본문 정답 및 해설 1 2 3 4 1 2 UNIT 1 시제 01 현재·과거·미래시제 2 (1) It was raining when I left the shop. ⦗When I left the shop, it was raining.⦘ pp. 10~11 (2) Was Laura writing a complain t letter about (1) sets (2) won’t (3) Did (4) worked (5) Will (6) doesn’t (7) Did (8) didn’t (9) Does (10) won’t (3) Jason and I were not playing tennis at that (1) cries (2) stopped (3) will go⦗are going to go⦘ (4) Were you working with Mrs. Smith at 5 in the the problem? time. afternoon? (4) was (5) broke (1) gets → get (2) invents → invented (3) passed → pass (4) is → will be (5) listen → listens⦗listened⦘ (6) Does → Will (7) went → go (8) going → am going (9) make → makes⦗made⦘ 04 현재 vs. 현재진행 p. 14 (1) drink (2) is talking (3) rides (4) likes (5) know (1) like (2) smells (3) × (4) belongs (5) × (6) prefer (7) × (3) have가 ‘가지다’의 의미일 때는 진행형으로 쓰지 않지 만 ‘먹다’의 의미일 때는 쓸 수 있다. 1 2 1 (1) goes (2) got (3) took (4) will have⦗is going to have⦘ (5) will play⦗is going to play⦘ 05 현재완료 pp. 15~16 02 현재진행 p. 12 (1) Bruno is watching TV with his friends. (2) My dad is working at the Seoul Museum. (3) The foxes are hunting in the forest. (4) Alex is running in the park now. (5) Fred and George are going to the library. (1) The dog isn’t⦗is not⦘ running after, Is the dog running after (2) They aren’t⦗are not⦘ listening to the radio, Are they listening to the radio (3) Nick isn’t⦗is not⦘ packing his bag for the camping trip, Is Nick packing his bag for the camping trip 03 과거진행 p. 13 1 (1) was buying (2) was eating (3) Is (4) were making (5) threw (6) was not sitting (7) Were (8) was watching (5)는 지난달에 세 번 파티를 열었다는 내용이 되도록 단순 과거시제를 써야 한다. 02 Level 2 (1) came, come (2) watched, watched (3) stopped, stopped (4) made, made (5) bought, bought (6) slept, slept (7) studied, studied (8) went, gone (9) read, read (10) walked, walked (11) put, put (12) chose, chosen (13) had, had (14) played, played (15) fell, fallen (16) wrote, written (17) took, taken (18) ate, eaten (19) kept, kept (20) thought, thought (21) gave, given (22) ran, run (23) found, found (24) did, done (4) I have never thought about calling her for p. 20 (6) Fred has fixed his computer for 2 hours. (7) They have gone to Chicago. 6 (1) Have you (2) Has, washed (3) have lost (4) Has, has, has lived (5) Have you met (6) has, She has studied (7) Has, done, has 07 현재완료 vs. 과거 1 (1) has met (2) did, finish (3) has won (4) cleaned (5) talked (6) have learned (7) Have, seen 2 (1) passed (2) Did it rain (3) was born (4) did you turn (5) hasn’t eaten (6) watched (7) have lived (8) bought 2 (1) have eaten (2) has, seen (3) have practiced (4) has lost (5) has read (6) have planted 3 (1) The woman has never seen the musical (2) Have you heard about insect-eating plants? (3) Has Kevin talked with his boss about the before. project before? help. (5) The couple haven’t⦗have not⦘ saved enough money to buy a house. 06 현재완료의 쓰임 pp. 17~19 (1) 경험 (2) 계속 (3) 완료 (4) 경험 (5) 결과 (6) 계속 (7) 완료 (8) 결과 (9) 경험 (10) 완료 1 2 4 5 (1) has, closed (2) Has, finished (3) has, eaten (4) has, run (5) haven’t set (6) hasn’t written (7) have, sold 3 (1) Have you (ever) been (2) Have your parents (ever) eaten (3) I have never seen (4) Have you (ever) ridden (5) He has learned (6) The baby has never spoken (7) I have met (1) since (2) for (3) for (4) since (5) since UNIT 2 조동사 01 조동사의 특징 pp. 24~25 (1) show (2) can (3) must (4) listen (5) should (6) Can (7) must (8) run (9) may not (10) bring 1 2 3 (1) I have learned Chinese since last year. (1) speak (2) stay (3) not take (4) cannot (2) Stuart has worked for this company since (5) must not (6) may not (7) will (8) Must she 2008. months. (3) Mike has lived with James since last summer. (1) Can Susie play the violin? (4) My dad has not smoked for 3 years. (2) They will〔They’ll〕 go to the zoo with their (5) Jenny has taken a French cooking class for 5 children. (3) They should not〔shouldn’t〕 vote for her. Answer Key 03 1 2 (3) to stop → stop (4) to not → not to (5) shoulds → should (6) has → had 3 (1) should help her (2) had better not play (3) should clean his room (5) had better not buy (6) should not stay up late (7) ought to have breakfast (8) had better see (4) Must they report it to the police? (5) Ms. Warden can understand this situation. (6) Why should we tell everything to him? (7) We must not〔mustn’t〕 leave Jerry alone. 3 (1) may⦗might⦘ know (2) cannot⦗can’t⦘ be (3) must have (4) must be (5) may⦗might⦘ call (6) cannot⦗can’t⦘ be (7) cannot⦗can’t⦘ be (8) may⦗might⦘ live (9) must miss (10) must be (11) may⦗might⦘ lose (12) cannot⦗can’t⦘ be 02 능력·허가: can/may pp. 26~27 (1) ⓑ (2) ⓐ (3) ⓑ (4) ⓑ (5) ⓐ (1) can’t buy (2) can go (3) can’t sleep (4) can’t eat (5) can help (6) can be should not, had better⦗ought to⦘, ought not, should 05 충고: should/ought to/ had better pp. 32~33 (1) may rain (2) May, eat (3) may not be (4) may not be (5) may look (6) may be (7) may not (1) not better → better not (2) protecting → protect understand (8) may help (1) I am able to find the solutions. (2) She may use the coupons this time. (3) Jerry cannot watch TV right now. (6) had better는 인칭이나 시제에 따라 변하지 않는다. 03 필요·의무·금지: must/should/ have to pp. 28~29 (1) leave (2) have to (3) reply (4) give (5) have to (4) ought not to make (6) had to (7) have to (1) don’t have to (2) should (3) had to (4) must not (5) has to (1) don’t have to read (2) must not〔mustn’t〕 play (3) has to wear (4) should not〔shouldn’t〕 eat (5) had to cancel 4 (1) should not (2) had better not (3) ought not (4) should not ride (5) ought not (6) had better not (3), (5) 빈칸 뒤에 to부정사(to buy / to copy)가 오므로 should not이 아닌 ought not이 알맞다. (1) must not (2) must (3) don’t have to (4) can (5) can (6) must not 04 추측: must/may/might/cannot pp. 30~31 (1) may (2) cannot (3) cannot (4) may (5) can’t (6) must (7) must 1 2 06 요청: can/could/will/would p. 34 (1) 미래 (2) 요청 (3) 요청 (4) 요청 (5) 미래 (6) 능력 (1) Could you bring me an umbrella? (2) Would you turn on the radio? (3) Would you hold the door for me? (1) 추측 (2) 허가 (3) 능력 (4) 의무 (5) 추측 (6) 추측 (7) (4) Could you teach me Spanish? 의무 (8) 능력 (9) 추측 (10) 추측 (5) Will you show me your photos? 04 Level 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 UNIT 3 명사와 대명사 01 명사의 종류 pp. 38~39 03 재귀대명사 pp. 42~43 (1) yourself (2) herself (3) me (4) her (5) yourself (6) myself (7) us (8) himself (9) him (10) itself (11) (1) shoe, job, tree, family, eye, butterfly, phone, themselves (2) paper, wine, hope, China, cheese, work, class information (11) 하늘은 스스로 돕는 자를 돕는다는 속담이다. (1) × (2) ○ (3) ○ (4) × (5) ○ (6) × (7) × (1) salt (2) bakeries (3) a dancing class (4) (1) for herself (2) Help yourself (3) by himself (4) water (5) cheese (6) a new cellphone (7) air (8) of itself computers (9) teams (10) furniture (2) bakery(빵집)는 셀 수 있는 명사이고, (10) furniture (가구)는 셀 수 없는 명사이다. 04 one p. 44 (1) time (2) dogs (3) happiness (4) Friday (5) (1) one (2) one (3) ones (4) them (5) them (6) it families (6) Canada (7) a job (8) hope (9) juice (7) one (8) ones (9) it (10) It (11) one (12) one (13) (10) Hancock Middle School it (14) ones (15) them (4) 요일, (6) 국가명, (10) 학교명 등은 고유명사이므로 관 사를 쓸 수 없다. (1) money (2) bread (3) hair (4) letters (5) flowers (6) water (7) days (8) wood (9) families (8) wood(나무)는 셀 수 없는 명사이며 복수형으로 쓰일 때 는 숲(woods)이라는 의미이다. friend (○), Suzy (△), store (○), milk (△), bread (△), strawberries (○), eggs (○), bananas (○), butter (△) friend, store, strawberries, eggs, bananas는 보통명사, Suzy는 고유명사, milk, bread, butter는 물질명사이다. 02 셀 수 없는 명사의 수량 표현 pp. 40~41 (1) three glasses of (2) two bottles of (3) three slices of (4) a spoonful of (1) two bars of (2) a loaf of (3) four pieces of (4) Two bowls of (1) 초콜릿이나 비누처럼 단단한 고체일 경우 bar라는 단위 를 쓴다. (4) 오목한 그릇에 담긴 경우는 bowl이라는 단위 를 쓴다. 05 another, the other(s) pp. 45~46 (1) the other (2) the others (3) One (4) the others (5) the other (6) others (1) others (2) another (3) others (4) the others (5) One, the other (6) One, the other (7) one, the other (8) the others (1) 불특정한 다수를 가리킬 때도 others를 쓴다. (1) One, The others (2) others, the others (3) One, another, the other 06 all, both, each pp. 47~48 (1) were (2) has (3) need (4) serves (5) look (6) was (7) has (8) is (9) were (10) Sunday (1) movies (2) dog (3) boy (4) money (5) ships (6) months (7) players (8) violinists (9) characters (10) daughters (1) Each flower has its own beauty. (1) three slice of pizzas → three slices of pizza (2) All of the students listened to the instructions (2) three waters → three bottles of water (3) Every child in this room is wearing (3) five egg → five eggs (4) All the mice in the house were caught. (4) five pieces of banana → five bananas (5) Both of the stories are untrue. (5) two glass of milk → two glasses of milk (6) Dora sends me a Christmas card every year. Answer Key 05 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 UNIT 4 형용사와 부사 01 수량형용사 pp. 52~53 her things. (1) Many (2) much (3) a little (4) a few (5) little (6) a few (7) Few (8) many (9) a few (10) a little (1) any (2) some (3) any (4) a lot of (5) some (6) Some (4) You must always tell the truth to me. (5) Ashley is never happy when her sister uses (6) Mrs. Smith rarely reads the newspaper. (7) Mr. and Mrs. James usually have breakfast together. (8) I can never wait until 10 pm for dinner. (1) a few hours (2) a little juice (3) Few people (4) 04 「타동사 + 부사」의 어순 p. 57 a few chairs (5) little value 1 2 3 2 1 2 02 주의해야 할 형용사의 용법 p. 54 1 (1) drink something hot (2) seen anyone famous (3) many strange things (4) find something useful (5) needs someone to love (6) eat something spicy (3) 수량형용사와 상태형용사가 함께 올 경우 수량형용사를 먼저 쓴다. (1) the poor (2) have (3) the sick (4) the deaf (5) spend 03 빈도부사 (9) ⓑ (10) ⓐ (1) ⓑ (2) ⓑ (3) ⓐ (4) ⓐ (5) ⓑ (6) ⓐ (7) ⓐ (8) ⓐ pp. 55~56 (1) Danny often plays basketball (2) Sue usually drops by the flower shop (3) You should always try to help (4) Mr. Green sometimes gives some flowers (5) We will often go to the swimming pool (6) His boss rarely attends the meetings. (1) it away (2) off your hat (3) it off (4) on it (5) it out (6) them out (4) sit on은 「자동사+전치사」이므로 목적어(it)가 전치사 뒤 에 온다. (1) Can I hand it in tomorrow? (2) The farmer is looking for the ducks. (3) Can I try these shoes on?⦗Can I try on these shoes?⦘ (4) She checked them out at the Seoul Library. (5) Please wake me up at 7 am. (2) look for는 「자동사+전치사」이므로 목적어(the ducks) 가 전치사 뒤에 온다. 05 원급·비교급·최상급 pp. 58~59 (1) larger, largest (2) more exciting, most exciting (3) bigger, biggest (4) safer, safest (5) hotter, hottest (6) drier, driest (7) cheaper, cheapest (8) more tired, most tired (9) prettier, prettiest (10) better, best (11) higher, highest (12) less, least (13) more popular, most popular (14) worse, worst (15) more, most (16) cleverer 〔more clever〕, cleverest〔most clever〕 (2), (8)처럼 분사 형태의 형용사는 앞에 more, most를 붙인다. (16) 흔히 쓰이는 2음절어 중에 clever, simple, narrow, quiet 등은 두 가지 형태가 모두 가능하다. 1 2 1 2 3 (7) Milligan is hardly surprised at anything. (1) My bike is as expensive as (8) Lindsay always keeps her word. (9) Allan is rarely angry at others. (2) This bed is not as comfortable as (3) likes basketball as much as soccer (10) Mr. Parker usually has cereal for breakfast. (4) gets up as early as 3 (1) The children often leave their stuff at school. (1) Amy climbed higher than Sally. (2) She sometimes beats me in a race. (2) The blue cap is much more expensive than (3) Tim seldom hands in his homework on time. the red cap. 06 Level 2 (3) Nick gets up earlier than Jack. (4) Mina got a far higher score than Jiho. 4 (1) the most boring (2) the kindest (3) the best 5 (1) little, less (2) longer, long (3) most, the most (4) best, better (5) greater, greatest doctor is better, is better than any other, is better than (all) the other, no doctor better than Dr. Brown (2) No (other) mountain is as⦗so⦘ high, No (other) mountain is higher, is higher than any other, is higher than (all) the other, no mountain higher than Mt. Everest (1) men (2) tree (3) students (4) smartest (5) 2 player 06 원급·비교급을 이용한 비교 구문 pp. 60~61 UNIT 5 부정사 1 (1) three times as expensive as (2) ten times as big as (3) talks five times as loud as (4) as quickly as possible (5) as early as he could 2 (1) the colder it got (2) the more you’ll like him (3) the more you’ll want to live there (4) the more ice cream people eat (5) the more weight you’ll gain 3 (1) getting darker and darker (2) The man ran faster and faster (3) A computer has become cheaper and cheaper. (4) The kite was flying higher and higher. (5) Their performance is getting better and better. 01 to부정사의 명사적 용법 pp. 66~67 (1) 주어 (2) 목적어 (3) 보어 (4) 목적어 (5) 목적격 보어 (6) 목적어 (7) 주어 (8) 목적격 보어 (1) to wear (2) to wait (3) It (4) not to rent (5) to take (6) It (7) to win (8) to stop (1) to not use → not to use (2) leave → to leave (3) swim → to swim (4) to not hurt → not to hurt (5) give → to give (6) To slept → To sleep (7) teach → to teach (8) use → to use (9) go → to go 4 (1) taller than → as tall as (2) he became the wiser → the wiser he became 4 (1) 내 꿈은 예술가가 되는 것이다. (2) 그녀는 살을 좀 빼기를 원한다. (3) 나는 다시는 늦지 않겠다는 것을 약속했다. (4) 이 세 단어를 기억하는 것은 중요하다. (5) 우리 아버지는 중고차를 사기로 결정하셨다. (3) harder → hard (4) fast → faster (5) heavy → heavier (6) so → as (1) twice는 「배수사 + 비교급 + than」 구문으로 쓰지 않는다. 07 최상급의 다양한 표현 p. 62 1 (1) No (other) doctor is as⦗so⦘ good, No (other) what to buy (5) when to leave (6) where to find 02 의문사 + to부정사 p. 68 (1) how (2) what (3) when (4) where (5) how (1) what to do (2) where to stay (3) how to use (4) Answer Key 07 1 2 3 1 2 03 to부정사의 형용사적 용법 pp. 69~70 5 (1) to win first prize in the singing contest 1 2 3 (10) × to⦗with⦘ help her (1) ○ (2) ○ (3) × (4) × (5) ○ (6) ○ (7) × (8) ○ (9) ○ (1) with (2) about (3) in (4) × (5) on⦗in⦘ (6) (1) something to eat (2) a good place to set up (3) write a letter to send (4) anyone to rely on (5) a good hotel to stay at (6) Chinese friends to 「명사+to부정사」, 「관사+형용사+명사+to부정사」, 「대명사 +형용사+to부정사」 등의 어순에 주의한다. 4 (1) wearing → to wear (2) to live → to live in (3) interesting anything → anything interesting (4) think → to think (5) to play → to play with (6) buy → to buy (7) to play → to play with (8) washing → to wash (9) to write → to write on (10) do → to do (2) to hear of the accident (3) to ask about the test (4) to get tickets to Kim Yuna’s performance (5) to take a break (6) to check out some books (7) to catch the bus (8) to attend the fashion show (9) to read the article (10) to meet her 05 too ~ to부정사 / enough + to부정사 pp. 74~75 1 (1) hard enough to (2) too young to (3) too small to wear (4) brave enough to try (5) not big enough to hold (6) too surprised to say (7) too hot to drink (8) too shy to make (9) enough time to get (9) time은 명사이므로 enough가 앞에서 수식한다. 1 2 3 4 04 to부정사의 부사적 용법 pp. 71~73 (1) 형용사적 용법 (2) 부사적 용법 (3) 형용사적 용법 (4) 명 사적 용법 (5) 부사적 용법 (6) 명사적 용법 (7) 부사적 용법 (8) 부사적 용법 (9) 명사적 용법 (10) 부사적 용법 2 (1) too heavy to (2) too short to (3) rich enough to (4) smart enough to (1) 감정의 원인 (2) 목적 (3) 결과 (4) 목적 (5) 목적 (6) 목 적 (7) 형용사 수식 (8) 결과 (9) 감정의 원인 (10) 결과 (1) to watch (2) in order to get (3) to lose (4) to help (5) not to be (6) so as to lose (7) not to get (8) to say (9) to arrive (10) In order to achieve (4) 나는 프로젝트에 대해 의논하기 위해 강 선생님을 만날 것 (1) 이 음악은 듣기에 즐겁다. (2) Kelly는 자라서 훌륭한 배우가 되었다. (3) 나는 너와 좋은 기억을 공유해서 기쁘다. 이다. (5) 이 강은 수영을 하기에 위험하다. (6) 나는 잠을 깨기 위해 커피 한 잔을 마셨다. (7) 그녀의 어머니는 85세까지 사셨다. 3 1 2 (5) nervous that he couldn’t (6) so late that he couldn’t catch (7) so small that he could (8) so big that it can hold (9) big that all of us could get in (1) of → for (2) very → too (3) swim → to swim (4) carrying → carry (5) tall not → not tall (6) enough strong → strong enough 06 to부정사의 의미상의 주어 p. 76 (1) me (2) you (3) her (4) me (5) you (1) of (2) for (3) for (4) of (5) for (6) for (7) of (8) (8) 우리는 교통체증을 피하기 위해 일찍 떠났다. for (9) of (10) of (11) for 08 Level 2 07 원형부정사 pp. 77~78 (3) believing his stories entirely 1 (1) made, clean (2) saw, running (3) heard, play (4) wanted, to read (5) help, set (6) ask, to give (7) saw, climbing (8) heard, call (9) had, fix (10) let, wear 2 (1) had his dog catch the ball (2) didn’t let her daughter go out (3) had the students finish the project (4) heard her shout for help (5) saw him leave the room (6) felt the ground shaking (7) made their son go to 3 (1) to enter → enter⦗entering⦘ (2) to fight → fight⦗fighting⦘ (3) finding → (to) find (4) to study → study (5) played → play⦗playing⦘ (6) to call → call⦗calling⦘ (7) to do → do (8) staying → stay UNIT 6 동명사 1 2 01 동명사의 용법 pp. 82~83 (1) snowboarding (2) Swimming (3) becoming (4) walking (5) being (6) Drinking (7) reading (8) cooking (9) going (1) His job is creating computer games. (2) Writing a good book needs a lot of time. (3) He is good at swimming in the sea. (4) I’ve just finished reading his new novel. (5) Eating late at night is bad for your health. (6) His wish is travelling around the world. (7) I gave up solving the math problem. (8) Many people around the world enjoy listening to K-pop. (4) Not breaking the rules (5) Making a new friend (6) going to Europe (7) not attracting others’ attention (2), (5) 가주어 It ~ to부정사 구문이므로 동명사로 바꿀 경 우 가주어 it은 생략한다. 02 동명사의 의미상의 주어 p. 84 (1) Laura (2) Minsu (3) your (4) Andy (5) me (6) Dave (7) I (8) Kevin (1) my⦗me⦘ using (2) Tim’s⦗Tim⦘ saying (3) her joining (4) her being (5) Jenny’s⦗Jenny⦘ staying 03 동명사의 관용 표현 pp. 85~86 (1) fishing (2) asking (3) making (4) going (5) telling (6) reading (7) taking (8) laughing 1 2 1 2 (1) couldn’t help asking (2) spent, time solving (3) How〔What〕 about playing (4) has trouble reading (5) go shopping (6) felt like changing (7) spends, money buying (8) spends, playing (9) felt like writing (10) spent, helping (11) can’t help looking⦗staring⦘ 3 (1) to learn → learning (2) hike → hiking (3) × (4) × (5) to stay → staying (6) plan → planning (7) to talk → talking 04 동사 + 동명사 / to부정사 (1) pp. 87~88 1 (1) turning (2) to live (3) to go (4) playing (5) smoking (6) to marry (7) lending (8) meeting (9) to sell (10) arguing (11) walking (12) to see (13) to swim (14) having (15) pursuing (16) calling (17) staying (18) writing (19) to fall (20) Answer Key 09 3 (1) going to the movies on weekends (2) Learning a foreign language to talk 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 (1) finish reading (2) decided not to follow (1) 사용했던 차, 중고차 (2) 떨어지는 별, 별똥별 (3) 하얀색 (3) considering not taking (4) didn’t give up solving (5) kept persuading her (6) imagined 으로 칠해진 울타리 (4) 깨진 거울 (5) 통화를 하고 있는 소녀 (6) 체스를 두고 있는 소녀 (7) 충격적인 다큐멘터리 (8) 사람 being a teacher (7) want to give him 들에게 짖는 강아지 05 동사 + 동명사 / to부정사 (2) pp. 89~90 (6) × (7) baked (8) surrounded (9) × (1) disappointing → to disappoint (2) protect → to protect (3) to pass → passing (4) drink → drinking (5) to play → playing (6) fight → fighting (1) to drive, driving (2) stealing (3) to talk, talking (4) to move, moving (5) to follow (1) to bring (2) meeting (3) to buy (4) to turn (5) smoking (6) to watch (7) swimming (8) to talk (9) jumping (10) setting (11) to put (12) taking (1) working (2) painting (3) to send (4) shaking (5) to say (6) to persuade (7) to bring (8) meeting (9) to pay (10) writing 02 분사의 역할 p. 96 (1) the man (2) leaves (3) The boy (4) the doghouse (5) the girl (6) a lovely daughter (7) fruit (8) water (1) × (2) crying (3) surprised (4) × (5) smiling 03 감정을 나타내는 분사 pp. 97~99 (1) amazed, amazing (2) disappointed, disappointing (3) embarrassed, embarrassing (4) depressed, depressing (5) shocking, shocked (6) interesting, interested (7) tired, tiring (8) surprising, surprised (9) excited, exciting (10) pleasing, pleased UNIT 7 분사 01 현재분사와 과거분사 (1) boiled (2) flying (3) given (4) finished (5) Frozen (6) surprised (7) retired (8) destroyed (9) driving (10) crying (3) given name은 성을 제외한 부모님이 지어주신 이름을 말하며 first name과 같은 뜻이다. (1) amazing (2) tiring (3) moved (4) confusing (5) disappointed pp. 94~95 (1) interesting (2) excited (3) depressed (4) embarrassing (5) pleasing excited, amazing, pleased, exciting (1) waiting (2) dancing (3) taken (4) written 04 현재분사와 동명사 p. 100 (5) swimming (6) running (7) filled (8) coming (1) 현재분사 (2) 동명사 (3) 동명사 (4) 현재분사 (5) 현재분 (9) burned (10) wearing 사 (6) 동명사 (7) 현재분사 (8) 현재분사 (9) 현재분사 (10) (1) carrying (2) broken (3) taking (4) made 동명사 (5) given (6) playing (7) painted (8) leaving (1) 사과 파이 만드는 것 (2) 선글라스를 쓰고 있는 십대 (3) (9) followed (10) made 책을 읽고 있는 (4) 자전거를 수리하는 것 (5) 구르는 돌 10 Level 2 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 05 분사구문의 형태 pp. 101~102 UNIT 8 수동태 (1) Seeing (2) Having (3) Opening (4) Being (5) Hurting his leg (6) Going shopping (7) taking (8) Hearing (9) Not being tired (10) Arriving 01 수동태 만들기 pp. 108~109 (1) A (2) P (3) P (4) A (5) A (6) P (7) P (8) P (9) P (1) Being tired (2) Turning left (3) Walking down (1) × (2) ○ (3) ○ (4) × (5) × (6) × (7) ○ 1 2 the road (4) Brushing my teeth (5) Hearing the news (6) Not receiving any answer (7) Not knowing him (8) Finishing breakfast (9) Being young 3 (1) Losing my passport (2) Leaving now (3) living in the neighborhood (4) Finishing your homework (5) arriving in New York at 6 am (6) Not knowing English (7) Being sick (8) waving her hand (9) saying “ I love you.” (10) Seeing her at the bus station 동사 have, lack, resemble, become은 수동태로 쓸 수 없다. (1) are lo ved by (2) is made by me (3) are painted by my father (4) The picture is taken (5) my bike is hit (6) My room is cleaned (1) The cat is fed by the young man in the garden. (2) The Christmas card is designed by Chris. (3) Many different languages are spoken around the world (by people). (4) The news of the war is reported by Paul. (5) Once a week, the dishes are washed by my dad. (6) That castle is visited by many tourists. pp. 103~104 02 수동태의 시제 pp. 110~111 06 분사구문의 의미 (1) Although (2) If (3) Because (1) 나는 심한 복통 때문에 병원에 갔다. 1 2 1 (1) were invented (2) are being made (3) are loved (2) 그녀는 길을 건너는 동안〔건널 때〕 그녀의 부모님을 만났다. (4) were watered by Jane (3) 고개를 왼쪽으로 돌리면 너는 아름다운 정원을 보게 될 것 (5) is being held by the heavy man 이다. (4) 그는 겨우 네 살이지만 더 큰 아이처럼 행동한다. (5) 나는 샤워를 하고 나서 잠옷을 입었다. (6) 경찰관을 보자〔보았을 때 / 본 후〕 그 소년은 달아났다. (6) will be chosen by (7) was hugged by her (8) will be caught by a cat (9) The evidence will be found (7) 나는 우산을 갖고 오지 않았기 때문에 완전히 젖었다. (10) are opened by my grandmother 생략된 접속사가 무엇인지 정확히 알 수 없으므로 우리말이 자연스럽다면 여러 가지 해석이 가능하다. (1) wa s pr oduc ed (2) we re hun ted (3) is delivered (4) is being made (5) is being taught (6) will be chosen (7) was completed (8) will be 3 (1) While〔As〕 we danced together (2) Because〔Since / As〕 I don’t have enough elected money (3) If I get up early (4) When〔As〕 my sister arrived at the station (4) was used (5) be kept (6) is being repaired (7) (5) as〔while〕 I watched the sunrise (6) Although〔 Though〕 he is young was born (8) was built (9) was recommended (10) will be touched (1) (being) cleaned (2) be treated (3) was stopped Answer Key 11 1 2 3 4 2 3 03 수동태의 부정문과 의문문 pp. 112~113 05 동사구의 수동태 p. 116 (1) were not helped (2) is not fixed (3) are not (1) were made use of (2) made fun of (3) looked bought (4) was not created (5) be baked after by (4) laughed at (5) is taken care of (1) Was the airplane invented (2) Was the furniture made (1) was put off (2) is not looked down on (3) Was everything being explained (3) is laughed at (4) Was the key found under the sofa by him? (4) was made a fool of (5) Is the elevator operated by the person? (5) can be taken care of (6) Was your password changed by the hacker? (7) were not cut down (8) was found (1) for (2) for (3) to (4) for (5) to (6) to 06 4형식 문장의 수동태 pp. 117~118 1 2 3 4 (1) were not written (2) being used (3) Is the math problem (4) was not caught (5) be designed (6) caught (1) was not found by the police (2) write hundreds of books every year (3) being used by people (4) is not written by all the workers (5) will not examine you again (2) 「by + 행위자」가 일반적이거나 막연한 사람일 때 생략이 가능하다. (119쪽 참고) (6) could be shown the news article 1 2 1 2 1 2 (1) was asked a few questions (2) is taught to him (3) won’t be lent the books (4) will be told to them (5) was given to me (7) was sent to me (8) was given a fan 3 (1) Rosie will be sent the dollhouse by her aunt. (2) We were told the big scandal by Shelly. (3) Her own textbooks were lent to Kevin by her. (4) The storybook was read to the kids by Ella. (5) She sings her baby lullabies at night. (6) The dress will be made for the actress by a fashion designer. (4), (6) 동사 read, make 등은 수동태로 바꿀 때 간접목적 어를 주어로 잘 쓰지 않는다. (1) ○ (2) ○ (3) × (4) × (5) ○ (6) × (7) ○ (8) ○ (1) was destroyed in 2001 (2) were written for adults (3) was found in the drawer by Mark’s brother (4) must be finished in time (3) 행위의 주체(Mark’s brother)가 구체적이므로 「by+행 위자」를 생략할 수 없다. 04 조동사가 쓰인 문장의 수동태 pp. 114~115 1 (1) will be cut (2) can be eaten (3) should be delivered (4) will be kept (5) can’t be understood (6) will be written (7) should not be posted (8) may be chosen 2 (1) can be made (2) The report will be finished soon (3) The apple tree will be planted in the garden (4) should be repaired by James (5) The tickets must be purchased (7) Corn soup will be cooked by the chef. (8) The flowers in my garden should not be picked her. by you. 3 (1) should not be touched (2) must be accompanied (3) cannot be used 12 Level 2 (6) Her room couldn’t be cleaned yesterday by 07 「by + 행위자」의 생략 p. 119 08 by 이외의 전치사를 쓰는 수동태 p. 120 1 (1) is satisfied with (2) was made of (3) was surprised at (4) Are, interested in (5) was known to (6) were worried about (7) tired of (8) is made from (9) was filled with (10) is known for UNIT 9 관계사 01 주격 관계대명사 pp. 124~125 (1) who (2) which (3) who (4) who (5) which (1) has (2) live (3) loves (4) was (5) is (6) are (7) are (1) which⦗that⦘ looked (2) which are (3) which⦗that⦘ is (4) that makes (5) who⦗that⦘ invented (6) that is (7) which⦗that⦘ goes (8) who⦗that⦘ live (9) which was (10) who are (1) I found the man who⦗that⦘ was walking his dog. (2) The woman who⦗that⦘ is holding the candle is a nurse. ⦗The woman who⦗that⦘ is a nurse is holding the candle.⦘ (3) T h e r e a r e t r a d i t i o n a l l y s e v e n c o l o r s which⦗that⦘ make up a rainbow. (4) The girl who⦗that⦘ is standing in line looks upset. ⦗The girl who⦗that⦘ looks upset is standing in line.⦘ (5) I read an article which⦗that⦘ is about the story of Aquarius. (2), (4)는 두 가지 문장으로 전환이 가능하다. (3) The music which⦗that⦘ you are listening to is (4) Jenn y who (m)⦗tha t⦘ ev er yone likes is a very beautiful. popular ballerina. (5) She told me the address which⦗that⦘ I wrote down on a piece of paper. (6) The bed which⦗that⦘ I slept in last night was (7) This hamburger which⦗that⦘ my mom made very comfortable. is very delicious. (8) The fish which⦗that⦘ the boy caught was big. (9) There are several people who(m)⦗that⦘ I believe. subway 3 (1) the student who(m)⦗that⦘ Sam saw on the (2) the shoes which⦗that⦘ Jimmy was looking for (3) which⦗that⦘ we visited yesterday is very old (4) The painter who(m)⦗that⦘ we met at the restaurant (5) stole the car which⦗that⦘ a woman parked (6) This is the hotel which⦗that⦘ I always stay at (7) the man who(m)⦗that⦘ Gary is talking to 03 소유격 관계대명사 p. 128 (1) ⓑ (2) ⓑ (3) ⓑ (4) ⓒ (5) ⓐ (1) Look at the house whose garden is full of 1 2 (2) Can you see the car whose front door is (3) The family has a dog whose name is Rudy. (4) Lucy has a cat whose fur is white. (5) She’s the novelist whose book won first flowers. open? prize. (6) He’s the customer whose address I lost. 02 목적격 관계대명사 pp. 126~127 (1) 주격 (2) 목적격 (3) 목적격 (4) 목적격 (5) 목적격 (6) 목적격 (7) 목적격 (8) 주격 (9) 목적격 (10) 주격 04 관계대명사 that p. 129 (1) The doctor who(m)⦗that⦘ Melissa visited is 1 (1) ○ (2) ○ (3) × (4) × (5) × (6) ○ (7) × (2) The girl who(m)⦗that⦘ you are looking at is famous. my daughter. (3) 소유격에서는 that을 쓰지 않는다. (→ whose) (4), (5) 사람과 동물이 동시에 나오면 that, 동물이 선행사인 경우는 that 또는 which를 쓴다. (7) the only가 선행사에 포함되 어 있으므로 that을 쓴다. Answer Key 13 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 (1) The car is the only thing that I saw. (3) 우리가 가고 싶었던 동물원은 수리 때문에 문을 닫았다. (2) This is the dog that Tom fed last week. (4) 하나는 영화를 봤는데, 그 영화는 Mike가 그녀에게 추천 (3) The tallest man that I mentioned was arrested 한 것이었다. by the police. (5) Levi Strauss는 청바지를 만든 사람이었다. (4) It was the first holiday that I spent in Germany. 1 2 1 2 3 05 관계대명사 what pp. 130~131 (1) ⓑ (2) ⓐ (3) ⓒ (4) ⓑ (5) ⓐ (6) ⓒ (7) ⓐ what은 선행사를 포함하는 관계대명사이므로 선행사가 따 로 있지 않다. what이 이끄는 절은 문장에서 주어, 보어, 목 적어 역할을 한다. (1) that (2) what (3) that (4) what (5) which (6) what (7) what (8) who (9) what (10) what (11) What (12) whose 관계대명사 what은 선행사를 포함하므로 선행사가 따로 있 지 않고, 그 자체로 the thing(s) which⦗that⦘의 뜻을 나타 낸다. (1), (3), (5), (8), (12)의 관계대명사절은 선행사를 수 식한다. 3 (1) What he really wants to buy (2) what I did last night (3) what you have in your pocket (4) what I watch every Monday (5) what Mr. Washington needs 관계대명사 what을 이용해 문장을 연결할 때는 선행사가 무 엇인지 찾고 주절과 종속절에서 모두 생략하는 것에 주의해 야 한다. 4 (1) what Tom was talking about (2) What she needs (3) what Clara wants to read (4) what she does in her free time (5) what you should do first 06 관계대명사의 쓰임 pp. 132~133 (1) who (2) which (3) who(m) (4) which (5) who (6) which (1) × (2) ○ (3) × (4) ○ (5) × (6) ○ (7) × (8) ○ 계속적 용법으로 쓰인 관계대명사는 that으로 바꿔 쓸 수 없다. (1) 그는 새 친구를 사귀었는데, 그 친구는 우리 집 근처에 산다. (2) James는 신발 한 켤레를 샀는데, 그것은 할인판매 중이 었다. 14 Level 2 4 (1) Paul, who was (2) best friend, who loves (3) which⦗that⦘ are (4) that〔which〕 Steven recommended (5) party, which I enjoyed (6) two dogs, which are black 1 2 1 2 3 07 관계대명사의 생략 p. 134 (1) that (2) × (3) which (4) × (5) whom (6) × (7) who is (8) which are (1) 그녀가 초대받았던 결혼식 (2) 선생님께서 내게 추천해 주신 박물관 (3) 나의 할아버지께서 디자인⦗설계⦘하신 집 (4) Chris가 어제 산 청바지 08 관계부사 pp. 135~136 (1) where (2) why (3) where (4) 없음 (5) why (6) where (7) when (4) 선행사 the way와 관계부사 how는 함께 쓸 수 없다. (1) the way how → the way 또는 how 또는 in which (2) on when → when 또는 on which (3) at where → where 또는 at which (4) in how → how 또는 the way 또는 in which (5) which → why 또는 for which (1) on which I won first place in the speech contest, when I won first place in the speech contest (2) the way Sally talks to him, how Sally talks to (3) in which we can go skiing, when we can go him skiing (4) the reason for which his sister gets upset, the reason why his sister gets upset (5) for which Chris doesn’t participate in the project, why Chris doesn’t participate in the project 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 UNIT 10 접속사와 전치사 01 상관접속사 pp. 140~141 (4) He’ll buy a bike if he has enough money. ⦗If (1) both, and (2) not only, but also (3) either, or (4) Neither, nor (5) either, or (6) not only, but also (7) Both, and (8) neither, nor (9) both, and (10) not only, but also (1) write (2) is (3) plans (4) are (5) is (6) helps (7) are (8) have (1) both in water and on land (2) Not only kids but also adults (3) either chocolate or cookies (4) doesn’t like both soccer and baseball (5) not only fish but also chicken ⦗Although it’s cold outside, we’re very happy.⦘ he has enough money, he’ll buy a bike.⦘ (5) I saw Mary while I was waiting for the train. ⦗While I was waiting for the train, I saw Mary.⦘ 04 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that p. 145 (1) 목적어 (2) 주어 (3) 보어 (4) 보어 (5) 목적어 (6) 주어 (5) 목적어절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 생략된 문장이다. (1) 그의 많은 그림들이 유실된 것은 슬프다. (2) 나는 그가 그 소식을 듣고 정말 기뻐할 것을 안다. (3) 그녀가 여전히 그런 엄청난 고통에 시달린다는 것이 이상 (4) 요점은 우리 팀에 합류하는 모든 사람들을 환영한다는 것 02 명령문 + and / or p. 142 (5) 어떤 사람들은 십 대 시기가 대부분의 사람들의 인생에서 (1) and (2) or (3) and (4) and (5) or (6) and (7) or 가장 행복한 때라고 생각한다. (6) 엄청난 기삿거리는 지폐가 당신의 건강에 해롭다는 것이 (1) and you’ll be healthy (2) or you’ll feel tired (3) or you’ll catch a cold (4) and you’ll make a lot of friends (5) or you won’t finish the work 05 시간을 나타내는 전치사 pp. 146~147 (1) at (2) in (3) on (4) in (5) on (6) in (7) at (8) in (9) on (10) in (11) at (12) on 03 부사절을 이끄는 접속사 pp. 143~144 (1) until (2) by (3) for (4) during (5) After (6) in (7) at (8) on (9) for (10) by (11) before (12) for (13) (1) when (2) While (3) until (4) If (5) unless (6) though (7) because (8) As (9) After (10) before on (14) in (15) in (1) as I had a terrible toothache (2) before they went to the zoo (3) After Chris cleaned his shoes (4) since she is going to see a musical (5) so boring that he fell asleep (6) because he loves to paint (1) having lunch, I played the piano (2) going to school, Chris made his bed / making his bed, Chris went to school (3) going to the market, Jane made out a shopping list / making out a shopping list, Jane went to the market (4) cleaning her car, she fed the cat / feeding the cat, she cleaned her car (1) I was watering the flowers when Sue called. ⦗When Sue called, I was watering the flowers.⦘ (2) We are going to play baseball tomorrow unless it’s raining. ⦗Unless it’s raining, we are going to play baseball tomorrow.⦘ 1 06 장소·위치·방향을 나타내는 전치사 pp. 148~149 (1) at (2) in (3) on (4) at (5) in〔on〕 (6) on (7) in (8) (3) We’re very happy although it’s cold outside. on (9) in (10) at (11) on (12) at (13) in Answer Key 15 하다. 이다. 었다. 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 (1) in front of (2) behind (3) beside (4) above (5) into (6) through (7) between (8) out of 3 (1) If I knew her phone number, I could call her. (2) If he kept his promise, I could trust him. (3) If I had a terrible cold, I would go to see a doctor. 07 기타 전치사 p. 150 (4) If I weren’t busy, I would go skating with you. (5) If Andy saw the pictures, he would smile (1) as (2) by (3) like (4) with (5) by (6) with (7) as from ear to ear. (8) with (9) as (10) like (1) in spite of (2) instead of (3) because of UNIT 11 가정법 01 조건문과 가정법 과거 p. 154 (1) rains (2) were (3) would (4) will (5) keeps (2) If I were in your shoes는 가정법 과거의 관용적 표현 으로 ‘내가 너라면’이라는 뜻이다. 텐데. 03 가정법 과거완료 pp. 157~158 (1) had eaten (2) have said (3) have gone (4) had had (5) had been (6) have been (7) hadn’t snowed (8) have won (9) had been (10) wouldn’t have been (11) arrived (1) 만약 내가 돈이 충분히 있었다면, 나는 그 옷을 샀을 텐데. (2) 만약 네가 거기에 있지 않았다면, 그들은 구조되지 못했을 1 2 (3) 만약 그가 그때 배가 부르지 않았다면, 약간의 케이크를 (1) will⦗can⦘ buy (2) snows (3) knew (4) will feel 먹었을 텐데. (5) would⦗could⦘ come (6) walks (7) won (8) is (9) (4) 만약 Julia가 내게 그 미술 전시회에 대해 말해줬다면, 나 would⦗could⦘ go (1), (2), (4), (6), (8)은 조건문이고 조건절에서는 미래시제 를 현재시제로 나타낸다. (3), (5), (7), (9)는 가정법 과거이다. 는 표를 샀을 텐데. 보낼 수 있었을 텐데. (5) 만약 날씨가 화창했다면, 우리는 해변에서 즐거운 휴일을 3 (1) had watched (2) have met (3) had had (4) have done (5) have bought woman. called him. baseball. the actress. 02 가정법 과거 pp. 155~156 (1) were (2) stopped (3) would⦗could⦘ sing (4) lost (5) ate (6) had (7) would⦗could⦘ happen (8) would⦗could⦘ be (9) jumped (10) could⦗would⦘ sleep (11) bought (12) got 4 (1) If I had been there, I could have helped the (1) If Tom were tired, he couldn’t go shopping. (2) If she told a lie to me, I would be angry. (3) If he were tall enough, he could ride the (2) If Mina had heard the news, she would have (3) If it hadn’t rained, they could have played (4) If you weren’t young, you could drive a car. (5) If you apolog ized to her first, she would (4) If you had been there, you could have seen (6) If Anne weren’t small, she could wear this (7) If you were nice to people, you could make (8) If the concert weren’t fun, I wouldn’t be 04 I wish + 가정법 과거·과거완료 pp. 159~160 1 (1) were (2) hadn’t said (3) had gone (4) knew (5) hadn’t spent (6) could (7) had brought (8) had studied roller coaster. forgive you. dress. friends. excited. 16 Level 2 (1) had gone (2) could see (3) had attended (4) (1) will sta y⦗sta ys⦘ (2) spen t⦗had spen t⦘ (3) had visited (5) could come (6) could play bought (4) left⦗had left⦘ (5) would go (6) (1) I wish I were good at dancing. lost⦗had lost⦘ (7) would open (2) I wish I had brought my swimming suit. (1) will go (2) would (3) forgot⦗had forgotten⦘ (3) I wish Stella would help me more often. (4) I wish I were in Hawaii now. (5) I wish Ryan had come to my house last (4) will take⦗takes⦘ (5) would send (6) didn’t hear⦗hadn’t heard⦘ (7) worked⦗had worked⦘ (8) had weekend. (1) Mike said he would go to Daegu to visit his 05 as if + 가정법 과거·과거완료 pp. 161~162 (2) I knew Mr. Han was a very nice person. (3) My father doesn’t think we can go to the 2 3 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 uncle. concert. clothes. (4) She promises she will spend less money on (5) Susan knows Br ian wa nt s to lear n mor e about other cultures. 02 시제 일치의 예외 p. 168 (1) goes (2) began (3) makes (4) rises (5) are (6) catches (7) painted (8) wrote (1) goes (2) broke (3) is (4) makes (5) boils (6) died (7) discovered (8) consists 03 평서문의 화법 전환 pp. 169~170 (1) said, following⦗next⦘ (2) that, me (3) he would (4) told, there (5) he, that (6) wanted, those (7) could, her (1) said (2) couldn’t (3) had (4) told (5) the next⦗following⦘ day (1) She said (that) she would be ten minutes late. (2) They said, “We don’t want to go shopping (3) He told Mina (that) he could wait for her. (4) She said to me, “I won’t buy these pens.” (5) My mother told me (that) I could go and play (6) He said (that) he had left his notebook there. (7) He said (that) his grandparents were fine that now.” outside. day. Answer Key 17 (1) ○ (2) × (3) ○ (4) ○ (5) ○ (6) × (7) ○ (2) hadn’t broken⦗didn’t break⦘ (6) had been (1) 그녀는 마치 부유한 집에서 태어난 것처럼 행동한다. (2) 나의 쌍둥이 남동생은 내가 동생인 것처럼 대한다. (3) 그는 오스트레일리아에서 매우 인기 있는 배우였던 것처 럼 말했다. (4) 그녀는 이미 결혼한 것처럼 보인다. (5) 나는 뭔가 중요한 것을 놓치고 있는 것처럼 느낀다. (6) 찬호는 어떤 일도 일어나지 않았던 것처럼 행동한다. (7) 그는 자신이 고립된 산간 지역에서 자란 것처럼 말한다. (8) 그들은 한 달 동안 목욕을 하지 않았던 것처럼 보였다. 3 (1) he were a teacher (2) she liked the T-shirt (3) he didn’t get good grades in math (4) Yuri had a headache (5) she knew everybody in her class (6) he had watched the quiz show last night (7) she hadn’t lost her jacket (8) he had known the answers (9) she had seen a ghost (10) Jiwoo hadn’t played computer games UNIT 12 시제 일치와 화법 전환 01 시제 일치 pp. 166~167 1 (1) was, will be (2) couldn’t (3) broke (4) is, will be (5) had studied (6) told, was telling (7) did, does (8) is going (9) would get (10) won, would win (8) Mary told them (that) she couldn’t come to the birthday party the next⦗following⦘ day. 2 (1) “What subject do you like?” (2) me when Tony had left (9) She said to him, “I will call you later.” (3) “Where is the toy store?” (4) how often I fed my〔the〕 hamster 04 의문사가 없는 의문문의 화법 전환 pp. 171~172 (1) ⓑ (2) ⓑ (3) ⓐ (4) ⓑ (5) ⓑ (1) that → if〔whether〕 (2) were I → I were (3) to me → me (4) do I → She (5) can → could (1) Ryan asked me if〔whether〕 I could come to 1 2 (2) She said to me, “Do you want apple juice?” (3) He asked her if〔whether〕 she were interested (4) He asked if〔whether〕 she was good at playing his house. in Modern art. the drums. (5) James asked her if〔whether〕 she could lend him her comic book. (6) She said to Jane, “Do you know how to make (7) Mike asked me if〔whether〕 he might ride my (8) My sister asked me if〔whether〕 she could sandwiches?” bike for an hour. wear my coat. (9) Christina said to him, “May I go home now?” (10) They asked him if〔whether〕 he remembered her phone number. 3 (1) if〔whether〕 I knew his address (2) if〔whether〕 it was going to rain that day (3) “Can I cancel the train ticket now?” (4) “Are you able to solve this math problem?” (5) if〔whether〕 I wanted to have some pizza (6) if〔whether〕 she might take my order then (7) if〔whether〕 she was going to watch the movie on TV (8) “Do you need a ride to school?” 05 의문사가 있는 의문문의 화법 전환 p. 173 1 (1) She asked me what time it was then. (2) Mom asked him what made him so upset. (3) He said to me, “How do you know it?” (4) He said to her, “Why are you so worried?” 18 Level 2 Workbook 정답 및 해설 UNIT 1 시제 08 뉴욕에간적이있다고하므로현재완료의긍정의대답이와야 01 ⑤ 02 ④ 03 ③, ⑤ 04 ④ 05 ⓐ were ⓑ been 06 ① 07 ② 08 ② 09 ⓐ studied ⓑ seen 10 ④ 11 ④ 12 ② 13 has been 14 ② 15 ④ 16 ① 17 ① 18 ⑤ 19 He has just finished his work. 20 ③ 21 ② 22 ① 23 ① 24 ① 25 ① 26 ③ 한다. seen 09 두문장모두현재완료이므로동사의과거분사형태가되어 야한다.ⓐstudy-studied-studied,ⓑsee-saw- 10 ⓐ과거의특정한시점(어제8시)에하고있었던동작을나타낼 때는과거진행형이,ⓑ지금하고있는동작을나타낼때는현 27 ⓐ has gone to ⓑ has been to 28 ① 29 ③ 재진행형이알맞다. 30 (1) since (2) when (3) for 31 There have been 11 ‘내가집에왔을때’는과거의특정한시점을나타내므로④의 many earthquakes 32 I’ve never seen that 현재완료는어색하다. movie. [I haven’t seen that movie,] 33 ④ 34 ④ (4) Tomorrow I will study in the library with Sue. willbe 41 haven’t seen, was, moved, have been, will 35 ③ 36 ⑤ 37 ④ 서술형plus 38 (1) was talking to[with] Mike (2) were dancing (3) was drinking juice (4) were eating pizza (5) was showing Linda a photo[picture] 혹은 was showing a photo[picture] to Linda (6) were sitting on the sofa 39 (1) has been [stayed] in Korea since Monday (2) has been [stayed] in Korea for four days 40 (1) I will carry it for you. (2) Because they are going to move to Japan next month. (3) You will pass it easily. stay 지않다. 03 want나know와같이동작이아닌상태를나타내는동사는 진행형으로쓰지않는다. 04 ④습관적인일은진행형으로나타내지않는다.→use 05 ⓐlastnight은과거를나타내는말이므로were가알맞다. ⓑ앞에조동사have가있으므로현재완료의문문이다.be동 사의과거분사는been이다. 06 현재의습관적인일은현재시제로나타낸다. 07 과거진행형으로묻고있으므로「was[were]+동사원형-ing」 형태의 과거진행형으로 대답한다. 주어가 I이므로 was watchingTV가알맞다. 20 Level 2 12 since는‘…한이후로,…이래로’라는뜻으로현재완료가쓰인 문장에서since가이끄는절의시제는과거이다. 13 sincechildhood(어려서부터)가있으므로현재완료가자연 스럽다.주어가3인칭단수이므로hasbeen이알맞다. 14 ⓐ현재의습관을나타내므로현재시제가,ⓑ‘내가어렸을때’ 라는과거시점을말하고있으므로과거시제가,ⓒ‘(과거부터 현재까지)평생’을나타내므로현재완료가알맞다. 15 과거에시작된일이현재까지도지속되고있으므로현재완료 가알맞고‘10년동안’은fortenyears로나타낸다. 16 나머지는과거시제이므로were 가알맞은데①은조동사 have가있으므로현재완료에필요한been이알맞다. 17 둘다‘…부터,…이후로’라는뜻의since가알맞다.현재완료 에서since는전치사로쓰여뒤에명사(구)가올수도있고,접 속사로쓰여「주어+동사」형태의절이올수도있다. 18 nextmonth는미래를나타내므로⑤was는어색하다.→ 19 주어가 3인칭 단수이므로 have는 has가 되어야 하고, finish의과거분사는finished이다.부사인just는조동사인 has뒤에온다. 21 나머지는과거시제가알맞은데②에는현재완료가알맞다. ①cleaned②haveknown③went④visited⑤ helped 쓰인다. 낸다. 22 ⓐ바쁜기간을나타내므로for가알맞다.ⓑ과거시제이므로 ‘…전’을나타내는ago가알맞다.ⓒ과거의어떤한시점부터 지금까지를나타내므로since가알맞다. 23 ‘아직’이라는의미로현재완료에서부정문과의문문에yet이 24 나머지는계속을나타내는데①의havelost는결과를나타 25 <보기>,①경험②,③,⑤완료④계속 26 <보기>와나머지는경험을나타내는데③은계속을나타낸다. 01 choose의과거분사형은chosen이다. 20 나머지는「have[has]+과거분사」형태의현재완료인데③은 02 aweekago는특정한과거시점이므로④현재시제는알맞 현재시제이다. 27 ⓐhavegoneto는‘…에갔다(그래서현재여기에없다)’라 는뜻으로결과를나타내고ⓑhavebeento는‘…에가본 적이있다’라는뜻으로경험을나타낸다. 28 과거부터지금까지의경험을나타내므로현재완료가알맞고 긍정문이므로ever가들어가는것이자연스럽다. 29 ‘가본적이없다’는never와함께쓰여경험을나타내는현재 완료를,‘갈것이다’는미래시제인will을사용한다.현재완료 UNIT 2 조동사 01 ② 02 ① 03 ⑤ 04 ④ 05 ③ 06 ④ 07 ④ 08 ① 09 ③ 10 ④ 11 ② 12 ② 13 ② 14 ② 15 ④ 16 ① 17 ③ 18 been able to 19 must not 20 ②, ⑤ 21 ① 22 ④ 23 ⑤ 24 had to go to the dentist 25 ① 26 ⓐ study ⓑ drink 27 ② 에서부정어인never는조동사인have[has]와본동사사이 28 ④ 29 He had better not smoke. 30 ⑤ 31 ⑤ 에위치한다. 32 ④ 33 ② 34 ① 35 ② 36 ③ 37 ② 38 ⑤ 30 (1)현재완료가쓰여‘고등학교를졸업한이후부터일하고있 다’라는뜻이므로since가알맞다.(2)‘그녀가그소리를들었 서술형plus 39 (1) must (2) had better not (3) can’t [cannot] 을때’라는의미이므로when이알맞다.(3)‘일주일동안’이라 40 (1) should not be late for 는기간이므로for가알맞다. 31 과거에도지진이많았고지금도여전히많다는의미이므로현 재완료를이용해한문장으로나타낼수있다.Thereis[are] 구문이므로be동사는been으로고친다. 32 과거부터지금까지의경험을나타내므로현재완료가알맞다. 33 현재완료로물으면「Yes,주어+have[has].」혹은「No,주어 +haven’t[hasn’t].」로대답한다. 34 미래시제는조동사will을사용하거나「begoingto+동사 원형」,혹은현재진행형으로나타낼수있다.④tomorrow 는미래를나타내므로were는are가되어야한다. 35 ①미래시제와now,②현재완료와yesterday,④과거시제 와nextSunday,⑤과거시제와since는함께쓰일수없다. 36 ⑤but이하의시제가과거이므로iswriting을wrote로고 쳐야한다. 37 ④10년이라는기간을나타내므로for가알맞다.since는 yesterday,2014,lastyear등특정한과거의한시점을 나타내는말앞에쓰인다. 여나타낸다. 39 계속을나타내는현재완료에서는since나for와같은전치사 가즐겨쓰인다.since는과거의특정한시점을찍어서그때부 터지금까지를나타내고,for는과거의시점부터지금까지의 구체적인기간을나타낸다. 40 (1)은지금이후로상자를들어주겠다는말이고,나머지는 nextmonth,tomorrow등의말이있으므로모두미래시 41 기간을나타내는for나since와같은전치사는현재완료와, 접속사when은과거시제와쓰이고,앞으로의계획은미래시 제가알맞다. 제로나타낸다. (2) should keep the board (3) should pay attention to (4) should not use our cellphones 41 (1) He had better not miss the flight. (2) You ought not to be rude to others. (3) Can you speak Chinese? 혹은 Are you able to speak Chinese? (4) She must be a good person. 42 (1) I had to do something about it. (2) He doesn’t have to call his uncle now. (3) She must not[mustn’t] eat too much sugar. (4) You must be tired. (5) He cannot [can’t] be sleepy. 01 ①조동사는2개이상함께쓰일수없다.→May[Can]Isit here?③조동사의부정은조동사뒤에not을쓴다.don’t can→cannot혹은can’t④조동사의의문문은조동사와 주어의위치를바꾼다.Doeshemay→Mayhe⑤조동 02 강한 추측과 의무를 모두 나타내는 조동사는must 이다. haveto는의무를나타내기는하지만추측의의미는없다. 03 ‘그녀가너를도와줄거야(will).’혹은‘도와줄지도몰라(may, might,could).’가자연스러우므로mustnot은어색하다. 04 ⓐ프랑스어를전혀말하지못하므로‘프랑스에서왔을리가 없다’라는뜻의강한부정의추측이알맞다.ⓑ매우안좋아보 이므로‘아픈것이분명해’가자연스럽다. 05 can이능력이나가능을나타내는경우「beableto+동사원 형」으로바꿔쓸수있다. 06 should는충고나도덕적인의무를나타내며oughtto와 07 숙제를먼저끝내라고했으므로빈칸에는요청을거절하는말 바꿔쓸수있다. 이알맞다. Answer Key 21 38 과거의특정한시점에하고있었던일은과거진행형을이용하 사뒤에는동사원형이온다.is→be 08 must는95%정도의강한확신을,may는50%정도의약한 추측을나타내고,might는may보다더약한추측을나타낸 은의미이다. 26 hadbetter(not)뒤에는동사원형이온다. 다.cannot은부정의강한추측을나타낸다. 27 나머지는의무나필요를나타내는데②는가능을나타낸다.⑤ 09 hadbetter는‘…하는것이낫다’혹은‘…해야한다’라는뜻 으로강한충고를나타내며부정은hadbetternot이다. besupposedto…해야한다 28 ④과거시제를나타내는lastnight이있으므로hadto가 10 ⓐ웨이터가손님에게주문을받으려하고있으므로허락이나 요청을나타내는May혹은Can이알맞다.ⓑ잠시후에다시 알맞다. 29 ‘…하지않는것이좋다[낫다]’는「hadbetternot+동사원 오겠다는말이므로will이알맞다. 형」으로나타낸다. 11 Tommy가방금피자한판을먹었으므로‘분명히배가부를 거야.’혹은‘배가고플리가없어.’가자연스럽다.⑤haveto 30 「DoIneedto+동사원형…?」은‘내가…해야하니?’라 는뜻으로필요를묻는말이며긍정은Yes,youdo.,부정은 는추측의의미를나타내지않는다. No,youdon’tneedto.로응답한다. 12 ②조동사should뒤에는동사원형이온다.took→take 31 ‘…해도되나요?’라는뜻으로요청을나타내므로Yes,you 13 hadbetter는뒤에동사원형이온다.②closing→close can.혹은No,youcan’t.로대답한다. 14 <보기>와②에서는‘…일지도모른다’의뜻으로약한추측이나 가능성을나타내는데나머지는‘…해도좋다’라는뜻으로허락 32 감기에걸리는것같다는B의말에④‘병원에가면안된다.’라 고대답하는것은어색하다. 이나허가를나타낸다. 15 나머지는‘…해야한다’라는뜻으로의무를나타내는데④에서 는‘…임에틀림없다’라는뜻으로강한추측을나타낸다. 33 나머지는should,must,haveto와같은의무를나타내는 조동사가알맞은데②에는can이나may등의허락이나허가 를나타내는조동사가알맞다. 16 ‘박물관에서조용히하면안된다’는내용상어색하다.should 34 ①‘내가나중에할거야.’라는말이뒤에나오므로내용상don’t notbequiet→shouldbequiet needto가알맞다. 17 ‘…하면안된다’라는뜻의부정문이므로oughtto의부정인 「oughtnotto+동사원형」으로나타낸다.괄호안의단어를 배열하면Yououghtnottoforgetyourpassword. 이므로세번째로오는단어는not이다. 35 ⓒoughttonot→oughtnottoⓔhavenotto→ don’thaveto 36 may는약한추측이나허가또는허락을나타내는데「need to+동사원형」은‘…해야한다’라는뜻으로필요나의무를나 18 haven’t와recently가있는것으로보아현재완료임을알 수있다.현재완료는「have+과거분사」로나타내고can은 타낸다. 37 ②Will로묻고있으므로Yes,hewill.혹은No,hewon’t. beableto와바꿔쓸수있으므로be동사의과거분사로나 로대답하는것이자연스럽다. 타낸beenableto가알맞다. 19 첫번째문장에서차안에서휴대전화를사용하는것은불법이 라고했으므로빈칸에는금지를나타내는mustnot이알맞다. 를나타내므로어색하다. 38 haveto의부정은‘…할필요가없다’라는뜻의don’thave to가알맞다.mustnot은‘…하면안된다’라는뜻으로금지 20 don’thaveto는‘…할필요가없다’라는뜻으로「need not+동사원형」이나「don’tneedto+동사원형」과바꿔쓸 39 (1)난방이되지않으므로‘분명히매우춥겠다’가알맞다.강 한추측은must로나타낸다.(2)‘늦지않는게좋겠어’가자연 21 ‘서두르지않는다면학교버스를놓칠거야.’라는뜻이므로빈 칸에는‘…해야한다’라는의미의의무나충고를나타내는조동 cannot이알맞다. 스러우므로hadbetternot이알맞다.(3)‘10분전에뉴욕 에있던사람이여기있을리가없다’는말이므로can’t혹은 40 학급규칙을나타내므로조동사should혹은shouldnot 22 신호가빨간색일때‘멈출필요가없다’는뜻의④는어색하다. 을이용하는것이가장자연스럽다. 23 ‘…하는것이낫다’라는뜻으로강한충고를나타내는표현은 「hadbetter+동사원형」이다. 41 (1)hadbetter는주어의인칭과수에상관없이일정한형태 를가진다.(2)oughtto의부정은oughtnotto이다.(3) 24 의무를 나타내고, 과거시제이므로 hadtogotothe can과beableto는같은의미를나타내므로둘중하나만 dentist가알맞다. 써야한다.(4)must뒤에는동사원형이와야한다. 25 「It’spossiblethat+주어+동사」는‘…할가능성이있다,… 할지도모른다’라는뜻으로약한추측을나타내는may와같 42 (1)must는hadto로과거시제를나타낸다.(2)must의부 정으로불필요를나타내는말은don’thaveto이다.(3)강 수있다. 사가알맞다. 22 Level 2 한금지는mustnot[mustn’t]로나타낸다.(4),(5)긍정의 07 ‘그녀의아이들’이라는정해진범위내에서두명을제외한나 강한추측은must로,부정의강한추측은cannot[can’t]로 머지아이들이므로theothers가알맞다. 나타낸다. 08 여배우자신이상을탄것이므로‘그녀자신’을자랑스러워했 다는말이자연스럽다. 09 ⓐ주어가3인칭복수이고뒤에명사가있으므로they의소유 격인their가알맞다.ⓑ전치사with의목적어로쓰여야하 므로목적격인them이알맞다.carry,bring,take등수반 의의미를가지는동사는재귀대명사를쓰지않는다. UNIT 3 명사와 대명사 01 ⑤ 02 ③ 03 ③ 04 ① 05 ⑤ 06 ② 07 ⑤ 10 ⑤주어에I가포함되므로ourselves가알맞다. 08 ③ 09 ③ 10 ⑤ 11 ④ 12 ① 13 ④ 14 ④ 11 비교대상이‘나의것(침대)’과‘동생의것(침대)’이므로④는소 15 ① 16 ④ 17 ④ 18 the other 19 ③ 20 One, 유대명사인hers가되어야한다. another, the other 21 ④ 22 ⑤ 23 Nine. 24 ① 25 ④, ⑤ 26 (1) life (2) arrival (3) difficulty 27 He always carries two pairs of sunglasses. 28 ④ 29 ④ 30 ② 31 (1) the other (2) one (3) others 32 ④ 33 ④ 34 ② 35 ④, ⑤ 36 We brought ourselves something to eat. 서술형plus 12 ②‘너의컴퓨터’를뜻하므로소유대명사가알맞다.your→ yours③뒤에명사가이어지므로소유격이알맞다.them →their④개의이름이므로소유격이알맞다.It’s→Its⑤ 주어가3인칭복수이므로theirdinner가알맞다. 13 ⓐsomeslicesofpizza는복수이므로are,ⓑonecup ofgreentea는단수이므로is가알맞다. 14 칼에 자신이 베인 것이므로 재귀대명사를 사용한 ④cut 37 ⓐ were ⓑ wolves ⓒ any ⓓ loaves ⓔ slices ⓕ himself가알맞다. bottle 38 one, it, one, it 39 (1) One, another, the other (2) Some, the others (3) One, another, the others 40 (1) my uncle and aunt are teachers (2) Give each child a piece of cake. (3) house in the town is white (4) saw myself in the mirror (5) Babies cannot look after themselves. (6) do it ourselves 01 is는단수동사이므로빈칸에는단수명사가와야한다. 02 afew는셀수있는명사에쓰는표현이므로eggs가알맞다. 03 apiece[sheet]ofpaper:종이한장,apiece[slice]of bread:빵한조각,apieceofadvice:충고한마디 15 나머지는동사나전치사의목적어로쓰였는데①은강조용법 으로쓰였다. 16 재귀대명사는타동사나전치사의목적어로쓰이면생략할수 없다.④강조용법의재귀대명사는생략할수있다. 17 each와every는둘다단수를취한다는공통점이있지만‘… 마다’라는의미는each로나타내지않는다. 18 ‘두개’혹은‘두사람’중나중에언급되는것은theother로 19 범위가정해진여럿중‘하나’는one,‘나머지전부’는the 20 셋중‘하나’는one,‘다른하나’는another,‘나머지하나’는 나타낸다. others로나타낸다. theother이다. 21 파티에서이야기를하거나,춤을추는사람들외에다른사람들 도있으므로some,others가알맞다. 22 공부하는일부를제외한나머지가확실하게정해져있으므로 04 ‘한사람의개인’을나타낼때는person,‘사람들’을나타낼때 some,theothers가알맞다. 는people을쓴다.person의복수형이people 이라고할 23 10명의소년들중에서한명을제외한나머지이므로9명이알 수있으며,apeople혹은peoples와같이쓰기도하는데 맞다. 이때people은‘민족,종족’이라는뜻이다. 05 ①→Apairofpants②→fish③→men④→ 24 ⓐ뒤에명사인students가있으므로한정사가와야하는데 theothers와others는명사를꾸미는한정사로쓰일수없 고명사를대신하는대명사로만쓰인다.ⓑ수가정해지지않은 06 ②coffee를담는용기는cup이므로acupofcoffee가 알맞다.loaf는대개bread와쓰여aloafofbread로나 사람들중‘일부’는some,‘다른일부’는others로나타낸다. ⓒ정해진범위에서하나를제외한나머지이므로theothers sunglasses 타낸다. 가알맞다. Answer Key 23 25 police는복수명사로경찰조직전체를나타내고,개별경찰 관은policeofficer로나타낸다. 38 막연한것은one,특정한것은it으로나타낸다.특히this one과같이앞에this가있는경우에는it을쓰지않고one 26 (1)감탄문에서명사자리이므로life가알맞다.(2)문장에서주 어가되어야하므로명사인arrival이알맞다.(3)전치사의목 적어로명사가와야하므로difficulty가알맞다. 을쓴다는점에주의한다. 39 (1)셋중‘하나’는one,‘다른하나’는another,‘나머지하나’ 는theother,(2)한정된수에서‘일부’는some,‘나머지들’ 27 선글라스(sunglasses)는항상복수형으로쓰며수를나타낼 때는apairof를사용한다.‘두개[벌]’이므로twopairsof 은theothers,(3)한정된수에서‘하나’는one,‘다른하나’ 는another,‘나머지들’은theothers로각각나타낸다. 를쓰고always는빈도부사이므로일반동사앞에쓴다. 28 나머지는복수명사를받는대명사ones가알맞다.④Emily 는머리가긴소녀라는뜻이므로소녀한명을대신하는one 이알맞다. 40 (1)both는동사와보어모두복수여야한다.(2)each는뒤 에단수명사가온다.(3)every는뒤에단수명사와단수동사가 와야한다.(4)I와me는같은인물이므로myself가되어야 한다.(5),(6)they의재귀대명사는themselves,we의재 29 ⓐ‘한잔더’를의미하므로another가알맞다.ⓑbooks를 대신하므로복수인ones가알맞다.ⓒacupoftea를대신 귀대명사는ourselves이다. 하므로단수인one이알맞다. 30 ①,③,④everything,everyone,each는단수로취급하 므로is가알맞다.②,⑤all은뒤에단수명사가오면단수동사 를,복수명사가오면복수동사를쓴다.②are⑤is 31 (1)‘나머지’를뜻하면서뒤에twopotatoes가이어지므 로한정사역할을하는theother가알맞다.(2)thenext ‘train’을가리키므로단수인one이알맞다.(3)수가정해지 UNIT 4 형용사와 부사 01 ③ 02 ⓐ angry ⓑ angrily 03 ⑤ 04 ④ 05 ③ 06 ⑤ 07 ⑤ 08 ⑤ 09 have never met him 10 ① 지않은‘다른정답들’을의미하므로others가알맞다. 11 ④ 12 ④ 13 ② 14 ① 15 ⑤ 16 ①, ④ 17 ③ 32 나머지는앞에언급된명사를대신하는one이알맞고④에는 18 throw it away, give it away 19 ③ 20 ① A가말한바로그지우개를가리키므로it이알맞다. 21 busiest airports 22 ③, ④ 23 ② 24 ② 25 ③ 33 every는한정사로만쓰이므로뒤에반드시명사나대명사 가와야한다.Everyofthosebooks→Everyoneof thosebooks혹은Everybook 34 ①another뒤에는단수명사가온다.chances→chance ③other가‘(그밖의)다른’이라는뜻을나타내고Many가 있으므로뒤에복수명사가와야한다.friend→friends④ everyanotherday→everyotherday:하루걸러,이 틀에한번⑤둘중‘이쪽’이아닌‘다른쪽’을말하므로the other가알맞다. 35 ①all이있으므로tooth는복수여야한다.tooth→teeth ②특정한컴퓨터가아니고더빠른어떤컴퓨터를말하므로 one이알맞다.it→one③fruit이과일전체를나타낼때 는a를쓰거나복수형으로쓰지않는다.Afruit→Fruit 36 음식을먹을사람은우리자신이므로간접목적어로ourselves 가알맞고,somethingtoeat이직접목적어자리에오는것 이자연스럽다. 37 ⓐ뒤에복수인two가있으므로were,ⓑwolf의복수형은 wolves,ⓒ부정문에서는any,ⓓ앞에복수인two가있으 므로loaves,ⓔ앞에복수인three가있으므로slices,ⓕ 26 ④ 27 three times as high as 28 ③ 29 ④ 30 The more, the healthier 31 ③ 32 ③ 33 ④ 34 ③ 35 ④ 36 ②, ⑤ 37 ④ 38 ③ 서술형plus 39 (1) is three times as old as (2) is twice as heavy as 40 (1) little (2) many (3) much (4) Few 41 (1) I won’t let you down. (2) More and more people speak Chinese. (3) This dress is as white as snow. (4) He hardly eats anything. 42 ⓐ he likes English more than any other subject ⓑ English is more important than any other language ⓒ reading the news is one hundred times better than ⓓ it is one of the easiest ways ⓔ The more you read, the more words you learn. 01 어떻게행동을했었는지동사인behaved를설명해주는부 사가알맞다.friendly는‘친절한,다정한’이라는뜻의형용사 앞에단수인a가있으므로bottle이각각알맞다. 이므로알맞지않다. 24 Level 2 02 ⓐ‘Tom은화가나보였다’라는뜻이므로「look+형용사」가 알맞다.ⓑ‘화가나서나를보았다’라는말이므로동사를설명 away이다.둘다목적어가thiscomputer를대신하는대 명사it이므로동사와부사사이에it이들어가야한다. 해주는부사가알맞다. 03 채식주의자이므로고기를전혀먹지않는다는말이자연스럽다. 04 myshoes는복수이므로대명사는them이알맞고,take off는「동사+부사」로이루어진구동사이므로them은took 과off사이에들어가야한다. 19 ③writedown은‘…을적다[쓰다]’라는뜻으로대명사가목 적어인경우동사와부사사이에온다.wrotedownit→ wroteitdown 20 ‘훨씬더’의의미로비교급을강조할수있는말은even , much,still,far,alot등이다.very는원급을강조한다. 05 「the+형용사」는‘…한사람들’이라는뜻으로복수로쓰이므로 21 oneofthe+최상급+복수명사:가장…한것중하나 are가알맞다. 22 ③thin의비교급은thinner이다.④원급비교는「as+원급 06 ⑤calloff(=cancel)는‘취소하다’라는뜻이며,‘연기하다,미 +as」로나타낸다.hardest→hard 루다’는putoff(=delay)이다. 07 tryon은‘…을입어[신어/써]보다’라는뜻으로대명사가목 적어인경우try와on사이에와야한다.⑤→triediton 23 ⓐnotso[as]+원급+as:…만큼~하지않은ⓑ뒤에than 이있으므로비교급인earlier가알맞다.ⓒ1년중에서가장 추운계절이므로최상급인coldest가알맞다. 08 ⑤turnoff는‘끄다’라는뜻으로이때off는부사이다.목적어 가대명사일때동사와부사사이에와야한다.→turnthem 24 more는비교급에쓰이는데②는비교대상인hersister앞 에as가있는것으로보아원급비교문장이므로so혹은as off 가알맞다. 09 ‘한번도…않다’는빈도부사never를사용하고,경험을나타 내므로현재완료가알맞다.빈도부사는조동사인have와본 25 ‘…할수록더~하다’는「the+비교급+주어+동사,the+비교 급+주어+동사」로나타낸다.이때형용사뒤에명사가있는경 동사인met사이에와야한다. 우명사도함께주어앞으로나간다. 10 상대방에게음식등을권유하는의문문이나긍정문에공통으 26 ’점점더…한’이라는의미는「비교급+and+비교급」의형태로 로알맞은것은some이다. 나타낸다. 11 money는셀수없는명사이므로much,little,alittle등 으로양이많고적음을나타내고friends는셀수있는명사이 highas로나타낸다. 27 ‘…배’를의미하는배수사는「숫자+times」로쓰고원급인as 므로many,few,afew등으로수를나타낼수있다.alot of와lotsof는복수명사와셀수없는명사에모두쓰인다. 28 「preferAtoB」는비교급형식은아니지만비교의의미를 가지는표현으로‘B보다A를더좋아하다[선호하다]’라는뜻이 12 few와afew는복수명사에,little과alittle은셀수없는 명사에쓰인다.④letters는복수명사이므로alittle은어색 다.나머지는‘커피보다차를더좋아한다.’라는뜻인데③은‘차 보다커피를더좋아한다.’라는뜻이므로의미가다르다. 하다. 13 any는대개부정문과의문문에,some은긍정문에쓰인다. 하지만②와같이긍정적인대답을예상할수있는경우에는 14 -thing으로끝나는말은형용사가뒤에서꾸며주므로①에 의문문에도some을쓴다. 들어가는것이자연스럽다. 29 「A동사+notso[as]+원급+asB」는원급비교의부정으로 ‘A는B만큼…하지않다’라는뜻이므로‘B는A보다더…하다’ 라는비교급으로나타낼수있다. 30 ‘운동을할수록더건강해진다’는뜻으로상관관계가있는두 문장이므로「the+비교급,the+비교급」으로나타낼수있다. 31 「the+비교급,the+비교급」은의미상서로상관관계가있는 두문장이접속사없이콤마(,)로연결된것으로이때두문장의 15 ‘…이없었다’이므로Therewas가맨앞에오고,hardly는 be동사뒤에위치한다.‘먹을것’은동사가대명사를꾸며주는 구조는같아야한다. 것이므로형용사적용법의to부정사가anything을뒤에서 32 최상급의의미는「비교급thananyother+단수명사」로표 꾸며준다.→Therewashardlyanythingtoeat. 현할수있다. 16 ‘젊은사람들’은「the+형용사」를이용한theyoung혹은복 수명사를이용한youngpeople로나타낼수있다. 33 최상급으로묻고있으므로최상급의의미를나타내는다양한 표현으로대답할수있다.④는단순히오빠와아버지의키를 17 few는‘거의…없는’이라는의미인데veryfew가쓰여의미 가더욱강조되었다.‘새옷을거의사지않는다’는말이므로③ 비교하는문장이므로대답으로알맞지않다. 34 ③은‘시간은다른것들만큼소중하다.’라는뜻이므로의미가 과의미가같다. 다르다. 18 ‘버리다’는throwaway,‘기부하다,공짜로주다’는give 35 weigh 는무게를나타내는말이고,네개가내토끼보다10배 Answer Key 25 더무거우므로④가알맞다. 서술형plus 36 ②「the+비교급,the+비교급」구문에서두동사의시제는같 아야한다.went→go혹은gets→got⑤「the+비교급, the+비교급」구문에서형용사가명사를꾸며줄경우명사도 39 ⓐ to get dressed ⓑ for him to put them on ⓒ for me to eat my breakfast ⓓ for him to eat his ⓔ to brush his teeth ⓕ for us to wait for 함께앞으로나가야한다.thebetteryougetgrades→ him thebettergradesyouget 40 (1) made her smile (2) let me ride (3) helped 37 ⓐeasier는비교급으로비교대상이있어야한다.앞에the 가있고비교대상이없으므로최상급인easiest가알맞다.ⓒ her (to) make 41 (1) ⓐ to see ⓑ to find ⓒ to find out (2) acting 비교급인better가있으므로비교대상인success앞에는 혹은 act (3) how to remove than이알맞다.as→than 38 ③배수를나타내는문장에서as…as가쓰였으므로형용사 나부사의원급이와야한다.larger→large 39 (1)Sugar가King보다나이가세배더많으므로three timesasoldas,(2)King이Sugar보다몸무게가두배 더나가므로twiceasheavyas가알맞다. 40 (1)날씨가매우건조하다는것은비가거의오지않는다는것 이므로little이알맞다.(2)박물관이사람들로매우붐볐으므 로many가알맞다.(3)바쁘지않다는것은할일이많지않다 는것을의미한다.(4)매우외롭다고하므로사람들이거의찾 아오지않는다는말이자연스럽다. 41 (1)「타동사+부사」의목적어가대명사인경우타동사와부사 사이에온다.(2)비교급+and+비교급:점점더…한(3)as+ 원급+as:…처럼[만큼]~한(4)hardly는‘거의…않다’라는 뜻으로부정의의미를나타낸다. 42 ⓐ뒤에than이있으므로most는more가알맞고,any other뒤에는단수명사가온다.ⓑ앞에more가있으므로 as가아니라than이알맞고,anyother뒤에는단수명사가 온다.ⓒ배수표현은「배수사+비교급+than」이다.ⓓeasy 의최상급은easiest이며「oneofthe+최상급」뒤에는복 수명사가온다.ⓔ「the+비교급…,the+비교급~」구문이 므로themore가youread앞에와야한다. UNIT 5 부정사 42 (1) fly [flying] away (2) walk [walking] her dog (3) play [playing] the violin (4) shake [shaking] 01 to부정사의의미상의주어는보통「for+목적격」이다. 02 to부정사의의미상의주어로전치사of가쓰였으므로사람의 성격이나특성을나타내는형용사가와야한다. 03 get이사역동사로쓰일때는목적격보어로to부정사가와야 04 「의문사+to부정사」구문이므로solving은to부정사인to 하므로알맞지않다. solve가되어야한다. 05 to부정사의의미상의주어는대개「for+목적격」으로나타낸 다.「of+목적격」은kind,nice,foolish,smart등사람의 성격이나특성을나타내는형용사뒤에쓰인다. 06 지각동사의목적격보어로는동사원형(shut)이나현재분 사(shutting)가쓰인다. 07 사역동사인let과지각동사인saw의목적격보어로공통으로 쓰일수있는것은동사원형인swim이다. 08 enough는‘충분한’이라는뜻의형용사로명사앞에쓰이기 도하고,‘충분히’라는뜻의부사로형용사를꾸며주기도하며, 「형용사[부사]+enoughto부정사」의형태로‘…하기에충분 히~한[하게]’이라는뜻을나타내기도한다. 09 5형식문장에서목적격보어로ⓐhelp는동사원형이나to부 정사를쓰고,ⓑ지각동사는동사원형이나현재분사를쓴다. 10 지각동사watch의목적격보어로는동사원형이나현재분 사가쓰이며,과거특정한시점에진행중이었던동작을나 타낼때는과거진행형이쓰이므로공통으로알맞은형태는 playing이다. 01 ③ 02 ③ 03 ⑤ 04 solving ➡ solve 05 ④ 06 ①, ④ 07 ① 08 ⑤ 09 ③ 10 ③ 11 ① 12 ① 13 ③, ④ 14 ④ 15 when to leave 16 ③ 17 got 11 made는‘…을~하게했다[시켰다]’라는뜻으로사역동사이 며목적격보어로동사원형이온다. 12 슈퍼마켓에간이유를묻고있으므로목적을나타내는to부정 us to clean our rooms 18 ② 19 ② 20 ② 21 ③ 사로대답하는것이자연스럽다. 22 ③ 23 ④ 24 ③, ⑤ 25 ① 26 ⑤ 27 ③ 28 ② 29 ③ 30 ② 31 ④ 32 ③ 33 ③ 34 ③ 35 ④ 13 ’어디로갈지’는장소를나타내므로의문사where를이용한 wheretogo가알맞다.「의문사+to부정사」는「의문사+주 어+should+동사원형」으로나타낼수도있다. 36 ② 37 ④ 38 ⑤ 26 Level 2 14 ‘…할정도로충분히~한[하게]’는「형용사[부사]+enough 30 나머지는5형식문장에쓰인사역동사인데②는4형식문장에 to부정사」로나타낼수있다. 쓰인수여동사이다. 15 ‘언제…할지’는「when+to부정사」로나타내고,‘떠나다’는 leave이므로whentoleave가알맞다. 31 <보기>,④사역동사①현재완료에쓰인조동사②동사(…을먹 다)③의무를나타내는조동사haveto⑤동사(…을가지다) 16 ⓐtoo+형용사+to부정사:너무…해서~할수없는ⓑ형용 32 나머지는형용사적용법인데③에서는앞의형용사를꾸며주 사+enoughto부정사:…하기에충분히~한 는부사적용법이다. 17 ‘…가~하도록시키다’라는뜻의사역동사got이오고,청소 하는주체는‘우리’이므로목적어는us가된다.또한get은목 33 ⓐTV를보는목적을나타내므로to부정사가알맞다.ⓑ주어 로쓰인to부정사가길어질경우가주어It을주어자리에쓴 적격보어로to부정사를취하므로toclean의형태가이어져 다.ⓒ형용사clever가쓰였으므로to부정사의의미상의주 야한다. 어로는「of+목적격」이알맞다. 18 ②made는사역동사이므로목적격보어로동사원형이온다. 34 ⓒsaw는지각동사이므로목적격보어로동사원형(talk)이나 19 지각동사인saw는5형식문장에서동사원형이나현재분사가 현재분사(talking)가와야한다. 목적격보어로온다. 35 ①of→for②getting→get③There→It⑤for→of 20 「형용사[부사]+enoughto부정사」는‘…하기에충분히~한 [하게]’이라는뜻으로「so+형용사[부사]+that+주어+can+동 36 ②지각동사는동사원형이나현재분사를목적격보어로취하 므로toburn은burn혹은burning이되어야알맞다. 사원형」으로바꿔쓸수있다.이때that절의시제는주절의 시제와일치시킨다. 37 사역동사는동사원형을,지각동사는동사원형이나현재분사를 목적격보어로취한다.①→ring혹은ringing②→feel 21 「too+형용사[부사]+to부정사」는‘너무…해서~할수없는’ 이라는뜻으로「so+형용사[부사]+that+주어+can’t+동사원 ③→tocarry⑤→play 38 ⑤사역동사인let은목적격보어로동사원형이와야하므로 형」으로바꿔쓸수있다. toknow는know가되어야한다. 22 ‘너는왜그렇게생각하니?’라는말은사역동사make를이용 해「Whatmakes+목적어+동사원형…?」의형태로나타낼 수있다. 39 ‘~가…하는데(시간,돈,노력,인내심등이)~걸리다[들다]’ 라는의미는「Ittakes+목적어+시간[돈,노력,인내심...]+to 부정사」혹은「Ittakes+시간[돈,노력,인내심...]+for+목적 23 나머지빈칸에는가주어It이알맞으나,④는‘밖에소음이많 격+to부정사」구문으로나타낼수있다. 다.’라는뜻이므로There를써야한다. 40 make와let은사역동사이므로목적격보어로동사원형이오 24 주어진문장은‘우리는첫기차를타기위해일찍떠났다’는말 이므로목적을나타낸다.목적을나타내는to부정사는「in orderto+동사원형」이나「soasto+동사원형」과바꿔쓸 수있다. 고,help는동사원형혹은to부정사가온다. 41 (1)surprised,upset,glad등과같은형용사는뒤에to부 정사를써서이유나감정의원인을나타낼수있다.(2)saw는 지각동사이므로목적격보어로동사원형이나현재분사가와야 25 나머지는동사의목적어로쓰인명사적용법인데①은앞의대 한다.(3)know의목적어이면서,‘어떻게‘라는의문사how가 명사를꾸며주는형용사적용법으로쓰였다. 쓰이므로「의문사+to부정사」가알맞다. 26 <보기>,⑤목적①,③감정의원인②,④결과 42 see,watch,hear,smell,feel,notice와같은지각동사 는목적격보어로동사원형이나현재분사가온다. 27 ‘공부를열심히하지않은것’은주어이면서부정이므로not tostudyhard가알맞고,공부를하지않은사람,즉to부정 사의의미상의주어는‘나’인데형용사가silly이므로ofme가 알맞다.주어로쓰인부정사구문이길어지므로문장의맨뒤에 위치하고주어자리에는가주어It이오며,과거이므로was가 UNIT 6 동명사 28 나머지는가주어로쓰인It이고,②의It은날씨를나타내는비 01 ③ 02 ② 03 ⓐ Reading [To read] ⓑ learning 알맞다. 인칭주어이다. 29 to부정사가명사를꾸며주는형용사적용법으로쓰일때,명 사가전치사의목적어인경우to부정사뒤에전치사를써준 다.③→tolivein 04 ⓐ drawing ⓑ buying 05 ④ 06 ④ 07 ⑤ 08 ① 09 finding 10 ③ 11 ③ 12 ① 13 ② 14 ⑤ 15 ③ 16 ③ 17 ④ 18 ③ 19 ②, ③ 20 ⑤ 21 ⑤ 22 I suggested their [them] going out to eat. 23 Answer Key 27 ③ 24 ② 25 He can’t help texting all the time. →joining 26 He blamed me for not getting there on time. 11 want는to부정사만을목적어로취하는동사이므로tobuy 27 ③ 28 ⑤ 29 ① 30 ③ 31 ① 32 ③ 33 ④ 가알맞다. 34 ⑤ 35 (1) my [me] turning on the radio (2) my father’s [my father] being a farmer 36 ④ 37 ④ 12 ①,③,⑤에서와같이동명사의의미상의주어는명사나대명 사의소유격혹은목적격으로나타내고,②,④에서와같이to 서술형plus 부정사의의미상의주어는「for[of]+목적격」으로나타낸다. 38 bathing[to bathe], getting, holding, asking, ①→their혹은them putting, having, fighting 13 나머지는‘농구하자’라는뜻으로제안하는말인데②는‘농구를 39 (1) We were sorry about Jane’s [Jane] losing 하면안된다’라는뜻으로금지를나타낸다. 01 eat라는동사가문장의주어로쓰이므로동명사의형태가되 어야한다. 로동명사가알맞다. (2) He doesn’t mind Amy’s [Amy] calling him. (3) I worried about his [him] going out at her dog. night. (4) Take out the garbage without her asking. 40 (1) to return (2) meeting (3) smoking (4) to rest (5) eating (6) to climb 41 (1) feel like going to bed (2) busy (in) reading (3) couldn’t help falling in love (4) how about walking, taking 02 목적어로동명사인having이왔으므로to부정사만을목적어 로취하는refused는알맞지않다. 03 ⓐRead는문장의주어이므로동명사혹은to부정사가,ⓑ learn은전치사for의목적어이므로동명사가되어야한다. 04 spend[waste]+시간[돈]+동명사:…하는데시간[돈]을쓰 다[허비하다,낭비하다] 05 go+동명사:…하러가다 06 동사가문장에서주어,목적어,보어로쓰이기위해서는동명사 혹은to부정사의형태가되어야한다.love는동명사와to부 정사둘다목적어로취할수있지만전치사인at의목적어로 쓰일수있는것은동명사이므로④가알맞다. 08 앞에No라고대답했으므로B가Sarah에게말하는것을 잊었음을알수있다.forget+to부정사:…할것을잊다, forget+동명사:…한것을잊다 09 havedifficulty[trouble,ahardtime]+동명사:…하는 데어려움[곤란]을겪다 14 hate는동명사(checking)와to부정사(tocheck)를모두 목적어로취할수있다.to부정사를목적어로쓴다면「for+목 적격」인forme가,동명사를목적어로쓴다면소유격(my)혹 은목적격(me)이의미상의주어가된다. 15 ⓐenjoy+동명사:…하는것을즐기다ⓑspend+시간+동 명사:…하는데시간을쓰다[보내다] 16 ⓐcan’tafford+to부정사:…할여유가없다,…할형편이 안되다ⓑcan’thelp+동명사:…하지않을수없다 17 과거에했던어떤행위를기억하는것은「remember+동명 사」로나타내며,부정이므로checking앞에not을쓴다. 18 ⓐlove는동명사와to부정사둘다목적어로취하고,ⓑ mind는동명사를목적어로취한다.ⓒ전치사의목적어이므 19 참을수가없는주체는‘나’이고시끄럽게하는사람은‘Tony’ 이므로can’tstand의목적어makingsomuchnoise 의의미상의주어는Tony혹은Tony’s가되어야한다. 20 ⓐ나갈때불끄는것을잊지말라고미래의일을나타내고있 으므로to부정사가알맞다.ⓑ작년에있었던일을기억하는지 과거의일을나타내고있으므로동명사가알맞다. 21 ⓐfeellike+동명사:…하고싶다ⓑcan’thelp+동명사: …하지않을수없다 22 동명사의주어가문장의주어와다를때소유격혹은목적격으 로의미상의주어를나타낸다. 23 complainabout은‘…에대해불평하다’라는뜻으로전치 사인about뒤에는명사혹은동명사가와야한다.③→his 24 consider는‘…을고려하다’라는뜻으로동명사만을목적어 로취하는동사이다.①→winning③→coming④→ sitting⑤→correcting 25 ‘…하지않을수가없다,’‘어쩔수가없다’라는뜻은「can’t help+동명사」로나타내므로동사text는동명사인texting 이되어야한다.allthetime:항상,늘 07 표에의하면Mike는설거지를싫어하므로⑤는일치하지않 wife(’s)beingtoolazy 는다. 10 lookforwardto는‘…하는것을고대하다’라는뜻으로,목 적어로join과같이동사가올경우동명사가되어야한다.③ 26 동명사의부정은동명사앞에not을쓴다. 27 나머지는진행시제에쓰인현재분사인데③의eating은주 28 Level 2 격보어로쓰인동명사이다. of:…대신에 doing③→tomove④→stealing⑤→smoking 19 ③ 20 ③ 21 Driving too fast, she had 33 ⓐ,ⓒ지각동사의목적격보어로쓰인현재분사ⓑ,ⓓ,ⓔ동 an accident. 22 Being rare, diamonds are 28 나머지는동사의목적어로쓰였는데⑤에서는주어로쓰였다. 29 <보기>,①전치사의목적어②주어③,④,⑤동사의목적어 30 ①에서는주어,②와⑤에서는전치사의목적어,④에서는동사 의목적어로쓰인동명사인데③에서는지각동사의목적격보 31 동명사의부정은동명사앞에not을쓴다.①helpingnot 어로쓰인현재분사이다. her→nothelpingher 32 나머지는동명사가되어야하는데decide는to부정사를 목적어로취하는동사이므로다르다.①→raining②→ 명사 34 ①,②forget[remember]+동명사:(과거에)…했던것을 잊다[기억하다],forget[remember]+to부정사:(미래에) …할것을잊다[기억하다]③try+동명사:(시험삼아)…해보 다,try+to부정사:…하기위해노력하다[애쓰다]④stop+ 동명사:…하는것을그만두다[멈추다],stop+to부정사:… 하기위해(하던일을)멈추다⑤continue는의미의변화없 이동명사와to부정사를모두목적어로취한다. 35 주어가두개인문장을동명사를이용하여하나인문장으로바 꿀때문장의주어와동명사의주어가다르면동명사앞에소 유격이나목적격으로의미상의주어를나타낸다. 36 ⓐ,ⓒabout은전치사이므로saw는seeing이,get은 getting이되어야한다. 37 ④‘…하는데아무문제가없다’는「havenotrouble+동명 사」로나타낸다.tofix→fixing 38 동사가문장에서주어로쓰이거나타동사혹은전치사의목 적어가되는경우동명사가되어야한다.bathe:씻다,get wet:물에젖다,hold…still:…을움직이지못하게잡고 있다,ask:부탁하다,putsoap:비누를묻히다,have… UNIT 7 분사 01 ③ 02 ④ 03 ① 04 ③ 05 ③ 06 ③ 07 ④ 08 (1) done (2) shaved (3) surprising (4) knock [knocking] 09 ④ 10 ③ 11 ③ 12 ④ 13 ④ 14 ③ 15 ③ 16 ② 17 ④ 18 Entering the room expensive. 23 Handing in her homework late, Jane lost ten marks. 24 Getting chocolate, the boy stopped crying. 25 Not understanding his question 26 ④ 27 ③ 28 works for a company founded 29 ② 30 ④ 31 ① 32 ①, ④ 33 surrounding ➡ surrounded 34 ④ 35 ③ 36 ② 37 ⑤ 서술형plus 38 (1) ⓐ After she walked around for some time ⓑ When she tried to reach the spring ⓒ As [Since / Because] she guessed what he would do ⓓ As [Since / Because] he felt pain (2) 개미가 곤경에 처한 것을 보고 (3) struggling (4) hoping to trap it 39 (1) dancing on stage (2) filled with milk (3) Lying on the sofa 40 (1) When she ran away from the castle (2) (When) Running away from the castle ready:…을준비하다,fight:싸우다,저항하다 01 ③‘얼린요구르트’이므로과거분사frozen이알맞다.freeze 39 전치사와mind는동명사가목적어로쓰이며,동명사의주어 가문장의주어와다를때동명사앞에소유격혹은목적격으 -froze-frozen 로의미상의주어를나타낸다. 40 (1)‘내일’은미래이므로to부정사,(2)처음만났던것은과거이 므로동명사,(3)건강상의이유로금연했으므로동명사,(4)쉬 02 ④Thestudents가사람이므로interested가알맞다. 03 동사가형용사의역할을하여명사를꾸며주거나설명하는것 이분사이며,이때진행이나능동의의미이면현재분사를,완료 나수동의의미이면과거분사를쓴다.①‘말하는앵무새’라는 려고하던일을멈추었으므로to부정사,(5)한번시도해봤는 뜻으로능동의의미이므로talkingparrot이알맞다. 데맛이없었으므로동명사,(6)나무에오르려애를썼으나할 수없었으므로to부정사가각각알맞다. 04 감정을나타내는분사는사람을설명하면과거분사,사물을설 명하면현재분사를쓴다.③Alongwalk(긴산책)은사물이 41 (1)feellike+동명사:…하고싶다(2)bebusy(in)+동명사: …하느라바쁘다(3)can’thelp+동명사:…하지않을수없 므로tiring이알맞다. 05 ③주어인It은George가지퍼를잠그지않은사실을나타내 다(4)howabout+동명사?:…하는것이어때?,instead 므로현재분사인embarrassing이알맞다. Answer Key 29 06 ⓐTVprogram은사물이므로현재분사인boring,ⓑThe 꾼다. kids는사람이므로과거분사인bored가알맞다. 23 접속사Since와주어she를없애고분사구문으로바꾸면 07 get이5형식문장에서사역동사로쓰일때ⓐ목적어가사람 이면to부정사,ⓑ사물이면과거분사가각각목적격보어로 Handinginher…가된다. 24 접속사When과주어he를없애고분사구문으로고치면 온다. Getting이된다. 08 (1)현재완료는과거분사를쓴다.(2)목적어와목적격보어가 수동의관계이면과거분사가쓰인다.(3)주어가사물이므로 25 ‘그의질문을이해하지못했기때문에(Because[Since/As]I didn’tunderstandhisquestion)’라는뜻이며,분사구 surprising이알맞다.(4)지각동사가쓰였으므로knock혹 문의부정이므로현재분사인understanding앞에not이 은knocking이알맞다. 와야한다. 09 ④‘…하면서’라는뜻으로두가지동작이동시에일어나고 있으므로동시동작을나타내는분사구문으로써야한다.→ 26 ‘집에왔을때’를말하므로시간을나타내는접속사when,주 어는Jack과일치해야하므로he,동사의시제도주절과일치 building 해야하므로과거시제인arrived가알맞다. 10 나머지는동명사인데③은Thegirl을꾸며주는현재분사이 다.①동사의목적어②전치사의목적어④보어⑤주어 27 이유를나타내므로접속사는as가알맞고,분사having앞에 not이있으므로부사절은부정문임을알수있다.주절의시제 11 나머지는지각동사의목적격보어로쓰인현재분사인데③은 가과거이므로③이알맞다. 동사enjoy의목적어로쓰인동명사이다. 12 <보기>와④는동사의목적어로쓰인동명사이고나머지는현 재분사이다.①지각동사의목적격보어②진행형③뒤의 28 ‘…에서일하다’는workfor,‘회사’는acompany이다.이 때‘…에의해설립된’이acompany를꾸며주고둘은수 동의관계이므로과거분사인founded가알맞다.found- baby를꾸며주는형용사⑤Theman을꾸며주는형용사 founded-founded:설립하다,세우다 13 동사가자신이꾸며주는명사와능동의관계이면현재분사,수 동의관계이면과거분사가쓰인다.ⓐ이름이불리는것이므로 29 ‘생일파티때문에흥분해서’라는뜻으로이유를나타내고,주 어가주절과일치하며감정을나타내므로be동사Being을 수동의관계이다.ⓑ소년이춤을추는것이므로능동의관계이 생략하고Excited로쓸수있다. 다.ⓒ달걀이깨진것이므로수동의관계이다. 14 have는‘…이~되도록하다[시키다]’라는뜻으로목적어인a pizza와목적격보어인deliver는수동의관계이므로과거분 사인delivered가알맞다. 15 나머지는 사물을 설명하므로 현재분사가 알맞고 ③은 사 람을 설명하므로 과거분사가 알맞다. ①surprising ② confusing③tired④interesting⑤exciting 30 내가몸이좋지않았던(Because[As/Since]Ididnotfeel well)것이므로접속사와주어를생략하고동사feel을현재 분사로고친다.부정문이므로feeling앞에not을써야한다. 31 주어가같고,두가지행동이시간차없이일어나고있는동시 동작이므로현재분사를이용한분사구문이알맞다. 32 ’키가컸기때문에모델이되었다‘라는연결이자연스럽다.이 유를나타내는접속사As를사용한부사절과,두문장의주어 16 접속사(As)와주어(I)를생략하고동사의시제가같으므로동사 와시제가같으므로현재분사를이용한분사구문으로나타낼 원형인Be에-ing를붙여Being으로나타낸다. 수있다. 17 접속사인Because와주어인he를생략하면Nothaving friends가된다.부정문이므로분사앞에not을쓴다. 33 주어인Mr.andMrs.Thomas와surround는수동의관 계이므로surrounding은과거분사인surrounded가되 18 <보기>와같이부사절의접속사When과주어를생략하고동 사를현재분사로바꾸면Enteringtheroom이된다. 19 ‘…하면서’는동시동작을나타내며,주어인Ms.Parker가TV 를보는(watch)것이므로주어를지우고동사watch를현재 어야한다. 34 ④‘친절하기때문에친구가거의없다’는내용상어색하다.‘친 절한데도,친절함에도’라는의미의양보를나타내는접속사 Though가자연스럽다. 분사watching으로바꾼다. 35 ③분사구문을만들때부사절의동사는현재분사로바꾼다. 20 소녀가꽃바구니를자신의머리에이고가는것이므로현재분 called→calling 사인carrying이알맞다. 36 ‘셰익스피어에의해쓰인시’를말하므로명사와분사는수동의 21 부사절의 접속사와 주어를 없애고 분사구문으로 고치면 관계이다.writing→written Drivingtoofast가된다. 37 ⑤접속사와주어를없애고동사be를현재분사로바꾸면 22 접속사인As와주어인they를없애고are를being으로바 Beingonthephone이된다. 30 Level 2 38 (1)부사절은「접속사+주어+동사」의형태이므로흐름상자연 스러운접속사를쓰고주절과같은주어,주절의동사와같은 적어앞에전치사for를쓸수있는동사는③baked와⑤ bought이다.나머지는to가쓰인다. 시제로동사를쓴다.(2)현재분사로시작하는구문이고,내용 상시간을나타내는것이자연스럽다.(3)‘허우적거리는’개미 04 행위자를나타내는byitsowner가있으므로수동태문장임 을알수있다.수동태에서동사는「be동사+과거분사」의형태 를의미하므로현재분사가알맞다.(4)동시동작을나타내므로 여야하므로②는알맞지않다. 현재분사를이용한분사구문이알맞다. 05 고양이가차에치인것이므로수동태이고lastnight은과거 39 (1)‘무대에서춤을추는여인들’은능동의관계이므로현재분 사,(2)‘우유가가득든유리잔들’은수동의관계이므로과거분 사가알맞다.(3)‘소파에누워서’는동시동작을나타내므로현 이므로④가알맞다. 06 모두수동태문장이므로과거분사가알맞다.ⓐtell-told -toldⓑforbid-forbade-forbiddenⓒblow- 01 drawn 02 ④ 03 ③, ⑤ 04 ② 05 ④ 06 ② 07 ④ 08 ① 09 ③ 10 ① 11 ④ 12 ③ 13 is dead로나타낸다. 재분사가알맞다. 40 신데렐라가도망치다가유리구두를잃어버린상황이므로부 사절Whensheranaway…혹은분사구문을이용한 (When)Runningaway…가알맞다. UNIT 8 수동태 flown 14 ⓐ found ⓑ was found 15 ② 16 The work must be done 17 ③ 18 ① 19 ③ 20 ⑤ 21 ④ 22 are being looked for 23 ①, ⑤ 24 ③ 25 can be moved 26 ④ 27 ④ 28 ③, ⑤ 29 deliver ➡ be delivered 30 ⓐ We weren’t taught English by him. ⓑ English wasn’t taught to us by him. 31 ④ 32 ②, ④ 33 ④ 34 ② 35 ④ 36 ④ 37 ⑤ 38 ④ 39 ③ 서술형plus 40 ⓐ was given ⓑ was designed ⓒ was completed ⓓ was sent ⓔ were put together 41 (1) The homework must be finished today by him. (2) The newspaper is being delivered by the boy. (3) This report may not be accepted by the teacher. (4) Five dollars were given to him by me. 혹은 He was given five dollars by me. blew-blown 07 ④wake-woke-woken 08 ①‘치즈는우유로만들어진다.’라는뜻으로이때는by가아니 라‘원료,재료’를나타내는전치사from을쓴다.②betired of:…에싫증나다③becrowdedwith:…로붐비다④ becoveredwith:…로덮이다⑤beknownto:…에 게알려지다 09 ①소유를나타내는have,④cost,⑤last(지속하다)등과 같은동사는수동태로쓰지않는다.②‘죽다’는die혹은be 10 ①happen(일어나다,발생하다)은자동사이므로수동태로 쓰지않는다.→happened 11 ⓐ카메라가누군가에의해도난당한것이고과거시제이므로 wasstolen이알맞다.ⓑdisappear(사라지다)는자동사로 수동태로쓸수없다. 12 arrive,belongto,weigh,remain등과같은자동사는 목적어를취할수없으므로수동태로쓰일수없다. 13 능동태의목적어인Aplane이주어이므로수동태문장이다. 수동태에서동사의형태는「be동사+과거분사」이고,현재시제 이며fly의과거분사형은flown이므로isflown이알맞다. 14 ⓐ행위자인Andy가주어인능동태문장이다.yesterday 는과거이므로found가알맞다.ⓑ행위(동작)의대상인My phone이주어인수동태문장이므로wasfound가알맞다. 15 ②를제외한나머지는수동태문장에서행위자앞에쓰이는전 치사by가알맞다.②befilledwith(=befullof):…로 가득차다 42 (1) be beaten by (2) Your challenge is accepted by me. (3) ⓐ was fixed ⓑ was made 16 주어가Thework인수동태문장이다.조동사must가있 으므로is는원형인be가되어야하고,do의과거분사형은 done이므로mustbedone이알맞다. 01 주어가 동사의 대상이 되므로 수동태 문장이다.draw - 17 4형식문장의수동태에서직접목적어가주어인경우cook은 drew-drawn 간접목적어앞에전치사for를쓰고,sell은to를쓴다. 02 주어인theclassrules는복수이고동사break의대상이 되는수동태문장이므로arebroken이알맞다. 18 주어진문장을수동태로바꾸면Thatcastlewasvisited byfewtourists.가되므로네번째로오는단어는visited 03 직접목적어가주어가된4형식문장의수동태에서간접목 이다. Answer Key 31 19 ③needto는뒤에동사원형이와야하며,‘청소되어야한 다’는 뜻의 수동태가 되어야 하므로iscleaning은be 이므로수동태로쓸수없다.wasbecome→became 34 ①discovered→wasdiscovered③make→made cleaned가되어야한다. ④are→be⑤been삭제 20 나머지는수동태문장이므로과거분사가알맞고⑤watch 는지각동사이므로목적격보어로동사원형(try)이나현재 35 ④수동태이고조동사will뒤에는동사원형이와야하므로 willbedestroyed가알맞다. 분사(trying)가알맞다.①canceled②examined③ 36 ④능동태문장의시제가현재진행형이므로수동태에서는is corrected④explained beingused가되어야한다. 21 능동태문장이과거시제이고긍정문이므로ⓐ복수인The men이주어일때는wereshown,ⓑ단수인Thepicture 37 ⑤takecareof는‘…을돌보다’라는뜻으로구동사이므로 수동태문장에서도빠지는것없이쓰여야한다.→isbeing 가주어일때는wasshown이알맞고show는간접목적어 takencareof 앞에to를쓴다. 38 ④A의질문에의하면B는John의파티에가지않았으므로I 22 능동태문장의시제가현재진행형이므로「be동사+being+ 과거분사」가알맞다.이때lookfor는‘…을찾다’라는뜻의 wasn’tinvited가알맞다. 39 ③내가받은것이므로수동태가되어야한다.paid→was 구동사이므로for는수동태에서도함께쓰여야한다. paid 23 ‘왕자’가주어이면능동태가되고,‘이성’이주어이면수동태가 된다.이때have는수동태로쓸수없으므로동사는own을 40 전체적인글의시제가과거이고주어가모두동사의동작을받 는대상이되므로「was[were]+과거분사」형태의수동태가 알맞다.또한행위자가일반적인사람일때는「by+목적격」은 이용해나타낸다. 알맞다. 24 능동태의시제가미래이고부정문이므로won’tbesent가 생략한다. 25 ‘…할수있다’라는뜻의조동사can이포함되는수동태이므로 41 (1)조동사의수동태는「조동사+be+과거분사」이다.(3)조동 사의부정문의수동태는「조동사+not+be+과거분사」로나타 canbemoved가알맞다. 낸다.(4)give는간접목적어와직접목적어둘다수동태의주 26 능동태의시제가현재진행형이고목적어가단수이므로수동태 어가될수있는데직접목적어가주어인경우간접목적어앞에 에서는「isbeing+과거분사」가되어야한다. 전치사to를쓴다. 27 조동사가쓰인문장의수동태는「조동사+be+과거분사」의형 태이며lookafter는‘…을돌보다’라는뜻으로하나의동사 42 (1)수동태의동사는「be동사+과거분사」인데앞에조동사가 있으므로bebeaten이알맞고행위자앞에는by를쓴다.(2) 로취급된다. 28 give가쓰인4형식문장이므로간접목적어인Lisa와직접목 적어인someflowers둘다수동태의주어로쓸수있다.이 목적어인yourchallenge가주어가되고,현재시제이므로 동사는isaccepted가알맞다.(3)fix와make의주어인a course와astart모두각동사의대상이되는말이므로수 때동사의시제와주어의수에주의해야한다. 동태가알맞으며,과거시제이다. 29 연설이교장선생님에의해행해지는것이므로수동태가알맞 고,조동사(will)다음에는동사원형이와야하므로deliver는 bedelivered가되어야한다. 30 teach는직접목적어를수동태의주어로쓸경우간접목적 어앞에전치사to를쓴다는점에주의해야한다.능동태문장 의시제가과거이고부정문이므로동사는was[were]not taught가알맞다. UNIT 9 관계사 01 ④, ⑤ 02 ① 03 which[that] 04 ④ 05 ③ 06 ② 07 whose 08 ③ 09 ② 10 ② 11 ② 12 ① 31 ④미래를나타내는nextweek와과거인wasn’t가한문 13 I read a book written by Mark Twain. 14 and 장에쓰이는것은어색하다.wasn’t→won’tbe she 15 ④ 16 ①, ⑤ 17 What 18 ③ 19 ④ 20 32 ②약은복용되는것이므로수동인mustbetaken이알맞 다.④축구공이Chris에의해차이는것이므로수동인was kicked가알맞다. 33 ⓐtaste가‘…한맛이나다’라는뜻으로2형식에쓰이면수동 태로쓸수없다.istasted→tastesⓒbecome은자동사 I know a restaurant where the food is excellent. 21 (1) where (2) when (3) why (4) how 22 ⑤ 23 ⑤ 24 ④ 25 ③ 26 ⑤ 27 ⑤ 28 ④ 29 ② 30 ① 31 ④ 32 ② 33 ② 34 ① 35 ⑤ 36 ① 37 He’ll pay for what he broke. 32 Level 2 서술형plus 38 (1) ⓐ who ⓑ that ⓒ who [that] ⓓ which ⓔ which ⓕ which (2) ⓐ who [that] ⓑ what 39 (1) I have a dog whose tail is long. 있다. (2) I ordered a book (which [that] was) written by him. (3) Do you know the park where I met John? 40 ⓑ who ⓒ who ⓔ which ⓖ who ⓗ who 41 (1) What Jenny said made me cry. (2) We can’t give you what you want. (3) This is what I have been looking for. (4) What you did was not very polite. which를이용하여한문장으로연결한다.이때②에서와같 이목적어(it)를반복하여쓰지않도록주의한다. 13 「주격관계대명사+be동사」인whichwas는생략할수있다. 14 계속적용법의관계대명사는「접속사+대명사」로바꿔쓸수 15 선행사가사람이고전치사with의목적어역할을해야하므로 목적격관계대명사who(m)가알맞다.목적격관계대명사는 ⑤에서와같이전치사가뒤에있을때생략할수있으며,④에 서와같이that도가능하지만전치사뒤에서는쓰일수없다. 16 관계대명사that은선행사가사물일때와사람일때모두쓰 일수있지만①에서처럼전치사뒤혹은⑤에서와같이계속 적용법에는쓰일수없다. 17 문장에서주어로쓰이고‘…하는것’이라는뜻으로선행사를포 01 선행사가사물인경우관계대명사는which혹은that을쓸 함하고있으므로관계대명사what이알맞다. 02 관계대명사절의동사와문장의동사가복수이므로단수주어 수있다. 는올수없다. 18 ‘내가먹고싶은것은네가만들려는것이다.’라는뜻으로‘… (하는)것’이라는의미의선행사를포함한관계대명사what이 알맞다.what은명사절을이끌어문장에서주어,보어,목적어 03 선행사가동물이고이를가리키는대명사It은주격이므로 로쓰인다. which나that이알맞다. 04 선행사가songs와같은사물일경우which혹은that을쓸 수있지만,두번째문장에서와같이계속적용법이쓰인경우 에는that을쓸수없다. 05 선행사가사람이고ⓐ주어역할을하면who,ⓑ명사의앞에 서소유를나타내면whose,ⓒ전치사의목적어역할을하면 19 나머지는선행사가없고동사의목적어(①,②)나주어(③,⑤) 가되는명사절을이끌어야하므로관계대명사what이알맞 다.④선행사가things이므로which나that이알맞다. 20 ‘음식이 매우 맛있는’이라는 형용사절이 ‘식당’이라는 명 사(선행사)를 꾸며 주는데 ‘식당’은 장소를 나타내므로 a restaurant뒤에관계부사where가이끄는절이이어지는 who(m)를쓴다. 것이자연스럽다. 06 his[Mike’s]brother에서소유격을대신하므로소유격관 07 각각itswriter와theperson’sson에서소유격을대신하 계대명사whose가알맞다. 므로whose가알맞다. 21 (1)선행사가장소를나타내므로where,(2)선행사가시간을 나타내므로when,(3)선행사가이유를나타내므로why,(4) ‘기계가작동하는법’을나타내므로how가각각알맞다.이때 how는선행사인theway와함께쓰이지않는다는점에주 08 talk은자동사인데목적격관계대명사가쓰였으므로talk뒤 의해야한다. 에with혹은to와같은전치사가필요하다. 22 ⑤관계부사why는forwhich와바꿔쓸수있다. 09 선행사가장소일때관계부사where를이용해한문장으로 연결할수있다.이때where는「전치사+관계대명사」인in 23 ⑤목적격관계대명사는생략할수있다.①,④지시형용사② 지시대명사③주격관계대명사 which로바꿔쓸수있다. 24 계속적용법의관계대명사는목적격이라고하더라도생략할 10 ⓐ선행사가사물이고목적어역할을하므로which혹은 that이알맞다.ⓑ선행사가장소를나타내는말이고부사인 수없다. 25 ⓐ주격관계대명사와ⓔ전치사뒤에위치하는관계대명사는 there를대신하므로관계부사where가알맞다. 목적격이라고해도생략할수없다. 11 선행사가사람이므로관계대명사who가알맞고,관계대명사 는접속사와대명사의역할을하므로④나⑤에서와같이대명 26 나머지는‘무엇’이라는뜻의의문사로쓰였는데⑤에서는선행 사를포함한관계대명사로쓰였으며,‘가장Ted의관심을끄는 사혹은접속사를쓰지않는다.또한선행사가단수이므로관계 것’이라는뜻이다. 대명사절에서도단수동사가되어야한다. 12 선행사가사물이고목적어역할을하므로목적격관계대명사 27 나머지는 명사절을 이끄는 접속사인데 ⑤에서는 선행사 something을꾸며주는주격관계대명사로쓰였다. Answer Key 33 28 <보기>와④는목적격관계대명사이고나머지는주격관계대 41 ‘…하는것’이라는뜻으로선행사를포함하며문장에서주어, 목적어,보어로쓰이는명사절을이끄는관계대명사는what 29 <보기>,②관계부사②when앞에선행사thetime이생략 되었다.①,⑤‘…할때’라는의미의접속사③,④‘언제’라는의 이다. 명사이다. 미의의문사 30 ①계속적용법에는관계대명사that을쓸수없다.→who 31 ④자동사인speak가목적어를갖기위해서는뒤에전치사가 UNIT 10 접속사, 전치사 필요하다.→whichwespokeabout 32 ②선행사가thereason이므로관계부사why가알맞다. 33 ①which가목적격이므로대명사it이없어야한다.③선행 사Thegirl이3인칭단수이므로were가아닌was를써 야한다.④관계대명사절은선행사뒤에와야한다.→The phonethatIwanttobuyisavailable.⑤he앞에목 적격관계대명사which[that]가생략되었으므로대명사it 은없어야한다. 01 through 02 ④ 03 ② 04 ③ 05 ①, ② 06 ④ 07 ④ 08 ③ 09 ③ 10 ① 11 ⑤ 12 not only, but also 13 ① 14 ③ 15 (1) Both, and (2) Neither, nor (3) not only, but also 16 Unless ➡ If 17 ③ 18 so, that 19 ② 20 ③ 21 ① 22 ⑤ 23 unless the bus is late 24 ② 25 ③ 26 ④ 27 ④ 28 ② 29 ③ 30 was so strong that it blew 31 ② 32 ③ 33 ② 34 ⑤ 35 ⑤ 36 ④ 37 ⑤ 34 ①방법을나타내는관계부사how는선행사theway와함 께쓰이지않는다.→Showmethewayyoudidit.혹 서술형plus 은Showmehowyoudidit. 38 (1) Both Mike and Kate are busy. (2) I like neither math nor science. 35 관계부사where는「전치사+관계대명사」로바꿔쓸수있다. 전치사는②와같이관계대명사앞에올수도있고,③과같이 (3) If you like this camera, you can keep it. (4) Never be late again, or you’ll be punished. 문장의맨뒤에올수도있다.또한목적격관계대명사는④와 (5) I believe that Mark can finish the work. 같이생략할수도있다.하지만⑤에서처럼관계부사앞에전치 (6) Behave yourself, and I’ll let you have this. 사가쓰일수는없다. 36 <보기>와 ①에는 선행사가 없으므로what이 알맞다. ② which[that]③whose④who[that]⑤that 37 ‘그가의미한것을오해했다’와‘그가깨뜨린것을보상해야한 다’는말이므로Youmisunderstoodthethingwhich hemeant.와He’llpayforthethingwhichhe broke.가되므로thethingwhich를나타내는what으로 38 (1)선행사가사람이면who,사물이면which,-thing으로 끝나면that을쓴다.관계대명사that은계속적용법에쓰일 수없다.(2)아버지가원하는것을가져온셋째아들이다음왕 연결한다. 이될것이다. 39 (1) ⓐ before ⓑ that ⓒ When (2) so pleased, that 40 (1) ⓐ Although [Though] ⓑ because [since/as] ⓒ If ⓓ that (2) (A) (either) eating or sleeping (B) Not only ministers but also doctors 혹은 Doctors as well as ministers 01 ‘…을통과하여’의의미를나타내는전치사는through이다. 02 ①날짜앞에는on을쓴다.②fromAtoB:A부터B까지③ nextto:…옆에⑤betweenAandB:A와B둘중에 03 ⓐ마을과공항두곳을운행하므로between이알맞다.ⓑ 어떤행위가지속된시간을나타내므로for가알맞다.ⓒ특정 시간까지지속된행동을나타내므로until이알맞다. 39 (1)대명사가소유격이므로whose,(2)선행사가사물이고대 명사가주격이므로which[that],(3)선행사가장소를나타내 04 나머지는‘…처럼,…와같이’라는뜻의전치사로쓰였는데③ 에서는‘좋아하다’라는뜻의동사로쓰였다. 므로관계부사where로연결한다. 05 becauseof와같이이유를나타내는전치사구는dueto와 40 ⓑ주격관계대명사who로연결되었으므로따로주어he를 쓸필요가없다.ⓒlikes의주어가필요하므로who가알맞 owingto이다. 06 ④‘…에게속하다,…의것이다’라는뜻으로소유를나타내는 다.ⓔ선행사가stories이므로which가알맞다.ⓖis의주 표현은belongto이다. 어가필요하므로who가알맞다.ⓗ선행사가사람이고like 07 bothAandB는항상복수로쓰이고whenImetthem 의주어가필요하므로who가알맞다. 은과거이므로were가알맞다. 34 Level 2 08 ③becauseof는전치사구이므로뒤에명사나대명사가와 야하는데절이이어지므로어색하다.따라서이유를나타내는 쓸수있다. 23 if...not은‘만약…않는다면’이라는뜻으로unless와바꿔 접속사because,since,as등으로바꾸거나becauseof thebadweather가되어야한다. 09 ③‘…옆에’는beside(=nextto)이다.besides는전치사 로는‘…외에,’부사로는‘게다가,또한’이라는뜻이다. 24 양보를 나타내는 접속사 although는 in spite of나 despite와같은전치사와바꿔쓸수있다.이때전치사는뒤 에절이올수없으므로명사구의형태로바꾼다. 25 ③내용상‘음악이너무시끄러워서잠을잘수없다’가자연스 10 ‘스마트폰애플리케이션을사용하면’이라는뜻으로조건을나 럽다.can→can’t 11 수영도못하고스키도못탄다는의미이므로neitherAnor 26 나머지는‘…한이후로[이래로]’라는뜻으로현재완료에쓰인 접속사인데④는‘…때문에’라는뜻으로이유를나타내는접속 12 BaswellasA =notonlyAbutalsoB:A뿐만아니라 27 나머지는명사절을이끄는접속사인데④에서는관계대명사로 타내므로If가알맞다. B로나타낸다. B도 사로쓰였다. 쓰였다. 13 ⓐneitherAnorB:A와B둘다아닌ⓑeitherAorB: A와B둘중의하나ⓒbothAandB:A와B둘다 14 상관접속사notonlyAbutalsoB,eitherAorB, neitherAnorB가주어로쓰인경우동사는가까이있는주 어인B에일치시킨다. 15 (1)Julie와Tina는둘다역사를좋아하므로both,and 가알맞다.(2)Julie와Kevin은둘다과학을싫어하므로 neither,nor가알맞다.(3)Tina는역사와미술둘다좋아 하므로notonly,butalso가알맞다. 17 since는‘…때문에’라는뜻으로이유를나타내기도하고‘… 이래로’라는뜻으로현재완료와함께쓰이기도한다. 18 「so+형용사[부사]+that+주어+동사」는‘너무…해서~하다’ 라는뜻으로결과를나타낸다. 19 as는접속사로서‘①…대로③…다시피[…듯이]④원급비 교에쓰이는접속사⑤…하는동안에,…하면서’등의다양한 의미를나타낸다.②looklike는‘…처럼보이다’라는뜻으로 like가전치사로쓰이기도하지만구어에서는‘…할것같다’라 는뜻으로뒤에「주어+동사」형태의절이오기도한다. 16 ‘만약…한다면’이라는뜻은접속사if로나타낸다.unless는 ‘만약…하지않는다면’이라는뜻이다. 나타낸다. 28 <보기>와같이전치사로쓰인as(…로서)는②이다.①…함에 따라③…한대로④…하는동안(=while)⑤…때문에(= because,since) 29 <보기>와같이시간을나타내는부사절을이끄는접속사로쓰 인것은③이다.①,②의문사④,⑤관계부사 30 ‘너무…해서~하다’는「so+형용사[부사]+that+주어+동사 …」구문으로나타낸다. 31 ①after(…한후에),③until(…할때까지),④before(…하 기전에),⑤while(…하는동안)등은모두시간을나타내는 부사절을이끄는접속사이다.②의as는이문장에서이유를 32 ③‘교통상황이매우나빴기때문에제시간에도착했다.’는어 색하다.‘교통상황이매우나빴음에도제시간에도착했다.’가 자연스러우므로Although혹은Though가알맞다. 33 ②에는‘아버지가올때까지여기서기다려야한다.’라는의미 가가장자연스러우므로until이알맞고,나머지는that이알 맞다.①명사절(주어),③명사절(목적어),④명사절(보어),⑤ 부사절(결과) 34 등위접속사로연결되는부분은같은구조를가져야한다.⑤앞 의동사가현재시제이므로didn’t는doesn’t가되어야한다. 35 ⑤like는전치사이므로절을이끄는접속사로쓰이지않는다. 36 ①get→Iget혹은getting②stop→stopping③ because→becauseof⑤have→having 20 상관접속사로연결된두요소는구조가같아야한다.앞의목적 어인playing이동명사이므로뒤의목적어도동명사가되어 Like→As 야한다. 가알맞다. 21 ‘열심히공부를했는데도성적이좋지않았다.’라는문장이므로 앞뒤가상반되는내용을연결하는Although혹은Though 37 ⓔDespite는 뒤에of를 취하지 않는다. 이어지는the storm은명사이므로Despite혹은Inspiteof로바꿔야 22 ⓐ피곤했지만일을끝내야만했다는뜻이므로although혹 은though가알맞다.ⓑ입장권이없으면들어갈수없다는 38 (1)두사람모두바쁘므로both,(2)수학과과학둘다싫어하 므로neither,(3)카메라가마음에든다면가져도좋다는말 뜻이므로unless가알맞다.ⓒ‘공부를하는동안’을나타내므 이므로if로연결한다.(4)부정명령문+or:…하지마라,그렇 로while이알맞다. 지않으면~할것이다(5)believe의목적어역할을하는명 한다.Although는접속사이므로명사앞에쓰일수없다. Answer Key 35 사절을이끄는that이알맞다.(6)긍정명령문+and:…해라, 그러면~할것이다 39 (1)ⓐ‘나를잡아먹기전에’이므로before,ⓑheard의목적 어가필요하므로that,ⓒ‘양치기가그소리를들었을때’를 나타내므로When이알맞다.(2)‘너무…해서~하다’는결과 01 ⓐ조건을나타내는부사절에서는미래시제대신에현재시제 를쓰며,ⓑunless는‘만약…하지않다면’의뜻으로if… not의의미이다. 02 나머지는조건을나타내는부사절이므로현재시제가알맞은데 ④는가정법과거문장이므로knew가알맞다.①is②run 를나타내며「so+형용사[부사]+that+주어+동사」의형태로 ③is④knew⑤fails 쓴다. 40 (1)ⓐ내용이상반되므로Although[Though],ⓑ이유가 이어지므로because[since/as],ⓒ조건을말하므로If,ⓓ 03 ⓐ미래에일어날일에대한조건을나타내므로shines가알 맞다.ⓑ가정법과거:주절에「조동사의과거형+동사원형」이 있으므로shone이알맞다.ⓒ가정법과거완료:주절에「조 realized의목적어가필요하므로that이알맞다.(2)(A)‘A 동사의과거형+have+과거분사」가있으므로hadshone이 와B둘중하나’는eitherAorB로나타내고,「spend+ 알맞다. 시간+동명사」의형태로쓴다.(2)‘A뿐만아니라B도’는not 04 가정법과거구문이므로주절에는「조동사의과거형+동사원 onlyAbutalsoB혹은BaswellasA로나타낸다. 형」이와야한다. UNIT 11 가정법 01 ① 02 ④ 03 ③ 04 ② 05 ⑤ 06 ②, ⑤ 07 ④ 08 ② 09 ⑤ 10 ② 11 ④ 12 ④ 13 ③, ④ 14 ③ 15 ③ 16 ② 17 ③ 18 had seen, would have laughed 19 ⑤ 20 ③ 21 could have stayed, had come 22 ⓐ had known ⓑ would have baked 23 ④ 24 if we had had a few more minutes 25 had made 26 went ➡ had gone 27 ④ 28 ③ 29 ⑤ 30 had been 31 ④ 32 ⑤ 33 ④ 34 ⑤ 서술형plus 35 (1) ⓐ hurry ⓑ will be able to ⓒ is ⓓ will have (2) (A) if we had had enough money (B) Would you have saved money if you had known (C) I would not have bought my new game if I had known 36 (1) As [Because/Since] I’m not a bird, I can’t 05 가정법과거에서는조동사의과거형을사용한다. 06 ‘스마트폰이없기때문에게임을할수없다’라는뜻이므로이 유를나타내는접속사As,Because,Since등이알맞다. 07 차가너무많지않다면공해가심하지않을것이라는내용이 자연스러우므로④는wouldnotbe가알맞다. 08 If가쓰였고,주절의동사가「조동사의과거형+동사원형」이므 로과거형인②가알맞다. 09 if절에 「had+과거분사」가 쓰였고 외투를 입었다면 감기 에걸리지않았을것이라는내용이므로가정법과거완료인 wouldn’thavecaught가알맞다. 10 가정법과거에는were를쓴다.②는조건을나타내는부사절 이므로현재시제인are가알맞다. 11 학교에갈필요가없다면무엇을할것인지가정법과거로묻 고있으므로「조동사의과거형+동사원형」으로대답해야한다. 12 ④주절의동사가가정법과거의형태이므로is는was[were] 가되어야한다. 13 주어진문장은가정법과거로‘그의주소를안다면편지를쓸 텐데.’라는뜻이다.현실은그의주소를몰라서편지를쓸수없 다는말이므로③,④와의미가같다. 14 현재와반대되는상황을가정하여말하고있으므로「If+주어+ 동사의과거형…,주어+조동사의과거형+동사원형~.」형태 sing for you. bike. (2) If it were [was] cheaper, I would buy that 의가정법과거구문이알맞다. (3) As [Because /Since] I didn’t study hard, I 가정법과거」와같은의미이다. 15 주어진문장은현재의유감스러운일을나타내므로「Iwish+ didn’t pass the test. (4) If it hadn’t been so noisy, I would have heard the phone ring. 37 ⓐ I wish I had water to drink ⓑ I wish I had something to eat ⓒ I wish I had a bed 16 ‘마치…인것처럼’은현재사실과반대되는일을나타내므로 17 현재시제인오늘의일을가정하여말하는것이므로가정법과 asifhewere가알맞다. 거가알맞다. 18 과거의일을가정하여말하는것이므로「If+주어+had+과거 분사…,주어+조동사의과거형+have+과거분사」형태의가 36 Level 2 정법과거완료로나타낸다. (2)돈이있었다면엄마생신이전에(오늘이전에)입장권을샀 19 주절의동사가wouldn’thavemissed로가정법과거완 을것이므로과거의일임을알수있다.따라서(A),(B),(C)모 료를나타내므로hadleft가알맞다. 두가정법과거완료가알맞다. 20 ‘…했었다면좋았을텐데’이므로「Iwish+가정법과거완료」 구문이되어야한다.→Iwishyouhadcalledbefore 36 (1),(2)현재의일에대해반대로가정하여말할때는가정법과 거로나타낸다.(3),(4)과거의일에대해반대로가정하여말할 coming. 때는가정법과거완료로나타낸다. 21 직설법문장의시제가과거이므로가정법과거완료로나타내 고,긍정과부정은서로반대가되어야한다. 37 ‘만약…라면좋을텐데’라는뜻으로현재의소망이나아쉬움을 나타낼때는「Iwish+주어+과거형동사」형태의가정법과거 22 과거에이미한일에대해반대로가정해서말하고있으므로 를사용한다. 로완료를나타내는조동사had를추가하고목적어인afew 01 ② 02 ② 03 ④ 04 ③ 05 ③ 06 ⑤ 07 ③, ⑤ 가정법과거완료로나타내야한다. 23 지난일요일에일어난일에대해반대로가정해서말하는것이 므로가정법과거완료구문이알맞다. 24 가정법과거완료구문이므로「if+주어+had+과거분사…」의 형태가되어야하는데동사가had하나만제시되어있으므 moreminutes를이어서쓴다. 25 과거의일임을알수있는yesterday가있으므로가정법과 거완료구문이알맞다.「had+과거분사」인hadmade가되 26 콘서트에갔었더라면좋았을것이라고과거의일에대해반대 로가정하여말하고있으므로Iwish뒤에는가정법과거완료 어야한다. 가자연스럽다. 27 직설법문장의시제가과거이고,‘부자가아니어서가난한사 람들을도울수없었다’를반대로가정하면‘부자였다면가난한 사람들을도울수있었을텐데.’라는의미가되므로가정법과 거완료인④가알맞다. 28 현재실제로는새차를살돈이없으므로‘새차를살돈이있다 면좋을텐데.’라는의미의가정법과거문장이알맞다. 29 ⑤‘복권에당첨된다면’이라는뜻으로가정의의미를나타내므 로will은would가되어야한다. 30 과거에배우였던것처럼말하므로hadbeen이알맞다. 31 ⓓ 과거의 일에 대해 반대의 상황을 가정하여 말하는 것 이므로‘숙제를많이내주시지않았다면’이라는뜻의had not[hadn’t]given이알맞다. 이알맞다. spokentohim. 야한다. 33 ④직설법문장의시제가과거이므로가정법과거완료가되어 야한다.→IfyouhadseenDavid,youcouldhave 34 ⑤가정법과거완료이므로turned는hadturned가되어 35 (1)미래에일어날일의조건을나타내는부사절에서는미래시 제대신현재시제를쓰고,주절에는「will+동사원형」을쓴다. UNIT 12 시제 일치와 화법 전환 08 ①, ④ 09 ① 10 ③ 11 ② 12 ② 13 ⑤ 14 ④ 15 ⑤ 16 ③ 17 ② 18 ⑤ 19 ④ 20 he was meeting Ted the next[following] day 21 had never been, was thinking 22 ③ 23 ② 24 if [whether] we were going to play basketball 25 She asked if [whether] she might open the window. 26 He asked what we should learn that day. 27 ⑤ 28 “Have you visited the museum before?” 29 ② cries out ➡ cried out 30 she liked horror movies 31 ④ 32 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓓ 33 ④ 34 ⑤ 35 ④ 36 ④ 서술형plus 37 (1) John told me (that) he would text me that night. (2) Sarah said (that) she had swum in that lake. 38 ⓐ asked Mike if [whether] he was busy the next[following] day ⓑ asked Mike if [whether] he could help her with her science report 39 ⓐ Where are you going? ⓒ What are you going to buy? ⓓ I need a new T- shirt. 40 (1) ⓐ said (that) it was too hot to work, so the ant should come there and rest ⓑ said (that) she was storing up for winter and (that) she thought the grasshopper should do the same (2) to prepare for the days of necessity Answer Key 37 32 ⓔ는가정법과거완료구문이므로hadnot[hadn’t]eaten ⓑ I’m going to the shopping mall. 01 과거한시점에동시에일어난행동이므로bought가알맞다. 02 빛이초당30만킬로미터를간다는것은불변의사실이므로 19 ⓐ조동사can은간접화법에서전달동사가과거일때could 로바뀐다.ⓑmight,could,would,should,oughtto 현재시제로나타낸다. 와같은조동사는간접화법에서전달동사의시제와상관없이 03 간접화법에서인용문이평서문일때전달동사는say혹은tell 이쓰이는데say는간접목적어가있을때는sayto로,간접목 적어가없을때는that절이바로뒤에온다.반면tell은주로 형태가바뀌지않는다. 20 전달동사가과거시제일때,간접화법의인용문이현재진행형 이면과거진행형으로바꾸고,now는then으로,tomorrow 뒤에간접목적어가온다. 는thenext[following]day로바꾼다. 04 ③을제외한나머지는변하지않는사실을나타내므로시제일 치와상관없이현재시제로쓴다.①has②is③needed④ 21 전달동사가과거시제일때인용문의시제가현재완료이면과 거완료로,현재진행이면과거진행으로바꾼다. 05 ⓐ과거의사실은과거시제(knew)로,ⓑ불변의진리는현재 고쳐야자연스럽다. 22 ③John이현재시제로묻고있으므로wanted는wants로 23 ②wanted에대한목적어가필요하므로if는어색하다.대신 fly⑤contains 시제(is)로쓴다. 06 주절의시제가현재이면종속절에는현재,과거,현재완료,미 what이나which등의의문사가알맞다. 래시제가올수있지만과거완료는어색하다. 24 인용문이의문사가없는의문문이므로접속사if나whether 07 주절의시제가과거이면종속절에는과거혹은과거완료시제 를넣어평서문의어순으로바꾼다.이때대명사와동사의시제 가올수있다. 변화에유의해야한다. 08 전달동사가asked이고의문사에해당하는내용이없으므 로의문사가없는의문문의간접화법에쓰이는접속사if혹은 25 인용문이의문문이므로전달동사는asked,접속사는if나 whether를쓰고평서문의어순으로주어와동사를쓰되,조 whether가알맞다. 동사may는과거형인might로바꾼다. 09 ①주절의시제가과거이므로종속절에현재진행형이오는것 은어색하다.→made,wasmaking,hadmade 26 인용문이의문문이므로전달동사는asked,접속사로는what 을쓰고shall은과거형인should로바꾸어「주어+조동사+ 10 나머지는be동사의과거형이알맞은데③은변하지않는사실 이므로현재시제가알맞다.①was②were[was]③is④ 꾼다. 동사원형」의평서문어순으로쓰며,today는thatday로바 11 인용문이평서문이므로간접화법으로바꿀때접속사로that was⑤were 을쓴다. 12 전달동사의시제가과거이므로인용문의현재시제는간접화법 에서과거시제가되어야한다. 13 전달동사가과거시제이므로will은would로,tomorrow 는thenextday혹은thefollowingday로바꾼다. 14 인용문이평서문이므로saidto는told로바꾸고,접속사 that을쓰고주어인I는he로바꾼다.또한시제는과거로바 꾼다. 15 인용문이의문사가있는의문문이므로said는asked로바꾸 고「의문사+주어+동사」의어순으로바꾼다.또한시제는과거 27 조동사should는간접화법에서형태가변하지않으므로평 서문의간접화법어순으로쓰되,대명사와부사의변화에유의 해야한다. 28 전달동사가asked이고접속사if가있으므로인용문은의문 사가없는의문문임을알수있다.또한종속절의시제가과거 완료이므로인용문의시제는과거혹은현재완료인데경험을 묻고있으므로현재완료가자연스럽다. 29 lastnight이라는과거시점을나타내는말이있고,전체적인 글의시제가과거이므로②는criedout이알맞다. 30 주절의동사가현재시제에서과거시제로바뀌면종속절의시 제는현재인경우과거로바뀐다. 31 ①went→go혹은work→worked②am→was③ 완료로바꾼다. willbe→was⑤bike→biked 16 인용문이의문문이므로saidto는asked로바꾸고의문사가 없으므로접속사는if[whether]를쓰고시제를과거로바꾼다. 17 전달동사가asked이고where이있으므로인용문은의문사 가있는의문문임을알수있고,종속절의시제가과거이므로 32 ⓒhavefed→fed혹은hadfedⓔ과거의사실이므로 과거시제를쓴다.hadinvented→invented 33 ⓓ접속사that으로연결된것으로보아인용문이평서문이므 로asked는어색하다.toldtome→toldme 인용문의시제는현재가알맞다. 34 ⑤전달동사의시제가과거이므로인용문은현재완료에서과 18 인용문이의문사가있는의문문인경우접속사로의문사를쓰 거완료가되어야한다.has→had 고나머지는평서문의어순으로바꾼다. 35 ④인용문이의문사가없는의문문이므로간접화법에서는접 38 Level 2 속사if혹은whether를써야한다. 필요가없다’라는의미의⑤가알맞다. 36 ④역사적인사실은시제일치의예외로항상과거시제로쓴다. 05 다이어트중이라고하므로‘…하지않는것이낫다’라는뜻의 hadbrokenout→brokeout hadbetternot이알맞다. 37 인용문이평서문이므로접속사that을쓰고,전달동사가과거 시제이므로that절에서의시제및대명사의변화에유의해야 06 B가‘좋아,물론이지.’라고답한것으로보아빈칸에는요청이 나부탁하는말이알맞다.③은의무를나타내므로어색하다. 한다. 38 인용문이의문문이므로전달동사는asked로쓰고,의문사가 없으므로if혹은whether를접속사로쓴다.또한전달동사 가과거시제이므로인용문동사의시제및부사의변화에유의 해야한다.(2)의could는시제를바꾸지않는다. 39 ⓐ,ⓒ전달동사가asked이고의문사가있으므로의문사가있 는의문문의현재시제를쓴다.ⓑ,ⓓreply는‘대답하다’라는 뜻이므로평서문의현재시제를쓴다. 07 <보기>와같이능력을나타내는것은③이다.①,②허락,허가 ④,⑤요청 08 glasses와scissors는pair로수를나타내는데앞의수가 복수이므로pairs가알맞다. 09 집안으로나자신이들어오는것이므로재귀대명사가알맞다. 10 주어가두사람이고동사가복수이므로both가알맞다. 11 둘중‘하나’는one,‘나머지하나’는theother로나타낸다. 12 few는복수명사앞에쓰이는데③의advice는셀수없는명 40 (1)ⓐ인용문이평서문이므로that이하에전달할내용을옮 긴다.전달동사가과거시제이므로is는was로,주어인you는 사이므로little이알맞다. theant로,부사here은there로바꾼다.ⓑ인용문의현재 진행형은간접화법에서과거진행형으로바꾸고,문장이두개 never 13 빈도부사는조동사의뒤에온다.③neverwill →will 일때는and(that)으로연결한다.(2)‘…을위해대비하다’는 preparefor,‘필요한날들’은thedaysofnecessity가 알맞고,가주어it이있으므로진주어는to부정사를이용해나 타낸다. 총괄평가 14 thesejeans는복수이므로대명사는them이알맞고,목 적어가대명사일때타동사와부사사이에와야하므로try 15 ④ 비교 대상이 없으므로 비교급은 어색하다.worse → themon이알맞다. worst 16 나머지는아이스크림이최고의디저트라는최상급의의미인데 ③은‘아이스크림은다른디저트만큼좋다.’라는뜻의원급비 교이므로의미가다르다. 01 ⓐ broke ⓑ broken 02 ② 03 ② 04 ⑤ 05 had better ➡ had better not 06 ③ 07 ③ 17 ⓐ,ⓑ「the+비교급+주어+동사,the+비교급+주어+동사」구 문이므로more와better가알맞다.ⓒ배수사구문이므로 08 pairs 09 myself 10 ③ 11 ④ 12 ③ 13 ③ 원급인expensive가알맞다. 14 Can I try them on? 15 ④ 16 ③ 17 ② 18 ③ 19 ⑤ 20 ②, ⑤ 21 ③, ⑤ 22 ③ 23 ③ 24 ④ 25 ⑤ 18 나머지는부사적용법이고③은보어로쓰인명사적용법의to 부정사이다.①,④감정의원인②형용사수식⑤목적 26 Being sick, he went to work. 27 Not having a phone, I can’t call him. 28 Is lunch being ser ved (by them ) now? 29 ⑤ 30 The car which[that] is small is easy to drive. 31 ⑤ 32 ③ 33 put off, what 34 ⑤ 35 ④ 36 that 37 ① 38 ⓐ lost ⓑ would be 39 ⑤ 40 ⑤ 41 If I had been hungry, I would have eaten the cake. 42 ④ 01 ⓐlastyear는과거이므로broke,ⓑ앞에have가있고특 정한시점을나타내는말이없는현재완료이므로broken이 알맞다. 19 <보기>와같이동사의목적어로쓰인명사적용법이아닌것은 ⑤이다.⑤에서는‘그쇼를보기위해’라는뜻으로목적을나타 내는부사적용법으로쓰였다. 20 ‘…하기에는 너무 ~한’은 「too+형용사+to부정사」 혹은 「so+형용사+that+주어+can’t+동사원형」으로나타낸다. 21 ③ittakes+목적어+기간+to부정사:…가~하는데…걸리 다,finishing→tofinish⑤spend+돈+동명사:…하느 라~을쓰다,tobuy→buying 22 ③앞의형용사가careless이므로to부정사의의미상의주어 는「of+목적격」이알맞다.→ofme 02 ②과거의한시점부터지금까지를나타내므로since가알맞다. 03 나머지는결과를나타내는데②는경험을나타낸다. 23 나머지는to부정사가알맞은데③은전치사의목적어가되 어야하므로동명사가알맞다.①totravel②todo③ 04 어떤날에는집에서일할수도있다는말이이어지므로‘…할 hurting④tocome⑤tostudy Answer Key 39 24 ④‘…하기위해하던일을멈추다’는「stop+to부정사」이다. 42 ④의문사가없는의문문을간접화법으로바꿀때는접속사if reading→toread 혹은whether를쓴다.that→if[whether] 25 <보기>와같이앞의명사를꾸며주는현재분사로쓰인것은⑤ 이고나머지는동명사이다 26 접속사와주어를생략하고동사를분사로바꾸면beingsick 27 부사절의접속사와주어를생략하고동사를분사로바꾸면 havingaphone이되는데부정문이므로분사앞에not을 이된다. 쓴다. 28 수동태의주어인lunch는3인칭단수이고의문문이므로Is가 문장의맨앞에오고진행형이므로beingserved가주어뒤 에이어져야한다. 29 ⑤put...away는‘…을(제자리에)넣다,치우다’라는뜻으로 구동사이므로수동태에서도함께쓰여야한다.→Werehis toysputawaybyMike? 30 선행사가사물이고대명사가주격이므로주격관계대명사 which혹은that으로연결한다. 31 나머지는 who 가 알맞은데 ⑤는 뒤에 명사가 있으므로 32 ③한정적용법의목적격관계대명사는생략할수있지만,① 주격,②계속적용법,④전치사의뒤,⑤소유격관계대명사는 whose가알맞다. 생략할수없다. 33 ‘미루다,연기하다’는putoff,‘…하는것’은선행사를포함한 관계대명사what으로나타낸다. 34 <보기>와같이관계부사로쓰인것은⑤이다.①,②의문사③, ④부사절을이끄는접속사 35 ①willarrive→arrives②If→Unless혹은won’t→ will③since→though혹은although⑤and→but 36 문장에서주어,목적어,보어로쓰이는명사절을이끄는접속사 는that이다. 37 ⓐ부정명령문,or:…하지마라,그렇지않으면~할것이다 ⓑ아무도없어서소포를배달하지못했으므로이유를나타내 는since,as,because등이알맞다. 38 현재의상황을가정하여말하는가정법과거이므로ⓐ는과거 형인lost,ⓑ는「조동사의과거형+동사원형」인wouldbe 가알맞다. 39 과거의일을반대로가정하여말하는가정법과거완료구문이 므로hadcome과wouldhavecaught가알맞다. 40 앞문장에서과거의일임을알수있으므로빈칸에는가정법 과거완료를나타내는hadbeen이알맞다. 41 직설법문장의시제가과거이므로가정법과거완료로나타내 야하고,부정이므로긍정으로바꾼다. 40 Level 2
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