HOT2 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 1 2/9/09 6:05:14 PM Answer key & Script 01 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 다음을 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. 04 ① ③ ② ④ draw 그리다 box 네모 triangle 세모 on the right 오른쪽에 W: First, draw one circle on the right and a box on the left on your paper. Next, draw a circle in the box and then draw a triangle in the right circle. Finally, draw a small circle in the triangle. W: 먼저, 종이 오른쪽에 원을 그리고 왼쪽에 상자(네 모)를 그리세요. 다음에는, 상자 안에 원을 그리 고 오른쪽 원안에 세모를 그리세요. 마지막으로, 세모 안에 작은 원을 그리세요. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? What is the weather like today? What is the weather like today? 오늘 날씨는 어떤가? 02 ① They are at a factory. ② They are at a stationery store. ③ They are at a computer store. ④ They are at a bookstore. ruler 자 whiteout 수정액 notebook 공책 stationery 문구 03 ① It’s cloudy. ② It’s sunny. ③ It’s rainy. ④ It’s foggy. weather forecast 일기예보 weatherman 기상 캐스터 go hiking 하이킹 가다 Hot Listening ❷ M: May I help you? M: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? W: Yes, please. I would like to buy a ruler and two whiteouts. W: 네. 자 한 개와 수정액 두 개를 구입하고 싶은데요. M: Here you are. M: 여기 있어요. W: Oh, do you have any W: 아, 공책도 있어요? M: Sorry. We don’t have any M: 죄송합니다. 지금은 떨어지고 없어요. notebooks? right now. M: Maggie, what’s the weather M: Maggie, 일기예보에서 오늘 날씨는 어떻대? W: It’s really fine with no clouds in W: 하늘에 구름 한 점 없이 매우 좋을 거라는데. forecast for today? the sky. M: Oh, great. How about M: 아, 잘 됐다. 내일 날씨는 어때? 비가 오지 않으 tomorrow’s weather? I hope it’s not going to rain because I want to go hiking. 면 좋겠어, 내일 하이킹 가고 싶거든. W: But the weatherman said it W: 하지만 일기예보 아나운서가 내일 비 온다고 would rain tomorrow. 하던데. M: Then, can we go this M: 그러면 이번 주말에 가는 건 어때? weekend? W: That sounds good to me. W: 그래 좋아. 05 06 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 2 2/9/09 6:05:17 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① She is relaxed. ② She is sad. ③ She is gloomy. ④ She is joyful. wedding anniversary 결혼기념일 little something 작은 선물 sweetheart (애칭) 아들, 딸 relaxed 편안한 gloomy 우울한 joyful 즐거운 05 Who or what am I? ① I’m a giant. ② I’m a traffic light. ③ I’m a police officer. ④ I’m a car. giant 거인 blink 깜박거리다 direction 지시 ① They will meet at 2:30. ② They will meet at 3:00. ③ They will meet at 4:00. ④ They will meet at 3:45. a piece of ~의 한 조각 a quarter to ~의 15분전 B: Happy wedding anniversary, Mom. This is a little something for you. B: 결혼기념일 축하드려요, 엄마. 이건 조그만 제 선물이에요. W: Wow, what a surprise! What W: 우와, 어머나! 뭔데? is it? B: Why don’t you open it? B: 열어 보세요. W: What a beautiful scarf it is! W: 정말 예쁜 스카프이구나! B: How do you like it? B: 스카프가 마음에 드세요? W: I like it very much, sweetheart. W: 정말 마음에 쏙 드는구나, 아들아. Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? M: I am a black giant with three eyes. My eyes have all different colors. They are blinking at a time. I am standing on a street. People and cars have to follow my direction. M: 나는 세 개의 눈을 가진 거인입니다. 내 눈은 모 두 다 다른 색깔입니다. 그것들은 한번씩 깜빡 입니다. 나는 거리에 서 있습니다. 사람들과 차 들은 내 지시를 따라야 합니다. M: How about going to get some coffee this afternoon? W: Great idea! I can have a piece of cake there, too. M: 오후에 커피 마시러 갈래? W: 좋은 생각이야. 거기서 케이크도 먹을 수 있겠다. M: Can you make it at three M: 3시에 만날 수 있어? o’clock? W: I have a computer class at W: 2시30분에 컴퓨터 수업 들어야 하는데. 3시 45 2:30. How about a quarter to four? 분은 어때? M: All right. M: 좋아. HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script What time will the speakers meet? What time will the speakers meet? 화자들이 만나기로 한 시각은 몇 시인가? 06 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 3 2/9/09 6:05:18 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화의 주요 내용은 무엇에 대한 것인가? 07 ① It’s about Spiderman. ② It’s about their hobbies. ③ It’s about their future dream. ④ It’s about a science class. cartoonist 만화가 hobby 취미 mainly 주로 M: Wow, isn’t this Spiderman? Your drawing is really good. 그린다. M: 와, 이건 스파이더맨 아니야? 너 그림 정말 잘 W: Thanks. I want to be a cartoonist in the future. W: 고마워. 난 장래에 만화가가 되고 싶어. M: Great! M: 멋지다! W: How about you? Aren’t you W: 넌 어때? 너 축구 잘하지 않니? good at soccer? M: Yes, but it’s just my hobby. I M: 응, 그런데 축구는 그냥 취미야. 난 과학자가 돼 want to be a scientist to help the world. 서 세상에 보탬이 되고 싶어. W: That’s great! You’ll be a good W: 정말 좋은 생각이야. 넌 장래에 좋은 과학자가 scientist in the future. 될 거야. Why did the boy write this letter? Why did the boy write this letter? 소년은 왜 이 편지를 썼는가? ① Because he wanted to ask for advice ② Because he wanted to ask for some computer games ③ Because he wanted to ask for some medicine doctor ④ Because he wanted to ask for a become ~이 되다 medical school 의대 B: Dear Dr. Alison, B: Dr. Alison께, Hi, I’m a 17-year -old high school student. I have a problem with my parents. They want me to become a doctor , but I really don’t want to go to a medical school. I really want to be a computer gamer because I like playing computer games. What should I do? 안녕하세요? 저는 17살 고등학생입니다. 저는 부모님과 문제가 있습니다. 부모님은 제가 의사 가 되기를 바라십니다. 그러나 전 의대에 가고 싶지 않습니다. 저는 컴퓨터 게임을 하는 것을 좋아해서 컴퓨터 게이머가 되고 싶습니다. 어떻 게 하면 좋을까요? What will the speakers do next? What will the speakers do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은? ① They will study for the chemistry exam. ② They will get some ice cream. ③ They will take a rest. W: What are you doing now? W: 넌 지금 뭐 해? M: I’m studying for my chemistry exam. I need to take a break. M: 화학 시험공부하고 있었어. 좀 쉬어야겠어. W: You do look burned out. How W: 너 정말 피곤해 보인다. 아이스크림 먹으러 갈 ④ They will eat some food. about some ice cream? chemistry 화학 burned out 매우 지친, 기진맥진한 M: Good idea. But let’s eat M: 좋아. 그런데 먼저 뭐 좀 먹으러 가자. 배가 고파. something first. I feel hungry. W: No problem. Can we go W: 좋아. 지금 갈래? 래? M: 그래! now? M: Sure! Hot Listening ❷ 08 09 10 11 12 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 4 2/9/09 6:05:19 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 그림을 바르게 묘사한 것은? 10 ① M: Some books are under the desk. ① M: 책이 몇 권이 책상 밑에 있다. ② M: The dog is next to the desk. ② M: 개 한 마리가 책상 옆에 있다. ③ M: The glasses are on the TV. ③ M: 안경이 TV 위에 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ④ M: The TV is next to the desk. ④ M: TV가 책상 옆에 있다. under ~아래에 on ~위에 next to ~옆에 11 the following is a tV program guide. What is Not true about the table? the following is a tV program guide. What is Not true about the table? TV 프로그램 안내표이다. 표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Time 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 Program Cartoon TV news Quiz show Drama ① W: What time is the cartoon on ① W: 만화는 몇 시에 하지? ① ② ③ ④ M: At 4:00 p.m. M: 오후 네 시야. ② W: Is the TV news on after the ② W: 만화 끝나고 뉴스를 하지? TV? cartoon? M: Yes, it is. start? ③ W: When does the quiz show ③ W: 퀴즈 쇼는 언제 시작하지? M: 응, 맞아. M: It starts at 5:30 p.m. M: 오후 다섯 시 반에 시작해. ④ W: Is the drama on at 6:30 p.m? ④ W: 드라마는 오후 6시 반에 하니? M: No, it starts an hour later. M: 아니, 한 시간 더 늦게 해. cartoon 만화 Quiz show 퀴즈 쇼 news 뉴스 Drama 드라마 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① Date of birth: September 30, 1990 ② Height: 165cm ③ Dream job: Writer ④ Hobby: Watching movies writer 작가 cooking 요리 height 키 job 직업 M: My sister’s name is Judy. She was born on September 30, 1990. She is 165cm tall. She has many friends. She likes cooking and listening to music. She is good at writing stories. Her dream is to be a writer. M: 내 여동생의 이름은 Judy 입니다. 그녀는 1990 년 9월 30일에 태어났습니다. 그녀는 165cm입 니다. 그녀는 친구가 많습니다. 그녀는 요리와 음악 감상을 좋아합니다. 그녀는 글을 잘 씁니다. 그녀의 꿈은 작가가 되는 것입니다. HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 5 2/9/09 6:05:21 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 16 13 ① He is going to his house. ② He is going to his friend’s house. ③ He is going to his grandmother’s house. ④ He is going to his school. grandmother 할머니 birthday 생일 M: I’ll see you later , Jane. M: 다음에 봐, Jane. W: Where are you going? Are you going to Susie’s house? M: No. I am going to my grandmother’s house. W: 어디 가려고? Susie네 집에 가려고? M: 아니. 할머니 댁에 가. W: Really? I thought you would do homework with Susie. 는데. W: 정말? 나는 네가 Susie하고 숙제하는 줄 알았 M: I’d like to, but today is my grandmother’s birthday. M: 맞아. 그렇지만 오늘 할머니 생신이야. Q: Where is the man going to? Q: 남자는 어디에 가려고 하는가? 14 What is the woman going to do during her summer vacation? What is the woman going to do during her summer vacation? 여자가 여름방학에 할 일은 무엇인가? ① She is going to learn the piano. ② She is going to study hard for the test. M: Susie, what is your plan for this summer vacation? M: Susie, 이번 여름방학 계획이 뭐야? W: I will go to France to see my W: 나는 이모 만나러 프랑스에 갈 거야. ③ She is going to go to France. aunt. ④ She is going to go to see her uncle. M: Wow, does your aunt live in M: 와, 너희 이모 프랑스에 사시니? France 프랑스 aunt 고모[이모] ago ~전에 what is one’s plan for~? ~에 계획이 뭐예요? France? W: Yes, she went there four years ago. What about you? W: 응, 그녀는 4년 전에 거기로 가셨어. 너는 어때? M: I will learn the piano. M: 나는 피아노 배우려고. W: That sounds like a good plan. W: 멋진 계획인 것 같아. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① No, it was okay. ② The music was pretty good. W: So, how was the movie? W: 영화 어땠어요? ③ I liked his acting. M: It was so good. I enjoyed it. M: 너무 좋았어. 나는 아주 즐겁게 봤어. ④ I don’t think this movie was good. W: I did, too. I really liked the W: 저도 그랬어요. 저는 싸우는 장면들이 정말 좋 fighting scenes. 았어요. M: Yeah. They were so realistic. M: 맞아. 매우 사실적이었어. W: What did you think of the W: 영화 음악에 대해선 어떻게 생각하세요? soundtrack? M: The music was pretty good. M: 음악도 아주 좋았어. enjoy 즐기다 fighting 싸움 scene 장면 realistic 사실적인 sound track 영화 음악 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 6 2/9/09 6:05:22 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Can you help me with my homework ? ② You look very happy. ③ It’s okay. You tried your best. ④ Let’s go to see the game. usually 보통 unfortunately 불행히도[불운하게도] fail 실패하다 sick 아픈 M: Brian’s friend Katie usually doesn’t study hard. But this time she studied so hard to get a good score. Unfortunately, she was very sick on the day of the exam. She looked very sad because she failed the exam. In this situation, what would Brian say to Katie? M: Brian의 친구 Katie는 보통 열심히 공부하지 않 는다. 하지만, 이번에는 좋은 점수를 얻기 위해 열심히 공부했다. 안타깝게도 시험 보는 날 그 녀는 매우 아팠다. 그녀는 시험을 통과하지 못 했기 때문에 매우 슬퍼보였다. 이런 상황에서 Brian은 Katie에게 뭐라고 말할 것인가? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 7 2/9/09 6:05:23 PM HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 02 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 다음을 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. 04 ① ③ ② ④ introduce 소개하다 farmer 농부 energetic 활기에 찬 farm 농장 M: Today let me introduce my father. My family lives in Hawaii. My father is a great farmer. He grows many pineapples on his farm. He is a hardworking and energetic person. I’m very proud of him. M: 오늘 우리 아버지를 소개하겠습니다. 우리 가족 은 하와이에 살고 있습니다. 우리 아버지는 훌 륭하신 농부입니다. 그는 파인애플을 많이 재배 하고 계십니다. 그는 부지런하고 활기차십니다. 저는 우리 아버지가 정말 자랑스럽습니다. 02 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 적절히 표현한 것은? ① A hairdresser – A customer ② A waitress – A customer ③ A flight attendant – A passenger ④ A doctor – A patient get a perm 파마를 하다 anything else 다른 무언가 get one’s hair colored 염색하다 W: What will it be today? W: 오늘 머리 어떻게 해드릴까요? M: I want to get a perm. M: 파마하고 싶어요. W: Okay. Is there anything else W: 알겠습니다. 그 밖에 다른 건요? you want? M: I want to get my hair M: 머리 염색도 하고 싶네요. 그런데 파마하는데 colored, too. By the way, how long will it take to get it done? 얼마나 걸릴까요? W: It’ll take about two and half W: 두 시간 반 정도 걸릴거예요. hours. Where was the man born? Where was the man born? 남자는 어디에서 태어났는가? 03 ① He was born in the United States. W: Are you an American citizen? W: 당신은 미국시민인가요? ② He was born in Australia. ③ He was born in Korea. ④ He was born in Austria. citizen 시민 What do you do for a living? 직업이 무엇입니까? photographer 사진작가 be born in ~에서 태어나다 Hot Listening ❷ M: That’s right. I was born there. M: 네, 맞습니다. 저는 미국에서 태어났어요. 하지 But I live in Australia. 만 지금은 호주에서 살고 있어요. W: What is your purpose of visiting Korea? Business or pleasure? W: 한국 방문 목적이 무엇입니까? 사업 차 오셨습 니까, 여행 차 오셨습니까? M: Business. M: 사업 차 왔습니다. W: What do you do for a living? W: 직업이 무엇입니까? M: I am a professional M: 저는 전문 사진작가입니다. 국제 사진 페스티발 에 참석하려고 왔습니다. photographer. I am here to attend an International Photo Festival. 05 06 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 8 2/9/09 6:05:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script Translation How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① She is shy. ② She is excited. ③ She is sad. ④ She is envious. scholarship 장학금 semester 학기 envy 부럽다 excited 흥분된 envious 부러운 05 Who or what am I ? ① I am a soldier. ② I am a motorist. ③ I am a basketball player. ④ I am a football player. soldier 군인 enemy 적 popular 인기 있는 ① 9,000 won ② 7,200 won ③ 10,000 won ④ 2,500 won follow ~을 따라가다 try on 신어보다, 입어보다 ~% off 몇 퍼센트 할인 중인 M: Guess what, Chris! M: 무슨 일 있는지 맞춰 볼래, Chris! W: What’s up? W: 무슨 일인데? M: I got a letter from our school. M: 학교에서 편지를 받았어. W: Really? What is the letter W: 정말? 편지에 뭐라고 쓰여 있는데? about? M: I am going to get a M: 다음 학기에 장학금 받는다고. 정말 흥분돼. scholarship next semester. I’m so excited. W: I envy you. W: 부럽다. Who or what am I ? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? M: I wear a helmet but I’m not a soldier. I put down the enemies who invade my land. I am a player of a ball game. I play popular sport in America. M: 나는 헬멧을 쓰지만 군인은 아닙니다. 나는 내 땅을 침입한 적을 넘어뜨립니다. 나는 공을 사 용하는 경기의 선수입니다. 나는 미국에서 인기 있는 스포츠를 합니다. M: Can I help you with anything? M: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? W: Yes, do you have tennis W: 네, 테니스 신발 있어요? shoes? M: Of course. Follow me, please. M: 그럼요. 저를 따라 오세요. W: Oh, I like these. I’d like to try W: 아, 이게 좋겠어요. 한번 신어보고 싶네요. them on, please. M: No problem. They were 9,000 won before, but now they are 20% off. M: 그러세요. 원래는 9,000원이었는데 지금은 20% 세일 중입니다. W: Really? I love them. I’ll take them. Here’s 10,000won. W: 정말이요? 정말 마음에 들어요. 이걸로 살게요. 여기 10,000원이요. HOT TEST 02 Answer Key & Script 06 How much will she pay for the tennis shoes? How much will she pay for the tennis shoes? 여자는 테니스 신발 가격으로 얼마를 지불해야 하는가? Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 9 2014-01-27 오후 12:54:12 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best title for the conversation? What is the best title for the conversation? 대화의 가장 알맞은 제목은? 07 W: Let’s see what we have for W: 피크닉에 필요한 게 뭐가 있는지 볼까. 10 ① Grocery Shopping ② Picnic Preparation ③ Cooking Recipe ④ Party Preparation enough 충분한 bun 둥글고 기다란 빵 grocery store 식료품점 title 제목 preparation 준비 the picnic. M: Well, we have about 25 cups and 25 plates. But we need to go buy some napkins. W: Okay. What about food and snack? Do we have enough hot dogs and chips? dogs, but not enough chips. Oh, we have to get some hot dog buns. W: All right. Let’s go to a grocery store now before it’s too late. M: 음, 컵하고 접시 25개가 있어. 그런데 냅킨은 W: 그래. 음식과 간식은 어때? 핫도그하고 칩은 충 사야 해. 분해? 핫도그 빵 사야 해. W: 그러지 뭐. 너무 늦기 전에 슈퍼에 가자. M: Um, we do have enough hot M: 음, 핫도그는 충분한데 칩은 충분하지 않아. 어, 08 Why CANNot the woman go to the movies with the man? Why CANNot the woman go to the movies with the man? 여자가 남자와 영화를 보러 갈 수 없는 이유는? 11 ① Because she has to finish her W: Hello. W: 여보세요. homework M: Hey Jenny, this is Daniel. What M: 안녕 Jenny. Daniel이야. 뭐하고 있어? ② Because today is her birthday are you doing? W: Hi, I am doing my homework W: 안녕. 지금 숙제하고 있어. 넌 숙제 다 했니? ③ Because her uncle is coming to her house this afternoon ④ Because she is going to see her uncle this afternoon be done 끝내다 be wondering ~을 궁금해 하다 be planning to ~을 계획하고 있다 M: Well, I am almost done with M: 거의 다 했어. 오후에 나랑 영화 갈 수 있는지 mine. Hey, I was wondering if 물어보려고. 전화했어. right now. Are you done with yours? you want to go to the movies with me this afternoon. M: I’d love to, but I’m planning W: 가고는 싶은데 안 될 것 같아. 오늘 삼촌 생신이 to visit my uncle. Today is his 어서 삼촌댁에 가야 해. birthday. W: Oh, then maybe next time. M: 아, 그럼 다음에 같이 가자. 09 What will the woman do during the winter vacation? What will the woman do during the winter vacation? 여자가 겨울 방학에 할 일은? ① She will stay home. W: Winter vacation is coming W: 조금만 있으면 겨울 방학이야. ② She will take snowboarding lessons. soon. ③ She will help orphans. M: Yes, I know. I can’t wait. M: 응, 알아. 빨리 왔으면 좋겠어. W: What are you going to do W: 겨울 방학 때 뭐 할 거야? ④ She will teach snowboarding lessons. during the vacation? 12 how to ~하는 법 volunteer work 봉사활동 orphanage 고아원 orphan 고아 10 Hot Listening ❷ M: I’m going to take M: 스노우보드 배울 거야. 넌 뭐 할 거야? snowboarding lessons. How about you? W: I was going to learn how to W: 나도 스노우보드 타는 법 배우려고 했는데 고아 snowboard, too. But I think I’m going to do some volunteer work at an orphanage. 원에 가서 봉사활동 하려고 해. M: How nice of you! M: 너 정말 착하다! Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 10 2/9/09 6:05:28 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 그림을 바르게 묘사한 것은? 10 ① W: There are many people in the ① W: 사무실에 많은 사람들이 있다. office. ② W: There is nothing on the desk. ② W: 책상 위에 아무 것도 없다. ③ W: The man is talking on the phone. ③ W: 한 남자가 전화로 이야기 하고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ④ W: The window is next to the desk. ④ W: 창문이 책상 옆에 있다. in ~안에 nothing 아무것도 없음 talk on the phone 전화로 이야기하다 11 the following is Jimmy’s schedule for this Saturday. What is Not true about the table? the following is Jimmy’s schedule for this Saturday. What is Not true about the table? 다음은 Jimmy의 이번 주 토요일 스케줄이다. 표 의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Time 09:00 11:00 15:30 18:00 Things to do Clean his room Play baseball with friends Go shopping with Mom Do homework ① W: When will you clean your ① W: 언제 네 방 치울 거니? ① ② ③ ④ M: I will clean my room at 9:00 in M: 오전 9시에 방청소 할게요. room? the morning. clean one’s room ~의 방을 치우다 play baseball 야구 경기 하다 go shopping 쇼핑하러 가다 ② W: Will you play baseball after cleaning your room? ② W: 방청소 하고 나서 야구 할 거니? M: Yes, I will. M: 네, 그럴 거예요. ③ W: What time will you go shopping ③ W: 몇 시에 나하고 쇼핑하러 갈 거니? with me? M: At 3:30. ④ W: When will you do your homework then? M: 3시 30분에요. ④ W: 그러면 네 숙제는 언제 할 거니? M: I will do it at 5:00. M: 5시에 숙제할 거예요. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① Date of birth: November 19, 1983 ② Height: 160cm ③ Job: Student ④ Hobby: Watching movies student 학생 M: My friend’s name is Julie. She was born on November 19, 1983. She is 160cm tall. She likes watching movies. She is a teacher. Her students like her very much. M: 내 친구의 이름은 Julie입니다. 그녀는 1983년 11월 19일에 태어났습니다. 그녀는 160cm입 니다. 그녀는 영화 보기를 좋아합니다. 그녀는 선생님입니다. 그녀의 학생들은 그녀를 매우 좋 아합니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 11 2/9/09 6:05:29 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 16 13 ① Juice ② Milk ③ Water ④ Coke favorite 가장 좋아하는 health 건강 be good for one’s health ~의 건강에 좋다 instead 대신에 W: Wow, you are drinking a lot W: 와, 넌 콜라를 진짜 많이 마시는 구나. M: I like it very much. It’s my M: 나 콜라 진짜 좋아해. 내가 제일 좋아하는 거야. W: But it’s not good for your W: 하지만 그건 네 건강에 안 좋아. M: I know, but... M: 알아, 하지만… W: Why don’t you drink milk W: 대신에 우유를 마시는 게 어때? Q: What is the man’s favorite Q: 남자가 가장 좋아하는 음료는 무엇인가? of coke. favorite. health. instead? drink? What made the girl angry? What made the girl angry? 소녀가 화가 난 이유는 무엇인가? 14 ① Her friend doesn’t believe her. ② Her friend stole her book. M: Susie, what’s the matter? M: Susie, 무슨 일이야? W: I can’t believe what David did W: David가 내게 한 일을 믿을 수가 없어. ③ Her friend lost her book. to me. ④ Her friend doesn’t want to return her M: Why? Did he not return the M: 왜? 책을 또 돌려주지 않았니? book. book again? return 돌려주다 to make matters worse 설상가 상으로, 더 나쁜 것은 lost (lose의 과거형) 잃어버렸다 believe 믿다 W: No, he didn’t. To make W: 안 돌려줬어. 설상가상으로 그가 내 책까지 잃 matters worse, he lost my book. 어버렸어. M: No wonder why you’re angry. M: 네가 왜 화났는지 알겠어. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① No, it was okay. ② I will. Thank you for your kind words. ③ You are going to fail it, too. ④ You, too. W: So, how was the exam? W: 시험 어땠어? M: I don’t think I will pass this M: 난 이번에는 통과 못할 것 같아. time. W: Was it difficult? W: 어려웠어? M: Kind of. I guess I didn’t study M: 그런 편이었어. 내가 충분히 열심히 하지 않은 hard enough. 것 같아. W: Cheer up! You can do better W: 힘 내! 다음번엔 더 잘할 수 있어. next time. words. M: I will. Thank you for your kind M: 그럴게. 위로해줘서 고마워. exam 시험 difficult 어려운 hard 열심히 enough 충분히 kind of 어느 정도 Cheer up 힘 내! 1 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 12 2/9/09 6:05:30 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음은 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? M: Katie and Brian made a M: Katie와 Brian은 영화를 함께 보기로 약속했 다. Katie는 Brian을 30분이 넘도록 기다렸지만 Brian은 나타나지 않았다. Brian에게서 전화도 없다. 그는 전화를 받지도 않았다. 마침내 Katie 는 Brian의 전화에 메시지를 남기기로 결심했다. 이런 상황에서 Katie가 Brian에게 전화로 할 말 은 무엇이겠는가? promise to watch a movie together. Katie waited for him for more than 30 minutes, but he didn’t show up. Also, there was no call from Brian. He didn’t even answer his phone. At last, Katie decided to leave a message on his phone. In this situation, what will Katie say to Brian on the phone? ① I want to go to the movies with my friend. umbrella. ② It is raining outside. Bring an ③ Where are you? Did you forget our appointment? ④ Let’s go to see a movie together sometime. promise 약속, 약속하다 show up 나타나다 answer the phone 전화를 받다 at last 마침내 decide 결정하다, 결심하다 leave a message 메시지를 남기다 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 13 2/9/09 6:05:31 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 ① ③ ② ④ playground 운동장 be located ~에 위치하다 both sides of 양쪽에 02 ① At an airport ② In a taxi ③ At a hospital ④ At a bus stop international airport 국제공항 catch a plane 비행기를 타다 in time 시간 안에 Answer key & Script 03 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 다음을 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. 04 W: This is my school. It’s not a big school, but it’s nice. It has one building and one playground. The flag is located on top of the building. There are two big trees on both sides of the school building. W: 이것은 우리 학교이다. 크지는 않지만 좋은 학 교이다. 학교에는 건물 하나과 운동장이 하나 있다. 깃발은 건물의 가장 위에 위치하고 있다. 학교 건물 양 옆에는 큰 나무가 두 그루 있다. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? M: Where can I take you, M: 어디로 모실까요, 손님? W: Please take me to Incheon W: 인천 국제공항까지 데려다주세요. International Airport. M: Do you have to catch a M: 비행기를 타셔야 하나요? ma’am? plane? W: Yes, I have a plane to catch at two. Hurry up, please. W: 네, 두 시에 비행기를 타야 합니다. M: Okay. We’ll be able to get M: 알겠습니다. 우린 시간 안에 도착할 수 서둘러주세요. 있을 거예요. there in time. 05 06 What will the weather be like tomorrow? What will the weather be like tomorrow? 내일 날씨는 어떨 것인가? 03 ① It will be warm and sunny. ② It will rain in the middle of the day. ③ It will be much warmer. ④ It will be foggy in the morning. weather report 일기예보 warm 따뜻한, 온난한 forget 잊다 1 Hot Listening ❷ W: It’s time for the weather report. Today’s weather was warm and sunny. It was a nice day. But things will change tomorrow. It is going to get cool. Also, it will begin raining in the afternoon. So don’t forget to take your umbrellas tomorrow! W: 일기예보 시간입니다. 오늘 날씨는 따뜻하고 맑 았습니다. 날씨가 좋았습니다. 하지만 내일은 날씨가 바뀔 것으로 예상됩니다. 날씨가 좀 더 시원해 질것 같습니다. 또한 내일 오후부터는 비가 올 것으로 예상됩니다. 내일 우산 챙기는 것 잊지 마세요! Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 14 2/9/09 6:05:33 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? ① She is delighted. ② She is angry. ③ She is hopeful. ④ She is bored. chat with ~와 수다를 떨다 leave me alone 나를 내버려둬 delighted 기쁜 hopeful 희망에 찬 bored 지루한 W: Chris, I need to use the W: Chris. 나 지금 컴퓨터 좀 써야 하는데. 써도 computer now. Can I use it? 될까? M: No way. Can’t you see I’m chatting with my friend? W: But I have to use the computer to do my homework. M: 싫어. 나 지금 친구랑 채팅하는 거 안 보여? W: 하지만 나 컴퓨터로 숙제해야 하는데. M: You can do your homework M: 내가 채팅하는 것 끝나고 숙제해. 왜 날 좀 내버 after I finish using the computer. Why can’t you just leave me alone? I’m your brother. 려두지 못하니? 난 네 오빠잖아. W: You always act like this. I hate W: 오빠는 늘 이렇게 행동하잖아. 오빠 미워. you. Who or what am I ? Who or what am I ? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? How old is the woman’s sister? How old is the woman’s sister? 여자의 여동생은 몇 살인가? ① I’m a bamboo. ② I’m a kite. ③ I’m a grasshopper. ④ I’m a bird. wing 날개 tail 꼬리 be made of ~으로 만들어지다 bamboo 대나무 05 06 ① She is 5 years old. ② She is 12 years old. ③ She is 15 years old. ④ She is 9 years old. gift 선물 W: I like windy days. I have no wings but I can fly, I have ears and a long tail. I am usually a good friend to children. I am made of paper and bamboo stick. W: 나는 바람 부는 날을 좋아합니다. 나는 날개는 없지만 날 수 있습니다. 나는 귀와 꼬리가 있습 니다. 나는 아이들에게 좋은 친구입니다. 나는 종이와 대나무 막대로 만들어졌습니다. W: 나 여동생 생일선물 사러 가야해. 나랑 같이 갈 M: Sure. I didn’t know you had a M: 좋아. 너한테 여동생이 있는지 몰랐어. W: I have to go buy my sister a birthday gift. Do you want to come with me? sister. W: Yeah, she is 5 years younger than me. Don’t you have a younger sister , too? 래? W: 응, 나보다 5살 어려. 너도 여동생이 있지 않아? M: Yes, she just turned 12. M: 응, 12살이 되었어. W: Oh, so my sister is 3 years W: 아, 그럼 내 여동생이 네 여동생보다 3살 어리 younger than yours. M: Yes. 구나. M: 응. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 15 2/9/09 6:05:35 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the main topic of the talk? What is the main topic of the talk? 이야기의 주요 화제는 무엇인가? 07 ① A digital camera ② A cell phone ③ A cassette player ④ An MP3 player popular 인기 있는 machine 기계 adult 어른 useful 유용한 W: This is a very popular machine with students as well as adults. It is very useful when you want to listen to music. You can also record your voice, but you can’t take pictures with it. Since it is very small, you can put it in your pocket or bag. W: 이것은 학생들 사이에서만 아니라 어른들 사이 에서도 매우 인기가 많은 기계입니다. 음악을 들을 때 매우 유용합니다. 목소리 녹음은 할 수 있으나 사진은 찍을 수 없습니다. 크기가 작기 때문에 주머니나 가방에 넣을 수 있습니다. 08 What did the woman complain about the bag? What did the woman complain about the bag? 여자가 가방의 무엇에 관해 불평했는가? ① She complained about the marks on the bag. ② She complained about the price of the bag. ③ She complained about the color of the bag. ④ She complained about the size of the bag. complaint 불평, 불만 complain 불평하다, 불만하다 stain 자국, 얼룩 exchange 교환하다 mark 자국, 얼룩 M: Hello, how may I help you? M: 안녕하세요? 어떻게 도와드릴까요? W: Yes, I have a complaint. W: 네, 불만사항이 있어서요. M: What seems to be the M: 무엇이 문제인가요? problem? W: Well, I bought this bag from your store a few days ago. But I found some stains on it. M: Oh, I am so sorry about that. Do you want to exchange it for a new one? W: 며칠 전에 여기서 이 가방을 샀어요. 근데 얼룩 을 발견했어요. M: 아, 정말 죄송합니다. 새로운 가방과 교환해드 릴까요? W: Yes, I’d like to exchange it. W: 네, 그렇게 해주세요. 09 What will the man probably do after the conversation? What will the man probably do after the conversation? 남자가 대화 후에 할 일은? ① He will go shopping. M: What a beautiful Saturday M: 정말 화창한 토요일 오후다! ② He will clean the garage. afternoon! ③ He will clean the house. W: Do you want to go for a W: 산책 갈래? ④ He will go for a walk with the woman. go for a walk 산책하다 garage 차고 promise 약속하다 1 Hot Listening ❷ M: 나중에. 차고 청소를 끝내야 하거든. W: I’ll help you. Let’s go to the W: 내가 도와줄게. 같이 공원부터 먼저 가자. walk? M: Maybe later. I still have to finish cleaning the garage. park together first. M: I wish I could. But I promised my mom that I would clean the garage by 2 o’clock. M: 나도 그렇게 했으면 좋겠어. 그런데 엄마한데 2시까지 차고 청소 끝낸다고 약속했어. W: All right. W: 알았어. 10 11 12 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 16 2/9/09 6:05:36 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 그림을 바르게 묘사한 것은? 10 ① W: A magazine is on the TV, and a ① W: 잡지 한 권이 TV위에, 꽃병 한 개가 테이블 vase is on the table. ② W: A magazine is beside the TV, and a vase is on the TV. 위에 있다. 에 있다. ② W: 잡지 한 권이 TV옆에, 꽃병 한 개가 TV 위 ③ W: A magazine and a vase are ③ W: 잡지 한 권과 꽃병 한 개가 모두 TV 위에 있다. ④ W: A magazine and a vase are ④ W: 잡지 한 권과 꽃병 한 개가 모두 TV 옆에 있다. ① ② ③ ④ both on the TV. magazine 잡지 both 둘 다 both next to the TV. 11 What is true information according to the conversation? What is true information according to the conversation? 대화 내용과 일치하는 정보는 무엇인가? Popular Sports in Korea Popular Sports in the USA M: What is your favorite sport? M: 무슨 스포츠 좋아해? ① ② ③ ④ Soccer Boxing Baseball Soccer Soccer Baseball Boxing Baseball boxing 권투 soccer 축구 popular 인기 있는 baseball 야구 W: I like boxing. W: 난 권투를 좋아해. M: Wow, really? I heard that M: 우와, 정말? 한국에서 권투는 그렇게 인기있지 boxing is not very popular in Korea. 않다고 들었어. W: It’s not a popular sport in Korea. Most Koreans like soccer. W: 인기 있는 스포츠는 아니지. 대부분의 한국 사 람들은 축구를 좋아해. M: I know, but soccer is not that M: 알아, 하지만 축구는 우리나라에선 별로 인기 popular in my country. 가 없어. W: Is that so? Then, what sport is W: 그래? 그럼 미국에서는 무슨 스포츠가 인기있 popular in America? 어? M: I think baseball is much more M: 내 생각엔 야구가 축구보다 인기있는 것 같아. popular than soccer. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① Brian called Jessica. ② Jessica is not available to the talk on the phone. ③ Brian wants to invite Jessica to his birthday party. ④ Brian will call again to check her answer. Let me know. 내게 알려줘. check if ~인지를 확인하다 give me a call 전화하다 M: Hello, Jessica. This is Brian. I just called to check if you can come to my birthday party this Saturday. The party will start 6 p.m. I’d be so happy if you could come. Anyway, please give me a call. Let me know your answer as soon as you listen to this message. Bye! M: 안녕. Jessica. Brian이야. 이번 토요일 내 생 일 파티에 올 수 있는지 물어보려고 전화했어. 파티는 오후 6시에 시작할 거야. 네가 올 수 있 다면 난 정말 기쁠 것 같아. 어쨌든, 이거 듣는 대로 전화해서 알려줘. 안녕! HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 17 2/9/09 6:05:37 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 ① She cleaned her house. ② She went to the library to borrow some books. ③ She went to the dental clinic. ④ She studied for the test. wake up 일어나다 help A B A가 B하는 것을 돕다 return 돌려주다 go to see a dentist 치과에 가다 take some pills 약을 먹다 come back 돌아오다 study for ~를 공부하다 What a day! 힘든 하루다! W: I did so many things today. I woke up very early and helped my mom clean the house. Then, I went to the library to return some books. I met my friend there, and we had lunch together. After that, I went to see the dentist. Since I had to take some pills, I went to a drugstore. Finally, I came back home and studied for the test. What a day! W: 나는 오늘 정말 많은 일들을 했다. 나는 일찍 일 어나서 엄마가 집 청소 하시는 것을 도왔다. 그 러고 나서, 나는 몇 권의 책을 읽기 위해 도서관 에 갔다. 나는 거기서 친구를 만나고 우리는 점 심을 함께 먹었다. 그 후에, 나는 치과에 갔다. 약을 좀 먹어야 했기에 나는 약국에 갔다. 마침내, 집으로 돌아와서 시험공부를 했다. 힘든 하루였 다! Q: What did the woman NOT do Q: 여자가 오늘 한 일이 아닌 것은? today? night? 14 What is the woman’s plan for tomorrow night? What is the woman’s plan for tomorrow night? 여자는 내일밤 무엇을 할 계획인가? ① She plans to ride on a roller coaster. M: Susie, are you busy tomorrow M: Susie야, 내일 밤 바쁘니? ② She plans to join her friend doing bungee jumping. ③ She plans to learn about bungee jumping. ④ We cannot know it yet. bungee jumping 번지점프 excited 흥분한 even 심지어 W: Not really. Why? W: 아니, 별로. 왜? M: My brother and I are going to Cheong-pyoung to try bungee jumping. 어. M: 나와 남동생은 청평에 번지점프 하러 가기로 했 W: Wow, do you really want to W: 우와, 정말로 그걸 할 거야? do that? M: Yeah. We are very excited M: 응, 우리는 정말 기대하고 있어. 우리랑 같이 갈 about it. Do you want to go with us? me? I cannot even ride on a roller coaster. 래? 타잖아. W: Hey, don’t you know about W: 야, 너 나에 대해 모르니? 난 롤러코스터도 못 What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 15 대화 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절한 것은? ① You’re welcome. ② I am happy to hear that. ③ You are fired. ④ No, problem. I can wait. meal 식사 order 주문하다 beefsteak 소고기 스테이크 sandwich 샌드위치 1 Hot Listening ❷ W: Here’s your meal. W: 여기 식사 나왔습니다. M: But this is not what I ordered. M: 이건 제가 주문한 게 아닌데요. W: Really? Didn’t you order the W: 정말요? 소고기 스테이크 주문하신 거 아니세요? beefsteak? at once. M: No. I just ordered a sandwich. M: 아니요. 저는 샌드위치를 주문했어요. W: Oh, I am so sorry. I’ll correct it W: 오, 죄송합니다. 즉시 다시 가져오겠습니다. M: No, problem. I can wait. M: 괜찮아요. 기다려야죠, 뭐. Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 18 2/9/09 6:05:39 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ① Will you help me with my homework ? ② Are you ready? ③ What is on TV? ④ Can you give me a hand? co-worker 직장 동료 get ready 준비하다 on time 정시에 ask for the help ~에게 도움을 요청하다 M: 오늘은 Brian의 아빠의 생신이다. 아버지의 많 은 직장 동료들이 그의 집에 초대되었다. Brian 의 엄마는 저녁 준비에 바쁘다. 그녀는 정시에 준비되기 위해서는 도움이 필요하다고 생각한다. 그녀는 거실에서 TV를 보고 있는 Brian을 본다. 그녀는 그에게 도움을 요청하고 싶다. 이 상황 에서 엄마가 Brian에게 할 말은? M: Today is Brian’s father’s birthday. Many of his father’s co-workers were invited to his house. Brian’s mom is very busy preparing dinner. She thinks she needs some help to get everything ready on time. She sees Brian watching TV in the living room. She wants to ask him for help. In this situation, what should Brian’s mom say to him? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 19 2/9/09 6:05:39 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 04 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the woman likely to order? What is the woman likely to order? 여자는 무엇을 주문하겠는가? 01 ① ③ ② ④ else 그 밖에 right away 곧 바로 of course 물론이죠 W: Excuse me! W: 저기요. M: Yes ma’am. Is there anything M: 네, 손님. 무엇이 더 필요하신가요? W: Can we have two glasses of W: 우리 아이스커피를 두 잔 주시겠어요? M: Of course. How would you M: 물론이죠. 커피를 어떻게 드시겠어요? else I can get you? iced coffee, please? like your coffee? please. W: With sugar , but no cream, W: 설탕을 가져다주시고 크림은 없어도 됩니다. M: Okay. I’ll get two glasses of M: 알겠습니다. 아이스커피 두 잔과 설탕을 바로 iced coffee and some sugar 가져다 드리겠습니다. for you right away. 02 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? ① A nurse – A patient ② A teacher – A student ③ A doctor – A patient ④ A police − A citizen fever 열 ache 아프다, 쑤시다 doctor’s note 진단서 bring 가지고 오다 in a couple of days 며칠 후에 W: What seems to be the W: 무슨 문제가 있나요? problem? aches as well. M: I have a fever and my body M: 열이 나고 몸도 쑤십니다. W: It looks like you have the flu. You should just go home and get a rest. Then you will be fine in a couple of days. M: Okay. By the way, may I have a doctor’s note? My teacher asked me to bring it. W: 독감에 걸린 것 같습니다. 집에 가서 좀 휴식을 취하세요. 그리고 나면, 며칠 후에는 괜찮아질 거예요. M: 알겠습니다. 그런데, 진단서를 받을 수 있어요? 선생님께서 그것을 가져오라고 했어요. W: Sure. Please, wait outside. A W: 물론이죠. 진찰실 밖에서 기다리세요. 간호사가 nurse will bring it to you. 가져다줄 거예요. 0 Hot Listening ❷ 03 04 05 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 20 2/9/09 6:05:41 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 03 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? ① At the library ② On the street ③ At the children‘s hospital ④ At the florist’s shop between Aand B A 와 B사이에 florist’s shop 꽃집 on foot 걸어서 M: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the closest library is? M: 실례합니다. 가장 가까운 도서관이 어디 있는지 말씀해주시겠어요? W: Sure. Go straight this street and you’ll see the public library on the right between the florist’s shop and the hospital. W: 물론이죠. 이 길을 따라 쭉 걸어가시면 꽃가게 와 병원 사이의 오른편에 공립도서관이 보일 겁 니다. M: I got it. It’s next to the children’s hospital, isn’t it? 요? M: 알겠습니다. 아동 병원 옆에 있다고요, 그렇지 W: That’s right. It takes about 10 W: 맞습니다. 걸어서 10분 정도 걸립니다. minutes on foot. M: Thank you for your help. M: 도와주셔서 감사합니다. How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 05 ① She feels bored. ② She feels tired. ③ She feels sleepy. ④ She feels sick. look well 좋아 보이다 suggest 넌지시 말하다 though 그러나, 그래도 ① It’s an apple. ② It’s the moon. ③ It’s a watermelon. ④ It’s a ball. full moon 보름달 stripe 줄무늬 favorite 좋아하는 M: Are you tired? M: 피곤하니? W: Not really. I feel a little sick W: 피곤하진 않아. 그런데 조금 아픈 것 같아. though. M: Oh. You don’t look well. M: 아. 안색이 안 좋아. 의사에게 진찰을 받으러 가 I suggest that you should go to see a doctor. 는 게 좋을 것 같다. W: Thanks. I will. If you don’t mind, W: 고마워. 갈게. 괜찮으면 나랑 같이 갈래? can you go with me? M: Sure, I’ll go with you. M: 물론이지, 같이 갈게. M: I am as round as the full moon. My skin is green with black stripes on it. My heart, however , is as red as an apple. You enjoy my sweet juice. I am your favorite summer fruit. M: 저는 보름달처럼 둥급니다. 제 피부는 녹색에 검정 줄무늬가 있습니다. 하지만 제 심장은 사 과처럼 빨갛습니다. 여러분은 저의 달콤한 주스 를 즐겨 마십니다. 저는 여러분이 좋아하는 여 름 과일입니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Who or what am I ? Who or what am I ? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 21 2/9/09 6:05:42 PM 06 07 08 Question & Answer Audio Script translation How much will the man pay? How much will the man pay? 남자가 지불해야 할 금액은 얼마인가? Sta tio ne ry Pen Pencil Eraser $1.50 $0.75 $1.50 Notebook Marker Ruler $2.00 $1.00 $0.75 ① He will need to pay $7.50. ② He will need to pay $7.25. ③ He will need to pay $8.00. ④ He will need to pay $6.75. else 그 밖의 pay 지불하다 W: May I help you? W: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: Yes. I need three pencils, two pens, and a notebook, please. W: Here you are. 주세요. W: 여기 있습니다. M: 네. 연필 세 자루, 펜 두 개, 그리고 공책 한 권 M: Oh, I’m sorry. Can you make M: 아, 죄송합니다. 연필을 두 자루로 바꾸고 지우 that two pencils and add one eraser , please? 개 하나 주시면 안될까요? W: Sure. Anything else? W: 됩니다. 더 필요하신 건 없나요? M: No, that’s all. M: 네. 그게 다예요. What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? ① They are talking about how to go to work. ② They are talking about how long it takes to go to work. ③ They are talking about going to work together. ④ They are talking about how much it costs to go to work. on foot 걸어서 by + 교통수단 ~을 타고 cost (돈 등이) 들다 M: Do you still go to work on M: 여전히 걸어서 출근해? W: No, not anymore. W: 아니, 더이상 안 그래. M: Then, how do you get to M: 그럼 어떻게 출근해? foot? work? W: I take a bus to work these days since it’s faster. How about you? M: I used to take a bus, but now I take a subway. It only takes 20 minutes by subway. W: 요새는 버스 타고 다녀. 버스가 빠르거든. 넌 어 때? M: 난 버스 타고 다녔는데 지금은 전철 타고 다녀. 전철로 20분밖에 안 걸리거든. Why did the man break his leg? Why did the man break his leg? 남자의 다리가 부러진 이유는 무엇인가? ① He fell while he was playing soccer. W: Oh, no! What happened to W: 아, 다리가 어떻게 된 거야? ② He fell while he was playing your leg? baseball. ③ He fell while he was skiing. was inline skating. M: I fell and broke my leg while I M: 인라인스케이트 타다 넘어져서 다리가 부러졌어. ④ He fell while he was inline skating. W: You broke your arm while W: 저번 달에는 야구하다 팔을 부러뜨리더니, 이젠 playing baseball last month, and now your leg? 다리야? M: I know. Tell me about it. M: 그러게 말이야. W: Well, follow doctor’s advice and take a good care. W: 어쨌든, 의사선생님 말씀대로 하고 몸조심해. M: Okay, I will. Thanks. M: 응, 그래야지. 고마워. while ~하는 동안 broke (break의 과거) 부러졌다 follow 따르다 22 Hot Listening ❷ 09 10 11 Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 22 2/10/09 9:54:15 AM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What did the woman do last weekend? What did the woman do last weekend? 여자가 지난 주말에 했던 일은? 09 ① She visited her sister’s house. ② She went out of town. ③ She watched TV. M: Hey, how was your weekend? M: 안녕, 주말 잘 보냈어? W: It was terrible! W: 정말 괴로운 주말이었어! ④ She took care of her nephews. M: Why? What did you do? M: 왜? 뭘 했는데? terrible 괴로운 nephew 조카 tiring 힘든 W: My sister was out of town last weekend and I had to watch my nephews. 했어. M: Oh, really? M: 아, 정말? W: 언니가 주말에 어디를 가서 조카들을 돌봐야 W: I had a good time with them, W: 재미는 있었는데 정말 힘든 주말이었어. but it was very tiring. 10 What does Not correctly describe the picture? What does Not correctly describe the picture? 그림을 틀리게 묘사한 것은? ① W: Two people are sitting at the ① W: 두 사람이 테이블 앞에 앉아 있다. table. ② W: A waiter is taking an order. ② W: 웨이터가 주문을 받고 있다. ③ W: The people are eating food. ③ W: 사람들이 음식을 먹고 있다. ④ W: There is no food on the table. ④ W: 테이블에는 음식이 없다. ① ② ③ ④ sit at the table 테이블 앞에 앉다 take an order 주문을 받다 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 Lunch menu Dinner menu Pizza Hamburger Chicken Chicken Pizza Pizza Hamburger Chicken ① ② ③ ④ sis sister의 줄임말 soda 탄산음료 another 또 다른 order 주문하다 M: Hey, sis. What did you have M: 누나. 점심 뭐 먹었어? for your lunch? soda. W: I had a hamburger and a W: 햄버거랑 탄산음료 먹었어. M: Oh, I was planning to eat those for dinner tonight. W: No way. I don’t want to have another hamburger today. M: 아, 오늘 저녁에 그걸 먹으려고 했어. W: 안 돼. 난 오늘은 햄버거 또 먹고 싶지 않아. M: Okay, then how about some M: 알았어. 그러면 피자나 치킨 어때? pizza or chicken? W: Pizza sounds good. I’ll order it. W: 피자가 좋겠다. 내가 주문할게. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 23 2/9/09 6:05:45 PM 15 16 12 13 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① Brain left this message. ② Terry is Brain’s brother. ③ Brian was absent from school today. ④ Brian wants Terry to call him back. medicine 약 get better 나아지다 M: Hello, Terry. This is Brian. I just called to ask you something. I was so sick that I couldn’t go to school today. I took some medicine and got much better now. Can you call me as soon as you listen to this message and tell me what the homework is? Bye. M: 안녕. Terry. Brian이야. 나 뭐 좀 물어보려고 전화했어. 오늘 너무 아파서 학교를 못 갔어. 약 먹고 지금은 많이 나아졌어. 네가 이 메시지 듣 는 대로 전화해서 숙제가 뭔지 알려줬으면 좋겠 어. 안녕. What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? ① He is likely to read a magazine. ② He is likely to go to sleep. ③ He is likely to go for a walk. W: What are you doing? W: 뭐하고 있었어? M: I am reading a magazine. M: 잡지 읽고 있어. W: Is there anything interesting in W: 뭐 재미있는 거 있어? ④ He is likely to do something it? interesting. go for a walk 산책을 가다 be likely to ~할 것 같다 M: Not really. M: 아니, 별로. W: How about going for a walk W: 그럼 나랑 산책가는 게 어때? with me, then? M: That sounds like a good plan. M: 좋은 계획처럼 들리는데. Q: What is the man likely to do Q: 그가 지금 하려는 일은 무엇인가? now? 14 What does the woman think about the man’s new bike? What does the woman think about the man’s new bike? 여자는 남자의 새 자전거에 대해 어떻게 생각하 는가? ① She doesn’t want to ride his bike. ② She hates it because of its color. ③ She doesn’t understand why he bought it. ④ She thinks it is better than old one. Have you p.p.~? ~를 해본 적이 있나요? there was something wrong with ~에 문제가 있다 M: Have you seen my new bike? M: 내 새 자전거 봤니? W: Didn’t you already have one? W: 하나 이미 가지고 있지 않았니? M: Yes, but I bought a new one M: 응, 근데 지난 주말에 새 거 하나 샀어. last weekend. with your old bike? have a nicer one. W: Was there something wrong W: 네 옛날 자전거에 무슨 문제 있었니? M: Not really. I just wanted to M: 아니. 그냥 더 좋은 것이 갖고 싶었어. W: I cannot understand why W: 난 사람들이 매번 새 것을 사는 이유를 이해할 people buy new things all the time. 수 없어. Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 24 2/9/09 6:05:47 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① Why? Is it going to rain? ② Can I borrow your umbrella? W: Did you bring an umbrella? W: 우산 가져왔어? ③ Sorry. I will bring it tomorrow. M: No, but why? It is sunny M: 아니, 근데 왜? 밖에 날씨 좋잖아. ④ No, I forgot to bring one. outside. weather forecast 일기예보 W: I know, but the weather W: 알아. 하지만 일기예보에서 오후에 비 온다고 forecast says it is going to rain in the afternoon. 하더라. M: Oh, really? Did you bring an M: 아, 진짜? 넌 우산 가지고 왔니? umbrella then? W: No, I forgot to bring one. W: 아니, 잊어버리고 안 가져 왔어. 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 말은? ① Why do you hate people using yours? ② Sorry to ask you, but can I please borrow your digital camera? ③ Where is my camera? I can’t remember where I put it. ④ Are you good at taking a photo? hardly ever 좀처럼 ~하지 않는다 lend 빌려주다 borrow 빌리다 W: Your friend Jenny doesn’t like people using her things. She hardly ever lends her stuffs. You know about this well, but you really have to borrow her digital camera. You really need to use it and she is the only one who has digital camera in your class. In this situation, what would you say to Jenny? W: 당신의 친구 Jenny는 사람들이 자신의 물건 을 사용하는 것을 좋아하지 않는다. 그녀는 절 대 그녀의 물건을 빌려주지 않는다. 당신은 이 에 대해 잘 알고 있지만 그녀의 디지털 카메라 를 꼭 빌려야만 한다. 당신은 디지털 카메라를 꼭 사용해야 하고 그녀는 당신의 반에서 디지털 카메라를 가지고 있는 유일한 사람이다. 이러한 상황에서 Jenny에게 할 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 25 2/9/09 6:05:47 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 05 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 다음을 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. 04 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? ① ③ ② ④ mostly 대개의 경우는, 대부분 take a picture 사진을 찍다 02 ① At a train station ② At a hotel ③ At a theater ④ At an airport make sure ~을 확실히 하다 film 영화 correct 옳은, 틀림없는 ① It was hot. ② It was hot and humid. ③ It was rainy. ④ It was clear. humid 습한 these days 요즈음 degree (온도계의)도 26 Hot Listening ❷ W: I can take a picture with this. I can also play a game, watch a TV and listen to music with this. I usually carry this around when I go out. I mostly use it when I talk to someone who is not with me. What is this? W: 나는 이것으로 사진을 찍을 수 있다. 또한 게임 도 할 수 있고 텔레비전도 보고 음악도 들을 수 있다. 나는 주로 외출 할 때 이것을 가지고 다닌 다. 나는 대부분 나와 함께 있지 않은 사람과 이 야기 할 때 이것을 사용한다. 이것은 무엇일까요? W: Good evening. Can I help W: 안녕하세요. 도와드릴까요? you? M: I’d like to have two tickets for M: 8시에 상영하는 것으로 두 장만 주세요. the 8 P.M. show, please. W: Here you are. Please check your tickets to make sure everything is correct. W: 여기 있습니다. 모든 것이 정확한지 표를 확인 해주세요. M: Title, time, and seats... Everything is fine. Thanks. 합니다. M: 제목, 시간, 그리고 좌석… 모두 맞습니다. 감사 W: Enjoy the film. W: 영화 재미있게 보세요. M: It’s really hot and humid outside, isn’t it? M: 밖에 정말 덥고 끈적거린다. 그렇지? W: It’s really hot these days. I W: 요즘 정말 더운 것 같아. 참을 수가 없어. can’t stand it. M: I know. It was thirty-eight degrees yesterday. But, it wasn’t humid. M: 맞아. 어제는 38도였잖아. 하지만 끈적거리지는 않았는데. W: I hope it’ll rain soon. W: 비가 빨리 왔으면 좋겠어. M: The weatherman said it would rain next week. M: 기상 예보관이 다음주에는 비가 올거래. What was the weather like yesterday? What was the weather like yesterday? 어제 날씨로 알맞은 것은? 03 05 06 Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 26 2014-01-29 오전 10:05:46 Question & Answer Audio Script Translation 04 How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? W: What kind of movie do you W: 어떤 영화를 보고 싶은데? want to watch? M: Let’s watch a horror movie. I love horror movies. They are so exciting! M: 우리 공포 영화 보자. 나 공포 영화 정말 좋아해. 진짜 재미있어. W: Are you serious? I think W: 진심이야? 난 공포 영화 무서워. 난 보고 싶지 they’re scary. I don’t want to watch them. 않은데. M: Really? I thought you enjoyed M: 정말? 난 네가 좋아할 거라 생각했는데. them. W: I used to like them. W: 예전엔 좋아했었지. Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? W: I cannot walk fast. I carry my house wherever I go. But I am not a gypsy or Bohemian. I like rainy days. I live in the grass or trees. W: 나는 빨리 걸을 수 없습니다. 나는 어디를 가든 지 저의 집을 가지고 다닙니다. 하지만 나는 집 시도 떠돌이도 아닙니다. 나는 비오는 날을 좋 아합니다. 나는 풀과 나무에서 살고 있습니다. ① She is excited. ② She is uncomfortable. ③ She is joyful. ④ She is depressed. horror movie 공포 영화 uncomfortable 불편한 joyful 즐거운 depressed 우울한 05 Who or what am I? ① I am a turtle. ② I am a grasshopper. ③ I am a frog. ④ I am a snail. gypsy 집시 Bohemian 떠돌이 (자유분방한 생활을 하는 사람) wherever ~하는 경우는 언제나 grass 풀 ① They will meet at 1:00. ② They will meet at 2:45. ③ They will meet at 3:15. ④ They will meet at 3:45. plan 계획하다 quarter (시간) 15분 What time will the speakers meet? What time will the speakers meet? 화자들이 만나기로 한 시각은 몇 시인가? 06 M: Hi! I’m planning to go biking M: 안녕, 나 내일 자전거 타러 갈 거야. 같이 갈래? tomorrow. Would you like to come with me? W: Yeah, I’d love to. What time W: 응. 너무 좋지. 몇 시에 갈까? shall we go? M: Well, my last class ends at M: 음, 나 마지막 수업이 2시 45분에 끝나. 3시 15 2:45. How about going at a quarter after three? 분에 만날까? W: Perfect. Let’s do that. W: 좋아. 그렇게 하자. M: I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon then. M: 그럼 내일 오후에 만나. HOT TEST 05 Answer Key & Script 27 Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 27 2014-01-27 오후 12:55:36 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 07 What kind of advertisement is the following? What kind of advertisement is the following? 다음 광고의 종류는? 10 Why was the man late for school? Why was the man late for school? 남자가 학교에 늦은 이유는? 11 ① Help – Wanted Ad ② Missing Children ③ Special Sales ④ Bank hire 고용하다 benefit 복지 currently 지금 salary 봉급 purpose 목적 advertisement 광고 help-wanted ad 구인광고 08 ① Because he got up late ② Because he took the wrong bus ③ Because his mom got up late ④ Because the traffic was bad promise 약속하다 ① They will watch Harry Potter together. ② They will do their homework. ③ They will meet at the man’s house in 20 minutes. ④ They will go rent a Harry Potter DVD. favorite 특히 좋아하는 in ~ minutes ~분 후에 truth 사실 Hot Listening ❷ M: We are currently hiring a salesperson for our department store. The working hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. We’ll pay excellent salary with good benefits. For more information, call 2604 -5757. M: 저희 백화점은 현재 세일즈 할 분을 고용 중입 니다. 근무 시간은 월요일부터 토요일까지 아침 9시부터 오후 5시입니다. 저희는 좋은 복지 시 스템과 함께 높은 봉급을 제공합니다. 더 자세 한 정보가 필요하시면 2604-5757로 문의하세 요. W: You’re late. W: 늦었구나. M: I’m sorry for being late. But it M: 늦어서 죄송해요. 근데 제 잘못이 아니에요. wasn’t my fault. W: What do you mean? W: 무슨 뜻이니? M: Well, you see, my mom M: 그게, 보통 엄마가 저를 학교에 데려다주시거든 usually drives me to school. But she got up late this morning. W: Oh, really?! I thought you took the wrong bus. Anyways, don’t be late next time. 요. 근데 오늘 늦잠을 주무셨어요. W: 아, 정말? 난 또 버스를 잘못 탄 줄 알았지. 어 쨌든 다음에는 늦지 마라. M: I won’t. I promise. M: 안 늦을게요. 약속드려요. W: Yes, I love it. It’s my favorite. W: 응, 너무 좋아해. 내가 가장 좋아하는 거야. M: I think it’ll be on TV in 20 minutes. Let’s watch it together at my house. M: 20분 후에 TV에서 하는 것 같던데. 우리 집에 가서 같이 보자. W: I’d love to, but I have to do W: 정말 그러고 싶지만 숙제를 먼저 해야 해. my homework first. M: Oh, I see. To tell you the truth, M: 아, 그래. 사실 나도 그래. I have to do mine, too. What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은? 09 M: You like Harry Potter , don’t M: 너 해리포터 좋아하지 않니? you? 12 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 28 2/9/09 6:05:52 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Which does Not correctly describe the picture? Which does Not correctly describe the picture? 그림을 틀리게 묘사한 것은? ① W: There are no clouds in the sky. ① W: 날씨가 구름 한 점 없이 맑다. ② W: Two kids are playing with the ② W: 두 명의 아이가 풍선을 가지고 놀고 있다. balloons. ③ W: A woman is sitting on the bench while talking on the phone. ③ W: 한 여자가 벤치에 앉아 전화 통화를 하고 있다. ④ W: There is a fountain in the middle ④ W: 공원 한 가운데 분수가 있다. of the park. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 Starting Time Price M: Can I have three tickets for M: 6시 쇼로 표 3장 있어요? ① ② ③ ④ balloon 풍선 fountain 분수 in the middle of ~한가운데 bench 벤치 ① ② ③ ④ 6:00 7:30 7:30 6:00 $12 $12 $20 $12 ticket 표 should ~해야 한다 adult 어른 12 ① She is introducing herself. ② She is a new student. ③ She likes listening to music. ④ She hopes to make some good friends. glad 기쁜 introduce 소개하다 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? the 6:00 show? show are all sold out. next show? W: Sorry, but tickets for the 6:00 W: 죄송합니다. 6시 표는 모두 매진되었습니다. M: Wow, really? When is the M: 우와, 정말요? 다음 쇼는 언젠가요? W: It will start at 7:00. Oh, sorry. W: 7시에 시작합니다. 앗, 죄송합니다. 7시 30분입 It’s 7:30. 니다. M: Cool. Can I have three M: 좋아요. 표 세 장 주세요. 어른 두 명에 아이 한 tickets? Two adults and one child. How much should I pay? 명이요. 얼마죠? W: It is 5 dollars for an adult and W: 어른 한 명에 5달러, 아이 한 명에 2달러입니다. 2 dollars for a child. W: Hi, everyone! My name is W: 모두들, 안녕. 내 이름은 Jessica야. 나는 이 Jessica. I am a new student in this class. I am 14 years old just like you guys. I like to play the piano and sing. I am really glad to meet you all, and I hope we can be good friends. 교실의 새로운 학생이야. 나는 너희들처럼 열네 살이야. 피아노 치기와 노래 부르기를 좋아해. 모두들 만나서 너무 반갑고, 좋은 친구들이 되 었으면 해. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 29 2/9/09 6:05:53 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 ① He wants to take a rest. ② He wants to go to Busan. ③ He wants to go to Seoul Tower. tired. ④ He wants to take his photo. W: How long are you planning to W: 서울에 얼마나 있을 거예요? W: How was your flight? W: 비행은 어땠어요? M: It was okay, but I am a little M: 괜찮았어요. 근데 조금 피곤해요. 16 plan to ~할 계획이다 take a rest 쉬다 stay in Seoul? M: About a week. Then I have to go to Pusan to see my brother. M: 일 주일 정도요. 그런 다음엔 부산에 형을 보러 가야해요. W: What do you want to do this W: 오늘 오후에 뭐 하고 싶어요? afternoon? M: I want to go to Seoul Tower. I’d like to take some photographs of the city. 싶어요. M: 서울타워 가고 싶어요. 이 도시의 사진을 찍고 Q: What does the man want to Q: 오늘 그가 하고 싶은 일은 무엇인가? do today? What made the man Not start his homework? What made the man Not start his homework? 남자는 무엇 때문에 숙제를 시작하지 못했는가? 14 ① He didn’t want to do his homework. ② He didn’t know the homework. homework? M: Have you done your M: 숙제 다 했니? ③ He wanted to be late. W: Not yet. How about you? W: 아직은. 너는 어때? ④ He was busy with many things. . M: I haven’t even started yet. M: 난 아직 시작도 못했어. have you done ~을 다 했니? Not yet 아니 make sure ~을 분명히 하다 W: What? Why not? W: 뭐라고? 왜? M: I don’t know. I have had so many things going on. M: 몰라. 일이 많았어. W: I see, but make sure you are W: 알았어. 하지만 이번에는 늦지 않도록 해. not late this time. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 대답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① Nice to meet you. ② I will pay by credit card. W: Hi, may I help you? W: 안녕하세요. 도와드릴까요? ③ Is it okay to show you my driver’s M: I would like to rent some M: DVD 빌리러 왔어요. license? ④ I don’t want to do that again. W: Are you here for the first W: 여기 처음이세요? DVDs. time? driver’s license 운전 면허증 credit card 신용 카드 fill out (양식 등을) 기재하다 0 Hot Listening ❷ M: Yes. It’s my first time. M: 네, 처음 왔어요. W: Fill out this form, please. Can I W: 이 양식을 기입해주세요. 신분증을 볼 수 있을 see some ID? 까요? M: Is it okay to show you my M: 운전면허증을 보여드려도 될까요? driver’s license? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 30 2/9/09 6:05:55 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Can you clean up my room? ② Aren’t you tired of cleaning? You should get a rest. ③ Why don’t you clean up your room by yourself? ④ Did you clean up your room? clean up 청소하다 be tired of ~에 질리다 warn 경고하다 W: Sam is a smart boy, but there is one problem. He never cleans up his room. Sam’s mom is tired of cleaning his room. She has decided to tell him to do it by himself. In this situation, what is the best thing for Sam’s mother to say to him? W: Sam은 똑똑한 아이다. 하지만 한 가지 문제점 이 있다. 그는 절대 그의 방 청소를 하지 않는다. Sam의 엄마는 그의 방을 치워주는 데 질렸다. 그녀는 그의 방을 스스로 치우게끔 경고하려고 결심했다. 이런 상황에서 Sam의 엄마가 그에게 할 수 있는 가장 좋은 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 31 2/9/09 6:05:55 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 06 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 다음을 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. 04 W: It’s made of two pieces of glass. It is a long instrument shaped like a tube. It has lenses inside that make distant things seem larger and nearer when you look through it. W: 이것은 두 개의 유리로 만들어졌다. 이것은 튜브 처럼 생긴 기다란 기구이다. 그것 안에 렌즈가 있는데 그것을 통해 볼 때 멀리 있는 물체를 크 게 하거나 가깝게 볼 수 있다. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are in a supermarket. ② They are at a gas station. sesame oil. W: Excuse me. I’m looking for the W: 실례합니다. 참기름을 찾고 있는데요? What will the weather be like this weekend? What will the weather be like this weekend? 이번 주말 날씨는 어떨 것인가? 05 06 M: It’s located in aisle twelve. Go M: 12번 통로에 있습니다. 쭉 가셔서 왼쪽으로 가 straight and turn left. 세요. W: Thanks. May I ask one more W: 감사합니다. 하나만 더 물어봐도 될까요? question? M: Sure. Go ahead. M: 물론이지요. 말씀하세요. W: Where can I get seaweed? W: 김은 어디에서 찾으면 될까요? M: It’s across from the sesame M: 그건 참기름 맞은편에 있습니다. 제가 더 도와 oil. Is there anything else I can help you with? 드릴 일이 있나요? W: No, nothing else. Thank you. W: 아니요, 없습니다. 감사합니다. W: 이번 주말 날씨가 어떨까요, 마이크? M: Good morning. I’m Mike M: 안녕하세요. 전 DBS의 Mike Brown입니다. 오 늘은 대체로 맑습니다. Brown from DBS. Today, it’s mostly sunny. W: How’s the weather going to be this weekend then, Mike? spell this weekend. get some more snow? M: Yes, we’ll definitely see some snow throughout the country. M: We’re going to have a cold M: 이번 주말은 한동안 추위가 계속될 것 같습니다. W: More cold weather? Will we W: 더 추워질 것 같다고요? 눈이 더 올까요? M: 네, 확실히 전국적으로 눈이 올 예정입니다. ① ③ ② ④ instrument 기구 tube 가늘고 긴 관 through ~을 통하여 distant 거리 ③ They are in a hardware store. ④ They are on the street. hardware store 철물점 be located in ~에 위치하고 있다 aisle 통로 seaweed 김 03 ① It will rain. ② It will be quite warm. ③ It will snow and be cold. ④ It will be humid. cold spell 한동안의 추위 definitely 확실히 throughout 전부 humid 습한 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 32 2/9/09 6:05:57 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? ① She is disappointed. ② She is hopeful. ③ She is delighted. ④ She is bored. disappointed 실망한 nervous 긴장한 M: How did you do on the math M: 수학 시험은 어떻게 봤니? test? W: I’m afraid I didn’t do well. W: 잘 못본 것 같아 걱정돼. M: I can’t believe it. Didn’t you M: 믿을 수가 없어. 공부 열심히 하지 않았니? study hard for it? nervous. W: Yes, I did. I guess I was too W: 응, 그랬어. 너무 긴장했던 것 같아. M: I am sorry to hear that. Cheer up. I’m sure you’ll do better next time. 신해. M: 그것 참 안됐구나. 난 네가 다음엔 잘할거라 확 Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? ① I’m a glass. ② I’m a door. ③ I’m a house. ④ I’m a window. through ~을 통하여 clear 투명한 warm 따뜻한 W: I am very clear. You can look through me and see outside. I am a kind of door , but you cannot go through me. You can keep yourself warm or cool by closing or opening me. I am a part of your house. W: 나는 투명합니다. 나를 통해서 밖을 볼 수 있습 니다. 나는 문이지만 나를 통해서 지나갈 수 없 습니다. 나를 닫거나 열면서 당신 자신을 따뜻 하게 또는 춥게 할 수 있습니다. 나는 집의 일부 분입니다. How much change will the man receive? How much change will the man receive? 남자가 받을 거스름돈은 얼마인가? 05 06 M.E .N.U $4.00 Small Coke $0.75 $3.00 Large Coke $1.00 $1.00 Orange Juice $1.00 Hamburger Chicken Sandwich Apple pie ① He will receive $8.00. ② He will receive $10.00. ③ He will receive $7.00. ④ He will receive $9.00. order 주문하다 else 그 밖의 다른 receive 받다 W: Are you ready to order? W: 주문하시겠어요? M: Yes, I’ll have two chicken sandwiches and one hamburger , please. M: 네. 치킨 샌드위치 2개와 햄버거 1개 주세요. W: Do you need something to W: 음료수도 필요하세요? drink with them? M: One large Coke and one orange juice, please. M: 콜라 큰 것 하나와 오렌지 주스 하나 주세요. W: Anything else? W: 더 필요 하신 건 없으세요? M: Yes, one apple pie for my M: 네, 제 아들은 사과파이 한 개 주세요. 여기 20 son. Here is $20. 달러요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 33 2/9/09 6:05:59 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 07 08 What are the speakers mainly talking about? What are the speakers mainly talking about? 대화의 주요 내용은 무엇에 대한 것인가? ① It’s about their favorite subjects. M: Do you like history, Susan? M: Susan, 너 역사 좋아하니? ② It’s about their science class. W: I love history. I especially like W: 응, 역사 좋아해. 특히 한국 역사를 좋아해. ③ It’s about their history class. ④ It’s about their school project. Korean history. M: Really? I didn’t know that. M: 정말? 난 몰랐어 10 especially 특히 biology 생물학 W: Yes, it’s really interesting, and it’s my favorite. How about you? M: I don’t like history, but I like biology most. I like to learn about nature. W: 응, 정말 흥미롭고 내가 가장 좋아하는 과목이야. 넌 어때? M: 난 역사를 좋아하지 않지만 생물을 제일 좋아해. 난 자연에 대해 배우는 것이 좋아. Why did the woman visit the store? Why did the woman visit the store? 여자가 가게를 방문한 이유는 무엇인가? ① She was looking for a clerk. M: Hello! May I help you with M: 안녕하세요? 무엇을 도와드릴까요? anything? W: Yes, I saw a help-wanted ad on your website. Are you still looking for a cashier? W: 네, 홈페이지에서 구인광고를 봤는데요, 아직도 계산원을 모집 중이신가요? 11 ② She was shopping. ③ She was looking for help. ④ She was looking for a job. help-wanted ad 구인광고 cashier 계산원 experience 경험 M: Oh, yes. Do you have any M: 오, 네. 계산원 경험이 있으세요? working experience as a cashier? W: Yes. I worked in a shop like W: 네. 이런 가게에서 4년 정도 일한 적이 있어요. this for four years. start? M: Excellent. When can you M: 좋아요. 언제 시작할 수 있으세요? W: I can start right away, sir. W: 당장 시작할 수 있어요. 09 What will the speakers do tomorrow morning? What will the speakers do tomorrow morning? 화자들이 내일 아침에 할 일은? ① They will study together. W: Hey! Do you exercise every W: 야! 너 매일 아침 운동하니? morning? ② They will go to school together. ③ They will eat together. ④ They will exercise together. stay healthy 건강을 유지하다 track 트랙 Hot Listening ❷ M: Yes, it helps me stay healthy. M: 응, 건강에도 도움이 되지만 학교공부에도 많이 But it also helps me with my school work. 도움이 돼. 12 W: 와, 난 운동 전혀 안 하는데. 아침에 도저히 일 찍 못 일어나겠어. M: 정말? 그래도 운동을 해야 건강해지지. W: Wow, I don’t exercise at all. I just can’t get up early in the morning. M: Really? But you have to exercise to stay healthy. you. M: Sure. Meet me at the school track tomorrow morning. W: Yes, I know. Maybe I can join W: 응, 알아. 너랑 같이 할까봐. M: 그래. 내일 아침 학교 트랙에서 만나자. Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 34 2/9/09 6:06:00 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Which statement does Not correctly describe the picture? Which statement does Not correctly describe the picture? 다음 중 그림을 틀리게 묘사한 것은? ① W: A boy is lighting candles. ① W: 한 소년이 촛불을 켜고 있다. ② W: There are balloons on the wall. ② W: 벽에는 풍선들이 있다. ③ W: There is no food on the table. ③ W: 탁자 위에는 음식이 없다. ④ W: The clock says it’s 5 o’clock. ④ W: 시계는 5시를 가리킨다. ① ② ③ ④ clock says (시간이) ~시다 light candles 촛불을 켜다 wall 벽 What is true according to the conversation? What is true according to the conversation? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 The Movie the man Likes The Movie the woman Likes M: What kind of movies do you M: 어떤 영화를 좋아해? ① ② ③ ④ Horror Comedy Action Comedy Action Horror Comedy Action horror movie 공포 영화 action movie 액션 영화 comedy 코미디 영화 like? action. about you? W: I like horror movies. W: 나는 공포영화를 좋아해. M: Really? I thought you like M: 정말? 난 네가 액션을 좋아하는 줄 알았어. W: You’re wrong about me. What W: 네가 잘 못 알았어. 너는 어때? M: I like comedies. M: 나는 코미디 영화를 좋아해. W: Those are what my mom likes. W: 그건 우리 엄마가 좋아하는 거야. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① The woman’s brother goes to high school. doctor. ② The woman’s brother wants to be a ③ The woman’s brother is very handsome. ④ The woman loves her brother a lot. handsome 잘생긴 be good at ~를 잘하다 smart 똑똑한 clever 영리한 W: My brother is a high school student. He is very tall and handsome. He is good at playing soccer. He wants to be a soccer player , but my dad wants him to be a doctor. He is very smart and clever. I love him very much. W: 내 남동생은 고등학생입니다. 그는 매우 키가 크고 잘 생겼습니다. 그는 축구를 잘합니다. 그 는 축구 선수가 되고 싶어 하는데 아빠는 그 애 가 의사가 되길 원하십니다. 그는 매우 똑똑하 고 영리합니다. 나는 그를 매우 사랑합니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 35 2/9/09 6:06:02 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 ① He is going to buy some candles. W: Do we have everything we W: 우리 파티 하는데 필요한 것 다 있는 거야? ② He is going to buy some flowers. need for the party? ③ He is going to buy a cake. ④ He is going to buy some juice. M: Well... Let’s check. We have food, flowers, and balloons. 풍선이 있어. M: 글쎄... 확인해보자. 우리는 음식, 꽃 그리고 cake 케이크 juice 주스 right away 당장 go get ~을 사러 가다 W: Do we need anything else? W: 더 필요한 게 있을까? M: What about a cake and some M: 케이크하고 주스는? juice? W: Oh, I forgot to buy the cake. W: 아, 케이크 사는 걸 깜빡했다. M: That’s okay. I’ll go get one M: 괜찮아. 내가 당장 가서 사올게. right away. right away? Q: What is the man going to buy Q: 남자가 당장 사러갈 것은 무엇인가? Which best describes the situation? Which best describes the situation? 14 ① They are talking about the game they watched. ② The woman is asking the man to watch the game. ③ The man is talking about the soccer game he saw. ④ The woman is asking the man to help her homework. last night 지난 밤 exciting 흥미진진한 M: Did you see the game last night? game? W: Do you mean the soccer M: Yes. Did you see it? W: No, I didn’t. I had to do my homework. M: Really? It was really exciting, and the Korean team finally won. W: I am sorry that I missed it. 상황을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? M: 어제 밤 경기 봤니? W: 축구 경기 말이니? M: 응. 너는 봤어? W: 아니. 난 숙제를 해야 했어. M: 정말? 그 경기 정말 흥미진진했는데. 한국 팀이 결국 이겼어. W: 그걸 놓쳐서 아쉽다. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① I don’t want to talk about it anymore. ② I will pay by credit card. ma’am? M: Are you ready to order , M: 주문하시겠습니까? ③ I will have some red wine, too. W: I would like the steak special W: 스페셜 스테이크랑 그린 샐러드로 할게요. ④ I am ready to order. be ready to do ~할 준비가 되다 medium well-done 중간정도로 잘 구워진 credit card 신용 카드 with a green salad. your steak done? M: Okay. How would you like M: 좋아요. 스테이크는 어떻게 해드릴까요? W: Medium well-done, please. W: 중간 정도로 잘 구워주세요. M: Would you like anything else? M: 더 드시고 싶으신 것 있으세요? W: I will have some red wine, W: 레드 와인도 할게요. too. Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 36 2/9/09 6:06:03 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing for Mark to say in the following situation? What is the best thing for Mark to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 Mark가 할 수 있는 알맞은 말은? ① I don’t understand why you’re always tired. ② Why were you late again? ③ I’m looking for my class. ④ I am sorry that I am late again. be late for ~에 늦다 seem ~처럼 보이다 M: Mark is ten minutes late to class. It is not the first time for him to be late for class. The teacher seems very angry now. When he enters the classroom, everybody is looking at him. What is the appropriate thing for Mark to say in this situation? M: Mark은 수업에 10분 늦었다. 그가 수업에 늦 은 것은 처음이 아니다. 선생님은 지금 매우 화 가 난 것 같다. 그가 교실에 들어갈 때 모든 이 가 그를 쳐다본다. Mark이 이 상황에 할 수 있 는 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 37 2/9/09 6:06:03 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 07 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Choose the conversation that matches the picture. Choose the conversation that matches the picture. 다음을 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. 04 ① ② ③ ④ a quarter 25센트 동전 tails 뒷면 heads 앞면 ① He is a dress designer. ② He is a salesperson. ③ He is a cashier. ④ He is a waiter. evening dress 야회용 예복 cashier 계산원 pay 지불하다 ① W: Have some more. M: No, thanks. ① W: 좀 더 먹어요. M: 아니에요. 감사합니다. ② M: Ouch! Watch where you’re ② M: 아야! 가는 길 좀 잘 보고 다녀요! going! W: Oh, I’m sorry. Are you all right? W: 오, 죄송해요. 괜찮아요? ③ W: Will you lend me some money? ③ W: 돈 좀 빌려주시겠어요? M: Sure. How much? M: 좋아요. 얼마나요? ④ M: Hey, look! I found a quarter on ④ M: 어이, 여기 봐! 땅에서 25센트 동전을 찾았어. the ground. W: Don’t pick it up yet. Is the coin facing heads or tails? W: 아직 줍지 마. 앞면이야 뒷면이야? I help you? evening dress. W: Yes. I am looking for a new W: 네. 저는 새 이브닝 드레스를 찾고 있습니다. M: Here. Let me show you one. This is the newest one we have. M: 여기 있습니다. 한 가지 보여드릴게요. 이것은 최신 모델입니다. W: I like it. Where is the cashier? W: 이게 좋겠네요. 계산하는 곳이 어디죠? M: Please follow me. I can help M: 저를 따라 오세요. 계산을 도와드리겠습니다. you pay for it. What is the man’s job? What is the man’s job? 남자의 직업은? 02 M: Good afternoon, ma’am. May M: 안녕하세요, 손님. 무엇을 찾으세요? What is the speaker mainly talking about? 03 What is the speaker mainly talking about? ① He is talking about the traffic update. update. warning. ② He is talking about the weather ③ He is talking about the tsunami ④ He is talking about the TV program. immediately 즉시 stay tuned 채널을 고정하다 tsunami 해일 warning 경보 M: There is a tornado warning for the entire Austin area. Viewers, please go to your basements immediately. I will give you a full report on the tornado in about 15 minutes. Please stay tuned for further information. I’m speaking to you from the weather station here at WTKG Channel 6. Hot Listening ❷ 화자는 무엇에 대해 주로 이야기하고 있는가? M: 현재 오스틴 전 지역에 토네이도 경보가 내려졌 습니다. 시청자 여러분, 바로 지금 지하실로 가 십시오. 제가 15분 정도 후에 토네이도에 대한 전체적인 상황보고를 알려드리겠습니다. 다음 방송을 위해 채널 고정을 하십시오. 이 방송은 WTKG 채널 6 기상 방송입니다. 05 06 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 38 2/9/09 6:06:05 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? ① She is relieved. ② She is pleased. ③ She is shocked. ④ She is sorrowful. I’ll treat you. 내가 살게. sorrowful 슬픈 W: Hi, John. How are you doing? W: 안녕, John. 어떻게 지냈니? M: I am fine. Maria, you look great in your new dress. M: 잘 지내, Maria. 너 새 옷 멋져 보인다. W: Oh, John. Stop kidding W: 오, John. 농담하지 말고. around. M: No. I’m serious. You’re different today. drink. I’ll treat you. W: Thanks a lot. Let’s get some W: 고마워. 음료수 마시러 가자. 내가 살게. M: That sounds good. M: 좋아. M: 아니야. 나는 진심이야. 오늘 달라 보여. 05 Who or what am I? ① I am a thief. ② I am a porter. ③ I am a plumber. ④ I am Santa Claus. carry 지니고 다니다 sneak 몰래 들어오다 chimney 굴뚝 porter 짐꾼 Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? M: I carry a heavy bag. I sneak into your house in the dark night. When your doors or windows are locked, I come into your house through the chimney. I wear red clothes and a hat. I only visit your house once a year. M: 저는 무거운 가방을 가지고 다닙니다. 캄캄한 밤에 당신 집에 몰래 들어갑니다. 문과 창문이 잠겨 있을 때, 나는 굴뚝을 통해서 당신의 집에 들어갑니다. 나는 빨간 옷과 빨간 모자를 쓰고 있습니다. 저는 당신 집을 1년에 한 번 방문합 니다. 06 How long does the man play computer games on Saturdays? How long does the man play the computer games on Saturdays? 남자는 토요일마다 컴퓨터 게임을 얼마나 오랫 동안 하는가? ① He plays for 30 minutes. ② He plays for one hour and 30 minutes. ③ He plays for an hour. ④ He plays for two hours. these days 요즘에 half an hour 30분 rule 규칙 W: So many of my friends play computer games these days. M: Don’t you play? 같아. M: 넌 안 하니? W: 요새 내 친구들 대부분 컴퓨터 게임을 하는 것 W: My mom won’t let me play W: 우리 엄마가 무슨 컴퓨터 게임이든 못하게 해. 너도 게임을 하는가 보구나. M: 물론이야. 매일 해, 하지만 오래 하지는 않아. W: How long do you play them W: 얼마나 오래 하는데? any computer games at all. I guess you play them, too. M: Of course. I play them every day, but not for a long time. every day? M: Well, I play for half an hour on weekdays and one hour on weekends. It’s a rule. M: 음, 주중에는 30분씩하고 주말에는 1시간씩 해. 이건 규칙이야. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 39 2/9/09 6:06:06 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the main topic of the conversation? What is the main topic of the conversation? 대화의 주제는 무엇인가? 07 ① The places they visited during their last vacation ② Their vacation plan for this year ③ Swimming in the sea ④ Visiting a farm during ~동안 beach 바닷가 lie 눕다 W: What are you going to do during your vacation? M: I’m thinking about going to the beach. How about you? W: I don’t know yet. I really want to lie on the beach and swim in the sea. W: 방학 때 뭐 할 거야? M: 바닷가에 갈려고 생각 중이야. 넌 어때? W: 아직 잘 모르겠어. 난 정말 바닷가에 누워있고 수영도 하고 싶어. M: Why don’t you do that? M: 그럼 그렇게 하지 그래? W: Well, my family visits my uncle’s farm every year. But I really want to go to a different place this year. W: 그게, 우린 매년 삼촌 농장에 가거든. 그런데, 난 올해는 정말 다른 데 가고 싶어. What is the purpose of the announcement? 08 What is the purpose of the announcement? 다음 안내 방송의 목적은? ① It is to look for a missing person. ② It is to announce a one-hour special sale. bag. ③ It is to look for a missing shopping ④ It is to look for a clothing store. M: Attention please, shoppers. We’re looking for a little boy named Steve. Steve is 7 years old, and he is wearing a white shirt, a pair of blue shorts, and blue shoes. His parents are waiting at the information desk. Thank you. M: 손님 여러분께 말씀드립니다. Steve라는 한 남 자 아이를 찾고 있습니다. Steve는 7살이며 흰 색 셔츠에 파란 반바지와 파란 신발을 신고 있 습니다. 아이의 부모님이 안내 데스크에서 기다 리고 있습니다. 감사합니다. 10 11 attention 경청, 주의 pair 한 쌍 purpose 목적 announcement 방송 09 ① They will go to the mall. ② They will go to the library. ③ They will go to the video store. ④ They will go to the birthday party. totally 완전히 return 반납하다 mall 백화점 0 Hot Listening ❷ What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은? W: Hi! Do you want to go buy a birthday present for James with me? W: 안녕! 나랑 같이 James 생일 선물 사러 갈래? 12 M: Oh, I totally forgot about his M: 아! 걔 생일을 완전히 잊어버리고 있었네. birthday. W: Let’s go together then. W: 그러면 같이 가자. M: Sorry, but I have to return this M: 미안해. 나 지금 이 테이프를 도서실에 반납 tape to the library now. 해야해. W: 그러면 도서실에 들렸다 쇼핑갈까? W: Why don’t we go to the library first and then go shopping? M: Good idea. M: 그래 좋아. Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 40 2/9/09 6:06:07 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Which statement does Not correctly describe the picture? Which statement does Not correctly describe the picture? 다음 중 그림을 틀리게 묘사한 것은? ① W: The basketball is under the desk. ① W: 책상 아래 농구공이 있다. ② W: The windows in the room seem ② W: 방 안의 창문들은 닫혀 있는 것 같다. ③ W: There are two pillows on the ③ W: 침대 위에 두 개의 베개가 있다. ④ W: The bed is right next to the ④ W: 침대는 의자 바로 옆에 있다. closed. bed. chair. ① ② ③ ④ closed 닫힌 pillow 베개 What is true according to the conversation? What is true according to the conversation? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 The woman’s Plan Tomorrow Morning Tomorrow Afternoon M: What are you doing M: 내일 뭐 해? tomorrow? ① ② ③ ④ Help the boy with his homework Clean her house Clean her house See her grandmother Help the boy with his homework See her grandmother See her grandmother Help the boy with his homework W: I will clean my house with my W: 아침에 엄마랑 집안 청소 할 거야. mom in the morning. M: What about the afternoon? M: 그럼 오후는 어때? 나 수학 숙제하는 것 도와줄 Can you help me do my math homework? 수 있어? W: I am sorry, but I can’t. I have W: 미안해. 안되겠어. 나 조부모님 뵈러 가야해. to go to see my grandparents. what about ~은 어때? M: That’s okay. I will ask my M: 괜찮아. 우리 누나한테 부탁해보지 뭐. sister. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하는 것은? 12 ① The woman is introducing herself. ② The woman left this message for her friend. ③ The woman is in the supermarket. ④ The woman is doing homework with her friend. leave a message 메시지를 남기다 soon 곧 W: Hi, Mom. This is Susie. I am at Katie’s house. We’re doing our homework together. I will stay here until dinner. By the way, can you buy some milk for me when you go to the supermarket later? I’ll see you soon. Bye. W: 엄마. 수지예요. 나는 Katie에 집에서 숙제하고 있어요. 저녁 시간 전까지 여기 있을 거예요. 참, 이따가 슈퍼 갈 때 우유 좀 사다줄 수 있어요? 이따 봐요. 안녕. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 41 2/9/09 6:06:09 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 16 13 ① She went to her cousin’s house. ② She went to Ga-pyoung. W: How was your vacation? W: 방학 어땠어? M: It was so good. I went to my M: 너무 좋았어. 사촌 집에 다녀왔거든. ③ She stayed in the hospital for a few cousin’s house. days. ④ She had a lot of fun. Ga-pyoung? W: Do you mean you went to W: 가평에 다녀왔단 말이야? go to ~에 가다 stay in the hospital 병원에 입원해 있다 M: Yeah. I had so much fun. What about your vacation? M: 응. 너무 재밌었어. 네 방학은 어땠어? W: It was not good. I was so sick, that I stayed in the hospital for several days. W: 좋지 않았어. 아파서 병원에 며칠 입원했어. M: Really? That’s a pity. Q: What did the woman do during her vacation? M: 정말? 너무 안됐다. Q: 여자가 방학에 한 일은? What will the mom probably do next? What will the mom probably do next? 다음에 엄마가 하게 될 일은? 14 ① She will give him more pocket money now. ② She will not give him more pocket money. ③ If her son gets a better score, she will give more pocket money. ④ She will study harder from now on. allowance 용돈 harder 더 열심히 pocket money 용돈 M: Mom, can you raise my M: 엄마. 용돈 좀 올려줄 수 있어요? allowance? W: For what reason? W: 이유가 뭐니? M: My friends get much more M: 내 친구들은 나보다 훨씬 많이 받아요. 보통 내 than I do. I usually run out of money before my friends do. 친구들보다 돈이 일찍 떨어져요. W: I am sorry. In that case, my W: 미안하지만 그런 이유라면 안 되겠어. answer is no. harder. your test scores. M: Oh, Mom. Please. I’ll study M: 엄마. 제발요. 더 열심히 공부할게요. W: I will decide later after I see W: 네 시험 점수를 보고 나서 결정해야겠다. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 15 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? ① No, you can’t. It’s not allowed. ② My name is James Brown. ③ Yes, that’s right. That’s my name. ④ I am very sorry. Your name is not on the list. W: How can I help you? W: 어떻게 도와드릴까요? M: I’d like to book a table for 4 M: 오늘 7시에 4명 좌석을 예약하고 싶은데요. at 7 today. W: Sorry, but we are full at that W: 죄송합니다만 그 시간에는 자리가 없습니다. time. How about 7:30? 7:30은 어떠세요? M: That would be okay. Can M: 괜찮습니다. 창가 쪽 자리에 앉을 수 있을까요? book a table 테이블을 예약하다 full 가득 찬 we have a table beside the window? W: Of course. Can I have your W: 물론이에요. 성함을 알려주시겠어요? name, please? M: My name is James Brown. M: 제 이름은 제임스 브라운입니다. Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 42 2/9/09 6:06:10 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 알맞은 말은? M: You have a friend named M: 당신은 Jerry라고 하는 친구가 한 명 있다. ① What’s wrong with your name? ② Will you be happy if I change my name? ③ I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. ④ Can you tell me how old you are? make fun of ~을 놀리다 most 대부분의 apologize 사과하다 Jerry. Jerry is the name of the mouse in the famous cartoon series Tom and Jerry. That’s why many of your other friends make fun of his name. One day, he gets really angry because all his friends, including you, keep calling him a mouse. In this situation, what would you say to your friend to apologize? Jerry는 Tom과 Jerry 시리즈에 나오는 유명한 만화 속 생쥐의 이름이다. 그래서 당신의 친구 들 대부분 그의 이름 때문에 놀린다. 어느 날, 그는 당신을 포함해서 모든 친구들이 그를 생쥐 라고 불러서 정말 화가 났다. 이런 상황에서 당 신은 친구에게 뭐라고 말하겠는가? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 43 2/9/09 6:06:11 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 08 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 What did the woman do on Sunday? Choose the right picture. What did the woman do on Sunday? Choose the right picture. 여자가 일요일에 한 일은? 알맞은 그림을 고르 시오. 04 M: What did you do over the M: 주말에 뭐하면서 보냈어? weekend? W: Well, on Saturday, I went to the beach with my boyfriend. M: That sounds nice. How about M: 일요일에는 뭘 했는데? W: 음, 토요일에는 남자친구와 함께 해변에 갔었어. Sunday? you? W: I slept all day long. How about W: 하루 종일 잤어. 그럼 너는? prepare for ~을 준비하다 all day long 하루 종일 over the weekend 주말동안 M: I went to the movies on M: 토요일에는 영화 보러 갔어. 일요일에는 시험 Saturday. And I prepared for the exam on Sunday. 공부했어. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 What’s the weather like today? What’s the weather like today? 오늘 날씨는 어떤가? 05 06 W: May I help you? W: 무엇을 도와 드릴까요? M: Yes. I’d like some information M: 네. 비행편에 관한 정보를 알고 싶습니다. about planes. W: Where to, sir? M: New York. sir? W: 어디로 가는 거요, 손님? M: 뉴욕이요. W: When would you like to go, W: 언제 가는 거요, 손님? M: Tomorrow night. I prefer the M: 내일 저녁이요. 가장 늦은 비행기가 더 좋겠습 latest one, please. 니다. M: What a nice weather today! It’s very warm outside. M: 오늘 날씨 정말 좋다! 날씨가 정말 따뜻해. W: I am glad the rainy season is W: 장마가 끝나서 정말 좋아. over. M: Me too. However, I M: 나도 좋아. 하지만 가끔은 비올 때 밖에 있는 게 sometimes like being outside when it rains. 좋아. W: Since the weather is nice, let’s go to the park. W: 날씨가 좋으니까 공원에 놀러가자. M: That sounds good to me. M: 좋아. ① ③ ② ④ ① In New York ② At an train staiton ③ In a bus terminal ④ At an airport plane 비행기 prefer 선호하다 latest 가장 늦은 03 ① It is humid. ② It is rainy. ③ It is sunny. ④ It is cool. humid 습한 rainy season 장마 sometimes 가끔, 때때로 44 Hot Listening ❷ Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 44 2014-01-27 오후 1:47:26 Question & Answer Audio Script Translation 04 How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? W: You’re late again! W: 또 늦었어! M: What do you mean? I’m fifteen minutes early! M: 무슨 뜻이야? 난 15분이나 일찍 왔는데! W: You said you would be here W: 네가 여기 7시까지 온다고 했었잖아. by 7:00. M: I see. I guess you didn’t get M: 알겠다. 내 문자 못 받았구나. my text message. W: What message? I didn’t get any text message from you. And in this case you had to call me in person. W: 무슨 메시지? 나는 네게 아무 문자도 못 받았어. 그리고 이런 경우에는 직접 전화했어야지. M: I am sorry. I don’t know what M: 미안해. 뭐라 해야할지 모르겠어. to say. M: I have no mouth, but I can talk. I have no ears, but I can hear. I have numbers on my body. I let you talk to your friends without visiting them. I tell when your friends call you. M: 나는 입이 없지만 이야기 할 수 있습니다. 나는 귀가 없지만 들을 수 있습니다. 내 몸에는 번호 가 있습니다. 나는 친구들에게 직접 가지 않아 도 이야기 할 수 있게 합니다. 당신의 친구가 전 화하면 말해 줍니다. Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? ① She is worried. ② She is relieved. ③ She is sorry. ④ She is upset. mean 뜻하다, 의미하다 text message 문자 메세지 relieved 안도한 upset 화난 ① I am a calculator. ② I am an MP3 player. ③ I am an earphone. ④ I am a phone. mouth 입 without ~이 없이 05 06 information 정보 another 다른 latter 후자의, 나중의 What time will the man’s train leave? What time will the man’s train leave? 남자의 기차가 출발하는 시각은 몇 시인가? ① His train will leave at 9:25 a.m. ② His train will leave at 8:45 a.m. M: May I get some train information, please? M: 기차 시간에 대해 좀 알려주세요. ③ His train will leave at 8:25 a.m. W: Where to, sir? ④ His train will leave at 10:25 a.m M: Daegu, please. W: 어디가시죠? M: 대구요. W: There’s one train at 8:45 W: 오전 8:45에 한 대 있고요 다른 건 오전 10:25 에 출발하는 기차가 있어요. a.m. and another one at 25 minutes after 10:00 a.m. M: Hmm, I will take the latter, M: 음, 더 나중에 출발하는 것으로 주세요. please. like? W: How many tickets would you W: 몇 장 드릴까요? HOT TEST 08 Answer Key & Script 45 Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 45 2014-01-27 오후 12:56:52 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 07 What is the intention of the man’s last comment? What is the intention of the man’s last comment? 남자의 마지막 말의 의도는 무엇인가? 10 ① Acceptance ② Rejection ③ Advice ④ Recommendation delicious 맛있는 bite 한입 acceptance 승낙 rejection 거절 advice 충고 recommendation 추천 M: Wow, this pasta is really M: 와, 파스타 정말 맛있다. 정말 네가 만든 거야? delicious. Did you really make it? W: Of course I did. I am glad that W: 물론 내가 만들었지. 네가 그렇게까지 좋아한다 you like it so much. 니 나도 기쁘다. M: You’re such a good cook. M: 너 정말 요리 잘한다. W: Thank you for saying that. Would you like some more? W: 그렇게 말해줘서 고마워. 더 먹을래? M: I am so full, I can’t eat M: 나 너무 배불러서 더 이상 한 입도 못 먹겠어. another bite! Thanks anyway. 고마워. Why did the woman call the man? Why did the woman call the man? 여자가 남자에게 전화를 건 이유는 무엇인가? 08 ① She called to ask him to come with her to buy a computer. ② She called to ask him if she can use his computer. ③ She called to ask him about their computer homework. ④ She called to ask him how to use a computer. favor 부탁 M: Hello. M: 여보세요? W: Hey, Thomas. It’s Jan. Can you W: 안녕, 토마스. Jan이야. 부탁 좀 들어줄래? do me a favor? M: Hi. What’s up? W: I’m going to buy a desktop computer tomorrow. But I don’t know anything about computers. come with you? W: Can you, please? I really need some advice when choosing what to buy. M: 안녕. 무슨 일이야? W: 나 내일 컴퓨터 사러 갈 거야. 그런데 컴퓨터에 대해 아무 것도 아는 게 없어서. W: 그럴 수 있어? 무얼 살지 고를때 정말 조언이 필요해. M: Oh, do you want me to M: 아, 내가 같이 가길 원하니? 09 What will the speakers probably do this weekend? What will the speakers probably do this weekend? 화자들이 이번 주말에 할 일은? ① They will play computer games. W: What do you like to do in W: 여가 시간에 뭐 하는 거 좋아해? ② They will play basketball. your free time? ③ They will play tennis. ④ They will read some comics. M: I like playing computer games and reading. How about you? M: 컴퓨터 게임하고 책 읽는 거 좋아해. 넌 어때? W: I like playing tennis. W: 난 테니스 치는 것 좋아해. M: Oh, I like playing tennis, too. M: 아, 나도 테니스 치는거 좋아하는데. W: Do you want to play this W: 이번 주말에 테니스 칠까? weekend? M: Why not? I can’t wait. M: 그래 좋아. 너무 기다려진다. free time 여가 시간 comics 만화책 Hot Listening ❷ 11 12 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 46 2/9/09 6:06:15 PM Question & Answer Audio Script Translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 다음 중 그림을 바르게 묘사한 것은? 10 ① W: He is wiping the window. ① W: 그는 창문을 닦고 있다. ② W: He is looking for a vacuum ② W: 그는 청소기를 찾고 있다. cleaner. ③ W: He is watering the plants. ③ W: 그는 식물에 물을 주고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ④ W: He is vacuuming the floor. ④ W: 그는 청소기로 바닥을 청소하고 있다. wipe 닦다 vacuum 진공청소기로 청소하다 water 물주다 vacuum cleaner 진공청소기 What is true according to the forecast? 11 Weather This Afternoon Tomorrow What is true according to the forecast? 일기예보의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① ② ③ ④ sunny cloudy sunny rainy cloudy rainy rainy sunny further 더욱더 clear 화창한 W: Hello. This is Julie from PBS speaking. As some clouds are moving from the north further down to the south, it’s going to rain this afternoon. But tomorrow, the clouds will be gone, and the sky will be clear again. W: 안녕하세요. PBS 방송의 Julie입니다. 구름이 북쪽에서 훨씬 더 남쪽으로 내려오는 것 같습니 다. 오늘 오후부터 비가 올 예정입니다. 하지만 내일은 구름이 사라지고 하늘이 다시 맑아질 것 입니다. 12 What is true about the conversation? What is true about the conversation? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① Dan called the woman. ② Dan went to a dental clinic. please? M: Hi. May I speak to Dan, M: 안녕하세요. Dan과 통화할 수 있나요? ③ Tim has a toothache. W: He’s not here at the moment. W: 지금 집에 없는데. ④ The woman doesn’t know where M: Do you know where he is? M: 어디에 갔는지 아세요? Dan is. at the moment 지금 이 순간 dentist 치과 의사 W: 틀림없이 치과에 갔을 거야. 치통이 있거든. W: Well, I am sure he went to see the dentist. He has a toothache. please. W: All right. I’ll not forget. Does he have your number? 요. M: Okay. Tell him Tim called, M: 알겠어요. Tim에게 전화 왔었다고 말씀해주세 W: 알았어. 잊지 않을게. 그가 네 번호 가지고 있니? HOT TEST 08 Answer Key & Script 47 Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 47 2014-01-27 오후 12:59:01 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 ① She is going to help Minsu with his homework. ② She will clean up the living room. ③ She is going to make a mess. W: What a mess! Minsu, you have to clean your room. M: I am sorry, Mom. I have to do my homework right now. W: 정말 엉망이구나! 민수야 네 방 좀 치워라! M: 엄마 미안해요. 나 지금 숙제해야 해요. ④ She will clean Minsu’s room. W: Can you do your homework W: 이 더러운 데서 숙제가 되니? What a mess! 정말 지저분하다! clean up ~을 청소하다 in this mess? room. M: Nope, I’ll do it in the living M: 아니요. 거실에서 할 거예요. W: Okay. I will clean up your room for the last time. 거야. W: 알았다. 이번이 마지막으로 네 방을 치워주는 Q: What is Minsu’s mom likely to Q: 대화 이후에 민수의 엄마가 할 일은 무엇인가? do after this dialog? 14 What does the woman think about the male nurse? What does the woman think about the male nurse? 여자는 남자 간호사에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가? ① She thinks that being a nurse is not a good job for a man. ② She think a male nurse is better than a female nurse. ③ She believes that men can be M: Do you see that man over M: 저기 남자 보여? there? W: Who do you mean? W: 누구 말이야? M: The man talking to the doctor right now. Is he a male nurse? 호사야? M: 지금 의사랑 말하고 있는 남자 말이야. 남자 간 ④ She is very surprised to see a male W: I guess he is. W: 그런 것 같은데. M: I’ve never seen a male nurse before. Isn’t that a job for women? W: What’s wrong with a male nurse? I’ve seen many of them. M: 난 남자 간호사는 본 적이 없어. 여자들 직업 아 닌가? W: 남자 간호사가 뭐가 이상해? 나는 많이 봤는데. nurses, too. nurse. male 남성의, 남성 female 여성의, 여성 What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 15 ① Don’t worry. I can help you. 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? ② You look so smart. W: What’s up? You look unhappy. W: 무슨 일이야? 기분이 안 좋아 보여. ③ Okay. Can you come with me? M: My cat is very sick, so I’m M: 우리 고양이가 많이 아파서 걱정이야. ④ Sorry. I am allergic to cat. worried about her. be allegic to ~에 대해 알러지가 있다 come with ~와 함께 가다 be worried about ~에 대하여 걱정하다 why don’t you ~하는 게 어때? 48 Hot Listening ❷ W: You mean your cat Chichi? W: 치치 말하는 거야? M: Yes, she isn’t eating anything M: 응. 전혀 먹지를 않아. at all. me? W: That’s too bad. Why don’t you W: 그거 안됐구나. 수의사한테 가 보지 그래? take her to the vet? M: Okay. Can you come with M: 알았어. 나랑 함께 가줄거지? Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 48 2014-01-27 오후 12:59:57 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① What do you want to get for your birthday? ② Can you recommend what present to buy for my brother ? ③ Do you know when my brother’s birthday is? ④ What present do you want to get? surprise 놀라게 하다 M: Your brother’s birthday is coming soon. You want to surprise him by giving him a nice present. However , you are not sure what would make him happy. You call your brother’s best friend, Minsu, to find out what present your brother wants to get. What would you ask Minsu in this situation? M: 곧 당신의 남동생의 생일이다. 당신은 좋은 선 물을 줘서 그를 놀라게 하고 싶은데 무엇이 그 를 기쁘게 할지 모르겠다. 당신은 남동생이 가 지고 싶은 것이 무엇인지를 알아내기 위해 동생 의 제일 친한 친구 민수에게 전화했다. 이 상황 에서 민수에게 물어볼 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 49 2/9/09 6:06:19 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 09 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Choose the conversation that matches the picture the best. Choose the conversation that matches the picture the best. 그림을 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 대화를 고르시오. 04 ① W: What does your brother do? ① W: 네 형 직업이 뭐야? M: He’s a mechanic. M: 그는 정비공이야. ② M: Who’s this handsome man? ② M: 이 잘생긴 남자 누구야? W: He is a famous baseball player. W: 그는 유명한 농구 선수야. ③ W: Wha’s your job? M: I am a plumber. ③ W: 어떤 일을 하세요? M: 저는 배관공입니다. ④ W: Are you a farmer ? ④ W: 당신은 농부입니까? M: No, I am a carpenter. M: 아니요, 저는 목수입니다.. ① ② ③ ④ mechanic 정비공 plumber 배관공 carpenter 목수 02 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? ① A host − A guest W: You look happy today. What’s W: 너 오늘 행복해 보인다. 무슨 특별한 일이 있어? ② A coworker − A fellow worker ③ A delivery person − A customer ④ A captain − A sailor the occasion? M: Guess what? I got the M: 맞춰봐? 나 승진했어! promotion! W: Really? I am happy for you. W: 정말? 축하해! treat 대접하다 promotion 승진 fellow worker 직장 동료 delivery 배달 M: Not only that, but I will also get a big raise to go with it. M: 그것뿐만 아니라 승진과 함께 월급도 오를 거야. W: That’s great. Why don’t you W: 잘됐다. 한턱내는 건 어때? M: Okay. Tell our fellow workers M: 알았어. 다른 직원들에게도 이 소식을 말해줘. treat us? about it. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are at a car dealer shop. ② They are in a insurance company. W: What’s the rate for a compact car? M: 소형차는 얼마에요? ③ They are in a police station. M: It’s thirty-five dollars a day W: 보험을 제외하고 하루에 35달러입니다. ④ They are at a rental car company. without insurance. compact car 소형차 insurance 보험 driver’s license 운전면허증 car dealer shop 자동차 판매장 0 Hot Listening ❷ W: Great. I’ll take one right now. M: 좋아요. 지금 빌리겠습니다. M: Could I have your driver’s W: 운전면허증을 주시겠어요? license, please? W: Yes. It’s right here. M: 네. 여기 있습니다. 05 06 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 50 2/9/09 6:06:20 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? ① She is annoyed. ② She is excited. ③ She is confused. ④ She is indifferent. get accepted to ~에 합격하다 calm down 진정하다 Congratulations! 축하하다 annoyed 짜증난 confused 혼란스러운 indifferent 무관심한 W: Oh my gosh! No way! W: 오, 맙소사! 말도 안돼! M: What’s going on? M: 무슨 일이야? W: Wow! I can’t believe this! W: 와! 정말 믿을 수가 없어! M: Calm down. Tell me what M: 진정하고. 무슨 일인지 이야기해줘. happened. W: I just got accepted to Harvard University! W: 나 방금 하버드 대학에 합격했어! M: Congratulations! M: 축하해! W: Thanks. This is wonderful! This W: 고마워. 정말 대단해! 내 꿈이 이루어졌어! is a dream come true! Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? 05 W: I have no home, but I like cold winter days. I don’t like the warm spring. Children make me on a snow day. I have a round, white body. I usually stand outside. W: 나는 집이 없지만 추운 겨울을 좋아합니다. 나 는 따뜻한 봄을 싫어합니다. 눈 오는 날 아이들 이 나를 만듭니다. 나는 하얗고 둥근 몸을 가지 고 있습니다. 나는 주로 밖에 서 있습니다. What time is it now? What time is it now? 현재 몇 시인가? be ready to ~할 준비가 되다 put on 옷 등을 입다 W: What time does the opera W: 오페라가 몇 시에 시작하는데? M: Are you ready to go now, M: 갈 준비 다 됐어? W: No, not yet. I still need to put W: 아니, 아직. 드레스도 입어야 해. M: What’s taking you so long? M: 왜 이렇게 오래 걸려? 우리 늦겠다. honey? my dress on. We might be late. start? M: It starts at 7:45. M: 7시 45분에 시작해. W: Oh, we have one hour left. W: 아, 아직도 한 시간이나 남았네. 걱정할 필요 없 No need to worry. We have plenty of time. 어. 시간은 충분해. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 ① I am a postman. ② I am a snowman. ③ I am a superman. ④ I am a house. create 창조하다 outside 밖 06 ① It’s 7:45. ② It’s 7:00. ③ It’s 6:45. ④ It’s 6:00. Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 51 2/9/09 6:06:22 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best title of the passage? What is the best title of the passage? 다음 지문에 가장 적절한 제목은? W: Our Mother Earth is getting hot. The North Pole’s ice is melting, and sea levels are rising. The main reason for this problem is the greenhouse effect. One way to solve this is to plant trees. We must solve this problem. W: 지구가 뜨거워지고 있습니다. 북극의 얼음은 녹 고 있고 해수면은 높아지고 있습니다. 이 문제 의 주된 이유는 온실효과 때문입니다. 이 문제 를 해결할 수 있는 한 가지 방법은 나무를 심는 것입니다. 우리는 꼭 이 문제를 해결해야 합니다. 07 ① Summer ② Global Warming ③ Forest Fires ④ The Rainy Season melt 녹다 Mother Earth 지구 North Pole 북극 sea level 해수면 main 주된, 가장 큰 greenhouse effect 온실효과 solve 해결하다 global warming 지구 온난화 현상 08 Why is the woman happy? Why is the woman happy? 여자가 기분이 좋은 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because she got a new cell phone ② Because she passed the math class happy. M: Hi, Angela. You look really M: 안녕, Angela. 너 정말 행복해 보인다. ③ Because she passed the English class W: Yeah, I couldn’t be happier. W: 응, 더 이상 좋을 수가 없어. ④ Because she failed the math class M: Tell me what happened. M: 무슨 일인지 얘기해봐. 핸드폰 새로 샀어? fail 낙제하다 final 기말고사 pass 통과하다 Did you get a new cellular phone? math class I was so worried about? W: No. Do you remember the W: 아니. 내가 걱정 많이 하던 수학 수업 기억나? M: Oh, the one that you were M: 오, 거의 낙제하고 있던 수학 수업? almost failing? W: Yes. I got an A on the final. I W: 응. 나 기말고사에서 A 받았어. 나 수학 통과했 passed the class. 다구. 09 What will the man probably do after the conversation? What will the man probably do after the conversation? 남자가 대화 후에 할 일은? ① He will go to the library. ② He will study very hard. W: Hey, let’s go rent a DVD. W: 안녕, 우리 DVD 빌리러 가자. M: I’m afraid I can’t. I have to go M: 안될 것 같아. 나 동생 데리러 가야 하거든. ③ He will go rent a DVD. pick up my brother. ④ He will go pick up his brother. W: Oh, really? W: 아, 정말? M: Yeah. And then I have to M: 응. 그리고 도서실에 책 반납하러 가야해. go to the library to return a book. W: Wow, you’re very busy W: 와, 너 오늘 정말 바쁘구나. today. M: I know. M: 그러게. rent 빌리다 return 반납하다 Hot Listening ❷ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 52 2/9/09 6:06:23 PM 10 11 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 다음 중 그림을 바르게 묘사한 것은? ① W: There are some books on the ① W: 책상 위에 책이 몇 권 있다. table. desk. ② W: It is a picture of the classroom. ② W: 그것은 교실의 그림이다. ③ W: A boy is reading a book at a ③ W: 한 소년이 책상 앞에서 책을 읽고 있다. ④ W: A girl is cleaning up the shelves. ④ W: 한 소녀가 책장을 청소하고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ shelf 선반 What is true according to the talk? What is true according to the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? The Country the Woman Wants to Go To The Country the Man Wants to Go To Japan The USA The USA China Japan Japan ① ② ③ ④ England The USA go? M: What are you looking at? M: 뭘 보고 있어? W: I am looking at a travel book. I am deciding where to go this vacation. W: 여행 책 보고 있어. 이번 방학에 어디를 갈지 결 정하는 중이야. M: Where have you decided to M: 어디에 가기로 결정했어? travel 여행, 여행하다 America 미국 Japan 일본 W: I am not sure yet, but I think I want to go to America. M: Wow! Really? I thought you wanted to go to Japan just like me. W: 아직 확실하진 않지만 미국에 가고 싶어. M: 와우! 정말? 난 네가 나처럼 일본에 가고 싶어 하는 줄 알았어. 12 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① He is introducing himself. ② He wants people to help the poor. ③ He wants to get some food from people. ④ He recently lost his house. destroy 파괴하다 whole 전체의 typhoon 태풍 recently 최근에 M: As you know, the typhoon was so powerful, and it almost destroyed the whole city. I want you to help the people who lost their houses and families because of the typhoon. It would be very nice to send them food and clothes. M: 여러분도 알다시피 태풍의 위력이 너무나 강하 여 도시 전체가 폐허가 되었습니다. 저는 여러 분이 태풍으로 집과 가족을 잃은 사람을 도와줬 으면 합니다. 그들에게 식량과 의상을 보내주면 좋겠습니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 53 2/9/09 6:06:24 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 16 13 ① He lost his dog. ② His dog is sick. ③ He lost his wallet. wallet 지갑 steal 훔치다 ④ His friend stole his wallet. still sick? W: You look so sad. What’s up? W: 슬퍼 보여. 무슨 일 있니? M: I had an awful day. M: 오늘은 운이 안 좋은 날이야. W: What happened? Is your dog W: 무슨 일이야? 너희 개가 아직도 아파? M: No. I lost my wallet on my M: 아니. 집에 오는 길에 지갑을 잃어버렸어. way home. did that happen? W: I’m sorry to hear that. How W: 정말 안됐구나. 어쩌다가 그랬어? M: Actually, I don’t really know. Q: What made the man very sad? M: 사실은 정말 잘 모르겠어. Q: 무엇이 남자를 슬프게 했는가? Why is the woman in a hurry? Why is the woman in a hurry? 여자가 서두르는 이유는 무엇인가? 14 ① She doesn’t know the time now. ② She will have a meeting in ten hurry? M: Julie. Why are you in such a M: Julie야. 왜 그렇게 서두르니? ③ She has something to do before the minutes. meeting. ④ She has no reasons. W: I’m late for the meeting. W: 모임에 늦었어. M: You mean the meeting with your classmates. What time does it start? M: 학교 친구들과의 모임말이야? 몇 시에 시작하 는데? in a hurry 서둘러 drop by 들르다 W: At 3 o’clock. W: 3시에 시작해. M: You still have an hour. M: 아직 1시간이나 남았잖아. W: I know, but I have to drop by the library before the meeting. W: 알아, 하지만 모임 전에 도서관에 들러야 해서. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① Is it not a parking lot? ② I know. My car is too small. M: It’s very hard to find a parking M: 여기는 주차공간을 찾기 너무 어렵다. ③ Oh, I didn’t see that. ④ I am very sorry to hear that. parking lot 주차장 sign 표지판 the handicapped 장애인 available 이용가능한 Hot Listening ❷ space here. park there. there. available. W: There’s a parking space. Let’s W: 저기 주차공간이 있다. 저기에 주차하자. M: No way! You can’t park over M: 안돼. 너는 저기 주차할 수 없어. W: Why not? You see, it’s W: 왜 안돼? 보다시피, 비어 있잖아. M: Don’t you see the sign over M: 저기 표지판 안 보이니? 장애인 전용이잖아. there? It’s for the handicapped. W: Oh, I didn’t see that. W: 아, 그걸 못봤어. Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 54 2/9/09 6:06:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing for you to say to your mom? What is the best thing for you to say to your mom? 다음 상황에서 당신이 엄마에게 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Why do you want to go there? Just stay here. ② Do you want to be happy? ③ Let me go to her house this weekend, please. ④ You look pale. You should get some sleep. if ~인지 아닌지 already 이미 most 대부분의 convince 설득하다 M: You asked your mom if you could stay at your friend’s house this weekend. But she said no. It’s your friend Julie’s birthday, and most of your friends are going to the party. You want to join them so much. In this situation, what would you say to your mom to convince her? M: 당신은 엄마에게 주말동안 친구 집에 머무를 수 있는지 물어봤다. 하지만 엄마는 허락하지 않았 다. 당신의 친구 Julie의 생일이고 대부분의 친 구들이 올 것이다. 당신은 너무나 그들과 함께 하고 싶다. 이런 상황에서 엄마를 설득하기 위 해 할 수 있는 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 55 2/9/09 6:06:26 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 10 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Where are the eyeglasses? Where are the eyeglasses? 안경은 어디에 있는가? M: Mom, where are my glasses? M: 엄마, 제 안경 어디 있어요? W: I don’t know. Why are you W: 모르겠는데. 왜 나한테 묻는 거니? asking me? M: I always leave them on the desk, but they’re not there now. W: Did you check on the bed? Sometimes you put them there. 요. 아. M: 항상 책상 위에 안경을 두는데 지금 그곳에 없어 W: 침대 위는 확인해 봤니? 가끔 네가 그곳에 두잖 M: No. They’re not there. M: 아니요, 그곳에 없어요. W: Wait. I found them. They are W: 잠깐만, 내가 찾았어. 의자 위에 있잖니. 서둘러 라, 그렇지 않으면 학교에 늦겠다. on the chair. Hurry up, or you will be late for school. M: It’s Sport 2.0. It’s a new one. M: Sport 2.0입니다. 새로 창간한 거예요. W: I am afraid that we don’t have that magazine. M: Do you happen to know any other places I can buy it? W: 죄송하지만, 그 잡지는 없습니다. M: 제가 그것을 살 수 있는 곳을 혹시 알고 계신가요? W: Why don’t you find it online? W: 온라인을 찾아보는 것이 어떨까요? W: And now for the weather report. Today’s weather was warm and cloudy. It was a nice day. But things will change tomorrow. It is going to be much cooler. Also, it will start snowing in the afternoon. It is going to snow all night long. W: 곧 날씨 보도를 하겠습니다. 오늘의 날씨는 따 뜻했고, 흐렸습니다. 멋진 날이었습니다. 그러 나 내일은 바뀔 것입니다. 내일은 훨씬 추워지 겠습니다. 또한, 내일 오후에는 눈이 오기 시작 할 것입니다. 밤새도록 눈이 올 예정입니다. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are at a subway station. ② They are at a movie theater. ③ They are at a bookstore. magazine. ④ They are at the sports complex. W: What is the title? W: 제목이 무엇인가요? W: May I help you, sir? W: 손님, 제가 좀 도와드릴까요? M: Yes, please. I am looking for a M: 네, 잡지를 찾고 있는 중입니다. What will the weather be like tomorrow? What will the weather be like tomorrow? 내일 날씨는 어떨 것인가? 03 01 ① ③ ② ④ leave 두다 check 확인하다 find 찾다 magazine 잡지 title 책이름 ① It’ll be cool and snowy. ② It’ll be warm and cloudy. ③ It’ll be cool and cloudy. ④ It’ll be warm and snowy. warm 따뜻한 cloudy 흐린 all night long 밤새, 하룻밤 내내 56 Hot Listening ❷ 04 05 06 Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 56 2014-01-27 오후 1:01:51 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the man probably feel? How does the man probably feel? 남자는 어떤 심정인가? ① He is desperate. ② He is relaxed. ③ He is upset. ④ He is indifferent. emergency 응급상황 poison 독물 address 주소 ambulance 구급차 desperate 절박한 W: Hello. This is 911. Can I help W: 여보세요. 911입니다. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? you? M: This is an emergency. My baby swallowed a coin. M: 응급 상황이에요. 아기가 동전을 삼켰어요. W: Would you please tell me W: 주소를 말씀해주시겠어요? your address? 303. now. Stay calm. M: It’s 53 Main Street Apartment M: Main Street 53번지에 있는 아파트 303호에요. W: The ambulance is on the way W: 지금 구급차가 가고 있습니다. 진정하세요. 05 Who or what am I? ① I am a pillow. ② I am a blanket. ③ I am a bed. ④ I am Pajamas. mostly 대부분의 support 지탱하다 warm 따뜻한 Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? W: You mostly need me during the night. You cannot sleep well without me. But I don’t keep your body warm. I am very soft. I support your head while you sleep. W: 당신은 내가 저녁 내내 필요합니다. 나 없이는 숙면을 취할 수가 없습니다. 그러나 나는 당신 의 몸을 따뜻하게 유지해줄 수 없습니다. 나는 매우 부드럽습니다. 나는 당신이 자는 동안 당 신의 머리를 지탱해줍니다. How much will the woman need to pay? How much will the woman need to pay? 여자가 지불해야할 금액은 얼마인가? 06 ① She will pay $23 for it. ② She will pay $17.50 for it. these peaches? ③ She will pay $25.00 for it. M: They’re $5 for a half dozen. M: 6개에 5달러입니다. ④ She will pay $20.00 for it. W: How about those melons? W: 그러면 저 멜론들은요? W: Excuse me. How much are W: 실례 합니다. 이 복숭아들은 얼마인가요? peach 복숭아 a half dozen 6개 melon 멜론 each 1개, 각각의 M: They’re $2.50 each. M: 한 개에 2달러 50센트입니다. W: I’ll take 18 peaches and 4 W: 복숭아 18개와 멜론 4개 주세요. melons, please. M: Okay. Anything else? M: 네. 다른 건요? HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 57 2/9/09 6:06:30 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 07 What is the intention of the man’s last word? What is the intention of the man’s last word? 남자의 마지막 말의 의도는 무엇인가? 10 08 Why does the woman want to exchange her dress? Why does the woman want to exchange her dress? 여자가 드레스를 교환하려는 이유는 무엇인가? 11 ① Praise ② Encouragement ③ Warning ④ Advice long face 우울한 표정 history 역사 nervous 긴장한 forget 잊어버리다 intention 의도 praise 칭찬 encouragement 격려 warning 경고 advice 충고 M: Why the long face? M: 왜 우울한 표정이야? W: I’m really worried about my history exam tomorrow, Dad. W: 내일 역사 시험 때문에 걱정돼서요, 아빠. M: But you’ve been studying so M: 시험공부 열심히 하지 않았니? hard for it. W: Yes, but I’m so nervous. I usually forget everything I study. W: 그렇긴 하지만 너무 긴장돼서요. 보통 공부한 걸 다 잊어버리거든요. M: Don’t worry too much. If you M: 너무 걱정 마. 잠을 잘자면 내일 잘볼 수 있을 get a good night’s sleep, you’ll do fine. 거야. W: Thanks. Dad. W: 고마워요. 아빠. ① Because she doesn’t like the dress’s design ② Because the dress is too big for her ③ Because the dress is old-fashioned ④ Because she wants a different color look around 구경하다 M: May I help you? M: 무엇을 도와 들릴까요? W: Yes. My mother bought this W: 네. 저희 엄마가 이 드레스를 여기서 사셨어요. dress here yesterday. M: Is there a problem with it? M: 드레스에 무슨 문제가 있나요? W: No, I love the design, and the size is perfect. It’s just that I don’t like the color. W: 아니요, 드레스 디자인도 너무 좋고 사이즈도 완벽해요. 색상이 싫어서요. M: Oh, I see. You’re welcome M: 아, 그래요. 가게를 둘러보시고 다른 색을 고르 to look around the store and pick a different color. 세요. W: Thanks. W: 고맙습니다. 09 What will the man probably do this weekend? What will the man probably do this weekend? 남자가 이번 주말에 할 일은? 12 ① He will go to the library to study. ② He will go to China. ③ He will visit his sister. W: Are you free this weekend? W: 이번 주말에 시간 있어? M: I’m going to the international M: 나 국제공항에 가야해. airport. ④ He will go to the airport. W: Oh, really? Why? W: 아, 정말? 왜? international airport 국제 공항 see off 배웅하다 actually 실은 M: I have to see my sister off. She’s leaving for China. M: 우리 누나 배웅가야 해. 누나가 중국에 가거든. W: Is she going to China for fun? W: 누님은 중국에 놀러가시는 거야? M: No. Actually, she is going M: 아니. 실은 공부하러 가는 거야. there to study. 58 Hot Listening ❷ Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 58 2014-01-27 오후 1:02:19 10 11 12 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 다음 중 그림을 바르게 묘사한 것은? ① W: A woman is blowing her nose. ① W: 한 여자가 코를 풀고 있다. ② W: A woman is shaking her head. ② W: 한 여자가 그녀의 머리를 흔들고 있다. ③ W: A woman has a headache. ③ W: 한 여자가 두통이 있다. ④ W: A woman is sneezing. ④ W: 한 여자가 재채기를 한다. ① ② ③ ④ shake one’s head 머리를 흔들다 sneeze 재채기하다 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? Last Year This Year M: Wow. Is this your new bike? M: 와. 이 게 내 새 자전거야? ① ② ③ ④ Bike Book Bike Computer Computer Bike Book Bike parents 부모님 envy 부러워하다 W: Yeah, I got it from my parents W: 응. 부모님한테 내 생일 선물로 받았어. as my birthday gift. M: It looks very nice. But didn’t you get one on your last birthday? M: 너무 좋아 보인다. 그런데 지난 번 생일 선물로 하나 받지 않았어? W: No, I got a computer last W: 아니, 지난 해 컴퓨터 받았어. year. M: Wow. I envy you so much. My parents gave me a book on my birthday. M: 와. 너무 부러워. 우리 부모님은 내 생일에 책 한 권 주셨어. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① The man wants to feed the animals. ② The man wants to introduce the zoo. ③ Many animals get sick because of the food people give them. ④ People never feed the animals. M: Thank you for visiting the Happy Zoo. We have a favor to ask. Please do not feed the animals. That’s because many animals get sick because of the food you give them. So just enjoy watching the animals, please. M: Happy Zoo를 방문해주셔서 감사합니다. 부탁 드릴 말씀이 있습니다. 동물들에게 먹이를 주지 마세요. 사람들이 주는 먹이 때문에 많은 동물 들이 병이 나기 때문입니다. 관람만 해주시길 부탁드립니다. favor 부탁 feed 먹이를 주다 get sick 아프다 HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 59 2/9/09 6:06:32 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 이어지는 질문에 가장 적절한 대답은? 13 ① She is going to recycle. ② She will tell the man about recycling. you? W: You don’t recycle at all, do W: 너 재활용 전혀 안 하지? ③ She will put something on the table. M: Why do we have to recycle M: 우리가 왜 재활용을 해야 하는데? 16 ④ She will learn how to recycle. recycle 재활용하다 I don’t get it. 이해가 안 돼. things? recycling. W: You can save the earth by W: 재활용으로 지구를 구할 수가 있어. M: I just don’t get it. M: 이해가 잘 안 돼. W: Well, let me put it this way. W: 그럼 이렇게 설명해볼게. Q: What is the woman likely to Q: 대화 후에 여자가 할 일은? do after this dialog? 14 What best describes the woman’s situation? What best describes the woman’s situation? 여자의 상황을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? ① She likes her friend a lot. ② She doesn’t want to have any you? friends. ③ She doesn’t always want to buy my friends. things for her friend. ④ She wants to buy her friend something. trouble 문제 explain 설명하다 problem 문제 M: Have a seat. How can I help M: 자리에 앉으렴. 어떻게 도와줄까? W: I’m having some trouble with W: 친구들과 문제가 있어요. M: What’s the problem? M: 무슨 문제가 있니? W: It’s not easy to explain. W: 설명하기가 쉽지 않아요. M: It’s okay. Tell me about it. M: 괜찮아. 이야기해보렴. W: They always want me to buy W: 그들은 항상 내가 그들에게 무언가 사주기를 원 them things. 해요. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 15 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? ① You are noisy. Be quiet, please. W: Oh, my! The kids are driving ② Ask them to be a little quiet. me crazy. W: 어휴. 저 아이들을 나를 미치게 만들어. ③ Can you not tell the kids? M: What do you mean? ④ I don’t know why you like those kids. W: Don’t you think they are too M: 무슨 말이야? noisy? W: 너무 시끄럽다고 생각하지 않니? noisy 시끄러운 kids 아이들 M: Kind of. But, you know, they are just kids. M: 조금. 하지만 너도 알다시피 아이들이잖아. W: But they are too much! Being a kid is not an excuse for everything. M: Ask them to be a little quiet. W: 하지만 쟤들은 너무 심해! 아이라는 것이 모든 것에 변명이 되진 않아. M: 좀 조용히 해달라고 부탁해. 0 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 60 2/9/09 6:06:33 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① How come you have a sore throat? ② Please take some medicine. It will help you. ③ I have a test tomorrow. Be quiet. ④ What do you want me to do? take medicine 약을 먹다 catch a cold 감기에 걸리다 to make matters worse 설상가상으로 W: Your sister is going to take a music test tomorrow. But she has a sore throat. To make matters worse, she has also caught a cold. You think she has to take some medicine, but she doesn’t listen to you. In this situation, what would you say to your sister? W: 당신의 여동생은 내일 음악 시험이 있습니다. 하지만 그녀는 목이 아픕니다. 설상가상으로, 그녀는 감기에도 걸렸습니다. 당신은 그녀가 약 을 먹어야 한다고 생각합니다만 그녀는 당신의 말을 듣지 않습니다. 이 상황에서 여동생에게 당신이 할 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 61 2/9/09 6:06:34 PM HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 11 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What does the man do for a living? What does the man do for a living? 남자의 직업은? M: I’m not a farmer. I usually work with a machine. When I work, I usually use tools to repair things. People need me when they have a problem with a car. I can fix cars well. M: 저는 농부가 아니에요. 저는 주로 기계를 다룹 니다. 제가 일을 할 때는 보통 물건을 고치기 위 해서 도구를 이용합니다. 사람들은 차에 문제가 생겼을 때 저를 필요로 합니다. 저는 차 수리를 잘할 수 있습니다. 01 ① ③ ② ④ farmer 농부 work with (일 등에서)~을 다루다 machine 기계 repair 수리하다 02 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? ① A teacher − A parent ② A doctor − A patient ③ A teacher − A student M: This is he speaking. W: Hello, May I speak to Mr. W: 여보세요. Miller 선생님과 통화 좀 할 수 있을까 Miller? 요? M: 접니다. ④ A daughter − A father W: Hi, Mr. Miller. My daughter W: 안녕하세요, 선생님. 제 딸 Isabel이 아파서 오 Mr. Miller 밀러 선생님 sick 아픈 yet 아직은 Isabel is sick. She can’t go to school today. 늘 학교에 갈 수가 없어요. M: Oh, is she okay? M: 오, 그녀는 괜찮나요? W: I don’t know yet. We are waiting for the doctor. I’ll let you know when I get a result. W: 아직은 잘 모르겠어요. 의사 선생님을 기다리고 있는 중이에요. 결과를 알게 되면 연락드릴게요. M: I hope she’ll get well soon. M: 그녀가 빨리 낫길 바래요. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are on a plane. ② They are at the harbor. ③ They are on a boat. M: Lin, you look a little pale. Are M: Lin, 좀 창백해 보인다. 괜찮니? you all right? W: No, I feel like throwing up. W: 아니, 토할 것 같아. ④ They are at the beach. M: When did you first feel like M: 언제부터 토할 것 같았는데? this? get on board 배에 탑승하다 dizzy 어지러운 seasick 뱃멀미 W: Since I got on board. W: 이 배에 탑승하고 나서부터 그래. M: 어지럽기도 하니? 아마 뱃멀미를 하는 것 같아. M: Are you getting dizzy, too? Maybe you are getting seasick. 62 Hot Listening ❷ Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 62 2014-01-27 오후 1:03:23 04 05 06 04 ① She is angry. ② She is in pain. ③ She is sorrowful. ④ She is hopeful. senior 대학교 4학년생 (마지막 학년) English education 영어 교육 dream 꿈 in pain 고통스러운 sorrowful 슬픈 hopeful 희망찬 ① I am a bat. ② I am a whale. ③ I am an owl. ④ I am a bear. mammal 포유류 rather (~이기보다는)오히려,차라리 cave 동굴 horror movie 공포영화 Question & Answer Audio Script Translation How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? W: My name is Amanda Werner. I am a senior in college, and I am majoring in English education. Ever since I was a little child, I have been interested in teaching people. My dream is to become a teacher. To make this dream come true, I’ll do my best and study hard. W: 제 이름은 Amanda Werner입니다. 저는 대학 교 4학년에 재학 중이고, 영어 교육을 전공하고 있습니다. 저는 어려서부터 누군가를 가르치는 데 관심이 있었습니다. 제 꿈은 선생님이 되는 것입니다. 이 꿈을 실현시키기 위해서 저는 최 선을 다해 열심히 공부할 것입니다. Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? 05 M: I am a mammal. I live in a cave. I prefer night rather than day. I am not a bird, but I can fly. You often find me in horror movies. M: 나는 포유류 입니다. 나는 동굴 속에서 생활합 니다. 나는 낮보다는 밤을 좋아합니다. 나는 새 는 아니지만 날 수 있습니다. 여러분은 공포영 화 속에서 나를 찾을 수 있습니다. 06 How much will the woman pay for her order? How much will the woman pay for her order? 여자가 주문을 위해 지불해야 할 금액은 얼마인 가? M.E.N.U M: Hello, are you ready to M: 안녕하세요, 주문하시겠어요? Chicken Sandwich $ 3.00 Juice $ 1.00 Tuna Sandwich $ 2.75 Coffee $ 1.00 Cheesecake $ 1.50 Coke $ 1.50 Apple Pie $ 1.25 Water $ 1.50 order? W: Yes. I’d like to have a tuna sandwich with a coke, please. M: Okay. Anything else? Our desserts are really good. W: 네, 참치 샌드위치와 콜라 한 잔 주세요. M: 네. 다른 것은요? 저희 디저트가 정말 맛있어요. W: Really? Well, let me try your W: 그래요? 그럼 사과파이 한 개 주세요. apple pie then. M: Okay. Coming right up! M: 그래요. 잠시만 기다리세요! ① She will pay $5.50. ② She will pay $6.75. ③ She will pay $6.00. ④ She will pay $6.75. order 주문, 주문하다 tuna 참치 HOT TEST 11 Answer Key & Script 63 Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 63 2014-01-27 오후 1:04:10 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the main idea of the speech? What is the main idea of the speech? 연설의 요지는 무엇인가? 07 M: Many children like to have a pet, especially a dog. Having a dog can be fun, but it takes a great responsibility. You have to walk the dog, feed the dog, and bathe the dog. The most important things are that you have to love the dog and play with it. M: 많은 아이들은 애완동물을 갖는 것을 좋아한다, 특히나 개를 좋아한다. 개를 키우는 것은 재미 있는 일이나, 큰 책임을 필요로 한다. 개를 산책 시켜야 하고, 먹이를 주어야 하며, 목욕을 시켜 야 한다. 제일 중요한 것은 개를 사랑하고 같이 놀아줘야 한다는 것이다. 08 What is the purpose of the man’s phone call? What is the purpose of the man’s phone call? 남자가 전화를 건 목적은? ① You have to walk your dog every day. ② Having a pet takes a lot of work. ③ Having a pet costs a lot of money. ④ You have to take a bath with your dog. especially 특히 responsibility 책임, 의무 feed 먹이를 주다 take a bath 목욕하다 speech 연설 cost ~의 비용이 들다 ① To invite the woman to the party ② To go pick up the woman’s friend ③ To go to the train station with the woman ④ To welcome the woman welcome 환영하다 invite 초대하다 W: Hello? W: 여보세요? M: Hey, Susan. This is Mike. M: 안녕, Susan. 나 Mike야. W: Hi, Mike. What’s up? W: 안녕, Mike. 무슨 일이야? M: Well, I’m having a party on Friday. Would you like to come? W: Oh, I don’t know if I can. I have to go to the train station to pick up my friend. M: 금요일에 파티를 열거야. 너 올수 있니? W: 오, 갈수 있을지 모르겠어. 친구를 데리러 기차 역에 가야 하거든. M: You’re welcome to bring your M: 친구를 데려와도 좋아. friend with you. W: Okay, then. We’ll be there. W: 그래, 그럼. 갈게. 09 What will the woman probably do this afternoon? What will the woman probably do this afternoon? 오늘 오후에 그녀가 할 일은? ① She will go to soccer practice. M: What are you going to do this M: 오늘 오후에 뭘 할 거야? W: I’m going to clean my room. W: 내 방 청소할 거야. 왜? ② She will clean her room. ③ She will go to China. ④ She will watch the soccer game with the man. probably 아마 stadium 경기장 afternoon? Why? M: There’s a soccer game this afternoon. Korea is playing China. W: That sounds very exciting. Are you going to the stadium? M: 오늘 오후에 축구 경기가 있어. 한국대 중국이야. W: 흥미진진하겠는걸. 경기장에 가서 볼 거야? M: Yes. Would you like to join M: 응. 같이 갈래? me? W: I’d love to. I can clean the room after the game. 있어. W: 응, 좋아. 방 청소는 경기를 보고 나서도 할 수 Hot Listening ❷ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 64 2/9/09 6:06:39 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 올바른 그림은? M: You see the players playing soccer on the field. A player is passing the ball to another player. M: 당신은 필드에서 축구하는 선수들을 봅니다. 한 선수가 다른 선수에게 공을 패스하고 있습니다. ② ④ ① ③ player 선수 pass 패스하다 another 또 다른 11 12 What is Not true about the table? What is Not true about the table? 표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Time 16:00 17:00 17:30 19:00 Katie’s Plan Going to the supermarket Doing homework Watching TV Doing the laundry ① ② ③ ④ plan 계획 homework 숙제 do the laundry 빨래하다 ① M: She is going to the supermarket ① M: 그녀는 4시에 슈퍼에 갈 것이다. ② M: She is going to meet her friend ② M: 그녀는 5시에 친구를 만날 것이다. ③ M: She is going to watch a TV ③ M: 그녀는 5시 반에 TV 프로그램을 볼 것이다. ④ M: She is going to wash her ④ M: 그녀는 7시에 그녀의 옷을 세탁할 것이다. at 4. at 5. program at 5:30. clothes at 7. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① Jack and Kevin are the woman’s brothers. ② Jack is tall and has long, straight hair. ③ Kevin doesn’t like his brother. ④ Jack is an active kind of person. rather 다소 straight 곧은 have one thing in common 한 가지 공통점이 있다 W: I have two brothers, Jack and Kevin. They are twins, but they are quite different. Jack is very tall, but Kevin is rather short. Jack has long, straight hair , but Kevin has short, curly hair. Jack likes to hang out with his friends, but Kevin likes to be alone. They are quite different, but they have one thing in common: They love each other. W: 저에게는 Jack과 Kevin이라는 두 남동생이 있 습니다. 그들은 쌍둥이지만 매우 다릅니다. Jack은 키가 크지만 Kevin은 다소 작습니다. Jack은 긴 생머리를 가지고 있지만, Kevin은 짧은 곱슬머리를 가졌습니다. Jack은 친구들과 어울리는 것을 좋아하지만 Kevin은 혼자 있는 것을 좋아합니다. 그들은 꽤 다르지만 한 가지 공통점이 있습니다. 그들이 서로를 사랑한다는 것입니다. HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 65 2/9/09 6:06:41 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? ① He asked her to buy some umbrellas. M: Oh, it’s raining. Hey, Katie. M: 오, 비가 오는구나. Katie. 16 13 14 ② He asked her to bring some umbrellas to Brian and Jack. ③ He asked her to be kind. ④ He asked her to take some umbrellas from Brian and Jack. still 여전히 get A to B B에게 A를 갖다 주다 ② She got some books. ③ She didn’t get anything. ④ She got a doll she likes. guess 어림짐작하다 W: Yes, Dad. What? W: 네, 아빠. 왜요? M: Brian and Jack are still at M: Brian이랑 Jack이 아직 학교에 있어. 이 우산들 school. Can you get these umbrellas to them? 을 그들에게 좀 가져다줄래? W: Sure. I’ll go there right now. W: 물론이죠. 제가 바로 갈게요. M: It is very kind of you to do M: 그렇게 하다니 정말 착하구나. that. W: Thank you for saying so. I’m trying to be a nice sister. W: 그렇게 말씀해주시니 고마워요. 좋은 누나가 되 려고 노력 중이에요. Q: What did Katie’s dad ask her Q: 아빠가 Katie에게 부탁한 것은 무엇인가? to do? wanted for Christmas? W: Yes. I guess so. W: 응, 그런 것 같아. M: Wow. That’s nice. What did M: 와, 좋겠다. 뭘 받았어? you get? W: I didn’t get the clothes I W: 내가 원했던 옷은 못 받았지만, 인형을 받았어. wanted, but I got a doll. I like it very much. 무척 맘에 들어. M: That’s great. I only got some M: 좋겠다. 나는 그냥 책 몇 권 받았어. W: Really? What are the books W: 정말? 무슨 책을 받았는데? What did the girl get for Christmas? What did the girl get for Christmas? 소녀는 크리스마스 선물로 무엇을 받았는가? ① She got the clothes she wanted. M: Susie, did you get what you M: Susie, 크리스마스에 네가 원했던 것을 받았니? books. you got? book? then? else to do. walk with me? What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 15 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? ① Are you insane? Why should I do that? ② I like this book. What about you? ③ That sounds good. Let’s go. W: So, how do you like the W: 그 책 어때? M: It’s a little boring. M: 좀 지루해. ④ Goodbye. I’ll miss you. W: Why do you keep reading it W: 그런데 왜 그걸 계속 읽고 있어? boring 지루한 keep -ing ~을 계속해서 하다 M: Because I don’t have anything M: 왜냐하면 할 일이 아무것도 없거든. W: What about going out for a W: 나랑 산책하러 가는 건 어때? M: That sounds good. Let’s go. M: 그게 좋겠다. 가자. Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 66 2/9/09 6:06:42 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Can you stop playing computer games at night? ② I want to play it. Can I? ③ I understand why you like it so much. ④ Wow. Can I watch it? roommate 룸메이트 get along with ~와 잘 지내다 stay up late 늦게까지 자지 않고 있다 lose one’s patience ~의 인내심을 잃다 M: Brian has a roommate whose name is Bob. He is a very nice person who is also very funny. They get along well with each other , but there is a problem. Every night, Bob stays up very late playing computer games. Brian cannot sleep well every night because of this. It is now 2:30 a.m., but Bob is still playing computer games. Brian has finally lost his patience. What would Brian most probably say to Bob? M: Brian은 Bob이라는 이름의 룸메이트가 있다. 그는 매우 좋은 사람이고, 또 매우 재미있다. 그 들은 서로 잘 지내지만, 한 가지 문제가 있다. Bob은 매일 밤 컴퓨터 게임을 하면서 늦게까지 깨어 있다. Brian은 이 때문에 매일 밤 푹 잘 수 없다. 지금은 오전 2시 30분이지만 Bob은 여전 히 게임을 하고 있다. Brian은 끝내 인내심을 잃 고 만다. Brian이 Bob에게 뭐라고 말하겠는가? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 67 2/9/09 6:06:42 PM HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 12 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Who is the man’s girlfriend? Who is the man’s girlfriend? 남자의 여자친구는 누구인가? 01 ① ③ ② ④ boots 부츠 pretty 예쁜 lovely 사랑스런 W: Where is your girlfriend? W: 네 여자 친구는 어디 있니? M: Look. She’s over there. M: 봐, 저기 있잖아. W: Which one is she? Is your W: 누가 여자 친구인데? 여자 친구가 긴 드레스를 girlfriend wearing a long dress with a hat? 입고 모자를 썼니? M: No, she’s not. She’s in a mini- M: 아니, 그렇지 않아. 그녀는 미니스커트를 입고 skirt with long boots. 긴 부츠를 신었어. W: Boots? Then that pretty lady W: 부츠? 그러면 저 예쁜 여자가 네 여자친구 임에 must be your girlfriend. 틀림없네. M: Yes, that’s right. Isn’t she M: 응 맞아. 사랑스럽지 않니? lovely? Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are in the kitchen. ② They are at a restaurant. ③ They are in the farm. ④ They are at a bakery. order 주문 homestyle 집에서 만든 것 같은 baked 구운 M: May I take your order , ma’am? M: 주문하시겠습니까, 손님? W: Yes, I’ll have the homestyle W: 네, 가정식 스타일의 칠리를 먹을게요. chili. or cornbread with that? M: Do you want a baked potato M: 칠리와 함께 구은 감자나 옥수수빵을 드릴까요? W: The baked potato, please. W: 구운 감자로 주세요. M: All right. Anything to drink? M: 알겠습니다. 음료수도 드릴까요? W: No, that will be all. W: 아니요, 그것만 주세요. What will the weather be like tomorrow? What will the weather be like tomorrow? 내일의 날씨는 어떨 것인가? M: Good morning. Tomorrow, you had better wear warm clothes. It’s going to be very cold. It will also be windy and snowy at night. The roads will be slippery. Be careful when you are driving. M: 안녕하세요. 내일은 따뜻한 옷을 입는 것이 좋 겠습니다. 밤에는 상당히 추울 것 같습니다. 또 한 바람이 불고 눈이 내릴 예정입니다. 도로는 미끄러울 겁니다. 운전 조심하시기 바랍니다. 03 ① It’ll be cold. ② It’ll be warm. ③ It’ll be sunny. ④ It’ll be snowy. warm clothes 따뜻한 옷 windy 바람 부는 slippery 미끄러운 snowy 눈이 오는 Hot Listening ❷ 04 05 06 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 68 2/9/09 6:06:44 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? M: Judy, um... Are you still going M: Judy, 음… 너 Billy랑 여전히 사귀니? W: 물론이지. 그는 여전히 내 남자 친구야, 왜? out with Billy? W: Of course. He’s still my boyfriend. Why? this. M: I don’t know if I should tell you M: 내가 이걸 너한테 말해야 할지 모르겠다. W: Shoot, Kyle. Just say it. W: 말해 봐, Kyle. 그냥 이야기해봐. M: Well, I saw Billy on a date with your best friend Sally. M: 있잖아, 내가 Billy가 너랑 가장 친구인 Sally랑 데이트하는 걸 봤거든. W: What? Billy and my best friend? How could that happen to me? W: 뭐라고? Billy랑 내 가장 친한 친구랑? 그런 일 이 어떻게 나한테 일어날 수 있지? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? M: I am sad because people call me ugly. My body is dark yellow in fall. My flower looks like a big golden bell. In Korea, my flower is often compared to a girl who is not pretty. People make pies and cakes with me. M: 나는 슬퍼요. 왜냐하면 사람들이 나를 못생겼다 고 하거든요. 내 몸은 가을에 진노란색이에요. 내 꽃은 큰 금색 종처럼 보이죠. 내 꽃은 종종 한국에서 못생긴 여자애와 비교되지요. 사람들 은 나를 가지고 파이나 케이크를 만들어요. 04 ① She is hurt. ② She is indifferent. ③ She is glad. ④ She is honored. go out with ~와 사귀다 shoot 말하다 indifferent 무관심한 05 Who or what am I? ① I am a potato. ② I am a walnut. ③ I am an eggplant. ④ I am a pumpkin. ugly 못생긴 be compared to ~와 비교되다 walnut 호두 eggplant 가지 06 ① It’s 6:50. ② It’s 7:30. ③ It’s 6:40. ④ It’s 6:30. What time is it now? What time is it now? 지금 시각은 몇 시인가? finally 드디어 left 남다 M: Really? What time does the M: 정말? 경기가 몇 시에 시작하는데? W: 음, 경기는 7시 30분에 시작해. 경기 전까지 뭐 M: We are finally here at Sangam Stadium. left before the game. M: 드디어 상암 경기장에 왔다. W: Wow! We still have 50 minutes W: 와! 경기 시작 전까지 아직 50분이나 남았어. game start? W: Well, the game starts at 7:30. What shall we do before it starts? coffee? It should take us about 40 minutes. 할까? W: Okay. Let’s go. W: 그래. 가자. M: Hmm, why don’t we get some M: 음, 커피 마시러 갈까? 40분 정도면 될거야. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 69 2/9/09 6:06:45 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? 07 ① How to use a washing machine ② How to use a change machine W: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to use this machine? 쳐주실래요? W: 실례합니다. 이 기계를 어떻게 사용하는지 가르 ③ How to use a vending machine M: Sure. First, insert some coins M: 그러죠. 동전이나 지폐를 먼저 넣어요. 그런 다 ④ How to use a ticket machine insert 넣다 machine 기계 coin 동전 paper money 지폐 press 누르다 enter button 입력 버튼 don’t mention it 천만해요 washing machine 세탁기 change machine 동전 교환기 or paper money. Then, press the number of the snack that you want. 음 원하시는 스낵의 번호를 누르세요. W: Okay. Then what? W: 네. 다음은요? M: Just press the enter button, and you’ll get the snack. M: 그냥 입력 버튼을 누르시면 스낵이 나올 거예요. W: Thank you for your help. W: 도와주셔서 감사합니다. M: Don’t mention it. W: 천만에요. 08 Why does the man need Monica’s e-mail address? Why does the man need Monica’s e-mail address? 남자가 모니카의 이메일 주소를 필요로 하는 이 유는 무엇인가? ① Because he needs to buy a planner M: Hey, do you have Monica’s M: 안녕. 너 모니카의 이메일 주소 아니? ② Because he forgot his homework W: Yes. I have it somewhere in W: 응, 내 수첩 어딘가에 있을 거야. 왜? for her to her ③ Because he needs her report ④ Because he needs to send his report planner 수첩 send 보내다 wrote (write 쓰다)의 과거형 e-mail address? my planner. Why? report. address to you? M: Well, I need to send her my M: 모니카에게 내 리포트를 보내줘야 하거든. W: Didn’t she give her e-mail W: 모니카가 이메일 주소를 주지 않았니? M: Yeah, she wrote it down for me, but I lost the paper. M: 응, 줬는데 종이를 잃어버렸어. W: Oh, I see. Here you are. W: 오, 그렇구나. 여기 있어. What will the man probably do next? What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① He will stay home. ② He will go to the mall. ③ He will go to the library. ④ He will call Rachel. library 도서관 to buy? M: Would you like to go shopping M: 이번 금요일에 나랑 쇼핑 갈래? with me this Friday? to the library. W: I’d love to, but I have to go W: 그러고 싶은데 도서관에 가야해. M: Oh, that’s too bad. M: 이런, 아쉽다. W: I am sorry. What do you need W: 미안해. 뭘 사야 하는데? M: Well, I need to buy some new pants, and I need some help with it. M: 응, 새 바지를 좀 사야 하는데 도움이 필요해. W: Why don’t you call Rachel? W: Rachel에게 전화 한번 해봐. 쇼핑 정말 좋아하 잖아. M: She does? Okay, I will do that M: 그래? 좋아, 지금 전화해야겠다. She loves shopping. right now. 0 Hot Listening ❷ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 70 2/9/09 6:06:47 PM Question & Answer Audio Script Translation 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 올바른 그림은? M: Two children are sitling on the floor. The children are fighting over the toys. They seem unhappy. M: 두 명의 아이들이 바닥에 앉아 있다. 아이들이 장난감을 가지고 싸우고 있다. 그들은 기분나빠 보인다. ① ③ ② ④ fight over ~에 대해 싸우다 11 12 What is true about the table? What is true about the table? 표의 내용과 일치하는 것은? Jessica Tiffany Brian Tim Free Time activity Cleaning her room Listening to music Going shopping Reading books ① M: Jessica likes to read books. ① M: Jessica는 책읽기를 좋아한다. ② M: Tiffany likes to clean her room. ② M: Tiffany는 방청소를 좋아한다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ M: Brian likes to go shopping. ③ M: Brian은 쇼핑하는 것을 좋아한다. ④ M: Tim likes to listen to music. ④ M: Tim은 음악 듣는 것을 좋아한다. clean 청소하다 go shopping 쇼핑하러 가다 What is NOT true about the man? What is NOT true about the man? 남자에 대해 일치하지 않는 것은? M: Dear Jenny, M: Jenny에게, ① He is having a good time in Korea. ② He wrote this letter to his mom and dad. ③ He will go to Pusan this weekend. ④ He misses his family. Take care. 잘 지내. 요즘 어떻게 지내니? 나는 한국에서 좋은 시간 을 보내고 있어. 한국 사람들은 너무 친절하고 좋아. 나는 서울에서 좋은 곳을 많이 다녀왔어. 그리고 이번 토요일에는 부산에 갈 거야. 너무 기다려져. 너와 가족들이 그리워. 엄마, 아빠께 안부 전해줘. 잘 지내. How are you doing these days? I am having a great time in Korea. The people in Korea are very kind and nice. I went to many good places in Seoul, and I will visit Pusan this Saturday. I can’t wait to go there. I miss you and my other family members. Say hello to Mom and Dad. Take care. HOT TEST 12 Answer Key & Script 71 Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 71 2014-01-27 오후 1:06:17 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 ① She is most likely to be stressed. ② She is most likely to make a list. ③ She is most likely to help him. ④ She is most likely to start her work. be stressed 스트레스 받다 make a list 목록을 만들다 W: I am so stressed. M: What’s wrong? W: 나 너무 스트레스 받았어. M: 뭐가 문제야? W: I have too many things to do. I don’t even know where to start. M: Hmm. Why don’t you make a list of the things you have to do? W: 많은 일들을 해야 하는데, 어디서부터 시작해야 할지 모르겠어. M: 음. 해야 할 일들의 목록을 만드는 것은 어때? W: Oh, that’s a good idea. I’ll do W: 오, 좋은 생각이야. 지금 당장 그것을 해야겠어. Q: What is the woman most Q: 여자가 하게 될 일로 가장 적절한 것은? that right away. likely to do? 14 Why did david’s mom Not let him go to his friend’s house? Why did david’s mom Not let him go to his friend’s house? 엄마가 David을 친구집에 가지 못하게 한 이유 는? ① Because his mom doesn’t like Brian ② Because his mom wants him to get C on the exam W: David, where are you going? W: David, 어디 가니? M: I am going to Brian’s house. M: Brian네 집에 가요. ③ Because his mom wants him to study W: What? Don’t you remember W: 뭐? 내일이 네 시험날인 걸 기억하지 못하는 거 ④ Because he promised his mom to that you have a test tomorrow? 니? M: I know, but I promised him. M: 알아요. 하지만 그에게 약속했어요. W: Did you forget that you got a W: 지난 시험에서 C 받았던 것을 잊었니? C on your last exam? for his exam stay home forget 잊다 What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 15 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? ① Hurry up! I think something is burning. ② How could you forget his name? ③ Do you really think this smell is nice? W: Jake. Come over here and W: Jake 이리 와서 이 TV show를 봐. 진짜 watch this TV show. It’s really fun. 재미있어. ④ I hate the smell of this shampoo. M: Okay. By the way, what is M: 그래. 그런데 이 냄새는 뭐야? turn off 끄다 stove 가스레인지 Oh, my goodness! 어머나! Hot Listening ❷ that smell? anything. W: What smell? I can’t smell W: 무슨 냄새? 아무 냄새도 안나는데. M: I still can smell something. Did M: 여전히 무슨 냄새가 나. 가스레인지 껐어? you turn off the stove? W: Oh, my goodness! I forgot. W: 어머나! 깜빡했어. M: Hurry up! I think something is M: 서둘러! 뭔가 타고 있는 것 같아. burning. Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 72 2/9/09 6:06:50 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Do you need my help? ② Can you help me understand this better ? test? ③ I don’t like you though. ④ Don’t you remember we have a do one’s math homework 수학 숙제를 하다 have a good understanding 이해력이 좋다 especially 특별히 M: Katie and Jake are doing their math homework together. Jake is smart and has a good understanding of it. However , Katie is not as smart as Jake. Also, Katie is not especially good at math. Right now, there are many things she doesn’t understand, so she wants to get some help from Jake. What would Katie most likely say to him? M: Katie와 Jake는 함께 수학 숙제를 하고 있다. Jake는 똑똑하고 이해력이 좋다. 하지만 Katie 는 Jake만큼 똑똑하지 않다. 게다가 Katie는 수 학을 못한다. 지금 그녀는 이해하지 못하는 것 들이 많아서 Jake에게 도움을 받고 싶다. Katie 가 Jake에게 할 수 있는 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 73 2/9/09 6:06:50 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 13 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Number the pictures according to when they occur. Number the pictures according to when they occur. 순서에 맞게 그림에 번호를 쓰시오. 03 ④ ② ③ ① ballet 발레 regular 정기적인 check -up 검사 M: Sue, where did you go after M: Sue, 방과 후에 어디에 갔었니? school? W: I went to my ballet lesson and then went home and played a computer game. W: 발레 수업 받으러 갔다가 집에 와서 컴퓨터 게 임을 했어. M: What did you do after that? M: 그 다음에는 뭐 했는데? W: Oh, wait. Before I went home, I went to the dentist for my regular check -up. After the game, I did my homework. What about you, Don? M: I didn’t do anything special. Just some regular things. W: 오, 잠깐만, 집에 가기 전에, 정기 검진 받으러 치과에 갔었어. 게임을 하고 난 후엔 숙제를 했지. Don, 너는 뭐했니? M: 특별히 한 건 없어. 그냥 평범한 일들이야. 04 05 02 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? ① A nurse − A doctor ② A dentist − A patient ③ A cleaner − A manager ④ A maid − A guest plaque 치태 molars 어금니 cavities 충치 Hot Listening ❷ M: All right, let’s take a look at M: 좋아요, 이 좀 봅시다. “아” 하세요. your teeth. Say, "Ah." W: Ah. W: 아. M: It looks like you have no M: 큰 문제는 없어 보이네요. 가기 전에 간단한 세 major problems. Let me just give you a quick cleaning before you leave. 척을 해 드리죠. W: Is it going to hurt? W: 아픈가요? M: Not at all. All I’m going to do is clean the plaque off your molars so you won’t get any cavities. M: 전혀요. 그저 어금니에 치태를 제거해서 충치가 안 생기도록 하는 게 답니다. Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 74 2/9/09 6:06:52 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Where did he find the ticket? Where did he find the ticket? 그는 표를 어디서 찾았는가? 03 ① He found the ticket in his backpack. M: Let’s go inside. We have to M: 안으로 들어가자. 서둘러야 해. ② He found the ticket in his pocket. hurry up. ③ He found the ticket on the bench. ④ He found the ticket on the ground. W: Oh, no. I can’t find my ticket. It was in my backpack. 에 있었거든. W: 오, 안돼. 내 표를 찾을 수가 없어. 내 배낭 안 inside 안쪽에 backpack 베낭 bench (긴) 의자 relief 안도 M: Why don’t you look for it in M: 네 주머니를 살펴보는 게 어때? your pocket? W: It’s not there either. W: 거기에도 없어. M: Oh, look over there! M: 오, 저기 봐! 무언가가 의자 위에 있어. 그것 네 Something is on the bench. Isn’t it your ticket? 표 아니야? W: Yes, it is. What a relief... W: 응, 그래. 얼마나 다행인지… How does the man probably feel? How does the man probably feel? 남자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① He is trustful. ② He is cheerful. ③ He is warm. ④ He is sick. matter 문제 come down with (병에) 걸리다 flu 유행성 감기 W: Billy, are you feeling all right? You don’t sound too good. W: Billy, 너 괜찮니? 안 좋아 보인다. M: No, I don’t feel well. M: 아니, 나 오늘 몸이 별로 안 좋아. W: What’s the matter with you? You were in a good mood this morning. W: 무슨 일이야? 오늘 아침에는 괜찮아 보였는데. M: I think I have come down M: 나 독감에 걸린 것 같아. with the flu. W: That’s too bad. You should just go home and get some rest. W: 안됐구나. 집에 가서 좀 쉬는 게 좋겠어. Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? 05 ① I am a rat. ② I am a cow. M: I am a useful animal for ③ I am a farmer. ④ I am a pig. M: 나는 사람들에게 유용한 동물입니다. 나는 크지 만 아주 온순한 동물입니다. 당신은 매일 내 우 유를 마실 겁니다. 추수 기간에는 농부들을 도 와줍니다. 나는 죽은 후 내 살코기를 사람들에 게 줍니다. people. I am a big but very mild animal. You may drink my milk every day. I help farmers during the harvest season. I give my flesh to people to eat as meat after I die. useful 유용한 mild animal 온순한 동믈 harvest 추수 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 75 2/9/09 6:06:53 PM ① She paid $64 for the new computer ② She paid $80 for the new computer ③ She paid $74 for the new computer ④ She paid $66 for the new computer game. game. game. game. originally 원래 bargain 세일 pay 지불하다 ① The conversation is about their school lives. friends. ② The conversation is about their ③ The conversation is about their free- time activities. ④ The conversation is about sports. free time 여가 시간 favorite 제일 좋아하는 mystery 추리소설 conversation 대화 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 How much did she pay for her computer game? How much did she pay for her computer game? 여자가 컴퓨터 게임을 위해 지불한 금액은 얼마 인가? 09 M: Wow! Is that a new computer M: 와! 새 컴퓨터 게임이니? game? W: Yes. I bought it yesterday. W: 응. 어제 샀어. M: How much was it? M: 얼마야? W: It was originally $80, but it was 20% off yesterday. W: 원래는 80달러인데, 어제는 20% 세일이었어. M: 20%? That was a real M: 20% 세일? 정말 좋은 가격이다. bargain. W: I know. I am still really happy. W: 그래. 아직도 기분이 너무 좋아. What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화의 주요 내용은 무엇에 대한 것인가? 07 W: What do you like to do in W: 여가 시간에 무엇을 하길 좋아해? your free time? M: I like playing soccer with my friends. How about you? M: 친구들과 축구하는 것을 좋아해. 너는 어때? 10 W: I like to read. W: 난 읽는 것을 좋아해. M: What do you like to read? M: 어떤 것 읽기를 좋아하는데? W: My favorite stories are W: 난 추리소설을 제일 좋아해. mysteries. M: Really? Maybe you can show me some good stories to read. W: Sure! W: 그럴게! M: 정말? 내게 좋은 책들을 소개시켜주면 좋겠다. 08 Why does the woman like spring the most? Why does the woman like spring the most? 여자는 왜 봄을 가장 좋아하는가? 11 ① Because it’s warm ② Because there are many beautiful flowers and green trees ③ Because she likes to walk in the park ④ Because she doesn’t have to wear heavy clothes W: I like spring because it’s warm. I like to walk in the park in spring because of the many beautiful flowers and green trees. But, most of all, I like spring the best because I don’t have to wear heavy clothes. W: 나는 봄을 좋아한다. 왜냐하면 따뜻하기 때문이 다. 나는 봄에 공원에서 산책하는 것을 좋아하다. 왜냐하면 아름다운 꽃들과 녹색의 나무들 때문 이다. 그러나 무엇보다도 봄을 가장 좋아하는 이유는 두꺼운 옷을 입지 않아도 되기 때문이다. spring 봄 most of all 무엇보다도 clothes 옷 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 76 2/9/09 6:06:54 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the man probably do next? What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① He will go to the mall. W: Come on. Let’s go to the mall W: 서둘러. 백화점으로 지금 출발하자. ② He will change his clothes. ③ He will call Jessica. ④ He will stay home. mall 백화점 forgot forget(잊어버리다)의 과거형 now. now. that? now. M: Why? I am really busy right M: 왜? 나 지금 정말 바쁜데. W: Did you forget to meet Jessica at the mall? W: 제시카랑 백화점에서 만나기로 한 것 잊었어? M: Oh, no! I forgot about her. M: 오, 안돼! 잊고 있었어. W: How could you forget about W: 어떻게 약속을 잊을 수가 있어? M: I was so busy with my M: 숙제 때문에 너무 바빴어. 지금 준비할게. homework. Let me get ready to go. W: I think you should call her first W: 먼저 제시카에게 전화해서 약속 시간을 바꾸는 to change the meeting time. 게 좋을 것 같다. M: Good idea. I’ll do that right M: 좋은 생각이야. 지금 할게. 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 올바른 그림은? ① ③ ② ④ M: The girl is having a piano lesson. She seems to enjoy it. The teacher listens carefully to what the girl is playing. M: 소녀가 피아노 수업을 받고 있다. 그녀는 그것 을 즐기는 듯 보인다. 선생님은 그녀가 연주하 는 것을 주의 깊게 듣는다. lesson 수업 11 Girl’s Favorite Subject Science Math English English ① ② ③ ④ Boy’s Favorite Subject Math English Math Science still 여전히 second 두 번째 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? M: Hey, did you finish your homework for math class? M: 이봐, 수학 숙제 끝냈니? W: I am still working on it. W: 아직 하고 있어. M: I’ve just finished, but it was too difficult. I really hate math. M: 난 금방 끝냈는데 너무 어려웠어. 난 정말 수학 이 싫어. W: Really? It’s my favorite W: 정말? 내가 제일 좋아하는 과목인데. 그럼 넌 subject. What subject do you like then? 무슨 과목을 좋아하니? M: English is my favorite. Science M: 영어를 제일 좋아해. 과학을 두 번째로 좋아하고. is my second favorite. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 77 2/9/09 6:06:56 PM 15 16 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 W: Dear Miss Kim, W: 김 선생님께, ① The speaker wrote this letter to Miss Kim. ② The speaker doesn’t like math because of her teacher. ③ The speaker likes her math teacher very much. ④ The speaker didn’t do well on the last math test. get a good grade 좋은 점수를 받다 because of ~ 때문에 I have a problem. I don’t like my math teacher. She is kind, but she only likes students who get good grades. I didn’t get a good grade on the last math test. I think she doesn’t like me. The problem is that I have started to hate math because of her. What can I do? Please write me back soon. 저에게는 문제가 있어요. 저는 수학 선생님을 좋아하지 않아요. 그녀는 친절하지만 좋은 점수 를 받는 학생들만 좋아해요. 저는 지난번 수학 시험에서 좋은 점수를 받지 못했어요. 저는 그 녀가 저를 좋아하지 않는다고 생각해요. 문제는 그녀 때문에 제가 수학을 싫어하기 시작했다는 거예요. 제가 무엇을 할 수 있을까요? 제게 빨 리 답장해주시길 부탁드립니다. What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 ① Her brother is not smart. ② She doesn’t know why. ③ She is pretty but not smart. feel blue 우울하다 heard hear(듣다)의 과거형 ④ She heard that she is neither pretty also not smart. nor smart. W: I am feeling blue. M: What’s the problem? W: 나 우울해. M: 문제가 뭐니? W: I think I am not pretty. I am W: 내 생각에 나는 예쁘지 않아. 똑똑하지도 않고. M: What makes you think that? M: 왜 그렇게 생각하는데? W: My brother said so. W: 우리 오빠가 그렇게 말했어. M: Come on. Do you really M: 왜그래. 그게 정말 사실이라고 생각하니? believe it is true? W: I don’t know. But he never lies W: 모르겠어. 하지만 그는 누구에게도 거짓말을 하 지 않거든. Q: What made the woman not Q: 여자를 기분 나쁘게 한 것은? How do the two people know each other? How do the two people know each other? 두 사람은 서로를 어떻게 아는가? to anyone. happy? before? me? are Brian. again. M: Excuse me. Haven’t we met M: 실례합니다. 우리 전에 만난 적 없나요? W: I am sorry, but do you know W: 죄송합니다만, 저를 아시나요? the same middle school. W: Oh. I remember you now. You W: 오. 이제 네가 기억난다. Brian 맞지? M: Yes. It’s so nice to see you M: 응. 다시 만나게 되어 너무 반가워. W: I feel the same way. Wow. W: 동감이야. 와. 너 많이 변했구나. You’ve changed a lot. 14 ① They went to the same high school. ② They went to the same middle school. ③ They don’t know each other. middle school 중학교 high school 고등학교 Hot Listening ❷ ④ They just met at the party. M: Aren’t you Katie? We went to M: 너 Katie 아니니? 우리 같은 중학교에 다녔는데. Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 78 2/9/09 6:06:57 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① I don’t understand. ② That’s not what I want to know. W: How often do you exercise? W: 얼마나 자주 운동하세요? ③ I exercise too much. ④ Yes, that’s why I am trying to quit. smoke 담배 피우다 try to ~하려고 애쓰다 quit 끝내다 M: I exercise, but not very often. M: 하긴 하는데 자주 하지 않아요. W: Do you smoke? W: 담배 피우세요? M: Yes. To tell the truth, I smoke M: 네. 사실은 많이 피워요. a lot. quit. W: You know it’s not good for W: 그것이 건강에 좋지 않다는 것은 알고 계시죠? your health, right? M: Yes, that’s why I am trying to M: 네, 그래서 끊으려는 거예요. 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① What a nice weather! ② Is it Mr. Kim who called me? ③ Can I borrow some books for you? ④ Are you open on Sundays? find out 알게 되다 research 연구 weekend 주말 on Sundays 매주 일요일에 M: You just found out that you have to read some books to do some research for your homework. So you have to go to the library this weekend. But you are not too sure if it is open on Sundays. Now, you are calling the library to find out whether they are open on Sundays. What would you say on the phone? M: 당신은 숙제를 위한 조사를 위해 몇 권의 책을 읽어야 한다는 것을 좀 전에 알게 되었다. 그래 서 당신은 이번 주말 도서관에 가야 한다. 하지 만 당신은 일요일에 문을 여는지 확신이 없다. 지금 당신은 일요일에 문을 여는지 알아보기 위 해 도서관에 전화를 한다. 전화상으로 당신이 물을 수 있는 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 79 2/9/09 6:06:58 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 14 Question & Answer Audio Script translation When will the man go on vacation? When will the man go on vacation? 남자는 언제 휴가를 떠날 것인가? ① 2nd ② 22nd ③ 19th ④ 29th M: Well, my plans changed. M: 그랬는데, 내 계획이 바뀌었어. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? ① They are at a luggage store. M: Excuse me, ma’am. I have 01 02 vacation 휴가 plan 계획 trip 여행 ② They are on an airplane. ③ They are at an airport. ④ They are at a hotel. luggage 여행가방 wrong 틀린, 다른 calm down 진정하다 03 ① It’ll be sunny. ② It’ll be rainy. ③ It’ll be foggy. ④ It’ll be cloudy. changeable 변하기 쉬운 these days 요즘 the day after tomorrow 내일 모레 0 Hot Listening ❷ W: Aren’t you going on vacation W: 곧 휴가 가지 않니? M: That’s right. There are just two M: 맞아. 가려면 이틀 남았어. soon? more days to go. the twenty-second. W: I thought you were leaving on W: 나는 네가 22일에 떠났을 거라고 생각했었어. W: Today’s the twenty-seventh, right? When are you leaving? W: 오늘은 27일이지, 맞지? 언제 떠나니? M: On Sunday. So I’m leaving the M: 일요일에 가. 내일 모레 떠나는 거지. day after tomorrow. W: Have a nice trip. W: 여행 잘 하고 와. been waiting for an hour , but I still can’t find my luggage. W: I’m sorry, but we have lost your luggage. It’s on the wrong airplane. M: What am I going to do? I really need my bags now. W: Calm down, sir. We’ll send them to your hotel tonight. M: 실례합니다만, 지금 한 시간 째 기다리고 있는 데 여전히 내 여행가방을 찾을 수가 없어요. W: 죄송합니다만, 저희가 손님의 여행가방을 잃어 버렸습니다. 그것이 다른 비행기에 실려있습니 다. M: 내가 어떻게 해야 합니까? 지금 내 가방들이 꼭 필요합니다. W: 진정하십시오, 손님, 저희가 오늘 밤에 호텔로 보내드리겠습니다. M: Are you sure? M: 확실합니까? W: We are sure we can bring W: 저희가 확실히 찾아드리겠습니다. them to you. M: 오늘 날씨는 무척 좋을 것 같습니다. 요즘 날씨 가 자주 바뀝니다. 내일은 비가 올 전망입니다. 그러나 비는 정오가 되면서 그칠 것입니다. 내 일 모레의 하늘은 맑을 것입니다. M: It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day today. The weather is changeable these days. So some rain will begin to fall the next day. The rain will stop, however , as we head toward noon. The skies will be clear the day after tomorrow. What will the weather be like tomorrow? What will the weather be like tomorrow? 내일의 날씨는 어떨 것인가? 04 05 06 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 80 2/9/09 6:07:00 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the man probably feel? How does the man probably feel? 남자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① He is anxious. ② He is happy. ③ He is depressed. ④ He is confused. bloom 꽃이 피다 be in love 사랑하고 있다 wrong 잘못된 anxious 걱정한 depressed 우울한 confused 혼란스러운 05 Who or what am I? ① I am a king. ② I am some clothes. ③ I am an umbrella. ④ I am a hat. authority 권위 protect 보호하다 weather 날씨 ① She will pay $11. ② She will pay $16. ③ She will pay $18. ④ She will pay $14. watermelon 수박 peach 복숭아 each 한 개 half dozen 6개 dozen 12개 M: What a beautiful day! M: 날씨 정말 좋구나! W: That’s for sure. W: 맞아. M: The birds are singing. The flowers are blooming... M: 새들이 노래하고 있어. 꽃들은 만발하고… W: Yeah... What’s wrong with W: 그래… 무슨 일 있니? you? in love now. M: You know what? I think I am M: 너 아니? 내 생각엔 난 지금 사랑을 하고 있어. W: Really? Tell me about her. W: 정말? 그녀에 대해서 말해줘. Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? M: I am the highest authority in the world. Even a king is under me. I protect your head from cold weather or the hot sun. I am made of cloth. I sit on your head. M: 나는 세상에서 가장 권위가 있다. 왕조차도 내 밑에 있다. 나는 당신을 추운 날씨나 뜨거운 태 양으로부터 보호해준다. 나는 천으로 만들어진 다. 나는 당신의 머리 위에 놓인다. M: Hi! May I help you? M: 안녕하세요. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? W: Yes, please. How much is a W: 네. 수박 한 개에 얼마에요? watermelon? M: It’s six dollars. M: 6달러 입니다. W: What about these peaches? They look fresh and sweet. 보이네요. W: 그럼 복숭아들은 얼마인가요? 신선하고 달아 M: They’re a dollar each, but M: 한 개는 1달러지만 여섯 개에는 5달러 입니다. you pay five dollars for a half dozen. watermelon and a dozen peaches. W: Please give me one W: 수박 한 개와 복숭아 열 두 개 주세요. M: Okay. Here you are. M: 알겠습니다. 여기 있습니다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 06 How much will the woman pay for the fruit? How much will the woman pay for the fruit? 여자가 과일을 구입하기 위해 지불해야 할 금액 은 얼마인가? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 81 2/9/09 6:07:01 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? 07 ① They are talking about doughnuts. M: Hey! Would you like some M: 안녕! 도넛 먹을래? ② They are talking about having lunch. doughnuts? ③ They are talking about getting up W: No, thanks. I had my W: 고맙지만 괜찮아. 나 아침 먹었거든. late in the morning. breakfast. ④ They are talking about having M: Do you usually eat breakfast? M: 너 주로 아침 먹어? breakfast. meal 식사 W: Of course. Don’t you? W: 물론이야. 넌 안 먹어? M: Well, I always get up late. I don’t have time to eat. W: You should. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. M: 음, 난 항상 늦게 일어나. 아침 먹을 시간이 없어. W: 먹어야 해. 아침은 하루 식사 중 가장 중요한 식 사야. 08 What is the purpose of the man’s phone call? What is the purpose of the man’s phone call? 남자가 전화를 건 목적은? ① To find his digital camera M: Hi, Emily. This is Tom. M: 안녕, Emily. 나 Tom이야. ② To thank her for the dinner party W: Hi, Tom. What’s up? W: 안녕, Tom. 무슨 일이야? ③ To talk to her about his problem ④ To invite her to a dinner party purpose 목적 digital 디지털 invite 초대하다 M: I really enjoyed your dinner party yesterday. But I think I left my digital camera at your house. M: 어제 저녁 파티 정말 즐거웠어. 근데 너희 집에 디지털 카메라를 두고 온 것 같아. W: Oh, no. W: 오, 저런. M: I really need to find it. Can M: 그 카메라 정말 찾아야 해. 너희 집 안을 둘려보 you look around your house and call me back? 고 전화해 줄래? W: Of course. I’ll call you back. W: 물론이야. 전화할게. M: Thanks. M: 고마워. What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① They will go to the park. W: Hey, let’s go to the park. W: 이봐, 우리 공원에 가자. ② They will take pictures. M: Okay. Do you want to bring M: 그래. 사진 찍게 디지털 카메라도 가져갈까? ③ They will charge the battery. ④ They will look for the digital camera. the digital camera so we can take some pictures? W: Good idea. Here it is. W: 좋은 생각이야. 여기 있다. M: Oh, no! I don’t think it’s M: 오, 이런! 작동이 안돼. take a look at ~을 보다 battery 건전지 charge 충전하다 working. it’s just the battery. W: Let me take a look at it. Oh, W: 내가 한번 볼게. 오, 그냥 건전지 때문이야. M: Really? M: 정말? W: Yeah, we just have to charge the battery before we can use it. W: 응, 사용하기 전에 건전지 충전을 하면 돼. Hot Listening ❷ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 82 2/9/09 6:07:02 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 바른 그림은? M: The man is having his car cleaned. He has to pick up his brother in the airport. So, he is in a hurry. M: 남자는 그의 차를 세차하고 있다. 그는 그의 남 동생을 공항에서 데려와야 한다. 그래서 그는 서두르고 있다. ① ③ ② ④ have one’s car cleaned ~의 차를 세차하다 be in a hurry 서두르다 11 12 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? Man’s Phone Number The Number that Woman Wants to Dial M: Hi. This is Kim speaking. How M: 안녕하세요. Kim 입니다. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? can I help you? W: I want to order two large W: 피자 두 판과 탄산음료를 주문하고 싶습니다. pizzas and a soda. M: I am sorry, but I think you have the wrong number. M: 죄송합니다만 전화를 잘못 거신 것 같습니다. W: Isn’t this 477-3305? W: 477-3305 아닌가요? M: No, it’s 477-3505. M: 아니에요. 477-3505입니다. ① ② ③ ④ 447-3505 477-3305 477-3335 477-3505 477-3505 477-3505 477-3505 477-3305 You have the wrong number. 전화 잘못 거셨어요. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① There are many children who use cell phones these days. ② The speaker doesn’t like the idea of children using cell phones. ③ The speaker hates people using cell phones. ④ The speaker thinks cell phones have a bad effect on children. cellular phone (= cell phone) 휴대 전화 lose one’s concentration 집중력을 잃다 M: 요즈음에는 휴대전화를 가진 아이들이 많다. 많 은 사람들은 이것이 필요하다고 생각하지만 나 는 동의하지 않는다. 휴대전화 때문에 많은 십 대들이 너무 자주 그들의 공부에서 집중력을 잃 어버린다. 그들은 항상 문자를 보내고 답문을 기다린다. 어떤 학생들은 수업 시간에 조차 그 렇게 한다. M: There are many children who have cellular phones these days. Many people think that it is necessary, but I don’t agree. Because of cellular phones, many teenagers lose their concentration on their studies too often. They always send text messages and wait for the replies. Some children do that even in their classes. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 83 2/9/09 6:07:04 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 ① It is a book about finding treasure. ② It is a book about a novel. ③ It is a book about many stories in the world. ④ It is a book about an interesting job. look for ~을 찾다 treasure 보물 novel 소설 W: What are you reading? W: 뭐 읽고 있어? M: I am reading a novel. M: 소설책 읽고 있어. W: You are reading a novel? W: 네가 소설을 읽는다고? 무엇에 관한 거야? What is it about? M: It is a story about a little girl looking for some treasure. M: 보물을 찾는 어린 소녀에 관한 이야기야. W: Oh, that sounds interesting. W: 오, 재미있겠다. M: Yes, I really like it. Do you want me to lend it to you after I am done? 까? Q: What is the book about? Q: 무엇에 관한 책인가? M: 응, 난 그걸 정말 좋아해. 다 읽고 나서 빌려줄 What surprised the woman? What surprised the woman? 무엇이 여자를 놀라게 했는가? 14 ① The man can’t wait any more. ② David was surprised. to the party? M: Jenny, guess who is coming M: Jenny, 누가 파티에 오는지 맞춰 봐. ③ A famous person is coming to the W: Who is coming to the party? W: 누가 파티에 오는데? party. ④ The man is a fan of Beckham. surprised 놀란 a big fan 열성 팬 M: David Beckham. The famous M: David Beckham. 유명한 축구 선수 말이야. soccer player. W: Wow, I am so surprised to hear that. I am a big fan. W: 너무 놀라운 소식인데. 난 굉장한 팬이야. M: So am I. I can’t wait to see M: 나도 그래. 그를 보는 것이 너무 기다려져. him. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① I am sorry that you missed the game. M: Did you see the game last M: 어젯밤 경기 봤니? ② Your mom is very kind. night? ③ I am sure that you will love it. ④ You don’t like baseball, do you? channel 채널 W: What game? Do you mean the soccer match between Korea and England? W: 무슨 경기? 영국과 한국의 축구 경기 말이야? M: Yes. It was so exciting. I’ve M: 응. 너무 흥미진진했어. 그렇게 재미있는 시합 never seen an exciting game like that before. 을 전엔 본적이 없어. W: I couldn’t see it. My mom was watching another channel. 고 계셨어. W: 난 볼 수가 없었어. 우리 엄마가 다른 채널을 보 M: I am sorry that you missed M: 게임을 못 봤다니 안됐다. the game. Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 84 2/9/09 6:07:05 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Thank you, Mom. You are the best. ② I will buy the one you choose. ③ Mom, honestly, I want to have that hat, not the shirt. ④ I like the striped shirt better. manakin 마네킹 honestly 솔직하게 M: Your mom wants to buy a shirt for you as a birthday gift. She is now asking you which one you like more. But what you want is not a shirt. You want to have the hat the manakin is wearing. In this situation, what would you most likely say to your mom? M: 당신의 엄마는 당신의 생일 선물로 셔츠를 사주 고 싶어합니다. 그녀는 당신에게 어느 것이 더 마음에 드는지 묻습니다. 하지만 당신이 원하는 것은 셔츠가 아니라 마네킹이 쓰고 있는 모자입 니다. 이런 상황에서 당신이 엄마에게 할 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 85 2/9/09 6:07:06 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 15 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Where is the plant located? Where is the plant located? 화분의 위치는 어디인가? 01 ① ③ ② ④ plant 화분 couch 소파 coffee table 응접실용 탁자 let me see 어디 봅시다 M: Wow, it’s heavy. Where should I put this plant? M: 와, 무겁다. 이 화분 어디에 놓아야 해? W: Oh, why don’t you put it over W: 오, 저쪽에 놓는 건 어때? there? M: Where? Between the couch M: 어디? 소파와 응접실용 탁자 사이에? and the coffee table? W: No, please put it by the W: 아니, 창문 옆에 놓아 줘. window. M: Okay, but I think it’s better to M: 좋아, 하지만 내 생각에는 전등 옆에 놓는 게 더 put it next to the lamp. 나을 것 같은데. W: Let me see. I will follow your W: 좀 볼까. 네 제안에 따를게. suggestion. 02 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? ① A Maintenance staff member − A tenant ② A housekeeper − A postman ③ A pharmacist − A customer ④ A hotelier − A guest faucet 수도꼭지 take care of (일, 문제 등)을 처리하다 fix 고치다, 수리하다 maintenance staff member 관리인 tenant 거주자, 주민 M: This is Bill Potter speaking. How M: Bill Potter입니다. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? may I help you? W: Hi, this is Jane in apartment 1503. I don’t have any water. 나오지 않아요. W: 안녕하세요, 1503호에 사는 Jane입니다. 물이 M: No water? What do you M: 물이 나오지 않는다고요? 무슨 뜻이죠? W: When I turn on the faucet, W: 수도꼭지를 틀 때 아무것도 나오지 않아요. M: I see. I’ll take care of it M: 알겠습니다. 내일 처리해드리겠습니다. mean? nothing comes out. tomorrow. W: Tomorrow? I can’t take a shower , and I can’t cook. Could you fix it today? W: 내일이요? 샤워도 할 수 없고 요리도 할 수 없 잖아요. 오늘 수리해주실 수 있나요? M: Okay. I’ll look at it right away. M: 좋아요, 바로 봐드리겠습니다. Hot Listening ❷ 03 04 05 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 86 2/9/09 6:07:08 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Where is the announcement taking place? Where is the announcement taking place? 공지가 이루어지고 있는 장소는 어디인가? M: Ladies and gentlemen, This is the captain speaking. We will be arriving at Honolulu Airport in 20 minutes. Please stay in your seats, and wear your seatbelts. Please have your passports and other entry documents ready. I hope you have enjoyed your trip. Thank you. M: 신사 숙녀 여러분, 저는 기장입니다. 우리는 20 분 후에 호놀룰루 공항에 도착할 예정입니다. 자리에서 기다려 주시고 안전띠를 착용해 주십 시오. 여권과 입국에 필요한 서류를 준비해 주 시기 바랍니다. 즐거운 여행이 되셨기를 바랍니 다. 감사합니다. 03 ① It is in an airport. ② It is at a hotel. ③ It is at a train station. ④ It is on a plane. arrive 도착하다 passport 여권 entry document 입국에 필요한 서류 seatbelt 안전띠 04 ① She is annoyed. ② She is disappointed. ③ She is excited. ④ She is surprised. How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? W: Do you know what? My W: 그거 아니? 내 남자 친구가 나를 재미있는 boyfriend is taking me to the fun amusement park! 놀이공원에 데리고 간대! M: Have you been there before? M: 전에 가본 적 있니? W: No, this will be my first time W: 아니, 처음 가보는 거야. Do you know what? 그거 아니? amusement park 놀이공원 disappointed 실망한 M: When are you going? M: 언제 가는데? W: This weekend. I can’t wait to W: 이번 주말에. 빨리 가고 싶어. to go there. go there. Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? 05 M: We are twins. Each of us has a round body and a long leg. We have to work together. When we cover your eyes, you can see better. We sit on your nose when we work. M: 우리는 쌍둥이 입니다. 우리 각자는 둥근 몸과 긴 다리를 갖고 있죠. 우리는 함께 일해야 해요. 우리가 당신의 눈을 덮을 때, 당신은 더 잘 볼 수 있어요. 우리가 일을 할 때 당신 코에 놓여 있죠. ① I am a twin brother. ② I am an athlete. ③ I am chopsticks. ④ I am glasses. twin 쌍둥이 cover 덥다 sit 놓여 있다. athlete 운동선수 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 87 2/9/09 6:07:09 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What time will the bus arrive in Boston? What time will the bus arrive in Boston? 버스는 몇 시에 보스턴에 도착하는가? 09 What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 관해 이야기하고 있는가? 07 ① They are talking about the woman’s M: Hey! Why the long face? M: 안녕! 왜 우울한 표정을 하고 있어? W: I am having a really bad day W: 오늘 정말 나쁜 일만 일어나고 있어. ② They are talking about their math today. ③ They are talking about an alarm M: What’s wrong? M: 무슨 일이야? 10 06 ① It will arrive at 2:50 p.m. ② It will arrive at 1:15 p.m. ③ It will arrive at 1:50 p.m. ④ It will arrive at 3:00 p.m. round-trip 왕복 arrive 도착하다 bad day. homework. clock. teacher. long face 우울한 얼굴 after school 방과 후 ④ They are talking about a bad 08 ① Because David needs some help ② Because her mom is busy ③ Because her mom is out of town ④ Because her mom has a headache headache 두통 Hot Listening ❷ M: When is the next bus for M: 보스턴으로 가는 다음 버스는 언제 있나요? W: It leaves at 10:50 a.m. W: 오전 10시 50분에 출발합니다. M: How long does it take to get M: 보스턴까지는 얼마나 걸리나요? Boston? to Boston? ticket? W: It’s $11.50. W: It takes 3 hours. W: 3시간 걸려요. M: How much is a round-trip M: 왕복표는 얼마인가요? M: Give me two, please. M: 두 장 주세요. W: 11달러 50센트입니다. W: First, I was late for school W: 우선 늦게 일어나서 지각했어. 그리고 수학 숙 this morning because I got up late. Then, I left my math homework at home. 제를 집에 두고 왔어. M: Oh, no! Did you get in trouble M: 오, 이런! 너희 수학선생님 화나셨어? with your math teacher? W: Yes! Now, I have to stay W: 그럼! 학교 끝나고 남아서 수학 숙제를 다시 해 after school and do my math homework again. 야 해. M: I am really sorry to hear that. M: 정말 안됐다. W: Hi, David. Come in. W: 안녕, David. 어서 와. M: Hey, what are you doing? M: 안녕, 뭐하고 있었어? W: I’m washing the dishes W: 엄마가 두통이 있으셔서 내가 설거지 하고 because my mom has a headache. 있었어. M: You’re a good daughter. M: 너 정말 효녀다. W: Thanks. I always try to help W: 고마워. 난 항상 엄마를 도와드리려 해. my mom. done. M: Do you need any help? M: 내가 도와줄까? W: No, that’s all right. I’m almost W: 아니야, 괜찮아. 거의 다 했어. Why is the woman washing the dishes? Why is the woman washing the dishes? 여자가 설거지를 하고 있는 이유는? 11 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 88 2/9/09 6:07:10 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the man probably do next? What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① He will go mountain climbing. ② He will mow the lawn. ③ He will study. ④ He will go shopping. mountain climbing 등산 plan 계획 mow 깎다, 베다 lawn 잔디 W: Hey, John, would you like to W: 안녕, John, 우리와 함께 등산 갈래? go mountain climbing with us? M: I wish I could. But I can’t. M: 나도 그랬으면 좋겠지만 안돼. W: Why not? It’s such a wonderful sunny day. W: 왜? 오늘 날씨 정말 좋은데. M: I know, but my father has a M: 알아. 그런데 아빠가 나를 위해 다른 계획을 세 plan for me. W: Like what? 우셨어. W: 어떤 계획? M: He said it’s a great day to M: 아빠가 말씀하시길 잔디를 깎기에 너무 좋은 날 mow the lawn. 이래. W: Oh, no! Good luck. W: 오, 안됐다! 행운을 빌어. 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 올바른 그림은? M: The girl is having a nightmare. It is about the book she read. 책에 대한 것이다. M: 소녀가 악몽을 꾸고 있다. 그것은 그녀가 읽은 ① ③ ② ④ nightmare 악몽 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 Woman’s Hometown Man’s Hometown M: Are you going anywhere this M: 이번 휴가에 어디 가니? ① ② ③ ④ Seoul Incheon Seoul Seoul Pusan Seoul Pusan Incheon hometown 고향 move 이사하다 vacation? my grandparents. W: I am going to Pusan to see W: 나는 조부모님을 뵈러 부산에 가. M: Is Pusan your hometown? M: 부산이 네 고향이니? W: No, I was born in Seoul. What W: 아니, 난 서울에서 태어났어. 너는? about you? M: Incheon is my hometown. I M: 인천이 내 고향이야. 6살 때 서울로 이사왔어. moved to Seoul when I was six. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 89 2/9/09 6:07:12 PM 15 16 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① Emily is going to have a birthday party. ② Emily is inviting Julie to her party. ③ The party will be in the classroom. ④ Emily is excited about the party. invite 초대하다 have fun 즐거운 시간을 갖다 W: Hi, Julie. This is Emily. I am calling to ask you if you can come to my house this weekend. I am having a birthday party. I am inviting some of my friends in our class. I am sure we will have so much fun. I hope you can come. Please let me know as soon as you listen to this message. W: 안녕, Julie. 나 Emily야. 이번 주말에 우리 집에 올 수 있는지 물어보려고 전화했어. 내 생일 파 티를 할 거거든. 나는 우리 반 친구 몇 명을 초 대할거야. 우리 모두 너무 재미있을 거라 생각해. 네가 왔으면 좋겠다. 이 메시지를 듣는 즉시 나 한테 전화해서 알려줘. What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? ③ It happened in China. news about the earthquake? 13 ① It happened last week. ② It happened to many people. ④ It happened right after the earthquake. injured 다친 help out 돕다 M: Did you hear the news? M: 그 뉴스 들었어? W: What news? You mean the W: 무슨 뉴스? 지진에 관한 뉴스 말이니? M: Yes, so many people in M: 응, 중국에서 아주 많은 사람이 지진 때문에 죽 China died because of the earthquake. 었대. W: It’s so sad. I heard there are also many people injured. W: 너무 슬퍼. 많은 사람들이 다쳤다고 들었어. M: I hope we can do something M: 나는 우리가 그들을 돕기 위해 무언가 할 수 있 to help them out. 으면 좋겠어. Q: Where did the earthquake Q: 지진이 일어난 곳은? happen? 14 What is the woman’s plan for summer vacation? What is the woman’s plan for summer vacation? 여자의 여름방학 계획은? ① She is going to England to do research. ② She is going to England with her M: What are you looking at? M: 뭘 보고 있니? W: I am searching for some information on England. W: 영국에 대한 정보를 찾고 있어. ③ She is going to learn about England. ④ She is going to England to see her you were interested in that country. M: Why? I didn’t know that M: 왜? 네가 그 나라에 관심이 있는 줄은 몰랐는걸. W: I will go to England this summer to see my aunt. W: 이번 여름에 고모를 보러 영국에 갈 거야. M: Right. You said your aunt lives M: 맞다. 너희 고모 영국에 사신다고 했지. in England. aunt. aunt. search for ~을 찾다 England 잉글랜드 0 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 90 2/9/09 6:07:13 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 15 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? W: What are you doing? Did you not hear me calling you? W: 뭐하고 있어? 내가 너 부르는 것 못 들었어? ④ How can you say that? You made a promise. a book. M: As you can see, I am reading M: 보시다시피 책을 읽고 있어요. ① What are you reading? ② I want to read that book, too. ③ That sounds good. When? promise 약속하다 W: Didn’t you forget that you promised to help clean the house? M: Yeah. But, I don’t want to do that. You know I hate cleaning. W: 집 청소 도와주기로 약속한 것 잊어버린 건 아 니지? M: 예, 하지만 전 하고 싶지 않아요. 제가 청소 싫 어하는 것 아시잖아요. W: How can you say that? You W: 어떻게 그런 말을 할 수가 있니? 넌 약속을 했 made a promise. 잖아. 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Oh, my God! What did you do to my picture? ② You look very happy. ③ I am a good painter. Don’t you think ? ④ Where did you get the toy truck ? It’s so pretty. finally 마침내 spend 보내다 complete 완성하다 ruin 망치다 M: Your homework for summer vacation is to draw your family. You are not good at drawing. So, you spend a lot of your time practicing drawing and finally complete a good picture. However , your brother plays with a toy truck and ruins your picture. In this situation, what would you say to your brother? M: 당신의 여름 방학 숙제 중 하나는 가족을 그리 는 것이었습니다. 당신은 그림을 잘 못 그립니다. 그래서 많은 시간을 연습했고, 마침내 좋은 그 림을 완성했습니다. 하지만 당신의 남동생이 장 난감 트럭을 가지고 놀다가 당신의 그림을 망쳤 습니다. 이런 상황에서 당신이 동생에게 할 수 있는 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 91 2/9/09 6:07:14 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 16 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Choose the picture that best describes the talk. Choose the picture that best describes the talk. 들려주는 내용을 가장 잘 묘사한 그림을 고르시 오. 04 M: Draw six circles in a row. Color the first, third, and fourth circles black. Draw a line under the last one. M: 일렬로 여섯 개의 원을 그리세요. 첫 번째, 세 번째, 네 번째 원을 검은색으로 칠하세요. 마지 막 원 밑에 밑줄을 그으세요. ① ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ② ● ○ ● ● ○ ○ ③ ● ○ ○ ● ● ● ④ ● ● ○ ● ● ○ third 세 번째 draw 그리다 fourth 네 번째 look for 찾다 favorite 가장 좋아하는 available 이용 가능한, 이용할 수 있는 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are at a travel agency. M: How may I help you? M: 어떻게 도와드릴까요? ② They are at a movie theater. W: I’m looking for the DVD of W: 'Love Actually'라는 DVD를 찾고 있어요. ③ They are at a movie rental shop. ④ They are at a hotel. Love Actually. M: That’s my favorite movie. M: 제가 제일 좋아하는 영화에요. 오, 딱 하나가 대 Oh, we only have one copy available. 여 가능한데요. W: Wow! I’m so lucky. How much W: 와! 제가 운이 좋네요. 얼마죠? is it? M: $4.50 for one night and two days. Do you have any coupons or a membership card? M: 1박 2일에 4달러 50센트에요. 쿠폰이나 회원 카드를 갖고 있나요? W: Let’s see... Here is my W: 한번 볼게요… 여기 회원카드가 있어요. 포인트 membership card. Can I use my membership points? 를 쓸 수 있나요? M: Of course. M: 물론이죠. 05 06 What‘s the weather like today? What‘s the weather like today? 오늘의 날씨는 어떤가? 03 ① It’s cloudy. ② It’s sunny. M: Here’s today’s weather for ③ It’s rainy. ④ It’s foggy. M: 서울과 경기도의 오늘의 날씨입니다. 전반적으 로 하루 종일 구름 한점 없이 맑은 날씨가 계속 될 것으로 예상됩니다. 따라서 야외 활동을 하 기에 좋은 날입니다. 온도는 시원한 산들바람이 부는 20도 중반 정도가 될 것입니다. 그러나 주 말에는 비가 올 것입니다. Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. Overall, the sun will be shining all day, and no clouds are expected. So, it’s a nice day to be outdoors. Temperatures will be in the mid-twenties with cool breezes. However , it’ll rain over the weekend. province ~도, 지방 outdoors 야외의 temperature 온도 breezes 산들바람 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 92 2/9/09 6:07:15 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? 04 ① She is indifferent. ② She is sorrowful ③ She is nervous. ④ She is disappointed. amusement park 놀이공원 according to ~에 의하면 weather report 일기예보 whether ~인지 아닌지 ① I am a computer. ② I am a book. ③ I am a letter. ④ I am a camera. human 인간 smart 영리한 be made of ~로 만들어지다. letter 글자 05 06 Stationery Pen $1.00 Mechanical Pencil Highlighter $2.50 Pencil Lead Colored Paper $3.00 ruler $3.00 $1.00 $1.00 ① She will pay $10. ② She will pay $9. ③ She will pay $11. ④ She will pay $12. mechanical pencil 샤프 pencil lead 샤프심 else 또 다른 highlighter 형광펜 M: Why do you look so happy? M: 왜 그렇게 행복해 보이는 거야? 무슨 일이야? What’s going on? W: Jim and I are going to the W: Jim과 나는 내일 놀이공원에 갈거야. amusement park tomorrow. M: That sounds like a lot of fun, but do you know what? According to the weather report, it will rain tomorrow. W: Oh, really? Well, I don’t care whether it rains tomorrow or not. We are going there because it’s an indoor park. M: 재미있겠다. 그런데, 너 알고 있니? 일기예보에 의하면 내일 비가 올거래. W: 오, 정말? 하지만 내일 비가 오건 말건 난 상관 안해. 그곳이 실내 놀이공원 이라서 우리는 그 곳에 갈거야. M: Good for you. Have fun. M: 잘됐네. 재미있게 놀아. M: Without me, humans could not be as smart as they are. I have been teaching humans everything. I have letters and pictures in me. Students carry me to school. I am made of paper. M: 나 없이 사람들은 똑똑할 수 없다. 나는 사람들 에게 모든 것을 가르쳐왔다. 내 안에는 글자들 과 사진들이 들어 있다. 학생들은 나를 학교에 가지고 간다. 나는 종이로 만들어졌다. W: Hi, do you have mechanical pencils and pencil lead? W: 안녕하세요, 샤프와 샤프심 있나요? M: Yes, we do. How many do M: 네. 몇 개나 필요하세요? you need? else? W: Well, I need 3 mechanical W: 음, 샤프 세 개와 샤프심 두 상자 주세요. pencils and 2 cases of lead. M: Okay, do you need anything M: 좋아요, 다른 필요한 건 없으세요? W: Yes, that’s all. W: 네, 그제 전부입니다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script How much will the woman pay? How much will the woman pay? 여자가 지불해야 할 금액은 얼마인가? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 93 2/9/09 6:07:16 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the announcement about? What is the announcement about? 무엇에 관한 방송인가? 07 M: Good afternoon, shoppers! We would like to remind you about today’s two-hour special sale. Our special sale will start in just 15 minutes. This special sale includes watches, summer vacation items, and kitchenware. Don’t miss this great chance! M: 안녕하세요! 오늘의 두 시간의 특별 세일에 대 해를 상기시켜 드리겠습니다. 이 세일은 15분 후에 시작될 것입니다. 이 특별한 세일은 시계, 여름휴가 용품, 그리고 부엌 용품들을 포함합니 다. 이 기회를 놓치지 마세요! 08 Why is the man worried about his daughter? Why is the man worried about his daughter? 남자가 딸을 걱정하는 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because her test is tomorrow M: Hello. M: 여보세요. ① It’s about a grand opening sale. ② It’s about a two-day special sale. ③ It’s about a missing child. ④ It’s about a two-hour special sale. remind 상기시키다, 기억시키다 include 포함하다 kitchenware 부엌 용품 announcement 방송 grand opening 개업 item 품목 ② Because she is late for school ③ Because she didn’t come home ④ Because she missed her busy bus stop 버스 정류장 W: Hello. Dad, this is Susan. W: 여보세요. 아빠 저 Susan이에요. M: Hey, where are you? It’s M: 얘야, 너 어디 있니? 지금 거의 8시야. 우리가 얼마나 걱정했다고. almost 8. We are so worried about you. W: Sorry, Dad. I was studying so hard at the library, I didn’t know how late it was. W: 죄송해요, 아빠. 도서관에서 공부를 너무 열심 히 하다가 얼마나 늦었는지 몰랐어요. M: Okay. When are you coming M: 알았다. 언제 집에 오는데? home? W: I’m waiting for the right bus. I’ll W: 지금 버스 기다리고 있는 중이에요. 한 30분이 be home in 30 minutes. 면 집에 가요. M: I see. I’ll be waiting for you at M: 알았다. 버스 정류장에서 기다리고 있을게. the bus stop. 09 Where will the speakers go next? Where will the speakers go next? 화자들이 다음으로 갈 곳은 어디인가? ① They will go to the movie theater. M: Let’s do something. I am really M: 우리 뭔가 하자. 나 정말 심심해. ② They will go to the shopping mall. ③ They will go to the park. ④ They will go to the beach. be bored 심심한 Hot Listening ❷ W: Me too. Do you want to go W: 나도. 공원에 갈래? M: That’s not a good idea. It’s hot M: 좋은 생각이 아닌 것 같아. 밖이 더워서. bored. to the park? outside. movies? do? mall? W: Then how about going to the W: 그럼 영화 보러 갈래? M: No, I don’t want to. M: 아니, 가기 싫어. W: Then, what do you want to W: 그럼, 뭐 하고 싶은데? M: Shall we go to the shopping M: 우리 백화점에 갈까? W: All right. Let’s go. W: 그래. 가자. 10 11 12 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 94 2/9/09 6:07:18 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 올바른 그림은? M: If you see it from the distance, it seems that the girl is painting the wall. But she is drawing something on the wall. M: 그것을 멀리서 본다면, 소녀가 벽을 칠하는 것 처럼 보이긴 하지만 그녀는 벽에 무언가를 그리 고 있습니다. What is true about the table? What is true about the table? 표의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① M: Jessica hates math. ① M: Jessica는 수학을 싫어한다. ② M: Tiffany doesn’t like English. ② M: Tiffany 는 영어를 좋아하지 않는다. ③ M: Brian likes history. ③ M: Brian은 역사를 좋아한다. ④ M: It is Tim who likes history. ④ M: 역사를 좋아하는 사람은 Tim이다. ① ③ ② ④ from the distance 멀리 떨어져서 paint the wall 벽을 칠하다 Jessica Tiffany Brian Tim Favorite Subject Math English Science History ① ② ③ ④ history 역사 math 수학 ① She wants to sleep at her friend’s house this weekend. ② She will clean the house on Sunday. ③ Her mom didn’t want her to go to her friend’s house at first. ④ She is very angry now. keep ~ing 계속해서 ~하다 finally 마침내 stay over (잠을 자고) 머무르다 11 12 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? W: Today, I asked my mother if I could stay over at my friend’s house for the weekend. She said no, but I kept asking her. I made a promise to help her clean the house on Sunday. Finally, she let me stay over at my friend’s house. Now, I am so happy. W: 오늘 나는 엄마에게 주말동안 친구 집에 있어도 되는지 물었다. 엄마는 안된다고 하셨지만 나는 계속해서 물었다. 나는 일요일에 집 청소를 하 는 것을 돕기로 엄마와 약속했다. 마침내 엄마 는 내가 친구 집에서 머무르는 것을 허락하셨다. 이제 나는 너무 행복하다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 95 2/9/09 6:07:19 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 16 13 ① They are saying goodbye. ② They are watching a sporting game. ③ They are fighting over a seat. ④ They are on a date. fight over ~ 때문에 싸우다 be on a date 데이트 하다 W: Do you mind if I sit here? W: 내가 여기 앉아도 될까요? M: Of course not. M: 그럼요. W: How is the score right now? W: 지금 점수가 어떻게 되나요? M: The lions are winning by 1. M: Lions 팀이 1점 차로 이기고 있어요. W: Oh, that’s good news. I am a W: 오, 좋은 소식이네요. 나는 Lions의 열성팬 이 big fan of the Lions. 에요. M: You are? Me too. M: 당신이요? 저도 그래요. Q: What are two people doing? Q: 두 사람은 무엇을 하고 있는가? 14 What does the woman dislike about the book? What does the woman dislike about the book? 여자가 책에 대해 싫어하는 부분은? ① The book is too boring. ② The book is too difficult. ③ The book is too long. ④ The teacher asked her to read the book. boring 지루한 M: Did you read the book for M: 숙제 할 책 읽었니? your homework? W: You mean the book the teacher asked us to read? W: 선생님이 읽으라고 한 책 말이니? M: Yeah. That one. Did you read M: 응, 그거. 너는 읽었니? it? W: Yes, but I didn’t like it. W: 응, 그런데 별로 안 좋았어. M: Why not? Was it too boring? M: 왜? 너무 지루했어? W: No. It was too long. W: 아니. 너무 길었어. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 15 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? ① No, it rained a lot yesterday. ② I will see the forecast. ③ It is going to be cold. ④ Will it snow today? skirt 치마 weather forecast 일기예보 Hot Listening ❷ M: Julie, you cannot wear that M: Julie. 그 치마 입으면 안돼. W: Why not? Don’t I look good W: 왜 안돼요? 나한테 잘어울리지 않아요? skirt. on it? M: Yes, you look pretty with the M: 그래, 치마가 아주 잘 어율리는구나. 하지만 오 늘 일기예보 못 들었어? skirt. But didn’t you hear the weather forecast today? W: No, I didn’t. What is the weather going to be like? M: It is going to be cold. M: 추워질거란다. W: 못들었어요. 오늘 날씨가 어떨 거래요? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 96 2/9/09 6:07:20 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Mom, I miss you. ② It is raining outside. Bring an umbrella, please. ③ Will you bring my homework to school, please? ④ Let’s go home together. get up late 늦게 일어나다 hurry 서두르다 notice 알아차리다 M: You stayed up late doing M: 당신은 어제 밤늦게까지 숙제를 했다. 당신은 오늘 아침 늦게 일어나서 학교에 늦지 않으려고 서둘렀다. 학교에 도착한 후, 숙제를 가져오지 않은 것을 알았다. 이런 상황에서 당신이 엄마 에게 할 말은? your homework last night. You got up very late this morning. You hurried to school not to be late. After you got to school, you noticed that you had forgotten to bring your homework. In this situation, what would you say to your mom? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 97 2/9/09 6:07:21 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Answer key & Script 17 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What sport is it in the picture? What sport is it in the picture? 그것은 그림 중 어떤 스포츠인가? M: It’s an indoor sport. You need to wear special shoes. When you play this, you also need a heavy ball. The ball is rolled along an alley to knock over 10 pins. You can play it as an individual or on a team. What sport is it? M: 그것은 실내 스포츠입니다. 당신은 특별한 신 발을 신어야 합니다. 이것을 경기할 때, 당신은 무거운 공 또한 필요합니다. 그 공은 10개의 핀 들을 넘어뜨리기 위해서 레인을 따라 구릅니다. 당신은 개인이나 팀으로 경기할 수 있습니다. 이것은 어떤 스포츠 일까요? 01 ① ③ ② ④ heavy ball 무거운 공 roll 구르다 alley 레인, 마루 knock over 부딪혀 넘어뜨리다 ① A boyfriend − A girlfriend ② A policeman − A criminal ③ An English teacher − A student ④ A tourist − A passerby palace 궁전 intersection 교차로 direction 방향 passerby 지나가는 사람 Hot Listening ❷ 02 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? M: Excuse me. Do you speak M: 실례합니다. 영어를 하시나요? English? W: Yes, a little. M: I am kind of lost here. Do you know where Gyeongbok Palace is? W: 네, 조금요. M: 길을 잃은 것 같아요. 경복궁이 어딘지 아세요? W: Sure, it’s not far from here. W: 네, 여기서 멀지는 않아요. 이 길로 직진하다가 Go straight down this street, and then turn right at the next intersection. M: Cool, so I am going in the right direction. Would you mind showing me the way? I’ll buy you a coffee. 다음 교차로에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. M: 좋아요, 그럼 내가 맞는 방향에 있는 거군요. 괜 찮으면 그곳까지 안내해주실 수 있으세요? 커 피 살게요. W: No problem. W: 좋아요. 03 04 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 98 2/9/09 6:07:23 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are at the electric company. ② They are at the court. ③ They are in a mechanic’s shop. ④ They are on an airplane. aircraft 항공기 prohibit 금지하다 electromagnetic interference 전자파 방해 machinery 기계장치 electric 전자의 court 법정 mechanic’s shop 수리점 W: I’m sorry, sir. You cannot use your mobile phone on the aircraft. It’s prohibited by law. W: 손님, 죄송합니다. 항공기 안에서는 휴대폰을 사용할 수 없습니다. 그것은 법으로 금지되어 있습니다. M: Can’t I make just one call? It’s M: 한 통화만 하면 안 될까요? 중요한 전화라서요. kind of important. W: I’m afraid not. The electromagnetic interference from the phone could cause problems with the plane’s machinery. It might put us all in danger. W: 죄송합니다. 전화기에서 나오는 전자파의 방해 가 비행기의 기계 장치에 문제를 야기시킬 수 있습니다. M: Is it really that dangerous? M: 정말 그렇게 위험한가요? W: Yes, it is. W: 네, 그렇습니다. M: I didn’t know that. Anyway, what time does the plane land? M: 몰랐어요. 그런데, 비행기가 몇 시에 착륙하나 요? How does the man probably feel? How does the man probably feel? 남자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① He is relieved. ② He is indifferent. ③ He is upset. ④ He is confident. backpack 배낭 checkout desk 계산대 letter print 글자가 적힌 relieved 안심된 indifferent 무관심한 upset 화난 confident 자신있는 W: How may I help you? W: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: I believe that I left my backpack at the checkout desk. I wonder if you have it here. M: 제 배낭을 대출대에 두고 간 것 같아요. 혹시 여기서 가지고 계신지 궁금해서요. W: Let me check. What does it W: 확인해 볼게요. 어떻게 생겼나요? look like? M: It is black and has some red M: 검은색에 빨간 글자가 적혀 있어요. lettering printed on it. W: Is this your bag? W: 이건가요? M: Yes. That’s mine. Thank you M: 네. 제 가방이에요. 정말 감사합니다. very much. W: Sure. Have a nice day. W: 천만에요. 좋은 하루 되세요. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 99 2/9/09 6:07:24 PM 05 06 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? ① I am ears. ② I am a rabbit. ③ I am scissors. ④ I am clothes. metal 금속, 쇠붙이 tailor 재단사 M: My body is metal. I have two big ears. I have two long legs. My legs are very sharp. I am a friend of tailors. I cut clothes or paper with my legs. M: 내 몸은 금속입니다. 나는 두 개의 귀가 있습니다. 나는 두 개의 긴 다리도 있습니다. 내 다리는 매 우 날카롭습니다. 나는 재단사들이의 친구입니 다. 나는 내 다리로 옷이나 종이를 자릅니다. How much is the total? How much is the total? 총액은 얼마인가? Menu M: Hi! May I take your order? M: 안녕하세요! 주문하시겠어요? Hot Dog $2.50 Tuna Sandwich $2.75 French Fries (Small) French Fries (Large) $1.00 $1.50 Hamburger $2.50 Soft Drink $1.00 ① The total is $13.50. ② The total is $12.50. ③ The total is $10.50. ④ The total is $11.50. order 주문, 주문하다 W: Yes. I’d like to order one hot dog and two hamburgers, please. W: 네. 핫도그 한 개와 햄버거 두 개를 주세요. M: Sure. Would you like some French fries with them? W: Why not? I’d like to have two large fries and two cokes, please. M: 네. 감자튀김도 주문하시겠어요? W: 그러죠! 감자튀김 큰 사이즈 두 개와 콜라 두 개 주세요. M: Okay. Is that all? W: Yes, that’s all. M: 네. 그제 전부인가요? W: 네. 그게 전부입니다. What is the conversation about? What is the conversation about? 대화는 무엇에 관한 것인가? 07 ① It’s about school grades. M: Hey, don’t put that in this M: 이봐, 그거 이 휴지통에 넣지마! ② It’s about finding a trashcan. trashcan! ③ It’s about recycling. W: What? Do you mean this W: 뭐? 이 병 말이야? ④ It’s about picking up trash. bottle? M: Yes! M: 응! trashcan 휴지통 bottle 병 Why not? 왜 안돼? mark 표시 recycle 재활용하다 bin 통 grade 점수 100 Hot Listening ❷ W: Why not? I don’t understand W: 왜 넣지마? 무슨 말을 하는지 이해가 안돼. what you mean. M: Do you see this mark on the bottle? It means we can recycle this bottle. M: 병에 있는 이 표시 보여? 이 병은 재활용할 수 있다는 뜻이야. W: Oh, I didn’t know that. W: 오, 몰랐어. M: There is a recycling bin you M: 저기 재활용통을 사용해. can use. 08 09 10 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 100 2/9/09 6:07:25 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation Why is the boy excited? Why is the boy excited? 소년이 들떠있는 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because he will buy a computer tonight tonight ② Because he will buy a computer game tonight ③ Because he will play with his dad ④ Because he got an A today W: Danny, what’s up? You look W: Danny, 무슨 일이야? 너 정말 들떠있는 것 같아. really excited. M: Yeah, can you tell? M: 응, 그렇게 보여? W: Of course! Tell me why you W: 물론이야! 왜 들떠있는지 말해봐. are so excited. M: Do you remember the computer I really wanted? W: Uh-huh. W: 응. M: 내가 정말 갖고 싶어했던 컴퓨터 기억나? be excited 들떠있다 M: I’m going shopping with my M: 오늘 저녁에 아빠랑 사러 가기로 했어. dad tonight to buy it. W: Really? Your dad is so nice. W: 정말? 너희 아빠 정말 좋다. What will the boy probably do next? What will the boy probably do next? 소년이 다음으로 할 일은? 08 09 ① He will finish his homework. ② He will take a shower. ③ He will finish the game. ④ He will go to sleep. it’s time to ~할 시간이다 be sure to ~를 꼭 해야 한다 W: Tony, it’s time to take a W: Tony, 샤워할 시간이야. shower. M: Just one minute, Mom. Let me M: 잠깐만요, 엄마. 이 게임부터 끝내고요. finish this game first. W: What? I thought you were doing your homework. W: 뭐? 난 네가 숙제 하고 있는 줄 알았는데. M: Well, I was doing my M: 음, 숙제 하고 있었어요. 그런데 휴식이 필요해 homework. But I needed a break. W: But I told you to finish your homework first and then to take a shower. 서요. W: 그런데 숙제부터 끝내고 샤워하라고 말했잖아. M: I know. I’m really sorry. I want M: 알아요. 죄송해요. 샤워부터 할게요. to take a shower first. finish your homework. W: Well, all right. But be sure to W: 음, 알았어. 숙제는 꼭 끝내야 한다. 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 바른 그림은? ① ③ ② ④ M: A woman is giving directions down on the street. A man is looking at the place where she is pointing at. M: 한 여자가 길 위에서 누군가에게 위치를 알려주 고 있다. 한 남자가 그녀가 가리키는 곳을 바라 보고 있다. give direction 방향(위치)을 알려주다 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 101 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 101 2/9/09 6:07:27 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? M: Wow, look at your shoes. M: 와. 네 신발 좀 봐. W: Aren’t they pretty? W: 예쁘지 않니? M: I like them. Especially the M: 맘에 들어. 특히 색깔 말이야. colors. the most. W: Yeah. I like blue. It is my W: 응. 난 파란색 좋아해. 내가 제일 좋아하는 색깔 favorite color. 이야. M: I like blue, too. But I like white M: 나도 파란색을 좋아하지만 하얀색이 제일 좋아. M: I love shopping at A-Mart. It has many stores inside. Also, the prices are much cheaper than at other supermarkets. I often go there, and I enjoy shopping there. However , there is one thing I am not happy about at A-Mart. There is not enough room for parking. M: 저는 A마트에서 쇼핑하는 것을 좋아합니다. 안 에 많은 가게들이 있습니다. 또한, 가격이 다른 슈퍼마켓보다 훨씬 저렴합니다. 저는 그곳에 자 주 가고 쇼핑도 즐깁니다. 하지만 한 가지 A마 트에 대해 마음에 들지 않는 점이 있습니다. 주 차를 위한 공간이 충분하지 않다는 것입니다. 14 15 What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? M: What a wonderful day! M: 얼마나 멋진 날이니! W: You look so happy today. W: 너 오늘 너무 기분 좋아 보여. 무슨 일이야? What’s up? 16 M: Nothing much. I just feel M: 별일 없어. 그냥 날씨가 좋아서 기뻐. happy because of the nice weather. W: Wow, I didn’t know that you W: 네가 그렇게 감성적인지 몰랐어. are so sentimental. M: Yes, I am. My feelings change depending on the weather. M: 난 감성적이야. 내 기분은 날씨에 따라서 변해. Q: What made him very happy Q: 오늘 그를 기쁘게 한 것은 무엇인가? today? 11 12 13 Woman’s Favorite Color Man’s Favorite Color red red White Blue Blue red Blue Blue ① ② ③ ④ most 가장 ① The speaker likes shopping at A-Mart. A-Mart. ② It is not very cheap to shop at ③ There is not enough space for parking at A-Mart. ④ A-Mart has many stores in it. store 가게 inside 안에 price 가격 however 그러나 room 공간 ① He didn’t have any reason. ② The nice weather made him very happy. ③ He is actually not happy. ④ He is happy because of her. nothing much 특별한 건 없어 sentimental 감성적인 10 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 102 2/9/09 6:07:28 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 14 What is the speakers’ plan to help the poor? What is the speakers’ plan to help the poor? 화자들은 가난한 사람을 어떻게 도우려고 하는 가? ① They will sell some old newspapers. ② They will collect empty bottles. M: What are you looking at? M: 뭘 보고 있어? W: I am reading an article about W: 가난한 사람들에 대한 기사를 읽고 있어. ③ They don’t have any special plan. poor people. ④ They don’t want to help the poor. M: Do you mean the one in today’s newspaper? M: 오늘 신문에 나온 것 말이야? empty 빈 bottle 병 make money 돈을 벌다 W: Right. It makes me so sad. Is W: 맞아. 날 너무 슬프게 해. 우리가 그들을 돕기 위해 할 수 있는 일이 있을까? there anything we can do to help the poor? M: Why don’t we make money by collecting empty bottles? W: That sounds great. We can sell them and make money. M: 빈 병을 수집해서 돈을 버는 건 어때? W: 좋은 생각이야. 그것들을 팔아서 돈을 버는 거야. 15 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? ④ You’d better do your homework M: Well, I want to go, but I have M: 글쎄. 가고 싶은데 할 일이 많아서. ① Then let’s go! ② You don’t have to do that. ③ You are so lucky. then. to tell the truth 사실을 말하자면 even 심지어 lucky 운이 좋은 W: My sister and I are going to the movies tonight. Will you join us? many things to do. W: Do you mean the homework that Mr. Kim gave us last week? truth, I haven’t even started yet. W: You’d better do your homework then. M: Yeah. Right. To tell you the M: 응. 맞아. 사실, 난 아직 시작도 하지 않았어. 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? W: 나랑 내 여동생은 오늘밤 영화관에 갈거야. 같 이 갈래? W: 지난 주에 김 선생님이 주신 숙제 말하는 거야? W: 그러면 숙제를 먼저 하는게 좋겠다. 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? M: 당신은 버스 안에 있다. 당신 옆에 앉아 있던 여 자가 내리려고 하고 있다. 하지만 당신은 그녀 가 자리 위에 가방을 두었다는 것을 깨달았다. 그녀는 자신의 가방을 잊었다는 사실을 모른다. 이런 상황에서 당신이 그녀에게 할 말은? HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 10 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? ① Bye bye. ② You can sit over here. ③ Excuse me. You forgot your bag. ④ Is this your bus? get off 내리다 realize 깨닫다 leave 놓다, 두다 forget 잊다 M: You are on the bus. The woman who was sitting next to you is about to get off. But you just realized that she left her bag on the seat. She doesn’t know that she forgot her bag. In this situation, what would you say to her? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 103 2/9/09 6:07:29 PM Answer key & Script 18 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 What is Not true about the woman’s symptoms? What is Not true about the woman’s symptoms? 여자의 증상으로 알맞지 않은 것은? ① ③ ② ④ headache 두통 fever 열 flu 독감 cough 기침 awful 끔찍한 M: What seems to be the M: 뭐가 문제인 것 같으세요? problem? W: I keep getting headaches, W: 계속 두통이 있고 열이 나요. and I have a fever. M: Do you have a sore throat, M: 목도 아프세요? W: Yes. My nose is also a little W: 네, 콧물도 약간 있어요. M: I think you’ve got the flu. Do M: 독감에 걸린 것 같아요. 기침을 하세요? you have a cough? W: No, I don’t. But, I just feel W: 아니요. 하지만 몸이 아주 안 좋아요. too? runny. awful. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are at a ticket office. ② They are at a customs inspection. declare? W: Do you have anything to W: 신고할 게 있으신가요? ③ They are at an Immigration counter. M: Pardon me? I can‘t speak M: 다시 한번 말씀해주시겠어요? 제가 영어를 ④ They are at a duty-free shop. English well. 잘 못해서요. declare 신고하다 Pardon me? 다시 한번 말씀해 주시겠어요? suitcase 여행가방 W: Are you bringing any animals or plants into the country? W: 동물이나 식물을 이 나라에 가지고 오셨나요? M: No, I am not. I don’t have any M: 아니요. 갖고 있지 않아요. of them. W: Please open your suitcase. W: 여행가방 좀 열어주세요. M: Sure. Take a look. M: 물론이죠. 보세요. W: Okay. You can move along. W: 좋아요. 가도 좋습니다. 03 04 05 10 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 104 2/9/09 6:07:31 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What time is it now? What time is it now? 지금 시각은 몇 시인가? 03 ① It’s 9:15. ② It’s 9:45. M: Excuse me. Do you have the M: 실례합니다. 몇 시입니까? ③ It’s 10:15. ④ It’s 10:45. mean 의미하다 misunderstood (misunderstand의 과거) 잘못 이해했다 quarter 15분 time? now. have no free time. W: No, I am very busy now. I also W: 아니요, 전 지금 바빠요. 시간적 여유도 없어요. M: Well... I mean what time it is M: 저… 제 말은 지금 몇 시냐구요. W: Oh, I see. I am sorry. W: 오, 알겠습니다. 죄송합니다. 잘못 이해한 것 같 네요. 지금은 열 시 십오 분입니다. I misunderstood you. It’s a quarter after ten. M: Thank you very much. M: 정말 고맙습니다. How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① She is happy. ② She is gloomy. ③ She is annoyed. ④ She is grateful. in a good mood 기분이 좋다. occasion 일, 경우 for a long time 오랫동안 gloomy 우울한 annoyed 짜증난 grateful 감사하는 05 Who or what am I? ① I am a bell. ② I am a housekeeper. ③ I am a scarecrow. ④ I am a clock. instrument 기계 tick -tock 똑딱똑딱 scarecrow 허수아비 M: You must be in a good mood M: Jane, 오늘 기분이 좋은 게 분명해. 무슨 특별 today, Jane. What’s the occasion? 한 일이 있어? W: There’s nothing special going on. What makes you think that? W: 별일 없어. 왜 그렇게 생각해? M: You keep singing and smiling. M: 계속 노래하며 웃고 있잖아. 무슨 일이야? W: 오늘 롯데호텔에서 전화가 왔어. 나 그곳에 취 What’s going on? W: I got a phone call from the Lotte Hotel. I just got a new job there. really wanted to get that job for a long time. 직했어. 잖아. W: That’s right. My dream has W: 맞아. 내 꿈이 이루어졌어. come true. M: Good for you. You have M: 잘됐네. 너 오랫동안 그 일을 정말 하고 싶어 했 Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? M: I live in your house. I have two arms. I have a round face with the numbers from 1 to 12 on it. I am an instrument for checking, giving, and keeping the time. You look at me before going to school or the office. I sing tick -tock, tick -tock. M: 저는 여러분 집에 살아요. 저는 팔이 두 개 있습 니다. 저는 동그란 얼굴에 1부터 12까지의 숫 자가 있습니다. 저는 시간을 확인하고 알려주고 유지하는 기계입니다. 여러분은 학교나 직장을 가기 전에 나를 봅니다. 저는 똑딱똑딱 노래합 니다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 10 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 105 2/9/09 6:07:32 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 06 How much did the woman pay for the coat? How much did the woman pay for the coat? 여자가 코트를 위해 지불한 가격은 얼마인가? 09 ① She paid $70. ② She paid $60. M: Wow! Nice coat. Is that new? M: 와! 코트 좋다. 새 코트야? ③ She paid $80. ④ She paid $90. W: Yes, I bought it last Saturday. W: 응, 저번 토요일에 샀어. 세일하더라. on sale 세일 중인 look good on ~에게 잘 어울린다 good deal 좋은 가격 M: It looks really good on you. M: 너한테 정말 잘 어울린다. 얼마에 샀어? It was on sale. How much did you pay for it? W: Well, it was originally $150. But it was 40% off last Saturday. M: You got a good deal. Did they have any other colors? W: 음, 원래 150달러였는데 저번 토요일에는 40% 세일이었어. M: 정말 좋은 가격이다. 다른 색상도 있었어? W: Yes. They had 5 different W: 응. 5가지 다른 색상이 있었어. 한번 가봐. colors. You should go check them out. M: I think I will. M: 그래야겠다. What is the conversation about? What is the conversation about? 대화는 무엇에 관한 것인가? ① It’s about a dinner meeting. M: Hey! Do you want to meet M: 안녕! 이번 금요일 오후에 만나서 프로젝트 ② It’s about going to the math lab. ③ It’s about when to meet to finish their schoolwork. this Friday afternoon to finish our project? 끝낼래? W: Oh, Friday afternoon is not a W: 오, 이번 금요일 오후는 안 되는데. ④ It’s about when to meet their friends M: Why? Do you have some M: 왜? 다른 계획이라도 있어? good time. other plans? day. W: Yes, I have a math lab that W: 응, 그날 나 수학 연구실에 가야 해. M: Then when should we meet? We need to finish this project by Sunday night. M: 그러면 언제 만날까? 일요일 저녁까지는 이 과 제를 끝내야 해. W: How about Saturday night? W: 토요일 저녁은 어때? M: Hmm. I have to meet my friend, but that’s okay. M: 흠. 친구를 만나기로 했지만, 좋아. 07 08 plan 계획 lab 실험실 Why did the woman call the man? Why did the woman call the man? 여자가 남자에게 전화를 건 이유는? ① Because she needs to borrow his history notes ② Because she needs to borrow his ③ Because she needs to borrow his ④ Because she needs to borrow his notebook history book math notes history 역사 math 수학 10 Hot Listening ❷ M: Hello! M: 안녕! W: Hey, Sean. This is Julie. I need W: 안녕, Sean. 나 Julie야. 네 도움이 필요해. your help. M: Hey! What do you need? M: 안녕! 무슨 일이야? W: I need to borrow your history notes if it’s okay with you. W: 괜찮으면 너의 역사 노트 좀 빌려줘. M: No problem. Do you need M: 물론이야. 뭐 다른 것 필요한 건 없어? anything else? else 또 다른 W: That’s all I need. Thanks, Sean. W: 그게 다야. 고마워, Sean. 10 11 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 106 2/9/09 6:07:34 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① They will buy some juice. ② They will buy some flowers. ④ They will go to school. Don’t mention it. 천만에요. either 또한 ③ They will go to the hospital. my good friend. M: Thanks for coming with me. M: 나랑 같이 와줘서 고마워. W: Don’t mention it. Peter is also W: 천만에. Peter는 나의 좋은 친구이기도 하잖아. M: Yeah, I know. I really didn’t want to visit him at the hospital by myself. I don’t like hospitals. M: 응, 나도 알아. 나 정말 Peter 병문안 혼자 오기 싫었어. 난 병원을 너무 싫어하거든. W: I understand. I don’t like W: 이해해. 나도 병원이 정말 싫어. hospitals either. or juice for him first? would be nice. M: Should we get some flowers M: 우리 꽃이나 주스 먼저 살까? W: Great idea. I think flowers W: 좋은 생각이야. 꽃이 좋겠다. 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 올바른 그림은? M: The woman is in her room choosing what to wear. She is quite confused which one better fits her. M: 여자는 자신의 방에서 입을 것을 고르고 있다. 그녀는 어느 쪽이 자신에게 더 잘 어울리는지 꽤 혼란스럽다. ① ③ ② ④ choose 고르다 what to wear 입을 무언가 ① Going shopping Doing homework ② Doing homework Going shopping ③ Cleaning the house Doing homework ④ Doing homework Cleaning the house What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 Today Tomorrow M: Karen, did you finish your M: Karen, 숙제 다 했니? homework? W: Not yet. I’ll do it tomorrow. W: 아직. 내일 하려고. M: Tomorrow? Then, what will M: 내일? 오늘은 뭘 할거야? you do today? W: Did you forget? We have to buy Mom a birthday present. M: Right. Then when do you want to clean the house? busy today. W: 잊었어? 우리 엄마 생일 선물 사야 하잖아. M: 맞아. 그럼 집 청소는 언제 할까? HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 10 Not yet. 아직. W: I don’t know. But I am too W: 모르겠어. 하지만 오늘은 너무 바빠. Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 107 2/9/09 6:07:36 PM 15 16 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① The speaker told them to do some warm up exercises. ② The speaker is talking about how to swim. float. hard. ③ The speaker thinks it is not easy to ④ The speaker thinks they practiced M: You should not go into the water before you warm up. We practiced hard enough, so don’t be afraid. All you have to do is put your body into the water and start kicking the water with your legs. Then, you will find yourself floating in the water. M: 준비 운동을 하기 전에는 물에 들어가서는 안됩 니다. 우리는 충분히 열심히 연습했으므로 두려 워하지 마세요. 몸을 물에 넣고 다리로 물을 차 기 시작하면 됩니다. 그러면 당신이 물 위에 뜨 는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 13 should not ~해서는 안 된다 warm up 준비운동 practice 연습하다 afraid 두려운 kick 차다 ① Susie has no sister. ② Amy is Susie’s sister. ③ Her name is Katie. ④ They don’t know. over there 저기에 What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? W: Who is the girl over there? W: 저기 저 소녀는 누구야? M: You mean the girl wearing a M: 빨간 모자 쓰고 있는 애 말이니? 그 애가 Amy야. red cap? It’s Amy. W: Is she Susie’s sister? W: Susie 여동생이니? M: No. Amy has no sisters. M: 아니. Amy는 언니가 없어. W: Then who is Susie’s sister? W: 그럼 Susie 여동생은 누구지? M: Her name is Katie. M: 그녀의 이름은 Katie야. Q: Who is Susie’s sister? Q: Susie의 여동생은 누구인가? What is the woman’s problem? What is the woman’s problem? 여자의 문제는 무엇인가? 14 ① Her friend doesn’t like her. ② She doesn’t like her friend. ③ She likes the boy in the class, but he doesn’t know her. ④ She doesn’t want to say anything. shy 수줍어하는 M: What is your problem? M: 문제가 뭐니? W: Well... W: 저기… M: It’s okay. Tell me about it. M: 괜찮아. 말해보렴. W: I like a boy, but he doesn’t W: 제가 한 남자아이를 좋아하는데 그는 저를 알지 even know me. 도 못해요. M: Oh, really? Why don’t you say M: 오, 정말? 그에게 먼저 무슨 말이라도 해보면 something to him first? 어때? W: I’d like to, but I am too shy. I W: 그러고 싶지만 너무 쑥스러워요. 그앨 보면 무 don’t know what to say when I see him. 슨 말을 해야할지 모르겠어요. 10 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 108 2/9/09 6:07:37 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① You will be okay. ② Don’t worry. You can do it. W: I hear that you have a driving W: 내일 운전 시험이 있다고 들었어. test tomorrow. ③ It’s my second try. ④ Why are you nervous? nervous 긴장한, 초조한 pass 통과하다 second try 두 번째 시도 M: Yes, but I am so nervous. M: 응, 하지만 난 너무 긴장돼. W: Don’t worry. You’ll do fine. W: 걱정마. 너는 잘 할거야. M: Thank you. I hope I will pass M: 고마워. 이번에는 꼭 통과하고 싶어. this time. you? W: Is this not the first time for W: 이번이 처음 아니야? M: It’s my second try. M: 이번이 두 번째 시도야. 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① I will not forget you. ② Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. ③ What do you want to do? ④ Do I know you from somewhere? go on a trip 여행을 가다 worry about ~에 대해 걱정하다 without ~없이 let someone know 누군가가 ~을 알게하다 M: Katie’s mom and dad are going on a trip to America. It is their first time to be away from Katie. They are worried about whether Katie is going to be okay without them. Katie thinks that she is not a child anymore. She will let them know that she will be fine. In this situation, what would Katie say? M: Katie의 엄마와 아빠는 미국으로 여행을 가게 되었다. 그들은 Katie와 떨어지는 것이 처음이 라 Katie가 그들 없이도 괜찮을지 걱정스럽다. Katie는 자신이 더이상 아이가 아니라고 생각한 다. 그녀는 그들에게 자신이 잘 할거라는 것을 알려주려고 한다. 이런 상황에서 Katie가 할 말 은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 109 2/9/09 6:07:38 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 10 Answer key & Script 19 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Who is the man’s girlfriend? Who is the man’s girlfriend? 남자의 여자친구는 누구인가? 01 ① ③ ② ④ headband 머리띠 vertically 수직으로, 세로로 striped 줄무늬가 있는 polka-dotted 물방울 모양 W: I heard that you are going W: 네가 누군가를 만나고 있다고 들었어. out with someone. M: How did you know that? M: 어떻게 알았어? W: Somebody told me that. Which one is she? W: 누군가가 말해 줬어. 누가 네 여자친구니? M: The one in the front row with M: 앞줄에 머리띠를 하고 있는 사람이야. the headband. W: Is she the one wearing the W: 세로 줄무늬 블라우스와 바지를 있고 있는 애니? vertically striped blouse and pants? M: No, look next to her. She’s the one wearing the white polka- dotted dress. M: 아니, 그 옆에 있는 사람이야. 흰색 물방울무늬 옷을 입고 있어. 04 W: Ah, the one who’s talking to W: 아, 뒤에 있는 친구랑 이야기하고 있는 사람? the person behind her? M: Yeah, right. M: 응, 맞아. W: I see who she is. W: 누군지 알겠다. 02 Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? Which best describes the relationship between the two speakers? 두 사람의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은? ① A travel agent − A traveler ② A booking clerk − An audience member ③ A hotelier − A guest ④ A singer − A manager sold out 마감되다 schedule 일정 the following day 다음날 M: Hello. How may I help you? M: 안녕하세요. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? W: Yes, I’d like tickets for the dream concert at 7:00 on December 24. W: 네, 12월 24일 7시에 하는 드림 콘서트 표를 사 고 싶어요. M: I am sorry, ma’am, but that M: 죄송합니다만, 손님, 그 콘서트는 마감됐어요. concert is all sold out. W: Hmm... is there another W: 음… 그 다음날 다른 콘서트 일정은 없나요? concert scheduled on the following day? M: I am afraid that there is nothing scheduled then. M: 죄송하지만 다른 스케줄은 없어요. W: Well, thanks anyway. W: 그래요, 어쨌든 감사합니다. 110 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 110 2/9/09 6:07:39 PM 03 05 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which place is the boy talking about? Which place is boy talking about? 소년이 말하는 장소는 어디인가? M: This is my favorite place. I M: 이곳은 내가 가장 좋아하는 장소입니다. 나는 often go there after school. I do my homework and study there. There are many books, desks, and chairs. I usually borrow books from this place. I enjoy spending time there. 방과 후에 종종 거기에 갑니다. 나는 숙제와 공 부를 합니다. 많은 책들, 책상들, 그리고 의자들 이 있습니다. 나는 보통 거기서 책을 빌립니다. 나는 그곳에서 시간을 보내는 걸 즐깁니다. How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? M: How was your weekend? M: 주말 어땠니? W: It wasn’t bad. I volunteered at W: 나쁘진 않았어. 양로원에서 자원봉사를 했어. a nursing home. there? M: Wonderful! What did you do M: 멋지다! 그곳에서 뭘 했니? W: I helped the staff to clean the rooms and learned how to take care of old people. W: 방 치우는 직원들을 도와주고 노인들을 어떻게 돌보는지 배웠어. M: That sounds difficult. M: 어려운 일처럼 들린다. W: It was. I am tired now, but I’m W: 그랬어. 나는 지금 피곤하지만 내 자신이 자랑 proud of myself. 스러워. Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? M: I have four legs, but I can’t walk. I have no arms. My body is made of wood. I have a flat top. You usually need me when you eat food. You can put things on top of me. M: 나는 네 개의 다리를 갖고 있지만, 걷지는 못합 니다. 나는 팔은 가지고 있지 않습니다. 내 몸 은 나무로 만들어 졌습니다. 나는 평평한 윗면 을 갖고 있습니다. 보통 여러분들은 음식을 먹 을 때 나를 필요로 합니다. 여러분들은 물건들 을 제 윗면에 올릴 수 있습니다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 111 03 04 ① He is in a classroom. ② He is at the playground. ③ He is at a house. ④ He is at the library. favorite 가장 좋아하는 borrow 빌리다 spend (시간 등을) 보내다, 쓰다 ① She is curious. ② She is proud of herself. ③ She is bored. ④ She is indifferent. volunteer 자원봉사 하다 wonderful 멋진 staff 직원 take care of 돌보다 indifferent 무관심한 05 Who or what am I? ① I am a chair. ② I am a cabinet. ③ I am a table. ④ I am a bookshelf. flat 평평한 usually 보통 top 윗면, 상부 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 111 2/9/09 6:07:41 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How old is the man’s brother? How old is the man’s brother? 남자의 형의 나이는 몇 살인가? 06 ① He is nineteen years old. ② He is fourteen years old. cute. W: Is that your brother? He is so W: 저 사람 네 형이니? 잘생겼다. ③ He is seventeen years old. ④ He is sixteen years old. cute 귀여운, 잘생긴 actually 사실, 실제로 M: I know. Every girl at my school thinks he is cute. M: 응. 우리 학교에 있는 모든 여학생들도 형이 잘생겼다고 생각해. W: How old is he? W: 몇 살이야? M: He is two years older than me. Don’t you have a brother? M: 나보다 두 살 많아. 너도 남동생 있지 않아? W: Yes. He is actually three years W: 응. 나보다 세 살 어려. younger than me. old. M: Ah, so he is fourteen years M: 아, 그럼 열 네 살 이겠네. What is the boy talking about? What is the boy talking about? 소년은 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? M: I had a very bad day today. I got in a fight with my best friend. I asked him if I could borrow his game player. But he said no. How could he do that to his best friend? I thought friends shared things. M: 난 오늘 나쁜 일이 있었다. 나와 가장 친한 친구 와 싸웠다. 친구에게 게임기를 빌려달라고 했는 데 친구가 안된다고 했다. 어떻게 제일 친한 친 구에게 그럴 수가 있을까? 친구들은 물건을 같 이 쓴다고 생각했는데. 09 10 Why did the man come to the store? Why did the man come to the store? 남자가 가게에 온 이유는? W: Hi! May I help you? W: 안녕하세요! 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: Yes. I bought these pants here the other day. But you gave me the wrong size. M: 네. 제가 저번에 여기서 바지를 샀는데 사이즈 를 잘못 주셨어요. 11 W: Oh, no! Did we really? W: 오, 저런! 정말이요? M: Yes. I wanted a size 34, but M: 네. 사이즈 34를 달라고 했는데 32를 주셨어요. you gave me a 32. W: I’m really sorry, sir. Let me get W: 정말 죄송합니다 손님, 맞는 사이즈를 가져다 you the right size. 드릴게요. M: Thank you very much for your M: 도와주셔서 정말 감사합니다. help. W: No problem. Here you are. W: 아닙니다. 여기 있어요. 07 08 ① Best friends should share things. ② The game player is very important. ③ His best friend is very nice. ④ He had a good day at school. borrow 빌리다 share 공유하다 ① Because he needed to exchange some shirts pair of pants ② Because he needed to buy another ③ Because he needed to get a different sized pair of pants ④ Because he needed to exchange some shorts exchange 교환하기 shorts 반바지 11 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 112 2/9/09 6:07:42 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은? 09 M: Hey, do you want to go play M: 배드민턴 치러 갈래? badminton? W: Sure, I’d love to. But I need to W: 그러고 싶은데 할 일이 좀 있어. run some errands first. M: What do you have to do? M: 무엇을 해야 하는데? W: Well, I have to get a haircut, pick up my dry cleaning, and give my dog a bath. W: 머리도 잘라야 하고, 드라이 클리닝한 것도 찾 아와야 하고, 개 목욕도 시켜야해. M: Wow! You have so many M: 와! 할 일이 많네. 우선 개 목욕부터 시키고 things to do! Why don’t we give your dog a bath first and then do the rest. 나머지를 하자. W: Well, actually, I can do that W: 음, 사실, 그건 내일 할 수도 있어. 우선 머리부 tomorrow. Let me get my hair cut first. 터 자르러 가자. 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 올바른 그림은? M: They are running the red light The drivers in the cars are very angry. One of the drivers is yelling at them. M: 그들은 빨간불인데 달리고 있다. 차 안 운전자 들은 매우 화가 나 있다. 운전자들 중 한 명은 그들에게 소리치고 있다. ① She will give her dog a bath. ② She will get a haircut. ③ She will play badminton. ④ She will go jogging. errand 할 일, 심부름, 용건 give ~ a bath ~를 목욕시키다 ② ④ run the red light 빨간불을 달려 통과하다 yell 소리치다 ① ③ ① ② ③ ④ Color Blue Black Blue Black Size 10 9 9 10 item 품목, 종목 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 M: Do you have this in another M: 이거 다른 색깔로 있어요? color? blue. one. W: We have the same item in W: 파란색으로 똑같은 것이 있어요. M: Only black and blue? M: 검은색과 파란색만 있나요? W: Yes. Do you want me to show you the blue one? W: 네. 파란색으로 보여드릴까요? M: No, I’ll take the black one. But M: 아니요. 검은색으로 할게요. 그런데 사이즈10으 can I have a size 10? 로 주시겠어요? W: This one is a size 9. I’ll go get W: 이건 사이즈9에요. 가서 가지고 올게요. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 113 2/9/09 6:07:44 PM 15 16 Question & Answer Audio Script Translation What is NOT true about the talk? What is NOT true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① She is talking about a book she likes. ② The speaker’s name is Gloria. ③ She learned many things from this ④ The main character in the book is a book. little girl. title 제목 work hard 열심히 일하다/노력하다 dream comes true 꿈이 이루어지다 teach a good lesson 누군가에게 좋은 교훈을 주다 M: Today, I will talk about a book I like. The title of the book is Fly Away. It is a book about a little girl who works hard to make her dreams come true. After reading this book, I learned many things from the main character , Gloria. It is a nice book which teaches a good lesson. M: 오늘은 제가 좋아하는 책에 대해 말씀드리겠습 니다. 책의 제목은 Fly away입니다. 이것은 어 린 소녀가 그녀의 꿈을 위해 노력하는 내용입니 다. 이 책을 읽은 후로 주인공 Gloria로부터 많 은 것을 배웠습니다. 이것은 좋은 교훈을 주는 멋진 책입니다. 13 What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? ① She is likely to buy the hairpin. ② She is likely to introduce her friend. M: How may I help you? M: 어떻게 도와드릴까요? W: I am looking for a present for W: 내 친구를 위한 선물을 찾고 있어요. ③ She is likely to look for something my friend. M: Do you have anything in M: 맘에 두고 계신 것 있으세요? else. cheaper. ④ She is likely to find something W: Not yet. Just something under W: 아직이요. 그냥 20달러 아래의 것으로요. mind? $20. be likely to ~할 것 같다 M: What about this hairpin then? M: 이 머리핀은 어때요? W: Ha ha. Didn’t I tell you? My W: 하하. 제가 말씀드리지 않았나요? 내 친구는 남 friend is a boy. 자아이에요. Q: What is the woman likely to Q: 여자가 지금 무엇을 할 것 같은가? do now? 14 What does the woman want to do in the future? What does the woman want to do in the future? 여자가 미래에 하고 싶어하는 일은? ① She wants to be a painter. ② She doesn’t know yet. M: Did you draw this? M: 이걸 네가 그린 거야? W: Yes, I drew it a few years W: 응. 몇 년 전에 내가 그렸어. ③ She wants to be a writer. ago. ④ She doesn’t want to have a job. M: 와. 그림 진짜 잘 그린다. 나중에 화가가 되고 painter 화가 writer 작가 114 HOT Listening ❷ M: Wow, you are really good at drawing. Do you want to be a painter in the future? 싶니? W: No, it is just my hobby. W: 아니, 그냥 내 취미야. M: Then, what do you want to M: 그럼 뭐가 되고 싶어? be? W: I want to be a writer. W: 작가가 되고 싶어. Hot L2_정답해설내지.indd 114 2/10/09 9:54:27 AM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 15 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? ① Not yet. I’m on my way to the drugstore. ② Why do you ask me that? ③ I hate salad. ④ You are a nice friend. stomachache 복통 on my way to ~에 가는 길 drugstore 약국 ① I know I am very thin. ② You look so slim. How did you lose ③ Can you tell me your phone weight? number ? ④ Do I look slim? gain weight 살이 찌다 advice 충고 lose weight 살이 빠지다 recently 최근 slim 날씬한 W: Are you okay? W: 괜찮아? M: I don’t feel very well. I have a M: 속이 안 좋아. 배가 아프네. stomachache. W: You too? I have one, too. W: 너도? 나도 그래. M: Then, it must be the salad we M: 그러면 우리가 점심에 먹은 샐러드인가 봐. had at lunch. take any medicine? drugstore. W: Maybe you’re right. Did you W: 아마 네가 맞을 것 같다. 약은 먹었어? M: Not yet. I’m on my way to the M: 아직 안 먹었어. 약국에 가는 길이야. M: Katie used to be very thin. But, these days, she is gaining weight. She has started to realize she is getting fat. She wants to do something about it, so she wants to get some advice from Jim. He recently lost weight, so he looks very slim. In this situation, what would Katie ask Jim? M: Katie는 매우 날씬했었다. 하지만 요즘 그녀는 살이 찌고 있다. 그녀는 살이 찌고 있다는 것을 깨닫기 시작했다. 그녀는 그것에 대해서 무언가 하고 싶어서 Jim에게 조언을 얻으려고 한다. 그 는 최근 살이 빠져서 매우 날씬해 보인다. 이런 상황에서 Katie가 Jim에게 할 수 있는 말은? 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 115 2/9/09 6:07:46 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Answer key & Script 20 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which is the woman’s umbrella? Which is the woman’s umbrella? 여자의 우산은 어떤 것인가? W: Can you pass me my umbrella, please? W: 우산 좀 건네줄래? M: Sure! By the way, which one is your umbrella? There are several of them. Is this yours? M: 물론이지! 그런데, 어떤 우산이 네 것이지? 여 기 우산 몇 개가 있는데. 이것이 네 것이니? W: No, that solid black one isn’t W: 아니, 검정 단색은 내 것이 아니야. mine. M: How about this striped one? M: 이 줄무늬 우산이 네 것이니? W: No, that is not mine either. My umbrella is next to the flower -printed umbrella. It’s the checked one. W: 아니, 저것도 내 것이 아니야. 내 우산은 꽃무늬 모양의 우산 옆에 있어. 체크무늬야. M: Okay. I’ve got it. Here you M: 알았어. 찾았다. 여기 있어. are. W: The directions say we should W: 안내에 따르면 잠실역을 지나자마자 첫 번째 출 take the first exit after passing Jamshil Station. 구로 가야해. M: Good. We’re getting closer to M: 잘됐다. 우리는 역과 가까워지고 있어. 그 다음 the station. Then what? 에는? W: If we make a right turn at W: 두 번째 교차로에서 우회전하면 경찰서가 왼쪽 the second intersection, the police station will be on the left. After that, we’ll be able to see the convention center. 에 있을 것이고, 컨벤션 센터를 볼 수 있을 거야. M: Where’s the parking lot? M: 주차장은 어디 있어? W: It says it is behind the building. W: 건물 뒤에 있대. 03 04 05 01 ① ③ ② ④ solid black 검정 단색의 striped 줄무늬의 flower -printed 꽃무늬 모양의 checked 체크무늬의 02 ① They are at a station. ② They are in a parking lot. ③ They are in a car. ④ They are at a convention center. direction 안내 exit 출구 intersection 교차로 parking lot 주차장 11 Hot Listening ❷ Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 116 2/9/09 6:07:49 PM How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? Question & Answer Audio Script translation 03 What was the woman supposed to get for the man? What was the woman supposed to get for the man? 여자는 남자를 위해 무엇을 사왔어야 했는가? ① She needed to get a pair of M: There you are! Did you go M: 여기 있네! 쇼핑 다녀왔니? sneakers. shopping? W: Yes. I bought a pair of W: 응. 운동화 한 켤레와 양말 한 켤레를 샀어. 그 것들이 할인판매 중이야. ② She needed to get a pair of socks. ③ She needed to get some snakes. ④ She needed to get some snacks. sneakers 운동화 starving 몹시 배고프다 snacks 간식 04 ① She is delighted. ② She is sad. ③ She is upset. ④ She is enjoyable. matter 문제 terrible 형편없는 forever 오랜 시간 inconvenience 불편 sneakers and some socks. They were on sale. M: Sneakers and socks? Then where are my snacks? I asked you to buy some. I’m starving. them. I’ll go get some snacks right away. M: No. You don’t have to. Let’s go out for dinner. W: Snacks? Oh, sorry. I forgot W: 간식? 오, 미안해. 잊어버렸어. 내가 당장 가서 스넥 좀 사올게. M: 아니야. 그럴 필요 없어. 지금 나가서 저녁 먹자. M: 운동화와 양말? 그럼 내 간식들은 어디 있어? 내가 사오라고 했잖아. 나 배고프단 말이야. M: I am Joe, the manager of M: 저는 이 식당의 매니저 Joe입니다. 식사는 this restaurant. Did you enjoy your meal? 즐거우셨나요? W: Not really. It was really bad. I W: 아니요. 정말 나빴어요. 거기에 대해서 이야기 don’t even want to talk about it. 하고 싶지 않습니다. M: Really? What was the matter M: 정말요? 무엇이 문제였습니까? 말씀해주세요. with it? Please tell me. W: It tasted terrible. Not only that, but the service also took forever , the food was cold, and even the waitress was not kind. M: We are really sorry for the inconvenience we have caused you. W: 음식 맛은 형편없었습니다. 그뿐만 아니라 서비 스는 너무 늦었고요, 음식은 차가운데다 종업원 은 불친절했습니다. M: 불편하셨다니 정말 죄송합니다. M: I am very strong. I wear a beautiful orange fur coat. I have black stripes on my fur coat. I live in the mountains. I am a big wild cat. Many people are afraid of me. M: 저는 무척 강합니다. 저는 아름다운 오렌지색의 털 코트를 입고 있습니다. 털 코트에는 검은색 의 줄무늬가 있습니다. 저는 산에 살고 있습니다. 저는 큰 야생 고양이입니다. 많은 사람들은 저 를 두려워합니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? 05 ① I am a cat. ② I am a tiger. ③ I am a zebra. ④ I am Tar zan. fur 가죽 zebra 얼룩말 stripe 줄무늬 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 117 2/9/09 6:07:50 PM 06 07 08 Question & Answer Audio Script translation How much will the man pay? How much will the man pay? 남자가 지불해야 할 금액은 얼마인가? Stationery W: How may I help you? W: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? Sketchbook $2.00 Large Brush $1.50 Crayons $3.00 Small Brush Paint $4.00 Pencil $1.00 $1.00 M: I need to get a box of crayons and three sketchbooks, please. M: 네. 크레파스 한 상자와 스케치북 3개 주세요. W: Okay. Are these for your art W: 네. 미술시간에 쓸 물건들인가요? 09 class? M: Yes. I think I also need a case of paint and some brushes. W: I have large and small brushes. Which size would you like? M: 네. 물감 한 상자와 붓도 필요할 것 같아요. W: 큰 붓과 작은 붓이 있는데. 어떤 것을 드릴까요? M: Two large brushes, please. M: 큰 것 두 개 주세요. W: Sure. Here you are. W: 네. 여기 있어요. What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? ① How hard the English test was M: Hey! How did you do on the M: 안녕! 수학시험 잘 봤니? W: Hi! I did okay on it. How about W: 안녕! 괜찮게 본 것 같아. 넌 어때? 10 math test? you? ① He will pay $15.00. ② He will pay $14.00. ③ He will pay $17.00. ④ He will pay $16.00. paint 물감 art class 미술시간 ② How hard the math test was ③ How nice the English professor is ④ How much they need to study for math test professor 교수, 교사, 선생 M: I think I did well. But the English test was so hard. 웠어. M: 잘 본 것 같아. 그런데 영어시험이 너무 어려 W: Tell me about it. I think I got a W: 나도 그래. C 받은 것 같아. C on the test. M: Same here. Why did the M: 나도 그래. 선생님이 왜 그렇게 어렵게 내신 professor make it so hard? 거야? W: Well, the professor said he was just trying to make us study. 러셨대. W: 음, 선생님이 그러시는데 우리 공부시키려고 그 M: But it was just too hard for us! M: 그래도 너무 어려웠어. Why is the man excited? Why is the man excited? 남자가 흥분한 이유는? ① Because he got a scholarship W: Hi! You look so excited. W: 안녕! 기분 좋아 보이는구나. 무슨 일이야? What’s up? ② Because he got a letter from school ③ Because he got an A on the test ④ Because he is happy todays M: Hi, Mom. I am so happy M: 안녕, 엄마! 나 오늘 너무 행복해요. 오늘 무슨 today. Guess what happened to me today? 일이 있었는지 맞춰보실래요? 11 scholarship 장학금 proud 자랑으로 여기는 today. W: Tell me what happened. W: 무슨 일이 있었는지 말해주렴. M: I got a letter from school M: 오늘 학교에서 편지를 받았어요. W: Oh, you did? What did it say? W: 오, 그래? 뭐라고 쓰여 있던? M: I got a full scholarship from school. Isn’t that great? M: 4년 장학금을 받게 됐어요. 멋지지 않아요? W: Wow! I am very proud of W: 와! 네가 정말 자랑스럽구나. you, my son. 11 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 118 2/9/09 6:07:51 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은? M: I’m so hungry. Do we have M: 정말 배고파. 먹을 것 있어? ③ They will order some food. W: Oh, no! We have nothing to W: 오, 아니. 지금 먹을 게 아무것도 없는데. 09 ① They will cook. ② They will eat out. ④ They will go to sleep. eat out 외식하다 W: I was going to eat out W: 오늘 외식하려고 했어. 오늘 늦게까지 일하는 anything to eat? eat right now. to cook tonight? M: Really? What were you going M: 정말? 오늘 저녁에 무슨 요리를 하려고 했어? tonight. I thought you are going to work late tonight. 줄 알았어. M: Yes, I was. But I was too tired and hungry to work late. Why don’t we order some food? M: 응, 그랬지. 그런데 너무 피곤하고 배고파서 늦 게까지 일할 수가 없었어. 우리 음식 시켜 먹을 까? W: Okay, since you’re too tired W: 그래, 피곤해서 나가지도 못하잖아. to go out. 10 Which is the correct picture for the description? Which is the correct picture for the description? 묘사에 대한 올바른 그림은? M: The man is thinking about what to eat for dinner. He has to make a dinner. But he hasn’t decided the menu yet. M: 남자는 저녁으로 무엇을 먹을지 고민하고 있다. 그는 저녁을 만들어야 한다. 하지만 아직 메뉴 를 결정하지 못했다. ① ③ ② ④ think about ~에 대하여 생각하다 what to eat 먹을 무언가 What is Not true about the table? What is Not true about the table? 표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 11 Name Joon Tiffany Brian Mari Nationality Korean American English Japanese ① M: Joon is not from America. ① M: Joon은 미국 출신이 아니다. ① ② ③ ④ American 미국인 English 영국인 Japanese 일본인 ② M: Tiffany is from the USA. ② M: Tiffany는 미국 출신이다. ③ M: Brian and Tiffany are not from ③ M: Brian과 Tiffany는 같은 나라 출신이 아니다. the same country. ④ M: Mari is not from Japan. ④ M: Mari는 일본 출신이 아니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 119 2/9/09 6:07:53 PM 15 16 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① The speaker is at the airport. ② The flight has been delayed. ③ The passengers have to go to Gate 10. ④ The flight is going to America. M: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? Flight 505 bound for America is now boarding. Will passengers waiting for this flight please come to Gate 10? M: 신사 숙녀 여러분, 주목해 주시겠습니까? 미국 행 비행기 505편이 지금 탑승을 시작하겠습니다. 승객 여러분은 지금 10번 탑승구로 와주시겠습 니까? May I have your attention? 주목해 주시겠습니까? delay 연기하다 flight 비행편 What is the best response to the question? 13 What is the best response to the question? ① The woman likes Mr. Kim. 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? ② Mr. Kim is going to get married. W: Guess what? I have big news. W: 맞춰볼래? 대단한 소식이 있어. ③ The man likes Miss Han. M: What is it? M: 그게 뭔데? ④ Mr. Kim will become their English W: Mr. Kim is going to get W: Mr. Kim이 결혼을 한대. teacher. big news 대단한 소식 get married 결혼하다 surprising 놀라운 married. M: Wow. Really? M: 와. 정말? W: There is one more surprise. W: 한 가지 더 놀라운 사실이 있어. He is going to get married to Miss Han. 그가 Miss Han이랑 결혼을 한다는 거야. M: What? Do you mean our M: 뭐? 우리 영어 선생님 말이야? English teacher? Q: What is the surprising news? Q: 놀라운 뉴스는 무엇인가? What favor did the man ask his mom? What favor did the man ask his mom? 남자가 엄마에게 부탁한 것은? 14 ① He asked his mom to have a birthday party. ② He asked his mom to be nice. ③ He asked his mom to say thank you. M: Mom, I have a favor to ask M: 엄마, 부탁 하나 드려도 되나요? you. W: What is it? W: 뭐니? M: Can I have a birthday party M: 이번 토요일에 생일 파티 해도 되요? ④ He asked his mom to do something. this Saturday? W: That’s no problem. W: 물론이지. M: Oh, really? Thank you so much for being so nice. M: 정말요? 허락해 주셔서 감사해요. W: I will do anything for you. W: 너를 위해선 뭐든 할거란다. ask a favor 부탁하다 birthday party 생일파티 10 Hot Listening ❷ Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 120 2/9/09 6:07:54 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① Hi! How are you today? ② You are stupid. ③ I just came back yesterday. M: My brother is not at home. M: 동생은 지금 집에 없는데요. ④ Is it snowy outside? W: Hi, Brian. It’s me, Julie. W: 안녕, Brian. 나야, Julie. W: Can I speak to James, please? W: James와 통화할 수 있을까요? come back 돌아오다 trip 여행 M: Oh, Julie. Is that you? How M: 오, Julie. 너였어? 어떻게 지내? are you? W: I am good. I didn’t know that you had come back from your trip. W: 잘 지내. 여행에서 돌아온 줄 몰랐어. M: I just came back yesterday. M: 바로 어제 왔어. 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Thank you for your present. ② I would like to have this. ③ Did you forget our appointment? ④ What should I buy for my sister ? big sister 큰언니 special present 특별한 선물 should ~해야 한다 M: Katie’s big sister is going to get married soon. Katie wants to give her a special present, but she doesn’t know what to give her. Katie wants to ask her friend what will make her sister happy. In this situation, what would Katie say to her friend? M: Katie의 큰언니가 곧 결혼을 할 것이다. Katie 는 그녀에게 특별한 선물을 하고 싶어한다. 하 지만 그녀는 좋은 생각이 없다. Katie는 무엇이 언니를 기쁘게 할 것인지 친구에게 물어보고 싶 다. 이런 상황에서 Katie가 친구에게 할 수 있는 말은? Hot Listening 2_정답지.indb 121 2/9/09 6:07:55 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 Answer key Test 01 Test 06 Test 02 Test 07 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ④ 13 ③ 1 ③ 5 ④ 9 ③ 13 ④ 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ② 13 ② 1 ③ 5 ③ 9 ④ 13 ③ 1 ② 5 ④ 9 ② 13 ③ 2 ② 6 ④ 3 ② 7 ③ 10 ④ 11 ④ 14 ③ 15 ② 2 ① 6 ② 3 ① 7 ② 10 ③ 11 ④ 14 ③ 15 ② 2 ② 6 ④ 3 ② 7 ④ 10 ① 11 ④ 14 ④ 15 ④ 2 ③ 6 ③ 3 ② 7 ① 10 ③ 11 ② 14 ③ 15 ④ 2 ③ 6 ③ 3 ① 7 ① 10 ③ 11 ② 14 ④ 15 ③ 4 ④ 8 ① 12 ④ 16 ③ 4 ② 8 ④ 12 ③ 16 ③ 4 ② 8 ① 12 ④ 16 ④ 4 ④ 8 ④ 12 ② 16 ② 4 ② 8 ③ 12 ③ 16 ③ Test 03 Test 08 Test 04 Test 09 1 ② 5 ④ 9 ④ 13 ③ 1 ④ 5 ④ 9 ② 13 ③ 1 ③ 5 ④ 9 ③ 13 ④ 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ④ 13 ③ 1 ② 5 ① 9 ④ 13 ② 2 ① 6 ③ 3 ③ 7 ① 10 ③ 11 ② 14 ③ 15 ③ 2 ② 6 ③ 3 ② 7 ② 10 ② 11 ③ 14 ③ 15 ② 2 ④ 6 ④ 3 ③ 7 ② 10 ④ 11 ④ 14 ③ 15 ③ 2 ② 6 ③ 3 ④ 7 ② 10 ③ 11 ② 14 ③ 15 ③ 2 ③ 6 ③ 3 ① 7 ② 10 ④ 11 ④ 14 ③ 15 ② 4 ① 8 ④ 12 ② 16 ④ 4 ① 8 ① 12 ④ 16 ③ 4 ④ 8 ① 12 ② 16 ② 4 ② 8 ② 12 ② 16 ③ 4 ① 8 ④ 12 ③ 16 ② Test 05 Test 10 122 Hot Listening ❷ Hot L2_Answerkey.indd 122 2/10/09 1:44:57 PM Test 11 1 ① 5 ① 9 ④ 13 ② Test 12 1 ① 5 ④ 9 ④ 13 ② Test 13 1 ④ ③ ② ① 5 ② 9 ③ 13 ④ Test 14 1 ④ 5 ④ 9 ③ 13 ① Test 15 1 ② 5 ④ 9 ② 13 ③ 2 ① 6 ① 3 ③ 7 ② 10 ④ 11 ② 14 ④ 15 ③ 2 ② 6 ③ 3 ① 7 ③ 10 ② 11 ③ 14 ③ 15 ① 2 ② 6 ① 3 ③ 7 ③ 10 ② 11 ② 14 ② 15 ④ 2 ③ 6 ② 3 ② 7 ④ 10 ③ 11 ④ 14 ③ 15 ① 2 ① 6 ③ 3 ④ 7 ① 10 ② 11 ④ 14 ④ 15 ④ 4 ④ 8 ① 12 ③ 16 ① 4 ① 8 ④ 12 ② 16 ② 4 ④ 8 ④ 12 ③ 16 ④ 4 ② 8 ① 12 ③ 16 ③ 4 ③ 8 ④ 12 ③ 16 ① Test 16 Test 17 1 ② 5 ② 9 ② 13 ② 1 ① 5 ③ 9 ② 13 ② 1 ② 5 ④ 9 ② 13 ③ 1 ① 5 ③ 9 ② 13 ③ 1 ② 5 ② 9 ③ 13 ② Test 18 Test 19 Test 20 2 ③ 6 ② 3 ② 7 ④ 10 ② 11 ④ 14 ③ 15 ③ 2 ④ 6 ② 3 ④ 7 ③ 10 ② 11 ③ 14 ② 15 ④ 2 ② 6 ④ 3 ③ 7 ③ 10 ③ 11 ① 14 ③ 15 ③ 2 ② 6 ① 3 ④ 7 ① 10 ③ 11 ④ 14 ③ 15 ① 2 ③ 6 ④ 3 ④ 7 ① 10 ③ 11 ④ 14 ① 15 ③ 4 ① 8 ③ 12 ④ 16 ③ 4 ① 8 ① 12 ② 16 ③ 4 ① 8 ① 12 ③ 16 ② 4 ② 8 ③ 12 ② 16 ② 4 ③ 8 ① 12 ② 16 ④ Hot L2_Answerkey.indd 123 2/10/09 1:44:58 PM Answer key 123 2 Written by Kum Bae Cho•Joanna Kyung-Ah Chung•Young Sil Baek•Young Eun Park Illustrated by Nika Tchaikovskaya First Published February 2009 Sixth Printing September 2016 Publisher: Kyudo Chung Editorial Manager: Meehyun Kim Editors: Hyunju Jeon, Jieun Kim, Suyeon Jung, Mikyoung Kim, Genie Jeong Salesmen: Wonho Lee, Wanje Cho Interior Design: Eunhee Lee, Soonam Park Cover Design: Eunhee Lee Photo Credit: Published and distributed by Darakwon Bldg., 64-1, Jandari-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 04031 Tel: 82-2-736-2031(Ext. 250) Fax: 82-2-732-2037 Homepage: Copyright ©2009, Kum Bae Cho •Joanna Kyung-Ah Chung•Young Sil Baek•Young Eun Park All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior consent of the copyright owner. Refund after purchase is possible only according to the company regulations. Contact the above telephone number for any inquiries. Consumer damages caused by loss, damage, etc. can be compensated according to the consumer dispute resolution standards announced by the Korea Fair Trade Commission. An incorrectly collated book will be exchanged. ISBN: 978-89-5655-595-9 78740 Price: ₩18,000 [Components] Test & Dictation Book Answer Key & Script Book 2 Audio CDs Hot L2_Answerkey.indd 124 2016.8.30 3:44:22 PM
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