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HOT LISTENING 4 답지 (2009)



HOT4 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 1 12/1/09 2:15:04 PM Answer key & Script 01 B A C D ① A ② B ③ C ④ D be tied up 바쁘다 direction 길 안내 appreciate 감사 드리다 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 Where is the man’s office? Where is the man’s office? 남자의 사무실은 어디인가? 01 M: Ms. Johnson, can you come in on Monday at 3:00 p.m. for an interview? M: Johnson씨. 면접 보러 월요일 오후 3시까지 올 수 있어요? W: I’m sorry, but I don’t have any time 월요일�� ��� �일 시��� 안�� �� ����요. � W: 월요일������일시���안��������요.� at all on Monday. And I’m tied up on Tuesday. 요일도 바쁘고요. M: ����수요일��시��면접������드��요. ���� 수요일 ��시�� 면접 ���� ��드��요. M: Then, I’ll put you down for an interview on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. W: Okay, I’m free for an interview on Wednesday, February 13, at 10 a.m. sharp. ��요. �월 �3일 수요일 오�� ��시 ���� 면접 W: ��요.�월�3일수요일오����시����면접 보러 갈 수 있습니다. M: That’s great. See you then, Ms. M: ���요.Johnson씨������요. ���요. Johnson씨�� ��� �요. Johnson. W: Oh, one last thing. Could you give me directions to your building? ��� �지���� �� �지 �요. ��까지 ����� W: ����지�������지�요.��까지����� 방법 좀 알려 주세요. M: Sure. We’re located in the First Bank �. �리 �사�� �o���� ������ 지���� ���� 있 M: �.�리�사���o����������지��������있 Tower near the Royal Street Subway Station. �� Fi�s� B�nk Tow��내�� 있습니다. W: What exit should I take for the � ���� �려면 �� �� ���� ���� ��요? W: � �����려면��������������요? W: Oh, I’ve got it! Is the building the one 알�습니다. ���� ��� 지��� 바�� 있지요? W: 알�습니다.�������지���바��있지요? building? M: Take exit number 5. Walk straight out of the exit. At the end of the block, turn left. We’re the second building on your left. just past a corner? M: Yes, that’s right. Our building is one with store on the ground floor. The building has twenty-three floors above ground and four underground. There are two entrances, and you can go into the building through either one. Take the elevator from the lobby. Get off on the 6th floor and turn left. Then, you will find it on your right. We’re in room 602. M: ��������오시면�니다.����������� ��� ���� �오시면 �니다. ������ ��� �� �세요. � 길 끝까지 ��� 왼쪽��� �세요. 왼쪽 �� 있�� 두 ��째 ��입니다. ��� �습니다. �리 ���� ���� ��� 있습니 M: ����습니다.�리�����������있습니 다. � ���� 지� �3� 지� 4�짜리 입니다. � ����� �개의 �입�� 있습니다. 둘 중 �무 문�� 통해�� �� 안��� 들어 오세요. ��비���� 엘리베 ��터를 타시고�� 6����� 내린 후 왼쪽��� �세요. �러면�� 오른편���� �리 �사를 ��� 수 있습니다. �리 사무실�� 6��호입니다. W: Thank you. I really appreciate your 감사�니다. ���� 면접 ��를 주��� 감사 드려 W: 감사�니다.����면접��를주���감사드려 taking the time to see me. 요. M: See you then. Goodbye. ��� �요. 안��� �세요. M: ����요.안����세요. 03  Hot Listening ❹ Hot L4_정답해설내지 1.indd 2 7/19/10 3:50:18 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which city will Not be hit by the storm? Which city will Not be hit by the storm? 폭풍우의 영향을 받지 않게 될 곳은 어느 도시인가? 03 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? 02 ① San Diego ② Solvang ③ Los Angeles ④ San Francisco stormwatch 날씨 특보 brewing 폭풍�의 ��조 evacuate 대피�다 unlikely ~�지 않�� �� ��� freezing rain (땅�� 닿�면) 얼어붙�� 비 resident 거주자 ① A reporter – A mayor ② A student – A professor ③ A reporter – A candidate ④ An announcer – A civil officer welfare 복지 eventually 결국���� benefit ��익�� ��득 scrap ~�� 쓰레�[폐��� 스크랩]�� 만들다 investigate 연�(조사)�다 stay tuned 채널�� 고��다 candidate 임후보자 M: 안��십니까�� �BC 날씨 특보의 �og�� L�mb��� 입니다. 해안���� 떨어� 곳���� 발생�� 폭풍�의 ��조� 바�� 오늘밤 7시경 ��n F��ncisco를 강 타할 ����� 예��니다. 따라�� 거주민들��� 대 피�라�� 소식�� 지금 ��해지고 있습니다. 사� 운 강풍�� 예�되�� �운��� �� 폭풍�� Mon����� �� �o��v�ng 지���� 향해 북쪽��� ��동�면���� 결 빙성의 비� 내려 �주 위험�� 얼음��� 쌓��� �� �� �습니다. 폭풍�� 시� 힘�� 잃�면�� 남쪽��� �� ��동할 ��입니다. Los Ang����s도 영향�� 받 �지만�� 다행��도 폭풍�� ��n Di�go까지�� 영향�� 미치지 않�� �� �습니다. 폭풍의 ��동 경���� 있 �� 모든 거주민들�� 폭풍�� 강타�� ���� 길과 떨 어� 곳��� 피�고�� 비� �품�� 비축해 둘 ���� 권�니다. 채널�� 고��시고 최신 소식�� �� 지 켜보세요. M: Hi, I’m Roger Lambert with SBC’s Stormwatch. A strange storm brewing off the coast is likely to hit land around 7:00 tonight right in San Francisco. So residents are now being told to evacuate. Gale force winds are expected, and the freezing rain that is going to fall will leave a very dangerous coating of ice as the storm moves north toward the Monterey and Solvang areas. The storm will continue in a southern direction, losing strength all the while. Los Angeles is also likely to be affected, but, luckily, the storm is unlikely to make it all the way down to San Diego. All residents in the storm’s path are urged to stay off the roads and to stock up on emergency supplies before it hits. Keep watching this channel for updates. M: Just a few more questions, Ms. Chiquita. What are your views on the problems of the welfare system? 십니까? M: Chiqui�� 씨�� �� �지 질문�� � 드리도록 ��습니 다. 복지체�의 문제점�� 대해 어떤 견해를 갖고 � W: Well, I think it’s important to remember that saving the weak from poverty and disease will eventually benefit all members of society. W: ��� ��� �난과 질병���� 병��� 사람들�� ���� ���� 결국�� 모든 사�의 ��익�� �� ����라�� 사실 �� �억��� ���� 중요�다고 생��니다. M: So you don’t think the system needs M: �러면 체�� 바뀔 필요� 있다고 생��지 않� to be changed? 세요? W: I just don’t think we should scrap the whole system. But I think the system at the moment doesn’t seem to really care about the people with poverty. In fact, if I get elected as a mayor, I intend to set up a special task force to help solve the problem. M: Speaking of campaign promises, could you tell your viewers what you plan to do first if you get elected? W: ��� ��체 체�를 폐�해�� ��다고 생�지 않습니다. 사실�� 만� 당선된다면�� ��� � 문제를 조사할 특 별 ��문 위원�를 설립�려고 �니다. M: 선거 공��� 관�� ��인�요�� 만� 당선된다면�� 먼� 무엇�� 할 �획인지 견해를 말씀해 주시�어요? W: As I’ve said all along, my first priority is job creation. The unemployment W: �음부터 말씀 드린 대���� 제 첫 ��째 사안�� 일자 리 창�입니다. 실업률�� 반드시 낮�져�� �니다. HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 3 12/1/09 2:15:10 PM 05 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 Which best describes the change in the woman’s feelings? Which best describes the change of woman’s feeling? 여자의 심경의 변화를 가장 잘 표현한 것은? ① Excited → Horrified ② Terrified → Upset ③ Frightened → Embarrassed ④ Frustrated → Pleased emergency 응급�� 비� burglar 도둑 (= �hi�f) hang up (���를) 끊다 rate must be lowered. I want to make a big contribution toward having all the eligible men and women work hard if they want to. M: Do you have any specific ideas that you would like to apply to solve the unemployment problem? W: Without question! But I can’t reveal the ideas yet. You just have to wait until my presentation on TV next week. M: Oh, I see. Well, we’re all out of time anyway. Thank you for being here today, Ms. Chiquita, and I’ll look for ward to your presentation next week. W: My pleasure, and thank you for inviting me to your program. ��� �능�� 모든 여자�� 남자들�� �들�� 원�면 열심�� 일할 수 있�� � 큰 �여를 �고 싶습니다. M: 실업 문제를 해결��� � 적용할 수 있�� �체적인 ���디어� 있습니까? W: �론��죠. �지만 ���� � 생�들�� 말씀 드� 수 없습니다. 다음 주�� 있�� 프레젠테��션�� �다리 ��� �니다. M: ��� 알�습니다. 시��� 별�� 없습니다. Chiqui�� 씨 오늘 시� 내주��� 감사�니다. 다음 주의 당신 의 발표를 �대��습니다. W: 천만��요. 프���램�� 초대해 주��� 감사�니다. M: This is 911 Emergency Services. What ��� �급 �호 ��비스입니다. 어떤 비�사�인� M: ����급�호��비스입니다. 어떤비�사�인� W: Help! Help! Ah, there is a burglar in 도��주세요�� 도��주세요�� ��� ����� 도둑�� 들 W: 도��주세요��도��주세요����������도둑��들 요? 었어요. M: Did you say a robber broke into your 강도� 당신의 ����� �입�다고 ��요? M: 강도�당신의������입�다고��요? is your emergency? my neighborhood. house? W: No! Not in my house. He is breaking into Mrs. Burt’s house which is next door. He’s wandering around Mrs. Burt’s house. Seems like he is checking whether ever yone is out. I can see him. I can see him through the window. W: �니요.제����니고요.���제���인Bu��부 �니요. 제 ��� �니고요. ��� 제 �� �인 Bu�� 부 인 ��� �입�려고 해요. ��� Bu�� 부인의 � 주 위를 어슬렁거리고 있습니다. 모두� �갔��지 확 인�고 있�� �� ��요. ��� �를 볼 수 있어요. 창 문�� 통해 볼 수 있어요. M: Is there any one in the house? ��� ��� 있�요? M: ������있�요? W: No, no one’s there. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Burt go out shopping a half hour ago. Please try to hurry. It looks as if he is tr ying to break into the house by window. W: �니요.�무도없습니다.Bu��부부������� �니요. �무도 없습니다. Bu�� 부부� ��� ��� ���� 3�분 ���� 보았습니다. ��둘러 주세요. 창문 �� 통해 �입�려�� �� �습니다. M: Could you please tell me the name Bu�� 부인�� 사�� 곳의 ���과 주소를 알려�� 수 있 M: Bu��부인��사��곳의���과주소를알려��수있 and address of Mrs. Burt’s residence? �요? W: Sure. It’s 1016 Wilde Avenue Apartment 12 Drexel Hill. �론입니다. ���6 �i���� Av�nu� A����m�n� �� W: �론입니다.���6�i����Av�nu�A����m�n� �� D��x��� Hi����입니다. M: All right. Don’t hang up. Stay with us. The police will be there soon. In the mean time, could you keep an eye M: 알�습니다.끊지�시고��������세요.경� 알�습니다. 끊지 �시고 ���� ��� �세요. 경� �� 곧 �곳�� 갈 ��입니다. �러�� 동안���� �리� 도착�� ���� 강도를 지켜� 주실 수 있죠?  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 4 12/1/09 2:15:12 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What kind of advice does the man give? What kind of advice does the man give? 남자는 무슨 충고를 해주었나? 05 ① His daughter should have time to think about what she did. ② His daughter should avoid arguing as much as possible. ③ His daughter should not apologize first. ④ His daughter should call her husband less often. nerves 신경 keep one’s word ���� 지키다 argument 논의�� 논쟁 newly married 신혼 ignore 무시�다 on the robber before we get there? W: Oh, my! Maybe you don’t have to W: 어����어�면��곳��올필요�없������요. 어���� 어�면 ��곳�� 올 필요� 없�� �� ��요. come anymore. M: What? What happened? What do �? 무�� 일입니까? �리� 올 필요 없다�� � 무 M: �?무��일입니까? �리�올필요없다���무 you mean we don’t have to come? �� 말씀��세요? W: I just saw the burglar’s face. It’s Mr. Burt’s son. Maybe he is trying to get in the house without a key. W: 강도의얼���보았어요.Bu��씨의�들���요.� 강도의 얼��� 보았어요. Bu�� 씨의 �들���요. � �도 열쇠� 없�� ���� 들어�려고 ��� �� �습 니다. M: Why? Did he not keep his word �? �� �� 다시 ���� 안 지�어? M: �?����다시����안지�어? M: Ellie, out of curiosity, is there something wrong with you? How are you and Mike doing these days? W: I’m a little bit angr y about him. Actually, he is getting on my nerves these days. We have misunderstandings all the time or hurt each other’s feelings without realizing it. I had a fight with him last night. again? W: No, it was about a little thing. I don’t even remember what it was about. Anyway, we haven’t been on speaking terms with each other since then. M: Hey, not talking to each other won’t help. Don’t let your arguments last a long time. It’s so easy to get into a big fight, especially when you’re a newly married couple. You should say sorr y first even when you don’t think it’s your fault. �����i��� �금해�� �러��� 무�� 일 있니? 요�� ���� M: �����i����금해���러���무��일있니? 요������ ���크 어떻� 지내니? ���� �� �� �어요. 사실�� �� 요�� 내 신경 W: ���������어요.사실����요��내신경 �� �드려요. 어젯밤�� ��� 싸웠어요. �리�� 항� 오해를 �거� ����� 알지 못�� 채 ����의 감��� 다치� 해요. 어젯밤�� ��� 싸웠어요. W: �니��사소��일��었어요.무엇��문��었��지도� �니�� 사소�� 일��었어요. 무엇 ��문��었��지도 � 억�� 안�요. 어쨌든�� �리�� ��� ��후�� ���� 말 �� 안 �고 있어요. ��� ���� 말 안 ��� � 도��� 안�. 논쟁�� 오� M: �������말안����도���안�.논쟁��오� 동안 지� 되� �지 �. 특���� 신혼부부� 크� 싸 �� 되�� � 쉬운 일����. � �못�� �니�라도 먼� 미안�다고 �����해�� 해. W: It was his fault, Dad! Why do you always take his side? �의 �못��었어요�� ���� � ��지������ 항� W: �의�못��었어요���������지������항� �의 편�� 드세요? M: It doesn’t matter whose fault it was. �� �못��었��지�� 중요�� � �니��. ����� �� M: ���못��었��지��중요����니��.������� �� �해 해�� 해. 딸��� 바�� ���해라. You guys should make up. Honey, call him right now. W: Do I really have to? I don’t want to. 제� �말 ���� 해요? �� �어요. W: 제��말����해요?���어요. M: Here’s the phone. Believe in me. It’s 여� ����� 있어. 날 �어. ��� 둘��� 최선의 M: 여������있어.날�어.���둘���최선의 the best for both of you. 방법����. W: All right! I will. To tell you the truth, we fought about a phone call. He sometimes doesn’t answer the W: ��요��할�요.사실��말할�요.�리�����문 ��요�� 할�요. 사실�� 말할�요. �리�� ��� 문 제�� 싸웠어요. ��� ������ ���를 받지 않�요. HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 5 12/1/09 2:15:14 PM 08 Question & Answer Audio Script translation phone. I get very angry when he ignores my phone calls like that. He may not answer my call even now. �� 내 ���를 무시할 �� ��� 매� �� �요. �� ���도 안 받�� 지 몰라요. 06 What will be the total amount of time taken to their destination? What will be the total amount of time taken to their destination? 두 화자가 목적지에 도착하는 데 걸리는 시간은 총 얼마인가? ① It will take three hours. ② It will take 170km to get to the destination. ③ It will take four hours. ④ It will take three and a half hours. sleepyhead 잠꾸러� pace �도 M: Hey, wake up, sleepyhead. I have 잠꾸러��� 일어�. ��� 소식�� 있어. M: 잠꾸러���일어�.���소식��있어. good news for you. W: What? Are we almost there? Please say yes. We’ve been driving for two and a half hours so far. M: Yes, we’ve got about 40km left. If the pace of traffic is this good, we should be there very soon. �? 거의 다 �어? 제발 ��다고 해�. ����까지 W: �?거의다�어?제발��다고해�.����까지 두 시� 반��� 운���고 있잖�. 응�� 4�km �도 남았어. �� �통 �도� �� �도�� M: 응��4�km�도남았어.���통�도����도�� �다면 �� 금방 도착 할 수 있�� 거��. W: Man, that’s the best thing I’ve heard W: ���오늘들��소식중����������소식��다. ��� 오늘 들�� 소식 중���� ��� ��� 소식��다. all day. M: Tell me about it. At least you haven’t been driving today. I am the one who’s been in the driver’s seat for the last 130km. W: I am sorry. I was so exhausted. By the way, how fast are we going right now? M: �러�말����.적어도오늘��운�����지않았잖 �러� 말����. 적어도 오늘 �� 운���� �지 않았잖 �. �3�km의 거리를 �만 혼자�� 운���고 있�� 걸. �말 미안해. ��무 피�해�� ��어. 어쨌든�� �리 W: �말미안해.��무피�해����어.어쨌든���리 지금 얼�� 빨리 �고 있어? M: About 80km per hour. That’s the �� 시�당 ��km �도��. �� �� 고�도��의 �통 M: ��시�당��km�도��.����고�도��의�통 speed limit on the expressway. Why? 법��거든. �? W: I am kind of craving a cup of coffee. Is there any place we can stop by for a sec and get some? �피� �시고 싶어��. 어디 잠시 들려�� �피 �� W: �피��시고싶어��.어디잠시들려���피�� � 없��까? M: Well, a rest area is coming up very 음�� ��소� 금방 �올 거��. 거��� 들려�� �� M: 음����소�금방�올거��.거���들려���� soon. We can stop by there and get some chips and coffee if you’d like. 고 �피를 사자. W: Perfect! Let’s just spend about 30 �주 ��� 생�����. 3�분 �도만 들리자. W: �주���생�����.3�분�도만들리자. M: All right. I can see the sign for the ��. �� ��실 표지�� 있잖�. M: ��.����실표지��있잖�. minutes there. rest area. W: People with high blood pressure don’t realize that they have it until they go in for their regular checkup or visit a doctor for another problem. The reason is that high blood pressure usually does not have any symptoms. However, some symptoms may start to appear if the person’s W: 고혈압인 사람들�� �� 검사� 다른 문제�� 병원 �� �� ��까지�� 본인�� 고혈압인 �� 모른다. � ��유�� 고혈압�� �무런 증��� 없� ��문��다. � 러��� 고혈압�� 심해지면 증�들�� �타날 수 있다. 만� ���� 심해� 고혈압�� 제대�� 치료�지 않 �면 비��적인 심�� 박동�� 시력 손해�� 신�� ����� �리고 쓰러지�� 경�� 생길 수 있다. �� 모든 �� �� 늦� ���� 사람들�� 꾸준�� ��적��� �들의 What is the main idea of the talk? What is the main idea of the talk? 들려주는 내용의 주제는 무엇인가? 07 ① The symptoms of severe high blood pressure are dangerous. ② People must measure their blood pressure on a regular basis. ③ People with high blood pressure don’t have any symptoms at any stage. ④ High blood pressure is a serious disease.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 6 12/1/09 2:15:16 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation high blood pressure 고혈압 symptom 증� severe 심�� abnormal ������� ��적�� �닌 kidney 신�� stroke 발작 periodically 주�적����� ��적��� high blood pressure becomes ver y severe. Severe high blood pressure may lead to an abnormal heartbeat, eye damage, kidney failure, and a stroke if it’s not treated properly. All of this means that people ought to measure their blood pressure periodically in order to discover any problems before it’s too late. 혈압�� 점검�여 고혈압인지를 발견해�� ��다�� �� �� 의미��다. 08 Why did the woman reject the man’s request? Why did the woman reject the man’s request? 여자가 남자의 부탁을 거절한 이유는? ① She thinks James is asking for something she can’t do. ② She needs the book for the quiz on W: Hello! ③ She doesn’t have the notes because M: Hi, Tina. This is James. I’m so happy to get a hold of you. I need to ask you for a favor. 여보세요. W: 여보세요. 안��� Tin�. � J�m�s��. ���� 통�� ��� �말 M: 안���Tin�.�J�m�s��.����통������말 다행��다. ����� 부탁할 일�� 있어. ④ She needs to use the notes to finish ever ything okay with you? W: Hey, James. What’s the matter? Is 안��� J�m�s. 무�� 일����? �� ��니? W: 안���J�m�s.무��일����? ����니? Friday. she lost them. her report. anthropology 인류학 lend 빌려주다 be in the mail 배달 중��다 lifesaver �원자 quite a bit of 꽤 많�� ~ out of the question 불�능���� 생�할 �치도 없�� M: Well, I need to borrow your anthropology book to finish my report if you don’t mind. W: But I also need my book to work on my report. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can lend it to you. Where is your book? M: Well, I left it at my parents’ house when I visited them last weekend. Can you just lend it to me until this Thursday? W: That’s the day after tomorrow. Isn’t your mom going to send it to you? 음�� ��다면 � 인류학 ��� 빌려��면 해. 리� M: 음����다면�인류학���빌려��면해.리� �를 끝내�� ���. W: �지만�도리��쓰려면���필요���.미안� �지만 �도 리�� 쓰려면 ��� 필요���. 미안� 지만 빌려�� 수 없�� �� ��. � ��� 어디 있어? M: �������주말��부모�����갔다��고�어. ���� ��� 주말�� 부모�� ��� 갔다� �고 �어. �냥 ���� 주 목요일까지만 빌려주면 안��까? �� 내일 모레인�. ��� 보내 주신대? W: ��내일모레인�.���보내주신대? M: Yeah, my book is already in the mail. I am expecting it by Thursday afternoon. 응�� ��� 붙���대. 목요일 오후�� 도착할 예�����. M: 응�����붙���대.목요일오후��도착할예�����. W: Well, I am planning to do my report over the weekend. You can come over now if you are free. M: You’re a lifesaver. Can you also lend me your notes from the class until Thursday? I’ve missed about 4 important lectures in that class. W: That’s out of the question, James. I really need my notes for the quiz on Friday. I think you are asking too much. ���� 주말�� 리�� 쓰려고 �획�거든. 지금 W: 음������주말��리��쓰려고�획�거든.지금 �� ����주말��리��쓰려고�획�거든.지금 음������주말��리��쓰려고�획�거든.지금 시� �면 �리 ��� 올�? �� 내 생�의 ��인����. � 인류학 공�도 ��� 목 M: ��내생�의��인����.�인류학공�도���목 요일까지 빌려���? 중요�� 수업�� 4����� �졌어. W: ��불�능��일������J�m�s.금요일��볼시험 �� 불�능�� 일������ J�m�s. 금요일�� 볼 시험 공부�려면 공��� �말 있어�� 해. ��무 많�� 걸 부탁��� �� �다. M: I know, but I had to ask. 알��� ��도 �어 �어�� 해��. M: 알�����도�어�어��해��. HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 7 12/1/09 2:15:18 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 09 What will the man probably do first when he arrives at the woman’s place? What will the man probably do first when he arrives at the woman’s place? 남자가 여자의 집에 도착하자마자 할 일은? ① He will do anything that the woman wants. ② He will cook the dumplings for the woman and himself. ③ He will call the woman’s mother to show his appreciation. ④ He will get the dishes out and set the table for dumplings. be done for the day 오늘�� 끝�다 eat a horse 배� �주 고프다 usual 평소�� ��� off campus 캠퍼스 밖���� dumpling 만두 Get out of here! 설��� make from scratch �음부터 �접 만 들다 Without question �론������ thoughtful 생��� 깊�� give a ring ����다 jealous 질투��� awesome �주 멋� W: Hi! Are you done with your classes 안��� 오늘 수업 다 끝�어? W: 안���오늘수업다끝�어? for the day? M: Yes. Would you like to go get something to eat with me? I’m so starving I could eat a horse. 응. ��� � 좀 ��러 갈�? � ��무 배� 고�. M: 응.����좀��러갈�?���무배�고�. W: You just read my mind. I was going to 내 생��� �었�. �도 ��� 질문�� �려고 ����. W: 내생����었�.�도���질문���려고����. ask you the same question. M: Really? Do you want to eat the �말? 캠퍼스 안���� 매일 ��� ���� ���까 �니 M: �말?캠퍼스안����매일����������까�니 usual on campus, or do you want to go off campus and get something different? 면 캠퍼스 밖�� ��� 다른 ���� ���까? W: Actually, would you like to come over to my place and have some homemade Korean dumplings? �? 사실���� �리 ��사�� ���� ����� 만든 만두 ��� W: 사실�����리��사�����������만든만두��� M: Get out of here! Are you serious? Did your mom make them from scratch? 만드신 거��? 설��� �말����? ��� 어������� �접 �음부터 M: 설����말����? ���어��������접�음부터 W: Without question! To tell you the truth, she called this morning and told me to share the dumplings. M: It was really thoughtful for her to do that. I love your mom like she’s my own mother. I’ll give her a ring as soon as we get to your dorm. W: And she loves you like you’re her own son as well. It makes me jealous. M: Oh, come on. Don’t be so jealous. Why don’t I cook the dumplings for us? �론������ 사실�� 오늘 ���� ����테 ���� � W: �론������사실��오늘��������테����� 어. ���� ��� 만두 ��라고. ���까지 �시다니 �말 �도 깊�시다. 난 �말 M: ���까지�시다니�말�도깊�시다.난�말 �리 ���� ��의 어����� ��라. � ��사�� 도착�자�자 ���를 드려���어. �리 ��도 ��를 �들�� 생���. 질투�. W: �리��도��를�들��생���.질투�. 오�� 말도 안�. 질투�지 �. 오늘�� 내� 만두 요 M: 오��말도안�.질투�지�.오늘��내�만두요 리할�. W: That’s an awesome idea! Will you do �주 ��� 생������� 설거지도 할 거지? W: �주���생�������설거지도할거지? the dishes as well? M: I’ll do whatever you say. �� 원�면 �든지. M: ��원�면�든지. 10 What is the purpose of the man’s suggestion? What is the purpose of the man’s suggestion? 남자는 무슨 목적으로 제안을 하고 있는가? ① He wants his daughter to learn to become a responsible adult. ② He wants his daughter to keep in touch about something? with her friends. ③ He wants his daughter to get a part- time job and to save some money. me now? W: Dad, did you want to talk to me ���� 제� 할 말�� 있�시다고요? W: ����제�할말��있�시다고요? M: Yes. Can you spare some time for 응�� 지금 시� 좀 �� 수 있�지? M: 응��지금시�좀��수있�지? ④ He wants his daughter to have an enjoyable summer vacation. W: No problem. What’s up? ��요. 무�� 일��세요? W: ��요.무��일��세요? M: It’s about your summer vacation. I ��의 여�방학�� 관�� 내용����. 내 생����� �� M: ��의여�방학��관��내용����.내생�������  Hot Listening ❹ 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 8 12/1/09 2:15:20 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation spare (시��� 돈 등��) 내주다�� ��어 주다 productively 생산��� dramatic 극적인 manage 관리�다 think you should get a full-time job during summer vacation. W: What? Why? This is my last summer vacation in high school. I was just going to hang out with all of my friends. should spend this vacation more productively and get ready for college. W: But, Dad, I might not be able to see them ever again once we all go to college. 여�방학 �� 일자리를 ���� � ��� �� ���. W: �?�요? ���고등학�����의�지�여�방학 �? �요? ��� 고등학�����의 �지� 여� 방학 ����요. 친�들과 시��� ��� 보내려고 �어요. 보내고 대학 갈 준비를 해��지. �지만 ���� 모두 대학�� �면 ��제 영영 못 볼지 W: �지만����모두대학���면��제영영못볼지 도 몰라요. M: That is exactly why. I think you ���� ��� 말����. ���� 여��� 좀� ��적��� M: �������말����.����여���좀���적��� M: Don’t be so dramatic. You’ll totally ��무 극�적��� 생��지 �라. ��� ���다 다시 M: ��무극�적���생��지�라.������다다시 see them again during the holidays. Trust me on this. 볼 수 있잖니. 내 말�� �어라. W: But still... W: �지만��지만� M: Look, sweetie. Going to college and becoming an adult require a lot of responsibilities, including financial management. Your mom and I won’t be there to help you all the time anymore. M: 생�해�라.대학���고어른��되면많���임감 생�해 �라. 대학�� �고 어른�� 되면 많�� �임감 �� 필요�� ��다. � �임감���� 금��관리도 ��된 �다. ��제 � ��� ���� 내� ��를 항� 도�� �� 수� 없어. W: I know that. I’ll make sure not to 알�요. 과소비 �지 않�� �요. ��해요. W: 알�요.과소비�지않���요.��해요. overspend. I give you my word on that. M: But I still think you should get a job and learn to manage your money before you take off for college. �지만 난 �� 일�� 해�� 대학 �� ��까지 돈 관 M: �지만난��일��해��대학����까지돈관 리��� 방법�� 배웠�면 ��다. W: Dad! You’ve just ruined all my plans. ���� ��� 제 �획�� 다 ��어요. W: �������제�획��다��어요. 11 Which airplane is the speaker going to take? Which airplane is the speaker going to take? 화자가 타고 갈 비행기는 어느 것인가? Flight No. Destination Departure Arrival ① ② ③ ④ 327 372 327 372 Miami L.A. L.A. 7:00 7:00 11:00 Miami 11:00 11:00 1:00 3:00 2:00 W: How may I help you? 어떻� 도��드�까요? W: 어떻�도��드�까요? M: I’d like to make a reservation for a M: 항공편��예��고싶습니다. 항공편�� 예��고 싶습니다. flight. W: What is your destination? 도착지� 어디죠? W: 도착지�어디죠? M: Well, I’m thinking of going to Miami or L.A. My family is planning to have a week off at the end of next month around July 30. M: Mi�mi�L.A.를�려고����요.����달말7월 Mi�mi� L.A.를 �려고 ����요. ���� 달 말 7월 3�일쯤 �리 �족�� �주일 ��를 �지려고 해요. W: That sounds great. But you need to ��시�어요. �지만 ��두�시지 않�면 표� 다 W: ��시�어요.�지만��두�시지않�면표�다 hurr y up; other wise, the tickets will all be sold out. 팔� 거예요. HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 9 12/1/09 2:15:23 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation destination 목적지 tend to ~��� 경향�� 있다 airsickness 비행� 멀미 available ��용 �능�� latter 후자의 M: I see. Which place takes less time to get to? I prefer spending less time on my flight. My son tends to get airsickness if he stays on a plane for too long. 알�어요. 어�� 쪽�� � 적�� 시��� 걸리죠? 비행 M: 알�어요.어��쪽���적��시���걸리죠?비행 � 안���� � 적�� 시��� 보내고 싶어요. 제 �들 �� 비행� 안�� ��무 오� 있�면 멀미를 ��� 경향 �� 있거든요. W: Miami will be a better choice for you �러면 Mi�mi� � ��� �� �습니다. L.A까지�� W: �러면Mi�mi��������습니다.L.A까지�� then. There is no direct flight to L.A., and it takes 2 hours longer to get there. �항�� 없고�� 두 시� ��� � 걸려요. M: Okay. Can I make a reservation for M: 알았어요.Mi�mi행예�할수있�요? 알았어요. Mi�mi행 예�할 수 있�요? Miami? W: On July 30, we have two flights available. Flight 327 departs at 7 a.m., and Flight 372 departs at 11 a.m. Which one do you want? W: 7월3�일�����개의항공편��있어요.항공편3�7 7월 3�일���� �개의 항공편�� 있어요. 항공편 3�7 �� �� 7시�� �발��요. 항공편 37��� ��시�� �발�니다. 어�� ���� 원�시�요? M: I prefer the latter one. 후자� � ��� �� �습니다. M: 후자��������습니다. W: Okay. May I have your name and 알�습니다. ���과 �����호를 주시�어요? W: 알�습니다.���과�����호를주시�어요? phone number? What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳은 것은? 12 ① Americans do not always finish the food on their plates. ② It is polite to leave some food on your plate if you are a guest in the U.S. ③ You have to eat very small portions of food in other people’s houses in the U.S. ④ It is wise to finish everything on your plate when you are a guest in the U.S. notice 알�차리다 host 주인 hostess 여주인 portion 부분 definitely 분��� M: You may notice that some people in the U.S. do not always eat ever ything on their plates. You might see this very often if you go to restaurants in America. However, if you are a guest and don’t finish ever ything on your plate, your host and hostess will be disappointed. They will think you don’t like their food. Thus, if you are invited to someone’s house in the U.S, it’s better to take small portions of food if you are not sure you will like it. You will definitely be offered seconds. Then you can take more of the things you like. M: 당신��어떤미국사람들��항�자신의접시의음 당신�� 어떤 미국 사람들�� 항� 자신의 접시의 음 식�� 다 비��� ���� �니라�� ���� 알�차렸�� �� 입니다. 미국�� 있�� 레스토��들 �보면 ������ 매 � 자주 볼 수 있습니다. �지만 당신�� 초대 손�� ��고 당신 접시의 모든 ���� �지 않��다면 � 주인 과 여주인�� 실�할 ��입니다. �들�� 당신�� �들 의 음식�� ���지 않�� ����라고 생�할 ��입니 다. �러므�� 미국���� ���의 ��� 초대 되었다 면 � 음식�� ��할지 확실�지 않�� ���� 적�� 양 의 음식만 ��� ���� 안���니다. 당신�� 분��� � ��� ���� 권유받� �니다. �러면 당신�� ��� �� ���� � 받�� 수 있습니다. 13 Which best describes the following situation? Which best describes the following situation? 다음 상황을 가장 알맞게 묘사한 것은? ① The more you fear the better result you can get. ② You would not achieve anything without any difficulty. ③ There will be nothing to frighten you if you refuse to be afraid. M: Sometimes we e x p e r i e n c e p r o b l e m s in our lives. The problems can be little ones which y o u c a n f o r g e t e a s i l y o r s e r i o u s o n e s which can make you concerned. M: �������리�������문제들��경험�니다.��문 ������ �리�� ����� 문제들�� 경험�니다. �� 문 제들�� 쉽� 잊�� 수 있�� 작�� ��들부터 당신�� 걱 �스럽� 만드�� 심��� ��들일 수 있습니다. �� 도 �들의 ����� 문제점��� ��벽���� 자유��울 수 없습니다. 제� 오늘 제안�고 싶�� ���� 당신�� 10 Hot Listening ❹ 14 15 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 10 12/1/09 2:15:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation ④ You must not forget any problems in your life. concerned 걱���� obstacle ��애� frightened 두려운 avoid 피�다 attitude �도 Nobody i s f r e e f r o m p r o b l e m s and obstacles in his or her life. What I want to suggest today is that e v e n i f y o u f a c e s o m e d i f f i c u l t i e s , do not l e t t h e m b o t h e r y o u. Don’t let y o u r m i n d b e f r i g h t e n e d by the problems you have. You cannot a v o i d h a v i n g p r o b l e m s , but you can decide n o t t o b e b o t h e r e d by them. Things making you happy do n o t c o m e f r o m y o u r s i t u a t i o n b u t f r o m y o u r a t t i t u d e toward it. 어떤 어려��� �면할 지라도 ���들�� 당신�� 괴 롭��도록 내�려 두지 말라�� ��입니다. 당신의 � 음�� 당신�� 갖고 있�� 문제들�� 의해 겁 �도록 내 �려 두지 말라�� ��입니다. 문제점들�� 피할 수�� 없어도 � 문제들 ��문�� 방해 받지 않�� ���� 선택 할 수 있습니다. 당신�� �쁘� ��� ���� 당신의 �황�� �니라 �황�� 대�� 당신의 �도입니다. 14 Which question does the following passage answer? Which question does the following passage answer? 들려주는 내용에 대한 질문으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① What makes people sleepy at night? ② What is the hormone called melatonin? ③ Why does the human body secrete melatonin? ④ Why do people suffer from depression and sleeplessness? hormone 호�몬 secrete 분비�다 discover 발견�다 latest 최�의 depression �울증 sleeplessness 불면증 M: Why do you feel sleepy at night? Even if you are not interested in science, you may have heard that you feel sleepy because of the hormone called melatonin. We have more melatonin in our bodies at night than during the daytime, so that’s why we feel sleepy at night. Then how does the human body know when it’s time to secrete more melatonin? A team of Korean scientists found the answer. What they discovered is that protein acts as a timer to begin the secretion of melatonin in the human body. The latest findings are expected to give us the solutions on how to overcome depression and sleeplessness, which are caused by a lack of melatonin in the body. M: � 밤���� 졸린 걸까요? 당신�� 과학�� 관심�� 없 �� 지라도 멜라토닌��라고 불리�� 호�몬 ��문��라 �� ���� 들어��� ��입니다. �리�� 낮 시�보다 밤 �� � 많�� 멜라토닌�� 갖습니다. ���� 밤�� 졸리 � 되�� ��입니다. ��다면 인�의 몸�� 어떻� � 많�� 멜라토닌�� 분비할 시��� ��� 걸까요? ��국 의 과학자 팀�� � 해답�� 알�냈습니다. �들�� 알 �낸 ���� �백질�� 인�의 몸�� 멜라토닌�� 분비 ��� ���� 일�키�� 타��� ��할�� ��다�� ��입니 다. 최�의 �� 연� 결과�� 멜라토닌 부족��� �인 되�� �울증과 불면증�� 대�� 해결�� 제공할 ��� �� �대�니다. 15 Which of the following is mentioned as a difficulty the man faces in his biology class? Which of the following is mentioned as a difficulty the man faces in his biology class? 생물 수업에서 남자가 직면한 어려움으로 언급된 것은? ① The man has difficulty because he thinks it is too long. ② The man has difficulty because he doesn’t have any notes from his seniors. biology class? W: Hey, Jude. Are you on your way to 안�. Ju��. 생� 수업 ��� 길��니? W: 안�.Ju��.생�수업���길��니? ③ The man has difficulty remembering the words used in the class. ④ The man has difficulty understanding the lecturer. M: Right after I return these books, I’m going to class. Can you save me a seat if that is okay with you? �� �들 반��� 후�� 수업�� 갈 거��. ��다면 내 M: ���들반���후��수업��갈거��.��다면내 자리 좀 맡� �� 수 있어? W: Sure. By the way, how is the class �론��지. ���� 생� 수업�� 어떻� 되�? W: �론��지.����생�수업��어떻�되�? HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 11 12/1/09 2:15:27 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation over whelmed 압도된�� 어찌할 �� 모��� slightly �� terminology 용어 explanation 설� M: To be honest, I feel a bit M: ����말�면난어찌할��모��어. ���� 말�면 난 어찌할 �� 모��어. coming along for you? over whelmed. W: Why? Is it because the lecture is too long? To me, it is hard to stay still for a two-hour lecture, and the lecture is slightly boring. M: I think it’s a bit long, but that’s not the reason I’m having problems. I find the terminology hard to remember. W: Ah, that’s why? If that is the case, maybe I can help you. I have some notes that I got from Julie. You know she took this class last year. It has some good explanations and tips on how to remember certain terms better. �? 수업�� ��무 길어��? ����� 두 시� 동안 � W: �?수업����무길어��?�����두시�동안� � 있�� � 좀 힘들어. �리고 수업�� 좀 지��해. 좀 � �� �� ����� �� 내� 문제를 ��� �� M: ���좀������������내�문제를����� �� 좀������������내�문제를����� ���좀������������내�문제를����� 유�� �니��. 용어를 외��� � 힘들어. W: ����유��?�런거라면내�도����수있���� �� ��유��? �런 거라면 내� 도���� 수 있�� �� ��. Ju��i���테 받�� 노�� 있어. �녀� 작년�� �� 수업�� 들었던 ���� 알지? 설��� � 되어 있고�� �� �지 용어를 외��� � ��� 팁�� 있어. M: Really? It would be very nice of you if �말? 내� � 노�를 빌� 수 있� 해준다면 �말 M: �말?내��노�를빌�수있�해준다면�말 you let me borrow those notes. ��어. W: That’s not a problem at all. What are ���� 문제 �� �� 없지. 친� �다�� � ���. W: ����문제����없지.친��다������. friends for! 17 16 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① I have a very good dictionary. If you want, I’ll lend it to you. ② I wonder how your listening skills have improved so much. ③ Do you have any good suggestions on how to improve my skills? ④ How do you memorize the words so fast like that? absentminded �신�� 없�� look up ~ in the dictionary 사���� �다 M: Jenny, you seemed absentminded in class today. What’s up? Were you thinking about the upcoming holiday? M: J�nn�.��수업시����신��없������라.무 J�nn�. �� 수업시��� �신�� 없�� �� ��라. 무 �� 일����? 다�오�� ���� 대�� 생��� �고 있 었니? W: Not really. To be honest, I have �니. ���� 말�면 영어 수업�� ��해���� 문제 W: �니.����말�면영어수업����해����문제 problems understanding English class. � 있어. M: That’s a surprise. I thought you were fluent in speaking and also very good at listening. Until you told me about it, I did not know that it has been only 3 years since you came to the U.S. W: Yeah, that may be true. But the truth is that I am not good at reading material in English. M: Do you mean the handouts the teacher gives us to read in class? Sometimes I find them a little bit difficult, but they’re usually okay for me. M: �거�라운�.����난항���말��도유창 �거 �라운�. ���� 난 항� �� 말��도 유창 �고 듣� 실력도 �다고 생��어. �� 말해주� ������ �� 미국�� 온 지 3년밖�� 되지 않았다�� ���� 몰랐어. 응. �� ��� 지도 몰라. �지만 사실�� 영어�� 된 W: 응.�����지도몰라.�지만사실��영어��된 ��들�� ��� 어려워. 선생���� 수업 시��� 주시�� 유인� 말��니? �� M: 선생����수업시���주시��유인�말��니?�� ���� 어렵다고 ��끼� �지만 ���테�� 대체적��� �����. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 12 12/1/09 2:15:29 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: I wonder how the other students can read the material so fast. There are too many words that I don’t know. It takes a lot of time for me to finish because I have to find the words I don’t know in the dictionar y. M: That’s why you’ve had struggles. I don’t think it’s good to look up a word in the dictionar y ever y time you see one that you don’t know. W: 난다른학생들��어떻����빨리���수있�� 난 다른 학생들�� 어떻� ��� 빨리 ��� 수 있�� 지 �금해. 난 모��� �어� ��무 많�. 내� 모� �� �어를 사������ ���� 해�� 내��� 끝내�� � 시��� ��무 많�� 걸려. M: ������고생��거��.모����어�있����� ���� �� 고생�� 거��. 모��� �어� 있�� ��� 다 사���� ��� ���� ��� 생��� �닌 �� ��. W: Do you have any good suggestions �: 내 독해 실력�� 향�시킬 수 있�� ��� 방법 있��까? on how to improve my skills? 17 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① I don’t know why so many students complain about the homework. ② I have no difficulty at all dealing with much of the homework. ③ I don’t think giving a lot of homework always benefits the students. ④ I have no doubt that a lot of homework will improve the students’ performances in the class. on a regular basis 규칙적��� perform 수행�다 apparently �백�� creative 창의적인 flexible 유연�� benefit ��득�� 주다 W: Your teacher gives the students too much homework. Sometimes you cannot even finish it even though you spend more than 3 or 4 hours working on it. You think that students who do homework on a regular basis do not always perform better in school. Also, you believe students who spend a large amount of time doing homework lose the chance to develop other skills. These students are apparently less creative and flexible. That’s why you want to suggest to your teacher that he should not give the students too much homework but instead give them just the right amount. In this situation, what would you say to your teacher? 당신의 선생���� 학생들��� ��무 많�� �제를 내 W: 당신의선생����학생들�����무많���제를내 준다. ������ 3~4시��� 소요����도 �제를 끝 �� 수 없다. 당신�� 규칙적��� �제를 ��� 학생�� 항� 수업시��� � ���다고�� 생��지 않��다. ������ 당신�� �제를 ���라 많�� 시��� 할애��� 학생�� 다른 능력�� 발��시킬 ��를 잃� 된다고 생���다. �들�� 분��� 덜 창조적��고 덜 유연� 다. ����� 당신�� 선생����� 학생들��� �제를 ��무 많�� 주지 말고 적당�� 양만 주라고 제안�고 싶�� ��유다. ��런 �황���� 당신�� 선생����� 할 수 있�� 말��? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 13 12/1/09 2:15:30 PM HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script 1 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 What card did the woman choose to buy? 01 What card did the woman choose to buy? 여자가 사려고 고른 카드는 어느 것인가? Answer key & Script 02 ① ③ ② ④ attach 첨부�다 M: Lora. What are you doing? Didn’t you M: Lo��. ��고 있니? 내� �� 부��� �� 못 들었니? hear me calling you? W: Sorry. I was concentrating on W: 미안해. 윤����� �� 생일 카드 고��� ��� �중 choosing a card for Yoon’s birthday. �고 있었어. M: A card? Are you ordering from the M: 카드? 인터넷���� 주문��� 거��? Internet? W: No, no. I am trying to send her an email card. I kind of forgot that her birthday is tomorrow. I’ll be very late if I send a card by post. M: I see. Wow, there are many kinds! Have you picked one yet? W: I am thinking about choosing one between the one with the girl holding flowers and the one with a teddy bear. W: �니. ��메일 카드를 보내려고 해. 내일�� 생일인 걸 깜박�어. �편��� 카드를 보내면 ��무 늦�� 거��. M: 알�어. ���� �류� 많���� ��� �� 고른 거��? W: 꽃�� 들고 있�� 여자�고 테디 베어 중�� ��를 고를까 생� 중����. M: Why don’t you go for a teddy bear? M: 테디 베어�� ��� � 어��? �녀� �말 ��할 �� She would like it for sure. ��. W: I like it very much, too. But, it says W: �도 매� ��해�� �지만 앞�� “생일 축�해”� � “Cheer up” on the front, not “Happy birthday.” 닌 “힘 내”� 쓰여 있어. M: Then will you go for the one with a M: �� 귀여운 ���� 있�� ���� 어��? cute girl? W: Well, I would love to if the attached melody is somewhat different. W: 글쎄�� 첨부된 멜��디� 좀 다�면 ��� �� ��. M: Do they have the melody with the M: 카드�� 멜��디도 있어? card, too? them are animation. W: Yes, but just for some cards. Some of W: 응�� �� �� 개 카드만. �� 개�� 동영�����. M: Look! How about this one with the girl sitting on the bench? W: Well, I guess that looks okay. Oh! Wait a minute! Why didn’t I see this one? I will choose the one next to the one with the bench. I mean the girl coming out saying happy birthday with a cake. M: ��� 여자 ���� 벤치�� �� 있�� 카드�� 어��? W: 글쎄�� ��� 보���� �. 오�� 잠깐만. � 내� ���� �� 못 �지? 벤치 ���� 있�� ����� 해���다. 케 ��크�� ��� 생일 축���다고 걸어 �오�� 소녀 말 ����. M: Wow. That’s very cute. M: ���� �거 �말 귀엽다. 03 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 14 12/1/09 2:15:33 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 Which mountain has the best ski conditions? Which mountain has the best ski conditions? 스키를 타기 위한 눈 상태가 가장 좋은 산은? 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? ① Mt. Pierce ② Mt. Grizzly ③ Mt. Lemmon ④ Mt. Shadow conditions �황�� 사��� 형편 shut down 문�� 닫다 temporarily 일시적��� ① A director – A manager ② A director – An actress ③ A manager – An actress ④ A director – A script writer absolutely ��대적��� emotion 감� overact 지�치� 행동�다 stifling 숨�힐 듯�� drizzle ��슬비� 내리다 M: 안��세요�� 주말 스키 보고의 Ch������ �i����s입니다. 금요일 밤�� 산�� 6인치의 눈�� 올 ����� 예�되�� �운��� 설 질�� 주 ��체� ��� ����� 보입니다. �러��� Pi��c� 산���� 스키 리프��� 문제� 발생 해�� 일시적��� 문�� 닫��� �습니다. G�izz��� 산 ���� 문제를 �고 있습니다; �지 �� 대의 눈 만드 �� ��� 작동 되고 있습니다. ���� 주말 최고의 산�� 평�시�� L�mmon 산�� �� �� �습니다. �곳�� ��미 눈높��� �피��� ��� �습니다. �h��ow 산도 ���� ��� ��보��� �지만 최 �의 눈 ��를 위해선 다음주까지 �다려�� 할 �� �습니다. M: Good morning. This is Charley Wills with the weekend ski report. We’re expecting about six inches of snow in the mountains Friday night, so conditions are looking good across the state. However, at Mt. Pierce, they’ve been having trouble with their ski lifts, so they’ve had to shut down temporarily. Mt. Grizzly is also experiencing problems; only one snow-making machine is operational. The best bet for this weekend is, as usual, probably Mt. Lemmon. It has a good two feet of powder up there. Mt. Shadow is also looking good, but probably we have to wait until next week for its best snow condition. M: While we set it up, you should take a break. You’d better have something to eat because we may be shooting all night. As you know, we are quite behind schedule. W: Oh no! Again? I have not been home for 2 days. I am really exhausted. I want to go home today. M: Do you want to go home? We do as well. It all depends on you. However, your acting was absolutely no good this time. Emily, you need to put more emotion into this. The viewers will not be lost in this scene the way you’ve been doing it! Just imagine that your real lover has left you. M: �리� 준비��� 동안�� 잠깐 쉬�� ���� ���요. 무언� ��� � ��� 거예요. �냐�면 �리 밤샘해 �� 촬영할지도 몰라요. 알고 �시듯���� 일�보다 좀 뒤�져 있거든요. W: 오�� ����요? ��� 못 들어 � 지 ��틀��� 되었어요. � �말 피�해요. 오늘 �말 ��� �고 싶어요. M: ��� �고 싶어요? �리도 �찬�지��요. 당신 � ��� 달려 있어요. �지만 당신의 연�� �������� �말 안 ��요. �mi����� 당신�� 감��� 좀 � 실�� 필요� 있어요. 관객들�� 당신�� 열연�� �� ��면�� 잊지 않�� 거예요. 당신의 사����� 애인�� 떠�다 고 ��해보세요. W: I don’t believe in overacting. I think it W: ��� 과��된 연�를 �지 않�요. 제 생����� 제� is fine the way I’m doing it. ��� 연�� �다고 생�해요. M: It’s boring! I need more drama. This scene needs you to act like you are on the brink of cr ying. M: ��� 지��해요�� 난 좀 � 극적인 �과� 필요해요. �� ��면�� 당신�� � 울려고 ��� 연�� 필요해요. W: Look, the fans love me. I think I know W: �요�� 팬들�� �를 사��해요. ��� �� ��할�� 어떻 how to play this role. � 해�� ���지 알고 있어요. M: The fans don’t watch this soap opera M: 팬들�� 지��해지려고 �� 드라�를 보� 않�요. � HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 15 12/1/09 2:15:35 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation to be bored. They watch it for the feelings and to be touched by it. 들�� ��끼� 위해 감동�� 받� 위해�� 드라�를 � 요. W: What are you trying to say? W: �고 싶�� 말�� �예요? M: I’m saying that unless you put more emotion into this scene, you’ll find your character killed off before next season. Am I making myself clear? M: 제� 말�고자 ��� ���� �� ��면���� 감��� � 넣 지 않�� �� 당신의 배���� 다음 시즌 ���� 죽� �� 지도 몰라요. 제 말�� ��해� 되십니까? W: All right, whatever you say. But you do realize you’re stifling my creative energy, don’t you? W: 알�습니다. ��� �죠. �지만 당신�� �의 창조 적인 힘�� 억��고 있다�� 사실�� 알��� �니다. 알�지요? M: Okay. I don’t want to argue with you about this. The next scene is using a drizzling rain effect while you walk. It will help you express the proper feelings. M: 알�습니다. � ��� 당신과 말다툼�� �어요. 다 음 ��면�� 당신�� 걷�� 동안 안개비 �과를 ��용� �� ��입니다. � 감�들�� 표현��� � 도��� �� 거예요. What is the woman’s intention? What is the woman’s intention? 여자의 의도는 무엇인가? 04 ① To complain to the man about his ② To encourage the man to talk with his talk with you about him. �를 해���어요. W: Scott is driving me crazy. I need to �co���� 날 ��� �고 있어요. ��� 대해�� ���� W: �co����날����고있어요.���대해������ behavior son M: Oh, dear. What exactly is wrong with M: 오�� �런. �리 �들�� �확�� 뭘 �못 ����? ③ To ask him to apologize to the woman our son? about what he did ④ To blame the man for her son’s low grade enthusiastic 열광적인 absorbed (�신��) 빼앗� neglect 소홀�� �다 W: Well, you know that he is very interested in computer games. M: Yes, he told me. He is very good at playing games and is enthusiastic about learning some more new computer games these days. W: That’s the problem. Nowadays, he is spending so much time playing computer games that he is neglecting his studies completely. M: Really? Is he crazy about computer games? How about his grades? W: I got a call from Mrs. Baker. She says Scott is getting into trouble at school lately. He just got his grades last week. He got one B, and the others are all C’s. Do you really care about him? You haven’t shown any interest in what he is doing. W: ��� 당신도 알다시피 � 애�� 컴퓨터 �임�� �주 관심�� 많잖�요. M: 응�� ���테 말�었어. �임�� �주 ��고 요���� � 많�� 새��운 컴퓨터 �임�� 배���� 열광적�� 라고. W: �� 문제��요. 요�� 컴퓨터 �임�� ���라고 시� �� ��무 많�� ���� 공부를 등��시 �고 있어요. M: �말? 컴퓨터 �임�� �졌다�� 거��? 성적�� 어��? W: B�k�� 선생����� ��� �어요. 선생���� 말��를 �co���� 최� 학����� 문제� 있대요. 지난 주�� 성적�� 받� ������ B �� 개�� 다른 과목들�� C였 어요. 당신 �말 � 애를 걱��� ��� 거예요? � 애� 무�� 일�� �고 있��지 당신�� 관심도 보��지 않았어요. M: What do you mean by that? Of M: �� 무�� 뜻����? �론 관심 있지. �지만�� 당신도 알다시피 � 일�� 많��� ��무 바빴잖�. course I care. But, you know I am ver y busy with all the work. W: I have heard enough of that excuse. As Scott’s father, why don’t you ask W: �런 변��� 충분�� 들었어요. �co��의 �������� � 애��� 컴퓨터 �임 �만�고 공부를 � 열심�� 1 Hot Listening ❹ 05 06 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 16 12/1/09 2:15:37 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation him to stop playing computer games and tell him to study harder? You are his father. He usually listens to what you say to him. �라고 말��� � 어��요? 당신�� ��잖�요. � �� 보통 당신�� 말��� � 들어요. M: I’m going to talk to him and talk this M: ���� ������고 ������ 대해 ���� 풀어���� matter through. 어. What is the woman worried about? What is the woman worried about? 여자는 무엇을 고민하고 있는가? 05 ① She is worried if she can do well in the musical. ② She is worried if no one would be satisfied with the musical. ③ She is worried if her parents would be disappointed at the audition result. ④ She is worried if she can feel great about herself no matter what. audition 오디션 theatrical 극��의�� 연극의 officially 공식적��� announce 발표�다 W: ��� 지난 주�� 빅 ��� 뮤지컬 오디션�� 받았다. ������ 뮤지컬�� 해본 적�� 없었지만 ���� 해 보�� ���� 항� 내 꿈��었다. ��� 오디션�� 위해 �� � 지 노�를 준비�다. ��� 오디션 ��� 동안 최선�� 다�고�� 어�� ��보다 � 애썼다고 생��다. �지 만�� 오디션 보�� 동안 ��� 매� ���해�� 실수 �� �지를 �다. 극����� 다음주�� 공식적��� �연 배�들�� 발표할 ����다. 발표 결과� �오�� ���� �대� 된다. �지만�� 내� 안 되었��까 � 두렵다. ��� 내� 바라던 결과를 못 받�도 ��지만 �� �� 말�면 �� 과� 동안 �를 도��준 부모���� 실� 시킬까 � 두렵다. �론 내� 되�를 바라� �지만�� 무�� 일�� 있든 결과�� 만족할 ����고�� 내� 원��� ���� 얻� 위해 최선�� 다�다�� 사실�� �분�� � �� ����다. W: I auditioned for the Big Summer Musical last week. I’ve never been in a musical before, but it has always been my dream to be in one. I prepared a few songs for the audition. I thought I did my best, and I tried harder than any other person. But, during the audition, I was so nervous that I made a few mistakes. The theatrical company will officially announce the members of the cast next week. I can’t wait to find out the results, but I’m afraid that I might not have made it. I would be okay if I would not get the result I expected, but to be honest, I am little concerned that my parents who supported me for entire process would be disappointed. Of course I hope I can make it, but I will be quite satisfied with the result no matter what, and I feel great about the fact that I tried my best to get the thing I want. 06 How much cash does the man need to withdraw from the AtM? How much cash does the man need to withdraw from the AtM? 남자가 ATM에서 인출해야 할 금액은 얼마인가? ① He will withdraw $500 from the ATM. ② He will withdraw $550 from the ATM. ③ He will withdraw $650 from the ATM. ④ He will withdraw $600 from the ATM. M: Donna, I am going to the post office M: Donn��� � 형��테 � 보내러 �체국�� ���� 필 to send some books to my brother. Do you need anything? 요�� 거 없어? W: Uh... there is something I need today... Oh, yeah, could you please stop by the ATM in the post office and get some cash? W: 어� 오늘 뭔� 필요 ����� 오�� �체국 안�� 있 �� ATM���� 현금 좀 ���� ���? M: Sure thing. How much do you need? M: ��. 얼�� 필요해? HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 17 12/1/09 2:15:39 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation ATM 현금자동인�� budget 예산 add up ��다 08 W: I need about $100 to buy groceries and $40 for dinner tonight. And... uh... help me out here. Can you think of anything we need? W: 식료품 사�� 해�� ���달러 필요�고 오늘 �녁 값 ��� 4�달러 필요해. �리고�어�좀 도�����. � 리� � 필요��지 생���� �� 있어? M: Didn’t you say you have to buy a M: ��� 사�� ��다고 �지 않았어? book for something? W: Oh, yes! That’ll be $20. But there was something else... Oh, I remember. The electricity bill is due tomorrow. I need to get $60 for it. M: It’s a good thing you remembered. If the electricity is due tomorrow, it’s time to pay our rent as well. W: 오�� ���� �� ��달러��. ��� 말고 다른 � 있었 ����오 �억난다. ���료� 내일 �감����. 6�달 러 있어�� 해. M: �억��� 다행��다. 만� ���세� 내일까지면 � 리 �세도 내일까지��. W: We can’t miss that! So... including $400 for the rent... how much do we need altogether? Can you do the math? W: �� ��대 잊어�리면 안 �지. �러면��세 4�� 달러까지 ���면� ��부 얼�� 필요�지? �산 좀 해���? M: Why don’t we use our credit card when we go grocer y shopping in case we go over our budget? W: That’s a good idea. We always buy more than we plan because of the special sale items. M: �리 식료품 사러 갈 ���� 신용카드 사용�면 어��? 혹시 �리 예산보다 � 쓸 수도 있잖�. W: �� �말 ��� 말����. 세일 ��� 품목 ��문�� 항 � �획�던 �� 보다 � 많�� 사잖�. M: Totally. Is that all then? M: �짜 �런 �� ��. �� ��� ��부��? W: I need $30 for my own things this W: ���� 주�� 3�달러 �도 내� ���� 해. week. M: Okay. Let me write these down so I M: ��. ��부 얼�인지 ��려면 �선 ����� 적어�� can add them up. �어. What will the speaker talk about next? What will the speaker talk about next? 화자가 다음에 이어서 할 말은? 07 ① How much profit Sony plans to make ② The price consumers will have to pay from QRIO for QRIO ③ The reasons Sony decided to discontinue QRIO ④ When QRIO will be available in stores quest 탐색�� 탐� curiosity 호�심�� 신�� humanoid 인�형 ��봇 integrated 통��� motion 운동 능력 toddler ������ 걷�� ��� numerous 많�� phase ���� �� commercially �업적��� M: QRIO, which stands for “quest for curiosity,” was a humanoid robot that was first introduced by the Sony Corporation in 2003. Sony was able to successfully create the world’s first running humanoid robot by applying integrated motion control for walking, jumping, and running technology. Most people thought that QRIO would become toddlers’ best friend. At the end of 2005, QRIO was going through testing and development. The world was waiting for it to become commercially available within three or four years. However, on January 26, 2006, Sony announced that it would stop development of QRIO. M: 호�심 탐�라�� 의미���� Q�IO라고 불리�� 인� 형 ��봇�� �음 �on����� ���3년�� 소개되었습니 다. �on��� 걷고 점프�며 뛸 수도 있�� 통�운동 능력 �술�� 응용�� 세� 최초의 인�형 ��봇�� 성 공적��� 제작�습니다. 많�� 사람들�� Q�IO� 유 �들의 ��� 친�� 친�� �� 거라고 생��습니다. ����년 후반����� Q�IO�� 많�� 시험과 개발�� 를 밟고 있었습니다. 세��� �� 3~4년 안�� �� �� 봇�� �업�되�를 �다리고 있었습니다. �러��� ���6년 �월 �6일 �on��� Q�IO의 개발�� 중�할 ����라고 선��습니다. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 18 12/1/09 2:15:40 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 08 What is the main reason that the woman feels very happy today? What is the main reason that the woman feels very happy today? 여자가 오늘 행복해 하는 주된 이유는 무엇인가? ② She feels very happy because she did feel like I’m walking on air. W: Ah, what a beautiful day it is today. I W: ��� 오늘 날씨 ��무 �다. �� 위를 걷�� �� ��. ① She has decided to have a positive perspective to increase her grades. really well on the calculus exam. ③ She thinks the weather is very nice and warm. ④ She wants to be nice to her friends because she’s been moody lately. moody 변덕스러운 calculus 미적분학 miserable 비참�� fret 안달�다�� 조바심 내다 cross one’s heart 맹세�다 optimistic 낙천적인 participate 참여�다 perspective 견해 M: That’s true, but not as much as M: ��지만 ���� � �도�� �니��. 밤새 무�� 일�� 있었��지 �냥 ��해���? M: Of course I can. You were very M: �론����. �� 항� 시험 보�� ������ 예민�고 말 붙���도 어려웠어. 무�� �임수 �냐? M: You were moody yesterday because of your calculus class. Why are you so cheerful today? W: Oh, do I sound much happier today? Can you really tell the difference? sensitive and difficult to talk to during exam week. Is this a trick? W: Oh, come on! I wasn’t really that bad. As a matter of fact, doesn’t ever yone get moody during exam week? you do. Can you just tell me what happened to you last night? W: Well, nothing really happened. I just realized that I’ve been making ever yone’s life miserable. Like what you just said. W: I cross my heart! According to the psychology textbook, being happy and optimistic is the most important thing that can help us to improve our situation. M: I remember reading about that last night. I also read about the experiments done on college students on that topic. W: Exactly! The experiments showed that the participating students improved their grades a great deal. And that’s what changed my attitude and perspective. M: �� 어제�� 미적분학 ��문�� �분�� 안 �았��� 오 늘�� � ���� �분�� ��� 거��? W: 오늘 �분�� 많�� �� 보여? �말 다른 � ��껴져? W: 오�� 말도 안��� � �도�� �니었어. 사실 모든 학 생들�� 시험������ �분�� �지 않잖�? W: 음�� 별일�� 없었어. �냥 내� 모든 사람�� 힘들� �고 있다�� 걸 깨달았어. �� 방금 말�� ����. W: 맹세해�� 심리학 � 안�� 있�� �� 부분���� �러����� 행복�� ��과 긍�적인 사고 방식�� �리 �황�� 향 �시키��� 도��� 되�� ��� 중요�� 부분���. M: �도 � 부분�� 대해 어제 �녁�� ��� �억�� �. � 내용��� 대학생들�� 대���� 실험�� ��도 � 었어. W: 바�� �거���� 참여�� 학생들의 성적�� 많�� 오른 ���� � 실험��� 증��어. �� 바�� �의 �도�� 견해를 바꾼 ��유��. M: So... you’re not going to fret about everything during this final exam? 거��? M: ��� ���� 시험������ 짜증내고 안달�지 않�� Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 19 12/1/09 2:15:42 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the boy probably do next? What will the boy probably do next? 남자아이가 다음으로 할 일은 무엇인가? 10 09 ① He will wait for his mom to call him back. ② He will go back to Scott’s place and wait for his mom. ③ He will wait for his dad to pick him up at the bus stop. minutes. ④ He will call his mom back in three pick someone up ~를 �리러 �다 get dark 어두워지다 public phone 공중��� W: Hello! 여보세요�� W: 여보세요�� M: Mom, it’s me. Where are you? Are you on the way to pick me up? 예요? M: ���� �예요. 지금 어디예요? � �리러 오�� 길�� W: Pick you up? Oh, my god! I am so W: �� �리러? 어�� 어떡해�� 잊어 �렸어. �말 미안� sorry I forgot. Honey, where are you? ��. 어디�� 있니? M: I’m at the bus stop in front of Scott’s place. I’ve been waiting for you here for a half an hour already. It’s getting dark, Mom. W: Let me think for a minute... Okay, do you have any money on you? Can you take the bus home? M: 지금 �co�� � 앞�� 있�� �스 �거������요. 여� �� ��를 ��� 3�분��� �다리고 있었어요. 날�� 어두워지고 있어요�� ��. W: 생� 좀 해보자. ���� �� 돈 있니? 혼자 �스 타 고 ��� 올 수 있어? M: I have enough money for the bus, M: �스요금�� 있지만 혼자 타고 싶지 않�요. ���� but I don’t want to ride it by myself. Can you call Dad and have him pick me up? 테 ���해�� 오라고 �면 안�요? W: Good idea! I can call him and ask him right now. Can I call you back, Jimmy? W: ��� 생���다. 지금 ���해 볼�. Jimm��� 금방 �� �해 ���. M: I’m on a public phone right now. I M: 지금 공중���예요. ��� 거�� �능만 있어요. think I can only call out. W: Well, do you want to go back to Scott’s home and wait for me there? W: 음�� �co��� ��� ��� �를 �다��? M: I don’t think I can. His family went out for dinner tonight. Remember? That’s why you told me to wait here at the bus station! W: Oh, you’re right. I’ll call your dad right now and see if he can get there faster than me. Can you call me back in three minutes since you can’t receive any calls? M: �럴 수�� 없어요. �co��� �족 모두 �녁 ��러 외���다고 �� �� �억 안 �요? ���� ��� 여 ��� �다리라고 �잖�요. W: 오�� �다. 지금 당�� ����테 �보다 먼� 갈 수 있 ��지 ���해 볼�. �� ���를 받�� 수 없�니까 3 분 �도 후�� ����테 다시 ���할�? M: Okay. Hurry up! M: 알았어요. 빨리 �세요�� 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 20 12/1/09 2:15:44 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 What does the woman need to do in order to stay on the team? What does the woman need to do in order to stay on the team? 여자가 팀에 남기 위해 해야 할 일은? ③ She must take a break to take care of W: I’m really sorry. I had a very W: 죄송해요. �말 개인적��� 중요�� 일�� 있었어요. ① She must take another part in the play. ② She must be on time and practice hard. her problem. ④ She must find someone to replace her for the lead role. cast (��적) 캐스��� 배�� sponsor 보증인 overestimate 과대 평��다 be spaced out 멍해지다 punctual 시��� � 지키�� passion 열� begging 사��다 blow �치다 M: You’re late for practice again. We can’t take your behavior anymore. 일 수� 없어. �� 연습�� 늦었��. � ��� ��의 행동�� 받� 들 M: ��연습��늦었��.������의행동��받�들 important personal matter to take care of. I won’t be late again. 다시�� 안 �럴�요. M: You’ve been saying that for a while now, but we can’t put up with it anymore. The cast wants you out. M: �� �� � ��유를 말���� � ��� 받� 들일 수 � 없어. 모두 �� ��길 원해. W: I can’t lose the lead role. I will W: �� 주인공 ���� �칠 수�� 없어요. 제� 모두��� apologize to the team members and staff. 사과 할�요. M: Frankly speaking, the cast and the sponsors think we’ve overestimated your talent. And we’ve decided to get another person to take your part. W: What? You can’t do that! I went through ever y step of the audition to get that role. I deserve the main role. M: But you’ve been missing some practice sessions, and you’ve been spaced out during rehearsal. If you want to stay on the cast, we’re willing to give you another part. W: I am really sorry. I will be punctual and practice really hard starting today. I’ll practice extra hours. Please give me a break. M: You seem like you’ve lost your passion for this play. I don’t know what to say. W: I’m begging you. You know this role mean ever ything to me. I swear I’ll do anything to make up for my actions. M: ���� 말�면 팀�고 후원자들�� ��를 ��무 과대 평� �다고 생�해. ���� 다른 사람�� 주인공� �� ���� 결��어. W: �? �럴 수�� 없어요. �� 주인공 ���� �격�� 위 해�� 모든 오디션 과��� 거�어요. 제� �� ���� 할 �치�� 충분�다고요. M: �지만 �� 연습도 �� �지고 연습 중���� �� � 신�� 멍해 있잖�. �� 여��� 연극�� �고 싶�면 다른 ���� �� 생��� 있어. W: �말 죄송해요. ��제 늦지도 않고 오늘부터 연습도 �말 열심�� 할�요. 보충연습도 할�요. 제발 �주 세요. M: �� �� 연극�� 대�� 열��� 잃어�린 �� ��. �라 고 말해�� 할지 모��어. W: 제발 ���� 사�할�요. �� ���� 제��� ��부 인 �� �시잖�요. �든지 할�요. 맹세해요. M: Hmm... You’d better keep your word. M: 음����� 꼭 지켜�� 해. ���� ��를 �치지 �. Don’t blow this chance. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 21 12/1/09 2:15:45 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What club is the woman going to join? What club is the woman going to join? 여자는 무슨 클럽에 참여할 것인가? 11 Name Regular Meeting M: What are you looking at? Anything M: 뭘보고있어? ��미있��거있어? 뭘 보고 있어? � �미있�� 거 있어? ① Food lover’s club ② Reading poetry club ③ ④ Origami club Knitting club Tue afternoon 3:00 p.m. Mon afternoon 3:00 p.m. Sat morning 11:00 a.m. Wed morning 10:00 a.m. interesting? W: Well, I was thinking of joining a club these days. So I got a brochure from the information center this morning. W: 요즈음 클럽�� �입�려고 생� 중��있어. ���� 오늘 ���� �보 안내소���� 안내 �자를 받았어. M: That sounds like fun. Which clubs are M: �미있�� �� ��. 어�� 클럽�� 관심�� 있니? you interested in? W: I looked at the list of clubs and W: 목록�� 보고 4개�� ��였어. 여� 있어. ���� 볼�? brochure 안내 �자 information center �보 안내소 narrow down 좁��다 13 narrowed them down to 4. They are all here. Do you want to have a look? M: Yeah. Let me see. It seems like they are all interesting. By the way, don’t you have your Literature 204 class on Wednesday morning? M: 응. ���� 보자. 다 �미있어 보인다. ���� 수요 일�� 문학 ��4 수업 있지 않�? W: Oh, I totally forgot about that. Then I W: 앗�� 완���� 잊고 있었다. �� ��제 3개의 옵션�� have three options now. 있�. M: Wait a second. I heard that our study group is going to meet ever y afternoon. W: Really? I didn’t hear that the schedule is going to change. Do you know the exact time when we will start? M: I heard that everyone hopes to meet at around 2. But you know that it will last for more than 2 hours. M: 잠깐만. 내� 듣����� �리 스터디 �룹�� 매일 오 후�� 있���. W: �말? ��� �리� 스케���� 바꾸��� �� 걸 듣지 못�어. �리� �확�� 언제 시작���지 �니? M: 난 모두들 �시�� 시작��를 바란다고 들었어. � 지만 ��도 알다시피 �시� ��� 지��� 거��. W: Then I only have one option left. W: �러면 ��제 �� 밖�� 남지 않았�. What is Not true according to the talk? What is Not true according to the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① People have busy lifestyles these days. ② Koreans spend more than 50 hours a week at work. ③ Having an enough free time to relax is significant for one’s well-being. ④ The most popular free-time activity in Korea is watching TV. M: People today seem to have hectic lifestyles. The results of a recent poll showed that Koreans work more than 50 hours a week. With the time they spend commuting, sleeping, and taking care of household chores, there is only a little time left for leisure activities. However, having sufficient time to relax is very important for one’s well being. Then M: 오늘날 사람들�� 바쁘� ������ �� �습니다. 최 � �� 여론 조사�� 따�면 ��국인들�� �� 주�� �� 시� ����� 일�니다. 통��� 잠�� �안일 등�� 소요 되�� 시��� 제외�면 여� 활동�� 위�� 시��� 조 금밖�� 남지 않습니다. �지만 �� 사람의 행복�� 위 해���� �식�� 취할 충분�� 여� 시��� 갖�� ���� 매� 중요�니다. �러면 ��국 사람들�� 어떻� � 들의 여� 시��� 보��까요? ��시�� 최�의 여론 조 사 결과�� 독��� ��� 많았고 TV 시청�� 인터넷 ���� �� � 뒤를 잇고 있다고 �니다.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 22 12/1/09 2:15:48 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation hectic 바쁜 poll 여론조사 commuting 통� household chore �안일 sufficient 충분�� well-being � ��� how do Koreans spend their free time? Again, the results of the poll showed that reading was the most popular free-time activity. It was followed by watching TV and surfing the Internet. 13 Which proverb best describes the man’s advice? Which proverb best describes the man’s advice? 남자의 조언을 가장 적절히 묘사하고 있는 속담은? ① Haste makes waste. ② All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. M: Hey, Gloria. What are you doing? Are you still working on the assignment? ��? G��o�i�. ��고 있니? 여���� 과제� �고 있�� 거 M: G��o�i�.��고있니?여����과제��고있��거 ③ Every cloud has a silver lining. W: No, I’ve done it. I am writing a book W: �니�� 다 �어. 문학 수업 시� 독후감�� 쓰고 있어. ④ A rolling stone gathers no moss. hang out ~�� �다�� 시��� 보내다 quite a while ago 꽤 오� �� creativity 창조성 W: Right. That’s the one I am working on. W: ��. �� 내� 지금 �고 있�� 거��. report for literature class. M: Already? Didn’t the teacher tell us about that assignment yesterday? M: To me, it seems like you never take a break. Tell me honestly. When was the last time that you hung out with your friends? W: Well, I cannot remember right now. To be frank with you, it was a quite a while ago. I’ve been ver y busy with all of our assignments, exams, and so on. M: I know. But how will you get refreshed if you do nothing but work? I don’t think working all the time will let you get the best results. You’re going to lose your creativity, too. W: I understand what you mean. But I don’t know what I should do during my free time. M: ���? 선생���� 어제 �제 ������지 않았니? M: 내� 보����� �� ���� �식�� 취�지 않�� �� � �. ���� 말해�. 친�들���� 어울린 � 언제� �지�����? W: 글쎄. �억�� 못��다. ���� 말�면�� 꽤 오� �� ����. �동안 �제�고 시험 등 모든 �� ��문�� 힘 들었어. M: 알�. �지만 일만 �면 어떻� �충���� �니? 일 만 ��� ���� 항� ��� 결과를 주�� � �냐. 창조 성도 떨어뜨리고. W: 무�� 말인지 ��해�어. �지만 여� 시��� 위해 뭘 해�� ���지 모��어. M: Oh, you poor thing. Think about doing things that will make you happy. �. M: 오�� �� 불쌍�� �����. ��를 �쁘� 할 ��들�� �� W: Right. Thank you for your advice. W: ��. 충고 고�워. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 23 12/1/09 2:15:50 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 가장 적절한 제목은? 14 ① Why is choosing a career important? ② How can we enjoy our career? M: Choosing a career is an important ③ What must we consider when choosing a career? ④ How do people choose a career? career �업 decision 결� consider 고려�다 pursue 쫓다�� 지향�다 M: �업��고�������중요��인생결���다.�지만�� �업�� 고��� ���� 중요�� 인생 결���다. �지만�� 많�� 사람들�� �들��� ��� �업�� ��� � 힘든 시��� 보낸다. 여��� 당신��� ��� ��� �업�� ��� ���� 대�� �� �지 조언�� 있다. �업�� 선택 할�� 고려해�� 할 첫��째�� 당신�� 선택�� �업�� 즐길 ����냐��다. 당신�� 대부분의 시��� 당신의 일�� �면�� 보�� ����므�� 당신�� �말 ��할 �� �� 골라�� ��다. ������ 당신�� �할 만�� �업�� 고 ��� �� ���� 매� 중요�다. 모든 사람�� 다른 능 력과 다른 ���점�� �지고 있다. 당신�� ��지 못 ��� 분��의 �업�� 추���다면 �업����의 당신의 성공 ���� 낮�질 ����다. life decision. However, many people have a hard time choosing the right career for themselves. Here are some tips on how to find the best job for you. The first thing you must consider when choosing a career is whether you will enjoy the job you choose. You will spend most of your time doing this work, so you’d better pick something you will really like. Also, choosing a career which you will be good at is very important. Everybody has different abilities and different strong and weak points. If you pursue a career in a field you are not good at, the chances of your having a successful career will be low. 15 What does the woman mean when she says, “I’m in a pickle.”? What does the woman mean when she says, “I’m in a pickle.”? 여자가 말한 “I’m in a pickle.”은 무슨 의미인가? ① She is embarrassed by what she did. ② She is in a hurry. ③ She is very upset. ④ She is in trouble. drop by 들�다 in advance 미리 embarrassed 창피�� W: Hey, Andrew. I was going to call you. W: 안�. An���w. �도 ����테 ����려고 ����. 무 What’s up? �� 일��니? M: You know I missed our Histor y 322 M: 내� 어제 ��사 3�� 수업 �� 거 알고 있지? 노� class yesterday. Can I borrow your notes from you? 좀 빌� 수 있��까? W: Sure. That’s no big deal. Why were W: �론��지. �런� � 결석�� 거니? you absent anyway? bed. M: I was sick and couldn’t get out of M: ���� �대 밖�� �오지 못�어. W: Really? Are you okay now? I was W: �말? 지금�� ���? 오늘밤 내 생일 �티 초대� planning to invite you to my birthday party tonight. Can you come? 려고 ����� 올 수 있어? M: I am still not feeling well right now. M: �� ��� 컨디션�� �닌� ��도 들를�. 선�도 But I’ll drop by. I have to give you the present. ��� �고. W: Wow. Did you buy a present for me? W: ��. 내 생일 선� 산 거��? 고�워. Thanks so much. M: Ha ha. It’s just a little thing. Don’t M: ��. 조�만 거��. ��무 �대 �지 �. ���� expect too much. By the way, how are the preparations going? 준비�� � ��?  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 24 12/1/09 2:15:53 PM 16 What will the woman probably say next? ① No. She was in front of the library with What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ② Yeah. I think those were what she wore W: Hi, Peter. Don’t you think today’s W: 안�.P����.오늘수업지���지않았니? 안�. P����. 오늘 수업 지���지 않았니? lecture was boring? ③ I didn’t wear a blue cap yesterday. ④ Why did she lie to me? I don’t understand. M: Yeah, it was. I was having a hard time not dozing off in class. Also, it was too difficult to understand. M: 응�� ��어. 수업 도중�� 졸지 않�려고 �다 보니 �말 힘들었어. ���� ��해�� ��무 어려웠어. me. yesterday. doze off 졸다 ballpark ����� drop off 내려 주다 W: Maybe we need to study harder. Things are getting tougher these days. I started to wonder why I enrolled for this class. W: ��도 �리 � 공부를 열심�� 해���어. 요���� 점 점 � 어려워�다. � �� 수업�� 듣��� ���지 생 ��� 시작�어. M: Right. By the way, I saw your sister M: ��. �� � 어제 � 동생 K��i�를 �어. Katie yesterday. librar y, too? W: Really? Where? Did you go to the W: �말? 어디��? ��도 도��관 갔었니? M: No. At the ballpark. You know there was a big match last night, right? She was watching the game with Amy and Joanne. W: That’s strange. She told me that she was going to the librar y with her friends. That’s why I dropped her off in front of the school library yesterday. Are you sure that you saw my sister? M: �니. ���������. 어제 큰 경� 있었던 거 알지? Am��� Jo�nn����� ��� 보고 있�라. W: �거 ����다. ����� 친��고 도��관 �다고 � 어. ���� 내� 어제 학� 도��관 앞���� 내려 � ���� 내 여동생�� 본 � 확실해? M: I am pretty sure I saw her. Wasn’t she M: �녀� 확실해. �얀색 점퍼를 입고 �란 모자를 쓰 wearing a white jumper and a blue 지 않았니? cap yesterday? yesterday. W: Yeah. I think that’s what she wore W: 응. 내 생�엔 � 애� 어제 입�� 옷 ��. Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: To be honest, I’m in a pickle. Many people are coming, but I don’t have enough glasses or dishes. W: ���� 말�면�� 좀 �란�� �황����. 많�� 사람들�� 올 �� 유리잔과 �릇�� 충분�� 갖고 있지 않�. M: Don’t worry. I’ll lend you some of M: 걱� �. 내 ���� 좀 빌려���. mine. 16 What will the woman probably say next? ① No. She was in front of the library with What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ② Yeah. I think those were what she wore W: Hi, Peter. Don’t you think today’s W: 안�.P����.오늘 수업지���지않았니? 안�. P����. 오늘 수업 지���지 않았니? lecture was boring? ③ I didn’t wear a blue cap yesterday. ④ Why did she lie to me? I don’t understand. M: Yeah, it was. I was having a hard time not dozing off in class. Also, it was too difficult to understand. M: 응�� ��어. 수업 도중�� 졸지 않�려고 �다 보니 �말 힘들었어. ���� ��해�� ��무 어려웠어. me. yesterday. doze off 졸다 ballpark ����� drop off 내려 주다 W: Maybe we need to study harder. Things are getting tougher these days. I started to wonder why I enrolled for this class. W: ��도 �리 � 공부를 열심�� 해���어. 요���� 점 점 � 어려워�다. � �� 수업�� 듣��� ���지 생 ��� 시작�어. M: Right. By the way, I saw your sister M: ��. �� � 어제 � 동생 K��i�를 �어. Katie yesterday. librar y, too? W: Really? Where? Did you go to the W: �말? 어디��? ��도 도��관 갔었니? M: No. At the ballpark. You know there was a big match last night, right? She was watching the game with Amy and Joanne. W: That’s strange. She told me that she was going to the librar y with her friends. That’s why I dropped her off in front of the school library yesterday. Are you sure that you saw my sister? M: �니. ���������. 어제 큰 경� 있었던 거 알지? Am��� Jo�nn����� ��� 보고 있�라. W: �거 ����다. ����� 친��고 도��관 �다고 � 어. ���� 내� 어제 학� 도��관 앞���� 내려 � ���� 내 여동생�� 본 � 확실해? M: I am pretty sure I saw her. Wasn’t she M: �녀� 확실해. �얀색 점퍼를 입고 �란 모자를 쓰 wearing a white jumper and a blue cap yesterday? 지 않았니? W: Yeah. I think that’s what she wore W: 응. 내 생�엔 � 애� 어제 입�� 옷 ��. yesterday. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 25 12/1/09 2:15:54 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 17 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ① It is a very expensive vase. Why weren’t you more careful? ② You are such a good dancer. When did you learn how to dance? ③ Don’t feel bad about it. What’s done is done. credit card? ④ Do you want to pay cash or use a atmosphere 분위� unfortunate 운�� 없�� dresser ��랍�� frustrated 좌���� 당신�� 오늘 당신의 ����� 친�들과 생일 �티를 W: 당신��오늘당신의�����친�들과생일�티를 �습니다. 많�� 사람들�� 당신 ���� �고 �들과 즐거운 시��� 보냈습니다. 불운�� 사��� 일어� � ��까지�� 음식�� 음악 �리고 분위�� 완벽�습 니다. ��랍�� ������ 춤�� 추고 있던 당신의 친� J��� � 위의 꽃병과 부딪혔습니다. 꽃병�� 바닥 ��� 떨어졌고 반��� 쪼개졌습니다. 모든 사람들 �� � 꽃병�� 매� 비싸고 당신의 ��� �말 �� ��� ����란 사실�� 알았습니다. ���� 당신의 친 ��� 당황�� �� �았습니다. 당신�� ��� 어떻� 반응�실지 두렵지만 J��� ����� 대해 �분 �쁘 지 않도록 해주고 싶습니다. ��런 �황���� 당신�� 할 수 있�� ��� 알��� 말��? W: You had a birthday party with your friends at your home today. Many people came to your house, and you had a great time with them. The food, music, and atmosphere were perfect until an unfortunate accident happened. Your friend Jay, who was dancing next to a dresser with a vase on it, bumped into it. The vase fell on the floor and broke in half. Everyone knew that the vase was ver y expensive and that your mom really liked it, and that’s why your friend seemed frustrated. You are worried about how your mom is going to react, but you want to make Jay feel better about what he did. In this situation, what is the best thing you can say to him?  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 26 12/1/09 2:15:56 PM 01 Where is the woman that the man is interested in? interested in? Where is the woman that the man is 남자가 관심을 보이는 여자는 누구인가? literature 문학 reporter �자 as well ���� B as well as A A 뿐만 �니라 B도 M: What’s that picture? May I take a M: �사������?�도��까? � 사��� ���? �도 ��까? look at it? W: Sure. Here you go. It’s a picture of my W: �론����. 여� 있어. 지난 학��� 찍�� 문학반 사 literature class taken last semester. �����. M: How many students were in that class? Are they all from different countries? M: � 수업�� �� �의 학생들�� 있었니? 모두 다른 � 라���� �니? W: Almost. There were seven students in W: ���� 거의 ��. �리 반���� 7�의 학생�� 있었어. this class. Two are from Japan. 두 ��� 일본���� �어. M: Is this woman Japanese? M: �� 여자애�� 일본인��니? W: Yes, that’s Akiko. She’s a reporter. W: 응�� Akiko��. �녀�� �자��. 오사카���� 신문� She used to write for a newspaper in 사를 썼었어. Osaka. from? M: Hmm. And who is this tall guy next to her wearing glasses? Where’s he M: 흠. �녀 ���� 있�� 키 큰 남자�� ����? ��� 안 경 쓰고 있어. 어디�� �니? W: That’s Christopher. He’s from Montreal, Canada. W: Ch�is�o�h���. ��� 캐�다 몬�리올���� �어. M: Cool! Does he speak French? M: 멋���� ��� 프��스어 할 수 있니? W: Yeah, he does... In fact, he’s a high W: ��. 사실���� ��� 프��스어 선생������. ��� 고 school French teacher. His French is as well as English. Sometimes, he helps me with my French homework. Next to Christopher is Sami. He’s from Brazil. 등학����� 프��스어를 ��쳐. ��� 프��스어만 큼 영어도 �해. ������ ��� 내 프��스어 �제를 도�� 주고�� 해. Ch�is�o�h� ���� 있�� 애� ��mi��. ��� 브라질���� �어. M: What did he do in Brazil? M: 브라질���� 뭘 ����? W: He was an actor on television. He was the most popular student in our class. He’s good looking, isn’t he? W: ��� 텔레비�� 배�였어. ��� �리 반���� ��� 인 � 있�� 학생����. �생겼지�� ��지 않니? M: I guess so. He looks like an actor. Anyway... Who’s this on the right? �� � ����? M: �런 �� ��. 어쨌든 배��� 보여. 오른쪽�� 있 W: That’s Maria. She’s from Italy. She was the youngest student in the class. She was like my younger sister. She is cute as well. W: ��탈리����� 온 M��i���. �리 반���� ��� 어려. 내 여동생�� 행동�고�� 해. ���� �녀�� 귀여워. M: Hmm. Do you have any other M: 흠. �녀의 다른 사� �� 거 있니? � �녀��� pictures of her? She’s a kind of my 관심 있어. type. Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Where is the woman that the man is interested in? Where is the woman that the man is interested in? 남자가 관심을 보이는 여자는 누구인가? Answer key & Script 03 ② ③ ① ④ literature 문학 reporter �자 B as well as A A 뿐만 �니라 B도 as well ���� M: What’s that picture? May I take a � 사��� ���? �도 ��까? M: �사������? �도��까? look at it? W: Sure. Here you go. It’s a picture of my literature class taken last semester. �����. W: �론����. 여� 있어. 지난 학��� 찍�� 문학반 사 M: How many students were in that class? Are they all from different countries? M: � 수업�� �� �의 학생들�� 있었니? 모두 다른 � 라���� �니? W: Almost. There were seven students in W: ���� 거의 ��. �리 반���� 7�의 학생�� 있었어. this class. Two are from Japan. 두 ��� 일본���� �어. M: Is this woman Japanese? M: �� 여자애�� 일본인��니? W: Yes, that’s Akiko. She’s a reporter. W: 응�� Akiko��. �녀�� �자��. 오사카���� 신문� She used to write for a newspaper in Osaka. 사를 썼었어. M: Hmm. And who is this tall guy next to her wearing glasses? Where’s he from? W: That’s Christopher. He’s from Montreal, Canada. M: 흠. �녀 ���� 있�� 키 큰 남자�� ����? ��� 안 경 쓰고 있어. 어디�� �니? W: Ch�is�o�h���. ��� 캐�다 몬�리올���� �어. M: Cool! Does he speak French? M: 멋���� ��� 프��스어 할 수 있니? W: Yeah, he does... In fact, he’s a high school French teacher. His French is as well as English. Sometimes, he helps me with my French homework. Next to Christopher is Sami. He’s from Brazil. W: ��. 사실���� ��� 프��스어 선생������. ��� 고 등학����� 프��스어를 ��쳐. ��� 프��스어만 큼 영어도 �해. ������ ��� 내 프��스어 �제를 도�� 주고�� 해. Ch�is�o�h� ���� 있�� 애� ��mi��. ��� 브라질���� �어. M: What did he do in Brazil? M: 브라질���� 뭘 ����? W: He was an actor on television. He was the most popular student in our class. He’s good looking, isn’t he? W: ��� 텔레비�� 배�였어. ��� �리 반���� ��� 인 � 있�� 학생����. �생겼지�� ��지 않니? M: I guess so. He looks like an actor. Anyway... Who’s this on the right? �� � ����? M: �런 �� ��. 어쨌든 배��� 보여. 오른쪽�� 있 W: That’s Maria. She’s from Italy. She was the youngest student in the class. She was like my younger sister. She is cute as well. M: Hmm. Do you have any other pictures of her? She’s a kind of my type. W: ��탈리����� 온 M��i���. �리 반���� ��� 어려. 내 여동생�� 행동�고�� 해. ���� �녀�� 귀여워. M: 흠. �녀의 다른 사� �� 거 있니? � �녀��� 관심 있어. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 27 12/1/09 2:15:58 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 Which day should people Not go boating? Which day should people Not go boating? 사람들이 보트를 타러 가지 말아야 하는 요일은? ① On Tuesday ② On Wednesday ③ On Thursday ④ On Friday wildly 미친 듯�� fluctuating 변동�� 있�� roll in 몰려오다 balmy 온��� temperature온도 안��세요. 주� 날씨의 D����� ���v��입니다. ���� M: 안��세요.주�날씨의D��������v��입니다.���� 주�� 변�� �주 심�� 날씨� 되�습니다. 오늘과 내일�� ��다운 �란 �늘�� �대할 수 있고�� 최� �온�� 3�도입니다. 수요일�� ��의 ���� 몰려 오�고�� 비록 �� 추워 지�라도 바람�� 불� ��문 �� 항해��� ��� 완벽�� 날�� 예��니다. �러��� 목요일�� ���� 폭�를 동반�고�� �온�� ��도 중 반��� 떨어지�습니다. �러� 냉� ��문�� 체감 온도�� ���보다 훨씬 춥�습니다. �러� 금요일 �� 안 ��� 날씨�� �러�고�� �란 �늘과 온��� 날씨를 다시 ���� �대해도 되�습니다. M: Good morning. I’m Dell Weaver with the weekly weather. We’re in for some wildly fluctuating weather this week. Today and tomorrow, we can expect beautiful blue skies and temperatures in the low thirties. On Wednesday, we’ll see some clouds rolling in, and although it will be a little cooler as the wind picks up, it should be a perfect day for sailing. On Thursday, however, those clouds are going to drop some heavy rain on us, and the temperature will drop to the mid twenties. With the wind chill factor, though, it’s going to seem a whole lot colder than that. But then on Friday, the bad weather will have blown itself out, so we’ll be expecting blue skies and balmy temperatures once again. 03 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? ① An applicant – An interviewer ② A professor – A student ③ A teacher – A parent ④ An applicant – A receptionist review 검토�다 application 신청�� resume ��력�� possess 소유�다 bilingual ��중언어 �사자 fluency 유창성  Hot Listening ❹ 04 W: I did not know you had guests. I hope I am not in the way. I have an appointment at 2 o’clock. M: No, not at all. You must be Susan, right? Please come in and have a seat. We just finished the meeting. 손��들�� 있��지 몰랐어요. 제� 방해� 안 되었� W: 손��들��있��지몰랐어요.제�방해�안되었� 바�요. 두 시�� ���� 있어�� ����요. M: �뇨�� ���� �니��요. �us�n ��지요�� �죠? 들어 ���� ��세요. 방금 �의� 끝�어요. W: Thank you. W: 고�워요. M: Did you have any trouble getting here? How did you get here? �죠? M: 여�를 ��� � 어렵지�� 않았�요? 여��� 어떻� W: No, it was not difficult. I took the number 3314 bus. It normally takes about 30 minutes from my house to get here, but it took me an hour to get here today because of bad traffic! W: �니요�� 어렵지 않았어요. 33�4�� �스를 탔어요. ����� 보통�� 3�분�� 걸리지만�� 오늘�� 심�� �통 체증 ��문�� ����� ��곳까지 �� 시���� 걸렸어요�� M: Well, let’s begin. I reviewed your M: ���� 시작�죠. 어제 입사원��를 보니 CYJ 영어 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 28 12/1/09 2:16:00 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation application yesterday and noticed that you have been an instructor at the CYJ English Academy for two years. What is one of the most important basic skills that a teacher should possess? 학원���� �년 동안 강사�� 일����요. �사� �져�� 할 ��� 중요�� �본 능력 중�� ��� 무엇 ��라고 생��시�요? W: I believe that the most important W: 제� 생����� 영어 선생���� 갖춰�� 할 ��� 중 basic skill that English teacher should possess is the ability to speak fluently. 요�� 능력�� 유창�� 말��� ����라고 생��니다. M: How good is your English? Can you M: 당신의 영어�� 어떻습니까? ��중 언어 �사자라고 call yourself bilingual? 할 수 있습니까? W: With ten years of studying in W: 미국���� ��년�� 공부�� 끝���� 제 영어 �사력�� America, I am very confident in my English fluency. �주 자신�� 있습니다. M: Good. I’ve checked your cover letter and realized your writing in English is also ver y good. Are you sure you did it by yourself? M: ��요. 자� 소개��를 ���� 당신의 영어 작문도 �주 �았습니다. 당신 스스�� �� ���� ��요? W: Of course. Since my major was W: �론입니다. 제 ��공�� 방송학��었� ��문�� 대학 시�� 동안 많�� ��세��를 썼습니다. media studies, I had to write many essays during my university years. M: Speaking of major, why did you choose to have the career in teaching which you didn’t major in? W: At first, I had to get a job as a teacher to support my family. And I knew that it’s the job for my rest of my life. M: ��공�� 대해 ������ ����� �러����� � 당신�� ��공�지 않�� �업�� 선택�였습니까? W: �음���� 제 �족�� 부양해��만 �습니다만 �중�� �� ������ 제 남�� 평생 동안의 �업임�� 알� 되었 습니다. How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 지금 어떤 심정인가? W: Billy, where have you been? I told you that you should be here by 3:30. It’s half past four. What happened? This is the third time this month you’ve done this! You messed up my schedule. M: I’m terribly sorry. But better late than never, you know. Actually, I arrived here at four. I couldn’t find you anywhere. Where have you been? W: Bi������� 어디 있었어? ��곳�� 3시 3�분까지 ���� �� 다고 말�잖�. 지금 4시 3�분����. 무�� 일����? ���� 달��만 세 ��째��. 내 일��� �쳐 놨어. M: �말 미안해. ��도 알고 있듯�� 늦어도 안 ���니 보다�� 낫잖�. 사실�� �� ��소�� 4시�� 도착�어. ��곳���� ��를 ��� 수� 없었어. 어디 있었어? W: I was sitting on the bench over W: �� 있�� 벤치���� �다리고 있었어. M: Why didn’t you stand by the front M: � 현관문�� �� 있지 않았어? there. door? HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  04 How does the woman probably feel? ① The woman feels relieved. ② The woman feels furious. ③ The woman feels apologetic. ④ The woman feels disappointed. past 지�� mess up �쳐�다 slip one’s mind 깜박 잊다 apologize 사과�다 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 29 12/1/09 2:16:01 PM 05 What is the woman’s suggestion to her brother? What is the woman’s suggestion to her brother? 여자는 동생에게 어떤 제안을 했는가? 06 Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: I was standing by the door at half past three. I stood there until a quarter past four. But where were you? M: I’m sorry. I was busy today, so our meeting slipped my mind. So then I left home late. And on my way here, I met John. But I only talked to him for a few minutes. W: � 문 앞�� 3시 3�분�� �� 있었어. �곳�� 4시 �� 분까지 �� 있었어. ���� 어디 있었어? M: 미안해. 오늘 ��무 바��� 깜박 잊었어. ���� � ���� 늦� 떠�어. �리고 ��곳�� 오�� 길�� John �� 만�어. ��지만 잠시 �����를 ��� 뿐����. W: I see. So while I was waiting here, W: 알�어. ��곳���� 내� �다리�� 동안�� John과 �� you were talking to John! ����고 있었다�� 거���� M: I want to apologize to you for being late. But nobody’s perfect. I won’t be late again. M: 늦�� ���� 대해 사과�고 싶어. �지만 완벽�� 사람 �� �무도 없어. 다시�� 늦지 않���. W: Stop making excuses. You’ve done W: ��� �만 대. ��미 수천 ��도 � �어. � ����� 받� 들일 수 없어. 폭발해 �� �� ��. this a thousand times already. Well, I just can’t take it anymore. I feel like I am going to explode. M: Stacy, you’re a girl, right? ���c��� ���� 여자 �지? M: ���c������� 여자�지? W: Of course. I’m your sister. What are W: �론��지�� � ��� 확실해. 무�� 말�� �고 싶�� you talking about? �? M: How did you meet your boyfriend Mark? Why do you like your boyfriend? W: I met my boyfriend at school when we were in the same class. First, he loves me, and he is kind and smart. Why are you asking me these questions you never asked me before? M: Well, I need your advice on my situation. I like this girl at my school, but she is a year younger than me. She is a sophomore. M: 남자 친� M��k를 어떻� 만�어? � 남자 친�를 ����� 거��? W: 학� ��� 반���� 만�어. 먼��� ��� �를 사��� 고 친���고 영리해. � ����도 안 묻던 �런 질문 �� ��� 거��? M: 글쎄�� 내 �황�� 대�� 조언�� 필요해. 학����� � 보다 �� 학년 ��인 여자를 ��해. �녀�� �학년 ����. W: Wow. You mean you finally have a girl you like? I’ve never seen you interested in a girl before. W: ���� ��담 ��내 ����� 여자� 생겼다�� 거��? 난 �� 여자애��테 관심 있�� �� ����도 보지 못� 어. M: Yeah. I haven’t had this feeling M: 응�� ���� ��런 감��� �졌던 적�� 없어�� 무엇�� before, so I just don’t know what to do. 해�� 할지 모��어. W: That’s a tough one. The answer really W: 어려운 문제�. � 답�� ��도 알다시피 �� 무엇�� ① To be nice and gentle ② To be himself ③ To ask her what she likes ④ To wander around her situation �황 advice 충고 tough 거친 gentle 부드러운 Be yourself! �냥 ��답� 행동해 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 30 12/1/09 2:16:03 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation depends on what you want and what she likes, you know. M: I don’t know what girls like. I don’t know what I should do to win her heart. I mean… Do I have to be romantic? Or, do I have to become a tough guy? W: Ha-ha. Some girls like a romantic guy and others like a tough guy. I am the one who prefers the gentle and nice guy. But it really depends on what she likes. 원�고 �녀� 무엇�� �����지�� 달려 있어. M: 여자애들�� 무엇�� �����지 모��어. 어떻� �면 �녀의 �음�� ��� 수 있��지 모��어. 내 말��� 난 ��맨틱해�� 해? �니면 터프���� 되어 �� 해? W: ��. ���� ��맨틱���를 ���고 다른 ���� 터프���를 ���지. 난 부드럽고 자��� 남자를 � 선호�지만�� �녀� 무엇�� �����지�� 달려 있어. M: Then, what should I do? M: ���� 난 뭘 해�� 해? W: You are surely in love. Just be yourself and show her your heart. I am sure she will like you back if you show her your genuine heart. W: �� 분� 사���� �졌��. �� 자신�� 되어�� ��의 �음�� 보여�. �� 만� ��의 �짜 �음�� 보여준 다면 �녀도 ��를 ��할 거라고 생�해. 06 How long did it take for the woman to get ready to go out? How long did it take for the woman to get ready to go out? 여자는 얼마나 오랫동안 외출 준비를 했는가? ③ She spent one hour getting ready. M: Are you kidding me? I’ve been ready M: 지금 농담��� 거��? 준비된 지� 언제인�. W: Justin, I’m ready to go now. Are you W: Jus�in�� � 외� 준비 다 �어. 당신�� 준비�어? ① She spent two hours getting ready. ② It took her one hour and thirty minutes to get ready. ready? ④ It took her two and a half hours to get forever. ready. Are you kidding me? � �리�� 거��? brand-new 새�� arrival 도착 sense of ~의 감� weary 지친 sensational 경��적인�� 눈부신 W: How do I look in this dress? This is a W: �� 드레스 입�니까 어�� 보여? ��� 주�� 인터넷 brand-new dress that I bought online last week. ��� 새�� 산 드레스��. M: You look amazing in that dress. But do you know what time it is now? 알�? M: 옷�� ��무 � 어울린다. �런� 지금 �� 시인 ���� W: Let me guess. Hmm... I came home at 5:00 today and started getting ready 30 minutes after arriving home. Is it about 6:30? M: You have no sense of time, do you? It’s 7:30 now. I’ve been sitting on this couch watching a talk show for more than one hour now. W: 어디 보자. 음� �� �시쯤 ��� 도착해�� �� 3� 분 후부터 외� 준비 시작�거든. 6시 3�분 �도 �어? M: �� 시� 개념�� 없��. 지금 7시 3�분����. 난 �� 시� ��� �니 소��� �� ���� TV를 보고 있 었다고. W: Are you sure about the time? Oh, W: ��� 시��� ��� �� 말����? �러�. �말 미 안해. 무엇�� 입��지 결��� 못��어. you’re right. I am sorry. I just couldn’t decide what to wear. M: I understand. But I’m already ver y wear y after all that waiting. �렸어. M: ��해해. �지만 ��무 오� �다리다� 난 ��미 지쳐 W: You know that I wanted to look W: 첫 결혼 �념일��라 오늘밤 당신��� �말 � 보�� HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 31 12/1/09 2:16:05 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation sensational for you tonight since it is our first anniversar y. 려고 ��어. M: But you know waiting is not a fun M: �지만 �다리�� � �미있�� 일�� �니��. thing to do. W: I get it. Can we go now so we won’t be late for our reservation at 8? W: 알았어. �시 예��� 늦지 않� ��제 갈까? M: Okay. Shall we? M: ��. 갈까? 07 What is the main idea of the conversation? ① The school should expel the senior for cheating on the exam. What is the main idea of the conversation? 들려주는 대화의 주제는 무엇인가? ② The senior who got caught has been M: Did you hear about that senior guy 4학년 학생�� �리시험���� �닝�다 걸린 ����� M: 4학년학생���리시험�����닝�다걸린����� 08 cheating a lot. ③ The school should forgive the senior. ④ Students need to vote on this cheating case. cheat �닝�다 physics �리 expel 내쫓다�� crib notes �닝 노� confess 자백�다�� 고백�다�� 실토�다 dreadfully 몹시�� 지독�� vote 투표�다 participate 참여�다 who got caught cheating on the physics exam? 들었어? W: No way! A senior got caught? Oh, my lord. He’s going to be expelled from school for sure. Tell me about it. M: Well, what I’ve heard is that he was really worn out because of his job and didn’t have time to study for his exams at all. So he made some crib notes and cheated on the exam. W: 말도 안��� 4학년�� 걸렸다고? 오�� 맙소사. 틀림없 �� 퇴학당��다. � �� 좀 해�. M: 음�� 내� 들�� 바���� � 선배� ��� 일�� ��무 지 쳐�� 시험 공부할 시��� ���� 없었대. ���� �닝 쪽지를 만들어�� �닝�대. W: But how did he get caught? Did his W: �런� �� �닝��� 걸 발견�어? �수���� 발견 professor catch him? �어? M: No! Believe it or not, he confessed to his physics professor the day after the exam. M: �니�� �거� 말거� � 선배� 시험 다음날 �리 �수���� 고백�어. W: Poor guy. I guess he felt dreadfully W: � 선배 안 �다. 죄�감�� 많�� ��꼈� �. �말 � guilty. What an honest guy! ��� 사람���. M: ���� � 선배� 용��를 받고 두 ��째 ��를 얻어�� ��다고 생�해? � �시험 ��� �� 있잖�. W: Hmm... I don’t know. It’s a very difficult W: 음�모��어. 어려운 질문��다. M: Do you think he should be forgiven and get a second chance? You know, like be given a makeup test. question. M: Exactly. The student council is asking all students to vote on whether to expel him or to give him a makeup test. W: That’s very interesting. When is the vote going to be held? I definitely want to vote on this matter. M: I’m very happy to hear that. I’m trying to get as many students as possible to participate in the vote. M: 바�� ��. 학생�� 모든 학생들��� � 선배를 퇴 학시키�� � 옳��지 용����� � 옳��지 대해 투표 를 해달라고 �고 있어. W: 흥미��운 일���. 언제 ��� ��? 난 꼭 투표를 � 고 싶어. M: ��� 말해�� �말 다행��다. 많�� 학생들��� 투 표를 �� �려고 �고 있었거든. � 친�들���도 말해�� ��� �러 �� �.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 32 12/1/09 2:16:06 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Please tell your friends about this and bring them with you. W: Okay. I will tell ever yone I know to participate. I think every student needs to vote. W: ��. 내� ��� 사람들��� 참여�라고 할�. 난 모든 학생들�� 투표를 해�� ��다고 생�해. 08 Why does the man need to buy a new car? Why does the man need to buy a new car? 남자가 새 차를 구입해야 하는 이유는? ① His car is just too old to drive around. ② His car is not running well because he has had to fix a lot of different parts. ③ His sister will take his car because she is going to college this year. ④ His sister wants to drive his car when she your car? goes to high school. M: Hey! Can you give me a ride home M: 안��� 오늘 �까지 �워���? today? W: Sure, that’s not a problem. Where is W: ���� ��. � 차�� 어디 있어? one year �년 ensure 확신�다 check it out current 현�의�� 지금의 M: It’s in the shop right now. I should be able to get it back sometime next week. M: �비소�� 있어. ��도 다음주면 ��� 수 있�� 거��. W: What’s wrong with it? I thought you only bought that car last year. M: You’re right about that. It’s only a year old. I’m just having the mechanic check it out to ensure that it’s in good condition. W: I see. I thought something was wrong with the engine because it’s taking a long time for you to get it back. W: 무�� 문제 있어? 작년�� �입�� 차인 �� 알았���. M: � 말�� ��. 차 산지 �년 밖�� 안�어. �냥 차 � �� ����지 확인�려고 �년 �� 점검 받�� 거��. W: 응. ��� 차 ���� 좀 오� 걸리�� �� ���� 무�� 문제� 있�� �� 알았지. M: I know! But my car was okay when I M: �러�. �런� �비소�� �져 갔�� �� 차 ���� brought it in to the mechanic. �았어. W: Do you need a ride ever y day until W: 차 ��� ��까지 �워 ��까? you get your car back? M: Thanks for offering. But I can manage. M: 생�해 ��� 고�워. �지만 ���. W: How? Are you going to rent a car? W: 어떻� �려고? 차 렌� �려고? M: No! I’m going to buy a car tomorrow. My parents and my sister are coming to pick out a car with me. M: �니�� 내일 차 사러 갈 거��. 부모������ 여동생�� ��� ��� 차 사러 여��� 올 거��. W: What about your current car? I W: �� 지금 차�� 어�려고? 차�� ��다고 �잖�. thought you said it was running fine. M: Oh, didn’t I tell you? My sister is going to college this year, and she wants to take the car. I have no choice but to buy a new one. W: How awesome! W: 굉���다�� M: 오�� 말 안 ��? 내 여동생�� 올해 대학�� ��� 내 차를 갔고 싶대. 내� 새 차를 안 �� 수� 없어. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 33 12/1/09 2:16:08 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 09 What will the man probably do when he gets back to his office? What will the man probably do when he gets back to his office? 남자가 사무실에 되돌아 갔을 때 할 일은? 10 ① He will start designing the website. ② He will check his e-mail inbox. ③ He will start calling people about the job. his office. ④ He will start working with the people in M: I couldn’t agree more. Shouldn’t touch up 수��다 competitor 경쟁자 after all 결국�� 즉 ASAP(=as soon as possible) innovative 혁신적인 in-house 조�내의�� �업내의 inbox 받�� 편지� M: Did you see AVG’s homepage? AVG의 ����지 �어? M: AVG의����지�어? W: Yes, I did. It looked really great compared to our website. W: 응�� �어. �리 ���� 비해 �말 멋지�라. we touch up our website as well? I mean, AVG is our main competitor after all. W: I know. I just got a phone call from our president, and he wants me to work on it ASAP. But I don’t know if our web designer can do anything… you know, innovative! M: �말 ���라. �리 ����지도 수�해�� ��� �� �냐? AVG�� �리의 ��� 유력�� 경쟁 �사잖�. W: 알�. 지금 방금 사������테�� ���� �었��� 빨 리 고치라고 ��. �런� �리 웹 디자����� 혁신 적인 변�를 �� 수 있��지 모��어�� M: Are you thinking about designing a M: 새�� ����지를 제작�려고 ��� 거��? new website? W: Definitely! We need to do more W: 당연�지�� 수���� 거���� 안 �. 뭔� 신선�고�� than just touch it up. We need a fresh, hot, innovative look for our homepage. 멋있고�� 혁신적인 ���� 필요해. M: Why don’t you post a job ad on the net and find someone with more experience? ��? M: 경험�� � 많�� 디자����를 ��� �인 광고를 �지 W: I am planning to do that this afternoon. But that’s going to take some time, and I need someone right away. M: That’s true. It’s actually better to get recommendations from someone in- house to save time. W: You’ve got some connections in this field, don’t you? Do you know anyone who can do the job? M: I know a couple of people, and I could contact them for you. But first, I need to know the qualifications and other general information for the position. W: 오늘 오후�� 광고를 올리려고 해. �런� ��� � 면 시��� 좀 걸� �� ���� 지금 당�� 사람�� 필 요해. M: ����� �지. �사�원���부터 소개를 받�� � 시��� ������ 방법��� 해. W: �� 분���� ��� 사람들 있지 않�? ��런 일 할 수 있�� 사람 알�? M: �� � ����. �� �� 연락해 볼 수 있어. �지만 먼��� �� 일�� 적��� 자격�� 무엇인지 �리고 다른 일반 적인 �보도 필요해. W: I’m e-mailing that to you right now. W: 지금 당�� 메일�� 보내 ���. � 자리�� �면 메일 It’ll be in your inbox before you get to your office. �� 도착해 있�� 거��. M: Okay! Let me get back to my office, and I’ll start contacting those people. 해 볼�. M: 알았어. 내 자리�� ��� � 사람들��� 연락�� 시작 11  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 34 12/1/09 2:16:09 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 What is the cause of bulimia? ① No known causes have been found so far and size ② Hoping to maintain one’s body weight ③ Desire to loose weight ④ Exercising and good health psychological 심리적인 disorder ��애 bulimia 식욕 ��� 항� binge 과식�다�� 고��� �시다 purge 깨끗�� �다�� 제거�다 vomit �토�다 fasting 금식�� �식 excessive 과대�� laxatives 설사� What is the cause of bulimia? 현재 알려진 식욕 이상 항진의 원인은? W: �� 세� 모든 여성들�� 날씬�� 몸매를 원�며�� 체중 조���� �고 있다고 해도 틀린 말�� �닙니다. 체중 조���� 식욕 ��� 항� ��� �신적 식욕 ��애� 되 �도 �니다. 식욕 ��� 항���란 비만�� 되�� ���� 매� 두려워�여�� 비��적인 방법��� 체중�� 조 ����� ���� 말�니다. 비��적인 방법�� �토�� 금 식�� 설사� 과다 복용과 강박적인 운동 등�� ��� 니다. ���� 말�면�� 식욕 ��� 항��� �� 사람 �� 과식�� �고 ��� 체중�� ���� ���� 원�지 않� ��문�� 섭취�� 음식�� 도�� 몸 밖��� 빼냅니다. 식 욕 ��� 항�의 �확�� 원인�� �� 알려져 있지 않 습니다. 의사들과 연�자들�� �� 사람들�� 몸매 를 걱��� ��문일 거라고 �고 있습니다. W: It’s not wrong to say that every female in the world wants to have a slim body and control her weight. This weight control can sometimes lead to a psychological eating disorder called bulimia. Bulimia is an illness in which a person has a great fear of becoming fat, so the individual uses inappropriate methods of weight control, including vomiting, fasting, excessive use of laxatives, and compulsive exercising. Basically, individuals with bulimia binge on food and then purge it from their bodies because they don’t want to gain weight. The causes of bulimia are not definitely known yet. Doctors and researchers believe that perhaps people with it are very worried about their body size and shape. 11 Which soccer team does the woman like the most? Which soccer team does the woman like the most? 여자가 가장 좋아하는 축구 팀은? Team Last Year’s Rank The year before last ① Arsenal ② Manchester ③ Liverpool ④ Chelsea 4th 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 4th upcoming 다�오�� advance to final 결승�� ���다 M: Karen, what are you looking at? M: K���n�� 뭘 보고 있�� 거��? W: I’m looking at the upcoming soccer W: 다�오�� 축� 경� 스케���� 보고 있어. match schedule. M: Right. You are a big fan of the English Premier League just like me. Which team is your favorite? W: Why don’t you make a guess? I’d like to test how much you are into soccer. Plus, it can be fun since we are both quite bored now. M: �다. ��도 ��� 영국 프리미어 리�를 굉���� � ��지? 어�� 팀�� 제일 ���니? W: �춰보�� � 어��? �� 얼�� 축�를 �����지 테스� 해보고 싶다. �다��� �리 둘 다 지금 지�� 해�고 있�니까 �미있�� 거��. M: That sounds fun. Will you give me M: �거 �미있�다. 힌� 좀 ���? some hints? W: My favorite team was one of the top three teams the year before last. M: That’s not enough information for me to get the answer. Tell me more. ��였어. � 해�. W: 내� ����� 팀�� �작년 제일 ���� 세 팀 중 M: 내� 답�� �추����� ��무 �보� 부족해. � ���� W: Okay. If I tell you this, you will get the answer immediately. The team advanced to the finals last year, W: 알았어. 내� ��걸 말해주면 바�� �답�� �힐 거��. 결승�� ���었��� 안타깝�도 �승�� �지 못� 어. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 35 12/1/09 2:16:12 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation but unfortunately it didn’t win the championship. M: I’m confused between Arsenal and Liverpool. Maybe I’m not as big a fan as you are. M: ��� �스날�고 리�풀 사������ 헷갈리고 있어. ��도 ��� ��만큼 대��� 팬�� �닌 �� ��. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① Some people think we should stop developing computer technology. ② Computers in the future might reproduce themselves. ③ Some scientists are worried computers will have too much power in the future. ④ Computers will change our DNA through genetic engineering. concern �려 reproduce �생산�다 entire ��체의 software 소프�웨어 genetic engineering 유��공학 M: Some scientists believe that we should stop developing computer technology. There is a strong concern that one day we will make a computer which will reproduce itself. If that happens, computers could gain the power to control the entire world. One of the leading computer software developers, Bill Joy, supports this view. Stephen Hawking, the famous scientist, agrees with this point and goes even further. He asserts that we should change our DNA through genetic engineering to improve ourselves. If we don’t, computers might overtake us in the future. M: 어떤 과학자들�� �리� 컴퓨터 �술�� 발��시키 �� ���� 멈추어�� ��다고 �고 있다. 언젠� �리 � 스스�� �생산�� �능�� 컴퓨터를 만들 ����라 �� 강�� �려� 있다. 만일 �런 일�� 일어난다면�� 컴퓨터�� �� 세�를 조�할 힘�� �지� �� 수도 있 다. 컴퓨터 소프�웨어 개발자 Bi���� Jo��� ��러�� 의 견�� 지지��다. �� 의견�� 동의�� 유��� 과학자 ����h�n H�wking�� � 앞�� ��다. ��� �리� 유�� 공학�� 통해�� �리 스스��를 향�시켜�� �� 다고 주����다. 만일 �러지 않�면�� 컴퓨터�� 미� �� �리를 �복할 수도 있다. 14 Which best describes the man’s situation? Which best describes the man’s situation? 남자의 상황을 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? 13 ① Hard work must pay off. ② Enjoy what you do. ③ Sing along even when you’re sad. ④ Life is random. upbeat. M: Hi, Jessie. I have something to tell M: 안�. J�ssi�. �춰�. you. Guess what? W: Hi, Andy. What’s up? You look W: 안�. An��. 무�� 일��니? �� 오늘 즐거워 보인다. 15 acceptance letter 승인 편지 W: Wow. Really? Congratulations. You W: ��. �말��니? 축�해. �말 �쁘�다. company I applied to. must be very happy. M: I got an acceptance letter from the M: 내� 지원�던 �사���� �격 편지를 받았어. M: Yeah. You know I had a hard time this year. I can’t even remember how many interviews I had this year. W: Right. I know. I’ve seen you working really hard in the librar y every day. Even on your birthday, you were at the library preparing for the interview. M: 응. � 올해 힘든 시��� 보낸 거 알잖�. 올해 얼 �� 많�� 인터뷰를 ���지 �억�� 못할 �도��. W: ��. 알�. 매일 도��관���� �말 열심�� 공부� �� 거 �어. 심지어 � 생일��도 도��관���� 인터뷰 준비�잖�.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 36 12/1/09 2:16:14 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: I never thought it would take that much time for me to get a job. I felt like I was passing through a tunnel which seemed to have no end. M: 내� �업�� ���� � ���� 시��� 걸� ���� � 말 몰랐거든. 끝�� 없�� 터널�� 걷고 있�� �분��었 어. W: But you finally made it through the W: �지만 결국엔 � 터널�� 통과�잖�. � 자신�� 자 tunnel. You must be proud of yourself. ��스럽�다. M: I think I am. I am happy that I didn’t M: �런 �� ��. 내� ���지 않았던 � �뻐. give up. W: I’ll tell this good news to everyone I W: �� ��� 소식�� 내� ��� 모든 ����� 말할�. � know. They’ll be happy. 들도 무척 �뻐할 거��. What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 가장 적절한 제목은? M: I support public transportation, but, to be honest, I have to admit that I seldom use it. The subway is always packed with too many people, and the buses in our city are unreliable. I know we have to use public transportation as often as possible for the sake of air pollution and saving oil. However, the reality is not like that. Many people prefer to sit in traffic jams in the comfort of their cars than take public transportation. If the government really wants people to use public transportation, then the government must spend money to improve it. M: 대중�통�� 대�� 생����� 동의�니다만 ���� 말 해�� 제� 거의 사용�지 않��다�� ���� 인�해�� �습니다. 지���� 항� ��무 많�� 사람들�� �득 차 있고 시내 �스�� ��� 만�지 않습니다. ��� �리� 대�오염과 �� ���의 ��유�� �능�� 많 �� 대중�통�� ��용해�� ��다�� ���� 알고 있습니 다. �지만 현실�� ��지 않습니다. 많�� 사람들�� �통 체증 ����� 대중 �통�� ��용��� ��보다 편 안�� 자신의 차�� �� 있�� ���� 선호�니다. 만일 �부� 사람들�� 대중�통�� ��용��� ���� �말�� 원��다면 대중�통�� 개선시키� 위해 돈�� 사용�� 다고 생��니다. W: Joe, did you know we have had a new boss since last week? M: Do you mean Miss White, who transferred from the L.A. branch? W: Yeah. There is a rumor that she is our president’s close relative, so that’s why she has gotten promoted so fast. M: I’ve heard that rumor, too. She is too young to be a managing director. W: Jo�. 지난 주부터 새��운 �사 온 거 알고 있니? M: L.A. 지점���� ����� �hi�� 씨 말��니? W: 응. 소문�� 따�면 �녀�� �리 사�����고 �까운 친척��고 ���� 승��� 빨리 �� 거�. M: �도 � 소문 들어�어. 부���� 되����� ��무 젊어. W: That’s what I thought, too. But now I W: �도 ��� 생��어. �� 지금�� 생��� 좀 달라. feel differently. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  14 What is the best title for this passage? ① What is your favorite mode of transportation? transportation? transportation? ② Why are you not a big fan of public ③ Why do many people prefer public ④ What are the advantages of using public transportation? public transportation 대중�통 seldom 좀�� ~�지 않��다 be packed with ~�� �득 차 있다 air pollution 대�오염 ① Outgoing and sociable ② Lazy and slow ③ Negative and pessimistic ④ Very good at doing things and effective managing director 부�� promptly 신��� relative 친척 efficiently ��적��� sociable 사�적인 pessimistic 비관적인 effective �과적인 15 What does the woman mean when she says “on the ball”? What does the woman mean when she says “on the ball”? 여자가 말한 “on the ball”의 의미는? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 37 12/1/09 2:16:15 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: What do you mean? The rumor M: 무�� 말����? 소문�� 틀렸대? turned out to be wrong? W: It is true that she is the president’s close relative, but I guess that’s not the reason why she has gotten promoted so fast. W: �녀� �리 사����의 �까운 친척인� 사실����. �지만 �� �녀� 일찍 승��� ��유�� �닌 �� � �. M: What makes you think that? Do you see her as an excellent director? 거��? M: � ��� 생��니? ��� 부������라고 생���� W: Yeah. So far, it seems like she knows how to organize things and how to get things done promptly and efficiently. She is really on the ball. W: 응. 지금까지�� ��. �녀�� 일�� 어떻� �리�고�� ��적��� 일�� 해�� 할지 � ��� �� ��. �녀 �� �말 일 �리� 훌륭해. M: She must be a good worker judging M: � 말�� 듣고 보니 �녀�� �말 능력 있�� 사람인� from your words. 보다. 16 What will the woman probably say next? ① No. I haven’t thought about it yet. But I don’t want to delay if I find right person. What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? 17 ② I don’t know the reason why many people are getting divorced these days. ③ How are we going to find the right person to get married to? That’s the question. ④ Maybe we should do something to change young people’s thoughts about marriage. marriage material 결혼 �대 witness 목격�다 delay 연��다 W: Andy, is there any interesting information in that magazine? It seems that you are really engaged with the magazine. M: I am reading an article about marriage in Korea. W: What does it say about marriage? Like the men and women who are the best marriage material? M: No, it’s about the number of marriages in Korea decreasing by twenty-five percent. W: An��. �지�� � �미있�� �사라도 있어? � � ��� 들어갈 �� ��. M: ��국의 결혼�� 대�� �사를 �고 있어. W: 결혼의 무엇�� 대�� 내용����? ��� ��� 결혼 � 대����의 남�� 녀 ��런 거? M: �니. 결혼��� 사람들�� 매년 ��퍼센�씩 ��고 있 �� ���� 대�� 거��. W: Really? I haven’t heard that before. W: �말? ��� 완���� �음 듣�� �������. ��유� 뭔 Why is that happening? �? M: One of the main reasons is that young people are delaying getting married. W: Maybe the reason is that many young people witness so many divorces among older couples, so they want to be ver y careful before they get married. M: 중요�� ��유 중 ���� 많�� 젊����들�� 결혼�� 미 ��고 있어����. W: �� 많�� 젊����들�� ���든 사람들의 ��혼�� 목 격�고 있어���� �들의 결혼�� 대해�� 신중�고 싶 �� �� ��. M: That sounds reasonable. I guess there is a certain relation between the �� ��. M: ��. 결혼�과 ��혼��� 확실�� �관관�� 있��  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 38 12/1/09 2:16:17 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation marriage rate and divorce rate. W: Right. When I talk about the marriage with my friends, some of them say that they would not get married at all or get married late, and they are all afraid of divorce. M: What about you? Didn’t you once tell me that you want to get married early? W: ��. 내� 친�들과 결혼 �����를 �면�� �들�� 결혼�� 안 �거� 늦� 할 거라고 생��고 있어. �들�� 모두 ��혼�� 두려워해. M: ���� 어��? ���� ���테 일찍 결혼�고 싶다고 � 지 않았�? W: No. I haven’t thought about it yet. W: �니. 난 ����� 대해 생�해 본 적�� 없어. �지만 But I don’t want to delay if I find right person. ���형�� ��면 지체�고 싶지 않�. 17 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ① Why did you become a computer programmer anyway? ② Why didn’t you finish any of the things I asked you to do? ③ I don’t understand why you like computer games so much. ④ Tell your brother that I am very upset because of what he did. computer programme� 컴퓨터 프����� garbage 쓰레� witness 목격�다 excusable 용�� �능�� W: Karen has a brother who is a computer programmer. Not only does he spend a lot of time doing his work, but he also spends very much time playing computer games. One day, Karen had an important meeting and left home early in the morning. Karen asked her brother to clean up the house and to take the garbage outside. But when she came back home, she saw that he was still in front of the computer playing games and that he hadn’t done any of the things she had asked him to do. She thinks what he did is not excusable, and she wants to tell him how she feels. In this situation, what could she say to her brother? W: K���n�� 컴퓨터 프�����인 남동생�� 있다. � �� �의 일�� ���� 많�� 시��� 보�� 뿐 �니라 컴퓨터 �임�� ���� 많�� 시��� 보낸다. 어�� 날�� K���n�� 중요�� �의를 �졌고 ���� 일찍 ��� �섰다. K���n�� �녀의 남동생��� ��� 치�고 쓰레�를 �리�� ���� 부탁�다. �지만 �녀� 돌 ���� �� �녀�� �� 여���� 컴퓨터 앞���� �임 �� ��� ���� 목격�다. �리고 ��� �녀� 부탁� 던 어떤 ��도 �지 않았다. �녀�� �� �� 일�� 용 ��� 불�능�다고 생��고 �녀� 어떻� ��끼�� 지를 ������고 싶다. ��런 �황���� �녀� �녀 의 동생��� �고 싶�� 말��? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 39 12/1/09 2:16:18 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 04 ① ③ high quality 높�� 품질 catalog 카탈��� Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 What is the table the woman decided to buy? What is the table the woman decided to buy? 여자가 사려고 하는 테이블은 어느 것인가? ② ④ M: Hi. How can I help you? M: 안��세요. 어떻� 도��드�까요? W: I haven’t decided what to buy but I am here to look for the present for my sister. M: Wow. Present for your sister? Wow, I never saw someone buying furniture for a present. W: 어떤 걸 ��지 �� 결��� 안 ����요�� 여동생 선 ��� 사러 �어요. 02 M: ���� 여동생 선���요? ���� ��를 선��� 사주시�� 분�� �음����요. W: It’s because she’s getting married W: 동생�� 곧 결혼�거든요. 결혼 선�����요. soon. It’s her wedding gift. M: I see. Do you have any items in mind? Like a dressing table or a bookshelf or… W: I was thinking about getting a table for the kitchen. Are they very expensive? M: We have some good ones with high quality and reasonable price. How about this wooden table which has flower pattern in the middle? W: That’s very pretty. But I need something bigger, though. Like the one for 4 people maybe? M: Okay. Then, what do you say to this white marble table for 4? It’s a good seller for those who likes modern and simple. M: 알�습니다. 생�해두신 ����라도 혹시 있�세요? ���대� ������ � ��런� W: 부엌�� ��� 식탁�� ��까 생��고 있었습니다만 비싼�요? M: 품질도 �고 �격도 적당�� ��� ��들�� 있습니다. 꽃 ��식�� �운� 있�� �무 테��블�� 어떤�요? W: �주 예쁘�요�� �지만 ��� 좀 � 큰 ���� 원해요. ��도 4인�� 위�� �����요. W: Good, but it looks too luxurious. I W: ��요. �지만 ��무 사치스러워 보���요. 뭔� 심 want something simple and normal. 플�고 일반적인 ���� 원해요. M: Can I ask you the color you would M: 선호��� 색깔�� �어�도 ��까요? prefer? W: The whole kitchen in her new apartment is brown; I was thinking it would nice to get one with something green. M: Oh, that would make a good match. Luckily, we have the one you will like even it’s not on the store right now. Have a look at this catalog and look at this GT3 model. W: � 애의 새 ����� 있�� 부엌 색깔�� 온통 갈색�� ��요. 녹색 �통�� 사주려고 생��고 있었어요. M: � 어울� �� ��요. 운 ���� 지금 ������ 없지 만 당신�� ��할 만�� ���� 있어요. �� 카탈��� 를 보시고 �� GT3 모델�� 보세요. W: Cool. You have many good ones W: ��요. 여� ��� ���� 많�요. 실제�� ��� GT4 M: 알�습니다. �� �� 4인용 대리석 식탁�� 어떤� 요? 현대적��고 �순�� ���� ����� 분들�� �주 � 팔려요. 03 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 40 12/1/09 2:16:21 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation here. Actually I like the GT4, the same color but the one with flower pattern in the middle. I will go for it. � �음�� 들어요. ��� 색��지만 중��� 꽃 ��식�� 들어� 거요. �걸�� ��어요. M: Cool. I think you won’t regret your M: �습니다. 선택�� 대해 ��대 후��지 않�실 거예 decision. 요. 02 What will the high and low temperatures be in London today? What will the high and low temperatures be in London today? 오늘 런던의 가장 높은 온도와 낮은 온도는? HIGH TEMPERATURE LOW TEMPERATURE ① ② ③ ④ 19 21 19 15 15 17 14 14 bit colder �� 추운 scattered showers 산발적인 소�� fall off 떨어지다 foggy 안개� 낀 unlikely ~ �지 않�� W: Hello, I’m Frieda Schmidt with today’s European weather forecast. As we see here, Madrid and Lisbon are both expecting a high of 21 and a low of 17. Paris and London will be a bit colder. The high in both cities today will be 19, and the low will be 15 in Paris and 14 in London. London may also get some scattered showers this afternoon. In Rome right now, there are sunny skies, and it will get as hot as 24 degrees before falling off to a low of 20 during the night. Berlin, on the other hand, will be very cool and foggy today. The low there this morning was 14, and the high is unlikely to go over 15 degrees. W: 안��십니까�� ��� 오늘의 유럽 �� 예보의 F�i��� �chmi�� 입니다. ��곳���� 여� 보시�� �� ���� �드리드�� 리스본�� 최고 �온�� ��도 최� �온�� �7도�� 예��니다. �리�� 런던�� �� � 춥습니다. 오늘의 최고 �온�� ��도��고 최� �온 �� �리�� ��도�� 런던�� �4도� �� ��입니다. 런 던�� 오늘 오후�� 산발적인 소��� 있�� 수도 있 습니다. ����� 현� 맑�� �늘�� 보��고 있고 �4 도까지 올라� 덥��며 밤 동안 온도� ��도까지 떨어지�습니다. 반면�� 베를린�� 매� 춥고 안개 � 낄 ��입니다. 오늘 �곳의 �� 최� �온�� �4 도였고�� 최고 �온�� ��도를 넘지 않�� ����� 보 입니다. What is the woman's occupation? What is the woman's occupation? 여자의 직업은 무엇인가? 03 ① She is a photographer. ② She is a librarian. ③ She is a computer instructor. ④ She is a bookstore clerk. author �자 photocopy 사� 복사 novels 소설� reference section 참고 문헌 W: Do you know how to use a computer? Good! The computers are over there. You can look up the information you need by title, author, or subject, but you’ll have to do that on the computer. You can make photocopies in the section next to the computers. Besides these, we also have many different kinds of services. For example, we have some books you can check out and take home to read. These include novels, books you need for your classes, and so on. Other books can be used only here―those are the books in the reference section on the lower floor. Do you have any questions? W: 컴퓨터를 어떻� 사용���지 �세요? ��요�� 컴퓨 터�� ���� 있습니다. 여러분�� 제목�� �자�� 혹�� 주제�� 필요�� �보를 �� 볼 수 있지만 ����� 컴 퓨터��만 할 수 있습니다. 컴퓨터 �� ������� 복사 를 할 수 있습니다. ��런 ��들 외��도�� �리�� ���� 많�� 다양�� �류의 ��비스를 제공�고 있습니다. 예를 들면�� 소설��� 수업�� 필요�� � 등�� 대�해 �� ��� �져� ��� 수 있�� ���� ���니다. � ���� 있�� 참고 문헌�� 있�� �들�� ��곳����만 사용할 수 있습니다. 질문 있�십니까? HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 41 12/1/09 2:16:24 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the woman feel about the documentary? How does the woman feel about the documentary? 다큐멘터리에 대한 여자의 느낌은? 05 ① She found it somewhat boring. ② She thought it was so shocking. ③ She found it not interesting at all. ④ She thought it was difficult to understand. documentary 다큐멘터리 cancer 암 medical 의료 symptom 증� W: What did you think about the W: �리� 사�학 수업���� �던 다큐멘터리�� 대해�� documentary we were supposed to watch for the sociology class? 어떻� 생��니? M: I haven’t watched it yet. Was it M: �� 못 �어. �았어? good? W: It really was. It was about the effects of stress on the health of people in the country. W: �말 �았어. ����� 국민 �강�� 미치�� 스�레스 영향�� 관�� ����었어. M: Indeed? I thought it was about how M: �말? ��� 스�레스를 어떻� 풀어�� ��� �지�� to relieve stress. 관�� 거라고 생��어. W: Not really. How to relieve stress was just a part of the video. It said that 12 percent of women ages forty to fifty-five will get cancer. W: ��� 않�. 어떻� 스�레스를 푸��지�� 비디오 의 일부였어. 4�세���� 4�세의 여성 ��%� 암�� 걸리� �� ����라고 �어. M: Are you serious? That’s surprising M: �말����? �라운 �보�. information. W: I agree. Oh, here’s some more surprising information. The documentary said that women usually don’t get the same level of care that men do, so their cancer is likely to be more serious. W: �도 ��시 ��. 오�� �� 다른 �라운 �보� 있어. 여자들�� 일반적��� 남자들만큼 보��핌�� 받지 못 �고 있� ��문�� 암�� 여성들��� � 심��� �� � �. M: Why is that? M: � �런�? W: Many members of the medical profession still think of cancer as a male problem; thus, they don’t recognize the symptoms in their female patients. W: �냐�면 많�� 의료�들�� 여���� 암�� 남성의 문 제�� 생��고�� ���� �들�� 여성 환자들의 증� �� 인식�지 못해. M: Well, it does sound like an interesting M: ���� 흥미��운 다큐멘터리�� 들려. 다음 수업 documentary. I am going to watch it before class next time, so I’ll be ready for the homework. W: It’s on reserve in the reference section. You can’t check it out, but you can use one of the viewing rooms. It’s only forty-five minutes long. 시� ���� ��� �제 준비를 해�� �어. W: 참고 문헌실�� 있어. 대� 할 수�� 없지만�� 시청� 실 중 �� 곳������ 사용할 수 있어. 4�분��면 다 볼 수 있어. 06  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 42 12/1/09 2:16:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 05 What does the woman ask the man to do? What does the woman ask the man to do? 여자는 남자에게 무엇을 하라고 했는가? ① To look more like a professor ② To wear formal clothes all the time ③ To take his clothes to the laundromat ④ To purchase some new clothes for himself neat 깔끔�� purchase �입�다 formal 격식�� 차린 comfortable 편안�� insist 주���다 W: Johnny, don’t you think it’s time you W: Johnn��� � 멋지� 보여�� 할 ��라고 생��지 않 started to look better? 니? M: What do you mean by that? M: ��� 말��� � 무�� 뜻����? 모두들 내 ���보 다 훨씬 젊어 보인다고 말����. Everyone says I look much younger than my age. W: I’m talking about your clothes. I want you to go shopping today and buy some neat suits. M: Oh, come on. My clothes look fine. I don’t think I need to purchase any new ones to look better. more professional. M: But I’m a junior high school teacher. I am not a professor. I don’t need to wear formal clothes in a classroom. I prefer something nice to wear to work. It needs to look good but not be too formal. W: 당신 옷�� 관해�� �������� 거��. 오늘 ��� ��� 새��운 깔끔�� 새 양복 �� � 샀�면 ��어. M: 오�� 제발. 내 옷�� ��� 보여. � 멋있� 보��� 위해�� 새 옷�� �� 필요�� 없다고 생�해. M: �러� ��� 중학� �사��. ��� 대학 �수� �니 ��. �실������ ����� 입�� 필요� 없어. ��� 멋 � 옷보다�� 일할 �� 입��� 훌륭�� 옷�� � ��해. �� 보일 필요�� 있지만�� ��무 격식�� 차� 필요�� 없어. W: No, they are not fine. You should look W: �니�� ��지 않�. ���� � 프���� 보여�� 해. W: I bet your students would be pleased W: 만� 당신�� 옷�� � 입�면 학생들�� ��할 거라 if you dressed better. 고 확신해. M: You don’t understand. These clothes M: ��해를 못����. �� 옷들�� 매� 편�고 �다� � 실�� 분필 먼지� ��무 많�. are so comfortable, and my classroom has too much chalk dust. W: Please, don’t ignore my suggestion. You should think about how much better you’ll look when you are wearing a suit. W: 제발�� 내 제안�� 무시�지 �. 당신�� � 양복�� 입 었�� �� 얼�� � 멋져 보일지 생�해 �. M: Okay! If you insist that much, I will M: ���� ��� 주����다면 � 충고를 따를�. follow your advice. M: Hi! Do you make copies of large M: 안��세요�� 분량�� 많�� 문��도 복사해 주시�요? documents? W: It really depends on the size. What do you need to make a copy of? M: I need to make one copy of this document. It’s about 150 pages. ��� �요? 요. W: �� 크��� 따라 다릅니다. 어떤 ���� 복사���� M: �� ��류를 �� 부 복사�려고 �니다. � ���쪽���� W: Oh, of course! That is not considered W: 오�� 해드� 수 있어요�� �� �도 양의 문���� 두꺼운 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  06 What is the total amount the man needs to pay? What is the total amount the man needs to pay? 남자가 지불해야 할 총 금액은? ① $30.00 ② $45.00 ③ $55.00 ④ $40.00 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 43 12/1/09 2:16:26 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation depend 좌��다�� 의존�다 image �림�� 사� economical 경제적인�� 검소�� never mind about ~�� 신경 쓰지 �라 a large document in our business. We usually consider documents over 250 pages long to be large. M: Great. But it has a lot of images like color pictures and graphs. Is that okay? 문���� 생��지 않�요. 보통 ���쪽 �도 ��� 두 껍다고 해요. M: � ��요. �런� 컬러�� 된 사��고 ��프들�� 많�요. ���요? W: Let’s me see them. Do you want W: 어디 볼까요? 컬러 복사를 원�세요? them in color? M: What is the difference in price? M: �격 차��� 얼�� 되�요? W: For one page, it is twenty cents for black and white copies and thirty cents for color copies. Most people choose the economical way unless it’s really necessary to have them in color. M: I bet. But, actually, the price for color copies is not as high as I thought it would be. W: �� 당 흑백�� ��센���고 컬러�� 3�센�입니다. 꼭 컬러�� 할 필요� 없�면 보통 ������ 쪽��� � 세요. M: ��죠. �지만 생�보다 컬러�� ��� ��도 비싸지 �� 않�요. W: Would you like color copies then? W: �� 컬러�� 해드�까요? M: It would be so much better if you did M: �� 굉���� ��� �� ��요. 바인딩도 �시�요? that. Do you do binding as well? W: Yes. That’s a $10 extra charge. W: �. ��달러 추�요금�� 있어요. M: Okay. Let’s go with the color copies, and never mind about the binding. 습니다. M: 알�습니다. 컬러�� 해주시고요 바인딩�� 안 �� W: Certainly, sir. It will be ready in one W: �러세요. �� 시���면 준비�� 거예요. hour. 08 What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 관해 이야기 하고 있는가? 07 ① Homemade remedies for pimples ② Pimples being a common problem among teens W: What are you doing? Don’t do that! W: ��고 있니? �러지 ��� � ��져. It’s going to get worse. ③ How to pop pimples with one’s fingers M: Look at my forehead, Mom. I’m ④ How to treat acne problems totally breaking out. I have a big date this weekend. What am I going to do? M: 제 ��� 좀 보세요�� ��. 갑자� ����� �고 있어요. � ���� 주말�� 중요�� ����� 있어요. 어떻� 해 요? puberty 사춘� zit 여드� scars 흉터 acne 여드� ointment 연고  Hot Listening ❹ W: Let me see… Well, it’s just a part of W: 어디 보자�.음�� ��� �냥 성�� 과�����. �� 지금 growing up. You know, you are going through puberty right now. 사춘�잖�. M: You are just saying that to comfort me, but it’s not doing any good for me right now. M: �� 위�� �려고 �냥 �시�� ��잖�요. � 말씀 지금�� �무 도��� 안�요. W: I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to W: 미안���. 내� 어떻� 도��주면 ��니? help? M: Telling me how to get rid of these zits will help me more than anything. M: �� 여드��� 없애�� 방법�� 말씀해 주시�� � 지금 제일 많�� 도��� �� �� ��요. W: I can tell you one thing for sure. Don’t W: ���� 확실�� 말해 �� 수 있지. 손��� 여드��� Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 44 12/1/09 2:16:28 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 08 Why does the woman want to do yoga instead of swimming? Why does the woman want to do yoga instead of swimming? 여자가 수영 대신에 요가를 하는 이유는? ① She has an unforgettable memory about a water accident. ② She doesn’t want to be in the cold water since summer is almost finished. ③ She catches colds very easily. ④ She thinks the yoga class will be more fun than the swimming class. as usual 항� �듯���� 평�시�� get the chills 오���� ��끼다 overcome ���다�� �복�다 pop them with your fingers because that will leave scars on your face. 짜지 않�� 거��. �러면 얼��� 흉터� 남� 되거든. M: Then what should I do? M: �� 어떻� �죠? W: Why don’t we go buy some acne W: �선 여드� 비��� 연고를 사러 ��� � 어떨까? soap and ointment at the drugstore? We can also ask the pharmacist for some other pimple remedies. �사��� 여드� 치료법도 �어보고. M: That’s a great idea. Thanks, Mom. M: �말 ��� 생�����요. 고�워요�� ��. W: We can also gather some W: 인터넷��� 여드� 예방법도 알�보자. information from the Internet on how to prevent acne. M: I can do that when we come back from the store. Thanks again, Mom. M: �� 갔다 ���� 제� 해볼�요. �말 고�워요�� ��. W: I’ve got to go now. I’ll see you W: � 지금 ��� �. 내일 보자. tomorrow. M: What do you mean? You’re leaving? Don’t you want to go watch the Discover y Channel at my house as usual? M: ��� 되다니 무�� 말����? 오늘�� �리 ��� ��� 디스��리 방송 안 볼 거��? W: I’d love to, but I can’t. I just signed up for a yoga class, and I have my first class today. 날����. W: �러고 싶��� 안 �. 요� 신청���� 오늘�� 첫 M: Yoga class? I thought you said M: 요�? ��고 ��� 수영 ��다고 �� �� 알았���. 생 you were going to join me in the swimming class. Did you change your mind? ��� 바꿨어? W: Oh that... I was going to join you. But summer is almost over, and I really don’t want to get into the cold water. I get the chills just thinking about being in cold water. M: You’ve got to be kidding me. No! Go cancel the yoga class, and let’s sign up for the swimming class. W: ��� ��� ���� ��� �려고 �어. �런� 여�도 거의 끝��고 찬��� 들어��� � ��무 �어��. 생 �만해도 소� 끼쳐. M: 말도 안 �. 안 ��� 요� 반 취소�고 ��고 수영 신청�러 �자. W: But… but I catch colds ver y easily, W: �지만� �지만 난 감��� 쉽� 걸리잖�. 지난 주 too. Remember how I had a bad cold last week? �� 심�� 감� 걸렸던 거 �억�? M: Be honest with me. Are you scared M: ���� 말해 �. ��� 무��워�� ��? �� ��유 of the water? Is that it? ��? W: Okay, I’ll tell you the truth. I don’t like W: 알았어. ���� 말할�. 난 ��� �말 �어해. the water at all. M: Why? I can help you overcome your M: �? 내� �의 두려��� 없애도록 도�� ���. 걱� HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 45 12/1/09 2:16:30 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation fear of water. You don’t have to worry about it. Trust me on this. 안 해도 �. 날 �어. W: I really appreciate your help. But you see... I had a terrible accident at this river near my house when I was young. M: That’s awful! I am really sorry. I hope you didn’t feel like I was pushing to take the swimming class. W: � 도��� �말 고�워. �런�� 내� 어렸�� �� �리 � ���� 있�� 강���� 사고� �었어. M: ��� �말 안�다�� �말 미안해. 수영 ��� �자고 강요��� 거라고 ��끼지 않았�면 ��다. W: It’s okay. Please don’t be sorry. W: ���. 미안해 �지 �. 10 09 What is the man asking the woman to do for him? What is the man asking the woman to do for him? 남자는 여자에게 무엇을 부탁했는가? ① He is asking her to talk to the technician. ② He is asking her to take the computer to the shop. ③ He is asking her if he can use her computer tonight. ④ He is asking her to fix his laptop. submit 제��다 blurry 흐릿�� M: April, are you busy right now? M: A��i���� 지금 바�? W: Hey, Steve! No, I am not. What’s up? W: 안� ���v��� �니 안 바�. 무�� 일����? M: Something went wrong with my laptop last night, so I submitted a repair request to the computer repair shop on their website. But I haven’t heard anything back from them yet. M: 어제 �녁�� 내 노�북�� ����� 생겼어. ���� 수 리 요���를 컴퓨터 수리점�� 인터넷��� 보냈��� �� �무 연락�� 못 받았어. W: What’s wrong with your computer? W: 무�� 문제인�? M: I have no clue. Everything on my screen looks ver y blurr y after my roommate used it last night. W: I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want me to take a look at your laptop? M: That would be very nice, but I have a class in 30 minutes. So I was thinking that perhaps you could tr y to get in touch with the technician for me through their customer service center. be better if I took your computer to the shop? M: I thought about that, too. I just didn’t know how long it would take for them to get to you. There is usually a long line of people waiting. M: ���� 모��어. 내 룸메���� 어제 �녁�� 사용�� 후 모든 � 다 흐리� 보여. W: 안 �다. 내� ���� 점검해 볼까? M: �러면 ����� 내� 3�분 후�� 수업�� 있어. � ��� 말인� 소비자 고객센터�� ���해�� 컴퓨터 �술자�� 통�를 해��면 ��어. M: � 방법도 생�해 ����. � 차례까지 오려면 얼� � �다려�� 할지도 몰라��. 보통 �다리�� 사람들 의 선�� 길어��. W: That’s not a problem. But wouldn’t it W: �럴�. �런� 내� �접 소비자 고객센터�� � 컴 퓨터를 �져�면 � �지 않��까? W: Oh, I see. What did you want me to W: 오�� ����. 내� � 사람들��� �라고 ��면 tell them? ��어? M: Can you please tell them to check M: 내 요���를 확인해 달라고 �고 �리 ��� 오늘 오  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 46 12/1/09 2:16:31 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation my request and to make sure to come by my place after 6 p.m. today? ��후 6시 ��후�� 꼭 오라고 해�. W: All right. If you need to work on a W: 알았어. 만� 컴퓨터 사용할 일�� 있�면 오늘 �리 computer, you can use mine tonight. ��� ���� 내 컴퓨터 사용해. M: Thanks a lot! I owe you one. M: �말 고�워. 신세 졌어. 10 What is the man trying to tell the woman? What is the man trying to tell the woman? ① She needs to learn how to use the copy 남자가 여자에게 하려고 하는 말은? ② He hates the hot muggy weather as W: Why is this happening to me? Why? W: � ��런 일�� 내� 일어��� 거��? ��� machine. well. ③ She should learn how to control herself. ④ He knows to how to fix the copy machine because he has gentle hands. constantly ���� 꾸준�� from day one 첫날부터 muggy 찌�� 듯�� �운 perspective 시� spiritual 영혼의 enlightenment 깨달음�� 득도�� 지혜 M: What’s the matter? Is the copy machine not working well? W: Working? Far from it! We’ve been constantly having problems with paper jams from day one of my employment here. M: Step back from it. Let me give you a hand. There. It’s working fine now! M: 무�� 일����? 복사�� 작동�� � 안 �? W: 작동? ��무 거리� 먼 ����. 내� �음 여��� 일 ��� 날부터 지금까지 �리�� �� ��� 걸리�� 문 제� 있었�� 걸. M: �러���. 내� 도�����. �다. ��제 복사 �되지. W: That’s amazing! How did you do that? W: 신��다. 어떻� �어? M: Well, everyone and everything around you needs gentle care, especially when you’re upset or annoyed. W: You are right. I am extremely irritated by the hot, muggy weather today. But what are you talking about? M: I know. This weather gets to me, too. But you should try to take a step back to control your temper on days like today. M: 음�� � 주위�� 있�� 모든 사람과 ��들�� ��의 친 ���� 보��핌�� 필요해. 특�� �� �� �거� 짜증 �� � 있�� ����. W: � 말�� ���� �� 찌�� 듯�� �위 ��문�� 오늘 �말 짜증�� �지만 오늘 ��� 날���� 무�� 말����? M: ��. �도 오늘 날씨� 짜증�� �. �지만 오늘 � �� 날���� �� 발 �러���� �리의 감��� 조��해�� 해. W: What? W: �? M: If you learn how to manage yourself, you will begin to view bad situations from a new perspective. That will also help you find solutions to your problems. M: �� 자신�� 컨�롤 ��� 법�� 배�면 새��운 시�� �� �황�� 바라보� �� 거��. �러면 � 문제의 해 결�도 ��� 수 있고. W: Wow! You sound like you’ve reached W: ���� �� 꼭 도통�� 사람 ��� 말��다. spiritual enlightenment. M: I’ve been reading a book about how to control and manage myself, and it’s got some good points in it. M: 자신�� 컨�롤�고 관리��� 방법�� 관�� ��� � 고 있��� �말 ��� �����들�� 많�. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 47 12/1/09 2:16:33 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation When is the man’s departure day? When is the man’s departure day? 남자의 출발일은 언제인가? 11 ① ② ③ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ④ you? 4 Days 5 Days Dep. 6 Days Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. M: Hello, Star Travel. How may I help M: 안��세요. ���� T��v���입니다. 어떻� 도��드� W: Hi, I’m calling about the ad in today’s paper. The one about the packages to Paris. M: Okay. You have three choices. We offer a 4-day package, a 5-day package, and a 6-day package. 까요? W: 안��세요. 오늘 신문 보고 ��� 드렸습니다. �리 �� ��� 패키지�� 관�� 거요. M: 알�습니다. 세 �지 선택 사항�� 있습니다. 4일 패 키지�� �일 패키지�� 6일 패키지� 있습니다. package 패키지 투어 they all the same? W: What are the departure days? Are W: �발일�� 언제죠? 다 ��� 날인�요? 13 M: No. I think you’d better take a memo for this. For the 4-day package, we leave on Fridays. If you choose the 5-day package, you must leave on a Saturday or Sunday. W: Hang on. It was too difficult to take ever ything down. Does your website have this information, too? I’m using a computer right now, so I’d like to have a look. M: Yeah. Visit www.startravel.com and click the icon for the package tour to Paris. W: Thanks. Oh, here it is. I think I have only one choice because my vacation begins on Thursday and I can be away for six days. M: �니오. 메모를 �시�� � ��� �� ��요. 4일 패 키지�� 금요일�� 떠�니다. �일 패키지�� 토요일 ���� 일요일�� 떠�니다. W: 잠깐만요. 다 받� 적� 어려워요. 웹사�����도 � �� 있�� �보인�요? 지금 컴퓨터 앞�� 있어�� �� �� 보고 싶어요. M: �. www.s������v���.com �� 방문���� �리 패키 지 투어 ���콘�� 클릭�세요. W: 감사해요. 오. 여��� 있�요. 제 생����� 딱 �� �지 선택권�� 있�요. 제 ���� 목요일�� 시작해 �� 6일 동안��거든요. M: Okay. Can you tell me your name M: 알�습니다. ������� 주소 알려주시�어요? and address? What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① Genetically modified crops have artificially added genes. ② The genes in genetically modified crops usually work in two ways. ③ Genetically modified crops cannot be killed by pesticides. ④ The genes in genetically modified crops can harm people. M: These days, owing to advanced M: 오늘날���� 발��된 농업 과학과 �술�� 인해 유�� agricultural science and technology, we have more crops which are genetically modified. What are genetically modified crops? Genetically modified crops are ones which have had genes artificially added to them. Then, what are the benefits of having genes added to 자 변형 곡��� � 많�졌습니다. 유��자 변형 곡� �� 무엇입니까? 유��자 변형 곡식�� 인공적��� � 해� 유��자를 �지고 있�� 곡식�� 말�니다. �� 다면 곡��� 유��자� �해지면 무엇�� ����울까요? 곡�들�� 있�� 유��자들�� ��지�� 작용�� �니다. �선�� �� 유��자들�� 곡식들�� ��충제�� � 견뎌내 도록 �니다. ���� 농부들�� 곡��� 죽��지 않고�� �초만�� 죽��� ��문�� �들의 곡��� 농��� 뿌  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 48 12/1/09 2:16:36 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation owing to ~��문�� advanced �보된 genetically modified 유��자 변형된 resistant �항��� crops? The genes in the crops work in two ways. First, they make the crops resistant to pesticides. This means that farmers can spray all of their plants with poisons because they will only kill the weeds, not the crops. Also, the genes are designed to make the crops deadly to any pests while being harmless to humans. � 수 있다�� ���� 의미�니다. ������ 인�들����� 해� 없�면�� 해충들����� 치�적�� 되도록 고안 되었습니다. 13 What is the best summary of the man’s advice? What is the best summary of the man’s advice? 남자의 충고를 가장 적절히 요약한 것은? ① Always listen to your mom no matter what she says. ② Don’t lose respect for yourself. ③ Have some self control to ensure a better future. ④ Try to understand what others think. Why don’t you ~? ~��� � 어��? control oneself 자제�다�� 감��� 억제�다 ensure 확실�� �다 M: What are you doing in front of the computer again? Didn’t you promise Mom you wouldn’t play games during the week anymore? M: 컴퓨터 앞���� �� � ��� 거��? 주중���� 컴퓨터 �임 �지 않��다고 ���고 ���지 않았니? W: Yeah, I did. Can you not tell Mom just W: 응. ��어. ����테 ����만 말�지 않�면 안��까? this once? stop playing anyway? M: I’ll think about it. But why don’t you M: 생�해볼�. �� �만할 수�� 없니? W: Why? Do you need the computer W: �? 컴퓨터 지금 ���� 해? 3�분 ���� 썼잖�. right now? You used it thirty minutes ago. M: No, I don’t need the computer. I want to see you keep the promise you made. W: Why do you care so much anyway? Don’t you know how fun it is to play computer games? M: I know. But you need to have some self control. If you only do things which are fun, you will never be successful in life. M: �니. 난 컴퓨터 필요없어. 난 �� �� ���� 지키 �� ���� 보고 싶어. W: � ��� 신경�� 쓰�� 거��? 컴퓨터 �임�� 얼� � �미있��지 몰라? M: 알�. �지만 �� 좀 자제할 필요� 있어. �� �미 있�� 일만 �면 인생���� ��대 성공할 수 없어. W: I know what you mean. I guess I W: 무�� 말인지�� 알�. � ��� 미�를 위해�� �를 have to control myself so that I can have a better future. 통제해���어. M: There’s my smart sister. I am happy that you understand what I mean. �뻐. M: ��시 내 똑똑�� 여동생����. 내 말�� ��해해��� W: 조언 고�워. �를 걱�해��� �런 말�� �� 거 알�. W: Thank you for your advice. I know you told me that since you care about me. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 49 12/1/09 2:16:37 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 가장 적절한 제목은? 14 ① What is the process of making films? ② What is the director’s job when making films? filmmaking? ③ Who are the people involved in ④ What does the script supervisor do? believable ��� 만�� script 대본 supervisor 감독자 M: �� 영�를 만드���? �론�� 당신�� �선적��� 배�들과 감독들�� 떠올� ����다. �지만 영� � 지��� 크레딧�� 보면 거��� 수백 �의 다른 ��� �� ���� 어렵지 않다. 영� ��면 뒤���� �� �지 중요�� �업들�� 있다. �� 영� � 인�들의 옷�� 준비����? 분��사들�� � 일�� ��다. �들�� 캐 릭터들�� � ��� 만�� 보��도록 만든다. 자�� 감 독�� 거실���� �� ��면�� 찍고 있고�� 시�� �시를 �리키고 있다고 생�해 �라. 어떤 ��유�� �� 갑 자� 촬영�� 멈추��� 결���� ���� �� 시�를 다 시 �시�� 만드�� 일�� 분��� ����? 대본 감독 자� ��� ��다. ��러�� 사람들�� 중요할 뿐만�� �니라 영�를 만들� 위해�� 수많�� 사람들�� 일 �고 있다. 다음�� 영�를 보러 �면 크레딧���� � ���들�� �� 보라. 16 M: Who makes a movie? Of course, you think of the actors and directors at first. But if you watch the credits at the end of a movie, it is not difficult for you to see hundreds of other names there. Here are some important jobs behind the scenes of a movie. Who prepares the costumes for the characters in the movie? The makeup artists do. They make the characters look more believable. Now, imagine the director is shooting a scene in a living room, and the clock is showing 9:00. When he suddenly decides to stop shooting for some reason, who makes sure the clock gets reset to 9:00 again? The script supervisors do jobs like that. Not only are these people important, but there are also hundreds of other people who are involved in creating movies. So the next time you go to the movies, look for their names in the credits. 15 What does the woman mean when she says “a wet blanket”? What does the woman mean when she says “a wet blanket”?? 여자가 말한 “a wet blanket”의 의미는? ① To be crazy and insane ② To be clever and intelligent ③ To keep others from enjoying themselves ④ To be funny and humorous invitation 초대 insane 미친 intelligent 똑똑�� 0 Hot Listening ❹ W: David, are you done preparing for W: D�vi�. 다음 토요일 �티 준비 다 �니? next Saturday’s party? M: Kind of. But I still haven’t made up a M: 어�� �도. �� �� �티�� 초대�� 사람들 리스� list of the people who will be invited. 를 만들지 않았어. W: Why not? Unless you hurr y up, we W: � 안 만들었어? ��두�지 않�면�� 초대���� 보�� 시��� 충분�지 않다고. won’t have enough time to send out the invitations. M: Right. Do you have some time right now? Can you help me do that? M: ��. 지금 좀 시��� 있니? � 도���� 수 있니? W: I was going to water the plants, but okay. Who are you going to invite? 초대할 거��? W: �초�� ��� 주려고 ������ �� ���. ��를 M: I will write them down here on this paper. Jerry. Pat. Katie. June. And some people from our company, too. M: 여� �� ����� �����다. J����. P��. K��i�. Jun�. �리고 �리 �사�� ���� 사람들. W: What about Gary? He used to be W: G����� 어��? � ��� 친�였잖�. good friends with you. M: I want to see him, too. But he never M: �도 �를 보고 싶어. �지만 ��� ��대 �티�� � Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 50 12/1/09 2:16:39 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation ② Yeah. It’s because my closet is too old W: David, is it okay for me to use the 16 What will the man probably say next? ① No, it’s just that I have to wear only suits for my new job. and out of fashion. ③ I don’t like shopping for clothes. It makes me tired. ④ I want to buy some clothes from the store I told you about. chore �안일 wardrobe 옷 wants to go to parties, and, if he does go, he won’t dance. That’s for sure. 지를 않�. �리고 만� �다면�� ��대 춤�� 추지 않 지. 확실해. W: I didn’t know he was such a wet W: �� ��� 분위�를 깨��지 몰랐어. blanket. M: Yeah. People often regard him as a funny guy but it takes much time for him to hang out with new people. M: 응. 사람들�� 보통 �를 웃��� 사람��� 생���� � 새��운 사람들과 친해지� 위해���� 시��� 좀 걸리�� �� ��. What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? computer in 30 minutes? My essay is due next Monday, so I want to get it done as much as I can tonight. M: All right. I’ll finish my work by then. I have to do some chores Mom asked me to do anyway. She wanted me to take out the garbage and buy some groceries for dinner. W: Thanks for all the hard work in advance. By the way, are you looking at clothes on the online shopping mall? I never knew you bought clothes on the Internet. W: D�vi�. 3�분 후�� 컴퓨터 쓸 수 있��까? ��세��� 다음 주 월요일�� �감��라�� 오늘 밤 �능�� 많�� 해두고 싶어. M: ��. � ���� �칠 거��. ��� 부탁�� �안일�� 해�� ��도 �고. 쓰레� 내다 �리고�� �녁 ��거 리 사오�를 원��거든. W: �� ��� 모든 힘든 일�� 미리 고�워할�. �런��� 온라인 ���몰���� 옷 보고 있�� 거��? �� 인터 넷���� 옷 사��지 몰랐어. M: Actually, it’s my first time. I have to M: 실�� �음����. 옷�� 사�� ���� 혼자 ��� �고 buy some clothes, but I don’t want to go shopping by myself. 싶지 않���. W: I can see why. Most men don’t like to go shopping, do they? I’ve never seen a man who likes to go shopping like most women do. W: ��유를 알�어. 대부분의 남자들�� ����� �어� 잖�. 대부분의 여자들�� �런 ���� ����� �� ��� 남자�� ���� 못 �어. M: I think so. It’s too much work for us. M: �런 거 ��. �리����� ��무 과�� 일����. W: So what are you buying? Did you find W: ���� � �� 거��? ���� 거 좀 �았니? anything good? whole new wardrobe. M: I’m still looking at the site. I need a M: 여���� 보고 있어. 새 옷�� 필요해. W: Why are you buying so many W: � ��� 많�� 사? 어�다 옷�� 다 잃어�렸니? clothes? Did you lose all your clothes somehow? M: No, it’s just that I have to wear only M: �니���� 새��운 ���엔 양복만 입고 ���해�� ��. suits for my new job. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 51 12/1/09 2:16:41 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 17 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ① I don’t like chicken that much. I’ll have the steak. ② Why don’t we have dinner together tomorrow night? ③ What a wonderful dish! I wonder how you made it. ④ If I ask you to bring me a cup of wine, is it free of charge? takeoff ��륙 wonder �금해�다 free of charge 공짜의 gratis 공짜 W: Amy is going to America for vacation. It’s her first time to fly on an airplane. Everything seems to be interesting yet strange to her. About an hour after takeoff, she listens to an announcement saying that dinner will be served. The flight attendant says that she can choose either steak or chicken. Amy wants to get the steak, but she also wants to have some wine with it. She wonders if she can get a glass of wine for free or not. She thinks it would be nice if she could have a glass of red wine if it is gratis. In this situation, what would she say to the flight attendant? W: Am��� 방학 �� 미국�� �다. 비행�를 타�� ���� �녀��� �음��다. 모든 ���� �미있고 ���해 보 인다. ��륙 �� 시� ��후�� �녀�� �녁�� 제공�� ����라�� 안내를 들었다. 승무원�� �녀� 스테�� 크�� 치킨 사���� 두 �지 선택�� 있다고 말��다. Am��� 스테��크를 원�지만 스테��크�� ��� ��인 �� 맛보�를 원��다. �녀�� �녀� ��인 �� 잔�� 공짜�� 받�� 수 있��지 �금�다. �녀�� 공짜라면 레드 ��인 ��잔�� �시고 싶다. ��런 �황���� �녀 � 승무원��� 할 수 있�� 말��?  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 52 12/1/09 2:16:43 PM 01 Which picture did the man like the most? Which picture did the man like the most? 남자가 제일 좋아한 그림은? ① ③ ② ④ reluctant 내키지 않�� force 강요�다 pamphlet 소�자 terrace 테라스(�식·식사 따위의 ��소) realistic 현실적인 W: Wow. There are so many nice pictures here in this room. What is the theme of this room? W: ��. 여� 굉���� ��� �림들�� 많�. �� 방의 주제 �� �지? M: The sign says they are paintings from M: 안내문�� 따�면 ��세� �림들����. the 19th century. pictures this much. W: I see. Now I am happy to be here. I didn’t really expect to enjoy the W: 알�어. 여� 있� 되어 매� �뻐. 내� �림들�� ���� 즐길 수 있��지 �대 못�거든. M: I still remember how reluctant you were to come here. I forced you to come because I knew you would like M: �� 여� 오�를 꺼려�던 � �� 생��. �� 여�를 ��할 거 ���� 강요�� 거였���. it here. W: I must say thank you. Look! That’s the W: 고맙다고 말해����. ��� �� 팜플렛�� 있�� � picture we saw on the pamphlet. 림����. M: You mean the two people eating M: 테라스���� 점심�� �고 있�� 두 �의 사람들 말�� brunch on a terrace? 니? W: Yeah. I like the colors used in the W: 응. �림�� 쓰인 색들�� ��. �들의 평������ picture. They do a good job of showing how peaceful the scene is. � 보여주�� �� ��. M: I guess I have to say I agree with you. But I think it would be better if the picture had some more background. �� �� ��. M: �도 ��� 생�해. �지만 배경�� 있다면 � �았 W: Right. What about this picture here? W: ��. �� �림�� 어��? 과일들�� 매� 사실적��� The fruits look ver y real. 보인다. M: They do, don’t they? But it’s not M: ��. ���� ��� 감동적��거� ��지�� 않�� �� impressive or anything. I think the one with the man walking down the street is the best one I’ve seen so far. ��. 거리를 걸어 내려오�� 남자� 있�� �림�� �� 제까지 본 �� 중�� 최고의 �림��었던 �� ��. W: Oh, I remember. You mean the one W: 응. �억해. 바다�� � 위를 ��� 갈매�들 ���� 있 next to the picture of the sea and the seagulls flying over it? �� �� 말��지? M: Yeah. I mean the one with the man without an umbrella on a rainy day. I really liked it as I could feel how the man feels in the picture. M: 응. 비 오�� 날 �산 없�� 남자 �림 말����. �림 안�� 남자의 �분�� 어떨지 ��낄 수 있어�� �았어. Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which picture did the man like the most? Which picture did the man like the most? 남자가 제일 좋아한 그림은? Answer key & Script 05 ① ③ ② ④ reluctant 내키지 않�� force 강요�다 pamphlet 소�자 terrace 테라스(�식·식사 따위의 ��소) realistic 현실적인 W: Wow. There are so many nice pictures here in this room. What is the theme of this room? W: ��. 여� 굉���� ��� �림들�� 많�. �� 방의 주제 �� �지? M: The sign says they are paintings from M: 안내문�� 따�면 ��세� �림들����. the 19th century. W: I see. Now I am happy to be here. I didn’t really expect to enjoy the pictures this much. M: I still remember how reluctant you were to come here. I forced you to come because I knew you would like it here. W: I must say thank you. Look! That’s the picture we saw on the pamphlet. brunch on a terrace? W: Yeah. I like the colors used in the picture. They do a good job of showing how peaceful the scene is. M: I guess I have to say I agree with you. But I think it would be better if the picture had some more background. W: 알�어. 여� 있� 되어 매� �뻐. 내� �림들�� ���� 즐길 수 있��지 �대 못�거든. M: �� 여� 오�를 꺼려�던 � �� 생��. �� 여�를 ��할 거 ���� 강요�� 거였���. W: 고맙다고 말해����. ��� �� 팜플렛�� 있�� � 림����. 니? W: 응. �림�� 쓰인 색들�� ��. �들의 평������ � 보여주�� �� ��. M: �도 ��� 생�해. �지만 배경�� 있다면 � �았 �� �� ��. M: You mean the two people eating M: 테라스���� 점심�� �고 있�� 두 �의 사람들 말�� W: Right. What about this picture here? W: ��. �� �림�� 어��? 과일들�� 매� 사실적��� The fruits look ver y real. 보인다. M: They do, don’t they? But it’s not impressive or anything. I think the one with the man walking down the street is the best one I’ve seen so far. M: ��. ���� ��� 감동적��거� ��지�� 않�� �� ��. 거리를 걸어 내려오�� 남자� 있�� �림�� �� 제까지 본 �� 중�� 최고의 �림��었던 �� ��. W: Oh, I remember. You mean the one W: 응. �억해. 바다�� � 위를 ��� 갈매�들 ���� 있 next to the picture of the sea and the seagulls flying over it? �� �� 말��지? M: Yeah. I mean the one with the man without an umbrella on a rainy day. I really liked it as I could feel how the man feels in the picture. M: 응. 비 오�� 날 �산 없�� 남자 �림 말����. �림 안�� 남자의 �분�� 어떨지 ��낄 수 있어�� �았어. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 53 12/1/09 2:16:44 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What was the weather like late at night? What was the weather like late at night? 어젯밤의 날씨는 어땠는가? M: The weather during the day in M: 최� �� 지��의 날씨�� 덥고 습도� 높았습니다. 어 제�� 올해 중 ��� �운 날��었고�� 일�� �� 위해 02 ① It was humid. ② It was rainy. ③ It was sunny. ④ It was snowy. humid 습� 찬 in a bad mood �분�� �지 않다 torrential 급류의�� 급류��� downpour 호��� ��대비 soaked 젖�� speechless 할 말�� 잃�� ���� ��어컨�� 제일 강�� 켜두어�� �습니다. 밤 ��시 3�분경 일�� 끝��� �� ��무 바��� 지치고�� 배고프고�� �분�� 별��였습니다. �스를 타고 제 안 락�� ���� 돌��고 싶었습니다. 불행��도�� 어 젯밤 신�� 제 편�� �니었습니다. 3�분 동안 �스 를 �다리�� 사���� 격렬�� 폭��� 갇혔습니다. � � 다� �니었습니다. ��내 �스� ��� ���� � ���� 멈추지 않고 내 ���� 지�갔습니다. ��� 푹 젖었고 할 말�� 잃었습니다. 어쨌든 다음 �스를 타 고 ��� �습니다. ��� ������ 특�� 눈��� 비� 오�� ������ 차� 있었�면 �고 바라��� 어제� 바�� �런 날��었습니다. this area has been hot and humid lately. Yesterday was the hottest day of this year, so I kept the air conditioning on high to do a good job at work. By the time I finally finished my work at 10:30 at night, I was exhausted, hungry, and in a bad mood because of my busy day at work. I just wanted to catch my bus and get to my home-sweet- home. Unfortunately, God was not on my side last night. I got caught in a torrential downpour I was waiting for my bus to come for half an hour. That wasn’t all. When my bus finally arrived, it didn’t even bother to stop and just drove right by me. I was soaked and wet and speechless. Anyways, I took the next bus and got home around midnight. I sometimes really wish that I have a car especially on snowy or rainy days, and last night was one of those days. 04 03 What career field does the man want to pursue? What career field does the man want to pursue? 남자가 구하고 싶은 직장은? ① He wants to be an editor. ② He wants to own his own business. ③ He wants to be a publisher. ④ He wants to be an advertiser. economic situation 경제�황 publishing business ���업 relate to ~�� 관련�� 있다  Hot Listening ❹ W: The current economic situation W: 현 경제 �황�� ���� 없어 보입니다. B�n �� seems hopeless. How’s the publishing business these days, Ben? 요�� ���업�� 어떤�요? M: I wouldn’t know. I quit that job a M: �도 � 몰라요. ��달 ���� �만 두었거든요. month ago. W: You quit? Why did you do that? It’s so hard to find a job these days. W: �만 두었다고요? � ��어요? 요�� �업 ��� � ��무 힘든�요. M: I know. Believe me or not that’s all I’ve been hearing from people around me. You know the economic depression and high unemployment rate. But I had no choice but to leave my job. W: Why was the reason? Did you have any trouble with your boss or was it a pay issue? M: 알�요. �거� 말거� 제 주변�� 있던 사람들��� �� 들었던 말����요. 불경���고 실업률�� 높지 만 ��도 일�� �만두�� �� 외���� 선택�� 없었어 요. W: ��유� ���요? �사� 급여 ��문�� 무�� 문제라도 있었�요? M: No, it’s not like that at all. It was because of my dream, a dream that M: �니요�� ���� �런 � �니��요. 제� 어� ��부터 �졌던 꿈 ��문����요. � 일�� �지 않�도 �� 수 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 54 12/1/09 2:16:46 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the man probably feel about the news? How does the man probably feel about the news? 소식에 대한 남자의 심정은 어떠한가? ① He is surprised. ② He is pleased. ③ He is suspicious. ④ He is indifferent. split up 헤어졌다 gossip 뜬소문 ������� �담 two-timer 양다리 sealed 봉�� I’ve had since I was young. I thought I could live without it, but it turned out that doing what I don’t really want was too hard for me. 있�� 거라 생������� 원치 않�� 일�� ��� ���� ���테�� ��무 힘들었어요. W: So what is the dream you’ve had W: 당신�� 오�동안 �져온 꿈�� 뭔�요? 대부분의 사 for a long time? Is it like owning your own business just like most men do? 람들�� 사업�� ��� ����었�요? M: No! And it’s not even related to my M: �니요�� �리고 제 �� �업인 편����고도 관련�� previous job, editor, in any ways. I’ve always wanted to work in the field of advertisement. 없어요. ��� 광고 쪽���� 일�고 싶어요. W: Wow, it sounds like a job I’ve never been interested in. But good luck! 어요�� W: ���� ��� ���� 흥미� 없�� �업��지만�� 행운�� 빌 W: Wow, we’ve finally finished with the W: ���� ���� 분� 영업 보고��를 드디어 끝냈��. sales report for this term. M: Yeah, it seemed like it was an endless work, but we did it. I am so relieved and pleased that we don’t have to work overnight at least this week. W: Right. Let’s go home early tonight and have a good rest. By the way, did you hear about Jennifer and Chris? Has anyone told you what’s going on? M: 응�� �말 끝�� 없�� 일�� 보였��� �리�� 해냈어. 적어도 ���� 주���� ����� �지 않�도 ��� ��무 �뻐. W: ��. 일찍 오늘 밤�� 일찍 ��� ��� �식�� 취�자. �런� 말����. J�nnif���� Ch�is�� 대해 들었어? 어떻� ��고 있��지 �� 말해 주지 않았어? M: No, I haven’t heard a thing. Maybe you should fill me in. You always seem to know the latest gossip. M: �니�� ��도 못 들었어. ��도 �� 말해 ��� 할 �� ����. ���� 항� 최� 소문�� 대해�� ��� �� �� 보여. W: Don’t be shocked. Jennifer and Chris W: 충격 받지 �. J�nnif���� Ch�is 헤어졌어�� split up! M: I can’t believe it! That’s news to me! I M: ��� 수� 없어�� �음 듣�� 일������ ��� �들�� 무 thought they were so in love! 척 사����다고 생��어�� W: Almost everyone did. But it looks like they’ve had some problems with their relationship. W: 거의 모두� ��어. ��지만 �들 사���� ��의 문제� 있었던 ���� 보여. M: How come? It seems that they got M: �? �들�� � 지냈었잖�. along well. W: I am not sure whether this is just a rumor or truth, but I heard that he was seeing another woman behind her back. W: 소문인지 �닌지 모��지만 �� 다른 여자� 있 었던 �� ��. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 55 12/1/09 2:16:47 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: That’s really terrible! I’ve never M: �말 끔찍��걸�� Ch�is� 양다리일 거라고 ���� 생 thought of Chris as a two-timer. �도 못�어. W: I guess you can never tell about W: 다른 사람들��� 말 안 할 거라고 생�해. 어쨌든 some people. Anyway, this is just between you and me. ��� ���� �만의 비밀����. M: Don’t worry about it. My lips are M: 걱��지 �. �무 말도 안 할��� sealed! 05 What does the woman ask the man to do? What does the woman ask the man to do? 여자는 남자에게 무엇을 하도록 요청했는가? ① To attend a committee meeting ② To write a reference letter ③ To answer her questions about an upcoming exam ④ To talk about the her essay that is marked recommendation 추천 candidate 후보자 committee 위원� respect 존경�다 application 신청�� cross one’s fingers 행운�� 빌다 reference letter 추천�� 06 W: Excuse me, Mr. Morise. Do you have W: 실례�니다�� Mo�is� 선생���� 잠깐 시� ���세요? a few moments for me? M: Sure, what can I do for you? Come in and sit down. Do you still have any questions about the upcoming exam? W: Not any more. I am applying to an international school, and I need two letters of recommendation. Would you be willing to write me one? M: Oh, yes, Jenny. I’d be glad to. I think you are an excellent candidate for an international school. Are you applying here or abroad? W: I would love to go to one in a foreign country, but I won’t be able to afford it. Thus, I am applying to one of the best schools in Korea: Sejong International School. That’s why I think your letter is so important. M: �� 무엇�� 도����까? 들어���� ��. 곧 있�� 시 험�� 대�� 질문�� �� 있니? W: � ��� 없어요. 국제학��� 지원�려고 ���� 두 ��의 추천��� 필요해요. �� �� ��주시�어요? M: 알았어. J�nn��� 해 주� 되어�� �도 �쁘��. � � 국제학��� 입학 할만�� 자격�� �지고 있다고 생�해. 국내�� 지원할 ���� �니면 해외�� 지원할 ��? W: 외국학��� �고 싶지만�� 감당할 수� 없어요. �� ���� ��국���� 제일 ��� 학� 중 �� ��인 세� 국 제학��� 지원�려고요. ���� 선생��의 편지� �주 중요해요. M: I see. Good luck and best wishes to you. If there is anything else you need, I could help you. M: ����. ����� 행운�� 있고 원��� � 꼭 ����어 지길 바란다. 만��� 내� � 도���� 일�� 있�면 내� 도�� ���. W: Thank you very much. I heard that Dr. Lee, the principal of the school, and you are close friends, aren’t you? W: 감사�니다. 제� 듣����� �� 학� ��� 선생��인 ��박사��과 ��친�� 친� 사��라고 들었��� ��요? M: Yes, we both went to the same M: 응�� �리 둘 다 ��� 학��� 다녔고 많�� ���� ��� school and shared a lot of the same things. 공유�어. W: So, if you would just write the letter to him, that would be great. Also, everyone on the selection committee knows and respects you. W: �� � 분�� 편지 �� ��만 �� 주시면 �말 감사할 거 ��요. �� 선발 위원�의 모든 사람들�� 선생�� �� 알고 존경�고 있잖�요.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 56 12/1/09 2:16:49 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 What size dress will the man buy, and how much will he pay for the presents? What size dress will the man buy, and how much will he pay for the presents? 남자가 구입할 드레스의 사이즈와 선물의 총금액은 얼마인가? ① He will buy a size 5 dress and pay $180. ② He will buy a size 7 dress and pay $180. ③ He will buy a size 5 dress and pay $175. ④ He will buy a size 7 dress and pay $175. pick out 고�다 elegant ������ 고��� modern 세련된 in stock �고�� brooch 브��치 waive 제�다�� ���다�� 미��다 M: Okay. And when do you need this? I need to know the deadline for applications to be submitted. You know that I am very busy with all the essays that have to be marked. W: The committee meets on February 10, so all the materials must be submitted before then. M: ��. 언제 필요�니? 신청�� �감일�� 알려�. ��도 알다시피�� 채점 해�� 할 ��세��들 ��문�� 바쁘�다. W: 위원��� �월 ��일�� 모��니까 � ���� 반드시 제� 해��만 해요. M: All right. I’ll send it directly to his M: ��. 내� �의 사무실�� �접 바�� 보���. office. W: Thank you. I really appreciate it. W: 고맙습니다. �심��� 감사 드려요. M: You’re welcome. I’m glad to do it. I’ll M: 천만��. 편지 �� 주� 되어�� �뻐. 행운�� 빌어. cross my fingers for you. M: Hi! Can you please help me pick out some presents for my wife? I am such a bad shopper. M: 안��세요�� 제 �내��� �� 선��� 고��� � 도 �� 주실�요? 제� ����� 소질�� 없거든요. W: Sure! What’s the occasion? Her birthday or your anniversary? �념일? W: ��요�� 무�� 특별�� 날인�요? 생일 �니면 결혼 M: Well, actually, believe it or not, both. M: 음�� 사실 �� 어렵�지만 둘 다예요. W: Oh my. Are they in the same month? W: 오�� ��요. ��� 달�� 있�요? M: You’ve got it. They are only a week apart from each other. It’s kind of good that I don’t have to shop twice. W: That’s very true, sir. Well, how about this beautiful light pink dress? It looks very elegant and modern. M: ��요. 일주일 밖�� 차�� 안 �요. 어떻� 보면 � �요. 두 ��씩 ����� 안 해도 되니까요. W: �말 ���요. 연�� ��크색 �� 드레스�� 어떠세요? 굉���� ���고 세련� 보���� 드레스예요. M: Oh, yeah! It really is. I love it. I bet it’s M: 오�� �. �말 ���요. �말 �음�� 들어요. 많�� very expensive, too. 비싸��요. W: It was actually $230, but we’ve only got two sizes left in stock now, so we are offering it for $130. If your wife wears a 5 or a 7, today is your lucky day. M: The size 7 is taken now! You’ve only got a size 5 left. Can you also recommend one more gift? W: 원��� �3�달러였��� 지금 사��즈� �개 밖�� 안 남��� �3�달러�� 드리고 있어요. 만� 부인���� 사��즈 �� 7�� 입�시면 오늘 운�� ��신 날�� �� 거예요. M: 사��즈 7�� 지금 팔렸다고 생��세요�� ��제 사�� 즈 �만 남았�요. 선� ��만 � 추천해 주실�요? W: Sure thing. How about this light green scarf or crystal brooch to go with W: �. 드레스�� ��� 할 수 있�� 연�� 초록색 스카프 � 크리스털 브��치�� 어떠세요? HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 57 12/1/09 2:16:50 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation the dress? please. the gift. M: Can you put them with the dress to M: ���� 드레스�� ��� 놔 주실�요? 어떤� 보고 싶 see how they look together? 어요. W: Great idea... What do you think? For only $45, you can create a perfect look. W: ��� 생���세요. 어떠세요? 4�달러만 내시면 완 벽�� 옷차림�� 만드실 수 있어요. M: She’ll love them. Gift wrap them, M: �내� ��무 ��할 �� ��요. ���해 주세요. W: There is a $5 charge for the gift wrapping, but I’ll waive it for you today. Think of it as my best wishes for you and your wife. W: 선� ��� �시면 �달러 추� 비용�� 있��� 오늘 �� 제외해 드���요. 두 분�� 드리�� 제 선���라고 생��세요. M: Thank you so much for your help and M: 도��주시고 선�도 주��� 감사�니다. 07 What is the woman’s opinion of the soap opera? What is the woman’s opinion of the soap opera? 이 연속극에 관한 여자의 의견은? ① She thinks it makes people think about ② She thinks it makes people become on Channel 11 last night? M: Did you watch that new soap opera M: 어젯밤 채널 ������ �� 새��운 연�극 �어? ③ She wants to have a boyfriend like the W: Do you mean the new soap that has been airing for the last two weeks? W: 지난 �주 동안 방송된 � 연�극 말����? ④ She believes that it should end in a night, wasn’t it? M: Yes, that one! It was really good last M: 어�� �거�� 어젯밤 ��무 �미 있었어�� ��지? true love. unrealistic. male actor. month. 08 W: Since when have you become a fan of soap operas? I thought you said they were so unrealistic and have a negative impact on our society. M: I still believe that. But this one is a little different. It actually makes me think about the meanings of life and true love. W: 언제부터 연�극 팬�� �어? �� 연�극�� 현실적 ��지 못�고 사��� �쁜 영향�� 준다고 �� �� ��� �. M: ��도 ��. �지만 ���� 연�극�� 조금 달라. 사 실 ���� ���� 인생과 ���� 사���� 대해 생��� 만들어. W: What? Oh my god! You sound like W: �? ��런�� 내 여동생�고 똑��� 말�� ��. 제발 my sister now! Please come back to earth! 제�신��� 돌���. M: Come on! Stop overreacting! Why don’t you like this soap opera? It seems like every girl in the whole nation has fallen in love with the male actor. M: ��무 과잉 반응�지 �. � �� 연�극�� ���지 않�� 거��? �리�라 모든 여자들�� � 주인공��� �져있�� �� ����. soap opera 연�극 impact 영향 overreact 과잉 반응�다 without a doubt 의심할 바 없�� 확실 ��  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 58 12/1/09 2:16:52 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: Really? Do they want to have a M: �말? 친�들�� �on��� 남자 친�를 원��대? W: Tell me about it. I am so tired of listening to all of my friends saying how much they envy the female actress. I hate that soap. boyfriend like Ron? W: Without a doubt! But there’s more. They also get into arguments with their boyfriends a lot more these days and complain about their boyfriends all day. W: �러니까 말����. 친�들�� � 여자 주인공 부럽다 고 ��� 말�� ��제 �말 듣�� 지겨워. � 연�극 �말 �어. W: 말��라고 해�� � 있어. �들�� 요새 남자 친�들� 고 � 싸워. �리고 ��� �일 남자친��� 관�� 불 평만 해. M: Why? M: �? W: You just don’t understand girls, do you? The reason is that they want to be treated like that female actress in the soap opera. No one lives in the real world anymore. W: 여자들�� 대해 ���� ��해를 못��� ���� ��지? �냐�면 � 여자 주인공�� 대�를 받고 싶�니 까 ��지. ��제 � ��� �무도 현실�� ��고 있�� �� �지 않�. M: I see your point. You sound just like M: 무�� 말인지 알�어. �� 꼭 �주 �� � ��. me two weeks ago. 08 Why is the woman complaining? Why is the woman complaining? 여자가 불평하는 이유는? ① She doesn’t like the cafeteria food and her dorm. ② She misses home and her friends. ③ She can’t handle her roommate’s complaints anymore. ④ She thinks some of the rules at the dorm are too strict. strict �격�� discontent 불만인 irksome ��리� ����� 지���� be sick of something ��리� �다 direct �접적��� in easy terms 쉽� M: Hi, honey! It’s good to have you back home. How was your first month away at school? W: I like my classes and professors. The cafeteria food is also good and has a variety of choices. M: That’s good. Everything seems to be going well for you then. I was actually really worried about you. W: But there are some minor issues concerning dorm life though. strict rules? W: Actually, some rules are very strict, but they are not so bad after all. M: Do you miss your friends and home? I mean, you’ve never been away from home for this long before. M: 안��� ��� 온 ���� 환영��다. �� 달 동안의 학�생 활�� 어땠니? W: 수업도 �고 �수��도 ��요. 학�음식도 �고�� � 류도 여러 �지예요. M: 다행����. 모든 � �� 보인다. 사실 � 걱��� �거든. W: �런� ��사 생활�� 대해 ��의 문제� 있어요. W: 사실 어떤 규칙�� ��무 ��지만 ��도 ���요. M: 친�들과 ��� �립니? 사실 ����� ���� 오� 떨어� 적�� 없잖�. M: Oh, no! Are the issues about the M: 오�� ��. ��사 규칙�� ��무 ��니? W: Well, I do miss home and my friends, but that’s not it. In fact, I’ve been talking to my friends by email more W: 음�� �과 친�들�� �리운 ���� 사실����요. �지만 � 문제� �니��요. 사실 요새�� ��메일��� 인터 넷�� 통해�� 친�들과 � 자주 대�를 �거든요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 59 12/1/09 2:16:53 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: All right then. What seems to be M: ��. 무엇 ��문�� ���� 힘든 거니? M: Have you discussed this with her? M: � ����고 의논해 �니? ���� � 최고��. often these days than ever before. bothering you so much? W: It’s just that my roommate is so discontented with ever ything. And it’s irksome to listen to her complaints all the time. I’m so sick of her. Honesty is the best policy, you know. W: I’ve tried several times. But I don’t think she understands the problem because I wasn’t direct enough. M: Try to talk to her again when you go back. But you really ought to talk to her clearly in easy terms to let her know the problem. W: 제 룸메���� 항� 모든 ���� 불만�� 많�요. 항� 불평��� 소리를 듣고 있�� � ��리� �요. �말 지겨워요. W: �� ����� 시도해 �어요. �런� 제� �접적��� 말�� 안 해�� 문제를 ��해 못��� �� ��요. M: 학��� 돌��면 다시 ���� ����� 해�. �지만 �� ������ 쉽고 �확�� 문제를 말해�� ��다. What will the speakers do this afternoon? What will the speakers do this afternoon? 오늘 오후에 화자들이 해야 할 일은? 10 09 ① They will read the reviews together. ② They will print the reviews from some Internet sites. ticket office. ③ They will buy some tickets from the reviews 평 slip one’s mind 잊어�리다 your call ��의 �음��다 Thank god. 다행��다 You’re a genius. 똑똑�� 사람 ④ They will reserve some tickets online. you that a couple of days ago. W: Kevin, you still haven’t told me about which play you want to watch this weekend. Have you decided yet? W: K�vin�� ���� 주말�� 어떤 연극�� 보고 싶��지 �� �� 안 해 �어. 결��어? M: Oh, I haven’t? I thought I already told M: 오�� 안 ��? 며칠 ���� �� �� �� 알았���. W: Well, you gave me three titles, but W: 음�� 제목 3개를 말해 ���� ���� 생�해 보고 말해 you said you’d think about it and get back to me later. 준다고 �었어. M: Ah, you’re right. I was going to get the reviews of those plays and decide. I guess it totally slipped my mind. What should we see? Do you have any suggestions? W: It’s really your call this time. It’s your birthday gift. I just need to get the title from you this afternoon because today is the last day to reserve the tickets online. M: ��� �다. 3개 연극�� 관�� 평�를 보고 결��려고 �어. 완���� 잊어�렸�. 뭘 볼까? 추천해 �� �� 없어? W: �������� �� 원��� 대����. � 생일 선���잖�. 오늘 오후까지 제목만 알면 �. 오늘�� 인터넷 예� �지� 날��거든. M: Is there anyway we can get the M: 내일 �� 수 있�� 방법�� 없어? tickets tomorrow? W: We can buy them at the ticket office tomorrow afternoon after lunch. We’ll just have to wait in line. �� 수 있어. W: 내일 점심 �고 매표소�� ��� 사면 �. ���� ��면 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 60 12/1/09 2:16:55 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: Thank god! I really want to read the reviews before I make a decision. You know, I want to watch the best reviewed one. W: I understand. Besides, I don’t want to spend money on something that’s not good. M: Hey, do you want to print the reviews from Reviews.com this afternoon? I’ll do the same from Opinions.com, and perhaps we can read them together tonight. M: 다행��다�� 꼭 평�를 �어보고 결��고 싶어. 제 일 평�� ��� ���� 보고 싶거든. W: ��해해. 사실 별�� �지도 않�� ���� 돈 낭비 �고 싶지 않�. M: 오늘 오후�� ��vi�ws.com���� 평�를 프린� 할 �? �도 O�inions.com���� 평�를 뽑���. 오늘 밤�� ��� 보자. W: You’re a genius! That’ll probably save W: �말 똑똑�다�� �� 시� ����� 많�� �� 거��. us a lot of time. M: Great! I’ll see you later then. M: ���� �� �중�� 만�. What is the seminar mainly about? 들려주는 내용은 무엇에 관한 세미나인가? M: ���들�� ��� ���의 ���들�� 된 �룹�� 소�되 � 시작�면 많�� 사�적 압박�� ��끼� 시작�니 다. ��런 동류 �� 압력�� ���들�� 무�� 음악�� 듣��지�� �론�� 말�고 옷 입�� ���도 영향�� 줍니 다. � ����� ��런 압력�� ���들�� �여금 도둑 질�� 술 �시��� ���� 담배를 피��� 등 불법 행동들 �� �도록 ��끕니다. �� 학생들�� � ��런 행동�� 할까요? ���들�� � ��런 압박�� ��낄까요? �리 �� 오늘 �� 질문들�� 대�� 답�� 얻� 위해�� �� 세 미��� 모였습니다. 음�� �론 답 중의 ���� 다른 ���들�� 본인�� ��해주�를 원�고 �룹�� �� � 위해��입니다. ���� ��런 �룹���부터 ��� 행 동�� �지 않았다�� ��유�� 다른 ���들��부터 � 림 받지 않고 왕따를 당�지 않� ��문입니다. �론 어떤 ���들�� �런 행동들�� �금해�� ��� ��� 들도 있습니다. M: When children start establishing cliques of friends who are about the same age as them, they begin to feel great social pressure. This peer pressure can influence how children talk and dress as well as the types of music they listen to. In addition, peer pressure can lead them to engage in illegal behavior such as stealing, drinking alcohol, and smoking cigarettes. But why do children do such things? Why do they feel peer pressure? We are all here at this seminar today to find the answers to these questions. Well, obviously, one of the reasons is that children want to be liked and to fit in to groups. They also don’t want any other kids to make fun of them or to bully them just because they don’t go along with the other members of the group. Of course, there are others who may engage in certain bad activities because they are curious to tr y them. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 10 What is the seminar mainly about? ① The definition of peer pressure ② The causes of peer pressure ③ The prevention of peer pressure ④ The treatment of peer pressure clique ��� 친� social 사�의 pressure 압력 peer pressure 동류 �� 압력 influence 영향�� 주다 engage in ~�� 참여�다 illegal 불법의 behavior 행동 bully 왕따 시키다 go along with ~�� ��� �다 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 61 12/1/09 2:16:56 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 11 Which digital camera is the woman going to buy? Which digital camera is the woman going to buy? 여자가 사려고 하는 디지털 카메라는? 12 Price Megapixels LCD Size M: Janice, where’s Mom? Did she M: J�nic�. ���� 어디�� 있어? 백�점 ��미 �신 거 already leave for the department store? ��? W: No. I think she’s in the garage taking W: �니. 차고���� 쓰레�를 �리고 �실걸. Digital Camera ① Eva 110 $500 ② Eva 120 $550 ③ Eva 150 $600 ④ Eva 200 $650 5 5 6 6 2 2.5 2.5 3 price range �격 범위 megapixel �소 other wise ��지 않�면 out the garbage. M: Are you going to buy a digital camera with Mom today? W: Hopefully. But I still haven’t made a decision about which one to buy. M: Do you have a list of cameras you are interested in? Can we take a look at it together? M: 오늘 ���고 디지털 카메라 사러 �니? W: ��도. �지만 ��도 뭘 ��지 ��지 못�어. M: ��� �� 관심 있�� 카메라 목록들����? �도 � �� �도 ��까? W: Why not? You can help me choose W: �론��지. �� �� 고��� �� 좀 도���. one then. M: Okay. Tell me what you want. What M: 알았어. 원��� 걸 말해�. 감당할 수 있�� �격대 is your price range? ��? W: I don’t think Mom’s going to help me pay for this, so I can’t pay more than $600. That’s the most I can afford to spend. M: What about the LCD screen size then? I guess it should be bigger than your old one. Wasn’t it 2 inches? W: ��� 돈 내�� 거 도���� �� �지 않�니 6��달러 ����� 안�. �� 내� 감당할 수 있�� 최고 금액 ����. M: LCD sc���n 사��즈��? � 예�� ��보다�� � ��� �� �� �다. ���� 거�� �인치였지? W: Yeah. It was. That’s why it was so W: 응�� ���� 사� 보�� � 어려웠어. hard to see the pictures. M: What about the pixels? Don’t you think it should be more than 5 megapixels? M: 픽셀�� 어��? �백만 �소�� 넘어�� �지 않�? W: That’s too low. I want at least 6 W: �� ��무 낮� 6백만 �소�� ��� 해. 안 �러면 megapixels; other wise, I’m not going to buy it. 사지 않�� 거��. M: Then what’s to consider? You only M: �러면 뭘 고민해? 선택할 � �난�. have one choice. 13  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 62 12/1/09 2:16:58 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① The number of Japanese visiting Korea has sharply increased. ② One of the leading cosmetic companies’ products was found to contain harmful substances. ③ Korea will start rocket production, which will result in heightened attention from the entire world. ④ We can see a special exhibit of da Vinci’s work in Seoul next month. brief ���� substance �질 launch 발사�다 attention 주목�� 관심 entire ��체의 W: I am Eunice Lee, and I’m here with W: �� 뉴스�� ��� �� 온 Yunic� L��입니다. 주요 the morning news. Here’s the news in brief. 뉴스를 ��해드리�습니다. • There has been a sharp increase in the number of Japanese visiting Korea. • Harmful substances were found in the one of the leading cosmetics companies’ products in Korea. • ��국�� ��� 일본 관광객 수� 급격�� 증��습니다. • ��국의 큰 ���품 �사의 제품���� 유해�� 성분�� 발견되었습니다. • Korea’s first rocket launched last • ��국의 첫 ��째 ��켓�� 지난 밤 세�의 주목�� 받� night, and the liftoff was watched by the entire world. 며 발사되었습니다. • A special exhibit of Leonardo da • 다음 달 ��울���� 레오��도 다빈치의 특별�� �� Vinci’s work will be held in Seoul next month. 시�� 개최�� 예�입니다. These are today’s headlines. I’ll be back with you soon with more news. ����� 오늘의 헤드라인 뉴스였습니다. � 많�� 소 식�� 갖고 잠시 후 �� 뵙�습니다. 13 Which best describes the woman’s advice? ① Be nice to your co-workers and learn Which best describes the woman’s advice? 여자의 조언을 가장 잘 서술한 것은? ② Don’t rely on chance. Only hard work M: I can’t believe what happened. I feel M: 무�� 일�� 일어���지 못 ��어. �짜 �분�� 안 really terrible. ��. from them. pays off. ③ You should kowtow to your boss. ④ Don’t be keen on getting promoted. Just enjoy your work. promotion 승� Don’t rely on chance. 요행�� 바라지 말라. kowtow �부�다�� �첨�다 W: What’s the matter? Did you not get the promotion you were hoping for? W: 무�� 일����? 바라던 승��� 못�� 거니? M: No, I didn’t. I thought it was my turn M: 응�� 못�어. 내 생��� ����엔 내 차례였��� Tom this time. But Tom got the promotion. �� 승��� �� 거��. W: You mean the guy you’ve always praised? The one who is always hardworking and work oriented? W: �� 항� 칭찬�던 남자 말����? 항� 열심�� 일 �고�� 일 �선��라��? M: Right. That’s him. But I really thought it M: ��. � 사람����. �지만 난 분��� ������ 내� was my turn to get promoted. 승�할 차례라고 생��거든. W: What made you so sure about it? Did you do any good work which made you deserve a promotion? W: � ��� 확신����? �� 승��� 해��만 ��� 일��라도 �� 거��? M: No. I wasn’t expecting it because of M: �니. 내� �� 일 ��문�� �니라. �지만 난 �사�� HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 63 12/1/09 2:17:00 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation the work I’ve done. But I was ver y nice to my boss. I treated him to nice lunches at least once a week. I bought many presents for him and even for his son. Even though I didn’t work really hard and didn’t produce many good results from my work, I think I’ve done enough to please him. W: That’s different. Did you expect to get promoted only for those reasons? What kind of work have you done? I guess you don’t need to feel bad about not getting promoted this time. � �말 ��거든. 일주일�� �� ���� 항� ��� 점 심�� 대접�어. ���� 심지어�� �의 �들���도 ��� 선��� 사�거든. ��� 열심�� 일�거� 내 일의 결과를 보��지�� 않았지만�� �를 �쁘� �� 위해선 충분�� �다고 생�해. W: �� 다�지. �지 ���들 ��문�� 승��� �대�� 말����? � 일�� 위해���� 뭘 ����? ���� 승� ��문�� �분 ���� 할 ��유� ���� 없�� �� ��. 15 14 What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Why do people like to shop at department stores? ② What are the advantages of online shopping? ③ Where do you like to shop and why? ④ Why do many people like shopping at local markets? one-stop shopping 멈추지 않고 ��� ��� local 지��의 neighborhood 인� 지�� lively 생� 넘치�� energetic 활�찬 reliable ��� 수 있�� M: These days, many people like to shop at department stores since they can enjoy one-stop shopping. Also, more and more people like to shop online since that has many advantages, too. However, personally, I prefer to go to the local market in my neighborhood. There are some reasons for this. First of all, the people in the market are lively, so I feel very energetic, too. It’s always nice to visit such a lively place with many hardworking people. Besides, there are few stores there that I haven’t visited since I was very young. That’s why I feel ver y comfortable when I visit the market. The storekeepers are not only ver y kind and friendly but are also ver y reliable. With their help, I can always be happy after getting good deals. M: 요���� 많�� 사람들�� ������ ����� 할 수 있� �� 문�� 백�점���� ������ ���� ���니다. ���� 많�� ��점�� �지고 있� ��문�� 점점 � 많�� 사람 들�� 온라인 ����� ��� ���� ���니다. �지만 개인적��� ��� 동��� 있�� �� 시�� ��� ���� ���니다. 거����� �� �지 ��유� 있습니다. � 선�� 시���� 있�� 사람�� 매� 생� 넘쳐�� � ��시 매� 활�차� �니다. 열심�� 일��� 사람들�� � 득�� 생� 넘치�� 곳�� 방문��� ���� 언제� �습 니다. �주 어���부터 방문�� ��문�� �보지 않 �� ���� 거의 없습니다. ���� �곳�� 방문할 �� �다 편안��� ��낍니다. �� 주인들�� 매� 친�� �고 친�할 뿐만 �니라 ���� 굉���� ��� 수 있습 니다. �들의 도���� ��� 언제� �리적인 �매 �� 행복할 수 있습니다.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 64 12/1/09 2:17:01 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 What do the two speakers Not like about living in Seoul? What do the two speakers Not like about living in Seoul? 두 화자들이 서울에 사는 것에 대해 좋지 않게 생각하는 점은? Man Woman ① Too many people Bad traffic Bad traffic Expensive rent ③ Expensive rent Subway system Bad traffic Too many people ② ④ complaints 불평 be used to -ing ~�� 익��다 M: Yuri, you are from Busan, right? How long have you been living in Seoul? 안 산 거��? M: Yu�i. 부산���� �지? 지금까지 ��울���� 얼� 동 W: It’s been almost two years. I moved to Seoul after I got accepted to our school. W: 거의 �년쯤 되었어. �리 학��� �격�� ��후�� �� 울�� ��사 �거든. M: I see. How do you like living in Seoul M: 알았어. 지금까지 ��울���� 사�� ���� 어��? 부산 so far? Is it better than Busan? 보다 � ��? W: My answer is both yes and no. Yes for some reasons and no for some other reasons, I mean. M: What are your complaints then? Do you mean the horrible traffic conditions? That’s the first thing I can think of since I suffer from them ever y day. W: 내 대답�� 응 �리고 �니오��. �� �지 ��문���� �고�� 다른 �� �지들 ��문���� �지 않�. M: � 불만�� ���? 심��� �통 체증? 난 ��� ��문 �� 매일 고생��라 �� 제일 먼� 생��. W: Not really. I know about the bad W: �니 별��. �걸 알고 있� ��� ��사�� ��고 있 traffic, but I live in a dorm, so I’ve never been bothered by it. Besides, if I have someplace to go, I always use the subway, and it’s ver y convenient. 어�� �통 체증 ��문�� 고생�� 않�. �다� 다른 갈 곳�� 있�면 난 항� 지���� 사용�고 �� 매 � 편리�거든. M: Right. I understand what you are saying. Then what makes you unhappy about living in Seoul? W: I must say that the real estate prices are too high. I wanted to move out of my dorm and rent an apartment, but I had to give up this idea because of the very expensive rent that I would have to pay. M: I never thought of that before, but I guess you’re right. What about there being too many people ever ywhere? Doesn’t that bother you? M: ��. 무�� 말인지 알�다. �� ��울 사�� ���� � � 만드�� � ���? W: 부동산�� ��무 비싸다고 말해���어. ��사���� ���� ��고 싶었��� 월세� ��무 비싸�� ��해 �� �어. M: 난 �� 생�해 본 적�� 없지만 �� ��� �� ��. 어딜 �� 사람�� ��무 많�� � 어��? �� ��를 힘 들� �지 않니? W: Not so much. Busan is also a very big city, so I am used to being in a place with many people. �해. W: 별��. 부산도 대도시라�� 사람들�� 많�� ��소� 익 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 65 12/1/09 2:17:04 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? 17 16 ① No. I am very busy because of my exam that day. ② Of course not. You know I hate stupid W: Jamie, are you hungry? Why don’t W: J�mi�. 배고프지 않니? � 좀 ��러 ��� � 어��? things like that. we go grab a bite to eat? ③ Kind of. But we need to sell more to fill the entire auditorium. ④ Why? Do you want me to help you sell the tickets? It’s around the corner. � 앞��� 다��어. raise funds 성금�� 모금�다 tuition 학비 brunch �� 겸 점심 reluctant to ~를 꺼리다 background 배경 M: Okay. That sounds good. I was going M: ��. ��� 생�����. 안 ��도 �내 식당�� �려 to go to the cafeteria anyway. 고 �었어. W: I know a nice café near campus W: 캠퍼스 ���� 세����� 제일 맛있�� 샌드위치를 which sells the best sandwiches in the world. How does that sound? ��� 곳 ����. 거� 어��? M: Cool. By the way, how’s it going with M: ��. �� 학� 연극 준비�� 어떻� � �? your school play? W: So far so good. I prepared and W: 지금까지�� � � �고 있어. �날 필요�� 모든 �� borrowed all the stuff we need for it. 들�� 준비�고 빌렸어. M: That’s great. How many days do you M: ��다. 연극날까지�� 며칠 남�� 거��? have before the bid day? W: It’s just around the corner. There are W: � 앞��� 다��어. �일 남았거든. only 5 days left. M: You must be very excited. By the way, I heard that the play is going to raise funds for poor students, right? 니? M: 매� 흥분 되���. �런� 연극 목적�� �난�� 학 생들 도�려고 �금 �련��� ����라 들었��� � W: Right. We are aiming to help poor W: ��. �리�� �난�� 학생들�� �들의 학비를 내�� students pay their tuition. ���� 도�려고 �고 있어. M: That’s a good cause. Have you sold M: 참 ��� 목적�� 있��. ��제까지 표�� 많�� 팔았니? many tickets so far? W: Kind of. But we need to sell more to fill W: 어�� �도. �지만 공연�� ��체를 채�려면 � 많�� the entire auditorium. 팔��� 해.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 66 12/1/09 2:17:06 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 다음에 이어서 마지막으로 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? We need to remember that _______________________________. ① we are lucky to have a good subway system ② people with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else ③ human rights are the opposite of human wrongs ④ it is safer for people with disabilities to stay home disabilities ��애 impediment 신체��애 inclusion �� ramp 경사대 handicapped people ��애인 W: ��애인의 인� 권리�� 대해����요? 오늘날�� ��애인 들�� 공공생활 ��� 완���� �� 되� 위�� �� 개의 �법적인 ��애�� �면�고 있습니다. 사실� 극소 수의 ��애인들�� 대학�� �고 있습니다. 소수의 사 람들�� ���� �들의 공동체�� 접��지 못�고 있 ��� �냐�면 과�방지턱�� 있� ��문입니다. �� 애인�� 위�� ��의 접� 통��� 없습니다. 휠체어 �� �� 있�� 사람들�� ������ 대중�통�� 사용� 거� 공공 ���� 입��할 수 없습니다. ����들�� � 들 스스�� 길�� ���거� 신호를 ���� 어려��� 갖고 있습니다. ��런 ���� ��애인들�� �면��� 어 려�증 ��의 예일 뿐입니다. ��런 �황�� 받�들 일 수 있습니까? �니요�� �부�� 공공시설�� 개선 시키� 위해 � 돈�� ���� �고�� �리�� ��애인들�� 일반 사람들과 똑��� 권리� 있다�� 사실�� �억 할 필요� 있습니다. W: What about the human rights of people with disabilities? Today, people with disabilities face few legal impediments to full inclusion in public life. Very few disabled people actually go to college. Few people have access to their community at all because there aren’t enough curb ramps. There is no handicapped access to buildings. People in wheelchairs are sometimes unable to use public transportation or enter public buildings. Blind people have trouble crossing streets by themselves or learning the information that appears on signs. These are just a few examples of the difficulties that handicapped people faced. Is this situation acceptable? No! The government should spend more to improve public facilities, and we need to remember that people with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 67 12/1/09 2:17:07 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 06 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which jewelry does the woman want to buy? Which jewelry does the woman want to buy? 여자가 사려고 하는 보석은? ② ④ W: I was wondering if you could help W: � 좀 도���� 수 있�세요? me. M: What do you need my help with? M: 무�� 도��� 필요�십니까? 특별�� ���� �고 �신 Are you looking for anything special? �요? ① ③ bracelet 팔찌 pendant 펜던� brooch 브��치 W: I want to buy a necklace for my mom. Her birthday is tomorrow. W: 어�니를 위해�� 목걸��를 �� 사고 싶어��요. 내 일�� 어�니 생신��시거든요. M: Oh. You are such a nice daughter. M: �말 착�� 딸��시�요. 연세� 어떻� 되세요? How old is she? W: She’s becoming 54… no… 55 this year. W: 쉰 넷� �니다� 올해 쉰 다섯�� 되세요. M: In that case, what do you think of this one? This gold necklace will look good on a woman that age. M: �러면 ��런 ���� 어��요? � ���대� 되면 금 목 걸��� �주 보� ��� 거예요. W: It’s pretty, but it’s too common. Do W: 예쁜� ��런 � ��무 흔해요. 다른 � 없어요? you have anything else? M: Well, what is your price range? M: 글쎄요. 얼� �도 예��고 �세요? W: Hmm. I can afford around 100,000 W: 십만 원 �도 쓸 수 있어요. �� 제� �� ��부라 won. That is all I have. ��요. M: Sorry, we don’t have anything with gold for that price. How about this silver bracelet instead? W: She doesn’t wear bracelets very often. Do you have any nice pendants or brooches? M: 죄송�니다. 금 목걸������ 보여드린 제품보다 � 싼 제품�� 없어��요. 대신�� ��런 팔찌�� 어��요? W: 팔찌를 자주 차지 않����요. 펜던�� 브��치 있 �요? M: Yes. How about this one? Most M: �. ��런 � 어��요? 대부분의 여성분들�� �� 모 women like heart shapes I guess. 양�� ���시니까요. W: I think it looks nice. I’ll take it. W: ��� �� ��요. ��걸�� ���요. 02 03  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 68 12/1/09 2:17:09 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 What is the weather going to be like on the weekend? What is the weather going to be like on the weekend? 주말의 날씨는 어떻게 예상되는가? Weather Temperature ① beautiful all weekend ② rainy all weekend ③ rainy and then nice 75°F 70°F 82°F ④ nice and then rainy 88.9°F breeze 미풍 glimpse 힐끗 봄 temperature 온도 balmy 온��� M: �말 ��다운 ��입니다�� ��� D�v� C�nnon입 니다. �리고 KOLD �� 라디오 뉴스�� 오신 ���� 환영�니다. 오늘의 주요�사�� 중동 지��의 평� �담입니다. 날씨�� 관해���� ��� 소식�� ��해 드 리�습니다. �늘�� ��의 미풍�� 불면�� 맑습니다. 잠깐 밖��� ���� �창�� 밝�� 날�� 보세요. 현 � 온도�� 온��� �씨 7�도입니다. 조금 후�� � 온�� � 따뜻해지고 주말까지�� ��도 대�� 밑�� � 무를 거라고 예�할 수 있습니다. �러� 금요일 늦 ��� ��의 ���� 몰려오고 토요일�� 비� 올 ��� � 보입니다. �러� 비�� 일요일 ��까지�� 멈� ����니 걱��지 �십시오. ��.� FM 채널�� 들어 주��� 감사�니다. 채널 고��시고 ��해�� 뉴 스를 청취해주시� 바랍니다. M: What a beautiful morning it is! I am Dave Cannon. Welcome to KOLD radio’s news in the morning. The top stor y is the Middle Eastern peace talks. But now, I am going to give you some good news concerning the weather. The skies are clear with a slight breeze. Take a moment to step outside and catch a glimpse of the bright sunny day. The current temperature is a balmy 75°F. We can expect the temperature to warm up a bit later on and to stay in the low 80s until the end of the week. Later on Friday, however, we’re going to see some clouds rolling in, and Saturday looks like it’s going to be a wet one. But don’t worry; the rain should end by Sunday morning. Thanks for tuning in to 88.9 FM. Stay tuned for the news in just a minute. What is the women’s occupation? What is the women’s occupation? 여자의 직업은 무엇인가? 03 ① She is a veterinarian. ② She is a psychiatrist. ③ She is a patient. ④ She is a surgeon. mental illness �신질환 biomedical 생�의학의 consist ����어져 있다 severely 심�� disturbed �신��애� 있�� veterinarian 수의사 psychiatrist �신의학자 W: I usually work in a big, modern clinic. I specialize in treating mental illnesses by using a biomedical approach to mental disorders. The treatments I give consist of counseling and sometimes medication as well. A few of my patients experience some mild personal problems and come to me for advice. I usually give a lot of advice to the patients and help them work out their problems for themselves. Other patients, however, are severely disturbed. Patients like that usually live here at the clinic until their mental state improves enough for them to live on their own. W: ��� 보통 큰 규모의 현대식 �료소���� 일�니다. 제 ��문�� �신 착란 증세�� 생� 의학의 접�법�� 사용해�� �신 질환�� 치료��� ��입니다. ��� � 담�� �론 �혹 �� 투�도 ���� 치료�니다. 어떤 환자들�� ��의 �벼운 개인 문제를 �고 있고�� 조 언�� ��려고 옵니다. ��� 주�� 많�� 조언�� 해주 �도 �지만 환자들�� �들의 문제를 �들 스스�� 해결할 수 있도록 도�� 줍니다. �러� �� 다른 환 자들�� 심�� �신 ��애� 있습니다. �런 환자�� 대 개 �신 ��� �들�� �들 스스��의 ��� �� 수 있�� 만큼 충분�� ��질 ��까지 ��곳 �료소���� 생활�니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 69 12/1/09 2:17:11 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the man probably feel? How does the man probably feel? 남자는 지금 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① He feels innocent and audacious. ② He feels guilty and apologetic. ③ He feels dismayed and disappointed. ④ He feels discouraged and frustrated. long face 시무룩�� 얼� fiancé �혼자 betrayal 배신 congratulate 축��다 engagement �혼 innocent 죄� 없�� audacious 대담���� 겁�� 없�� guilty 죄의식의 M: Do you know why Jane has such a long face these days? I think something is going on. W: I believe that it has something to do with her fiancé. Her confidence has been shaken by her fiancé’s betrayal of her. M: 요�� J�n��� � 울�인지 �니? 무�� 일�� 있�� 거 ��. W: �녀의 �혼자�� 관련�� 있�� 거 ��. �녀를 배신 �� �혼자 ��문�� �녀의 신뢰감�� 흔들렸어. M: Really? I didn’t know that! Are they M: �말? ��� 몰랐어�� 지금 싸��� 중��니? having a fight now? W: Actually, they aren’t together W: 사실�� �들�� 3년 ����� 사귀었��� 헤어졌잖�. anymore after dating for more than three years. I feel really sorry for them. �말 안타까워. M: Oh! Now I feel really stupid. I think I M: 오�� ��제 보니 � �말 바보 ��� 짓�� �어. 내� made a big mistake. �녀��� 큰 실 수를 �� �� ��. W: Why? What did you do? W: �? 뭘 ����? M: I should have been more careful. I saw her the other day, and I congratulated her on her engagement. M: 내� � 신중�었어�� ����. 며칠 ���� �녀를 � ��� �녀��� �혼 축���다고 말�어. W: Which day was that? W: �� 무�� 요일��었���? M: I think it was Tuesday after work. M: 일 끝난 후였고 �요일��었던 �� ��. W: Oh, that’s awful! That’s the day her W: 오�� 끔찍�다�� �날�� �혼자�� 헤어� 날������ fiancé broke up with her! M: No wonder she started cr ying. Is M: ���� �녀� 울� 시작�었��. 내� �녀를 위 there anything I can do to help her? 해�� 도�� �� 수 있�� 일�� 있��까? W: No, I think it’s best just to leave her alone. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do. W: 없�� �� ��. �냥 혼자 놔두�� � ��� ��� �� � �. 불행��도�� �리� 해�� 수 있�� ���� 별�� 없 �� 거 ��. 06 05 What does the woman ask the man to do? ① To solve the hotel's air quality problems What does the woman ask the man to do? 여자가 남자에게 요구한 것은? ② To dry out the air in the factory ③ To give her his business card ④ To manage her hotel W: Excuse me. Hello, I am Erica. You must be Judy’s cousin. It’s really nice to meet you. W: 실례�니다. 안��세요�� ��� ��ic� 입니다. 당신 �� Ju��의 사촌��지요. 만��� 반갑습니다. M: Oh! That’s right. I am pleased to meet you. I am Ray. So, Judy tells me that you’ve just moved to town. M: 오�� �습니다. 만��� 반갑습니다. ��� ���라고 해요. �런� Ju��� �� 동��� � ��사 �다고 �� ��� �던�요. 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 70 12/1/09 2:17:12 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation instructor �사 specialize ��문��� �다 dehumidification 제습 mostly 주�� moldy 곰팡��� 핀 contact 연락 W: Yep. I’m starting to get settled in. This W: �. 여��� � �착�려고 �고 있습니다. 멋� 도 seems to be a great city. 시라고 생�해요. M: Yeah, I love it here. I hear that you moved to this town because of your job. What do you do for a living? Are you an instructor? M: 멋� 도시��요. ��� ��곳�� ��무 ��해요. 제� 듣����� 당신의 �업 ��문�� �� 동��� ��사�다 고 �던� �업�� ���요? 강사��신�요? W: No, I’m an engineer. I specialize in W: �니요�� ��� �술자��요. ��� 냉�과 제습 시스템 cooling and dehumidification systems. ��문���요. M: What is dehumidification? What kinds M: 제습�� 뭔�요? 어떤 일�� �시죠? of things do you do? W: Well, mostly our company dries the W: ��� 주�� �리 �사�� 공��과 호텔의 공�를 �조시 air in factories and hotels. 킵니다. M: Are you currently working with any M: 호텔과 일�� �시�요? hotels? W: Yes, a lot of hotels have air quality problems. If the air is too wet, then the walls become moldy, so the rooms smell bad. W: ��� 많�� 호텔들�� 공�의 질�� 문제� 있어요. 만 � 공�� ��무 습�면 벽�� 곰팡��� 피고�� ��� 되면 방의 냄새� 안 ���니다 M: That’s exactly the same problem we M: �� 지금까지 �리� �고 있�� � 문제�요. have been having so far. W: Are you in the hotel business? W: 호텔 업����� 일�� �시�요? M: Yes, I’m a manager at a hotel. Could I have your business card? Maybe you could help us out. M: ��� ��� 호텔 매니���요. �� 좀 받�� 수 있��까 요? 당신�� �리를 도울 수 있�� �� ��요. W: No problem. Here you are. Could I W: �론��죠. 여� 있습니다. �도 연락�를 받�� 수 have your contact information, too? 있��까요? 06 What is the total amount for the cookies after the discount? What is the total amount for the cookies after the discount? 할인을 받고 나면 쿠키를 사는데 총 얼마가 드는가? ① The total is $17.20. ② The total is $18.00. ③ The total is $16.20. ④ The total is $ 8.55. freshly baked 금방 �운 bite �� 입 macadamia �카다미� all time female favorite 항� 여성 들�� 제일 ����� respectively �� 차례 ��� M: Hello! Welcome to All Sweets. May I M: 안��세요�� 올 스위츠�� 오신걸 환영�니다. 무엇 help you? �� 도��드�까요? W: Yes. Wow! I was going to get some W: �. ���� �피를 사러 ���� 쿠키들�� ��무 신선해 coffee, but these cookies look freshly baked. 보���요. M: We only sell fresh homemade cookies, and these just came out of the oven. Would you like to tr y some? M: ���� �접 만든 신선�� 쿠키만 ��매�니다. �� 쿠 키들�� 금방 �운 거예요. �� �� 맛보실�요? W: That’s so awesome. May I try the W: �러고 싶어요. 초콜릿 � �어�도 ��까요? HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 71 12/1/09 2:17:14 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 08 original chocolate chip? M: Sure! Here you are. You can also M: �론����요. 여� 있습니다. �카다미�도 ���� 드 have a bite of this macadamia nut cookie. �보세요. W: Oh, that’s my favorite cookie. Yummy! How much are these? 얼�죠? W: 오�� ��� 제� 제일 ����� 쿠키예요. 음�� 맛있다. M: They are $1.50 each. You can also get a discount when you buy a half dozen or a dozen. We give 5% and 10% discounts respectively. M: ���� �달러 ��센�입니다. 반 다스� �� 다스를 사시면 할인도 �능�니다. �� �%�� ��%씩 총 액���� 할인해 드려요. W: May I buy different kinds of cookies? W: 쿠키들�� 섞어도 되�요? M: Of course. You’re welcome to do that. How many would you like? W: Hmm... I’d like to get half a dozen macadamia cookies and half a dozen original chocolate chip cookies, please. M: �론입니다. �� 개� 드�까요? W: 음��카다미��� 초콜릿 � �� 반 다스씩 주세요. M: Okay. Did you want six of each M: 알�습니다. �� �� 6개씩 원�시�� 거죠? then? W: Yes, please. W: �. What is the main idea of the lecture? What is the main idea of the lecture? 강의의 주제는 무엇인가? 07 ① She believes that TV is bad for everyone. ② She believes that TV produces bad consequences for children. ③ She believes that TV stops children from doing their homework. ④ She believes that snacks like chips and cookies make children fat. obesity 비만 genetic 유��적인 absorbed in ~�� 몰두�� munch on 스낵�� �다�� �적�적 씹어 �다 consequence 결과 assert 주���다 W: Obesity in children has become a new major issue in many countries. There are many causes of obesity, like eating habits and genetic factors. In my opinion, watching television is one of the main reasons for obesity in children. Once children turn on the television, they have a hard time taking their eyes off the screen because they get so absorbed in the programs. All they do is just sit or lie on the couch in front of the TV and munch on chips, cookies, and other kinds of snacks. The consequence of this behavior is very obvious: an increase in body weight. Obesity is not the only negative effect TV produces for children. TV also damages children in other ways. W: �동 비만�� 많�� �라���� 새��운 중요�� ��슈� 되어�습니다. 비만���� 식습관과 유��적인 요인과 ��� 많�� 원인들�� 있습니다. 제 의견����� TV시 청 ��시 �동 비만의 주된 원인 중의 ��라고 생 ��니다. ���들�� TV를 켜면 TV프���램�� ��무 �져�� TV���� 눈�� 떼�� � 어렵습니다. TV를 켠 후���� 소��� ��있거� �워�� ��� 과자� 다른 ���질�� �면�� TV만 봅니다. ��런 행동의 결과 �� 체중 증��� ��어지�� ���� ��무 당연�니다. 비 만�� TV� ���들��� 주�� 유일�� �쁜 영향�� � 닙니다. TV�� 다른 여러 �지 면����도 ���들��� 심��� 영향�� 끼�니다.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 72 12/1/09 2:17:15 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 08 What is the purpose of the man’s call? ① To cancel his meeting with the woman ② To let the woman know how her son is doing in school ③ To surprise the woman with her son’s grades woman ④ To reschedule his meeting with the no need to ~할 필요 없다 concentration �중 conference �의 something has come up 무�� 일�� 생�다 What is the purpose of the man’s call? 남자가 전화를 건 목적은 무엇인가? M: Hello, Mrs. Anderson. This is Mr. King, M: 안��세요 An���son 씨. B�i�n의 선생�� King입 Brian’s teacher. 니다. W: Hi, Mr. King. What a surprise! I hope W: 안��세요�� King 선생��. 좀 뜻밖인�요�� B�i�n�� Brian is not in trouble again. �� 무�� 문제를 일�킨 � �니길 바�요. M: He’s been keeping his promise. His M: B�i�n�� ���� � 지키고 있어요. 행동�� 많�� � behavior has improved a lot. There is no need to worr y. �졌어요. 걱� 안 ��도 �요. W: That’s a relief! I thought he was W: 다행���요. 제 생���도 요�� 많�� ��� �� ��� behaving so much better these days, but I wasn’t sure about how he’s acting when he is in school. � 학������� 어떤지 � 몰라��요. M: I knew you would be worried, but his concentration and also his grades have improved a great deal. M: 걱��실 거라고 생��어요. �지만 성적도 올랐 고 �중력도 ��졌어요. W: Thank you for letting me know that. Did you just call to tell me this? 요? W: 알려주��� 감사�니다. �� 일 ��문�� ��� ��� M: Not exactly. Actually, I was going M: �� �니��요. 사실�� 다음주�� 면담�� 오시면 다 to tell you all about this next week when you come to the conference. 말씀 드리려고 �어요. W: I was going to say... May I help you W: �도 ��� 말씀�� 드리려고 ����� �� 다른 용 with something then? ��� 있�신�요? M: Well, it’s about the conference date and time. We’re scheduled to meet at 4:30 p.m. next Thursday, but something has come up. W: Really? Do you want to change the date of our meeting? I’m free on Tuesday and Wednesday. M: 음�� 어���과의 면담 시�과 날짜�� 관�� ��입니다. ��� 다음주 목요일 4시 3�분�� 만���� 되어있 ��� 일�� 생겼어요. W: ��요. 다른 날짜�� 변경할까요? �� �요일과 수 요일도 시��� ��습니다. M: If you can just come an hour early, M: �냥 �� 시� 일찍 오실 수 있�면 목요일�� 뵐 수 we can still meet on Thursday. 있습니다. W: I can’t make it at 3:30. I have to pick up Brian’s sister. How about two hours early? W: 제� 3시 3�분���� 안 되���요. B�i�n의 여동생�� �리러 ��� 해��요. �� 두 시� ���� 어��요? M: That’ll be good. M: �습니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 73 12/1/09 2:17:16 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 09 What does the woman need to do for the man next? What does the woman need to do for the man next? 여자가 남자를 위해서 다음에 할 일은? 10 ① She will get another hard drive for him. ② She will get a cable for him. ③ She will get a receipt for him. ④ She will exchange the hard drive for him. external 외�� storage ��� capacity 용량 content with 만족��� rip off 사� 당�다 defect 결� double-check �점검 �다 rep (�����s�n���iv�의 ��인 말) W: Hey! Did you like the external hard W: 안��� 내� 준 외���드 �음�� 들어? drive I got for you? M: Without question! It’s slim and has a huge storage capacity, and I even like its color. I really wanted one just like it. M: �론������ 얇고 메모리 용량도 많고 색�도 �음�� 들어. ��런 �� �� ��려고 �거든. W: You sound so content with the drive. W: 외���드� �말 �음�� 드� 보다. �� ��해�� I’m happy to see you like this. �말 �분 �다. M: Where did you buy it? Do you still M: 어디�� 샀어? ��도 영수증 있어? have the receipt? W: Why? Are you curious about the price? In case you are worried, I didn’t get ripped off at all. I actually paid less than the regular price for it. M: Good girl! You’ve become a smart shopper. But to tell you the truth, there is a slight problem with it. W: �? �격�� �금해�� ��? 만� 걱��다면 높�� �격�� 산 � �니��. 사실 싸� 샀어. M: ��어�� 똑똑�� �매자� 되었�. 사실�� 외���드 �� ��의 문제� 있어. W: Are you serious? What’s wrong with W: �말����? �� 문제인�? 결��� 있�� 거��? it? Does it have a defect? M: Calm down. It’s not like that. I just M: ��해. �런 � �니��. �냥 외���드를 사용�려 need to get something from them to use the hard drive. 면 필요�� � 있어��. W: What? Tell me. W: 뭔�? 말해�. M: It’s a very minor problem. It just didn’t come with a USB cable... so I haven’t used it yet. W: Oh, I’m sorry. I should’ve double- checked that at the store. I just trusted the sales guy. M: Don’t be sorry at all. You had no way of knowing unless you had opened the box in front of the sales rep. W: I don’t have the receipt with me right now. I’ll drop it off at your place tonight. But, in the meantime, let me get my USB cable from my locker so you can use your hard drive right away. M: �냥 작�� 일����. U�B선�� ��되어 있지 않��� �� 사용�� 못해 �어. W: 오�� 미안해. 매������ 다시 ���� 확인�� �어�� � ���. �냥 ��매원 말�� �었어. M: 미안해 �지 �. ��매원 앞���� �자를 열지 않고�� 확인할 방법�� 없었�� 거��. W: 지금�� 내� 영수증�� 없어. 오늘 밤�� 갔다 ���. �동안���� 외���드를 사용할 수 있� 지금 내 사� ����� U�B선�� 갔다 ���.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 74 12/1/09 2:17:18 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 What’s the reason that the woman can’t recover the man’s documents? What’s the reason that the woman can’t recover the man’s documents? 왜 여자가 남자의 파일을 복구하지 못했나? ① His computer has a duplicate program installed on it. computer. ② He deleted the documents from his ③ He doesn’t have a recovery program installed on his computer. ④ His computer can’t be turned on. take a deep breath exhale 내뿜다 crack 깨지다 recover �복시키다�� 되�다 certified 증�된 genuine �품의�� �품의 duplicate 사본�� 복사 install 설치�다 M: Hi! I have an emergency situation with my desktop. Can you please help me with it? W: Sure. But before you do anything else, please take a deep breath and then exhale. You sound so out of breath. M: Ah, thank you. I am so terrified of what has just happened to me. M: 안��세요�� 제 컴퓨터� ���해요. 비�사�입니 다. 도�� 주세요. W: �. �� 숨�� 크� 들�� �시고 내뿜�세요. 숨�� ��무 �쁘신 �� ��요. M: ��� 감사�니다. 지금 제� 일어날 일 ��문�� ��무 W: Don’t worry. I’ll help you. So shoot. W: 걱� �지 �세요. ��� 도�� 드���요. 겁�� �어요. 말씀�세요. M: Well, I was working on this contract with my new client based on the information from our e-mails and letters to each other. Then, suddenly, my computer just crashed on me without any warning. Can you fix it? M: 음�� 제� 새 고객과의 ���� 주고 받�� ��메일과 편 지를 토대�� ����를 작성�고 있었어요. �런� 갑자� �무 경고도 없�� 컴퓨터� 멈춘 거예요. 다 시 ��� 수 있�요? W: Let me see. Were the documents in W: 어디 볼까요. 문��들�� ���크��소프� 워드�� 되 Microsoft Word? 어 있�요? M: Yes! All the letters, e-mails, price M: ��� 모든 편지�� 메일�� �격표�� �리고 모든 다른 �� lists, and everything else were in MS Word. 들�� 워드�� 되어 있어요. W: Aha, I see the files. Let me tr y to W: ��� 여� 있�요. �� �� 열어 볼�요. 오�� ��런�� 모 open them. Oh, no! All the letters are cracked! 든 � 깨졌�요�� M: What do you mean by cracked? Oh lord! What am I going to do? Please recover them! M: 깨졌다고요�� 무�� 말��세요? 오�� 안��� 어떻� � 면 �죠? 제발 다시 ��려주세요. W: Were you using the duplicate software? If you were, we can’t recover them at all. It’s illegal. W: 복사본 소프�웨어를 사용�고 ���요? 만� � �다면 ���� 문��를 ���� ��� 수� 없어요. 불법 ����요. M: I didn’t pay for mine. My brother gave it to me. You don’t understand. I need the files. I’ve been working on this client to get this deal for the past 15 months. W: I’m truly sorry, but there is nothing I can do. Perhaps you can call your client and have him for ward you all the files you need. And, next time, be sure to install genuine software, not duplicates, on your computer. M: 돈�� 지불�고 산 ���� �니��요. 제 형�� 주었어요. ��해 못�시�지만 �� � 문��들�� 필요해요. � 고 객과 거�를 성사시키� 위해�� ��개월 동안 애썼 다고요. W: �말 죄송�니다�� �지만 제� 할 수 있�� ���� � 무 ��도 없어요. 고객��� ������� 필요�� 문�� 를 달라고 할 수도 있잖�요. �리고 다음���� 복사 본 말고 꼭 �품 프���램�� 쓰세요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 75 12/1/09 2:17:19 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 11 Which class is the woman going to take next semester? Which class is the woman going to take next semester? 여자가 다음 학기에 수강하려고 하는 과목은? 12 Class Time Day ① Economics 101 2:00-3:00 Mon M: Sally, have you decided what classes you’re going to take next semester? M: �������. 다음 학� 무�� 수업�� 들��지 결��니? ② Economics 101 9:00-10:00 Thurs W: I am still thinking about it. How about W: 여���� 생� 중����. ���� 어��? ③ Management 110 11:00-12:00 Tue ④ Management 110 3:00-4:00 Wed you? economics 경제학 part-time job ��바��� semester 학� management 경영 M: I haven’t decided either. The only M: �도 안 �어. 경제학 ��� 수업�� 들어�� ��� �� thing that I’m sure about is that I have to take Economics 101. �� 확실해. W: Is that because you are planning to W: 경제학���� 경영학 복수 ��공 ��� �� ��문����? double major in both Economics and Business Administration? M: Yeah. I’m hoping to get a double M: 응. 복수 ��공 �고 싶어. �� 어떻� ��지�� 좀 � major. But I will have to see how that goes. �� 해. W: Right. I heard that doing a double major is a lot harder than it sounds. By the way, how about taking the same Economics 101 class with me? W: ��. 내� 듣����� 복수 ��공 ��� � 보�보다 � 어려운 �� ��. �런� 경제학 ��� 수업�� � �� 듣�� � 어��? M: That’s cool. But you should know M: ��. �지만 난 ���� 수업 �� 개 밖�� 못 들어. that I can only take the one in the morning. I have a part-time job in the afternoon. W: Do you work every afternoon? I was hoping that both of us could take the Monday 2 p.m. class. 방과 후 오후���� ��바���를 �거든. W: 매일 오후�� ��� 거��? 난 월요일 �시 수업�� � �� 들었�면 ����. M: Sorry. My part-time job starts at 2, M: 미안. ��바���� 월요일�� 수요일�� 금요일 �시�� and I work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 시작�거든. W: Then we’d better take the Thursday morning class. How does that sound? ��? W: �러면 목요일 �� 수업�� 들�면 되�다. �� 어 M: Okay. Are you not taking Management 110? I was planning to take the Tuesday morning class. M: ��. 경영 ��� 수업�� 안 들어? 난 �요일 �� 경영 ��� 수업�� 들�려고 ����. W: I took Management 110 last semester W: 지난 학��� 경영 ��� 수업 듣고 A를 받았어. and got an A in it. M: Wow. Cool. Maybe I can get some M: 오오. ��. � 수업할 �� 도��� 필요�면 받�� 수 help from you in that class. 있��. 13  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 76 12/1/09 2:17:21 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true according to the talk? What is Not true according to the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 What is the man doing right now? What is the man doing right now? 남자는 지금 무엇을 하고 있는가? 13 ① The participants in the camp don’t have to pay a fee. ② A recommendation from a science teacher is needed in order to apply to the camp. ③ The program chooses 200 students on a first-come, first-served basis. ④ All the participants will conduct physics and chemistry experiments. participants 참�자 conduct 수행�다 first-come first served 선착순 ① The man is telling some people about his dream. his family. ② The man is telling some people about ③ The man is showing an appreciation for those who has helped him become a good soccer player. ④ The man is showing his thanks to those who came to the party. Ballond’or 발롱도� (유럽 축� 선수 �) fierce 열띤 W: The Frontier Science Camp is a program for young boys and girls who are ver y interested in science. The participants do not have to pay any fees since it is supported by the Science and Technology Institution. However, there are a limited number of places at the camp, and they are only for those who are ver y lucky. Only students who are recommended by their science teachers can apply for this wonderful chance. This program accepts 120 students on a first- come, first-served basis. You can apply for this camp from November 15 to 22. The camp will be held from December 15 to 20 at KAIST. All the participants will conduct experiments in physics and chemistr y. We are looking for ward to seeing some great future scientists. M: Just to be standing in front of this Ballond’or and receiving this means that my dream has come true. As I recount my childhood, I want to thank ever yone who helped me to win this award. I know that I wouldn’t have become what I am now without my mother’s help, especially in the absence of my father. I never met my father. He was killed in a car crash on a rainy road as he went to visit my mother. My mother has always been there for me. She has supported me while I played football and has encouraged me to focus on what I love. I also want to thank Coach Hiddink, who pulled me out from the small pond of Lisbon into the big pool of world football. I also thank Messi and Kaka, who made the competition for this year’s Ballond’or very fierce, which has made this award more desirable than any other awards I have received so far. W: 프런티어 사��언스 캠프�� 과학�� 관심 있�� 남녀 어린��들�� 위�� 프���램입니다. 과학 �술 �� �� 후원�� ��문�� 참�자들�� 돈�� 내지 않�도 �니다. �지만�� ���� 캠프���� 자리� 제��되어 있 어���� 운 ��� 사람들���만 ��� 주어질 �� �습 니다. �� 멋� ���� 과학 선생��의 추천�� 받��� 만 지원할 수 있습니다. �� �� 프���램�� ����의 학생들�� 선착순��� 받고 있습니다. ��월 ��일부 터 ��월 ��일까지 원�� 접수를 받고 ��월 ��일부 터 ��월 ��일까지 카��스����� 캠프� 열� 예� 입니다. 모든 참�자들�� �리�� �학 실험�� �� �� 예�입니다. 미�의 뛰어난 과학자� �� 참�자 들�� 만�� �� ����� �대�고 있습니다. M: 발롱도� 앞�� ���� �� ��� 받음����� 제 꿈�� 실 현�습니다. 어렸�� �� 돌��켜보면�� 제� �� ��� 받�� 수 있도록 도��주신 모든 분들��� 감사 드리 고 싶습니다. 특�� ��지���� 안 ��� ��문�� 어 �니의 도��� 없었�라면 지금의 ��� 없었�� �� 입니다. ��� ��지를 뵌 적�� ����도 없습니다. 제 ��지������ �� 어�니를 보러 오시다� 빗 길�� �통 사고� ��� 돌���습니다. 어�니�� 항� �를 위해 ���� �� 주�고�� 제� ��� 사�� ��� 축��� �중할 수 있도록 해 주�습니다. ��� �리고 조�만 연못인 Lisbon���� 세� 축�의 큰 바다�� ��끌어 주신 Hi��ink 감독�����도 감사의 말씀�� ���고 싶습니다. �� M�ssi�� K�k���� 올 해의 발롱도� ��� 위�� 경쟁�� 열띤 경쟁��� 만 들어 ��� 고맙다고 ���고 싶습니다. ��런 점들 �� 문�� ����� 제� 받�� � 어떤 �보다 �욱 � 받 고 싶�� ��� �습니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 77 12/1/09 2:17:23 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 14 ① When do people use public transportation? ② How can public transportation be improved? ③ What are the advantages of using public transportation? ④ How does using public transportation save time? beneficial ��점�� 있�� hectic 분주�� economical 경제적인 advantage ��접 M: Of course, there are many things about the city’s public transportation system that can be improved. However, this doesn’t change the fact that using public transportation benefits us a lot. In my opinion, taking public transportation is beneficial in two ways. Firstly, using public transportation allows us to save a lot of time every day. Drivers in this busy and hectic city waste a lot of time being stuck on the road, especially during rush hour. In a sense, using public transportation can save a lot of time. Also, it is more economical. If you own a car, you have to pay for many things, like gas and insurance. Using public transportation and not having a car mean that you don’t have to worr y about paying these things. M: �론 도시의 대중�통���� 개선 되어�� 할 점들�� 많지만�� 대중�통�� 사용��� ���� �리��� 많�� 혜택�� 준다�� 점�� 변�지 않습니다. 제 생������� 대중 �통�� 사용�면 두 �지 ��점�� 있습니다. 첫 째�� 대중�통�� ��용�면 시��� ���할 수 있습니 다. �� 바쁜 도시���� 운��자들�� 많�� 시��� 길 위���� 낭비�니다. 특�� �퇴� 시��� ��습니 다. ��러�� 관점������ 대중�통�� ��용�면 �청난 시��� ���할 수 있습니다. �� �� �지�� 경제적입 니다. 차를 소유�� �� 경��� ��과 보험금 등 돈 �� 많�� 들어갑니다. 대중 �통�� ��용�� 되면 � 러�� 걱��� 덜 수 있습니다. 16 15 What does the woman mean by “He’s pulling your leg”? What does the woman mean by “He’s pulling your leg”? 여자가 말한 “He’s pulling your leg”의 의미는? ① To pull someone’s leg ② To joke and kid someone ③ To yell at someone ④ To make a plan together upcoming 다�오��  Hot Listening ❹ W: Why do you look so happy? I’ve W: �� ��� �분�� ��? 난 � �런 표��� ���� never seen your face like this before. �� �� ��도 본 적�� 없어. M: It is very difficult for me to hide my feelings when I am this happy. I’m planning my upcoming holiday. M: ��� ���� �쁠 ���� 표��� 숨��� 어려워. 다 �오�� ��를 �획�고 있었어. W: Ah. That’s why. Have you come up W: �. ���� ����. ��� �획��라도 있어? M: I’m thinking about going to Singapore M: 싱���� 홍콩�� 갈까 생� 중����. with a good plan? or maybe Hong Kong. W: Those sound good, but I think it’s better to go to a place like Pattaya where you can visit the beach. Think about all the sunshine and beautiful beach which will wash off all your stress. M: No, no. I’m not planning my summer holiday. It’s way too early to plan for a summer holiday. Haven’t you heard that we have the day off on May 4th? As you know, that will give us a five-day holiday. W: ���도 �지만 ��� �타�� ��� �� � ��� �� ��. 여� ��를 위�� 해변도 있고. � 스�레스 를 다 씻겨 �� 햇����� 해변�� 생�해 �. M: �니��. 난 여� ��를 �획��� � �니��. 여� ��를 �획��엔 ��무 일러. �리� �월 4일�� ��� 쉰다�� 거 못 들었어? �러면 �리 �일 동안 연�잖�. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 78 12/1/09 2:17:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: What are you talking about? Who W: 무�� 소리��? 어디�� 들었어? told you that? M: I heard it from Jake. He said it’s M: � J�k���테�� 들었어. �날 쉬�� � 거의 확실�대. almost been decided that we’ll have a day off then. W: Oh, you poor thing. I think he’s pulling W: 어떡해. �무�도 걔� ����테 ��난친 거 ��. your leg. M: What? You mean we are not going M: �? �� �리� � 날 쉬지 않��다�� 말����? to have a day off that day? 16 What will the woman probably say next? ① I have to go to the video store and return the videos on the way home. What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ② Of course not. What makes you think I W: How was your weekend? W: 주말�� 어땠어? would go for it? stand on its peak. ③ Kind of. I want to climb Mt. Everest and on a hot air balloon. M: It was more than wonderful. I rode M: �말 대��어. 뜨거운 열��를 타러 갔어. ④ Why? Do you want to take a hot air balloon one more time? exciting but also a little dangerous. Why did you do that? 리�도 해 �����. � 타러 � 거��? W: Wow. Really? That sounds ver y W: �� �말? 되� �미있�� �� ���� 좀 위험�� 들 hot air balloon 열�� weird ����� about? M: Do you remember the list I told you M: 내� ���던 리스� �억�? W: Do you mean the one with the things which you would like to do before you die and which you wrote when you were 13? �� 리스�? W: �3�� �� 적었던 죽� ���� �고 싶�� ��들 적어 � M: Yeah. Now I can erase one of the M: 응. 난 거��� 있�� ��들 중 ��를 ��제 지울 수 있 things on the list. 어. W: I didn’t know you had that option on the list. How many things on your list have you done so far? W: 난 �� 열��를 적었�� ���� 몰랐���? � 리스 ����� 얼�� 많�� �어? M: I’d say more than half. M: 좀 많��. �무�도 반 �도 �� �� ��. W: Wow. The first time I heard about that list, I thought you were weird, but now, somehow, I think it’s great. Maybe I should do something like that too. Just for fun. W: ��. �음�� � 리스��� 대해 들었�� �� 난 �� �� ��� 사람��라고 생����� 지금�� 참 대��� �� ��. �도 �런 걸 해�� 할 거 ��. �미를 위해��. M: That’s good. Is there anything you’d M: ��. 죽� ���� 꼭 해보고 싶�� � 있어? like to do before you die? and stand on its peak. W: Kind of. I want to climb Mt. Everest W: 응. 난 ��베레스� 산�� 올라�� �� 위�� ��고 싶어. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 79 12/1/09 2:17:26 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 17 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ② I will make sure that I get home by 10 M: When Christine’s father opened his ① What on Earth did you do in my room? o’clock. ③ I will clean my room right now. I hope you will forgive me. ④ Do you have some money I can borrow? messy 지�분�� promise �� allowance 용돈 curfew 외�금지 M: Ch�is�in�의 ��지� 딸의 방�� 열었�� ���� �말�� 지�분�다. ��� Ch�is�in��� 다시 방�� 청소��� 걸 잊어 �렸� ��문�� 무척 �� �다. ��� 딸�� � 치�라고 여러 �� ������지만�� �녀�� ��해 �� 잊어 �렸다. �������� ��� ���� 결심�다. ��제 ��� �녀� ���� 지키지 않았� ��문�� 용 돈�� 주지 않�� 거라고 말�다. ���� 외� 금지령�� 내렸다. �녀�� 당분� 친�들과 � 수 없�� ����다. �녀�� 선택의 여지 없�� ��지 말�� 따���� �다. Ch�is�in��� 매� 유감스러웠고�� �� �말 용돈도 필 요�다. �녀�� 친�들��� �녀의 방�� 청소�지 않��� 외��� 금지되었다고 말�면 ��도 웃��지 도 모를까� 걱��� 되었다. ��런 �황���� �녀�� ����� �라고 말�� 해�� 할까? daughter’s room, it was really messy. He is very angry because Christine forgot to clean her room again. He asked her to do it many times, but she forgot again and again. This time, he decided to be strict. Now he says that he won’t give her any spending money because she didn’t keep her promise. Also, he has imposed a curfew on her. She won’t be able to hang out with her friends for a while. She didn’t have any choice but to listen to her father. Christine feels very bad, and she also really needs her allowance. She is afraid that her friends might laugh at her when she tells them she has a curfew because she didn’t clean her room. In this situation, what should she say to her father? ① ③ ② ④ except ~를 제외�고 rather 다소 geology 지질학 01 Which is the woman’s bag? Which is the woman’s bag? 여자의 가방은 어느 것인가? W: Jamie, it’s me, Claire. I’m sorry I had W: J�mi�. ����� C���i��. ��� 일찍 ��� 해�� 미안해. M: �니�� ���. 내일 시험 ��문�� 준비해�� 되�� 거 W: 내 �황�� ��해해 ��� ��무�도 고�워. 다 ��도 알�. 거� 있어? M: Am� 빼고. 공항�� 사촌 �리러 ��� 해�� 떠�어. W: ��� 시� 보냈�면 ��어. �런��� 내 �방�� �� � ��� 두고 온 �� ��. 거실�� 있�� 소��� 둔 걸 �� �억����. to go home early. M: It’s okay. I know you had to get ready for your test tomorrow. W: Thanks for understanding my situation. Is everyone still there? M: Everyone is here except for Amy. She left to go pick up her cousin at the airport. W: I hope you are having a great time. By the way, I think I left my bag at your house. I remember putting it on your couch in the living room. yours though. W: Do you remember the bag which Melisa gave me at my last birthday party? M: Really? There are many bags here M: �말? 소��� �방�� �청 많���. 어떤 � � �방 on the couch. I don’t know which is 인지 모��어. W: M���iss�� 내 생일선��� �던 �방 �억해? M: Do you mean the backpack with M: 주�니들�� 온 �� 달려 있�� �방 말����? W: No, not that one. It’s a handbag, but W: �니 �거 말고. 핸드백인� 좀 �. M: I see two handbags here. Do you M: 여� 핸드백 두 개� 있���. 왼쪽 ���� ‘H.M.’ mean the one with the logo “H.M.” on ��고� 있�� �방����? W: No. Mine doesn’t have a logo on it. It has my initial C. Green, on the left W: �니. 내 핸드백엔 ��고� 없어. 왼쪽 위�� C. G���n 내 ��니셜�� 적��있어. M: I found it. When will you pick it up? M: �았다. 언제 ��러 올 거��? W: Can you give it to Sarah and tell her to bring it to our geology class W: ����h��테 �방�� ��해주고 내일 ���� 지질학 수 업�� 좀 �지고 ��달라고 ��해�� 수 있어? pockets everywhere? it’s rather big. the bottom left? top . tomorrow? M: No problem. I’ll tell her to do that. M: 알았어. ��� 할�. 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 80 12/1/09 2:17:28 PM Answer key & Script 07 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which is the woman’s bag? Which is the woman’s bag? 여자의 가방은 어느 것인가? ① ③ ② ④ except ~를 제외�고 rather 다소 geology 지질학 W: Jamie, it’s me, Claire. I’m sorry I had W: J�mi�. ����� C���i��. ��� 일찍 ��� 해�� 미안해. M: Everyone is here except for Amy. M: Am� 빼고. 공항�� 사촌 �리러 ��� 해�� 떠�어. to go home early. M: It’s okay. I know you had to get ready for your test tomorrow. W: Thanks for understanding my situation. Is everyone still there? She left to go pick up her cousin at the airport. W: I hope you are having a great time. By the way, I think I left my bag at your house. I remember putting it on your couch in the living room. M: �니�� ���. 내일 시험 ��문�� 준비해�� 되�� 거 W: 내 �황�� ��해해 ��� ��무�도 고�워. 다 ��도 알�. 거� 있어? W: ��� 시� 보냈�면 ��어. �런��� 내 �방�� �� � ��� 두고 온 �� ��. 거실�� 있�� 소��� 둔 걸 �� �억����. M: Really? There are many bags here M: �말? 소��� �방�� �청 많���. 어떤 � � �방 on the couch. I don’t know which is yours though. 인지 모��어. W: Do you remember the bag which W: M���iss�� 내 생일선��� �던 �방 �억해? Melisa gave me at my last birthday party? pockets everywhere? it’s rather big. M: Do you mean the backpack with M: 주�니들�� 온 �� 달려 있�� �방 말����? W: No, not that one. It’s a handbag, but W: �니 �거 말고. 핸드백인� 좀 �. M: I see two handbags here. Do you M: 여� 핸드백 두 개� 있���. 왼쪽 ���� ‘H.M.’ mean the one with the logo “H.M.” on the bottom left? ��고� 있�� �방����? W: No. Mine doesn’t have a logo on it. W: �니. 내 핸드백엔 ��고� 없어. 왼쪽 위�� C. It has my initial C. Green, on the left top . G���n 내 ��니셜�� 적��있어. M: I found it. When will you pick it up? M: �았다. 언제 ��러 올 거��? W: Can you give it to Sarah and tell W: ����h��테 �방�� ��해주고 내일 ���� 지질학 수 업�� 좀 �지고 ��달라고 ��해�� 수 있어? her to bring it to our geology class tomorrow? M: No problem. I’ll tell her to do that. M: 알았어. ��� 할�. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 81 12/1/09 2:17:30 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 Which of the following is Not correct according to the statement? Which of the following is Not correct according to the statement? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① 1898: Born in Oak Park, Illinois ② 1922: Bypassed college to be a reporter ③ 1954: Won the Nobel Prize ④ 1961: Committed suicide bypass 피�다 wounded in action 작�� 중�� 부�당 �다 celebrity 유� 인사�� 배� tumultuous 시끄러운 ailing 병��다 ① A sales clerk – A customer ② A shoe repairman – A customer ③ A shoe designer – A sales clerk ④ A shoe-shiner – A customer instant glue 순�접착제 adhesive strength 접착력 a wide range of 다양��  Hot Listening ❹ W: ��n�s� H�mingw���� ��세� 초반부터 중반까지 활동�� ��� 유��� 미국 작� 중 �� �입니다. � �� ����년 일레노�� 주의 오크 �크���� �어�습 니다. ��� �자� 되� 위해�� 대학�를 �지 않았 습니다. 세� �차 대�� ���� 열 여덞 ���� ��탈리� ���� 응급차 운��자�� 자원 봉사를 ������ 작�� 중 �� 부��� 당�습니다. ����년 ��� �리�� �착 �였습니다. H�mingw���� 유�인사� 되었습니 다. ���4년 ��� 노벨 문학��� 받았습니다. 불행 ��도�� H�mingw��의 사생활�� 고난�� 많았습니 다. ��� 천천�� �의 시력�� 잃고 있었습니다. ������ ��� �의 �강�� 지독�� ��� 되� �� �� 차례의 �통사고를 당�습니다. �리고 �의 많�� 결혼 생 활�� 실패�� 남았습니다. �지만 H�mingw���� 어 려운 시��� 최고의 소설�� 썼습니다. ��6�년 7월 �일�� �신적��� 괴��워�고 육체적��� 병��여 스스�� 총��� 자���습니다. �� 위대�� 작��� 생 �� �감�지만�� �� 뒤�� 남� 작품�� 오늘날��도 널리 ��되고 있습니다. W: Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous American writers from the early to mid twentieth century. Born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1898, he later bypassed college to become a reporter. In World War I, as an eighteen-year-old volunteer ambulance driver in Italy, he was wounded in action. In 1922, he settled in Paris. Hemingway became a celebrity. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. Unfortunately, his personal life was tumultuous. He slowly lost his eyesight. Also, he had a series of car accidents which left his health in terrible condition. And he had many failed marriages, too. However, Hemingway wrote his best novels during his times of crisis. On July 2, 1961, mentally distressed and physically ailing, he shot himself. The great writer ended his own life. However, the works he left behind are cherished widely today. W: Excuse me, do you happen to know where the nearest shoe repair shop is? M: Well, I don’t think we have a shoe repair shop in this building. Oh, you must be a regular customer of ours, Mrs. White. Are those our shoes you are wearing now? ago. I am on my way to a ver y important meeting now, but one of the heels suddenly broke. M: Oh, it is not looking good, but it seems like I can do something about it. If you give me 5 minutes, I think I can make it wearable again. W: 실례�니다만 ��� �까운 신발 수리점�� 어딘지 �시�요? M: �� �� 안���� 신발 수리점�� 없�� �� ��요. 오�� �리 �골 고객��신 �hi�� 씨 ��시�요. 지금 신고 있�� � �리 신발인�요? 길인��� 갑자� 힐 ��� 부러졌어요. M: �� 보��지�� 않�요. �지만 제� 무언�를 할 수 있�� �� ��요. �분만 주시면 다시 신�� 수 있� 만들어 드��요. W: Yes, I bought them here a month W: ��� 여��� �� 달 ���� 샀어요. 중요�� �의�� ��� W: Wow. You sure you can do that? Was your previous job a shoe repair man W: ��. �말�� ��� �실 수 있�세요? ���� �업�� 신발 수리공��� �런 거 였�요? 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 두 화자는 어떤 관계인가? 04 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 82 12/1/09 2:17:32 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation or something? M: No. It’s just that we have instant glue for an occasion like this. But you have to go fix it again as the adhesive strength will not last long. W: Thank you very much for your kind offer. I’ll look around until you get it done. M: �니요. �지 �리�� ��런 �황�� 위�� 순� 접착제 � 있어요. �지만 ��� 다시 고치��� 할 거예요. 접착력�� �� 오��지 않�� 거��요. W: 친���� 제의�� ��무 감사 드립니다. 다 고쳐질 ��까 지 둘러보고 있���요. M: All right. You can have a look around M: ��요. 어제 들어온 다양�� 신�품�� 보고 �시면 at our wide range of new stock which came in yesterday. 되��요. W: Right. You do have many beautiful W: �. 여� �말 예쁜 신발들�� 많�요. 오늘 여��� new shoes. Maybe I can get a new pair of shoes here today. �� ��지도 모��어요. M: If you need any help, you can call me anytime. I’ll be working on the shoe here. W: Sure. Thank you again for your kind offer. Your service is more than impressive. M: 도��� 필요�면 언제든지 부�세요. 신발 고치고 있���요. W: �론��죠. 친���� 제안 감사�니다. ��비스� �말 ��무 감동적����요. 04 What best expresses the woman’s attitude toward the man? What best expresses the woman’s attitude toward the man? 남자에 대한 여자의 심정을 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? ① The woman is happy that the man bought a car. ② The woman is envious of the man’s car. ③ The woman regrets what she told the man. man. ④ The woman is sarcastic toward the vehicle 차량 joke around 농담�고 다니다 lawnmower 잔디 깎�� �� no matter 비록 ~라 해도 reclaimed oil �생 �� honk 경적�� 울리다 sarcastic 냉소적인 W: This is the slowest vehicle I’ve ever been in! I could run faster than this! W: 내� 타 본 차 중���� 제일 ��린 자동차���� 내� �� 차보다�� 빨리 달리�다�� M: Don’t joke around. This is my first car. Even though this car is old and slow, I am so happy to drive it. I really like something ver y unique and unusual... you know like something that no one else has, so I will keep it as long as I can. M: 농담�지 �. ��� 내 첫 ��째 차��. 비록 낡고 �� 리지만 �� 차를 운��할 수 있어�� ��� �말 �뻐. ��� 뭔� 독특�고 특���� ���� ��해. �무도 안 �지고 있�� �� ��� �� 말����. ���� 최대�� 오 � 갖고 있�� 거��. W: Wow! You must like it a lot! Where did W: ���� �� �� 차 많�� ����� ���� �런� ��걸 어 you get this car? 디�� 샀니? M: It was given to me by a friend of my M: 할��지 친�분�� 주�어. grandfather’s. W: No wonder! It’s also the nosiest car I’ve ever ridden in! My old lawnmower is much quieter! What model is it? I have never seen this model before. M: Well, it has been assembled from a variety of makes and models. It’s W: �러면 ��지�� 내� 탄 차 중���� ��� 시끄러운 차���도 해�� 내 낡�� 잔디 깎�� ��� 훨씬 조용 할걸�� 모델�� ���? ��런 모델�� ���� 본 적�� 없어. M: 글쎄�� 조립�� 차��. �주 독특해. �� 어디를 �� �도 ��런 차�� ��� 수� 없�� 거��. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 83 12/1/09 2:17:34 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation quite unique. You won’t find anything like this anywhere in the world. 06 W: I guess that you spend a lot of money on gas to drive this car. �� ��. W: 내 생����� ��런 차를 운���려면 연료� 많�� 들 M: No, I don’t. My car has good fuel efficiency. It also uses reclaimed oil. This car is really unique. M: �니���� ��지 않�. 내 차�� 연료 ���� 높�. �생 ���� 사용해. �� 차�� �말 독특해. W: It is really hard to believe if I listen to W: 엔����� �오�� 소음�� 들�면 �말 �� 힘들다. this noise from the engine. M: Well, as you can see, the body is that of an ‘86 Mercedes Benz from Germany, and the engine is from Toyota, a Japanese company. The tires are from Nor way. M: ���� �� 보�� ������ 몸체�� 독일형 메�세�츠 벤츠�6��고�� 엔��� 일본의 도요타 거��. 타��어�� 노�웨�� 산��고. W: Does it honk in three languages? W: �� �� 차�� 경적�� 3개 국어�� 울리니? 05 What is the suggestion for southbound travelers on the highway? What is the suggestion for southbound travelers on the highway? 다음은 남부 고속도로를 이용하는 여행자들에게 무엇을 조언하고 있나? ① To take another form of transportation ② To take an alternative route ③ To listen to the traffic report ④ To take extra caution for rainy weather southbound 남행의 repair 고치다 car collision 차 충돌 detour �� congest �체되다 fortunately 다행��도 W: 안��세요. 주말 여행자 여러분. 바다�� ��� 남행 의 고�도��의 �통�� ���등�� 고치고 있어�� �� �� ������부터 ��리� ����고 있습니다. �리 고 차량 3대의 충돌 사고� �통체증의 �� 다른 �� 유입니다. 만� 고�도��의 남행��� 갈 예���라 면 지연�� 예�되니 심�� �체지���� ��해�� � 세요. 조심해�� 운��해 �시길 바랍니다. 제�� � 도 표지�� 다른 �통 표지���� 준수 해주세요. �� 일찍 시애틀의 북쪽과 동쪽��� ��동��� 여행객들 �� � 지��의 많�� 비�� 강�� 바람 ��문�� 천천�� ��동�고 있습니다. �� 사�� 안 ��� ���� 특별 �� 운���� 조심해��만 �니다. 고�도��의 북쪽� �� 향��� �통�� 꽃 ��시����� 향��� 많�� 방문 객들�� 의해�� 천천�� ����고 있습니다. ��쪽� �� ��� 고�도���� 무난�� � ��동�고 있습니다. W: Good morning, weekend travelers. Traffic on the southbound highway heading toward the ocean is moving slowly from exit 29 due to streetlight repairs going on. Another reason is that there was a three-car collision, which is also responsible for slowing down traffic. If you’re southbound on the highway, expect delays. You’d better take a detour around the congested area. Please drive very carefully. Early morning travelers north and east of Seattle are waking up to heavy rain and strong winds in that area. You have to drive extra-carefully when the weather conditions are bad. Northbound traffic on the highway is also moving slowly as many visitors are tr ying to get to the flower exhibition. Fortunately, traffic is flowing smoothly on the westbound highway.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 84 12/1/09 2:17:35 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 What day and time will the speakers meet to read the rough drafts? What day and time will the speakers meet to read the rough drafts? 두 화자가 초본을 읽기 위해 만나기로 한 요일과 시간은? ① They will meet on Wednesday at 5:45. ② They will meet on Tuesday at 3:00. ③ They will meet on Wednesday at 5:15. ④ They will meet on Thursday at 4:30. coincidence 일치 awesome 멋� M: Hey! Are you getting ready to go to M: 안��� 지금 음악 �수����� �려고 준비��� 거��? see the music professor? W: No, not at all. Actually, I’ve changed the meeting time with the professor to the day after tomorrow. M: Really? What a coincidence! I’m going to see the professor on the same day. Why did you change the day? I thought you were pretty much free today. W: ���� �니��. 사실 �수��과 �� 시��� 내일 모레 �� 변경�어. M: �말? �연의 일치다�� �도 ��� 날�� ���� 있�� �. � ��시��� 변경�어? 오늘 시��� 많�� �� 알았���. W: Yeah, I’m usually free on Tuesdays, so that’s the reason for the change. 거��. W: ��. �요일�� 시��� 제일 많�. ���� 변경�� M: What do you mean? M: 무�� 말����? W: I’m not quite done with the rough W: 리�� 초본�� �� 안 끝�거든. ���� 오늘 여분 draft for our project yet, so I figure I need to spend an extra day to work on it. 의 시��� �지고 끝내려고. M: Cool! Do you want to work on it M: ���� ��� 할�? ����의 초본�� �어 � �� 수도 together? Maybe we can proofread each other’s rough drafts. 있고. W: I’d love to! When should we meet? W: �� ��� �자�� 언제 만날까? 오늘 만날�? Do you want to meet today? M: That will be kind of tough. How about M: 오늘�� 좀 힘든�. 내일 오후 3시�� 어��? tomorrow at 3 p.m.? W: Tomorrow is good, but I can only W: 내일 ��. �런� 오후 늦� 만��� �� �� ����. meet you late in the afternoon. Any time after 5 p.m. is okay with me. �시 ��후�� 언제든지 ���. M: Well, okay. Then let’s meet at a M: �� ��. �� 6시 ��분 ���� 만�자. quarter to six. W: All right. I’m scheduled to meet the professor at 4:30 p.m., which is right after you. Maybe we can go together to see him as well. W: ��. �수�� 만��� 시�도 4시 3�분��� � �� 시� 바�� 다음����. �수�� 만�러 갈 ��도 ��� �자. M: That’s awesome! Let’s do that. M: ��무 �지�� ��� �자. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 85 12/1/09 2:17:36 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the main topic of the talk? What is the main topic of the talk? 대화의 주제는 무엇인가? 07 W: Cold sores, also called fever blisters, W: �순 헤��스(F�v�� b��is���)라고도 불리�� 입�의 발�(Co��� so��)�� 바��러스�� 의해 생� 작�� � ① The causes and symptoms of cold sores and canker sores ② The treatment of cold sores and canker sores sores ③ The location of cold sores and canker ④ The differences between cold sores and canker sores cold sore 입�의 발� blister �� misconception 오해�� 착��� 틀린 생� initial 초�의�� �음의 occurrence 발생 cheek 볼 canker sore �내염 tongue �� �들의 무리를 말�니다. ��들�� 입술��� 입 �� �� � 주변�� 생�� 주�� 입 위�� 발생�니다. 입 �의 발��� 입 안��도 생�다고 �못 알고 있�� 분 들도 있습니다. �지만 입�의 발��� �음 ���� 생�� 시작��� 초�만 제외�고�� 거의 입 안�� ���� 생�지 않습니다. 입 안의 �� 위� 볼 안쪽�� 생��� 발�(�o��)�� �내염(C�nk�� so��)��라고 �니다. �내염�� 입�의 발�과 헷갈려 ��� ���� 보통 있�� 일입니다. ���� �� 염증들�� 발생��� 위치 말고 다른 점�� 무엇일까요? 위���� 언급�던 ��과 ��� 입�의 발��� 작�� ��들의 무리입니 다. � 반면���� �내염�� 빨� 둘레를 �� 둥� 모습 �� �고 있습니다. � ����� 입�의 발��� 감염 되�� 염증인 반면�� �내염�� 감염되지 않습니다. are groups of tiny blisters caused by a virus. They occur on the lips and around the mouth or nose, but they most often occur on the lips. There is a misconception that cold sores also appear inside of the mouth. However, they do not usually occur inside the mouth except during the initial period of occurrence. The sores that are found inside the mouth, like on the tongue or inside the cheeks, are commonly known as canker sores. It is ver y common for them to be confused with cold cores. Then, what are some other differences between these two types of sores besides the location on the body that they occur? As mentioned earlier, cold sores are groups of tiny blisters. On the other hand, canker sores appear as round areas with red borders. Furthermore, cold sores are infectious whereas canker sores are not. 08 Why does the woman like to read magazines the most? Why does the woman like to read magazines the most? 여자가 잡지책을 가장 좋아하는 이유는? ① She hates reading books because they are boring. information. ② Magazines contain variety topics and ③ Magazines have the latest issues and the most up-to-date information. ④ The pictures in magazines help her to understand the topic better. encyclopedia 백과사�� stuff? M: You look so into whatever you’re reading. What is it? Anything interesting? M: ���� 굉���� �중�고 있��. 무엇�� �고 있니? 흥미��운 � 있어? W: I’m reading a science magazine W: 과학 �지��� 있�� 블랙홀�� 관해 �고 있어요. �� about black holes. It’s so interesting. 무 흥미��워요. M: Sweetie, if you like to read about M: ����� �런 토픽�� 관�� 내용�� �고 싶�면 �런 topics like that, why don’t you read a book about them? ���� 관�� �들�� �지 �러니? W: Do you mean like encyclopedias and W: 백과사�� ��� 거요? M: Yes. It seems like you always read magazines and don’t usually read books other than your textbooks. W: Well, I am not sure if you would agree with me, Dad, but I think magazines are more interesting. M: ��. �� 항� �지��� ��면�� �과�� 말고 다른 �들�� 안 ��� �� ����. W: 음�� ��� ��� 동의�실지�� 모��지만 �� �지 ��� � 흥미��운 �� ��요. M: I agree with you in a way since they M: 사�들�� 많��� 흥미��울 수 있다�� 점�� 대해�� have a lot of pictures. But don’t you  Hot Listening ❹ 09 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 86 12/1/09 2:17:38 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 09 What will the woman probably do next? ① She will make a list of things she likes. What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은? ② She will order lunch to her office. ③ She will go out and have lunch. ④ She will go out and buy lunch. W: I’ve been down in the dumps for the past few days and have just been sighing. It seems like nothing can cheer me up. W: 요새 �분�� ��무 �울�고 �� ��숨만 ���. �무 ��도 내 �분�� ��지� 할 수� 없�� �� ��. be down in the dumps �울�다 sigh ��숨 쉬다 routine 틀�� 박힌 일 repetitive 반복적인 monotonous 지���� absolutely ��대적��� utilize ��용�다 think books have more valuable information? �� 동의��다. �지만 ��� � 중요�� 지식�� 있다고 생��지 않니? W: Not exactly. I think magazines are better than books because they contain current issues and the most up-to-date information. W: �니요. 제 생����� �보다�� �지��� � ��� �� ��요. �냐�면 �지����� 최신 ��슈�� �보들 �� 있거든요. M: I guess I can’t argue with that. M: � 점������ �라 할 말�� 없��. W: And as far as the pictures in the W: �리고 �지��� 있�� 사�들 말인�요�� � 사�들 magazines go, they really help me to understand the topics much better. Actually, this is the main reason why I read magazines. �� 제� 토픽�� ��해���� 많�� 도��� �요. 사실�� ��� 제� �지��� ��� ��� 큰 ��유예요. M: Good points. I’m ver y proud of you for your answer. I thought you just didn’t like reading books. M: ��� 지적����. �� ���� 대답�다니 �말 � 특�다. 난 �� �냥 � ��� ���� �어��� �� 알 았지. W: Thanks, Dad. W: 고�워요�� ��. M: Why have you been feeling this way? Did something happen to you that you’re not telling me about? M: � �러�� ��? ���테 말 안 �� 무�� 일�� 있었어? W: Not really. It’s been the same routine of work... and... you know how repetitive my life is. There is nothing interesting about my life. W: �니. �� 반복되�� 일����리고��� 알듯�� 반복되�� 내 생활. 내 인생���� �미라고�� 없어. M: Maybe that’s your problem. Your life and work routine are monotonous. 되�� 일. M: �� �� 문제 �� ��. ��의 지���� 생활과 반복 W: Hmm... It’s very true that I do the exact same thing over and over again every day. I arise at the same hour ever y morning and have the same food for breakfast. M: And you rotate through the same clothes during the week, drive the same route to work, and eat the same lunch during your break. It’s nothing but the same every day. W: Oh my god! You’re absolutely right about that. What should I do? W: 음���� 일�� �� 매일 �� �고 �� ��� ���� 사 실����. 매일 �� ��� 시��� 일어�고 ��� �� �� �어. M: �리고 ��� 옷들�� 일주일 동안 돌��면�� 입고�� 똑��� 길�� 운��해�� 일�� 오고�� ��� 점심 시��� ��� �류의 음식�� �지. 매일 매일�� 똑��. W: 오�� �말������ � 말�� �말 �다. 어떻� �지? M: You should ask yourself that question. You should make a list of the things M: �� � 자신��� �어���지. 오늘 밤�� ��� ��� �� ����� ��들�고 �금해 ��� ���� 적어�� HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 87 12/1/09 2:17:40 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation that you’re interested in or curious about when you go home tonight. 리스�를 만들어�. 11 W: I don’t think I want to wait that long. We’re going to have our lunch break in 20 minutes, and I can definitely utilize that time. W: � ��� 오� �다리� �어. ��분 후면 점심시 ���니까 점심시��� ��용해���어. M: I guess you can, but aren’t you going M: ��도 되�지. �� 점심�� 안 �어? to eat lunch? W: Of course I am. I am going to order my favorite lunch now and have it delivered. W: 당연�� �어��지. 내� ����� 점심 세�를 지금 ���해�� 배달해 달라고 할 거��. M: You’re ver y excited right now and M: 지금 � 모습 �말 적극적��고 다시 웃고 있어. �� smiling again. I’ve never seen you act like this before. 런 모습 �음 보�� �� ��. What is the man mainly talking about? What is the man mainly talking about? 남자가 무엇에 대해 이야기 하고 있는가? 10 ① He is saying that information from the Internet is very reliable. ② He is noting that the Internet is a great tool for finding information. ③ He is asserting that information on the Internet could be wrong. ④ He is talking about how convenient it is to use the Internet. accurate �확�� reliable ��� 수 있�� M: 거의 모든 사람들�� 인터넷�� ��세��� 발�된 � �� 중요�� �술 중의 ��라고 ��� � 동의할 ��입 니다. 사실 인터넷�� 세�를 ���� 만들었습니다. �지만�� ��� 중요�� 점�� 인터넷�� 연결만 되어있 다면 언제든지 어떤 언어��든 끝없�� 수많�� 자료 들�� ��� 수 있다�� 편리�일 ��입니다. �러� �� �보들�� 얼�� �확할까요? ��� 수 있�� �보 ��부터 제공된 ��일까요? 음�� 사실� 인터넷�� 있 �� �보들�� ��문�들�� 제공�� ��도 있지만 비�� 문�들�� 제공�� �보들도 있습니다. ��들�� 취미 �� 본인들�� �지고 있�� 지식�� 인터넷�� 띄웁니 다. �론 ��들�� ��문�� �니라고 해�� �들의 � 보� �확�지 않다�� ���� �론 �닙니다. �지만 �리� 배�고 사용�고자 ��� �보들�� �확�� ��� �보인지를 확실�� 해�� �니다. �리� �획 �� ��보다도 시��� � 오� 걸려도 �보를 �확인 ��다면 후�� 문제� �� 수 있�� 부분들�� 예방할 수 있습니다. M: Most people would agree that the Internet is one of the most important technologies we have in the 21st century. It actually is the one thing that has brought the world together. But mostly, people believe the Internet is so important because a person can get an enormous amount of information on any subject in any language at any time once he or she is connected to it. But how accurate is the information? Is it from a reliable source? Well, actually, information on the Internet is provided by experts as well as by non-experts. Non-experts just post information on the Internet as their hobby. Of course, this doesn’t mean that their information is inaccurate just because they are not experts in the field that they have written about. But we need to be sure that the information we want to learn about and use is accurate. It might take a longer time than we had planned, but double-checking the information can save us from potential problems.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 88 12/1/09 2:17:42 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 11 Which movie are the two speakers going to watch? Which movie are the two speakers going to watch? 두 화자가 보려고 하는 영화는? Title Genre Duration M: Hey, Jessie. I’m here. M: J�ssi�. � 여� 있어. ① Dream Wars Sci-fi ② Jack and Jill Comedy 2:40 2:00 ③ Walking in the Clouds Romance 2:40 ④ Dream Maker Comedy 2:00 W: Oh, David. I’m sorry that I made you wait so long. I didn’t want to be late this time, but it was my mom. My mom wouldn’t let me go out unless I helped her wash the dishes. W: D�vi��� 오� �다리� 해�� 미안해. �������� 늦고 싶지 않았��� �� ��문����. 설거지를 돕지 않� 면 날 못 ��� ��어. M: It’s all right. I was just tr ying to decide M: ���. 오늘 볼 영�를 고�고 있었어. which movie to watch tonight. preview 예고편 either 둘 중 �� W: What do you want to watch? Have W: 오늘 � 보고 싶어? 결��어? you decided yet? M: Not yet. Do you want to have a look M: ��. 리스� 보고 싶어? 여� 있어. at the list? Here it is. W: What about Walking in the Clouds? I saw a preview of the movie and thought it looked interesting. W: <����king in �h� C��ou�s> 어��? 예고편 ���� � 미 있��라. M: I am sorry, but I am not that M: ��맨스 영��� 별�� 안 ��해��. �리고 오늘�� 뭔 interested in a romance. Plus, I want to watch something interesting today. � �미있�� ���� 보고 싶어. W: Okay. Do you want to see a comedy or sci-fi movie? Both Jack and Jill and Dream Wars look ver y interesting to me. W: 알았어. �미디� 공�과학�� 어��? <J�ck �n� Ji����>과 <D���m ���s>� �주 �미있� 보여. M: Oh, didn’t I tell you that I have already seen Dream Wars? M: <D���m ���s> 내� ��미 �다�� �� 안 ��? W: No, you didn’t. It was Dream Maker that you watched with your sister. ��. W: �니��. �� 여동생���� 본 ���� <D���m M�k��> M: Ha ha. Those names confused me. Well, I am fine with either of those films. W: Okay. Wait a minute. The last bus is at 11:30. Since it is 9 o’clock now, we only have one choice unless we want to miss our bus. M: ��. � ���들�� 날 헷갈리� �어. �� 어�� 거 � �관없�� �� ��. W: 알았어. 잠깐만. �차� ��시 3�분����. 지금�� � 시니까 �스를 �치고 싶지 않�면 �� �지 선택 밖 �� 없�. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 89 12/1/09 2:17:44 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① Zoos in the past were desolate. ② Current zoos have cages that look natural. ③ Zoos today allow visitors to learn more about wildlife. ④ Visitors to zoos have welcomed the new changes. cage �리 wildlife ��생 desolate 황량�� W: �지���� 동�원�� �본 적�� 언제인�요? 동� 원�� 현� 변�고 있습니다. 과거 동�원���� �다 란 �리 ��� 동�들만 있었습니다. 동�들�� 슬퍼 보���� 듯�� 표�들�� 짓고 있었고요. 많�� 사람들 �� 동�들�� 보러 �음��도 불��고�� �들�� 실제 ��생����의 생활�� 경험��� �� ��� ��낌�� 없었 습니다. �지만 최� 동�원의 모습�� 매� 다릅니 다. �리들�� 비어 있지 않고 돌�� 풀�� �리고 폭� �� ��� ��들�� 채워져 있습니다. 현� � 동�들의 �리�� 비어 있�� �리 �� 보다�� ��생의 �� 부분 �습니다. � 동�들의 �리�� 실제�� 동�들�� 사 �� 환경�� 보입니다. �족 생활�� 보여주고 어미 동�들�� 어떻� 자식들�� ����지도 보여줍니다. 요즈음�� 동�원 방문객들�� 실제 ��생 생활�� 경험 �고 동�들�� 관�여 배울 수 있습니다. W: When was the last time you went to a zoo? Zoos are changing. In the past, zoos had many big cages with nothing but animals in them. The animals there usually had very sad-looking faces. Even though lots of people came to visit the zoos, they didn’t feel like they were experiencing real wildlife. However, zoos look ver y different these days. The animals’ cages are not empty. Instead, they are filled with lots of things, such as rocks, grass, and waterfalls. They are like pieces of real wildlife and do not resemble cages at all. They look like the environment in which the animals actually live. Zoos even show how the animals have families and how mother animals take care of their babies, too. Nowadays, zoo visitors can experience real wildlife and learn more about the animals. 14 13 Which best describes the woman’s situation? Which best describes the woman’s situation? 여자의 상황을 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? ① The woman wants to quit her job. ② The woman wants the man not to make a promise he can’t keep. ③ The woman wants the man to be considerate and to help her. ④ The woman wants the man to come home early. responsibility �무 chores �안일 considerate 사려깊�� W: Do you have some time to talk about W: 중요�� 일�� 관�여 �����할 시� 있어? something important? M: Actually, I was going to take a nap. But if it only takes a few minutes, how can I say no? W: Do you remember the promise you made before we got married? M: You are starting to sound ver y serious. Did I do something wrong? W: Well, I want to talk about your responsibilities concerning the chores. I still remember what you said about them. You said you would help me out with them as much as you can. M: 사실�� 낮잠�� 좀 자려고 ����. �� 분 �도라면 어 떻� 내� 안 �라고 할 수 있어? W: 결혼�� ���� �던 �� �억해? M: �말 심��� 들리���? 내� � �못�어? W: 글쎄. 당신의 �안일�� 대�� �임�� 대해�� ����� �고 싶어. 난 ��도 당신�� �라고 ���지 �억해. �능�� 도���� 수 있�� 대�� 도��준다고 �잖�. M: I know. I remember I said that. But M: 알�. �도 � 말�� 거 �억�. �지만 알잖��� 일 you know that I’m so tired when I get �고 ��� 오면 항� 피��� 걸. 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 90 12/1/09 2:17:46 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation home from work every night. W: What about me then? Have you forgotten that I have a job, too? ��? W: �러면 ���? �도 �업�� 있다�� 걸 잊어 �린 거 M: But at least you don’t have to leave the house ever y day. That means you should be less tired than me since you work from home. W: What kind of nonsense is that? You know that doesn’t make any sense. All I am asking is that we share the chores so that I won’t feel that I’m the only one who takes care of ever ything. I didn’t know you were this careless and inconsiderate. M: ��도 최소�� 당신�� 매일 ��� ���� ��� � � 니잖�. 자��� �택�무 �니까 �보다 덜 피�할 거라 �� 말����. W: �� 무�� 억지��? ���� 설득력�� 없다�� 거 당신 도 알잖�. 내� �냥 부탁��� ���� � 혼자 모든 ���� �고 있다고 ��끼지 않� �안일�� 좀 �눠�� �자 ��거��. ��� 당신�� ���� 무관심�고 헤� 림�� 없�� �� 몰랐어. M: I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn’t mean to. I promise I’ll help you more. M: 만� 당신의 �분�� �쁘� �다면 �말 미안해. � 럴 뜻�� �니었어. 도��준다고 ��할�. M: 어떻� �면 �리�� �욱� �강해 질 수 있��까요? �� 질문���� 많�� 해답�� 있습니다. �지만 �강해 지� 위해�� � �고 꾸준�� 운동�� 해�� 된다�� 사 실�� 의문�� 제�할 사람�� 없습니다. ������ ��부 �� �닙니다. 최��� 많�� 의사들�� 잠�� �리의 � 강�� 바꿀 수 있다고 말�고 있습니다. 몸�� 문제 없�� 제대�� �능�� 위해���� 잠�� � 자�� �니다. 잠�� 충분�� 자지 못할 경� 심��병��� �울증과 ��� 심��� 질병�� ��를 수 있습니다. 잠�� 불충분 �면 ����보다 � 심�해�니다. ��� 두드러지�� �� 중 ���� �리의 면�� 체�� 점점 � �해�다 �� ��입니다. ������ �리의 몸�� 어떤 특� 질병�� �욱� �해�다�� ���� 뜻�니다. M: How do we get healthier? There are many answers to this question. However, nobody doubts that we must eat well and exercise consistently in order to get healthy. But doing these things is not enough. Many doctors today say that sleep can affect our health as well. If we want our bodies to work properly and not have many problems, we must sleep well. Not getting enough sleep may cause us to come down with serious illnesses such as both depression and heart disease. The effects of getting insufficient sleep can be worse than those though. The most obvious negative effect is that not getting enough sleep makes our bodies’ immune systems become weaker and weaker. This means that our bodies will be likely to become more vulnerable to certain types of diseases. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 가장 적절한 제목은? 14 ① What are some ways to become healthy? exercise? ② What are the reasons why we have to ③ How do people become less healthy when they don’t get enough sleep? ④ What do many doctors ask us to do to get healthier? immune system 면�� 체� depression �울증 insufficient 불충분�� consistently 꾸준�� Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 91 12/1/09 2:17:48 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 Which value does the woman place the most importance on? Which value does the woman place the most importance on? 여자가 가장 중요하게 생각하는 이상형의 조건은? ① Intelligence ② Honesty ③ Appearance ④ A warm heart a sense of humor 유� 감� ideal type ���형 appearance 외모 M: Yuri, you said you don’t have a M: 유리��. �� �� 남자친� 없다고 ��지? �지? boyfriend, right? ask? W: No, I don’t have one. Why do you W: 응. 없어. � �어보�� 거��? M: I think it would be nice if we could M: 내 생�엔 ���� ���를 소개시켜주면 ��� �� � set each other up with someone. �. W: Wow. That sounds really great. Do W: ��. ��� ���디어��. ���테 소개시켜 �� 만�� � you know anyone good to introduce me to? �� 사람 알�? M: Well, I have some nice friends from high school. But I want to ask what your ideal type is. W: Okay. I like someone with a sense of humor. I want my boyfriend to make me happy anytime, especially when I am stressed out from work. M: 글쎄. 고등학� �� 친�들 �� � ���� 애들 있���. �� 난 ��의 ���형�� �어보고 싶어. W: ��. ��� 유� 감��� 있�� 사람�� ��. ��� 내 남자친�� �를 언제� �쁘� 만들어 ��면 해. �사일 ��문�� 스�레스 받았�� �� ��욱. M: I understand. Most women like humorous men. Anything else? M: 알았어. 대부분의 여자�� 유�감��� 있�� 남자들 �� ���지. 다른 ����? W: Well, if he is nice looking, that W: 음. �생겼�면 � �다고 ��지만 �� ��� 중 would be better. But that’s not real important. 요�지 않�. M: ���� 말해. 외모� 별�� 안 중요�다고 생�해? M: Tell me honestly. Do you think appearance is not important? W: The more handsome, the better. But I prefer someone with a warm heart to someone with good looks. What about you? M: Me? Well, I like a woman who is ver y M: �? 난 똑똑�고 지적인 여자� ��. intelligent. W: �생�면 � �지. �지만 ��� 따뜻�� �음씨를 � � 사람�� �생� 사람보다 � ��. ��? 17 16 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① I envy you for having a wonderful friend like him. ② I think it’s nice of you to make a sacrifice like that. ③ Both of you should have a talk about this matter. ④ Don’t you think it’s a waste of your time hanging out with your friend? that? W: Hi, James. How’s it going? I see you have been studying ver y hard till late at night. W: 안��� J�m�s. � 지냈어? 밤 늦�까지 열심�� 공 부��� �� ��라. M: No, not really. What makes you say M: �니�� 별��. � ��� 생� ����? W: I have seen the light on in your dorm room almost every night. That’s why I assume that you’ve studied hard for the upcoming exam. W: 거의 매일 밤�다 � ��사 방 불�� 꺼지지 않았� ��문��지. ���� 다�오�� 시험�� 위해 열심�� 공 부��다고 생��지.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 92 12/1/09 2:17:50 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation dorm ��사(= �o�mi�o��) hang out 밖���� 시��� 보내다 M: Your dorm room is right across from mine. Haven’t you noticed the noise coming from my room then? M: �� ��사 방�� 내 방 ���편��지. 내 방���� ��� 소리�� 신경 안 쓰여? W: Well, as you know, it’s not that close to my dorm. But why do you ask? �? W: 글쎄. �런 �도�� �까운 거리�� �니잖�. �� M: You know my roommate Jordan, right? He is hanging out with his friend in our room almost every night. He is making too much noise, too. W: Is that why I see the light on in your room almost every night? I guess that must bother you a lot then. M: 내 룸메��� Jo���n 알지? �리 방���� 자� 친� 들�고 ��� 매일 밤�� 새면�� ��. W: �� 매일 밤�다 불�� 켜져 있�� ��유니? �청 신 경 쓰����. M: Pretty much. I am not sure how M: 좀 많��. 얼�� � 참�� 수 있��지 모��어. much longer I can take it. W: That doesn’t sound good. I know W: 별�� 안 �� 보여. ���� 비슷�� 문제�� 힘들었던 exactly how you feel as I used to suffer form a ver y similar problem once before. Have you talked about this with your roommate? M: No. He is such a good friend except for this. I don’t want to hurt his feelings. I don’t know what to do. 적�� 있어�� �� �확�� 어떻� ��끼��지 알�어. 룸메����� �����해 �어? M: �니. 내 룸메����� ����만 빼면 다 ��. ��� � � 주고 싶지 않�. 어떻� 해�� 할지 모��어. W: Both of you should have a talk about W: ��� 둘 다 �� 문제�� 대해�� ��를 좀 해��할 거 this matter. ��. 17 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? W: Jane is a stranger in a foreign W: J�n��� 외국�� �음 �다. �녀�� �� 지���� 관광 ① Pardon me, but do you have change for a dollar? downtown? ② Excuse me, but which way is ③ Excuse me, but I'd like to change buses. ④ I beg your pardon, but where can I take the bus? sightseeing 관광 decide to ~ ���� 결��다 desired 바라�� destination 목적지 bus fare �스 요금 country. She wants to do some sightseeing in a certain area. She looks at her guidebook and finds an interesting place. She decides to ask some people in the hotel for some information. They suggest that the best way for her to get to her desired destination is by taking the number 394 bus. So she just goes to the bus stop and decides to take the bus. She pulls out her purse to get some coins to pay the bus fare. But she sees that she only has bills. So she approaches a person at the bus stop and asks for some change. What would she probably say to the person? �고 싶다. �녀�� 도시 관광 안내��를 보고 흥미�� 운 ��소를 �았다. �녀�� 호텔���� 일��� ���� 사 람��� �어 보��� �다. 사람들�� �녀� �고 싶 어��� 목적지�� 도착��� ��� ��� 방법�� �스 3�4���� 타�� 거라고 제안�다. ���� �녀�� � 스 �류���� ��� �스를 타��� 결���다. �녀�� �스 요금�� 내려고 동�� �� 개를 갖� 위해 지갑�� 끄�어 낸다. �러� �녀�� �지 지폐들만 있�� 걸 알� 되었다. ���� �녀�� �스 �류���� 있�� �� 사람��� 다�� 동���� 바꿔 달라고 요청��다. � 녀�� � 사람��� �라고 말�� 할까? HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 93 12/1/09 2:17:52 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Who is the man’s father in the photo? Who is the man’s father in the photo? 사진 속에서 남자의 아버지는 누구인가? Answer key & Script 08 01 ① ③ ② ④ be supposed to ~���� 되어 있다 W: What are you looking at? Are you looking at your family photos? W: � 보고 있어? �족 사� 보고 있�� 거��? M: Yes, I am trying to select some M: 응. 다음 주�� 있�� 발표 ��문�� 사��� �� �� 고� photos for next week’s presentation. 고 있어. W: Oh, my god! I totally forgot about that. We are supposed to make a presentation using one of our parents’ photographs. W: ��. 완���� 까�고 있었�. 부모�� 사��� ��용해 �� 발표를 �� � 있지. M: Exactly! That’s why I am scanning M: ���� ���� 적당�� 사��� ��려고 �족 앨범�� through my family album to find the right pictures. 훑어 보고 있�� 중����. W: Is your dad in this photo you are W: 지금 보고 있�� 사��� ��� ��지 ��? looking at? M: Yes. Can you guess which one is my dad in the picture? You know how he looks now. M: ��. ��지 알� �춰 볼 수 있�어? 지금 어떻� 생겼��지 알잖�. W: That sounds like fun. Let me make a guess. Is he the one wearing glasses? 람��니? W: �미있��. 알� �춰 볼�. 안경 쓰고 있�� � 사 M: He wears them now, but he didn’t M: 지금�� 쓰고 �시지만 젊���� ���� 안 쓰고 ��어. 어두운 색 ����� 입고 ��. when he was young. He’s wearing a dark suit. W: Is he the one holding a book in his hand? He looked a lot like you. W: ��� 손�� 들고 있�� 사람��니? �말 닮았� ����. M: No, no. That’s my uncle. I often hear M: �니��. � 분�� 삼촌����. � 삼촌�고 닮았다�� that I take after him a lot. 소리 자주 들어. W: Then is he the one sitting on the chair? Someone seems to be chatting with a woman. W: �러면 의자�� ���신 분��니? 어떤 여자�� ���� ��고 있�� 사람. M: The woman is my mom and my dad was sitting on the left side of her. �지�. M: � 여자분�� ��고�� � ������ �� �신 분�� � 02 When will Jackson and Sons hire some new workers? When will Jackson and Sons hire some new workers? Jackson and Sons는 언제 새 직원들을 고용할 계획인가? M: Hi, Mary. I didn’t expect to see you M: 안��� M���. ��를 여��� 볼지 몰랐�. 어떻� 지내? here. How are you? work here. W: I’m fine, Vince. I didn’t know that you W: � 지내�� Vinc�. �� 여��� 일���지 몰랐어. M: It’s just temporary. I have to support M: 당분�만����. �규��� 얻� ��까지 경제적인 자 ① In September ② In May ③ In August ④ In June  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 94 12/1/09 2:17:54 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation assistant 조수 responsibility �임 permanently 영��� construction �설 myself financially until I get a full time job. 립�� 필요해�� 말����. W: Oh, are you in search for a W: 요���� 평생 ��� ��� 거��? 어떤 �류의 일�� 원 permanent job these days? What kind of job are you looking for? ����? M: I think it is very nice to get a job related to my major, accounting, but it would still be okay to work in the different field. I want a job where I will have more responsibility concerning money. W: How about applying for an internship position? Since you don’t have any work experience, you will have the better chance to be hired than for a normal position. M: 내 ��공인 ��학과 관�된 �업�� �지면 ��� �� ���� �지만 다른 분������ 일�� �도 ���� �� ��. 돈�� 고려해�� 좀� �무� 있�� 곳���� 일� 고 싶어. W: 인턴쉽�� 지원해보면 어��? 경력�� 없�니까�� 일반 일자리보다 고용�� � �능성�� � 높�� 거��. M: I’ve thought of that, too. Do you know any good place for that? M: �도 ����� 대해 생�해 �어. 인터쉽�� 위�� 어떤 ��� 일자리라도 알고 있니? W: I heard that my father’s company will need some people to work during the summer. Some of them might be able to keep their jobs permanently. W: �리 �� �사���� 여� 동안 일할 사람들�� 필요 �다고 들었어. �들 중 �� ��� ��해�� 일할 수 도 있어. M: What kind of company does he work M: 어떤 �사���� 일�시니? for? W: He’s the personnel manager at W: ���� J�ckson �n� �ons의 인사 부����시고�� � Jackson and Sons. It’s a construction company. 곳�� �설 �사��. M: That sounds interesting. Do you know M: 흥미롭� 들린다. �들�� 어떤 �류의 일�� ���지 what kinds of jobs they have? �니? W: Well, I don’t know for sure. But he said they will need about twenty- five new people. They plan to hire them in June. They’ll work until the end of August or the beginning of September. M: I’d better apply for it. If I get a job there, I’ll have to tell my supervisor that I am going to work until the end of May. W: I’ll tell my father that you’re interested in working for his company. Then you can call him and make an appointment to go talk with him about it. I’ll tell him tomorrow. W: 글쎄�� 확실�� 알지�� 못�지만�� ��� �러시��� ��� �도의 사람�� 필요�대. 6월쯤 고용��다고 �어. �월말��� �월초까지 일해�� ��대. M: 거��� 지원해����다. 거��� 고용되면 �월말�� 주임��테 �만둔다고 ����� 해���다. W: �� �사���� 일��� ���� 관심 있다고 ����� 말해���. �리고 ��� �� ����테 ���해�� � 일�� 대해 �����할 수 있도록 ���� ��. ���� 테�� 내일 말할�. M: Good. M: ��. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 95 12/1/09 2:17:56 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 화자들은 어떤 관계인가? 04 ① A university student – A university advisor ② A realtor – A customer ③ A janitor – An usher ④ A bank teller – A customer deposit 보증금 move out ��사 �다 refrigerator 냉��고 realtor 부동산 중개인 usher 문지� W: Excuse me, but I have come to look at the apartment you advertised in the paper. 어요. W: 실례�니다�� 신문�� 광고�신 ���를 보려고 � M: Fine. Do you smoke or drink? M: ��요. 담배를 피�거� 술�� �시�요? W: No. Why? W: �니요�� �요? M: We don’t allow that in our M: ��������� 허용되지 않거든요. 일�� �고 �신 apartments. Do you have a job? �요? W: I have a part-time job, but I’m a W: ��바���를 �지만�� 학생����요. 부모������ � student. My parents are going to pay the rent. 세를 내주실 거예요. M: Okay. Let’s go take a look. We actually have two apartments available: 102 and 213. They’re both two-bedroom apartments. M: ��요. 보러 �시죠. 사실 ���호�� ��3호 두 ��� 있어요. 둘 다 방�� 두 개인 �����요. W: Oh, I didn’t notice that in the ad. I’m W: 오�� 광고���� ��� 있지 않았어요. ��� 혼자 �� 거 going to be living alone, so that’s too big. 라�� ��무 큰�요. M: We have a one-bedroom that will be empty in a couple of weeks. That’s apartment 201. M: 방 ��짜리인 ���호도 �주 후�� 빌 거예요. W: Can I see it now? W: 지금 볼 수 있��까요? M: I think it’s possible to see it now. Miss M: ���� 거 ��요. �mi�h 씨� 외� 중��거든요. W: How much does the apartment rent W: �세� 얼�인�요? Smith is out. for? M: $545 a month. And there’s a one- month deposit. Of course, you will get that back if the apartment is in good condition when you move out. M: �� 달�� �4�달러��요. �� 달 보증금�� 내�� �고요. �론 ��사 �갈 �� ��� ��� ��면 돌려 받�� 거예요. W: That’s a little more than I was planning on paying. I was thinking of $120 or $125 a month. W: 제� �획�고 있던 �� 보다�� 꽤 많�� 비싸�요. ��� �� 달�� ���달러� ���달러 �도 생��고 있었거든요. M: But I am pretty sure that you will like it once you get to see it. Here we are. Come on in. The phone, stove, and refrigerator go with the apartment. You have to pay the bills though. W: Wow. It’s such a nice place. I really like it. I think I’ll take it. It’s a little bit expensive, but it’s ver y close to the university. M: �지만 ���� 보면 ��할 거라고 확신해요. 자�� 들 어오세요. ����� 스토브�� 냉��고� ����� 설치 되어 있어요. �론 공공요금�� 내�� 해요. W: �말 맘�� 들어요. �� 할�요. 조금 비싸지만�� 학 � ����도 매� 편��요. 05  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 96 12/1/09 2:17:58 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How has the man’s attitude toward the guided tour changed? How has the man’s attitude toward the guided tour changed? 가이드가 있는 여행에 대해 남자의 태도가 어떻게 바뀌었는가? ① Positive → Disappointed ② Unfavorable → Satisfied ③ Favorable → Critical ④ Thrilled → Grateful expert ��문� brighten up ~�� 밝� �다�� 즐겁� �다 monotonous �조��운 M: ��� 혼자 ���� �룹��� 여러 �라를 방문해 �습 니다. ��러�� �라들�� 여행�� 경험들�� 바탕����� ��� ���드 여행�� 갖고 있�� 많�� �점 ��문�� 되 도록 피해�� ��다고 결심�었습니다. ���드 투어 의 팬�� �����도 불��고�� �������� 친� ��문�� ���드 투어를 해�� �습니다. �음���� 항� �를 만족시키지 않�� �획�� 토대�� 여행��� ���� � 었습니다. �지만 여행 말미���� ��문��� 여행� �� ���� �다�� 결론�� 내렸습니다. �리의 ���드 Jim�� 길고 �조��운 �스 여행�� �의 유�감�� �� ��� 빛�� 해주었습니다. �욱�� �의 설� 덕 분�� 제� 방문��� ��소�� 대�� � 많�� �보�� 지 식�� 갖� 되었습니다. �러�� 모든 �보들 ��문���� ��소들�� 대�� �억�� � 오� 갈 ��입니다. M: I have visited many countries in the world alone or in a group. Based on the experiences of traveling these countries, I’ve concluded that I have to avoid guided tours as much as possible, as I suffered from their many disadvantages. Even though I’m not a fan of guided tours, this time, when I went to Europe, I went on a package tour because of my friend. At first, I really hated that I had to travel with the plans which made me feel dissatisfied. However, by the end of the tour, I realized that sometimes it’s nice to travel with an expert. Our guide, Jim, always managed to brighten up the long, monotonous bus rides with his sense of humor. Furthermore, I could get more information and knowledge about the place I visited from his great explanation. With all that information, the memory of the places I visited will last longer. 05 What was the problem with Billy? ① He had a fight with his friend. What was the problem with Billy? 여자는 Billy의 문제가 무엇이라고 생각하는가? ② He does not get along well with his W: You’re Billy’s father, aren’t you? W: Bi�����의 ��지 되시죠�� ��죠? ③ His score for all the subjects is not good M: Yes, I am. He brought a notice home saying you wanted to see me. M: ��� ��습니다. � 애� 선생������ �를 보� 원 �신다�� ��통신문�� ��� �지고 ���요. ④ He is not good at understanding written W: I’m sorry to ask you to come in W: 오늘 오시라고 해�� 죄송�니다만�� Bi�����’s 학업�� today, but I’m worried about Billy’s schoolwork. 걱�입니다. friend. overall. material. certainly 확실�� arithmetic 산수�� 셈 M: Well, I know he is not an example of a good student. Did he cause any serious problem this time? Did he have a fight with his friend? W: No, not really. He does get along well with his friends. But I thought it is necessary for us to get together and talk about his problem. M: �� 모범생�� �닌 ���� 알�요. ������ 무�� 심� �� 문제라도 일���요? 친��� 싸��라도 �� 요? W: �닙니다. ��� 친��� � 어울립니다. �지만�� � 의 문제�� 대해 모여�� �������� ���� 필요�다 고 생��습니다. M: What is it that you want to talk with M: ��� ������고 싶�� � �죠? me about? W: Don’t be surprised. He has to do better work, or he’ll have to stay in W: �라지 �세요. �애�� 열심�� 해�� �니다. ��지 않�면 내년�� �의 친�들�� �학년�� �� �� 4학년 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 97 12/1/09 2:18:00 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation the fourth grade next year while his friends go to the fifth grade. ��� 남�있� �니다. M: That wouldn’t be good. His brothers in the sixth and eighth grade have never caused any trouble. We don’t want Billy to do that either. M: �지 않�� 소식���요. 6학년과 �학년인 �의 형들 �� 어떤 문제도 일�키지 않았어요. �리�� Bi����� �� �� �러지 않길 바�요. W: I certainly understand. Let me W: �론 ��해�니다. Bi�����의 성적�� 보여드��요. � show you some of Billy’s work. His arithmetic and science work is fine, and his writing is very good. But look at his reading scores. 의 산수�� 과학 성적�� �습니다. �의 작문�� 매� �습니다. �지만 �의 �� 성적�� 보세요. M: Oh, I can’t believe he’s got these low scores. He never told me about these. M: � 애� ���� 낮�� 점수들�� 받았다니 ��� 수� 없�요. � 애�� ����들�� 대해 ���� ����도 말해 주지 않았어요. W: His average is only 56. That’s the W: �의 평균�� �지 �6점����요. 반���� ��� 낮�요. lowest in the class. M: I didn’t know that he has a problem understanding written text. What would you suggest to solve this problem? W: I want you to find him a private tutor who will help improve his reading skills. M: 글�� 된 내용�� ��해��� � 어려��� 갖고 있��지 몰랐�요. �� 문제�� 대해 무엇�� 제안�시�요? W: �의 독�� 실력�� 늘� 수 있�� 개인 �사를 만들어 주시길 바�요. 07 06 What is the value of the check the man is cashing? What is the value of the check the man is cashing? 남자가 바꾸려고 하는 수표의 액수는 얼마인가? ① He is cashing a $550 check. ② He is cashing a $250 check. ③ He is cashing a $400 check. ④ He is cashing a $300 check. verify 확증�다 identification 신분증� confusion 혼란  Hot Listening ❹ W: Hello, there! How are you, sir? W: 안��세요. M: Fine, thanks. I’d like to cash this M: 안��세요. 수표를 바꾸러 �습니다. check, please. W: No problem. Do you have an account with us, sir? 요? W: ��� 알�습니다. ���� 거��시�� �좌� 있�세 M: No, I don’t. I’m actually from out of town. I have an account with another bank. Is that a problem? M: �니요. 사실�� 다른 도시���� �어요. 다른 ��행�� �좌� 있어요. 문제� 되�요? W: I just need to see a photo ID to verify W: 신분증��� 본인 확인만 �면 �요. 지금 신분증 있 your identification. Do you have any ID on you? �세요? M: Sure. Here you go. M: �. 여� 있습니다. W: Thank you! How would you like your money? Would you like big bills or a W: 감사�니다. 어떻� 바꾸시�어요? 큰 돈��� 드� 까요 �니면 섞어�� 드�까요? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 98 12/1/09 2:18:01 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation combination of ever ything? M: Since I am traveling, a combination would be better. Let’s see... I’d like two fifties, ten twenties, twenty tens, and ten fives. W: Okay. Wait just one minute, please. I need to make some copies of your ID and the check. M: Hold on a sec. I just changed my mind. I’m truly sorry, but may I change the tens and twenties? M: 지금 여행 중��라 섞어 주시��� ��어요. 음��� 달러 짜리 두 ���� ��달러 짜리 ������ ��달러 짜리 ������ �리고 �달러 짜리 ������요. W: �. 잠시만 �다려 주세요. 신분증과 수표를 복사해 �� �니다. M: 잠깐만요. 생��� 바꿨어요. �말 죄송�지만 ��달 러�� ��달러를 바꿀 수 있��까요? W: Of course. You are the customer. W: ��요. 손����신�요. M: Thank you. I want to get fifteen twenties and ten tens, please. M: 감사�니다. ��달러 짜리 ����과 �� 달러짜리 �� ����� 주세요. W: Are you sure this time, sir? W: �������� 확실�신�요? M: I’m positive. I’m sorry for the M: ��� 확실�니다. 혼란�� 드려�� 죄송해요. confusion. 를 인지�� 위해 사용��� 감� 시스템입니다. 동 �들�� 소리를 발사�여 �체�� 반사된 소리�� � 체의 방향과 위치를 감지�니다. �� 뜻�� 반향�위 �� 동�들�� �여금 방향감지�� ��� �� �리고 �� 애��� 피할 수 있� 해 줍니다. 동�들만 반향�위 를 사용할까요? 반향�위라�� 용어를 들었�� 경� 박쥐�� 돌고�를 보통 생��니다. �지만 반향� 위�� 시력 ��애인들�� 걸어�� 위�여 사용��도 �니다. 대부분 시력��애인들�� 지팡��를 두드리며 �� 소리를 냅니다. �리고 반사된 소리를 해석� 여 ���� 있�� �체의 위치� 크�를 감지�니다. �본적��� 시력��애인들�� 사용��� 반향�위�� 동�들�� 사용��� 반향�위�� 비슷�� 원리��며 사 람들���도 매� 중요�� 시스템입니다. that some animals use to perceive their surroundings at night or in environments that are perpetually dark. By emitting sounds and listening for their echoes, animals can determine the direction as well as the distance of objects. What this means is that echolocation enables animals to navigate, find prey, and avoid obstacles. Are animals the only ones that use echolocation? Bats and dolphins usually come to mind when the term is used. However, echolocation, or human echolocation in this case, is also used by some blind people to navigate. Most of the time, they emit sounds by tapping their canes. By interpreting the reflected sound waves, blind people can determine the location and the size of the objects near them. Basically, human echolocation is similar in principle to animal echolocation, so it is a very important system for these humans. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  What is the main point of the talk? What is the main point of the talk? 들려주는 내용의 주요 요지는 무엇인가? M: Echolocation is a sensor y system M: 반향�위�� 동�들�� 밤��� 어두운 곳���� 주위 07 ① Most animals and people use echolocation. ② Some animals use echolocation to determine the direction and distance of objects. ③ Echolocation is very helpful for some humans as well as for some animals. ④ Echolocation is a very important system for all living things. echolocation 반향�위 sensory system 감� 시스템 perceive 지��다�� 인지�다 perpetually 영원�� emit 내 뿜다�� 발�다 prey ��� obstacle ��애� tap 두드리다 cane 지팡�� Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 99 12/1/09 2:18:03 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Why did the woman call the man? Why did the woman call the man? 여자가 남자에게 전화를 건 이유는? 09 08 ① She wanted to know the model number of his Internet terminal. ② She wanted to confirm which service he requested before she visits. ③ She wanted to know if he would like to accept a special offer. ④ She wanted to change the date and time of their appointment. Internet terminal 인터넷 �말� specifically �체적��� request 요��다 confirm 확인�다 at no charge 무료�� What’s the catch? �짜 ��유�� �죠? loyal 충성스러운 W: Hi! This is Rachel from ATK Telecom. Is W: 안��세요. ATK 텔레콤의 ��ch���입니다. this Mr. Anderson? An���son 씨세요? M: Yes, this is he. May I help you? M: �. 무�� 일��세요? W: I have a note on my computer showing that you requested that one of our technicians check out your Internet terminal. Is that correct? M: Yes, I did. I specifically requested the visiting hours as well. I believe I said to come between ten a.m. and one p.m. W: ����� 선생��의 인터넷 �말� 검토를 요��� 다고 제 컴퓨터�� 신청되어 있습니다. ��요? M: ��� ��습니다. 방문시�도 말씀 드렸습니다. �� �� ��시���� 오후 �시 사��인 �� ����요. W: Our technician will be at your place W: �� �사������ 말씀�신 시��� 방문�실 거예요. at the time you requested. M: Great! Thank you for calling me to M: 감사�니다. 확인 ��� 감사 드려요. 방문 �실 � confirm this. I was wondering about it, so I was about to give you a call. 지 �금해�� � ����려고 �어요. W: You’re very welcome. But I was W: 천만��요. �지만 사실�� 인터넷 �말� ��문�� �� actually calling about your Internet terminal. � 드렸습니다. M: Oh, yeah? What about it? I just need M: �러세요? 무�� 일��시죠? �냥 업�레��드만 � to upgrade the model. 면 되���요. W: We’d be glad to upgrade it for you. But we would like to offer you wireless Internet service for three months at no charge. W: 당연�� 업�레��드 해 드� 거예요. ��� 말고 무선 인터넷�� 무료�� 3개월 제공해 드리려고 �니다. M: Cool! But what’s the catch? M: ��요. �런� �짜 ��유�� 무엇��죠? W: There isn’t any at all, sir. We just W: �무 ��유�� 없습니다. ��를 �� ��용해 주신 � wanted to thank you for being such a loyal customer. 수고객�� 대�� 보답입니다. M: All right. Please sign me up for it. M: ��요. 신청��습니다. W: Okay, great! Our technician will install the upgraded Internet terminal as well as the wireless Internet terminal today. M: Thank you. Is there anything else I need to know about this special offer? W: ��� 알�습니다. �� �사������ 오늘 업�레��드 �말��� 무선 인터넷까지 설치해 주실 거예요. M: 감사�니다. �� 제안�� 관�여 �� 알��� 할 사항�� 있�요? W: Just one thing, sir. If you wish to W: �� 있습니다. 3개월 후 무선인터넷 사용�� �� discontinue the wireless service after three months, please give us a call. 안 �시려면 ����� 연락 주세요. 100 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 100 12/1/09 2:18:04 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① She will call Mr. Adams about her son’s fistfight. ② She will get some medicine and ointment for her son. ③ She will take a shower. ④ She will make a snack for her son to eat. fistfight 주�싸� homeroom teacher 담임선생�� initiate 시작�다 tease 괴롭��다 white knight �세주 inexcusable 변�할 도리� 없�� ointment 연고 scar 흉터 filthy �러운�� 불결�� tummy 배 rumbling 배� 꼬�륵 �다 W: Hi, pumpkin. You’re home. Oh, my god! What happened to your face? Who did this to you? M: Well, I got in a fistfight with Johnny this afternoon. It wasn’t my fault at all, Mom. Just look at your face! Does your homeroom teacher know about this? M: Yes, Mr. Adams knows about it. He said he would call you... but I guess he hasn’t yet. W: 안�. �니. �니 ��� ���? 얼��� � ��? � � ���니? M: 음�� Johnn��고 오늘 오후�� 주�싸� �어요. 제 �못�� ��대 �니예요�� ��. 선생������ �� 일�� �시니? M: ��� A��ms 씨���� 알고 �세요. 선생���� ���� 테 ����신다고 ����요��� 안 ���요. W: I don’t care whose fault it was. W: �� �못�� �관없어. � 얼� 좀 �라. � 담임 W: I’m afraid not. How did the fight start? Who initiated it? 작�어? W: �� 안 ��어. 어떻� 싸��� 시작�니? �� 시 M: Johnny did. He made fun of this boy in my classroom because he is the smallest boy in our class. I told Johnny to stop teasing him about his size, but he wouldn’t listen. W: Oh, my white knight son. Why didn’t you just call your teacher? Getting into a fistfight won’t solve Johnny’s behavior. M: Johnn�� 시작�어요. �� 반 남자��� �� ��� �리 반���� ��� 작다고 �리잖�요. Johnn���� � ��� 키�� 대해�� �만 �리라고 ���� 말�� 안 듣잖�요. W: �리 해결사 �들�� � 선생���� 안 불렀니? 주� 싸��� Johnn�의 행동�� 해결해 주지 않�. M: But still... Mom, it was wrong for M: �지만 �����도요�Johnn�의 행동�� �못된 Johnny to do that! 거잖�요. W: I understand, but you should’ve gotten an adult to control Johnny’s actions. And another thing, not getting a call from Mr. Adams is absolutely inexcusable. W: ��해해�� �지만 어른들�� 불러�� Johnn�의 행동�� 통제 �어��지. �리고�� A��m 씨��부터 ���를 못 받�� ���� ��대�� 받�들일 수� 없��. M: Are you going to call him now? M: 선생����테 ��� �실 거예요? W: Of course I am. But we need to clean your face and put some ointment on it first. I don’t want you to get any scars on your face. Go wash your face. M: I want to take a shower if it’s okay. I feel so filthy right now. You can call Mr. Adams first. W: Well, go take a shower then. I’ll fix something for your empty tummy. Your stomach is rumbling. W: �론����. �지만 �선 �� 세수부터 시키고 연고를 발라����다. � 얼��� 흉터� 생�면 안 되니까. ��� 세수해라. M: ��다면 샤워 할�요. ��무 �러운 ��낌����요. 선 생���� 먼� ����세요. W: 음�� �� 샤워부터 해라. 배고플 ��� ��� �� 좀 만들�. �� 배 ����� 꼬�륵 소리� ��. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 101 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 101 12/1/09 2:18:06 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 What did the man decide to take to get to his destination? What did the man decide to take to get to his destination? 남자가 목적지에 타고 가기로 한 교통수단은? ① He will take a taxi to get to his destination. destination. ② He will take a bus to get to his ③ He will take line number seven to get to his destination. ④ He will take line number five and transfer to line number seven. tough 힘든 belonging 소유� carsick 차멀미 M: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the nearest subway station is? M: 실례�니다. 여��� 제일 �까운 지������ 어디 인지 ��쳐 주실 수 있�요? W: Sure. Line number two is in front of W: ��요. �� 유리 �� 앞�� �호선 지������ 있 that glass tower over there. 습니다. M: Hmm... By any chance, is line number M: 음� 혹시 여� ���� 7호선 지������ 있�요? seven near here? W: I’m afraid not. Line number five is two blocks from here. You can take that and transfer to line number seven. W: 여� ������ 없���요. 여��� 두 블록�면 �호 선 지���� 있어요. �거 타고 7호선��� 갈� 타 시면 �요. M: Two blocks? And transfer? That’s kind of tough for me... I mean I have quite a lot of belongings with me. M: 두 블록��요? �리고 갈�타요? �� 좀 힘들 �� ����요. 제� 지금 짐�� 좀 많���요. W: I can see that. Where are you going? W: �러�요. 어디 �시죠? M: Well, I am going to the QFF Building. M: QFF ����요. W: Then you can take a bus from around the corner. It’s ten stops from here. It would be faster than taking line number five. W: �러면 ������� �스를 타시면 �요. �� �� �거 ��만 �면 �요. �호선 타�� �� 보다�� ��실 거예 요. M: Only ten stops from here? I didn’t M: �� �거����요? 몰랐어요. know that. W: Or you can take a taxi. Just tell the driver to go on Campbell Avenue. It’s the quickest way to get there. W: �니면 택시 타세요. 운���사 분��� 캠벨 �를 통 해�� �자고 꼭 말씀�시면 �요. �� ��� ��� ��� 방법��거든요. M: Unfortunately, I get carsick. I guess I M: 불행��도 제� 차 멀미를 해요. �� �지 선택 방 have only one choice left. 법밖�� 없�요. W: Are you sure? It will take some time. W: 확실�세요? 시��� 좀 걸� ���요. M: Yeah, I am sure. I have plenty of time, and I guess I can get some exercise. M: �. 시��� 많�� 있어요. �리고 운동도 �� �� ��요. 12 11 Where is the man going to buy an MP3 player? Where is the man going to buy an MP3 player? 남자가 사려고 하는 MP3 player는 어느 쇼핑몰에서 파는가? Store Price Delivery Warranty Overall Rating ① Niceshop.com ☆☆☆☆ $150 3 days 2 years ② Emarket.com ☆☆☆☆☆ $130 2 days − ③ Bestshop.com ☆☆☆☆☆☆ $150 4 days 2 years ④ Gooddeals.com ☆☆☆☆☆ $145 3 days 2 years M: Christine, can you tell me the address of the website? I mean the one which helps people find the best deals to buy goods online. M: Ch�is�in�. 웹사��� 주소 �� ��쳐 �� 수 있어? 온라인���� ��� ��� �격대�� �� �� 수 있�� 곳. W: What? Do you mean Smartshop.com? W: �? �m���sho�.com ��� � 말��� 거��? M: That’s the one. Thank you very much. I want to compare prices of MP3 players. M: ��. 고�워. MP3 �격들�� 비�해 보려고. 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 102 12/1/09 2:18:09 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation warranty 품질 보증 overall ��적인 rating 순위 W: Did you decide to buy a new MP3 W: 새 MP3를 사려고 ��� 거��? 예���� �지고 있던 player? What happened to your old one? � 어떻� �어? M: I left it in a taxi a few days ago. I M: 택시�� 두고 내렸어. � 택시�� 대해�� �억��� � couldn’t find it since I don’t remember anything about the taxi I took. ��도 없어�� ��� 수� 없었어. W: That’s too bad. I know you can’t live without your MP3 player. You take it everywhere. M: Yeah. That’s true. Can you help me find the best deal? I have already chosen the models I’d like to buy, but I still don’t know where to get them. Look! There are so many shops here. W: 안��. MP3 없�� 못 사�� 거 ����. ��� 곳�다 �지고 �잖�. M: 응. �� 사실����. ��� 싸� �� 수 있� 도���� 수 있어? 어떤 모델�� ��지 ����� 어디�� 사�� �� 지 모��어. ���� 좀 �. �말 많�� �점�� 있어. W: Sure. Let’s look at the list here W: ��. 리스�를 ���� ��� 보자. �m��k��.com�� together. Emarket.com offers the cheapest MP3 players. ���� MP3를 ��� 싸� 팔�. M: That’s right. But don’t you think it’s M: ��. �지만 품질 보증�� 있�� 곳���� 사�� � � better to buy one with a warranty? 지 않�? W: There are three shops which have W: �년 품질 보증�� 있�� 곳�� 3��� 있어. 2-year warranties. M: Right. I want to get my MP3 player as M: ��. 난 최대�� 빨리 받�� 수 있었�면 ��어. � soon as possible. That means I need to buy it from Gooddeals.com. 러려면 Goo������s.com���� 사�� ��? W: But look! There is a shop which has W: ���� ��. 여��� 좀� ��� 평�를 받�� ��매자� a better overall rating. And it’ll arrive just one day later. 있어. ��� �도 밖�� 안 늦어. M: Right. You’re right. M: ��. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① Joel Carol wrote her first story when she was only 7. ② Her first career was not an author but an accountant. ③ The motif for her best selling book was actually from her dream. ④ Her book became very popular especially among children around the world. accounting company �� �사 weird ����� publish ����다 W: When she was 7, Joel Carol wrote her first story―about a dog which can talk. After graduating from college, she worked as a secretar y in a small accounting company. Her main job was to help the accountant, but she never forgot about her dream. She had always wanted to become a writer of bestselling books ever since she wrote her first stor y. In 1990, on her trip to Paris, she had a weird dream about some wizards in a magical world. Right after waking up from her dream, she started to write about it. It took her 3 years to finish the story. At that time, she W: �녀� 7��일 ���� Jo��� C��o���� 말�� 할 수 있�� 개 �� 대�� �녀의 첫 ��째 �����를 썼습니다. 대학 �� 졸업�고�� 조�만 �� �사���� 비���� 일�습 니다. �녀의 주요 업무�� ��사를 돕�� ����었지 만 �녀�� 꿈�� 대해 잊�� 적�� 없었습니다. �녀�� 첫 ��째 �����를 쓴 ��후�� 항� 작�� 되고 싶었 습니다. ����년�� �리 여행���� �녀�� �법의 세 ����� �법사들�� 대�� ����� 꿈�� 꾸었습니다. 꿈�� 깬 �후�� �녀�� ����� 대해 쓰� 시작�습니 다. �리고 끝내�까지 3년�� 걸렸습니다. � 당시 �� �녀�� � ����� ��체� ��세� ���들의 최고 의 베드 타임 스토리� �� ����란 ���� 몰랐습니다. <�법사 Jo�>�� ����년 ��� 되었고 �� 못할 베 스� 셀러� 되었습니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 10 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 103 12/1/09 2:18:10 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 13 Which best describes the woman’s situation? Which best describes the woman’s situation? 여자의 상황을 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? ① The woman is promoting a movie. ② The woman is accepting an award. W: I am absolutely astonished to be ③ The woman is congratulating the award winner. ④ The woman is having an audition. achievable 성취 �능�� co-star 조연 awesome 멋� promote 홍보�다 congratulate 축��다 didn’t know the whole stor y would become the favorite bedtime stor y of children all around the world. The book Joe the Wizard was published in 1995, and it became an unexpected bestseller. standing up here in front of everyone this evening. I know there are so many other people who deserve this award more than I do, and I never expected to be getting this. There are lots of people who made this possible. I mean, there are many people who made tonight possible. I would never have achieved this without their help. First, I’d like to thank my brother, Terry, who has always believed in me. I think I would not have become an actress in the first place without his support. And my director, David: You were awesome. I knew you had faith in me. That’s only one reason why I could do well in this film. I also want to thank my co-stars in the film a lot. W: 오늘 �녁�� 여러분들 앞�� ��� 된 ���� 대해 ��� 굉���� �랐습니다. �보다 �� ��� 받��� ��� 분 들�� 많�� 있다�� ���� 알��� �� ��� ���� �대� 고 있지 않았습니다. �지만 지금 ��� �� 모든 �� �� �능�� 해주신�� 오늘 밤�� �능�� 해주신 사 람들�� 감사드립니다. �들의 도��� 없었�라면 ��뤄내지 못��� ��입니다. 첫째�� ��� �를 늘 � 어주�� 제 남동생�� T������� 고맙다�� 말�� ���고 싶습니다. �의 도��� 없었�라면 ��� 배�� 되 지 못��� ��입니다. �리고 제 감독���� D�vi���� 도 �말 굉���다고 ��해 주고 싶습니다. 항� 당신 �� �를 �어�다�� ���� 알았습니다. ����� �� 영 ����� 제� � 할 수 있었던 ��유인 �� �습니다. 조연들���도 ��무�도 감사��요. What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 14 ① How did you make friends at university? ② What was the most memorable moment in your academic life? ③ When did you first meet your girlfriend? ④ How did you first meet your wife? sophomore 대학� �학년 plucked up one’s courage 용�를 돋�다(= �ncou��g�) 10 Hot Listening ❹ M: �녀를 �음��� 본 ���� 경제 수업��었습니다. 대 학� �학년 ���� �억�� ��요. �녀�� 강의를 듣 ��� 첫 ��째 ���� ��있었습니다. 제 친� P�u�� ���� �� 있었��� ��� �녀를 쉽� 알�볼 수 있 었습니다. �녀를 �음 ��� ���� �녀�� 제 �음�� 사�� �았습니다. 제� 지금까지 본 사람들 중���� � ��보다도 예뻤습니다. ��� ����� 많�� �지 만 �녀��� 음료 ��잔 �시러 �지 않�냐고 �었 습니다. ��도 �녀의 대답�� �다리면�� 얼�� 떨렸��지 �억�니다. 운 ��도�� �녀�� 웃�면�� 답해주었습니다. �리고 ��� ��제 �녀�� ��� 매 일 ��� 일어�니다. 맨�음�� �녀��� 말�� 걸 용 �를 내지 않았�라면 �녀�� ��� 애도 키�고 있 지 않�죠. M: The first time I saw her was in an economics class I took. I remember I was a sophomore. She was sitting in the first row listening to the lecture. I noticed her because she was sitting right next to my friend Paul. The first time I saw her, she caught my mind. She was more beautiful than anyone I had ever seen before. I was ver y nervous to talk to her, but I asked her to go out for a drink. I still remember how nervous I was waiting for her to answer. Luckily, she said yes with a smile. And now I wake up with her in the same room ever y morning. I wouldn’t be raising a kid with her if I hadn’t plucked up enough courage to talk to her in the first place. 15 16 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 104 12/1/09 2:18:12 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 What does the man mean by “on pins and needles”? What does the man mean by “on pins and needles”? 남자가 말한 “on pins and needles”의 의미는? ① To be successful ② To be nervous and anxious ③ To be crazy ④ To be clever and intelligent anxious 걱���� scholarship ��학금 positive 긍�적인 M: Jenny, do you have some time today? Why don’t we go to see a movie? �? M: J�nn��� 오늘 시� 있니? ��� 영� 보러 �지 않�� W: That sounds good. By the way, you look very happy. Do you have some good news? I remember you were waiting for the results of an exam. W: ��. �런� 오늘 �말 행복해 보���. 무�� ��� 소식��라도 있어? 무�� 시험 결과 �다리고 있던 걸�� �억����. M: Yes, I finally got a full scholarship for M: 응. � 다음 학�부터 ��액 ��학금�� 지원 받� �어. W: Really? What good news! I am so W: �말? �주 ��� 소식����� �도 �분�� �다. next semester. happy for you. M: Thank you very much. As you know, my life has been pretty miserable while waiting for the results. M: 고�워. ��도 알다시피 �� 결과를 �다리면�� 내 � �� �말 안 �았잖�. W: I know. You haven’t smiled much W: 알�. 웃�� 법�� 잊어 �린 �� �았어. 인사��� these days. It was hard even to say hello to you since you looked so serious all the time. 무지 힘들었어. 항� 심�해 보여��. M: Really? I didn’t know that. Anyway, M: �말? �런지 몰랐�. ���� ��제 웃�� 수 있� now I can smile a lot. 니까. W: Were you sure you could get a positive result? How did you feel when you got the test results? M: I wasn’t sure if I had done well on the test. So I was on pins and needles when the professor was giving them back to everyone. W: ��� 결과� 있�� 거라�� 확신�� 있었어? 시험 결 과를 알고 ��� 어땠어? M: � ���지 �닌지 확실�지 않았어. ���� �수�� ���� 결과를 �눠 주실 �� �말 떨렸지. W: I can guess how you felt at the W: � 당시�� 어떻� ��꼈��지 알�어. 어쨌든�� 축�해. moment. Anyway, congratulations! Maybe we need to do something better than just watching a movie. M: How about going to a pub and having a drink together? �냥 영� 보�� �� 말고 � ��� ���� �자. M: 주점�� ��� 술��� ��잔 ��� � 어��? 16 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 다음의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① I practiced a lot for a presentation which I didn’t have to give. ② I didn’t want to go to the nurse’s room. ③ I don’t want to skip class like this. ④ I had to hurry to find out where she was. W: Why isn’t the teacher coming in? It’s already been 15 minutes since the bell rang. W: � 선생���� 안 들어 오�� 거��? ��� 울린 지 ��� ��분�� 지����. M: I think this is the first time she has been late to class. I wonder why she M: 선생���� ���� 늦�� � �음인 �� ��. � ��� � 늦�시��지 �금���. 지금 수업�� 있다�� ���� HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 10 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 105 12/1/09 2:18:14 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Teacher’s lounge �무 is coming this late. Did she forget that we have class now? 깜박�신 �� �냐? W: I guess I should go to the teachers’ W: �무�도 �무실�� ��� 선생���� �시��지 보고 lounge to see if she’s there. ���� 할 �� ��. M: Yeah, you’d better do that since you are the class president. (Long Pause) Why did you come back by yourself? Where is Mrs. Berger? M: ��. �� 반����니까 ��� 해�� �� �� ��. (잠 시 후) � 혼자 ��? B��g�� 선생���� 어디 ��? W: I went to the teachers’ lounge, but W: �무실�� 갔��� 안 ��. she wasn’t there. M: So you don’t know where she is? M: �� 선생���� 어디 �시��지 몰라? W: I heard from the history teacher that she’s sick and is resting in the nurse’s room. He wants us to sit quietly and to study by ourselves. W: ��사 선생������ 선생���� ���� 양호실���� 쉬고 �신다고 ��어. �냥 �리 혼자 조용�� 자습�고 있��. M: Wow. We’re so lucky. I have always wanted to have a class like this. 지고 싶었���. M: ��. �리�� 참 운�� �다. 난 항� ���� 수업�� � W: I feel the opposite. I think I wasted a W: 난 �니��. 어제 시��� 많�� 낭비�� �� ����. lot of time yesterday. M: Why? What makes you say that? M: �? 어제 �����? W: I practiced a lot for a presentation W: 난 할 필요도 없�� 프레젠테��션 연습�� 많�� �거 which I didn’t have to give. 든. What is the best response to the question? 17 What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 응답으로 가장 알맞은 것은? ① The flu is really going around. ② I'm afraid I need to take something else. ③ Thanks for the prescription. ④ How often each day should I take the antibiotics? accounting company �� �사 weird ����� publish ����다 W: 알다시피 감��� 모든 �류의 질병�� 발병시킬 수 도 있다. 심�� 독감�� 걸� 수도 있고�� 며칠 동안�� 목�� �프고 열�� �고�� ���� 멈추지 않�� 수도 있다. 감��� � 걸리지 않았� ��문���� 의사를 자 주 만�지 않았다. �러� �������� 증��� 오�� 다. ��내�� 의사를 만���� 결��고�� 의사�� 당 신�� 유행��� 감� 바��러스를 갖고 있다고 말�� 다. ��� 감��� 항생제를 �방��다. ��지만 당신 �� 항생제�� 알레�� 반응�� 있다. 의사��� �라 고 말�����? W: You know a cold may develop into all kinds of illnesses. Perhaps you’ve caught a bad cold. For several days, you’ve been suffering from a sore throat and fever, and you can’t stop coughing. Since you rarely catch colds, you do not see the doctor that often. However, the symptoms don’t just go away this time. Finally, you decide to make a trip to the doctor. The doctor says that you’ve caught a virus that’s going around. He prescribes some antibiotics for your cold. But you know that you do have an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. What would you say to the doctor in this situation? 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 106 12/1/09 2:18:16 PM 01 02 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Who is the man the woman has described? Who is the man the woman has described? 여자가 묘사하고 있는 남자는? Answer key & Script 09 ① ③ ② ④ cover 덮다 average 보통의 M: Are you okay? Please take a deep M: ���십니까? 숨�� 좀 깊�� 쉬세요. breath. W: I’m fine now. But that was a horrible W: �. 지금�� ��습니다. �말 잊지 못할 잔인�� �� scene I’ll never forget. 면��었어요. M: I am sorry that I have to ask you M: �의 얼��� 본 분�� 당신밖�� 없어�� 송�스럽� some questions about it, but you are the only one who saw his face. Tell me what he looked like. 도 질문 �� 개를 드리�습니다. 어떻� 생겼��지 말 씀 좀 해주세요. W: I didn’t see him that clearly since he was wearing a cap and a mask. 못�어요. W: 모자�고 �스크를 쓰고 있어�� 자세�� 보지�� M: What about his eyes? Was he wearing glasses or anything? M: 눈��요? 안경�� 쓰거� ��요? W: From the point I was standing, no. He W: 제� �� 있던 곳������ 안경�� 쓰고 있지 않았어요. was not wearing glasses. M: What about the clothes he was wearing? Is there anything you remember clearly? W: He was wearing shorts, but they weren’t ver y short. They almost covered his knees. M: Great. How about his height? Was he tall, and did he have a good build? W: I don’t think he was tall. He was just average height. But he had a good body. M: Is there anything else you’d like to tell us that might help us identify him? M: 입고 있던 옷��요? 선��� �억��� 거 있�요? W: 반바지를 입고 있었어요. ��� 짧�� 반바지�� � 니었습니다. 무릎까지 거의 다 �렸어요. M: �. 키�� 어땠�요? 키� 크고 몸�� �았�요? W: 키� 큰 �� �지�� 않�요. �냥 보통 키였던 �� � �요. 몸�� �았어요. M: 범인�� ���� 도��� ��만�� ��들 � 없�요? M: And now for the international weather forecast. Let’s look at the map. There’s rain in Tokyo, and the temperatures are in the low 60s. The monsoon will persist over southern China for the next couple of days. A moist maritime airstream is expected to bring rainy weather to the region M: �� 다음�� 국제 �� 예보입니다. ��곳���� 지도 를 보�습니다. 도쿄�� 최� �온 6�도�� 비� 내 립니다. 북동의 ���풍(monsoon)�� 며칠 후 중국 남부�� 걸쳐 지��� ��입니다. 습�� 해양성 �류�� 다음 주 초�� � 지���� 비 오�� 날씨를 �지고 올 ����� 예��니다. 뉴욕�� 복�위� ��되고 있 고�� 세 자리 넘어��� �온의 보고� 있습니다. 리 오�자����������� 비� 오고 있고�� 온도�� 4�도 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 10 What will the weather be like in Paris? What will the weather be like in Paris? 파리의 날씨는 어떻게 예상되는가? 02 ① It will be clear and 75°F. ② It will be rainy and 62°F. ③ It will be sunny and 42°F. ④ It will be foggy and 70°F. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 107 12/1/09 2:18:17 PM Where is this conversation taking place? Where is this conversation taking place? 대화가 이루어지고 있는 곳은? 04 Question & Answer Audio Script translation monsoon 몬순�� ���풍 maritime 해안의 airstream �류 hot spell �운 �� 03 ① In a doctor’s office ② In the Registrar’s office ③ In a professor’s office ④ In a graduate school office English literature 영문학 attendance �석 calculate �산�다 participation 참여도 syllabus 학사 일�표 입니다. 프��스 �리�� ���� 주�� 푸른 �늘�� 보 러 �� ��� 날씨���� 일요일까지 7�대 중반의 온 도� �� �� ��입니다. 모스크바������ � 많�� 햇 빛�� 볼 수 있�� ����� �대�니다. 모스크바의 사 람들�� 운�� ��도 ����� 날씨를 �� 수 있습니 다. �지������ 캘�타���� �다리던 비� 내� 예 �입니다. 오늘�� 여�까지입니다. 내일 ��� 시� �� 뵙�습니다. early next week. New York is having a hot spell. There are reports of three-digit temperatures there. It’s raining in Rio de Janeiro, and the temperature there is 42 degrees. Paris, France, is the place to go to for good weather this week as the blue skies and temperatures in the mid-70s will continue until Sunday. In Moscow, we expect to see some more sun. Those people in Moscow are very lucky to have such a fine day. Finally, in Calcutta, they’re finally getting the rain they’ve been waiting for. That’s it for today. I’ll be back tomorrow at the same time. M: Thank you for seeing me today, Dr. Edwards. I would like to talk with you about my final grade if you have a few minutes. W: All right. Please sit down. However, you have to tell me which class of mine you are in. M: 오늘 �를 만� 주��� 감사해요�� ��w���s 박사��. 잠시 시� 되시면 제 최� 점수�� 대해�� ������ 고 싶어요. W: ��요. ��세요. ��지만 내 수업 중�� 어떤 수 업�� 듣고 있��지 말해 주어�� 해요. M: I am taking your course on English M: 월요일 ���� 영문학�� 듣고 있어요. literature that meets on Monday morning. W: All right. Go ahead. W: ��� �주 ��요. �� 말해�요. M: Well, I was surprised to get a C after M: ��� 중� 고사를 �주 � 보았��� C를 받��� �� doing so well on the midterm. 어요. W: Let’s see. I’ll just check my grade W: ���� 보죠. 여� 성적표를 확인해 볼�요. M: I got a B+, Dr. Edwards. I brought my M: ��w���s 박사���� ��� B+를 받았어요. 제 시험 book here. test with me. W: Right, you did very well on the midterm. I have it recorded here. But your final grade was a C. M: I think I should have gotten a C+ or a B-. I don’t know why you gave me such a low grade. W: You’re right, Jim. You should have, but the problem was your attendance. Thirty percent of your grade was calculated on the basis of class attendance, but you missed a few classes. 지를 �져 �어요. W: ��요�� 중� 고사�� 매� � �어요. ��곳�� �록 해 �았어요. �리고 최� 성적�� C��요. M: �러면 C+ � B-를 받았어�� �어요. W: ��요�� Jim. ���� �지만�� 문제�� �석��었어요. 성적의 3�%�� �석률�� �산되고�� �� �� �졌�요. 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 108 12/1/09 2:18:19 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the man probably feel? ① He is quite proud. ② He is very delighted. ③ He is a little fascinated. ④ He is somewhat discouraged. tournament 시� surprisingly �랍�도 fantastic 환�적인 celebrate �념�다 M: Yes, I know I’ve missed a couple of M: ��� �� �� �� � 알지만�. classes, but… W: I’m afraid that you missed more than a few classes, and when you were in class, your level of participation was minimal. chance. W: I’m sorry, Jim. I gave you the syllabus on the first day of class, and the grading system was outlined on it. W: 유감스럽�도 빈���� 결석�고�� 수업�� ��� �� 도 수업 참여��� 낮았어요. W: 미안해요�� Jim. 수업 첫날 학사 일�표를 주었고�� 점수 체�� ��� 있었어요. M: But... please give me another M: ��지만� ��를 주세요. How does the man probably feel? 남자는 어떤 심정인가? W: Hello. This is the Kim residence. How W: 여보세요. 김 씨� �입니다. 어떻� 도��드�까요? may I help you? M: Hello, Mom? Are you there? M: 여보세요�� ��? 듣고 �세요? W: Greg? Hi, sweetheart. What’s up? How did the tournament go? W: G��g? 안��� ���. 어떻� 지내니? 선수권 대��� M: Better than I had hoped because, M: 바라던 ��보다 ��어요. �랍�도�� �리� 선수권 어떻� 되었니? ���� �승�어요. surprisingly, we won the championship. W: That’s fantastic. But I’m not very surprised. Your dad and I knew you could do it. W: 멋지다. ��지만 ��� 많�� �라지�� 않았어. �� �고 ��� �� � 할 �� 알고 있었거든. M: Thanks, Mom. Our team won the game, but I did not do well in the game. I really don’t know what to do. M: 고�워요�� ��. �리 팀�� 경����� ��겼지만�� 경 ����� 제� 충분�� � �지�� 못�어요. 어떻� 해 �� 할지 �말 모��어요. W: What did you do wrong? W: 뭘 �못 ����? M: I was very nervous. During my first and second at bats, I struck out, but during my last at bat, I hit the ball straight up into the air. However, it was a fly out. I walked back to the dugout with my head down. M: �� 매� ��� �었어요. 첫 ��째�� 두 ��째 타��� ���� 스�라��크 �웃 되었지만�� �지� 타������� 공중��� 볼�� �어요. ��지만 플라�� �웃 되었 어요. 선수 대�소�� 고개를 ���고 돌��어요. W: Cheer up! Don’t blame yourself. It’s W: 힘내렴�� 자신�� 비난 �지 �. � �못�� �니��. not your fault. M: I’m so disappointed at myself M: �� 경�� ���테 무척 중요�� ��문�� 실��어요. because this was a very important game for me. W: It’s okay, Greg. Life is full of ups and downs. I’m sure you will do well next time. W: ����� G��g. ��� 오���� 내리��� 있�� 거��. 다음 ������ � 할 수 있�� 거라고 확신해. M: Thank you for the kind words, but I am still not in the good mood since I don’t know what has been my problem. Listen, mom. Our team M: 친���� 말씀�� 감사 드려요. �지만 �� 여���� �� 제 문제인지 몰라�� ��� �분�� �니��요. 들어보 세요�� ��. �리 팀�� 지금 축��려고 �갈 거예요. ��� �� 조금 늦�� �� ��요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 10 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 109 12/1/09 2:18:20 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation is going out to celebrate now. I’ll probably be home a little late. 06 W: You should remember that I am W: 어떤 �황����도 ��를 자��스러워 ��다�� ���� 잊 proud of you in any circumstance. Talk to you later. 지 말거라. �중�� ���자. What did the receptionist offer to do? What did the receptionist offer to do? 접수원은 무엇을 하라고 제안 했는가? 05 ① To give him an appointment at four o’clock on Thursday ② To give him an appointment at either five-thirty on Thursday or at eleven o’clock on Friday ③ To give him an appointment earlier on the same day as his original appointment ④ To give him an appointment during lunchtime appointment �� be tied up 묶여 있다�� 바쁘다 slot �� rearrange 다시 ���다 W: Good afternoon. Doctor Benjamin’s office. This is Margaret. How may I help you? M: Yes. My name is Bob Stephens. I have an appointment with Dr. Benjamin at four o’clock on Thursday. W: Let me see. Four o’clock on Thursday? Yes, I see it here on his calendar. M: Well, I am wondering if he has an earlier appointment available on the same day. Something came up, and it turns out that I wouldn’t be able to go there at 4. W: I am sorry, Mr. Stephens, but Dr. Benjamin is tied up giving a lecture until 3. And from 3 o’clock to 4, it has been booked up with two other appointments. He has two appointment times available at five- thirty, though, if that will help. There’s also a slot available at eleven o’clock in the next morning. M: I’m afraid I can’t make it at those times. Is there anything available during lunchtime? W: 안��세요�� B�nj�min 박사��의 �료소입니다. � �� M��g����입니다. 어떻� 도��드�까요? M: ��� 제 ����� Bob ����h�ns��고 B�nj�min 박사 ��과 목요일 � 시�� ��되어 있습니다. W: �� 볼�요. 목요일 4시요? ��� 달력�� 적�� 있�요. M: ��� ��� 날 좀 � �른 시��� �능할지 �금�니 다. 무�� 일�� 생겨�� 4시�� �곳�� ��� � 불�능 해졌어요. W: 죄송�니다. ����h�ns 씨�� �지만 B�nj�min 박사 ���� 3시까지 강의�� 바쁩니다. �리고 3시부터 4 시까지�� 다른 두 ��� 예�되어 있�요. �지만 � 시 3�분�� ��의 예�시��� 비어있어요. 다음 날 �� ��시 시�대도 �능�니다. M: 유감스럽�도 � 시��� �능�지 않�요. 점심시 ��� �능�� 시��� 없�요? W: I’m sorry, sir. We’re closed at lunch. W: 죄송�지만�� 점심 시����� 문�� 닫습니다. M: Hmm. I think I’ll just rearrange my M: 흠. 스케���� 다시 조�해�� �해� ���� 지키도 own schedule so that I can keep my regular appointment with him. 록 해���어요. W: All right. I am very sorry that I couldn’t help you at all. W: �습니다. 도��드리지 못해�� 미안�니다. M: It’s okay. Thank you for your help M: �닙니다. 도��주��� 감사 드립니다. anyway. W: We’ll see you then. Goodbye. W: �� ��� 뵙�습니다. 안��� �세요. 110 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 110 12/1/09 2:18:21 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 What time does the man need to be seated be in the theater before starting the play? What time does the man need to be seated be in the theater before starting the play? 남자는 몇 시까지 극장 좌석에 앉아야 연극을 볼 수 있는가? ① He needs to be seated by 3:40. ② He needs to be seated by 12:50. ③ He needs to be seated by 3:50. M: I’d like to get three tickets for the M: �시 티켓 3�� 주세요. 1 o’clock play, please. ④ He needs to be seated by 3:30. W: I’m truly sorry. It’s already sold out. W: �말 죄송�니다. 모두 매�입니다. 4시 티켓�� �� guarantee 보���다 latter 후자의 We have some tickets available for the 4 o’clock show though. �� 있습니다. M: Oh, man! I should have reserved M: ��� 참. 어제 티켓�� 예��어�� ����. 연극�� 얼 some tickets yesterday. Can you tell me how long the play runs? �� ��요 ? W: The play itself is about 2 and a half W: � �시� 3�분 �도 �니다. �지만 3시��� 생� hours long. But you really need three hours because you need to be seated in the theater ten minutes prior to the start of the play. M: Hmm... I have a dinner reservation at 6:30 tonight. I think that will be cutting it too close. W: We can’t guarantee you anything, but I can put you on the waiting list for the 1 o’clock play in case anyone cancels his or her reservation. ���� 해요. 시작�� ��분 ���� 자리�� ����� �니다. M: 음� �녁 예��� 6시3�분�� 있어요. ��무 �듯� �요. W: ��� 보���� 못�지만 �시 연극의 대�자 ���� 올려 드� 수 있어요. 혹시 �� 취소�실 수 있� 니까요. M: Really? Does that happen often? M: �말��요? 자주 있�� 일인�요? W: Sometimes, but not often, sir. That’s why we can’t guarantee anything. But, personally, I think it’s still better than nothing. M: Very true! But I can also change my reservation time and get the later one. W: �끔��요. 자주�� �니고요. 보���� �지 않습니다. �지만 개인적��� �무��도 안 �고 있�� ��보다 �� ��� �� ��요. M: �말 ���요�� �지만 �녁 예� 시��� 바꾸고 � 중 ���� 사�� � ��어요. W: Would you like to do that, sir? W: ��� �시�어요? M: Yeah. Please give me three tickets. M: �. 3�� 주세요. 여� 신용카드입니다. �스터 카드 W: Okay. Please be sure to arrive at W: �습니다. 적어도 연극 시� ��분 ���� 도착���� Here is my charge card. It’s a MasterCard. least twenty minutes before the play starts. M: I’ll be here thirty minutes before the starting time just to be safe. Thanks! 예요. �니다. �니다. M: 안���� 시작시� 3�분 ���� 도착할 거예요. 감사 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 111 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 111 12/1/09 2:18:23 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the lecture mainly about? What is the lecture mainly about? 강의는 무엇에 관한 내용인가? 07 ① The California Gold Rush and the gold- seeking “forty-niners” ② The origin of the name of a football team ③ How the California Gold Rush started ④ How well the San Francisco 49ers play region 지�� seeker 수색자 originate 발원�다�� 시작�다 ① Her manager calls her every morning. ② Her manager is a very difficult person to work for. ③ Her manager is a moody person. ④ She can’t usually find her manager in his office. phrase � fed up with ~�� ����리 ����� �증난 revise 수��다 M: 캘리�니�의 골드 러시�� 캘리�니����� 금�� 발 견되었다�� 소식�� ��� 퍼� ��4�년�� 시작되 었습니다. 금�� 발견�� 후 미국의 다른 지��과 해외 ���� 온 3��������의 사람들�� 금�� �고 부자� 되� 위해�� 캘리�니��� 몰려들었습니다. �� 수 색의 초��� 금�� ��� 수색 자들�� 4���s라고 � 니다. �지만 4���s를 검색해 보면 미국 풋볼 팀�� 관해��도 �보를 ��� 수 있습니다�� �� 팀�� ��의 팀인지 짐작할 수 있�어요? 샌프란시스��� 캘리� 니�입니다. �� 팀�� 샌프란시스� 4���s라고 �며 팀의 ����� 캘리�니� 골드 러시���� 발원�였습 니다. 자�� ��제 팀 ���의 ��를 알� 되었죠. � 승팀인지�� �닌지�� �� 다른 ��입니다. M: The California Gold Rush started in 1848 when the news of the discover y of gold in California spread very quickly. After the discovery, about 300,000 people from other regions of the U.S. and abroad rushed to California to find gold and to become rich. These early gold- seekers were named “forty-niners.” However, when you search for “forty-niners” on the Internet, you will find information about a professional American football team as well. Can you guess who they play for? It’s San Francisco, California! The team is called the San Francisco 49ers, and their name obviously originated from the California Gold Rush. Now you know the origin of the team’s name. Whether they’re a winning team or not is another matter. M: Hey! So, did you talk to the senior manager today? Why did he call you so early this morning? M: 안��� �사�� ��해 �어? � �� 일찍 ���를 �신 거��? W: It was about next month’s ad. He W: 응. 다음달 광고 ��문�� �러�어. 광고�� 있�� 문 �를 바꿨�면 ��어. wanted to change some phrases in it. M: Was that all? He called you at four in the morning just to tell you that? Man, he could have waited for you until you got to the office. M: �� ��부��? 새벽 4시�� � 말�� �려고 ���를 �신 거��? �� ��할 ��까지 �다리�어��지. W: I know, but you know how he is. W: 알��� �지만 어떤 분인지 알잖�. �� �음도 � That wasn’t the first time and won’t be the last time either. I’m so fed up with him. I don’t know how long I can take this. 니고 �지�도 �닐 거��. ��제 �말 견딜 수� 없어. 내� 얼�� � 견딜 수 있��지 모��어. M: That’s what I’m saying! This guy just calls you whenever he wants to. M: 내� 말�고 싶�� � 바�� �거��. 언제든지 �� ����고 싶�� �� �시잖�. W: Tell me about it! But guess what? After I changed the part that he called about this morning, he changed it back to the earlier version tonight. W: �러� 말����. �� 있어. 오늘 ���� ����신 부 분�� 수���니 오늘 �녁�� 다시 �음�� �� ��� �� 바꾸�어. 08 Why is the woman frustrated by her manager? Why is the woman frustrated by her manager? 여자가 상사에게 불만을 느끼는 이유는? 09 11 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 112 12/1/09 2:18:24 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: What? Oh my god! You have the worst manager in the world! W: He called me more than twenty times to revise the ad until we came up with the final version. M: How can you deal with someone like that? I don’t think I could stand someone like that for even an hour. W: He constantly changes his mind about every single decision he makes. Everyone in my department is so frustrated with him. M: Maybe you should seriously talk to him about how he drives his employees crazy. M: �? 말도 안�. �� 세����� ��� 짜증��� �사인 W: �지� 완성본�� 만들어지�까지 ����도 넘� 불러 �� ��. �� 고�어. M: 어떻� �런 분���� 일�� ��� 해? ��� �� 시�도 �런 사람�� 견딜 수 없�� �� ��. W: 별일도 �닌 결�도 �� 끝도 없�� 바꾸�. �리 부�� 사람들도 불만�� 많�. M: � �사�고 �지�� �분�� 얼�� 모든 사람�� 힘들� ���지 ��를 해 �. W: Do you really think so? I’ve been W: �말 ��� 생�해? �도 생�해 ���� 용�� thinking about it, but I don’t have the guts to do that. 없어. M: Hey, you’ve got to take action soon. It’s really not good for your mental and physical health. M: 행동��� 빨리 옮��� � ��� �� ��. �신적�� 신 체적��� �말 안 ��� �� ��. W: You’re definitely right! W: � 말�� ��. M: Hi, Mom. I am home. How are the preparations for Julie’s birthday going? Do you need any help? M: ���� 다녀�어요. Ju��i� 생일 준비�� 어떻� ��요? 도��드�까요? W: Well, I think the preparations are W: 음�� 준비�� � 되고 있�� �� ��. 케��크�� 풍선�� 과 자�� �리고 다 �어. going well so far. I’ve got the cake, balloons, chips, and everything else. M: How about the guests? Did you call ever yone on the list that Julie gave you? W: Guests? Oh, no! I forgot to call Danny back. He wasn’t home when I called him yesterday. you forget to do it again. Julie really wants Danny to be here for the party. W: I know. She really likes him. Oh, one more thing. I was going to go buy some orange juice to make some punch for the kids. M: �� 손��들��요? Ju��i�� 준 목록�� 있�� 사람들�� � ��� 다 ��어요? W: 손��? 오�� 어떻��� D�nn���테 ��� 다시 ��다고 �고 잊어�렸어. 어제 ��� ��� �� ��� 없었거든. D�nn�� 꼭 생일 �티�� ��면 해요. W: 알�. 많�� ����� �� ��라. �리고 �� �지 � 있어. 오렌지 주스를 사�� ���들��� 펀치를 만들 어 주려고 �어. M: You’d better call him now before M: �� 잊어�리시� ���� 빨리 ����세요. Ju��i��� M: That’s Julie’s favorite drink. You’ve got to make it. Well, I can go to the store M: Ju��i�� 제일 ����� 음료�요. 꼭 만드��� 해요. 원�신다면 제� ���� ��� 사올�요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 What will the man do next right away? What will the man do next right away? 남자가 바로 다음에 할 일은? 09 ① He will make some punch. ② He will go to the store to buy some orange juice. ③ He will go to work. ④ He will call Danny to invite him to the party. preparations for ~�� 대�� 준비 such a good son �말 착�� �들 besides ~��외�� Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 113 12/1/09 2:18:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation for you if you want me to. W: Great idea. I’m so glad you came home early to check on the party. I thought I was doing well until now. W: ��� 생�����. �� 오늘 ��� 일찍 ���� 체크해 ��� �말 다행��다. 지금까지 � �고 있다고 생� �었어. M: You are doing well, Mom. I can also call Danny on the way out as well. 도 할 수 있어요. M: � �고 �세요 ��. ���� 길�� D�nn���테 ��� W: You’re such a good son and brother. W: �말 착�� �들��며 오�다. 고맙다. Thank you so much. M: You’re very welcome. Let me head out to the store. Do you need anything else besides the orange juice? M: 천만��요. �� 갔다 올�요. 오렌지 주스 말고 필 요�� ���� 없�세요? W: No. That’s all. And here is the phone W: �니 없어. 여� ��� ��호��. 운�� 조심해. number. Drive safely! 11 10 What is the main reason the man has to be home by 4:30 p.m.? What is the main reason the man has to be home by 4:30 p.m.? 남자가 4시 30분까지 집에 가야 하는 이유는? ① He needs to clean his room and take a ② He needs to study for his test on World shower. War II. W: Hey! If you are done with your classes for the day, let’s go to the new bookstore on campus. W: 안�. 수업 끝��면 ��고 캠퍼스�� 새�� 생� �� 점 갈�? ③ He needs to be home in time to watch M: I would love to, but I have to get M: �러고 싶��� � ��� 4시 3�분까지 ��� 해. 미안. a documentary. ④ He needs to go to work. home by 4:30. Sorry. W: Already? What’s the rush? Does W: ���? � 빨리 ��� 해? ��� 동생 돌보� 빨리 your mom want you to be home to watch over your little brother? ��� 오라고 ��? preparation 준비 head out to ~�� �다 M: It’s my world history class. I have something to do for the class. 있어. M: 세�사 수업 ��문�� ��. � 수업�� 관해 할 일�� W: Like what? Do you have to study for W: 무엇�� 해�� ����? 시험 공부 해�� �? your history test? M: Well, I have been writing a report about World War II for the class. And there is a documentar y about this topic on TV tonight that I really need to watch. M: 음�� 제 �차 세�대���� 관�� 리��를 작성해�� � ��� 내� �말 보고 싶�� 제 �차 세�대���� 관�� 다큐멘터리� 오늘 밤 TV���� 해. W: Oh, really? What time will it be on W: 오�� ��? �� 시�� ����? TV? M: It’s on at 7:00 p.m. M: 7시�� 해. W: Then we have plenty of time left. W: �� 시��� 많�� 남았�. M: Yes and no. You see, I won’t be able to watch the program because I have to be at my part-time job by 6:00 tonight M: ���도 �고 �니�도 해. 사실�� 오늘 6시�� 일 �� ��� 해�� 밤�� ��� 방송�� 못 보� �어. W: I see. W: ����. M: Yeah. The only way I can watch it is to record the program. So... I need to M: 응. 방송�� 볼 수 있�� 유일�� 방법�� 녹�를 ��� 거��. ���� ��� ��� 녹� 준비를 해�� 해. 11 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 114 12/1/09 2:18:27 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 11 In which room is the man is going to stay? In which room is the man is going to stay? 남자는 어떤 방에 머물겠는가? Room Type Date Price W: Hello. Plaza Hotel. How can I help W: 안��세요. 여��� 플라자 호텔입니다. 어떻� 도 ① Suite with an ocean view ② Deluxe with a mountain view ③ Suite with a mountain view ④ Deluxe with an ocean view July 21 $120 July 21 $100 you? 21st of July. July 20 $120 The 21st of July, right? July 20 $100 in a deluxe room. deluxe room 디럭스룸 suite 스위�룸 available ��용 �능�� go home and set my VCR to record it now. W: But it won’t take you that long to do W: �지만 준비���� 오� 걸리지�� 않잖�? it. M: You’re right. But I have to clean my room and take a shower before heading out to work. It’s going to take me forever to do everything. M: � 말�� ��. �런� 방청소도 해�� �고 일 �� ���� 샤워도 해�� 해. ��런 일들�� 오� 걸려. W: I understand. Maybe next time then. W: ��해해. �� 다음�� �자. ��드�까요? 요? 니다. M: I’d like to make a reservation for the M: 7월 ��일�� 예��� �고 싶���요. W: Okay. Let me check for a moment. W: �. 잠시 확인해 보�습니다. 7월 ��일 말씀��신� M: Yes. Saturday the 21st. I’d like to stay M: �. ��일 토요일��요. 디럭스 룸���� ��고 싶습 W: I am sorry to tell you this, but all of our deluxe rooms are booked for that night. We have one suite available though. And it has a breathtaking ocean view. W: 죄송�지만 디럭스 룸�� �날 예��� 다 되어 있습 니다. 스위� 룸�� ��용 �능�십니다. 숨�� 멎�� 듯�� ��다운 바다� 보입니다. M: What’s the price for the suite? Is M: 스위� 룸�� �격�� 어떻� 되�요? 큰 차��� 있 there a big difference? 습니까? W: It’s $120 including tax. That’s $20 more W: 세금�� ��해�� ���달러입니다. 디럭스 룸보다 expensive than a deluxe room. ��달러 � 비쌉니다. M: I think that’s a little too expensive M: 제��� 조금 비싼 �� ��요. ��일�� ��용 �능�� for me. Do you have any rooms available on the 20th? W: Okay. I’ll check on that for you. Yes, we do have a few deluxe rooms available on that day. 방�� 있�요? 십니다. W: 확인해 보�습니다. �날 디럭스 룸�� ��용 �능� M: Well, do you have any smoking M: 흡연 �능�� 방�� 남� 있�요? rooms left? W: Yes. We have a few rooms left. Do you want me to book one for you? W: �. �� 개 있습니다. 방�� 예�해 드�까요? M: Yes. That would be great. M: �. �� 개 있습니다. �� ��습니다. W: And I have one more thing to ask. Do you want a room with an ocean view or with a mountain view? M: I think the ocean view will be a better choice in this summer weather. W: �� �지 � 확인�고 싶�� ���� 있습니다. 바다� 보���� 방�� 원�세요 산�� 보���� 방�� 원�세요? M: ��런 여� 날씨���� 바다� 보���� 방�� � ��� 선 택인 �� ��요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 115 12/1/09 2:18:29 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true according to the talk? What is Not true according to the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① Satellites orbit the earth and take pictures. ② Information such as the weather is transmitted by satellites. ③ The use of satellites is decreasing these days. ④ Broken satellites can be fixed by astronauts. high-definition 고해�도 malfunction 오작동�다 astronaut �주 비행사 W: 인공위성�� 지� 주변���� 궤도를 �리면�� 돈다. 인공위성들�� 대부분 지� 모든 부분의 사��� 찍 �� 고해�도의 카메라를 탑��고 있다. 인공위성 ���� 찍�� 사�들�� 날씨를 위해�� 사용 되거��� 지 � ��편���� 다른 편��� 사��� 보내거��� ���� 텔 레비�� 방송�� ��송�� 위해�� 쓰인다. 과거�� 비 해 지금 인공위성�� � 많�� 쓰인다. 사람들�� 자� 의 위치를 확인�� 위해�� 인공위성�� 쓰�도 ��다. ��러�� 인공위성들�� 고�� �면 어떻� ��까? ��러 �� 인공위성�� 오작동 �� 되면�� �주 비행사들�� 고치� ��까지�� �주 쓰레�� 되어 심��� 문제 들�� 초��고�� ��다. W: Satellites orbit the earth. Many of them have high-definition cameras which take photographs of every part of the earth. The pictures taken from the satellites have been used to give information such as the weather and to send pictures or transmit television broadcasts from one side of the world to the other. These days, satellites are used a lot more than before. Satellites are even used to help people find their exact location. Then what happens if these satellites break down? If these satellites malfunction, they become space junk unless they get fixed by astronauts. 13 Which of the following is Not suggested by the doctor? Which of the following is Not suggested by the doctor? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 의사가 제안하지 않은 것은? 14 ① Drinking a lot of water ② Keeping one’s hands clean ③ Taking antibiotic pills ④ Getting enough sleep ache �프다 prescribe �방�다 11 Hot Listening ❹ M: Please take a seat. I am sorry that we’ve made you wait for a long time. It’s so busy days these days with all the patients with flu. M: 자리�� ��세요. 오� �다리시� 해�� 죄송�니다. 요�� 감��� 걸린 환자분들�� 많��� 좀 바빴습니다. W: It’s okay. I’ve been reading some W: ��습니다. �미있�� �지들�� 보고 있었어요. M: Thank you for your understanding. M: ��해해 주��� 감사�니다. 무�� 문제죠? interesting magazines. What’s the problem? W: I am not feeling well. My muscles W: 몸�� �지 않�요. 온몸 �육�� 쑤�요. 고통스러워 ache all over. It is even hard for me to move my whole body because of the pain. M: I think you are coming down with the flu. Let me check your temperature. �� 몸�� ������ ���� ��무 힘들어요. M: 독감�� 걸린 �� ��요. 체온�� 좀 잴�요. W: How is it? Do I have a fever? W: 어��요? 열�� 있�요? M: Yes. It’s 37.6 ℃. Are you getting any M: �. 37.6 도인�요. 두통도 있�요? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 116 12/1/09 2:18:30 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation headaches as well? am okay now. W: Last night, I had a terrible one. But I W: 어젯밤���� 심����� 지금�� ���요. M: All right. Let me look into your mouth. M: 알�어요. 입 안�� 좀 들여다 볼�요. W: How does it look? Are you going to prescribe any medication for me? M: I don’t think that will be necessar y. I remember you are allergic to a couple of antibiotics. Just drink a lot of water and take some vitamins, and that will do. W: 어떤�요? ��� �방해 주실 ��요? M: 필요�지 않�� �� ��요. 제 �억����� 항생제�� �� �지 알레��� 있었던 거 ����요. ��� 많�� �시고 비타민�� 복용�세요. �과� 있�� 거예요. W: Is there anything that I should keep in W: �� �심해�� 할 ���� 없�요? mind? M: Make sure you wash your hands M: 항� 씻�� ���� 잊지 �세요. � �고 적���� 잠�� frequently. Don’t forget to eat good food and to get enough sleep. 취���� ��다�� 걸 잊지 �시고요. M: ��� 초등학��� 들어�� ���� 영어 �습�� 받았 습니다. 제 부모�� 두 분 다 영어를 � ���� ��� 자연스럽� 영어�� 관심�� 갖� 되었습니다. 제 어 �니�� ���� 동�부여를 주� 위해�� ��� 있�� �� ���� 영어�� 말�습니다. ��� 영어 만� 애 니메��션�� 보면�� 영어를 배�� 시작�습니다. <A��hu�>�� <M�gic �choo�� Bus>�� ��� 애니메 ��션�� 보면�� 영어를 좀 � 쉽� 배울 수 있었습니 다. 중학��� 들어��� ��� 영어 �룹 스터디 클럽 �� 들어갔습니다. 매일 신문�� �고 ����� 대�� 의 견�� 씀����� 제 친�들과 �의 영어 작문 실력�� 크� 늘었습니다. 고등학��� 올라����� 영어 라 디오를 듣� 시작�습니다. ��� ��도 ��� 일과 를 시작�� ���� 영어 라디오를 듣습니다. M: I started taking English classes before I went to elementar y school. My parents both speak English very well, so I had a natural interest in it. My mom used to speak English at home to give me enough motivation to learn it. I started learning English by watching cartoons in English. I watched cartoons like Arthur and Magic School Bus, which helped me to learn English more easily. After I went to middle school, I joined an English study group. There, the other group members and my writing skills improved very much as we read English newspapers and wrote feedback on them every day. When I went to high school, I began listening to English radio programs. I still listen to English radio programs every morning before I start my daily routine. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 가장 적절한 제목은? 14 ① When did you first learn English? ② Why do you like English? ③ How did you learn English? ④ What will be the best way to improve your English? motivation 동�부여 feedback 반응 daily routine 결과 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 117 12/1/09 2:18:32 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 What does the woman mean by “fuddy- duddy”? What does the woman mean by “fuddy- duddy”? 여자가 말한 “fuddy-duddy”의 뜻은? 16 ① Someone who is weak and undecided ② Someone who is messy and not organized ③ Someone who doesn’t like change ④ Someone who is sociable and outgoing daily routine 일� 생활 get away from ~���� 도�치다 M: Jenny, how was the party last M: J�nn���. 지난주 토요일 날 �티�� 어땠어? Saturday? W: Oh, Peter. You should have come to that party. It was really fun. I think it was the most fun night I had this year. M: Really? Was it that fun? I wanted to go, but I had to go to the airport to pick up my sister. W: ��도 꼭 �어�� ����. �말 �미있었어. 올해 � �� �밌�� 밤��었어. M: �말? ��� �밌었어? �고 싶었��� 공항�� � � �리러 ��� ���. W: Oh, your sister came back? Has she W: 어�� � �� 돌� 오�어? 미국���� 공부 끝�고? finished her studies in the U.S.? M: No. She came back during her vacation. No one else could go to pick her up, so I had to miss the party. Anyway, who came to the party? W: All the club members came except for you and Jill. Also, Peter’s high school friend Jerry came, too. M: Jerry came, too? Wow. How was he? You went to the same middle school with him, right? W: Yes. But I didn’t notice it was him. He used to be a real fuddy-duddy. I remembered him spending most of his time alone with his books. M: That’s true. He never went to any parties at that time. He always spent his time in the librar y and never got away from his daily routine. W: That was why I was really surprised to see him like that. People change all the time, I guess. M: �니. ���� 온 거��. �무도 ��를 �리러 갈 수 없어�� ���� 내� �티�� �져��만 �어. ��� � �� �티�� �어? W: ���� Ji������ 제외�� 모든 클럽 멤�들�� �어. ��� � 리고 P����의 고등학� 동창인 J����도 �어. M: J����도 �어? ���� � ����� 어땠어? ���고 � 애 �고 ��� 중학� 다녔지? W: 응. �� � 알�보지 못�어. 지���� ���였거든. 맨날 손�� �만 들고 다니던 ����� �억해. M: ��. �티 ��� 곳���� ��대�� 안 갔지. 도��관�� �� 대부분의 시��� 보내고 맨날 똑��� 일�생활 �� 보냈던 �� ��. W: ���� 내� � 애를 보고 �랐던 거��. 내 생��� 사람들�� 항� 변��� �� ��. 11 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 118 12/1/09 2:18:33 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? 16 ① I am wondering how she gets more beautiful as time goes by. ② What makes you think that I know a lot W: Have you read today’s newspaper? W: 오늘 신문 �어 �어? about her? ③ I think I heard that it’s about how one lie can change many people’s lives. ④ How could I forget it? It’s the best movie I’ve ever seen. gossip �십 �사 pretend ~인 척 �다 M: I know what you are going to talk M: �� ��� 관�여 ������려��지 알�. M��� about. Are you surprised to see that Mary Anderson and Brian Perry are getting married? An���son�고 B�i�n P����� 결혼��� ���� �랐 니? W: Yeah. That’s the news I was going to mention. I didn’t know that they had been seeing each other. ���. W: 응. 내� 말�려던 � �거��. 사귀고 있�� �� 몰랐 M: Lots of people did not know that. There was some gossip that they didn’t seem to get along with each other when they were shooting their film together. M: 많�� 사람들�� 몰랐어. 영� ��� 찍�� ��만 해도 ��� � 어울리지 못��다�� 보도� 있었���. W: The rumors were wrong then, or W: 소문�� 틀렸었거��� ���� 친�지 않�� 척 �던 거�. maybe they were pretending that they were not close. M: Anyway, it’s surprising news to many M: ���� 많�� 팬들��� �라운 뉴스��. of their fans. W: Right. As a great fan of Brian Perry, I W: ��. B�i�n P����의 팬����� 좀 슬퍼. 행복�� 결 feel a little sad. But I hope he has a happy marriage. 혼 생활�� ��면 ��어. M: I understand how you feel. I went M: �� 어떻� ��끼��지 알�. Ju��i� G���n�� 결혼� through the same thing when Julia Green got married. �� �� �도 ��어. W: Do you like Julia Green? I really like her, too. She’s such a great actress. By the way, when will her new movie, Liar, be released? W: Ju��i� G���n ��해? �도 �청 ��해. 참 ��� 배���. ���� �녀의 새 영� <Li��>�� 언제 � ��? M: It’s in theaters now. Do you know M: 영�관�� 지금 �영중인 �� ����. 스토리 라인�� what the stor yline is? 어떤지 알�? W: I think I heard that it’s about how one lie can change many people’s lives. W: �� �디의 거짓말�� 많�� 사람들의 ��� 어떻� 바 꿔 �았��지�� 대�� 내용��라고 들었어. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 119 12/1/09 2:18:34 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에 올 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ① We need to learn more about good memory skills. ② There is an ongoing debate about the capability of human brain. ③ It might be possible to say that humans are result of those two. ④ It is better not to talk about who did what for whom. controversial 논쟁의 소지� 있�� psychology 심리학 nature 천성 nurture 양육 arguments 논점 M: In the field of psychology, the topic of nature versus nurture is still a controversial one. This is true when we study the nature of our ability to memorize things. Are we born with a good memory or do we attain a good memory with proper mental training and exercise? There are psychologists who strongly believe that memory is an innate ability, something that we’re born with. Others argue that everyone is capable of having excellent memory with the help of certain techniques. We can say that both sides have good arguments. In conclusion, It might be possible to say that humans are result of those two. M: 심리학 분������ 천성과 양육의 주제�� 논쟁의 소지� 있�� ��입니다. ������ �리� 무언�를 외��� 능력의 �원�� 공부할 �� ��습니다. �리�� ��� �억력�� �지고 �어���까요? �니면 �리�� 적���� �신적인 �레��닝과 운동�� 통해 ��� �억력�� �지� ��까요? �억력�� �리� �어날 ��부터 갖고 있�� 천성적인 능력��라고 생���� 사람들�� 있습니다. 다른 사람들�� 모든 ��들�� 어�� �도의 �술의 도��� 통해 ��� �억력�� 갖� 된다고 주���니다. �리�� 양쪽 모두 ��� 논점�� 갖고 있다고 말할 수 있습니다. 결론적��� 인��� � 둘의 결과라고 말할 수 있�� 거 �습니다. 01 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 120 12/1/09 2:18:35 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which shoes did the woman decide to buy? Which shoes did the woman decide to buy? 여자가 구입한 신발은? Answer key & Script 10 ① ③ ② ④ recommend 추천�다 inconvenient 불편�� prefer ~�� 선호�다 what do you think of ~? ~�� 어��? W: I am looking for pretty shoes. Can W: 예쁜 신발�� �고 있어요. 추천해 주실 수 있�요? you recommend any one? M: How about the shoes over here? M: 여� 있�� 신발�� 어떤�요? W: They’re pretty, but I don’t like flat W: 예쁜�요. �� �� 플� 슈즈�� ���지 않�요. shoes. I prefer something with high 굽�� 있�� 걸 선호해요. heels. M: I see. Then what do you think of M: 알�습니다. �� 있�� 신발�� 어떠신�요? those shoes over there? W: Well, they look okay. But I think the W: �� 보입니다만�� �클�� 있�� � 불편할 �� ��요. ones with buckles would be little inconvenient for me. M: Oh, I see. What do you say to the M: ��� 알�습니다. �� 리본�� 있�� 신발�� 어떠세요? ones with the ribbon? other colors as well? W: Oh, I like them. Do you have them in W: ��요. 다른 색깔도 있�세요? M: Sorry, but they only come in black. Do you prefer any other colors? 있�세요? M: �니요. 검�� 색���만 ���요. 다른 선호��� 색깔 W: I want something brighter than that. Maybe blue? Cool colors for coming W: ���보다�� 밝�� 색��요. ��도 �란색? 여��� 위�� 시원�� 색��요. summer. M: Do you like anything with ribbons, too? We have these in green. M: 리본�� 있�� 거라면 어�� ����� ���신�요? �� 제품�� 녹색도 있어요. W: Wow, I like this color, but do you W: ���� �� 색깔 �음�� 들어요. �� 리본 없�� ���� 없 have a similar style without ribbon? �신�요? M: Yes, we do have those. But the heels M: 있어요. �지만 굽�� �� 센티미터 낮�요. are few centimeters lower. W: In that case, I have to give up the kill W: ��다면 �������� 높�� 굽�� ��해����요. heels this time. HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 121 12/1/09 2:18:37 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 What time is the man supposed to leave the house? What time is the man supposed to leave the house? 남자는 몇 시에 집을 나설 예정인가? 03 ② He is supposed to leave the house at plane going to leave? W: Honey, it’s 1:35 now. What time is the W: 자����� 지금 �시 3�분����. 비행��� 언제 떠�지? ① He is supposed to leave the house at 2:55 PM. 3:30 PM. 5:30 PM. 7:30 PM. ③ He is supposed to leave the house at ④ He is supposed to leave the house at roughly 대략 departure time �발시� sharp �� 04 M: Well, I am always confused about departure time. Let me see a memo. My plane leaves at 7:30 at gate number 25. W: What are you going to do until then? Do you need my help with packing? M: It’s okay. I will make some important calls until 4 and then I will pack the suitcase. M: 난 항� �발시��� 헷갈려. 메모를 좀 볼�. 내 비 행��� ���� �������� 7시 3�분�� 떠�. W: � ��까지 뭘 할 거��? 짐 싸�� �� 도����까? M: ���. 4시까지�� 중요�� ���들�� 좀 �고�� �리 고 ��� �방�� 쌀 거��. W: When are you going to leave the W: 언제 ����� �갈 거��? 보통�� 택시 타고 갈 거 house? Will you use the taxi as usual? ��? M: Yes. I should arrive at the airport about two hours before my departure time. So I have to be there by 5:30. W: Seems like you are very busy now. Leave the packing to me. Honey, I found a memo in your pocket. I don’t know if it’s important. M: 응. 공항�� �발 시�보다 두 시��� 일찍 ��� 해. ���� 거� �시 3�분까지�� ��� 해. W: 매� 바쁜 �� ��. �� 내� 짐�� 쌀�. 자���. 주�니���� 메모를 �았어. 중요��지 모��지만. M: A memo? Probably it’s nothing. What M: 메모? �� 별거 �닐 거��. �라고 쓰여 있어? does it say? W: It says “meeting with Mr. Harris in the W: H���is 씨�� 사무실���� 3시 3�분 �의라고 쓰여 office at 3:30”. 있어. M: Oh, dear. I nearly forgot all about M: 오�� �런. �걸 까맣� 잊고 있었어. 사무실�� 갔다 that. Then I have to go to the office first and go to the airport from there. � 거��� 공항�� ����다. W: I want to go downtown with you. What time will you be leaving the house? W: 당신과 ��� 시내�� �고 싶어. �� 시�� ��� �설 거��? M: I am planning to leave at around 3 M: 3시쯤 떠날 �획인�. o’clock. taxi. sharp. W: All right. At about 2:45, I will call a W: ��. �� �시 4�분�� 택시를 부를�. M: Good. Tell them to be here at 2:55 M: ��. �시 ��분까지 꼭 오라고 해. W: Okie dokie. W: 알았어. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 122 12/1/09 2:18:38 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the man’s occupation? What is the man’s occupation? 남자의 직업은 무엇인가? 04 How has the woman’s feeling changed? How has the woman’s feeling changed? 여자의 심정은 어떻게 변했나? 03 ① The man is a plumber. ② The man is a repairman. ③ The man is a maintenance man. ④ The man is a porter. smelly 냄새 ��� tradesman �인�� ��인(�술자) potable �시��� 알��� sewage �수 drainage 배수 industrial 산업의 flush ��� 내리다 overflow 넘치다 ① Frustrated → Relieved ② Thankful → Anxious ③ Horrified → Hopeful ④ Discouraged → Sorrowful startled 깜짝 �란 lethargic 무�력�� head away from ~향�여 �다 certainly 확실�� green line 녹색 노선 platform 승강�� distance 거리 depressed 낙담�� M: 많�� 사람들�� 내� ��� 일�� 원�지 않�요. �럽 고 냄새 ��� 일��라고 생��죠. ��� 내 시�의 대부분�� ���실과 부엌���� �힌 ���프를 청소� 면�� 보내요. ��� �시��� 알��� ��� �수�� 배수�� 통풍�� 난방�� ��어컨 혹�� 산업용 생산공�용�� 플랜 � 배관�� 위해 쓰���� 설치�� 유지 시스템�� ��문 ��� ��� �술자입니다. �������� ���� 변� �� �� ��남��� 떨어뜨리고 ��� 내립니다. 변��� 결 국 ����� 넘치� �니다. 곧 ��� 모든 사람들�� ���실�� ��� �지만 갈 수 없습니다. 내� 급�� �면 모든 사람들�� �를 보고�� �뻐�니다. M: Many people don’t like to do my job. They think it is a really dirty and smelly job. I spend most of my time in bathrooms and kitchens clearing blocked pipes. I am a tradesman who specializes in installing and maintaining systems used for potable water, sewage, drainage, venting, heating and air conditioning, and industrial process plant piping. Sometimes a child might drop a toy into the toilet and flush it. The toilet eventually blocks up and overflows. Soon, everyone in the house needs to go to the bathroom, but they can’t. When I rush over, everyone is really happy to see me. W: Pardon me. Are you from this town? I am a stranger here. Can I ask you something? W: 실례�니다. �� ��� �신인�요? ��� ��곳�� � 음����요. � ��만 �어�도 ��까요? M: Oh, I see. How can I help you? M: 오�� 알�어요. 무엇�� 도��드�까요? W: Do you know which subway station we’re at right now? I think I am totally lost. W: 지금 �리� 어�� 지������ 있��지 �세요? 제� 길�� 완���� 잃�� 거 ��요. M: Yes, we just went past City Hall M: ��� �리�� 시청���� 방금 지�어요. 다음 ���� �� Station. The next station is Euljiro 1-ga. 지�� ����요. W: Really? Is this train heading toward W: �말��요? �� 지���� ��강대학� 방향��� �고 Seogang University Station? 있다�� 뜻인�요? M: Wait a minute. I know the university is near Shinchon station. I am not too sure whether it is on green line. Let me check it for you on the map. M: �말��요? 잠시만요. ��강대학��� 신촌�� ��인 걸�� ����요. � ���� 녹색노선�� 있��� � 모� �어요. 지도���� 확인해 볼�요. W: Oh, no! I’ve been trying to get W: 오�� 안�요�� 거의 4�분 동안�� ��강대학� 방향� directions to Seogang University for almost forty minutes. A lady told me to take the green line and to get off at the something station. �� �� 위해�� 애쓰고 있어요. 여자분�� 녹색 노선 �� 타라고 말해 주었고 어떤 ������ 내리라고 �어 요. M: You’re on the right line, but you just M: 노선�� �지만�� 내리��� 할 �거���� 지�어요. passed the correct station. W: Did I? What should I do? W: 제�요? 어떡�죠? M: Get off at the next stop. On the same platform, take the same subway going back the other way. M: 다음 �류������ 내리세요. ��� 승강�������� 반대 방향��� ��� 지���� 타세요. 신촌������ 내려 HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 123 12/1/09 2:18:39 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation You have to get off at Shinchon Station. I think you’d better take a taxi from there. �� 해요. 여��� 내려�� 택시를 타�� � 낫�어요. 06 W: Thank you for all the explanation. W: 설�해 주��� 감사�니다. 당신 도��� 없었�라면�� Without you, I would waste so much time in the train. ������� 많�� 시��� �렸��지도 몰라요. Where will the two people go for now? Where will the two people go for now? 두 사람은 지금 어디로 가려고 하는가? 05 ① To Madame Tussaud’s Museum ② To a river excursion boat ③ To an Internet café ④ To a currency exchange counter Madame Tussaud’s �담투소 excursion boat 유람선 money exchange 환�� currency exchange 환�� M: Now, we’ve already got our tickets M: 지금 런던��� ��� 표를 ��미 갖고 있어. ��무 흥 to London. I am so excited. 분�. W: Me, too. But we have several hours before our bus leaves. What shall we do?Do you want to go to a café to grab a bite? W: �도 ��. ��지만�� �스� 떠�� ��까지 �� 시 � 남았어. 뭘 �지? � 좀 ��러 카��� 갈까? M: I am sorry but I am not that hungr y. I will say yes for the Internet café though. M: 미안��� 배� 안 고�. 인터넷 카�라면 승낙할�. W: Billy! You can check the Internet all W: Bi������� ��� 돌� �면 ��� �일 인터넷 할 수 있잖 day long when we get back home. I think it’s such a waste of time to visit internet café while we travel. Let’s go to Madame Tussaud’s Museum. M: Oh, come on, Emma. We’ve already seen so many museums on this trip. I would go anywhere but museums. How about taking a ride on a river excursion boat? �. 여행 중�� 인터넷 카�를 들��� � 시� 낭비��. �담 투소 박�관�� �자. M: 오�� �러지 ��� �mm�. ���� 여행���� ��미 많�� 박�관�� �잖�. 박�관�� �니라면 어디든 갈�. 강���� 유람선�� 타�� � 어��? W: We can’t. What if we miss our bus? W: 탈 수 없어. �스를 �치면 어떡해? M: Don’t worry. We won’t be able to because the boats depart every 40 minutes. And look! They only take an hour and a half. M: 걱��지 �. �치지 않�� 거��. �냐�면 배� 4� 분�다 �발�거든. �리고 ��. �� 시� 3�분 밖 �� 안 걸려. W: Okay. That sounds way better than W: ���� 인터넷 카� 보다�� ��� 생�����. 지금 �자. an Internet café. Let’s go now. M: Wow! Good! Remind me to stop by a currency exchange counter on the way to the station when we come back here for the bus. I want to exchange some money. M: ��. �지만 �스를 타러 돌�갈 �� �류�� ��� 길�� 환��소�� 들러�� ��다�� 걸 알려�. 돈�� 좀 바꿔���어. W: Sure. W: �론��지. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 124 12/1/09 2:18:41 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 What is the total amount the man needs to pay for the room and activities? What is the total amount the man needs to pay for the room and activities? 남자가 방과 레저활동을 위하여 지불할 금액은 얼마인가? ① He needs to pay $292. ② He needs to pay $230. ③ He needs to pay $182. ④ He needs to pay $340. rate 요금�� 비�; 평��다 tryout 시범 M: I’d like to reserve a room for two nights and three days for this weekend, please. M: ���� 주말�� �박 3일 동안 방�� 예��고 싶어요. W: Sure. We have a room with a full-size bed for $80 and one with a queen- size bed for $110. Which one would you like, sir? W: �. 풀 사��즈 방�� ��달러�� 퀸 사��즈 방�� ���달 러입니다. 어떤 방��� 예�해 드�까요? M: Are the rates for one or two nights? M: ��� �격인�요 �니면 ��틀 밤 �격인�요? �리 Also, do you have any special weekend packages? 고 주말 패키지�� 없�요? W: Those are the rates for one night, W: �룻밤 �격입니다. �리고 �중�� 말씀드린 크� sir. And I see on the screen that the latter one comes with a special offer just for this weekend. 의 방�� ���� 주말만 특별세일�� 있�요. M: Really? What is it? M: ��요? 어떤 ��인�요? W: We are offering two spa tickets, which have a $90 value, 50% off on horseback riding and scuba diving, and 20% off on a boat tour of the island. W: 스�를 경험할 수 있�� ��달러 �당의 티켓 두 ���� 말 타��� 스쿠�다��빙 � ��% 세일�� �리고 배 타고 섬 주위를 도�� 보� 관광�� ��% 할인�니다. M: Wow! That sounds great! What M: ���� �말 ��� 세일���요�� �� �플 요금�� 어떻 are the rates for couples for each activity? � 되�요? W: Before the discount, horseback riding is $60, scuba diving is $80, and the boat tour is $40. Are you following me? W: 할인�지 않�면�� 말 타��� 6�달러�� 스쿠� 다�� 빙�� ��달러�� 배 관광�� 4�달러입니다. ��해 되세 요? M: Yes. Okay, this is what I’d like to M: �. �습니다. ���� 예���어요. 퀸 사��즈 방 reserve. I’ll definitely get the room with the queen-size bed and the spa tickets. W: All right. Are there any other offers you’d like to sign up for today? �� 스� 티켓 ��� ��습니다. W: �. 다른 프���램도 오늘 예��시�어요? M: I think my wife would love the tour M: 제 �내� 관광�고 스쿠� 다��빙�� ��할 �� � and scuba diving. �요. W: Okay. All your requests have been reserved. In case your wife or you change your mind about these programs, just let us know when you check in. W: ��� 알�습니다. 원�시�� ���� 모두 예�해 드렸습 니다. 혹시 부인��� 선생������ 생��� 바꾸시면 체크인 �실 �� 말씀해 주세요. M: We’ll do that. Thank you. M: ��� ��습니다. 감사�니다. W: May I have your full name starting W: �선 성부터 ����� 말씀해 주세요. with your last name? HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 125 12/1/09 2:18:42 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the main topic of the lecture? What is the main topic of the lecture? 들려주는 내용의 주제는 무엇인가? W: Amnesia is a term that refers to W: �억�실�� �억�� 손실된 ���� 말�니다. �억� 실의 원인�� 경��다 다릅니다. 예를 들면 신체 원 인의 �억�실�� �리 부���� 인�� 뇌의 손실�� ���니다. 보통 �리 부��� 넘어졌�� ��. �리 를 부딪��� ��� �통사고의 결과입니다. ��런 � 억�실�� 외� 후 �억�실��라고 �니다. �신적 원인��� 생��� 해리성 �억�실도 있습니다. 해 리성 �억�실증�� 스�레스� 충격적인 일�� 인해 어떤 �� 부분의 �억�� 본인�� 스스�� ��� ���� 말 �니다. �� �억�실증�� 중요�� 개인의 �억�� � 리�� 있���도 불��고 �억�� �억�지 못��� ��입니다. the loss of memory. The causes of amnesia vary from case to case. For example, the organic causes of amnesia include damage to the brain, which is generally caused by a head injur y. Some head injuries result from falls, hits on the head, or car accidents. This type of amnesia is called post-traumatic amnesia. There is another type called dissociative amnesia, which has a psychological cause. A person with this type of amnesia blocks out particular information about a stressful or traumatic event in his or her life. As a result, he or she is unable to recall important personal information although the memories still exist in his or her mind. 09 08 Why can’t the woman make up with her old boyfriend? Why can’t the woman make up with her old boyfriend? 여자가 옛 남자 친구와 화해 할 수 없는 이유는? M: Hey! I got your message. What did M: 안��� � 메시지 받았어. ���테 �어볼� 뭔�? you want to ask me? W: Well... It’s actually more of a favor than a question. I don’t know how to begin... but please don’t refuse my favor. M: Okay. I can see that this is very difficult for you to say. I’ll do your favor. So, talk to me. weeks ago. M: Yes. I’m aware of that. Actually, the whole school is talking about it since you guys were a perfect couple. And it happened right before our prom. W: 음�사실�� 질문�� �니라 부탁����. 어떻� 말�� 꺼내�� 할지 모��어��지만 내 부탁�� 거���지 말��. M: 알았어. 말��� 어려운 �� ��. � 부탁 들어 �� �. 말해 �. M: 응. 알고 있어. 사실 ���들�� 완벽�� �� 쌍��라고 생��어. 학� ��체� 모두 � ����. �리고 무 도� 바�� ���� 생� 일��라��. W: I broke up with my boyfriend two W: 남자 친��� �주 ���� 헤어졌어. W: That’s the problem. I had planned on going to prom with him but now.... � 지금��� W: �� 문제��. � 친��� ��� 무도��� �려고 ��� M: I’ve got it. You don’t have a date for the prom. Why don’t you guys make up and attend the prom together? M: 알�다. 무도��� ��� 갈 ���� �대� 없��. � 친��� �해�고 ��� �지 ��? W: It’s very difficult for me to call him and try to make up with him. ����. W: � 친���� ����고 �해��� ���� �말 힘든 일 07 ① It’s about the causes of amnesia. ② It’s about the results of amnesia. ③ It’s about the dangers of amnesia. ④ It’s about the different types of amnesia. amnesia �억�실�� ��증 refer 참조�다 vary 다�다�� �지�색��다 organic 신체의 post-traumatic amnesia 외� 후 �억�실 dissociative amnesia 해리성 �억�실 recall 생�해 내다 ① Because she likes another boy ② Because she is too angry with him ③ Because he already has a new girlfriend ④ Because they have been having problems for a long time refuse 거���다 prom (대학�� 고�의) 무도� initiate 시작�다 reconciliation �해 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 126 12/1/09 2:18:44 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 09 What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자가 다음으로 할 일은 무엇인가? ① They will get their hair cut. ② They will get something to eat. ③ They will practice some possible interview questions. ④ They will go buy some suits. M: Guess what? I have a job interview the day after tomorrow with JAS. Isn’t that great? W: Are you serious? Congratulations! What are you planning to wear to the interview? M: 무�� 일 있��지 �춰볼�? � 내일 모레 JA��� 면 접�� 있어. �말 ��지? W: �말����? 축�해�� 면접�� 뭘 입고 갈 �획����? potential �능성 있�� trim 손질�다 M: I only have two old suits. Do you think M: 오�된 양복 두 � 밖�� 없어. ��� ��� ��다고 생 I should go shopping? �해? M: Still, I’m positive that you guys can get back together in no time. One of you just needs to initiate reconciliation. W: Or I can find someone to replace him. Honestly, we were arguing a lot more than people think before we broke up. We’re not planning on kissing and making up. M: ��도�� � 친��� 다시 �치�� � 시� 문제라고 생�해. 둘 중의 �� ��� 먼� �해를 �면 되니까. W: �니면 새 ���� �대를 �든�. ���� 말�면�� 사람들�� 알고 있�� ��보다 헤어지� ���� 훨씬 많 �� 싸웠어. 금방 �해할 �획�� 없어. M: Oh... I see. I didn’t know it was M: 오�� ����. ���� 심��� ���� 몰랐어. �냥 잠 that serious. I thought it was just temporar y. 시 ��러�� 거라고 생��어. W: I know. Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you could help me find a date. W: 알�. 어쨌든�� 내� 새 ���� �대를 ��� 걸 �� 도�� �� 수 있��지 �어보려고 �어. M: Sure, I’ll help you. M: ��. 도�� ���. W: Well, it would be much better if you could afford to buy a new suit. After all, the first impression is extremely important. M: I think I can manage to buy one. I was thinking about buying one anyway. And you’re so right about first impressions. Can you come with me to pick out a suit? you with some potential interview questions. W: 음�� 새 양복�� �� 수 있�� 형편만 된다면 ��� � �� � 훨씬 ��지. 첫 인��� 매� 중요�잖�. M: �� � �도�� �� 수 있�� �� ��. 사려고 생��고 있었거든. �리고 첫인��� 관�� � ���� �말 � �. 옷 고��� �� 도�����? W: Sure, I’d love to. I can also help W: ��. 면접�� �올 수 있�� 질문들도 도�����. M: Thank you so much! I owe you big M: �말 고�워. 큰 신세졌다. time! W: It’s no big deal. How about your hair? When did you get it trimmed last? W: 천만��. �리��? 언제 손질 �� 거��? M: About two months ago. Do you think M: �� 두 달 �어. 손질해�� 할 �� ��? I need to cut my hair? W: It doesn’t look that bad, but a little shorter length might give you a sharp, clean look. W: 지금도 �쁘지�� 않��� 조금만 길��� 짧�면 깨 끗�고 샤프�� 인��� �� �� ��. HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 127 12/1/09 2:18:45 PM What are the speakers mainly discussing? What are the speakers mainly discussing? 화자들은 무엇에 관하여 의논하고 있는가? 11 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 ① He is trying to get her to join the chess club. ② The discussion is about preparing a special event day for the club. ③ They are talking about how to make the club more active. ④ They are talking about the cost and contents of the ad. decline ��어들다 devote 헌신�다 novice 초급 intermediate 중급 attention 관심 quarter 분� open house 개방일�� 공개수업 참관일 freebie 경품 M: I’ll do that right away today. Gosh! I have so many things to do in so little time. Maybe I should get my hair trimmed, go shopping, and then practice for my interview. W: We can do that. But don’t forget about our empty stomachs. M: Oh, yeah. I didn’t realize what time it was. That should be our first priority. Let’s go! M: 오늘 당�� 할�. ��� 시��� 많�� 없��� 할 일�� 많다. �리 손질부터 �고 ����� 다음 면접 연습�� ��� � ��� 수도 있�다. W: ��� 할 수도 있지. �지만 �리의 빈 �도 잊지 �. M: 오�� �다. 시��� ���� 된지 몰랐�. 빈 ��� 채 ���� �선��지. �자�� M: My chess club is in trouble. The M: �리 체스클럽 큰일 �어. �원들�� ��어들고 있어. number of members is declining. As the president of the club, I feel responsible. W: Don’t feel that way. You’ve been devoting your time and energy to this club since day one. I’m pretty sure there is a way to increase the number of members. M: But I don’t know what to do. We’ve already introduced a novice level and two different intermediate levels for anyone who wants to join the club and play chess. 클럽 �������� �임감�� ��껴. W: �러지 �. �� �음부터 � 시�과 ����지를 클럽�� 바�어. 분��� �원�� 늘� 수 있�� 방법�� 있�� 거��. M: �지만 어떻� 해�� 할지 모��어. ��� �초반과 두 개의 중급반들�� 만들어�� ��든지 클럽�� � 입해�� 체스를 할 수 있� �어. W: How about advertising the club and W: �� 클럽과 클럽 활동�� 대�� 광고를 ��� � 어��? its activities? M: We put up posters in every single building on campus twice a year. M: 일 년�� 두 ����� 캠퍼스 안�� 있�� 모든 ���� �스터를 붙��고 있���. W: I don’t think that’s enough. And, frankly speaking, those posters weren’t attractive enough to get people’s attention at all. W: 내 생����� � �도�� 충분�지� 않�� �� ��. ���� 말�면 � �스터들 사람들의 시선�� 끌 수 있�� �도� �니었어. M: Really? I thought they were okay. M: ��? 난 ��다고 생�����. W: Perhaps you should put an ad in the school newspaper every quarter. W: 분��다 학� 신문�� 광고를 ��� � ��� �� ��� M: That’s a good idea. Maybe in the M: ��� 생���다. 신문 뒷면�� �����. �. back of the newspaper would be a good spot. W: Definitely! It might cost you a little, W: 당연�지�� 비용�� 좀 들�지만 �치�� 있�� 거��. but it will be worth it. M: Yeah. We can also have an open house for students who want to check out the club, and we could M: ��. �리고 학생들�� ���� 클럽�� 어떤지 볼 수 있고 무료 체스도 받�� 클럽 개방 일도 만들 수도 있�다. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 128 12/1/09 2:18:46 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation hand out some free chess sets. W: Excellent ideas. That way, anyone can just drop by and learn about the club and, of course, get a freebie. W: �말 ��� 생�����. �러면 ��든지 방문�고 클 럽�� 대해 알� 볼 수도 있고. �론 경품도 받고 말 ����. M: You’re an angel. Thank you for M: �� �말 천사��. 내 문제를 들어주고 � 의견�� � listening to my problem and for sharing your ideas with me. �� �말 고�워. 11 In which restaurant did the man make a reservation? In which restaurant did the man make a reservation? 남자가 예약한 레스토랑은? Location Time Restaurant ① Downtown Denny’s M: I fell asleep on the subway, so I went all the way to Brooklyn. Brooklyn is far! M: 난 ������� 졸다��� 부룩클린까지 쭉 갔다. 부룩클 린�� 멀잖��� ② Downtown Nikko Sushi W: What a day you had! How long did it W: 참 �미있�� ���를 보냈��� 거�까지 ���� 얼� take you to get there? � 오� 걸렸어? ③ Mid-city Nikko Sushi M: It took me two hours to get M: 시내까지 두 시���� 걸렸지만 ��도 �� �치 ④ Brooklyn Isha’s Sushi downtown, but it was actually really worth it. � 있었어. 5 o’clock Saturday 7 o’clock Monday 7 o’clock Sunday 7 o’clock Saturday prepare (foo�) (음식��) 조리�다 sushi 초밥 finest ��� ��� tuna 참치 pacific ocean �평양 W: You wasted about two hours when you could have spent one hour. What did you do in Brooklyn? Did you find the bargain store I told you about? W: �� 시� 만�� 갈 수 있�� 곳�� 두 시���� 낭비� 잖�. 부룩클린���� ��어? 내� 말해준 할인 � ��� 갔니? M: No. I got there at about 7 o’clock, M: �니. 7시쯤 �었고�� ��� ��무 배� 고팠어. �� and I was really starving. So I looked for the sushi restaurant Jane was going on about. �� J�n��� 말�던 초밥 음식점�� 갔어. W: You mean Nikko Sushi? W: 니� 스시 말��� 거��? M: No. That’s the one in the downtown shopping center right next to Denny’s. I know it was something sushi. It was Isha’s Sushi! Anyway, the sushi there is really great. The chef prepares the sushi right in front of you. And don’t even get me started on the dessert. M: �니. �� 시내 센터 안�� �니스 ���� 있�� 거��. ����� 무�� 스시였���. ��� �다. ��샤 스시였어. ���� 거� 초밥�� �말 맛있었어. 주방���� 바 �� 앞���� �접 만들어 주거든. 디�� ������� 꺼 내지도 �. W: Wow. I wish I had gone there, too. You know how much I love sushi. W: ��. �도 거��� ��� 갔었�면. 내� 얼�� 초밥 �����지 알지? M: Actually, I made a reservation there for both of us this Saturday at 7 o’clock. Are you free that night? M: 사실�� 토요일 7시�� �리 둘�� 위해�� 예��려 � 어. � 날 밤�� 시� 비어? W: You bet I am. I’d kill for some sushi on W: 당연�지. 토요일 날 밤�� 초밥�� 위해��라면 무엇 Saturday night. ��든지 ��어. M: Great. I am going to try the sashimi this time. I heard that they use the finest tuna from the Pacific Ocean for their sashimi. M: ��. ��� ������ �를 �어보�어. �평양���� � �온 최�급 참치� 있대. HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 129 12/1/09 2:18:49 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① High carbohydrate consumption can lead to several health problems. ② Sugar is a fundamental nutrient. ③ Sugar can be used to fuel cars. ④ The brain can only be fueled by carbohydrates. diabetes 당뇨병 obesity 비만 chronic high blood pressure 만성 고혈압 fuel �� cellular respiration 세� 호흡 carbohydrate 탄수�� decompose 분해시키다 W: When it comes to sugar, people tend to think that it’s bad for their health. Apparently, the excessive consumption of sugar can lead to severe health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and even chronic high blood pressure, which can, in turn, cause many illnesses. However, what many people don’t realize is that sugar is one of the most fundamental nutrients needed by the human body: carbohydrates. Sugar decomposes into glucose, which is then used in the body for cellular respiration. Simply put, sugar is the fuel, and the body is the engine. The most critical fact is that the brain can only be fueled by sugar, so it is important to maintain an adequate amount of sugar consumption. W: 설탕�� 관�여 생�할 ���� 사람들�� 대부분 �강�� 안 �다고 생��니다. 실제���� 과도�� 설탕 섭취 �� 당뇨병�� 비만�� �리고 많�� 병�� 일�키�� 만성 고혈압 ��� 심��� 질환��� ��어질 수 있습니다. �지만 많�� 사람들�� 알지 못��� ���� 설탕�� � 리 몸�� 필요�� ��� �초적인 영양소라�� ��입니 다. 설탕�� �도당��� 분해되고�� 세� 호흡�� 위해 �� 몸���� 쓰여�니다. 쉽� 말�자면�� 설탕�� �� ��고 몸�� 엔�인 셈��죠. ��� 중요�� 사실�� 뇌� 설탕��� 돌��다�� ��입니다. ���� 적���� 설 탕 섭취량�� 유지��� ���� 중요�니다. 14 13 Which best describes the woman’s advice? Which best describes the woman’s advice? 여자의 조언을 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? ① If you can’t beat them, join them. ② If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. ③ It takes two to tango. ④ Hindsight is better than foresight. get along � 지내다 reputation �성�� 평�� intelligent 똑똑�� M: I can’t take this anymore. He really M: � ����� 못 참�어. 자꾸 내 신경�� �드려. W: What are you talking about? Are you W: 무�� �������� 거��? � �관 말��� 거니? gets on my nerves. talking about your boss? M: Yeah. I don’t understand the way he acts toward me. I know he doesn’t like me for some reason. M: 응. �� ���테 � ��� 행동���지 모��어. 어떤 ��유인지�� 몰라도 � 사람�� 날 �어��다�� ���� 알�어. W: Forget about it. You know some people just don’t get along. 들 있잖�. W: �냥 잊어�려. �냥 ���� � 어울리지 못��� 사람 M: I know. But the thing is that he keeps trying to damage my reputation at work. Recently, I’ve heard from some people that he is speaking about me behind my back. M: 알�. �� 문제�� 자꾸 내 평���� 깎� 내리려고 ��다�� 거��. 최��� 자꾸 내 뒤���� �쁜 �����를 ��다고 들었어. W: Why is he doing that? Did you do W: � 사람 도대체 � �러�� 거��? �� � 사람��� � anything bad to him? 쁜 짓 �어? 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 130 12/1/09 2:18:50 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: Not really. I don’t respect him, but I’ve never done anything bad to him. I know I am not that intelligent, but I’ve worked really hard for my position. That makes me even sadder. M: �니. 존경�지�� 않지만 �쁜 짓�� �지 않았어. ��� 내� 똑똑�지 않다�� � 알지만 내 위치까지 오� 위해�� �청 노력�어. �� 날 � 슬프� 해. W: Too bad. Is ever ything else at work W: 어쩔 수 없�. 다른 � 다 ���? okay? M: No. Since I don’t get along well with my boss, I don’t really want to work ver y hard. I don’t even want to go to work in the morning. W: Hey. Why don’t you think about getting another job? I know you deserve better. M: �니. 내 �관���� � 어울리지 못�니까�� 난 열심 �� 일�고 싶지� 않�. ���� 일어��� 일�러 � �도 ��무 �어. W: �러면 다른 ����� 알�보�� ���� 어��? 난 �� � ��� ������� 일할 자격�� 있다고 생�해. M: Maybe I will have to think about that. M: �무�도 좀 생�해 ����어. What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 14 ① Where was the Byzantine Empire? ② Why do you like football? ③ When was the most memorable night of your life? ④ When was the first time you saw a soccer match? hooligan 훌리� capital 수도 Byzantine Empire 비잔틴 제국 give up (� go���) (골��) ���다 three-goal-deficit �� 골 차 shootout 승부차� M: 눈 앞�� 펼쳐지던 � ��면�� ��� ��도 생생�� �� 수 있습니다. 비잔틴 제국의 수도인 ��스탄불 ����의 ����년 �월 ��일��었습니다. ��� ���� ��사적인 곳���� 축� ��사�� 평생 �려질 만�� 밤 �� 경험�� 되었습니다. 챔피언스 리� 결승���� �� ��� 제 친�들�� 빨� 옷�� 입�� 훌리�들 사�� ���� 리�풀�� 응원�습니다. �지만 점수�� ��� 적��었습니다. 리�풀�� ��반�� 끝��도 ���� 3골 �� �었습니다. ��� 결승������ 3골 차를 극복� 고 ��� 팀�� 없었��� 경��� ��미 끝�다고 생� �습니다. �지만 리�풀�� ��� 수 없�� 만�� 힘� �� ��분 만�� 3골�� 몰� 넣었습니다. 결국엔 승부 차�까지 ��� A.C 밀란�� ��겼습니다. ��� 제 눈 �� ��� 수� 없었습니다. M: I can still clearly picture the scene in my eyes. It was May 28, 2005, in Istanbul, the ancient capital of the Byzantine Empire. In that historic place, I experienced an unforgettable night that will go down forever in the history of football. It was the Champions League final, and my friends and I were cheering for Liverpool with the red hooligans. However, the score was tragic. Liverpool had given up three goals, and it was already halftime. I thought the game was over since no team had ever overcome a three- goal deficit in the final game. But Liverpool, with unbelievable strength, scored three goals in 20 minutes. In the end, Liverpool beat A.C. Milan in a shootout. I simply couldn’t believe my eyes. HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 131 12/1/09 2:18:51 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 What does the woman mean by “out of the blue”? What does the woman mean by “out of the blue”? 여자가 말하는 “out of the blue”의 의미는? 16 ① Something depressing ② Someone very forgetful ③ Something that is unexpected ④ Someone who is sociable and outgoing M: Hey! Wake up. It’s nine o’clock in the morning! Aren’t you going to work? M: ����� 일어�. 오�� �시��. 일�러 안 �? W: I know you are kidding! It’s seven W: 농담인 거 다 알�. 7시 반��잖�. 십 분만 � ��. thirty. Just give me ten more minutes, please. chronic 만성적인 M: Shouldn’t you wake up though? I M: ��도 일어��� �지 않�? 일 �러 �� ���� 할 thought you had work to do before 일�� 있�� 걸�� ����. you go to the office. W: Please, just ten more minutes. I’m so W: 십 분만 � �. 어제 새벽 �시�� 자�� ��무 피�� tired because I went to sleep at 5 � 말����. o’clock in the morning. M: All right. What would you like for M: 알았어. ���� � ����? breakfast? chronic stomachache. before you go to sleep! W: Nothing. You know that I have a W: �무��도 안 �어. � 만성 위�� ��애 있�� 거 알잖�. M: That’s because you always eat just M: �� 늘 자� ���� �고 자�� �런 거지. W: I didn’t eat anything this time. Just W: ����엔 �니��. �냥 십 분만 � 자� 내�려 둬. leave me alone and give me more time to sleep. M: Isn’t today the big Wednesday M: ���테 말�던 수요일 �니��? 프레젠테��션 준비 you told me about? Didn’t you say 해�� ��다고 �지 않았어? that you have to prepare for the presentation? W: Shoot! That just came out of the W: ��런�� 완���� 잊어 �렸어. 완���� 잊어 �리다니 blue. I can’t believe I totally forgot ��� 수 없어. � �작 말�지 않았어? ��런. ��럴 about it. Why didn’t you tell me before? Gosh. I have no time for this now. 시�도 없다. M: Why should I be blamed for not M: � 내� 말해주지 않았다고 비난�� 들어�� 해? � telling you that? It’s you who has to 스케���� �억해�� ��� 사람�� 바�� ����. 어쨌든�� remember your schedule, not me. ��둘러�� Anyway, hurr y up! 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 132 12/1/09 2:18:52 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? 16 ① Thank you. I owe you big this time. ② I really love Ray Allen! ③ I wish I could meet Stevie Wonder. He’s a famous musician. please help me? W: Terry, I have a favor to ask. Can you W: T������. 부탁�� �� �지 있어. 도���� 수 있어? ④ You know that promises are meant to be broken. M: What is it? I was actually about to take a nap, but how can I say no? M: ���? 사실 낮잠�� 좀 자려고 ���� 내� 어떻� 안 도��주�다고 할 수� 있�어? 내 ��잖�. 무 �� �제 ��문�� 도��� 필요�� 거��? know (something ) inside out 무언�를 � 알다 owe 신세지다 You are my sister after all. Does it have something to do with your assignment? you please find some pop songs for me to analyze? I just can’t think of any good songs. W: Yeah. You know me inside out. Can W: 응. �말 날 � ��� ��. 분석할 만�� 팝송 좀 � ��� 수 있어? ��� 노�들�� 생�해 �� 수� 없어. M: I remember you saying that one has M: 난 ��� 사람�� 자� 일�� �임�� 져�� ��다고 말 to become responsible for what he does. Ha ha. But, anyway, how about ‘Coyote Ugly?’ I heard it was really �던 � �억�� �. ������ ‘Co�o�� Ug���’ 어��? 내� 들어���� �말 ��. good. not. W: It’s too hard to follow. I’m not sure W: ��무 따라 �� 힘들어. �수��들�� ��할지 안 � whether the professor will like it or �할지 모��어. M: What about ‘Isn’t She Lovely?’ There is actually a stor y behind the song. 있어. M: ‘Isn’� �h� Lov����’�� 어��? 노� 뒤�� �����도 W: Really? Do you think the professor will be interested in Ray Allen’s history? 심�� �질까? W: �말? �수��들�� ��� A�����n의 ������� 관해�� 관 M: Ray Allen? What are you talking M: ��� A�����n? 무�� 소리 ��� 거��. �� 노��� ���vi� about? The song’s about the birth of Stevie Wonder’s daughter. �on���의 딸의 �산�� 관�� 노���. W: Oh. You went to a better college W: 오�� ����� �� �보다 ��� 대학�� � 거��. 등 than me. I think all of that tuition is 록금�� ��제�� 빛�� 보�� �� ��. 어쨌든 �� 노� paying off. Anyway, I think this song �� �말 � 선택�� �� ��. is very a good choice. M: Yeah. You can say that again. I am M: 응. 당연�� 말씀����. ��를 도���� 수 있어 �뻐. happy that I c o u l d h e l p y o u o u t. W: Thank you. I owe you big this time. W: 고맙다. ������ 신세 크� 졌어. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 133 12/1/09 2:18:54 PM HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script 1 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에 올 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ① Smoking has to be avoided especially when young. ② People who smoke can cause harm to others. ③ Smoking can be addictive. ④ People should quit smoking as soon as possible. common knowledge �식 ill effect 해 permanent 영�적인 apparently �백�� W: �리 모두 흡연�� 위험�� 중독��고 �강�� 치�적 일 수 있다�� 걸 알고 있습니다. 흡연�� 암�� 특�� 폐암�� 유발��다�� 사실�� 거의 �식입니다. 많�� 연�자들�� 흡연의 폐해�� 대해 연��고 있습니다. 최����� �� 연�자� 어린 ����� ��� 흡연�� 유�� 자의 영�적인 손��� 일�킨다�� 사실�� 발견�습 니다. �백���� 흡연�� 일찍 시작�� 사람�� 흡연�� 늦� 시작�� 사람과 비���� �� 유��자 손��� � 많�� 있습니다. 흡연�� 일찍 시작�� 사람일수록 � 많�� 손��� 있다�� 말씁입니다. ������ 젊����들 ��� 흡연�� 미치�� 영향�� 심��다�� ���� �무 리 강조해�� 말해도 지�치지 않�� ��유입니다. 요 컨대�� 흡연�� 특�� 젊었�� �� 피해��만 ��� ��입니 다. W: We all know that smoking is a dangerous addiction and can be fatal. It’s practically common knowledge that smoking can lead to cancer ―especially lung cancer. Many researchers have studied the ill effects of smoking. Recently, a researcher discovered that smoking at an early age can cause permanent damage to one’s genes. Apparently, there is more damage done to a person’s genes when that person starts smoking at an early age compared to those who start smoking later in life. The earlier one starts smoking, the more damage occurs. That’s why it is never too much to mention the seriousness of the harmful effect of smoking when young. In short, Smoking has to be avoided especially when young. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 134 12/1/09 2:18:54 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which t-shirt is the man going to buy? Which t-shirt is the man going to buy? 여자가 구입하려고 하는 티셔츠는 어느 것인가? 01 Answer key & Script 11 ① ③ ② ④ stripes ��무늬 plain 민무늬의 v-neck 브��넥 crew-neck 크��넥(깃�� 없�� 둥� �크라인) W: Hi. Are these T-shirts on sale? W: 안��세요? �� 티�츠들 세일 중인�요? M: I’m sorry, but new items are not on M: 죄송�니다만�� 신�품들�� 세일�� �지 않습니다. sale. W: I see. Can you tell me which items W: 알�습니다. 어떤 �품들�� 세일인지 말씀해 주실 are on sale now? 수 있�요? M: Sure. The T-shirts and the shorts on M: �론��죠. ��쪽 선반�� 있�� 티�츠�� 반바지들�� this shelf are the marked down items. 세일 �품입니다. W: Hmm... Actually, I am looking for a W: 사실�� 여동생 티�츠를 고�고 있��� ���들 중 T-shirt for my sister, but I don’t think ���� 어떤 ��도 ���지 않�� �� ��요. she’d like any of them. M: I am sure we have something she’d like. What’s the occasion though? 무�� 날인�요? M: �녀� ��할 뭔�� 분��� 있�� 거예요. �런� W: It’s her birthday tomorrow. Do you W: 내일�� �녀의 생일����요. ����짜리 여자애를 위 have anything good for a 20-year- old girl? �� ��� � 있�요? M: Of course! What about this T-shirt M: �론��죠. 꽃무늬 티�츠�� 어떤�요? �주 � 팔 with this floral pattern? This is a big 려요. seller. W: It looks nice, but she’s not into W: ��요. �� � 애�� 소녀다운 ���� ���지 않� something girly like that. Do you have anything with stripes? 요. ��무늬 티�츠 있�요? M: Sorry. We don’t. But if she likes a M: �니요. 없어요. �지만 �순�고 현대적인 ���� � simple and modern style, how about getting her this plain T-shirt? It goes well with anything. ���다면�� �� 민무늬 티�츠�� 어떤�요? �무 옷 ��� � 어울려요. W: Cool! I like it. Does it come in any W: 멋져요. ��요. 흰색 말고 다른 색도 있�요? color other than white? M: We have black and gray as well. We M: 검��색���� �색도 있어요. 브��넥 칼라�� �온 매 also have a very similar one like this � 비슷�� 디자인도 있어요. with a V-neck collar. W: I think the crew-neck is a better W: 둥� �크라인�� � ��� �� ��요. �걸�� �색 choice for her. I’ll take one of those 주세요. in gray. HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 135 12/1/09 2:19:03 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 What are the first and last pages of Chapter 12? What are the first and last pages of Chapter 12? 12장의 처음과 끝 페이지는? 03 ① 161 – 170 ② 101 – 161 ③ 161 – 178 ④ 170 – 178 political science �치학 psychic 심령술의 assignment 과제 textbook �과�� jot down 받� 적다 sloppy 적당�� 얼�무린�� 조��� M: Jenny. Sorry to bother you again, but I have one more thing to ask you. � 있어. M: J�nn�. �� 귀�� 해�� 미안��� �어볼 � �� W: About the political science W: �치학 �제�� 대해? assignment? M: �� 무�� 도사 �다. 내 �음�� ��라도 �� �� ��. 어떻� 알았어? W: �도 확실�지 않았거든. �제�� 대�� 메모를 ��� 수� 없었어. 빨리 ��려고 급�� 쓰��라 흘려 썼 M: Wow, you are so psychic. It’s like you were reading my mind. How did you know that? W: It is not clear to me, either. I couldn’t read the memo on the assignment I’ve jotted down because I wrote it down in a hurry to get out of the class fast. Wednesday, right? W: I think so. And, as far as I know, we’re supposed to read another chapter from the textbook. 거든. �지? M: Same here. We have to finish it by M: �도 �찬�지��. �리 수요일까지 끝내�� ��� 거 W: �런 �� ��. �리고 내� 알����� �의 다른 �� �� �어�� ����. M: What pages did you write down? M: �� 적�� ���지들�� ���? W: I wrote pages one-oh-one to one- W: ���쪽���� ���쪽��� 적었����� ���쪽���� ��� twenty-eight, but the chapter doesn’t start on one-oh-one. 지� 시작�지 않�. M: I’ve got one-sixty-one to one seventy M: ��� �6�쪽부터 �7�쪽 �고 뭔��� 조��� 글씨 �� something, but I’m not too sure because of my sloppy handwriting. 문�� 확실치 않�. W: Does the chapter start at one-sixty- W: � ���� �6�쪽부터 시작�니? one? M: Chapter 12 does. The end of that M: ������ ��. �지� ���지� �7�쪽����. ���� chapter’s on page one-seventy-eight. Hey, are you sure you have one- twenty-eight? �� ���쪽 적�� �� 확실해? W: It might be one-seventy-eight. I was W: �7�쪽일 거��. 내� 빨리 적었어. writing fast. M: Well, I guess then we have to read M: �� �리� ������ �어�� ��� �� �다. ��지 chapter 12, don’t you? 않니? W: Yeah, that must be right. W: �� ��� �� ��. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 136 12/1/09 2:19:05 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 03 Where are the two people going to meet? 두 화자는 어디에서 만날 예정인가? Where are the two people going to meet? ① At the Washington Center ② In front of library ③ At the hospital ④ In front of the restaurant take place 일어�다 remarkable 훌륭�� stick with ~를 고수�다 M: Would you like to go to the jazz concert with me tonight? M: 오늘밤 ��� �즈 콘��� �지 않���? W: I didn’t know there was going to be a concert. Where is it taking place? Who’s playing? 해? W: 콘��� 있��지 몰랐어. 어디�� ����? �� 연주 M: It’s Chris Barber’s jazz band from New Orleans playing at the Washington Center. W: Oh, great. I like jazz music. I saw a band like that two years ago. All of the musicians were in their seventies and eighties. M: It must be the same group. The piano player is seventy-seven, the trumpet player is eighty, and the contrabass player is eighty-nine years old. He is going to be ninety years old at the end of this year. W: They’re remarkable musicians. I just loved that concert, and I’m sure I’ll like this one, too. I’m glad you asked me. M: The concert starts at seven o’clock. Do you want to go out to dinner first? that restaurant you always wanted to go to? M: 뉴 올리언즈���� 온 Ch�is B��b��의 �즈 밴드� 워싱턴 센터���� 연주해. W: ���� �다. ��� �즈 음악�� ��해. �년 ���� �런 밴드를 �어. � 밴드의 뮤지션�� ��부 7�대� �� 대였어. M: ��� 밴드인 � 분�해. 피�노 연주��� 77세�� � �펫 연주��� ��세�� �리고 콘�라 베��스 연주� �� ��세��. 올해 말�� ��세� �� 거��. W: �들�� 훌륭�� 음악�들����. � 콘��� ��무 �았 ��� ���� ��도 ��� 거라 확신해. �어� ��� 고 M: 콘����� 7시�� 시작해. �녁 먼� ����? �워. 어��? W: Sounds great. How about going to W: ��. �� 항� �고 싶어�던 레스토�� ��� � M: That would be great. Shall we meet M: �거 ��다. 레스토�� 앞���� 볼까? in front of the restaurant? W: We can but I am not sure how to W: ��. �� 어떻� ���지 모��어. 내� 길�� � 못 ��� 걸 알잖�. get there. You know I’m not good at finding my way. M: Well, I was going to pick you up by my car, but it turns out that my mom is going to use my car to go to hospital tomorrow. We can meet in front of the library after school and go there together if you’d like. have no class tomorrow. It’d better for me to stick with the first idea. I’ll take a cab. M: 원��� 내 차�� ��를 �리러 �려 ���� ��� 내 일 병원�� ���� 차를 ���� ��다고 ��. ��만 � ��면 학� 도��관���� 만��� ��� �자. W: Well, thanks for your nice offer, but I W: 글쎄�� ��� 제안�� 고�운��� 난 내일 수업�� 없어. 첫 ��째 ���디어� ��다. 택시를 탈�. HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 137 12/1/09 2:19:06 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How has the woman’s feeling changed about the man on the tV? How has the woman’s feeling changed about the man on the tV? 텔레비전에 나온 남자에 대한 여자의 심정은 어떻게 변했나? 05 ① Interested → Sorry ② Sorry → Critical ③ Irritated → Indifferent ④ Annoyed → Thankful contact 연락�다 plummet 수���� 떨어지다 recuperate 병���� �복�다 M: What did you do last night, Sarah? I M: 어젯밤 ��어�� ����h? ����테 연락할 수� 없던�. couldn’t contact you. W: Sorry. I was at home watching TV, but my cell phone was turned off. 갔어. W: 미안. ����� TV보고 있었��� 핸드폰 배터리� � M: Did you happen to watch the TV program last night about the skydiver whose parachute didn’t open after he had jumped from his plane? M: ��도 혹시 비행����� 점프�� 후�� 낙�산�� 펴지 지 않았던 스카��다����� 대�� TV 프���램 보고 있었니? W: No, I didn’t. What happened to him? W: �니. ���� 무�� 일�� 일어����? �� 죽었니? Did he die? M: No. It’s really unbelievable that he survived such a free fall, much less lived to tell about it on television! M: �니�� �� �런 자유낙�를 �고 ��� ����다�� ��도 ��무 �라운� ��며 � 사실�� 텔레비���� �� ����� ������ 말할 ��도 없지. W: Wow, he was very lucky. How did he W: �� �말 운�� �았��. 어떻� ���난 거��? survive? M: Neither of his chutes opened as he plummeted to the ground. When they found him, they thought he was dead. The doctors said he would never walk again, but he proved them wrong. M: 땅��� 수���� 떨어질 �� 낙�산 두 개� 다 펴지 지 않았어. �들�� �를 �았�� ���� �� 죽�� �� 알았대. 의사들�� �� 다시�� 걷지 못할 거라 ��� ��� ��� �들�� 틀렸다�� ���� 증��어. W: How long did he have to recuperate W: �복되��� 얼�� 걸렸어? ��� 힘든 시��� 견 for? He must have been very determined to overcome such harsh time. 뎌내다니 대����. M: He spent eighteen months in the hospital while his bones, most of which were broken, were mending. But as soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he went back up in the air and jumped out of a plane again. W: Gee, at first I felt kind of sorry for the unfortunate event which happed to him. But now I think he must be insane to try it again! M: 거의 대부분 부러� �의 뼈� 붙�� ��까지 ��개월 �� 병원�� 있어�� �대. �지만 병원���� �오자� 자�� �늘�� 올라 ��� �� 비행����� 뛰어내렸대. W: 어��� �음���� �런 불운�� 일�� ���� 일어� 불 쌍�� 생�되었��� �� �� �런 짓�� �다니 지 금�� 미친 � 분��다�� 생��� 들어. 06 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 138 12/1/09 2:19:07 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 05 Which of the following items were Not on sale at the store? Which of the following items were Not on sale at the store? 가게에서 세일하지 않는 품목은? ① Eggs ② Laundry detergent ③ MP3 player ④ Vacuum cleaner no-frills store �설 할인점 usual store �골�� bleach 표백제 exclude 제외�다 M: You’re not going to believe this. Today I went shopping at the new store near my house instead of the usual store I shop at, and the prices there were fantastic. You should go. M: �지 못할 만큼 �라운 소식�� 있어. 오늘 내� 원 � �던 곳 말고 � �� 새�� 생� ���� 갔��� 거� �격�� 대��어. ��도 꼭 ��� 해. W: Is it one of those no-frills stores? W: �설 할인점 중 �� 곳����? M: Yes. They had some good sales and the products looked better than the other store. M: 응. ��� �격�� 세일도 �고�� 제품들도 다른 곳보 다 �� 보였어. W: What did you buy? W: 뭘 샀���? M: I got a dozen large eggs for $4.50, two bottles of water for $1.25, a bag of charcoal for $3.99, a box of laundry detergent for $6.99, and a bottle of bleach for $1.99. Almost these items were on sale excluding the electronic appliances. looking for a good quality MP3 player at an affordable price to buy. M: An MP3 player? You’re lucky indeed. Most things there are on sale except for home electronic appliances. M: 4달러 ��센��� 달걀�� 열두 개 사고�� �달러 ��센 ��� � 두 병�� 3달러 ��센��� 숯 �� 봉지�� 6달러 ��센��� 세제 �� 박스�� �달러 ��달러�� 표백제 �� 병�� 샀어. ��자 제품�� 제외�� 거의 모든 �품들�� 세일��었어. M: MP3 플레��어? �말�� 운�� ���. �안 ��� 제 품�� 제외�� 대부분�� 세일��었어. W: Really? That’s too bad. I have been W: �말? �거 실�����. ���� �격의 MP3 플레�� 어를 �고 있었���. W: Where is this store? I might try it, too. W: �� �� 어디��? �도 �����다. M: It’s located on the corner of Fine M: �인 ��� �4��� ����� 있어. Avenue and 14th Street. 06 When will the man attend the party? When will the man attend the party? 남자는 언제 파티에 참석할 예정인가? ① He has to arrive by 7:30. ② He has to arrive by 7:00. ③ He has to arrive by 5:00. ④ He has to arrive by 6:00. throw a birthday party �티를 열다 be supposed to ~���� 되어 있다 M: I heard that you are throwing a M: �� Ju��i�를 위해 생일 �티를 해준다고 들었어. ��� 해준다니 �말 친�����. birthday party for Julie. It’s very kind of you to do that. W: She’s been my best friend ever since we went to the same junior high! I have never had a party for her before, but she has done it for me several times. W: ��� 고등학�를 다닌 ��후�� ��곧 �녀�� 내 제일 친�� 친����� ��� 걜 위해 �티를 해준 적�� 없�� � � 애�� 날 위해 �� �� 해�어. M: Anyway, when’s the party? M: 어쨌든�� �티�� 언제 해? W: It’s on the 17th of December. You W: ��월 �7일����. �� ���� 해. ��도 올 수 있지? have to come. You can come, right? HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 139 12/1/09 2:19:09 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: Of course, I’ll be there. She is my good friend, too. But what time is the party? I was actually asking about the time. M: �론�� 갈�. �녀�� 내 ��� 친����도 �� 걸. � � 언제��? 실�� 시��� �어보려고 �었어. W: Oh, sorry. I totally misunderstood your question. It’s just that I’m so excited about the party. W: 오. 미안해. � 질문�� 완�� �못 ��해�어. �티�� ��무 들떠있었� �. M: It’s okay. M: ���. W: I haven’t decided it. It’s supposed to be a surprise party, so I’ll have to check Julie’s schedule. W: �� 결� 못�어. 깜짝 �티여�� 해���� Ju��i�의 스 케���� 확인해 ��� 해. M: I have an evening class with her, and M: � � 애�고 �녁 수업 ��� 듣��� 7시�� 끝�. it ends at 7:00. I can bring her to the party. 내� � 애를 �려올�. W: That’s a very good idea. Make sure W: ��� 생�����. 발치 홀�� 7시 3�분까지 � 앨 � that you bring her to Balch Hall by 7:30, and I’ll tell everyone to be there by 6:30. 리고 ���� 해. �리고 모두��� 6시 반까지 �곳�� �라고 할�. M: Perfect! She’s really going to be M: 완벽해�� �말 �라�다�� ��지 않니? �녀의 �란 surprised, isn’t she? I can’t wait to see the look on her face. 표��� 빨리 보고 싶어. W: All right then. I’ll see you there at 7:30. W: �� �어. 7시 3�분�� 거��� 보자. 선� 잊지 �. Don’t forget to bring a present! 08 What is the main topic of the lecture? What is the main topic of the lecture? 이 강연의 주제는 무엇인가? 07 ① It’s about how the woman feels to return to her old school. ② It’s about the reason why many people think time is important. ③ It’s about how people should manage their time wisely. ④ It’s about how to succeed in life. succeed in ~ ���� 성공�다 realistic 현실적인 jot down ���� �� 자 적다�� 메모�다 W: I never imagined that I could come back here as a guest lecturer since I graduated almost 20 years ago. Let me get into the reason why I am standing here today. We always hear the saying “Time is money.” This expression reminds me and many people of the importance of time itself. However, how people spend their time can vary according to each person. And this is the key factor which determines whether one will succeed in his or her life. Fortunately, time is something that can be managed wisely. All you need are some strategies to manage your time. For example, using a planner is the most basic yet also the most effective way to be efficient with your time. However, you have to be W: ��년 �� 졸업�� ����� 내� ��곳�� ���� 객원 연 설��� 설 수 있�� 거라고�� ����도 ���지 못� 습니다. 오늘 제� ��곳�� �� 있�� ��유를 말씀 드 리�습니다. �리�� 항� “시��� 돈��다”라�� 표현 �� 듣습니다. �� 표현�� ��� 사람들��� 시�의 중 요성�� 일깨워 줍니다. �지만 �들�� 시��� 어떻 � 보내��지�� 사람�다 다릅니다. �리고 ������ ���� 성공할 ��인지 실패할 ��인지를 �늠��� 중요�� 열쇠� �니다. 다행스럽�도 시��� �리 � 현��� 관리할 수 있�� ��입니다. 당신��� 필 요�� ���� 시��� 관리할 ��략들입니다. 예를 들면�� 플���를 사용��� ���� ��� �본적��면�� �과적 인 방법입니다. �지만�� 플����� �획�� 적�� ���� 현실적��고 실용적��어�� �니다. 해�� 할 일�� 모 두 적고 스케���� ��무 빡빡�� 세��� ���� 당신 �� 시� 관리��� ���� 도��주지 않습니다. 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 140 12/1/09 2:19:10 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation very realistic and practical when you write down your plans in the planner. Jotting down everything you need to do and packing your schedule too tightly will never help you manage your time. 08 Why isn’t the girl working on her project now? Why isn’t the girl working on her project now? 여자 아이가 지금 프로젝트를 하지 않는 이유는? ① She needs to get coffee. ② The library is closed. ③ She is finished with it. ④ She wants to go hiking. ancient 고대의 rule 통치�다 dynasty 왕조 thesis 논제 M: Hi, where have you been? I’ve M: 안��� 어디�� 있었니? ��� �일 ��� �었어. 오늘 ���킹 ���� �잖�. 잊었니? been calling you all day. We were supposed to go hiking today. Did you forget? W: Oh, sorry. I had to go to the library to work on a project for school. M: Well, you should have mentioned that earlier. I waited for you until it was too late to go. W: I am sorry that I forgot to call you. I had actually forgotten all about the project until my partner called me early this morning. �어. 었어. W: 오�� 미안해. 학� 프��젝� ��문�� 도��관�� ��� M: ���� 일찍 말해�어��지. 늦�까지 �� 갈 준비를 �고 있었어. W: ��� ��� 걸 깜박해�� 미안해. 사실 오늘 �� 일 찍 내 ����� ���할 ��까지 프��젝�를 잊고 있 M: What class is the project for? M: 무�� 과목 프��젝���? W: It’s a report on the ancient ruling dynasties for my history class. We have a really interesting thesis, but it’s going to take a lot of work to put it all together. W: ��사 수업의 고대의 왕조�� 대�� 거��. 굉���� �미 있�� 논제� 있��� 완성�려면 좀 힘�� 들 거��. M: It sounds fascinating. What is it about? M: 멋지��. ��� 관�� 거니? W: It would take me too long to explain it right now. I’ll let you read the report when it’s done. ���. W: 지금 설����� ��무 길고 다 되면 리�� �� 해 M: That will be fine. When will you have M: ��. 언제 끝����? it finished? day after tomorrow. then. W: Soon, I hope. The report is due the W: 바라�대 곧�� �감일�� 내일 모레까지��. M: Wow, you had better get to work M: ��. �� ���까지 열심�� 해����. W: Yeah, but the library is closed for now. I’m done for the night. W: 응. �� 도��관�� 닫��� 오늘�� ���� 할수 없어. M: Really? Then would you like to go get M: ��? �� �피 �시러 갈�? some coffee? W: Sure. That sounds great. W: �론��지. ��� 생�����. HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 141 12/1/09 2:19:11 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들은 다음에 무엇을 하겠는가? 09 10 M: �usi��� 오�동안 �리 못 �던 �� ���� 어떻� 지 W: I’ve been pretty busy with W: �제 ��문�� 꽤 바빴어. �주 동안 도��관�� 갇�� 있 ① The woman will write down the recipe and website address for the man. ② The woman and the man will go to the library to return some books. ③ They will watch the video on how to make hoddeuk. ④ The woman and the man will go to her house for the recipe and website address. M: Susie, it seems like we haven’t seen each other for ages! How have you been? assignments. I have been stuck in the library for about two weeks. M: That’s why I didn’t see you in the M: ���� �내 매점���� 널 볼 수 없었��. �런� cafeteria. By the way, what are you eating? � �어? take a bite ��입 �다 give it a try 시도�다 help yourself �음껏 들다 stop by 들�다 W: Oh, these... These are called hoddeuk. They are Korean-style pancakes. They are really good. Would you like to take a bite? W: 응. ��거�. 호떡��라고 ��� 거��. ��국식 팬케익 ����. �말 맛있���. �� 입 ����? 냈니? 었어. 있어. M: I’ve never heard of it. What’s it like? M: 들어본 적 없���. 어떤 맛����? W: Actually, it tastes very different than American pancakes. Hoddeuk is filled with sweet syrup made from cinnamon, brown sugar, and peanuts. M: Sounds delicious! Let me give it a try. Cut me a small piece of it, please. W: 사실 미국 핫케��크���� 매� 다른 맛����. 호떡�� �피�� 흑설탕�� 땅콩��� 만들어� 시럽��� 채워져 M: 맛있�다�� �어 ����다. 조금만 �라� �. W: Okay. I’m sure you’ll like it. It is the perfect between-meals snack. ����. W: �론����. ��할 거라 확신해. ��� �식용��� 딱 M: Wow. It tastes really good. Actually, it’s way better than pancakes. M: ��. �말 맛있다. 사실 팬케��크 보다 � 맛있어. W: Ha ha. I am happy that you like it. If W: ��. �� ���니 �뻐. � 원�면 �음껏 �어. you want more, help yourself. M: Thanks. Where can I buy these? M: 고�워. 어디�� �� 수 있어? W: Actually, I made them by myself. W: 사실�� 내� �접 만들었어. M: Wow. Really? Maybe I need to get M: ��. �말? ����테 레시피를 좀 얻어���다. the recipe from you. W: No problem. Just stop by my house anytime. I can also tell you the website where I found the video version of the recipe. M: Cool! Can I get it now? I don’t have any classes for the next two hours. W: I guess today is your lucky day. Do you want to come with me to the library to drop off some books? W: 문제 없어. 언제든 �리 ��� 들러. 비디오 ���� �� 된 레시피� 있�� 사���를 알려���. 강인�. M: ���� 지금 얻�� 수 있어? 다음 �시� 동안 쭉 공 W: �� �주 운 �다. � �� 권�� 반��러 도��관�� 갈 �� ��고 ��� 갈�? M: Okay. M: ��. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 142 12/1/09 2:19:12 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 What are the speakers mainly discussing? ① They are talking about the reason why the woman hates the library. ② They are discussing the way to make the library a better place to study. ③ They are discussing the kinds of etiquette library users must have. ④ They are talking about the reason the woman came home early from the library. concentrate on �중�다 be crowded with ~�� 붐비다 inspire 영감�� 주다 recognizable 알�차� 만�� be polite to ~��� 예의 바�다 What are the speakers mainly discussing? 그들은 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? M: Hey. You came home so early. Didn’t you say that you would be staying late at the library? M: ��� 일찍 ��. 도��관���� 늦�까지 있�� 거라고 �지 않았어? W: Yeah, I was going to, but I couldn’t concentrate on my studies there. 었어. W: 응�� �러려고 ������ 거��� 공부�� �중할 수 없 M: Why? What happened? I thought you said the library is the perfect place to concentrate. M: �? 무�� 일����? 도��관�� 공부�� ��� ��소라 고 �� �� ����. W: Not anymore! It’s crowded with so W: ������ �냐�� 요������ ��무 많�� 사람��� 붐벼. many people these days. M: I see. But I remember you said that being surrounded by many people studying hard in the library inspires you to study harder. W: Yes, but it’s only when people do not forget about something called etiquette. A day like today, there were two people sitting next to me who kept talking to each other really loudly. M: ����. �지만 난 �� 열심�� 공부��� 사람들 �� 둘러싸여 있�면 자극�� 되어 �다고 �� ����� �억����. W: 응. �지만 �� 사람들�� ��티켓�� 잊지 않았�� �� 의 ��지. 오늘 ��� 날�� 내 ��자리���� 두사람�� ��해�� 시끄럽� ������다고. M: Did you tell them to quiet down? M: �들��� 조용�� �라고 �어? W: I sure did. But it didn’t do any good, and that wasn’t the worst part of all. W: 응. ��어. �� 소용 없었어�� �리고 �� 최악�� �니었어. M: ��해 �. M: Go on. W: This guy sitting right in front of me kept making this clicking sound as he was sending text messages. I mean, it was really loud and quite recognizable. W: 내 앞�� �� 있�� 남자� ��해�� 문자를 보내�� 딸깍 거리�� 소리� �를 방해�어. � 소리�� �말 시끄러웠고 �당�� 귀�� 거슬� �도였어. M: I didn’t know you are that sensitive, M: 난 �� �리 민감��지 몰랐지만 �런 소리라면 공 but it sounds like you had a hard time concentrating on your studies. 부�� �중�� 힘들었��. W: Pretty much. I think people who use the library should remember their etiquette and be polite to others. W: �주 심�지. 도��관 사용자들�� ��티켓�� �억� 고 ������� 예의를 지켜주면 ��어. HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 143 12/1/09 2:19:14 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which car is the man going to rent? Which car is the man going to rent? 남자가 빌리려고 하는 차는? 11 12 Price Navigation Airbag ① ② ③ ④ $300 $400 $290 $390 ○ ○ × ○ × ○ ○ ○ to rent. already? W: Hi. How may I help you? W: 안��세요. 어떻� 도��드�까요? M: I am here to look for a compact car M: 소형차를 빌리러 �어요. W: Do you have anything in mind W: ��미 �음�� 생�해 두신 �� 있�세요? compact car 소형차 airbag ��어백 unfortunately 불행��도 navigation �비���션 M: Well, it hasn’t been long since I decided to rent a car. My car broke down yesterday. I looked at several models on the Internet last night, but I still haven’t decided yet. M: 차를 빌리려고 결��� � �리 오�되지 않���요. 제 차� 어제 고�� �어요. 어젯밤 인터넷��� �� 개의 모델�� 보� ���� �� 결��지 못�어요. W: What’s the price range you have in W: 생��고 �시�� �격대� 있�세요? mind? M: I want something that’s under $300 a M: ����� 3��달러 ���인 ���� ��어요. ��지 않 day. Other wise, it’s going to be too much. �면 ��무 비쌀 �� ��요. W: Well, in that case, I would recommend the new Locetti. It is only $290 a day, and it has airbags. W: ��다면�� 신형 ��세티를 추천��어요. ����� ���달러 밖�� 안 해요�� �리고 ��어백�� 있어요. M: Does it have navigation, too? I am not really good at finding my way around, even in the city, so I need a car with that feature, too. M: �비���션도 있�요? ��� 도시����도 길�� ��� ���� 익��지 않��� �� 필요해요. W: Unfortunately, no. The ones with navigations are all over $300 a day. Is that okay? M: All right. I will rent one with airbags as well as a navigation system. But the cheapest one with those. W: 안타깝�도 없�요. �비���션�� 있�� 차�� ��� �� 3��달러 �������요. ���세요? M: ���요. �비���션�고 ��어백�� 있�� 걸�� 할 �요. �지만 ���들�� 있�� �� 중 제일 싼 거요. W: Okay. For how long are you going to W: 알�습니다. 얼�� 오� 빌리실 ��요? rent it? M: I can pick up my car two days after tomorrow. So probably for three days. M: 글피�� 제 차를 받�� 수 있�니 3일 동안��면 �� 거 ��요. 13 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 144 12/1/09 2:19:16 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① The status of women in society has changed a lot. ② Women had very limited chances to work in the past. ③ There have not been many changes in women’s points of view. ④ Changes in women’s roles have sometimes caused conflicts with men. status 지위�� 위치 spread 보급 liberation movement 자유 운동 previously �������� conflict 충돌 W: For centuries, the status of women and men has changed a lot. The spread of modern technology and the women’s liberation movement in most societies has made it possible for women to have new roles. The roles of women were previously limited to a few jobs, like being a homemaker, in the past, but now many women have joined the working world. And with these changes, women’s points of view have widened. Women now have a better understanding of men and also the problems that men face at their jobs. However, this change sometimes causes conflicts with those men who expect women to maintain their traditional roles. W: �� 세� 동안�� 여자�� 남자의 지위�� 많�� 바뀌었습 니다. 대부분의 사����� �술 발��과 여성의 자유 운동�� 여성��� � 많�� ��할�� �능�� �습니 다. 과거���� 여성의 ��할�� 주부�� ��� 걸�� 제�� 적��었���� �지만 지금�� 많�� 여성들�� �업 세 ��� �류�습니다. �리고 ���� ��� 변��� ��� 여성의 시�도 많�� 확��되었습니다. 여성들�� �� 제 남자들�� 대해 � ��해�� 되고 �업���� �들 �� �주��� 문제점�� 대해��도 ��해�� 되었습니 다. �지만 ��러�� 변��� 여성들의 ��통적인 ��할 �� 고수��를 �대��� 남자들과의 충돌�� ���� 습니다. Which best describes the man’s speech? Which best describes the man’s speech? 남자의 연설을 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? 13 ① Walk your dog every day. ② Put your dog on a leash in public places. ③ Do not restrain your dog. ④ Do not take your dog to public parks. encounter �주�다�� 조��다 German shepherd (독일�) 쉐퍼드 public park 공원 unleashed 묶��지 않�� stitch 꿰맨 자국 restrain ���다 M: 최��� 공원���� 주인�� 자유롭� 뛰어 � 수 있도 록 풀어둔 독일산 쉐퍼드를 보았습니다. ���� 공원 ���� �를 많�� 보았고 안���� 위해 개�� 목���� 해 달라고 요��습니다. �지만 ��� �의 개� 착� 고 공원�� 있�� ��도 �거� 해지치 않�� 거라 말 �습니다. �� 내 ���� ��무 빨리 지���� 내� � ����� 요����지 말�지 못�습니다. 여� �� 유� 있습니다. 제� 어� ���� 묶��지 않�� 개�� � 려 무릎�� 꿰맨 자국�� 얻어�� �습니다. 묶��지 않 �� 개를 볼 ���다�� 제� 심�� 다��� ��를 생� �면�� �러�� 불운�� 사��� �� 다른 사람��� 일어�지 않��지 걱��� 시작�습니다. 공공 �� 소�� 있�� 개들�� 다른 사람들�� 안���� �� 위 해 묶어 두어�� ��다고 말�고 싶습니다. M: I recently encountered a dog owner who let his large German shepherd run free in a public park. I had seen him many times in the park before and once asked him to put his dog on a leash for safety purposes. But he told me that his dog is very nice and would never bite or harm anyone in the park. I didn’t have any time to explain why I asked him to do that since he and his dog passed by me very quickly. Here is the reason. When I was young, I got bitten by an unleashed dog and had to get stitches in my knee. Every time I see a dog that is unleashed, I remember the time when I was seriously injured and begin to worry if the same unfortunate event is going to happen to me or someone else. I would like to say that dogs in public places should be restrained in order to keep people safe. HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 145 12/1/09 2:19:17 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 14 ① The problems of having regrets ② How to avoid having regrets ③ The benefits of having regrets ④ The reason why one should never have any regrets meaningless 의미 없�� in my opinion 내 생����� serve 수행�다 seriously 심��� anticipation 걱� consequences 결과 apparent �백�� consideration 심사�고�� 고려 M: Nobody is free from regretting the things he or she did or various decisions that were made in the past. Some say it is useless and meaningless for us to regret things which have already happened. But, in my opinion, regret serves some important functions. First, worrying that we may regret a decision will make us take that decision very seriously. The anticipation leads us to more seriously consider that decision. Also, regret can emphasize the mistakes we have made, so we won’t repeat our mistakes if a similar situation arises in the future. M: ��든 �� 과거�� �던 다양�� 결��� 대�� 후� ���� 자유롭지 않습니다. ����� �리� ��미 일 어�던 일�� 대해 후���� ���� 소용도 없고�� 의미 도 없다고 �니다. �지만 제 생������� 후��� � �의 순�능�� �니다. 결��� 후�할 수도 있다�� 생��� 결� 자체를 � 심��� 받�들��� �니다. ��러�� 걱��� 결��� � 심��� 고려�� �니다. ���� 후��� �리� 만든 실수를 강조해���� 미��� 비슷�� �황�� 일어�면 �리�� 실수를 반복�지 않� �니다. 16 15 What does the man mean by “making a mountain out of a molehill”? What does the man mean by “making a mountain out of a molehill”? 남자가 말한 “making a mountain out of a molehill”의 의미는? ② Making a big problem out of small one M: You look very upset. Did something M: �� 매� �분�� 안 �� 보여. 무�� 일 있었어? ① Getting too old ③ Being in trouble ④ Getting tired a couple of �� 개의 yell 소리치다 scold 꾸짖다 due ~�감인 molehill 사소�� 일 1 Hot Listening ❹ W: Well, if you have to know, it’s all W: 꼭 알��� ��다면 Bing 씨 ��문����. �� 요�� � ��테 �식�� 벗어�� 행동해. happen? W: I don’t want to talk about it. There have just been a couple of things which have happened recently. M: Come on. You know you don’t have to keep quiet. I am here to listen to you. because of Mr. Bing. He’s been acting very unreasonably toward me. M: Why? Did you do something wrong? You used to be his favorite, didn’t you? W: Seriously, I don’t know. Yesterday, he yelled at me for not managing team members well at a meeting. He said he was not happy because of some people who were late for the meeting. W: ������고 싶지 않�. �지 최��� �� �지 일�� 있었어. M: 어�� 말해 �. ��도 ������고 싶잖�. 난 들어주 려고 �다고. M: �? �� � �못�어? �� �� ��� ����� 사람 ��었잖�. W: �말 � 모��어. 어제 ��� 팀�� � 관리�지 못 ��다고 �의���� 내� 소리�어. ��� ���� 사람들 �� �의�� 늦어�� �� �거든. M: Were many people late for the M: 어제 많�� 사람들�� 늦었니? meeting yesterday? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 146 12/1/09 2:19:19 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: Not really. Only two people came about two or three minutes late. But that’s not it. Today, he scolded me for not giving him a report which is due next week. W: �니. ���� �-3분 늦었어. �지만 �� 다� �냐. 오늘 ��� 다음 주� �감인 리��를 주지 않��다 고 꾸중�어. M: It sounds like he’s making a mountain M: 조�만 일�� 크� 만드����. out of a molehill. W: Yeah, you are right. I wonder what’s bothering him so much in his life. �다. W: � 말�� ��. �� 요�� �를 힘들� ���지 �금 16 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Do you know how hard it is to make an appointment with you? ② I am sorry, but I don’t want to spend any more time in the library. ③ Is it the new project which you have to do for Professor Williams? ④ Cool. I want to go there since I haven’t been there yet. assignment �제 stuck 갇힌 campus lately. W: Hi, Mason. It’s so nice to see you here. W: 안��� M�son�� 여��� 보니 반갑다. M: Jess. Wow, long time no see. How have you been doing lately? M: J�ss. ���� 오랜만��다. 요�� 어떻� 지내? W: I’ve been very busy these days W: �제 ��문�� 요�� ��무 바빴어. 거의 ��달 동안 도 ��관�� 갇�� 있었어. because of all of my assignments. I have been stuck in the library for almost a month. M: That’s why I haven’t seen you around M: ���� 최��� 캠퍼스���� 보��지 않았��. W: How have you been? Do you still help W: 어떻� 지내? 여���� �i����i�ms �수��의 일�� 돕�� professor Williams with his work? 거��? M: �달 동안 �의 새��운 프��젝�를 돕고 있어. M: Yes. I have been helping him with his new research project for two months. W: Wow. You must have been very busy, too. Maybe we need a break to get away from all of our hard work. W: ��. ��도 매� 바빴�다. 어�면 �리�� 모든 힘든 일���� 벗어날 �식�� 필요�� 거 ��. M: You’re so right. If it’s okay with M: ��. ��다면�� ���� 주말�� ��� 어디 ��� � 어 you, how about going somewhere together this coming weekend? ��? W: That sounds good to me. Do you have a good place in mind to visit? W: 듣던 중 반갑다. 방문할 만�� ��� ��소� 있니? M: What do you say to going to Coral M: �럴 센터�� ��� � 어��? Center? W: Cool. I want to go there since I haven’t been there yet. 었어. W: ��. �도 거��� �� �본 적�� 없어�� �고 싶 HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 147 12/1/09 2:19:20 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에 올 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ① Conversation is much more important than test-taking. ② All we have to do is practice the right things. ③ But memorizing is not simple. ④ Because I can speak English very well. communicate �����를 ��다 memorize 외�다 practice 연습�다 M: Living in Korea, it’s hard to miss the point that learning English is “very important.” Here, English is much more than just a means of communicating with people from other countries. English is what you need to be part just as much as to set yourself apart. These days it seems like everyone is interested in learning English. Unfortunately, many people don’t study the right things. There are even some people who memorize grammar books or memorize dictionaries! Let’s not waste our time with things like that. People who want to communicate in English should practice conversation and writing. People who want to pass tests should practice with test questions. It’s really quite simple: All we have to do is practice the right things. 01 M: ��국�� ��면���� 영어학습�� 매� 중요�다�� 점�� �과���� 어렵다. ��곳���� 영어�� 다른 �라 사 람들과 의사소통�� �� 위�� 수� � �����다. 영 어�� 자신과 별개�� 생���� ��만큼��� 자신의 일부분��� 받�들여�� 할 대���다. 요�� 모든 사 람들�� 영어학습�� 관심�� 있�� ����� 보인다. 불 행��도�� 많�� 사람들�� 올바른 ���� 공부�지 않 고 있다. 심지어 어떤 사람들�� 문법��� 외�거� 사���� 암���도 ��다. �런 일�� �리의 시��� 낭비�지 말자. 영어�� 의사소통�� �고 싶�� 사람 들�� ��� 쓰�를 연습해�� ��다. 시험�� 통과� 고자 ��� 사람들�� 시험문제�� 연습해�� ��다. � ���� �주 ���다. 적���� ���� 연습��만 �면 되�� ����다. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 148 12/1/09 2:19:21 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which chair are they going to buy? Which chair are they going to buy? 그들이 사려고 하는 것은 어떤 의자인가? 01 Answer key & Script 12 ① ③ ② ④ particular 특별�� duo-back chair 등받��� 두 개인 의자 armrest 팔걸�� headrest �리 받� hesitate �설��다 W: If we are done with the bed, can we W: �대� 끝��면 의자 좀 볼까? look around for a chair? don’t think it’s necessary. M: Do you want to change chairs, too? I M: 새 의자도 필요해? 난 필요�다고 생�지 않���. W: I mean for David. He’s grown too big. His chair is too small for him now. W: 내 말�� D�vi�거요. ��� 많�� 컸잖�요. �의 의자 �� 지금 ���� ��무 작�요. M: I see. Do you have any particular one M: 알�어. 특별�� 생�해 둔 거라도 있어? in mind? W: Not specifically, but I am thinking W: �체적����� �니���� �지만 바닥�� 바퀴� 있�� about getting a chair with wheels on the bottom. 걸 생��고 있어. M: One with wheels? Don’t you think that’s kind of an office chair? 않�? M: 바퀴 있�� 거? �런 � 사무실 의자라고 생��지 W: I know, but it’s a lot more comfortable with wheels. W: 알�. �� 바퀴� 있�� � 훨씬 편해요. M: Okay. If you insist. How about the M: 알았어. 당신�� 원��다면. 바닥�� 바퀴 있�� �란색 의자 어��? 팔걸��도 있어�� 편���. blue one with wheels on the bottom? It has armrests for comfort, too. W: Oh, I like it. He can rest his arms on W: 오�� ��요. 거��� 팔�� 쉬면 되��요. �지만 � 리 받��� 필요�다고 생�지 않�요? them. But don’t you think we have to get one that also has a headrest? M: Well, of course it will be comfortable, but look at the price. It’s way too expensive. M: 글쎄 �론 있다면 편��지만�� �지만 �격�� �요. ��무 비싸. W: You’re right. That’s the reason why I gave up on the duo-back chair. ��유죠. W: ��요. �� 제� 등 받��� 두 개인 ���� ���� M: Did you? Don’t feel bad about it then. I have a double-back chair in my office right now, but it doesn’t hug my back that much. M: ��요? �� 걱� 말�요. 사무실�� 등받� 두 개 인 의자� 있��� 등�� �리 감싸주지 않�요. W: Okay. Then we shouldn’t hesitate to W: ��요. �� �리�� �� 의자를 사� 위해 �설일 buy this chair. Let’s go for it. 필요� 없�요. 사러 �요. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 149 12/1/09 2:19:22 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation When will the solar eclipse occur? When will the solar eclipse occur? 언제 일식이 일어날 예정인가? 02 OCTOBER M: Jenny, come see this news. M: J�nn��� ���� 뉴스 좀 �. �� �사�� 따�면�� ���� 달�� 일식�� 있�� 예����. According to the article, there will be a solar eclipse this month. W: Huh? A solar eclipse? What’s that, W: �라고요? 일식? �� �예요�� ��? 2 9 16 3 10 17 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SUN 7 4 1 6 5 14 11 8 13 12 15 19 20 21 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ① October 5 ② October 17 ③ October 24 ④ October 30 article (신문) �사 solar eclipse 일식 new moon 초승달 conjunction �치�� 관련 in conjunction ~�� 접�여�� �치�여�� ~�� 겹쳐지�� M: ����� 달�� �양�� ���� �리� 볼 수 없� 되�� ��를 말��� 거��. 일식�� 일어��� 동안���� 달�� �양과 지� 사���� 위치�� 되고�� ���� �양빛 의 ��부 ���� 일부� 지���부터 차�되�� 거지. Dad? M: It’s when the moon blocks our view of the sun. During a solar eclipse, the moon comes between the sun and the Earth so that all or part of the sun’s light is blocked from Earth. that before in my science class. When will that happen? M: This can only happen during a new moon, when the sun and the moon are in conjunction as seen from the Earth. W: Really? That’s amazing. I have learned W: �말��요? �라운�요. ���� 과학 시��� 배운 적 �� 있어요. 언제 일식�� 일어난대요? M: 일식�� 초승달일 ��만 일어������ �양과 달�� 지 ����� 보��� �란�� �치�� �� 일어�지. 냐고요? W: No, I mean what date will the solar W: �니요�� 제 말�� 무�� 날짜�� 일식�� 일어날 예��� eclipse occur? M: Oh. I see. It will happen on the M: 오�� 알았다. ����� ��월 말 �지����� 두 ��째 주 second to last Tuesday of October. �요일�� 일어날 거��. W: You mean the 31st? W: 3�일 말씀��세요? M: No, this is October for god’s sake. M: �니�� 지금�� ��월��잖니. W: Oh, right. Then, probably a week after this Tuesday which is the 17th. 후�� 말��죠. W: ��� �다. �� �7일인 ����주 �요일부터 일주일 M: Yeah. Let’s go and watch it together. M: ��. ��� ��� 보자. W: That sounds good to me. I can’t wait W: 멋져요. �말 �대� �요. to see it. 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 화자들은 어떤 관계입니까? ② A chiropractor – A physical therapist M: Hi. How are you? M: 안��� 어떻� 지내니? ① A pharmacist – A patient ③ A doctor – A patient ④ A professor – A student W: I’m surviving. Thank you for asking. W: �럭�럭 지내요. �어� ��� 고�워요. M: You don’t look so good. Tell me what’s been happening to you? M: �� 보��지�� 않���� �� 무�� 일�� 일어��� W: Actually I’m not feeling well at all. I W: 사실�� 몸�� 안 ��요. � ��문�� �러��지 모�� 지 말해 보렴. 어요. don’t really know what’s causing me to feel this way. M: Oh, no. Sound serious. How do you M: 심��� 들리���. 좀 어��? feel? 10 Hot Listening ❹ 04 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 150 12/1/09 2:19:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation the chills 냉��� 쌀쌀� favor 부탁�� 호의 extension (��) 연�� worse � �쁜 flu 유행성 독감(inf��u�nz�의 ��임말) W: I think I may be coming down with something. I’m aching all over and have the chills. W: �무�도 무�� 병�� 걸린 �� ��요. 온 몸�� �프 고 오���� 있어요. M: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. You may M: �거 안���. 감��� 걸린 �� ���. have the flu. W: I have a terrible headache and need W: 지독�� 두통 ��문�� 쉬어�� 할 �� ��요. Mi������ � to get some rest. Dr. Miller, can I ask you a big favor? 수���� 부탁�� �� 드려도 ��까요? M: I know what you have in mind. You M: �� 무�� 생�인지 알 �� ���. �� 과제를 못 haven’t finished your paper yet, have you? 끝냈���� ��지? W: No, I haven’t. Could you give me a W: ��� 다 끝내지 못�어요. �제를 �칠 수 있도록 며 couple more days to finish it? 칠만 � 주시�어요? M: Well, you have been sick. I will give you an extension. But remember that you got a bad grade on your midterm, and you might do even worse this time. M: �� �팠� 말��지. ����� 연��해 ���. �지만 �억해 둘 � 있어. 중� 고사 점수� 매� �빴����� ������ �보다 � 안 ��� 수도 있어. W: I realize that. So I am working on my W: 알고 있어요. ���� ���� � � 열심�� �고 있어요. assignment. M: By the way, I think that you should M: ���� 지금보다 � 몸�� � � 돌��� 할 �� � take better care of yourself. ��. W: Thank you very much. I will. W: �말 감사�니다. �럴�요. 04 What conveniences does Mary Not say about camping? What conveniences does Mary Not say about camping? Mary가 캠프장의 편리한 점으로 언급하지 않은 것은? ① Being close to nature is a good way to forget about school for a while. ② We can drive until finding a nice spot weeks. and then just camp anywhere. ③ It is inexpensive to stay at the campground. my final exams. ④ There are some good facilities and chances to meet new people. now. equipment ��비 illegal 불법의 privately 개인적����� 사적��� convenience 편의시설 detail 세부사항 W: Hi, John. I haven’t seen you for a few W: 안��� John�� �� 주 만�� 보����. M: Hi, Mary. I’ve been studying a lot for M: 안��� M���. �말 고사 준비���라 ��곧 공부�어. W: Well, the semester is almost over W: ��제 학�� 거의 끝���. M: Yeah. My brother’s coming for a visit this summer, and we’d like to see some of the country. But traveling is so expensive. M: ��. 남동생�� ���� 여��� 방문�러 올 거��. � 러면 국내 여행�� 좀 �고 싶어. �지만 여행비용�� ��무 비싸. W: Have you thought about camping? W: 캠�� ��� 거 생�해 �니? M: Camping? I have never done that in M: 캠��? ����도 생� 안 해 �어. my entire life. W: I think you’d really like it. You can rent the equipment you need. It’s much cheaper than buying it or staying at a hotel. And being close to nature is W: 내 생����� �� �말 ��할 �� ����. 필요�� ��비�� 빌� 수 있어. ��비를 사거� 호텔�� 묵�� ��보다 훨씬 싸. �리고 자연 �까�� 있�� � 학� 생활�� 잠시 잊�� 수 있�� ��� 방법�� �� 거��. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 151 12/1/09 2:19:27 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation a good way to forget about school for a while. M: What a good idea! We can drive until we find a nice spot and then just camp wherever we like. M: ��무 ��� 생������� 멋� ��소를 ��� ��까지 운 ���다� ��� ��소� �오면 �곳���� 캠프를 � 면 되�다. W: Well, not exactly. It’s usually illegal unless you camp in a designated area. But there’re many national parks, state parks, and even privately owned campgrounds around the country. W: 글쎄�� 꼭 ��지�� 않�. 지�된 ��소�� 캠프를 � �� � �니면 �� 대개 불법��거든. �지만 국립공 원�� 주립공원�� �리고 심지어 개인 소유의 캠프���� ��국�� 걸쳐 많�. M: But that takes all the fun out of it. M: �지만 �러면 �미� ��도 없지 않��까? W: Not really. Besides, there are almost always conveniences like showers at the campgrounds to make it a little easier. It’s a good way to make new friends, too. M: Sounds great. Here’s my bus. I’ll talk to you about this again and get some more details. W: ��지 않�. �다� 항� 캠프������ 샤워�� ��� 편의시설�� 있어�� 훨씬 캠����� 편해. �� 새�� 운 친�들�� 사귈 수 있�� ��� 방법���도 �고. M: 멋지다. �스 온다. �중�� � 자세�� 다시 �� 해�� �다. 06 05 What seems to be the woman’s opinion of the man’s job? What seems to be the woman’s opinion of the man’s job? 여자는 남자의 직업에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가? ① She thinks it’s interesting. ② She thinks it’s easy. ③ She thinks it’s difficult. ④ She thinks it’s expensive. commercial 광고 responsibility �임 1 Hot Listening ❹ W: What are you doing? Why aren’t you W: � 해? � 일 안 갔어? M: I’m working at home today. M: 오늘�� ����� 일 해. W: Oh, are you? What are you working W: ��? 뭘 �고 있어? at work? on? W: That certainly sounds difficult. What is W: �거 어렵� 들린다. 뭘 ��� 거라고? M: I have to watch this new television series and decide whether we are going to show it next year. it you do again? M: Quit trying to be funny. You know that I work for a television network. forget how your job works. M: I don’t always work like this. There are a lot of difficult parts to it that you just don’t get to see much. M: �� 새��운 텔레비�� 시리즈를 보고 내년�� 방송할 지를 결�할 거��. M: ��난�지 �. � 방송국���� 일��� 거 알잖�. M: 항� ��런 일만 ��� � �냐. �� 볼 수 없�� 많 �� 어려운 부분�� 있어. W: Yes, that’s right. It’s just that I always W: 응. �냥 항� �� 일�� 어떻� ���지 잊어��. W: Oh yeah, like what? Watching TV or W: � ��? �? TV 보거� 광고 보�� 거? watching commercials? M: I have a lot of responsibilities. I have M: 난 �임�� 많�. 사람들�� 어떤 프���램�� 보고 싶 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 152 12/1/09 2:19:28 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 What is the final price of the bicycle? What is the final price of the bicycle? 자전거의 최종 가격은 얼마인가? ① $575 ② $550 ③ $525 ④ $500 mountain bike 산악 자��거 advertise 광고�다 dent �푹 드어� 곳 Lim ���자리 to decide if people will want to watch this program. If I make the wrong decision, it could cost the network millions. 어���지를 내� 결�해. 내� �못된 결��� �면 방송사�� 많�� 돈�� 낭비할 수도 있어. W: Yeah. I understand. But I still think that your work is somewhat less difficult than others’. W: ��. ��해해. �지만 ��도 � �업�� 다른 사람 보다�� 다소 덜 힘든 �� ��. W: Welcome to MK Mountain Bikes! How W: MK 산악 자��거�� 오신 걸 환영�니다. 무엇�� 도 can I help you? ��드�까요? M: Yes, that was me. But I still have a M: ��� �지만 질문�� 좀 � 있어요. 자��거 ���� � �요? 얼� 동안��� 갖고 ��어요? M: I called earlier about the mountain bike you have advertised in the paper this week. Do you still have it on hand? W: Of course, sir. Are you the one who called in the morning to ask some questions about it? couple of more questions. Is it in good condition? How long have you had it? W: Sure. So far, it hasn’t had any problems. Although it’s 3 years old, it is in top condition except for a couple of dents in the front rim. I barely used it. It’s almost new. M: Hmm… Everything sounds good, but your asking price of $550 sounds just awfully high. W: Well, it is good quality. If you cannot take it with that price, maybe I could come down $25. M: But I still think it’s beyond my budget. Make it $50 off, and you’ve got a deal. M: 좀 ���� 신문 광고�� 난 산악자��거를 보고 ���� 었���요. � 자��거 �� 있�요? W: ��요�� 손��. � 자��거�� 대해 질문�러 ��� � �던 분인�요? W: ��요�� 지금까지�� �무런 문제� 없어요. 비록 3 년��� �지만 ���자리�� ��� �� 개 있�� 거 빼 고�� ��� ��입니다. 거의 사용�� 안 해�� 새 �� ��� �찬�지예요. M: 음� ��요. �� ���달러�� ��무 비싸요. W: 음�� ��� ��� 품질����요. ������ �� �격�� �� 수 없어요. 제� ��달러 할인해 드� 수�� 있어요. M: �지만 여���� 제 예산 �������요. ��달러 할인해 �� �시죠. ��� �시다. W: You drive a hard bargain, but I can W: ��무 깎�시�요. ��� �죠 �. agree to that. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 153 12/1/09 2:19:29 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the main topic of the talk? What is the main topic of the talk? 들려주는 내용의 주제는 무엇인가? 07 W: If I ask you to pick three things which W: 미국 문�를 ��� � 묘사할 수 있�� 3개를 고른다 면 무엇�� ��까? ��� 많�� 사람들�� ����� 햄� ① It’s about some items which represent American culture. ② Its about how much chocolate is consumed by the average American every year. ③ It’s about what chocolate is made of. ④ It’s about where and when chocolate originated. ancient civilization 고대 문� origin �원 archeological 고고학의 거 �리고 오늘 제� 말할 �� - 초콜릿�� 고를 거 라 생��니다. 미국인들�� 연� 평균 �kg의 초콜 릿�� ���다�� 사실�� 고려��다면 초콜릿�� 미국 문�의 큰 부분 중 ��입니다. ��다면 초콜릿�� 어디�� 유����까요? 초콜릿�� 열대 카카오 �무 의 씨�� 만들어 지지만 많�� 사람들의 ���의 �원 �� 모릅니다. 초콜릿�� 미국 중남부 지방 고대 문� 의 3���년 ����� 거슬러 갑니다. 당신�� 카카오 �무� �� 지��의 산���라고 알고 있�� 겁니다. �� �� 새��운 고고학적 증거�� 따�면�� 사람들�� ���� 년 ����도 뉴 멕시�의 차� 캐년���� 초콜릿�� � 었습니다. can best describe American culture, what would they be? I am sure that many people will probably pick baseball, hamburgers, and what I want to talk about today: chocolate. Well, chocolate is a big part of American culture as proven by the fact that an average American consumes almost 5 kilograms of it each year. Then, where did it originate? Chocolate is made from the seeds of the tropical cacao tree, but many people do not know its origins. Chocolate dates back almost 3,000 years to the ancient civilizations of Central and South America. You would notice that the cacao tree is native to those areas. Also, according to some new archaeological evidence, people were eating chocolate in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, more than 1,000 years ago. 09 Why is the woman going to the airport? Why is the woman going to the airport? 왜 여자는 공항에 가려고 하는가? 08 ① To pick up her grandparents ② To send a package ③ To pick up her luggage ④ To reserve a flight firework 불꽃��� unpack 짐�� 풀다 luggage 짐 jet lag 시차적응�� 못�다 1 Hot Listening ❹ M: How were your grandparents? Did you have fun in San Francisco? I heard that it has one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. M: 조부모���� 어떠�? 샌 프란시스����� �미 있었 어? 세����� ��� 예쁜 해변�� 있다고 들었어. W: My holiday was really great. I had a wonderful time with my grandparents and friends from high school. We even shot some fireworks at a party we had at Long Bay Beach. M: That sounds like it was fun. Why haven’t you unpacked? It’s unusual to see your room so tidy and clean. It’s the same as when you left. W: That’s what I was going to complain about. My flight plans got mixed up, so my luggage was sent to Dallas by mistake. W: ���� �말 �았어. 조부모��과 고등학� 친�들 과 ��� 시��� 보냈어. 롱 베�� 해변���� 있었던 �티���� 불꽃���도 �어. M: �미있었�다. � 짐�� 풀지 않았니? � 방�� ��� � 깨끗�� 걸 보니 ���해. �� 떠��� �� �고 똑 W: �� 내� 불평할 부분����. 비행 �획�� 혼란�� 있 어�� 내 짐�� 델라스�� 보내졌어. M: Have you contacted the airline? My friend once lost his luggage on the M: 항공사�� 연락�어? 내 친��� ���� 브라질 ��� 길�� 짐�� 잃어�렸어. 항공사� 4��달러를 지불� �다. 지. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 154 12/1/09 2:19:30 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation way to Brazil and couldn’t find it. The airline agency paid him $400. W: I called the airline yesterday, and they found my luggage. They are sending it to the Incheon Airport, so I have to go back there to pick it up. M: Wow, that sounds so tiring. You look jet lagged. I can give you a ride to the airport if you want. W: 어제 항공사�� ��� ���� 내 �방�� �았대. 인천 공항��� 보내준대�� ��� �지고 ���� 해. M: �거 참 피���다. 시차 적응�� 못해 보�����. 원��다면 �워다 �� 수 있어. W: That would be great. Thank you so W: �거 ��다. 고�워. much. M: I want to get out of the city anyway. I have had to work three night shifts in a row. I want some fresh air. M: 도시를 벗어�고 싶어. 3일 동안 밤 �무 �어. 신 선�� 공�� 필요해. W: We both had rough weeks. Why W: �리 둘 다 힘든 주를 보냈��. 공항���� 오�� 길 don’t we stop by the beach on our way to the airport? �� 해변�� 들�면 어��? 09 What will the man probably do next? ① He will tell the woman about the book. ② He will sort some documents. ③ He will call his wife to check about the book. What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은? M: Hey! You are not supposed to carry M: ���요�� ��� 무거운 짐�� 들면 안�. 당신과 � ����� �지 않�요. 내� 주세요. things that heavy. That’s not good for you and your baby. Give me those. ④ He will recommend a good name for W: I know. I need to be more careful the woman’s baby. next time. Thanks. W: 알�요. 다음���� � 조심해���어요. 고�워요. M: You are welcome. How’s the baby M: 천만��요. ���� 어��요? accidentally �연�� ultrasound 초음� illegal 불법의 M: She? Do you already know that it’s a M: �녀? ��미 여자 ���란 걸 알�요? W: ��요. 첫 ����� 항� 발�� 찼��� �� ����� � �지 않�요. �녀�� 매� 차분�� �� ��요. W: 병원�� 초음� �러 갔�� �� �연�� 알았어요. M: How did that happen? I heard that telling the sex of a baby is illegal. M: 어떻� �럴 수 있어요? ��의 성 감별�� ��� �� �� 불법��라 들었어요. W: 의사� ���의 �강�� 말할 �� 공주라고 말�어요. coming along? W: Very well. My first baby used to kick me all the time, but not this one. I guess she’s very calm. girl? W: We accidentally found out when we went to the hospital for the ultrasound. W: Well, the doctor said the word “princess” when she was talking about the health of the baby. M: Ha ha. Oh my. It just came out of her mouth like that? That’s so funny. Anyway, it’s good news for you and Jeremy since you guys have been hoping for a girl. M: ��. 오�� ��런. �녀의 입���� ��� ���요? �말 웃��요. 어쨌든 당신과 J���m��� 여자��� 를 원��니 � 된 일���요. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 155 12/1/09 2:19:32 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: You’ve got that right. We were W: 당신�� ��요. � 소식�� 들어 �랍고 �뻤어요. surprised but also very pleased to hear the news. M: Have you decided on a name for the M: 여자 ��� ��� ��미 지었어요? baby girl yet? W: Not yet. It is so hard to choose a W: ����요. 여자 ��� ����� 예쁜 � ��무 많��� name because there are too many pretty names for girls. �� 짓지 못�어요. M: That’s true. Why don’t you look up a good name from some books of babies’ names? I have a book called A Good Name for Your Baby that Sarah and I used to name Amber. W: Really? That’s how you came up with the name Amber? It would be very nice of you to let me borrow that book. M: Sure. But I need to call Sarah first to check if we still have the book after I take these documents from the cabinet and sort them. M: ��요. ��� 짓�� ��� ��보�� ���� 어��요? ����h�� 내� Amb�� ��� 지�� �� 사용�� <��� 를 위�� ��� ���>��란 ��� 있어요. W: �말��요? Amb��라�� ����� ��� 짓� 된 거 예요? 내� � ��� 빌려주면 �말 ��어요. M: �론��죠. �지만 먼� �� ��류들 캐비닛�� 넣고 � 리�� 후�� 일� ����h��테 연락해�� ��� 여���� 갖고 있��지 확인해 ����어요. 11 What is the man mainly talking about? What is the man mainly talking about? 남자는 주로 무엇에 대해 말하고 있는가? 10 ① He is saying that more and more people are seeking jobs. ② He is talking about the importance of part-time jobs for youths. ③ He is talking about the important qualifications that jobseekers must have. ④ He is talking about what the personnel managers do in the hiring process. unemployment rate 실업률 heighten 강��다 qualifications 자격요� appeal ��목�� 끌다�� 눈�� 띄다 personnel managers 인사부�� M: The unemployment rate in Korea is at a record high these days. It is meaningless to mention that one has to be more competitive in order to heighten his or her prospects of getting a job. Then what qualifications are likely to make job applicants more appealing to their interviewers? To answer this question, we asked personnel managers from the top ten major companies in our country. The results of the survey tell us that an applicant’s experience ― such as doing an internship or holding a part- time job ― is the most important qualification. This should indicate to jobseekers that they need to get as much hands-on experience as M: 요�� ��국의 실업률�� 최고를 �록�고 있습니다. �업�� 얻� �� �능성�� 높��� 위해선 � 경쟁적 ��어�� ��다고 언급��� � 무의미 할 �도입니다. ��다면 어떤 자격 조��� 지원자들�� 면접관��� � 돋보��� 할까요? �� 질문�� 답�� 위해�� � 리 �라의 �위 열 곳의 주요 �사의 인사 부����� �었습니다. 조사 결과�� 지원자의 경험 ― 인턴쉽 ��� ��바��� 등 ― �� ��� 중요�� 자격요��� 라고 말�니다. ������ ��자들�� 실제 �업�� 지 원�� ���� �능�� 많�� 경험�� 필요�다�� ���� �타냅니다. 둘째���� �리�� 영어의 유창성�� 매 � 중요�� 요인��라�� ��도 알았습니다. 토플�� 토익 등의 ��� 점수� 필요할 뿐만 �니라�� 고용�� 확률 �� � 높��� 위해 영어를 �해��만 �니다. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 156 12/1/09 2:19:33 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation possible before applying for real jobs. Secondly, we found out that English- speaking proficiency is also a very important factor. Not only are good scores on tests like TOEIC or TOEFL necessary, but applicants must also speak good English to have a better chance of getting hired. 11 Which club are the man and woman going to join? Which club are the man and woman going to join? 남자와 여자는 어떤 클럽에 가입하려고 하는가? Name Details ① Food Lover’s Club Regular Meetings Saturday 7 p.m. M: What are you looking at? Is there any M: � 보고 있어? 신문�� �미있�� ����라도 있어? interesting news in the paper? the community paper. W: No. I’m looking at the list of clubs in W: �니. 지�� 신문�� 있�� 클럽 리스� 보고 있어. ② Cooking for Beginners Wednesday 11 a.m. sounds like so much fun. M: Are you thinking of joining one? That M: �� �입할 생���니? ��무 �미있�다. Visit restaurants and taste food Learn how to be a good cook Make cookies and biscuits on your own Learn and enjoy swimming together ③ The Patisserie Friday 7 p.m. ④ Best Swimmer Wednesday 11 a.m. girly 소녀다운 sexual discrimination 성차별 gather 모��다 W: If you are interested… Why don’t we join a club together? Summer vacation is on the way. We will have more free time soon. W: 관심 있�면 ��� 클럽�� 드�� � 어��? 여� 방학 �� 다�오고 있어. 곧 � 많�� 여�시��� 갖� �� 거��. M: Cool. I’m sure it will be a good M: ��. ��� 친�들�� 만들 수 있�� ��� �� �� ��. W: Have a look at the list. Which one do W: 리스� 좀 �. �� ��� �미있�� �� ��? chance for us to make some good friends. you find most interesting? M: Well, everything looks kind of exciting, but I think it would be great for us to join a club where we can learn something. W: Do you mean like sports? There are clubs for learning taekwondo and swimming. I am not sure they would let total beginners like us join them. M: To tell you the truth, I am not that into sports. Why don’t we learn something like cooking? W: I never knew you were interested in cooking. I like it so much, but I thought you would hate it since it is kind of girly. M: 글쎄 다 �미있�� �� ���� �리� 뭔� 배울 수 있�� 클럽�� �입��� � ��� �� ��. W: 스�츠 ��� 거 말����? �권도�� 수영�� 위�� 클 럽�� 있지만 �리 ��� 완���� 초보자도 받�주�� 지 모��어. M: ���� 말�면�� 스�츠���� ��� 관심�� 없어. 요 리 ��� 거 배�면 어��? W: 난 �� 요리�� 관심�� 있��지 몰랐어. 난 �말 � ����� �� 여성스러운 거라고 �어할 거라 생 ��어. M: Ha ha. Your thinking is based on M: ��. � 생��� 성차별���� �인�� 거��. ��지 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 157 12/1/09 2:19:35 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation sexual discrimination. Don’t you think? 않니? W: Maybe you’re right. Then, can we join the cooking club for beginners? Woops, they meet only on Wednesday morning, which does not work for me. W: ��도 �� ��. 초보자를 위�� 요리 클럽�� �입 ��� � 어��? ��런�� �들�� ���테�� 안 되�� 수요 일 ����만 모���� ��. M: If it is okay with you, why don’t we M: ��다면�� 빵���� 비스킷 ��� 비슷�� ���� 만드�� learn to make bread and biscuits and similar stuff? 걸 배��� � 어��? W: Do you mean it? That would be great W: �말����? �거 ��다. for me. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① The program is for students who will enter the university. ② Nothing is needed for the students to attend an open class. ③ A campus tour will be provided to let students become familiar with the major places on campus. ④ Students who join the campus tour can ask the seniors questions. journey 여행 admitted 허락된 selected 선�된 pass 패스 counselor �담� admissions building 입학 사무소 senior 4학년 W: �리�� 여러분�� ��곳����의 여��� 시작���� 앞 �� �리 학��� 대해 � 배울 수 있� 되어 �쁩니 다. �리�� 여러분의 방문�� �리 학�� 여러분�� 위�� 완벽�� 선택��었음�� 확인시켜 �� 수 있�를 바랍니다. 오리엔테��션�� 오�� �시�� 시작�니다. 허용된 학생들�� 위�� 개방된 수업�� 참석할 수도 있습니다. 무�� 수업�� 참석할지 결��지 못�거 난 �입증�� 받지 못�신 분�� 안내 센터�� 있�� � 담원의 도��� 받�� 수 있습니다. 안내 센터�� 입학 사무소의 ���� 있습니다. 녹색 지붕�� 있�� ���요. 캠퍼스 투어�� �시�� 시작�고 �시� �도 �행� 니다. 캠퍼스 투어 동안 여러분�� 캠퍼스���� 학생 �����의 ��� 보�� 모든 ��소를 보� �� ��입니다. 캠퍼스 투어�� 선배� 안내할 예���니 어떤 질문 ��라도 할 수 있습니다. W: We are very pleased that you’d like to learn more about our university before you start your journey here. We hope that your visit will assure you that our university is the perfect choice for you. The orientation day program will start at 8 a.m. You may attend several classes that are open to accepted students. If you haven’t decided which class to attend and haven’t got a pass for an open class, you can get help from a counselor at the information center. The information center is located on the first floor of the admissions building. That’s the one with the green roof. The campus tour will begin at 2 p.m. and will be about 1 hour long. During the campus tour, you will most likely get to see every place to live your life on campus here as a student. The campus tour will be led by a senior, so you can ask questions if you have any. 13 14 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 158 12/1/09 2:19:36 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 13 Which best describes the theme of the man’s speech? Which best describes the theme of the man’s speech? 남자의 연설의 주제를 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? ① Beauty is the key to making someone attractive. time. ② It is true that people like beauty all the ③ No one is free from getting old and losing one’s looks. ④ Appearance is not the only factor that makes someone attractive. appearance 외모 attractive 매력적인�� 매혹적인 premiere 첫날�� 초연 astonish 깜짝 ��키다 M: 많�� 사람들�� ��다운 외모� 사람�� �말�� 매 력적��� 보��� ��다고 �습니다. �지만 항� � 럴까요? 난 �녀� ������었�� �� 여배� Ju��i�의 첫 주연 영����� 본 ���� �억�니다. � �� �녀 �� 사람들��� �랄만�� 미모�� 사���� 받습니다. ���부터 많�� 세월�� 흐�고�� �동 보호 센터���� 불쌍�� ���를 ����� ���� 도�던 �녀를 보았습 니다. �녀�� ��대였고 ���� ��도 �녀의 �� 다��� 칭찬�지 않았습니다. �지만 ������ � 녀� 비싼 옷�� 입고 인형 ��� 모습��� 무대�� �� 있�� ��보다 훨씬 � 매력적��� 보였습니다. 얼� ���� 주��� 생�고 평범�� 옷�� 입고 있지만�� �녀 � 웃�며 ���들�� �일 �� 매� ��다워 보였습 니다. M: Many people believe that a beautiful appearance is the key to making a person really attractive. However, is this true all the time? I remember seeing the actress Julia in her premiere when she was twenty-five. At that time, she was admired by lots of people for her astonishing beauty. A lot of years have passed since then. I recently encountered her at a childcare center where she was helping to feed poor children. She’s in her fifties, and no one praises her for her beauty anymore. However, to me, she seems much more attractive than the time when she was wearing an expensive dress and standing on stage looking like a doll. Even with the wrinkles on her face and the ordinary clothes she wore, she looked very beautiful while she smiled and fed the children. 14 What is the question the speaker is trying to answer? What is the question the speaker is trying to answer? 화자는 어떤 질문에 대한 대답을 하고 있는가? ② Why did you go to war and help the M: I am not sure whether you believe ① Why do you hate war? soldiers? ③ What was the weirdest dream you have ever had? ④ Why did you decide to become a physician? weird ����� in the middle of ~의 �� �운� soldier �인 wounded 부�당�� vocation �업 destiny 운� M: ���지 �니면 못 ���지 모�지만 ����� 모두 제 꿈과 ��� 시작�습니다. 제� �3 �니면 �4�� �� 었�� �� 매� ����� 꿈�� 꾸었습니다. 제 꿈���� ��� ��쟁 �� �운� 있었습니다. �� �인�� �니었 지만 모든 �� 입�� �인들�� 제 주위�� 있었습니 다. �들�� 어떻� 도울지 몰라�� �들�� 제 앞���� 고통 받고 죽�� ���� ���만 �습니다. 일어�고 � ��도 ����� 오랜 �� 동안 � 꿈�� 잊지 못�습 니다. 자라면�� � 꿈�� 자꾸 생��면�� 제 �업�� 의학 쪽��� ��� �습니다. 좀 ����� 들�지 모�지만 제� 외과의사의 �업�� 고��� ���� 운 ���었던 �� �습니다. this or not, but it all started with my dream. When I was 13 or 14, I had a very weird dream. In my dream, I was in the middle of battle field. I was not a soldier, but wounded soldiers were all around me. I didn’t know how to help them, and I had to see them suffering and dying in front of me. Even after I woke up, strangely, I was hung up on that dream for a long time. As I grew older, the dream kept coming back to me and made me decide that my vocation was to be in medicine. I know it may sound strange, but I felt like I was destined to choose a career as a physician. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 159 12/1/09 2:19:38 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 What does the man mean by “down-to- earth”? What does the man mean by “down-to- earth”? 남자가 말한 “down–to–earth”의 의미는? ① To be good and excellent ② To be kind and friendly ③ To be calm and peaceful ④ To be sensible and practical in advance 미리 get along with ~�� � 지내다 reestablish �설립�다 relationship 관� valuable �치 있�� M: Jenny, do you still work at that company as an intern? M: J�nn��� � �사���� 여���� 인턴��� 일�니? W: Yes. Time flies, but I have one more week left there. Why do you ask? �? W: 응�� 시��� �짜 빨리 �. �� 일주일 � 남았어. M: To be honest, I want to apply for an internship at the company where you are working now. M: ���� 말�면 난 �� 지금 일��� 곳�� 인턴��� 지원�고 싶어. W: Do you? Maybe I can help you W: ��? �� �사�� ��력�� 보내� ���� ��의 팁 ��� 도���� 수 있�� �� ��. M: �말? ��� 해주�어? �말 고�워. �런� 룸메 ������� � 지내? 여���� 문제 있어? with some tips before you send the company your resume. M: Really? Would you do that for me? Thank you so much. By the way, how are you getting along with your roommate? Do you still have any problems with her? W: Yeah. We still don’t get along very W: 응. �리�� 여���� � 못 지내. 관�를 �복�� 위 well these days. I don’t know what to do to reestablish the relationship. 해 뭘 해�� ���지 모��어. M: Why don’t you ask Chris for some M: �� 문제�� 대해 Ch�is��� 조언�� �해 보�� � 어 advice about the matter? ��? W: Do you think he will come up with a W: �� �를 도울 수 있�� ��� ���디어� 있��까? good idea that can help me? M: He is always willing to give advice, and his advice is usually valuable. You could say that he’s really down-to- earth. W: Really? I didn’t know that. Maybe I’ll call him and ask him for some advice. M: ��� 항� 조언�� �려고 해�� �리고 �의 조언�� 늘 �치 있지. ��� �말 현��� 사람����. W: �말? 난 몰랐�. �� 난 ���� ���해�� 조언�� �해����다. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? 17 16 ① Yes. It is effective at getting rid of dirt and oil and also helpful at stimulating circulation. ② You know I like to put cream in my happened? coffee. ③ It’s not that expensive if you think about its effectiveness. ④ It’s good cream, but it’s not going to work on your face. W: Jason, look at your face. What W: J�son�� 얼� 좀 �. 무�� 일����? M: Oh, Sally. It’s good to finally see you. I’ve been looking for you. Amber told me that you were in the cafeteria, but I couldn’t find you. M: 오�� �������. ��내 ��를 만��� ���. ��를 �고 있었어. �� �내 식당�� 있다고 들었��� ��를 � �� 수� 없었어. W: What’s up? Why did you want to see W: 무�� 일����? � �를 보려고 �어? ���테 �어볼 me? Do you have something to ask me? 거 있니? 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 160 12/1/09 2:19:39 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation expert ��문� skincare 피부 관리 bump 융� irritate 짜증�� �다 apply cream 크림�� 바�다 stimulate 자극�다 circulation 순환 M: Kind of. Look at my face. I heard that M: ��. 내 얼� 좀 �. 난 �� 피부 관리 ��문�라 you are an expert in skincare. 고 들었어. W: Well, I wouldn’t say that about myself, but it’s true that I do know something about it. M: Can you tell me what I should do to get rid of these small bumps on my face? W: I guess those must irritate you. Well, I would suggest that you wash your face more often. M: You mean I get these because I’m dirty? I am much cleaner than you might believe. W: No. I’m sorry if I offended you. What I meant to say is to wash more properly. You’d better rinse your face with warm water and then pat it with a clean, dry towel. And there is a one more thing that will cost you a little money. W: 글쎄�� 난 ��� 말�� 않았����� 좀 알고 있�� �� �� 사실��지�� M: 내 얼��� �� 조�맣� 난 ��들�� 없애� 위해 뭘 해�� 할지 말해 ���? W: ���들�� 분��� ��를 짜증�� ����. 얼��� � 자주 씻어�. M: 내� �러워�� �런 ��들�� 생�다�? �� 생�� �� ��보다 난 훨씬 청결해 W: �니. 내� 맘�� ��� �다면 미안해. 내� 말� 려고 �� ���� � 적���� 씻�라�� 거��. 따뜻�� ��� � 씻어 내고 �조�� 수���� � 두드리고. �리고 ��의 돈�� 필요�� ��� � 있���. M: What is it? Tell me about it. I will try it M: ���? ���테 말해�. �과 있�면 해볼�. W: Buy the cream called Solution A and W: ���션 A 라고 ��� 크림�� 사�� 얼��� 발라 �. M: Is it a cleansing cream? What is it M: 세안제��? ��� 쓰�� 거��? if it is effective. apply it to your face. for? W: Yes. It is effective at getting rid W: 응. ��� 오일�� 제거���� 탁월�� �과� 있고 혈 of dirt and oil and also helpful at stimulating circulation. 액순환�� 활발�� ���� 유용해. 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에 들어갈 수 있는 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Do you have change for a dollar bill? ② Will this bus take me to the department store? ③ Can you let me know where I get off? ④ Is this the exact bus fare? M: Your car is in the auto repair shop, and you feel helpless without it. The only way for you to get around town is by bus. You’re barely familiar with the bus routes. You want to go to the Lotto Department Store, and you’ve found a bus that takes you right in front of it. The only problem is that you don’t know where exactly to get off the bus. So you hop on the bus and deposit your bus fare. Then M: 당신�� 차를 자동차 수리 센터�� 보내�� 어찌할 바 를 모�고 있다. 도시 여� ��를 돌�다닐 수 있 �� 유일�� 방법�� �스를 ��용��� ����다. �런� 당신�� �스 노선�� 거의 모른다. 당신�� ���� 백� 점�� �고 싶어���� �� ���� 백�점 바�� 앞까 지 ��� �스를 발견�다. 유일�� 문제�� �확�� 어 디���� 내려�� 할지 모른다�� ����다. 당신�� �스 �� 올라 타�� �스 요금�� 통�� 넣��다. �리고 � 스 운��사� �확�� 당신�� 볼 수 있도록 � 보�� �� 자리�� 선다. �리고 �스 운��사��� 당신�� � 고 싶�� 곳�� 말��다. 당신�� 운��사��� 질문�� 해 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 161 12/1/09 2:19:40 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation helpless 무�력���� 어쩔 �� 모��� hop on (탈 ����) 올라타다 deposit (통��) 요금�� 넣다 fare �스 요금 visible 보���� assistance 도��� 보조 you make sure you stand in a place where the driver can clearly see you. You will tell the bus driver where you want to go. You’ll seek further assistance by asking him a question. In this situation, what would you say to the bus driver? �� 도��� 받�려고 ��다. ��런 �황���� �스 운�� 사��� �라고 말�����? 01 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 162 12/1/09 2:19:41 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which puzzle is the woman going to buy? Which puzzle is the woman going to buy? 그녀가 사려고 하는 퍼즐은? Answer key & Script 13 ① ③ ② ④ closely �깝� frame 틀�� 액자 other wise ��지 않�면 have in mind �음�� 두다 M: What can I do for you, ma’am? M: 무엇�� 도��드�까요? W: Let me have a look at the puzzle with the two girls on the bench. W: 벤치�� 두 �의 여자� ��있�� 퍼즐 보여주세요. M: Oh, that one? Wait a minute. I’ll get M: 오 �거요? 잠깐만요. 당�� �� 드���요. 어떠세 W: Well, the picture is not that pretty W: 글쎄요. �까������ 보니 ��� 예뻐 보��지�� 않 요? �요. that one for you right away. How do you like it? when I look at it closely. M: It’s not? What kind of picture are you looking for? Do you want the one of a famous painting? W: Well, it doesn’t have to be a famous painting. But I want something beautiful since I am going to frame it after I’m done solving the puzzle. Also, I want to get one with less than 500 pieces; other wise, it’s going to be too difficult to put it together. M: ��요? 어떤 �류의 �림�� �고 �세요? 유��� �림 중 ��를 원�세요? W: 유��� �림일 필요�� 없어요. �지만 뭔� ��다 운 ���� 원해요. 퍼즐�� 다 �추면 액자�� 걸어��� 수 있�요. ���� ��� 피스 ���의 ���� 원해요. �� 지 않�면 ��무 힘들 �� ��요. M: Okay. What is the price range you M: �습니다. 생��시�� �격대 있�세요? have in mind? W: ��달러� 최고���요. � ����� ��� �품 있�신 W: $50 is the maximum. Do you have any good ones available for under that price? M: Well, if you can spend a little more than that, I would recommend the one with the sunset over there. �요? 드리죠. M: 조금만 � 쓰신다면 �� 있�� 일몰 사��� 추천해 W: Wow. It’s beautiful. Do you have a W: ��. ��답�요. 비슷�� 걸�� � 싼 ���� 없�요? similar one that’s cheaper? M: No, but we have one with a rainbow in the sky. It’s very beautiful, too. 도 매� ��답죠. M: 없어요�� �늘�� 무지개 있�� 퍼즐도 있어요. ��� W: Oh, I like it very much. I’d better take W: 오�� �음�� 들어요. �걸�� ��어요. it. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 163 12/1/09 2:19:43 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What day is it today? What day is it today? 오늘은 무슨 요일인가? 02 W: I work for a company that makes W: ��� 컴퓨터 액세��리를 만드�� �사�� 다닌다. � 리 �사�� U�B 플�쉬 드라��브�� 고체 소자 메모리 Day Task Monday ① Tuesday ② Wednesday ③ Thursday ④ Friday - Design the mouse pad packaging - Send all the faxes to Singapore - Continue to work on the packaging - Read the replies from Singapore - Send the new packaging to the boss for approval - Make changes in the packaging if needed - Send the packaging designs to the factory - Make a deal with the cheapest Singapore supplier - Check their progress at the factory - Write the weekly report computer accessories 컴퓨터 액세��리 external 외��의 enclosures 인클���(컴퓨터 �드 드라��브 ��환 ��치) computer accessories. Our company offers a wide range of computer accessories, including USB flash drives, solid state disks, external HDD enclosures, memory cards and readers, and PC speakers. My job is always busy, but I was more than just busy this week. I had absolutely no break! First I had to design the packaging for our new products which took two whole days. And in between these projects, I had to get hold of some companies in Singapore, and this was more difficult than I had expected. Anyhow, luckily, my boss liked the packaging designs very much, and he told me to send them out to the factory first thing tomorrow morning. Maybe on Saturday I’ll finally get to take a quick break. But I have 3 more days including today with a full load of work which must be done thoroughly. ��D�� 외�� HDD 인클����� 메모리 카드 및 ��독��� PC 스피� 등 광범위�� 컴퓨터 액세��리를 공급� 고 있다. ��� 업무�� 늘 바쁘지만�� ���� 주���� 특 �� �욱 바쁜 �� 주다. � �� 순�도 쉴 수� 없�� �도다�� �선 ��� 신제품�� 위�� ��� �질�� 디 자인�다. � ��시 꼬박 ��틀�� 걸렸다. �리고 � 사�� ��� ��해�� 싱����� 있�� ���� �사들 과 연락�� 취�� 위해 노력������ ����� 내� 예 ��던 ��보다 � 어려웠다. 다행���� �리 사������ ��� 관련 제안들�� �음�� 들어 �다. �리고 내일 오�� 바�� ���들�� 공���� 보내라고 ��다. 토요 일���� ��내 내� 원��� 짧�� �식�� 얻�� 수 있 다. �지만 오늘�� ��해�� ���� �무리 해�� 할 일들�� 많�� 3일�� � 남�있다. 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 두 화자는 어떤 관계인가? ① An editor – An author ② A critic – A writer ③ A coworker – A coworker ④ A writer – A reader particular 특별�� thoroughly ������ 완���� revise 수��다 manuscript 원고 reveal 드러내다�� 노��다 alteration 수��� 변경 1 Hot Listening ❹ M: Is there anything in particular you M: 특별�� 논의�고 싶�� ���� 있�세요? wanted to discuss? W: Yes. It needs to be thoroughly revised W: �. ���� 달 ���� 완���� 수�해�� �� �� �습니다�� before this month ends, Ron. �on. M: I think the manuscript is good enough M: 제 생����� 원고 ��대�� ���� �� ����요. as it is. W: Chapter 7 could use some polishing while Chapter 9 could be left out entirely. It’s irrelevant to the plot. W: ����� �대�� 둬도 되지만 반면�� 7���� 손질�� 해 �� 할 �� ��요. ��체 �성�� 비해 부적���� 내용 입니다. M: Chapter 9 is when Claire reveals her past to the readers. I know it doesn’t advance the storyline, but it helps the readers to empathize with her character. M: ����� C���i��� 자신의 과거를 독자들��� 밝�� �� 부분입니다. ��거리의 ����� 없지만�� 독자들�� C���i��라�� 캐릭터�� 공감�� 할 수 있도록 돕�� 부 분입니다. W: Perhaps. But you need to edit this part no matter what. It’s still too long and needs to be shortened. W: ��도요. �지만 어떤 식���든 �� 부분�� 편�해 �� �니다. 여���� ��무 길어�� ��일 필요� 있어요. 04 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 164 12/1/09 2:19:45 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: What about the rest of the work? M: ��지 부분들�� 어��요? W: The rest is cool. Besides, the dialog W: ��지�� 멋져요. �다��� 대� 부분�� 제� 준비�� will undergo a few minor alterations I already made. �� �지 사소�� 수��� 거치� �� 거예요. M: Didn’t we plan on revising the book M: ���되� ���� ��� 수����� �획�지 않았던� before publishing it? 요? W: 사실�� ��� ���� �리� �획�� 만큼 시��� 충분치 않�요. 제 생����� 지금 작업�� 착수��� � �� W: Actually, it seems like we don’t have enough time to do as we’ve planned, so I went ahead revised them. I am sorry. when will the book be ready for publication? 요. 죄송해요. � 되�요? M: All right, I understand. By the way, M: ��요. ��해해요. �런��� ��� 언제 ���할 준비 W: That depends. I’d say next month at W: �황�� 따라 다릅니다. �무리 빨라도 다음 달쯤 일 the latest. 거예요. M: Oh! It’s way past lunch time, and I am starving to death. Why don’t we discuss the matter over lunch? I know a really good restaurant near here. M: 오�� �리 점심 ��러 갈 시��� 다 되었�요. 배고 ��� 죽��지경��예요. 점심 ��면�� �� 문제를 � 의�면 어떨까요? ���� �말 ��� 식당�� 알고 있습니다. W: That sounds good to me. W: �도 ��요. M: Where are you going, Stephane? Why are you in such a hurry? M: ����h�n��� 어디 �니? � ���� ��둘러? W: Oh, Ron, I lost Becky. Did you happen W: 오�� �on�� �냐�면 B�ck�를 잃어�렸어. 혹시 길 to see her on the street? ���� 못 �니? M: Becky? Who is that? Do I know her? M: B�ck�? �� ����? 내� ��� 애니? W: Of course. You have played with her before. She’s my puppy. I lost her three hours ago. I have driven all around our neighborhood, but I couldn’t find her. W: �론��지. ���� B�ck��� ��준 적도 있어. 내 강 �지 말����. 내� 강�지를 세 시� ���� 잃어�렸 어. ���� �� 지���� �� 운��해 다니고 있지만 ��도 못 �았어. M: Did she just disappear? M: �냥 없어졌어? W: Yeah, we were strolling through the park when she suddenly went chasing after another dog. I was not able to stop her. W: 응. ��� 공원�� 산��고 있었��� 갑자� 다른 개 를 따라��� 거��. 내� 멈� 수� 없었어. M: Does she have her name or a phone M: 강�지 목���� ������ �����호 적어놨니? number on her collar? do? W: No, she doesn’t. Oh, what should I W: �니�� 없어. 오�� ��제 � 어떻� �지? M: You could call the police or KARA―the Korean Animal Rights 해 �. M: 경���� ��국 동�권익보호 �체인 KA�A�� ��� HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 04 Which best describes the change in the woman’s feeling? Which best describes the change in the woman’s feeling? 여자의 심정의 변화를 가장 적절하게 보여주는 것은? ① Satisfied → Startled ② Tolerant → Relieved ③ Sorrowful → Inspired ④ Anxious → Surprised disappear 사라지다 flier ���지 neighborhood ��웃 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 165 12/1/09 2:19:46 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 Advocates. W: I already reported her missing to both places, but I haven’t gotten any response from them yet. I also called my neighbors to ask if they had seen her, but no one had. Oh, where can she be? M: How about getting some fliers printed with a photo of your dog and putting them in the neighborhood? I’ll help you. W: ��� 두 �� 다 신고�지만 �� 답변�� 없어. 혹 시 B�ck�를 �� �고 ��웃들���도 ������� �무도 못 �대. 오�� 어디 있�� 거��? M: ��� 광고지�� 사��� 인쇄해�� 동��� 넣�면 어��? 내� 도�����. W: Okay, but will I really find her? Oh, W: ���� �지만 �말 �� ��까? 오�� �엾�� B�ck�. poor Becky. go. M: Don’t cry. I’ll help you find her. Let’s M: 울지�. ��� 수 있� 도�����. �자. W: Wait. Let me answer the phone first. Hello. Yeah, really? I’ll come home right away. W: 잠깐. ��� 먼� 받���. 여보세요. �말? 당�� � ��� 갈�. M: What’s going on? M: 무�� 일����? W: Becky just got back home. It’s W: B�ck�� 방금 ��� 돌��대. 혼자 ��� 돌�오다 니 �랍다. �리 강�지�� �말 영리해. unbelievable how she went back home by herself. She must be really smart. M: I have always enjoyed the Zolton M: ��� 귀사의 졸튼 드�� �스터 �임�� 항� �미 있� �고 있습니다. ��� 귀사의 �품�� ����� Dragon Master game produced by your company. I am a great fan of your works, and I greatly admire what you do. After a year of visiting your site and the game, I must say that I’m very impressed with your game and the company. The graphics are always spectacular, the sound always makes good harmony with the storyline of the game, and the rules of the game are always easy to follow. However, I would like to give you a few suggestions to make the game even better and more exciting. First, I believe you should look into creating different endings for the game. Additionally, I think you should make the game players interactive with each other by creating a cyber room. In this case, players can team up with whomever they want and play the 열혈 팬��며 귀사의 활동�� 존경�고 있습니다. 일 년 동안 당신의 사����� �임�� 방문�면�� 당신 의 �임과 �사�� 매� 감동 받았다고 말할 수 있습 니다. ��픽�� 항� �라운 볼거리를 제공�며�� 음 악�� 늘 �임의 ����� ����� � 어울리며�� �임의 규칙들도 쉽� 익힐 수 있습니다. �러� �임�� 훨 씬 � 낫� 만들� 위해 ��의 제안�� �고 싶습니 다. �선�� �임�� 다른 결말�� 넣어�� ��� ���� 고 려해�� ��다고 생��니다. ������ 사��� 룸�� 만들 어 �임�� ��� 사람들�� ���� 다른 사람들과 할 수 있도록 해�� ��다고 생��니다. ��를 통해 �� 경� ���� �임�� ��� 사람들�� �들�� 원��� 사람��면 ����도 팀��� �임�� 할 수 있고 인터넷���� � 임�� 할 수 있습니다. �존의 �임�� ��� 사람들�� 끝�� 없�� 도���� ��낄 ����고 �임�� � 즐�� �� ��입니다. �리고 ������ 새��운 �임 ��� 사람들 �� � 끌 수 있고 시�� 점유��� 높일 수 있습니다. What is the purpose of this passage? What is the purpose of this passage? 들려주는 내용의 목적은? 05 ① To apologize ② To complain ③ To advertise ④ To give advice admire 존경�다 brilliant 빛����� 대��� spectacular �라운�� ��관의�� �경거리의 additionally 부�적����� 덧붙여 interactive (컴퓨터) ���� 대������ ���� 작용��� team up with ~�� 협력�다 market share 시�� 점유� 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 166 12/1/09 2:19:48 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation game on the Internet. I strongly believe that by doing this existing players will definitely experience endless challenges, and thus, enjoy the game more. Also, it will help you to attract new players and increase your market share. 06 What time will the woman leave her place to meet the man? What time will the woman leave her place to meet the man? 여자는 남자를 만나러 가기 위해 몇 시에 집을 나설 예정인가? ① She will leave her place by 5:30. ② She will leave her place by 5:20. ③ She will leave her place by 5:40. ④ She will leave her place by 5:10. as a matter of fact 사실�� take 시��� 걸리다 W: Are we still going to Soho tonight? W: 오늘 소호�� ��� 거��? 오늘 밤 �니��? Isn’t it tonight? M: Of course we are. As a matter of M: �론��지. 사실 오늘 밤 �� 시�� 만��� 할지 생� a fact, I was actually thinking about what time we need to meet tonight. �고 있었어. W: 7시�� �녁 식사 예��� 되어 소호�� ��까지�� 4�분�� 걸려. �러니까 6시 ��분�� �리 ����� 보 �� � 어��? M: 난 방금 �학 �수���� 수업 후 실험 ��문�� 남��� ��다고 ��어. 4�분���� �� 시�쯤 걸� 거��. W: Well, we have a dinner reservation at 7:00, and it takes 40 minutes to get to Soho. So... how about meeting at 6:10 at my place? M: Well, I was just told by my chemistry professor that I need to stay after class to finish an experiment. That might take 40 minutes to an hour. your place at 6:10? M: That would be the best. But can you get ready that fast? I mean, it takes about 30 minutes to get from your place to my place. 려? ��� 해. W: Oh, I see. Then should we meet at W: 알�어. �러면 ��� ����� 6시 ��분�� 볼까? M: �� ��다. �� ��� 일찍 준비할 수 있어? 내 말�� ��� ����� �리 �까지 3�분 걸리잖�. W: Hmm… if I hurry home after my class, I should get there by 4:30. 갈 수 있어. W: 음� 일찍 ��둘러 ��� �면 ����� 4시 3�분까지 M: And... how long will it take you to get M: �리고 준비���� 얼�� 걸리���? ready? W: It takes me one hour on average. W: 평균 �시� �도. ��� ����� 소호까지 얼�� 걸 How long does it take to get to Soho from your place? M: About 35 minutes by train. But we M: �차�� 3�분 �도��. �지만 �리�� ��까지 걸어 have to walk to the station. W: Let me get this straight. We need to W: 다시 ���� �리해 보자. � �획�� 6시 ��분���� meet at your place at 6:10 according to your plan. ��� ����� 만��� 해. M: Right. And you need 30 minutes to M: ��. �리고 �� �리 ��� 오��� 3�분�� 걸려. get to my place. W: Okay. I think I can manage that. But I will give myself an extra 10 minutes to make sure that I am on time. I don’t want to be late. W: ��. ��� 할 수 있�� �� ��. �지만 늦지 않� 시��� �춰 도착할 수 있도록 ��분 � �����다. 늦고 싶지 않�. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 167 12/1/09 2:19:49 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the topic of the lecture? What is the topic of the lecture? 들려주는 강의의 주제는 무엇인가? 07 ① The way to take care of babies ② The emotional development of babies ③ The benefits of suffering from depression ④ The positive effects of physical contact postpartum depression 산후 �울증 massage �사지 �다 infant 영� M: 부모����� 다른 어른들��� 안겨 있�� ���� 덜 울고 � � 잔다�� 결론�� ��습니다. ��러�� 신체 접촉의 긍�적인 영향�� ������뿐만�� �닙니다. 연� 결과�� 따�면 산후 �울증��� 고통 받�� � �� �들�� �사지 �면 ��들과 � � 연결�니다. �� 다른 연� 결과�� 노인�� 영�를 �사지 �면 � 울��� 덜 ��낀다고 �니다. 신체적 접촉�� 어떻� �러�� ��� 결과를 낳��지 � ��유�� 모�지만 신 체 접촉�� 사람들의 생��� 긍�적인 영향�� 미� 니다. M: It has been discovered that babies who are held by their parents or other adults cry less and sleep better than those who are left alone. This kind of positive effect from physical contact is not only effective for babies. A study found that mothers suffering from postpartum depression related better to their babies when they massaged them. The result of another study has shown us that elderly individuals who massaged infants reported feeling less depressed. Even though it is not clear how touching results in such benefits, it is seemingly true that physical contact has some positive effects on people’s minds. What is the woman worried about? What is the woman worried about? 여자가 걱정하고 있는 것은? 08 ① She is worried about the man’s mother because his mom has a heart problem. ② She is worried about the man because he doesn’t look after himself. W: You look under the weather these days. Is it because of your mom being hospitalized? W: 요�� �분�� 안 �� 보여. ��� 병원�� ���� ��? 09 ③ She is worried about the man’s mother because she is in the hospital. ④ She is worried about the man because he is actually sicker than his mom. M: She just got out of the hospital. But I am still really worried about her health. It seems like she can’t even pick up a fork to eat with. M: � 퇴원��어. �지만 ��의 �강�� �말 염려 �. 드실 �� 쓸 �크도 � 못 ���. W: Oh, she’s out now? That’s great. I was also worried about your mom because of her age. Then I remembered what a strong and determined person she is. I’m sure she will be fine. M: Do you really think so? I know she is a very determined person, but it’s very difficult for a person her age to deal with heart surgery. W: 오�� 지금�� 퇴원 ��어? ��다. ��� 어�니 ��� ��문�� 걱� 많�� �었어. �리고 ����� �녀� 얼 �� 강�고 심지� 굳�� 사람인지 생��어. �녀 �� ���� 거라 확신해. M: �말 ��� 생�해? 심지� 굳�� 사람��� �지만 �녀 ����� 심�� 수술�� ������ ��무 힘들거��. W: I’ve known her all my life. She is the most optimistic and cheerful―not to mention most organized―person I’ve ever known in my life. She will surely take care of herself better than ever. W: 평생 동안 �녀를 알았잖�. �녀�� 내� 본 사람들 중�� ��� �돈된 ���� 말할 ��도 없고 ��� 낙관적 인 사람����. 스스��를 어�� ��보다 � � 돌볼 거��. M: Thanks for saying that about my mom. You know, you sound just like my mom. No wonder she likes you M: ���� 대해 ��� 말해��� 고�워. �� �� �말 �리 ���� 말��다. �리 ��� 내 친�들 중�� ��를 제일 ����� ��유를 알�어. under the weather �울�� hospitalize 입원시키다 determined 결연���� �호�� optimistic 낙관적인 literally 문자 �대���� �확��. 실제�� 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 168 12/1/09 2:19:50 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation the best among all of my friends. W: The feeling is mutual. You really should be worried about yourself. Look at you. You look so pale and tired. You literally look like a ghost right now. W: 감��� �호적인 거��. �� ��를 걱�해�� 해. �� 좀 �. �청 창백�고 피�해 보여. 말 �대�� 유령� � 보여. M: I didn’t know I look that bad. I haven’t really been eating or sleeping well. 자지도 못�거든. M: 내� ��� 안 �� 보����지 몰랐�. � �지도 W: Exactly! You look sicker than your mom right now. You look like you need to be in the hospital for surgery. W: ��. �� 지금 ��� ��보다 � 안 �� 보여. 수 술�� 위해 병원�� 입원해�� 되�� �� ��� 보여. M: Oh, thanks for being so honest. M: ���� 말해��� 고�워. W: I’m totally serious. I don’t think you should visit your mom looking like that. M: All right. I get your point. You’re right. I don’t want my mom to worry about me right now. Thanks! W: � �말 �지해. ��를 �런 모습��� 방문��� �� �� 안�� �� ��. M: 알았어. 무�� 말인지 알�어. ��� 지금 내 걱� ��� ���� 원치 않�. 고�워. What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은? M: Good morning! What’s our plan for M: ��� ��. 오늘 �획�� 어떻� �? W: Well, we’ve got to do some major cleaning of the house and the backyard. M: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. It’s time to do some spring-cleaning. What else? W: We have to go grocery shopping, take our winter clothes to the dry cleaner’s, and put the winter sheets away. M: Wow! It seems like we have a lot of work to do. Do you want to do all of these things today? I mean... Is it possible to do them all today? W: 글쎄�� ����� 뒤뜰 대청소 해�� 해. M: 응�� �도 ��� 생��� �고 있었어. 봄��� 청소를 해��지. �� � 해�� �? W: 식료품 사러 �고 겨울 옷�� 세탁소�� �져 �고�� 겨울 시� �어 넣고. M: ��. �짜 할 일 많�� �� ��. 오늘 ���들�� 다 � 고 싶어? 내 말�� � 걸 오늘 다��� � �능해? W: Of course! With your help, anything is possible! Don’t you agree with me? 않�? W: �론��지�� 당신�� 도��주면 다 할 수 있어�� ��지 M: If you put it that way... I guess I have M: 당신�� ��� 말��다면� 당신의 �령�� 따��� no choice but to follow your orders. �� 말고�� 다른 선택의 여지� 없�. W: Thanks, dear. I know I can always W: 고�워. 난 항� 당신��� 의지할 수 있어. �� � count on you. But what should we do first? 부터 해��지? HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 09 What will the man probably do next? ① He will wash himself off. ② He will make the grocery shopping list. ③ He will check the food inventory. today? ④ He will finish cooking. spring-cleaning 봄 대청소 put away 치�다 have no choice but to ~외���� 선택의 여지� 없다 count on 의지�다 drop off 내리다 won’t take that long �리 오� 걸리지 않��다 wash off 씻다 inventory �고 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 169 12/1/09 2:19:51 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 What is the woman requesting that the man do? What is the woman requesting that the man do? 여자가 남자에게 해달라고 요구한 것은? 11 ① She is asking the man to help Jane for her. ② She is asking the man to get the program and a T-shirt. ③ She is asking the man to talk to Jane together with her. ④ She is asking the man to take her to the concert. bummer 실� call off 취소�다 M: Hmm... Should we divide the work? I can do the grocery shopping while you go drop off the clothes. M: 음�� 일�� �눌까? 당신�� 옷 맡�러 갈 동안 내� 식료품 ����� 할 수 있어. W: Good idea. Let me finish cooking W: ��요. �� �� 식사 요리부터 끝���요. breakfast first. M: Okay. Meanwhile, I’ll make the M: 알�어요. 샤워를 �� 후 식료품 ��� 목록�� 만들� grocery shopping list after taking a shower. It won’t take that long. 어. �리 오� 걸리지 않�� 거��. W: You might want to check the food storage cabinet and fridge before you make the list. I don’t want to forget anything and have to go to the store again. W: 리스� 만들� ���� 찬������ 냉��고를 확인해 보 �� � ��어. 뭔� 잊어�려�� 식료품 ���� 다시 ��� ���� 원치 않�. M: I agree! We can’t waste any time M: �론����. �리�� 오늘 ��무 바��� 시��� 낭비해 today. We’re too busy. ���� 안�. M: Hey! Are you free this Friday night? M: ���� 주 금요일�� ���해? W: Why do you ask? W: �? M: My sister gave me two concert M: 내 여동생�� 특별�� �즈 콘��� 표를 �어. ��� tickets to this special jazz concert, and I was wondering if you would like to join me. 갈 수 있� 해��. W: Oh, bummer! Are you talking about the Summer Jazz Night Concert? W: 오�� ��런�� 여� 밤 �즈 콘��� 말��� 거��? M: Yes, that’s the one. Would you like to M: 응. �거 ��. ��� ��� 갈�? go with me? W: I would really love to, but I promised Jane that I would help her with her essay homework. W: �도 �말 �러고 싶����� �지만 J�n���테 ��세�� 도��주��� ��해��. M: Oh, that’s too bad. I know how much M: �거 안�다. �� �즈 얼�� �����지 ����. you love jazz. W: I know. I’ve been trying to get a ticket for that concert for a while, but I haven’t had any luck. So I gave up on my hope and decided to help Jane. W: �도 알�. ��동안 콘��� 표를 얻� 위해 애썼����� 운�� 없었어. ���� ���고 J�n��� 돕��� �지. M: Really? Is there anyway you can call M: �말? J�n��고의 ���� 옮��� 방법�� 없어? off the meeting with Jane? W: I don’t think that’s possible unless you help Jane instead of me, so I can go W: 내� 콘����� 갈 수 있도록 �� � 대신 J�n��� 도��주지 않�� �� �능�지�� 않�� �� ���� �냥 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 170 12/1/09 2:19:53 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 11 When is the woman going to fly? When is the woman going to fly? 여자는 언제 비행기를 타고 갈 예정인가? Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs M: Best Airlines. How may I help you? M: 베스� 항공사입니다. 어떻� 도��드�까요? 12:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. ① ② ④ ③ depart �발�다 direct flight �항 stop over 경유�다 to the concert. I’m just pulling your leg. Just get me a program and a T-shirt from the concert. M: That’s not a problem at all. But I still think you should call Jane at least to try to change your meeting time. W: Well, I guess I can try. Can you help me by asking her about it? I’m supposed to meet her for lunch today in half an hour. M: Sure! Don’t worry. You’re just asking. You’re not saying that you’re not going to help her. ��난 친 거��. 콘��� 끝�면 팜플렛���� 티�츠 좀 �져다 �. M: �� 문제� �냐. �지만 난 �� ��시��� 바꾸 � 위해 J�n���테 ���를 해�� ��다고 생�해. W: 글쎄�� 시도�� 할 수 있�� �� ��. ����� 대해 � 어보�� 거 도�����? 3�분 후�� 오늘 점심�� �� 위해 �녀�� 만���� �어.. M: �론��지. 걱� �. �� �지 묻�� 거잖�. 안 도�� 준다고 할 � �니잖�. W: I’d like to change my flight. I am W: 항공편�� 바꾸고 싶어요. 7월 ��일�� 시드니�� � booked on Flight 307 going to Sydney on July 10. �� 3�7편�� 예�����요. M: You mean next Monday? M: 다음 주 월요일 말씀��신�요? W: Right. Something came up, so I will not be able to depart on Monday morning. Is it possible for me to change to an afternoon flight? W: ��요. 일�� 좀 생겨���� 월요일 ������ 못 갈 �� ��요. 오후 항공편��� 바꿀 수 있�요? M: All right. Let me check that for you. M: 알�습니다. 확인해 드리�습니다. 두 개의 항공편 �� 있��� 모두 예��� 다 찼습니다. We have two flights on that day. But they are all completely booked. W: Then, when is the earliest flight I can W: �러면 월요일 ��후�� ��� �른 항공편��요? take after Monday? M: Hold on a second. There are a few seats available on the Wednesday morning flight as well as the afternoon flight on the following day. M: 잠시만요. 수요일 ��과 � 다음 날 ���� ��의 좌석�� 있습니다. W: Are you sure those are the earliest W: �� ��� �른 � 확실���요? �요일���� 자리� flights? Aren’t there any seats left on Tuesday? 없�요? M: There is one seat left on that day, but it’s not a direct flight. You will have to make a stopover in Bangkok. M: �� 자리 있습니다�� �지만 �항�� �니��요. 방콕�� �� 갈� 타��� �니다. W: I don’t mind. That will be fine with me. W: ���요. �거 ��요. 언제� 비행 시���죠? When is the flight time? M: It’s the last one of the day. No. No. M: � 날의 �지� 비행���요. �니오�� �니오 죄송� Sorry. It’s at 3 p.m. 니다. 3시 거요. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 171 12/1/09 2:19:55 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: All right. That’s fine with me. W: 알�습니다. �습니다. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 14 12 ① Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the facilities. situation. ② Pets are not permitted to enter in any ③ Someone with a valid reason can get permission to use a camera. ④ To get permission to use a camera, one must visit the Public Affairs Office. facility 시설 journey 여행 keep in mind �억�다 prohibit 금지�다 service animal ��비스 동� restrict 제���다 valid �당�� W: Welcome to the Smithsonian facilities. Before you start your journey here, there are a few things that you have to keep in mind. First of all, smoking is prohibited everywhere in the Smithsonian facilities. Pets, except for service animals, are not allowed in any areas of the museum or at the National Zoo. So, if you have brought your pet with you, please leave it in the care center located at the information center. The use of cameras and video cameras is restricted only to those with a permission card. Permission can be granted by the Public Affairs Office to those with a valid reason for taking pictures. W: 스미소니언 협��� 오신 ���� 환영�니다. 여��� 시작���� 앞�� �� �지 �억�실 점�� 있습니다. 먼� 흡연�� 어�� 곳����든 금지입니다. ��비스 동 ��� 제외�� 애완동��� 어�� 박�관��� 국립 동 �원����도 허락되지 않습니다. 애완동��� �지고 �다면 �보 센터�� 있�� 케어 센터�� 맡겨 주세요. 사� 촬영�� 특별�� 허�증�� 없�면 제���니다. 공공 사무실���� 사��� 찍�� �당�� ��유를 �� 사람들��� 허�증�� 드� ��입니다. 13 Which proverb best describes the woman’s advice? Which proverb best describes the woman’s advice? 여자의 충고를 가장 적절히 묘사하고 있는 속담은? 15 ① You’ve got to crawl before you walk. ② Make hay while the sun is out. ③ Do not cry over spilt milk. ④ Hindsight is better than foresight. bite off �다 choke 목�� ���다 keep –ing �� ~�다 W: I heard from your sister that you’re starting to take better care of your health. She told me that you had started drinking tea instead of coffee and that you’re eating better, too. You can’t imagine how happy I was when I heard the news. She didn’t tell me that you are trying to quit smoking or anything, but I’m sure you’ll think about it. As a person who is very impressed by your efforts to become healthier, I want to advise you about one thing. Even though it’s a nice change, you’d better not change things too fast. Change your eating habits and life pattern W: 여동생���부터 당신�� �강�� � � 돌보��� 시 작�다고 들었습니다. �피 대신�� 차를 �시고 � � ���다고 �녀� 말해 주었어요. 내� � 소식�� 들었�� �� 얼�� �뻤��지 당신�� ��할 수 없어 요. �녀�� 당신�� 담배를 끊�려�� �지�� 말�지 않았지만 ���도 생��고 있�� 거라 확신해요. � �강해 지려�� 당신의 노력�� 감동받�� 사람��� ���� ���지만 조언�고 싶어요. ��� 변�라고 할지 라도 ��무 빨리 바꾸면 안�요. 식습관과 생활 습관 �� 점�적��� 바꿔요. 씹�� 수 있�� ��보다 � 많 �� 베어 �면�� 목�� ���� �� 거예요. 어쨌든 당신 ���부터 �� ��� 소식�� 듣길 바�요. � 지내요. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 172 12/1/09 2:19:57 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation gradually. If you try to bite off more than you can chew, you’re likely to choke. Anyway, I hope to keep hearing great news about you. Take care. 14 Which question is the speaker trying to answer? Which question is the speaker trying to answer? 화자는 어떤 질문에 대한 대답을 하고 있는가? ① How will the new discovery about itches help us? ② Why did researchers believe that itches and pain share the same path to the brain? ③ Do itches and pain share the same nerve path in the brain? ④ What is the difference between itches and pain? researcher 연�자 itch �려� assumption �� nerve 신경 dedicate 헌신�다 M: Researchers and scientists have long thought that itches and feelings of pain follow the same path when they go to the brain. But some researchers have felt that this assumption was wrong. They believed that itches and pain could never share nerves since the two sensations are totally different and result in very different responses. As many people already know, pain provokes immediate withdrawal from the source of the pain while an itch incites a scratch. This knowledge led a group of German scientists to recognize a family of minuscule nerves with broad tentacles in the skin that seem to be dedicated to itches alone. M: 연��들과 과학자들�� �려�과 고통의 ��낌�� 뇌 �� ��달�� �� ��� 길�� 통��다고 생�해�습니다. �지만 어떤 연��들�� ��러�� ���� 틀렸다고 생��습니다. �들�� �려�과 고통�� 신경�� 공 유�지 않고 두 감��� 매� 다른 ����라�� 매� 다 른 반응�� �����다고 �었습니다. 많�� 사람들�� ��미 알고 있듯���� 고통�� 고통�� 주�� 원인�� 대�� 즉�의 거부를 ������ 반면 �려��� 긁�� ���� 수반�니다. ��러�� 지식�� 독일 과학자들�� �려 ��� 유발��� 넓�� 촉수를 �� 작�� 신경들의 � ��� �� 수 있도록 �였습니다. 15 Which was Not mentioned as one of the differences? Which was Not mentioned as one of the differences? 차이점으로 묘사되지 않은 것은? ① Shoes ② T-shirts ③ Bow-ties ④ Earrings launching 신제품 시�� 도입 at first glance �음 보��� bet on 내�를 �다 bow tie �비 넥타�� M: Lisa, I didn’t know that you have a M: Lis��� �� 닌��도 �지고 있��지 몰랐어. Nintendo. W: I got it from my parents as a birthday present last month. You know I’ve always wanted to have one since the first day of its launching. playing now? W: It’s one of those find-the-difference games. It’s really fun, but it’s quite difficult. W: 지난달 생일 선��� 받았어. �음 ���� ��부터 갖 고 싶었던 걸 알잖�. W: 틀린 �� �� �임 중 ����. �말 �미있��� 좀 어려워. M: Lucky you. What game are you M: ��다. 무�� �임 해 지금? M: I guess it is. To me, everything looks M: �럴 거 ��. ���테�� 얼핏 보��� 모든 � 똑� the same at first glance. � 보인다. W: Right. Do you want to play? Why W: ��. ��도 해 볼�? �� � 많�� 다른 점�� ��� don’t we bet on who can find more 지 내�할까? HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 173 12/1/09 2:19:58 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation differences? M: Sounds like fun. I already found one. The shoes! The color of the shoes is different. One is blue, but the other is green. W: You got it. Now I’ve found one, too. Look at the earrings. The girl in the second picture is not wearing any earrings and also the ribbon. M: Wow. You’ve already found two? I feel like I’m going to lose somehow. M: �미있�다. ��미 �� �았어. 신발�� 색깔�� 달라. ���� �란 색. ���� 녹색. W: �췄어. �도 �� �았어. 귀걸�� �. 두 ��째 � 림의 여자 ����� 귀걸���고 리본�� �지 않았어. M: ��. ��미 두 개를 �았어? 왠지 질 �� ����. W: I’ve got another one. Look at the W: �� 다른 걸 받았어. 티�츠의 ��고 �. ���� 주피 logos on the T-shirts. One says Jupiter, but the other says Juniper. 터인� 다른 �난 주니퍼��. M: Wow. You are really good at this. M: ���� �� �말 ��거 ���다. 17 16 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ② My mom likes to fight over very little M: Julie, what are you doing here? M: Ju��i��� 여��� �해? 학� 끝�고 �usi�� � �� Didn’t you say you were going to Susie’s home right after school? �� �지 않았니? W: I was going to, but it’s my mom. W: �러려고 ���� �� ��문��. ��� �usi�� � �� 있�� 걸 허락 안 해�. ① I started to hate her when she said no to my suggestion. things. this. ③ I usually try to make her understand what I think. ④ I know exactly how you feel about all stay over �무�다 relative 친척 old-fashioned �식의 M: �말? �? 둘�� �까운 �� 알고 �시지 않�? W: ��. �usi�도 ����. �지만 ���� 친척 ��� �니면 남의 ������� 자면 안 된다고 생���. She said she wouldn’t let me stay at Susie’s house. M: Really? What’s the reason? Doesn’t she know you two are really close? W: Yeah. She even likes Susie. But she thinks it’s not nice to sleep at someone else’s house unless it is a relative’s house. been waiting for today for a week. W: Yeah, I’ve been working hard on all my assignments only waiting for today. I don’t understand my mom. She’s too old-fashioned. not like your mom? W: Well, not always. She sometimes tells me not to do the things which I really want to. Not only that, but she’s also very picky about my clothes. M: Oh, you must be disappointed. You’ve M: 실���다. 일주일 동안 오늘만 �다렸잖�. W: 응. 오늘만 �다리면�� 모든 �제를 열심�� �어. 난 ��� ��해� 안�. ��무 �식����. M: What do you mean by that? Do you M: 무�� ����? ��를 ���지 않니? W: 글쎄�� 언제� �런 � �니고. �끔 내� �말 �고 싶�� 일�� 못�� 해. ��� 말고도 내 옷차림�� 대 해��도 까다����. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 174 12/1/09 2:19:59 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: Yeah. My mom does the same thing, too. Maybe most teenagers feel this way. M: 응. �리 ��도 �러�. �� 모든 십대들�� 똑� �� ��낄 거��. W: What do you do when you have W: ���고 충돌�� 있�면 어떻� �니? conflicts with your mom? M: I usually try to make her understand M: ��� 보통 �의 생��� ��� ��해할 수 있도록 노 what I think. 력해. 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에 들어갈 수 있는 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Oh, well. I'll ask her anyway ② That sounds like a good plan. ③ Okay. I'll just check to see if she is there. ④ I promise not to be late again. realize 깨닫다�� 알� 되다 prepare 준비�다 throw a surprise party 깜짝 �티를 �다 situation �황 W: An���w� �o�hi��� 학� 카�테리����� ����� 를 ��고 있다. An���w� 핸드폰�� 보다� 갑자 � Ji����의 생일�� 목요일임�� 알� 된다. 셋�� 특별 �� 유대감�� 갖고 있� ��문�� An���w�� �녀를 위�� �티를 �획�자고 말��다. �o�hi��� 완���� 동의�고 Ji������ 위해 �녀의 ����� 깜짝 �티를 해 주자며 선��� 준비�자고 제안��다. �o�hi��� 친 � 모두��� ���를 걸어 자신의 ����� 모��� � 자고 ��다. ���� Ji������ �� 시� �도 늦� �녁 �� 러 오라고 말�자고 덧붙인다. An���w�� Ji������ 위 �� �o�hi�의 �티 �획�� ��적��� 동의��다. ��런 �황������ An���w� �o�hi���� 할 말�� ��� 알 ��� ����? W: Andrew is talking with Sophia in their school’s cafeteria. Andrew looks at his cell phone and suddenly realizes that Jill’s birthday is next Thursday. Since the three of them have a special bonding, he tells Sophia that they should plan a party for Jill. Sophia totally agrees with Andrew and suggests that they should have a surprise party at her house for Jill and buy a present for her as well. Sophia also says they should invite all of Jill’s friends and ask them to arrive before Jill. She adds that they should tell Jill to come over for dinner and have her arrive one hour later than the guests. Andrew totally agrees with Sophia’s plan to throw a surprise party for Jill. In this situation, what would Andrew most probably say to Sophia? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 175 12/1/09 2:20:00 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 14 01 ① ③ ② ④ make up one’s mind 맘�� ��다 hang ~ up on the wall ~�� 벽�� 걸 다 second-hand 중고의 underneath ��의 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 Which tV is the man going to buy? Which tV is the man going to buy? 남자는 어떤 텔레비전을 사려고 하는가? W: So, what do you think? Have you W: ������ 어떻� 생�해? � �음�� ��니? made up your mind? M: Not yet. Let’s talk it over and decide M: ��. 좀� ����� 해보고 ��� ��도록 �자. together. W: All right. How about the one with the W: ��. �� 걸려 있�� ����드스크린 TV�� 어��? wide screen that is hanging up over there? M: Well, as a person who watches TV very often, I want to say yes. But I think it’s too expensive for a second- hand TV. W: You’re right. You can buy a brand- new one for that price. Then what do you say to the one with the VCR underneath? M: 평�시�� TV를 많�� 보�� 사람����� ‘Y��’라고 � 고 싶어. �� 중고 TV 치고�� ��무 비싼 �� ��. W: � 말�� ��. � �격����� 새 TV를 �� 수 있어. VC��� TV ���� ��� 붙어 있�� � 어��? M: Who watches video these days? I M: �� 요새 비디오를 보니? DVD 플레��어� 붙어 would not say no to one with a DVD player though. 있다면 �무 말 안 ��지만. W: Unfortunately, they don’t have anything with a DVD player. Wow, the decision’s getting more difficult. Well, what’s the price range you have in mind? W: 안타깝�도�� DVD 플레��어� 붙어 있�� � 없�. ���� 결���� � 점점 � 힘들어 지고 있어. �� 생� �고 있�� �격대�� 어�� �도��? M: Probably around $200. Maybe I have M: ���달러 �도. �무�도 � 둘 중 고��� � 현� to choose between those two. �� �� ��. W: What? You mean the ones under the wide-screen TV? Look! There’s a sign that indicates that the one on the left is 20% off the original price. W: �? ����드스크린 TV �� 있�� ��들 중 말����? �� �. � 표시� 원� �격�� ��%�� 깎�준다 고 ��져 있어. M: Really? Then there’s no need to think M: �말? �러면 ���� 고민할 일�� 없�. it over anymore. 03 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 176 12/1/09 2:20:02 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 In which of the following areas is a flash flood expected? In which of the following areas is a flash flood expected? 다음 지역 중에서 홍수가 예상되는 곳은? ① The Delaware Valley ② New Jersey ③ The Midwest ④ Pittsburgh evacuate 피난시키다 flashflood 갑작스런 홍수 be in effect for ~의 영향력 �� 들어�다 up-to-date 최신 �황까지 업���� 되다 overload 과적 ① He wants to work in the family restaurant. corporations. ③ He wants to work in the field of marketing. ④ He wants to work in his uncle’s publishing company. sort of ~�류의 business administration 경영학 prestigious company 유��� �사 W: 델라웨어 평원�� ��� 날씨였습니다. 온도�� ��도 중반��었고 �6도까지 올라��� 곳도 있었습니다. �지만�� ��압�� 들어오면�� 내일 일� 예보�� � �� �� �지 않습니다. 주말���� 미드웨스����� �� 개 ���� 몰려 오면�� 많�� 비� 내� ����� 예� �니다. 현�까지 오���오 동부�� 펜실베니� �� 부���� 많�� 비� 내렸습니다. 피츠�� 지������ �� 많�� �족들�� 피난시켜�� 할 �도�� 심��� 홍 수� 일어�습니다. 펜실베니� 동부�� 뉴�지 �리 고 델라웨어 북부���� 현� 홍수주의보� 발령 � 습니다. 최신 �급 날씨 �황�� 들�시려면 지�� 방송��� 라디오를 들어주세요. 현� 날씨 �황�� www. mi�w�s�w���h��.com ���� 확인 �능�니 다. W: The Delaware Valley enjoyed beautiful weather today. Temperatures were in the mid- 80s, and there was a high of 86. The forecast for tomorrow is not so bright, however, with the regional weather map showing a low-pressure front moving in over the area. Heavy rain is expected for the weekend as thunderstorms move in from the Midwest. So far, eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania have been hit with heavy rainfall. Serious flooding has occurred in the Pittsburgh area, forcing several families to evacuate their homes. Flash flood warnings are in effect for eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and northern Delaware. Please tune in to your local TV and radio station for up-to-date emergency weather information. Current weather information is also available at www.midwestweather. com. M: Thanks, Martha. I really appreciate that you came to see me today. W: So what are you going to do from now on? Do you have any plans? M: Well, I am really trying hard to get the job I want right now. It might take a while though because of the economic depression. My plan is to keep my part-time job at a family restaurant until I get it. M: 고�워�� M���h�. 오늘 날 보러 ����� �말 고�워. W: ��제부터 � 할 꺼��? 무�� �획��라도 있어? M: 내� �짜 다니고 싶�� �사�� 다니려고 노력�고 있어. 지금 경제적 �체 ��문�� 좀 �다려�� �� �� ��. 내 �획�� �사�� 입사할 ��까지 패밀리 레스 토������ 일��� 거��. W: I see. What sort of job are you W: 알았어. 무�� �사���� 일�고 싶���? looking for? M: Well, I want to work in a position M: 대학���� 배운 지식들�� 쓸 수 있�� 위치���� 일� where I can use my knowledge that I 고 싶어. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Where does the man want to work? Where does the man want to work? 남자는 어디에서 일하기를 원하는가? 03 ② He wants to work in one of the large graduation. I am so proud of you. W: Tony, congratulations on your W: Ton�. 졸업�� �말 축�해. 난 �� 자��스러워. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 177 12/1/09 2:20:04 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 05 learned in the university. W: Wasn’t your major Business W: �� 경영학 ��공 �지 않았어? �러면 삼성��� LG ��� 유��� �사���� 일�고 싶�� 거��? Administration? Do you want to work for a prestigious company like Samsung or LG? M: To be specific, my major was marketing. I haven’t made the final decision about which company I am going to apply for, but I want to be a good marketer. W: That sounds great. I remember your mom once told me that you got the award for the competition for promoting a new product from one of the large corporations. M: Yes. That would be on my resume, but I’m not sure if I have a good chance as there are so many people seeking jobs these days. W: Well, it’s important for you to keep trying until you get something you really want. Until you get the job you want, do you want to work as an intern in your uncle’s publishing company? M: That’s an idea I’ve thought of, but I’d better focus on preparation before I apply to any kind of job position right now. M: 좀� 자세�� 말�자면 내 ��공�� �케팅��었어. 어 디�� 지원할 ��인지�� �� ��지�� 못���� � �� �케팅 디렉터� 되고 싶어. W: ��. ��� 어�니���� �� 큰 �사의 �품 ��를 홍보��� 대����� ��� 받았다고 ��던 � �억 �� 난다. �어. M: 응. 내 ��력���� 들어���� 할 �� ��도 �업�� ���� 사람들�� 많��� �� �과� 있��지 모� W: �� �말 원��� ���� �질 ��까지 시도��� � � �� 중요�� �� ��. 원��� �업�� ��� ��까지 � 삼촌 �사���� 인턴��� 일해보�� ���� 어��? M: ��� 제안 고�워. �� 난 지금 어떤 ����� 지원 �� ���� 준비���� � 시��� 보내�� 할 거 ��. W: Cloning involves highly delicate W: 복제�� �청�� ���� �술�� 요�고 실패할 확 률�� 무지 크다 — 평균적��� 모든 시도의 �% � techniques, and, the failure rate is enormous―on average, just over 1% of attempts actually result in a live birth. It took more than 250 attempts before the first cloned animal, a sheep, was born. And there are some animals, which, unlike sheep and cattle, scientists have never managed to clone despite repeated attempts. These include primates, which suggest that human cloning may be impossible using current methods. However, one professor has already been approached by people asking him to help them clone a human. It 도만 실제 ���� 다시 �어난다. 첫 ��째 동� 복 제인 양 복제������ �����의 시도� 필요�다. 양 과 송�지���� 다른 많�� 동�들�� 현� 과학자들 의 반복된 시도��도 ��까지 복제� 되지 않고 있 다. ��러�� 동�들�� 유인원인��� ������ 인� 복제 � 불�능�다라고 암시��� ��일 수도 있다. �지 만 현� 어�� �� 박사�� 많�� 사람들��� 인��� 복 제해달라고 부탁�� 받았다. 동��� 복제���� 높 �� 성공률�� 보���� �술�� 선보��� ��까지�� 실 패� ��문�� 인��� 복제��� ���� 도덕적��지 못 �다. 현� �� �술�� 인���� 실험��다�� ���� 모 든 사람들��� �랍고 충격적인 일��다. 04 What is the speaker’s attitude toward human cloning? What is the speaker’s attitude toward human cloning? 인간 복제에 대한 화자의 태도는? ① Hopeful ② Interested ③ Confident ④ Dismayed cloning 복제 failure rate 실패할 확률 primates 유인원 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 178 12/1/09 2:20:05 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation is considered that the likely failure of attempts make it highly unethical to proceed to human experiments until the techniques have a higher success rate in animals. It is quite obvious that it is appalling for anyone to suggest using this on a human at the present time. 05 What does the woman want the man to do? What does the woman want the man to do? 여자는 남자가 무엇을 하기를 원하는가? ① The woman wants the man to help her flip the mattress. ② The woman wants the man to fix kitchen sink that is leaking. ③ The woman wants the man to fix bathroom sink that is clogged up. ④ The woman wants the man to read the newspaper for his work. flip the mattress 매�리스를 뒤�다 drain 매수� dissolvent liquid 용해력�� 있�� 액체 get rid of 없애다 clog up ���다 W: John. Would you come here right W: John�� 지금 당�� 여��� ���� �� 매�리스를 뒤� �� ���� 좀 도�����? now and help me flipping with the mattress? M: I am sorry but I am reading a very interesting newspaper article. It is very informative for my work, so I must read this. W: Are you not done with reading the newspaper yet? Even though you’re not finished reading it, you can continue reading it again later after helping me. mattress is something I’ve got to do right away. W: Okay. Forget about the mattress. What about the drain in the bathroom? When are you going to fix it? M: Oh, that. I remember you told me about it when I was half asleep this morning. How about calling a plumber just like we did for the leaking sink in the kitchen? M: 미안해�� 지금 내� �주 흥미��운 신문 �사를 �고 있어. 내 일�� 관�� �사인� �주 �보� 많��� 꼭 �어�� �. W: ��도 신문�� 다 못 �었어? 지금 다 못 끝냈�라 도 � 도��준 다음�� �어도 되잖�. W: 알았어. 매�리스�� 잊어�려. ���실 배수���? 언제 고칠 거��? M: ��� �거? 내� 오늘 ���� 자고 있�� �� ����� �� �� 알았���. 부엌 싱크���� ��� 흐를 ���� �냥 배수공�� 부��� � 어��? M: Yeah, but I don’t think flipping the M: 알�. �� 매�리스를 뒤��� � 내� 당�� 해�� 되�� 일��라고 생��지 않�. W: Do you know what day it is today? W: 오늘 무�� 요일인지 몰라? 오늘 일요일����. �무 It’s Sunday! Nobody works on Sunday! 도 일요일���� 일�� 안 해. M: Oh... How about leaving it until tomorrow then? I’ll call the plumber first thing tomorrow morning. W: Come on. I cannot stand another day with it. The bathroom is too messy because of it. M: �러면 내일�� 미���� � 어��? 내� 내일 ���� 첫 ��째�� 배관공�� 부를�. W: 제발. 난 ���도 � 못 �티�어. ���실�� �청 � 럽� 말����. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 179 12/1/09 2:20:06 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation under the weather �울�� hospitalize 입원시키다 determined 결연���� �호�� optimistic 낙관적인 literally 문자 �대���� �확��. 실제�� M: But there’s nothing I can do about it. M: �� 내� 할 수 있�� � �무 ��도 없어. 엉켜있�� �리카락�� 녹여�� 만�� 액체� 없어. We don’t have any dissolvent liquid that will get rid of hairs clogged up in there. W: I know. How about going to the supermarket and buying it first? I forgot to buy one when I went out to buy some groceries. M: All right. It seems like I can never get away from your complaining unless I fix it. W: 알�. 먼� 슈퍼�켓�� ��� 좀 사오�� � 어��? 내 � 오늘 ���� �� 볼 �� 사오�� ���� 깜박�어. M: 알았어. 내� 고치� ��까� � 불평���부터 못 벗 어날 �� ��. 06 How much more change should the man get? How much more change should the man get? 남자는 잔돈을 얼마나 더 받아야 하는가? ① 25 cents ② 50 cents ③ 75 cents ④ 1 dollar 10 Hot Listening ❹ W: Hi. Are you ready to order? W: 안��세요. 주문�시�습니까? M: I am sorry, but do you have a regular menu you can bring to me? I am not wearing my glasses, and I cannot see the one over the counter. M: 죄송�지만 ����� 된 메뉴를 �져다 주시�습니까? 안경�� 쓰고 있지 않��� 카운터 뒤�� 있�� 글들�� 안 보여요. W: Sure. Have a look at this. W: �. 여� 있습니다. M: Thanks. I’d like to have a steak burger, a minced pie, two lemonades and an apple pie. How much are they altogether? 요? M: 감사�니다. 스테��크 �거�� 민스 ����� 레모���드 �잔 �리고 애플 ���. ���� 주세요. 다 얼�인� W: Well, you ordered a steak burger which is 5 dollars, 3 dollars for a minced pie, two lemonades for 4 dollars, and an apple pie which is one dollar twenty five cents. So, the total comes to $13.25. Do you want to pay by credit card? W: 스테��크 �거�� �달러���요�� 민스 ����� 3달러 ��고�� 레모���드 두 잔�� 4달러 �리고 애플 ��� �� �달러 ��센��요�� ���� �3달러 ��센�입니 다. 신용카드�� 결제 �시�습니까? M: No. I think I have enough cash. Here M: �니요. 현금�� 충분��요. 여� ��달러짜리 두 are two ten dollar bills. ����요. W: Thank you very much. Here’s your W: 감사�니다. 여� 거스�돈��요. change, sir. M: Thanks. I’m afraid that I think you short-changed me. See. You only gave me one 5 dollar and two 1 dollar notes and two quarters. M: 감사�니다. 죄송���요�� 거스�돈�� 덜 주신 �� � �요. 여�요. �달러 �� ���고 �달러 두 ���� �리 고 ��센� 두 개를 주��요. W: Really? I am so sorry about my W: �말��요? �말 죄송�니다. 7�센�를 받���� mistake. You were supposed to get 75 cents, right? Here it is. 되��� �죠? 여� 있습니다. 07 08 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 180 12/1/09 2:20:08 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: Don’t worry. Everyone makes M: �니��요. 모두 다 실수를 ��� 걸요. mistakes. 07 What is the main topic of the talk? ① It’s about the reasons why laser printers have become popular. ② It’s about how a laser printer works. ③ It’s about the problems which can be caused by laser printers. ④ It’s about the reason why people should stop using laser printers. ultra-fine particles 초미립자 blood vessels 혈관 respiratory system �관지 irritation 염증 ventilatd 환��다 What is the main topic of the talk? 들려주는 내용의 주제는 무엇인가? W: 최� 연��� 따�면�� 레��� 프린터의 3분의 � � 도� 초미립자를 방���� ����� 알려졌습니다. 호주의 �� 연�팀�� �� 입자들�� 심��과 혈관�� 문 제를 일�켜 몸�� 안 ��� 수 있다고 �습니다. � 들�� �� 입자들�� �리 �관지�� 깊��� 쌓여�� 염 증�� 일�킬 수도 있다고 �니다. �� 연�를 �행�� 퀸즈랜드 공과대학의(Qu��ns���n� Univ��si�� of T�chno��og�)의 Li�i� Mo��wsk� 박사� 사무실�� �� 일��� 사람들�� 레��� 프린터���� �능�� 멀 리 ��� ���� �다고 �습니다. �리고 항� ��들 �� 환�� � 되��지 확인해�� ��다고 ��� ��도 잊 지 않았습니다. W: According to the results of some recent research, almost one third of popular laser printers emit large numbers of ultra-fine particles. A team of Australian researchers found that these particles can be harmful since they can cause problems for the heart and the blood vessels. They said that these particles are potentially dangerous since they can be deposited very deeply in the human respiratory system and can also cause irritation. The woman who led the study, Professor Lidia Morawska of the Queensland University of Technology, stated that workers in offices should try to sit as far away as possible from laser printers. Also, she didn’t forget to warn workers that they should make sure the machines are well ventilated. 08 According to the passage, what is the most serious problem online shoppers can face? According to the passage, what is the most serious problem online shoppers can face? 들려주는 내용에 따르면, 온라인 쇼핑객들이 겪게 되는 가장 심각한 문제는? ① They might end up paying more than the actual price. ② They might end up buying low-quality products. ③ They might end up not getting the product but paying for it. ④ They might end up buying the unnecessary products. popular 인�� 많�� credibility 신뢰도 M: Online shopping has become very popular lately. Online shoppers use the Internet to make purchases. This makes the shopping both very easy and convenient. Also, they often have special sales since they cut out the middle man. This makes the prices even cheaper. Moreover, when people shop online, they can choose the most appropriate time for them to shop since it is available M: 최��� 온라인 ����� 인�� 많�졌습니다. 온라 인 ��� 사용자들�� 인터넷�� 사용�여 ���� 삽 니다. ������ ����� 매� 쉽고 편리�� 만들어 줍 니다. ������ 중� 공급자를 없앰����� 특� 세일�� ��도 �니다. ������ �격�� �주 �렴�� 만들 어 줍니다. �다� 온라인 ����� �4시���� ��문 �� ��� 편�� 시��� ����� 할 수 있습니다. ��� � 온라인 ���의 ��점들 �����도 조심해�� 할 �� 들�� 있습니다. 실제�� 보지 않고�� 질�� 안 ��� �품�� �� 수 있다�� �� 외��도�� � 심��� 문제들 �� 있습니다. �격�� 모두 다 지불�고 ���도 �� HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 181 12/1/09 2:20:09 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation popular 인�� 많�� credibility 신뢰도 �� 받지 못��� 사례� �� 발생�고 있습니다. 온 라인��� ����� �� ���� 항� ��매자의 신뢰도 를 확인해�� �니다. 24 hours. But, regardless of all these advantages online shopping brings to us, there are also the things people have to be careful of when they shop online. Apart from the fact that people can end up buying a low quality product without actually seeing one in real life, there is even more serious problem. The cases of not getting the product after paying the full price for it have been reported a lot these days. Thus, before purchasing the product online, we have to check the credibility of the seller. What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① She will wake up her daughter. ② She will call Katie to ask her when to drop by. ③ She will try to finish reading the book. ④ She will borrow a book from Katie. stretch out 펴져�� 뻗어 있다 trip 넘어지다 stay up late 늦� 까지 깨어 있다 night owl 올빼미 형 인� insomnia 불면증 make a mountain out of molehill 작�� 일�� 크� 만들다 suffer from ~�� 고통 받다 stress-induced insomnia 스�레스성 불면증 easygoing ��긋�� if that’s the case ��다면 1 Hot Listening ❹ 10 M: Joan, did you know that Cathy is M: Jo�n�� C��h�� ��� 자고 있�� 거 알았어? already sleeping? W: I know. I saw her stretched out on the floor. I almost tripped on her when I was carrying my coffee. M: Why didn’t you wake her up? It’s only 4 o’clock. Doesn’t she remember that we have to go see her grandmother? W: I am sure she hasn’t forgotten that. Maybe she is really tired. I tried to wake her up, but she didn’t react at all. W: 응. 바닥���� �워�� 자고 있�� 거 �어. �피 들고 걸어 다니다� 걸려�� 넘어질 뻔 �어. M: � 안 깨웠어? 4시 밖�� 안 ����. 할�니 보러 � �� ��다�� 거 잊었�? W: �걸 까�지�� 않았다고 확신해. �냥 많�� 피��� � �. �도 깨�려고 ������ 반응 조차 보��지 않 �라. 잖�. M: Did she stay up late last night? M: 어젯밤 샜어? W: She studied until late at night. You W: 어젯밤 늦�까지 공부�어. 올빼미 형 인�인 거 알 know she’s a night owl. M: I don’t think she’s a night owl. It has been two or three months since she started going to bed very late. Are you sure that she does not have insomnia or something like that? M: 올빼미 형 인��� �닌 �� ����. ��� 늦� 자 � 시작�� 지 �� �~3개월 밖�� 안�잖�. 불면증 ��� �런 거 걸린 � �닌 거 확실해? W: Well, I think you are a making a mountain out of molehill. She is taking many courses on the Internet, and W: �니. �� ��� 별거 �닌 �� �지고 오� ��� �� ����? 인터넷��� �스를 많�� 듣�� �� �던��� 강의들�� 밤�� 듣� �. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 182 12/1/09 2:20:10 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation it seems like she’s watching her lectures late at night. M: Really? You know I used to suffer from stress-induced insomnia. I am just worried that she has the same problem as me. W: Don’t worry too much. She doesn’t seem to have that much stress. She’s an easygoing kind of person, unlike us. By the way, when should I wake her up? M: Well, I think I need to call Katie first. Her car is broken, so we have to take her, too. W: Really? If that’s the case, I have to get back to the book I was reading. I told her I would lend it to her after I am done with it. M: �말? � 내� 스�레스성 불면증�� �었던 거 � 억�지? ��� 똑��� 문제를 �지고 있��까�. W: ��무 걱� �지 �. ��� 스�레스 많�� 받�� �� �지 않던�? �리�� 달리 ��긋�� 사람����. �� �� �� 시�� 깨워�� 할까? M: K��i���� 먼� ���를 해�� 할 �� ��. �녀의 차 � 고���� ��� �리� �녀를 �리러 ��� 할 �� ����? �거든. W: ��? �러면 난 지금 �고 있�� ��� 빨리 �어�� �다. 내� �� � 다 �고 ��� 걔��테 빌려주��� M: Okay. Then, I will call Katie and ask M: 알았어. K��i���� ���해�� 언제 들러��할지 �어 her when I should drop by. 볼�. What is the man mainly talking about? 남자는 무엇에 대해 말하고 있는가? 10 What is the man mainly talking about? ① He is talking about the reason why tropical trees absorb fuel emissions. ② He is talking about how we can preserve threatened forests. ③ He is talking about the result of the growth of tropical trees and its result. ④ He is talking about the disadvantages of the increase in the number of tropical trees. absorb 흡수�다 fuel emission 연료 방� carbon dioxide ��산�탄소 fertilizer 비료 M: Surprisingly, tropical trees have grown bigger over the past 40 years. What’s even harder to believe is that they now absorb 20 percent of fossil fuel emissions from the atmosphere. This data has been collected from almost 250,000 trees around the world during the past 4 decades, and it suggests that tropical forests remove 4.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. The researchers do not know exactly why the trees are getting bigger. But they suspect that the extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may be acting like fertilizer and making them grow. The results highlight the need to preserve threatened forests. M: �랍�도 열대 �림�� 지난 4�년� 증��습니다. 심지어 � �� 힘든 ���� �들�� 대���부터 �� 퍼센�의 �석 연료를 흡수�니다. �� 자료�� 지난 4�년 동안 �� 세�의 ��만 ���의 �무��부터 수� 된 ����� 열대 �림�� 4�억의 ��산�탄소를 제거 ��다�� ���� �타냅니다. 연�자들�� � �무� � ���지를 모릅니다. �지만 �들�� 대� 중�� 있�� 여분의 ��산�탄소� 비료�� 작용�고 �들�� 자 라� ��다고 추측�니다. 결과�� 위험�� ��� 열대 �림�� 보존해�� ��다�� ��입니다. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 183 12/1/09 2:20:12 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 11 Which camera is the woman going to buy? Which camera is the woman going to buy? 여자가 사려고 하는 카메라는 어떤 것인가? 12 Price Memory Delivery ① $300 512MB 1-2 days M: Mrs. Choi, what are you doing web M: 최 씨, �무 시��� 뭘 �고 �십니까? surfing during working hours? W: Oh, gosh. I thought you were Mr. W: 오�� 당신�� �hi�� 씨인 �� 알았어. ② $350 1GB Up to 3 days ③ $290 512MB Up to 5 days ④ $390 2GB Up to 5 days White. embarrassed 창피�� browse 둘러 보다 M: Ha ha. If I were Mr. White, you would be embarrassed in front of all the people here. Anyway, what are you doing? M: ��. 내� �hi�� 씨였다면 �� 많�� 사람들 앞���� 창피를 당��지. ���� � �고 있어? W: I’ve been searching for a digital W: 디지털 카메라 사려고 검색�고 있었어. camera to buy. M: You are going to buy a new digital M: 새 디지털 카메라를 산다고? ���� 거�� 어�고? W: I gave it to my little brother when he W: 내 동생�� 런던��� 떠날 �� ���� �어. M: �짜 ��� ���. �� � ��지�� 결��어? camera? What happened to your old one? left for London. M: What a good sister you are! So, have you made up your mind about what you are going to buy? W: Yeah. I think I will buy the new camera from Canox. I mean the Canox 570. That’s why I am browsing this website that compares prices and other information. M: So, from which website are you going to buy your camera? I heard that A-Market sells good electronics. W: But they only sell cameras with 512MB. That’s not enough for me. I am thinking about getting the one with the greatest amount of memory. M: Do you not care about the price and the fact that it will arrive later than the others will? W: 응. 캐녹스���� 사려고. 캐녹스 �7� 말��� 거��. ���� �격 등�� 비�해 주�� �� 웹사���를 보고 13 있어. 들었어. M: ���� 어디 웹사������� � 디지털 카메라를 �� 거니? A-M��k���� ��� ��자제품�� 취급��다고 W: �지만 �들�� �지 ���MB 제품만 팔�. �� � ��테 충분치 않거든. ��� 큰 메모리를 �� 디지털 카메라를 사려고 해. M: �격���� 다른 ��보다 늦� 도착��� ���� 신경 쓰 지 않니? W: I don’t care about that. Considering W: ���들�� 별�� 신경 쓰지 않�. 메모리 카드 �격�� 고려��다면 �리 비싼 ��도 �냐. the price of the memory card, it’s not that expensive at all. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 184 12/1/09 2:20:15 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is mentioned in the news? What is mentioned in the news? 뉴스에서 언급된 내용은? 12 ① Rescuers have found one of missing climbers on Mt. Kook. ② Hundreds of people were said to be injured, but no one died from the earthquake in Indonesia. ③ The economy in the polar region is getting better according to a UN report. ④ The consumption of an organic food is getting more popular. rescuer �조자 climber 등산� break out 발생�다 polarize 양극� 시키다 economically 경제적��� M: Good evening. I’m Dick Smith of M: 안��세요. ����라인의 Dick �mi�h입니다. 오늘 Nightline. Here are today’s headlines. 의 헤드라인입니다. • Rescuers are still looking for a team of 5 missing climbers on Mt. Kook. • �조 대원들�� Kook 산���� ��의 실�된 사람들 �� 여���� �고 있습니다. • A strong earthquake which occurred in Indonesia killed at least 10 people, and hundreds of people are injured. • 인도�시����� 일어난 강���� 적어도 ����� 죽 고 수백 �의 사람들�� 다�습니다. • A UN report says that the world has become polarized economically. 니다. • UN 보고���� 따�면 세� 경제�� 양극� 되고 있습 • Regardless of its high price, more and more people look for an organic food with an increased interest in well-being. • 높�� �격��도 불��고 웰빙�� 대�� 관심의 증� �� 점차 � 많�� 사람들�� 유�농 음식�� �고 있습 니다. Which best describes the man’s speech? Which best describes the man’s speech? 남자의 이야기를 가장 적절하게 묘사한 것은? 13 ① Be involved in your conversation. ② Relax when you speak. ③ Listen with all your senses. ④ Don’t interrupt when others speak. in person �접 nuance 뉘앙스 likewise �찬�지�� relaxation ��완 tension ��� technically �술적��� M: 당신�� ����� �접 대�를 할 ���� �������� �� 달�� 수 없�� 뉘앙스를 ��낄 수 있습니다. �찬� 지�� 얼�의 감�과 몸의 ��완��� ��� ���� 볼 수 있습니다. 친�� 친��� �����를 할 �� �의 손�� �거� �를 감싸 안�면 �의 �음�� � 열 수 있 습니다. 당신�� 알�올��� � ��� 증거들 ���� 얻 �� 수 있습니다. 제� 말씀 드리고 싶�� ���� �술 적����� 당신의 귀�� 들�� 수 있지만 대��� 할 �� 당신의 모든 감��� ��용��� ���� 당신�� ���� ��해를 할 수 있도록 해줍니다. M: When you have a conversation with someone in person, you will hear nuances which may not carry over the telephone line. Likewise, you’ll also be able to see the emotions in his face and the relaxation or tension in his body. When having a talk with your close friend, you can make him open up more if you take his hand or give him a pat. You may even get to smell clues such as alcohol or medication. What I want to say is that you may hear something with your ears technically; however, using all your senses will only lead you into a true understanding when having a conversation. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 185 12/1/09 2:20:16 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 14 What is the best title for the newspaper the woman is reading? What is the best title for the newspaper the woman is reading? 여자가 읽고 있는 신문의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 15 ① The reason why whole–grain cereal is getting popular ② Eating whole grain—a good habit after June? exercising ③ Several ways to help one’s body recover after exercising ④ How cereal works to replenish muscle fuel immediately whole-grain 미�제된 곡� glycogen 글리�겐 repletion 충만�� 충실 replenish 채�다 M: Wow. Are you really my daughter, M: ���� �� �말 내 딸 Jun�니? W: Why do you say that, Dad? W: � �런 말�� �세요? ��? M: I have never seen you reading the newspaper. I am so proud of you. 스럽��. M: 난 �� 신문�� ��� ���� 본 적�� 없어. �말 자�� W: Dad, please don’t treat me like a 10-year-old girl anymore. You know I am going to university next year. M: Okay, okay. Anyway, what are you reading? Is there anything interesting in the paper? W: Actually, yes. And it may be interesting for you as well. It’s about the results of new study which researched the relation between whole-grain cereal and the body’s recovery after exercise. M: You mean eating whole-grain cereal is beneficial and helps us recover after exercising? W: That’s right. The study has shown that whole-grain cereal works better for glycogen repletion than sports drinks. W: ���� 제� ���� 소녀인 ���� 말씀�지 �세요. �시다시피 �� 내년�� 대학생�� 된다고요. M: 알았다. 알았다. �런� 뭘 �고 있니? 신문�� 뭔� 흥미��운 ���� 있니? W: ��� 있어요. ����테도 �미있�� 수 있�어요. 통 곡� 시리얼과 운동 ��후의 �복의 관��� 대�� 연 � 조사 결과�� 관�� ������요. M: 통곡� 시리얼�� ��� ���� 운동 후 몸의 �복�� 도 ��� 된다�� 거니? W: ��요. 연� 결과�� 통곡� 시리얼�� 스�츠 음료 보다 글리�겐의 충만�� 도��준다고 해요. M: Does it have a similar effect as sports M: 스�츠 드링크 ��� �과� 있다�� 말����. drinks? W: Right. What’s more interesting is that it works better than sports drinks at replenishing muscle fuel immediately. 요. W: ��요. � �미있�� ���� 스�츠 드링크보다 �육 의 힘�� 즉�적��� 채��� � � �과적��라고 해 M: Wow. If it has that many good M: ��. ��� ��� �과� 있다면 오늘부터 조깅 후�� functions, then we’d better start eating it after jogging in the morning. ����� ���� ��다. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 186 12/1/09 2:20:17 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 What does the woman mean when she says “have a sweet tooth”? What does the woman mean when she says “have a sweet tooth”? 여자가 말한 “have a sweet tooth”의 의미는? ① A person who has bad teeth ② A person who really likes sweet things ③ A person who is a flatterer ④ A person who likes to sing get mad ��다 for crying out loud � �짜 a bunch of 뭉치의 have a sweet tooth � ���� ���다 drops of heaven 천국의 맛 M: Where have you been? I have been calling you all day long, but you haven’t answered a single one of my calls. W: Don’t get mad. I was shopping with my best friends at the Westfield Shopping Mall. You know how big that place is. M: Right. Is that the new mall by the dentist? I heard that they were offering 20% off on every item in the mall. M: 어디 있었어? ��� �일 ��������� 내 ��� 중 � �도 받지 않았어. W: �내지 �. 제일 친�� 친��� 웨스�필드 ���몰�� �� ����고 있었어. � ���몰�� 얼�� 큰 지 알 잖�. M: ����. 치과 ���� 있�� � 말��니? 거� ���몰 안의 모든 �품�� ��% 할인��라고 들었어. W: Yes. It’s by the dentist you really hate. W: 응. �� �어��� 치과 ������. 내� 지난 주�� 말 I told you about it last weekend, remember? �잖��� �억해? M: Right. Where are all the goods you bought? It seems very strange that you only have three bags. M: ��. �� �� 산 ��들�� 다 어디 있어? �방�� 3개 밖�� 없다니 ���해. W: They are all in the car. Would you W: 다 차 안�� 있어. �지고 오�� �� 좀 도�����? help me get them? M: Wow! How much did you spend on all these items? Didn’t we talk about wasting money on clothing the other day? W: These aren’t all clothes, and they were all 20% off for crying out loud. I got this yellow shirt for free! This one’s for you. M: I don’t need it. I just can’t believe that you are spending all of our savings on a bunch of clothes. W: I’m sorry. I’ll try to be smarter next time. I know you have a sweet tooth, so I bought you these Swiss chocolates. M: All right. Wow, these chocolates taste like little drops of heaven! I don’t think I remember why I was so mad at you anymore. M: ��. 도대체 ����들�� 얼�를 쓴 거��? 옷�� 돈 낭비 ��� ���� 대해 지난 ���� ������지 않았�? W: 다 옷�� �니��. ��� �리고 모든 ���� �말 ��% 할인��었어. �리고 �� 노란색 �츠 당신 거��. 공 짜�� 얻었어. M: 필요 없어. 도대체 난 당신�� �리 �축�� ��런 옷 뭉치를 사��� 쓴다�� ���� ��� 수 없어. W: 미안해. 다음���� � 현��� 할�. 당신�� � 걸 ���니까�� �� 스위스 초콜릿도 샀어. M: 알았어. �� 초콜릿�� �말 천국의 맛����. � 내� 당신��� ��었��지도 ���� �억�� 안 ����. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 187 12/1/09 2:20:19 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What will the man probably say next? ① Of course I like the idea of corporal punishment. What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? 17 ② Well, I think it’s the only way to make W: Hi. I wonder if you would mind students behave better. answering a question for me. W: 안�. 내 질문�� 답�� 해�� 수 있��지 �금해. ③ That’s right. I would say I’m totally against it. ④ Maybe you need to think it through. M: That depends on the type of the M: �� 질문의 �류�� 달려 있어. � 지금 중요�� 일 question. I’m in the middle of doing something important. ��� 중��거든. corporal/physical punishment 체� revenge 복수 specifically �체적��� W: I am sorry to bother you like this, but it won’t take too long. It’s a survey for the school newspaper. W: ���� 방해해�� 미안��� �리 오� 걸리� 않�� 거��. 학� 신문�� 대�� 거��. M: Right. You’re a member of the M: ��. �� 학� 신문부의 멤�지? 질문의 주제� � school’s newspaper staff. What is the topic of your question? ��? W: The first one is… What do you think W: 첫 ��째��� 체��� 대해�� 어떻� 생�해? of corporal punishment? or teachers? M: Do you mean punishment by parents M: 부모���� 의�� �니면 선생���� 의�� 체�? W: Probably both. What do you think of anyone physically punishing students? W: ��도 둘 다. ���� 신체적��� �칙�� 주�� 사람들 �� 대해�� 어떻� 생�해? M: Well, I would say that corporal punishment is another name for revenge. M: 음. ��� 체��� 복수의 �� 다른 ���인 �� ��. W: Can you explain your answer more W: 좀 � �세�� 대답�� 설�해 �� 수 있어? specifically? M: I mean that parents or teachers just hit their students or children because they are upset about what they did. 생�해. M: ��� 부모��들��� 선생��들�� ���들�� ��리�� �� �� �냥 자�� �� 일�� 대해 ���� �런 ����라고 W: So, are you saying that you are W: �러면�� ���� 반대��� 거��? against it? against it. M: That’s right. I would say I’m totally M: ��. 난 체��� ��대 반대��. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 188 12/1/09 2:20:19 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에서 올 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? W: We see pollution all around us. In W: �리�� 항� 주변�� 환경 오염�� 봅니다. �� 세� ① To breathe in fresh air ② For people to think about pollution in ③ For people to buy some plants for their ④ For people to avoid pollution as much general houses as possible pollution 오염 reduce ����다 의 큰 대도시������ 항� 공� 오염과 � 오염 ��문 �� 신경�� ���� �니다. �지만 사람들�� 실감�지 못��� ���� 실내 오염�� 실외 오염보다 � 안 � 다 라�� 겁니다. ��� 청소�면�� 쓰�� 많�� 세제들 �� 실제�� �리 �강�� �주 안 �습니다. 요리할 �� 쓰�� �스�� �리� �시� 되면 �주 안 �습니 다. 다행��도 과학자들�� 실내의 공� 오염�� ��일 수 있다고 �니다. 실내�� �� �지 식��� 두�� �� �� 공� 오염�� ��일 수 있� 된다고 �니다. �� �� 사람들�� �들의 ��� 식��� �� 개 사 두�� �� �� ��� 생�입니다. major cities around the world, we must deal with serious water and air pollution. But what people fail to realize is that indoor pollution is far more harmful and worse than outdoor pollution. The various chemicals we encounter when we clean our houses are very dangerous to our health. The gas we use for cooking is something we breathe in and is harmful. Fortunately, scientists believe that there are ways to reduce indoor air pollution. They say that keeping a few plants around the house can reduce indoor pollution. Thus, it would be a good idea for people to buy some plants for their houses. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 189 12/1/09 2:20:20 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 15 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Where did the man find his wallet? Where did the man find his wallet? 남자가 지갑을 찾은 곳은? 01 ① ③ ② ④ thoroughly ���� take it out ~���� 꺼내다 have a look �� �� 보다 M: Mom, have you seen my wallet? I can’t remember where I put it. M: ��. 제 지갑 보�어요? 어디다 뒀��지 �억�� 안 W: No, I haven’t seen it. You probably W: �니. 못 ����. �� ���실��다 뒀�� 거��. 맨날 �요. �러잖니. left it in the bathroom just like you do every day. M: No. I already checked there. It’s not M: �니��요. 제� 지금 확인해 ���� 거��� 없어요. there. W: Did you check on the desk in your W: � 방�� 있�� �� 확인해 �니? �� 거��� 있�� room? Maybe it’s there. 지도 몰라. M: I just did. I can’t seem to find it. M: 방금 �어요. 못 ��어요. 어디 있��까요? Where could it be? W: You sure you have checked W: ���� 확인�� �� ��? � �� 위�� 있�� 많�� �� 류 �미 �� 있�� 거��. thoroughly enough? Maybe it’s under the file of documents on your desk. M: Oh, I forgot that place. No, Mom, it’s not there either. It’s also not in the drawer. M: �. 거��� 까�고 있었���. �니요. 여�도 없어요. ��랍 안��도 없고요. W: Are you sure you brought it home W: 어제 ��� �져온 � 확실�니? yesterday? M: Of course I did. I remember taking it out of my bag before I went to bed last night. I just don’t remember where I put it after that. M: ��� 확실해요. 어제 자� ���� �방���� 꺼내�고 잤���. 어디다 뒀��지 �억�� 안 날 뿐����요. W: Why don’t you have a look under the W: �대 �� ���� 확인�니? bed? M: Oh, Mom. Thank you very much. I M: ��. 고�워요. �았어요. �대 ���� 있�� 의자 � found it. It was on the cushion under the chair right next to the bed. � 쿠션 위�� 있�요. 03 02 When do attendants participate in the seminar? When do attendants participate in the seminar? 참가자들은 언제 세미나에 참석하는가? ① On Saturday ② On Wednesday ③ On Wednesday and Saturday ④ On Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday M: Learn more about business at the Business Seminar. The Business Seminar is a twenty-four hour program. This seminar is focused on developing strong links between contemporary research and the active business M: 비즈니스 세미����� 사업�� 관�여 � 배워보세요. 비즈니스 세미��� �4시� 프���램입니다. �� 세 미��� 현시대 연���과 활동적인 비즈니스 공동 체 � 연결고리를 만드��� 초점�� 두고 있습니다. 분위��� 항� 지적��고�� 사업 현실�� 고려�고 � 곳�� 초점�� �추��� 노력�니다. 참�자들�� 수 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 190 12/1/09 2:20:22 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation contemporary 현시대 atmosphere 분위��� 대� intellectual 지적인�� 지식인 realities현실 firmly 강�� 요일 3시� �리고 주말�� 3시�씩 4주동안만 공부 �면 �니다. 새��운 사업 �술들�� 배워보세요. 당 신만의 �사를 운영��� 법�� 배�세요. 비즈니스 �� 인터넷�� ��용��� ���� 대해 배�세요. 비즈니 스 세미��� 오세요. 사업�� � � 해보세요. �� 세 미��� 3월 ��일 토요일 ��i� P����hous����� 시작 �니다. 지금 바�� 등록�세요. community. The atmosphere is intellectual but always in a way that keeps business realities firmly in focus. Attendees only have to study for three hours on Wednesday and for three hours on the weekend for 4 weeks. Learn about new business techniques. Learn about managing your own company. Learn about using the Internet for business. Come to the Business Seminar. Become better at doing business. The seminar begins on Saturday, March 21, at the Erie Playhouse. Register now. 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 화자들은 어떤 관계인가? ① A hotelier – A guest ② A building manager – A tenant ③ A real estate agent – A customer ④ A maintenance man – A tenant somewhere 어딘� move in ��사�다�� 입주�다 amenities 설비 W: Hi! How may I help you? W: 안��세요�� 무엇�� 도��드�까요? M: Hi, yes. My name is Bill Harrington. I’m interested in renting a two-bedroom apartment. W: Okay. Please, have a seat, Mr. Harrington. So that we will be able to match your needs better, I would like to ask you a few questions before I show you what we have available. First, what price range are you interested in? M: ��� 안��세요. 제 ����� Bi���� H���ing�on입니다. �실�� 두 개 있�� ���를 빌리려고 �니다. W: �. 여� ��세요. H���ing�on 씨�� 어떤 ��� 있�� 지 보여드리� ���� 당신의 조��� �추� 위해�� ���지 질문�� ��습니다. 첫째�� �격대�� 얼� � 도 생��고 �시�요? M: Somewhere between $600 to $650 a M: �� 달�� 6��달러 �고 6��달러 사��요. W: Okay. Do you have a specific W: �. 특별�� 위치를 생�해둔 곳�� 있�요? month. location in mind? M: Well, I would like to live somewhere near the university or at least on a bus line. M: 대학� ��� �스 노선 ���� ��고 싶습니다. W: And when would you like to move W: 언제 입주�실 ��요? in? M: On the first of next month. M: 다음달 �일��요. W: Okay. Are there any other amenities which you would like to have? For example, a dishwasher, a balcony, a swimming pool, or central air conditioning? M: I would definitely like to have a dishwasher, and central air is important! I don’t really care about a W: 다른편의 설비들�� 원�시�� � 있�요? 식�세척 �� 발�니 수영�� �니면 중앙 냉방 시설 ��� �� ��요. M: 식�세척��� 꼭 있어�� ��요�� 중앙 냉방 시설도 중요해요. 발�니�� �관 없고 ���실�� 두 개였� 면 ��습니다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 191 12/1/09 2:20:24 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 Which best describes the change in the woman’s feeling? Which best describes the change in the woman’s feeling? 여자의 심정의 변화를 가장 적절하게 표현한 것은? 05 ① Sorrowful → Upset ② Disappointed → Pleased ③ Upset → Apologetic ④ Regretful → Furious stand soneone up 바람���다 careless 부주의�� irresponsible 무�임�� hospitalize 입원시키다 recover �복�다 balcony, though. And two bathrooms would be nice. W: Okay. Here are some photos of the � 있습니다. apartments we have available which fit your preferences. W: 원�시�� 요�들�� 충족시키�� ��� 사�들�� 여 M: Thank you. This one on Broadway Avenue looks nice. I would like to see that one. And the one on Main Street, too. W: Sure. Let me get the keys, and we will go look at them. M: Great! Thank you. M: 감사�니다. 브��드웨�� ��� 있�� ���� �주 �� 보���요. 거�를 꼭 보고 싶�요. �리고 메인 � �� 있�� ��도요. W: �. 제� 지금 키를 �지고 올 테니 ��� 보러 갑시다. M: ��요�� 감사�니다. M: Gloria. I am so sorry that I stood you M: G��o�i�. 어제 내� ���� 못 지켜�� 미안해. up last night. W: Oh, Jason. It’s nice to know that you are alive. How could you do that to me? You know how long I waited for you in the rain? you but I couldn’t. W: Right. You didn’t even care enough to call me and tell me that you would not come. I didn’t know that you are this careless and irresponsible person. W: 어�� J�son. �� ��� 있다�� 걸 알� 되어 �쁘다. 어떻� ���테 �럴 수� 있어? 비 오��� 내� 널 얼�� �다렸��지 알�? W: ��. 못 온다고 ���할 신경도 못 썼어. 난 �� �� �� 무�임�고 조심성 없�� 사람인 �� 몰랐어. M: I am so sorry. I should have called M: 미안해. ����어�� ������ �럴 수� 없었어. M: I am so sorry, but I have some stories M: �말 미안��� �도 할 �����들�� 좀 있어. W: What? What was the reason you W: �? ���� 못 지킨 ��유�� ���? to tell. stood me up? M: It was my mom. She had a car accident yesterday. I heard that news on the way to come to see you. I went to the hospital and totally forgot about our promise. M: �리 �� ��문��. 어제 자동차 �통사고� ��어. 널 만�러 오�� 길�� 사고 소식�� 들었어. 바�� 병 원��� ����� �리 ���� 대해�� 까�었어. W: Really? How is she? Is she badly W: �말? 많�� 다치�어? injured? M: Fortunately, the accident wasn’t a severe one. But she has to be hospitalized for about 2 weeks until she can fully recover. W: I am so sorry to hear that. I am also very sorry for what I said to you before. M: 다행��도�� ��� 심��� 사고�� �니었어. ��도 다 ��실 ��까지 병원�� �� ���� �. W: �말 미안해. ��� �쁜 소리�고. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 192 12/1/09 2:20:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: It’s okay. You didn’t know what M: ���. ���� ��런 일 있�� �� 몰랐잖�. 미안해�� happened to me. I am sorry that I couldn’t contact you. 연락�� 미리 못해��. W: Don’t say sorry. It’s me who has to apologize. You must have had an awful day yesterday, and I yelled at you without listening to you. W: 미안�다고 �지 �. 사과를 해�� 할 사람�� ���. �� 어제 ��� 힘든날�� 보냈��� 오늘 난 �� ���� �도 듣지 않고 소리를 질렀어. 05 What did the woman ask her husband to do? What did the woman ask her husband to do? 여자는 남편에게 무엇을 부탁했는가? ① She asked him to change himself a lot. ② She asked him not to forget her birthday. anniversary. W: I have such an exciting weekend W: �청난 주말�� 다�오고 있어요�� coming up! ③ She asked him to prepare a romantic M: Oh really? What’s happening? M: 오�� �말? 무�� 일인�요? ④ She asked him for a divorce. W: My husband finally planned a romantic anniversary weekend. W: �리 남편�� ��내 ��맨틱�� 주말�� 준비�어요. anniversary �념일 sweetheart 자�~ (애칭) darling과 비슷 senior year 학�의 �지� 학년 M: Wow. Really? You must be excited. What has he planned for you? 뭔�요? M: ��. �말 들떠 있�어요? �� ��를 위해 �획�� � W: He will take me to the finest restaurant in Seoul, and we will stay in a 5 star hotel suite. W: ��울�� 있�� ��� ��� 레스토���� �려�고 별 � 개짜리 호텔의 최고 ��� 방�� 묶�� 거예요. M: How long have you been married? M: 결혼�� 지 얼�� 오� 되었죠? W: Ten years as of this Friday. I guess W: ���� 주 금요일�� ��년����요. 시��� �말 �른 time does fly! �� ��요. M: Really! I can’t believe it. That’s a long time. It is unbelievable when I think that you’re still so young! M: �말 ��� 수� 없어요. 오� 되었�요. 당신�� 여 ���� 젊�� ���� 생��면 ��지 않�요. W: We were high school sweethearts. W: �리�� 고등학� �플��었어요. �리�� 졸업�고 We married right after we graduated. 바�� 결혼�지요. M: Are you happy with your marriage? M: 결혼 생활�� 행복�신�요? W: Yes, very much so. Well, once we had a big fight and almost broke up, but it was only because he forgot my birthday. W: ��� 무척��요. ������ �청 싸워�� 헤어질 뻔 �지 만 �� �지 �� 제 생일�� 잊어�려��였어요. M: Well, it looks like he’s changed a lot M: ���� �� 많�� 바뀐 거���요. now then! W: No. I told him that if I didn’t get a romantic weekend, this would be our last anniversary. I didn’t actually say the word divorce though. W: �니요. 내� ���� 주말�� ��맨틱�� 보내지 않� 면 ��� �리의 �지� �념일�� �� 거라 �어요. ��혼��라�� �어를 사용�지�� 않았지만 말����요. M: Wow. You sure know how to handle M: ��. 당신�� �말 남편�� 어떻� 다����지 �시�요. your husband. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 193 12/1/09 2:20:26 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How much does the woman’s meal cost? How much does the woman’s meal cost? 여자가 고른 식사의 가격은 얼마인가? 06 ① $9.50 ② $11.00 ③ $13.10 ④ $14.10 delivery 배달 vegetarian 채식의 hand-tossed 수제의 free of charge 공짜 08 delivery. like? tossed? M: Good evening. Imperial Garden Restaurant. How can I help you? M: 안��세요. 임�리얼 �든 레스토��입니다. 어떻 � 도��드�까요? W: Hi, I’d like to order a pizza for W: 안��세요. 피자를 배달 주문 �고 싶어요. M: And what kind of pizza would you M: 어떤 피자를 주문�고 싶�세요? W: I’d like two vegetarian pizzas, please. W: ��채 피자 두 개 부탁�니다. M: Would you like pan, thin, or hand- M: 팬 피자�� 얇�� 피자�� 수제 피자 중�� 뭘 원�세요? W: Thin, please. Are there any onions on it? If so, can you hold the onions? 실 수 있�요? W: 얇�� 피자요. 양�도 올라��요? ��다면�� 빼주 M: Okay. Your total comes to $9.50. M: ��� 알�습니다. 다 해�� �달러 ��센�입니다. W: Can you add an order of hot wings W: 핫윙���� 콜라 �� 병 추�할 수 있�요? and a bottle of coke to that? M: Sure. So, that’s $11.00. And a $2.00 delivery charge will be added to your bill. M: �론��죠. ��부 ��달러���요. 배달료 �달러� 부 � �� 거예요. W: All right. I am new at this. What’s the W: 알�습니다. ��� 여� �음인��� 팁�� 얼� �도인 usual tip? M: The usual tip is about 10% of the total cost before the delivery charge. �요? 입니다. M: 보통 팁�� 배달료를 제외�� ��체 �격의 ��% �도 W: Do you take credit cards? W: 신용카드도 취급�시�요? M: I’m afraid we only accept cash for deliveries. Will that be all right? ���신�요? M: 죄송�니다만 배달���� 현금 �산만 �능�니다. W: Sure. How long is it going to take? W: �론��죠. 얼�� 걸�까요? M: It takes under 30 minutes. If we M: 3�분 걸립니다. 만� 3�분�� 넘어�� 도착�면 음식 deliver it more than 30 minutes after you order, it will be free of charge. 값�� 받지 않습니다. W: The continuing financial crisis is not only damaging the real economy but is also harming people’s health. This sounds unlikely, but a sharp increase in the number of people suffering from severe headache, including migraines, over the last 3 years has proven this. The fact that people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s were the most vulnerable to the headaches hints that these problems may have W: ��되�� 경제위�� 경제뿐만 �니라 사람들의 � 강 ���� 해치고 있습니다. 사실�� �닌 ���� 들� 지 몰라도 지난 3년� 증��� 편두통 환자의 수� ��를 증��니다. 3�대�� 4�대�� �리고 ��대들�� 편 두통�� ��� 많�� 걸렸다�� 사실�� 경제 위�� �� 러�� 문제들�� 일���� �능성�� 제시�니다. �� 문�들�� 경제적 문제들�� �� 다른 증�인 비만�� 일�키고 있다고 �니다. ������ 사람들의 ��어드 �� 수입��� 인�여 영양�� 적�� 싼 음식들�� � � 되� ��문입니다. What is the main topic of the talk? What is the main topic of the talk? 들려주는 내용의 주제는 무엇인가? 07 ① It’s about how the financial crisis damaged the economy. ② It’s about the causes of headaches. ③ It’s about the effect of the financial crisis on people’s health. ④ It’s about how obesity is related to headaches. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 194 12/1/09 2:20:28 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation financial crisis 경제 위� damage 피해 입��다 migraine 편두통 vulnerable 당�� 쉬운 generate 생성�다 ongoing 지�되�� been generated by the ongoing financial crisis, too. Experts also point out that obesity is another symptom which might be caused by economic problems. This can be explained by people resorting to eating cheap foods that are low in nutrition because of their declining incomes. 08 Why did the girl dedicate the song? ① She wanted to show her love to her Why did the girl dedicate the song? 소녀는 노래를 왜 선물했는가? boyfriend. birthday. ② She wanted to celebrate her brother’s most popular station. 입니다. M: Hello, you’ve reached KTMX, the city’s M: 안��세요�� 도시���� ��� 유��� 방송국인 KTMX ③ She wanted to get on the radio. ④ She wanted to cheer up her friend who is in the hospital. you like to hear? W: Hello. I’d like to make a song request. W: 안��세요. 제� 곡�� �� 신청�고 싶습니다. M: Great, thanks for calling. What would M: ��요. 감사�니다. 무�� 노�를 듣고 싶�신 �요? dedication 바치다 knee 무릎 operation 수술 W: Could you play by the Three Bobs? W: Th��� Bob의 <Tomo��ow �i���� b� Ano�h�� D��> 를 틀어 주실 수 있�신�요? M: If we have it, I’ll play it. Let me look M: 노�� 있�면 틀어드리�습니다. 먼� ���� 볼�요. for it first. W: Oh, please. It’s very important that W: 꼭 좀 부탁 드려요. �� 노�를 틀어주시�� � �청 you play this song. 중요해요. M: �았습니다. 준비해�� 틀어드��요. 특별�� 날 인 �요? 남자 친���� �� 노�를 바치고 싶�요? W: 음악�� 통해�� 제 �음�� ����다면 �청 ��� ���� 라고 생��거든요. ����엔 제 남 동생의 생일인� 요�� ������ 무릎 수술�� 받�요. W: ��� �냥 생일 축��고 빨리 ��� ��면 ��다 고 말�고 싶습니다. M: I found it. I’ll get it ready and play it soon. What’s your special occasion? Do you want to dedicate this song to your boy friend? W: I just realized that it would be very nice if I show him my heart with the music. But this time it’s my brother’s birthday, and he’s in the hospital for a knee operation. soon. What would you like to say to your brother? W: I want to wish him a happy birthday and tell him that I hope he comes home soon. M: That’s too bad. I hope he gets better M: 오�� ��런 안��요. 빨리 �았�면 �니다. 동생�� � �고 싶�� 말 있�요? M: Okay. He must be very lucky to have M: �. 당신 ��� ��를 둔 동생분�� 참 운�� ��요. W: Thank you very much. I am sure he W: 감사�니다. 노� 선��� �청 맘�� 들어 할 거예요. a sister like you. will like your song present. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 195 12/1/09 2:20:30 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① They will grab a bite together. 10 ② They will go to the library to make some photocopies. seen you in a long time. M: How have you been, Jane? I haven’t M: J�n��� � 지냈니? �말 오�동안 못 ��. ③ The man will proofread the woman’s W: I’m the same as usual. Finals are W: 항� ��듯�� 똑��. ���� �말 고사� 다�오고 coming up though. 있어. ④ The woman will lend her notes to the M: Right. How many exams do you have M: ��. 시험 �� 개 �? to take? essay. man. come up 다�오다 in-class assignments �내 �제 hang out with ~�� 어울리다 be stuck to ~�� 갇��다 what do you have in mind 무�� 생��� �고 있니? scratch one’s back ���를 도��주다 drop by 들리다 W: I have three. How about you? W: 3개. �� �� 개 �? M: Only three? Your answer makes me M: 3개 밖��? � 대답�� �를 슬프� 만들어. ��� �개. sad. I have five. W: I know I don’t have many finals compared to other students. I took many classes which had a lot of in- class assignments. M: But it’s nice that you don’t have to prepare for too many finals. I think I have to say goodbye to my social life. But that is the least of the problems. W: What do you mean? What is harder for you than not hanging out with your friends? W: 다른 학생들�� 비해�� 내� �말 고사 수� 적다�� ���� �도 알�. ��� 시험 보� �제� 많�� 수업 들�� 택�어. M: �말 고사 준비를 많�� 안 해도 되�� � ��� �� ��. ��� 내 사� 생활�� �� 해�� 할 �� ��. �지만 ��� �과��. W: 무�� 뜻����? 친�들���� 안 어울리�� ��보다 힘든 � �� 있어? M: I have to get a GPA higher than 3.5 to apply for a scholarship next year. � 받��� 해. M: 내년�� ��학금�� 지원�려면 학점�� 평균 3.�점 �� W: Is that so? Then you’d better be stuck to that library chair for the next two weeks. W: ��? � �도면 다음 �주 동안�� 도��관 의자�� 좀 박�� 있어����. M: I guess you’re right. How about M: � 말�� ��� �� ��. ����를 도��주�� � 어��? helping each other? W: What do you have in mind? Do you want me to lend you my notes from the economy class? W: 무�� 생��� �고 있�� 거��? 내� 경제 시��� 적 �� 필�들 보여��까? M: You know me inside and out. You M: �� �말 내 ��� 다 꿰뚫고 있��. 내� 경제��� know that I missed several Economics 101 classes. 수업�� �친 ��도 알고. W: I’ll say yes only if you help me proofread my essay. M: Okay. So if I scratch your back, you’ll scratch mine. Is that your essay that you’re holding? W: No. It’s a book I have to return. So let’s drop by the library, and I’ll photocopy my notes for you. W: 만� �� 내 ��세��들�� �� �� ��해준다면 할�. M: ��. 내� ��의 등�� 긁어주면 ��도 내 등�� 긁어 주�다 ��거지? 지금 들고 있�� � � ��세��니? W: �니���� ��� 내� 반�해�� 되�� �����. �러면 내� 도��관�� 들려�� 내 필�들 복사해 ���. M: Cool. And let’s grab a bite as soon as M: �� ��. 끝��� 대�� �리 밥 좀 �자. 난 배� we’re done. I am starving. ��무 고�. 11 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 196 12/1/09 2:20:31 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 What is the man mainly talking about? ① The man is talking about why wearing a seatbelt is very important. ② The man is talking about how to reduce the number of car accidents. ③ The man is talking about ways to reduce the chances of being hurt in an accident. ④ The man is talking about people’s manners when taking public transportation. fortunately 다행��도 response 대응�다 What is the man mainly talking about? 남자는 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? M: 첫 ��째�� ��� 중요�� ���� �통 사고���� 다칠 확 률�� ����� 위해�� 항� 안��벨�를 �고 있어�� ��다�� ��입니다. 다행��도 ��미 많�� 사람들�� �� 사실�� 알고 있습니다. �러� �통 사고���� 다칠 확률�� ����� 위해�� � 알��� 할 �� �지� 있습 니다. 자동차를 타거� 대중 �통�� 사용�� 되면 운��사를 ��대 방해�면 안 된다�� �� 입니다. �� 말�� 탑승객�� 조용�� �고�� 다른 승객들�� 방해� 지 않�며�� 친�들과 크� ���지 않�� ���� 의미 �니다. 특�� 자동차 사고를 피�고 싶�면 운�� 습 관�� �쁜 운��사� 술�� 취�� 운��사�� ��� 타지 말��� �니다. �지���� 만� 사고� 일어�� 되면�� 응급�치를 ��� 법�� 알고 있�� ���� �습니 다. 응급 �황���� 당신의 지식과 �른 대응�� 귀중 �� 생��� ��� 수 있습니다 M: First and foremost, the thing you should keep in mind is to wear a seatbelt in order to reduce your chances of being hurt in a traffic accident. Fortunately, many people are already aware of this. But there are a couple more things people should keep in mind to reduce the possibility of being hurt in a traffic accident. When you are in a car or using public transportation, you should never bother the driver. That means you should sit quietly, not disturb the other passengers, and not talk loudly with your friends. If you want to avoid a car accident in the first place, you should not get in a car with a bad driver or a person who is drunk. Lastly, in case you happen to be involved in an accident, it would be helpful if you know first aid. Your knowledge and quick response can save a person’s life in an emergency situation. 11 Where is the woman whom the two people are waiting for coming from? Where is the woman whom the two people are waiting for coming from? 두 사람이 기다리고 있는 여자는 어디에서 오는 것인가? Arrival Time 5:30 5:50 5:50 5:30 ① ② ③ ④ Hong Kong City Tokyo Tokyo Beijing M: I wonder when Julie’s flight is going to arrive. I hope it hasn’t been delayed this time. M: Ju��i�� 탄 비행�� 언제 도착���지 알고 싶어. ������도 연�된 � �니�지? W: Do you remember the day when we W: 3시���� �다려�� �던 날 �억�? had to wait for her for more than 3 hours? delay 지연시키다 approximate 대략의 M: Yeah. That is the worst memory I have about being in an airport. Let’s take a look at the information board and find out which flight she took. W: Are you sure you don’t remember where she boarded her flight? M: I am sorry, but she only told me her approximate arrival time here in Incheon. She said she would have a stopover in another country after M: ��. 내� �� 공항����의 �억 중 ��� 안 ��� ����었어. �녀� 무�� 비행�를 탔��지 비행� � 보 ������ 알�보자. W: 어디�� 비행�를 탔��지 �억 못��� �� 확실해? M: 미안. Ju��i�� 인천�� 언제 도착���지 만 ����� 해�어. 런던 떠난 다음�� 어디를 경유해�� 온다고 �어. �� 도시 ����� ����� 해 �� �� ��무 시끄 러워�� 들�� 수� 없었어. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 197 12/1/09 2:20:34 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 13 she left London. But it was very noisy when she told me the city’s name, so I couldn’t hear it. W: Isn’t it Tokyo? She always wanted to visit Tokyo and Hong Kong. But you know she went to Hong Kong in the beginning of this year. M: Did she? Now that I think of it… I remember she told me that once, too. Anyway, one thing that is for sure is that she will arrive around 5:30. W: 도쿄 �냐? 항� 도쿄�� 홍콩�� �고 싶어 �잖�. �지만 올해 초�� 홍콩�� 다녀�잖�. M: ��어? 지금 생�해 보니�� ���테도 ��� 말� 던 �� ��. 확실�� ���� �녀� 여��� �시 3�분 쯤�� 도착할 거라�� 거��. W: Why don’t you ask someone at the information desk? We can ask which flight will arrive around 5:30. 있잖�. W: 안내 �스크�� 있�� 사람��테 �어보�� � 어��? 어떤 비행�� �시 3�분쯤 도착���지 �어볼 수 M: Okay. Wait for me right here. The person told me that the flight which was supposed to arrive around 5:30 is actually from Tokyo and that the plane from Tokyo has been delayed by about 20 minutes. M: 여��� �다려�. � 사람�� ����� �시 3�분 도 착��� ���� 도쿄���� 오�� ���� �고 도쿄���� 오 �� 비행��� ��여분 연� 되었대. W: Okay. Then let’s go to the arrival area and wait for her there. W: �러면 도착점�� ��� �다리고 있자. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 14 12 ① It is a sport that originated in France. ② It came to Britain at the end of the sixteenth century. ③ During the age of Cromwell, its popularity increased. ④ It is still very popular in some European countries, especially France. protestant 신�의 catholic ��의 aristocrat 귀족 W: 영국�� 신�도 국�� 되었�� ���� �톨릭��� 남았 던 ���� 부자 �족들만 자식들�� 외국��� 공부� 라고 보냈었다. � 중 ���� 프��스 북부�� ��� 생 애 �음��� 크리켓��라�� �임�� �음 보았다. 크 리켓�� 배�고 할 수 있� 된 ���� �6세� 말��었다. �리고 �들�� 영국��� 돌�갈 �� �임�� �지고 갔다. C�omw�����의 시대�� 많�� 귀족들�� ����� 오 락��� 크리켓�� 해�� 대중�되었다. 지금�� 프�� 스���� ���� �지 않지만 후�� 다른 �라들���� �� �욱 � 대중� 되었다. W: When Britain became a Protestant nation, a few rich families who remained Catholic sent their sons to study abroad. Some of them went to northern France, and there they saw the game called cricket for the first time in their lives. It was at the end of the sixteenth century when they learned how to play it. Then they took it home with them when they went back to Britain. During the time of Cromwell, it became very popular since it was a time when aristocrats mainly had to entertain themselves at home. It became more popular after ward in other countries although it is no longer played in France. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 198 12/1/09 2:20:35 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 13 Which best describes the woman’s speech? Which best describes the woman’s speech? 여자의 연설을 가장 적절하게 묘사한 것은? ① Schoolwork is just as important as homework. ② Too much homework will not improve students’ performances. ③ Homework must not be given for better performance at school. ④ Do not let our children waste their time with too much work. educator �육자 assignment �제 excessive 과도�� devote 헌신�다 attempt 시도�다 W: Many parents and educators believe that a lot of assignments will improve students’ academic performances. However, that may not be true if they have an excessive amount of homework. Unlike in the past, children are very busy doing lots of work for their schools or academies. Because of this, students cannot really devote much time to doing their homework. In order to finish their homework on time, they have to copy the answers from the answer key or they would draw the question mark on the certain part without really attempting to do it. Thus, what teachers and parents must remember is that when it comes to homework, too much can be worse than too little. W: 많�� 학부모들과 �육자들�� 많�� �제� 학업 성 취도를 높인다고 �습니다. �지만 �제 양�� ��무 많다면 ��지 않�� 수도 있습니다. 과거���� 다� � 학생들�� �들의 학��� 학원����의 많�� �제 를 ���라 매� 바쁩니다. �� ��문�� 학생들�� �들 의 �제를 ���� �리 많�� 시��� 할애�지 못� 니다. �들의 �제를 제 시��� 끝내� 위해 답지�� �� �답�� 보고 베끼거� 실제�� 해 볼 생��� �지 않고 특� 부위�� �음표를 �려 �습니다. �러므 �� 학부모��과 선생��들�� �억해�� 할 ���� ��무 많�� ���� ��무 없�� ��보다 �쁠 수 있다�� ��입니 다. 14 Which question is the speaker trying to answer? Which question is the speaker trying to answer? 화자는 어떤 질문에 대해 대답을 하고 있는가? ① What is the new role of the media in the cutting-edge era? ② What are the side effects of advances in technology? ③ How has the media helped improve the safety of humans? ④ What do we have to do in order to save ourselves from disasters? regardless of ~�� 고려�지 않고 advance 발�� disaster �앙 contribute �여�다 apparent 분��� M: Sadly, regardless of advances in technology, disasters are not things which can be avoided. However, it is said that the development of various media has contributed to improving people’s safety when disasters strike. The media tells us about the danger of an approaching hurricane or tornado. The information given by the media provides us with up-to-date information about dangerous locations and asks us to take the necessary precautions. It is quite apparent that without the information they provide, we will face greater danger and will lose more property. M: 슬프�도�� �술의 발����도 불��고�� �해�� 피할 수 있�� � �닙니다. �지만�� 다양�� 미디어의 발 ���� �해� 일어날 �� 사람들의 안���� 증�시키 ��� �여해 �다고 �니다. 미디어�� 허리케인�� � 토���도의 위험�� 대해 말해 줍니다. ��러�� 미 디어�� 의해 제공된 �보�� 위험�� ��소�� 대�� 최 신 �보를 알려주며 �리��� 필요�� 예방�� ��� ���� 요��니다. �들�� 제공��� �보� 없���� �리� � 많�� �산�� 잃고 � 큰 위험�� �면할 ����란 ���� 꽤 분��니다. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 199 12/1/09 2:20:37 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 Which is mentioned as one of the advantages of stress? Which is mentioned as one of the advantages of stress? 스트레스의 장점 중 하나로 언급된 것은? 16 ① A weakened immune system ② A sharpened focus and improved memory ③ A decreased risk of illness ④ An awakened awareness of the importance of one’s health overhear �연�� 듣다 pros and cons ���점 disadvantage �점 M: Jane, how is your article for the M: J�n��� 과학 �지를 위�� �사�� 어떻� ��? ��� 관해�� 쓸지 ��니? science magazine going? Have you decided what you’re going to write about? W: Hey! How did you know that I am going to write for the school magazine? M: Don’t you know that the walls have ears? Ha ha. I didn’t mean to, but I overheard you talking about it with Professor Galler. W: Did you? Well, thank you so much for showing an interest in what I am doing. I’ve almost decided on the topic. I am thinking about writing about the pros and cons of stress. M: That sounds like fun, but I’m not sure that I understand. Are you sure you are talking about stress? Did you say that it has some benefits? W: Of course stress causes many problems when it comes to our health. It weakens the immune system and increases the risk of illness. M: Right. That’s why we have to be concerned about the amount of stress in our lives. W: That’s very true. However, a little stress can sharpen our focus and improve our memories. W: 학� �지�� �사 쓰�� ���� 어떻� 알았어? M: 벽��도 귀� 있다�� ���� 모�니? ��. �러려고 �던 ���� �닌� G������� �수�� �������� ���� �연�� 들었어. W: ��니? 내� ��� 일�� 관심�� 보여��� 매� 고 �워. 주제�� 거의 결��어. 스�레스의 ��점과 � 점�� 대해 쓰려고 해. M: �미있���� 내� 제대�� ��해���지 모��어. 스�레스�� 대해 �������� 거지? 스�레스�� �� 점�� 있다고 �������� 거��? W: 스�레스�� �론 �강 면���� �리��� 문제점�� 주지. 면���� 낮추고 병�� 걸� 확률�� 높여. M: ��. ���� �리� ����� 받�� 스�레스�� 대해 �� 고려��� ���� 중요�지. W: �� ��지만 ��의 스�레스�� �리의 �중력과 �억력�� 날카롭� 할 수 있어. M: Wow. It’s very interesting to learn that stress can be destructive but also constructive. M: ��. 스�레스� �리��� �설적일 수도 �괴적일 수도 있다�� 점�� 흥미롭��. 00 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 200 12/1/09 2:20:38 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Well, I don’t like to give my clothes to people I don’t know. ② Why don’t you find an orphanage we can take these clothes to while I pack them up? ③ Let’s find a place where we can sell these clothes. ④ What do you say to choosing some of them for yourself? orphanage 고�원 totally ��체적��� M: Jess, what are you going to do with M: J�ss�� �� 옷들 �지고 �할 거��? all of these clothes? W: I don’t wear them anymore. So I W: ���� 입지 않�. ���� �리려고. have decided to throw them away. M: That will give you plenty of room in your closet, but don’t you think some of them are too good to be thrown away? W: I know, but I haven’t worn any of these in a year. I don’t think I will be wearing them anymore. M: ��� �면 � 옷���� 많�� 공��� �� �� �지만�� ��들 중 �� 개�� �리��� ��무 �깝다고 생��지 않니? W: 알�. �지만 일년 동안 ����들 중 어떤 ��도 입지 않았어. ���� 입�� 일�� 없��거라고 생�해. M: I am not telling you to keep them M: 영원�� ���라�� 말�� �니라. 내 말�� �� 필요 �� ������ 주면 어��? forever. I mean… Why don’t you give them to someone who might need them? W: What do you mean? Do you mean I have to give them as presents or something like that? M: Kind of. I know that there are many poor children who can’t afford to buy new clothes because they live in orphanages. They would be very pleased to get these clothes even though they are not new. W: I see your point. I think it’s a great idea to help out poor people. W: 무�� 말����? 선���� � �런 걸�� 주란 말����? M: 비슷해. 많�� 고�원�� 사�� ���들�� 돈�� 없어�� 옷�� 못 산다고 알고 있어. 새 ���� �니�라도 받 � 되면 무척 ��할 거��. W: � 말�� 알�어. 불쌍�� 사람�� 도��주면 ��다. M: It’s nice of you to think that way. M: ��� 생��다니 착���. ��제 �리��� 필요 Now, what’s the necessary step for us to take? �� 과��� �지? W: Why don’t you find an orphanage W: 내� �� 짐들�� 싸�� 동안 �� 옷들�� �져다 �� 고 we can take these clothes to while I pack them up? �원�� ��보��� 어��? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 201 12/1/09 2:20:39 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 01 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에 올 수 있는 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ① I really recommend this more than any other car. ② The Libetta isn't as amazing as it looks. ③ Safety isn't everything you have to consider. ④ You should carefully consider all the different models. spoiler 공� 제동�� performance 운행 sedan 세� safety record 안�� �록 M: So, you’re interested in our new M: �리의 새 모델 리�타�� 대해 관심�� 있�신�요? 리�타�� 굉���� ��� 차란 ���� 말씀 드��요. � 01 금과 공� 제동����� ����어� 스�티�� 리�타의 모습�� 반할 거예요. 6�통��� 힘�� �고 핸들�� �랍�도 � ��입니다. 퍼�먼스�� 부드러운 핸 들링�� ��할 거예요. ���� 대부분의 스�츠카보 다 쌉니다. �� �격�� 자동 �어�� 6�통 세��� � �� 수 없습니다. �리터의 ����� 4�킬�� �도 달 � 수 있습니다. 멋지지 않�요? �지만 �� 다� �니��요. 리�타�� 오�동안 최고의 ��를 유지 할 거라�� ���� 증�해 주�� 안�� �록�� �지고 있 습니다. 지금껏 제� 말�� ������ �말�� 멋지� 생겼지만 멋지�만 생� ���� �닙니다. 제� 말� 려고 ��� ���� 다른 어떤 차보다 �� 차를 �말 추 천��다�� ����죠. model, the Libetta? Let me tell you, the Libetta is a great car. You will fall in love with the looks of the sporty Libetta with the alloy wheels and spoiler. The V-6 is very peppy, and it handles surprisingly well. You must love its performance and smooth handling. Also, it’s cheaper than most sports cars. Can’t find a better V6 sedan with auto shift for this money. You can drive almost 40 kilometers on a single liter of gas. Amazing, isn’t it? But that’s not all. The Libetta has an excellent safety record which guarantees that it will stay in excellent condition for a long time. Like I told you so far, it is extremely good looking, but it’s not just good looking. What I’m trying to say is I really recommend this more than any other car. 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 202 12/1/09 2:20:40 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Who is the woman that the man is looking for? Who is the woman that the man is looking for? 남자� �고 있�� 여자��? Answer key & Script 16 ① ③ ② ④ text message 문자 메시지 computer lab 컴퓨터실 plain 민무늬의 M: Hey. Amy. I am so sorry that I kept M: 안� Am�. �다리� 해�� �말 미안해. 문자�� �� 미 말 �듯���� �스� ��무 늦� �어. you waiting. The bus came very late as I told you in the text message. W: It’s okay. I heard that the traffic is W: ���. 지금 시� �통 �황�� �주 �쁘다고 들었 terrible at this morning. Is it still raining a lot now? 어. 지금도 비 많�� 내리니? M: No. The rain has stopped, but the cars are still stuck on the road. M: �니�� 비�� 멈췄어. �� 차들�� �� 도�� 위�� 갇 W: Then we’d better take the subway to W: �러면 ��� � ��� 길���� 지���� 타�� � �� your house. M: Okay. By the way, didn’t you say that M: 응. ���� �� 사촌 Jin���� ��� 있다고 �지 않 you were with your cousin, Jin? W: Yeah, right. she is here with me. She’s W: 응�� ��. ��� 있었어. 지금�� 컴퓨터실���� 컴퓨 in the lab using a computer. 터를 쓰고 있어. ��있어. 다. 았어? M: Is she? Can I see her from this M: ��? �� 창문��� �녀를 볼 수 있어? window? blouse. W: Yes. You want to check her out W: 응. 소개팅 ���� ���� 보고 싶어? before you guys get to meet for the blind date? M: Well, kind of. Is that her in the white M: 응�� �냥. �� �얀 블라�스 입�� 여자��? W: No. She rarely wears a blouse. Do you see the woman with a hair band? W: �니. 거의 블라�스를 입지 않���. �� �리�� 헤어 밴드를 �고 있�� 사람 안 보여? M: You mean the woman wearing a M: ��무늬 �츠를 입고 있�� 사람����? �니면 �냥 striped T-shirt or the one with a solid T-shirt? 민 무늬 �츠를 입�� 사람����? W: Oh, there’s another girl with a hair W: �� �리�� 헤어 밴드를 �고 있�� 애� �� � � band. Which one do you want her to be? 있�. ��였�면 ��어? M: The one with a plain one? I think she’s much prettier, to be honest. M: ���� 말해�� 민무늬 �츠를 입�� 애� � 귀여워. W: Then my answer will not disappoint W: �러면 내 대답�� 널 실�시키지 않�� 거��. you. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 0 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 203 12/1/09 2:20:42 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation At what time did the fire break out? At what time did the fire break out? 화재는 몇 시에 발생했는가? 02 ① At 10:30 ② At 11:00 ③ At 12:30 ④ Not known computer accessories 컴퓨터 액세��리 external 외��의 enclosures 인클���(컴퓨터 �드 드라��브 ��환 ��치) M: It’s 1 o’clock already. You’re half an hour late. What took you so long? W: I am so sorry. It was all because of the traffic congestion. By the way, did you hear about the fire down at the mall? M: 지금 �� 시��. 3�분��� 늦었어. � ���� 늦었니? W: 미안해. �통�체 ��문�� 늦었어. �� ��고�� � � ���몰���� 불난 거 들었어? M: No. What happened? M: �니�� 무�� 일�� 있었���? W: Well, I was at the mall in the morning W: 응�� 오���� �점��� 있��� �무�도 불�� 난 거 and apparently it caught fire. �았어. M: Really? I could have guessed that much from your question in the building. Tell me what you know. W: All I know is that part of the mall caught on fire. They got everyone out and closed it down a few hours ago. M: �말? �� �음 말�� 거��선 ��할 수 없었어. � � ��� 대�� ��해�. W: 내� ��� 백�점의 �� 부분�� 불�� �다�� 거��. 모두들 밖��� �갔고 �� 시� ���� 문�� 닫았어. M: Was anyone hurt? M: 다친 사람 있었어? W: Yeah, I m afraid so. I saw ambulances with people being loaded into them, but I don’t know how badly injured they were. W: 응�� �무�도 �런 �� ��. �급차�� � 안��� 실 려 ��� 사람들�� �어. �� 얼�� 심�� 다��� 지�� 모��어. M: Oh, no. What time did the fire start? M: ��런�� 언제 불�� 시작 �� 거��? W: It was about the time when I finished shopping. Well, I went there half past 10 and shopped for about 30 minutes. M: Then you mean it took you two hours to get here? Oh, you poor thing. I’ll forgive you for being late this time. W: 내� ����� ���� �� 쯤��었어. ��시 반�� 거� �� ��� 3�분쯤 ����어. 04 M: �러면 여��� 오��� �시� 걸렸� 말��? 오�� 불 쌍해. ������ 늦��거 용��해���. 03 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들은 어떤 관계인가? ① A school advisor – A student ② A senior student – A junior student ③ A security guard – A parent ④ An immigration officer – A student 0 Hot Listening ❹ M: You wanted to see me? M: �를 보자고 ���요? W: That’s right. We need to have a W: ���� 심��� ��를 해�� 할 �� ��. serious talk. M: About what? it. W: Your attendance—or rather, lack of W: 자� �석률 ��문인��� �확�� 말�면 �석일 수의 M: 무엇�� 대해��요? 부족�� 대해����. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 204 12/1/09 2:20:44 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation serious talk 심��� ����� attendance �석 ditch [학� 따위]를 빼�다 jeopardy 위험�� 위난 M: Yes, I know I’ve ditched class a few M: �. �� �� 수업�� �졌어요. �말 죄송�니다. M: Oh, come on. Those classes are really M: 제발�� � 수업들�� �말 지��해요. times. I am really sorry. W: A few times? I’ve been told you’ve missed five out of eight times in two different classes! That’s really setting yourself up to fail. boring! W: But they’re also required, by the school. You’re about to be in big trouble. some classes? W: You still don’t get my point, do you? If you don’t attend classes, you are not going to be qualified as a full time student. This means you are going to lose your student visa. W: �� ����라고? 두 과목 수업�� 수강�면�� ��� 수업 중�� ����� �졌다고 �던�. � ��문�� �말�� 낙 제할 수도 있어. W: ��도 ���들�� 학����� 필수 과목인�. 자��� �란해 질 거��. W: �� 내 �����를 ��해�지 못�지? 수업�� 참석� 지 않�면 �규학생의 자격�� 갖� 수 없� 되. � 러면 학생 비자를 잃� 되�� 거��. M: What’s the big deal about missing M: 수업�� �� �� �� � 무�� 큰 문제� 되죠? M: What are you going to do? Turn me M: 어떻� �실 ��요? �를 ��민국�� 보내실 ��요? in to the immigration police? W: Oh, of course I’ll have to report you W: �론 �� 수업�� 불참�면 알려�� �지만 먼� 할 if you continue missing your class, but I’m going to do something else first. 일�� 있지. M: Like what? M: 어떤 거요? W: Like calling your parents. W: 자� 부모���� ������ 거 말����. 04 How do parents, in general, feel about children’s television? How do parents, in general, feel about children’s television? 일반적으로, 부모님들은 자녀들의 TV 시청에 대하여 어떻게 생각하는가? ① They think it has to become educational. ② They think it helps children in school work. ③ They feel quite worried about the too much access of TV. ④ They feel kind of relieved about the improvement of the quality. Federal Communications Commission 연방통신위원� broadcaster 방송국 strengthen 강��다 obvious �백�� worrisome 귀����� 성�신 W: Parents are worried about their children’s minds as they are exposed to too many television cartoons and comedies. The Federal Communications Commission is worried, too. A recent F.C.C. report concludes that broadcasters have done little to strengthen the educational value of television. It recommends that stations be required to broadcast at least seven and a half hours of instructional programs each week. It is obvious that much of what children watch would become better this way. However, this would not relieve the parents entirely. The most worrisome aspect of children’s television is not that the youngsters watch too much trash but that they watch too much television. W: 부모들�� �들의 자녀들�� 많�� TV만��� �미디�� 노�되�� ���� 대해 걱���다. 연방통신위원�도 �려�고 있다. 최� 연방통신위원�의 보고������ �� 방송국들�� TV의 �육적인 �치를 조금 강�시 �다고 결론짓고 있다. � 방송국�다 매주 �육적 인 프���램�� 최소 7시� 3�분 ��� 방송�� 필수 �� ��� ���� 권유��다. ���들�� 보�� 많�� 프��� 램�� 조금 ��� ���� 분��다. 어린�� TV 시청 의 ��� 걱�되�� 점�� 어린��들�� 질 낮�� 프��� 램�� 보�� � �니라 ��무 지�치� 오� 시청��다 �� ����다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 0 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 205 12/1/09 2:20:45 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What advice does the speaker give? What advice does the speaker give? 화자는 어떤 조언을 해주었나? 05 ① Forget about your problems. ② Always give up in times of difficulty. M: Being alone in this world can be ③ Don’t be overwhelmed by a problem. ④ Hard work always pays off. life’s difficulties 인생����의 어려�들 capabilityy 능력 separate 떼어 �다 wrap up ����다 be over whelmed 압도당�다 M: �� 세����� 홀�� 지낸다�� ���� �말 힘든 일��다. 특�� 인생의 어려��� ���� ���� ��해�� 홀�� 지 낸다�� ���� �� 불�능�� ���� 보인다. �리 모 두�� 어려운 시��� ���� �� 도���고 시험��� � 있어�� 어떻� 반응할지를 선택할 능력�� �지 고 있다. � 순��� ��� 중요�� 일�� ���� � 만 둘 수 있다�� ����다. �만 두�� � ��� 생��� 라고 의미��� ���� �니다. 잠시 멈추고 � 문제�� 부터 � 자신�� 분리시키�� ����다. 문제를 객관적 ��� 보�� ����다. �리�� �� �리� 해결�� 어 려운 문제를 숨�고 �����다. � 답�� 당신 �까�� �� 있��지도 모른다. really challenging. When we face difficulties in our lives, it can often seem impossible to go on. All of us have the capability to choose how to react when we are faced with difficult times, challenges, and tests. The most important thing you can do at that moment is to simply stop. I don’t mean stop for good. Just stop for a moment and separate yourself from the problem. Look at it from the outside. We often become so wrapped up in a problem that we are blind to the solutions. The answer may be right under your nose. 06 How much is the man going to pay for the product? How much is the man going to pay for the product? 남자는 상품을 사기 위해 얼마를 지불해야 하는가? 07 08 ① $12.70 ② $13.50 ③ $14.50 ④ $25.00 in stock �고� 있�� a couple of ��의 0 Hot Listening ❹ M: Hello, would you like me to give you M: 안��세요. 도��� 필요�신�요? M: Would you please give me a full M: 어떻� 생겼��지 묘사해 주실 수 있�요? a hand? W: Well, I’m looking for a product that I saw at a friend’s house a few days ago. He said he bought it here. description of it? W: Sure. It’s a light metal shelf almost a yard long with a magnetic brace that I can attach to a cabinet or a refrigerator. I’m a biologist, and I want to use it for my slides and samples. W: 며칠 �� 친� ����� 본 �품�� �고 있어요. ��� 여����� 샀다고 �고요. W: 냉��고� 캐비닛�� 부착할 수 있�� 자석���� 붙어 있�� ���드 �도의 �제 선반����요. ��� 생�학 자인�요. 슬라��드� 샘플 ��� � 쓰려고요. M: You’re in the right place, but M: 제대�� 오�어요�� �지만 지금�� � 제품�� 없�요. unfortunately we don’t have them in stock now. W: Oh, that’s too bad. Are you going to W: 오�� �거 안타깝�요. � 들여 ��실 �획인�요? be getting more? M: They’re on order already, but I should warn you that the price has gone up. M: 주문�� ��미 들어갔���요. �지만 �격�� 올라갈 거라�� ���� 말씀 드려�� ��어요. W: Well, It’s just my luck! Unless the price W: ��� 제 운��죠. �격�� 두 배� 되지 않�� �� 어쨌 has been doubled, I’ll buy it anyway. 든 �� 거예요. M: They were $12.50, but the new ones will be about a couple of dollars more. Come in next week. We should have them by then. M: ��달러 ��센�였���요. 새 ���� �~3달러 � 비 쌀 겁니다. 다음 주�� 오세요. � ���� 제품�� 있�� 거예요. W: OK. I’ll be back. Thanks. W: 알�어요. 다시 오�습니다. 감사�니다. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 206 12/1/09 2:20:47 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 07 What is the main topic of the talk? ① How to prepare a birthday party for your friend choice ② Why expensive presents aren’t a good ③ How to make unique presents without spending lots of money ④ How to make your things personalized suppose ���다 disappointed 실��� personalized 개인�된�� 손수 만든 paste 붙여 넣다 What is the main topic of the talk? 들려주는 내용의 주제는 무엇인가? W: 친�의 생일�� 다�오��� 선��� �� 충분�� 돈�� 없다고 ��해 보세요. ��도 실��지 �세요. 비 싼 선� 대신�� 손수 만든 카드를 받�� ���� 훨씬 � 감동적일 수 있습니다. 당신�� 준비해�� 할 ���� 카드보드�� �위�� 풀 �리고 �지입니다. 친�� � �할 만�� ���� �든지 �지���� 자릅니다. 창의력 과 ��력�� 동원해�� 자른 부분�� ����� 붙입니다. 당신�� 원��다면 ����� �접 무언�를 �려도 � 습니다. �지���� 당신의 개인적인 내용�� ��식 과 ��� 적어 넣습니다. W: Suppose your friend’s birthday is coming soon but you don’t have a lot money. Don’t be disappointed. Getting a personalized card instead of an expensive present can be a lot more impressive. All you need to prepare is plain cardboard, scissors, glue, and a magazine. Cut out whatever your friend will like from the magazine. Then paste it on the cardboard using your creativity and imagination. If you want, you could just directly draw something on the cardboard, too. For the last step, write your personal note on the card with a decoration. 08 Why did the man Not attend the class? ① Because he went to look for the woman ② Because he talked to his roommates ③ Because he had a fight with his roommate ④ Because he fell asleep due to fatigue photocopy 복사 earplug 귀�개 calculus 미적분학 inconsiderate 배려심없�� Why did the man Not attend the class? 남자가 수업에 들어가지 않는 이유는? W: Where have you been, Tom? I’ve been looking for you all day. W: 어디 갔었어�� Tom? ��� �일 �� 다녔어. M: Have you? Why? M: �를 �� 다녔어? �? W: Did you make it to calculus class today? I was wondering if I could photocopy your notes to study for the exam tomorrow. W: 오늘 미적분학 수업 들었지? 내일 시험�� 위해�� � 노�를 좀 복사할 수 있��까 해��. M: Actually, I didn’t go, either. I was M: 사실���� �도 ��시 못 갔어. 도��관���� 공부�다� studying at the library and fell asleep. 잠들어 �렸어. W: Are you serious? You’re the one who never misses a single minute of class. What happened to you? W: �말����? ��대�� 수업�� 빼�지 않�� 사람�� ��잖 �. 무�� 일�� 있었니? M: Well, Mark, my new roommate is M: 응�� 새��운 룸메����� M��k� �를 �말 ��� 해. driving me crazy. He kept me up all night. 잠�� 못 자� �어. W: What do you mean? W: 무�� 뜻����? M: He never sleeps at night and he always stays up all night playing on his PC and listening to music. I can never get to sleep and end up falling asleep in my classes or at the library. M: ��� 잠도 안 자고 밤새 컴퓨터를 �고 음악�� 들어. �도 잠�� � 수� 없고�� 결국�� 수업시���� 도�� 실���� 잠�� 들고 말�. W: Why don’t you talk to him about it? W: ��� �����해 �니? M: I did, but he said it’s my problem. He told me to buy some earplugs. Can M: 해 �지만�� ��� �� 내 �못���. �보고 귀�개 를 사라고 말�어. �런 터무니 없�� 행동�� ��할 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 0 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 207 12/1/09 2:20:49 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation you imagine such stupidity? 수 있니? W: Come on. He really didn’t say that? W: ���� �� �말 ��� 말�어? M: He did! I’ve never met such an inconsiderate person. In fact, he told me he didn’t want a roommate to begin with and had asked for a private room. As far as he’s concerned, the problem is mine and the university is not giving him a private room. M: ��� 말�어. ��� 배려심 없�� 사람�� 만� 본 적�� 없어. 사실�� ��� �음부터 룸메���를 �고 싶지 않았고 �인실�� 요청 �었대. �� �려�던 ���� � 문제�� 내 문제��고�� 대학������ ���� �인실�� 주지 않고 있어. W: Well, we ought to do something W: ���� �리�� 무언� 조치를 취해�� 할 �� ��. about that. What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① The woman will talk about the seminar topic with the man. ② The woman will go to Mission Bay with M: Excuse me, but are you Oscar Aniston? I am Jason from Auckland University. M: 실례�니다만 Osc�� Anis�on인�요? 오클랜드 대 학의 J�son입니다. ③ The woman will wait for the man in the W: Yes. That’s me. Nice to meet you, W: ��� 접니다. 만��� �말 반갑습니다. ④ The woman will go to the man’s car indeed. M: I am so sorry that I made you wait M: 오� �다리� 해�� 죄송�니다. 오늘 공항�� ��무 붐벼���� 당신�� ���� 오� 걸렸습니다. 10 the man. lounge. with him. crowded 붐빈 especially 특별�� seminar 세미� lounge 라운지 0 Hot Listening ❹ M: Thank you so much for understanding. M: ��해해 주��� 감사�니다. 비행�� 어떠��요? for a long time. It’s been so crowded here in the airport today, so I had a hard time finding you. W: Actually I was about to get worried if I could meet you today, but it’s all okay now. So how was your flight? W: It was such a long flight from New York, but I kind of enjoyed it. Luckily, I could watch the movie I had wanted to see. M: That’s good. I heard that it’s not the first time for you to visit Auckland. W: Yes, actually, I visited here almost 3 years ago but not for work at that time. W: 사실 오늘 당신�� 만날 수 있��지 불안�� 시작� ��� ��제�� �어요. W: 뉴욕����부터 �말 � 비행��었��� 어�� �도 즐 거웠어요. 제� 보고 싶어�던 영�를 �거든요. M: �거 ��요. 오클랜드� �음�� �니라고 들었어요. W: ��� 실�� 3년 ���� �었��� 일�� �던 ���� �니고 요. �요? M: Oh, did you? Is there any place that M: 오�� ���요? 여��� ��도 �억��� ��소� 있 you still remember? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 208 12/1/09 2:20:50 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: Several places I went to. Especially, Mission Bay? I am not sure about the name of the beach. But I still remember how beautiful it was. W: 제� 갔던 �� 곳��요. 특�� 미션 베��? ����� �확 �� �억 안 �지만 얼�� ��다웠��지 분��� �억해요. M: You remember the right name. If M: �확�� ����� �억�고 �시�요. 당신만 �� you are okay, I’ll take you to a nice restaurant there and treat you to something nice tonight. W: That sounds more than great. I think we can talk about the seminar topic there, too. M: Good. I’ll go get my car. Can you wait here in the lounge just a minute? 다면�� 오늘 �녁�� �곳�� ��� ��� 레스토������ 맛있�� �녁�� 대접할�요. W: �거 ��무 ����요. 거��� 세미� 주제도 ����� 할 수 있�어요. M: ��요. ��� 차를 �져올�요. 여� 라운지���� 조 금 � �다리시�어요? W: I will go with you. I don’t want to get W: 당신���� ��� 갈�요. �� 많�� �중 ����� 길�� lost in these crowds. 잃고 싶지 않���요. 10 What is the man mainly talking about? What is the man mainly talking about? 남자는 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? ① The man is saying that junk food is causing all the health problems. ② The man is saying that junk food has no relation with obesity. ③ The man is saying that fast food restaurants have to be blamed. ④ The man is saying that junk food can be partially responsible for the health problems. discussion 토론 junk food 불량식품 blame 비난�다 partially 부분적��� M: 요즈음 �크푸드�� 대�� 많�� 논의� 있습니다. � 크푸드�� 비만�� 당뇨�� 심��병 �리고 다양�� 다른 문제들과 ��� 모든 문제들�� 비난 받고 있습니다. 최� 많�� 사람들�� 맥도날드�� ��� 패스�푸드 레스토���� 고소��� 사람들�� 많습니다. �들�� 패스�푸드 레스토���� �들�� ��찌� �고 있다고 비���니다. ��� �크푸드� 많�� 사람들�� � �� 찌� ��다�� ���� 부분적����� 사실��라고 생�� 니다. �지만 �크푸드만�� ����� 대�� �임�� 있 ��까요? 운동 부족�� � 많�� 차의 사용�� � 오� 일 �� 등 많�� 원인들�� 있습니다. �크푸드를 ��� ���� �당� �� 수 있다�� ���� 의미��� ���� �닙 니다만 ��무 많�� �지 않�면 �끔 �분 ��환�� �� 수 있습니다. M: There is a lot of discussion these days about junk food. Junk food is blamed for every problem such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and various other problems. Recently, there are many people in the U.S. trying to sue fast food restaurants like Mc Donald’s. They blame the fast food restaurant for making them fat. I think it is partially true that junk food is making many people fatter and fatter. But is the junk food only responsible for that? There are many causes of this problem such as lack of exercise, more use of cars, and longer working hours. I am not trying to say that eating much junk food can be justified, but it can be an occasional treat if it is not consumed too much. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 209 12/1/09 2:20:52 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 0 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which bus is the woman going to take? Which bus is the woman going to take? 여자가 타고 갈 버스는 어느 것인가? 11 12 Route Departure Auckland → Wellington ① 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Wellington → Auckland − ② 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Hamilton → Taupo ③ 12:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. − ④ 3:00 p.m. help you? phone? M: Auckland Bus Terminal. How may I M: 오클랜드 �스 터미널입니다. 무엇�� 도��드�까요? W: Hi. Can I make a reservation on the W: 안��세요. ����� 예�할 수 있�요? M: Sure. Where would you like to go? Also, tell me the date you’d like to depart. M: �론��죠. 어딜 �시�요? ���� �발 날짜도 말씀해 주세요. W: I’d like to go to Wellington from Auckland on the 20th July. 다. W: 7월 ��일�� 오클랜드���� 웰링턴��� �고 싶습니 depart �발�다 slightly �� route 길 motion sickness 멀미 M: 노선�다 �� 차���� 있지만 �날 웰링턴�� ��� �대의 �스� 있습니다. ��� �른 ���� ��시�� � �� 늦�� ���� �시입니다. W: 오�� 제� 오후��만 떠날 수 있다�� 말�� 안 ��요? 수업�� ��시�� 끝�요. �곳�� 갈 수 있�� ��� � 른 시��� ��시 반����요. 거�까지 3�분�� 걸리거 든요. M: There are five buses going to Wellington on that day with slightly different routes. The earliest is at 10:00 a.m. and the last bus is at 2 p.m. W: Oh, didn’t I mention that I can only depart in the afternoon? My class will finish at 12. So the earliest time I can get there will be 12:30 as it will take 30 minutes for me to get there from my school. M: If so, there are 2 buses in the afternoon. But they take different routes. W: I’d like to take the shortest route. I W: ��� 짧�� 노선�� ��어요. 멀미를 할 수도 있어�� �스���� ��무 오� 있고 싶지 않�요. don’t want to spend too much time on the bus as I could get motion sickness. M: You mean you want the bus which will take the least amount of time? M: 시��� � 적� 걸리�� �스 말씀��시죠? W: You got me. I don’t want to spend a W: ��요. �능�� 짧� �스�� 있고 싶어요. long time on the bus. M: Okay. Let me check it out for you M: 알�습니다. 금방 확인��습니다. and will be back shortly. M: ��다면 오후���� �대의 �스� 있어요. 노선�� 다릅니다. 13 10 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 210 12/1/09 2:20:54 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 12 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? ① It has been revealed that Yi Sun Shin is the greatest hero of Korea by recent poll. ② Admiral Yi defeated the Japanese navy when they attacked Korea. ③ Admiral Yi won almost all battles in which he commanded except for the Noryang battle where he died. ④ His last will was not to tell the enemy about his death. reveal �타�다 admire 존경�다 General ��� will 유언 W: Over its long history, Korea has had many heroes. But a recent poll revealed who is the greatest hero of Korea admired by most Korean people. Many Koreans chose Admiral Yi Sun Shin as Korea’s greatest hero. Who is Admiral Yi? Why is he remembered by lots of Koreans? He is the Admirall who defeated the Japanese navy in 1592 when Japanese forces led by Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Korea. He is reputed to have been victorious in every naval battle in which he commanded, even in the battle where he died. Although he was killed in the battle of Noryang Point, his last saying “Do not tell the enemy about my death.” has been remembered by lots of Koreans. W: 오랜 ��사를 거치면�� ��국���� 많�� 영웅들�� 있 었습니다. �지만 최�의 조사���� �� ��국 사람 들�� 의해 ��� 사�� 받�� 영웅인지 밝��졌습니다. 많�� 사람들�� ��순신 ����� ��국���� ��� 대� �� 영웅��� 선택�습니다. � ��순신�� 많�� 사람 들��� �억되�� 걸까요? ��� ����년 토요토미 ���요시� ��끄�� 일본 해��� 격��습니다. � �� 심지어�� �� 죽�� ��쟁�� ��해�� 지휘�던 모든 해���� 승리�� ��끈 ����� �성�� 높습니다. 비록 ��� 노량 해������ 죽었지만 �의 �지� 유 언인 내 “죽음�� 적��� 알리지 말라”�� �의 말�� 많�� 사람들��� �억되고 있습니다. 13 Which best describes the woman’s speech? Which best describes the woman’s speech? 여자의 연설을 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? ① True happiness rarely comes to us. ② Having questions about the state of being happy will make you happy. ③ True happiness can be different from person to person. ④ Many people have the wrong idea of what happiness is. happiness 행복 philosopher �학자 exact �확�� funnily enough �습�도 sought �았다�� 추��다(s��k의 과거�� 과거분사형) W: What makes people happy? What is happiness? Although this is the question asked by many philosophers of all kinds, no one knows the exact answer. Some people believe that having the things they need make them happy. Funnily enough, there are other people who believe that the first step to gain happiness is to restrict one’s unlimited wants. Others believe that spending quality time with the people they love is true happiness, while others think it is the state of mind when they achieve their dream they’ve sought. There is no right or wrong about it, but one thing that is true is happiness can be defined differently relying on what things they value most in their life. W: 무엇�� 사람�� 행복�� 할까요? 행복�� 무엇일까 요? 많�� �류의 �학자들의 논제였음��도 �무도 �답�� 모릅니다. 많�� 사람들�� �들�� 필요�� �� �� 갖�� � �들�� 행복�� ��다고 �습니다. �습 �도�� 많�� 사람들�� 행복�� ����� 첫 ��째 ��� 끝없�� 욕��� 제����� ����라고 �습니다. ���� 사람들�� �들�� 쫓았던 꿈�� 성취��� ��의 �음 ��를 행복��라고 생���� 반면�� 다른 사람들�� 사����� 사람들과 ��� 시��� 보내�� ���� 행복 ��라고 생��니다. ����� 대해 �고 틀린 ���� 없 습니다. �지만 �� �지 �실�� �들�� 무엇�� ��� 중요�� 생����냐�� 따라 행복�� 다�� �의�� 수 있다�� ��입니다. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 211 12/1/09 2:20:56 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 14 Which question is the speaker trying to answer? Which question is the speaker trying to answer? 화자는 어떤 질문에 대해 대답을 하고 있는가? ① What do most people think of international marriage? ② Why did you marry a Japanese woman? marriage? ③ What do you think of international ④ What are the difficulties you can face when you have international marriage? international marriage 국제 결혼 experience 경험�다 difficulty 어려� accept 받� 들��다 unlike ~�지 않� M: As a person who has had an international marriage, I wouldn’t say that I have never experienced difficulties. However, there are more advantages than you could have expected. I am from the U.S. and my wife is from Japan. We have two children and they can speak both English and Japanese. They also have learnt about two very different cultures and have enjoyed the best of each culture. They also don’t have a hard time accepting people from different cultures unlike many children. Also, not only are their advantages for our kids, my wife and I also benefit from the international marriage. We had to talk a lot to lessen the cultural gap between us, and this helped us create a closer and more loving family. M: 국제 결혼�� 경험�� 사람����� 어떠�� 어려�도 경험�지 않았다고�� 할 수 없습니다. �지만 당신 �� 생���� ��보다도 ��점�� 훨씬 많습니다. ��� 미국 �신��고 제 부인�� 일본인입니다. �리�� 두 �의 ���들�� 있고 �들�� 영어�� 일본어를 모두 할 수 있습니다. �들�� 두 개의 매� 다른 문�를 경험�고 두 문�의 최��� 즐깁니다. 다른 많�� � ��들과 달리 �들�� 다른 문��� 대해 받�들���� ��� 어려��� �지 않습니다. 제 ���들�� 위�� �� 점뿐만�� �니라 ��� 제 부인도 국제 결혼의 ��점 �� 경험�고 있습니다. �리의 문�적 차��를 ���� � 위해 많�� �����를 �눠�� �고 ������ �리� � �깝고 사����� �족�� 만드�� � �여�습니다. 15 What is the meaning of the idiom the woman used at the very end? What is the meaning of the idiom the woman used at the very end? 여자가 마지막에 말한 숙어의 의미는? ① It means that the weather is very bad. ② It means that I’m very busy. ③ It means that my knees are hurt. ④ It means that you can’t guess it. M: Mom. I am reading a story book right now. But there’s an expression I don’t know. M: ��. � ����� � �고 있���요. 모��� 표현�� 있어요. W: Oh, there’s my good boy. Mommy W: 오�� �리 예쁜 �들. ���� �� ��라고 말�지 않�도 ��� �어��� ��무 �쁘�다. killing two birds with a stone 일석��조 idiom 관용어 put together ��� �다 soap opera TV 드라� is happy that you are reading an English book even when I didn’t tell you to. M: I think you are right. Reading a book gives me pleasure, and I can improve my English at the same time. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. M: �� 말씀�� ��� �� ��요. ��� ��� ���� �쁨 �� 주고요. 영어도 늘� 수 있어요. 일석��조 ��요. W: I am more than happy to hear that. Anyway, what’s the expression you don’t know? �니? W: � 말�� 들�니 �말 �쁘��. �� 모��� 표현�� M: I can guess the meaning of it, but I just want to check. In the book, someone says “It’s raining cats and dogs.” Does that mean it rains a lot? M: 의미를 추측할 수�� 있���요. 확인해 보고 싶어요. ����� “I�’s ��ining c��s �n� �ogs.” 라�� 표현�� 있��� 비� 많�� 온다�� 말인�요? W: That’s right. When it rains hard, we W: ��요. 비� 많�� 올 �� 영어������ �런 표현�� use that expression in English. ��요. 1 Hot Listening ❹ 16 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 212 12/1/09 2:20:58 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: But that’s got nothing to do with cats M: �지만 개�� 고양������ �무 �관 없잖�요. �� and dogs. That’s why I was not sure. �� 헷갈렸던 거예요. W: It’s called an idiom. It’s a way of expressing an idea with a group of words. Usually the words themselves in an idiom have different meanings, but it starts to mean something else when they are put together. W: �걸 관용어라고 ��� 거��. �어 �� 개� �쳐져�� 생��� 표현��� 거지. 보통 관용어�� 있�� �어들 �� 다른 의미를 갖지만�� ��� 모였�� �� 새��운 의 미를 만들어내지. M: Can you give me another example of M: 다른 예를 들어주실 수 있�요? it? W: You know the U.S. soap opera that Mom’s watching? One of the characters said “I am knee-deep in work.” when she has tons of works to do. Can you guess what it means? W: ��� 보�� 드라� 알지? � 중 캐릭터 �� ��� � 녀� 일�� 많�� ���� “I �m kn��-���� in wo�k.” ��라고 말�어. 무�� 뜻인지 추측해 볼�? What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 16 ① Sometimes giving in fast will give you a 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ② Try to watch TV programs or movies in M: Joo. How long have you been M: Joo. 영어 공부�� 지 얼�� �어? ③ Don’t try so hard. It’s not going to help W: Well, I started English in middle school. W: 중학� ��부터 공부��니까 �� 4년 되었�. ④ Ask your friend if he likes to learn new M: Only four years? Wow, you must better life. Chinese. you anyway. languages. must have p.p. ~��었음�� 틀림 없다 idiomatic expressions 관용 표현 recommend 추천�다 studying English? So, it’s been almost 4 years. have worked really hard. Sometimes I don’t remember that you are a native Korean when I have a conversation with you. Especially, you seem to use more idiomatic expressions than me. W: Haha. That’s not true. I am still learning, so I am trying to use as many expressions as I can so that I can remember them better. M: 겨� 4년 된 거��? �말 열심�� �� 보다. ������ �� ��국인��라�� 사실�� 잊�� ��� 있어. 특�� � 보다 � 관용 표현�� � 쓸 �� 말����. W: ��. �� 사실�� �냐. 난 여���� 배�고 있어�� 배운 걸 � � �억�� 위해 많�� 쓰려고 노력��� 거��. M: Anyway, I envy you so much. I’ve M: 어쨌든 �� 많�� 부러워. ���� 4년 �도 배�고 있����� �리 큰 ����� 못보고 있어. been studying it for almost 4 years just like you, but I don’t see that much progress yet. W: Right. You are learning Chinese. What are the things you do to try to speak better Chinese? M: Everyday I memorize some Chinese words, but I don’t think I remember them properly. W: ��. �� 중국어 배�지? 중국어를 � ��� 위해 어떤 노력�� �니? M: 매일 중국어를 외���� � �억�� 못��� �� ��. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 213 12/1/09 2:21:00 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: Well, in my opinion, you’d better try to use the words or expressions as you learn. I mean like trying to use the words when you have a conversation with your Chinese friend. W: 내 생����� 배�면�� �어�� 표현�� 쓰려고 노력 해�� 할 �� ��. 중국인 친��� �������� 경� ��� �� 말����. M: Okay. Is there any other good way M: ��. 추천�고 싶�� 다른 ��� 방법�� 있니? you can recommend? in Chinese. W: Try to watch TV programs or movies W: TV 프���램��� 영�를 중국어�� 보려고 해 �. 01 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에 올 수 있는 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Remember that a little exposure to ultra-violet rays can be good for you. ② Make sure you wear sunscreen protection. the sun. ③ Think of what others do when they're in ④ Get a tan to look healthier. attractive 매력적인 exposure 노� ultra violet 자외선 W: Many people think a tan makes W: 많�� 사람들�� 햇볕�� �운 피부� ��� � �강해 보인다고 생��니다. ���� 사람들�� 해변��� one look healthier. So people run to the beaches or anywhere they can lay-out in the sun in an attempt to give their skin a little more color. But people who cannot live without a tan are to be pitied. A tan is not always attractive and makes many people look older by ten to fifteen years. Doctors have given strong warnings against long exposure to the sun. There is enough information, warnings, and advice about it as there is against the dangers of tanning. Repeated exposure to ultra- violet rays can lead to serious skin damage or even cause skin cancer. So, next time you go out for a long day in the sun, make sure you wear sunscreen protection. �거� 어�� 곳����� �양 �� �워�� 피부색�� ��� ��� �려고 시도�니다. �러� 햇볕�� 피 부를 ��지 않고�� �� 수 없�� 사람들�� 유감스럽 � 여겨�니다. 햇볕�� 피부를 ���� ���� 항� 매 력적��지 않고 많�� 사람들�� �������� ���� �도 ��� 들어 보��� 만듭니다. 의사들�� ��시� 햇볕 �� 노��지 말라고 강�� 경고�고 있습니다. 햇 볕�� 피부를 ���� ��의 위험�� 대�� 충분�� �보 �� 경고�� 조언�� 있습니다. 반복적��� 자외선�� 노 � ��� ���� 심��� 피부 손�과 심지어�� 피부암 �� 일�킬 수 있습니다. �러므���� 다음�� 당신�� 오�동안 �양 �� �� 있다면�� 선크림�� 꼭 발라 �� �니다. 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 214 12/1/09 2:21:01 PM Answer key & Script 17 ① ③ ② ④ Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which cake did the woman decide to buy? 여자�� 어떤 케��크를 사��� ����? Which cake did the woman decide to buy? particular 특별�� three-story 3� heart-shaped �� 모양의 M: Of course. Is the occasion your mom’s birthday? How old is your mom? M: �론��죠. �� 생신�� 위�� 거였죠? 어������� �� 세��신�요? M: Hi. How can I help you? M: 안��세요. 어떻� 도��드�까요? W: I am here to order a cake for my mom’s birthday. I heard that you guys make the best cake in the area. W: �� 생신 �� 드� 케��크 주문�러 �어요. �� 지 ������ 최고의 케��크를 만든다고 들었어요. M: You came to the right place. Do you have any particular cake in mind? 크� 있�요? M: 바�� �� 오�어요. 특별�� �음�� 두고 �신 케�� W: Not yet. Can you recommend the W: ���� �니��요. 특별�� ���� �� 추천해 주실 수 right one for me? 있�요? W: My mom is turning 60. That’s why the W: ���� 6�세� 되세요. ���� 케��크� � 특별해 cake has to be more special. �� 해요. M: Right. Have a look at this rack. M: ��요. �� 선반�� 보세요. �� � �지� ���든 여 These four are popular among older women. 자들 사������ 인� 있어요. W: They all look very pretty. It’s even W: 다 예뻐 보���요. � 결��� 어렵�요. harder for me to decide. M: If your mom likes something fancy, how about this three-story cake? W: Well, even though it is a special occasion, she would prefer something simple. M: Okay. Then, I guess you’d better decide between these two. The heart-shaped chocolate cake and the square shaped cream cake. W: I like both of them. Is the chocolate cake very, very sweet? She is not that into something too sweet. M: Right. If your mom doesn’t like something sweet that much, you’d better choose the latter one. M: ��� 뭔� 멋� ���� ���신다면 �� 3� 케�� 크 어떠세요? 할 �� ��요. W: 특별�� �황��� �지만 �녀�� �순�� ���� 선호 M: 알�어요. �러면 �� 두 개들 사������ 결��면 � �� �� ��요. �� 모양의 초콜릿 케��크�� 사�형 모양의 크림 케��크요. W: 둘 다 ��요. 초콜릿 케��크 매� ��요? �녀�� � ���� �리 ���지 않�요. M: ��요. ��� � ���� �리 ���지 않��다면 � 중 ���� 고�시�� � ��� �� ��요. W: Okay. I’ll take it. How much is it? W: ��요. �걸�� �죠. 얼���요? HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 215 12/1/09 2:21:03 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 Listen and choose the INCoRRECt weather information for today. Listen and choose the INCoRRECt weather information for today. 들려주는 오늘 날씨 예보를 듣고 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? Location Weather Low High ① Seoul C��ou�� ② Hong Kong ��in� 3°C 5°C ��°C �3°C ③ New York Ho� 20°C 3�°C ④ Tokyo Co��� 5°C ��°C slightly �� thunder 천둥 ① A dentist – A patient ② A neighbor – A neighbor ③ An insurance agent – A client ④ A receptionist – A patient medical history 병력 cavity 충치 recently 최��� 1 Hot Listening ❹ W: 세� 날씨를 ��해드리�습니다. ��울�� ���� 끼 고 최� �온�� 3°C�� 최고 �온�� ��°C� �� ��입 니다. �온�� 밤�� 급격�� 떨어질 ����니�� 외� 시 따뜻�� 옷�� 입�� � ��습니다. 홍콩�� �녁�� 비 올 확률�� ��% ���입니다. 최� �온�� �°C�� 최 고 �온�� �3°C� �� ��입니다. 외�할 �획��시라 면�� �산�� 잊지 �시� 바랍니다. �러� 비���� 오� ��지 않고 내일�� 맑고 �창��습니다. 최 � �온�� �� °C�� 최고 �온�� ��°C� 되�습니다. �러므�� 내일 오후���� 날씨� �� �워 질 ��입 니다. 도쿄�� ��의 소��� 예�되지만�� 오늘�� 최� �온�� 영� �°C ���� 최고 �온�� 영� ��° C�� 매� 추운 날씨� 예��니다. �지���� 뉴 욕�� 오늘 습�고 날씨� 덥�습니다. 최� �온�� ��°C�� 최고 �온�� 3�°C� �� ��입니다. W: Now for the world weather report. In Seoul, it will be cloudy with a low of 3°C and high of 12°C. The temperature will suddenly fall at night, so it might be a good idea to wear warm clothes when you go out. In Hong Kong, there is more than a 90 percent chance of rain in the evening. The low will be 5°C and high, 13°C. If you have plans to go out, please do not forget to take an umbrella with you. However, the rain clouds will not stay long in this region, and it will be sunny and bright tomorrow. The low will be 10 °C and high, 20°C. So it will be slightly hotter by tomorrow afternoon. Tokyo is expecting brief showers, and it will be quite cold today with a low of minus 5°C and a high of 10°C. Finally, in New York, it will be wet but hot today. The low will be 20°C and high will be 30°C. M: Hi, I have an appointment with Mr. M: 안��세요�� M���in 의사선생��과 3시�� 예�되어 Martin at 3:00. 있습니다. W: Okay. What’s your name? W: ��� 성��� 어떻� 되시죠? M: Samuel H. Johnson. But I made an appointment under the name Sam. M: ��mu��� H.Johnson 입니다. �런� ��m��란 �� ���� 예��습니다. W: Is this your first time here, Mr. W: 여� �음 오신 ��요�� Johnson 씨? Johnson? M: Yes, it is. I recently moved to this neighborhood from Arizona. I live in the apartment near this place. The people in my neighborhood recommended Dr. Martin to me. W: Oh, do you live in ABC Apartment? We do have many customers from there. You need to fill out these forms for us. We would like to know your medical history and insurance information. M: ��� �음입니다. 최��� �리조����� ��사 �습니 다. �� ��의 ������� ��고 있습니다. 제 ��웃 사람들�� M���in 선생���� 추천해 �어요. W: 오�� ABC ��� 사람들 말인�요? 거��� 온 많�� 고객들�� 있습니다. 여� 있�� 양식�� 작성해 주� �� �니다. �리�� 환자분의 병력과 보험 �보를 알 고자 �니다. M: Would you mind if I borrow a pen? M: 펜�� 빌려도 ��까요? 04 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 216 12/1/09 2:21:05 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 Which is the suitable proverb for the conversation? Which is the suitable proverb for the conversation? 들려주는 대화의 내용과 가장 어울리는 속담은? ① A little learning is a dangerous thing. ② A friend in need is a friend indeed. ③ Birds of a feather flock together. hand? ④ Every dog has his day. day. It really hurts. M: Hey, Kate. What happened to your M: ���� K���. �� 손�� � ��? W: Oh, I accidentally burned it the other W: ��� 며칠 ���� 사고�� �었어. ��무 ��. wound �� infection 감염 prevent �다 W: Sure. Here it is. W: �론��죠. 여� 있습니다. M: Thanks. Here are the forms. Do you M: 여� 양식들�� 있습니다. 다른 � 필요�� � 있� need anything else? 요? W: No, this looks fine. Are you here for a special problem? Do you have a cavity or tooth pain? M: No, no, no. Just a regular six-month check-up. Hope I don’t have any cavities! W: �니요�� ��거면 �니다. 특별�� 문제� 있어�� 오신 ��요? 충치� 치통�� 있�요? M: �니요�� �니��요�� �지 6개월 �� ���� 받� 위 해 온 거예요. 어떤 충치도 없길 바�요. 최� �리 조����� ��사 ���� 친�들�� M���in 의사를 추 천해 주었어요. W: 확인해 보�습니다. �� �세요. M���in 선생���� 환자분�� �� �시다고 알려 드���요. 금방 오실 거 W: We’ll get you checked out. Please have a seat. I’ll let Dr. Martin know you’re here. He’ll be with you shortly. M: Thanks. 예요. M: 고맙습니다. M: Why haven’t you put a bandage on it? M: � 붕대를 안 감고 있어? W: I did for the first day, but then I took it off, because my friend said it’s good for a burn to breathe. She told me not to keep it covered all the time. M: What are you talking about? That’s not true at all. Covering a burn will help prevent infections. W: 첫 날�� �었어�� �러고 ��� 풀었어. �냐�면 친 �� ����� 통풍�� ��� �다고 �거든. 걔� �� 덮어 �지 말라고 �어. M: 무�� 소리��? �� ���� 사실�� �니��. 감염�� 방 지해 주잖�. W: Really? I didn’t know that. W: �말? 몰랐었어. M: You see, a bandage will help prevent bacteria from the air from getting into the wound. By the way, how did you do that? W: I was watching a magic show on television and the magician did a trick with fire. So, after the show I tried to do the same trick, but I burnt myself. Don’t worry. It’s not that deep of a wound. M: You are so silly! Do you think you can do dangerous tricks just because you saw them on TV? M: ��� �� 붕대� 공���부터 ���� 들어오�� 박테리 �를 �� �� 거��. �� ��고 어떻� ��� 된 거��? W: 텔레비������ �술�를 보고 있��� �술사� 불�� 묘�를 ��� 거��. ���� �거 보고 ��� �도 똑 ��� 해������ ��만 입었어. ��� 큰 ���� �니��. M: �� �말 웃�다�� ���� 텔레비����� �걸 보�만 � 고 �� � 위험�� 묘�를 할 수 있다고 생�해? W: Well, I think I finally learned my lesson. I won’t try anything like that again. W: 음�� 결국�� �훈�� 얻었다고 생�해. 난 다시�� � 런 걸 시도�지 않�� 거��. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 217 12/1/09 2:21:07 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 05 What is the man going do to check his bags? What is the man going do to check his bags? 그가 가방을 부치기 위해 할 일은? 06 ① Take them to the different counter ② Fill out a form and give it to the woman ③ Give them to the woman ④ Have name tags attached W: Please have your tickets ready and W: 티켓�� 준비해�� 카운터�� 오시� 바랍니다. step up to the counter. M: Ma’am, is this bag too big for a carry M: ��요�� �� �방�� 들고 타��� ��무 큰�요? seemingly 겉보����� carry-ons 비행��� 들고 타�� �방 fill out 작성�다 W: Well, let’s see. We usually weigh it to make sure, but seemingly that bag should be okay. W: 글쎄요�� 보통 확실�� �� 위해선 무�를 �어 ��� �지만 ���� 보죠. � �방�� ���� �� ��요. M: How many carry-ons can I have on M: 제� �� 개의 �방�� 비행��� 들고 탈 수 있�요? on? this flight? W: You can have up to two, sir. You will have to check any other bags if you have more than two. W: 두 개까지만 �능�니다�� 손��. 두 개 ���의 �방 �� 있�면 다른 �방들�� 확인해��� 할 겁니다. M: Oh, I have three extras. Where do I go to check the rest of the bags? 되�요? M: 오�� �방�� 3개 � 있���요. 어디�� ��� 체크�면 W: You do it here. W: 여��� �시면 되요. M: Thank you. Do I need to do anything M: 감사�니다. �방�� 붙��려면 �� 다른 수��� 할 필 to check the bags? 요 없�요? W: Yes. You’ll need to write down your name and other information on the name tag. It is highly recommended that you attach the name tags on the bags in case they are lost. W: 있어요. 손��의 ���과 다른 �보를 ���표�� 적� 세요. �방�� 분실할 경�를 대비해�� ���표를 � 방�� 붙����� 해요. M: I’ve done that already. I am always M: ��미 �습니니다. �� 언제� 제 ���� 잃어�리지 careful not to lose my stuff. Is that all that I have to do? 않�려 조심�거든요. W: All you need to do now is give me W: 손���� 해 주��� 할 일�� 티켓�� ���� 주시고 여 your ticket and all your luggages and I’ll process everything. 행�� 즐�시�� 겁니다. M: Here it is. Thank you for your help. M: 여� 있습니다. 도�� 주��� 감사해요. 07 1 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 218 12/1/09 2:21:08 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 When is the earliest possible time Mr. Hankinson can receive his purchase? When is the earliest possible time Mr. Hankinson can receive his purchase? Hankinson 씨가 구입한 물건을 받을 수 있는 가장 이른 시간은? ① Before 5:30 this evening ② By 8:30 tomorrow morning ③ Tomorrow afternoon ④ Not until next week deliver 배달�다 confirmation 확인 07 What is the main topic of the talk? ① We have to find a reason for the decrease in study time. ② It’s highly recommended for children to take part in many activities. ③ Children have to find something they really want. better future. ④ Children have to study more for their sake 동��� ��유 effective �과적인 dive into ~�� 뛰어들다 What is the main topic of the talk? 들려주는 내용의 주제는 무엇인가? M: Hello, Mr. Hankinson. This is the delivery service for Highland Appliances and the time is now 3:00 p.m. We’re calling to let you know we can’t deliver your new refrigerator that you bought this morning today. I am so sorry to tell you this, but due to bad traffic and heavy snow, the delivery will take twice long as usual. We would like to deliver it to your place tomorrow afternoon, the earliest possible time we can make, but we’ll need confirmation from you first. Could you call us this afternoon before 5:30 or 8:30 tomorrow morning? If we don’t receive confirmation, we won’t be able to deliver until sometime next week. Please feel free to ask us any further questions. We are looking for ward to hearing from you again soon. Thank you. W: According to the recent news I read, the time spent by teenagers for the sake of studying has declined. I know there are many people who argue that it is important for children to experience many things and participate in lots of activities before they can find something they really want. I don’t think that’s very true. If you are not one of those trying to become a professor or someone with an academic career, you might think all that studying is not necessary. However, it is never too late for you to find your talent and decide your future after you get basic information on every subject. You will realize that studying will be very effective when you dive into society. M: 안��세요�� H�nkinson 씨. 여��� ���랜드 제품 배달��비스��고 지금�� 오후 3시입니다. 손���� 오 늘 오���� �입�신 새 냉��고를 배달해 드� 수 없 다�� ���� 알려드리� 위해 ��� 드렸습니다. ��런 말씀�� 드리� 되어 매� 유감입니다만 폭설�� 인 �� �쁜 �통�황��� 배달�� 평소보다 두 배 �도 �� 걸립니다. 배달�� �능�� ��� ��른 시�대인 내 일 오후�� 배달�고자 ���� 먼� 손��의 확인�� 필요�니다. 오늘 오후 �시 3�분��� 내일 �� � 시 3�분까지 ��� 주시�습니까? 만� 확인�� 받 지 못�면 다음주까지�� 배달해 드� 수� 없습니다. 질문�� � 있�시면 언제든지 �어� 주시� 바랍 니다. 곧 연락 주시길 �다리�습니다. 감사�니다. W: 제� 최��� ��� 뉴스�� 따�면 십대들�� 공부만 �� 위해 쓰�� 시��� ��고 있습니다. ��� ���들�� �들�� �� 원��� 일�� 무엇인지를 알 ��까지 많 �� 경험�� �고 활동�� 많�� 참여��� � 중요�다 고 생���� 사람들�� 많다고 알고 있습니다. ��� �� �주 옳다고�� 생��지 않습니다. �수� 학문 적인 �리어를 �� 사람�� 되�� ���� 원��� 사람 중 �� ��� �니라면�� 모든 공부� 다 필요�� ���� �니라고 생�할 수 있습니다. �지만 모든 과목�� �� 필요�� �본 �보를 습득�� 후�� 당신의 �능�� 발견�고 미�를 결���� ���� 항� 늦�� � �닙 니다. 사��� 뛰어 들었�� �� 공부� 매� �과적�� 었다�� ���� 깨닫� �� ��입니다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 219 12/1/09 2:21:10 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 08 Why was the Broadway Bay Bridge destroyed? Why was the Broadway Bay Bridge destroyed? 브로드웨이 베이 다리는 왜 부숴졌는가? ① Because a new bridge was needed ② Because people needed a higher bridge ③ Because it needs to be redecorated ④ Because a boat crashed into it extensive 광범위�� massive 육중�� M: Okay, everyone. Attention please. You’re finally at the Broadway Bay Bridge which all of you know was once struck by a boat and destroyed. After it was hit by the large boat, the Bridge was destroyed over several years ago. The damage was so extensive that the bridge was found to be completely beyond repair. Plans are being made for a new bridge to span the bay, which will be significantly higher than the Broadway Bay Bridge. The original accident occurred because the boat which was too massive to pass under the bridge was forced to crash by stormy weather. M: 자 여러분. 주목해 주세요. ��내�� 여러분�� 배�� 의해 부딪���� 부숴졌다고 알려� 브��드웨�� 베�� 다리�� �습니다. 큰 배�� 부딪쳐�� �� 년 ���� 부 숴졌습니다. 손��� 매� 광범위해�� 복� 불�능 �� ����� 알려졌습니다. 만의 수��� 연��시킬 수 있�� 새��운 다리를 �설��� �획�� 추� 중�� 있 습니다. �리고 � 다리�� 브��드웨�� 베�� 다리�� 비해 많�� 높�� ��입니다. 원�의 사고� 다리 밑�� 지��� ��무 육중�� 배� 폭풍�� 밀려 부딪쳐�� 일어�� ��문입니다. 10 09 What will the woman probably do after proofreading her assignment? What will the woman probably do after proofreading her assignment? 여자가 과제를 교정한 후에 다음으로 할 일은? ① The woman will go to a dental clinic. ② The woman will bring popcorn and beers. man. ③ The woman will go to bed. ④ The woman will watch a DVD with a awake 깨어 있�� proofread ���다 hit the hay 자러 �다 M: Okay. When you are done, please let M: 알았어. 다 �면 내� 알려�. 11 M: Hey. Gloria. Are you still awake? M: 어��. G��o�i�. �� 안 자�� 거��? W: Yeah. I’ve been working on the W: 응. 내일 제�해�� ��� 과제를 작업�고 있어. assignment which I have to hand in tomorrow. M: Oh, that’s why? Do you have many M: ��� �� ��유��. 많�� 남았니? things left? W: Not so much. I’ve already worked on it for more than a week. Now I am just proofreading it. W: �니. 거의 일주일 넘� 작업해 ����. 지금 �� 보 고 있어. W: Why? Do you want to do something W: �? � ��� �고 싶니? me know. together? M: Guess what? I rented a movie you had wanted to watch. Let’s watch it together in my room with popcorn and beer. W: Well, I’m sorry, but I think I need to hit the hay after I’m done with this. Other wise, I don’t think I can wake up early in the morning. I have an early appointment tomorrow with my M: �춰�. �� 보고 싶다던 DVD 빌려�어. <피�니 스�>. 내 방���� 팝콘���� 맥주를 ��면�� ��� 보자. W: 글쎄�� 미안��� ��� 끝�면 자러 ��� 할 �� ��. ��지 않�면 내일 �� 일찍 일어날 수 없�� �� ��. 치과 의사�� 일찍 ���� 있어. 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 220 12/1/09 2:21:11 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: If you have to, then that’s okay. M: ���� ��다면�� ���. 내일 오후�� ��� 보면 되지. dentist. Maybe we can watch it tomorrow afternoon together. 10 What is the man mainly talking about? ① A lower birth rate will no longer be a problem. ② The government has to make practical solutions for lowering the birth rate. ③ A lower birth rate cannot be avoided. ④ Young couples have to stop delaying having babies. problematic 문제의 birth rate �생률 establish 설립�다 social safety net 사� 안��� child-care facility 탁� 시설 What is the man mainly talking about? 남자는 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? M: 과거���� 다���� 요즈음 젊�� �플들�� ���를 � 지고 싶어 �지 않습니다. ������ 경제 성���� 둔� 시키고 세금 ��익�� 낮� 수 있� ��문�� 문제� �� 수 있습니다. ����� 바�� �부� ��를 심��� 문제 �� 고려�고 낮�� �생률�� 해결�� 위�� 사� 안 ����� �축��� � 애를 쓰�� ��유입니다. �지만 �리 사����� 탁�소� 많지 않고 ������ 젊�� 여 성들�� ���를 �지�� ���� 힘들� 만들고 있습니다. 젊�� 사람들�� ���를 �지�� ���� 미��고 있고 �� ���� �생률�� 낮� �고 있습니다. �부�� �� 문제 를 � 심��� 고려�고 �� ���� 대�� 실용적인 대 ��� 세�� 시작해�� �니다. M: Unlike the past, young married couples are not so willing to have babies these days. This can be very problematic as the lower birth rate will likely lead to slower economic growth and lower tax revenues. That’s why the government is considering it a big problem and trying to establish a social safety net for low birthrates. However, in our society, there are still not many child-care facilities which makes it extremely difficult for young working women to have a baby. Young couples put off having a child which in turn has led to a lower birth rate. The government has to take this problem more seriously and start giving us practical solutions. 11 Which is the right order of the places they should visit? Which is the right order of the places they should visit? 그들이 방문할 곳의 올바른 순서는? a. SOHO b. Times Square c. Central Park d. The Empire State Building ① b-a-c-d ② d-b-c-a ③ c-b-a-d ④ d-c-a-b M: Lora. Wake up! It’s already 7 a.m. We’re going to be late for the breakfast buffet unless you wake up now. W: Okay. I’m up. Technically, it’s like our first day in New York since we arrived here very late last night. M: Right. I can’t be more excited. By the way, where did you put the note we wrote our schedule for today? M: Lo��. 일어��� ��� 오�� 7시��. 지금 일어�지 않 �면 �� 뷔��� 늦�� 거��. W: 알았어. 일어�어. 사실�� 오늘�� �리의 뉴욕����의 첫 날����. �리� 어젯밤 ��무 늦� 도착��니까. M: ��. �말 흥분된다. ���� �리의 오늘 스케���� 적어 ��� 노�를 어디다 두었어? W: I don’t know. I thought you have it. W: 모��어. 난 �� �지고 있�� �� 알았���. �니 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 221 12/1/09 2:21:13 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation technically 실제���� destination 도착지 No? ��? M: No, but it’s okay. Let’s talk it over. Did we plan to see Central Park first? M: �니��. �지만 ���. 다시 �����해보자. 센�럴 �크�� 먼� ���� �었�? W: No, it was our second destination. We planned to have a picnic there. We made a plan to go to the Empire State Building first to see how beautiful all of New York City is in the morning. W: �니�� 거� 두 ��째 목적지였어. �리�� 거��� 소 풍�� 할 거��. �리�� ��의 뉴욕�� 얼�� ��다 운지 보� 위해 엠���어 스테��� 빌딩�� 먼� � ��� �어. M: Right. Then are we going to SOHO M: ��. �런 다음�� 공원���� 점심�� �고 소호�� � after lunch in the park? ��� �지? W: Yes. That’s the part I’ve been excited about the most. Let’s not skip that one, please. M: All right. We can go to Times Square after that for our lovely dinner and a Broadway musical. W: ��. 내� ��� �대되�� 곳����. 거� 제발 �뜨 리지 말자. M: ���� �런 다음�� �리의 멋� 식사�� 브��드웨�� 뮤지컬�� 위해 타임 스퀘어�� �자. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① More people are getting interested in their health these days. ② People can lose more weight by walking than running. ③ Walking hardly ever puts pressure on one’s heart. or time. ④ Walking doesn’t require a special place well-being 행복 on a regular basis ��적��� a vast majority of 대다수의 practical 실용적인 pressure 압력 sweaty 땀��� W: These days, with a greater interest in one’s health and well-being, more and more people are starting to work out or exercise on a regular basis. A vast majority of them think running is the best exercise to make them fit and lose weight, however, I think it’s walking which is a more practical form of exercise than running. Unlike running too fast, walking doesn’t put much pressure on someone’s heart. Besides, it isn’t sweaty like other forms of exercise, so you can enjoy it whenever you have free time. You can do it during your lunch break or on the way home from bus stops. Even though it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll lose as much weight like from running, it is still a pleasant form of exercise. W: 요즈음�� �강과 행복�� 대�� 높�� 관심��� � 많�� 사람들�� ��적��� 운동�� �고 있습니다. 대다 수의 사람들�� 달리�� �들�� �강�� �고 몸 무�를 ������� 최고의 운동��라고 생��지만 제 생�엔 걷�� 달리�보� � 실용적인 운동입니다. 빨리 달리�� ��과�� 다�� 걷��� 심���� 무리를 주지 않습니다. �다� 다른 �류의 운동�� 땀�� 많�� �지 않�므�� 여유 시��� 있�� ���다 할 수 있습니다. 점심시� 동안��� �스�류������ ��� ��� 길��도 할 수 있습니다.달리�를 할 �� 보다 몸무�� ��어든다고 보��할 수 없지만 ����� 여 ���� �고 즐거운 운동입니다. 13 14  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 222 12/1/09 2:21:15 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 13 Which best describes the woman’s speech? Which best describes the woman’s speech? 여자가 말한 연설의 내용을 가장 적절히 묘사한 것은? ① We have to realize the seriousness of physical abuse. ② The wound in one’s mind will never heal. ③ We have to watch out not to make verbal abuses. ④ Cyber world is filled with all types of abuses. generally 일반적��� verbal 언어의 abuse 학대 heal 치유�다 definitely 분��� W: 일반적����� 사람들�� 폭력�� 대해 생�할 �� �리 적인 폭력만�� 생���� ���� 사실입니다. �지만 �리적인 학대보다 ��론 � 심�할 수 있�� ���� 언 어 폭력입니다. ������ 대해 �����해 보�습니다. ���의 몸의 ���� �지 않� ��지만 �음�� 입�� ���� 분� � 오� �뭅니다. 요즈음 사��� 세����� 심��� 언어 폭력�� ����어 지고 있습니다. �들�� 개인적인 학대�� 모욕��� 말들�� �거 없�� 소문 퍼뜨리� 등등��� 다양�니다. ��러�� 사�� � 폭력�� ���의 인생�� �쁜 영향�� 끼칠 수 있 습니다. �리고 ������ ����� ���를 사���부 터 격리시킵니다. ��제�� �리� �� 문제�� 대해 � 심��� 생��고 ������ 사��� 세����� 사라지 � �� 위해 애���� ��� 시점입니다. W: Generally, whenever people think of violence, it is true that they think only about physical violence. However, it is verbal violence that can be sometimes more serious than physical abuse. Let me put it this way. The wound on one’s body can be healed in the near future, but that in one’s mind definitely lasts longer. Sometimes, it never gets healed. These days, severe verbal abuse is taking place in the cyber world. They vary from personal abuse, insulting words, spreading groundless rumors and so on. This cyber violence can affect someone’s life in bad ways; sometimes it can result in isolating someone from society. It’s time for us to take this matter more seriously and make this disappear from cyber world. 14 Which question is the speaker trying to answer? Which question is the speaker trying to answer? 화자는 무슨 질문에 답하고 있는가? ① How do we relax? ② Why do we need a good night’s sleep? M: Let me tell you some of the things ③ What does our body like? ④ What are ways to get a better sleep? M: �� 문제�� 대해 당신�� 시도할 수 있�� �� �지 방 법�� 대해 말씀 드리�습니다. ��무 �순�� 들� 지�� 몰라도 ��� ��� 방법�� �식�� 취�려 노력 �고 �쁜 습관�� 피��� ��입니다. 매일 밤 ��� 시� 잠�� 청�세요. �러면 몸�� ����� �억�고 당신 ����� �고 �강�� 리듬�� 만듭니다. 많�� 사 람들�� ��미 알고 있�� ��과 ��� 카�인�� 사람들 �� 깨어있� �니다. �러니 자러 �� ���� �피� 탄산 음료를 �시�� ���� 피�세요. 만일 위� ��무 �득 차 있�면 자��� 어려��� ��� 수 있�니 자 � ���� ��무 많�� �지 �세요. � 자� 위해선 � 능�� 일찍 ��� ���� 최선입니다. you can try for this problem. It may sound so simple, however, but the best thing you can do is to relax and avoid bad habits. Try going to bed the same time every night. Then the body will remember it, and this sets a good and healthy rhythm in your life. Like many people already know, caffeine keeps people awake, so avoid drinking coffee or soft drinks before you go to bed. You may have trouble falling asleep if your stomach is full, so don’t eat too much before you go to bed. Eating as early as possible will be best for a good night’s sleep. avoid 피�다 rhythm 리듬 caffeine 카�인 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 223 12/1/09 2:21:16 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 What is the meaning of the idiom the woman uses at the very end? What is the meaning of the idiom the woman uses at the very end? 여자가 마지막에 말한 이 숙어의 의미는? ① An embarrassing insult ② An annoying or troublesome person or thing birthday party? M: Hey, Jen. Are you going to Brian’s M: ����� J�n. B�i�n의 생일 �티�� 갈 거��? ③ Behaving in an appropriate manner W: Well, I wasn’t going to because of ④ Being very kind or friendly to someone ask someone out ���� 신청�다 have a crush 반�다 a previous engagement, but I’ve decided to change it. I heard that Claire, Susan, Jake, Alex, and so many other friends will be there. I think it will be like a class reunion. M: Really? I was going to go. But probably I’d better not. W: What do you mean? Are you not comfortable with many people? W: 선��� 있어�� 안 �려고 �다� 생��� 바꿨어 C���i���� �us�n�� J�k��� A���x � 밖�� 다른 친�들도 온대. 동창� ��� �� ��. M: �말? � �려고 ����. 안 ��� � 낫�다. W: 무�� 말����? 많�� 사람들�� 오면 불편�니? M: Not really. To be honest, it’s because M: �니. ���� 말�면�� C���i�� ��문����. of Claire. W: What? I thought you like Claire. Didn’t you say you have a crush on her? W: �? 난 �� C���i��를 ����� �� 알았���. �녀 ��� 반�다고 �지 않았니? M: Well. I asked her out two months ago. I told her how I felt about her honestly with my true heart. But… M: ��� 두 달 ���� �녀��� ���� 신청�어. �심 ��� �녀�� 대해 어떻� 생����지 ���� 말 ������지만� W: Things didn’t work out well? What did W: � 안 �어? �녀� �라고 �어? she say? M: She not only rejected my proposal, but she was also very rude. She laughed at me, and she told me that she never thought of me as a man. M: 내 프러�즈를 거�� ��� 뿐만 �니라 매� 무례� 어. �녀�� �를 비웃고�� �를 남자�� 생�해 본 적 �� ����도 없다고 �어. 17 W: Wow. Really? Did she really say that? W: ��. �말? �녀� �말 ��� ����� �어? �말 That’s like a slap in the face. 모욕적��었��. 16 What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Coffee sounds very good. Let’s go to a cafe over there. ② Can I join you if it is okay with you and something. M: You seem to be preoccupied with M: �� 뭔��� �음�� 빼앗� �� ��. your friend? ③ Nothing specially. I like to keep my options open. ④ I’d better save money for my trip to Hawaii next year. W: 여� 방학�� 다�오고 있잖�. �획�� 세�고 있어. W: You know that summer vacation is approaching. So I am making plans now. M: Are you? Are you planning to do something special this summer vacation? W: You bet I am going to! I will go to Hawaii with some of my friends. ��니? ����. M: ��? ���� 여� 방학�� 뭔� 특별�� ���� 할 �획 W: �론 �럴 거���� 난 내 친�들과 �����를 갈 �획 M: Wow. Really? I didn’t know that you M: ��. �말? 난 �� ��� 큰 �획�� 있�� �� 몰랐어. have a big plan like that.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 224 12/1/09 2:21:18 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation preoccupied 무언��� �음�� 빼앗� approach 다�오다 magnificent 웅���� specifically �체적��� W: Yeah. I’ve been saving up for more W: 응. �� 여행�� 위해 여섯 달도 넘� 돈�� 모� �어. than 6 months for this trip. M: Who are you going there with? M: ���� ��� ����? W: Just a couple of my close friends from high school. They are all so excited about this. It has been planned since we graduated. W: �냥 고등학� 친�들 �� �����. �들�� �청 �대 �고 있어. 고등학� 졸업할 ��부터 �획된 거라��. M: I hope you guys have much fun M: ���들�� �미있�� 시��� 보내길 바랄�. 어제 � there. I saw pictures of Hawaii in a magazine yesterday. The beaches there are really magnificent. 지���� ����� 해변 사��� �어. 거� 해변�� �말 �����라. W: Do you have any plans for this W: 여� 방학 �획 있니? 없�면 �류해도 되���. summer vacation? If you want, you could join us. M: I’ve wanted to travel just like you, but I guess it’s too late for me. I didn’t save that much money, so I’d better look for a part time job. M: �도 ���� 여행엘 �고 싶��� ����� ��무 늦�� 일����. 돈�� 별�� 모�지 못해�� ��바���를 해 �� 할 �� ��. W: Speaking of which, I know a good W: ��� ����� 말인��� 급료� ��� �피 ��문점�� coffee shop which pays well. What what kind of job are you looking for? 알고 있어. 무�� 일�� ����? M: Nothing specifically. I like to keep my M: 특별�� � 없어. 선택의 폭�� 열어두��� ���거 options open. ��. M: Most people are interested in fashion and the latest technology. Some of them are eager to be fashionable and to own the top of the line products. In the past, people in a situation like that often believed that residing in big cities was the only way to fulfill their desires. They were right in some ways that city life can be very appealing even in these days; however, they began to realize its drawbacks. For instance, people in a big city had to encounter polluted air and noise pollution. They often got sick because of the heavy smog in the air. In addition, drivers had to deal with the traffic jams during rush hour. And of course, people in the city could not escape from the dangers of crime. In short, moving from the countryside into big cities was very common for people in the past, but now people are moving out of the city. M: 대부분의 사람들�� 패션과 최신 �술�� 관심�� 있 다. �들 중 ������ 패션��블�고 최신 �품�� 앞�� �를 원��다. 과거���� ��러�� �황의 사람들�� 자 주 도시�� 사�� ���� ��러�� 욕�를 충족시킬 수 있 �� 유일�� 방법��라고 �었다. 요즈음 도시 생활�� 매� 매력적일 수 있다�� 점���� �들�� 옳았다. � 지만�� �들�� 도시의 �점�� 깨닫� 시작�다. 예를 들면�� 대도시의 사람들�� 오염된 공��� 소음 공해 를 �딱들여�� �다. �들�� 대�의 두터운 스모� ��문�� 자주 �팠다. �다� 운��자들�� �퇴� 시 � �통 혼��� 경험해�� �다. �리고 �론 도시의 사람들�� 범죄의 위험���� 벗어날 수 없었다. 짧� 말�자면�� 시골���� 대도시�� ��동��� 일�� 과거 사람들����� 매� 흔�지만�� 지금�� 사람들�� 도 시밖��� ��동�고 있다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에 올 수 있는 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ① people are moving into the city ② people are moving out of the city ③ people are affected by the problems in the city ④ people are getting sicker day by day drawback 결점 encounter ~�� 만�다�� �면�다 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 225 12/1/09 2:21:20 PM Answer key & Script 18 01 ① ③ ② ④ in a row 연�해�� sketch 스케치�다 engaged �중�� concentration �중력 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 Who is the man they are talking about? Who is the man they are talking about? 그들이 이야기하고 있는 남자는 누구인가? W: Wow. There sure are many people who can draw really well here. W: ��. 여� �림 � �리�� 사람 �짜 많다. M: Yes, it’s very fortunate for us to have an opportunity to look at all these excellent paintings. Plus, we get to watch the procedures the painters have to go though to create the master pieces. M: �� 멋� �림들�� 볼 수 있�� ��를 갖� 된 �리 �� �말 행운��다. �다��� �리�� �들�� 작업�� 위해 어떤 과��� 거치��지 볼 수 있잖�. W: Exactly! Oh my god! Look! There is the guy I’ve been telling you about! M: Who? The winner of this contest you’ve been excited about? I mean the one that received the first prize for this contest two years in a row? W: Yes, him! He is there under a tree over there sketching something. W: ��. �� �리� ������던 사람�� 있다. M: ��? �� 흥분해�� 말�던 대� 수�자? �년 연 � 콘테스����� � 받�� 사람 말��� 거��? W: 응. �� �무 ������ 무언�를 스케치�고 있어. W: No. He’s alone on the opposite part of the hill, and he’s wearing a cap. M: Oh, I see him now. It seems that he’s so engaged in his work. The intensity of their concentration is beyond my imagination. W: No kidding! With that look and the concentration, he looks like the greatest painter in the world. W: �니�� ��� 반대편 언덕�� 혼자 있어. 모자를 쓰고 M: 오�� 난 ��제 �를 �어. 일�� �청 �중�고 있�� �� ��. �들의 �중력�� �� ���인 �� ��. W: ��. �런 모습과 �중력�� �를 �말 예술��� 보��� ��� �� ��. M: Well, I bet he’s bald. Maybe he wears M: 글쎄�� 난 �� 대�리인 �� ��. �걸 감추려고 모 a cap to cover it up. 자를 쓰�� �지도 몰라. W: Haha. Maybe you’re right. Let’s get W: ��. ��도 �� ��� �� ��. �까�� ��� 뭘 � closer to him and look at how he has been doing. 고 있었��지 보자. M: Okay. That will be fun. M: ��. �거 �미있�다. ��? 있고. M: Which one? Do you mean the one M: ��? �리 길고 멜빵 바지를 입�� 사람 말��� 거 with long hair and overalls? 03  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 226 12/1/09 2:21:22 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 What will the high temperature be tomorrow? What will the high temperature be tomorrow? 내일 최고의 기온은? 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 화자들은 어떤 관계인가? ① 50 degrees ② 70 degrees ③ 90 degrees ④ 95 degrees central region 중부 지�� currently 현��� temperature �온 ① A police officer – A driver ② An attorney – A testifier ③ An attendant – A witness ④ A judge – An inspector testimony 증언 per jury 위증 consequence 결과 immediately 곧 paramedics 응급요원 attendant 객실 승무원 testifier 증언자 rest a case 변론�� �치다 W: ��긋�� 일요일 오후�요�� 오늘의 날씨의 K������입니 다. 많�� 비� 내� ����� 예� 되�� 중부지���� 제외�고�� 모든 지���� 지금�� 맑습니다. 해� 지 면���� 거대�� ���� L.A지����� ��동 중인 ���� 보실 수 있습니다. 오늘 밤 �시쯤 ��의 소��� 예��니다. 비� 올 �능성�� 현� 3�%��지만 제 � 말씀 드린 ������ 오늘 밤���� 7�%까지 높� �니다. 현� 온도�� ��도�� 오늘의 최고 �온입니 다. 오늘 밤 최� �온�� 7�도�� 시원해 �니다. 내 일 �욱 많�� ��과 최고 �온�� ��� �� ��입니다. 비� 올 �능성�� ��%입니다. 다음주 �� 일 동안 비� 올 �� �습니다. �들�� �획�� 있�신 분들�� 일주일 후�� 연��시�� � ��습니다. W: It is a lazy Sunday afternoon, and I’m Kelly with today’s weather. In the States, all areas are clear right now, except for central region, where we can expect heavy rain. Towards sunset, we’ll be seeing huge clouds moving into the L.A area. By eight tonight we can expect some light showers. The chance of rain is currently 30%, but as I said, tonight that will go up to 70%. Currently the temperature is 90 degrees, and that is today’s high. The low this evening will be a cool 75. Tomorrow will have more cloud and a high of 95. The chance of rain will be 50%. It should be rainy for the next several days. For those who have plans for a picnic, you’d better put them off until a week later. W: Mr. Freeman, before your testimony, I’d like to make sure that per jury on this floor would bring about serious consequence. W: F���m�n 씨�� 당신의 증언�� 앞�� ��곳����의 위증 �� 심��� 결과를 초�할 수 있다�� ���� 말씀 드리 고 싶습니다. M: Sure. I have no intention to give a M: �론입니다. 거짓�� 고할 생��� 없습니다. false statement. W: Would you please talk about what W: 사고� 일어날 당시�� 대해 ����� 해주실 수 있습 you were doing when the accident happened and what you saw? 니까? M: Yes, I was driving home from work. It was about five fifteen, and there was a blue car in front of me. We were both driving along Harbor Boulevard when a white Ford suddenly shot out of a side street. It cut in right in front of the blue car. The driver tried to stop, but it was impossible. He ran into the white Ford. W: I see. Now, how fast was the car in front of you going when the accident happened? M: 예�� 일�� �치고 ���� 차를 몰고 있었습니다. � �시��분��었고�� 내 앞���� �란색 차� 있었어요. �리�� 모두 �� 대��(H��bo� Bou���v���)를 따라 �� 운�� 중��었����� 갑자� �얀색 �드 차� �� 도������ 튀어��어요. ����� �란색 차 바�� 앞 ��� 끼어 들었죠. �란색 차의 운��자�� 멈추려고 ���� 불�능�어요. �얀색 �드�� 부딪��고 말 았죠. W: 알�습니다. ���� 당신 앞 차�� 사고 발생시�� � 도� 얼�쯤��었�요? HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 227 12/1/09 2:21:23 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the man feel? How does the man feel? 남자는 어떤 심정인가? 05 04 ① Furious ② Dismayed ③ Indifferent ④ Emphatic dreadful 무��운�� 두려운 definitely 분����� 확실�� justification �리� M: The blue car? 30 miles an hour. Certainly no more than that. M: �란색 차요? � 시� 3��일��었어요. 확실�� � ���의 �도�� �니었어요. W: And the white Ford suddenly W: �리고 �얀색 �드 차�� �무런 신호 없�� 갑자� appeared without any warning? �타난 겁니까? M: Yes, that’s right. M: 예�� ��요. W: Then, what happened next? W: �� � 뒤�� 무�� 일�� 있었�요? M: I called an ambulance immediately. M: 곧 �급차를 불렀습니다. �급요원들�� ���� 두 운 The paramedics came and took the both drivers to the hospital. ��자를 병원까지 ��송�였습니다. W: Thank you, Mr. Freeman. Your honor, I W: 고맙습니다�� F���m�n 씨. ������� 사�의 입증�� now rest my case. �치�습니다. W: Hey, what’s going on? You look upset. W: 안��� 무�� 일����? �� �난 �� ��. M: Well, I saw something terrible this morning on my way to school. W: Oh, What did you see? I can tell that had to be new unpleasant just from the look on your face. M: 학� ��� 길�� 뭔� 끔찍�� 걸 �거든. W: 어��� 뭘 ����? � 얼��� 보니 �말 �분 �쁜 ����었���. M: I saw a woman get hit by a car. M: � 어떤 여자� 차�� 치���� 걸 �어. W: Oh, my god. How did it happen? W: 어�� �말. ���� 어떻� �어? M: The woman was riding a bicycle when a car suddenly ran out into the street in front of her and struck her. She was knocked off her bike unconscious. She was taken into the ambulance. But I couldn’t spot the person who hit her. M: 여자� 자��거를 타고 ������ 갑자� 차� �녀의 앞길�� 튀어����� �녀를 들�� 받았어. �녀�� 의 식�� 잃고 자��거���� 떨어졌지. �녀�� �급차�� 옮겨졌고. �지만 ��� �녀를 친 운��자를 ��� 수 � 없었어. W: That sounds dreadful. Where did the W: �말 끔찍�다. � 운��사�� 어디 갔���? driver go? bad person. M: I have no idea. I think he was M: 모��어. 사고 친 � 걱� 되어�� 도�� �� ��. afraid of getting into trouble. So he probably drove off. W: How could he do that? He is such a W: 어떻� �럴 수� 있지? �말 �쁜 사람��다. M: Tell me about it. I am so angry with M: ��. �도 ��무 �� �. 경���� � 남자를 �� him. I asked the police officer to find him. 달라고 부탁�어. W: The important thing is that whether the woman is going to be okay. W: 중요�� � �녀� ����지 �닌지인�. M: That’s right. The more I worry about her, the more I get angry at the driver. Drivers should be very careful M: 내� �녀�� 대해 � 걱��� �� 수록�� � 사람��� � �� �. 운��자들�� 항� 조심해�� 해. 자��거 ���� 있�� ���� ��욱. �다��� �무리 ���라  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 228 12/1/09 2:21:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 05 What does the man ask the woman to do? What does the man ask the woman to do? 남자가 여자에게 부탁한 일은? ① To feed the kitten ② To pick up the mail ③ To water the plants ④ To watch the car kitchen counter 주방 조리대 how about ~�� 어��? W: When and how long will you be W: 언제 얼�동안 떠����? all the time, especially, when bike riders are near them. Besides, no matter how surprised he was, he should have not run away. 도 ��� ��� 도�치면 안�어. W: Yeah, I totally agree with you. But I W: 응. �도 ��� 생�해. �지만 난 �� �� ��해 � �. 굉���� 무��웠�� �� ��. would say that I can understand him a little. Maybe he was too scared. M: What are you talking about? There is no justification for behavior like that. M: 무�� 소리��? �런 행동�� ��대 �당� �� 수 없다고. M: I am calling you for a favor. My friends and I are going to go to Hawaii for spring break, and I was wondering whether you could keep an eye on my house? Since you are just down the street… gone? M: We’re leaving this Friday, and we’ll be back by the following Thursday, so it would be about seven days. M: 부탁�� 있어�� ����어. 친��� 내� 봄 방학 �� ������� 갈 �� ��� ��� 수 있��지 해���� �� �� 거리�� ��� ��문��. M: ���� 주 금요일�� 떠�다� 다음 주 목요일�� 돌� 오니까 7일 �도 �� 거��. W: Okay, I can do that for you. I’ll be here. What do you want me to do? 해주길 원�니? W: 오호�� �러면 ���. 여� 있�� 거니까. 내� 뭘 M: Just come over every day and feed my dogs and give them some fresh water. I’ll leave some dog food out at the back docr. W: Sure. I can do that. How about all those house plants you’ve got? Do you want me to water them, too? M: �냥 매일 들려�� 강�지 밥���� 신선�� �만 주면 �. 내� 뒷문�� 강�지 밥�� �고 갈�. W: ��. ��� 할�. ��� ��� 있�� 모든 �초��� � 주�� � 어��? 내� �도 주길 원�니? M: That would be nice, but I’ll water them before I leave. They should be all right. I’ll drop by your house before I take off to hand you my house key if that’s okay. M: 고�운 �������지만�� 내� 떠�� ���� ��� 주고 갈�. �러면 ���� 거��. �� ��다면 떠�� ���� ��� ��� 들러 ����테 키를 주고 갈�. W: Sure. Just give me a call before you come over. I’ll be here on Friday all day. ���. W: ��. 오� ���� ���해�. 금요일�� ��� �일 있 M: Oh, I almost forgot. Would you please put the mail on the kitchen table? M: ��� 잊어�� 뻔�다. 편지들도 방 테��블�� �� �� 수 있니? W: �론��지. M: Thanks. You are such a nice friend M: 고�워. �� �말 ��� 친���. W: No problem. indeed. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 229 12/1/09 2:21:26 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 How much will it cost to buy a roll top desk priced originally at $120 and a kitchen table priced originally at $100? How much will it cost to buy a roll top desk priced originally at $120 and a kitchen table priced originally at $100? 정가가 120달러짜리 접이식 책상과 100달러짜리 주방 테이블을 산다면 얼마가 들겠는가? 08 What is the main topic of the talk? What is the main topic of the talk? 들려주는 내용의 주제는 무엇인가? W: �다리던 � 시��� 다시 온 걸 �십니까? M�c�’ s 의 연말 창고 �리 ��매 시�입니다. ��� 큰 창 고 �리 ��매를 �고 있습니다. 모든 �품�� ���� 목요일과 금요일�� ��% 할인�고 있습니다. ��월 과 ��월 동안 �� 지��의 미완성 ��점 중 ��� 큰 취급점�� 테��블�� ���� 선반�� �대 ��류- � 밖 의 모든 ��- 탁월�� �격��� 제공�고 있습니 다. 지금 M�c�’s���� � �라운 �격��� �� 수 있 �� ��입니다. 접��식 ���� 3�% 할인�� 주방 테�� 블�� 4�%할인�� �� ��다운 �호�니 수� ��롱�� ��%할인입니다. 주��지 �세요. 세일�� 새해 �� 날인 일요일�� 끝�니다. 오늘 M�c�’s�� ��둘러�� 오세요. ����째 매년 �� -연말 창고�리 ��매- 를 �치지 �세요. �스톤 � �6����지입니다. W: 새 자동차를 운����� ���� 모든 사람�� 흥분�� ��다. 대다수의 사람들�� �들�� 차를 �입할 �� 새 차를 사�� 경향�� 있다. �지만 중고차를 운����� ���� 새 차를 운����� ��보다 훨씬 � 많�� ��점 �� 있다. 첫 ��째 �리고 ��� �선����� 새��운 차 를 운����� ���� 차뿐만�� �니라 비싼 세금 ��문 �� � 비쌀 수 있다. ���� 새��운 차의 운��자�� 차 � 긁���� ���� 민감�� ��문�� 작�� 사고� ��� ���� 피�� 어려운� 반해�� 중고차의 운��자들�� ��러�� 문제를 �� �� 확률�� 낮다. ��러�� ��유들 ���� ��� 새�� 운����� 사람들����� 중고차를 사 �� ���� 강�� 추천��다. W: Do you know it’s that time again? It’s time for Macy’s year-end clearance sale! We are having our biggest ever clearance sale! All products are 25% off this Thursday and Friday only. During November and December, the country’s largest dealer in unfinished furniture is offering unbeatable prices for tables, desks, shelves, bed units- you name it. Now is the time to buy it at Macy’s at a price you’ll have to see to believe. Take this roll-top desk at 30 percent off; this kitchen table at 40 percent off; this beautiful mahogany chest of drawers at 15 percent off!! But don’t wait! Sale ends on Sunday, New Year’s Eve. So hurry to Macy’s today! Don’t miss the eleventh annual year-end clearance sale here. 5690 Houston Street. W: Driving a new car is something which makes everyone excited. When a vast majority of people purchase a car. they tend to buy new cars. However, driving a used car would benefit a lot more than driving a new car. First and foremost, driving a new car can be more expensive not only for the car itself but also because of the high taxes. Also, beginners who drive new cars cannot get away from having minor accidents as they are always nervous about scratching their new car while used car drivers are less likely to have this problem. For these reasons, I strongly recommend buying a used-car especially for new drivers. ① $184 ② $144 ③ $124 ④ $164 clearance sale 창고�리 ��매 unbeatable �복 할 수 없���� 탁월�� roll-top desk 접�� 식의 뚜껑�� 달린 �� a chest of drawers (�실의) ��랍�� 07 ① When buying a used car, be sure to check the car condition. ② A used car can be better in terms of gas efficiency. ③ Consider taxes when purchasing a car. ④ Buying a used car is better for novice drivers. a vast majority of 대다수의 purchase �입�다 benefit ��득�� 주다 novice 초보자 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 230 12/1/09 2:21:28 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 08 Why did the man call Dr. Williams? ① To tell him that a woman would meet him at his office ② To ask him for an appointment ③ To ask him what time the woman’s appointment was ④ To get a prescription for the woman prescription �방�� be booked up 예��� 다 차다 as soon as ~�자 �자 Why did the man call Dr. Williams? 남자가 Williams 의사에게 전화 한 이유는? W: Could you give me something for the pain? I didn’t get to sleep until three o’clock this morning. W: 통증�� �라 �힐 �� 좀 주시�어요? 오늘 �� 3 시까지 잠�� 못 잤어요. M: Aspirin is the strongest medication I can give you without a prescription. M: �스피린�� �방�� 없�� 제� 드� 수 있�� � 중�� �� ��� 강�� �����요. W: That isn’t strong enough, and I don’t W: �� �다지 강�지도 않고�� 다음 주까지 치과 예� have an appointment with my dentist until next week. �� 못 �어요. M: Who is your dentist? M: 치과 의사 선생���� ��시죠? W: Dr. Williams. His office is on the fifth W: �i����i�ms 선생����세요. ���� 선생��의 �료실�� floor. W: I sure am. ��요. W: �. M: I see. Are you a regular patient? M: 알�습니다. ��적��� 오�� 환자��신�요? M: I can call him right now and ask for a prescription for the pain killer over the phone if he want me to. W: I’d appreciate that very much. Do you think he is in at this moment? M: 원�신다면 �i����i�ms 선생���� ���해�� �통제 � 방���� �� 수 있��지 �어볼�요. W: �말 감사 드려요. 선생���� �료실�� 있��까요? M: I think so. It’s only four-thirty. He is on M: �럴 거예요. 지금 4시 3�분 ��거든요. �시까지�� duty until 5. 있�� 거예요. W: Thanks god! Please call him now. W: � ��요. M: Too bad you can’t get an appointment sooner. W: I know. Dr. Williams is always booked up though. I was lucky to get in as soon as I did. M: � 일찍 예� 못�� 거 �말 안��요. W: 알�요. �i����i�ms 선생���� 예��� 다 차거든요. 제� 예� �자 �자 곧 예� 되어�� 다행����요. M: In the meantime, be careful not to M: � 사���� ��무 뜨겁거� ��무 차�운 걸 �거� � eat or drink anything too hot or too cold. 시지 않� 조심�세요. W: Oh, don’t worry. I really don’t feel W: 염려�세요. ��� �고 �시�� 거 �무��도 �고 싶 like eating or drinking anything at all anyway. 지 않�요. M: Well, I’ll give Dr. Williams a call, and M: ���� �i����i�ms 선생���� ���해�� �리� 뭘 해 드 we’ll see if we can take care of your problem. � 수 있��지 알�보죠. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 231 12/1/09 2:21:29 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은? ② She will think about some other ways to happened to you? M: You don’t look so good. Something M: �� 보��지 않�. 무�� 일 있었어? 09 ① She will have a conversation with her mom. convince her mom. ③ She will pick up a real thread. ④ She will write a letter to her mom. social status 사�적 지위 convince 설득�다 M: Your dream? Did you tell your M: � 꿈? 여배�� 되고 싶다고 ������� 거��? W: I had a conflict with my mom in the morning. I don’t want to go home and see her face right now. M: Did you? About what? You’ve always told me that you are very lucky that you have such a nice mom who understands you so well. W: Yeah. I hardly ever argue with my mom. That’s why I’m very sad right now. I thought my mom would be always there for me, but she has a hard time understanding my dream. mom that you want to become an actress? W: Yeah, I did. I told her that I’m going to major in acting in university. But she said that I haven’t thought this through seriously enough. M: Maybe she was surprised to hear it for the first time. You are a good student so maybe she had expected you to have a career that helps you gain a higher social status. And, of course, higher pay! W: She said that I am too young to make a big decision like that. She doesn’t understand how much I want to become an actress. W: ���� 오늘 �� ���� 있었어. ��� ��� �� 얼��� 보고 싶지 않�. M: ��? � ��문��? �� 항� ��를 � ��해해 주�� � �� 있어�� ��무 행운인 �� �다고 ������잖�. W: 응. 난 ���� 거의 싸�질 않�. ���� 지금 � 슬 픈 거��. 난 항� ��� 날 위해 �� 거라고 생�� ��� 내 꿈�� ��해 못 ��. W: 응. 대학�� ��� 연�를 ��공�고 싶다고 ������ 어. �지만 �녀�� 내� 충분�� 심��� 생�해 보 지 않았다고 ������어. M: �� �음 들어�� �라�던 걸 거��. ���� ��� 학 생��니까 어�니������ ��도 � 높�� 사�적 지 위�� �업�� 갖길 �대���지. W: �녀�� 내� �런 중대�� 결��� 내리�엔 ��무 어 리대. �녀�� 내� 얼�� 배�� 되고 싶��지 ��해 �지 못해. M: How about talking it over with her and telling her how you feel? M: ��� �����해보고�� �� 어떻� ��끼��지 ����� 해보�� ���� 어��? W: I don’t have any courage to face her W: 지금 당�� �면할 용�� 없어. right now. M: Then, why don’t you write a letter telling her what you really want? She probably needs some time to think about it alone. W: That’s a thought. Okay. I’d better try it then. If it doesn’t work, I’ll find some other ways to convince her. M: �� �� �말 뭘 원��� 지 편지를 ��보�� � 어��? �녀�� ��도 혼자 생�해 볼 시��� 필요할 거��. W: ��� 생�����. �� ���� 시도해 ����다. 만� �과� 없�면 설득할 다른 방법�� �� ���지. 10 11  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 232 12/1/09 2:21:31 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 What is the man mainly talking about? ① The man is saying that being a reporter is an amazing job. ② The man is saying that a good speaker is a good listener. ③ The man is saying that speaking skills are not necessary to be a good speaker. ④ The man is saying that many celebrities are good at speeches. glib talker 달변� eloquence 웅변 reputation �성 What is the man mainly talking about? 남자는 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? M: ��� ��년�� 넘도록 �사를 인터뷰��� �자�� 일 해오면�� 달변��� 인�받�� 많�� 사람들�� 만�습 니다. 배�지 않고 자연스레 터득�� 말�주를 갖고 있�� 다양�� �업과 배경의 달변�들�� �� �지 � 주 중요�� 특징�� 공유�고 있습니다. �� 뭔지 추 측�실 수 있�습니까? 바�� �들의 경청��� �술 �� �들�� 달변��� 만들었습니다. 경청��� 사람 들�� � 듣� ��문�� �들 주위�� 민감�니다. � 결과�� � 낫고 부드러운 대�입니다. 대�� 부드 럽� �행되고 있다�� ��낌�� �지면�� �대편�� � 듣�� ��� 말�� ���다고 생��� �니다. �들 �� 대�를 � ��끄�� 달변�라�� �성�� ��내 갖 � �니다. M: As I’ve worked as a reporter interviewing celebrities for more than 10 years, I’ve met so many people who have been valued as glib talkers. Of all the people with unstudied eloquence, with a wide variety of jobs and background, they share one very important characteristic. Can you guess what that is? It is their listening behavior that helps them become more fluent speakers. Because they listen more, they tend to be more sensitive about what is around them. The result is a better, smoother conversation. By having a feeling that the conversation is going smoothly, the opponent will feel that someone who listens well is a good speaker. They end up getting a reputation that they are the good speaker who leads the conversation very well. 11 Which class is the woman going to take? Which class is the woman going to take? 여자가 들으려고 하는 수업은 어떤 것인가? ① ��:�� �.m. Pi�����s Morning Afternoon ��:�� �.m. Yog� ��:3� �.m. A��obics ② ��:�� �.m. ��igh� ��if�ing Evening ③ 7:�� �.m. ��igh� ��if�ing ④ �:�� �.m. Yog� 7:3� �.m. A��obics �:�� �.m. Pi�����s pilates 필라테스 latter 후자의 M: Hi. How may I help you? M: 안��세요. 어떻� 도��드�까요? W: Hi. I am thinking about joining one of W: 안��세요. 수업 ��를 등록�려고 �니다. M: Are you interested in any particular M: 특별�� 관심�� ��� 운동�� 있�신�요? the classes you have. exercise program? W: All the classes look like a lot of fun to me. But I’d like to strengthen my body. I want to have a little muscle, but not huge ones though. M: Oh, I see. Then weight lifting will be a better choice for you than yoga or aerobics. W: 모든 수업�� �미있어 보�����요. 제 몸�� � 강� � �고 싶습니다. 작�� �육들�� 갖고 싶어요. 크 ��� 말고요. M: 알�어요. �� 요�� ��어��빅 보다�� 웨��� 리 프팅�� � ��� 선택�� 되��요. W: Just before making my decision, let W: 결��� �� ���� 질문�� 있어요. 필라테스� �죠? me ask you, what’s pilates? M: Well, it’s an exercise which is very M: 요��� 비슷�� 운동����요. �육과 ��� 몸�� 원�� 다면 제� 추천�시�� 걸 �세요. similar to yoga. If you want muscles and a well-built body, you should take my recommendation. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 233 12/1/09 2:21:34 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: Okay. What is the time schedule for W: 알�어요. � 수업 시��� 어떻� 되죠? that class? M: We have an afternoon and evening class. 12:00 p.m. in the afternoon and 7:00 p.m. in the evening. M: �리�� 오후�� �녁 수업�� 있어요. 오후 ��시�� �녁 7시요. W: 12 p.m. will never be possible since I W: ��시���� 일 ��문�� ��대 �� 수� 없�어요. 후 have a job. I’ll take the latter class. 자�� 할�요. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① The applicant for Splash World has to be young. ② The applicant for Splash World must know how to snorkel and lifeguard. ③ The pay for Splash World is not that much. ④ The application can be downloaded from the Internet. applicant 지원자 snorkeling 스노쿨링 W: 스플�쉬 월드�� ��를 위해 여� 동안 일해 �� 지 원자를 �고 있습니다. �리�� 매년 만 � ���의 사람들�� 방문��� 대규모 레� 시설입니다. 지원 자들�� 스노쿨링�� 스쿠�다��빙�� �리고 인��조 를 할 수 있어�� �니다. 돈�� 많�� �면�� 여��� 시원�� 보내고 싶다면�� �� 자리�� 지원해 보�� �� �� 어떠세요? www.s����shwo����.com를 방문�면 다운 받�� 수 있�� 지원��� 있습니다. 관심�� 있� 면 ���� 주말까지 제� 지원��를 보내 주세요. W: Splash World is looking for a college student applicant who would like to work for us during summer vacation. We are a large leisure facility with more than 10,000 visitors each year. The applicant must know how to snorkel, scuba dive, and lifeguard. If you want to make your summer cool by saving lots of money, why don’t you apply for the position? If you visit our website www.splashworld.com, there is an online application form you can download. Send me the application form by the end of this week if you are interested. 13 Which best describes the woman’s speech? Which best describes the woman’s speech? 여자의 연설문을 가장 적절히 묘사하고 있는 것은? ① Contributory admission should not be banned any more. ② Students with poor performance should not enter college. ③ Contributory admission system not only frustrate people but also deface good education. ④ Colleges gain many advantages from contributory admissions. W: I can easily understand some people who get very upset about the idea of contributory admission. For some colleges in America, a few positions every year are reserved to admit wealthy students regardless of their poor performance in their school. Of course there are few advantages which a university could take from this system such as financial support. However, think about the poor students who worked really hard but end up getting rejected from schools while some rich and fortunate W: �부 입학�� 대해 굉���� 언짢� ��� 사람들�� 대 해 쉽� ��해할 수 있습니다. 미국의 ���� 대학���� 매년 ��의 자리� �들의 학업 성적과�� �관없 �� 부유�� 학생들�� 차지�니다. �론�� ��적 보조 등과 ��� 대학�� 얻�� 수 있�� ��점도 �론 있습니 다. �지만 �말 열심�� 공부�� 사람�� 부유�� � 리고 운�� ��� 학생�� 자리를 차지��� 바람�� 거 �� 당��� ���� 대해 생�해 보세요. 특권�� 없�� 사람들�� �말 좌��할 거예요. ���� ������ ��� � 육의 훼손�� �져옵니다. 결국 �러�� 시스템�� � 육의 �치를 훼손시킬 수 있습니다.  Hot Listening ❹ 14 15 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 234 12/1/09 2:21:35 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation frustrated 좌���� deface 훼손 students get in their way. Those who have no advantages would be very frustrated about the situation. Also this might end up defacing the quality of education and frustrating a lot of people. Ultimately, such a system may threaten the value of education. 14 Which question is the speaker trying to answer? Which question is the speaker trying to answer? 화자는 어떤 질문에 대한 대답을 하고 있는가? ① What are the ways to choose an appropriate uniform? ② What is the most important advantage of a uniform? ③ What are the disadvantages of wearing a school uniform? ④ Do you think we have to continue the tradition of school uniforms? M: ��� ��국인�� �복�� 입�� 지� 오� 되었다고 말 �면�� 시작�고 싶습니다. �지만 �지 오랜 ��통 ��� ��문�� �� ���� ��다고 말�고 싶� 않습 니다. �복�� 입�� 학생들�� 매� ���고 �돈 되 어 보입니다. 외관�의 ��점�� 두고��도�� �복�� �� 점�� 많습니다. 요즈음 십대들의 패션�� 매� �� 치 못�니다. �복�� 없�면�� �리�� �들의 �음�� 혼란스럽� 할 수 있�� 노��� 심�� 옷�� 입�� 학생 들�� 보� �� ��입니다. �복�� ��를 ��� 수 있습 니다. ��뿐만 �니라�� 부모��들�� 자녀들의 최신 패 션�� 많�� 돈�� 쓰지 않�도 �니다. ���� �� � �� 관행�� ����� ���� 필요�다고 생��니다. M: Well, I’d like to start off by saying that Koreans have worn school uniforms for a long time. However, I don’t want to say that we should keep them just because it’s been a long tradition. Students with uniforms look very neat and organized. Apart from the matter of appearance, the uniforms do carry lots of advantages. These days the fashion of teenagers has become very wild. Without the uniform, we will see many students wearing sexually revealing outfits which can become a distraction for them. Uniforms prevent this. Furthermore, parents don’t have to spend a fortune on the latest fashions for their children. Thus, I think it is necessary for us to keep this good practice. 15 What is the meaning of the idiom the woman uses at the very end? What is the meaning of the idiom the woman uses at the very end? 여자가 마지막에 말한 숙어의 의미는? ① It means that she is forgetful. ② It means that she is high-tempered. ③ It means that she tends to brag. ④ It means that she is good at speech. M: Jenny. You came here very early. Didn’t you say you would get together with your colleagues for a drink? W: I was going to until Katie joined us. I didn’t know that she was coming, too. M: Who’s she? Oh, wait! Is she the one who bothers you a lot like you once told me? M: J�nn�. �청 일찍 ��. 동료들���� 술 ��잔 ��다 고 �지 않았어? W: K��i�� �류�� ���� �러려고 �어. �녀도 올 ���� 몰랐어. M: �녀� ����? ��� 잠깐 ���� 말�� 당신�� 괴롭�� �� 사람����? HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 235 12/1/09 2:21:37 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation complain 불평�다 speak ill of people behind their the back 뒷담��다 brag 허풍 떨다 be a full of hot air 허풍�� 떨다 W: Yes. I have a hard time getting along with her. It’s not like I’ve never tried to make our relationship better either. W: ��. 난 �녀�� � 지내��� 시��� 보내�어. �� �� ����도 시도해 보지 않았던 �� ��� �니��. M: Why do you not like her so much? M: � �녀를 별�� 안 ����� 거��? 난 당신�� �� I’ve never seen you hate someone so much. �를 �리 �어��� ���� 보지 못�어. W: She always complains a lot about everything. About our company, about our boss, about other co- workers, almost about everyone and everything she deals with. M: Now, I can understand. You don’t like someone who speaks ill of people behind their back. W: �녀�� 항� 모든 ���� 대해 불만�� �����해. �사 �� 대해���� �사�� 대해���� 동료�� 대해�� �리고 �녀� ��� 모든 ���� 모든 ���� 대해 불만�� ���� �해. M: ��제 알�다. 당신�� 뒤���� 남 흉보�� 사람 안 � ��잖�. W: Right. It’s like nothing satisfies her W: ��. �녀 자신 말고�� 자신�� 만족 시키�� � � except for herself. But that’s not it. �도 없�� �� ��. �� �� 다� �냐. M: Oh, what’s worse than that? M: 오�� � �쁜 � ���? W: She always tells us how she lives and so on. But the stories she’s told us seem so made up. She is a full of hot air. W: �녀�� 항� �녀� 어떻� 사��지 등�� 대해 ���� �해. �� �녀� ��� ������� 꼭 지어낸 �� ��. �말 허풍쟁����. 17 16 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Okay. I’ll make sure. I’m going to hate him if he does this time again. ② Thank you for your cooperation. You’ve been very helpful. M: Hi. Julie. What’s up? Did you forget M: 안�. Ju��i�. 무�� 일����? 내 차�� � 중요�� 거 두 something in my car again? 고 갔니? ③ I wonder why he doesn’t remember the appointment with me. ④ Do you think he can give me some tips about the presentation? W: No. Not this time. I am calling about the car pool for tomorrow. Can you come to my house thirty minutes early tomorrow? W: �니. �니��. 내일 카풀�� 대해 ����어. 내일 � 리 ��� �� 3�분 �도 일찍 올 수 있어? M: Thirty minutes? Okay. But what’s the M: 3�분? 알았어. ��. �� 무�� �황인�? occasion? car pool 카 풀�� (자�용 차의) �승 ��용 occasion 경��� �황 forgetful � 잊어�리�� W: Well. Tomorrow is a big day for me. Do you remember the presentation I told you about? W: �� 내일�� ���테 중요�� 날��라��. 내� 말�던 프레젠테��션 �억해? M: Yes. You’ve worked really hard for that. You said that you would have to give the presentation in front of many important people. W: Right. That’s why I think I need to be as early as I can to prepare a lot of stuff. M: 응. �걸 위해 �말 열심�� 준비�잖�. 많�� 중요 �� 사람 앞���� 프레젠테��션 ��다고 ��잖�. W: ��. ���� 내� 많�� ��들�� 준비 �� 위해 최 대�� 빨리 ��� ��다고 생��어.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 236 12/1/09 2:21:38 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: Okay. By the way, did you let Terry M: ��. �런� T������테 ��거 ������니? know about this? talk to you. W: I was going to call him right after I W: �� ��� 다음�� ���할 거��. M: I am sure that he would understand. But make sure that he won’t forget this time. You know he is always forgetful. M: 난 �� ��해할 거라고 생�해. �지만 �������� � � 잊지 않도록 분��� 해둬. �� 자주 잊어�리�� �� ��도 알지. W: Okay. I’ll make sure. I’m going to hate W: ��. 확실�� 해�� �다. �� ������도 �� ���� � him if he does this time again. 러면 � �를 미워�� �� �� ��. 17 What is the best proverb to say in the conclusion? What is the best proverb to say in the conclusion? 결론에 올 수 있는 가장 알맞은 속담은? ① All work and no play make Ben a dull boy. ② Too many cooks spoil the broth. ③ Every cloud has a silver lining. ④ Don't count your chickens before they've hatched. broth 묽�� 수프 hatch 부��다 lottery ticket 복권 W: B�n과 Ch�is�� 부부��다. 어�� 날 ���� B�n�� 갑 자� Ch�is��� 자신��� 행운�� ��� ��� 동안 복 권�� 사러 ��� � ��다고 말���� �냐�면 � � 꿈���� �지를 �� ��문��다. ���� �들�� 복 권�� ��� 사러 갔고 �들의 돈 문제� ������ 해 결 되면 어떨지�� 대해�� ���다. 복권�� 산 후�� B�n�� �� 당첨된다면 받� �� 돈��� 사고 싶�� 모든 ���� 대해 ������� 시작�다. 먼� ��� 스 �츠 카�� 큰 ��� 사고 �리고 ��� �지���� 모 든 친�들�� 위해 많�� 값비싼 음식�� 사고 싶다고 말�다. Ch�is도 ���들�� 원�지만 �� 당첨되지 않�면 실���� ���� 원�지 않��다. Ch�is� B�n ��� �라고 말���까? Chris: 김칫국부터 �시지 �라. W: Ben and Chris are a married couple. One morning, Ben suddenly said to Chris that they better go buy a lottery ticket while his luck is still with him because he saw a pig in his dream, which is a good sign in the culture of his country. Thus they went to buy a lottery ticket together and imagined what it would be like for their money problems to be over once and for all. After buying the ticket, Ben started to talk about all the things he’d buy with the money if he won. First, he’d buy a sports car, a big house, and then finally he’d buy lots of expensive food for all his friends. Chris wanted those too but she didn’t want him to be disappointed even if he does not win one. What do you think Chris said to Ben then? Chris: Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 237 12/1/09 2:21:40 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Question & Answer Audio Script translation 02 Which suit is the man going to rent? Which suit is the man going to rent? 남자가 빌리려는 옷은 어느 것인가? Answer key & Script 19 01 ① ③ ② ④ suit 양복 Mohawk 모호크 �리 W: Have you chosen your suit for the prom? If you want to rent the suit, you’d better do it now because there aren’t many left. W: 축제 �� 입�� 옷 골랐니? 만일 양복�� 빌리고 싶다 면 많�� 남지 않았�� 테니 지금 빌리�� � ��� 거��. M: I haven’t actually decided yet. I don’t want to wear the black tuxedo because everybody wears them. I want something special. W: How about the purple suit that we saw earlier on? I really wish you would wear that on the prom day. M: Won’t that embarrass you? You know that you are my date for the prom, right? M: �� ��지 못�어. ��� 다른 사람들�� 다 입�� 검��색 턱시도를 입고 싶� 않�. 난 뭔� 특별�� ���� 원해. W: ����� �던 자주색 ����� 어��? 난 �� 축제 �� 꼭 � 옷�� 입길 바�. M: �� 창피�지 않�니? �� 내 축제 ����인 �� �� 알고 있지? W: That will make me stand out. I’m wearing the plain white dress. Just like the beauty and the idiot. �다. W: �� 날 돋보��� 해�� 꺼��. ��� 무늬 없�� 흰 색 드레스를 입�� 거��. �� 미녀�� 멍청���� 보�� M: It’s not funny. I’m going to choose between these two suits – the white tuxedo and the silver silk suit. W: I suggest you take the white tuxedo. The silver suit makes you look very old. Only old people wear those kinds of suits. M: ��도 안 웃겨. �� 두 �지 양복 중���� 고��어. �얀색 턱시도 �니면 ��색 ��� 중����. W: 난 �� �얀색 턱시도를 골랐�면 해. ��색 ����� ��를 � ��� 들어 보��� 해. 늙�� 사람들�� �런 ����� 입잖�. M: Then I’m going with the silver suit. I M: �러면 난 ��색 ����� 입�어. 다른 사람 �무도 want to wear something that nobody else wears. 안 입잖�. W: Really? That’s weird. You never acted W: �말? �� 좀 ����다. �� 고등학� ���� ��� like that before in high school. 행동 안 �잖�. M: You don’t know me at all! I always had my own unique shoes and hairstyle. That’s what I lived for! ����� M: �� 날 �말 모��� ��? 난 항� �만의 헤어 스타 일 �고 신발�� 신고 ��았잖��� 난 �걸 위해�� 사 W: I remember now. That was like three years ago. You always wore those yellow shoes with a Mohawk hairstyle. That was too funny. W: ��제 �억난다. 3년 ����었지. 항� 노란색 신발�� 신고 모호크 헤어 스타일�� �고 다녔어.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 238 12/1/09 2:21:42 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Where does this conversation take place? Where does this conversation take place? 대화가 이루어지고 있는 곳은? 02 ① They are in California. ② They are in Indiana. ③ They are in New York. ④ They are in Florida. that's why ����� ~�� ��유��다 twenty to one �시 ��분 M: Excuse me. Did you notice whether the number 561A bus has gone by? W: Not while I’ve been standing here. I’ve been waiting for the same bus for about fifteen minutes. M: 실례�니다. �6�A �스� 지�갔��지 보��요? W: 제� 여� �� 있�� 동안�� 안 지�갔어요. ��분 동 안 �도 ��� �스를 �다리고 있거든요. M: Good. Hot and humid today, isn’t it? M: ���요. 오늘�� 덥고 눅눅��요. ��지 않�요? W: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain and W: ��� ��요. 비� ���� 시원해졌�면 ��어요. cool off. M: Me too. I think this is unusual for March. I don’t remember it ever being so hot and dry in March here. W: This must be your hometown. Well, I don’t know the weather around here that much since I recently moved to Florida. M: Not really. I was born in New York, but I’ve lived here for ten years now. Where were you before you come here? M: �도 ��요. 3월 치고�� ����죠. ����도 3월�� ���� 덥고 �조 �었��지 �억�� 안 �요. W: 당신�� �� 도시 �신���요. ��� 플��리다�� ��사 온지 얼� 안��� 날씨�� 대해�� � 몰라요. M: �니��요. 뉴욕���� �어�지만 여��� 지금 ��년 째 ��고 있어요. 여� 오� ���� 어디 있었다고요? W: My mother and I have just moved W: ���� ��� 인디애����� � ��사 �어요. here from Indiana. M: Pretty cold in Indiana, isn’t it? M: 인디애��� 꽤 춥지 않�요? W: Yes, that’s one of the reasons why we moved, believe it or not. But we didn’t know that it would be so hot here. My mom made a joke once that we should have gone to California. Do you think that we’ve missed the bus? W: ��� ���� �리� ��사 온 거예요. �� 여�� �� �� �울 ���� 몰랐어요. 제 어�니� �러���요 �리�� 캘리�니��� 갔었어�� �대요. �리� � 스를 �친 거 ��세요? M: No. It’s always a little late. M: �니요�� �� �스� 항� 조금 늦어요. W: I have twenty to one, but my watch W: �시 ��분 ��인� 제 시�� 조금 빨라요. is a little fast. M: Don’t worry. It never comes exactly M: 걱��지 �세요. �� �스�� 제 시��� ���� �지만 on the half-hour like it should. �� ��도 �확�� 3�분�다 오지�� 않�요. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 239 12/1/09 2:21:44 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 화자들은 어떤 관계인가? ① A police officer – A passerby ② An attorney – A testifier ③ An attendant – A witness ④ A judge – An inspector W: Excuse me, sir. Do you know where I can find the Andrea Village Inn? 수 있��까요? W: 실례�니다. 안드레� 빌리지 여관�� 어디�� ��� M: Hmm, let’s see. It doesn’t sound M: 음. 잠시만요. 흔�� 듣던 곳�� �닌 거 ����요. familiar. Do you know what street it is on? 어�� 길�� 있��지 �세요? inn 여관 familiar 친��� W: I think it is on Torrey Pines Road. Does W: 제 생�엔 토레 �인 ��� 있�� 걸�� 알고 있���요. that help you any? �� 도��� ��까요? M: Ah, yes. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the only hotel on that road. You’ll want to go north from here to Mission Street. Then go east on Mission until you cross Torrey Pines. Then go north again. M: ��� �. 제� �못 알고 있�� � �니라면 � 호텔 �� � 길�� 있�� ��밖�� 없�� 호텔 ����요. 토레 �인�� ��� 지를 ��까지 미션 � 동쪽��� �세요. 거��� 다시 북쪽��� �세요. W: Wow, that sounds far. How long will it W: ����� 먼 �� ��요. 여��� 거�까지 걸어���� take to walk from here? 얼�� 걸려요? M: Oh, it’s only about a mile and a half. I can give you a ride if you want. My car is around the corner. M: ��� � �일 반 밖�� 안 걸려요. 혹시 원�시면 제� �워다 드��요�� 제 차� ����� 있거든요. W: No, that’s alright. I’ll either walk or W: �뇨 ���요. 걷거� 택시 타죠 �. �워달라고 take a cab. I couldn’t ask you to give me a ride. 할 수� 없�요. M: It’s no bother, I’d enjoy it. M: �관없어요�� �� ���요. W: No, really, I hardly know you, and I don’t want to ride in a patrol car for this reason. I’d rather walk anyway. W: �녜요. 제� 당신�� � 모�잖�요. ��러�� ��유 �� 제� 경�차를 타고 싶지 않습니다. �� 걷고 싶 �도 ��요. M: I thought this can be a part of my M: 제 의무인 �� ������ 만� ��시다면� duty, but if you insist... inn on? W: Wait! Which side of the road is the W: 잠시만요�� 어�� 쪽 길�� � 여관�� 있죠? 05 M: If you’re walking north on Torrey Pines, it will be on your right. 거예요. M: 토레 �인 � 북쪽��� 걸어�다면 오른쪽�� 있�� Why is the man angry? Why is the man angry? 남자가 화가 난 이유는? 04 ① Because he can’t talk to the manager ② Because the receptionist is not helping the man M: I can’t believe this. Am I really in a M: ��� 수� 없어요. 제� �말 �성급 호텔�� 있�요? 5-Star hotel right now? ③ Because there are no empty rooms in W: Can I ask you what kind of problem W: 무�� 문제� 있�신�요? the other hotel you have? ④ Because he can’t stay in that hotel M: I already told the receptionist about my problem, and she said she would check and come back. But she hasn’t M: 제� 방금 제 문제�� 대해�� 안내원과 �������� � 확인해보고 돌�온다고 �고 ��도 �타�지 않고 있�요. 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 240 12/1/09 2:21:46 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation travel agent 여행사 at the moment 지금 is not available 자리를 비�다 come back. W: Oh, we’re sorry. Do you want me to W: �말 죄송�니다. 제� 해드� 수 있�� ���� 있�� do anything for you? 까요? M: I booked a room here three weeks ago over the phone, and now this travel agent says my name is not on the list. And there are no other vacant rooms. M: 제� 여��� 있�� 방�� 3주 ���� ����� 예��� � ��� 지금 �� 여행사���� 제 ����� ���� 없다�� 거예요. �리고 다른 빈방들도 없다고 �고요. W: Let me check it again for you. What’s W: 제� 다시 확인해 드리�습니다. 성��� 어떻� 되 M: Bryan Jay Boon. Jay is my middle M: B���n J�� Boon. J��� 제 �운� �������요. your name? name. W: Yes, I’m so sorry. Your name does not W: ��� 죄송�니다. 여� 손�� ����� 있�� �� �지 않 seem to be here on the list. M: I heard that before. Tell me someting I don’t know. Can I speak to the manager right now? M: � 제� ��미 들었습니다. 제� 모�던 ��를 해주 세요. 제� 지금 당�� 매니��� �� 좀 할 수 있�� W: The manager is not around here at W: 지금 매니�� 자리�� 없습니다. the moment. M: Well, when will he be available? M: �� 언제쯤 �를 볼 수 있��까요? W: Actually, he finishes early on Wednesdays so he’s gone home. He’ll be in at seven tomorrow morning. W: 사실�� 매니�� 수요일엔 일찍 끝��� 지금�� ��� �고 없어요. 내일 �� 7시 ���� 있�� 거예요. M: Where am I supposed to stay M: �� �� 오늘밤 어디�� ��죠? tonight? W: There’s a small hotel just down the street. I’m sure you’ll find a room there. W: 길 바�� ��쪽�� 작�� 호텔�� �� 있어요. 분� 거����� 방�� 있�� 거예요. 시죠? �요. 까요? W: Are you having a good time at the W: 크리스�스 �티���� 즐거운 시� 보내고 있니? Christmas party? M: Yes, I am. There are so many good looking girls at this party. I’m looking at all of them at the same time. Look, do you see? Mar jie is drinking wine. Anna is checking out the stockings over the fireplace. Brittany is eating a Christmas cookie. Ashley is looking at the Christmas tree with Heather. M: 응�� ��. �� �티���� 예쁜 여자 애들�� 많�� 있어. ��� 동시�� �들 모두를 보고 있어. ���� 보��니? M��ji�� ��인�� �시고 있어. Ann��� 벽난�� 위�� 있�� 양말�� 보고 있어. B�i���n��� 크리스�스 쿠 키를 �고 있어. Ash������ H���h���� ��� 크리스 �스 �리를 보고 있어. W: Are you going to introduce yourself W: � 애들 중 �� ���� ��를 소개�려고? to one of them? M: Well, yes, of course. M: 글쎄�� ��. �론��지. W: What? You are not doing anything. W: �라고? �� �무��도 �지 않고 있잖�. �� �냥 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 05 Who do you think would give the man a big kiss? Who do you think would give the man a big kiss? 남자에게 멋진 키스를 해 줄 사람은? ① Jennifer ② Alison ③ Ashley ④ His mother mistletoe (크리스�스 ��식용 겨����� 식�) 미스토� fireplace 벽난�� Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 241 12/1/09 2:21:48 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation You are just standing next to the door. 문 ���� �� 있잖�. 07 M: I’m not just standing by the door. I am M: ��� �냥 문 ���� �� 있�� � �니��. ��� 지금 뭔 doing something. I’m waiting. �를 �고 있어. ��� �다리�� 중����. W: Look. Just be a man. When are you going to enter the room and meet one of them? M: I have a plan. I am going to meet them when they leave the room. And then I’m going to block the door. And then, each girl and I are going to stand under the mistletoe. W: �. 좀 남자� 되어 �. 언제 방�� 들어��� � 애 들�� 볼 거니? M: �도 �획�� 있어. �들�� 방�� 떠날 �� 만날 거��. �리고 ��� 문�� ��� 거��. �리고 ����� 여자 � ��들 �자�� ��� 미스토� ��식 ���� �� 있� �� 거��. W: Oh, that’s it. You’re waiting for all the girls to give you a big kiss under the mistletoe. Jason, that’s the oldest trick in the book. Girls don’t fall for that. You’re asking for trouble. W: 오�� �거��. 모든 여자애들�� 미스토� ���� �� ����� 키스해 주�를 �다리고 있�� 거��. J�son�� �� � ��� �오�� ��� 오�된 �임수��. 여자애들�� ����� �지 않�. ���� 문제거리를 만 드�� 거��. M: I don’t think so. I’m waiting for someone very special to stand with me under the mistletoe. Maybe Liz. Maybe Jennifer. Maybe Alison. Yes, someone very special. M: 난 ��� 생��지 않�. 미스토� ������ ��� ��� �� 있�� �주 특별�� ���를 �다리고 있�� 거��. �� Liz� J�nnif��� A��ison�� �� 수도 있어. 응�� ��� �주 특별�� 사람��. W: Hey, look who just arrived! W: ���� �� � 도착 ���지 ���� M: Mom! What are you doing here? M: ���� 여��� � �세요? W: Look out! Here comes your big kiss W: �. 미스토� ������ ����� 멋� 키스를 해 �� under the mistletoe. 사람�� 오�. 습니다. � 방들�� �원�� 있�� 발�니�� 모든 ���� 갖추어� 주방과 바 �리고 뜨거운 ��� �오�� 욕 조를 갖추고 있습니다. �� 시설�� 헬스클럽���� ����� 운동 수업�� 수영���� 4개의 테니스 �� �리 고 ��개 홀의 골프�스를 갖고 있습니다. 자격 있 �� �레����들�� 곁���� 일주일 7일 내내 �� 7시 ���� 오후 �시까지 안내해 드립니다. ������ 산 호 수���� 매일 �시부터 �시까지 �조원�� 있�며 카 ��� 노 젓�� 배들도 ��용�� �능�니다. 모든 레� 시설�� �시� 일찍 ��용 �능�� 체육관�� 제외�� �시�� 개���니다. 즐겁� �무�시고 �금�신 사항�� 안내 �스크�� 언제든 ��� 주시� 바랍니다. Resort. We have 50 rooms, all with breathtaking mountain views. Each room comes with a balcony garden, a full kitchen and bar, and a hot tub. Our facilities include a full gym with weights and exercise classes, a swimming pool, four tennis courts, and an 18 hole golf course. Qualified trainers are on hand to guide you seven days a week from 7 to 8. Also, the mountain lake has a lifeguard from 9 to 5 every day, and we have canoes and paddle boats available. All the leisure facilities are open at 9 a.m. except for the gym which is available from two hours earlier. Please enjoy your stay, and don’t hesitate to call the front desk with questions. What time is the fitness center open? What time is the fitness center open? 헬스 클럽이 문을 여는 시간은? M: Welcome to the Mountain View M: �운틴 뷰 리조��� 오신 ���� 환영�니다. ���� �랄만�� 산 경치� 보���� ��개의 객실�� 갖고 있 06 ① At 5:00 a.m. ② At 7:00 a.m. ③ At 8:00 a.m. ④ At 9:00 a.m. 08  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 242 12/1/09 2:21:49 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 07 What is the main topic of the talk? ① Students must like examinations. ② Try to find an alternative for homework. ③ We should make an alternative for ④ Having an exam hardly ever has an exams. alternative. alternative 대안 method 방법 What is the main topic of the talk? 들려주는 내용의 주제는 무엇인가? W: ��� 시험�� 보고 싶어��� 학생�� 본 적�� 없다. 만� 모든 사람�� ����� 법�� 모�고 다른 대안 �� ��려고 노력��� 거라면 � 시험�� �� 존� ��� 걸까? 시험�� 고등�육��� ���를 ��� 위 해�� 학�����의 수행�� 평� �려고 존���� �� ��다. ��러�� ��유들 외��도 시험�� �지�� �능�� � 많다. 시험�� �억력�� 자����� ��보다�� 지식 �� 응용�고 문제를 푸�� ���� � �깝다. 학생들의 필요�� 따라�� 시험�� �� 발��되어�� �지만�� 학 생의 학업적 수행능력�� ������� �주 �다. 다 른 대안�� 있어�� ����? W: I’ve never seen a student who likes to have examinations. If everybody doesn’t know how to like it and try to find an alternative, why should the exam be there? Examinations are meant to evaluate school performance as a basis for selection for higher education or a career. Not only for this reason, there are more functions that the exam carries. A test is more than just showing off one’s good memory but applying knowledge and solving problems. Although the examination has to keep improving with regard to students’ needs, it’s a very good method to measure one’s academic performance. Who thinks there should be an alternative? 08 What is the most important thing the woman considers when buying shoes? What is the most important thing the woman considers when buying shoes? 여자가 신발을 살 때 가장 중요하게 생각하는 점은? ① She believes the color is the most important thing. ② She considers the design as the most important. ③ Comfort is the most important consideration when buying shoes. ④ She cares the most about the price when buying shoes. replace �체�다 shabby 낡�� wear out 닳다 M: Hi. May I help you? M: 안��세요. 무엇�� 도��드�까요? W: Yes, I want to buy some shoes to W: ��� 지금 신고 있�� 신발 대신�� 새 신발�� 사려�요. 지금 신발�� ��무 오�되�� 낡았어요. replace the ones I’m wearing. They are too old and shabby. M: I can see that they have simply been worn out. Would you like the same color, more or less? W: Yes, and something a little less casual. I am very careful about the color when buying shoes. M: 신발�� 닳��� 해졌�요. 어�� �도 똑��� 색��� 원�세요? W: � �리고 ���� 덜 캐주얼 �� 걸��요. ��� 신발 �� �� �� 색��� 신중해요. M: How about this light brown pair? M: �� 밝�� 갈색�� 어떠세요? 지금 갖고 �신 거�� 비 슷��� 조금 � 차려 입�� 듯 보여요. They are similar to what you have, but a little bit dressier. W: Yes, I was thinking of something along W: ��� �도 �쪽���� �� 생� 중��었어요. 신어 볼 that line. I’ll try them on. �요. M: They certainly look charming. As you can see, the design is more than charming. W: The trouble is – they feel uncomfortable. I care a lot about shoes with good color and design, but they will be useless unless they M: 확실�� 고급스러워요. 보��시�� 대�� 디자인�� � 욱� 고급스럽�요. W: ��낌�� 편�지 않다�� � 문제�요. 색��고 디자 인�� ��� 신발��어�� �주 맘�� 드��� 편�지 않 다면 다 소용없�� �� ��요. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 243 12/1/09 2:21:51 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation are comfortable. M: Then try on this other pair in a similar M: �� 비슷�� 스타일��지만 다른 �사의 제품�� �� style, but by a different maker. �� 신어보세요. W: These are much better. Do you have W: ��� 훨씬 낫�요. 빨�색도 있�요? them in red? M: Yes. The second pair is half price. Shall I put them both in a box for you? W: Just the red ones. I’ll wear the new brown pair now. How much are they? I forgot to ask you. M: ��� 두 ��째 ���� 반값��� 해 드���요. 둘 다 박 스�� 넣어드�까요? W: �냥 빨�색만요. 새��운 갈색�� 지금 신���요. 얼 �인�요? �어보�� ���� 깜박 ��요. 10 09 What will the woman probably do in summer? What will the woman probably do in summer? 여자가 여름에 할 일은? ① The woman will meet her mother and go home together. ② The woman will stay for summer classes M: I thought your mother was coming to see you this evening! Don’t you have to clean this mess up? M: 오늘 �녁�� ��� 어�니� 널 보러 오�� �� 알았�� �. �� �러운 ��들 다 치워�� 되지 않�? ③ The woman will go on a vacation with W: I told her not to come, but she is W: 오지 말라고 ������ 내� 대학���� ��고 있� 보 ④ The woman will go to the summer coming to see whether I’m doing well in college or not. 려고 오신대. and labs. the man. classes. mess 지�분� M: You haven’t seen her in years. Shouldn’t you be happy? M: 못 본지 �청 오� �잖�. 행복�지 않�? W: But I have to prepare for the summer programs and sign up for labs. I virtually have no time for other things and you know that. W: 여� 프���램들 �고 실험 신청�� 해�� �. 다른 ��들 할 시��� �예 없�� 거 ��도 � 알잖�. M: I know but I think you should take some time off and have a rest. You always signed up for summer classes and never had a week off for three whole years. W: You’re right, but I always have fun during semesters by attending parties like yesterday. I love partying and you know it. M: I guess people have their own ways to relieve stress. Don’t you miss your family though? I remember you talking about how much you miss your sister in California. W: I do miss them. Maybe I should go home with my mother when she goes back. M: That’s so great that you’re taking M: 알지만 내 생�엔 ������ �� 좀 쉬�� � ��� �� � �. ���� 3년 동안 여� 학�도 듣고 �러면�� 일주 일도 쉰 적�� 없잖�. W: ��� 말인� ��� 학� 중�� �티 ��� ��들 자주 다니면�� �미를 보잖�. 내� 얼�� �티 ��� �� �� �����지 알잖�. M: 사람�다 �자 스�레스 푸�� 방법�� 있�지. �족 �� 보고 싶지 않�? 캘리�니��� 있�� ��� 보 고 싶다고 �던 � �억�� �. W: 보고�� 싶지. �러면 ��� 돌�갈 �� ������ �도 캘리�니��� �볼까? M: �� 좀 쉰다니 다행��다. 난 ������ 남��� 내� 항� 듣고 싶었던 여� 학� 프���램�� 신청�려고.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 244 12/1/09 2:21:53 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation time off! This year I’m going to stay here and sign up for the summer lab program that I’ve been waiting for for so long. W: Good for you. I’ll leave the notes for organic chemistry if you need them. W: ��다. 내 유� �학 노�들 두고 갈�. �� 혹시 필 요할지도 모�니까. M: Thanks! I’m taking a summer course in M: 고�워. 난 ������ 유��학 �고 생�학 여� 학� organic and biochemistry. 수업�� 들�려�. W: I’m so happy now that I’m having W: 좀 쉰다고 생��니 �분�� ��. some time off. 10 What are the two speakers mainly talking about? What are the two speakers mainly talking about? 두 화자는 무엇에 대해 이야기 나누고 있는가? ① They are talking about how to create ② They are talking about the reason why we have to study fossils. definitely help me with my research assignment. ��� �� 거��. ③ They are talking about the books about W: Are you talking about our science W: �리 과학 �제 말��� 거��? M: Oh, I really like this book. This will M: ��� � �� ��� �주 ��. 내 연� �제�� �주 도 fossils. fossils. ④ They are talking about man’s topic for his assignment. M: Yes. I have finally decided about M: 응. � 드디어 내� 무엇�� 할지 ��어. �석�� W: Fossils? About what can you discuss W: �석? �석�� 관�여 무�� 말�� 할 수 있어? research 연��� 조사 fossil �석 various 다양�� material 자료 homework? what to work on. Fossils! about fossils? M: Well, I think it will be very fun to talk about how they are made. Did you know that there are three types of fossils with respect to the way they are produced? W: No. When we learned about it in our class, the professor defined the term, showed us some examples, and uh... the reason why they exist. will be interested when I present the process and the various types of them in detail. prepare that? M: So far, I’ve found two books about fossils including this. Now I’d better look up some more information on the Internet. W: Seems like you are on the right track. I will look for ward to seeing your presentation. M: ���들�� 어떻� 만들어 지��지 ������면 �미있 �� �� ��. 만들어 지�� 방법�� 따라 3�지 �류의 �석�� 있�� �� 알�? W: �니. �리 수업 시����� �석�� 무엇��고 �� �지 샘플들�� 보여주고 � �리� ������ 배워�� ��� 지 �����해�어. M: 지금까지�� �� �까지 ��해�� � 두 권�� �았어. ��제 인터넷���� � ������어. W: ��고 있�� �� ��. �러면 발표����� 보자. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  M: Right. That’s why I think every one M: ��. ���� 내� ������ 발표할 �� 자세�� ��들�� 설�해 주면 ��할 �� ��. W: Do you have enough material to W: �걸 준비�� 위해 충분�� 자료들�� 있니? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 245 12/1/09 2:21:54 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which tent is the woman going to rent? Which tent is the woman going to rent? 여자가 빌리려고 하는 텐트는 어느 것인가? 11 12 Price Self Installation Capacity M: Hello, ma’am. Welcome to FUN ① $50 per week × 2 person ② $60 per week × 4 person ③ $70 per week ○ 2 person ④ $100 per week ○ 4 person OUTDOORS. Are you looking for anything special? We have the widest selection available in the city. W: Do you also rent out tents to people? I don’t have enough money to buy the tent. automatic 자동의 M: Yes. We currently have four different types of tent available. Would you like to see them? What kind of tent are you looking for? W: Yes. I need a tent that can hold 4 people. Only two people are going but since we are very big, we need a big tent. M: 안��세요. FUN OUTDOO���� 오신 ���� 환영� 니다. 특별�� ���� �고 �십니까? 시내���� ��� 다양�� �품들�� 있습니다. W: ���를 빌려주�도 ��요? 제� ���를 �� 돈�� 없어��요. M: �. 지금 � �지의 ���를 �지고 있습니다. ���� 보시�습니까? 무�� �류의 ���를 원�십니까? W: �. ��� 4인용 ���� 필요해요. 두 ��� 쓸 예� 인� ��� 워낙 ���요�� 큰 ���� 필요해요. M: Ok. We have 4 two person tents M: 4인용 ���� 두 �류� 있습니다. 자동 설치 ��� available. Would you like to have a look at self installment tents? 를 보시�습니까? W: You mean the tent is automatic? That W: ���� 자동��란 말인�요? �주 ���요. M: ���% 자동�� �닙니다. � ����� 말뚝�� 박고 � 면 ����� 설치� �니다. 13 W: Great! How much is the automatic W: �습니다. 자동 ����� 얼�인�요? will be great. M: It’s not 100% automatic. After you set up the stakes in the four corners, the tent will stand by itself. tent? M: The 4 person automatic tent is $100 a week. It used to be $120, but there is a discount this week. W: That’s way out of my price range. I can afford about $50 to $60. I guess I’ll have to go with the manual tent. I’ll rent the manual one for one week. M: 4인용 자동 ����� 주당 ���달러입니다. 원� ��� 달러였��� 지금 세일 중입니다. W: 제 예산���� ��무 벗어��요. ��~6�달러 사���� 보고 있습니다. 수동 ���를 사�� ��요. 수동 �� ��� �� 주세요. M: Ok. Your tent will be ready soon. The price is $60. Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card? M: 알�습니다. 곧 준비해 드리�습니다. �격�� 6�달 러입니다. 신용카드�� �시�습니까 �니면 현금� �� 지불�시�습니까? W: I would like to pay in cash. W: 현금��� 지불��습니다.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 246 12/1/09 2:21:57 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? 12 ① The cobra can spread its neck to make itself look bigger. ② The cobra never intimidates a human being. ③ The cobra is the most poisonous and dangerous kind of snake. ④ The cobra likes to rest in the cool place. enlarge 확대�다 threaten 위협�다 intimidate 위협�다 W: Who would not be afraid of a cobra once they see it? A cobra refers to an African or Asian poisonous snake that can enlarge the skin of its neck to make itself look bigger. When they are threatened or when they want to intimidate, they rear up and spread their neck. The name originated from cobra de capello, which means snake with hood in Portuguese. Of all the snakes in West Malaysia, the cobra is the most dangerous and poisonous. This snake prefers cool places along the many streams. There they relax, especially in the afternoon. W: �� �브라를 보고 무��워�지 않��까요? �브라 �� �프리카� �시��� 사�� 독성�� 지닌 뱀인��� �� 뱀�� 목부분�� 늘려�� � 크� 보��� �니다. 위협�� 받거� �대를 위협할 ���� ��들�� 일어��� 목�� 펼�니다. ‘�브라’ 라�� 말�� ��투갈어�� 후 드를 �� 뱀��라고 �니다. ��쪽 말레��시��� 있 �� 뱀들 중 ��� 위험�� 뱀�� �브라입니다. 많�� 시내를 따라 시원�� 곳�� ���니다. �� 오후�� �곳���� 쉬� �니다. 13 Which best describes the woman’s speech? Which best describes the woman’s speech? 여자의 연설을 가장 알맞게 묘사하는 것은? ① Everybody will have a better future. ② One must endure pain on the journey to their destination. ③ The meaning of happiness varies from one person to another. ④ Live life now, not the future. frustrated 좌���� deface 훼손 W: 오늘 제� 강조�고 싶�� ���� �리� �� ��부�� ‘지금’��라�� ��입니다. 내일 여� 있�� 거라�� 보�� �� �� 사람�� �무도 없습니다. �지만 ��� 많�� 사람들�� 미�를 위해�� 현� 행복�� 다른 곳�� 두 �� 사람들�� 많�� � �습니다. �론�� 목표를 달성 �면 행복해 질 수 있습니다. �지만 �리� 행복해 �� 할 곳�� 목표점 뿐만�� �니라 목표를 향해 ��� 여�도 ��되어�� �니다. ‘지금’ ��� 삽시다. � 리�� 결과� 어떻든�� 무엇�� �든 행복해�� �니다. �실된 행복��� ��� 길�� 현���의 연결입니다. 현�� ��� ��� 선�입니다. W: One thing I’d like to emphasize here today is “now” is all we have got. None of us has a guarantee that we’ll be here again tomorrow. However, I’ve seen many people who have been putting off their happiness until sometime in the future. Of course, it would be great if we can be happy when we reach our destination. But the destination should not be the only place where we should feel happy but also the journey we take to get to our destination. Let’s live in the now. We must enjoy whatever we do, and not just for the result. The key to true happiness relies on involvement with the present. Remember the present is the best present. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 247 12/1/09 2:21:58 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Question & Answer Audio Script translation 14 Which question is the speaker trying to answer? Which question is the speaker trying to answer? 화자는 어떤 질문에 대해 대답하고 있는가? ① What are the conveniences due to cell phones? health? ② Why is the cell phone harmful to one’s ③ What are the inconveniences that cell phones bring to us? ④ What is good etiquette in using electronic devices? disrupt 방해�다 handiness 편리� rudeness 무례� electronic devices ��자�� M: Who would argue that cell phones have not made our life convenient? However, it is true that they also create a lot of inconveniences. Every day you can encounter a bunch of the people who don’t know where to draw the line between handiness and rudeness. For instance, playing games on their phones without turning off the sound disrupts others in public places. It is not only me who’s had enough of beeping and blasting sounds on the way home after a long hard day of work. What’s even worse is there are many people who invite us into their very private and personal conversation in public places. I think everyone surely understands how annoying this is. M: �대폰�� �리의 ��� 향�시�다�� ���� 대해 논 쟁�� �일 사람�� 어디 있��까요? �지만 많�� 불 편�� 초���다�� ��도 사실입니다. 매일 핸드폰�� 유용�� ��인지 무례�� ��인지 모��� 많�� 사람들 �� 보� �니다. 예�� 소리를 끄지 않고 폰 �임�� ��� ���� 많�� 사람들�� 방해�니다. 바쁜 일과를 �치고 ��� ��� 길�� 시끄러운 삑뻑 소리들�� 듣 �� 사람�� � 말고도 많�� ��입니다. � 심��� �� �� 많�� 사람들�� 공공��소���� 자신의 사적인 대 ��� 다른 사람들�� 자꾸 초대��다�� ��입니다. � �� 많�� 사람들�� ������ 얼�� 짜증���지 알 거 라고 생��니다. 16 15 What does the man mean by “Keep your chin up”? What does the man mean by “Keep your chin up”? 남자가 말한 “Keep your chin up”의 의미는? ② To remain joyful in a tough situation. M: Hey. You look very depressed. What M: ���. 슬퍼 보���. 무�� 일 있었어? happened to you? W: I got caught trespassing on other W: 다른 사람 소유지�� 무� �입 �다� 걸렸어. 어제 ���� 경����� ��� �어. ① Be patient. ③ Look out for danger. ④ Always stay alert. trespass �입 property 소유� people’s property. I had to go to the police station yesterday. M: Why did you do that? Did you break into the house? Why did you do such a thing? W: No. I was late for my soccer match, and I had to go through a short cut so that my coach wouldn’t yell at me. He’s mad at me now anyways. M: You shouldn’t go into other people’s yards just like that. You are now in high school not elementary school. W: Anyway, now the police are going to call my parents and tell them what happened. M: � ��어? 남�� ��� 몰� 들어 � 거��? � �런 짓�� �� 거��? W: �니. 어제 내� 축� 시��� 늦어�� 감독����� 소 리 듣지 않�려고 지�길�� 통해�� ��� �어. 어쨌 든 ��� ���� �� � 있거든. M: ��� 다른 사람들의 �원 뒤뜰�� 들어�면 안�. ���� 초등학�� �닌 고등학��� 다니잖�. W: 어찌�든�� 경��� 부모����� ���해�� 무�� 일�� 일어���지 말��대. M: Really? That’s why you look so M: �말? ���� �� ��� �울해 보���� ��. depressed.  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 248 12/1/09 2:22:00 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What will the man probably say next? ① Thank you so much. I’ll get you the shirt that you always wanted. What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ② Why don’t you pick me up first? W: I heard you are throwing a party W: 내일 �티를 ��다며? 무�� 일����? ③ I’m not going anywhere with you. ④ I’m glad I could help you out like this, and I’ll be waiting for your souvenirs. throw a party �티를 �다 on the way to ~�� ��� 길�� W: I’m still going to the soccer camp with my friends. I’ve just got to deal with my parents today. They will be mad about what happened. W: ��도 난 친�들�고 축� 캠프�� 갈 거��. 오늘만 �들�고 있�면 �. �들�� 무�� 일�� 일어���지 알면 �날 거��. M: Keep your chin up! Good things will M: �운내�� ��� 일들�� 일어날 거��. happen to you too. W: Now I’ve learned my lesson. I’m never going into other people’s property. W: ��제 �훈�� 얻었어. 난 ��제 다른 사람의 소유지�� ��대�� 들어�지 않�� 거��. tomorrow! What’s it for? M: I’m throwing my little brother his birthday party. He was admitted to Harvard last week, and I promised him that I will. W: That’s so great! I’m so happy for your brother. I know he worked really hard for his admittance. What other schools was he admitted to? M: Harvard was his only admittance. All the other schools did not approve him. He was really worried. W: Really? That’s very ironic. I guess only the finest school sees the finest student. Where is he? I want to congratulate him for the excellent work he did. M: Thanks. He’s at his friend’s house now. He’ll be back here tomorrow with his friends. W: He deserves to have some time off. Do you need any help for the party tomorrow? I can drive you from place to place. I recently got my driver’s license, and I love driving now. M: Oh, did you? I’m not sure. I don’t want to risk my life on the way to the supermarket. M: 내 남동생 생일 �티 열어 주려고. 지난 주�� �� 드���� 입학 허���를 받았거든. 큰 �티를 열어주 ��� ���어. W: �말 �다�� 내� ��무 �분�� �다. �격�� 위해�� 얼�� 노력���지 내� 알지. 다른 학�들�� 어디 �어? M: ��드만 붙었어. 다른 학�들�� 다 허락�� �지 않 았거든. ���� �청 걱��었어. W: �말? 좀 모순적���. ��� ��� 학�만 ��� ��� 학생들�� 알�보� �. 어디 있어? �격�� 거 축� 해 주고 싶���. M: 고�워. 지금 걔 친� ��� 있어. 내일 친�들���� 여��� 올 거��. W: 걔�� 쉴 자격�� 있어. 내일 �티 ��문�� 도��� 필 요해? 내� ��곳 �곳 �려다 �� 수 있어. 최��� 운��면허증 따�� 지금 운����� 거 ��해. M: ��? � 모��다. 슈퍼�켓 ��� 길�� 내 목숨�� 걸고 싶지 않���. W: Fine! I’ll see you tomorrow then. W: ���� 내일 � ��. M: I was kidding. My brother needs to be picked up from his friend’s house. Can you pick him up then? I have no M: ��난����. 내 동생�� 내일 친� ����� 올 �� �� �리러 ��� 되���. 내일 �러면 걔 좀 �려다 �� 수 있어? 난 지금 �티 준비를 시작해�� 무지 바�. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 249 12/1/09 2:22:02 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation time because I have to get ready for the party and I’m just starting. W: OK. When do I have to pick him up W: ��. �러면 언제 내� 걔를 픽업해�� 되지? by? Albany library? M: Can you be there by 10 a.m. at the M: 오�� ��시까지 알바니 도��관�� � �� 수 있어? 01 W: The Albany library is far! It takes 30 minutes by car from my place. 리��. W: 알바니 도��관�� �청 멀어�� �리 ����� 3�분 거 M: Please. I would do it if you asked me. I will buy you something nice when I shop for my brother. M: 부탁����. �� ���테 부탁��면 난 들어 ��� 거 ��. 내일 내� 동생 선� 사면�� ��도 � 사���. W: Fine. See you tomorrow then. W: ��. �� 내일 보자. M: Thank you so much. I’ll get you the shirt that you always wanted. M: 고�워. �� 항� 원�던 � �츠 사다���. 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 결론에 올 수 있는 말로 가장 적절한 것은? M: Ask yourself if you can’t get your M: 사무실���� 오랜 시� 스�레스 받�� 일�� �고 � �� �����까지 일 생��� 벗어�� 수 없��지 스스 ① work becomes their number one priority in life. ② work has serious disadvantages. ③ work is a burden. ④ workaholics often spend much time with their family. attractive 매력적인 exposure 노� ultra violet 자외선 ����� �어보�라. 만� ��다면�� ����� 당신�� 일 중독���� 고통�� 받고 있다�� 첫 ��째 신호��다. 사람들�� ��런 행동�� ��� 사람들�� 일 중독자라 고 부른다. �들�� 자신들�� 일�� 얼�� 많�� 시 ��� 쏟고 있��지 �지도 않고 끊임없�� 일�� ��다. 일 중독자들�� 다른 사람�� ����� 술�� 중독 된 ���� �들의 일�� 중독되어 있다. 당신�� (문제��) �면�거� ��끼려 �지 않�� 방법�� �고 있거� 고통�� 걱� ���� 감�들�� 돌보� 위해 스스�� 치료 ��� 방법�� �고 있다. 어떤 사람들�� 지�치� 일 �� �지만 �들의 일�� 즐�지 않��다. 만� �들�� 일�� �지 않��다면 �들�� 불안�거� 걱��� 할 ����다. �들�� �무��도 �지 않고 �� 있�� ���� �어��다. 예를 들어 ��런 사람들�� 일�� ����� ��� �선 순위� 높다. mind off the work you brought home after long hours of stressful work at the office. If your answer is yes, it is the first sign that you may be suffering from workaholism. People used to call people who embraced this sort of behavior workaholics. They work constantly without measuring the amount of time they put into their jobs. Workaholics are as addicted to their work as other people are to drugs or alcohol. You are seeking a way of not having to look at or feel things or just to self-medicate to take care of pain, anxiety, or feelings. Some people over work but don’t enjoy their work. If they don’t work, they feel nervous and anxious. They hate to sit and do nothing. For such people, work becomes their number one priority in life. 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 250 12/1/09 2:22:03 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which car is the man going to rent? Which car is the man going to rent? 남자가 빌리려는 자동차는 어느 것인가? 01 Answer key & Script 20 ① ③ ② ④ credit information 신용 �보 approve 승낙�다 W: Welcome to HOLIDAY RENT A CAR service. How may I help you? 도��드�까요? W: 홀리��� 렌터카�� 오신 ���� 환영�니다. 무엇�� M: I’m sorry for such a rush but I need a car right now. Would that be possible? M: ���� 급�� 죄송�니다만 차� 지금 당�� 필요� 니다. �능할까요? W: Yes, sir. First, we need to check your credit information before we rent you a car. �니다. W: �. 차를 대여해 드리� ���� 신용 �보를 조�해�� M: Ok. Here’s my ID. How long does it take to rent a car? My car broke down and I have an important business meeting to attend. W: Your credit record has been approved. If you would like to rent a limousine, you need to wait for three days. For other cars, you can drive away simply by signing a few forms. M: � 여� 제 신분증��요. 자동차를 대여�려면 얼� � 오� 걸리�요? 지금 중요�� 비즈니스 �의�� 참석해�� ���� 제 차� 고���� ���요. W: 신용 조�� 완료 후 �리 되었습니다. 리무��� 빌 리신다면 3일�� �다리��� �니다. 다른 차들�� �� �지 ���들�� ���만 �시면 바�� 대여 �실 수 있습니다. M: Okay. Thank you. M: �. 감사�니다. W: How long are you planning to use the W: 얼�� 오� 동안 차를 쓸 예���신 �요? car? M: I’m not sure. I’ll probably be able to fix my car right after this meeting. I’ll rent it for a week. W: Which car would you like to rent? We have four kinds of cars available at this branch. M: � 모��습니다. �� 비즈니스 �의� 끝�고 고칠 수 있�� �� ��요. �주일 동안 대여를 ��습니다. W: 어떤 차를 대여�시�습니까? �� 대여점���� 4� 지 �류의 차� 있습니다. M: I don’t mind which car I take. Which M: 무�� 자동차를 �져 �든 �관 없습니다. ��� �렴 car is the cheapest one? �� 차� 무엇인�요? W: The blue four-door sedan is the cheapest one available, but it’s the oldest one we have too. I suggest you take the red two-door sports car. It is the second cheapest one we have. W: �란색 4도어 세��� ��� �렴�� �니다만 ��� 오�된 차입니다. �� 빨강색 �도어 스�츠카�� 어 떠신�요? 두 ��째�� �렴�� 차입니다. M: What about the gray SUV beside the M: 빨�색 ���� 있�� �색 �UV�� 어떠세요? W: Well, it’s the most expensive one we W: ��� � 차�� 여� 지점�� 있�� 차들 중 ��� 비싼 차 red one? have in store. M: All right. My car was an SUV so I thought it would be easier to drive a similar vehicle. I’ll take the red one. 입니다. M: ��요. 제 차� �UV여�� 비슷�� 차량�� 빌리�� � ��� �� �았어요. 빨�색 차�� 주세요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 251 12/1/09 2:22:05 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation W: Thank you for choosing our rent a car service. Your car will be ready soon. W: �� 렌터카 ��비스를 사용해 주��� 감사�니다. 차�� 잠시 후 준비 �� 거예요. What is Mr. Sullivan's profession? What is Mr. Sullivan's profession? Sullivan 씨의 직업은? M: It is my honor to introduce our M: 오늘의 �조 연설자를 소개�� 되어 영광입니다. 여러분���� � 알고 �시�� H��b��� �u����iv�n 씨입 02 ① Librarian ② Newspaper editor ③ Economic expert ④ Network newscaster nationwide ��국적��� be determined to ~�� 할 의지� 있다 regular fixture �골 (자주 오�� 사람) attribute (~의) 덕분��� 돌리다 engagement �� 니다. �의 주� 칼� “스�� �니”�� ���개 ��� 의 신문�� 연�되고 있습니다. �의 최� ���인 “7 �� 성공비결”�� ��국 ��점���� �제� 되고 있습 니다. �리고 지난 해부터 텔레비���� 고� �연� 고 �십니다. 제� 말씀 드리�� 텔레비���� PTC 텔 레비��의 “뉴스 논평” 입니다. �u����iv�n 씨�� 최� 의 경제 동향�� 일반 시민의 개인 ���� 미치�� 영 향�� 대해�� 논평�� 요청 받고 있습니다. ��� �의 성공�� 도��관���� 열심�� 공부�� ��문��라고 � 니다. �u����iv�n 씨�� 도��관���� 말�� �부� 제공 ��� ��� 중요�� 공공시설��라고 보고 있습니다. ��� 여러 �지�� 도��관�� 지원��� 활동�� �고 �시며 오늘 강연도 보수를 받�려 �지 않습니다. �u����iv�n 씨��� 뜨거운 환영�� 보냅시다. 04 keynote speaker. Most of you are very familiar with Herbert Sullivan. His syndicated weekly column, “Smart Money," is carried by more than 100 newspapers. His latest book, The Seven Steps to Prosperity, is featured at bookstores nationwide. And since last year, he has regularly appeared on TV. I’m referring to the PTC television network’s “News in Review”, where he is often asked to comment on how the latest economic events will affect the personal finances of the general population. He attributes his success to his diligent efforts to study in libraries. And he feels that libraries are one of the most important public services that government provides. He works to support them in many ways, and he would not accept any payment for his speaking engagement here today. Please give a warm welcome to Mr. Herbert Sullivan. 03 What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the relationship between the speakers? 화자들은 어떤 관계인가? ① A ticket agent – A traveler ② A police officer – A passenger ③ A duty free clerk – A traveler ④ A custom officer – A passenger declare 신고�다 spouse 배�자 ranch 목�� pasture 목초지  Hot Listening ❹ W: Would you please put your luggage here? May I see your passport, please? Thank you. How long are you staying here? W: 여행�방 좀 올려주시�습니까? 여권�� 볼 수 있�� 까요? 고맙습니다. ��곳�� 얼�� �실 겁니까? M: There you are. My family is going to spend three nights in Hawaii and then go on to Los Angeles, California. 겁니다. M: 여권 여� 있습니다. �� �족들�� ��������� 3 일 밤�� 지내고 캘리�니�의 ��스엔젤레스�� 갈 W: Well, do you have anything to W: ��� 신고�실 다른 ���� 있�십니까? M: No, I don’t think so. I have nothing to M: �니요. 없��거 ��요. ��제 신고 할 ���� 없습니다. declare? declare. Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 252 12/1/09 2:22:07 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the woman’s personality? What is the woman’s personality? 여자는 어떤 성격인가? 04 ① Extravagant ② Stingy ③ Diligent ④ Humorous incredibly 터무니없�� certainly 틀림없�� imported products 수입제품 extravagant 낭비��� stingy 인색�� W: How many family members are W: ���� 여행�� 동반��� �족�� �� �인�요? traveling with you? M: There are four of us, my spouse and M: � ��� ��� 여행�니다. 제 부인과 �들 두 �과 two children and myself. �입니다. W: Have you been on a farm, ranch or W: ���� 여행 중�� 농���� 목�� ���� 목초지를 다녀온 pasture on this trip? 적�� 있�요? M: No, we have’t. M: �니요. 방문�� 적 없습니다. W: Are you bringing any gifts for W: 미국�� ������ �� 선��� �져오��요? anybody here in the United States? M: Well, this book is a present for my M: ��� 친�를 위해 �� ��� �져�지만 �� 다입니다. friend, but that’s all. W: I see. Any other small items - W: 알�습니다. 다른 작�� 품목의 시�� 보석류�� 없 watches or jewelry? �요? M: No. These are just personal things. M: �니요. 개인적인 ��들입니다. W: Okay, sir. I don’t see anything unusual. You can go now. Have a nice trip. W: 알�습니다. 별 문제�� 없어 보�����요. ��도 � 습니다. 즐거운 여행 되세요. W: Wow, what a nice dress! I think I’ll buy W: ���� ��� 드레스인��� ��거 사���어. this dress. M: But you already have three black dresses and several accessories. M: �지만 �� ��� 검�� 드레스� 세 개�� �� 개의 액 세��리도 있잖�. W: Yeah, but this one is from the New York Fashion Show. I have been looking for ward to buying it. W: 응. �지만 ��� 뉴욕패션����� 온 거��. ��거 사 � 위해 �다렸� 말����. M: Look at the price. It’s incredibly expensive! I can’t afford them. M: �� �격 좀 �. ��거 터무니없�� 비싸다. 난 ������ �� 여유� 안�. W: I don’t care. I want it. Oh, look at that jacket. That would be perfect to wear with this dress, wouldn’t it? M: It certainly is expensive enough! Where do you get all the money? W: I use my credit card… buy now, worry about paying later! I need to find a pair of shoes to finish my new outfit. I love imported products. M: I think you’re crazy spending all this money on designer clothes. You can get similar clothes in a department store. You’ll be broke if you buy all this! W: �관없어. 사고 싶어. � 자켓 좀 �. �� 드레스�� 입�면 �말 � 어울� �� ��. ��지 않니? M: �말 ��무 비싸다. �� 돈�� 모두 어디�� ��려고? W: 신용카드�� 지금 �� 거��. 돈�� 다음�� 걱�해��지. 새 옷�� �� 신발 �� 켤레 �����어. 수입 제품 �� ��무 ��. M: 디자���� 의류 사��� ��무 지�치� 소비�� 거 ��. 백�점���� 비슷�� 옷�� �할 수 있잖�. ��거 다사 면 �� 빈털터리 �� 거��. W: I don’t shop in department stores! W: 난 백�점���� ��� 안 해. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 253 12/1/09 2:22:08 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the people mainly talking about? 사람들이 주로 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? 06 05 What are the people mainly talking about? ① They are talking about the travel information. ② They are talking about the vacation ③ They are talking about the weather plan. forecast. ④ They are talking about the differences in weather between provinces. changeable 변�� 쉬운 thermometer 온도� distinct 다른 autumnal tints ��� 빛 maple trees �풍�무 M: You look so cold. What’s up? M: �� 추워 보인다. 무�� 일����? W: I have a cold. It’s not serious, but W: 감� 걸렸어. 심��� 않지만 �끔씩 콧����� � sometimes I’ve got a runny nose and cough. ��� ���. M: I’m sorry to hear that. Actually, we have very changeable weather in fall. In the daytime, we feel hot, but in the evening, we feel very cold and chilly. So it’s very easy for us to catch a cold due to that kind of weather. M: �거 안�다. 사실 ������� ��무 날씨� 불규칙해. 낮���� 덥고 밤���� 춥고 �슬�슬해. �런 날씨 �� 문�� 감� 걸리� �주 쉽지. W: It’s quite chilly today. What’s the W: 오늘 �말�� 춥다. ��도��? temperature? M: Let me look at the thermometer. M: 온도� 좀 볼�. �씨 ��도��. �러니까 섭씨 ��도 It’s 50 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s 10 degrees Centigrade. 지. W: It’s easy to know it’s fall! We really have four distinct seasons, don’t we? It was quite hot, a few weeks ago and suddenly today I feel cold. M: That’s right. I heard the weather forecast today. Winter will come earlier than usual this year. In a couple of weeks, we will see the first snow at Mt. Sorak. W: Really, I was thinking about going there for a weekend next month, one weekend to see the maple trees. I heard that Mt. Sorak is one of the most famous places in Korea. M: You are right, but I don’t think it’s a good idea going there on a weekend next month. The traffic will be really heavy. It’s always busy this time of year. change my plans. M: Anyway, Gangwon Province has the most beautiful autumnal tints of maple trees. The trees become red and yellow, and it looks like a mountain on fire. You should go and enjoy the beautiful views. W: ���인지 알� 쉽���� 여��� �말 뚜렷�� 4��� ����. ��지? �� 주 ��엔 �말�� �웠��� 오늘 갑자� 추워. M: ��. 오늘 일�예보 들었어. �� 주 안�� 겨울�� 올 해보다 일찍 올 거�. �린 설악산���� 첫눈�� 볼 거��. W: �말? 다음달 주말 동안 거� ��� 거 생��고 있 었���. 주말 �� 주 �풍�무 보�� 거. 설악산�� �� 국���� 유��� 산 중�� ��라고 들었어. M: ��. �지만 다음달 주말�� 거� ��� � ��� 생 ���라고 생� �지 않��대. �통�� 혼��거든. 일 년 중 �� 시�엔 언제� 붐벼. M: 어쨌든. 강원도의 �풍�무�� ��� ��다운 ��� 빛�� �지고 있어. �무들�� 빨갛고 노랗고 산�� 불 �� 난 ���� 보��거든. ��� ��다운 경치를 감� ��� � ��� 거��. W: Yes, you’re right. Maybe I’d better W: �� ��. �획�� 바꾸�� � ��다. 07  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 254 12/1/09 2:22:10 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 How many reference books should the students look at? How many reference books should the students look at? 학생이 봐야 하는 참고 문헌의 수는? ① One or two ② Three ③ More than five ④ A minimum of six novelist 소설� assume ~�� 추측��다 reference 참고 문헌 handwritten 손��� 쓴 M: 봄 방학 ��후 난 여러분�� 완성된 논문�� 제� 할 거라고 �대�고 있습니다. 알다시피 여러분�� ����년과 ����년 사���� 있었던 소설��� 대해 �� �� 할겁니다. ��미 여러분의 주제들�� 대�� 자료� 담� ��� ��러 도��관�� 갔었�� 거라고 추측� 니다. ��두 개의 자료���� 충분�지 않습니다. 작� �� 대해 다른 관점�� 보고 싶�� ����� ��문�� 자료 들�� � ��� 필요� 있습니다. 주제�� 최소 6개의 참고문헌 중 최소 3개의 �널 수준의 참고문헌��� 입증되어�� �니다. 논문�� ���� ��� 되어�� �고 반드시 인쇄되어�� �니다. 자필 논문�� 원�지 않 습니다. �끔 �� 어렵� ��문입니다. 논문�� ��미 시작 되어�� ��의 ��부를 도��관의 문학��적부�� �� 보�� 필요 없�를 바랍니다. 여�튼�� 즐거운 봄 방학 보내시길 바랍니다. M: After spring vacation I expect you to turn in your completed research paper. As you know you may write on any novelist who lived between 1850 and 1900. I assumed you have gone to the library already and looked for books containing information about your subject. One or two sources is not enough. You need to read more sources, because you will want to read different points of view on your novelist. Your topic presentation should be supported by at least six references total with at least three journal quality references. Your paper should be more than ten pages long, and it must be typed. I don’t want any handwritten papers because sometimes they are too hard to read. I hope all of you have begun writing your papers already so you won’t have to spend the entire vacation in the literature section of the library. In any case, try to have a good spring vacation. 07 What is the main topic of the lecture? What is the main topic of the lecture? 이 강의의 주제는 무엇인가? ① A traditional method of sleeping ② The mechanism of electric fans ③ The misconception of fan death ④ How air conditioners can affect our health suffocation 질식사 hypothermia �체온증 carbon dioxide ��산�탄소 air conditioners ��어컨 M: Fan death is the belief that if M: “F�n D���h”란 �힌 공����� 선풍�를 틀고 자면 죽�� ���� 일컫�� 말입니다. ��국������ ������ 사 someone is sleeping in a sealed room with an electric fan on, they could die. It is one of the most widely held beliefs in South Korea, but it is not true. There are three main reasons behind this fallacy. Many people believe that people die from hypothermia, suffocation, and high levels of carbon dioxide during fan death. However there is no scientific evidence to prove a fan’s deadly effects. If a fan is blowing in a sealed room then it may cause the body temperature to cool down to cause hypothermia. It is an interesting theory but it is not plausible that fans are cool 실��라고 알려져 있지만�� 사실�� �닙니다. �� � 못된 �식�� 대�� 세 �지 ��� 만�� ��유� 있습니 다. 많�� 사람들�� F�n ����h�� 죽�� ��유�� �체 온증�� 질식사�� �리고 높�� ��산�탄소의 양�� �� 세 �지 ��유들�� �고 있습니다. �지만 선풍�의 �� 인적인 �과를 증�할 과학적인 증거들�� 뒷받�되 지 않고 있습니다. 선풍�� 방���� 돌��고 있다 면 몸�� 시원�� �여 온도� 내려� �체온증�� 걸� 수 있다고 �니다. ������ 흥미��운 ��론입니 다만 선풍�� ��� 시원�다�� ���� �� 어렵 습니다. �를 ���� 많�� 사람들�� ��어컨�� 켜� 고 자지만 죽�� 사람�� 없습니다. 두 ��째���� 선풍 �를 얼��� 쐴 �� �공��를 유도�여 질식�� 된다고 ���� ���� ���� 과학적인 증거� 없습니다. �지���� ��산�탄소의 양�� 밀폐된 공����� 증 ���다�� ���� 사실입니다. �지만 선풍�� �� 과 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 255 12/1/09 2:22:11 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation ��� � 증폭시킨다�� ���� 사실�� �닙니다. enough to cause hypothermia. Many people, including me, sleep with air conditioners on but nobody dies from it. Secondly, people believe that the fan causes a vacuum around one’s face and causes them to suffocate, but again this has not been proved scientifically. Finally, it is true that the level of carbon dioxide increases when one breathes in a sealed room. However, it is not true that fans cause the increase in the level of carbon dioxide. 09 08 Why is the man going to Pick n’ Save instead of Kohl’s? Why is the man going to Pick n’ Save instead of Kohl’s? 왜 남자는 Kohl 대신에 Pick n’ Save에 가는가? ① Because the man needs to pick up some more soda and wine coolers ② Because many people will come to his over this afternoon? party ③ Because Kohl’s might be out of stock ④ Because the man wants to get some guacamole dip RSVP(Réponez s’il vous plait = Reply, if you pease) �답�� 바람 guacamole dip 과카몰리 (�보카도 (�voc��o)를 �깨어 토�토·양�·양념�� � �� 멕시� 소스·샐러드) M: So, what time is everybody coming M: ���� 오늘 오후 �� 시쯤�� 모두 다 온�? W: We said 4 o’clock for pre-game refreshments because the game starts at 5. W: 경�� �시�� 시작�니까 �리�� 4시�� 식�� 행사 다과를 ��다고 �잖�. M: How many people RSVP? M: �� �의 사람�� 참석��다고 답���니? W: I got RSVPs from 24 people. We sent out 40 invitations. I’m not sure how many people will come exactly. ��어. W: 온다고 답���� 사람들�� �4�����. �리�� 초대�� �� 4��� 보냈어. �확�� �� �의 사람들�� 올 지 모 M: Hmmm. I need to run to the store and pick up some more soda and wine coolers. I think we have enough beer, don’t you think? M: 흠. 빨리 �점�� ��� ��의 청량 음료�� ��인 냉 ��고를 사���어. 맥주�� �리��� 충분�� 있다고 생������� ��지? W: Yeah, I think so. What store are you W: 응�� 충분�� 있어. 어�� �점��� 갈 거니? Pick n' going to? Pick n’ Save? ��v�? M: Yeah. I think Kohl’s is out of everything right now. Yesterday when I was there, the store was so crowded, I couldn’t even move. Everyone was getting ready for today. What else do we need? W: At Pick n’ Save, could you stop by the deli counter and get some guacamole dip? I’m afraid I don’t have enough, and I don’t have time to make some. M: 응. 내 생����� 지금 Koh��'s�� 모든 � 다 팔렸�� 거��. 어제 내� 거��� 갔었�� ���� �점�� 매� 혼 ��어. 심지어 ��일 수도 없었어. 모든 사람들�� 오늘�� 위해 준비�고 있었어. �밖�� �� � 필요 �지? W: Pick n' ��v����� 빵 �열대�� 들려�� 과카몰리 딥 좀 사다 �� 수 있니? 모자를 까� 걱��� 되고�� 만 들 시�도 없어��. M: Sure. Anything else? M: ��. 다른 거 필요�� � 없니? W: Oh yeah. Stop by Cousin’s Sandwich Shop and see if the 16 foot sub is W: 오�� Cousin's ��n�wich ���� 들려�� �6풋 샌드 위치� 준비 되었��지 알� � ���. 금요일�� 주  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 256 12/1/09 2:22:13 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 09 What will the man probably do next? ① The man will leave the party to finish his assignment. on his project. ② The man will stay with his friends to work ③ The man will announce the homework to the rest of the class. ④ The man will go to sleep. assignment 과제 underprivileged 혜택 받지 못��� 사람들(�난��) rocket science 어려운 과학 linguistics 언어학 fundraiser 모금운동 ready. I ordered it on Friday, and it should be ready now. 문 �고�� 지금�� 준비 되었어�� �거든. M: Wow!! A 16 foot sub? I hope our M: ������ �6 풋 샌드위치라고? 친�들�� 배고프길 바�. friends are hungry. What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은? M: Wow. The party’s amazing. I can stay up as long as this party goes on! How did you plan such a party like this? W: I didn’t plan it myself. My friends and I got together to plan this four weeks ago. It was more like a group project than just a party. M: What’s this party for? I just couldn’t care to ask because I’m having so much fun! M: ���. �티� 멋져. �티� ��되�� �� �� �무 를 수 있어. 어떻� ��런 멋� �티를 �획�니? W: 내� �획�� ���� �니��. 친��� ��� 4주 ���� �� �티를 위해 모였어. �냥 �티� �니라 �룹 프�� 젝� �았어. 도 없었어. M: 무엇�� 위�� �티��? ��무 �미있어�� �어볼 수 W: It’s a fundraiser for the W: 남�프리카의 혜택�� 받지 못��� ���들�� 위�� underprivileged kids in South Africa. �금 모금 �티��. M: Wow. I always thought it will be boring to help other people, but now I think the opposite! W: Last year, we prepared a movie night instead of seminars and lectures which was fun, but we knew that something was missing. Now, we know what everybody loves. Music and dancing. M: I remember that. Not many people came to see the movie. But I came to see you guys, remember? W: Sure. You got caught trying to sneak in, didn’t you? That’s why I never forget your face. M: Let’s forget about it and have some fun. Why are you guys sitting down? W: I’m just so tired from all the assignments that were due this morning. I had to plan the party at the same time, and I had no time to sleep. M: ��. 난 항� 남�� 돕�� ���� 지겨울 거라고 생�� ����� 완���� 반대�. W: 작년�� �리�� 강의�� 세미� 대신 �미있었던 무 비 ����를 준비���� 무언� 부족�다고 ��꼈어. ��제 �리�� 모든 ��� ����� � 뭔지 알�. 음 악과 춤. M: �억해. 많지 않�� 사람들�� �� 영�를 보러 �어. �지만 난 ���들�� 보러 �어. �억�지? W: �론����. 몰� 들어오려다 걸리지 않았니? ���� 잊�� 수� 없어. M: 잊어�리고 �미있�� 시��� 보내자. � �� 있어? W: 오늘 �� �감��었던 �제 ��문�� ��무 피�해. � 티�� ��� 준비해�� 해�� 거의 잠�� 자지 못�어. M: What assignments? Are you talking M: 무�� �제? 언어학 �제 말����? �월 ��일�� �감 about the linguistics assignment? Isn’t it due on the 20th of August? �� �니��? W: Actually, the professor is leaving for Switzerland so he demanded the W: �수���� 스위스�� ���� 해�� �의 ���� ��일 까지 올려 �길 요���어. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 257 12/1/09 2:22:14 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation papers be on his desk by the 15th. M: Shoot! I better go home and finish M: ��럴 수�. 지금 당�� ��� ��� �걸 끝내���다. that first. I can’t repeat another year at this college! 여� �� 일 년�� � 있�� 수�� 없지. W: Sorry for telling you this so late. It’s W: ��무 늦� 말해�� 미안해. ��무 어려운 일�� �니니 not rocket science so you’ll finish it in no time. 금방 끝�� 수 있�� 거��. 11 What are the speakers mainly discussing? What are the speakers mainly discussing? 화자들이 이야기 하고 있는 주제는 무엇인가? 10 ① They are talking about the reason why the man hates movies. ② They are discussing the way to get to the cinema. ③ They are discussing what not to do when going to movies or musicals. ④ They are talking about how fun the movies were. M: How was the movie tonight? I know you have been waiting for this movie for a very long time. You don’t look that happy though. M: 오늘밤 영��� 어땠어? �� 영�를 위해 매� 오� �다렸다고 알고 있��� ��� �뻐 보��지 않�. W: Something happened at the theatre, W: 극������ 무�� 일�� 있었��� ��무 �� �어. M: Why? What happened? Didn’t you M: �? 무�� 일인�? 영�를 즐길 수 없었니? and I’m furious with it. enjoy the movie? villain 악�� W: I couldn’t enjoy the movie. When W: 즐길 수 없었어. �� ���� �다리��� �영관���� � 온 남자� 큰 소리�� 엔딩�� ���어. I was waiting in line, a man was coming out of the screening room and talking about the ending aloud. M: What a jerk! I can’t believe that someone would do such thing on purpose. W: It’s not that he did it on purpose. He just happened to be right next to me when he was talking to his friend. I heard the ending of their conversation. I was just unlucky I guess. Other people seemed to enjoy the movie just fine. M: That happened to me once but not in a cinema. I went to see a horror musical. I called my friend to see if he wanted to come with me, but he told me who the secret villain was instead. He thought it would be funny, but it’s really annoying when that happens. M: �말 �쁜 사람����� ��� �런 일�� 고의�� �� 다니 ��� 수 없어. W: �� 일부러 �런 � �니��. �� �의 친��� �� ��� 할 �� 내� ���� 있었어. � 대�의 �지� 부 분�� 들었고. 내� 좀 운�� 없었던 �� ��. 다른 사 람들�� �냥 영�를 즐겼어. M: ���테도 �� �� �런 일�� 있었어. ������ 호러 뮤 지컬�� 보려고 친���� ��� 갈까 �었��� 대신 �� � 앤 �� 악당인지 말해 주었지. ��� �말 � 미있�다고 생���지만 �런 일�� 있�면 �말 ��무 짜증�. W: Right. W: ��. M: That’s why I don’t ask him to go to M: ���� ���� 연극��� 콘����� 뮤지컬�� 심지어�� any kind of play, concerts, musicals, or even movies. 영�도 보러 �자고 �지 않지. W: I didn’t know you were that sensitive, W: �� ��� 예민��지 몰랐��� � 친�를 �말 �  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 258 12/1/09 2:22:16 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation but it sounds like you really hate him. 어��� �� ���. M: Pretty much. I think people should M: 꽤. 난 사람들�� 영�� 뮤지컬�� 관해 지켜�� 할 have some manners when it comes to movies or musicals. 예���� 있다고 생�해. 11 Which pickup truck is the woman going to buy? Which pickup truck is the woman going to buy? 여자가 사려고 하는 용달차는 어느 것인가? Price 4WD Door M: Good afternoon madam. How may I M: 안��세요. 어떻� 도��드�까요? ① $20,000 ② $19,000 ③ $29,000 ④ $39,000 × × ○ ○ 2 door 4 door 2 door 4 door help you? my business. farming equipment 농�� crops 농작� W: I’m here to buy a pick-up truck for W: 사업�� 위�� 용달차를 �매�러 �어요. M: Did you receive the catalogues we sent you earlier? Do you have a car in mind? W: Well, I recently started my business, and I was really busy. I didn’t have any time to read the catalogues. M: ��� ���� 보냈던 카탈��� 받���요? 생�해 두신 차� 있�요? W: 최��� 사업�� 시작해�� 매� 바빴어요. 카탈��� 를 볼 시��� 없었어요. M: We have four pick-up trucks M: 현� 4개 용달차� �능해요. 4도어�� �도어. 어�� available now. We currently have two 2-doors and two 4-doors. Which one would you like to see? 쪽�� 원�시�요? W: I already have a car, but I need this one to transport farming equipment and crops. I need a car with large capacity for luggage. W: �� ��미 차� 있����� 농���� 농작��� 실어 �를 용달차� 필요해요. 짐�� 실�� 공��� 많�� 필요해 요. M: Well, if so, I suggest you take a look M: ��다면 �도어 차를 추천�고 싶어요. 짐�� 위�� 공��� �주 많�요. at the 2-door trucks. They have a lot of space for baggage. W: I also need a car with great power. Since I have to move from one farm to another, I need a car that can go up mountains without trouble. M: You will definitely need the four wheel drive then. It’s a little expensive. Would $29,000 be okay? W: �다� 힘�� ��� 차� 필요해요. �� 농������ � 농����� ��동해�� 해�� 산�� 문제 없�� 오를 수 있 �� 힘 ��� 차� 필요해요. M: ��다면 4륜 �동차� 필요해요. �� 비쌉니다. �������달러 ���세요? W: All righty. I was kind of hoping for W: 알�어요. �������달러 �도�� 생�����. 생�컨 $19,000 but I guess cheap cars aren’t good. 대 싼 차�� �지 않��요. M: Thank you. I’ll prepare some forms, M: 감사�니다. 양식�� 준비할�요. 오늘 차를 �져� 실 수 있�� 거��요. and you can take the car with you today. W: If it’s possible, can you deliver the truck by Wednesday? I’ll leave you the address. W: �능�다면 수요일�� 배달해 주실 수 있�요? 주소 를 남길�요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 259 12/1/09 2:22:18 PM 12 13 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용에 따르면 옳지 않은 것은? ① Geothermal energy is one of the possible sources of electricity in the future. ② New technologies in electricity generating have become available. ③ The world cannot be sustained without fossil fuel. ④ Electricity can be generated from solar, wind, tidal, and wave power. solar power �양열 wind power 풍력 tidal power 조력 wave power �도 geothermal energy 지열 electricity generating ���를 생산��� utilize 활용�다 M: Many scientists say that the world can be sustained without the use of fossil fuel. Current electricity generating technologies have advanced so that we can live off just solar, tidal, wave, and wind power. These energy sources, if fully utilized, can provide the output for the earth for more than 50 years with just one year of input. What’s more interesting is that another source of electricity, geothermal energy, can yield more energy than the four methods mentioned above. However, current technology cannot fully utilize the geothermal energy, which is heat generated within the Earth. Why do we still use oil? M: 많�� 과학자들�� 말��를 �석 연료의 사용�� 없 ���� 세�� 유지�� 수 없습니다. 현� ��� 생성 �술�� 매� 발��해�� �리�� �양�� 조수�� �도�� 풍 력 등��� ����지를 얻�� 수 있습니다. ��러�� ���� 지 소스들�� 완벽�� �동되면 일년 동안의 인풋 만��� ��년 동안의 �웃풋�� 지��� 제공할 수 있 습니다. � �미있�� ���� 지력����지�� � 개 언급 된 어떤 ����지보다도 � 많�� ����지를 만들어 �� 수 있다�� ��입니다. �지만 현대 �술�� 지� 내 ���� 생성되�� 열인 지력����지를 충분�� ��용�지 못�니다. � �리� ��도 ���� 사용�니까? extraordinary 빼어난 consider 고려�다 steeper and steeper 점점 � ���� Which best describes the man’s speech? Which best describes the man’s speech? 남자의 연설을 가장 알맞게 묘사하는 것은? ① Biking can be very dangerous. ② Mountain biking requires extraordinary M: A few years ago, I went mountain biking skills. ③ Bike wheels should always be checked. ④ Always check for bike maintenance. M: �� 해 ���� 학�의 ��외 행사 중 ���� 산악 자��거 를 타러 갔습니다. 자��거를 탈 수 없�� 학생들�� ���� ��면�� 다른 일�� �고�� 탈 수 있�� 학생 들�� 타고 올라��� �습니다. 언덕 꼭대����� 학 생들�� ��문� �스�� 초보자 �스 중���� 선택해 �� �습니다. 산악 자��거를 타본 적�� 없었� �� 문���� 초보자 �스를 ��� ���� 선택�습니다. � 음���� 쉬워 보였습니다만 �스를 통과�면�� 초보 자 �스라�� 말�� � 의미를 잃어갔습니다. 길�� 매 � �곡 있고 �브�� 매� 위험�습니다. �스�� 점 점 � �팔라졌습니다. 난 쓰러져�� 얼��� 땅바닥 �� 박았습니다. 난 사람들�� 산악 자��거를 타� �� �� 항� 자신의 자��거 실력�� 고려해�� ��다고 생 ��니다. biking as part of my school’s outdoor activity. Students who could not ride a bike had to stay at the bottom of the mountain and do other things and students who could ride the bike went up the hill. At the top of the hill, students had to choose between the expert course and the beginner course. Because I have never done mountain biking before, I chose to go to the beginner course. It seemed easy at first, but the word ‘beginner course’ seemed to lose its meaning as I went through the course. The road was very bumpy and the curves were dangerous. The course became steeper and steeper. In the end, I bailed out and landed on my face. I think that people should always consider their biking skills before they go mountain biking. 14 15 0 Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 260 12/1/09 2:22:20 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best title for this passage? What is the best title for this passage? 들려주는 내용에 대한 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ② The mechanisms of electric vehicle W: Engineers say that the age of the 14 ① The problems with electric vehicles ③ Why electric vehicles are not available yet ④ Electric vehicle versus gasoline vehicles W: �술자들�� ��� 자동차의 시대� �지만 �� 공 공���� ��용�� 불�능�다고 ������니다. ��해 �� �V I라고 ��� �����만 ��일 수 있�� ��� 자 동차� 있었습니다. 혁신적인 ���� 보였고 캘리 �니�의 L.A�� 있�� 많�� 사람들�� 테스�를 �� 되었습니다. �지만 ��� �사�� 차�� 중요�� 문제 � 발생�다며 테스팅�� 중지�습니다. �들�� � 들의 차를 다시 수거해�� 폐� �분�고 ����� 매 � ����� 행동��었습니다. ����� 주요 �유 �사 들�� ��� 자동차�� 반대��� ��비를 해�� ��� 자 동차를 길 위���� 내몰� 된 ����� 드러�습니다. electric vehicle ��� 자동차 bill 법안 engineers �술자 age of ~ ~의 시대 revolutionary 혁신적인 electric vehicle has come, but it seems that it is not available yet to the public. A Few years ago, there was an electric vehicle called EV1 which was fueled by electricity only. It seemed revolutionary and more than a hundred people were given the chance to test the vehicle in the southern part of LA, California. However, the electric vehicle company said there were major problems with the car, and they stopped testing. They recollected the cars and trashed them which seemed like a very unusual act. It turned out that the major oil companies lobbied for bills against the electric vehicle which in turn took electric vehicles off the road. 15 What does the man mean by “Hold your horses”? What does the man mean by “Hold your horses”? 남자가 말한 “Hold your horses”의 의미는? ① Get ready to work. ② Be patient. ③ Don’t get upset. ④ Get some rest. M: It’s seven in the morning, and you M: �� 7신� ��무 피�해 보여. 무�� 일����? 밤�� look very tired. What happened to you? Did you stay up all night? 샜니? W: Dad. I just couldn’t sleep because W: 내일�� 중요�� 날��라�� 잠�� � 수� 없었어요. tomorrow is the big day. M: What day? I thought your exams aren’t till the 21st of June. What are you talking about? M: 무�� 날인�? 시험�� 6월 ��일�� 알고 있���� 무 �� ����길��� 거니? W: I’m going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers’s concert in Hyde Park! W: ���드 �크���� ��� ��� Ho� Chi��i P�����s의 콘���를 보러 �요. M: Oh, that. That’s your favorite band right? That band’s still playing? I first saw that band when I was 30. W: Seriously, Dad. You should try to follow the trend. They are still so cool. I have waited for this concert for four months now. �. M: ��� �거. �다 �들�� �� 제일 ����� 밴드였지? ��도 공연�니? 내� 3�일 �� �음 �던 �� ��� W: �빤�� �말. 유행�� 좀 따���� 해요. �들�� 여�� �� 멋져요. 4개월 동안 �� 콘���를 �다렸다고요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 261 12/1/09 2:22:21 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation M: Aren’t there many people coming to the concert? You know what to do when there are many people around you… W: Don’t worry, Dad. You told me like a thousand times. I’m so ready for all that. All I have to do is run to the concert and enjoy! M: 콘����� 사람들�� 많지 않니? 사람들�� 많�� �� 뭘 해�� ���지 알지? W: 걱��세요. ���� ���� 수십��도 � 말�잖�요. 준비�� 완벽�� �어요. 제� 해�� ��� 일�� ��� 즐��� ��뿐����요. M: Hold your horses. You are not going M: 참��성�� �져라. 잠�� 자� ������ 어디도 �지 못 anywhere unless you get some sleep. 해. W: The concert starts at 3 PM! I’ll get some sleep by then. I’m just so excited for all this happening. W: 콘����� 3시�� 시작해요. � ���� 좀 � 거예요. �� 모든 ���� 대해 ��무 흥분되었�� 뿐����요. 17 What will the woman probably say next? 16 What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? ② Why don’t you introduce me to your W: Hey, Jerry. What’s up? You don’t W: ����� J����. 무�� 일����? 즐거워 보��지 않���. seem so happy. What happened? 무�� 일 있어? ① I always wanted to go to an Italian restaurant with you. head hunter? with you. ③ I am sorry but I’m not going anywhere ④ I’m glad I could help you out like this. sanitation 위생 close down 문�� 닫다 head hunter 인� 스카�� 담당자 abroad 해외�� head chef 주방�� M: You know the restaurant that I work at? The department of sanitation is closing the place down because it doesn’t meet the requirements. W: I’ve been to the restaurant, and I remember that place especially because it was really clean. I don’t understand how they can close down the place. M: That’s why I’m so upset. The place will be open in about three months, but I have nowhere to work yet during the three months. M: 내� 일��� 레스토�� 알지? 위생 관리국�� 조��� 충족시키지 못�다고 문�� 닫� �린대. W: � 레스토�� �본 적 있����� �말 깨끗해�� 특별�� �억�� 남았았���. 어떻� �런 레스토���� 닫�� 수 있��지 모��다. M: ���� �� ��� 거��. � 식당�� 3개월 지난 후�� 열 수 있����� 난 3개월 동안 일할 곳�� 없어. W: There are so many restaurants W: 도시�� 레스토�� �청 많잖�. � 중 ������ 일해 around the city. Why don’t you work at one of those places? 보�� ���� 어��? M: The thing is I’m a head chef. Positions for head chefs do not open that often. I asked my head hunter to look for any openings, but he said it will probably be hard. �대. M: 문제�� 내� 주방����라�� 거��. 주방�� 자리�� 많 지 않거든. 헤드헌터��� �어 ���� 쉽지 않�� �� W: I guess you can work as a waiter or W: 웨��터� 쉐프�� 일��� ���� 어��? just a chef. M: How can I go from head chef to a waiter? It’s like an NBA basketball player playing on a high school team. M: 주방����었다� 어떻� 웨��터를 �니? NBA선수 � 고등학����� 뛰�� 거 �잖�. W: That’s right too. Why don’t you take W: ���도 ���. 잠깐 �식�� 갖�� � 어��? 항� 프  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 262 12/1/09 2:22:23 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation a break and go abroad? You always wanted to go to Italy and France. ��스� ��탈리�를 �고 싶어 �잖�. M: I guess that’s a good idea. I have M: �� ��� 생� �다. ��런 날�� 위해 돈�� 좀 모� saved some money for days like this. Thanks for the suggestion. 두었지. ��� 제안 고�워. W: I’m glad I could help you out like this. W: ��를 도울 수 있어�� �뻐. 17 What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? What is the best thing to say in the conclusion? 마지막에 결론에 올 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ① We have plenty of seats available. ② I'm afraid we're all booked for that flight. ③ You're not allowed to cancel your flight. ④ You can postpone your flight anytime. receive a call ���를 받다 postpone 취소�다 fulfill (업무를) 수행�다 W: Mary works for Pacific Airlines in the reservation department. She just received a call from a gentleman who would like to postpone his flight date. She told the gentleman if he would like to cancel the reservation or postpone his flight, to please let them know within 7 days before his departure date. The gentlemen would like to cancel his reserved flight and leave two days later. She checked the reservation system. Unfortunately, she is unable to fulfill his requests since there are no seats available on the plane. In this case, what would she say to the gentleman? W: M����� �평양 항공의 예�부������ 일��다. �녀 �� 방금 비행 날짜를 연��고 싶어��� �� 신사의 ���를 받았다. �녀�� � 신사��� �의 비행�� 취 소�거� 연��고 싶�면 �발 7일 ���� 알려달라 고 말�였다. � 신사�� �의 비행�� 취소�고 �일 후�� �발�고 싶다고 �였다. �녀�� 예� 시스템 �� 체크�였다. 불행��도 �녀�� 비행��� �능�� 좌석�� 없어�� �의 요청�� 수행할 수 없었다. �� 경� �녀�� 신사��� �라고 말�� 할까? Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 263 12/1/09 2:22:24 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Test 01 Test 06 Test 02 Test 07 Test 03 Test 08 Test 04 Test 09 2 ① 6 ④ 10 ① 14 ④ 2 ③ 6 ③ 10 ② 14 ③ 2 ③ 6 ① 10 ① 14 ② 2 ③ 6 ② 10 ③ 14 ③ 2 ② 6 ④ 10 ② 14 ③ 3 ③ 7 ② 11 ④ 15 ③ 3 ② 7 ③ 11 ③ 15 ④ 3 ① 7 ④ 11 ② 15 ④ 3 ② 7 ④ 11 ④ 15 ③ 3 ④ 7 ② 11 ③ 15 ② 4 ③ 8 ① 12 ④ 16 ③ 4 ② 8 ① 12 ④ 16 ② 4 ② 8 ③ 12 ④ 16 ① 4 ② 8 ① 12 ④ 16 ① 4 ① 8 ③ 12 ③ 16 ③ 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ③ 13 ③ 17 ③ 1 ④ 5 ③ 9 ④ 13 ② 17 ③ 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ② 13 ① 17 ② 1 ④ 5 ④ 9 ① 13 ③ 17 ④ 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ② 13 ② 17 ② 2 ③ 6 ③ 10 ① 14 ③ 2 ② 6 ① 10 ③ 14 ③ 2 ④ 6 ① 10 ④ 14 ④ 2 ① 6 ② 10 ① 14 ③ 2 ① 6 ① 10 ③ 14 ③ 3 ② 7 ② 11 ② 15 ② 3 ① 7 ④ 11 ② 15 ④ 3 ② 7 ③ 11 ③ 15 ② 3 ③ 7 ② 11 ④ 15 ③ 3 ① 7 ④ 11 ④ 15 ③ 4 ② 8 ④ 12 ③ 16 ③ 4 ④ 8 ④ 12 ④ 16 ③ 4 ② 8 ③ 12 ③ 16 ① 4 ④ 8 ② 12 ③ 16 ③ 4 ① 8 ④ 12 ③ 16 ① 1 ② 5 ③ 9 ② 13 ③ 17 ③ 1 ③ 5 ② 9 ② 13 ③ 17 ① 1 ④ 5 ④ 9 ④ 13 ② 17 ② 1 ③ 5 ② 9 ④ 13 ③ 17 ③ 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ② 13 ② 17 ① Test 05 Test 10 Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 297 12/1/09 2:22:33 PM Answer key  Answer key Test 11 Test 16 Test 12 Test 17 Test 13 Test 18 Test 14 Test 19 2 ③ 6 ④ 10 ③ 14 ③ 2 ③ 6 ④ 10 ③ 14 ④ 2 ② 6 ② 10 ③ 14 ③ 2 ② 6 ① 10 ③ 14 ② 2 ④ 6 ④ 10 ③ 14 ③ 3 ④ 7 ③ 11 ④ 15 ② 3 ④ 7 ④ 11 ③ 15 ④ 3 ① 7 ④ 11 ② 15 ③ 3 ③ 7 ③ 11 ④ 15 ② 3 ③ 7 ③ 11 ③ 15 ② 4 ② 8 ② 12 ③ 16 ④ 4 ② 8 ③ 12 ② 16 ① 4 ④ 8 ② 12 ② 16 ③ 4 ④ 8 ③ 12 ④ 16 ③ 4 ③ 8 ② 12 ④ 16 ② 1 ④ 5 ④ 9 ② 13 ② 17 ② 1 ③ 5 ② 9 ② 13 ④ 17 ③ 1 ④ 5 ④ 9 ① 13 ① 17 ② 1 ③ 5 ③ 9 ③ 13 ③ 17 ③ 1 ① 5 ③ 9 ② 13 ② 17 ① 2 ② 6 ③ 10 ④ 14 ③ 2 ④ 6 ③ 10 ② 14 ④ 2 ④ 6 ② 10 ② 14 ④ 2 ④ 6 ② 10 ④ 14 ③ 2 ③ 6 ④ 10 ③ 14 ③ 3 ① 7 ③ 11 ④ 15 ② 3 ④ 7 ④ 11 ④ 15 ① 3 ② 7 ④ 11 ③ 15 ③ 3 ① 7 ④ 11 ② 15 ② 3 ④ 7 ③ 11 ③ 15 ② 4 ③ 8 ④ 12 ③ 16 ② 4 ① 8 ④ 12 ② 16 ③ 4 ① 8 ④ 12 ③ 16 ① 4 ④ 8 ③ 12 ② 16 ① 4 ① 8 ③ 12 ③ 16 ④ 1 ④ 5 ③ 9 ④ 13 ③ 17 ② 1 ② 5 ③ 9 ③ 13 ③ 17 ② 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ④ 13 ③ 17 ④ 1 ④ 5 ④ 9 ① 13 ④ 17 ① 1 ② 5 ③ 9 ① 13 ② 17 ② Test 15 Test 20  Hot Listening ❹ Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 298 12/1/09 2:22:36 PM MEMO Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 299 12/1/09 2:22:40 PM MEMO Hot Listening 4_정답지.indb 300 12/1/09 2:22:43 PM


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