)는 과 거에 시작된 일이 현재까지 계속되고 있음을 뜻한다. 5 「have+been+~ing」 형태의 현재완료 진행시제로 과거에 시작한 동작이 현재까지 계속되고 있음을 나 6 <보기>의 문장은 현재완료 결과 용법의 예로, 선택 지 중 결과 용법에 해당하는 문장은 ④이다. ①과 ② 는 경험 용법, ③은 완료 용법, ⑤는 계속 용법의 예 타낸다. 이다. 7 차가 고장 난 시점이 수업에 늦은 시점(과거시제)보 다 더 이전이므로 과거완료시제를 쓴다. 8 과거보다 이전에 벌어진 동작이므로 과거완료시제 가 되어야 한다. 9 ④ 경험 ① 결과 ②⑤ 완료 ③ 계속 정답 및 해설 7 CHAPTER 2 10 현재완료의 용법 중 ‘계속’을 나타내는 문장이다. 로 현재완료시제와 함께 쓸 수 없다. for(~동안)는 사건이 일어난 시간의 길이를 나타낸다. 21 과거보다 이전에 일어난 동작이므로 과거완료시제 11 과거보다 이전에 일어난 동작이므로 과거완료시제 를 쓴다. 를 쓴다. 12 this morning은 특정한 과거를 나타내므로 과거시제 가 와야 하고, three weeks before는 this morning 타낸다. 22 「have+been+~ing」 형태의 현재완료 진행시제는 과거에 시작한 동작이 현재까지 계속되고 있음을 나 보다 앞선 시점이므로 과거완료시제가 와야 한다. 23 과거보다 이전에 일어난 동작이므로 과거완료시제 13 아버지를 방문한 시점인 과거 이전부터 시작한 동작 를 쓴다. 이 과거까지 진행되고 있으므로 과거완료 진행시제 24 ④ has been taking → took 를 쓴다. 25 과거보다 이전에 일어난 동작이므로 과거완료시제 14 상태를 나타내는 동사는 진행형으로 쓰지 않는다. 를 쓴다. ① is belonging to → belongs to ③ am wanting to → want to ④ is consisting of → consists of 15 현재완료시제는 과거의 특정한 때를 나타내는 부사 (구)와 함께 쓰지 않는다. 16 현재진행형은 미래를 나타내는 부사(tomorrow, tonight, this weekend)와 함께 쓰여 가까운 미래 에 계획되어 있는 일을 나타낸다. 17 since는 ‘~이후로’라는 뜻으로, since가 있는 문장 의 주절에는 현재완료 시제가 나온다. 18 과거에 시작한 동작이 현재까지 진행되고 있으므로 현재완료 진행시제를 쓴다. 19 시간접속사 when은 과거시제 동사와 함께 쓰여 특 정한 과거 시점을 나타낼 수 있다. 이 경우 주절의 동사 자리에도 과거시제를 쓴다. 20 during my school days, 5 minutes ago, until last month, last night은 특정한 과거를 나타내므 26 과거에 시작한 동작이 현재까지 진행되고 있으므로 현재완료 진행시제를 쓴다. 27 동작이 아닌 소유, 감정, 인식, 지각 등의 상태를 나 타내는 동사가 동작을 나타내는 의미로 쓰일 경우를 제외하고는 진행형을 쓰지 않는다. 28 since(~이후로)는 사건이 시작된 과거의 시점을 나 타낸다. since가 있는 문장의 주절에는 주로 현재완 료시제를 쓴다. 29 ⓐ 문장에 for 부사구가 포함되어 있으므로 현재완 ⓑ for(~동안)는 사건이 일어난 시간의 길이를 나 료시제를 써야 한다. 타낸다. ⓒ 주어(The patient)가 능동적으로 고려하고 있으 므로 considering이 답이다. 30 과거보다 이전에 벌어진 동작은 과거완료시제를 써 야 하므로 they have failed를 they had failed로 써야 한다. CHAPTER 3 조동사 M o d a l s 본문 _ p.46 PRACTICE 1 1 Does[Did] 3 does 5 do[did] 7 does 9 didn’t 2 did 4 did 6 did 8 does 8 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 PRACTICE 2 1 did meet 3 does look 5 Do tell 7 does love 2 do think 4 do hope 6 did teach 8 does go 9 did encourage 10 did quit PRACTICE 3 1 is able to speak 2 was able to ride 3 weren’t able to play 4 will be able to drive 5 wasn’t able to solve 6 won’t be able to see 7 wasn’t able to join 8 am able to manage 9 am not able to find 10 won’t be able to change PRACTICE 4 1 Can, be 2 Can[Could], drink 3 can’t, be 4 can, tell 6 Can[Could], carry 7 Can[Could], see 8 can’t, know 9 can[could], help 10 can[could], affect PRACTICE 5 1 have 3 had 5 have 7 must 9 have PRACTICE 6 1 had to return 5 Can[Could], work[be working] 2 have 4 must 6 had 8 must 10 had 2 has to be converted 3 have to appreciate 4 will have to[have to] go 5 will have to[have to] prove 6 had to wait PRACTICE 7 1 must be 3 can’t be 5 must feel 2 can’t speak 4 must like 6 can’t recognize CHAPTER 3 PRACTICE 8 1 must not drive 2 don’t have to go 3 must not happen 4 must not tell 5 doesn’t have to make 6 don’t have to take 7 must not speak 8 don’t have to pretend 9 must not be 10 doesn’t have to climb 11 must not eat PRACTICE 9 1 may[might] visit 2 may[might] ask 3 may[might] not be 4 may[might] break 5 may[might] not come 6 may[might] have PRACTICE 10 1 may 3 might 5 must not 7 have to 9 could PRACTICE 11 1 would 3 be able to 5 can’t 7 does 9 would 11 would 13 have to 15 did 2 May 4 be able to 6 can’t 8 Could 10 don’t have to 2 Would 4 Will 6 would 8 must not 10 does 12 would 14 would 16 be able to 17 don’t have to 18 had to PRACTICE 12 1 2 3 4 should[ought to] listen should[ought to] reply should not[ought not to] go should[ought to] give 정답 및 해설 9 should[ought to] warn should[ought to] be should[ought to] apply should not[ought not to] watch should[ought to] apologize 10 should not[ought not to] tell PRACTICE 13 ’d better pay ’d better not be ’d better not lose ’d better not sit ’d better win ’d better think ’d better not overeat ’d better go 2 4 6 8 5 6 7 8 9 1 3 5 7 PRACTICE 14 1 used to[would] jump 2 used to be 3 used to[would] wake 4 used to be 5 used to like 6 used to[would] spend 7 used to have 8 used to[would] gather 9 used to[would] hide 10 used to feel PRACTICE 15 1 must have rained 2 may have heard 3 should have thought 4 can’t[cannot] have had 5 shouldn’t[should not] have used 6 may not have gone PRACTICE 16 1 must 3 cannot 5 cannot 7 can 9 may 11 must 13 should 2 must 4 must 6 may 8 should 10 shouldn’t 12 should 10 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 3 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.61 1 ⑤ 2 ③ 3 must have practiced 4 would rather hurt myself than 5 ④ 6 don’t have [need] to 7 ④ 8 ② 9 ① 10 We should have brought a map 11 ③ 12 ④ 13 ③ 14 ③ 15 ③ 16 ② 17 ③ 18 ③ 19 had better take a taxi 20 used to 21 we don’t have to be rich 22 Would you like some cheese with that wine 23 ⑤ 24 ② 25 ③ 26 ⑤ 27 ④ 28 ⑤ 29 be able to 30 ④ 31 ② 32 Neither could I 33 ④ 34 (1) We should have left sooner (2) She must have told a lie (3) He cannot[can’t] have read my article 35 ④ 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 ⑤ ‘하다’라는 뜻의 일반동사 ①②③④ 강조의 조동사 2 조동사끼리는 나란히 쓰일 수 없다. 3 맥락상 ‘~했음에 틀림없다’라는 의미가 적절하므 로, 밑줄 친 부분을 「must+have+과거분사」 형태 인 must have practiced로 고쳐야 한다. 4 would rather A than B ‘B 하느니 차라리 A 하겠다’ ④ 주어진 문장과 동일한 do는 강조의 조동사 do 5 ① 일반동사의 의문문을 만드는 조동사 do ② 일반동사의 부정문을 만드는 조동사 do ③ ‘하다’의 의미인 일반동사 do ⑤ 5형식 구문에서 목적격보어로 쓰인 일반동사 do 의 과거분사형 done 6 don’t have[need] to ‘~할 필요가 없다’ 7 ④ 추측 ①②③⑤ 의무 8 may는 ‘~일지도 모른다’의 뜻으로 추측을 나타낸다. 9 ① 추측 ②③④⑤ 능력 10 「should have+과거분사」 ‘~했어야 했다’ 11 ③ Will you can → Will you be able to 12 「would like to+동사원형」 ‘~을 하고 싶다’ 13 ③ ‘~해도 좋다’ ①②④⑤ ‘~일지도 모른다’ 14 ③ bringing → bring 「don’t have to+동사원형」 ‘~할 필요가 없다’ 15 had better의 부정형은 had better not으로 쓴다. 16 ought to의 부정형은 ought not to로 쓴다. 17 ③ 동사의 의미를 강조하는 do ① 의문사를 만드는 조동사 do ② 대동사 do ④ ‘하다’라는 뜻의 일반동사 do ⑤ 부정문을 만드는 조동사 do 18 「would+동사원형」은 과거에 반복적으로 일어난 행위를 나타낸다. 19 내용상 버스가 떠나 영화를 보지 못할 것을 걱정하 는 Jane에게 ‘택시를 타는 것이 낫다’고 조언하는 것이 적합하다. had better ‘~하는 편[것]이 낫다’ 20 「used to+동사원형」은 과거에 반복적으로 일어난 행위나 상태를 나타낸다. 21 don’t have to ‘~할 필요가 없다’ 22 「would like+명사」 ‘~을 원하다’ 23 may와 could는 허락이나 허가를 나타내는 조동사 로 쓸 수 있다. 24 must ‘~임에 틀림없다’ 25 「must have+과거분사」 ‘~였음에 틀림없다’ 26 금지의 표현이 들어가야 한다. 27 「may have+과거분사」 ‘~했을지도 모른다’ 28 「used to+동사원형」과 「would+동사원형」은 과거 에 반복적으로 일어난 행위를 나타낸다. 행위가 아 닌 과거의 상태를 나타낼 때는 「would+동사원형」 을 쓸 수 없다. 29 be able to ‘~할 수 있다’(= can) 30 ④ (A)와 같은 추측 ①②③⑤ 의무 31 「may have+과거분사」 ‘~했을지도 모른다’ CHAPTER 4 수동태 P a s s i v e V o i c e PRACTICE 1 1 My proposal may be accepted by the manager. 2 An e-mail must be sent in advance by Brian. 3 They might be attracted by her natural beauty. 4 The deadline for reports should not be CHAPTER 3 32 couldn’t가 포함된 부정문에 대한 동의는 「Neither 33 ① A: 나 너무 피곤해. 나는 헬스장에서 운동하느라 could+주어」로 쓴다. 5시간을 보냈어. B: 음, 넌 운동을 그렇게 많이 하지 말았어야 했어. (→ should not have exercised) ② A: 나 내일 피아노 경연대회에서 잘하기를 바라. B: 너는 방과 후에 연습을 더 해야 해. (→ must practice) ③ A: Sally는 요즘 살을 빼려고 노력하고 있어. B: 그녀는 밤늦게 간식을 먹어선 안 돼. (→ should not eat snacks) ④ A: Jason이 내 험담을 했다니 믿을 수 없어. B: Jason은 정직하고 친절해. 그가 그런 행동을 했을 리가 없어. ⑤ A: 땅이 너무 건조해서 깊게 금이 가 있어. B: 오랫동안 비가 많이 오지 않은 게 틀림없어. (→ must not have rained) 34 (1) 「should have+과거분사」 ‘~했어야 했다’ (2) 「must have+과거분사」 ‘~였음에 틀림없다’ (3) 「cannot have+과거분사」 ‘~했을 리가 없다’ 35 • Can you ~? ‘~해 주시겠습니까?’ • Can I ~? ‘~해도 되겠습니까?’ • Can ~? ‘과연 ~일까?’ 본문 _ p.68 7 He will be remembered as a good leader by 8 Her heart could be broken by his words. 9 A live concert will be performed this evening 10 This secret must be kept forever by the two them. by her. boys. 1 A lot of fish were being caught in the lake by 정답 및 해설 11 5 All the hotel rooms ought to be cleaned by the 6 Other people’s design concepts can’t be PRACTICE 2 forgotten. women. copied. CHAPTER 4 4 8 9 4 5 7 8 3 4 James. daughter. by the kids. Jones. by Kate. Bob and Paul. the police. PRACTICE 3 famous artist. Paul. by the school. senior citizens. by me. 2 The refrigerator was being cleaned by my He wasn’t asked such stupid questions by me. The air and water are being polluted by people. by me. The walls of the doghouse were being painted 5 Her students were told surprising news about Such stupid questions weren’t asked of him 5 A new business is being developed by Mr. Surprising news about black holes was told to my sister by dad. black holes by her. her students by her. 6 The car is being repaired in the garage by dad. 6 The lost key wasn’t found for Mark by the 7 The dirty plates and bowls are being washed police. 8 Used books were being sold on the street by owner. 7 Those visitors were lent the rooms by the villa The rooms were lent to those visitors by the 9 Dinner for his wife and children was being villa owner. prepared by him. Life vests won’t be brought to us by that guy. 10 The shooting incident is being investigated by He was offered a good internship program by A good internship program was offered to him his professor. by his professor. grandfather. PRACTICE 5 by the coach. prosecutor. 1 Her family portrait has been painted by a 10 A wooden boat will be made for me by my 2 The school has never accepted cheating. 3 Songs have been composed for five years by 4 A graduation party has been held in December 2 They are always encouraged to do their best 1 The hamster was named Stuart. 5 The government has provided free lunch for 3 The suspect was found guilty of fraud by the 6 This camera has been used since last month I am called Ice Princess by my friends. The kitty was helped to get out of the box by 7 A lot of endangered animals have been the cat. preserved for several years by the park. 6 She was heard singing some of the old songs 8 The performance has been postponed several by him. times by the director. Jina was elected chief editor by the team. 9 The volunteers have helped the kindergarten An airplane was seen flying under the cloud by teachers. us. 10 The master has treated the servants cruelly. 9 The singer was made popular by the talk show. 10 He was expected to arrive in time by PRACTICE 4 2 I was taught English grammar by my brother. English grammar was taught to me by my everyone. PRACTICE 6 brother. 1 His daughter was heard to play the flute in her 3 A small two-month-old puppy was bought for room by him. 12 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 4 2 3 5 6 I was made to water the flowers by Jim. A friend in need is known to be a friend indeed. Adam was seen to hang around the house at 6 It is said that English examinations are always 4 His sister was allowed to take a walk with his English examinations are said to be always midnight by some people. dog last night by him. difficult. difficult. He was heard to make a strange sound by me. 7 It was believed that the couple went to Jeju She was made to run faster for a good record Island for their honeymoon. by him. The couple were believed to go to Jeju Island 7 Minho was watched to carry the bag for the for their honeymoon. elderly by Susan. 8 It is supposed that the movie is very awesome. 8 The tea table was felt to shake slightly by me. The movie is supposed to be very awesome. 1 He couldn’t be caught up with by the police. 11 covered with 2 The old people in the town were looked after 13 disappointed with[in] 14 known to 9 His daughter isn’t allowed to leave for New 10 A group of people were watched to learn Irish York by him. folk dance by John. 11 She wasn’t allowed to borrow anything by me. PRACTICE 7 by the volunteer workers. 3 This trick is made use of by many magicians. 4 My little son was taken care of in the daytime by my sister. 5 My brother was laughed at so hard by Brian. 6 The TV was turned off at midnight by Jihye. 7 Weak and poor people are looked down on by 8 The meeting with that company can’t be put him. off anymore by us. PRACTICE 8 anyone else. anyone else. mountain. soon. 2 It is thought that Daniel sang better than Daniel is thought to have sung better than 3 It was reported that the man got lost in the The man was reported to get lost in the mountain. 4 It is expected that the book will be published The book is expected to be published soon. 5 It is known that a friend in need is a friend indeed. PRACTICE 9 1 3 interested in 2 excited at[about] satisfied with 4 bored with 5 pleased with 6 worried about 7 made of 9 filled with 8 tired of 10 based on 12 known as 15 dressed in 17 made from 16 surprised at[by] 18 supposed to 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.80 1 ⑤ 2 ④,⑤ 3 can be taken care of 4 is being changed 5 ④ 6 was being prepared for 7 ② 8 ⓐ awarded ⓑ pleased with 9 to 10 were paid, was paid to 11 ② 12 ③ 13 was elected mayor of Seoul 14 ④ 15 The soccer player was called a free kick artist. 16 ① 17 are not allowed to cross 18 (1) was dressed in (2) is known to 19 Her neighbors are always spoken ill of by her. 20 was looked after 21 is believed that, believed to be 22 ⑤ 23 is said to be 24 ③ 25 ② 26 is reported to be 27 The decision has been put off by the committee. 28 ⑤ 29 with 30 ③ 31 was called off 32 The scientists have done a lot of studies on genes since the 18th century. 33 of, from 34 We're[We are] not supposed to take a picture. 정답 및 해설 13 CHAPTER 4 15 5형식 능동태 문장을 수동태 문장으로 전환할 때 목 적격 보어인 명사는 「be동사+과거분사」 뒤에 그대 로 이어서 쓴다. 16 ① cry → to cry 지각동사의 목적격 보어가 동사원형인 능동태 문장 을 수동태 문장으로 바꿀 때 동사원형은 to부정사로 바뀐다. 17 사역동사 let은 수동태 문장으로 전환될 때 「be allowed+to부정사」로 표현된다. 18 (1) be dressed in ‘~을 입고 있다’ (2) be known to ‘~에게 알려지다’ 19 동사구가 있는 문장을 수동태로 전환할 때는 동사구 를 하나의 단어처럼 취급하여 붙여 쓴다. 20 동사구가 있는 문장을 수동태로 전환할 때는 동사구 를 하나의 단어처럼 취급하여 붙여 쓴다. 21 believe의 목적어가 that이 이끄는 절일 때는 「It is believed that …」 이나 「~ is believed to …」 의 형태로 수동태를 만들 수 있다. 22 ⑤ for my father → by my father 23 say의 목적어가 that이 이끄는 절일 때는 「~ is said to …」 의 형태로 수동태를 만들 수 있다. 24 • be covered with ‘~로 덮여 있다’ • be known to ‘~에게 알려지다’ • be made from ‘~로 만들어지다’ - 일련의 과정 을 거쳐 재료의 성질이 변한 경우 25 ② of → with 26 report의 목적어가 that이 이끄는 절일 때는 「~ is reported to …」 의 형태로 수동태를 만들 수 있다. 27 동사구가 있는 문장을 수동태로 전환할 때는 동사구 를 하나의 단어처럼 취급하여 붙여 쓴다. 28 ⑤ to → as 29 be bored to death with ‘~에 매우 지겨워지다’ 30 ①②④⑤ in ③ by 31 동사구가 있는 문장을 수동태로 전환할 때는 동사구 를 하나의 단어처럼 취급하여 붙여 쓴다. 32 완료형의 수동태를 능동태로 바꿀 때는 「have/ has+과거분사」의 어순으로 쓴다. 33 재료의 성질이 변하지 않은 경우 be made of를 쓰 고, 일련의 과정을 거쳐 재료의 성질이 변한 경우 be made from을 쓴다. 34 be supposed to ‘~을 하기로 되어 있다[~해야 한다]’ 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 ⑤ are not considering → are not considered 2 ④ asked of → asked 여기서는 간접목적어가 주어 자리에 나오므로 was asked 뒤에 직접목적어를 바로 쓴다. ⑤ fix → fixed 「조동사+be+과거분사」 동사구가 있는 문장을 수동태로 전환할 때는 동사구 3 를 하나의 단어처럼 취급하여 붙여 쓴다. 4 진행형의 수동태는 「be동사+being+과거분사」의 어순으로 쓴다. 5 ① record → be recorded ② is posted → be posted ③ be putted → be put ⑤ play → be played 6 진행형의 수동태는 「be동사+being+과거분사」의 어순으로 쓴다. 7 ① had been played → has been played ③ has been told → have been told ④ will train → will be trained ⑤ will hold → will be held 8 ⓐ ‘메달을 수여받았다’라는 의미이므로 수동태를 완 성하는 awarded가 알맞다. ⓑ ‘~에 대해 기뻐하다’는 수동태 be pleased with 로 표현한다. 동사 offer가 쓰인 4형식 문장을 수동태로 바꿀 때, 직접목적어가 수동태의 주어인 경우에는, 간접목적 9 어 앞에 전치사 to를 쓴다. 10 4형식 문장은 원칙적으로 직접목적어와 간접목적어 를 각각 주어로 하는 2개의 수동태로 바꿀 수 있다. 동사 pay가 쓰인 4형식 문장을 수동태로 바꿀 때, 직접목적어가 수동태의 주어인 경우에는, 간접목적 어 앞에 전치사 to를 쓴다. 11 동사 cook은 직접목적어만을 수동태의 주어로 쓴다. ② I was cooked a delicious soup by my mother. → A delicious soup was cooked for me by my mother. 12 ① for → to ④ to → for 13 5형식 능동태 문장을 수동태 문장으로 전환할 때 목 ② to → for ⑤ for → to 적격 보어인 명사는 「be동사+과거분사」 뒤에 그대 로 이어서 쓴다. 14 동사 choose, write, buy, cook은 직접목적어만을 수동태의 주어로 쓴다. 14 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 5 명사와 관사 N o u n s a n d A r t i c l e s 본문 _ p.86 PRACTICE 1 1 citizens 3 dictionaries 5 addresses 7 nails 9 therapies 11 mazes 13 tombs 15 guys 17 bunches 19 peaks 21 matches 23 awards 25 radishes 27 troops 29 fairies 31 foreigners 33 gases 35 ways 37 souvenirs 39 cobras 41 programs 43 crabs 45 branches 47 festivals 49 eyebrows 51 accidents 53 batteries 55 factors 57 janitors 59 symptoms 61 histories 2 witnesses 4 6 journeys straws 8 calendars 10 astronauts 12 foxes 14 bottles 16 employees 18 dinosaurs 20 copies 22 languages 24 dynasties 26 photocopiers 28 toothbrushes 30 wishes 32 stomachs 34 monkeys 36 prizes 38 principles 40 bushes 42 essays 44 scratches 46 babies 48 activities 50 opinions 52 professors 54 clients 56 helmets 58 memories 60 consumers 62 magazines 63 pennies/pence 64 agents 65 bricks 67 sandwiches 69 portraits 66 chapters 68 columns 70 sketches 11 scarves/scarfs 12 kangaroos 19 volcanos/volcanoes 20 mice PRACTICE 2 1 roofs 3 heroes 5 radios 7 men 9 studios 13 thieves 15 bases 17 teeth 21 safes 23 pianos 25 children 27 geese 29 deer 31 beliefs 33 tomatoes 35 medicines 37 lives 39 oxen 41 aprons 43 characters 45 housewives 47 assistants 49 guests 51 groceries 53 witches 55 markets 57 architects 59 shampoos 61 rumors 63 ghosts 65 methods 67 donuts 69 harbors 71 symbols 73 palaces 2 potatoes 4 fish/fishes 6 Swiss 8 weeds 10 cliffs 14 sheep 16 promises 18 leaves 22 Japanese 24 reporters 26 factories 28 feet 30 chiefs 32 keys 34 flashes 36 mixes 38 calves 40 couches 42 canaries 44 receipts 46 cherries 48 enemies 50 instructors 52 proofs 54 hobbies 56 railways 58 handles 60 wolves 62 donkeys 64 watches 66 puppies 68 articles 70 zoos 72 designers 74 chimneys 75 fishermen 76 reefs 정답 및 해설 15 CHAPTER 5 77 tailors 79 satellites 78 skills 80 instruments 12 pieces of advice 13 bowls of fried rice 14 pieces of furniture 15 glass[bottle] of wine 2 brothers-in-law 3 passers-by 4 commanders in chief 5 fountain pens 6 boyfriends 7 mothers-in-law 8 mothers-to-be PRACTICE 7 1 valuable 3 wise 2 of no use 4 with ease 9 application forms 10 merry-go-rounds 5 punctually 6 of importance 7 courageous 8 with kindness 9 of use 10 purposely PRACTICE 3 1 girlfriends PRACTICE 4 1 apron 3 have 5 teams 7 problem 9 families 11 has 13 teams 15 activities PRACTICE 5 1 3 5 Japan furniture leaves 7 advice 9 math 11 restaurants 13 countries PRACTICE 6 2 4 is, are is 6 was, were 8 have 10 tricks 12 aren’t 14 was 2 letter 4 money 6 homework 8 Thursday 10 music 12 honesty 1 pieces[slices/loaves] of bread 2 piece[sheet] of paper 3 glasses[cups] of orange juice 4 bars of soap 5 piece[slice] of cheese 6 bottles[glasses] of beer 7 cup of green tea 8 pieces of cloth 9 spoonfuls[teaspoonfuls] of sugar 10 pound of meat 11 bowl of onion soup 16 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 PRACTICE 8 1 his sister’s smile 2 the legs of the sofa 3 The manager’s office 4 the front seat of the car 5 The twins’ eyes 6 thirty minutes’ walk 7 next week’s meeting 8 Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s house 9 the top of the page 10 other people’s opinion 11 women’s clothing department 12 the bottom of the fountain 13 the cost of the air conditioner 14 girls’ high schools 15 yesterday’s newspaper 16 Tomorrow’s weather PRACTICE 9 1 a friend of mine 2 no business of yours 3 This MP3 player of my brother’s 4 a relative of hers 5 a good idea of yours 6 some friends of my brother’s PRACTICE 10 1 an 3 a 2 a 4 an PRACTICE 11 5 a 7 a 9 an 1 ① 3 ④ 5 ⑥ 7 ④ 9 ⑤ 3 5 7 9 the the the the 3 an 5 7 the the 9 a PRACTICE 12 1 a, The PRACTICE 13 1 the, the PRACTICE 14 1 taxi 3 dinner 5 soccer 7 music 9 bed PRACTICE 15 1 X 3 a 5 the 7 a 9 X 11 the 6 an 8 a 10 an 2 ⑤ 4 ② 6 ③ 8 ② 10 ① 2 a 4 an 6 the 8 a 10 the 2 4 the the 6 a 8 A 10 The 2 school 4 Mom 6 biology 8 Professor 10 TV 2 the 4 X 6 X 8 X 10 A 12 the CHAPTER 5 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.105 1 ② 2 ① 3 of use 4 ④ 5 potato → potatoes 6 ⑤ 7 with ease 8 ② 9 of mine 10 ④ 11 ⑤ 12 ③ 13 (A) some classmates of mine study on holidays, too. (B) I’m going to have dinner with a friend of mine. 14 ③ 15 by 16 ① 17 school → the school 18 ② 19 the 20 (A) my dad told me to handle it with care (B) my mom said that she would arrive home on time 21 the young 22 ① 23 on purpose 24 ③ 25 ④ 26 much 27 ① 28 ⑤ 29 ③ 30 ③ 31 ⑤ 32 your sister’s some books → some books of your sister’s 33 ③ 34 ⑤ 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 2 복합명사는 가장 중요한 의미를 가진 단어에 ‘-s’나 ‘-es’를 붙여 복수형을 만든다. ② many → much ③ a few → a little ④ few → little ⑤ many homeworks → much[a lot of] homework 3 of use = useful 4 ① matchs → matches ② different way → a different way[different ways] ③ tooth → teeth ⑤ leafs → leaves 5 fried potatoes(감자 튀김)는 복수형으로 쓴다. 6 7 8 9 ⑤ thiefs → thieves easily = with ease ② the newspaper of today → today’s newspaper 소유격은 부정대명사와 나란히 쓸 수 없으므로 「of+소유대명사」의 형태로 명사 뒤에 이어서 쓴다. 10 ④ a loaf of beer → a glass[bottle] of beer 11 ①②③④ ‘하나의’ ⑤ ‘~당, 마다’ 12 ③ is → are 13 소유격은 부정대명사와 나란히 쓸 수 없으므로 「of+소유대명사」의 형태로 명사 뒤에 이어서 쓴다. 14 ① a hour → an hour 정답 및 해설 17 CHAPTER 5 ② a old woman → an old woman ④ an university → a university ⑤ an European country → a European country 15 in+부정관사+교통수단 = by+교통수단 ‘~을 타고’ 16 ② second → the second ③ the dinner → dinner ④ piano → the piano ⑤ the baseball → baseball 17 장소를 나타내는 명사 앞에 관사가 붙지 않으면 본 래의 목적을 나타낸다. 따라서 ‘go to school’은 ‘공 on purpose = purposely 24 ③ applications forms → application forms 25 ① an woman → a woman ② an UFO → a UFO ③ an wheelchair → a wheelchair ⑤ a artist → an artist 26 information은 셀 수 없는 명사이므로 much를 쓴다. 27 ① few → little 28 ⑤ belief → beliefs 29 ①⑤ listen to music과 watch TV는 관용적으로 부를 하러 학교에 가다’의 의미가 된다. 여기서는 선 관사 없이 쓴다. 생님을 방문하러 학교에 가는 것이므로 school 앞 에 the가 붙어야 한다. 18 ② poor → the poor[poor people] 19 동작의 대상이 되는 신체의 일부 앞에는 the를 붙인다. 20 with care=carefully, on time=punctually 21 the+형용사 = 복수보통명사 22 ② a most → the most ③ The math → Math ④ a father → father ⑤ Only → The only 23 on+추상명사 = 부사 ② 운동경기명 앞에는 the를 쓰지 않는다. ④ 식사명에는 the가 붙지 않는다. 30 과목명은 항상 단수 취급하고 정관사 the를 필요로 하지 않는다. 31 ⑤ others’s → others’ 32 소유격은 부정대명사와 나란히 쓸 수 없으므로 「some +명사+of+소유대명사/’s」 형태로 바꾸어 쓴다. 33 ③ the day → a day 34 물질명사의 수량이 2이상인 경우에는 단위명사에 -(e)s를 붙인다. CHAPTER 6 대명사 P r o n o u n s 본문 _ p.112 PRACTICE 1 1 myself 3 himself 5 me 7 herself 9 yourself 11 them 13 themselves 15 me 2 herself 4 6 you yourself 8 us 10 herself 12 her 14 herself 18 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 (himself) (myself) 2 4 6 8 10 (herself) PRACTICE 2 (themselves) (herself) PRACTICE 3 1 3 5 7 9 1 2 It is necessary to participate in the debate. I found it hard to take care of a baby. CHAPTER 6 2 others 4 another 6 others 8 others 10 another 12 another 14 other 2 4 6 the other the others the others 3 It is dangerous riding a motorcycle without a I thought it rude calling him late at night. It is certain that Mr. Simpson will get promoted It is interesting to learn foreign languages. It is important taking exercise regularly. It is shocking that Tony broke the window on helmet. quickly. purpose. 9 She found it a lot of fun reading science fiction. 10 I thought it a good idea to ask others’ opinion. 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 PRACTICE 4 family. 1 They appeared to know the truth about my 8 One, another, the other It happened that there was no one at home. 9 One, the other It seems that my brother has a plan to stay at 10 Some, the others 11 One, the other 4 It appears that she feels quite satisfied with uncle’s for a while. the result. 12 the other 14 the others 13 others 15 another 16 One, the other 17 others 5 The teacher happened to show up very late. 18 The others PRACTICE 5 1 ② 4 ① 2 ⑤ 5 ④ 3 ③ PRACTICE 6 1 ① 4 ⑤ 7 ④ 10 ② 2 ③ 5 ④ 8 ③ 3 ② 6 ① 9 ⑤ PRACTICE 7 1 it 4 ones 7 ones 10 ones 13 it 16 One 2 one 5 it 8 one 11 one 14 one 17 one 3 one 6 them 9 one 12 it 15 them 18 them 1 the emotions 2 was the countries 4 6 are 8 have 9 his friends 10 They both 1 Each member will be offered dinner after the 2 Every road is blocked because of the traffic 3 Each of the players should hold his national flag in the right hand. 4 I give a call to my parents overseas every two 5 All the teachers should hand in the students’ report cards each by the end of the day. 6 Every citizen who was watching the news was very happy about the result. 정답 및 해설 19 PRACTICE 8 1 the other 3 The others 5 other 7 9 the other the others 11 other 13 the others PRACTICE 9 1 The others 3 the other 5 another 7 others PRACTICE 10 3 have 5 They all 7 hotels PRACTICE 11 meeting. accident. weeks. 1 word 2 has 3 participants 4 second 5 hours 6 is PRACTICE 12 PRACTICE 13 1 anything 3 5 7 something something something 9 anything PRACTICE 14 2 Somebody 4 anybody 6 anybody 8 somebody 10 anybody 1 didn’t, anything 2 no one 3 doesn’t, anything 4 nobody 5 nothing 6 didn’t, anyone PRACTICE 15 1 Not all my friends 2 Not every fruit 3 Not both of my sisters 4 not always interesting 5 Not all TV programs 6 Not both of you 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.128 1 1) It is important how we solve the problem. 2) It was not clear what he really meant. 2 ④ 3 ③ 4 pulled himself up 5 ⑤ 6 Some, others 7 ③ 8 It is 9 ⑤ 10 ① 11 ③ 12 ⑤ 13 It seems, are 14 ④ 15 happened to live 16 other 17 ① 18 ② 19 ① 20 ① 21 ② 22 ones 23 some 24 ⑤ 25 another 26 ⑤ 27 no, another, other 28 second[other] 29 ④ 30 ④ 31 It is very generous of him to make such a big donation. 32 are 33 another 34 ① 35 ① 36 ⑤ 37 don’t, any 38 each 39 ② 20 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 6 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 의문사가 이끄는 절은 that절과 마찬가지로 문장 내 에서 주어, 목적어, 보어의 역할을 할 수 있으므로 가 주어 it과 함께 가주어, 진주어 구문을 이룰 수 있다. 3 2 ④ 비인칭 주어 ①②③⑤ 「It ~ that …」 강조구문 ③ in itself는 ‘그 자체로서’의 뜻으로 itself는 전치 사 in의 목적어이다. 4 ‘~을 끌어올리다’라는 뜻은 「타동사+부사」 형태 인 pull up으로 나타내며, 목적어인 재귀대명사 (himself)는 중간에 삽입하여 쓴다. 이때 등위접속 사 and 앞의 시제가 과거이므로 답도 과거시제에 맞 게 쓴다(pulled himself up). 5 by oneself ‘혼자서’ 6 「some ~ others …」 ‘(불특정한 수의 사람[것]들 중에서) 몇몇은 ~, 다른 사람[것]들은 …’ 7 ① 사물을 가리키는 it ② It ~ that … 강조구문 ④ 비인칭 주어 it ⑤ seems[appears, happens] that ~ 의 주어 8 to부정사를 진주어로 하는 가주어 it 9 both ‘둘 다’ 10 ① someone → anyone 11 one ~ the other ... (둘 중에) 하나는 ~, 다른 하나 는 … ③ The other ① any ② other ④ another ⑤ The others 12 ⑤ are → is 13 「주어+seem(s)+to부정사」는 「It seems that ~」 으로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 주어진 문장에서 to부정사 구의 시제가 주절의 시제와 일치(to be interested) 하고, 주어가 복수(The kids)이므로 바뀐 문장에서 that 절의 동사는 주절과의 시제일치, 수일치를 통 해 are가 된다. 14 ①②③⑤ it ④ that 15 「It happened that ~」은 「주어+happened+to부 정사」로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 16 other+복수 명사 ‘다른’ 17 ① 일반적인 사람들을 나타내는 대명사 ②④ 앞에 나온 명사의 반복을 피하기 위해 쓰는 대 명사 one ③ ‘하나의’의 뜻으로 쓰인 형용사 ⑤ ‘한 사람, 하나’의 뜻으로 쓰인 대명사 CHAPTER 6 18 「It is ~ that …」 강조용법에서 동사는 강조할 수 없다. • other+복수 명사 ‘다른’ 28 every+기수사+복수 명사 = every+서수사+단 19 「one ~ the other …」 ‘하나는 ~, 다른 하나는 …’ 20 ① 「It is ~ that …」 강조용법 ② 가목적어 ③⑤ 가주어 ④ 상황을 나타내는 it 21 「one ~ another … the other -」 ‘(셋 중에) 하나는 수 명사 ‘~간격으로, ~마다’ * every other day: 하루 걸러, 격일로 29 ①②③⑤ 비인칭 주어 ④ 가주어 30 ④ 긍정문이므로 Anyone이 아닌 Someone이 되어 ~, 다른 하나는 …, 나머지 하나는 -’ 야 한다. 22 앞에 나온 명사와 종류는 같지만 대상이 다른 경우 에 단수는 one, 복수는 ones로 받는다. 23 긍정문이므로 some을 쓴다. 24 앞에 나온 명사와 종류는 같지만 대상이 다른 경우 에는 one으로, 대상이 같은 경우는 it으로 받는다. 25 A is one thing, B is another ‘A와 B는 별개이다’ 26 (A) 단수이므로 one을 쓴다. (B) He는 Mike를 가리킨다. (C) 앞에 나온 명사와 대상이 같으므로 it을 쓴다. (D) 비둘기 Tom은 앞에서처럼 it으로 받는다. (E) 뒤에 복수 명사가 나오므로 other를 쓴다. 27 • no one ‘아무도 ~않다’ • another+단수 명사 ‘또 다른’ 31 가주어 It이 문장 맨 앞에 나오면 진주어는 문장 맨 뒤에 이어 쓰고, 의미상 주어는 진주어 앞에 쓴다. 이때, 보어 자리에 사람의 성질을 묘사하는 형용사 가 나오면(generous) 의미상 주어 앞에 전치사 of 를 쓴다. 32 all+셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형+복수 동사 33 another+단수 명사 ‘또 다른’ 34 ① 그녀는 그들 중 누구도 초대하지 않았다. 35 ① All we → We all 36 other+복수 명사 ‘다른’ 37 no ~ 는 not ~ any로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 38 each other ‘서로’ 39 in all the world ‘전세계에서’ CHAPTER 7 부정사 I n f i n i t i v e s 본문 _ p.136 1 It is very difficult to pronounce the word to hand out free samples on the street to become a world-famous photographer It was almost impossible to arrive there in time. to take a subway It is always exciting to play volleyball at the to send an e-mail to the teacher to get to know each other better It will be nice to visit such a good place. to pass the exam and make my parents happy It is important to know what you can do the PRACTICE 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 PRACTICE 1 correctly. 2 3 4 5 beach. best. 6 It was not helpful to study for a short time just before the test. PRACTICE 3 1 to see 2 to major 정답 및 해설 21 3 5 7 9 to join to solve to live to hurt PRACTICE 4 4 6 8 to come to forgive to preserve 10 to study 2 Cathy to fix his broken computer now 3 Brian to review the lesson 4 Brian to share her science book 5 Cathy to act more responsibly 6 Cathy to join his club 7 Brian to talk to Mr. Kim 8 Cathy to make ten copies of the report PRACTICE 5 1 how to play 3 how to cooperate 4 what[how] to prepare 2 what to wear 5 what to do 6 how to use 7 what to say 8 how to save 9 how to get 10 what to eat PRACTICE 6 1 fun stories to tell the kids 2 nothing interesting to watch 3 4 true friends to talk with so many places to visit 5 a house to live in 6 rules to keep the streets clean 7 anybody to help me carry the stones 8 his babies to look after 9 something to eat 10 a method to go there PRACTICE 7 2 It’s time to clean the living room. [It’s time I cleaned the living room.] 3 It’s time to read books. [It’s time I read books.] 4 It’s time to walk the dog. [It’s time I walked the dog.] 5 It’s time to go swimming. [It’s time I went swimming.] 22 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 7 PRACTICE 8 1 are to go 2 are to succeed 3 was to be seen 4 was to die 5 are to hand 6 was not to be eaten 7 is to come 8 are to be 9 was to sleep 10 are not to make 11 was not to be found 12 is to be held PRACTICE 9 2 in order to[so as to] give him the invitation so that I could give him the invitation card 3 in order to[so as to] take part in volunteer card, work, rumor so that she can take part in volunteer work 4 in order to[so as to] let him know the truth about the rumor, so that I can let him know the truth about the 5 in order to[so as to] remind me of the plans, so that he could remind me of the plans 6 in order to[so as to] roll down the window, so that I could roll down the window 3 ① to ② for 4 ① for ② to 2 ① for ② to PRACTICE 10 1 ① for ② to 5 ① to ② for PRACTICE 11 1 delighted to find the frog alive 2 glad to go there with you 3 grew up to be a great artist 4 an opera singer to sing like that 5 6 so hard to understand too small to read 7 excited to have a chance to talk with him 8 woke up to find himself famous PRACTICE 12 1 so, that, can 2 so, that, couldn’t 3 5 7 9 too, to 4 so, that, could so, that, can’t 6 enough, to so, that, couldn’t 8 enough, to so, that, could 10 too, to PRACTICE 13 1 add 3 use 2 shout[shouting] 4 play[playing] 5 crawl[crawling] 6 wash[to wash] 7 get 8 move[moving] 9 sneak[sneaking] 10 rub[rubbing] 11 take[taking] 12 stay up PRACTICE 14 1 ② 4 ① 2 ③ 5 ③ 3 ② 6 ⑤ PRACTICE 15 1 never to tease 2 not to fail 3 never to skip 4 not to be 5 not to pollute 6 never to hurt PRACTICE 16 1 You can tell this to your mom if you want to. 2 3 4 I’d like to join you, but I won’t be able to. I will help you whenever you want me to. Jason didn’t want to send his puppy to his grandmother, but he decided to. 5 I don’t want to go climbing with him, but I 6 Mira waited for me until midnight, although I have to. told her not to. PRACTICE 17 1 4 7 for for to 10 for 13 of 2 for 5 of 8 of 11 of 14 for 3 6 9 to for to 12 to 15 of CHAPTER 7 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.153 1 ① 2 too, to 3 to learn[learning] 4 how to 5 ① 6 ③ 7 seemed be → seemed to be 8 It took four hours for us to get to the valley. 9 ⑤ 10 ③ 11 ④ 12 to understand 13 ④ 14 to keep 15 in order to[so as to] 16 ⑤ 17 plan → to plan 18 ⑤ 19 ⑤ 20 ② 21 ② 22 so that 23 ② 24 that, can’t 25 ④ 26 smart enough to 27 ③ 28 ④ 29 to 30 ② 31 ① 32 It, for, to 33 seem to be 34 ⑤ 35 ②,④ 36 ④ 37 cancel → to cancel[cancel(l)ing] 38 for her to keep 39 ③ 40 ② 41 ④ 42 He lay down on the bed and pretended to be asleep. 43 ③ 44 ⑤ 45 what to say 46 ② 47 The plane ticket is too expensive for her to afford. 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 「형용사+enough+to부정사」 ‘~할 정도로 충분히 …한’ 2 「so+형용사+that+주어+can’t」 = 「too+형용사 +to부정사」 3 to부정사와 동명사는 주어에 대해 보충 설명하는 주 격 보어로 쓰인다. 부정사」 ① think → to think 4 「의문사+주어+should+동사원형」 = 「의문사+to 5 6 7 8 9 ③ 형용사적 용법 ①②④⑤ 부사적 용법 「seem+to부정사」 ‘~처럼 보이다’ 「It takes ~ to부정사」 ‘…하는 데 ~가 걸리다’ ⑤ 형용사적 용법 ①②③④ 명사적 용법 10 ① forming → to form ② find → to find ④ see → to see ⑤ doing → to do 11 「be scared+to부정사」 ‘~하기를 무서워하다’ 12 decide 뒤에 동사가 목적어로 올 때는 「to+동사원 형」의 형태로 쓴다. 13 부정어 not은 to부정사 앞에 쓴다. 14 enable의 목적격 보어로는 to부정사가 온다. 정답 및 해설 23 CHAPTER 7 15 in order to[so as to] ‘~하기 위해서’ 16 ⑤ 명사적 용법 33 「It seems that ~」은 「주어+seem(s)+to부정사」 로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 17 「allow+목적어+to부정사」 34 make의 목적격 보어는 원형부정사로, 전치사의 목 ‘~가 …하는 것을 허락하다, 하게 두다’ 적어는 동명사로 나타낸다. 18 • 사역동사+목적어+동사원형 • ask+목적어+to부정사 19 • enough ‘충분한’ • 「형용사+enough+to부정사」 ‘~할 정도로 충분 35 ② talk → talk to ④ interesting nothing → nothing interesting 36 ④ 명사적 용법 ①②③⑤ 부사적 용법 37 주어에 대해 보충 설명을 하는 주격 보어는 to부정 히 …한’ 20 what to+동사원형 ‘무엇을 ~할지’ 21 ② 예정 ①③④⑤ 의무 22 「in order to+동사원형」 =「so that+주어+can+동사원형」 23 ② to touch → touch[touching] 24 「too+형용사+to부정사 」 = 「so+형용사+that+주어+can’t」 25 kind는 사람의 성질을 나타내는 형용사이므로, to부 정사의 의미상 주어 앞에 for 대신 of를 붙인다. 26 「so+형용사+ that+주어+can」 =「형용사+enough+to부정사」 27 「so+형용사+that+주어+can’t」 =「too+형용사+to부정사 」 28 부정사의 의미상의 주어는 「for+목적격」의 형태로 쓴다. 29 • 진주어를 나타내는 to부정사 • in order to ‘~하기 위하여’ 30 tell은 목적격 보어로 to부정사를 취한다. 31 사역동사+목적어+동사원형 32 「It ~ to …」 구문에서 「for+목적격」은 의미상의 주어를 나타낸다. 38 「It ~ to …」 구문으로 「for+목적격」을 써서 의미 39 「It is time for+목적격+to부정사」 ‘~가 …할 시 사나 동명사로 쓴다. 상의 주어를 나타낸다. 간이다’ 40 사람의 성질이나 특징을 나타내는 형용사가 있으면 의미상의 주어는 「of+목적격」의 형태로 쓴다. 41 ④ deal → to deal 42 pretend+to부정사 ‘~인 체하다’ 43 ask는 목적격 보어로 to부정사를 취한다. 44 ① of me → for me ② of you → for you ③ for you → of you ④ me → for me 45 what to+동사원형 ‘무엇을 ~할지’ 46 「enough+to부정사」는 ‘~할 정도로 충분한’의 의 미를 가지고, 종이 위에 쓰는 것이므로 전치사 on이 필요하다. 47 「so+형/부+that+주어+can’t」는 「too+형/부 +to부정사」로 바꿀 수 있다. 뜻은 ‘너무 ~해서 … 하다’이다. CHAPTER 8 동명사 G e r u n d s 본문 _ p.162 PRACTICE 1 1 2 being a single parent travel(l)ing around the world at the age of 30 3 wearing uniforms in the school 4 Staying in the countryside during the vacation 5 Getting to know each member well 6 7 talking about your problem with your parents listening to different music and writing about it 8 checking the number of the guests 24 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 PRACTICE 2 1 answering 3 watching 5 7 9 to make speaking to stay 11 to send 13 planning 15 to plant 2 4 6 to be reading listening 8 being 10 interrupting 12 turning 14 electing PRACTICE 3 1 3 5 to live, living to take, taking to study, studying 7 making 9 learning to buy to drive to cause 2 4 6 8 to read, reading 10 breathing 11 to cut, cutting 12 to listen, listening 13 to wear, wearing 14 to take, taking 15 going 16 to find PRACTICE 4 1 copying 3 to find 5 changing 7 9 to play to take 11 to buy 13 bothering 15 to bring PRACTICE 5 1 dying 3 using 5 inviting 2 watching 4 repeating 6 writing 8 smoking 10 to apply 12 to persuade 14 to send 2 turning 4 breaking 6 hearing PRACTICE 6 1 2 3 turning off the stove letting the bird out keeping my child’s old toys CHAPTER 8 4 doing every kind of housework 5 saving 20,000 won in a week 6 having steak for dinner PRACTICE 7 1 look forward to going 2 need painting, need to be painted 3 having trouble[difficulty/a hard time] speaking 4 used to skipping 5 busy making 6 spent, buying 7 worth watching, worthwhile to watch 8 couldn’t help feeling, couldn’t but feel 9 no use telling, of no use to tell, useless to tell 10 go shopping PRACTICE 8 1 not telling 3 never to enter 4 not giving 2 not being 5 not handling 6 not sending[not to send] 7 never to see 8 not going 9 not to call 10 not sending PRACTICE 9 1 ① 4 ② PRACTICE 10 2 ① 5 ② 3 ③ 6 ③ 1 my sister’s[my sister] wearing my clothes 2 somebody calling him late at night 3 his[him] saying hello to her family 4 Minsu’s[Minsu] being the chairman 5 her teacher’s[her teacher] having cancer 6 the man’s[the man] entering when we were 7 his[him] doing his best on the stage 8 my son’s[my son] not following his directions all having dinner the time 9 my works being well-known among people 10 my[me] winning the first prize in this competition 정답 및 해설 25 of going out 을 소비하다’ 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.173 1 ② 2 ④ 3 ③ 4 ③ 5 ① 6 ⑤ 7 ④ 8 ⑤ 9 ② 10 ① 11 ② 12 ⑤ 13 On 14 ⑤ 15 ② 16 but smile 17 to launch → in launching 18 ⑤ 19 ⑤ 20 visit → to visit 21 ③ 22 Practicing the piano hard 23 in, of 24 I’m used to driving in Tokyo 25 ③ 26 her from going 27 ④ 28 be changed 29 ④ 30 worthwhile to see 31 ② 32 of no use, useless 33 ② 34 ④ 35 ② 36 (1) to fill (2) getting 37 ④ 38 ② 39 (1) Sleeping eight hours a day (2) eating healthy food 40 decided to stay home instead 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 ② 현재분사 ①③④⑤ 동명사 2 give up+-ing ‘~을 포기하다’ 3 ③ 현재분사 ①②④⑤ 동명사 4 ③ to step → stepping mind+-ing ‘~을 꺼리다’ 5 ② to see → seeing ③ to move → moving ④ to meet → meeting ⑤ to be → being 6 want+to부정사 ‘~을 원하다’ 7 ① studying → to study ② being → to be ③ taking → to take ⑤ selling → to sell 8 주어로 쓰인 동명사는 단수로 취급한다. 9 ② to buy → buying 10 • look forward to+-ing ‘~을 고대하다’ • 전치사의 목적어로 동사가 올 때는 동명사의 형 태로 쓴다. 11 ⓑ to get along with → getting along with ⓓ are → is 12 ‘~하는 것이 싫다’는 「hate+동명사/to부정사」로 나타낼 수 있다. 또한, 지각동사는 원형부정사(give up)를 목적격 보어로 취한다. 13 on+-ing ‘~하자마자’ 26 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 14 practice는 동명사(running)를 목적어로 취하는 동 CHAPTER 8 사이다. ① to take → taking ② holding → to hold ③ going → to go ④ to call → calling 15 be fond of+-ing ‘~을 좋아하다’ be capable of+-ing ‘~할 능력이 있다’ 16 cannot help+-ing ‘~하지 않을 수 없다’ = cannot but+동사원형 17 succeed in+-ing ‘~하는 데 성공하다’ 18 ⑤ be busy + -ing ‘~하느라고 바쁘다’ 그녀는 어 제 저녁 8시 경 그녀의 숙제를 하느라고 바빴었다. ① ②③ spend+목적어+(on)+~ing ‘~하느라 … ④ stop+동명사 ‘~하는 것을 멈추다, 그만두다’ stop+to부정사 ‘~하기 위해 멈추다’ ‘그녀는 자정 전에 TV 보는 것을 멈췄다’는 의미 가 되기 위해서는 watching이 와야 한다. 19 be worth+-ing ‘~할 가치가 있다’ 20 remember+to부정사 ‘~할 것을 기억하다’ 21 • plan+to부정사 ‘~을 계획하다’ • go+-ing ‘~하러 가다’ • look forward to+-ing ‘~을 고대하다’ 22 동명사를 이용하여 문장의 주어를 만든다. 23 succeed in+-ing ‘~하는 데 성공하다’ instead of+-ing ‘~대신에’ 24 be used to + -ing ‘~에 익숙하다’ 25 ③ with → of be in favor of+-ing ‘~에 찬성하다’ 26 keep … from+-ing ‘…가 ~하는 것을 막다’ 27 cannot help+-ing ‘~하지 않을 수 없다’ 28 need+-ing ‘~되어야 할 필요가 있다’ = need to be+과거분사 29 ④ to taking → taking 30 be worth+-ing ‘~할 가치가 있다’ = be worthwhile+to부정사 31 ② accepting → accept 또는 but → help 32 It is no use+-ing ‘~해도 소용없다’ = It is of no use+to부정사 = It is useless+to부정사 33 ② standing → stand used to+동사원형 ‘~하곤 했다’ 34 ① to be → being ② eat → eating ③ to meet → meeting ⑤ not for join → for not joining 35 ‘~하기 위해 사용되다’라는 뜻은 「be used to+동 사원형」으로 나타낸다. ①, ⑤ 「used to+동사원형」 ‘~하곤 했다’ ③, ④ 「be used to+동명사」‘~에 익숙해지다’ 36 (1) stop by+to부정사 ‘~하기 위해 들르다’ (2) be used to+-ing ‘~에 익숙하다’ 37 ⓐ telling → to tell CHAPTER 8 ⓒ doing not return → not returning ⓔ to turn → turning ⓕ dropping → to drop ⓖ are → is 38 continue+to부정사/-ing ‘~하는 것을 계속하다’ 부정어 not은 to부정사 앞에 쓰며, turn it down은 「동사+대명사+부사」의 어순이 되어야 한다. 39 (1) 동명사는 주어, 보어, 목적어의 역할을 한다. (2) 동명사는 전치사의 목적어로 쓰인다. 40 decide+to부정사 ‘~하기로 결심하다’ instead of +(동)명사 ‘~하는 대신에’ CHAPTER 9 분사 Part ici ple s PRACTICE 1 1 painted 3 dancing 5 spoken 7 called 9 founded 2 running 4 used 6 8 flying singing 10 terrifying PRACTICE 2 sung by kids 1 2 3 4 fallen under the tree taking a break lying on the grass 5 covered with snow 6 standing in front of the gate 7 hanging on the wall 8 filled with blueberries PRACTICE 3 1 3 reading looking 5 hit 7 calling 9 waiting screaming surrounded surprised 2 4 6 8 fixed 10 tested PRACTICE 4 1 A 4 A 7 B 10 A 2 B 5 B 8 A 11 B PRACTICE 5 1 excited, exciting 2 disappointing, disappointed 3 boring, bored 4 surprised, surprising 5 amazed, amazing 6 confusing, confused 7 shocking, shocked 8 depressed, depressing 9 fascinating, fascinated 10 interested, interesting 11 impressing, impressed 12 frightened, frightening 13 satisfied, satisfying 14 embarrassed, embarrassing PRACTICE 6 1 Feeling tired 본문 _ p.180 3 B 6 B 9 A 12 A 정답 및 해설 27 2 Walking along the street 3 Knowing it’s her mistake 4 Not having a car anymore 5 Waiting for a taxi 6 arriving in Daejeon at 10:30 7 Opening the box 8 (Being) Given the prize 9 Not being old enough 10 Turning right 11 Telling me her plans 12 serving us some tea PRACTICE 7 1 If you had taken my advice 2 Having read the paper 3 Because[As/Since] I had lost my bag 4 Although I had not heard from her for a long time 5 (Having been) Repaired by Greg 6 Not having read the article 7 Having bought a brand-new car 8 Because[As/Since] he didn’t find me 9 Not knowing what to do 10 Although I heard the truth about him PRACTICE 8 1 with her legs crossed 2 with the light turned on 3 with his wife knitting a sweater 4 with my dog following me 5 with the door closed 6 with her daughter sitting beside her PRACTICE 9 1 speaking 3 Compared 5 speaking PRACTICE 10 2 4 speaking Judging 1 Generally speaking 2 Compared with 3 Strictly speaking 4 Considering 5 Frankly speaking 28 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 9 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.192 1 ③ 2 ④ 3 ① 4 ② 5 no water left 6 ① 7 ⑤ 8 riding 9 ① 10 ② 11 ④ 12 ④ 13 taking → taken 14 ① 15 Look at the baby smiling at me. 16 ③ 17 (1) falling → fallen (2) slept → sleeping (3) Wanting not → Not wanting 18 ③ 19 ① 20 ① 21 ② 22 ⑤ 23 ② 24 ③ 25 ② 26 ④ 27 ② 28 ④ 29 ④ 30 ③ 31 ④ 32 ③ 33 Watching, my mom 34 ⑤ 35 ③ 36 ② 37 Not knowing 38 ③ 39 As[Because/Since], was considered 40 ④ 41 Having done 42 ③ 43 ④ 44 Although[Though] he had stage fright 45 with, pointing 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 • 동시동작을 나타내는 분사구문이다. • imagine+-ing ‘~을 상상하다’ 2 양보를 나타내는 분사구문이다. 3 • ‘~하고 있는’의 의미를 가진 현재분사가 와야 하 므로 passing이 되어야 한다. • 「with+명사+분사」는 ‘~을 …한 채로’의 뜻으 로 동시동작을 나타내고, 명사와 분사의 관계가 수동일 때는 과거분사를 쓴다. 4 ① using → used ③ giving → given ④ played → playing ⑤ writing → written 5 no water와 left의 관계가 수동이므로 과거분사를 6 the pants와 made의 관계가 수동이므로 과거분사 7 an old man과 visiting의 관계가 능동이므로 현재 8 a man과 riding의 관계가 능동이므로 현재분사를 쓴다. 를 쓴다. 분사를 쓴다. 쓴다. 9 이유를 나타내는 부사절로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 10 목적어(a trailer)와 목적격 보어(blocking)의 관계 가 능동이므로 현재분사를 쓴다. 11 ① surprising → surprised CHAPTER 9 ② to lie → lying ③ taking → to take ⑤ prepared → preparing 12 수동의 의미를 나타내는 과거분사가 와야 한다. 13 taken from ‘~에서 얻어진, 가져온’ 14 이유를 나타내는 분사구문이므로, 이유를 나타내는 접속사 because로 시작하는 부사절로 바꿀 수 있다. 15 현재분사 smiling은 목적어(the baby)의 행위를 설 명하는 목적격 보어이다. 26 ④ 현재분사 ①②③⑤ 동명사 27 • surprising ‘놀라운’ • 진행의 의미를 나타내는 현재분사 28 ① shocked → shocking ② excited → exciting ③ interested → interesting ⑤ amazed → amazing 29 • written in English ‘영어로 쓰인’ • ‘~한 감정을 느끼는’의 의미인 과거분사가 들어 16 ③ have been delivering → have been delivered 17 (1) 떨어진 낙엽이므로 완료의 의미를 갖는 과거분 가야 한다. 사 fallen이 와야 한다. ‘falling leaves’는 ‘떨 어지고 있는 낙엽’이 되어 on the ground와 어 울리지 않는다. (2) 자고 있는 중이었으므로 과거진행시제가 되기 위해 sleeping이 와야 한다. (3) 분사구문에서 분사를 부정하는 not은 분사 앞에 excited → exciting 30 ① disappointing → disappointed ② moved → moving ④ interested → interesting ⑤ surprising → surprised 31 ④ annoyed → annoying 32 ③ It은 가주어, to see 이하가 진주어인 문장이다. 33 접속사와 부사절의 주어를 빼고 부사절의 동사를 -ing형태로 바꾸어 분사구문을 만든다. 부사절의 주 어와 주절의 주어가 같은 대상을 가리키지만, 부사 절의 주어가 구체적인 명사, 주절의 주어가 대명사 로 쓰인 경우, 분사구문에서는 주절의 주어를 구체 적인 명사로 쓴다. 34 ⑤ 동시동작 ①②③④ 양보 와야 한다. 18 ③ 현재분사 ①②④⑤ 동명사 19 ② sending → sent ③ turn off → be turned off ④ exciting → excited ⑤ is held → held 20 ① 동명사 ②③④⑤ 현재분사 21 ‘~한 감정을 느끼게 하는’의 의미가 되어야 하므로 35 • 「with+명사+분사」에서 명사와 분사의 관계가 현재분사가 들어가야 한다. 수동이면 과거분사를 쓴다. 22 ① talk → talking ② Study → Studying[To study] ③ play → playing ④ to read → reading 23 「with+명사+분사」에서 명사와 분사의 관계가 수동 이면 과거분사를 쓴다. 따라서 crossing을 crossed 로 고쳐야 한다. 24 ③ 원인, 이유 ① 양보 ②⑤ 동시동작 ④ 조건 • 문장의 주어로는 동명사(-ing)가 온다. 36 ① Though → Because[As/Since] ③ As → Although ④ Though → Because[As/Since] ⑤ If → After[When] 37 not이나 never와 같은 부정어는 분사 앞에 붙인다. 38 수동형의 분사구문에서는 being을 생략할 수 있다. 39 이유나 원인을 나타내는 분사구문이므로 부사절은 접속사 As[Because/Since]로 시작한다. 25 ⓒ 수동의 의미를 나타내는 과거분사 called 이하가 40 동시동작을 나타내는 분사구문이고, 주절의 목적어 명사 the bell을 수식하고 있다. (a swallow)와 목적격 보어(flying)의 관계가 능동 ⓓ 능동의 의미를 나타내는 현재분사 embarrassing 이므로 현재분사를 쓴다. 이 명사 situation을 수식하고 있다. 41 부사절의 시제가 주절의 시제보다 앞설 때는 「having ⓖ frankly speaking은 비인칭 독립분사구문으로 +과거분사」를 써서 분사구문을 만든다. ‘솔직히 말하면’의 의미이다. 42 (A) 동시동작을 나타내는 분사구문이므로 carrying ⓐ burned → burning ⓑ giving → given ⓔ speaking → spoken ⓕ hiding → hidden 을 쓴다. (B) chickens와 given의 관계가 수동이므로 과거분 정답 및 해설 29 (C) ‘~한 감정을 느끼는’의 뜻일 때는 과거분사를 쓴 사를 쓴다. 다. 44 양보를 나타내는 분사구문이므로 Although 또는 Though로 시작하는 부사절로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 45 「with+명사+분사」에서 명사와 분사의 관계가 능 43 분사구문이 -ing로 시작하는 것으로 보아 부사절과 동이면 현재분사를 쓴다. 주절의 시제가 같은 것을 알 수 있다. CHAPTER 9 본문 _ p.200 CHAPTER 10 형용사 A d j e c t i v e s PRACTICE 1 Golf is an outdoor game. I’m sorry that you missed an important lesson. I did my best to avoid similar mistakes. My sister is a famous singer in Japan. They played an exciting game and the spectators enjoyed it. 6 James was the only person I talked to last 7 The woman standing there is the former 5 6 7 8 9 something special a meaningful party anything else to say a lot of nice people no one humorous 10 The important thing 11 anybody attractive 12 somewhere very dangerous 13 nothing new to tell 14 somewhere quiet to talk No one could carry the heavy rock so far. Where did you meet the lovely kids? PRACTICE 4 1 We collected some money for homeless 10 Jenny was very shocked by her dad’s sudden people last year. 2 My sister went to Africa to help the doctor cure sick people. 3 We should provide some more convenient services for disabled people. 4 The city is planning to build a school for deaf 5 We need to find a solution for young people who don’t have jobs. 6 There’s a special class for blind people in this people. center. 7 Do you think rich people should pay more taxes to help poor people? and injured people. something very expensive 8 The battlefield was covered with dead people 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 2 3 4 night. leader. death. PRACTICE 2 alive important sleeping afraid alike PRACTICE 3 2 4 6 8 sole cheerful unique great 10 angry Someone famous a strange thing anything dangerous 30 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 PRACTICE 5 two purple silk your favorite Italian all those small half these dirty plastic Both my gorgeous All the smart double the regular both his new Canadian the first three 10 these two large yellow PRACTICE 6 1 much 4 many 7 much 10 much PRACTICE 7 a lot of world-famous dishes a lot of chances a lot of salt a lot of evidence a lot of weight a lot of workers a lot of interesting stories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a lot of work a lot of time 10 a lot of water PRACTICE 8 1 a little 4 7 little few 10 a few PRACTICE 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 only a few friends only a little information only a little practice only a few hours Only a few applicants only a little pepper 2 many 5 many 8 much 11 many 3 much 6 many 9 many 12 much 2 a few 5 a little 8 little 11 few 3 few 6 a few 9 a little 12 little CHAPTER 10 2 Any 5 any 3 6 some some 8 Some 9 any 2 4 6 8 some rice any help some water any interest 10 some medicine PRACTICE 10 1 any 4 some 7 any 10 some PRACTICE 11 any pride any situation any souvenirs Some people some money PRACTICE 12 two – second three – third five – fifth nine – ninth twelve – twelfth fifteen – fifteenth twenty – twentieth twenty-two – twenty-second 10 twenty-six – twenty-sixth 11 thirty – thirtieth 12 thirty-one – thirty-first 13 forty – fortieth 14 fifty-seven – fifty-seventh 15 sixty-nine – sixty-ninth 16 seventy-three – seventy-third 17 eighty-four – eighty-fourth 18 ninety-nine – ninety-ninth 19 a[one] hundred – a[one] hundredth 20 a[one] thousand – a[one] thousandth PRACTICE 13 a[one] hundred (and) ninety-five three hundred (and) seventy-four five hundred (and) one nine hundred (and) eighteen two thousand, a[one] hundred (and) sixteen four thousand, (and) eighty-seven five thousand, three hundred (and) two 정답 및 해설 31 1 3 5 7 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 nine thousand, seven hundred (and) three 20 two hundred (and) seventy-five point one nine 8 9 fifteen eleven thousand, (and) ninety 10 thirty-four thousand, eight hundred (and) 11 seventy thousand, three hundred (and) two 12 eighty-six thousand, two hundred (and) forty 13 a[one] hundred (and) two thousand, three hundred (and) sixty-nine 14 two hundred (and) eighty thousand, a[one] hundred (and) sixty-six 15 six hundred (and) two thousand, eight hundred 16 nine hundred (and) eleven thousand, three 17 three million, seven hundred (and) forty-four (and) one hundred thousand 18 five million, (and) eighteen thousand, seven hundred (and) ninety-nine 19 sixteen million, nine hundred (and) fifty thousand, five hundred (and) forty-one 20 twenty-eight million, two hundred (and) twenty-seven thousand, eight hundred (and) forty-six PRACTICE 14 four-sevenths seven-tenths 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 five and two-fifths two-thirds three-fourths[three-quarters] sixteen and a half[one-half] twenty-five and eight-ninths six and a quarter[one-quarter] a seventh[one-seventh] 10 nine and three-eighths 11 two point seven six 12 thirty-one point zero four 13 zero point one two 14 three point five 15 fifty-two point nine three 16 ten point zero one 17 zero point eight nine 18 one point three nine 19 fourteen point two five one 32 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 10 PRACTICE 15 two thousand (and) six nineteen ninety eighteen eighty-four June (the) fifth[the fifth of June] November (the) nineteenth[the nineteenth of 6 February (the) twenty-fourth[the twenty-fourth 7 December (the) first, two thousand (and) two the first of December, two thousand (and) two 8 September (the) fifteenth, two thousand (and) the fifteenth of September, two thousand (and) November] of February] ten ten 9 January (the) twentieth, fifteen eighty-two the twentieth of January, fifteen eighty-two 10 April (the) ninth, seventeen thirty-five the ninth of April, seventeen thirty-five PRACTICE 16 once half four times quarters 9 half PRACTICE 17 2 4 6 8 three times twice twice five times 10 three times one twenty[twenty after/past one] five sixteen seven fifty-six four-o-five[five after/past four] eight forty-five[a quarter to nine] two fifteen[a quarter after/past two] twelve fifty[ten to one] six thirteen eleven thirty-five[twenty-five to twelve] 10 nine seventeen 11 four-o-nine 12 three thirty[half past three] 13 eight twenty-three 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.217 는 형용사」의 어순으로 쓴다. 14 nine forty-eight 15 ten forty[twenty to eleven] 1 ④ 2 alike 3 ③ 4 ③ 5 ⑤ 6 a few minutes to review something important 7 ④ 8 brave people 9 ② 10 ③ 11 ④ 12 something 13 ④ 14 ⑤ 15 ② 16 little 17 a few 18 little 19 few 20 A little 21 many, much, little, few 22 ③ 23 twice[two times], than 24 ③ 25 sick, handicapped, disadvantaged, sick, handicapped, disadvantaged 26 ④ 27 Nine point seven five, three quarters[three- fourths], ten point five 28 ⑤ 29 ② 30 same, twice 31 ② 32 ④ 33 ③ 34 Any, relax[rest], do 35 ⓐ twelfth ⓑ fifth ⓒ three times ⓓ five ⓔ four ⓕ a quarter[one- quarter] 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 glad는 서술적 용법으로만 쓸 수 있는 형용사이다. 2 alike는 서술적 용법으로 쓴다. ⓑ harmful nothing → nothing harmful 3 ⓓ people were → person was 또는 Every → All the ⓔ any → some 4 worth ‘~의 가치가 있는’ 5 ⑤ Things bad → Bad things 6 a few는 ‘약간의, 몇몇의’라는 뜻으로서 셀 수 있는 명사(minutes)와 결합한다. 부정대명사 something 은 꾸미는 말이 뒤에 나오므로, ‘중요한 무언가’는 ‘something important’라고 쓴다. 7 -thing으로 끝나는 단어는 형용사가 뒤에서 수식하 고, 부정문이므로 something이 아닌 anything을 쓴다. 8 9 「the+형용사」 ‘~한 사람들’ ⓐ sleeping ⓑ asleep 10 ③ 명사를 수식하는 수식어구이다. ①②④⑤ ‘~한 사람들’의 뜻으로 복수 명사처럼 쓰 인다. CHAPTER 10 11 enough ‘충분한’, 「형용사+enough+to부정사」 ‘~할 정도로 충분히 …한’ 12 「something+형용사」 ‘~한 무언가’ 13 「소유격+성질을 나타내는 형용사+색깔을 나타내 14 「much+셀 수 없는 명사」 ‘많은~’, enough ‘충분한’ 15 ② right your hand → your right hand 16 「little+셀 수 없는 명사」 ‘거의 ~없는’ 17 「only a few+셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형」 ‘극소수의’ 18 「little+셀 수 없는 명사」 ‘거의 ~없는’ 19 「few+셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형」 ‘거의 ~없는’ 20 「a little+셀 수 없는 명사」 ‘약간의’ 21 「many+셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형」 「much+셀 수 없는 명사」 ‘많은’ 「little+셀 수 없는 명사」 「few+셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형」 ‘거의 ~없는’ 22 「few+셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형」 ‘거의 ~없는’ 23 「배수사+as+원급+as」 =「배수사+비교급+than」 24 nothing ‘아무것도 ~없음’, something ‘무엇인가’ 25 「the+형용사」=「형용사+people」=「those who 26 some은 긍정문에, any는 조건절에 쓴다. 27 소수는 모두 기수로 읽되, 소수점 이하는 한 자리씩 읽는다. 분수는 분자가 2 이상이면 분모에 ‘-s’를 붙 are+형용사」 여 읽는다. 28 ⑤ 34.14 : thirty-four point one four 29 45분은 three-fourths라고 하지 않는다. 30 twice ‘두 번, 2배’ 31 권유나 요구를 나타내는 의문문과 일반적인 긍정문 에 쓰이는 것은 some이다. 32 형용사는 기수, 국적 순으로 써야 한다. 33 -where로 끝나는 단어는 형용사가 뒤에서 수식한 다. 따라서 quiet somewhere를 옳게 고친 형태는 somewhere quiet이다. 34 any가 ‘어떠한 ~라도’라는 뜻일 때에는 긍정문에 쓸 수 있다. do는 ‘적절하다, 충분하다’라는 의미를 나타낸다. 35 ⓐ 12일은 서수로 twelfth로 쓴다. ⓑ ‘5번째’라는 뜻의 서수는 fifth이다. ⓒ ‘3배’라는 뜻의 배수사는 three times로 쓴다. ⓓ,ⓔ 3시 55분은 three fifty-five 또는 five to four(4시 5분 전)로 쓴다. ⓕ 분수 1/4은 a quarter 또는 one-quarter로 쓴다. 정답 및 해설 33 CHAPTER 11 부사 A d v e r b s 본문 _ p.224 PRACTICE 1 1 freely 3 creatively 5 angrily 7 effectively 9 quickly 11 fortunately 13 certainly 15 luckily 17 similarly 19 seriously 21 actually 23 finally 25 naturally 27 necessarily 29 formally 31 equally 33 specially 35 carelessly 37 negatively 39 directly PRACTICE 2 1 terribly 3 definitely 5 happily 7 9 successfully surely 11 currently 13 suddenly 15 reasonably 17 simply 19 sharply 21 dully 23 tightly 25 proudly 27 truly 29 normally 2 4 fairly firmly 6 wisely 8 softly 10 willingly 12 heavily 14 privately 16 essentially 18 easily 20 mainly 22 completely 24 globally 26 safely 28 colorfully 30 hopefully 32 frequently 34 attentively 36 contrarily 38 originally 40 internationally 2 personally 4 fully 6 uniquely 8 gently 10 really 12 probably 14 brightly 16 actively 18 busily 20 differently 22 politely 24 genuinely 26 rarely 28 morally 30 possibly 34 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 31 foolishly 33 generally 35 casually 37 cheerfully 39 perfectly 41 incredibly 43 properly 45 sensitively 47 exactly 49 emotionally PRACTICE 3 1 A 4 A 7 B 10 B PRACTICE 4 1 fast 3 high 5 7 9 surely long last PRACTICE 5 1 late 3 mostly 5 nearly 7 closely 9 high 11 lately 13 near 15 most 32 anxiously 34 mentally 36 officially 38 nicely 40 wholly 42 practically 44 responsibly 46 pleasantly 48 severely 50 sensibly 2 A 5 B 8 B 3 B 6 A 9 A 2 carefully 4 late 6 hard 8 exact 10 complete 2 close 4 hardly 6 happy 8 highly 10 hard 12 strange 14 directly PRACTICE 6 1 ① hard ② hardly 2 ① regular ② regularly 3 ① logically ② logical 4 ① fast ② fast 5 ① lately ② late 6 ① effectively ② effective 7 ① high ② high 8 ① closely ② close PRACTICE 7 1 You will often see movie stars in this district. I sometimes feel uncomfortable with Mr. Jung. Foreigners seldom learn the Korean language easily. 4 The weather is always unpredictable. It rarely rained when I was staying in the town. I’ll never tell him what happened to you 7 My sister is usually more impulsive than my yesterday. brother and I. 2 3 5 6 1 2 PRACTICE 8 is always too loud seldom rides his motorcycle 3 often got lost 4 can never win 5 Americans rarely take 6 usually shake hands 7 is sometimes difficult 8 would often spend 9 will always be PRACTICE 9 1 ① still ② yet ③ already 2 ① already ② still ③ yet 3 ① already ② yet[already] ③ still 4 ① yet[already] ② already ③ still 5 ① already ② still ③ yet PRACTICE 10 1 already 3 5 7 still yet still 2 already 4 6 8 still yet yet CHAPTER 11 10 already 12 yet 2 too 4 Neither 6 8 too too 10 too 12 too ② very ② much ② much ② much ② very ② much ② very ② much 9 still 11 yet 13 still PRACTICE 11 1 either 3 too 5 either 7 neither 9 either 11 either PRACTICE 12 1 ① much 2 ① very 3 ① very 4 ① very 5 ① much 6 ① very 7 ① much 8 ① very PRACTICE 13 1 Who else should we pick up at the airport? 2 Even his kind words couldn’t calm me down. 3 Jason couldn’t talk to anyone else about his 4 He even resembles my father’s personality. 5 I want nothing else except a bicycle for my 6 She goes jogging even when the weather is problem. birthday. bad. 7 8 What else did your professor advise you to do? One of my friends calls me even in the middle of the night. PRACTICE 14 1 else 4 even 7 else 10 else 2 even 5 Even 8 even 11 even 3 else 6 else 9 else 12 Even 정답 및 해설 35 PRACTICE 15 1 before 2 before 3 ago 4 before 5 before 6 before 7 before 8 ago 10 ago 11 before 9 ago 12 ago PRACTICE 16 1 up your sister 2 it on 3 out the gas 4 out the wrinkles 5 on the TV 6 it away 7 into your room 8 out how to operate the machine 9 the experiment out 10 for the keys 11 up her car 12 with him 13 up the phone 14 about it 15 it in PRACTICE 17 1 You should care about your health. 2 Don’t put it off until Friday. 3 Did he look at the memo? 4 Take it off and try this on. I am waiting for my turn. 5 6 I checked them out at the library. 7 The cat was sitting on the chair. 8 Will you pick it up for me? 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.242 1 ⑤ 2 ② 3 ④ 4 ③ 5 ③ 6 ⑤ 7 too 8 ⑤ 9 ③ 10 ③ 11 ③ 12 near → nearly 13 ⑤ 14 (e)ven 15 ①,④ 16 ④ 17 ② 18 ⑤ 19 it rarely rains 20 ② 21 ③ 22 usually does his homework 23 ④ 24 ⓐ either ⓑ can ⓒ neither 25 ④ 26 ① 27 hard → hardly 28 ② 29 ③ 30 ③ 31 ago 32 ⑤ 33 ③ 34 highly → high 35 ③,④ 36 (1) already (2) yet (3) still 37 ③ 36 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 11 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 ⑤ 명사 - 형용사 ①②③④ 형용사 - 부사 2 yet은 부정문에서 ‘아직’의 의미를 갖는다. 3 not ~ either ‘~도 또한 …않다’ 4 ③ neither → either 5 ③ true → truly 6 동사구에서 목적어가 대명사일 때는 「동사+목적어 +부사」의 어순으로 쓰고, 자동사 뒤에 전치사가 올 때는 「동사+전치사+목적어」의 어순으로 쓴다. 7 too(~또한)는 긍정문에 쓰인다. 8 ⑤ heavy → heavily 9 ③ it feels usually → it usually feels 10 even ‘~조차’ 11 ③ hardly → hard 12 near ‘가까운, 가까이’, nearly ‘거의’ 13 ⑤ 비교급을 수식하는 부사 ①②③④ 명사를 수식하 는 형용사 14 ⓐ ‘짝수의’라는 뜻의 형용사 even ⓑ 비교급을 강조하는 부사 even ⓒ ‘동일한‘이라는 뜻의 형용사 even 15 I’m not ~으로 시작하는 문장에 동의할 때는 Me, neither. 또는 Neither am I.로 대답한다. 16 ④ look him for → look for him 17 before는 ago와 달리 시간을 나타내는 말 없이 홀 로 쓰일 수 있다. 18 ⑤ else anywhere → anywhere else else는 수식하고자 하는 말 뒤에 온다. 19 빈도부사는 일반동사 앞에 온다. 20 highly ‘매우’ → high ‘높이’ 21 • show up ‘나타나다’ • pick up ‘마중 나가다’ • get up ‘일어나다’ 22 빈도부사는 일반동사 앞에 온다. 23 ④ Either do I. → Neither do I. 24 부정문에 동의할 때에는 「not ~ either」, 「Neither+동사+주어」, Me, neither.로 대답한다. 25 빈도부사는 일반동사 앞에 온다. 26 ① still → already[yet] 27 hardly ‘거의 ~ 않는’ 28 ② ‘움직이지 않는’ ①③④⑤ ‘여전히’ 29 • ever ‘(의문문에서) 언젠가’ • once ‘한 때’ • still ‘여전히’ 30 ③ ‘열심히’ ①②④⑤ ‘어려운’ 31 ago는 ‘~ 전에’의 뜻으로 시간을 나타내는 말과 함 34 high ‘높은, 높게’, highly ‘매우, 대단히’ 35 ③ strange something → something strange ④ took out it → took it out, carried back it → CHAPTER 11 께 쓴다. 32 ① much → very ② much → very ③ very → much ④ has bought → bought 33 lately ‘최근에’ carried it back 36 (1) already ‘이미, 벌써’ (2) yet ‘아직’ (3) still ‘여전히’ 37 ③ broke down it → broke it down CHAPTER 12 가정법 C o n d i t i o n a l s 본문 _ p.248 2 5 8 are 3 invented breaks out 6 have solved 9 let 2 5 goes eats 3 6 don’t feel smell picked played are 2 5 8 were leave were not 3 6 9 lose spoke get PRACTICE 1 1 4 7 send give deliver 10 become PRACTICE 2 rains answer know PRACTICE 3 10 use PRACTICE 4 1 4 7 1 4 7 2 3 4 5 6 If Ms. Kim could find another apartment, she wouldn’t stay here for one more month. 7 If she loved the boy, she would pay attention to him. 8 If we had a time machine, we would[could] know exactly what happened to dinosaurs. 2 4 6 were were would win I spoke Spanish fluently enough to travel alone I were good at painting like my sister he were strong enough to knock the boy down we lived in a world free from wars my parents let me ride a motorbike PRACTICE 5 had caught could meet PRACTICE 6 1 3 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 If I knew her address, I could write to her. I wouldn’t[would not] need to take a math test If he didn’t tell lies all the time, we would[could] next week like him. I were allowed to go out after 9 o’clock If she were in the office, I could meet her. he knew how to fix a car If I weren’t appointed as principal of this 10 the weather wouldn't[would not] be freezing school, I would leave this city. cold tomorrow 정답 및 해설 37 CHAPTER 12 PRACTICE 7 PRACTICE 10 as if he were a professional dancer 2 I wish my mom gave me chocolate chip as if she were a celebrity cookies at night. as if he did everything by himself 3 I wish I had read many good books in my as if he were a brave soldier at that time school days. 5 as if she had a good relationship with her brother I wish I were talented at all kinds of martial arts. as if she wrote a report by herself I wish I had not complained to my mother 4 5 as if he were not responsible for a terrible about everything. accident 6 I wish James would not leave Korea after he as if his father were a successful businessman finishes this semester. as if she went to the beach 7 I wish I had accepted my friend’s sincere 10 as if he helped me make the bed every advice then. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 4 7 morning PRACTICE 8 were not it could PRACTICE 9 2 5 8 would couldn’t wouldn’t 3 6 were Without 2 If I had known you were so busy, I would not have called on you. 3 If we tried to keep our great traditions, many of them would not disappear. 4 If I hadn’t met a good English teacher, I could[would] not have become interested in English. 5 If I played the flute well enough, the symphony orchestra would accept me as a member. 6 If I hadn’t been an only child in my family, I wouldn’t have wanted brothers and sisters. 7 If I hadn’t worked part-time after school, I couldn’t have earned extra money. 8 If Mike hadn’t been born and raised in such a cold area, he could have stood the hot weather here. 9 If Susan hadn’t seen a scary movie at night by herself, she could have fallen asleep. 10 If he ran an anti-virus program regularly, his computer wouldn’t crash frequently. 11 If my grandfather hadn’t known how to send an e-mail, we couldn’t have kept in touch more often. 38 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 8 I wish I had bought the concert ticket on the first day of selling. 9 I wish her new album sold well. 10 I wish I had prepared for the performance 11 I wish I had paid attention to what was going better. on around me. 12 I wish I hadn’t made fun of one of our classmates at all times. 13 I wish there were many national museums in my city. 14 I wish I had traveled around the country when I was young and healthy. 15 I wish I had accepted the best candidate as a member of the committee. PRACTICE 11 as if she felt guilty about herself as if he had not worked for the company as a 4 as if the police had not made much effort to 5 as if he had studied computer science in 6 as if she[he] had interviewed the professor sales manager find the lost child college regarding the issue beach at that time 7 as if she could afford to buy a house near the as if he had witnessed the car accident as if he[she] had sent the papers to the right place 2 3 8 9 10 as if the girl had been to Australia and had 2 Had they been successful CHAPTER 12 seen kangaroos PRACTICE 12 If it were not for you If it had not been for the movie If it were not for the accident If it had not been for his effort If it were not for this map if it had not been for this 2 4 6 8 had taken hadn’t set had driven had studied had been constructed 10 won 11 had taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 PRACTICE 13 hadn’t helped loves invented know 12 had exercised PRACTICE 14 be be change evolved is coming 11 express 13 be PRACTICE 15 2 Were I you PRACTICE 16 1 Were it not for 2 4 6 8 destroy occurred pay take 10 prepare 12 see 14 be 1 Were I as strong as Superman 3 Had I known him better 4 Had she not been here 5 Were a satellite destroyed 6 Had he eaten breakfast 7 Had you painted the walls in your room light green 3 Were he here 4 Had there been 5 Were they on the Moon 6 Had it not been raining 7 Were we in outer space 8 Had the train arrived 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.265 1 shines 2 ④ 3 ③ 4 had paid, have been 5 ② 6 ③ 7 ⑤ 8 ④ 9 ⑤ 10 practice speaking slowly 11 ⑤ 12 ① 13 ③ 14 ③ 15 had joined 16 as if he had made a choice by himself 17 had been 18 am → were 19 had succeeded 20 if, as if 21 If it had not been for the invitation 22 ⓐ I didn’t know how to use this machine ⓑ I couldn’t bake cookies easily 23 ③ 24 could have invented the machine 25 ② 26 she read 27 desired, could have 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 2 조건을 나타내는 if절이 미래의 일을 나타낸다고 하 더라도 if절의 동사는 항상 현재형으로 쓴다. ④는 as if 가정법 과거완료 문장이다. 이때 주절의 시제가 현재이므로 가정법 문장의 had written은 직설법으로 고칠 때 과거시제(didn’t write)를 쓴 다. ① was → is not (as if 가정법 과거) ② shouldn’t → should (가정법 현재 명사절) ③ don’t → didn’t, can’t → couldn’t (if 가정법 과거완료) ⑤ was → am not, didn’t say → don’t say (if 가정법 과거구문의 if 생략) ③ ‘~인지 (아닌지)’의 뜻으로 간접의문문을 이끄 3 는 if ①②④⑤ 조건을 나타내는 if 과거완료로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. ② didn’t support → hadn’t supported 과거 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정하고, 과거 사실이 5 정답 및 해설 39 8 Were you interested in living at the North Pole 4 과거 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정할 때 쓰는 가정법 CHAPTER 12 현재까지 영향을 미치는 경우에 쓰는 혼합가정법이 가정법 과거완료」로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 다. 「If+주어+had+과거분사 ~, 주어+would/ could/should/might+동사원형 … 」 16 「as if+가정법 과거완료」의 주절의 동사가 현재형 이면 과거의 사실과 반대되는 일을 나타낸다. 6 과거 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정하고, 과거 사실이 현 17 과거 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정하고, 과거 사실이 현 재까지 영향을 미치는 경우에 쓰는 혼합가정법이다. 재까지 영향을 미치는 경우에 쓰는 혼합가정법이다. 7 과거 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정할 때 쓰는 가정법 18 현재 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정할 때 쓰는 가정법 과거완료로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 8 ① will come → comes ② helps → will help ③ is → were ⑤ keeps → keep 9 ⑤ be killed → been killed 10 제안을 나타내는 suggest 뒤에 이어지는 that절의 과거이므로 if절의 동사는 과거형이 되어야 한다. 19 과거의 사실과 반대되는 일을 소망할 때는 「I wish+ 가정법 과거완료」로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 20 if ‘~한다면’, as if ‘마치 ~인 것처럼’ 21 if it had not been for ~ ‘~이 없었다면’ 22 가정법 과거완료는 과거 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정할 때 쓴다. 따라서 직설법 문장은 과거 시제로 써야 한다. 동사는 「(should)+동사원형」을 쓴다. 23 ③ looked → look 11 현재 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정할 때 쓰는 가정법 24 과거 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정할 때 쓰는 가정법 과거에서 if절의 주어가 I일 때 동사는 were를 쓴 다. 과거완료이다. 25 • 가정법 과거구문이다. 12 요구를 나타내는 demand 뒤에 이어지는 that절의 동사는 「(should)+동사원형」을 쓴다. • to 뒤에는 동사원형이 온다. • 현재의 사실과 반대되는 일을 소망할 때는 「I 13 가정법 과거에 쓰인 without은 if it were not for와 wish+가정법 과거」를 쓴다. 바꿔 쓸 수 있다. 26 권고를 나타내는 recommend 뒤에 이어지는 that 14 「as if+가정법 과거」의 주절의 동사가 현재형이면 절의 동사는 원형을 쓴다. 현재의 사실과 반대되는 일을 나타낸다. 27 현재 사실에 반대되는 일을 가정할 때 쓰는 가정법 15 과거의 사실과 반대되는 일을 소망할 때는 「I wish+ 과거이다. CHAPTER 13 비교구문 C o m p a r a t i v e s PRACTICE 1 1 smaller – smallest 2 weaker – weakest 3 nicer – nicest 4 deeper – deepest 5 cheaper – cheapest 6 darker – darkest 7 faster – fastest 8 wider – widest 9 cuter – cutest 10 safer – safest 11 lower – lowest 12 huger – hugest 13 larger – largest 14 shorter – shortest 15 greater – greatest 16 higher – highest 17 colder – coldest 18 closer – closest 40 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 본문 _ p.270 19 sweeter – sweetest 20 warmer – warmest 21 kinder – kindest 22 ruder – rudest 23 taller – tallest 24 louder – loudest 25 stranger – strangest 26 cooler – coolest 27 softer – softest 28 longer – longest 29 thicker – thickest 30 smarter – smartest PRACTICE 2 1 heavier – heaviest 2 funnier – funniest 3 bigger – biggest 4 curlier – curliest 5 happier – happiest 6 hotter – hottest 29 more tired – most tired 7 hungrier – hungriest 8 stricter – strictest 30 more artistic – most artistic 9 healthier – healthiest 10 flatter – flattest 31 more practical – most practical 11 easier – easiest 12 newer – newest 32 scarier – scariest 13 thinner – thinnest 14 tastier – tastiest 33 more upset – most upset 15 fresher – freshest 16 prettier – prettiest 34 more enjoyable – most enjoyable CHAPTER 13 17 fatter – fattest 18 drier – driest 19 harder – hardest 20 luckier – luckiest 21 braver – bravest 22 poorer – poorest 23 noisier – noisiest 24 earlier – earliest 25 lazier – laziest 26 uglier – ugliest 27 sunnier – sunniest 28 dirtier – dirtiest 29 crazier – craziest 30 lighter – lightest PRACTICE 3 1 meaner – meanest 2 more easily – most easily 3 brighter – brightest 4 slimmer – slimmest 5 more shocked – most shocked 6 more effective – most effective 7 friendlier – friendliest 8 more famous – most famous 9 more curious – most curious 10 more logical – most logical 11 more quickly – most quickly 12 more surprised – most surprised 13 more pleasing – most pleasing 14 quieter – quietest 15 more formal – most formal 16 duller – dullest 17 more nervous – most nervous 18 more slowly – most slowly 19 more difficult – most difficult 20 more creative – most creative 21 more fluently – most fluently 22 more comfortable – most comfortable 23 more complicated – most complicated 24 more similar – most similar 25 richer – richest 26 more diligent – most diligent 27 more boring – most boring 28 more exactly – most exactly 35 lovelier – loveliest 36 more wonderful – most wonderful 37 more delicious – most delicious 38 more depressed – most depressed 39 more intelligent – most intelligent 40 more powerful – most powerful 41 more familiar – most familiar 42 more convenient – most convenient 43 more useless – most useless 44 more skillful – most skillful 45 more generous – most generous 46 more impressive – most impressive 47 more foolish – most foolish 48 more insistent – most insistent 49 more dangerous – most dangerous 50 more nutritious – most nutritious 51 more serious – most serious 52 more peaceful – most peaceful 53 more colorful – most colorful 54 more ambitious – most ambitious 55 more negative – most negative 56 more amazing – most amazing 57 more natural – most natural 58 more valuable – most valuable 59 more awkward – most awkward 60 more urgent – most urgent 61 more often – most often 62 more sensitive – most sensitive 63 more common – most common 64 more challenging – most challenging 65 more abstract – most abstract 66 more active – most active 67 milder – mildest 68 more helpful – most helpful 69 more attractive – most attractive 70 more awesome – most awesome 71 more cheerful – most cheerful 정답 및 해설 41 72 severer – severest 73 busier – busiest 74 politer – politest 75 more beautiful – most beautiful 4 doesn’t write English essays as[so] well as 5 6 7 isn’t as[so] long as isn’t as[so] fat as isn’t as[so] crowded as 76 more important – most important 8 don’t speak French as[so] fluently as 77 more harmful – most harmful 9 don’t know about their history as[so] much as CHAPTER 13 78 more useful – most useful 79 more patient – most patient 80 gladder – gladdest 81 tougher – toughest 82 more fantastic – most fantastic 83 angrier – angriest 84 more crowded – most crowded 85 more recent – most recent 86 more hopeless – most hopeless 87 more loudly – most loudly 88 more positive – most positive 89 more selfish – most selfish 90 more embarrassed – most embarrassed 2 better 4 latest[last] 6 best 8 last 10 further 12 oldest 14 farthest PRACTICE 4 1 more 3 worse 5 least 7 elder[older] 9 worse 11 fewer 13 more PRACTICE 5 2 twice as long as 3 as often as 4 half as long as 5 as tall as 6 as cold as 7 as many windows as 8 9 three times as heavy as ten times as much as 10 twice as expensive as PRACTICE 6 2 isn’t as[so] comfortable as 3 can’t read as[so] fast as 42 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 10 isn’t as[so] polluted as 11 isn’t as[so] complicated as 12 isn’t as[so] high as PRACTICE 7 1 as fast as possible as fast as he could 2 as spicy as possible as spicy as I could 3 as much as possible as much as we can 4 as young as possible as young as she could 5 as often as possible as often as I can 6 as hard as possible as hard as she can 7 as early as possible as early as he could 8 as easy as possible as easy as she could PRACTICE 8 1 as real as possible 2 made the kimbap as long as can be 3 exercise as hard as possible 4 help other people as much as possible 5 6 finished her homework as fast as she could talks with his children as often as he can 7 came in as quietly as possible 8 write down as many things as possible 9 spoke as loudly as I could 10 will finish my work as soon as I can PRACTICE 9 1 more difficult than 2 bigger than 3 more popular than 4 smarter than 5 more boring than 6 more amazing than students in class. 7 more than 8 more impressive than 6 The law was put into practice less effectively 9 more nervous than 10 more convenient than than we expected. 11 more logical than 12 more beautiful than 7 Karen speaks Chinese and Japanese less CHAPTER 13 2 Hojung did 4 Kim does 6 diamond’s 8 doll’s 9 Heeyoung does 10 Mike’s PRACTICE 10 1 Mihyun’s 3 5 Jihoon’s I did 7 he does PRACTICE 11 1 smaller 3 better 5 larger 7 calmer PRACTICE 12 1 much 3 a lot 5 still 7 even 9 still PRACTICE 13 1 a lot 3 far 5 a lot 7 very PRACTICE 14 2 worse 4 shorter 6 deeper 8 cheaper 2 far 4 even 6 far 8 much 10 a lot 2 4 very very 6 even 8 far 2 The second series of the drama was less mysterious than the first series. 3 Your English essay was less impressive than 4 He reacted less sensitively to the matter than your Korean essay. his wife did. 5 Sujin writes a poem less creatively than other fluently than Joey does. 8 Hiking is less attractive than playing computer 9 His new work is less creative than his previous 10 My elder brother runs less quickly than my games to me. work. father used to. PRACTICE 15 have cold drinks. 1 The hotter the weather gets, the more people 2 The better you know the rules of the game, the more you’ll enjoy it. 3 The harder you try to forget something, the more clearly you remember it. 4 The larger our society becomes, the more crime occurs. 5 The higher your energy level is, the more efficiently your body works. 6 The cheaper the price becomes, the greater 7 The earlier you buy the plane ticket, the bigger the demand will be. discount you can get. 8 The longer you expose your skin to the Sun, the higher chances to get a sunburn you have. PRACTICE 16 1 2 faster and faster louder and louder 3 more and more interesting 4 more and more tired 5 stronger and stronger 6 darker and darker 7 less and less 8 more and more generous 9 more and more colorful 10 more and more fluently 정답 및 해설 43 CHAPTER 13 PRACTICE 17 1 the strangest 3 more easily PRACTICE 20 funnier 2 No (other) canyon, as[so] wide as the most familiar No (other) canyon, wider than 5 the most diligent the most convenient wider than any other canyon 7 hotter the most valuable wider than all the other canyons 9 the closest 10 the most 3 No (other) dinosaur fossil, as[so] old as 11 more nervous 12 the most practical No (other) dinosaur fossil, older than 13 earlier 14 more fantastic older than any other dinosaur fossil 2 4 6 8 older than all the other dinosaur fossils 4 No (other) person, as[so] lucky as No (other) person, luckier than luckier than any other person luckier than all the other people 5 No (other) student, as[so] artistic as No (other) student, more artistic than more artistic than any other student more artistic than all the other students 6 No (other) policy, as[so] strict as No (other) policy, stricter than stricter than any other policy stricter than all the other policies 1 ⑤ 2 ④ 3 ① 4 ④ 5 ③ 6 ③ 7 ② 8 ② 9 ② 10 The more comfortable you feel, the more natural you look in photos. 11 less complicated than 12 ③ 13 ③ 14 ④ 15 ⑤ 16 ② 17 The longer she stayed in Seoul, the more she got to like the people in the city. 18 Tom is not as[so] tall as Jack. 19 ④ 20 ④ 21 ④ 22 possible 23 ② 24 more and more 25 ③ 26 less, than 27 ⑤ 28 ③ 29 no, more[better] than 30 ④ 31 ④ 32 ②,③ 33 all the other notebooks 34 further 35 better than 36 is more intelligent than any other boy 37 I did 38 ③ 39 ⑤ 40 ② 15 the most intelligent PRACTICE 18 1 one of the best experiences 2 one of the most brilliant ideas 3 one of the most delicious cakes 4 one of the most surprising news 5 one of the most colorful shirts 6 one of the largest palaces 7 one of the most famous figures 8 one of the most romantic scenes 9 one of the best circuses 10 one of the worst workers PRACTICE 19 family in my life. 1 There is nothing more important than my kids living in New Zealand. 3 There is nothing more interesting than her recent novel of her all works. 4 There is nothing more precious than freedom 5 There is nothing more helpful than a good diet and enough rest for the child to recover his in the world. health. 6 There is nothing I want more than a new digital camera as my birthday gift. 7 There is nothing more difficult than to be what other people want you to be. 8 There is nothing worse than a person who complains all the time and does nothing. 44 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 2 There is nothing I worry about more than my 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.295 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 ① as fastly as → as fast as ② more simpler → simpler ③ very bad than → worse than ④ as fluent as → as fluently as 2 급을 쓴다. 3 very는 비교급을 수식할 수 없다. 「as+원급+as+주어+can」 4 =「as+원급+as possible」 5 ③ ‘훨씬’ ①②④⑤ ‘많이’ 셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형을 수식하는 few의 비교 6 7 8 「as+원급+as+주어+동사」 ‘~만큼 …한’ 「as+원급+as can be」 ‘더없이 ~한’ ② 첫 번째 문장은 비교급을 이용한 비교로 ‘~보다 더 …한’의 뜻을, 두 번째 문장은 원급을 이용한 비 교로 ‘~만큼 …한’의 뜻을 나타낸다. 9 「not as[so]+원급+as」 ‘~만큼 …하지 않은’ 10 「the 비교급, the 비교급」 ‘~하면 할수록 더 …하 다’ 11 「less+원급+than」 ‘~보다 덜 …한’ 12 뒤에 than이 있으므로 비교급이 나와야 한다. 13 ⓑ another → the other ⓔ than any other inventions → than any other invention 14 much는 비교급을 수식한다. 15 「the+비교급, the+비교급」 ‘~하면 할수록 더 …한’ 16 much 뒤에는 비교급이 오고, 셀 수 없는 명사로 쓰 인 effort 앞에는 less가 온다. 17 「the+비교급, the+비교급」 ~하면 할수록 더 …한 18 「not as[so]+원급+as」 ‘~만큼 …하지 않은’ 19 「No ~ as[so]+원급+as」는 최상급의 의미를 나타 낸다. 20 ④ movies → movie 21 「the+비교급, the+비교급」 ‘~하면 할수록 더 …한’ 22 「as+원급+as possible」 ‘가능한 한 ~하게’ 23 ① to play → to playing ③ singer → singers ④ smartest → the smartest CHAPTER 13 ⑤ bad and bad → worse and worse 24 「비교급+and+비교급」 ‘점점 더 ~한’ 25 「the+비교급 ~, the+비교급 …」 ‘~할수록 더 … 하다’ ① The more practice they were → The more they practiced ② scared → more scared ④ did → was ⑤ The more we read books → The more books we read 26 「not as[so]+원급+as」=「less+원급+than」 27 ⑤ that → those 28 ③을 제외한 나머지는 모두 large의 최상급을 나타낸 29 「There is no ~ 비교급+than …」은 최상급의 의 다. 미를 나타낸다. 뜻이다. 의미를 나타낸다. 30 ④를 제외한 나머지는 모두 음악이 가장 중요하다는 31 「비교급+than any other+단수 명사」는 최상급의 32 「비교급+than any other+단수 명사」, 「Nothing ~ 비교급+than」은 최상급의 의미를 나타낸다. 33 「비교급+than all the other+복수 명사」는 최상급 의 의미를 나타낸다. 34 far–further–furthest <정도> 더욱, 한층 35 「Nothing ~ 비교급+than」은 최상급의 의미를 나 36 「비교급+than any other+단수 명사」는 최상급의 타낸다. 의미를 나타낸다. 37 as 뒤의 목적격은 「주어+동사」로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 38 「half[twice, three times]+as+원급+as」 ‘~보다 …배 -한’ 39 ① smartest → the smartest ② as → than ③ more specific → specific ④ teachers → teacher 40 one of the most famous painters 정답 및 해설 45 CHAPTER 14 관계사 R e l a t i v e s PRACTICE 1 1 who go to this school don’t have to wear uniforms on Saturday 2 whose office plants are not taken good care of 3 who support us when we are having a hard time 4 whose parents run a big bakery downtown 5 whom I wanted to see because of an interview was not in the office 6 who was raised by wolves in the jungle 7 who have poor concentration are likely to get 8 who broke into my neighbor’s house last night a low grade was arrested 9 who work for the law firm are very diligent 10 whose recipes could meet our expectations 11 whose character is open and kind is welcomed by everyone 12 whom I visit twice a month with some cookies lives near my house counselors. the 1860s. 3 The bicycle which had pedals was invented in 4 The farmer could produce a new kind of fruit which was bigger than any other fruit. 5 There was a glass of water whose temperature was under 5 degrees Celsius. 6 The bus which goes to the airport via the city hall runs every fifteen minutes. 7 People try to remember some accidents which taught them an important lesson. 8 There are many animals whose lives are in great danger. 46 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 본문 _ p.302 9 The workers construct the building which is the tallest in the city. 10 Cyberspace has given us a new kind of reality which is called a virtual reality. 2 which 4 6 serves imports 8 don’t 10 who 12 who 14 wants 2 who, that 4 which, that 6 who, that 12 which, that 14 whom, that 2 whose 4 that 6 who 8 that 10 that PRACTICE 3 1 have 3 which 5 whom 7 which 9 whose 11 was 13 whom 15 focus PRACTICE 4 1 which, that 3 5 that that PRACTICE 5 5 was that that that is 1 3 7 9 1 3 PRACTICE 6 that 2 who[that] that produces 4 that PRACTICE 2 1 The pictures which are hanging on the wall were taken in Eastern Europe. 2 Students can develop self-confidence through the program which is provided by some 11 that 13 that 15 that 7 who, that 8 that 9 whom, that 10 who, that 5 6 8 9 John recommended to us that 7 which[that] that we wanted to have you already know 10 that looked 11 was built 100 years ago 12 which[that] 2 which 4 which 6 what 8 which 10 which 12 what 14 which PRACTICE 7 1 What 3 what 5 What 7 which 9 what 11 what 13 what 15 which PRACTICE 8 influenced me a lot. 2 I sometimes ask for advice of my grandmother, who has been very helpful. 3 An old lady, who lives next door, gave me some cookies that she made. have to worry about traffic jams. 7 Thomas Edison, who is called the Father of Invention, was born in 1847. 8 Taekwondo, which is a kind of martial arts, requires both mental and physical training. 9 Jay, whose computer broke down yesterday, couldn’t do his homework. 10 The game was shown on TV, which greatly helped it to sell well. CHAPTER 14 3 who 5 who, that 7 whom, that 9 who, that 4 who, that 6 who 8 which 10 which PRACTICE 10 2 Do you know the boy who(m)[that] Tom is talking to with a big smile? Do you know the boy to whom Tom is talking 3 The bed which[that] I slept in last night was The bed in which I slept last night was very 4 These are the great inventions which[that] he These are the great inventions for which he is with a big smile? very comfortable. comfortable. is well-known for. well-known. Earth which[that] we live on. Before it is too late, we need to protect the Earth on which we live. 6 Soccer is a sport which[that] my friends and I are very fond of. told me yesterday? 8 We couldn’t go to the birthday party which[that] we were invited to. We couldn’t go to the birthday party to which we were invited. 9 This is the port which[that] millions of immigrants from Europe entered America through. This is the port through which millions of immigrants from Europe entered America. 10 I’ve never seen Susan who(m)[that] Mark fell in love with two years ago. I’ve never seen Susan with whom Mark fell in 정답 및 해설 47 1 My teacher bought me this book, which has 5 Before it is too late, we need to protect the 4 He made a number of cartoons and movies, Soccer is a sport of which my friends and I are which have been loved by children. very fond. 5 Last Friday, I met Chris, whom I hadn’t seen 7 What is the title of the movie which[that] you for a long time. told me about yesterday? 6 We will fly to Busan, which means we won’t What is the title of the movie about which you PRACTICE 9 1 which 2 who, that love two years ago. PRACTICE 11 (that) (which) 1 3 5 7 9 (whom) 11 (who were) (which are) 2 4 6 8 (who) (who) (that) 10 (who is) 12 (which is) PRACTICE 12 1 No matter what you do 2 Anyone who wants some cookies 3 anything that she needs 4 anything that you choose 5 anyone whom you meet 6 No matter which you buy 7 No matter what I asked 8 No matter who may say so 9 anything that you decide 10 No matter what he hears PRACTICE 13 1 why he missed the test 2 on which Henry and I first met 3 where the bus picks up passengers 4 how I could make strong kites for which the war broke out 5 6 in which there live various kinds of animals 7 when a man first landed on the Moon 8 in which the teacher deals with students 9 when people eat turkey 10 in which there is the largest city park in the world 11 where people cannot take protein easily 12 how we can relax our mind and body 13 on which we graduated 14 for which I’m listening to this radio show 15 How[The way in which] you talk and behave PRACTICE 14 1 where 2 when 48 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 14 3 how 5 where 7 where 9 why 4 when 6 why 8 when 10 how PRACTICE 15 2 when, the, time 3 why, the, reason 4 where, the, country 5 when, the, month 6 why, the, reason 7 where, somewhere PRACTICE 16 1 ○ 3 5 7 ○ 9 ○ 11 ○ PRACTICE 17 1 why 3 where 5 when 7 why PRACTICE 18 1 wherever 3 However 5 However 7 However 9 wherever PRACTICE 19 1 Whatever 3 Wherever 5 However 2 ○ 4 6 8 ○ 10 ○ 2 who 4 which 6 how 2 whenever 4 Wherever 6 Whenever 8 whenever 10 whenever 2 whenever 4 Whoever 6 Whenever 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.322 1 who[that] is 2 ①,④ 3 ③ 4 ④ 5 ③ 6 ① 7 Look at the old lady whose son is a famous actor. 8 which 9 ③ 10 at which, where 11 ⑤ 12 Whoever breaks the law will be punished. 13 who 14 where 15 whom 16 which 17 whose 18 ②,③ 19 ② 20 ①,④ 21 I finally found out how he solved the case. 22 ⑤ 23 need → needs 24 ③ 25 ④ 26 ② 27 However difficult the problem is 28 ④ 29 which[that] are 30 ④ 31 ④ 32 ② 33 ④ 34 which 35 ② 36 ④ 37 where, when 38 ⑤ 39 ③ 40 when 41 ⑤ 42 ③ 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 선행사가 사람을 나타내는 3인칭 단수형이므로 who [that] is가 들어간다. 2 ① the car of which → whose car ④ of which roof → of which the roof[the roof 능하다. of which, whose roof] 3 however+형용사+주어+동사 ‘아무리 ~하더라 CHAPTER 14 10 관계부사는 「전치사+관계대명사」로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 다. 11 • 선행사가 사람이므로 who의 소유격 whose를 쓴 • 선행사가 사물인 관계대명사의 계속적 용법이므 로 which를 쓴다. 12 whoever+동사 ‘~하는 사람은 누구나’ 13 선행사가 사람이므로 주격 관계대명사 who를 쓴다. 14 장소를 나타내는 관계부사 where를 쓴다. 15 전치사가 관계대명사 바로 앞에 오므로 목적격 관계 대명사 whom을 쓴다. 16 「전치사+which」는 관계부사의 역할을 한다. 17 선행사가 사람이므로 who의 소유격 whose를 쓴다. 18 ① of which → for which ④ with who → with whom ⑤ to whom → on whom 19 ② 접속사 ①③④⑤ 관계대명사 20 선행사에 형용사의 최상급이 포함되어 있으므로 관 계대명사 that을 쓰거나 생략한다. 21 방법을 나타내는 관계부사 how를 쓴다. 22 선행사에 형용사의 최상급이 포함되어 있으므로 관 계대명사 that을 쓴다. 목적격 관계대명사는 생략 가 23 선행사(much work)가 단수형이므로 관계대명사절 의 동사(need)도 단수형이 되어야 한다. 24 • 선행사를 자체에 포함하는 관계대명사 what을 쓴 • 선행사에 the only가 나오므로 관계대명사 that을 • 간접의문문의 의문사 what을 쓴다. 25 ④ 목적격 관계대명사는 생략할 수 있다. 26 복합관계부사 however는 ‘아무리 ~하더라도’라는 뜻이다. 이때 however는 no matter how로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 27 however+형용사+주어+동사 ‘아무리 ~하더라 다. 쓴다. 도’ 다. 정답 및 해설 49 도’ 4 ① wonder → wondered ② is → are ③ were begun → began ⑤ who → which ③ are → is 5 6 ② that → which ③ that → which ④ that → how[why] ⑤ that → whose whose를 이용한다. which를 쓴다. 로 which를 쓴다. 7 선행사가 사람이므로 관계대명사 who의 소유격 8 선행사가 사물인 관계대명사의 계속적 용법이므로 28 관계대명사의 목적격 또는 현재분사나 과거분사가 뒤따라 오는 「관계대명사+be동사」는 생략할 수 있 9 • 선행사가 사물인 관계대명사의 계속적 용법이므 29 관계대명사 what은 「the thing(s) which[that] ~」 • 「전치사+which」는 관계부사의 역할을 한다. 30 • wherever+주어+동사 ‘~가 어디에서 …을 하 로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. CHAPTER 14 든’ 37 • 관계사가 들어갈 자리 뒤에 완전한 문장이 나오 • whatever+주어+동사 ‘~가 무엇을 …하든’ 므로 관계부사가 들어간다. 31 주격 관계대명사 뒤에 be동사가 있고 그 뒤에 현재 • 접속사 when은 ‘~할 때’의 의미를 가진다. 분사나 과거분사가 오면 「관계대명사+be동사」를 38 ⑤ 관계부사 ①②③④ 의문부사 생략할 수 있다. 39 관계부사가 이끄는 절은 완전한 문장이다. 32 ② 관계부사 ①④ 의문부사 ③⑤ 접속사 40 관계사가 들어갈 자리 뒤에 완전한 문장이 나오므로 33 선행사를 자체에 포함하는 관계대명사 what을 쓴다. 관계부사가 들어간다. 34 관계부사는 「전치사+관계대명사」로 바꾸어 쓸 수 41 선행사인 the pen을 ‘가지고 썼다’는 뜻이 되도록 ⑤의 on which는 with which로 바꾸는 것이 적절 하다. 있다. 35 ② where → which 36 관계대명사 that 앞에는 전치사를 쓸 수 없다. 42 the way와 how는 나란히 쓸 수 없다. CHAPTER 15 접속사 C o n j u n c t i o n s 2 but 5 but 8 but 11 but 14 and 3 or 6 or 9 or 12 or 15 but 2 or 5 or 8 and 3 and 6 and 9 or PRACTICE 1 1 or 4 and 7 and 10 and 13 and PRACTICE 2 1 and 4 or 7 or 10 or PRACTICE 3 본문 _ p.330 5 We need to hire not only a new salesperson but also a new secretary. 6 Not only I but also Sally wants to succeed in losing weight and being more confident. 7 8 You should do your best as well as set a goal. It is a waste of time as well as a waste of money. 9 A clean environment is not only essential for our health but also good for our economy. 10 The teachers as well as the students were shocked by the principal’s final decision. 11 Human genes determine what diseases people may get as well as what they look like. 12 Humans not only have researched the Earth but also have explored the universe. 2 I’d like to study not only English but also Chinese to become a competent translator. 3 You have to consider not only your interests but also your talents to find a good job for 4 I do things that others don’t want to do as well yourself. as work hard. PRACTICE 4 1 Both, and 3 Either, or 5 Neither, nor 7 neither, nor 9 either, or 2 Neither, nor 4 Both, and 6 either, or 8 both, and 10 both, and 50 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 1 Because the royal family in Europe played golf, it began to become popular among rich computer skills. CHAPTER 15 my everyday life, I try to keep it every day. Keeping a diary helps me think about my everyday life, so I try to keep it every day. 8 Because I like to watch different kinds of fish, I am planning to visit the aquarium in Singapore. I like to watch different kinds of fish, so I am planning to visit the aquarium in Singapore. 9 Because we live in the age of information technology, many jobs require us to have We live in the age of information technology, so many jobs require us to have computer skills. 10 Because the chocolate cake was very delicious, I couldn’t stop myself from eating too much of it. The chocolate cake was very delicious, so I couldn’t stop myself from eating too much of it. PRACTICE 7 1 because of 3 because of 5 because 7 because of PRACTICE 8 1 A 3 B 5 B 7 C 9 B 2 because 4 because of 6 because 8 because 2 C 4 C 6 A 8 A 10 A 2 are 4 use 6 8 like takes 10 helps PRACTICE 5 1 have 3 are 5 are 7 want 9 spends PRACTICE 6 people. The royal family in Europe played golf, so it began to become popular among rich people. 2 Because strong winds blow from the sea, most walls around the houses in Jeju Island are built with stones. Strong winds blow from the sea, so most walls around the houses in Jeju Island are built with 3 Because people grow up in a different environment, they can never be the same as stones. one another. People grow up in a different environment, so they can never be the same as one another. 4 Because the museum was burnt down during the German invasion, we couldn’t see the The museum was burnt down during the German invasion, so we couldn’t see the 5 Because I know what it is like to be a new student in a strange school, I want to help him original one. original one. fit in. urban area. urban area. I know what it is like to be a new student in a strange school, so I want to help him fit in. PRACTICE 9 6 Because the water is clean and the air is fresh, I prefer living in the countryside to living in the 1 2 I’ll just walk there unless it’s far from my house. The door won’t open unless you know the The water is clean and the air is fresh, so I prefer living in the countryside to living in the 3 Unless you are careful with it, you might get exact password. into trouble. 4 Unless you stop spending too much money, 7 Because keeping a diary helps me think about you’ll be broke soon. 정답 및 해설 51 CHAPTER 15 5 Her heart disease will get worse unless she 8 I’m so terrible at drawing that I don’t think I am goes on a diet. talented in art. 6 You will get soaked on the way home unless 9 Information is so easily accessible on the you bring your umbrella with you. Internet that you can get anything you want. 7 Unless you say anything when you need help, 10 My father is so busy at his work that he can’t no one can help you. take summer holiday this year. 8 You cannot build a good relationship unless you try to listen to others. 9 Unless you have much experience in that field, PRACTICE 12 you won’t get the job. 1 It is interesting that sound travels much faster 10 Unless you follow the directions, you will get in steel than in water. lost in a strange city. 2 It is a pity that a lot of workers in the factory PRACTICE 10 1 Once he sees her 2 As long as you do your best 3 If you change your mind 4 As long as you believe in yourself 5 Once you like yourself 6 Unless you eat now 7 If you want to speak English well 8 Once he starts to read a book 9 As long as it doesn’t snow 10 Once you learn the rules 11 If you don’t like exercising alone 12 Unless you walk more quickly PRACTICE 11 1 Throw the ball softly so that I can hit it well. 2 Mr. Park spoke slowly so that everyone could write down what he was saying. 3 Make your plan as specific as possible so that you can follow it step by step. 4 The fishermen start the morning by mending their nets so that they can fish with them. 5 Review your notes every day so that you don’t have to study all night before the exam. 6 I had become so close to my teacher that it became easier for me to talk with him. 7 Taekwondo is so popular that thousands of its 52 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 died because of the fire. 3 It was unbelievable that we survived the car crash. injured. to help the town. 4 It is very important that we must do something 5 The young man said that his arm was badly 6 I was excited to know that I could take English and other language courses. 7 I’m afraid that I may have made a lot of mistakes. day long. 8 Mother is worried that the baby hardly eats all 9 The fact is that millions of years ago there were many volcanoes in this area. 10 The difference between them is that there are no magazines that you can read in this cafe. 11 The problem was that our flight to Canada 12 The important thing is that you should respect would be expensive. other people’s cultures. 2 목적어 4 보어 PRACTICE 13 1 동격 3 동격 5 주어 PRACTICE 14 practitioners visit Korea every year. 1 if she is going to study English literature or whether she is going to study English literature 2 if he is going to go to a graduate school or get whether he is going to go to a graduate school Asian history, or Asian history a job, or get a job the final exam, 3 if you are going to attend the party or study for whether you are going to attend the party or study for the final exam 4 if she is going to face the difficult situation or run away from it, whether she is going to face the difficult situation or run away from it 5 if you are going to keep working on the project or stop doing it, project or stop doing it whether you are going to keep working on the 6 if he is going to take part in the competition or keep practicing a little more, whether he is going to take part in the competition or keep practicing a little more 7 if your class is going to go on a picnic or go on a field trip to the museum, whether your class is going to go on a picnic or go on a field trip to the museum 8 if you are going to take care of your brother or go to the stadium, whether you are going to take care of your brother or go to the stadium CHAPTER 15 PRACTICE 16 1 since 3 while 5 Every time 7 since 9 after 11 As 13 While 15 before PRACTICE 17 1 even though 3 even though 5 Even though 7 Even if 9 even if PRACTICE 18 1 For example 3 Therefore 2 as soon as 4 until 6 When 8 as soon as 10 After 12 Every time 14 until 2 even if 4 even if 6 even if 8 Even though 10 even though 2 However 4 In addition 5 On the other hand 6 For example 7 However 9 In addition 8 Therefore 10 On the other hand PRACTICE 19 1 Finally 3 As a result 5 Finally 7 As a result 2 4 6 8 In contrast In other words In contrast In other words 9 For example 10 However 11 Therefore 12 In addition PRACTICE 15 1 As, While 3 when 5 while, as 7 while, as 9 While, As 11 when 13 When 15 When, As 2 while, when 13 On the other hand 4 as 6 when 8 when 10 while, as 12 while, as PRACTICE 20 1 Finally[Therefore] 2 Besides 3 Therefore 4 In other words 14 While, When 5 For example 6 Besides 7 Finally[Therefore] 8 In contrast 정답 및 해설 53 CHAPTER 15 15 ① 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 ②③ 지시대명사 ④ 부사절을 이끄는 접속사 ⑤ 관계대명사 16 not only A but also B ‘A뿐만 아니라 B도’ 17 not A but B ‘A가 아니라 B’ 18 「whether ~ or not」 ‘~인지 아닌지’ 19 「if ~ not」은 unless로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 20 once ‘일단 ~하면’ 21 even though ‘비록 ~일지라도’ 22 ⑤ ‘~대로’ ① ‘~만큼’ ② ‘~할 때’ ③ ‘~때문에’ ④ ‘~함에 따라’ 23 while ‘그런데 한편’ 24 「not only A but also B」 구조의 문장이므로 even 이 아닌 only가 와야 한다. 동사의 수는 B에 일치 시킨다. 25 so that ~ ‘~하기 위하여’ 26 ① are → is ② are → am ③ weren’t → were ④ has → have 27 ③ which → that 28 neither A nor B ‘A도 B도 ~ 아닌’ 29 whether ‘~인지 (어떤지)’ 30 ⑤ 관계대명사 ①②③④ 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 31 that ‘~라는 것은’ 32 • ‘~인지 (어떤지)’ • ‘~한다면’ 33 ⑤ that → if[whether] 34 since = as ‘~때문에’ 35 although ‘비록 ~일지라도’ 36 while ‘~하는 동안’ 37 • 접속사 when ‘~할 때’ • 관계부사 why ‘~하는 이유’ 38 • 「because+절」‘~때문에’ • 「because of+명사(구)」‘~때문에’ 39 ⑤ Though → Because[Since, As] 40 therefore ‘그러므로’ 41 ① so → such 42 in contrast ‘대조적으로’ 43 「in order not+to부정사」 ‘~하지 않기 위해서’ 44 on -ing = as soon as ‘~하자 마자’ 45 on the other hand ‘반면에’ 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.355 1 ③ 2 ③ 3 ④ 4 ⑤ 5 ④ 6 ③ 7 body movements as well as, verbal languages 8 ② 9 ④ 10 ③ 11 rained so heavily that he drove his car slowly 12 ⑤ 13 ⑤ 14 ④ 15 ① 16 not only, but also 17 ② 18 ③ 19 unless it rains 20 Once you visit the country 21 ② 22 ⑤ 23 while 24 Not only many citizens but also the leader of the country supports the new treaty. 25 so that 26 ⑤ 27 ③ 28 Neither, nor 29 ① 30 ⑤ 31 ④ 32 ② 33 ⑤ 34 ① 35 ③ 36 ③ 37 ④ 38 ⑤ 39 ⑤ 40 ④ 41 ① 42 ④ 43 ③ 44 As soon as she heard 45 On the other hand 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 ① or → and ② such → so ④ but → so ⑤ so → such 2 • 「명령문+or」 ‘~해라, 그렇지 않으면’ • 「Which ~, A or B」 ‘A와 B 중 어느 ~’ 3 besides = in addition ‘게다가’ 4 therefore ‘그러므로’ for example ‘예를 들면’ 5 6 대신한다. 조건을 나타내는 부사절에서는 현재시제가 미래를 7 not only A but also B= B as well as A ‘A뿐만 아니라 B도’ 8 보기와 ② 부사절을 이끄는 접속사, ①③④⑤ 명사 절을 이끄는 접속사 9 ④ are → am 10 however ‘그러나’ 11 보기의 단어와 주어진 해석(‘너무 ~해서 …하다‘) 을 통해서 「so+형용사/부사+that」의 형태로 문장 을 완성해야 하는 것을 알 수 있다. 12 if=whether ‘~인지 (어떤지)’ 13 once ‘일단 ~하면’ as long as ‘~하는 한’ 14 ④ ‘~ 때문에’ ①③⑤ ‘~하고 있을 때’ ② ‘~함에 따라’ 54 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 16 전치사 P r e p o s i t i o n s 본문 _ p.364 PRACTICE 1 1 in 3 on 5 on 7 at 9 in 11 on 13 on 15 In PRACTICE 2 1 ① on ② × 3 ① in ② on 5 ① on ② × 7 ① on ② in 9 ① on ② in 11 ① at ② × 13 ① at ② in 15 ① at ② in PRACTICE 3 PRACTICE 4 1 until 3 by 5 by 7 by 9 until PRACTICE 5 1 by 2 at 4 in 6 at 8 on 10 in 12 at 14 at 2 ① on ② × 4 ① on ② × 6 ① in ② × 8 ① in ② on 10 ① × ② at 12 ① at ② in 14 ① at ② on 2 by 4 until 6 until 8 by 10 until 1 ① from ② since 2 ① since ② from 3 ① from ② since 4 ① since ② from 5 ① from ② since 6 ① since ② from 7 ① from ② since 8 ① from ② since 9 ① since ② from 10 ① from ② since 3 5 from in 7 by 9 until 11 on 13 at 15 by[at] 17 by[on] 4 at 6 on 8 since 10 until 12 in 14 from 16 since 18 on PRACTICE 6 1 after the rock festival 2 before entering the house 3 after classes 4 before coming to Australia 5 before the arrival of European settlers 6 after getting home from work PRACTICE 7 1 getting up before daybreak, we went to see the Tokyo Fishmarket 2 giving me a prescription, the doctor explained to me about the disease 3 completing the assigned house chores, I ran out to the street to play with my friends 4 cooking dinner, we lit a small campfire by our tent 5 talking to Jim over the cell phone, I went out to meet him at the bus stop 6 moving to Argentina, John gave away all his toys to his younger cousins 7 landing on the coast of Taiwan, the typhoon blew away many houses 8 becoming one of the top baseball teams, the team went through a strict training program 9 completing my training as a sailor, I came back home to see my family 10 sinking to the bottom of the sea, the 정답 및 해설 55 2 since submarine exploded PRACTICE 8 1 ① for ② during 2 ① during ② for 3 ① for ② during 4 ① during ② for 5 ① during ② for 6 ① for ② during 7 ① for ② during 8 ① for ② during 9 ① during ② for 10 ① for ② during PRACTICE 9 1 before 3 for 2 during 4 before 5 during[throughout] 6 After 7 for 9 after 8 during[throughout] 10 during[throughout] PRACTICE 10 1 in, on 3 at, in 5 at, on PRACTICE 11 PRACTICE 12 1 on 3 on 5 at 7 at 9 in 1 at 3 at 5 on 7 9 in in 11 on 13 in 15 on 2 on, at 4 in, on 6 on, in 2 at 4 6 in in 8 on 2 on 4 in 6 at 8 at 10 on 12 at 14 in PRACTICE 13 1 under[below] 2 over 56 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 16 3 below 5 below[under] 4 above 6 over 7 under 8 above[over] 1 ① down ② under 2 ① Under ② over 3 ① off ② below 4 ① into ② out of 5 ① up ② over 6 ① off ② onto 7 ① into ② under 8 ① above ② below 9 ① out of ② onto PRACTICE 14 1 out of 3 off 5 up 7 down 9 up 11 into PRACTICE 15 PRACTICE 16 1 along 3 across 5 around 7 through PRACTICE 17 1 near 3 near 5 in front of 7 by PRACTICE 18 1 between 3 between 5 among 7 between 9 between 2 onto 4 into 6 off 8 onto 10 down 12 out of 2 across 4 around 6 through 8 along 2 by 4 behind 6 behind 8 in front of 2 among 4 between 6 among 8 among 10 among PRACTICE 19 1 3 5 7 9 to for for to 11 to 13 for toward(s) 15 toward(s) PRACTICE 20 1 with 3 without 5 against 7 with 9 with PRACTICE 21 1 as[like] 3 by 5 as 7 like[as] 9 by PRACTICE 22 1 according to 3 for 5 except 7 instead of 9 with 11 Instead of 13 due to 15 due to 2 4 6 8 toward(s) toward(s) for for 10 to 12 toward(s) 14 to[for] 2 with 4 with 6 for 8 without 10 with 2 by 4 in 6 by 8 as 10 like 2 without 4 According to 6 by 8 as 10 due to 12 like 14 by 16 against 17 according to 18 with 19 in 20 except PRACTICE 23 1 about 2 of CHAPTER 16 PRACTICE 24 PRACTICE 25 1 about 3 of 5 at 7 with 9 of 1 of 3 at 5 at 7 9 for to 3 to 5 on 7 9 for to 1 for 3 on 7 9 like to 4 of 6 with 8 with 10 on 2 of 4 6 8 for to to 10 in 2 in 4 on 6 for 8 of 10 for 2 to 4 at 8 in 10 to PRACTICE 26 5 about[of] 6 of[from] PRACTICE 27 1 for 3 on 5 After 7 on 9 under 11 onto 13 through 15 behind 17 toward 19 with 2 at 4 in 6 against 8 by 10 down 12 to 14 from 16 for 18 above 20 According to 정답 및 해설 57 21 during 23 as 25 across 27 by 29 like 31 like 33 in front of 35 on 37 before 39 as 41 to 43 behind 45 into 47 for 49 against 51 in 53 Instead of 55 on 57 except 59 to 61 at 63 at 65 to 67 of 69 for 71 to 73 at 75 of 77 of 79 in 81 of 83 during 85 towards 87 with 89 to 91 with 93 out of 95 about 97 between 99 of 22 instead of 24 for 26 from 28 since 30 on 32 at 34 since 36 along 38 on 40 of 42 around 44 among 46 among 48 with 50 into 52 due to 54 like 56 as 58 between 60 of 62 about 64 at 66 for 68 at 70 on 72 of 74 on 76 for 78 for 80 to 82 on 84 on 86 out of 88 in 90 in 92 with 94 like 96 with 98 to 100 on 58 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 16 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.403 1 ③ 2 ② 3 ④ 4 ③ 5 ④ 6 with 7 ④,⑤ 8 ⑤ by → since 9 from, to 10 ① 11 ③ 12 teach → teaching 13 ① 14 ② 15 ⑤ 16 than → to 17 on, for 18 ④ 19 ③ 20 ⑤ 21 ③ 22 for → during [throughout] 23 ③ 24 ② 25 ③ 26 ⑤ 27 without 28 ① for ② with ③ into 29 ⑤ 30 ③ 31 ⑤ 32 on 33 ② 34 ③ 35 ④ 36 for 37 with 38 ⑤ 39 among[of] 40 ④ 41 ① 42 ② 43 ③ 44 ④ 45 to → into 46 out of 47 ② 48 ②,④ 49 ④ 50 ① 51 until → by 52 ② 53 among → between 54 ⑤ 55 ③ 56 ③ 57 see → seeing 58 ① 59 ④ 60 ② 61 in front of 62 ⑤ 63 as → to 64 ① 65 In, for, behind, On, on, to, with 66 ③ 67 ① 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 at은 비교적 짧은 시간을 나타내는 말 앞에 쓴다. 2 • 시간을 나타내는 전치사 in은 비교적 긴 시간을 나타내는 말 앞에 쓴다. • 장소를 나타내는 전치사 in은 비교적 넓은 장소 앞에 쓰인다. 3 • 요일 앞에는 on을 쓴다. • in ‘<도구> ~로’ 4 fall off ‘~에서 떨어지다’ 5 instead of ‘~대신에’ 6 • help A with B ‘A가 B하는 것을 돕다’ • be busy with ‘~로 바쁘다’ ④ in this year → this year 7 ⑤ In last Monday → Last Monday 8 ⑤ 문맥상 ‘~이후로’의 의미를 갖는 전치사 since 가 와야 한다. ① on the bus ‘버스에서‘ ② look at ‘~을 보다‘ ③ like ‘~같은’ ④ be exposed to ‘~에 노출되다‘ 9 from A to B ‘A에서 B로’ 10 apply for ‘~에 지원하다, 신청하다’ apologize for ‘~에 대해 사과하다’ 11 • 섬을 나타내는 명사 앞에는 on을 쓴다. • on the Internet ‘인터넷으로’ 12 전치사의 목적어로 동사가 올 때는 동명사의 형태로 쓴다. 13 because of 뒤에는 명사(구)가 온다. 14 • with ‘~와 함께’ • keep up with ‘~에 뒤지지 않다, 따라가다’ 15 instead of ‘~대신에’ 16 prefer A to B ‘B보다 A를 더 좋아하다’ 17 • 「sting ~ on …」 ‘…를 쏘다’ • look for ‘~을 찾다’ 18 • take after ‘~를 닮다’ • similar to ‘~와 유사한’ 19 make an impact on ‘~에 영향을 미치다’ 20 • be filled with ‘~로 가득차다’ • be famous for ‘~로 유명하다’ 21 According to ‘~에 따르면’, be full of ‘~로 가득한’ 22 during[throughout] 다음에는 특정 기간을 나타내 는 명사(구)가 온다. 23 • be covered with ‘~로 덮여있다’ • be crazy about ‘~에 열광적이다, ~를 매우 좋 아하다’ 24 focus on ‘~에 초점을 맞추다’ 25 consist of ‘~로 구성되어 있다’ 26 「add … to ~」 ‘~에 …를 더하다’ 27 without ‘~없이, ~하지 않고’ 28 ① 시간의 길이를 나타내는 명사구 앞에는 ‘~동안’ 의 의미를 갖는 전치사 for를 쓴다. ② 도구를 나타내는 경우 ‘~을 사용하여’의 의미를 갖는 전치사 with를 쓴다. ③ 기존의 것을 다른 형태로 변화시킬 때는 전치사 into를 쓴다. 29 ⑤ 동사 - ‘좋아하다’ ①②③④ 전치사 - ‘~처럼’ 30 • be headed for ‘~로 향하다’ • between A and B ‘A와 B 사이에’ 31 ⑤ in addition → in addition to(~에 더하여) 32 depend on ‘~에 의존하다’ 33 • die of ‘~로 죽다’ • be made of ‘~로 만들어지다’ 34 • around ‘~주위를’ • prepare for ‘~를 준비하다’ 35 during 다음에는 특정 기간을 나타내는 명사(구)가 36 for 다음에는 시간의 길이를 나타내는 명사(구)가 온다. 온다. 37 with ‘~와 함께, ~을 가지고’ CHAPTER 16 38 • with ‘~을 가지고 있는’ • be pleased with ‘~에 기뻐하다’ 39 among은 셋 이상의 사물 또는 사람을 나타내는 말 앞에 쓴다. 의미상 전치사 of도 가능하다. 40 ④ at → in 41 concentrate on ‘~에 집중하다’ 42 at least ‘적어도’ 43 die from[of] ‘~로 죽다’ 44 ① in foot → on foot ② at land → on land ③ in TV → on TV ⑤ at the subway → on the subway 45 into pieces ‘조각들로’ 46 out of ‘~밖으로’ 47 like ‘~처럼’, above ‘~위에’ 48 <보기> 문장의 as는 전치사로 ‘~로서’로 해석한다. ①,⑤ 접속사 as ‘~함에 따라’ ③ 접속사 as ‘~대로’ 49 ④ with → of 50 • 「by+교통수단」 ‘~를 타고’ • 「by+-ing」 ‘~함으로써’ 51 동작이나 상태가 어느 한 시점에 완료됨을 나타낼 때는 by를 쓴다. 52 get along with ‘~와 잘 지내다’ 53 두 개의 사물 또는 두 명의 사람을 나타내는 말 앞에 는 between을 쓴다. 54 toward ‘~을 향하여’ 55 (a) take care of ‘~을 돌보다’ (b) busy with ‘~로 바쁜’ (c) sorry for ‘미안하게 생각하는’ 56 by ‘~ 옆에, ~만큼’ 57 look forward to+-ing ‘~을 고대하다’ 58 onto ‘~ 위로’ 59 against ‘~에 반대하는’ 60 due to ‘~때문에’ 61 in front of ‘~앞에서’ 62 proud of ‘~을 자랑스러워하는’ 63 according to ‘~에 따르면’ 64 except ‘~을 제외하고’ 65 •on the subway ‘지하철 내에서’ •in the subway ‘지하철 역에서’ 66 ③ to → in 67 (A) leave for ‘~을 향해 떠나다’ (B) jealous of ‘~을 질투하는’ (C) at the moment ‘지금’ 정답 및 해설 59 CHAPTER 17 일치와 화법 A g r e e m e n t a n d N a r r a t i o n 본문 _ p.414 PRACTICE 1 1 are 3 come 5 7 is travel 9 work PRACTICE 2 1 have 3 are 5 7 visits is 9 appear PRACTICE 3 1 weighs 3 5 lives shows 7 wants 9 were PRACTICE 4 1 were 3 is 5 buildings 7 have PRACTICE 5 1 makes 3 5 is visit 7 was 9 attracts 11 looks 13 is 15 is 2 has 4 greet 6 8 is swims 10 visits 2 4 is finds 6 have 8 stop 10 is 2 set 4 has 6 need 8 costs 10 brings 2 wear 4 has 6 was 8 don’t 2 gives 4 6 8 sounds is ranks 10 seems 12 produces 14 has 16 was 60 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 2 was 4 had not blown away 5 had been 6 had visited 7 wouldn’t be 8 would be PRACTICE 6 1 had been 3 was PRACTICE 7 1 was 3 could 5 had been 7 wait 9 use 11 goes 15 was PRACTICE 8 2 is 4 eat 6 went 8 ordered 10 had been 12 was 13 had forgotten 14 reached said, she would, that night said, he had seen, the night before[the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 previous night] said, he was told, she didn’t, those told, he would, me there told, she was told, he said, was then day] 10 said, he, the following year said, had been, the day before[the previous PRACTICE 9 ceremony was. at home. 1 Brad asked Ron when his graduation 2 I asked mom if[whether] we had an electric drill 3 The old lady asked if[whether] I knew the legend about that town. CHAPTER 17 4 My aunt asked me how my family was those 15 I asked the old man to wait there for a minute. days. 16 The police officer told my dad (that) that road 5 The gentleman asked the stewardess when was temporarily closed that day. dinner would be served. 17 The mechanic told[advised] the customer to 6 Edward asked what Koreans do on Lunar change the engine oil the following month. 7 The doctor asked me if[whether] I had been she had seen any strangers the previous 18 The detective asked the woman if[whether] New Year’s Day. bitten by a snake. night[the night before]. 8 The teacher asked the class who would 19 Mitch’s uncle told me (that) he had served in answer that question for him[her]. the Marine Corps twenty years before. 9 I asked Mr. Gwak if[whether] we should come 20 The instructor told[advised] me to breathe to school the following Saturday. slowly and deeply before diving into the water. 10 Sumi asked me if[whether] the Russian 21 My mom told[advised] me to use vanilla sugar restaurant had been crowded. instead of honey. 22 The teacher told[ordered] us not to use our cell phones in class. PRACTICE 10 1 2 3 I ordered my dog to get out of the room. I asked Dan how he had climbed up that cliff. I asked Andrea why she hadn’t told me the truth. 4 I asked Tina who she had talked with over the phone. / I asked Tina with whom she had talked over the phone. 5 I asked Mr. Carlson if[whether] I could go to the washroom. 6 The nurse told[advised] me to take my medicine 30 minutes after meals. 7 The secretary told me (that) Mrs. Evans had 8 The coast guard told[advised] me not to swim been expecting me. too far off the beach. 9 Mr. Wilson asked me to come and have tea at 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.428 1 ③ 2 he would help me 3 was made up by 4 ① 5 ① 6 ③ 7 ③ 8 is 9 ② 10 ③ 11 wants → want 12 asked, if[whether], could 13 ④ 14 ① 15 are 16 ④ 17 ⑤ 18 ④ 19 ⑤ 20 ② 21 ④ 22 ③ 23 ③ 24 ① 25 ④ 26 had become → became 27 ⑤ 28 to wrap 29 ② 30 ②,⑤ 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 his home at 4 o’clock. 1 주절의 시제가 과거이므로 종속절의 시제도 과거로 10 The judge ordered the defendant to do 48 바뀐다. hours of community service. 2 주절의 시제가 과거이므로 종속절의 will은 would 11 My mother told me not to eat any junk food on 로 바뀐다. my way home. 12 Mr. Lee said (that) he would hand out our[my] graded exam papers the next[following] day. 13 The sergeant ordered[told] the soldiers not to shoot without his order. 14 The principal said (that) all students had to get to school before 8 o’clock. 3 주어진 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되려면 빈칸에는 수동태 가 들어가야 한다. 한편, 「all of+셀 수 없는 명사+ 단수동사」이고, 시제가 과거이므로 수동태의 be동 사 자리에는 was가 들어간다. 주절의 시제가 과거이므로 종속절의 시제도 과거로 4 바뀌고, tomorrow는 the following day 또는 the next day로 바뀐다. 정답 및 해설 61 CHAPTER 17 5 neither A nor B는 위치상 동사와 더 가까이에 있는 고 「주어+동사」의 어순으로 바꾼다. B에 동사의 수를 일치시킨다. 6 주절의 시제가 과거이므로 종속절의 시제도 과거로 19 의문사가 있는 의문문의 화법 전환이므로 said to를 asked로 바꾸고, 의문사로 두 문장을 연결하고 「주 바뀐다. 인칭대명사는 전달하는 사람의 입장으로 바 어+동사」의 어순으로 바꾼다. 꾼다. 7 주절의 시제가 과거이므로 종속절의 시제는 과거, 과 거완료 또는 would가 된다. the number of(~의 수)는 단수 취급한다. 8 9 ② were → was 10 직접 화법을 간접 화법으로 바꿀 때 that절의 주어와 목적어는 전달하는 사람의 입장으로 바꾼다. 11 most of 다음에 복수 명사가 오면 복수 동사를 쓴다. 12 의문사가 없는 의문문의 화법 전환이므로 said to를 asked로 바꾸고, if나 whether로 두 문장을 연결하 20 ② are → is 21 명령문의 화법 전환이므로 said to를 told로 바꾸 고, 명령문의 동사원형을 to부정사로 바꾼다. 22 ③ are → is 23 ① books → book, have → has ② was → were ④ was → were ⑤ were → was 24 의문사가 없는 의문문의 화법 전환이므로 said to를 asked로 바꾸고, if나 whether로 두 문장을 연결하 고 「주어+동사」의 어순으로 바꾼다. 고 「주어+동사」의 어순으로 바꾼다. 13 ④ → Mr. Kim told John not to make a noise. 14 의문사가 없는 의문문을 간접 화법으로 바꿀 때는, if 나 whether로 두 문장을 연결한다. 25 직접 화법의 전달동사를 advise로 바꾸고 명령문의 do not ~ 은 not to ~로 바꾼다. 26 역사적 사실은 항상 과거시제로 쓴다. 15 not only A but (also) B는 위치상 동사와 더 가까 27 간접 화법의 종속절의 시제는 직접 화법의 전달 내 이에 있는 B에 동사의 수를 일치시킨다. 용이 과거일 경우 과거완료로 바꾼다. 16 의문사가 없는 의문문의 화법 전환이므로 said to를 asked로 바꾸고, if나 whether로 두 문장을 연결하 정사로 바꾼다. 28 명령문의 화법 전환에서 명령문의 동사원형은 to부 고 「주어+동사」의 어순으로 바꾼다. 29 either A or B는 위치상 동사와 더 가까이에 있는 B 17 ⑤ speak → speaks 18 의문사가 없는 의문문의 화법 전환이므로 said to를 asked로 바꾸고, if나 whether로 두 문장을 연결하 에 동사의 수를 일치시킨다. 30 ② has gone → went, goes, had gone ⑤ had discovered → discovered CHAPTER 18 특수구문 & 속담 I n v e r s i o n , E m p h a s i s , E l l i p s i s & P ro v e r b s 본문 _ p.434 PRACTICE 1 1 There are some reasons 2 has John considered resigning 3 Here are the pepperoni pizzas 4 So are the boys 5 There have been several snowstorms 6 until this morning did I hear 7 There goes the last train 62 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 8 Neither do these grapes I bought 9 So do some birds migrating south 10 Here they are PRACTICE 2 1 much[far, still, a lot, even] colder 2 did ring 3 didn’t show up at all 4 much[far, still, a lot, even] better 5 much[far, still, a lot, even] more expensive PRACTICE 4 6 the very place 7 much[far, still, a lot, even] more capable 8 much[far, still, a lot, even] hotter 9 did finish 10 was not satisfied, at all 11 much[far, still, a lot, even] better 12 the very cafe 13 much[far, still, a lot, even] easier 14 much[far, still, a lot, even] faster 15 much[far, still, a lot, even] cheaper PRACTICE 3 window? evening. 2 It was a shooting star that you saw last 3 4 It was in Seoul that the meeting was held. When was it that the teacher asked me to come and see him? 1 Who was it that threw the ball out of the accident. CHAPTER 18 1 I asked Mira to lie to the newspaper reporters, but she didn’t want to lie to the newspaper reporters. 2 We all went to Gordon’s home and we all played video games. 3 My dog is smaller than Scott’s dog. 4 Grandpa says he feels much better today than he felt yesterday. 5 Neil has a pair of roller skates that are much better than Mark’s roller skates. 6 Isabel tries to get up early, but she can’t get up early. 7 Although most passengers survived the accident, some people didn’t survive the 8 Oscar brought two fishing rods and Bob brought some bait for the fishing expedition. 9 I wanted to eat Chinese food, but Karen didn’t want to eat Chinese food. 10 He started climbing up the steep cliff at one o’clock and he finally reached the top after 11 This cell phone is a hundred dollars, while that 12 Jude is really good at math, but I’m not really 13 Some like their eggs scrambled, but some 14 I went to school by bicycle, while Sharon went 5 It was the blind girl that was playing the guitar two hours. 6 It was at the Colosseum that many gladiators one is only seventy dollars. 7 Why is it that some animals hibernate every good at math. 8 Where was it that Wonjin’s family went last don’t like their eggs scrambled. 9 It was the raw fish I ate last night that caused to school by bus. in the crowd. fought and died. winter? December? my stomachache. every day? 10 Why is it that this restaurant is so crowded 11 It was two minutes ago that the KTX for Busan left Gwangmyeong station. 12 It was at the park that the Boy Scouts met to do voluntary cleaning work. home from math class. 14 What is it that the people are looking at under the bridge? PRACTICE 5 (they were) (who were) (he is) (who is) 1 3 5 7 9 PRACTICE 6 1 they were 15 It was going hiking that he enjoyed the most. 2 which is 13 It was just thirty minutes ago that I came back (which was) 10 (she was) 2 4 6 8 (she is) (that was) (it was) (it is) 정답 및 해설 63 3 that was 5 who was 7 he was 9 they were PRACTICE 7 1 ③ 3 ⑤ 5 ⑨ 7 ④ 9 ⑦ 4 that is 6 which is 8 that is 10 who were 2 ⑥ 4 ② 6 ⑩ 8 ⑧ 10 ① 2 is known by the company he keeps PRACTICE 8 1 no place like home 3 Birds of a feather 4 Slow and steady 5 6 in other people’s shoes rains but it pours 7 Well begun 8 What goes around 9 A burnt child 10 runs after two hares will catch neither 중간·기말고사대비문제 정답 본문 _ p.446 1 ① 2 ② 3 I was 4 ⑤ 5 the very 6 ④ 7 at all 8 ①,⑤ 9 (1) She did finish her final report before the due date. (2) It was in the park that I saw Tom running last night. 10 ③ 11 ① 12 ③ 13 they are 14 she was 15 which[that] is 16 ③ 17 did I tell 18 ③ 19 it is 20 she was 21 what she wrote is → is what she wrote 22 ② 23 is it → it is 24 ① 중간·기말고사대비문제 해설 1 「So+동사+주어」를 써서 앞에 나온 긍정문의 내용 에 동의할 수 있다. 64 중학영문법 3800제 - 3학년 CHAPTER 18 2 「Neither+동사+주어」를 써서 앞에 나온 부정문의 내용에 동의할 수 있다. 3 접속사가 이끄는 부사절에서의 「주어+be동사」는 생략할 수 있다. 4 ⑤ did taught → did teach 5 the very를 써서 명사를 강조한다. 6 ④ ‘훨씬’ ①②③⑤ ‘많이’ 7 at all을 써서 부정어를 강조한다. 8 비교급 강조 - much, far, still, a lot, even (1) 동사의 강조는 조동사 do로 한다. 9 (2) 부사구의 강조는 「It is/was ~ that…」으로 한다. 10 새해 계획을 지나치게 많이 세워놓은 지호에게 민지 가 해 줄 수 있는 말로는 ‘말하기는 쉽고 행동은 어 렵다.’는 뜻의 It is easier said than done.이 적절 하다. 11 ① 가주어-진주어, ②③④⑤ 강조구문 12 의문사를 강조하고자 할 때는 「의문사+is / was it that ~」의 형태로 쓴다. 13 접속사가 이끄는 부사절에서의 「주어+be동사」는 14 접속사가 이끄는 부사절에서의 「주어+be동사」는 생략할 수 있다. 생략할 수 있다. 15 「관계대명사+be동사」 뒤에 분사가 나올 경우 「관 계대명사+be동사」는 생략할 수 있다. 16 ③ 「관계대명사+be동사」 뒤에 분사가 나올 경우 「관계대명사+be동사」는 생략할 수 있다. 17 부정어가 문장의 맨 앞에 올 경우에는 「부정어+조 동사+주어+동사」의 어순으로 쓴다. 18 서두르지 말고 천천히 매일매일 공부하면 좋은 성적 을 얻을 수 있다는 내용이므로 ‘천천히 그리고 꾸준 히 하면 이긴다.’라는 뜻의 Slow and steady wins the game.이 적절하다. 19 감탄문에서의 「주어+be동사」는 생략해도 의미가 전달되는 경우에 생략할 수 있다. 20 문장에서 공통되는 요소가 있을 때는 생략할 수 있다. 21 「Here+동사+주어」 22 ② he has → has he 23 주어가 대명사일 경우에는 「Here+주어+동사」의 어순이다. 24 Suzy는 필자의 기분을 생각하지 않고 큰 소리로 많은 사람들 앞에서 필자를 당황하게 만들었으므 로 ‘다른 사람의 입장이 되어 보아라.’는 뜻의 Put yourself in other people’s shoes.가 적절하다.
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