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HOT LISTENING 1 답지 (2009)



HOT 1 Answer key & Script Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 1 2/9/09 1:53:47 PM Answer key & Script 01 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 01 ① W: A boy is reading a book. ① W: 한 소년이 책을 읽고 있다. ② W: A boy is paying for a book. ② W: 한 소년이 책값을 지불하고 있다. ③ W: A boy is in the classroom. ③ W: 한 소년이 교실 안에 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ④ W: A boy is looking for a book. ④ W: 한 소년이 책을 찾고 있다. pay for ~의 값을 지불하다 classroom 교실 look for ~을 찾다 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 잘 표현한 것은? ① A doctor - A nurse ② A mechanic - A customer W: What‘s wrong with you? W: 어디가 아프세요? M: I have a fever and a M: 열이 나고 두통이 있어요. ③ A pharmacist - A patient headache. ④ A doctor - A patient fever 열 headache 두통 medicine 약 W: I think you’ve got a cold. I’ll W: 감기 걸린 것 같은데요. 약을 드리죠. give you some medicine. 그러면 괜찮아 질 거예요. Then you should be fine. M: Thanks a lot. M: 고맙습니다. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are at a concert. ② They are at the theater. help you? W: Good evening. How may I W: 좋은 밤입니다. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? ③ They are at the bus station. M: I’d like two tickets for the 7 M: 7시 영화표 두 장 부탁 드려요. ④ They are at the airport. o’clock show, please. W: Here you go. Enjoy the film. W: 여기 있어요. 영화 재미있게 보세요. M: Thank you. By the way, where is the entrance? M: 고마워요. 그런데, 출입구가 어디죠? show[film] 영화 entrance 입구  Hot Listening ❶ 04 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 2 2/9/09 1:53:50 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the man probably feel? How does the man probably feel? 남자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① He is gloomy. ② He is nervous. ③ He is surprised. ④ He is angry. be in the hospital 병원에 입원하다 operation 수술 get better 나아지다 What am I? 05 ① I’m a koala. ② I’m an elephant. ③ I’m a puppy. ④ I’m a tiger. gray 회색 trunk 코끼리의 코 M.E .N.U $2.50 French Fries $1.50 $3.00 Coke $2.50 Coffee $1.00 $1.00 Hamburger Chicken burger BLT ① He will pay $11.00. ② He will pay $10.50. ③ He will pay $10.00. ④ He will pay $11.50. BLT 베이컨, 양상추, 그리고 토마토를 넣어 만든 샌드위치 W: Hi, Jim. You look really tired today. Are you okay? W: 안녕, 짐. 오늘 정말 피곤해 보인다. 괜찮니? M: My mother is in the hospital M: 엄마가 지금 병원에 입원하셨어. 수술을 하셔야 now. She needs an operation. 한대. W: Oh, really? I’m sorry your W: 오, 정말? 엄마가 편찮으시다니 안됐구나. 빨리 mother is sick. I hope she gets 나으셨으면 좋겠다. better soon. M: I really hope so, too. M: 나도 정말 그랬으면 좋겠어. What am I? 나는 무엇인가? M: My color is gray. I have two big ears and a big body. M: 나는 회색이다. 나는 두 개의 큰 귀와 큰 몸을 가지고 있다. 많은 어린이들이 나를 정말 좋아 Many children like me very 한다. 나는 트렁크를 사용해서 먹는다. 트렁크 much. I use my trunk to eat. 는 긴 코를 말한다. A trunk is a long nose. W: Hi! May I help you, sir? W: 안녕하세요! 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: Hey! I’d like to order two M: 안녕하세요! 햄버거 두 개와 치킨 버거 한 개 hamburgers and one chicken 주세요. burger , please. W: Do you need something to W: 음료수도 필요하세요? M: Of course. I need two cokes, M: 물론입니다. 콜라 두 개 주세요. drink? please. W: Sure. W: 네. HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script  How much will the man pay? How much will the man pay? 남자는 얼마를 지불해야 하는가? 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 3 2/9/09 1:53:52 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? 07 M: Hey, Emily! What are you M: 안녕, Emily. 너 뭐 해? ① It’s about studying for the math test together. ② It’s about their math teacher. ③ It’s about going shopping. ④ It’s about going to the library. doing? test. conversation 대화 mainly 대부분, 대체로 W: Hi! I’m studying for the math W: 안녕! 수학 시험공부하고 있어. M: Oh, really? Do you want to M: 오, 정말? 나와 내 친구들하고 같이 공부할래? study with me and my friend? W: Do you have a study group? W: 너 스터디 그룹 있어? M: Yes. I am going to the library M: 응. 지금 나 친구들 만나러 도서실에 가는 길이 to meet them right now. W: Okay. 야. W: 그래. Why was the man late for school? Why was the man late for school? 남자가 학교에 지각한 이유는? 08 ① Because he got up late ② Because he was watching TV happened? W: You’re late, Tommy. What W: Tommy, 너 지각이야. 무슨 일 있었어? ③ Because he missed the school bus M: Oh, I’m really sorry, Mrs. M: Johnson 씨, 정말 죄송해요. ④ Because he forgot his homework miss 놓치다 Johnson. morning? time. W: Did you get up late this W: 오늘 아침에 늦게 일어났니? M: I got up on time this morning. M: 오늘 아침에 제시간에 일어났어요. 제가 TV를 It’s just that I was watching TV 보다가 몇 시인지 잊어버렸어요. and forgot what time it was. W: All right. Don’t be late next W: 알겠다. 다음에는 늦지 마라. What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① She will go home. ② She will go to the man’s place. ③ She will take a nap. ④ She will go to the park. W: Hey! What are you doing? W: 안녕! 뭐 하고 있어? M: I am going to my place to get some rest. And you? M: 집에 가서 쉬려고 해. 너는? W: I am going to the park to W: 난 공원에 가서 쉬려고. 나하고 같이 갈래? M: I think I am going to take M: 난 집에 가서 낮잠 잘래. 어쨌든 고마워. take a break. Do you want to join me? a nap at my place. Thanks anyway. W: Okay. W: 그래. get some rest 쉬다 join 결합하다, 합치다 place 장소 nap 잠깐 눈을 붙이다  Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 4 2/9/09 1:53:53 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. M: I am white. I am very light. You cannot study without me. M: 나는 흰색이다. 나는 매우 가볍다. 당신은 나 없 이는 공부할 수 없다. 당신은 내 위에 글을 쓸 You can write on me. Books 수 있다. 책과 신문은 나로 만들어졌다. and newspapers are made of me. ① ③ ② ④ light 가벼운 without ~없이 be made of ~로 만들어지다 11 12 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? The Girl’s Future Dream The Boy’s Future Dream ① ② ③ ④ Doctor Singer Teacher Doctor Teacher Doctor Doctor Singer well 잘 teacher 선생님 future dream 장래 희망 singer 가수 doctor 의사 M: You sing really well. You’re like M: 너 노래 정말 잘한다. 가수 같아. W: Thank you, but I don’t want to W: 고마워. 하지만 난 가수가 되고 싶진 않아. a singer. be a singer. M: What do you want to be? M: 뭐가 되고 싶은데? W: I want to be a teacher. What W: 나는 선생님이 되고 싶어. 너는 뭐가 되고 about you? 싶은데? M: I want to be a doctor. M: 나는 의사가 되고 싶어. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① The speaker had a fun day. ② The speaker went to his friend’s went to my friend Jimmy’s M: I had a lot of fun today. I M: 오늘 너무 재미있었다. 오후에 친구 Jimmy의 집에 갔다. 우리는 함께 컴퓨터 게임을 했다. house. house in the afternoon. We 저녁에 우리 가족은 피자를 먹으러 갔다. played computer games together. In the evening, my family went out to eat pizza. ③ The speaker played computer games alone. ④ The speaker had pizza in the evening. have fun 즐거운 시간을 보내다 play computer games 컴퓨터 게임을 하다 together 함께 pizza 피자 alone 혼자 HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 5 2/9/09 1:53:55 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 이어지는 질문에 가장 좋은 대답은? 16 W: Oh, I didn’t bring my W: 앗, 나 숙제 안 가지고 왔다. 13 ① She hates her teacher. ② She lost her bag. ③ She didn’t bring her homework. M: Really? Did you look inside of M: 정말? 가방 안쪽 확인해봤어? homework. your bag? ④ She doesn’t know the homework. bring 가져오다 look inside ~의 안을 보다 had better ~하는 편이 좋다 borrow 빌리다 W: Yes. I don’t know what to do. W: 응. 어떡해야 할지 모르겠어. M: You had better tell the M: 선생님한테 사실을 말하는 게 좋겠다. teacher the truth. Q: What is the woman’s Q: 여자의 문제는 무엇인가? problem? 14 Which statement best describes the situation? Which statement best describes the situation? 상황에 대한 가장 알맞은 묘사는? ① They are learning about baseball. M: Did you see the baseball M: 어젯밤 야구 경기 봤어? ② They are talking about a computer game last night? ③ They are talking about a baseball W: Yes, I did. It was so fun. W: 응. 너무 재미있었어. M: I enjoyed it very much, too. M: 나도 정말 재미있었어. ④ They are asking each other about W: When is the next game? W: 다음 경기가 언제야? game. game. their hobbies. M: I think it is this Saturday. M: 이번 주 토요일인 것 같아. baseball game 야구 경기 fun 재미있는, 즐거운 each other 서로 15 ① Yes. I like winter. ② That's right. I like swimming. ③ I don't want to see that. ④ I don't hate it. cold 추운 hate 싫어하다 winter 겨울  Hot Listening ❶ What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 남자가 할 말로 적절한 것은? W: It is very cold today. W: 오늘 너무 춥다. M: You’re right. It’s getting cold. M: 맞아. 추워지고 있어. W: I really hate winter. W: 나는 정말 겨울이 싫어. M: So do I. I like summer better. M: 나도 그래. 나는 여름이 더 좋아. W: Is that because you can swim W: 바다에서 수영할 수 있기 때문이지? in the sea? M: That’s right. I like swimming. M: 맞아. 나는 수영을 좋아해. Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 6 2/9/09 1:53:56 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① What’s up? ② Will you play basketball with me? ③ What is your hobby? ④ Do you like soccer ? basketball 농구 bored 지루한 M: You are so bored. You want to play basketball with your M: 당신은 너무 지루하다. 당신은 친구와 농구를 하고 싶다. 당신은 친구가 바쁠 수도 있다고 생 friend. You think your friend 각하지만 어쨌든 그에게 물어보고 싶다. 이런 상황에서 당신이 할 수 있는 말은? might be busy, but you want to ask him anyway. What would you say in this situation? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 7 2/9/09 1:53:57 PM HOT TEST 01 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 02 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? ① W: He is hopping. ② W: He is running. ① W: 그는 한발로 껑충 뛰고 있다. ② W: 그는 달리고 있다. ③ W: He is taking a walk. ③ W: 그는 산책을 하고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ④ W: He is jumping rope. ④ W: 그는 줄넘기를 하고 있다. 01 02 hop 한발로 깡충 뛰다 jump rope 줄넘기 하다 ① They are at a drug store. ② They are at a fire station. ③ They are at a hospital. ④ They are at school That’s all right. 괜찮습니다. patient 환자 ago ~전에 ① It was sunny. ② It was snowy. ③ It was rainy. ④ It was cloudy. terrible 끔찍한 just 그저 weather 날씨  Hot Listening ❶ Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? M: I am sorry I kept you waiting. M: 기다리시게 해서 죄송합니다. W: That’s all right. W: 괜찮습니다. M: I have emergency patients. M: 위급한 환자들이 있었습니다. W: No problem. I just got here 10 W: 괜찮습니다. 저도 10분 전에 왔습니다. minutes ago. M: So, what seems to be the problem? M: 자, 어디가 안 좋으시죠? 03 How was the weather when the woman was in Pusan? How was the weather when the woman was in Pusan? 여자가 부산에 있었을 때 날씨로 알맞은 것은? M: How was your trip to Pusan? M: 부산 여행은 어땠어? 좋았어? Was it nice? W: No, it was terrible. W: 아니, 끔찍했어. M: What happened? M: 무슨 일이 있었는데? W: It rained over the weekend. W: 주말 내내 비가 왔어. 호텔 안에만 줄곧 있었어. I just stayed in the hotel. M: Really? The weather was so nice here last weekend. 데. M: 정말? 여기는 지난 주말에 날씨가 정말 좋았는 04 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 8 2/9/09 1:53:58 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How long will the man be gone? How long will the man be gone? 남자는 얼마 동안 떠나 있을 예정인가? ① He will be gone for one week. W: Why do you have three W: 여행 가방이 왜 세 개나 되죠? ② He will be gone for two weeks. suitcases? ③ He will be gone for three weeks. M: I’m going away for one M: 한 달 동안 떠나 있을 예정이에요. ④ He will be gone for four weeks. month. W: Oh. I thought you were leaving for two weeks. 각했어요. W: 아. 나는 당신이 2주 동안 떠나 있을 거라고 생 M: I was. But I changed my plans. M: 그랬어요. 그렇지만, 계획을 바꿨어요. What is “this game”? What is “this game”? 이것은 무슨 경기인가? M: This game is played between two teams on a court. Each M: 이 경기는 두 팀이 코트 위에서 경기를 한다. 각 팀은 다섯 명으로 구성되어 있다. 양쪽 코트 끝 team has five members. 에는 네트가 있다. 팀들은 공을 네트에 넣으면 There is a net at each end of 점수를 얻을 수 있다. the court. Teams can score points by throwing the ball into the net. What time will the train arrive in Daegu? What time will the train arrive in Daegu? 기차가 대구에 도착할 시각은 몇 시인가? 04 05 06 be gone 가다 suitcase 여행 가방 change 바꾸다 ① It is soccer. ② It is tennis. ③ It is basketball. ④ It is table tennis. court 코트, 경기장 net 그물, 망 point 점수 score 점수를 얻다 throw 던지다 ① It will arrive at 5:00. ② It will arrive at 5:50. ③ It will arrive at 5:15. ④ It will arrive at 4:15. arrive 도착하다 how long 얼마나 오래동안 M: I need a ticket to Daegu, M: 대구 가는 기차표 한 장 주세요. please. W: We have trains that leave W: 1시, 3시, 5시에 출발하는 기차가 있어요. 어떤 at 1:00, 3:00, and 5:00. Which one would you like, sir? 것을 드릴까요? M: How long does it take to get M: 대구까지는 얼마나 걸리나요? to Daegu? fifty minutes. please. W: It takes about two hours and W: 2시간 50분 정도 걸려요. M: I will take the 3:00 one, M: 3시에 출발하는 표로 주세요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 9 2/9/09 1:53:59 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 관하여 이야기하고 있나? Why did the man call the woman? Why did the man call the woman? 남자가 여자에게 전화를 건 이유는 무엇인가? ① Planning summer vacation ② Buying airline tickets ③ Studying for the exam ④ Finding hotel rooms during ~동안 reserve 예약하다 plan 계획하다 ① To invite her to his birthday party ② To go to the movies with her ③ To study with her ④ To invite her to dinner be wondering 궁금해 하다 meal 식사 invite 초대하다 07 08 09 W: Hi! What are you doing? W: 안녕! 뭐 하고 있어? M: Hey! I am looking for a M: 안녕! 여름 방학에 갈 수 있는 곳을 찾고 있었어. place to go during summer vacation. W: Already? I thought you were W: 벌써? 난 네가 시험공부하고 있는 줄 알았어. studying for the exam. M: Well, I want to reserve my M: 응, 비행기표와 호텔을 일찍 예약하려고. airline tickets and hotel early. W: Great idea! Maybe I should W: 좋은 생각이다! 나도 그래야겠다. do the same. (Telephone rings) W: Hello. (전화벨이 울린다) W: 여보세요. M: Hi, Jenny. This is Sean. M: 안녕 Jenny. 나 Sean이야. W: Hey! What’s up? W: 안녕! 무슨 일이야? M: I was wondering if you would M: 우리 집에 저녁 먹으러 올 수 있는지 궁금해서 like to come to my house for 걸었어. dinner. W: Is it your birthday? W: 네 생일이니? M: I just wanted to have a meal M: 그냥 친구들이랑 같이 식사하고 싶어서. with my friends. W: Okay! W: 좋아! What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은? ① They will go shopping. ② They will buy baseball game tickets. W: Our exams are finally over. W: 드디어 시험이 끝났다. M: I am so glad. Let’s go to the M: 정말 기쁘다. 우리 백화점 가자. ③ They will eat something. mall. ④ They will study for their exams. W: Shopping? How about going W: 쇼핑 가자고? 야구경기 보러 가는 건 어때? M: Sure. But let’s get something M: 그래. 근데 먼저 뭐 좀 먹으러 가자. to a baseball game? to eat first. and then eating? W: How about buying the tickets W: 표부터 사고 먹는 게 어때? M: Let’s do that. M: 그러자. exam 시험 finally 드디어 be over 끝나다 mall 백화점 how about ~하는 게 어때? 10 Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 10 2/9/09 1:54:00 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. M: My body is metal. I have a big hole in my face. I have M: 내 몸은 금속이다. 내 얼굴에 큰 구멍을 갖고 있 다. 나는 한 개의 긴 다리를 갖고 있다. 내 발은 one long leg. My foot is very 매우 날카롭다. 나는 내 친구 실과 함께 당신 옷 sharp. I make your dress with 을 만든다. my friend, thread. ① ③ ② ④ metal 금속 sharp 날카로운 thread 실 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 Afternoon Evening W: You are watching TV again. W: 또 TV를 보고 있구나. ① Doing homework Watching TV M: This is my favorite cartoon. M: 이 프로는 내가 제일 좋아하는 만화에요. ② Watching TV ③ Doing homework Doing homework Cleaning room ④ Cleaning room Watching TV again 다시 favorite 가장 좋아하는 cartoon 만화 cleaning 청소 W: When will you do your W: 숙제는 언제 할 거니? homework? M: I’ll do it in the afternoon. M: 오후에 할 거예요. W: What about cleaning your W: 네 방 청소는 어떡할거니? room? M: I’ll do it in the evening. M: 저녁에 할 거예요. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? M: Hi! My name is Susie. I am 10 years old. I am an elementary M: 안녕! 내 이름은 Susie야. 나는 열 살이야. 나 는 초등학교 학생이야. 나는 영어를 좋아해. 나 school student. I like English. I 는 장래에 영어 선생님이 되고 싶어. want to be an English teacher in the future. 12 ① She is introducing herself. ② Her name is Susie. ③ She likes English. ④ She is a teacher. elementary school 초등학교 student 학생 English 영어 future 미래 introduce oneself 자기소개를 하다 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 11 2/9/09 1:54:02 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 이어지는 질문에 어울리는 가장 적절한 응답은? 16 13 ① She wants to borrow a pen. ② She wants to borrow a pencil. ③ She wants to borrow a bag. ④ She wants to borrow a pencil case. pen 펜 pencil 연필 bag 가방 pencil case 필통 borrow 빌리다 W: Can I borrow your pen? W: 네 펜 좀 빌려줄래? M: Sure. It is in my pencil case. M: 물론이지. 내 필통 안에 있어. W: Where is your pencil case? W: 필통은 어디에 있니? M: It's in my bag. M: 내 가방 안에 있어. W: Oh, I found it. Can I borrow W: 아, 찾았다. 이 파란색 펜 빌려줄래? this blue one? Q: What does the girl want to Q: 여자아이가 빌리고 싶어 하는 것은? borrow? What is the woman likely to do? What is the woman likely to do? 여자가 할 일로 적절한 것은? 14 ① She is likely to wake up. ② She is likely to sleep. ③ She is likely to exercise. ④ She is likely to take some medicine look pale 창백해 보이다 take some medicine 약을 먹다 take a nap 낮잠을 자다 M: What’s up? You look pale. M: 무슨 일이야? 창백해 보여. W: I have a terrible headache. W: 심한 두통이 있어. M: Did you take any medicine? M: 약은 먹었니? W: Yes, I did. I will take a nap W: 응. 난 이제 낮잠 잘 거야. now. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 남자가 할 말로 적절한 것은? M: What time do you wake up? M: 몇 시에 일어나니? W: I wake up at 7:00 in the W: 아침 7시에 일어나. morning. early. M: Wow. You wake up very M: 와. 정말 일찍 일어나는구나. wake up 일어나다 in the morning 아침에 early 일찍 W: What time do you wake up? W: 너는 몇 시에 일어나는데? M: I wake up at 8:00. M: 나는 8시에 일어나. 15 ① I wan’t do it. ② I wake up at 8:00. ③ Yes, that’s right. ④ You are funny. 1 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 12 2/9/09 1:54:03 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? M: You are very thirsty. You don’t have any water with you. You see your friend has a bottle of water. What would you ask your friend? M: 당신은 매우 목이 마르다. 당신은 물을 가지고 있지 않다. 당신은 친구가 물병을 가지고 있는 것을 본다. 당신이 친구에게 물어볼 수 있는 말 은? ① Are you thirsty? ② Where is my water bottle? ③ I am very thirsty. Can I drink your water ? ④ Are you okay? thirsty 목이 마른 bottle 병 drink 마시다 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 13 2/9/09 1:54:04 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 03 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 01 ① W: She is going to bed. ① W: 여자는 잠을 자러 간다. ② W: She is taking a nap. ② W: 여자는 낮잠을 자고 있다. ③ W: She is waking up in the morning. ③ W: 여자는 아침에 일어나고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ④ W: She is having a bad dream. ④ W: 여자는 나쁜 꿈을 꾸고 있다. go to bed 자러 가다 take a nap 낮잠 자다 wake up 일어나다 have a bad dream 나쁜 꿈을 꾸다 ① A mother - A son ③ A teacher - A student ④ A friend - A friend due 기한 finish 끝내다 already 이미 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 잘 표현한 것은? ② A police officer - A driver due? M: When is our history homework M: 역사 숙제 언제까지예요? W: Please finish it by this Friday. W: 이번 금요일까지 끝내세요. M: Really? I didn’t know that. Please give us more time! M: 정말요? 저는 몰랐어요. 시간을 좀 더 주세요! W: I believe I already gave you W: 이미 시간을 충분히 준 것 같은데. 잊지 말고 숙 enough time. Don’t forget to 제 하세요. do your homework. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are at a hotel. ② They are at a restaurant. here anymore. M: Well, I don’t want to come M: 있잖아. 나 더 이상 이곳에 오고 싶지 않아. ③ They are at a bookstore. W: I don’t like this place either. W: 나도 이곳이 싫어. ④ They are at a movie theater. M: The service was so slow, and M: 서비스도 느리고 음식도 맛이 없어. the food was terrible. W: This steak is so tough. W: 이 스테이크는 너무 질겨. M: It used to be good. I wonder M: 전에는 맛있었는데, 지금은 왜 안 그런지 궁금해. why it is not anymore. anymore 더 이상 either 역시, 또한 tough 질긴 1 Hot Listening ❶ 04 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 14 2/9/09 1:54:05 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? ① She is tired. ② She is sick. ③ She is sleepy. ④ She is relaxed. wrong 잘못된 get some rest 휴식을 취하다 left 남은 M: What’s wrong with you? Are M: 무슨 일 있니? 피곤해? W: Not really. I feel a little blue W: 별로. 그렇지만 몸이 좀 아파. you tired? though. M: Oh. You look really sick. Go M: 아. 정말 아픈 것 같아 보여. 지금 집에 가서 좀 home now and get some rest. 쉬어. W: I wish I could, but I have one W: 나도 그러고 싶어, 하지만, 1교시 더 남았어. more class left. What is “this”? 05 ① It is a refrigerator. ② It is a microwave oven. ③ It is a popcorn popper. ④ It is a pot. defrost 녹이다 frozen food 냉장 식품 popcorn popper 팝콘 기계 pot 냄비 What is “this”? “이것”은 무엇인가? 무엇인가? M: This is in the kitchen. We mainly use this to warm food M: 이것은 부엌에 있다. 우리는 주로 음식을 데울 때와 얼은 음식을 녹일 때 이것을 사용한다. 하 and to defrost frozen food. 지만 이것으로 음식을 요리하거나 팝콘을 만들 But we can also cook food 수도 있다. and make popcorn in this machine. 06 How much did the woman pay for the jacket? How much did the woman pay for the jacket? 얼마인가? 그녀가 재킷을 사기 위해 지불한 금액은 ① She paid $40. ② She paid $50. ③ She paid $20. ④ She paid $30. ~% off ~%세일 original price 원가 deal 거래 M: Wow! Is that a new jacket? M: 와! 새 재킷이야? W: Yes. Do you like it? It was 20% W: 응. 괜찮니? 20% 세일이었어. M: I love it. What was the original M: 너무 좋다. 원래는 얼마였는데? W: Well, it was $50 before the W: 음, 세일 전에는 50달러였어. off. price? discount. M: You got a good deal! M: 좋은 가격에 샀다! HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 15 2/9/09 1:54:06 PM 07 08 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? ① It's about how to remove the spot. M: You have a black spot on M: 셔츠에 검은 얼룩이 묻었어. ② It's about buying a soap. your shirt. ③ It's about going to the dry cleaner's. W: 오, 안 돼. 이거 새로 산 셔츠인데. 어떻게 하지? W: Oh, no. This is a brand-new shirt. What should I do? ④ It's about a black shirt. spot 얼룩 brand-new 아주 새로운 come off 지워지다 dry cleaner’s 세탁소 M: Well, try to wash it with some M: 음, 비누로 한번 세탁해봐. soap. W: What if it doesn’t come off? W: 그래도 안 지워지면 어떡해? M: I guess that you should take it M: 그럼 세탁소에 가져가야지. to the dry cleaner’s then. Why is the woman going to the hospital? Why is the woman going to the hospital? 여자가 병원에 가려는 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because her mom broke her leg ② Because she is sick ③ Because she works at the hospital ④ Because she wants to visit her sister M: Where are you going? M: 어디 가니? W: I’m on my way to the hospital. W: 병원 가는 길이야. M: Oh, no! Are you sick? M: 어머, 어디 아프니? on one’s way to ~에 가는 길 actually 사실은 broke (break의 과거형) 부러졌다 W: I’m not feeling well. But, W: 몸이 좀 안 좋아. 그런데 사실은 엄마하고 언니 actually, I’m going to the 문병하러 병원에 가는 길이야. hospital with my mom to visit my sister. M: What happened to her? M: 언니한테 무슨 일이 있었어? W: Well, my sister broke her leg. W: 언니의 다리가 부러졌어. 09 What will the man probably do this Saturday afternoon? What will the man probably do this Saturday afternoon? 남자가 토요일 오후에 할 일은?은?? ① He will meet with his study group. W: Hey! Would you like to go W: 안녕! 토요일에 나하고 낚시하러 갈래? ② He will stay home with his brother. fishing with me this Saturday? ③ He will go fishing. M: I love fishing. What time do M: 나 낚시 너무 좋아해. 우리 몇 시에 갈까? ④ He will play with his friends. you want to go? W: How about 10 in the morning? W: 아침 10시는 어때? go fishing 낚시하러 가다 M: All right. Oh! Wait a minute. I M: 그래. 아! 잠깐만. 나 스터디 그룹과 아침에 만 have to meet my study group 나야 해. on Saturday morning. W: Oh, no. Then, why don’t we go fishing in the afternoon? W: 아, 안 돼. 그럼, 오후에 낚시 가는 건 어때? M: Sure. M: 그래. 1 Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 16 2/9/09 1:54:07 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. M: I like windy days. I have no wings, but I can fly. I have M: 나는 바람 부는 날이 좋다. 나는 날개는 없지만, 날 수 있다. 나는 귀와 긴 꼬리를 가지고 있다. ears and a long tail. I am a 나는 어린이들의 좋은 친구이다. 나는 종이와 good friend to children. I am 대나무로 만들어진다. made of paper and bamboo sticks. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? This Year Last Year W: Wow. Is this bicycle yours? W: 와. 이 자전거 네 거니? M: Yes, it was a Christmas gift M: 응. 우리 부모님께서 주신 크리스마스 선물이야. from my parents. books only. too. W: You are lucky. I got some W: 너는 운이 좋구나. 나는 책 몇 권 받았을 뿐인데. M: Last year , I got some books, M: 작년에는 나도 책 몇 권 받았어. ① ③ ② ④ wing 날개 tail 꼬리 be made of ~로 만들어지다 11 Present that the Boy Got ① ② ③ ④ Book Toy Bicycle Book Toy Bicycle Book Bicycle bicycle 자전거 Christmas 크리스마스 lucky 운이 좋은 last year 작년 this year 올해 It’s me. 나야. call 전화하다 say hello 안부를 묻다 everything 모든 것 hope 바라다 get together 모이다 miss 그리워하다 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① Katie left this message. ② Katie’s friend’s name is Julie. ③ Katie misses Julie. ④ Katie saw Julie today. a lot. W: Hey, Julie. It’s me, Katie. I just called to say hello. How is everything? I hope we can get together soon. I miss you W: 안녕. Julie. 나야. Katie. 그냥 안부 물으려고 전화했어. 어떻게 지내? 조만간 함께 모였으면 좋겠다. 많이 보고 싶어. Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 17 2/9/09 1:54:09 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 이어지는 질문에 가장 알맞은 대답은? 13 ① He wants to have a hamburger. ② He wants to have a pizza. ③ He wants to have a hot dog. to have? ④ He wants to have nothing. W: I want to have a hamburger. W: 햄버거 먹고 싶어. W: I am so hungry. W: 나 너무 배고파. M: Me, too. What do you want M: 나도 그래. 뭘 먹고 싶니? hamburger 햄버거 pizza 피자 nothing 아무것도 hot dog 핫도그 M: I don’t like hamburgers. I want to have a pizza. M: 난 햄버거 안 좋아해. 난 피자를 먹고 싶어. W: Oh, I want that, too. W: 그래, 나도 그거 좋아. Q: What does the boy want to Q: 소년이 먹고 싶은 것은? have? 16 What made the woman happy? What made the woman happy? 여자를 기쁘게 한 일은 무엇인가? M: What’s up? You look very M: 무슨 일이야? 매우 기분이 좋아 보여. happy. math test. very happy. W: I got a perfect score on my W: 수학 시험 만점 받았어. M: Wow. Good job. You must be M: 와. 대단한데. 너 진짜 기분 좋겠다. W: Yes, I am. This is my first time. W: 응. (만점은) 이번이 처음이야. M: I am so proud of you. M: 난 네가 자랑스러워. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화 마지막에 여자가 할 수 있는 알맞은 말은? 15 W: Dad, is it raining outside? W: 아빠, 밖에 비 와요? M: Not yet, but it is going to rain M: 아직 안 오는데. 하지만 오늘 비가 올 거야. today. W: Really? Where’s my umbrella? W: 정말이요? 제 우산 어디 있죠? M: Isn’t it in your room? M: 네 방에 있지 않니? W: Yes, I found it. W: 네, 우산 찾았어요. 14 ① She is not happy. ② She got a good grade. ③ She has a perfect job. ④ She won a prize. get a perfect score 만점을 받다 Good job! 잘했어! first 첫 번째 grade 성적 ① Yes, I found it. ② I hate rainy days. ③ Is it cold in the winter ? ④ Where is my umbrella? rain 비, 비가 오다 outside 밖 umbrella 우산 room 방 1 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 18 2/9/09 1:54:10 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① I am sorry, but I was sick. ② I don’t know why you are happy. ③ I hate doing homework. ④ Thank you very much. sick 아픈 could not ~할 수 없었다 check 검사하다 M: You were very sick yesterday. You couldn’t do your homework. Your teacher is now checking the homework. He is asking you why you didn’t do your homework. What would you say in this situation? M: 당신은 어제 매우 아팠다. 숙제를 할 수 없었다. 당신의 선생님은 지금 숙제 검사를 하고 있다. 그는 당신이 왜 숙제를 하지 않았는지 묻고 있다. 이런 상황에서 당신이 할 수 있는 말은? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 19 2/9/09 1:54:11 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 04 Question & Answer Audio Script translation Which correctly describes the picture? Which correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 01 ① W: He is reading a book. ① W: 그는 책을 읽고 있다. ② W: He is drawing something in a ② W: 그는 책 안에 무언가를 그리고 있다. book. ③ W: He is writing a book. ③ W: 그는 책을 쓰고 있다. ④ W: He is borrowing a book. ④ W: 그는 책을 빌리고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ draw something 뭔가를 그리다 write a book 책을 쓰다 borrow 빌리다 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are at a supermarket. ② They are at a fast-food restaurant. pizza and some coke. M: I’ll go and pick up one frozen M: 내가 가서 냉동피자하고 콜라 사올게. ③ They are at a bakery. W: Go ahead. I will get some W: 그렇게 해. 나는 고기하고 야채 사러 갈게. ④ They are at a convenience store. meat and vegetables. M: Is there anything else we M: 우리 더 필요한 거 있어? need? W: I want some more toothpaste. W: 치약이 조금 더 필요해. pick up 가지러 가다 frozen 냉동의 vegetable 야채 toothpaste 치약 What is today’s date? What is today’s date? 오늘은 며칠인가? 03 ① It is Wednesday the thirtieth. ② It is Thursday the thirteenth. ③ It is Wednesday the thirty-first. ④ It is Thursday the thirty-first. date 날짜 positive 확신하는 thought think(생각하다)의 과거형 W: What’s today’s date? W: 오늘 날짜가 어떻게 되지? M: It’s Thursday the thirty-first. M: 31일 목요일이지. W: Oh, are you sure? W: 어. 확실해? M: Yes, I’m positive. Why do you M: 응 틀림없어. 왜 물어 보는데? ask? the thirtieth. W: I thought it was Wednesday W: 나는 오늘이 30일 수요일인 줄 알았어. 0 Hot Listening ❶ 04 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 20 2/9/09 1:54:12 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 What time will they meet? What time will they meet? 몇 시에 그들은 만날 예정인가? ① They will meet at 1:45. ② They will meet at 2:15. ③ They will meet at 2:30. ④ They will meet at 2:45. quarter 15분 half-past 30분 지난 public library 공공 도서관 W: Would you like to go to the W: 도서관에 같이 갈래? library with me? should we meet? M: Yes, I’d love to. What time M: 그래, 가고 싶어. 몇 시에 만날까? W: It’s a quarter to two now. How about half-past two? 게 어때? W: 지금이 2시 15분전이니까 2시 30분에 만나는 M: That sounds good. Let’s meet M: 그게 좋겠다. 공공 도서관 앞에서 만나자. in front of the public library. What is “this”? 05 ① It is a desktop. ② It is a laptop computer. ③ It is a game player. ④ It is a cell phone. popular 인기 있는 machine 기계 search 탐색하다 carry 가지고 다니다, 들고 다니다 What is “this”? 은 무엇인가? “이것”은 무엇인가? ”은 무엇인가? M: This is a very popular M: 이것은 매우 인기 있는 기계이다. 우리는 이것 machine. We use this to 을 공부할 때나, 일할 때, 그리고 인터넷을 검색 study, work, and search for 할 때 사용한다. 이것은 큰 기계가 아니다. 우리 things on the Internet. This is 는 이것을 가방 안에 넣고 다닐 수 있다. not a big machine. We can carry it in a bag. How much will the woman pay? How much will the woman pay? 여자가 지불할 금액은 얼마인가? 06 School Things Eraser $1.50 $2.00 Ruler Pencil Pen Notebook $3.00 Knife $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 ① He will pay $11.50. ② He will pay $9.50. ③ He will pay $10.50. ④ He will pay $12.50. M: Hello! How may I help you? M: 어서 오세요. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? W: I need to buy three pencils W: 연필 세 자루와 공책 두 권 주세요. and two notebooks, please. M: Anything else? M: 더 필요한 건 없으신가요? W: Hmm... Oh, yeah. I also need W: 음... 아! 지우개 한 개가 필요해요. an eraser , please. M: Here you go. M: 여기 있어요. W: Thank you. How much are W: 감사합니다. 전부 얼마인가요? these? HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 21 2/9/09 1:54:13 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들이 무엇에 대해 대화하고 있나? 07 ① It’s about their hobbies. ② It’s about their favorite sports. why you are happy. M: You look so excited. Tell me M: 너 좀 들떠 보인다. 왜 기분이 좋은지 얘기해봐. ③ It’s about cars. W: I just got a new robot for my W: 방금 내 수집품에 넣을 새 로봇을 샀거든. ④ It’s about their collections. collection 수집품 during ~동안 free time 여가 시간 collection. robots. friends. M: I didn’t know that you collect M: 네가 로봇을 수집하는 줄 몰랐어. W: Yes, I do. What do you do during your free time? W: 응. 넌 여가 시간에 뭘 해? M: I play basketball with my M: 난 친구들과 농구를 해. Why is the woman angry? Why is the woman angry? 여자가 화가 난 이유는? 08 ① Because of her friend ② Because she has too many tests happened? M: You look upset. What M: 너 화가나 보여. 무슨 일이야? ③ Because she got up late W: Well, I just got my English test W: 음, 영어 시험지를 돌려받았는데 D를 받았어. ④ Because she got a bad grade on her test back. I got a D on the test. M: Oh, no. I thought you studied M: 아, 안 돼. 너 시험공부 열심히 한 줄 알았는데. stay up all night 밤을 새다 I am sorry for ~여서 안됐다 W: I know. I stayed up all night W: 그랬지. 밤을 새면서 시험공부했다고. M: I am sorry for what M: 성적이 나빠서 안됐다. hard for that test. studying for that test. happened. What will the man do next? What will the man do next? 무엇인가? 남자가 다음에 할 일은 무엇인가? 은 무엇인가? 09 ① He will go home and rest. ② He will go get some ice cream with the woman. W: Hey, do you want to go get some ice cream with me? W: 우리 아이스크림 먹으러 갈래? M: I’d like to, but I have to finish M: 그러고 싶은데 숙제를 끝내야 해. ③ He will finish his homework. my homework. ④ He will go fishing. W: But don’t you need a break? W: 그렇지만 휴식이 필요하지 않니? M: Yes, I need to rest for a while. M: 응, 휴식이 필요하지. 그런데 지금 하고 있는 것 But I want to finish what I am 을 먼저 끝내고 싶어. doing now first. W: All right. W: 알았어. break 휴식 rest 휴식  Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 22 2/9/09 1:54:15 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. ① ③ ② ④ classroom 교실 write 쓰다 chalk 분필 M: People think of me as black, but I am not. Actually, I am M: 사람들은 내가 검은색이라고 생각하지만 그렇지 않습니다. 실제로 저는 진한 녹색입니다. 저를 dark green. You can find 여러분의 교실에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 선생님은 me in your classroom. The 저를 무척 좋아합니다. 선생님은 하얀색 분필로 teacher likes me very much. 제 위에 쓰십니다. The teacher writes on me with white chalk. What is true about the chart? What is true about the chart? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 Name What They Hate To Do Most Brian Katie Sally Jane Cleaning His Room Doing Homework Studying Math Washing Dishes most. homework most. ① ② ③ ④ most. ① Sally doesn’t like washing dishes ① Sally는 설거지를 제일 싫어한다. ② Katie doesn’t like doing her ② Katie는 숙제 하는 것을 제일 싫어한다. ③ Brian doesn’t like washing dishes ③ Brian은 설거지를 제일 싫어한다. ④ Jane also doesn’t like doing her ④ Jane 역시 숙제 하는 것을 제일 싫어한다. homework most. wash dishes 설거지하다 most 가장 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① The boy likes computer game. ② The boy plays computer game for 2 I play computer games 2 or M: I really like computer games. M: 나는 컴퓨터 게임을 정말 좋아한다. 나는 하루 에 2~3시간씩 컴퓨터 게임을 한다. 하지만 우 3 hours a day. But my mom 리 엄마는 내가 컴퓨터게임 하는 것을 좋아하지 doesn’t like me to play it. She 않는다. 엄마는 내가 항상 공부하기를 원한다. wants me to study all the time. I can’t understand her. 나는 엄마를 이해할 수 없다. or 3 hours a week. ③ The boy’s mom doesn’t like him to play computer game. ④ The boy can’t understand his mom. understand 이해하다 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 23 2/9/09 1:54:16 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 어울리는 가장 알맞은 응답은? 16 ① It was too boring. ② It was too long. ③ It was too sad. ④ It was too short. sad 슬픈 too 지나치게 boring 지루한 13 14 W: I liked this movie. W: 이 영화 마음에 들었어. M: Really? I didn’t like it though. M: 정말? 나는 별로 안 좋았는데. W: Why not? W: 왜? M: It was too sad. M: 너무 슬펐어. W: That’s why I liked it. W: 그게 내가 마음에 든 이유인데. Q: Why did he not like the Q: 남자는 왜 영화를 좋아하지 않았는가? movie? What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 다음에 여자가 취할 행동은?은?? ① She will make a hairpin. ② She will look for a cheaper hairpin. ③ She will pay $10. ④ She will enter the store. hairpin 헤어핀 anything 어떤 것 cheaper 더 싼 M: How can I help you? M: 어떻게 도와드릴까요? W: I want to buy this hairpin. W: 이 헤어핀을 사고 싶어요. M: It is 10 dollars. M: 10달러입니다. W: Wow, it is too expensive. Do you have anything cheaper? W: 와. 너무 비싸네요. 더 싼 것은 없나요? 15 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 여자가 다음에 할 수 있는 적절한 말은? ① Wow. I like this song. ② It is very cold. ③ I am so hungry. ④ Are you very happy? W: What are you listening to? W: 뭐 듣고 있어? M: I am listening to my favorite M: 나는 내가 제일 좋아하는 노래를 듣고 있어요. song. W: Can I listen to it? W: 내가 들어봐도 돼? M: Sure. How do you like it? M: 물론이지. 어때? listen to a song 노래를 듣다 W: Wow. I like this song. W: 오, 이 노래 좋다.  Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 24 2/9/09 1:54:17 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Is this your bag? ② Do you love me? ③ Hi. Can I ask your name? ④ Thank you for being nice. even 심지어 decide 결심하다 M: You see a girl on the same bus every day. You like her , M: 당신은 매일 같은 버스에서 한 소녀를 만난다. 당신은 그녀를 좋아하는데 이름조차 모른다. 당 but you don’t even know 신은 용기 내서 이름을 물어보기로 결심했다. her name. You decide to be 이런 상황에서 당신이 할 수 있는 말은? brave and ask her for her name. What would you say in this situation? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 25 2/9/09 1:54:18 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 05 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림은? 04 ① W: I have the balloons. ② W: I have the gifts. ③ W: I have the puppies. ④ W: I have the cotton candy. ① W: 나는 풍선을 가지고 있다. ② W: 나는 선물을 가지고 있다. ③ W: 나는 강아지를 가지고 있다. ④ W: 나는 솜사탕을 가지고 있다. 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 잘 표현한 것은?은?? ① ② ③ ④ balloon 풍선 cotton candy 솜사탕 puppy 강아지 ① A guest - A host ② A waitress - A customer ③ A bookkeeper - A boss ④ A salesclerk - A customer large 다양한 selection 선택 on sale 할인 판매 중인 M: Hello. May I help you? M: 안녕하세요. 무엇을 좀 도와 드릴까요? W: Yes, please. I’m looking for an MP3 player. But I don’t know a lot about them. M: As you can see, we have a large selection. Um, how about this red one? W: 네, MP3 player를 찾고 있어요. 하지만 MP3에 대해 잘 모르겠어요. 05 M: 보다시피 우리는 선택의 폭이 다양합니다. 음, 빨간색 제품은 어떠세요? W: It looks small and nice. How W: 작고 좋아 보여요. 얼마에요? much is it? M: It was one hundred twenty M: 이것은 120달러입니다, 하지만 40퍼센트 세일 dollars, but it’s on sale for 40% off. 중입니다. W: It’s nice. I’ll take it. W: 좋네요. 이걸로 할게요. 06 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are at a bank. ② They are at a department store. ③ They are at a post office. ④ They are at a supermarket. W: Hello. How may I help you? W: 안녕하세요. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: I’d like to deposit some money into my account. M: 제 계좌에 돈을 좀 입금하고 싶습니다. W: How much are you going to W: 얼마나 예금하실 건가요? deposit 입금하다 account (은행)계좌 fill out (양식을) 채우다  Hot Listening ❶ deposit today? into my account. form. M: I’d like to put this $300 check M: 300달러 수표를 입금하려고요. W: No problem. Please fill out this W: 알겠습니다. 이 양식을 작성해 주십시오. Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 26 2/9/09 1:54:19 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the man probably feel? How does the man probably feel? 남자는 어떤 심정인가? ① He is exhausted. ② He is calm. ③ He is lonely. ④ He is uneasy. wallet 지갑 be kidding 농담하다 remember 기억하다 honeymoon 신혼여행 What is “this”? 05 ① It is a digital camera. ② It is an MP3 player. ③ It is a cellular phone. ④ It is a CD player. useful 유용한 popular 인기 있는 06 ① She is twelve years old. ② She is ten years old. ③ She is eight years old. ④ She is nine years old M: Oh, my god! I can’t find my M: 이런! 지갑이 보이지 않아요! wallet! gone! W: What? Are you kidding? W: 뭐라고요? 농담하는 거죠? M: No, I am not kidding. I just had M: 아니요, 저 농담하는 거 아니에요. 방금 전까지 it a minute ago, but now it’s 있었는데 없어졌어요! W: Calm down. Try to remember W: 진정하고 어디에서 잃어버렸는지 생각해봐요. where you left it. M: I can’t believe this happened M: 신혼여행 첫 날에 이런 일이 생기다니 믿을 수 on the first day of our 가 없어요. honeymoon. What is “this”? “이것”은 무엇인가? 은 무엇인가? ”은 무엇인가? M: This is a very useful machine. We can make phone calls M: 이것은 매우 유용한 기계다. 우리는 이것으로 전화를 걸기도 하고 음악을 듣기도 한다. 우리 and listen to music with this. 는 이것으로 사진을 찍기도 한다. 이것은 매우 We can also use this to take 인기 있는 작은 기계다. pictures. This is a very popular small machine. M: Who is the boy in this picture? M: 이 사진에 있는 남자 아이는 누구야? W: He is my brother. He is eight W: 내 남동생이고 8살이야. M: I have a brother , too. He is 10 M: 나도 남동생이 있는데 10살이야. years old. years old. W: Oh really? So he is 2 years W: 오, 정말? 그럼 너보다 2살이 어리네? younger than you? M: Yes. And you are 4 years M: 응. 넌 동생보다 4살이 많네. older than your brother. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  How old is the girl? How old is the girl? 여자는 몇 살인가? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 27 2/9/09 1:54:20 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들이 무엇에 대해 대화하고 있나? 07 ① It’s about their favorite subjects. ② It’s about their plans for Saturday. ③ It’s about their favorite TV show. ④ It’s about their favorite movies. type 종류 favorite 가장 좋아하는 M: Hey! Do you want to go M: 안녕! 새로 나온 액션 영화 보러 갈래? watch the new action movie that just came out? W: I love watching movies, but I W: 영화 보는 것 정말 좋아하지만 액션 영화는 안 don’t like action movies. 좋아해. M: Really? What types of movies M: 정말? 어떤 영화들을 좋아하는데? do you like then? and comedies. action movies. W: Hmm... I like romantic movies W: 음... 난 로맨틱 영화와 코미디 영화가 좋아. M: I see. My favorite movies are W: 그렇구나. 나는 액션 영화를 제일 좋아하는데. Why did the man call the woman? Why did the man call the woman? 남자가 여자에게 전화한 이유는 무엇인가? 08 ① Because he lost his book ② Because he doesn’t know the history ③ Because he wants to borrow her homework history book her history 역사 borrow 빌리다 (Telephone rings) W: Hello. (전화가 울린다) W: 여보세요. M: Hello, Jessica. This is Chris. M: 여보세요, Jessica. 나 Chris야. W: Hey, what’s up? W: 안녕. 무슨 일이야? wanted to ask you what the 지 물어보려고. history homework was. W: Hold on a minute. Let me go W: 잠깐만 기다려. 내가 숙제 적은 거 가져올게. get my homework list. ④ Because he wants to go out with M: I lost my notebook, and I M: 나 공책을 잃어버렸어. 그래서 역사 숙제가 뭔 What will the woman do next? What will the woman do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① She will go to the man’s birthday party. ② She will keep reading the book. W: Hey! Is that your new bicycle? It looks so nice! W: 안녕! 이거 새 자전거야? 멋있다! M: Yeah, it’s new. Do you want M: 응, 이거 새 거야. 우리 자전거 타러 갈래? ③ She will go get her bicycle. to go bicycle riding? ④ She will fix her bicycle. W: Well, I have a lot of reading W: 음, 읽기 숙제가 너무 많기는 하지만 타러 가자. to do, but why not? M: Great! Let’s go get your M: 그래! 네 자전거 가지러 가자. bicycle now. W: All right. W: 그러자.  Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 28 2/9/09 1:54:21 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. M: I am usually white. You need me when you write M: 나는 보통 흰색이다. 당신이 칠판에 무언가를 쓸 때 내가 필요하다. 선생님들이 주로 나를 사 something on the blackboard. 용한다. Teachers often use me. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? W: What subject do you like? W: 무슨 과목 좋아해? M: I like math. What about you? M: 수학을 좋아해. 너는? W: I don’t like math. I like English. W: 나는 수학을 좋아하지 않아. 영어를 좋아해. M: Do you also like Korean? M: 국어도 좋아하니? W: No, I don’t. W: 아니, 안 좋아해. ① ③ ② ④ blackboard 칠판 something 뭔가 Favorite Subject ① ② ③ ④ Boy English Math Math English Girl Math Korean English Korean subject 과목 math 수학 Korean 국어 English 영어 favorite 가장 좋아하는 11 12 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① The girl is in her friend's house. W: Hi, Mom. It’s me, Julie. I am W: 엄마, 나에요. Julie. 지금 Brian 집에서 컴퓨터 ② She is playing computer games now. at Brian’s house playing 게임 같이 하고 있어요. 한 시간 내로 집에 갈 computer games with him. I 거예요. 저녁은 집에서 먹을게요. 곧 봐요. ③ She will be back home in an hour. ④ She will have dinner at her friend's house. will be back home in an hour. I will have dinner at home. I will see you soon then. be back home 집으로 돌아오다 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 29 2/9/09 1:54:23 PM 13 14 15 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 어울리는 가장 적절한 응답은? ① Because the boy didn’t like her long W: I want to get my hair cut. W: 나 머리 자르고 싶어. ② Because the color is not pretty ③ Because it is too long M: Really? I like your long hair. M: 정말? 나는 네 긴 머리가 좋아. W: So do I. But it’s too long now. W: 나도 그래. 하지만 지금은 너무 길어. ④ Because she wants to go to the hair M: Will you go to the hair salon M: 지금 미용실에 갈 거야. now? hair salon hair salon 미용실 too 너무 ~한 W: No, I have to do my W: 아니, 숙제 먼저 해야 해. homework first. Q: Why did she decide to have Q: 여자가 머리를 자르기로 결심한 이유는? her hair cut? 16 What is the woman doing now? What is the woman doing now? 여자가 지금 하고 있는 것은 무엇인가? ① She is doing the dishes. ② She is sending an email. ③ She is doing nothing. ④ She is doing her homework. M: Katie, will you help me wash M: Katie. 설거지 하는 것 도와줄 수 있니? W: I am sorry, but I am too busy W: 미안한데 지금 너무 바빠요. M: What are you doing? M: 뭐 하고 있니? the dishes? now. an hour. send 보내다 email 이메일 W: I am doing my homework. I W: 숙제하고 있어요. 한 시간 내로 해서 이메일로 have to send it by an email in 보내야 해요. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 여자가 다음에 할 수 있는 적절한 말은? ① That would be very nice. ② No, it is very hot here. ③ I like the watch very much. ④ I am not happy with it. air conditioner 에어컨 W: Aren’t you cold? M: Not really. W: 춥지 않니? M: 아니, 별로. W: I think it is too cold here. W: 내 생각엔 여기 너무 추운 것 같아. M: Do you want me to turn off M: 에어컨 꺼주길 바라니? the air conditioner? W: That would be very nice. W: 그래주면 좋겠어. 0 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 30 2/9/09 1:54:24 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① This is not what I ordered. ② This is very delicious. ③ It is nice to see you here. ④ Thank you so much for your service. ice cream store 아이스크림 가게 vanilla 바닐라 clerk 점원 M: You are in an ice cream store. You wanted vanilla ice M: 당신은 아이스크림 가게에 있다. 당신은 바닐라 아이스크림을 원했지만 점원은 당신에게 초콜 cream, but the clerk gave 릿 아이스크림을 주었다. 당신은 그녀에게 잘못 된 것을 말하고 싶다. 이런 상황에서 당신이 할 말은? you chocolate. You want to tell her what's wrong. What would you say in this situation? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 31 2/9/09 1:54:24 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 06 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 알맞게 묘사한 것은? 04 ① ② ③ ④ get on ~에 타다 board ~에 탑승하다 wait for ~을 기다리다 ① M: The people are getting on the ① M: 사람들은 버스를 타고 있다. ② M: The people are boarding the ② M: 사람들은 비행기에 탑승하고 있다. ③ M: The people are riding their bikes. ③ M: 사람들은 그들의 자전거를 타고 있다. ④ M: The people are waiting for the ④ M: 사람들은 버스를 기다리고 있다. bus. plane. bus. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are at a jewelry store. M: Cathy, come here. Look at M: Cathy, 이리 와봐. 이 목걸이 좀 봐봐. 예쁘지 ② They are at a restaurant. this necklace. Isn’t it beautiful? 않니? ③ They are at a beauty shop. W: Yes, It’s very pretty. W: 응, 아주 예쁘다. ④ They are at a stationery shop. M: It looks good on you. I’ll buy it M: 너한테 잘 어울릴 것 같아. 널 위해서 이걸 for you. 사줄게. W: Thanks, but you don’t have to. W: 고마워, 그렇지만, 이러지 않아도 돼. necklace 목걸이 pretty 예쁜 look good on ~에게 잘 어울리다 Why did the man call the woman? Why did the man call the woman? 남자는 왜 여자에게 전화를 걸었는가? 03 M: Hello, may I speak to Jane, M: 여보세요, Jane이랑 통화 좀 할 수 있을까요? ① Because he wanted to invite her to a party ② Because he wanted to go to a party with her ③ Because he wanted to get a little help from her ④ Because he wanted to ask her a question please? Why? W: This is she. Who’s this? W: 전데요. 누구세요? M: Hi, Jane. This is John. Are you M: 안녕, Jane. 나 John이야. 이번 토요일에 바쁘 busy this Saturday? 니? W: This Saturday? I am free. W: 이번 토요일? 응, 시간 있어. 왜? be free 시간이 있다 on time 제시간에 birthday party this Saturday at 1? 니? M: Could you come to my M: 이번 토요일 1시에 내 생일 파티에 와 줄 수 있 W: Sure. I’ll be there on time. W: 물론이지. 제시간에 갈게.  Hot Listening ❶ 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 32 2/9/09 1:54:26 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 What does the man’s father do for a living? What does the man’s father do for a living? 남자의 아버지의 작업은?은?? W: Is your father a police W: 아빠가 경찰관이시니? ③ He is an office worker. M: No, he is not. He’s a M: 아니, 그렇지 않아. 소방관이셔. officer? firefighter. W: Is your mother a teacher? W: 어머니는 선생님이시니? M: Yes, she is. She’s an M: 응, 선생님이셔. 초등학교 선생님이야. elementary school teacher. ① He is a policeman. ② He is a teacher. ④ He is a firefighter. elementary school teacher 초등학교 선생님 police officer 경찰관 firefighter 소방관 What am I? 05 ① I am a radio. ② I am a CD player. ③ I am a cordless phone. ④ I am an MP3 player. hold 저장하다 a lot of 많은 What am I? 나는 무엇인가? M: I am very small, but I can hold a lot of songs and music. You M: 나는 작지만 많은 노래와 음악을 저장할 수 있 다. 당신이 좋아하는 음악을 내게 다운로드 할 can download your favorite 수 있고 나를 목걸이처럼 목에 걸고 다닐 수 있다. music on me and put me on 만약 당신이 음악듣기를 좋아한다면 나를 꼭 가 your neck like a necklace. If 져야 한다. you like listening to music, you must have me. 06 How much will the woman pay for her order? How much will the woman pay for her order? 얼마인가? 여자가 주문을 위해 지불해야 할 금액은 M.E .N.U $1.00 French Fries (Small) $3.00 French Fries (Large) $1.00 $1.50 $1.00 Hot Dog Chili Dog Cheeseburger $2.00 Coke ① She will pay $10. ② She will pay $11. ③ She will pay $12. ④ She will pay $13. Would you like ~? ~을 드시겠어요? M: How may I help you? M: 어떻게 도와드릴까요? W: Hi! I’d like to have two chilly W: 안녕하세요. 칠리 도그 두 개와 치즈 버거 한 개 dogs and a cheeseburger , 주세요. please. them? M: Would you like some fries with M: 감자튀김도 드릴까요? W: Hmm... No, that’s okay. W: 음... 아니요, 괜찮아요. M: Anything to drink? M: 음료수 필요하세요? W: Yes, three cokes, please. W: 네. 콜라 세 개 주세요. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 33 2/9/09 1:54:27 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? 07 ① It’s about a baseball match. ② It’s about a basketball match. ③ It’s about a soccer match. ④ It’s about a volleyball match. win by ~점 이기고 있다 run 야구경기에서 1점 W: Who’s playing? W: 누가 경기하고 있어? M: LG is playing Samsung. M: LG 하고 삼성의 경기야. W: Who’s winning? W: 누가 이기고 있는데? M: LG is winning by two runs. M: LG가 2점 이기고 있어. W: Wow! So many people are W: 와! 야구 경기장에 관람하러 온 사람들 watching the game at the 정말 많다. baseball stadium. M: I know. M: 그러게. Why is the woman sad? Why is the woman sad? 여자가 슬퍼하는 이유는 무엇인가? 08 ① Because her best friend got mad at ② Because her best friend is moving her away her ③ Because her teacher got mad at at school? ④ Because she missed the bus moving away. M: Hey! What’s the matter? M: 안녕! 무슨 일 있어? W: I’m so sad right now. W: 나 지금 너무 슬퍼. M: Why? Did you get in trouble M: 왜? 학교에 무슨 문제 있어? W: No. Actually, my best friend is W: 아니. 사실은 나하고 제일 친한 친구가 이사가. get in trouble 곤경에 빠지다 move away 이사하다 M: Oh, no! I’m so sorry to hear M: 어, 그렇구나! 정말 안됐다. that. W: I’m really going to miss her. W: 친구가 정말 보고 싶을 거야. 10 11 What will the man do this weekend? What will the man do this weekend? 남자가 주말에 할 일은?은?? 09 ① He will go shopping. ② He will go rock -climbing. plan for this weekend? W: It’s finally Friday. What’s your W: 드디어 금요일이다. 주말에 무슨 계획 있니? 12 ③ He will go to his cousin’s birthday M: 음, 사촌의 생일 파티에 갈 거야. M: Well, I am going to my cousin’s birthday party. party. ④ He will visit his sister. plan 계획 cousin 사촌 rock -climbing 암벽 등반  Hot Listening ❶ W: Wow! That sounds exciting. W: 와! 재미있겠다. M: How about you? M: 너는 어때? W: I am going rock -climbing with W: 난 언니와 암벽 등반을 갈 거야. my sister. M: How exciting! M: 정말 신나겠다! Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 34 2/9/09 1:54:28 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. ① ③ ② ④ health condition 건강 상태 usually 보통 prescription 처방전 medicine 약 W: I am a person who helps you. You have to come and see W: 나는 당신을 돕는 사람이다. 당신은 아플 때 나 를 찾아와서 만나면 된다. 나는 당신의 건강을 me when you are sick. I 체크한다. 보통, 나는 처방전이라고 하는 종이를 check your health condition. 준다. 당신은 그것을 사용해서 약국에서 약을 살 Usually, I give you a paper 수 있다. called a prescription. You can buy some medicine from the drug store by using it. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 ① There are three rooms in her house. W: Wow. There are so many W: 와. 너희 집에 방이 많구나. ② There are four rooms in her house. rooms in your house. ③ There are five rooms in her house. M: Yeah. Right. There are four M: 응. 맞아. 방이 네 개가 있어. ④ There are six rooms in her house. rooms. W: Aren’t there five? W: 다섯 개 아니고? kitchen 부엌 actually 사실은 M: No. This is the kitchen. We M: 아니. 이것은 부엌이야. 우리는 부엌에도 문이 have a door for the kitchen, 있어. too. the most. W: That’s nice. I like it. W: 그거 좋다. 마음에 들어. M: Actually, it is the place I like M: 사실은 내가 제일 좋아하는 장소야. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? W: Maria lives in the city with her parents. She has few friends, W: Maria는 그녀의 부모님과 도시에 산다. 그녀는 친구가 거의 없어 매우 외롭다. 그녀의 집은 공 so she feels very lonely. Her 원에서 가깝다. 그녀는 공원에서 산책하는 것을 house is close to a park. She 좋아한다. 공원에서 그녀는 많은 사람들을 만난 ④ Maria meets many people in the likes to go for walks in the 다. park. In the park, she meets many people. 12 ① Maria has many friends. ② Maria lives in the city. ③ Maria likes to go for walks. park. few 거의 없는 lonely 외로운 close to ~에 가까운 go for a walk 산책하다 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 35 2/9/09 1:54:30 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 어울리는 가장 적절한 응답은? 16 13 ① Because the boy didn’t do anything today brother ② Because the boy had lunch with his ③ Because she doesn’t like kimbab ④ Because she went to the same restaurant, too lunch 점심식사 surprised 놀란 W: What did you do this W: 오늘 오후에 뭐했어? afternoon? M: I had lunch with my brother. M: 우리 형이랑 점심 먹었어. W: Where? At your house? W: 어디서? 너희 집에서? M: We went to a kimbab M: 김밥집에 갔어. restaurant. too. surprised? W: Really? I went there today, W: 정말? 나도 오늘 거기 갔는데. Q: Why was the woman Q: 여자는 왜 놀랐는가? What does the woman want to learn? What does the woman want to learn? 여자가 배우고 싶어하는 것은? ① She wants to learn baseball. M: Katie, come and watch the M: Katie. 와서 야구 경기를 봐. ② She wants to learn a game. baseball game. ③ She wants to learn soccer. W: I am sorry, but I am busy now. W: 미안한데 나 너무 바빠. ④ We don’t know. M: What are you doing? M: 뭘 하고 있는데? magazine 잡지 decide 결심하다 magazine. I decided to learn 거든. soccer. W: I am reading a soccer W: 난 축구 잡지 읽고 있어. 축구 배우기로 결심했 What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 남자가 할 말로 적절한 것은? ① It is very tasty. ② It is not any good. ③ I will take them out. ④ Do you have them with you? May I take your order ? 주문하시겠어요? take out 포장해 가다 W: May I take your order? W: 주문하시겠어요? M: Yes. Can I have a hamburger M: 네. 햄버거랑 콜라 주세요. and a coke? W: That comes to $10 all together. Anything else? W: 합쳐서 10달러입니다. 다른 것은요? M: No. That’s all. M: 아니요. 그게 다에요. W: For here or to go? W: 여기서 드세요? 가지고 가세요? M: I will take them out. M: 가지고 갈 거예요. 14 15  Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 36 2/9/09 1:54:31 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Your store is very nice. ② I like your shoes. ③ Do you have this in another color ? ④ Can I see a bigger size? clothes store 옷가게 skirt 치마 another 또 다른 W: You are at a clothes store. You found a skirt that you like. But you don’t like the color. You want to know if they have another color. In this situation, what would you say? W: 당신은 옷 가게에 있다. 당신은 좋아하는 치마 를 찾았다. 하지만 당신은 색깔이 마음에 들지 않는다. 당신은 그들이 다른 색깔이 있는지 알 고 싶다. 이런 상황에서 당신이 할 수 있는 말은? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 37 2/9/09 1:54:32 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 07 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 04 ① W: She is selling a boat. ① W: 여자는 배를 팔고 있다. ② W: She is jumping out of a boat. ② W: 여자는 배에서 뛰어 내리고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ W: She is sailing a boat. ③ W: 여자는 항해하고 있다. ④ W: She is sealing a crack in a boat. ④ W: 여자는 배의 갈라진 틈을 막고 있다. sell 팔다 seal 틈을 막다 sail 항해하다 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 잘 표현한 것은? ① A travel agent - A customer ② A boyfriend - A girlfriend today is? W: Do you know what day W: 오늘이 무슨 날인지 알고 있어? ③ A husband - A wife ④ A father - A daughter calendar 달력 anniversary 기념일 sweetheart 자기 M: Well, let me think. Sorry, I M: 글쎄, 생각해 볼게. 미안, 모르겠는데. W: We got married five years W: 우리는 5년 전 오늘 결혼했잖아. M: Really? I thought today was M: 정말? 나는 오늘이 15일이라고 생각했어. have no idea. ago today. the fifteenth. W: No, today is the sixteenth. W: 아니, 오늘은 16일이야. 달력 좀 봐봐. Look at the calendar. Where was the man? Where was the man? 남자는 어디에 있었는가? 03 ① He was at the academy. ② He was at the library. weren’t at the academy or W: Where were you? You W: 어디에 있었니? 너는 학원이나 도서관에 없던데. ③ He was at school. ④ He was at home. academy 학원 attend 참석하다, 출석하다 thought think(생각하다)의 과거형  Hot Listening ❶ the library. library. M: I was at my school attending M: 나는 우리학교 방과 후 프로그램에 참석하고 있 an after -school program. 었어. W: Oh. I thought you were at the W: 오, 나는 네가 도서관에 있다고 생각했어. M: The library was closed today. M: 도서관은 오늘 문 닫았어. 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 38 2/9/09 1:54:33 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 What did the woman think about the speech? What did the woman think about the speech? 여자는 연설에 대해서 어떻게 생각하나? ① It was boring. ② It was too long. ③ It was interesting. ④ It was exciting. speech 연설 boring 지루한 actually 사실은 perfect 완벽한 What is “this”? 05 ① It is basketball. ② It is soccer. ③ It is baseball. ④ It is handball. maybe 아마도 popular 인기 있는 use 사용하다 usually 보통 M: How did you like my speech? M: 내 연설 어땠어? 너무 재미없었지? Was it too boring? W: Actually, I thought it was W: 사실은, 재미있었다고 생각했는데. M: Thanks a lot. I hope it wasn’t M: 정말 고마워. 너무 길지 않았겠지. interesting. too long. W: Don’t worry about it. It was W: 걱정하지 마, 딱 알맞았어. the perfect length. What is “this”? “이것”은 무엇인가? 은 무엇인가? ”은 무엇인가? M: This sport is maybe the most popular sport in Korea. Two M: 이 스포츠는 아마 한국에서 가장 인기 있는 스 포츠일 것이다. 열한 명으로 이루어진 두 팀이 teams of eleven members 공을 이용하여 경기를 한다. 선수들은 보통 그 play this game using a ball. 들의 발을 이용하여 경기를 한다. Players usually use their feet to play this game. 06 How long does it take to get to San Francisco? How long does it take to get to San Francisco? 샌프란시스코까지는 얼마나 걸리는가? ① It takes three hours and thirty M: I would like to reserve a M: 샌프란시스코 가는 왕복 티켓 예약해 주세요. minutes. ② It takes three hours. round-trip ticket to San Francisco, please. ③ It takes two hours and thirty minutes. W: Sure. We have planes that W: 그러지요. 오전 10시, 오후 12시, 2시, 4시에 leave at 10 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 출발하는 티켓이 있습니다. ④ It takes four hours and thirty minutes. p.m., and 4 p.m. reserve 예약하다 round-trip ticket 왕복티켓 arrive 도착하다 M: If I take the 12 p.m. plane, M: 만약 제가 12시 비행기를 타면 샌프란시스코에 what time would I arrive in San Francisco? 몇 시에 도착하나요? W: Well, you’d arrive at 3:30, sir. W: 음, 3시 30분에 도착합니다. M: Oh, then I will take the 10 a.m. M: 아, 그럼 오전 10시 티켓으로 주세요. plane. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 39 2/9/09 1:54:34 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 대해 대화하고 있는가? 07 10 ① It’s about going to the airport. M: Wow! It’s a beautiful day. I M: 와! 오늘 날씨 정말 좋다. 주말까지 계속 좋으 ② It’s about their family. ③ It’s about today’s weather. hope the weather will stay like this over the weekend. 면 좋겠다. W: Are you going somewhere W: 주말에 어디가려고? ④ It’s about their plans for the this weekend? weekend. weather 날씨 stay 그대로 계속되다 beach 바닷가 plan 계획 M: Yes. I am going to the beach M: 응. 가족들이랑 바닷가에 가기로 했어. with my family. W: Really? That will be fun. W: 정말? 재미있겠다. M: Yeah, I can’t wait. Do you M: 응, 빨리 가고 싶어. 넌 주말에 무엇을 할 계획 have any plans for the weekend? 이니. W: My family is going to visit my W: 가족들이랑 언니 보러 갈 거야. sister. 08 Why CANNot the woman go with the man? Why CANNot the woman go with the man? 여자가 남자와 함께 갈 수 없는 이유는? 11 ① Because she has to pick up her W: Hey! Where are you going? W: 안녕! 어디 가고 있는 중이야? ② Because she has to return some cream. Let’s go together. M: Hi! I’m going to get some ice M: 안녕! 아이스크림 먹으러 가. 같이 가자. ③ Because she has to study at the books to the library. W: I can’t. I have to return some W: 안 돼. 도서실에 책 반납하러 가야 해. brother books library M: Oh, come on. You can do M: 같이 가자. 책은 나중에 반납해도 되잖아. ④ Because she doesn’t like ice cream that later. return 반납하다 now. W: I know, but I have to pick up W: 알아. 하지만 지금 동생을 학교에 데리러 가야 my brother from school right 해. M: I see. Maybe next time then. M: 그렇구나. 다음에 같이 가자. What will the woman do next? What will the woman do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① She will help her brother. W: Can you help me with W: 나 좀 도와줄래? 12 ② She will help her mom. ③ She will clean her room alone. ④ She will get some rest. by oneself 스스로 too ~ to... 너무 ~ 해서 ...하다 get some rest 좀 쉬다 0 Hot Listening ❶ something? room? yourself? Sorry. M: Oh, no! What is it this time? M: 오, 안 돼! 이번에는 또 뭐야? W: Can you help me clean my W: 내 방 청소하는 것 좀 도와줄 수 있어? M: Why can’t you do it by M: 왜 혼자 못하는 거야? W: I’m too tired to do it. And W: 나 너무 피곤해. 그리고 넌 내 오빠잖아. you’re my big brother. M: Well, I wish I could. But Mom M: 음, 도와주고 싶은데 엄마가 도와주지 말라고 told me not to help you. 그랬어. 미안. Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 40 2/9/09 1:54:36 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. M: You use me when you erase something from the paper. M: 당신은 종이로부터 무언가를 지울 때 나를 사용 한다. 나는 보통 하얗다. 하지만 나는 또한 여러 I am usually white. But I also 가지 색깔이 있다. 나는 연필로 쓰인 것은 지울 come in many colors, too. I 수 있지만 펜으로 쓰인 것은 지울 수 없다. can erase something written by pencil but not by pen. ① ③ ② ④ erase 지우다 whiteout 수정액 11 12 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① The boy will go to the park. ② The boy will go to his friend’s house. ③ The boy will go to his house. W: Wow. Look at the sky. W: 와. 하늘 좀 봐. M: Wow, it is so pretty. M: 와. 정말 예쁘다. W: I will go to the park. Will you W: 나 공원 갈 건데, 나하고 같이 갈래? ④ The boy will go to the girl’s house. come with me? alone 혼자서 M: I am sorry, but I have to go M: 미안한데 나는 친구 집에 가야 해. to my friend’s house. alone. W: That’s okay. I can go there W: 괜찮아. 혼자 갈 수 있어. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① The girl is in London. ② The girl is having a good time. ③ The girl is worried about herself. ④ The girl misses her parents. wonderful 멋진 visit 방문하다 Take care. 잘 지내 / 잘 지내세요. be worried about ~에 대하여 걱정하다 W: Dear , Mom and Dad, W: 엄마, 아빠께, How are you? I am doing okay. I am having a wonderful time here in 잘 지내세요? 저는 잘 지내고 있어요. 영국에서 좋은 시간을 보내고 있어요. 런던 사람들은 매 우 친절해요. 매일 많은 곳을 방문하고 있어요. England. The people in London 제 걱정은 마세요. 보고 싶어요. 잘 지내세요. are very kind. I visit many places every day. Don’t worry about me. I miss you. Take care. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 41 2/9/09 1:54:37 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 어울리는 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 ① He has to go to school. ② He didn’t finish his homework. ③ He wants to sleep more. ④ He doesn’t know the time. yet 아직 wrong 잘못됨, 나쁜 W: Danny, wake up! W: Danny, 일어나라! M: Oh. What time is it now? M: 오. 지금 몇 시에요? W: It’s already seven o’clock. W: 벌써 일곱 시야. M: Oh my god! I didn’t finish my M: 어떡해. 나 아직 숙제 못 끝냈는데. W: It’s late. It’s time to go to W: 늦었구나. 학교 갈 시간이야. homework yet. school. Q: What is wrong with the boy? Q: 소년에게 무슨 문제가 생겼나? 14 ① He put it on the desk. ② He put it on the sofa. Where did the boy put the key? Where did the boy put the key? 소년이 열쇠를 둔 곳은 어디인가? M: Mom, have you seen my M: 엄마. 내 열쇠 봤어요? ③ He put it on the table. W: No. Did you check your desk? W: 아니. 책상 확인해 봤니? ④ We don’t know. M: Yes, but it’s not there. M: 네. 하지만 거기에 없었어요. key 열쇠 couch 소파 forgot forget(잊어버리다)의 과거형 W: Is that your key on the W: 소파 위에 있는 것 네 열쇠 아니니? M: Right. I forgot I put it on the M: 맞아요. 소파 위에 둔 걸 깜빡 했어요. key? couch? sofa. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 15 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? ① I gained a lot of weight. ② I lost a lot of weight. ③ I know I was very thin. ④ I know you were very thin. gain weight 살이 찌다 lose weight 살이 빠지다 a lot 많이 thin 마른  Hot Listening ❶ W: Excuse me. Don’t you know W: 실례합니다. 저 모르세요? M: I am sorry, but I don’t M: 죄송합니다만 기억이 나지 않아요. me? remember you. same middle school. very thin now. W: It’s me. Sally. We went to the W: 나야. Sally. 우리 같은 중학교 다녔었어. M: Are you really Sally? You are M: 정말 Sally야? 너 지금은 너무 말랐다. W: I lost a lot of weight. W: 나 살을 많이 뺐어. Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 42 2/9/09 1:54:38 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Will you buy me a bottle of juice? ② I don’t like supermarkets. Let’s go home. you said. ③ What should I buy? I forgot what ④ Where are you? I can’t find you. remember 기억하다 M: You went to the supermarket. You remember your mom told you to buy something. M: 당신은 슈퍼에 갔다. 당신은 엄마가 뭔가 사오 라고 한 것을 기억한다. 하지만 당신은 그게 무 엇인지 기억을 못한다. 당신은 엄마에게 전화 But you don’t remember what 해서 그게 무엇인지를 물어본다. 이런 상황에서 it is. You call your mom and 당신이 할 수 있는 말은? ask what it is. In this situation, what would you say? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 43 2/9/09 1:54:39 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 08 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? ① M: He is cutting the onion. ① M: 그는 양파 껍질을 자르고 있다. ② M: He is rolling the onion. ② M: 그는 양파 껍질을 굴리고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ M: He is chopping the onion. ③ M: 그는 양파를 다지고 있다. ④ M: He is peeling the onion. ④ M: 그는 양파 껍질을 벗기고 있다. roll 굴리다 chop 다지다 peel 벗기다 02 ① They are at a hotel. ③ They are in an aisle. ④ They are at a gate. passport 여권 aisle 복도 gate 게이트, 문 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? ② They are at a check -in counter. ticket, please? M: May I have your passport and M: 여권과 표 좀 볼 수 있을까요? W: Sure. Here you go. W: 물론이죠. 여기 있어요. M: Would you like a window or M: 창 쪽 좌석으로 드릴까요, 복도 쪽 좌석으로 an aisle seat? 드릴까요? W: An aisle seat, please. W: 복도 쪽 좌석으로 주세요. M: Your flight leaves at 9:45 from M: 비행기는 12번 게이트에서 9시 45분에 떠날 겁 Gate 12. 니다. What is the weather like today? What is the weather like today? 오늘 날씨로 알맞은 것은? W: Look out the window! It’s a W: 창문 밖을 좀 봐! 구름이 약간 꼈어. little cloudy. I think it’s going 비가 올 것 같아. M: The weather forecast didn’t M: 일기 예보는 비가 온다고 하지 않았는데. to rain. say it would rain. case. umbrella. cloudy 구름이 낀 weather forecast 일기 예보 in case 만일에 경우에 대비하여 W: Take your umbrella just in W: 혹시 모르니까 우산을 가져가봐. M: No, I don’t like carrying an M: 아니, 우산 가지고 다니기 싫어. 03 ① It’s cloudy. ② It’s rainy. ③ It’s windy. ④ It’s foggy.  Hot Listening ❶ 04 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 44 2/9/09 1:54:40 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the woman feel right now? How does the woman feel right now? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? ① She is shy. ② She is upset. ③ She is excited. ④ She is patient. excited 흥분된 inside 안쪽에 remember ~을 생각해 내다 What am I? 05 ① I am a bat. ② I am a penguin. ③ I am an eagle. ④ I am a whale. sea bird 바닷새 wing 날개 South Pole 남극 06 ① He will pay $35. ② He will pay $50. ③ He will pay $25. ④ He will pay $45. on sale 할인 판매 중인 W: I’m so excited to be here. I W: 여기 와서 너무 흥분돼. 어서 이 콘서트 보고 can’t wait to see this concert. 싶어. M: Let’s go inside. M: 안으로 가보자. W: Wait. Oh, no! I can’t find the W: 잠깐만, 아, 안 돼! 표를 못 찾겠어. tickets. them? M: What? Where did you put M: 뭐라고? 어디에 넣었는데? W: I don’t remember. W: 생각이 안 나. What am I? 나는 무엇인가? M: I am a black and white sea bird. I can’t fly, but I can swim M: 나는 검은색과 흰색을 가진 바닷새이다. 나는 날 수는 없지만 짧은 날개를 사용하여 수영을 really well by using my short 잘 할 수 있다. 나는 남극에 살고 있다. 많은 아 wings. I live at the South Pole. 이들이 나를 매우 좋아한다. Many children like me very much. M: Can I help you with anything? M: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? W: Yes, I need to buy a chair. W: 네, 의자를 사려고 합니다. 저쪽에 있는 의자는 How much is that chair over there? 얼마인가요? M: Great choice. It’s on sale right M: 좋은 선택이세요. 지금 세일중입니다. now. W: Really? W: 그래요? M: Yes. It was originally $50, but M: 네. 원래는 50달러였는데 지금 30퍼센트 할인 now it’s 30% off. 판매 중입니다. W: I’ll take it. W: 사겠습니다. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  How much will he pay for the chair? How much will he pay for the chair? 남자가 의자의 가격으로 지불할 금액은 얼마인가? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 45 2/9/09 1:54:41 PM race 경주, 경주하다 whenever 언제든지 free time 여가 시간 nature 자연 08 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 화자들의 대화는 무엇에 대한 내용인가? 07 ① It’s about taking pictures. ② It’s about their plans for the today. I can’t wait to go car 가고 싶다. weekend. racing. M: I am so happy its Friday M: 오늘 금요일이라 너무 좋다. 차 경주하러 빨리 ③ It’s about their school lives. W: Car racing? Wow! I didn’t W: 차 경주? 와! 네가 경주하는지 몰랐어. ④ It’s about their hobbies. know you race cars. M: Yeah. I try to go racing M: 응. 시간 날 때마다 경주하러 가려고 해. 넌 여 whenever I can. What do you do in your free time? 가 시간에 뭐 하니? W: Well, I take pictures of W: 음, 난 자연 사진을 찍어. 나무, 꽃, 새... 그런 nature... You know, like trees, 거 있잖아. flowers, and birds. M: That must be fun. M: 재미있겠다. Why is the woman visiting the store? Why is the woman visiting the store? 여자가 가게를 방문한 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because she wants to change the size of the jacket ② Because she wants to get a refund for the jacket ③ Because she wants to change the color of the jacket ④ Because she wants to buy another jacket return 반납하다 refund 환불하다 M: Hello! M: 안녕하세요! W: Hi! I would like to return this W: 안녕하세요. 이 재킷을 반납했으면 해요. jacket, please. big for you? M: What’s wrong with it? Is it too M: 뭐가 문제죠? 사이즈가 너무 큰가요? W: The size is okay, but I don’t W: 사이즈는 괜찮습니다. 재킷 색상 때문에 그래요. like the color. I want a different color. 전 다른 색상을 원해요. M: Oh, all right. What color M: 아, 그러세요. 무슨 색상으로 드릴까요? would you like? W: Do you have it in brown? W: 갈색 있으세요? M: Let me check. M: 확인해 보겠습니다. What will the man do next? What will the man do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① He will watch TV. ② He will go grocery shopping. ③ He will wash his car. ④ He will get some rest.  Hot Listening ❶ grocery 식료품점 M: 음, 차 세차하려고 했는데. 나중에 사러 가면 W: Johnny, what are you doing? W: Johnny, 지금 뭐 하고 있어? M: Nothing. Why? M: 아무것도 안 하고 있어. 왜? W: I need some milk and butter. W: 우유와 버터가 필요해. 가서 사올래? Can you go get them, please? M: Well, I am going to wash my car. Can I go buy them later? W: All right. 안 돼? W: 알았어. 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 46 2/9/09 1:54:42 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. ① ③ ② ④ M: Everybody likes me. If you have a lot of me, you are rich. People use me when they want to buy things. When people get some services, they pay with me. M: 모든 사람들은 나를 좋아한다. 당신이 나를 많이 가지고 있으면 당신은 부자이다. 사람들은 뭔가 사고 싶을 때 나를 사용한다. 사람들이 서비스를 받을 때 나를 지불한다. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 ① The boy likes hamburgers most. ② The boy likes pizza most. W: What is your favorite food? W: 제일 좋아하는 음식이 뭐야? M: Well, let me think. I can’t pick M: 생각해볼게. 하나를 고를 수가 없어. ③ The boy likes bread most. one. ④ The boy likes french fries most. W: Come on. Is it pizza? W: 어서. 피자야? M: I like it, but I like hamburgers M: 피자 좋아하는데 햄버거를 더 좋아해. pick 고르다 W: I like both hamburgers and W: 나는 햄버거와 프렌치 프라이를 좋아해. better. French fries. 12 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① She is having fun in her English class. ② She likes her English teacher. ③ Her teacher is very kind and funny. ④ Her teacher cooks in her class. W: My English class is full of fun. I have a wonderful teacher. W: 내 영어 수업은 재미로 가득하다. 나는 멋진 선 생님이 있다. 그녀는 매우 친절하고 재미있다. She’s very kind and funny. She 그녀는 때때로 집에서 만든 쿠키를 교실에 가지 sometimes brings homemade 고 온다. 쿠키는 매우 맛이 있다. 모두 그녀와 그녀의 영어 수업을 좋아한다. cookies to class. They are very tasty. Everybody likes her and our English class. be full of ~로 가득 찬 wonderful 멋진 funny 재미있는 bring 가져오다 homemade 집에서 만든 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 47 2/9/09 1:54:44 PM What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 어울리는 가장 적절한 응답은? 13 16 Question & Answer Audio Script translation ① He got it from the girl. ② He got it from the street. ③ He got it from his mom. ④ He doesn’t remember. bell 종 someone 누군가 yours 너의 것 W: What is that? W: 그게 뭐야? M: It’s a bell. Isn’t it cute? M: 종이야. 귀엽지 않니? W: Where did you get that? Did someone give it to you? W: 어디서 얻었니? 누가 줬어? M: No, I picked it up on the M: 아니, 길에서 주웠어. street. bell? W: Really? Then it is not yours. W: 정말? 그럼 네 것이 아니잖아. Q: Where did the boy get the Q: 소년은 어디에서 종을 얻었나? What are they likely to do? What are they likely to do? 그들은 무엇을 할 작정인가? 14 ① They will call the pizza place. ② They will make pizza. ③ They will ask their mom to make tasty. M: It has been raining all day. M: 비가 하루 종일 오네. W: I want to have something W: 나 뭔가 맛있는 것 먹고 싶어. M: Why don’t we make something to eat? M: 뭔가 먹을 거 만드는 게 어때? W: What about pizza? W: 피자는 어때? M: That sounds great. Let’s do it. M: 좋은 생각이야. 그렇게 하자. pizza. ④ They will eat out. something 무언가 tasty 맛있는 eat out 외식하다 What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① Yeah. Let’s go to the market. ② I want to watch a comedy. W: I am so bored. W: 나 너무 지루해. ③ I don’t want to watch TV. M: Me too. Is there something M: 나도. 뭐 재미있는 일 없을까? fun to do? movie? W: What about watching a W: 영화 보는 것은 어때? M: Sounds good. Is there any movie you want to watch? M: 좋은 생각이야. 보고 싶은 영화 있어? W: I want to watch a comedy. W: 나 코미디 영화 보고 싶어. ④ I like your idea. be bored 지루하다 comedy 코미디 영화  Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 48 2/9/09 1:54:45 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Why don’t we go out and play? ② Look! It snows! ③ Let’s watch TV together. ④ Do you want me to sing a song? M: It is sunny on Sunday. You are so bored at home. You want M: 화창한 일요일이다. 당신은 집에서 너무 지루하 다. 당신은 동생과 나가서 놀고 싶다. 이런 상황 to go out and play with your 에서 동생에게 할 수 있는 말은? brother. What would you ask your brother in this situation? Why don’t we ~하는 게 어때? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 49 2/9/09 1:54:45 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 09 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 04 ① M: I am a fool. ② M: I am having fun. ③ M: I am starving. ④ M: I am full. ① M: 나는 바보다. ② M: 나는 재미있다. ③ M: 나는 배가 고프다. ④ M: 나는 배부르다. ① ② ③ ④ a fool 바보 starving 허기진 full 배부른 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 잘 표현한 것은? 05 ① A doctor - A patient ② A customer service clerk - A customer ③ A receptionist - A customer ④ A bank teller - A customer matter 문제 hole 구멍 receipt 영수증 W: I’d like to return this sweater. W: 이 스웨터를 반납하고 싶어요. M: What’s the matter with it? M: 무엇이 문제인가요? W: It has a hole in it. W: 구멍이 났어요. M: May I have the receipt, M: 영수증 좀 볼 수 있을까요? please? W: Yes, here it is. W: 네, 여기 있어요. 03 Where was the woman when the man saw her? Where was the woman when the man saw her? 남자가 여자를 보았을 때 여자는 어디에 있었나? ② She was at the health club. way to school. M: I saw you this morning on the M: 오늘 아침에 학교 가는 길에 너를 봤어. 06 ① She was at school. ③ She was in a classroom. ④ She was at a restaurant. on the way to ~가는 길에 fitness center 헬스장 weight loss 체중감량 0 Hot Listening ❶ W: Really? Where was I? W: 정말? 내가 어디 있었는데? M: You were working out at the M: 헬스장에서 운동하고 있었잖아. 체중 감량은 잘 fitness center. So how is your weight loss going? 되고 있니? W: So far so good. Let’s go. We W: 지금까지는 잘되고 있어. 가자. 우리 수업 늦었 are late for class. 어. Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 50 2/9/09 1:54:47 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? ① She is bored. ② She is anxious. ③ She is sorry. ④ She is delighted. go fast 빨리 가다 be late 늦다 traffic 교통 M: Good morning, ma’am. Where M: 좋은 아침입니다, 손님, 어디로 갈까요? to? W: Seoul Station, please. Can you go fast? I’m going to be late. 것 같아서요. W: 서울역이요. 더 빨리 갈 수 없나요? 제가 늦을 M: I am sorry. The traffic is bad. I M: 죄송합니다. 교통 상황이 좋지 않아요. 더 이상 can’t drive any faster. 빨리 운전 할 수는 없어요. W: Oh, no! I have to catch a W: 아, 안 돼요! 부산에 가는 기차를 타야 해요. train to Pusan. 05 What is “this”? ① It is a watch. ② It is a movie theater. ③ It is a book. ④ It is a television. entertain 즐기다, 즐겁게 해주다 What is “this”? “이것””은 무엇인가? M: Almost everyone has this in his or her living room or M: 대부분의 사람들이 거실이나 침실에 이것이 있 다. 사람들은 이것을 시청하면서 즐긴다. 사람 bedroom. People watch this 들은 뉴스, 드라마, 만화, 스포츠, 그리고 여러 to entertain them. People 가지 프로그램을 이것을 통해 시청한다. watch news, dramas, cartoons, sports, and many other programs on this. How much will the man pay for the fruit? How much will the man pay for the fruit? 남자가 과일 가격으로 지불할 금액은 얼마인가? 06 M: Hi! How much are those M: 안녕하세요. 저 멜론들은 얼마인가요? ① He will pay $13.50. ② He will pay $13.00. ③ He will pay $12.50. ④ He will pay $14.50. each 한 개 peach 복숭아 dozen 12개, 다스 melons? there? W: They are $1.50 each. W: 하나에 1달러 5센트입니다. M: How about the peaches over M: 저기에 있는 복숭아들은 얼마인가요? W: Oh, those are $1.00 each. But if you buy a dozen, I’ll give them to you for $9.00. W: 아, 저것들은 한 개에 1달러입니다. 그런데 만 약 12개 사시면 제가 9달러에 드릴게요. M: All right. I will take three M: 그렇게 하죠. 멜론 3개와 복숭아 12개 주세요. melons and a dozen peaches. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 51 2/9/09 1:54:48 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 관하여 이야기하고 있는가? 07 ① It’s about their graduation party. ② It’s about their school homework. W: Hey! Are you coming to Peter’s birthday party? W: 안녕! Peter 생일 파티에 올 거야? ③ It’s about Peter’s birthday party. M: Of course. Should I come M: 물론이야! 일찍 가서 도와줄까? ④ It’s about their history class early to help you? graduation 졸업식 history 역사 W: That’d be very nice. I have W: 그럼 정말 좋지. Peter 생일 파티 준비 때문에 so many things to do for his 할 일이 너무 많거든. birthday party. your place. M: I see. My history class ends at M: 그렇구나. 역사 수업이 2시 30분에 끝나니까 2:30. I’ll meet you at 3:30 at 3시 30분까지 너네 집으로 갈게. W: Okay. I will see you then. W: 좋아. 그때 보자. Why did the man call the woman? Why did the man call the woman? 남자가 여자에게 전화를 건 이유는 무엇인가? 08 ① To change the meeting time ② To talk about their teacher ③ To study together ④ To borrow her math book visit 방문하다 be free 시간이 많다 all day[long] 하루 종일 W: Hello. W: 여보세요. M: Hey! This is Bruce. M: 안녕! 나 Bruce야. W: Hey! Are we still going to the W: 안녕! 우리 내일 영화 보러 가는 거 맞지? movies tomorrow? M: Well, yes. But I wanted to ask M: 음, 그래. 그런데 혹시 내일 미팅 시간을 바꿀 you if we could change our 수 있는지 물어보려고 전화 했어. meeting time. tomorrow. W: Sure. I am free all day W: 그럼. 나 내일 하루 종일 시간 많아. M: Good. Then let’s meet at 7:00. M: 잘됐다. 그럼 내일 7시에 만나자. W: Okay. W: 그래. What will the man do next? What will the man do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① He will go downtown. ② He will put gas in the car. downtown. W: I am bored. Let’s go W: 나 심심해. 우리 시내에 가자. ③ He will eat lunch. ④ He will go to the train station. downtown 시내, 중심지 gas station 주유소 gas 기름, 휘발유  Hot Listening ❶ M: Great idea. Shall we eat lunch first before we go? W: Why don’t we eat downtown? M: 좋은 생각이야. 가기 전에 먼저 점심 먹을까? W: 시내에 가서 먹는 것 어때? M: Okay. But we need to stop M: 그래. 그런데 주유소에 먼저 들려야 해. 차에 기 by a gas station first. I have no gas in my car. 름이 하나도 없거든. W: Okay. W: 그래. 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 52 2/9/09 1:54:49 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. ① ③ ② ④ save 저축하다 borrow 빌리다 M: There are many people working in this place. This place has much money. People save their money in this place. Some people borrow money from this place. M: 많은 사람들이 이곳에서 일한다. 이 장소는 돈이 매우 많다. 사람들은 이곳에 그들의 돈을 저축한 다. 어떤 사람들은 이곳에서 돈을 빌린다. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 ① The girl will take the pink one. M: Wow. You look very nice in M: 와. 그 드레스 너무 잘 어울려요. ② The girl will take the yellow one. that dress. ③ The girl will take the white one. W: Really? But... W: 정말이요? 하지만... ④ The girl will take the black one. M: Why? You don’t like it? M: 왜요? 좋아하지 않아요? pink 핑크색 yellow 노란색 white 하얀색 black 검정색 W: I don’t like this color. It’s too W: 난 이 색깔 싫어요. 너무 노란색이에요. M: We have it in pink and white, M: 그거 핑크색과 하얀색으로도 있어요. yellow. too. W: I will take the pink one. W: 핑크색으로 할게요. 12 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① She is introducing herself. ② She is from Korea. ③ She will stay in London for a month. ④ She wants to have a good time in London. W: Hello. I am Judy. It’s very nice to meet you all. I am from Korea. I will be staying here in London for two months. I hope to have a wonderful time together with you. W: 안녕. 나는 Judy야. 모두 만나서 반가워. 나는 한국에서 왔어. 나는 여기 런던에 두 달 동안 머 물 거야. 너희들과 좋은 시간을 보내고 싶어. stay 머무르다 London 런던 HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 53 2/9/09 1:54:51 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 어울리는 가장 적절한 응답은? 16 13 14 15 ① She asked him to go see a doctor. ② She asked him to take some medicine. ③ She asked him to get some rest. ④ She asked him to sleep. terrible 끔찍한 headache 두통 catch a cold 감기 걸리다 take medicine 약을 먹다 go see a doctor 의사를 보러 가다[병원 가다] W: You look pale. Are you okay? W: 너 창백해 보여. 괜찮아? M: I have a terrible headache. M: 나 두통이 심해. W: Did you catch a cold? W: 감기 걸렸어? M: I think so. M: 그런 것 같아. W: Why don’t you go see a W: 의사를 보러 가는 게 어때? doctor? to do? M: I will take some medicine first M: 우선 약을 먹고 좀 자려고. and then get some sleep. Q: What did the woman ask him Q: 여자가 남자에게 요구한 것은? What did the girl suggest? What did the girl suggest? 소녀가 제안한 것은?은?? ① She suggested writing a letter. ② She suggested liking Susie. ③ She suggested saying something. ④ She didn’t suggest anything. write a letter 편지 쓰다 suggest 제안하다 M: I think I like Susie. M: 나 Susie를 좋아하는 것 같아. W: Wow. Really? W: 와. 정말? M: But I don’t know what to say M: 근데 그녀에게 무슨 말을 해야 할지 모르겠어. to her. letter? that. W: Why don’t you write her a W: 편지를 쓰는 것은 어때? M: That is a good idea. I will try M: 좋은 생각이다. 그걸 해봐야겠어. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? ① Why didn’t you study? ② I am fine. How are you? ③ It’s okay. I think I can wait. ④ Don’t worry. You will do fine. be worried about ~에 대하여 걱정하다 study hard 열심히 공부하다  Hot Listening ❶ M: You don’t look good. Is something wrong? M: 너 안 좋아 보여. 무슨 문제 있어? W: I am so worried about my W: 시험 걱정하고 있어. test. just worried. M: Why? Didn’t you study? M: 왜? 공부 안 했어? W: No. I studied hard. But I am W: 아니. 열심히 했어. 그냥 걱정이 돼. M: Don’t worry. You will do fine. M: 걱정 하지 마. 넌 잘 할 거야. Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 54 2/9/09 1:54:52 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① I like your shoes. ② Do you need any help? ③ What is in your bag? ④ Where are you going? M: You are on the way home. You see an old woman M: 당신은 집에 가는 길이다. 당신은 나이 든 여자 분이 무거운 가방들을 들고 있는 것을 본다. 당 holding some heavy bags in 신은 그녀를 돕고 싶다. 그녀에게 도움이 필요 her hands. You want to help 한지 어떻게 물어볼 것인가? her. How would you ask her if she needs any help? on the way ~로 가는 길에 hold 들다 help 돕다 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 55 2/9/09 1:54:52 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 10 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 것은? 04 ① M: He is sitting on the beach. ① M: 그는 해변에 앉아 있다. ② M: He is standing on the bench. ② M: 그는 의자 위에 서 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ M: He is sitting on the bench. ③ M: 그는 의자 위에 앉아 있다. ④ M: He is studying English on the ④ M: 그는 해변에서 영어를 공부하고 있다. beach. beach 해변 bench 의자 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are in a taxi. ② They are at the airport. ③ They are on air. ④ They are on a plane. W: Excuse me. Can you fasten your seat belt, please? W: 실례합니다. 안전벨트를 매주시겠어요? M: Oh, of course. Sorry, I didn’t M: 아, 물론이죠. 미안합니다, 사인이 켜진 걸 보지 see the sign was lit. 못했어요. W: Also, would you mind moving W: 또한, 좌석을 똑바로 세워주시겠어요? fasten 매다 upright 똑바른 position 위치 your seat into the upright position? M: No problem. M: 네. W: Thanks for your help. We’ll W: 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. 우리는 곧 케네디 be landing soon at Kennedy 공항에 착륙할 것입니다. Airport. 05 06 What day is it today? What day is it today? 오늘은 무슨 요일인가? 03 ① It’s Monday. ② It’s Tuesday. ③ It’s Wednesday. ④ It’s Thursday. final paper 기말고사 리포트 due day 마감일  Hot Listening ❶ W: Did you finish the final paper? W: 기말고사 리포터 다 끝냈니? M: Not yet. I just started it M: 아직 다 못했어. 어제 시작했어. yesterday. left. you help me? W: But the due day is next W: 그렇지만, 마감이 다음 주 월요일이야. 5일이나 Monday. We have five days 남았어. M: I know, but it’s difficult. Can M: 나도 알아, 그렇지만, 어려워. 나 좀 도와줄래? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 56 2/9/09 1:54:54 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 04 How does the woman feel right now? How does the woman feel right now? 여자는 지금 어떤 심정인가? ① She is envious. ② She is confused. ③ She is sorrowful. ④ She is delighted. scholarship 장학금 semester 학기 full-ride 전액의 congratulations 축하 What is “this”? 05 ① This is tennis. ② This is baseball. ③ This is basketball. ④ This is football. hit (공 등을) 치다 bat 배트 catch a ball 공을 잡다 06 Scho ol Thing s $1.00 Box (Small) $0.50 Box (Large) $1.00 Bag $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 Balloon Ribbon Paper ① She will pay $6.00. ② She will pay $7.00. ③ She will pay $5.00. ④ She will pay $8.00. as well 역시, 또한 No problem. 문제없다, 괜찮다, Ok W: I got a scholarship this W: 이번 학기에 장학금 받았어. semester. M: Really? That’s great. M: 정말? 멋지다. W: Yeah. I couldn’t believe it. It’s W: 응, 나도 믿을 수가 없어. 전액 장학금이야. a full-ride scholarship. M: Wow, congratulations! I envy M: 와, 축하해! 부럽다. you. What is “this”? “이것은은” 무엇인가? M: This is a game played by two teams. Each team has nine M: 이것은 두 팀이 하는 경기다. 각 팀은 9명의 선 수로 구성되어 있다. 선수들은 방망이로 공을 players. The players hit a ball 치고 장갑으로 공을 잡는다. with a bat and catch a ball with a glove. M: May I help you? M: 도와드릴까요? W: Yes. I need a large box and W: 네. 큰 박스 한 개와 리본 두 개 주세요. two ribbons, please. M: Okay. Anything else? M: 네. 다른 것은요? W: Give me three balloons as W: 풍선 세 개도 같이 주세요. well. M: No problem. M: 그러죠. HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script  How much will the woman pay? How much will the woman pay? 여자가 지불해야 할 금액은 얼마인가? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 57 2/9/09 1:54:55 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? 10 07 ① It’s about what they did last weekend. ② It’s about their camping trip. W: You look tired today. What W: 너 피곤해 보인다. 주말에 뭐 했어? did you do on the weekend? M: I’m very tired. I went camping M: 나 정말 피곤해. 가족들이랑 캠핑 갔었거든. ③ It’s about their health. with my family. ④ It’s about their vacation plans. W: No wonder you’re so tired. W: 어쩐지 피곤해 보이더라. no wonder 당연하다 M: What did you do? M: 넌 뭐 했는데? W: I just stayed home to rest. W: 그냥 집에서 쉬었어. 08 Why could the man Not do his homework? Why could the man Not do his homework? 남자가 숙제를 못한 이유는 무엇인가? 11 ① Because he was hungry W: Harry, are you done with W: Harry야, 숙제 다 했니? ② Because he was watching TV your homework? ③ Because he was playing games M: No, I’m not finished yet, Mom. M: 아직 못 끝냈어요, 엄마. ④ Because he was sick be done with ~을 끝내다 yet 아직 headache 두통 nap 낮잠 W: What? Were you watching TV or playing computer games? W: 뭐? TV 봤니 아니면 컴퓨터 게임 했니? M: No! I had a headache, so I M: 아녜요! 머리가 아파서 낮잠 잤어요. took a nap. W: Oh, I see. I’m sorry. W: 아, 그래. 미안하다. 12 What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① She will visit her sister. ② She will graduate from middle school. ③ She will buy a gift for her sister. ④ She will help her friend move. W: Are you free this afternoon? W: 오늘 오후에 시간 있어? M: Yes. Why? M: 응. 왜? W: Well, I have to buy a W: 음, 나 언니 졸업선물 사러 가야 하거든. graduation gift for my sister. M: Oh, do you want me to go M: 아, 너랑 같이 쇼핑 가자고? shopping with you? graduation 졸업, 졸업식 W: Yeah, can you? W: 응, 갈 수 있어? M: Of course! M: 물론이야!  Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 58 2/9/09 1:54:56 PM Question & Answer Audio Script Translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. M: I am a kind of fruit which is easy to eat. My color is M: 나는 과일 종류이고 먹기 편하다. 내 색깔은 주로 노란색이다. 원숭이들이 나를 좋아한다. usually yellow. Monkeys like 많은 사람들이 또한 내 맛을 좋아한다. me a lot. Many people also like my flavor. ① ③ ② ④ easy to eat 먹기 쉬운 fruit 과일 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 ① The mom will buy him a bicycle. W: What do you want to get for W: 생일 선물 뭐 받고 싶니? ② The mom will buy him a new desk. your birthday? ③ The mom will buy him a computer. M: I want to get a bicycle, M: 자전거랑 새 책상 그리고 mp3 플레이어 받고 a new desk, and an MP3 싶어요. ④ The mom will buy him an MP3 player. bicycle 자전거 MP3 player MP3 플레이어 player. everything. bicycle? a computer. W: Come on. I can’t buy you W: 얘야, 다 사줄 수는 없어. M: Then, will you buy me a M: 그럼 자전거 사주실래요? W: Okay. I thought you wanted W: 그래. 나는 네가 컴퓨터를 원했다고 생각했는데. What is NOT true about the talk? What is NOT true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① The girl started learning the piano. ② She said playing the piano was easy the piano. It was very hard W: I recently started learning W: 나는 최근에 피아노를 배우기 시작했다. 처음에 는 너무 어려웠다. 하지만 매일 열심히 연습했다. at first. But I practiced a lot 이제 나는 꽤 잘한다. 나는 열곡이 넘게 연주할 at first. day. ③ She practiced the piano hard every ④ She can play more than 10 songs. every day. Now, I am quite 수 있다. good. I can play more than 10 songs. learn 배우다 at first 처음에는 practice 연습하다 quite 꽤 play 연주하다 HOT TEST 10 Answer Key & Script 59 Hot L1_정답해설내지.indd 59 2/10/09 9:50:46 AM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 이어지는 질문에 가장 적절한 대답은? ① Her parents want her to be a singer. W: What do you want to be in W: 장래에 뭐가 되고 싶어? ② Her parents want her to be an the future? 16 ③ Her parents want her to be a ④ Her parents want her to be a actress. teacher. doctor. future 미래 actress 여배우 M: I want to be a teacher. M: 선생님 되고 싶어. W: My parents want me to be a W: 우리 부모님도 내가 선생님이 됐으면 하셔. teacher , too. M: What do you want to be? M: 너는 뭐가 되고 싶어? W: I want to be an actress. W: 나는 여배우가 되고 싶어. Q: What do the girl's parents want her to be? Q: 소녀의 부모님이 소녀가 됐으면 하는 것은? 13 14 What sport are they going to play today? What sport are they going to play today? 그들은 오늘 어떤 스포츠를 함께 할 예정인가? ① They are going to play tennis. M: Katie, can you play ping- M: Katie. 너 핑퐁할 수 있어? ② They are going to play ping-pong. pong? ③ They are going to play soccer. W: Ping-pong? What's that? W: 핑퐁? 그게 뭔데? ④ They are not going to play any M: I mean table tennis. M: 탁구말이야. sport. W: Oh! Do they have the same meaning? I can play that. W: 아! 그게 같은 거야? 나 그거 할 수 있어. ping-pong[table tennis] 탁구 same 똑같은 today? M: Do you want to go play it M: 오늘 그거하고 싶지 않니? W: That will be fun. Okay. W: 재밌겠다. 좋아. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 여자가 다음에 할 적절한 말은?은?? W: Did you take your passport? W: 여권 챙겼어? M: Yes. I have it in my pocket. M: 네. 주머니 안에 있어요. W: What about your ticket? W: 표는? M: Oh. I forgot that. It is on my M: 아, 깜빡 했어요. 내 책상 위에 있어요. desk. W: Hurry up. Go get it. W: 어서 가서 가지고 와라. 15 ① Hurry up. Go get it. ② Where is your ticket? ③ Is that your passport? ④ Do you want me to throw it away? passport 여권 pocket 주머니 throw away 버리다 0 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 60 2/9/09 1:54:59 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은?은?? ① Why are you so slow? Hurry up! ② Take it easy. It will be okay. ③ I have a bad toothache. I can't meet you. ④ Will you do my homework ? all of a sudden 갑자기 toothache 치통 M: You had a plan to meet your friend this afternoon. But, all M: 당신은 오늘 오후 친구를 만날 계획이 있다. 하 지만 갑자기 치통이 너무 심했졌다. 당신은 친 of a sudden, you got a very 구에게 만날 수 없다고 말하기 위해 전화한다. bad toothache. You call your 당신은 어떻게 설명할 것인가? friend to tell him that you can't meet him. How would you explain this to him? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 61 2/9/09 1:54:59 PM HOT TEST 10 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 11 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 04 ① W: She has a birthmark on her ① W: 여자는 얼굴에 점이 있다. face. ② W: She has a scar on her face. ② W: 여자는 얼굴에 흉터가 있다. ③ W: She has a pimple on her face. ③ W: 여자는 얼굴에 여드름이 났다. dimple 보조개 ④ W: She has a dimple on her face. ④ W: 여자는 얼굴에 보조개가 있다. 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은?은?? 05 ① A daughter’s teacher − A parent W: Tom, why were you late for W: Tom, 오늘 학교에 왜 늦었니? school today? morning. anymore. M: I got on the wrong bus this M: 오늘 아침에 버스를 잘못 탔어요. W: Don’t give me any excuses W: 더 이상 핑계대지 마. M: I am sorry, Ms. Kim. If I M: 죄송해요, Kim 선생님. 다시는 늦지 않겠다고 promise never to do it again, will you forgive me? 약속하면 용서해주실 건가요? W: Well. Okay. But this is really W: 음. 알았다. 하지만 이게 정말 마지막 기회야. M: Thanks a lot. I won’t be late M: 감사합니다. 다시는 늦지 않을게요. your last chance. again. 06 ① ② ③ ④ scar 흉터 pimple 여드름 ② A doctor − A patient ③ A teacher − A student ④ A daughter − A father wrong 잘못된 excuses 핑계 anymore 더 이상 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? ③ They are at a restaurant. M: No problem. Could I turn off M: 네, 알겠습니다. 에어컨을 꺼주시겠어요? 여기 W: Excuse me, sir. Would you W: 실례합니다, 손님. 좌석 벨트를 착용해 주시겠 fasten your seatbelt, please? 어요? the air conditioner? It’s kind of 는 좀 춥네요. cold in here. W: Sure. Where to, sir? W: 물론이죠. 어디로 가시나요, 손님? M: Please take me to the Lotte M: 롯데호텔로 데려다 주세요. Hotel. W: All right, sir. W: 알겠습니다, 손님. 03 ① They are on an airplane. ② They are at a hotel. ④ They are in a cab. fasten 단단히 고정시키다 seatbelt 좌석 벨트 62 Hot Listening ❶ Hot L1_정답해설내지.indd 62 2/9/09 4:05:41 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the woman probably feel? How does the woman probably feel? 여자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① She is confused. ② She is angry. ③ She is thankful. ④ She is nervous. save 구해주다 swallow 삼키다 quickly 빨리 What is “this”? 05 ① This is pizza. ② This is a steak. ③ This is a hamburger. ④ This is fish. fast food 패스트푸드 bun 동그란 빵 usually 주로 patty 패티 soda 탄산음료 M.E.N.U Cheeseburger $ 2.00 Fish Burger $ 1.50 French Fries (Large) French Fries (Small) BLT $ 2.00 Soda Coke Apple Pie $ 1.50 Coffee $ 1.50 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 ① She will pay $5.00. ② She will pay $6.00. ③ She will pay $6.50. ④ She will pay $5.50. order 주문, 주문하다 else 다른 것 That’s all. 그뿐이다. W: Dear 119 Officer , W: 친애하는 119 근무자님, I don‘t know how to thank 어제 제 어린 딸을 구해주신 것에 대해서 어떻 you for saving my little daughter yesterday. She 게 감사드려야 할지 모르겠어요. 아이가 갑자기 동전을 삼켰었지요. 저는 어떻게 해야 할지 몰 suddenly swallowed a coin. I 랐어요. 아이를 병원으로 빨리 후송해주셔서 기 didn’t know what to do. I am 뻤어요. 정말 감사드립니다. glad that you took her to the hospital quickly. Thank you very much. What is “this”? “이것”은 무엇인가? 무엇인가? M: This is a kind of fast food that many people like. This is M: 이것은 많은 사람들이 좋아하는 패스트푸드의 한 종류이다. 이것은 동그란 빵 두 개와 고기 패 made with two round buns 티로 만들어져 있다. 우리는 주로 감자튀김, 탄 and a meat patty. We usually 산음료와 함께 이것을 먹는다. eat French fries and a cup of soda with this. M: How may I help you? M: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? W: Hello! I’d like to order a W: 안녕하세요. 치즈버거 한 개와 감자튀김 큰 것 cheeseburger and a large 한 개 주세요. order of French fries, please. M: Okay. Anything else? M: 네. 다른 것은요? W: Hmm... Give me an apple pie W: 음… 사과파이 한 개와 콜라 한 개 주세요. and a coke, please. M: All right. Is that all? M: 네. 그게 전부인가요? W: That’s all. W: 그게 다예요. HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script  06 How much will the woman pay for her order? How much will the woman pay for her order? 얼마인가? 여자가 주문을 위해 지불해야 할 금액은 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 63 2/9/09 1:55:02 PM Question & Answer Audio Script Translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? 07 ① It’s about their Spanish homework. W: I’m going to Spain during W: 나 겨울 방학에 스페인에 가. ② It’s about their plans for winter winter vacation. vacation. ③ It’s about weather. M: Spain? Wow! I envy you. M: 스페인? 와! 부럽다. W: Where are you going for your W: 넌 방학 때 어디에 갈 예정이니? ④ It’s about a computer game. vacation? envy 부럽다 go someplace warm. 어. M: I’m not sure yet. But I’d like to M: 아직 잘 모르겠어. 그런데 따뜻한 곳에 가고 싶 W: I know. That’s why I’m going W: 나도 그래. 그래서 스페인에 가는 거야. to Spain. Why CANNOT the woman go to eat lunch? 08 ① Because she has to help her friend Why CANNOT the woman go to eat lunch? 인가? 여자가 점심을 먹으러 갈 수 없는 이유는 무엇 ② Because she is not done with her M: Hey! Are you finished with M: 안녕! 숙제 끝냈어? homework your homework? ③ Because she is not hungry W: Yes, I’m done. W: 응, 끝냈어. ④ Because she has to go to the library M: 나하고 점심 먹으러 같이 갈래? 너무 배고파. M: Do you want to go have lunch with me? I’m very hungry. W: I would love to, but I have to help my friend with her homework. 해. M: Oh, really? All right. M: 오, 정말? 알았어. W: 나도 정말 그러고 싶지만 친구 숙제를 도와줘야 10 11 What will the man probably do next? What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은? 09 ① He will take an aspirin. ② He will go to the dentist’s office. well. W: Are you okay? You don’t look W: 괜찮아? 몸이 안 좋아 보인다. 12 ③ He will take a shower. ④ He will brush his teeth. toothache 치통 dentist 치과의사 64 HOT Listening ❶ M: Well, I am in pain. I have a really bad toothache. M: 응, 고통스러워. 심한 치통이 있어. W: Oh, no. Why don’t you go see W: 오, 저런. 치과에 가지 그래? a dentist? M: I am. I have an appointment M: 그럴 거야. 한 시간 뒤에 치과 예약이 돼 있어. with my dentist in an hour. W: You’d better go now. W: 너 지금 가야겠다. M: I need to brush my teeth first. M: 우선 양치질부터 하고. Hot L1_정답해설내지.indd 64 2014-01-24 오후 4:27:00 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 설명을 가장 잘 묘사한 그림을 고르시오. M: I am a kind of stationery. I am usually very long. I am M: 나는 문구의 하나입니다. 보통 나는 매우 깁니다. 나는 사람들이 무언가를 잴 때 사용됩니다. 어 used when people measure 떤 사람들은 선을 그릴 때 나를 사용합니다. something. Some people use me when they draw a line. ② ④ ① ③ a kind of ~ 종류의 stationery 문구 measure 재다 draw a line 선을 긋다 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 ① He learned Chinese in the middle ② He learned Japanese in the middle school. school. school. school. W: Can you read Chinese? W: 중국어 읽을 수 있어? M: Yes. Just a little. M: 응. 그냥 조금. W: That’s great. When did you W: 멋지다. 그걸 언제 배웠어? ③ He learned English in the middle learn it? ④ He learned Spanish in the middle elementary school. M: I learned it when I went to M: 초등학교 다닐 때 배웠어. elementary school 초등학교 W: Did you learn English in elementary school, too? W: 영어도 초등학교에서 배웠니? M: No. I learned it in middle M: 아니. 중학교에서 배웠어. school. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? W: My last vacation was in July. My family went to the beach. W: 내 마지막 휴가는 7월에 있었다. 우리 가족은 해변에 갔다. 아빠는 훌륭한 낚시꾼이셔서 물고 Dad is a good fisherman, so 기 몇 마리를 잡으셨다. 우리는 해변에서 모래 he caught a couple of fish. 성을 만들고 바다에서 수영을 했다. 우리는 즐 ④ She made a sand castle on the We made a sand castle on 거운 시간을 보냈다. the beach and swam in the sea. We had a lot of fun. 12 ① She went to the beach in July. ② Her dad caught some fish. ③ She couldn’t swim in the sea. beach. vacation 방학 beach 해변 fisherman 어부, 낚시꾼 caught catch(잡다)의 과거형 swam swim(수영하다)의 과거형 HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 65 2/9/09 1:55:04 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 ① They are likely to go to the library. ② They are likely to go to the man’s house. ③ They are likely to go to the basketball court. ④ They are likely to go to the classroom. practice 연습 court 코트 W: Come on, guys. We’re late. W: 자, 얘들아. 우리 늦었어. M: What time is basketball M: 농구 연습이 몇 시지? W: It is at 3 o’clock. W: 3시야. M: Can we drop by the library M: 그 전에 도서관에 들를 수 있어? W: No. We have no time for W: 아니. 그럴 시간 없어. 서둘러! 코트로 가자. that. Hurry up! Let’s go to the Q: Where are they likely to go Q: 그들은 지금 어디로 가겠는가? M: 그래. practice? before that? court. M: Okay. right now? When did the woman start learning piano? 14 ① She started it just a few days ago. When did the woman start learning piano? 여자는 언제 피아노를 배우기 시작했는가? ② She started it yesterday. M: Katie, why are you in such a M: Katie. 왜 그렇게 서두르니? ③ She started it a month ago. ④ She didn’t say anything about it. hurry? in a hurry 서둘러서 be late for ~에 늦다 W: I am late for my piano lesson. W: 나 피아노 수업에 늦었어. M: I didn’t know that you are M: 네가 피아노를 배우는지 몰랐어. learning piano. couple of days ago. you later. W: I started learning piano just a W: 며칠 전부터 배우기 시작했어. M: Great. Enjoy your lesson. See M: 좋아. 수업 잘 받아. 다음에 보자. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① What are you doing? ② Why is she angry? ③ Stop calling me. ④ My name is not Jane. not be in the mood for ~ 할 기분이 아니다 answer the phone 전화를 받다 66 Hot Listening ❶ W: Hey! Come and watch this. W: 여기 와서 이것 좀 봐. M: I am not in the mood to M: 나 TV 볼 기분이 아니야. watch TV. wrong? W: Why? Is there something W: 왜? 무슨 일 있니? M: Jane didn’t answer the phone. I am sure she is still angry. 가 난 것이 확실해. M: Jane이 내 전화를 받지 않아. 그녀가 아직도 화 W: Why is she angry? W: 그녀는 왜 화가 났는데? Hot L1_정답해설내지.indd 66 2/9/09 3:25:24 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① What do you want to see? ② Do you have your ticket? ③ Do you like watching movies? ④ Which do you like better , TV programs or movies? movie theater 영화관 comedy 코미디 영화 decide 결정하다 M: You went to the movie theater with your friend. You M: 당신은 친구와 함께 극장에 갔습니다. 당신은 코미디 영화를 보고 싶은데 표가 매진되었습니 wanted to watch a comedy, 다. 당신은 뭘 봐야할지 모릅니다. 당신은 친구 but the tickets were all sold 가 결정하기를 바랍니다. 이 상황에서 당신이 out. You don’t know what to 친구에게 할 수 있는 말은? watch. You want your friend to decide. In this situation, what would you ask your friend? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 67 2/9/09 1:55:06 PM HOT TEST 11 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 12 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 04 ① M: They are making something. ① M: 그들은 뭔가를 만들고 있다. ② M: They are baking some cookies. ② M: 그들은 과자를 굽고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ M: They are drinking some tea. ③ M: 그들은 차를 마시고 있다. ④ M: They are reading some books. ④ M: 그들은 책을 읽고 있다. kitchen 부엌 bake 굽다 tea 차 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are in a room. W: Good afternoon, sir. Welcome W: 안녕하세요. 손님. R&B호텔에 오신 것을 환영 ② They are at the box office. ③ They are at the front desk. ④ They are in a classroom. available 사용할 수 있는 be sure 확실하다. afraid 유감스러운 ① It’s rainy. ② It’s sunny. ③ It’s cloudy. ④ It’s foggy. umbrella 우산 clear 맑은 wet 젖은  Hot Listening ❶ to R&B Hotel. How may I help you? M: Are there any rooms available tonight? 합니다. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: 오늘 밤 빈 방이 있습니까? W: Did you make a reservation, W: 예약하셨습니까, 손님? sir? M: No, I didn’t M: 아니요. W: Then, we’re very sorry, sir. W: 대단히 죄송합니다, 손님. 모두 예약됐습니다. We’re fully booked. M: Are you sure there’s none at all? Please, check one more time. M: 빈 방이 전혀 없나요? 다시 한번 확인해주세요. W: I’m afraid so, sir. W: 미안하지만 그런 것 같습니다, 손님. M: Look outside. The sky is clear , M: 밖을 보세요. 하늘이 맑아요, 엄마. W: But it’s going to rain later W: 하지만 오늘 늦게 비가 올 거야. 뉴스에서 들었 today. I heard it on the news. 거든. M: Thanks, Mom. I don’t want to M: 고마워요, 엄마. 나는 비 맞기 싫어요. W: Take care of yourself. W: 몸조심하렴. M: I will, Mom. Don’t worry about M: 그럴게요, 엄마. 걱정하지 마세요. you. Mom. get wet. me. What is the weather like? What is the weather like? 날씨는 어떤가? 03 W: Jimmy, take an umbrella with W: Jimmy, 우산 가지고 가렴. 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 68 2/9/09 1:55:08 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the woman feel right now? How does the woman feel right now? 여자는 지금 어떤 심정인가? 04 M: Guess what, Mom. M: 있잖아요, 엄마. W: What? W: 뭐? M: My birthday is coming soon M: 곧 제 생일인 거 아시죠? you know. W: I know. I know. Don’t mention W: 알아, 알고 있어. 다시 말하지 마. 벌써 수 만 it again. You have told me a million times already. 번도 더 말했잖니. M: I hope I can get the M: 저 생일 선물로 PlayStation 3 받고 싶어요. PlayStation 3 for my birthday present. W: Not again! W: 다신 얘기 마라! What is “this”? “이것”은 무엇인가? 무엇인가? W: This is a pet that we raise at home. This likes to catch W: 이것은 집에서 기르는 애완동물이다. 이것은 생 선과 새를 잡고 먹는 것을 좋아한다. 이것은 개 and eat fish. This is not good 와 좋은 친구가 아니다. 이것의 새끼는 키튼이 friends with dogs. This pet’s 라고 불린다. baby is called a kitten. ① She is annoyed. ② She is happy. ③ She is worried. ④ She is disappointed. Guess what 있잖아요 mention 언급하다 million 백만 05 What is “this”? ① It is a snake. ② It is a bear. ③ It is a puppy. ④ It is a cat. pet 애완동물 kitten 새끼 고양이 06 ① It’s 1:15 p.m. now. ② It’s 12:45 p.m. now. ③ It’s 12:15 p.m. now. ④ It’s 12:00 p.m. now. What time is it now? What time is it now? 지금 시각은 몇 시인가? arrive at ~에 도착하다 M: I know. But it only takes 45 M: 나도 알아. 하지만 45분이면 공항에 갈 수 있어. W: Are you ready to go now? W: 지금 갈 준비됐어? M: No, not yet. Isn’t it too early M: 아니, 아직 안됐어. 너무 일찍 가는 것 아니야? W: Well, I need to arrive at the W: 음, 오후 2시까지 공항에 가야 해. to leave? airport by 2 p.m. minutes to get there. W: All right. Let’s leave in 30 minutes at a quarter past one. W: 알았어. 30분 후, 1시 15분에 출발하자. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 69 2/9/09 1:55:09 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 07 08 What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? ① It's about what they want to be in the future. ② It's about Korean history. W: Is that book about Korean history? It looks so boring. 인다. W: 그 책 한국역사에 대한 책이야? 너무 지루해 보 M: I love Korean history. Actually, M: 난 한국역사가 너무 좋아. 사실은 한국역사 선 ③ It's about their history test. I want to be a Korean history 생님이 되고 싶어. ④ It's about what they want to eat for teacher. lunch. boring 지루한 actually 사실은 W: Wow! I didn’t know how much W: 와! 네가 한국역사를 얼마나 좋아하는지 몰랐어. you liked Korean history. M: How about you? What do M: 넌 어때? 장래희망이 뭐야? you want to be? W: I don’t know yet. W: 아직 모르겠어. Why is the woman late for school? Why is the woman late for school? 여자가 학교에 지각한 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because she got up late ② Because she had to buy milk ③ Because she spilled some milk on her pants ④ Because she missed the bus finally 드디어, 마침내 spilled spill(엎지르다)의 과거형 M: You’re finally here. M: 드디어 왔구나. W: I’m sorry for being late. W: 늦어서 죄송해요. M: Did you miss the bus? M: 버스를 놓쳤니? W: No, I spilled some milk on my pants on the bus this morning. W: 아니요, 버스 안에서 바지에 우유를 엎질렀어요. 다시 집에 가서 바지를 갈아입어야 했어요. I had to go back home to change them. me next time? M: Oh, I see. Can you please call M: 오, 그랬구나. 다음에는 전화해 줄래? W: Sure. W: 네. 10 11 09 What will the woman probably do on Friday night? What will the woman probably do on Friday night? 여자가 금요일 밤에 할 일은?은?? M: Are you busy on Friday night? M: 금요일 저녁에 뭐 할 거야? 12 ① She will go to a musical. ② She will go to the amusement park. ③ She will ride her bicycle. ④ She will go to the park. be wondering 궁금해 하다 amusement park 놀이동산 ride 타는 기구 0 Hot Listening ❶ M: I was wondering if you M: 혹시 나하고 놀이동산에 갈 수 있나 해서. W: Why? wanted to go to the amusement park with me. can’t. M: Why not? my sister. Sorry. W: 왜? 것 같다. M: 왜 안 돼? W: I have to go to a musical with W: 나 언니하고 뮤지컬에 가야 하거든. 미안해. W: Oh, I love those rides. But I W: 오, 나 놀이기구를 너무 좋아해. 그런데, 안 될 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 70 2/9/09 1:55:10 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. ① ③ ② ④ W: I am a kind of small animal. Even though I am small, some W: 나는 작은 동물의 하나이다. 나는 작지만 몇몇 사람들은 나를 두려워한다. 그들은 집에서 나를 people are afraid of me. They 보면 소리친다. 나는 고양이들이 두렵다. 그들 shout when they see me in 은 너무 무섭다. their houses. I am afraid of cats. They are too scary. a kind of ~의 한 종류 even though 비록 ~일지라도 be afraid of ~를 두려워하다 shout 소리치다 scary 무서운 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① The girl decided to buy jewelry for W: James, can you help me W: James. 우리 엄마 생신 선물 고르는 것 좀 도 ② The girl decided to buy a purse for choose a birthday present for my mom? 와줄 수 있어? ③ The girl decided to buy clothes for mind? M: Sure. Do you have anything in M: 물론이지. 생각해 둔 것 있어? ④ The girl decided to buy a book for clothes, but I don’t know her W: I want to buy her some W: 옷을 사드리고 싶은데 엄마 사이즈를 모르겠어. size 사이즈 instead 대신에 size. purse instead? you for the idea. M: What about buying her a M: 대신에 지갑을 사드리면 어때? W: That would be nice. Thank W: 그게 좋겠다. 아이디어 고마워. her mom. her mom. her mom. her mom. clothes 옷 purse 지갑 idea 생각 11 12 What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① James is a four -year -old boy. ② He is wearing a yellow shirt and black pants. ③ He is on the second floor now. W: Can I have your attention, please? We have a boy named James with us. He is W: 주목해 주시겠습니까? 우리는 James란 이름의 남자아이를 데리고 있습니다. 그는 네 살입니다. 그는 노란색 셔츠와 검은색 바지를 입고 있습니 four years old. He is wearing 다. 그는 그의 부모님을 찾고 있습니다. James a yellow shirt and black 의 부모님은 1층에 있는 안내데스크로 와주시겠 ④ He is looking for his parents. pants. He is looking for his 습니까? Can I have your attention? 주목해 주시겠습니까? pants 바지 first floor 일층 information desk 안내 데스크 look for ~을 찾다 parents. Will the parents of James come to the information desk on the first floor right now? HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 71 2/9/09 1:55:11 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 16 13 ① They are sister and brother. ② They are teacher and student. ③ They are classmates. ④ They are old friends. wallet 지갑 drop 떨어뜨리다 classmate 학교 친구 W: Excuse me. Is this your wallet? W: 실례합니다. 이거 당신 지갑인가요? M: Yes, it is. Thank you so much. M: 맞아요. 감사합니다. W: You’re welcome. Be careful W: 별 말씀을요. 다시 떨어뜨리지 않도록 not to drop it again. 주의하세요. M: I will. Are you a student at this M: 그럴게요. 이 학교 학생인가요? school? grade. W: Yes, I am. I am in the second W: 네. 2학년이에요. M: So am I. It’s nice to meet you. M: 저도요. 만나서 반가워요. 이름이 뭐예요? What’s your name? Q: What is the relationship Q: 화자들은 무슨 관계인가? between the two speakers? Why did the boy say, “I had a bad day“? Why did the boy say, “I had a bad day”? 소년이 “운이 나쁜 하루였어요.”라고 말한 이유는? 14 ① He fought with his friend. ② He didn’t get a good grade. M: Mom, I’m home. M: 엄마. 저 왔어요. ③ He lost his pencil case. W: Brian, how was your day? W: Brian. 오늘 하루 어땠니? ④ He got scolded by his teacher. M: I had a bad day. M: 운이 나쁜 하루였어요. happen 일어나다 lost lose(잃다)의 과거형 fight 싸우다 scold 혼내다 W: What happened? Did you W: 무슨 일 있었니? 시험에서 좋은 성적을 받지 못 not get a good grade on the test? 했니? M: I don’t know. We didn’t get M: 아니오. 시험결과는 아직 못 받았어요. 근데 제 the results back. It’s just that I 필통을 잃어버렸어요. lost my pencil case. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① I worked hard, so I will be fine. ② Why didn’t you study hard? W: Good morning, James. W: James 안녕. ③ Don’t worry. You’ll do fine. M: Hi, Mrs. Kim. How are you? M: 김 선생님. 안녕하세요? ④ I think you have to do some exercise. W: I am good. Did you study W: 응. 시험공부 열심히 했니? hard for the test? But I am very nervous. M: Yes. I studied hard enough. M: 네. 정말 열심히 했어요. 하지만 너무 초조해요. W: Don’t worry. You’ll do fine. W: 걱정 마. 넌 잘 할 거야. nervous 초조한  Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 72 2/9/09 1:55:13 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Will you go home with me? ② Can you lend me some money? ③ Did the bus leave already? ④ Do you want something to eat? M: You lost your wallet on your way to school. You tried hard M: 당신은 학교 가는 길에 지갑을 잃어버렸습니다. 당신은 그것을 찾기 위해 애썼지만 찾을 수 없 to find it, but you couldn’t. 었습니다. 당신은 집에 가기 위해 버스를 타야 You have to catch the bus to 만 합니다. 하지만 당신은 버스를 위한 돈이 없 go home. But you don’t have 습니다. 당신은 친구에게 돈을 빌리고 싶습니다. any money for the bus. You 이런 상황에서 당신이 할 수 있는 말은 무엇입 want to borrow some money 니까? try hard 열심히 노력하다 catch the bus 버스를 잡다 borrow 빌리다 from your friend. In this situation, what would you say? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 73 2/9/09 1:55:13 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 13 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 04 ① W: She is ironing a shirt. ① W: 여자는 셔츠를 다림질하고 있다. ② W: She is clapping her hands. ② W: 여자는 박수를 치고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ W: She is doing her nails. ③ W: 여자는 손가락으로 딱 소리를 내고 있다. ④ W: She is cleaning her hands. ④ W: 여자는 손을 씻고 있다. iron 다림질하다 clap 박수 치다 snap 딱 소리를 내다 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은?은?? ① A guide - A spectator M: Welcome to the National M: 국립 박물관에 오신 걸 환영합니다. 저는 ② A librarian - A student Museum. I am Jackson Brown. Jackson Brown 입니다. 오늘 제가 주변을 안 05 ③ A flight attendant - A passenger ④ A travel agent - A customer the National Museum 국립박물관 exhibit 전시품 tour 견학 Today, I will show you around. 내해 드릴 겁니다. W: What will we see? W: 우리가 무엇을 보게 되나요? M: We’ll see the art exhibit. M: 미술 전시품을 보게 될 것입니다. W: How long will the tour take? W: 견학이 얼마나 걸릴까요? M: Oh, it’ll take about 40 minutes M: 오, 약 40분정도 걸릴 겁니다. or so. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are at an animal hospital. W: There is something wrong W: 내 고양이에게 문제가 있어요. 06 ② They are at a drugstore. with my cat. ③ They are at a clinic. ④ They are at a beauty salon. M: Let me check him first. Can you hold him for a minute? M: 먼저 살펴볼게요. 잠시만 붙잡고 계시겠어요? appear ~처럼 보이다 flu 독감 medicine 약  Hot Listening ❶ W: Sure. What appears to be the W: 물론이죠. 무슨 문제라고 생각하세요? problem? M: He seems to have the flu. I’ll M: 독감에 걸린 것 같아요. 약을 드릴게요. give you some medicine. Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 74 2/9/09 1:55:14 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the man probably feel? How does the man probably feel? 남자는 어떤 심정인가? 04 W: Sean, what are you looking W: Sean, 무엇을 찾고 있니? for? everything in it. now it’s gone! freaking out. it? M: I can’t find my wallet! It had M: 지갑을 찾을 수가 없어. 거기에 다 들어있는데. W: Oh, no. Calm down. When W: 오, 저런. 침착해. 지갑을 맨 마지막에 본 게 언 was the last time you saw your wallet? 제니? M: I just had it a minute ago, but M: 일 분 전까지 있었는데, 지금은 없어졌어! W: Chill out. You won’t find it by W: 진정해. 그렇게 수선 떨면 더 찾기 힘들어. M: Okay. Can you help me find M: 알았어. 지갑 찾는 것 좀 도와주겠니? What is “this”? “이것”은 무엇인가? 은 무엇인가? ”은 무엇인가? W: This is a useful machine. This machine needs water to wash our clothes, towels, W: 이것은 유용한 기계이다. 이 기계는 물을 이용 하여 옷, 타월, 이불, 그리고 다른 것들을 세탁 한다. 이 기계 없이 우리는 깨끗한 옷을 입을 수 blankets, and other things. 없다. Without this machine, we can’t wear clean clothes. ① He is delighted. ② He is calm. ③ He is shy. ④ He is embarrassed. wallet 지갑 calm down 침착하다 be gone 사라지다 delighted 기쁜 embarrassed 당황한 05 What is “this”? ① It is an iron. ② It is a microwave oven. ③ It is a washing machine. ④ It is a bathroom. useful 유용한 machine 기계 microwave oven 전자레인지 washing machine 세탁기 iron 다리미 ① She is 15 years old. ② She is 18 years old. ③ She is 16 years old. ④ She is 13 years old. cousin 사촌 cute 귀엽다 How old is the girl? How old is the girl? 소녀의 나이는 몇 살인가? 06 M: Who is this girl in the picture? M: 사진 속에 있는 이 여자아이 누구야? W: She is my cousin. W: 내 사촌이야. M: She is very cute. How old is M: 정말 귀엽다. 몇 살이야? she? W: Well, I think she is three years younger than you and me. W: 음, 아마 너랑 나보다 3살 어릴 거야. M: 15 years old? She is so pretty. M: 15살? 정말 예쁘다. 만나보고 싶어. I’d like to meet her. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 75 2/9/09 1:55:16 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? ① It’s about taking an English class. ② It’s about buying some English textbooks. W: Hey! I’m going to meet my W: 안녕! 나 지금 영어 스터디 모임에 가는데 같이 English study group. Do you want to come with me? 갈래? ③ It’s about studying for an English test. M: English study group? What do M: 영어 스터디 모임? 거기서 뭘 하는데? ④ It’s about an English study group. you do there? W: We practice speaking, W: 영어 회화, 듣기, 읽기, 그리고 쓰기를 연습해. listening, reading, and writing in English. M: Wow! That’s great. I’d love to M: 와! 좋다. 같이 갈래. 나 영어공부를 더 해야 하 join you. I really need to study 거든. English more. Why is the man angry? Why is the man angry? 남자는 왜 화가 났는가? ① Because he failed his science test W: What’s the matter? You look W: 무슨 일이야? 화나 보여. ② Because he lost his book so upset. ③ Because his friend called him M: Well, I just failed my science M: 응. 나 과학시험 망쳤어. ④ Because he missed his science class test. 07 08 join 같이 하다 upset 화나다 fail 낙제하다 W: Why? Didn’t you study? W: 왜? 공부 안 했어? M: No! I couldn’t study because M: 응. 내 친구가 어제 내 과학책을 가져가서 공부 my friend took my science 를 못했어. book yesterday. W: Oh, no! Did you try to call your friend yesterday? W: 오, 저런! 친구에게 전화해 봤어? M: Yes, but he was not home all M: 응, 그런데 집에 하루 종일 없었어. day. What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① She will bake some bread. ② She will stay home. walk. W: Let’s go to the park for a W: 우리 공원에 산책 가자. ③ She will go to the park. M: Great idea. I am bored. M: 좋은 생각이다. 나 심심했거든. ④ She will change her clothes. W: Same here. It’s too beautiful a W: 나도 그래. 집에 그냥 있기에는 날씨가 너무 day to just stay home. 좋아. bored 지루한 Same here. 마찬가지다. M: I know. Are you going like that? M: 그러게 말이야. 그러고 갈 거야? W: Should I change my clothes? M: Yes, it’s warm outside. W: 옷을 갈아입을까? M: 응, 밖에 따뜻해.  Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 76 2/9/09 1:55:17 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. ① ③ ② ④ M: I have so many numbers. I am a kind of book. People use M: 나는 많은 번호들을 가지고 있다. 나는 책의 한 종류이다. 사람들은 전화번호를 모를 때 나를 me when they don’t know a 사용한다. 나는 보통 매우 크고 두껍다. phone number. I am usually very big and thick. thick 두꺼운 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 ① The boy's future dream is to become a teacher. W: Did you say you want to be W: 가수가 되고 싶다고 했지? ② The boy’s future dream is to become a doctor. ③ The boy’s future dream is to become a scientist. ④ The boy’s future dream is to become a singer. a singer? teacher. M: Yes. But my dream has M: 응. 그런데 내 꿈이 변했어. 나는 선생님이 되고 changed. I want to be a 싶어. W: Really? What subject do you W: 정말? 무슨 과목을 가르치고 싶어? want to teach? M: I want to teach science. M: 과학을 가르치고 싶어. become ~이 되다 W: I hope you become a good W: 나는 네가 좋은 과학 선생님이 되길 바래. science teacher. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① The girl is talking about her favorite ② The book is about Ann, the super favorite book. The title of the 께 말씀 드리겠습니다. 책의 제목은 Ann, the ③ She doesn’t want to be like Ann. ④ She likes Ann very much. She makes everyone laugh. 싶습니다. 그것이 제가 이 책을 좋아하는 이유 W: Hi. My name is Jenny. Today, I will tell you about my W: 안녕하세요? 제 이름은 Jenny입니다. 오늘 저 는 제가 제일 좋아하는 책에 대해서 여러분 book is Ann, the Super Girl. The book is about Ann. She Super Girl입니다. 책은 Ann에 대한 것입니다. 그녀는 항상 행복하고 활동적입니다. 그녀는 모 is always happy and active. 든 사람을 웃게 만듭니다. 나는 그녀처럼 되고 I want to be like her. That is 입니다. why I like this book. book. girl. active 활동적인 laugh 웃다 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 77 2/9/09 1:55:18 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 어울리는 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 ① They will have pizza for dinner. M: Which do you like better , M: 김밥이랑 피자 중 뭘 더 좋아해? ② They will have kimbab for dinner. Kimbab or pizza? ③ They will have chicken for dinner. W: Why do you ask that W: 왜 물어보는데? ④ They didn’t decide on dinner yet. question 질문 question? dinner. M: I don’t know what to eat for M: 저녁에 뭘 먹을지 모르겠어. W: I like pizza better. W: 나는 피자를 더 좋아해. M: Okay. Then I will buy some on M: 알았어. 그러면 집에 오면서 사올게. the way home. Q: What will they have for Q: 그들은 저녁으로 뭘 먹을 것인가? dinner? 14 Why does the woman want to refund the coat? Why does the woman want to refund the coat? 여자가 코트를 환불하고 싶어하는 이유는? M: How may I help you? M: 어떻게 도와드릴까요? W: I bought this coat for my W: 이틀 전 엄마 드리려고 이 코트를 샀거든요. mom two days ago. M: Oh, yes. I remember you. M: 아, 맞아요. 기억해요. W: Well, I’d like to refund this W: 이 코트를 환불하고 싶어요. M: Why? Was it the wrong size? M: 왜요? 사이즈가 안 맞으세요? W: No. My mom didn’t like the W: 아니오. 어머니께서 색깔을 좋아하지 않으세요. coat. color. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은?은?? How do you do? 처음 뵙겠습니다. M2: This is my sister Julie. This is M2: 내 여동생 Julie야. Julie, 이쪽은 Brian이야. M1: Hello, James. M1: 안녕. James. M2: Hi, Brian. How are you? M2: 안녕. Brian. 어떻게 지내? M1: Good. Who is the pretty girl M1: 잘 지내. 네 옆에 예쁜 여자애는 누구니? next to you? Brian, Julie. W: How do you do, Brian? W: 처음 뵙겠습니다, Brian. M1: How do you do? M1: 처음 뵙겠습니다. ① Because of the size ② Because of the color ③ Because of the price ④ Because of the design refund 환불하다 wrong 틀린 15 ① How have you been? ② How do you do? ③ I am good. Thank you. ④ I am very tired.  Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 78 2/9/09 1:55:19 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Nice to meet you. ② It is very kind of you to do so. ③ Two heads are better than one. M: David didn’t get a good score on his test. He is very M: David은 시험에서 좋은 성적을 받지 못했다. 그 는 매우 우울하다. 그의 엄마는 그에게 더 열심 depressed. His mom told him 히 공부하면 더 좋은 성적을 받을 것이라고 말 he will get better if he studies 씀하셨다. 그는 그것이 정말 가능한지 엄마에게 ④ Of course, so don’t worry. Cheer up! harder. He asks his mom if 물어본다. 이런 상황에서 David의 엄마가 할 말 depressed 우울한 possible 가능한 that’s really possible. In this 은? situation, what would David’s mom say? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 79 2/9/09 1:55:20 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 14 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 04 ① M: He is fixing the switch. ① M: 그는 스위치를 수리한다. ② M: He is turning the light off. ② M: 그는 전깃불을 끈다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ M: He is putting the fire out. ③ M: 그는 불을 끈다. ④ M: He is turning the light on. ④ M: 그는 전깃불을 켠다. turn off 끄다 put out 불을 끄다 turn on 켜다 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are at a bank. ② They are at a registration office. ③ They are at a credit card company. my tuition? ④ They are at a supermarket. W: Yes, it is. Are you going to W: 네, 맞아요. 현금이나 수표인가요, 아니면 신용 W: Hello. How may I help you? W: 안녕하세요? 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: Is this the office where I pay M: 여기가 학비를 내는 사무실인가요? tuition 학비 cash 현금 check 수표 credit card 신용카드 registration form 수강 신청서 registration office 등록처 pay with cash, check, or credit card? 카드인가요? M: Uh, I’d like to pay by credit M: 어, 신용카드로 결제하고 싶어요. W: Okay. Here is a registration W: 알겠습니다. 여기 수강신청서입니다. card. form. What does the man want? What does the man want? 남자가 원하는 것은?은?? 03 ① He needs three dollars. ② He needs his laundry. for the laundry machine. M: I’d like to get some change M: 세탁기 쓰려고 하는데 잔돈 좀 바꿔주세요. ③ He needs some coins. ④ He needs some drinks. change 잔돈 laundry machine 세탁기 quarter 25센트 0 Hot Listening ❶ W: Sure. How would you like it? W: 물론이죠. 어떻게 바꾸어 드릴까요? M: I need three dollars in M: 25센트짜리로 3달러가 필요해요. quarters. W: Okay. Here you are. W: 좋아요. 여기 있어요. M: Thank you very much. By M: 대단히 감사합니다. 그런데 화장실 좀 쓸 수 the way, can I use your restroom? 있을까요? W: Be my guest. W: 네, 그러세요. 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 80 2/9/09 1:55:21 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the woman feel right now? How does the woman feel right now? 여자는 지금 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① She is jealous. ② She is sick. ③ She is upset. ④ She is worried. wrong 문제 be in the hospital 병원에 입원하다 surgery 수술 M: You look really tired. What’s M: 너 정말 피곤해 보인다. 무슨 일 있어? wrong? hospital. W: I didn’t sleep at all last night W: 어젯밤에 엄마가 병원에 입원해서 한숨도 못 because my mom is in the 잤어. M: Really? I’m sorry to hear that. M: 정말? 그 말을 들어서 유감이다. 엄마는 어떠 How is she doing? 시니? W: She needs to get surgery. W: 수술을 해야 한대. M: Cheer up! I hope she’ll get M: 기운 내! 엄마가 곧 좋아지시길 바래. better soon. What is “this”? 05 ① It is a bear. ② It is a tiger. ③ It is a lion. ④ It is a rabbit. be known as ~로 알려져 있다 What is “this”? “이것””은 무엇인가? M: This is a type of animal. This lives in Africa and Asia. This is known as the king of the beasts. Male animals have long hair on their necks. M: 이것은 동물의 하나다. 이것은 아프리카와 아시 아에 산다. 이것은 동물의 왕으로 알려져 있다. 이 동물의 수컷은 목에 긴 털이 있다. 06 How much did the man pay for the new cell phone? How much did the man pay for the new cell phone? 남자가 새 핸드폰을 위해 지불한 금액은 얼마 인가? ① He paid $50.00. ② He paid $37.50. ③ He paid $45.00. ④ He paid $35.00. originally 원래는 W: Wow! Is that your new cell W: 와! 그거 새 핸드폰이야? M: Yes. My dad got me this last M: 응. 아빠께서 저번 주말에 사주셨어. phone? weekend. W: How much was it? W: 얼마였어? M: It was on sale. Hmm... It was M: 세일해서 샀어. 음… 원래는 50달러였는데 originally $50, but it was 30% off when I bought it last weekend. 저번 주에 30% 세일했어. W: Good for you! W: 좋겠다! HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 81 2/9/09 1:55:22 PM 07 08 test. office. project. college coming Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? ① It’s about how to study for the math M: Did you understand how to M: 수학 프로젝트를 어떻게 하는 건지 이해해? ② It’s about how to find the professor’s W: No, I didn’t. Did you? W: 아니. 넌? do our math project? ③ It’s about how to do their math M: Me neither. What should we M: 나도 마찬가지야. 어쩌지? ④ It’s about how to make friends. W: Do you want to ask some W: 친구들에게 물어볼까? do? other friends? Me neither. 나도 마찬가지야. M: That’s okay. I will visit the M: 괜찮아. 내가 직접 선생님을 찾아뵐게. professor and ask about it. Why is the man happy? Why is the man happy? 남자가 기뻐하는 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because his brother is coming W: You have a big smile on your W: 활짝 웃고 있네. 무슨 일이야? ② Because his brother is going to face. What’s up? ③ Because his brother’s birthday is brother is coming tonight. 어. M: Yes. I am so happy. My M: 나 너무 기분에 좋아. 형이 오늘 집에 오기로 했 ④ Because his friend is coming had a brother. W: That’s very exciting. I wish I W: 정말 좋겠다. 나도 오빠가 있었으면 좋겠어. college 단과 대학 house tomorrow and play M: Why don’t you come to my M: 내일 우리 집에 와서 같이 놀지 않을래? with us. W: Really? Thanks! W: 정말? 고마워! What will the man probably do next? What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① He will go to the movie. ② He will call the restaurant. tickets. Let’s get ready to go. M: I just reserved two movie M: 지금 영화 티켓 두 장을 예약했어. 어서 가자. ③ He will buy some movie tickets. W: Okay. ④ He will cook dinner. M: Should we eat dinner before W: 그래. we watch the movie? M: 우리 영화 보기 전에 저녁 먹을까? reserve 예약하다 W: That’d be great. There is a nice Italian restaurant near W: 그게 좋겠다. 극장 근처에 맛있는 이태리 식당 the movie theater. 이 있어. M: Perfect. Let me call the restaurant to reserve a table. M: 좋아. 식당에 전화해서 예약할게.  Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 82 2/9/09 1:55:23 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. ① ③ ② ④ something 무언가 usually 보통 W: I am something you take when you are sick. I am usually very small. Some W: 나는 당신이 아플 때 먹는 것이다. 나는 보통 매 우 작다. 사람들은 나를 물과 함께 섭취한다. 나 는 당신이 아플 때 회복되는 것을 돕는다. 당신 people take me with water. 은 나를 약국에서 살 수 있다. I help you get better when you are sick. You can buy me at a drugstore. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 ① The woman’s hair color is now red. ② The woman’s hair color is now M: Wow. Look at your hair. M: 와. 네 머리 좀 봐. W: Isn’t it pretty? W: 예쁘지 않니? ③ The woman’s hair color is now M: I am shocked. Now it is M: 나는 완전히 충격 받았어. 이제 노란색이네. ④ The woman’s hair color is now black. W: I always want to be a blonde. W: 난 항상 금발이 되고 싶었어. M: You dyed your hair brown M: 너는 전에 머리를 갈색으로 염색했잖아. yellow. brown. dye 염색하다 yellow. before. W: Yes, but I got bored with it. W: 응, 하지만 그것에 질렸어. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① The speaker gave the new phone number. ② The new number is 245-6777. The new number is 245-6797. 끊어주세요. 다시 걸어주시길 바랍니다. 감사합 W: The number you dialed, W: 지금 거신 전화번호 245-6777은 변경되었습 245-6777, has been changed. 니다. 새로운 번호는 245-6797입니다. 전화를 Please hang up. Try calling 니다. again. Thank you. ③ The speaker asked him to hang up. ④ We don’t know the reason for this change. hang up 전화를 끊다 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 83 2/9/09 1:55:25 PM What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 Question & Answer Audio Script translation ① They are in Montreal. ② They are in Toronto. ③ They are in Chicago. ④ They are in Canada. accent 악센트 Montreal 몬트리올 Toronto 토론토 Chicago 시카고 W: Your accent is a little W: 네 악센트는 조금 달라. different. Where are you from? 어디 출신이야? M: I am from Canada. M: 나는 캐나다 출신이야. W: Are you from Montreal? W: 몬트리올에서 왔니? M: No, I am from Toronto. M: 아니. 나는 토론토에서 왔어. W: When did you come to W: 시카고로 언제 왔어? Chicago? now? M: I came here last year. M: 나는 이곳에 작년에 왔어. Q: Where are the two speakers Q: 화자들은 지금 어디에 있는가? 14 What is the man’s job? ① He is a doctor. ② He is a teacher. ③ He is a nurse. ④ He is a shop clerk. What brings you here? 무슨 일로 오셨죠? What is the man’s job? 남자의 직업은? M: Hi, Mrs. Kim. What brings you M: Kim여사님, 안녕하세요. 무슨 일로 오셨죠? here? W: I think I caught a cold. W: 제 생각엔 감기에 걸린 것 같아요. M: Let me check. Say ah. M: 제가 봐드리죠. ‘아’ 해 보세요. W: Ah. W: 아. M: Do you have a headache? M: 두통은 있나요? W: Yes, I have a terrible W: 네. 두통이 심해요. headache. 15 What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은?은?? ① Why didn’t you study? ② I am fine. How are you? ③ It’s okay. I think I can wait. ④ Sure. Why not? be worried about ~에 대하여 걱정하다 study hard 열심히 공부하다  Hot Listening ❶ W: Hi, James. How are you? W: 안녕. James. 어떻게 지내? M: Not bad. By the way, did M: 나쁘지 않아. 그런데 비 오는 것 봤니? 완전히 you see the rain? It’s pouring 쏟아 부어. outside. today. drawer. W: I didn’t bring my umbrella W: 난 오늘 우산을 안 가져 왔어어. M: I think I have one more in my M: 내 서랍에 하나 더 있을 것 같아. W: Will you lend me one if it is still raining when we go home? 수 있어? W: 우리가 집에 갈 때 비가 내리면 나 하나 빌려줄 M: Sure. Why not? M: 물론이지. 왜 안 되겠어? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 84 2/9/09 1:55:26 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① I am very angry right now. ② I know what you mean. ③ I don’t know why we hate each other. M: You had a big fight about the computer with your sister. M: 당신은 여동생과 컴퓨터 때문에 큰 싸움을 했다. 당신은 여동생이 컴퓨터를 여전히 쓰고 있을 때 You asked her to let you use 컴퓨터를 달라고 했다. 당신은 자신의 행동이 the computer when she was 잘못됐다고 생각한다. 그래서 당신은 여동생에 still using it. You think what 게 정말 미안하다고 말하고 싶다. 이런 상황에 ④ I am sorry I made you angry. you did was not right. So you 서 당신이 여동생에게 할 말은? still 여전히 want to tell her that you are very sorry. In this situation, what would you say to your sister? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 85 2/9/09 1:55:26 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 15 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 04 ① W: He is standing on his hands. ① W: 남자는 물구나무서기를 하고 있다. ② W: He is putting his leg on his ② W: 남자는 다리를 어깨 위에 올리고 있다. shoulder. ③ W: He is doing push-ups. ④ W: He is doing sit-ups. ③ W: 남자는 팔굽혀펴기를 하고 있다. ④ W: 남자는 윗몸일으키기를 하고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ stand on one’s hands 물구나무서다 shoulder 어깨 push-ups 팔굽혀펴기 sit-ups 윗몸일으키기 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은?은?? ① A lawyer - A client M: What can I do for you, M: 뭘 도와드릴까요, 손님? ② A flight attendant - A passenger ③ A post office clerk - A customer ④ A dentist - A patient ma’am? to Switzerland. package 소포 express mail 빠른우편 regular mail 보통우편 W: I want to send this package W: 이 소포를 스위스로 보내고 싶습니다. M: Do you want this sent by express or regular mail? 내시겠어요? M: 빠른우편으로 보내시겠어요, 보통우편으로 보 W: How long will it take if I send W: 보통우편으로 보내면 얼마나 걸릴까요? it by regular mail? M: It might take about five days. M: 아마 5일 정도 걸릴 거예요. W: Make it express mail, please. W: 빠른우편으로 보내 주세요. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are at a restaurant. W: Next, please. W: 다음 분이요. ② They are at a hotel. M: Hi. What time is the next M: 몇 시에 <더 락> 영화를 볼 수 있나요? ③ They are at a department store. ④ They are at a movie theater. available 관람 가능한 film[show] 영화 a group of students 학생단체  Hot Listening ❶ available showing of The Rock? W: The next available show is at W: 다음 상영 영화는 6시 30분입니다. 6:30. show. M: Really? But it’s just 2:45 now! M: 정말요? 하지만 지금은 2시 45분밖에 안됐어요. W: Sorry, sir. There is a group of W: 죄송합니다, 손님. 다음 상영은 학생단체관람입 students watching the next 니다. 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 86 2/9/09 1:55:28 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the man’s personality like? What is the man’s personality like? 남자의 성격은 어떤가? Who or what am I? Who or what am I? 나는 누구 또는 무엇인가? 04 ① He is careless. ② He is careful. ③ He is polite. ④ He is lazy. matter 문제 a long face 시무룩한 얼굴 pencil case 필통 careless 부주의한 personal belonging 소지품 careful 조심한 ① I am a game machine. ② I am an MP3 player. ③ I am a cellular phone. ④ I am a notebook computer. carry 가지고 다니다 surf 인터넷으로 정보를 알아내다 05 06 Price list $0.50 Post-it Paper Clip (Small) Paper Clip (Large) Cassette Tape $1.00 White Board $4.00 $1.00 Crayon $2.00 $2.00 ① She will pay $8. ② She will pay $10. ③ She will pay $11. ④ She will pay $9. W: What’s the matter with you, Mark? Why do you have a long face? W: Mark 무슨 일이니? 왜 시무룩한 얼굴을 하고 있니? M: I am afraid I lost my pencil M: 또 필통을 잃어버린 것 같아요. W: Oh, no. Not again! You W: 오, 안 돼, 또야! 너는 항상 물건들을 잃어버리 always lose things, or forget 거나 가지고 오는 걸 잊어버리지. case again. them. M: I am sorry, Mom. Please M: 미안해요, 엄마. 이번만 용서해주세요. 앞으로 forgive me this time. I will be 는 좀더 조심하겠습니다. more careful from now on. W: Okay. But you’d better W: 알겠다. 하지만 네 개인 소지품들을 잘 간수하 take care of your personal 는 것이 좋겠구나. belongings. W: People like me very much W: 사람들은 내 크기 때문에 나를 무척 좋아한다. because of my size. They 그들은 나는 특별한 가방에 넣어 가지고 다닌다. carry me in a special bag. I 나는 자판기, 스크린, 터치패드로 되어 있다. 사 have a keyboard, a screen, 람들은 일, 게임, 인터넷, 숙제, 영화보기 등을 and a touchpad. People use 하기 위해 나를 사용한다. me to work, play games, surf the Internet, do homework, watch movies, and more. M: Hi, do you need anything? M: 안녕하세요, 필요하신 것 있으세요? W: Yes. I’d like to buy four paper W: 네. 종이 집개 네 개와 크레용 한 개 주세요. clips and a crayon, please. M: Did you need the large paper clips or the small paper clips? 이세요? M: 큰 사이즈 아니면 작은 사이즈 paper clip 말씀 W: The large paper clips, please. W: 큰 사이즈 종이 집개으로 주세요. 화이트 보드 Also, I’ll take a white board. 도 한 개 살게요. M: Sure. M: 그러세요. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  How much will the woman pay? How much will the woman pay? 여자가 지불할 금액은 얼마인가? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 87 2/9/09 1:55:29 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? 07 ① It’s about a school problem. ② It’s about playing computer games. games? W: Are you still playing computer W: 아직도 컴퓨터 게임하고 있어? ③ It’s about their weekend plan. M: I am so sorry, Mom. But I just M: 엄마 죄송해요. 그런데 멈출 수가 없어요. ④ It’s about their family. can’t stop playing them. still 여전히 serious 심각한 W: You didn’t do anything on the W: 주말에도 아무것도 안 하고 컴퓨터 게임만 했잖 weekend but play computer games. I think you have a 아. 문제가 심각한 것 같다. serious problem. should I do, Mom? M: I think you’re right. What M: 엄마 말씀이 맞는 것 같아요. 어떻게 하죠, 엄마? W: Let’s talk to your dad first. W: 우선 아빠하고 이야기해 보자. 08 Why does the man want to exchange his shoes? Why does the man want to exchange his shoes? 남자가 신발을 교환하려는 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because he got the wrong color ② Because he wants some cheaper ones ③ Because he needs another pair ④ Because he need a bigger size exchange 교환하다 pair 한 쌍 W: May I help you, sir? W: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: Yes. I need to exchange this M: 네. 이 신발을 교환해 주세요. pair of shoes, please. W: Is there a problem with them? W: 무슨 문제가 있나요? M: Well, I wanted to buy a gray M: 회색 신발을 달라고 했는데 밤색 신발을 주셨어 pair , but you gave me a 요. brown pair. W: Oh, I’m really sorry. I will get W: 오, 정말 죄송합니다. 지금 회색 신발을 가지고 the gray pair right now. 오겠습니다. What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① She will go to the hospital. ② She will go get some food. with my homework? M: Hi, Susan. Can you help me M: 안녕, Susan. 내 숙제 도와줄 수 있어? ③ She will help the man. W: Right now? Well, I was going W: 지금? 글쎄, 뭐 좀 먹으러 가려 했는데. ④ She will do her homework. go eat 먹으러 가다  Hot Listening ❶ to get some food. coming back? M: Oh, okay. When are you M: 오, 그래. 언제 올 거야? W: Well, why don’t I help you first? I can go eat later. 먹지 뭐. W: 그런데, 널 먼저 도와주는 게 좋겠다. 나중에 M: Thank you so much. M: 너무 고마워. 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 88 2/9/09 1:55:30 PM Question & Answer Audio Script Translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. M: It is a kind of jewelry people wear. People wear it around M: 그것은 사람들이 착용하는 보석의 하나이다. 사 람들은 아것을 그들의 목 주위에 착용한다. 이 their neck. It comes in many 것은 스타일이 다양하다. 금으로 된 게 가장 인 styles. The ones made of gold 기 있다. are the most popular. ① ③ ② ④ jewelry 보석 be made of ~으로 만들어지다 ① They will meet at 8:00. ② They will meet at 7:30. ③ They will meet at 8:10. ④ They will meet at 7:50. excited 흥분된 in front of ~앞에 11 12 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? W: I am so excited about tonight. W: 나는 오늘밤 이 너무 기대돼. M: Me too. What time is the M: 나도. 농구 경기가 몇 시지? basketball game? W: It starts at eight o’clock. W: 8시에 시작이야. M: What time should we meet M: 우리 몇 시에 만나지? then? W: How about ten to eight in front of the bus stop? M: Sounds great. M: 좋아. W: 8시 10분 전에 버스 정류장에서 보면 어때? What is NOT true about the talk? What is NOT true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① Katie left this message for Julie. W: Hi, Julie. It’s Katie. I waited in ② Katie got tickets for Rain’s concert. line for hours and finally got ③ Katie is not happy about the seats. W: 안녕. Julie. 나 Katie야. 몇 시간을 기다려서 마침내 Rain의 콘서트 표를 얻었어. 더 좋은 것 은 우리 자리가 멋지다는 거야. 두 번째 줄이야. 오, 난 Rain을 콘서트에서 본다는 게 너무 흥분 ④ Katie is so excited about the our seats are wonderful. They 돼. tickets for Rain’s concert. What’s even better is that are in the second row. Oh, I am so excited to see Rain in concert. concert. finally 마침내 in line 줄을 서서 row 줄 HOT TEST 15 Answer Key & Script 89 Hot L1_정답해설내지.indd 89 2/10/09 9:52:22 AM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 ① He is likely to take a rest. ② He is likely to take a nap. pale. ③ He is likely to clean the carpet. W: I have a terrible headache. W: 나 두통이 심해. ④ He is likely to go home. M: Why don’t you get some rest? M: 좀 쉬는게 어때? M: Ann, are you okay? You look M: Ann. 괜찮아? 창백해 보여. pale 창백한 terrible 끔찍한 take a rest 휴식을 취하다 living room 거실 W: I have to clean the carpet in W: 거실 카펫 청소해야 하는데. the living room. and take a nap. M: I’ll do that. You’d better go M: 내가 할게. 가서 낮잠 좀 자. Q: What is the man likely to do? Q: 남자는 무엇을 하겠는가? 16 14 ① He’s their father. ② He’s their friend. Who is the man they are talking about? Who is the man they are talking about? 그들이 말하고 있는 남자는 누구인가? M: Hey! Look at that. There’s M: 저길 봐. David이 있어. ③ He’s a famous movie star. W: Oh my. Wow, he’s very W: 어머나. 와, 정말 잘생겼다. ④ He’s a famous soccer player. M: My father really likes him. M: 우리 아빠는 그를 정말 좋아해. David. handsome. handsome 잘생긴 movie star 영화배우 W: I like him, too. He is my W: 나도 그를 좋아해. 그는 내가 제일 좋아하는 영 favorite movie star. 화배우야. M: I’m going to tell my friend that M: 내 친구에게 그를 거리에서 봤다고 말할 거야. I saw him on the street. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은?은?? 15 ① Why are you angry? ② Can you tell me the name? W: Excuse me. I am looking for a W: 실례합니다. 책을 찾고 있는데 찾을 수가 없어요. ③ Of course. She’s Rachel Green. ④ Did you forget his name? look for ~을 찾다 title 제목 book. But I can’t find it. M: What’s the title of the book? M: 책의 제목이 뭐죠? W: It’s called Happy Hours. W: Happy Hours예요. M: Do you know the name of M: 저자가 누군지 아세요? the writer? Green. W: Of course. She’s Rachel W: 물론이죠. Rachel Green이예요. 0 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 90 2/9/09 1:55:33 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Where do you want to sit? ② I am sorry, but I ordered a steak. ③ I think you are so right. ④ I like this spaghetti very much. restaurant 레스토랑 order 주문하다 spaghetti 스파게티 M: You are in a restaurant waiting for your food. The waiter serves you, but it is not the food that you ordered. You ordered a steak, but he brought spaghetti. In this situation, what would you say? M: 당신은 레스토랑에서 음식을 기다리고 있다. 웨 이터가 서빙을 하는데 당신이 주문한 음식이 아 니다. 당신은 스테이크를 주문했는데 그가 스파 게티를 가지고 왔다. 이 상황에서 당신이 할 수 있는 말은? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 91 2/9/09 1:55:33 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 1 Answer key & Script 16 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? ① M: The dog is yawning. ① M: 그 개는 하품을 하고 있다. ② M: The dog is strolling. ② M: 그 개는 산책하고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ M: The dog is barking ③ M: 그 개는 짖고 있다. ④ M: The dog is running. ④ M: 그 개는 달리고 있다. yawn 하품하다 stroll 거닐다 bark 짖다 Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are at a car repair shop. ② They are at a hospital. W: Could you tell me what’s wrong with my van? W: 내 밴에 무슨 문제가 있는지 말해 주시겠어요? ③ They are at a barber shop. M: Well. I’ll have to take a closer M: 음. 먼저 자세하게 살펴봐야 할 것 같아요. ④ They are at a restaurant. look at it first. wrong 잘못된 van 밴, 소형 운반차 look at 살펴보다 repair shop 수리점 barber shop 이발소 W: When can I pick it up? W: 언제 찾을 수 있을까요? M: If there is no major problem M: 만약에 차에 큰 문제가 없다면 내일이면 찾을 with your car , it should be 수 있을 거에요. 자세한 건 나중에 알려드릴게요. ready by tomorrow. I’ll give you all the details later. W: Okay. Give me a call. W: 알겠습니다. 전화 주세요. 03 Which is correct according to the conversation? Which is correct according to the conversation? 대화의 내용과 맞는 것은? ① The woman has a white dog. M: My dog ran away this M: 내 개가 오늘 오후에 도망갔어요. ② The dog is wearing a sweater. afternoon. ③ The dog has a collar on. W: Really? What does your dog W: 정말요? 개가 어떻게 생겼나요? ④ The dog ran away this morning. run away 도망가다 look like ~처럼 보이다 poodle 푸들 collar 목줄 look like? poodle. sweater. M: Well, she is a little white M: 예, 작은 흰색 푸들이에요. W: Does she have a collar on? W: 목줄을 하고 있나요? M: No, but she’s wearing a M: 아니요, 하지만 스웨터를 입고 있어요.  Hot Listening ❶ 04 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 92 2/9/09 1:55:35 PM Question & Answer Audio Script Translation How does the woman feel right now? How does the woman feel right now? 여자는 지금 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① She is sorrowful. ② She is nervous. ③ She is happy. ④ She is upset. upset 화난 younger brother 남동생 break 망가뜨리다 05 What is “this”? ① It is a koala. ② It is a polar bear. ③ It is an elephant. ④ It is a mouse. fur 털 famous 유명한 tourist attraction 관광 명소 M: Susan, you look upset. What’s M: Susan, 화가 나 보이는데 무슨 일이야? wrong with you? broke my glasses. W: My younger brother John W: 내 남동생 John이 내 안경을 망가뜨렸어. M: Really? That’s too bad. M: 정말? 안됐다. W: I hope my mom gets me a W: 엄마가 새 걸 사주시길 바래. new pair. What is “this”? “이것”은 무엇인가? M: This is a type of animal that looks like a small bear. This has two big ears and gray M: 이것은 작은 곰처럼 생긴 동물이다. 이것은 두 개 의 큰 귀와 회색 털을 가지고 있으며 나무 위에서 산다. 이것은 오스트리아의 가장 유명한 관광 거 fur and lives in trees. It is one 리의 하나이다. of the most famous tourist attractions in Australia. 06 How much will the woman pay for her order? How much will the woman pay for her order? 여자가 주문을 위해 지불할 금액은 얼마인가? Menu M: What would you like to M: 무엇을 주문하시겠어요? Coffee (Hot) $1.50 Cookie $1.00 order? Coffee (Iced) $2.00 Cheesecake $2.00 W: I’d like to have two iced W: 아이스커피 두 개와 치즈케익 하나 주세요. Iced Tea $2.00 Apple Pie $2.00 coffees and a cheesecake, please. ① She will pay $7. ② She will pay $8. ③ She will pay $9. ④ She will pay $6. order 주문, 주문하다 delicious 맛있는 decision 결정 M: Would you like to try our M: 저희 쿠키도 주문해 보시겠어요? 아주 맛있어요. cookies? They are delicious. W: Really? Okay. I’ll take two W: 정말요? 좋아요. 쿠키 두 개 주세요. cookies. else? W: No, that will be it. M: Good decision. Anything M: 잘 하셨어요. 다른 것은요? W: 아니요. 그게 전부입니다. HOT TEST 16 Answer Key & Script 93 Hot L1_정답해설내지.indd 93 2014-01-24 오후 4:28:16 07 08 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers talking about? 화자들은 무엇에 대해 이야기하고 있는가? ① It’s about what they will eat for M: Mom, I am home. Is dinner M: 엄마 저 왔어요. 저녁 준비됐어요? dinner. ② It’s about how to cook pasta. ③ It’s about coming home late. ④ It’s about a dinner party. roast 구운 W: Hey! I didn’t make dinner yet. W: 안녕! 아직 저녁 안 됐는데. 배고프니? ready yet? Are you hungry? M: I’m very hungry. Can you M: 너무 배고파요. 오늘 저녁에 파스타 만들어 주 cook pasta for dinner tonight? 실래요? W: Well, I was going to cook W: 음, 구운 닭과 감자 샐러드 먹으려고 했는데. roast chicken and mashed potatoes. M: Can we have chicken pasta then? I really want some pasta tonight. M: 그럼 치킨 파스타 해주시면 안 돼요? 저 정말 파스타가 먹고 싶어요. W: All right. W: 그러자. Why did the woman get sick? Why did the woman get sick? 여자가 아픈 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because she had to many cold W: Man, I’m so sick. I have a bad W: 아! 나 너무 아파. 후두염이 너무 심해. drinks sore throat. ② Because she played outside in the cold weather ③ Because she left her window open last night ④ Because her heater broke down sore throat 후두염 fall asleep 잠들다 broke break(고장나다)의 과거형 M: How did you get so sick? M: 어떻게 아프게 됐어? 어젯밤 창문을 열어 놓고 Did you fall asleep with your window open last night? 잠들었어? W: Well, that’s not how I got W: 음, 그렇게 된 게 아니야. 어제 찬물로 샤워했어. sick. I took a cold shower last night. M: What! Why? M: 뭐! 왜? W: My heater broke down while W: 샤워하고 있는 중에 히터가 고장나서. I was in the shower. What will the man probably do next? What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① He will go to the library. ② He will stay at the park. ③ He will take a picture. M: It’s a beautiful day. I’m glad M: 날씨 너무 좋다. 이 공원에 쉬러 와서 정말 좋았 we came to the park to relax. 어. W: I agree. It’s too bad that W: 나도 그렇게 생각해. 이제 다시 도서실에 가야 we have to go back to the 하다니 정말 싫다. M: Tell me about it. I wish I could M: 그러게 말이야. 여기 조금 더 있었으면 좋겠다. ④ He will study for the exam. library now. relax 휴식을 취하다 W: Well, let’s go back and study W: 음, 이제 가서 시험공부 하자. stay here longer. for our exam. M: I really like that tree over there. Let’s take a picture under that tree before we go. M: 저기 있는 나무 정말 마음에 들어. 우선 나무 밑 에 가서 사진부터 찍고 가자. W: Okay. Let’s go. W: 그래. 가자.  Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 94 2/9/09 1:55:37 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오 ① ③ ② ④ W: You can use me when you want to turn on the TV. W: 당신은 TV를 켜고 싶을 때 나를 사용할 수 있습 니다. 당신은 에어컨을 켤 때도 나를 사용할 수 You can also use me when 있습니다. 나는 주로 작습니다. 나는 내 안에 건 you want to turn on the air 전지가 필요합니다. conditioner. I am usually small. I need batteries inside me. turn on ~을 켜다 air conditioner 에어컨 battery 밧데리 ① He doesn’t want coke. ② He doesn’t want ice cream. ③ He doesn’t want juice. ④ He doesn’t want snack. instead 대신에 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 W: Chris, can you get me a W: Chris, 음료수 좀 갖다 줄래? drink? then. instead? M: Okay. I will buy two cokes M: 응. 그럼 콜라 두 개를 살게. W: I am sorry. Can I have juice W: 미안해. 대신 주스로 해도 될까? M: Okay. I’ll also buy some ice M: 응. 아이스크림이랑 스낵도 좀 살게. cream and a snack. W: That sounds great. W: 좋은 생각이야. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① She is talking about her hobbies. ② She likes listening to music. ③ She has many cameras. W: I have many things I really like doing. First, I really like W: 나는 좋아하는 일이 몇 가지 있다. 먼저, 음악 듣기를 정말 좋아한다. 나는 다양한 음악을 좋 listening to music. I like many 아한다. 음악을 들으면 편안해진다. 나는 사진 kinds of music. Listening to 찍는 것도 좋아한다. 하지만 나는 지금 카메라 ④ She likes taking photos. music makes me feel relaxed. 를 가지고 있지 않다. relaxed 편안한 Also, I really like taking photos. But I don’t have a camera right now. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 95 2/9/09 1:55:39 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 16 ① She doesn’t want to eat a cheeseburger. ② She made a mistake. ③ She didn’t order a chicken burger. ④ She doesn’t like hamburgers. W: Excuse me. W: 실례합니다. M: How may I help you? M: 어떻게 도와드릴까요? W: I ordered a cheeseburger, W: 저는 치즈버거를 시켰는데 이것은 치킨버거에요. but this is a chicken burger. M: I am sorry. There must be a M: 죄송합니다. 실수가 있었던 것 같아요. mistake. one. problem? W: It’s okay if I can get a new W: 새로 받을 수 있다면 괜찮아요. Q: What is the woman’s Q: 여자의 문제는 무엇인가? What is the woman doing right now? What is the woman doing right now? 여자는 지금 무엇을 하고 있는가? 14 ① She is looking for some books. ② She is working at the library. ③ She is buying some books. ④ She is writing some books. M: How may I help you? M: 어떻게 도와드릴까요? W: I am looking for some books. W: 책을 찾고 있어요. 하지만 찾을 수가 없어요. But I can’t find them. M: Can you tell me the titles of M: 책 이름을 말해줄 수 있어요? actually 사실은 W: Well, actually I am not too W: 글쎄요. 사실은 잘 모르겠어요. M: Do you know anything about M: 그 책들에 대해서 더 아는 것 있어요? the books? sure. the books? What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은? 15 ① No, I am not. ② Yes, I like it very much. W: Wow. Is this your soccer ball? W: 와. 이거 네 축구공이야? ③ I don’t know why. ④ Do you like soccer ? M: Yes, it is. I like playing soccer. M: 응. 난 축구 하는 것을 좋아해. W: I heard you like playing W: 네가 농구하는 것도 좋아한다고 들었어. heard hear(듣다)의 과거형 M: Yes, I really like it. Do you like M: 응. 진짜 좋아해. 너도 그것을 좋아해? basketball, too. it, too? W: Yes, I like it very much. W: 나도 농구 진짜 좋아해. 96 Hot Listening ❶ Hot L1_정답해설내지.indd 96 2014-01-24 오후 4:29:18 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? M: You got some movie tickets M: 당신은 선물로 영화 티켓을 받았다. 당신은 당 as a present. You want to 신의 친구 Katie와 영화를 보고 싶다. 당신은 그 see a movie with your friend 녀가 영화를 보러 갈 수 있는지 그녀에게 묻고 Katie. You want to ask her 싶었다. 당신은 그녀에게 전화를 했고, 그녀는 whether she can see a movie 전화를 받았다. 당신은 그녀에게 무엇이라고 말 ④ Did you see the TV program last with you. You call her , and 할 것인가? she answers. What will you say to her? ① What do you want to see? ② Do you have your ticket? ③ Will you go watch a movie with me? night? whether ~인지 아닌지 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 97 2/9/09 1:55:40 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Answer key & Script 17 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? ① W: They are riding a bicycle. ① W: 그들은 자전거를 타고 있다. ② W: They are strolling along the path. ② W: 그들은 길을 따라 산책하고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ W: They are jogging on the street. ③ W: 그들은 길에서 조깅하고 있다. ④ W: They are talking on the bench. ④ W: 그들은 의자에서 이야기를 하고 있다. ride 타다 stroll 산책하다, 한가로이 거닐다 path 길 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은?은?? ① A box office clerk - An audience M: I want to watch a movie with M: 가족과 함께 영화를 보고 싶어요. 좋은 영화가 member ② A librarian - A student ③ A flight attendant - A passenger ④ A DVD rental store clerk - A customer librarian (도서관)사서 bring it back 가지고 오다 flight attendant 비행기 승무원 my family. Do you have any good movies? 있나요? W: How about Big? It is a W: <빅>이 어떠세요? 코미디 영화인데 대부분의 comedy. Most people like it. 사람들이 좋아해요. M: That sounds interesting. I’ll rent M: 재미있겠네요. 그걸 빌릴게요. it. W: 내일까지 가지고 오시면 돼요. 영화 재미있게 W: You can bring it back 보세요. tomorrow. Enjoy the movie. M: 감사합니다. 내일 봐요. M: Thanks. See you tomorrow. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are at a computer store. W: Hello. How may I help you? W: 여보세요. 무엇을 도와드릴까요? ② They are at a department store. M: I want to take a computer M: 컴퓨터 수업을 듣고 싶어요. ③ They are at a computer academy. ④ They are in a field. class. learn about? W: What field do you want to W: 어떤 분야에 대해서 배우길 원하세요? field 분야, 들판 take a class 수업을 선택하다 academy 학원  Hot Listening ❶ M: I want to learn about M: 컴퓨터 프로그래밍에 대해서 배우고 싶어요. computer programming. W: Why don’t you take a look W: 안내 책자를 먼저 보시는 게 어떨까요? 저희는 at the information brochure first? We have variety of selections. 많은 다양한 수업들이 있답니다. M: That’s good. M: 잘됐네요. 04 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 98 2/9/09 1:55:42 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the weather like in Seoul? What is the weather like in Seoul? 서울의 날씨는 어떤가? 04 ① It is sunny. ② It is cloudy. ③ It is warm. ④ It is rainy. W: Today, in Busan, it is partly cloudy. Later in the afternoon, it will rain a lot. W: 오늘, 부산은 구름이 약간 껴 있습니다. 오후 늦 게는 비가 많이 올 것입니다. 다음으로, 서울은 맑고 바람이 불 것입니다. 그러나 약간 추울 전 Next, in Seoul, It will be sunny 망입니다. 따뜻한 옷을 챙기시는 게 좋겠습니다. partly cloudy 약간 구름이 낀 later 나중에 had better ~하는 편이 낫다 warm 따뜻한 and windy. However , it will be a little cold. You’d better take some warm clothes with you. 05 What is “this”? ① It is boxing. ② It is golf. ③ It is hockey. ④ It is baseball. wear gloves 장갑을 착용하다 bat (야구의)배트 What is “this”? “이것””은 무엇인가? M: This is a sport that two teams play on a field. Each M: 이것은 두 팀이 필드에서 하는 스포츠이다. 각 팀은 아홉 명으로 구성되어 있다. 두 팀의 팀원 team has nine members. The 들은 배트를 사용하여 공을 치고 장갑을 사용하 members of the two teams 여 공을 잡는다. use a bat to hit a ball and wear gloves to catch the ball. 06 How long does it take for the woman to get to England? How long does it take for the woman to get to England? 여자가 영국까지 가는 데 몇 시간이 걸리는가? ① It takes seven hours and fifty ② It takes seven hours and thirty ③ It takes seven hours and fifteen ④ It takes seven hours and twenty minutes. minutes. minutes. minutes. round-trip ticket 왕복표 W: Hi! May I reserve a round-trip W: 안녕하세요! 영국까지 가는 왕복표를 예약하려 ticket to England? 고 해요. M: Sure. What time do you need M: 그러세요. 몇 시에 출발하셔야 하는데요? to depart? there? minutes. W: How long does it take to get W: 영국까지 몇 시간 걸리나요? M: It takes seven hours and fifty M: 7시간 50분 걸립니다. W: Well, do you have a plane W: 음, 아침 9시에 출발하는 비행기가 있나요? that leaves at 9 in the morning? M: Yes. M: 네. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script  Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 99 2/9/09 1:55:43 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? ① It’s about returning books. ② It’s about going to the movies. M: Did you see Superman Returns on TV last night? M: 어젯밤에 TV에서 <슈퍼맨 리턴즈>봤어? ③ It’s about their favorite type of W: No. Was it a good movie? W: 아니. 재미있었어? ④ It’s about returning a DVD. were a lot of action scenes. I 영화가 좋아. M: It was a great movie. There M: 정말 재미있었어. 액션 장면이 많았어. 난 액션 love action movies. W: I don’t like action movies. I like W: 난 액션 영화는 안 좋아해. 난 코미디와 미스터 comedies and mysteries. 리가 좋아. M: Really? I didn’t know that. M: 정말? 몰랐어. movies. scene 장면 07 08 Why is the man going to the library? Why is the man going to the library? 남자가 도서관에 가는 이유는 무엇인가? ① He has to check out some books. ② He has to study for a test. ③ He works at the library. W: Hey! Where are you going? W: 안녕! 어디가? M: Hi! I’m going to the library. M: 안녕! 도서관에 가고 있는 중이야. W: Why? Do you have to study W: 왜? 시험공부 해야 해? ④ He is meeting his study group at the for your test? library. M: Actually, I have a part-time M: 사실은 도서관에서 파트타임으로 일해. check out (책 등을) 대출하다 job at the library. W: How many days do you work W: 며칠 일하는데? there? W: I see. M: Just three days a week. M: 일 주일에 삼일. W: 그렇구나. What will the woman probably do next? What will the woman probably do next? 여자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? M: Hey! Let’s go get something M: 안녕! 우리 뭐 먹으러 가자. 09 ① She will go to eat with the man. ② She will pick up her sister. ④ She will play with her sister. ③ She will go home and cook. W: Great idea. I am kind of W: 좋은 생각이야. 배가 좀 고팠거든. pick up 마중나가다 W: Well, actually, I have to go to my sister’s school now to pick 야 돼. W: 음, 그런데 사실 나 동생 데리러 동생 학교에 가 M: Where would you like to go? M: 어디로 갈까? to eat. hungry. her up. M: Okay, we can go with your M: 그래, 그럼 동생 학교에 갔다가 동생이랑 같이 sister after you do that. 가자. 100 Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 100 2/9/09 1:55:44 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. M: I tell you whether you are pretty or ugly. If you want to M: 나는 당신이 예쁜지 못생겼는지 말해줍니다. 당 신의 얼굴에 무언가 있는지 보고 싶다면 당신은 see if there is something on 나를 보면 됩니다. 또한 당신이 어떻게 보이는 your face, you can look at 지 보고 싶다면 당신은 나를 보면 됩니다. me. When you want to check how you look, you can also look at me. I am made of glass. ① ③ ② ④ whether ~인지 아닌지 ugly 추한 something 무언가 be made of ~으로 만들어지다 11 ① He traveled Paris. ② He traveled Tokyo. ③ He traveled New York. ④ He traveled London. What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? W: James, long time no see. W: James. 오랜만이야. M: Hi, Julie. How have you been? M: 안녕. Julie. 어떻게 지냈어? W: All right. I heard you went to W: 특별한 건 없었어. 런던인가 어딘가에 갔다고 London or somewhere. 들었는데. M: No, I traveled around M: 아니. 미국을 여행했어. 뉴욕과 미국 몇 군데를 Long time no see. 오랜만이야. Nothing special. 특별한 건 없어. America. I visited New York 방문했어. and several places in the U.S. W: Wow. I envy you. W: 우와. 부럽다. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① It is an announcement for a missing W: Ladies and gentlemen, we W: 신사 숙녀 여러분, 우리는 다섯 살짜리 남자아 are looking for a 5-year -old 이를 찾고 있습니다. 아이의 이름은 Joey입니다. ② They are looking for a boy named boy. His name is Joey. He’s 그는 빨간 셔츠와 청바지를 입고 있습니다. 만 ③ Joey is a 5-year -old boy. ④ Joey is at the information desk now. Thank you very much. wearing a red shirt and jeans. 약 그 아이를 보시면, 안내 데스크로 데려와 주 If you see him, please take 세요. 감사합니다. him to the information desk. kid. Joey. ladies and gentlemen 신사 숙녀 여러분 jeans 청바지 information desk 안내 데스크 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 101 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 101 2/9/09 1:55:45 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 ① He studied very hard. ② He traveled around the world. vacation? W: How was your summer W: 여름방학은 어땠어? ③ He went to his grandmother’s house. M: It couldn’t have been better. M: 더 좋을 수는 없었어. 거의 최고였어. ④ He had a great time with his friends. It was the best. 16 It couldn’t have been better. 더 좋을 수는 없었다. W: Oh, really? What did you do? W: 와. 정말? 뭘 했는데? M: I went to my grandmother’s M: 할머니 댁에 갔어. 거기서 사촌들이랑 좋은 시 house. I had a great time there with my cousins. 간을 보냈어. Q: What did the man do during Q: 남자는 여름방학 동안 무엇을 했는가? his summer vacation? What is true about New Zealand? What is true about New Zealand? 뉴질랜드에 대한 맞는 사실은? 14 ① It is a city in Australia. ② It is a country in the north. ③ It is a country beside Korea. ④ It is a country next to Australia. foreign 외국의 next to ~옆에 M: You once told me that you M: 너에게 외국인 친구가 있다고 했었지. 맞지? have a foreign friend. Is that right? W: Yes. Her name is Claire. She is W: 응. Claire라고 해. 그녀는 뉴질랜드 출신이야. from New Zealand. M: New Zealand? Where is that? M: 뉴질랜드? 거기가 어딘데? W: It is a country next to W: 오스트레일리아 옆에 있는 나라야. Australia. south. M: Oh, I see. It must be in the M: 아, 알겠다. 분명 남쪽에 있겠구나. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① It was not rainy yesterday. ② Wow. She was very lucky. W: Did you hear what happened W: Julie한테 무슨 일 있었는지 들었어? ③ That is not an answer to my to Julie? M: No, what happened to her? M: 아니, 무슨 일 있었어? ④ I think you have to do some W: It is something you cannot W: 네가 상상조차 할 수 없는 거야. even imagine. M: Come on. I want to know. M: 어서 말해봐. 알고 싶어. W: She said that she met the singer Rain on the street. W: 가수 Rain을 거리에서 봤다고 했어. M: Wow. She was very lucky. M: 와. 정말 운이 좋았구나. question. exercise. even 심지어 imagine 상상하다 10 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 102 2/9/09 1:55:46 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Happy birthday to you! ② When is your birthday? ③ How could you not remember my birthday? presents? ④ Do you not want to get any expect 기대하다 what’s even worse 더 나쁜 것 express 표현하다 M: It is your birthday today. You expected to get some presents from your parents. But they didn’t give you M: 오늘은 당신의 생일입니다. 당신은 당신의 부모 로부터 선물을 받기를 기대했습니다. 하지만 그 들은 당신에게 어떤 선물도 주지 않았습니다. 더 나쁜 것은 오늘이 당신의 생일이란 것을 기 anything. What’s even worse 억하지 않습니다. 당신은 화가 나고 부모님께 is that they didn’t remember 당신의 기분을 표현하고 싶습니다. 이런 상황에 that today is your birthday. 서 당신은 뭐라고 말할 것인가? You are angry and want to express your feeling to your parents. What would you say in this situation? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 103 2/9/09 1:55:47 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 10 Answer key & Script 18 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? ① ② ③ ④ kitchen 주방 mop 자루 걸레로 닦다 sell 팔다 ① M: He is making a hamburger in a ① M: 그는 주방에서 햄버거를 만들고 있다. ② M: He is selling a hotdog in a ② M: 그는 식당에서 핫도그를 팔고 있다. ③ M: He is eating a hamburger in a ③ M: 그는 식당에서 햄버거를 먹고 있다. ④ M: He is mopping the floor in a ④ M: 그는 식당에서 바닥을 걸레로 닦고 있다. kitchen. restaurant. restaurant. restaurant. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are in a gym. ② They are at a gas station. W: Good morning, sir. May I take your order? W: 안녕하세요, 손님. 주문을 받아도 될까요? ③ They are at a restaurant. M: Yes, I’d like some pancakes M: 네, 팬케익과 스크램블에그 주세요. ④ They are at a market. and scrambled eggs. W: Will that be all? W: 그게 다 인가요? M: Oh, no. I would like to have a M: 오, 아니요. 커피도 한 잔 주세요. cup of coffee. gym 체육관 order 주문하다 gas station 주유소 a cup of 한잔 Where is the best place for him to live? Where is the best place for him to live? 그가 살기에 가장 적절한 곳은 어디인가? 03 ① He should live in the downtown area. M: This apartment is very nice, M: 이 아파트는 아주 멋지지만 학교에서 좀 멀어. but it’s kind of far from my ② He should live in an apartment. school. ③ He should live near a hospital. W: Then you’d better find a W: 그러면 시내에서 찾는 게 낫겠다. ④ He should live in another place. place in the downtown area. M: Yeah, that sounds like it M: 응, 그게 나한테 더 편할 것 같아. would be more convenient for me. W: Let’s go and take a look at W: 가서 다른 장소를 살펴보자. another place. far 멀리 떨어진 area 지역 convenient 편리한 10 Hot Listening ❶ 04 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 104 2/9/09 1:55:48 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the man feel right now? How does the man feel right now? 남자는 지금 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① He is fearful. ② He is surprised. ③ He is satisfied. ④ He is sad. fearful 무서운 satisfied 만족한 university 종합대학교 What am I? 05 ① I am a knife. ② I am a hammer. ③ I am a scissors. ④ I am a stapler. tool 도구 cloth 천 hammer 망치 blade 칼날 thread 실 ① He will pay $17.00. ② He will pay $16.00. ③ He will pay $18.00. ④ He will pay $19.00. these days 요즘 pear 배 M: I’m Ted. Nice to meet you, M: 난 Ted야. 만나서 반가워, Hannah. 어느 학교 Hannah. What school are you from? 출신이야? W: I am from the University of W: 하와이 주립 대학 출신이야. M: Really? I can’t believe it! I M: 정말? 믿기지가 않아! 나도 그 대학에 다녔어. went to school there, too. W: Maybe I could have met you W: 아마 널 만났을 수도 있겠네. Hawaii. there. What am I? 나는 무엇인가? W: I am a small tool with two sharp blades. People use me W: 나는 두 개의 날카로운 칼날로 된 작은 도구다. 사람들은 나를 사용하여 종이, 천, 실 등을 자른 to cut things like paper , cloth, 다. 많은 아이들은 나를 가지로 노는 것을 좋아 thread, and so on. A lot of 하고 나를 이용해서 색종이를 자른다. children like to play with and use me to cut colored paper. W: May I help you? W: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: Yes. What’s good these days? M: 네. 요새 뭐가 좋죠? W: Everything is good. W: 다 좋아요. 수박이 굉장히 달아요. 한 개에 9달 Watermelons are really sweet 러입니다. these day. It’s $9.00 each. M: What else? M: 다른 것은요? W: Well, apples are $1.00 each W: 음, 사과가 1개에 1달러이고 배가 한 개에 1달 and pears are $1.50 each. 러 50센트입니다. M: Okay. I’ll take one M: 네. 수박 한 개, 사과 다섯 개, 배 두 개 주세요. watermelon, 5 apples, and 2 pears please. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 10 06 How much will the man pay for the fruit? How much will the man pay for the fruit? 남자가 과일 값으로 지불해야 할 금액은 얼마인가? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 105 2/9/09 1:55:49 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? 10 07 ① It’s about visiting Mexico. ② It’s about tonight’s menu. M: Honey, where would you like to go for dinner tonight? M: 오늘 저녁 어디 가서 먹을까? ③ It’s about the new restaurant. W: Let’s try the new Mexican W: 폭스 가에 새로 생긴 멕시코 식당 가자. ④ It’s about changing interior. restaurant on Fox Street. excellent 뛰어난, 우수한 M: Okay. I heard that their food M: 좋아. 거기 음식도 맛있고 서비스도 좋다고 들 and service are excellent. 었어. W: Same here. I also heard that W: 나도 그래. 그리고 인테리어도 로맨틱하다고 그 they have a romantic interior. 러던데. M: Great. Let’s get ready. M: 잘됐다. 갈 준비하자. Why does the man need to buy a book? Why does the man need to buy a book? 남자가 책을 사려는 이유는? 08 M: Mom, did you see the Harry M: 엄마, 제시카에게 빌린 <해리포터>책 봤어요? Potter book I borrowed from Jessica? 11 ① Because he wants to read the book ② Because he needs to do his homework birthday ④ Because he lost the book ③ Because Jessica wants it for her W: No, I didn’t. Why? W: 아니, 못 봤어. 왜? M: Oh, no. I have to give it back M: 오, 안돼. 내일 제시카에게 다시 돌려줘야 해요. to her tomorrow. She is going 나에게 정말 화낼 거에요. to get really mad at me. borrow 빌리다 favorite 제일 좋아하는 W: Are you sure you looked W: 구석구석 잘 찾아봤니? everywhere for it? What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은?은?? 09 ① They will go to the supermarket. W: Hey! Can you help me with W: 안녕! 나 좀 도와줄래? 12 M: Of course. What am I going to do? It’s her favorite book. 하는 책인데. M: 물론이에요. 어떻게 해요? 제시카가 제일 좋아 W: Well, first you need to call W: 음, 먼저 제시카에게 전화를 해서 알려줘. 그리 her and let her know. Then I guess you have to go buy the book. 고 책 사러 가야지. something? M: What’s up? M: 무슨 일이야? W: I have to go to the hospital to W: 나 지금 독감주사 맞으려 병원에 가야 하는데 get a flu shot now. And I was wondering if you can come with me? 같이 갈래? M: I was on my way to the M: 슈퍼마켓에 가는 길이었는데, 그러지 뭐! supermarket, but sure! W: Oh, thank you so much. W: 오, 정말 고마워. ② They will get a flu shot. ③ They will go shopping. ④ They will go home. flue 독감 shot 주사 10 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 106 2/9/09 1:55:51 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. M: I am a kind of animal. Actually, I am a bird. I spend most of my time on the ground. I can fly but not for very long. Many people like to eat me. M: 나는 동물의 하나다. 실제로, 나는 새다. 나는 대부분의 시간을 땅에서 보낸다. 나는 날 수 있 지만 그리 오랜 시간 날지는 못한다. 많은 사람 들이 나를 먹는 것을 좋아한다. ① ③ ② ④ a kind of ~한 종류의 spend 쓰다 ground 땅 Reservation Card ① Date: November 19 ② Number in party: 8 ③ Name: Brown ④ Phone number: 377-2816 reserve 예약하다 party 일행 What is true about the talk? What is true about the talk? 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 11 W: Hello. This is the Mayfield W: 안녕하세요. 메이필드 레스토랑입니다. 어떻게 Restaurant. How can I help you? 도와드릴까요? M: I’d like to reserve a table at 6 M: 11월 19일 6시에 테이블 예약하고 싶어요. on November 19. W: How many are in your party? W: 일행은 몇 명이시죠? M: There are five of us. My name M: 다섯 명이고요. 제 이름은 James입니다. is James. number? W: Can I have your phone W: 전화번호를 알 수 있을까요? M: Yes, it is 773-2816. M: 네, 773-2816입니다. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 12 ① The speaker is talking about a hair dryer. ② The hair dryer is not working. on, it makes a strange sound. 혀 작동을 안 해요. 저는 환불을 받기 위해 이 W: I have a problem with my hair dryer. When I switch it W: 제 헤어드라이어에 문제가 있어요. 제가 그것을 켜면, 그것은 이상한 소리를 냅니다. 그것은 전 It doesn’t really work at all. I 편지를 씁니다. am writing this letter to get a refund. ③ The hair dryer is making a strange sound. hair dryer. ④ The speaker wants to get a new hair dryer 헤어드라이어 switch on 스위치를 켜다 strange 이상한 HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 10 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 107 2/9/09 1:55:52 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 16 M: I couldn’t get enough sleep M: 어젯밤 제대로 잘 수 없었어. 13 ① He was not tired. ② He studied too much. ③ He had a chat with the girl. ④ He was worried about the test. M: I was really worried about M: 오늘 영어 시험이 너무 걱정 됐어. enough 충분한 W: Don’t worry. You’ll do fine. W: 걱정하지 마. 너는 잘할 수 있어. M: I guess I didn’t study hard M: 이번에는 충분히 열심히 공부하지 않은 것 같아. last night. W: Why? today’s English exam. enough this time. well? W: 왜? Q: What made him not sleep Q: 무엇 때문에 남자가 제대로 잠을 자지 못했는가? What did the man Not buy? What did the man Not buy? 남자가 사지 않은 것은? 14 ① He didn’t buy any bread. ② He didn’t buy any eggs. ③ He didn’t buy any milk. ④ He didn’t buy any jam. M: What are you making? M: 무얼 만들고 있니? W: 샌드위치 좀 만들고 있어. M: Do you have all the things M: 필요한 건 다 가지고 있니? W: I am making some sandwiches. you need? foreign 외국의 next to ~옆에 W: Yeah, I bought some bread, W: 응. 빵, 달걀, 우유 좀 샀어. some eggs, and some milk. M: Don’t you need any jam? M: 잼이 필요하지 않니? W: No. I don’t need any. W: 아니. 필요하지 않아. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 15 ① Sure. What’s your message? ② You are asking too much. M: Hello? 한 것은? M: 여보세요? ③ Do you know where he is? ④ You are not happy, are you? library 도서관 come back 돌아오다 take a message 메시지를 받아 적다 W: Hi, James. This is Alice. Is Terry W: 안녕. James. 나 Alice야. Terry 있니? there? after 5 p.m. me? M: Hi, Alice. Terry went to the library. He will come back M: 안녕, Alice. Terry는 도서관에 갔어. 오후 다섯 시 이후에 돌아올 거야. W: Can you take a message for W: 나를 위해 메시지를 받아 적어 줄래? M: Sure. What’s your message? M: 그럴게. 전할 말이 뭐야? 10 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 108 2/9/09 1:55:54 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Keep the change. ② It tastes nice. ③ I am already full. ④ No, that’s all. cheeseburger 치즈버거 M: Julie is very hungry. She goes into a fast-food M: Julie는 매우 배가 고팠다. 그녀는 패스트푸드점 에 갔다. 그리고 나서 그녀는 치즈버거와 사이 restaurant. Then, she orders 다를 주문했다. 종업원이 그녀에게 지금 더 주 a cheeseburger and a Sprite. 문하고 싶은 것이 없는지 물어본다. 그녀는 충 분하다고 생각한다. 그녀가 할 수 있는 말은? The clerk now asks her if there is anything else she wants to order. She thinks it is enough. What does she say? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 109 2/9/09 1:55:54 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 10 Answer key & Script 19 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? ① W: She is brushing his teeth. ① W: 여자는 그의 이를 닦아주고 있다. ② W: She is cutting his nails. ② W: 여자는 그의 손톱을 깎아주고 있다. ① ② ③ ④ ③ W: She is combing his hair. ③ W: 여자는 그의 머리를 빗겨주고 있다. ④ W: She is trimming his hair. ④ W: 여자는 그의 머리카락을 자르고 있다. brush ~을 닦다 comb ~을 빗다 trim (머리카락을) 자르다 02 What is the relationship between the two speakers? What is the relationship between the two speakers? 화자들의 관계를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은?은?? ① A waiter - A passenger ② A Cook - A waitress ③ A Bartender - A customer ④ A Waitress - A Customer seem ~처럼 보이다 right away 바로 sir 손님 M: Excuse me. Please bring me a M: 실례합니다. 메뉴 좀 가져다 주시겠어요? W: Sure. You didn’t get one yet, W: 물론이죠. 아직 못 받아 보셨나요, 손님? M: No, everybody seems to be M: 아니요, 모두가 바빠 보이네요. W: I’m so sorry. I’ll get you one W: 정말 죄송해요. 바로 가져다 드릴게요. menu. sir? so busy. right away. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 03 ① They are at a factory. ② They are at an electronic goods store. M: Welcome to Power Land. How may I help you? 릴까요? M: 파워랜드에 오신 걸 환영합니다. 무엇을 도와드 W: I’m thinking of getting a W: 냉장고를 살까 하는데요. ③ They are at a power company. refrigerator. ④ They are at Everland. M: Well, which style are you M: 음, 어떤 스타일을 찾고 계십니까? looking for? W: I’d like a side-by-side W: 양문형에 얼음제조기를 갖춘 냉장고였으면 좋 refrigerator with an ice 겠어요. maker. refrigerator 냉장고 side-by-side 나란히 서 있는 ice maker 얼음제조기 110 Hot Listening ❶ 04 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 110 2/9/09 1:55:55 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the woman feel right now? How does the woman feel right now? 여자는 지금 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① She is angry. ② She is pleased. ③ She is disappointed. ④ She is annoyed. final 마지막의, 최종의 exam 시험 be able to ~할 수 있다 M: How did your English final go? M: 영어 기말고사 어떻게 됐니? W: Oh! I think I didn’t do well on W: 오, 시험을 잘 못본 것 같아. my exam. that? M: Why? What makes you think M: 왜? 무엇 때문에 그렇게 생각하는데? W: I was not able to answer W: 문제를 많이 못 풀었거든. many questions. What is “this”? 05 ① It is a motorcycle. ② It is a bicycle. ③ It is a car. ④ It is a boat. What is “this”? “이것””은 무엇인가? W: This has one seat and two wheels. People ride it by W: 이것은 의자 한 개와 바퀴 두 개를 가지고 있다. 사람들은 이것을 탈 때 의자에 앉아서 발을 이 sitting on a seat and pushing 용하여 두 개의 페달을 민다. 어떤 아이들은 바 two pedals with their feet. 퀴가 세 개나 네 개 달린 이것을 탄다. 사람들은 Some children ride this with 주로 날씨가 화창한 날에 재미로 이것을 탄다. wheel 바퀴 pedal 페달 push 밀다 three or four wheels. People usually like to ride this just for fun on a nice sunny day. How much did the woman pay? How much did the woman pay? 여자가 지불한 금액은 얼마인가? 06 ① She paid $28. ② She paid $40. ③ She paid $30. ④ She paid $26. boots 부츠 thin 얇은, 날씬한 original price 원래 가격 W: How do I look with these W: 이 부츠 신으니까 어때? M: Wow! You look wonderful. M: 와! 정말 멋있다. 네 다리가 길고 날씬해 보여. Your legs look so long and boots on? thin. W: Thanks. I love the style, and W: 고마워. 스타일도 너무 마음에 들고 가격도 정 the price was good. 말 좋았어. M: How much did you pay for it? M: 얼마인데? W: Well, the original price was W: 음, 원래는 40달러였는데 30% 세일했어. $40, but it was 30% off. sister about it. M: Really? Maybe I should tell my M: 정말? 우리 누나에게 말해줘야겠다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 111 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 111 2/9/09 1:55:57 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? ① It’s about doing homework. W: Amy is really mad at me, Dad. W: 아빠, Amy가 저에게 화가 많이 났어요. ② It’s about taking a picture. M: Why? I thought you guys M: 왜? 너희는 제일 친한 친구인 줄 알았는데. ③ It’s about borrowing a digital were best friends. ④ It’s about how to apologize to a no. W: Well, she wanted to borrow W: 음, Amy가 디지털 카메라를 빌려달라고 했는데 my digital camera, but I said 싫다고 했어요. camera. friend. borrow 빌리다 apologize 사과하다 M: What happened after that? M: 그래서 어떻게 됐어? W: She won’t talk to me anymore. I want to apologize to her , but I don’t know how. What should I do? M: Oh, I see. Let’s think of a way to say you are sorry to her. W: 저한테 더 이상 말을 하지 않아요. 사과를 하고 싶은데 어떻게 해야 할지 모르겠어요. 어떻게 하죠? M: 그래. 사과할 방법을 찾아보자. Why does the man stay after school? Why does the man stay after school? 남자가 방과 후에 학교에 남아야 하는 이유는? ① Because he has band practice W: Are you ready to go home? ② Because he failed the math test M: I am afraid not. I have to stay W: 집에 갈 준비됐어? ③ Because he has to study for the math test ④ Because he has to go to the woman’s house after school 방과 후 fail 낙제하다 quiz 쪽지 시험 practice 연습 stop by ~에 들르다 after school. M: 아니. 나 학교에 남아야 해. W: Why? Did you fail the math quiz? W: 왜? 수학 시험에 낙제했어? M: No. I did okay on the quiz. Actually, I have band practice today. W: Okay. I thought we were M: 아니. 시험은 잘 봤어. 사실은 오늘 밴드 연습이 있어. going to study together today. W: 알았어. 오늘 같이 공부하려고 했는데. M: Sorry. I’ll stop by your house after practice. M: 미안해. 연습 끝나고 집에 들를게. 07 08 09 What will the speakers probably do next? What will the speakers probably do next? 화자들이 다음으로 할 일은?은?? ① They will move to a new place. M: Hey! Let’s visit Tom’s new M: 안녕! Tom이 새로 이사한 집에 가자. ② They will go to Tom’s new apartment. ③ They will go grocery shopping. ④ They will help Tom. apartment. address? weekend. W: Sure. Do you have his new W: 그래. 새로 이사한 집 주소 알아? M: Yes, I helped him move last M: 응, 저번 주에 이사하는 것 도와줬어. address 주소 visit 방문하다 move 이사하다 grocery shopping 장보기 W: Should we buy some food for W: 새 집에 음식이라도 사갈까? his new place? M: Great idea. M: 좋은 생각이다. 11 Hot Listening ❶ 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 112 2/9/09 1:55:58 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오 W: I am something to eat. I am usually dark brown. I am very W: 나는 먹거리입니다. 나는 보통 흑갈색입니다. 나는 매우 달콤합니다. 사람들은 발렌타이 데이 sweet. People buy me a lot 에 나를 삽니다. on Valentine’s Day. ① ③ ② ④ something to eat 먹을 무언가 usually 보통 dark brown 흑갈색 Name Amy Julie Terry Gloria Age 12 15 12 14 ① ② ③ ④ older than ~보다 늙은 11 12 What is true about the table? What is true about the table? 표의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① M: Amy is older than Terry. ① M: Amy는 Terry보다 나이가 많다. ② M: Gloria is 13 years old. ② M: Gloria는 열 세 살이다. ③ M: Julie is the oldest of all. ③ M: Julie는 가장 나이가 많다. ④ M: Gloria is younger than Terry. ④ M: Gloria는 Terry보다 어리다. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① The speaker went to the amusement park yesterday. ② There were not many people there. ③ She only went on two rides. ④ She had a lot of fun. roller coaster 롤러코스터 merry-go-round 회전목마 W: Yesterday, I went to the amusement park with my friends. There were many people there. So we only rode on the roller coaster and merry-go-round. Anyway, we had so much fun. W: 어제 저는 친구들과 놀이공원에 갔습니다. 거기 에는 많은 사람들이 있었습니다. 그래서 우리는 롤러코스터와 회전목마 밖에 타지 못했습니다. 어쨌든 우리는 너무 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다. HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 113 2/9/09 1:55:59 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은?은?? 16 W: What are you going to do this W: 오늘 오후에 뭐 할거니? M: I am going shopping. I’ll buy a M: 쇼핑 갈거야. 셔츠 사려고. W: Why don’t you buy one on W: 인터넷으로 사지 그래? afternoon? shirt. the Internet? M: I don’t know. I am not sure M: 모르겠어. 나는 실제로 보지 않고 제대로 된 것 I can buy the right thing 을 살 수 있을지 자신이 없어. without actually looking at it first. W: That makes sense. Internet shopping? W: 일리가 있구나. Q: What does the man think of Q: 남자는 인터넷 쇼핑에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가? What does the woman like about the car? What does the woman like about the car? 여자가 차에 대해 좋아한 것은? ① She likes its speed. ② She likes its price. ③ She likes its size. ④ She likes its color. M: Look at my new sports car. M: 내 새 스포츠카 구경해. W: Wow. It’s really pretty. W: 와. 정말 예쁘다. M: Thanks. I think so, too. M: 고마워. 나도 그렇게 생각해. W: I really like the color. W: 색깔이 정말 맘에 들어. M: Yeah. There are not many red M: 응. 빨강색 차는 흔하지 않지. sports car 스포츠카 cars. What will the woman probably say next? What will the woman probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 여자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은?은?? ① He lived in London before. W: This is my uncle Joe in the ② He likes me a lot. ③ He is writing a letter. ④ He is a writer. painter 화가 writer 작가 photo. W: 사진에 이 사람이 Joe 삼촌이야. M: Is he the one who lives in New York? M: 뉴욕에 사는 분이시니? W: Right. He moved there 5 years ago. W: 맞아. 5년 전에 뉴욕으로 이사하셨어. M: What does he do for a living? W: He is a writer. M: 삼촌의 직업이 뭐야? W: 작가야. 13 ① He likes it very much. ② He thinks it is not safe. ③ He thinks it is easy. ④ He has no idea. That makes sense. 말 되네. 14 15 11 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 114 2/9/09 1:56:00 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Will you go to the department store with me? M: You are planning to go to the department store this M: 당신은 오늘 오후 백화점에 가려고 합니다. 연 간 정기 세일의 마지막 날입니다. 당신은 친구 ② Where is the department store? afternoon. It is the last day of 에게 함께 갈지를 묻고 싶습니다. 뭐라고 말할 ③ Did you see the show in the department store? ④ What do you want to buy there? its annual sale. You want to 건가요? ask your friend to come with you. What would you say? department store 백화점 annual 연간 sale 세일 the last day 마지막 날 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 115 2/9/09 1:56:01 PM HOT TEST 1 Answer key & Script 11 Answer key & Script 20 Question & Answer Audio Script translation 01 Which statement correctly describes the picture? Which statement correctly describes the picture? 그림을 가장 잘 묘사한 것은? 04 ① ② ③ ④ waist 허리 upper body 상체 kneel 무릎을 꿇다 ① M: He is placing his hands on his ① M: 그는 두 손을 허리에 얹고 상체를 왼쪽에서 waist and turning his upper body 오른쪽으로 돌리고 있다. from left to right. ② M: He is putting his feet together ② M: 그는 그의 다리를 모으고 그의 손을 위로 올 and putting his arms straight up. 려 뻗고 있다. ③ M: He is putting his feet apart and ③ M: 그는 두 발을 벌리고 그의 두 손을 허리에 placing his hands on his waist. 얹고 있다. ④ M: He is kneeling and placing his ④ M: 그는 무릎을 꿇고 두 손을 허리에 얹고 있다. hands on his waist. Where are the speakers? Where are the speakers? 화자들은 어디에 있는가? 02 ① They are at a laundromat. ② They are at a clothing store. today? W: Hello. How may I help you W: 안녕하세요. 오늘은 무엇을 도와드릴까요? ③ They are at a dry cleaner’s. M: I’d like to get these pants M: 이 바지를 3cm 정도 줄여 주시겠어요. ④ They are at a restaurant. shortened by 3 centimeters. laundromat 빨래방 got shortened 짧게 하다 dry cleaner’s 세탁소 W: Sure. When do you need W: 물론이지요. 언제 필요하십니까 손님? them, sir? M: By tomorrow afternoon. M: 내일 오후까지요. What did the woman do over the weekend? What did the woman do over the weekend? 여자는 주말에 무엇을 했는가? 03 M: Jane, how was your M: Jane, 주말 잘 보냈어? ① She moved into her friend’s apartment. pace. ② She had someone move into her ③ She put an ad on the bulletin board. ④ She helped her friend move to a house. weekend? moved in. board. W: I was so busy. My roommate W: 무척 바빴어. 룸메이트가 이사 왔거든. M: She did? Is she your friend? M: 그래? 그녀가 네 친구니? W: No. I put an ad on the bulletin W: 아니. 학교 게시판에 광고를 냈어. move 이사하다 put an ad 광고를 내다 bulletin board 게시판 11 Hot Listening ❶ 05 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 116 2/9/09 1:56:02 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation How does the man feel right now? How does the man feel right now? 남자는 지금 어떤 심정인가? 04 ① He is relaxed. ② He is careful. ③ He is relieved. ④ He is worried. cellular phone 핸드폰 relieved 안심되는 careful 조심하는 What am I? 05 ① I am a button. ② I am a cellular phone. ③ I am a remote control. ④ I am an MP3 player. useful 편리한, 유용한 device 기구 remote control 리모콘 ① He will pay $21.00. ② He will pay $19.00. ③ He will pay $20.00. ④ He will pay $22.00. the other one 다른 하나 M: I think I lost my cellular phone. M: 내 핸드폰을 잃어버린 것 같아. W: Really? You just used it a few minutes ago. Did you check your backpack? 봤니? W: 정말? 몇 분전까지 사용했었잖아. 가방 확인해 M: Oops! It’s in my backpack M: 이런! 내 가방 주머니에 핸드폰이 있네. 고마워. pocket. Thanks. I was worried. 걱정하던 참인데. W: You should be careful all the W: 항상 조심해야 해. time. What am I? 나는 무엇인가? W: I am a very useful small device. I have a lot of buttons W: 나는 작고 편리한 기구이다. 나는 많은 버튼을 가지고 있다. 어떤 버튼들은 빨간색, 파란색, 초 on me. Some of the buttons 록색, 오렌지색, 검정색이다. 나는 사람들이 채 are red, blue, green, orange, 널과 음량을 바꾸거나 전원을 켜고 끄는 것을 도와준다. 요즘 사람들은 나 없인 살 수 없다. and black. I help people change channels and the volume and turn the power on or off. People cannot live without me these days. W: May I help you with anything? W: 무엇을 도와드릴까요? M: Yes. How much are the M: 네. 저 쥐모양 케이크와 집모양 케이크는 얼마 mouse cake and the house cake? 인가요? W: The mouse cake is $13, and W: 쥐모양은 13달러이고 다른 것은 15달러입니다. the other one is $15. hats? M: How much are the party M: 파티 모자는 얼마인가요? W: They are $1.50 each, sir. W: 하나에 1달러 50센트입니다. M: I will take the house cake and M: 집모양 케이크와 모자 네 개 주세요. 4 hats, please. HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 How much will the man pay? How much will the man pay? 남자가 지불해야 할 금액은 얼마인가? 06 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 117 2/9/09 1:56:03 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 07 08 09 What is the conversation mainly about? What is the conversation mainly about? 대화는 주로 무엇에 관한 내용인가? ① It’s about how to study for the test. ② It’s about how to read books. M: I can’t remember anything for the test tomorrow. I am in a big trouble. M: 내일 시험을 위해 공부한 게 아무것도 기억이 안나. 큰일났어. ③ It’s about how to take notes. W: How did you study for the W: 어떻게 공부 했는데? ④ It’s about how to remember test dates. test? M: I read the textbook, M: 교과서 읽고, 노트 복습하고, 중요한 내용을 외 textbook 교과서 memorize 외우다 웠어. reviewed the notes, and memorized the important information. W: Did you try to write down what you memorized? You need to test yourself. M: No, I didn’t. But that’s a good idea. I will go do that right now. W: 외운 내용을 써봤니? 외운 것을 확인해봐야 해. M: 아니. 근데 좋은 생각이네. 지금 해봐야겠어. Why does the woman call the man? Why does the woman call the man? 여자가 남자에게 전화를 건 이유는 무엇인가? ① Because she wants to go over to his M: Hello. place new DVD ② Because she wants to watch his ③ Because she wants to borrow his chemistry book ④ Because she needs some help with the chemistry formulas chemistry 화학 formula 공식 W: Hey, this is Hanna. M: Hey! What’s up? M: 여보세요. W: 여보세요. 나 Hanna야. M: 안녕. 무슨 일이야? W: I need your help with my W: 화학 숙제 하는데 도움이 필요해서. 몇몇 공식 chemistry homework. I can’t 들을 이해할 수가 없어. M: Sure. Do you want to come over to my place? We 보자. M: 그래. 우리 집에 올래? 끝나고 새 DVD도 같이 understand some of the formulas. can watch my new DVD after ward. W: Okay. I will go over there W: 그래. 지금 갈게. right now. What will the man probably do next? What will the man probably do next? 남자가 다음으로 할 일은?은?? ① He will go camping. M: Are we ready to go camping M: 캠핑 갈 준비됐어? ② He will buy some medicine. ③ He will buy a flashlight and batteries. ④ He will go to his apartment. pack 짐을 싸다 battery 건전지 emergency 비상 medicine 약 pharmacy 약국 11 Hot Listening ❶ now? W: I think we have packed everything we need. Oh, did you pack a flashlight? M: Oh, no! I forgot to buy that and some batteries. W: Why don’t you go buy them now? get some emergency medicine, too. W: 필요한 건 모두 쌌어. 오, 손전등 넣었어? M: 오, 저런! 손전등과 건전지 사는 것을 잊었어. W: 지금 가서 사오지 그래? M: Good idea. Maybe I should M: 좋은 생각이다. 응급약도 사는 게 좋겠다. W: You should do that first. There is a pharmacy just outside of our apartment. 이 있어. W: 먼저 그러는 게 좋겠어. 아파트 바로 앞에 약국 10 11 12 Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 118 2/9/09 1:56:05 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 10 Choose the picture that best describes the statement. Choose the picture that best describes the statement. 가장 잘 묘사하고 있는 그림을 고르시오. W: I know many countries in the 은 나를 벽에 걸어요. 어떤 이들은 그들 나라의 world. Some people hang me 특정 지역을 찾을 때 나를 사용해요. 나는 그 나 on the wall. Some people use 라가 어디에 있는지 모를 때 매우 유용해요. W: 나는 세계 많은 나라들을 알아요. 어떤 사람들 me to find a certain place in their country. I am also very useful when you don’t know where the country is. ① ③ ② ④ hang 걸다 certain 특정의 useful 유용한 Name Amy Julie Terry Gloria Future Dream Teacher Doctor Scientist Writer ① ② ③ ④ scientist 과학자 11 12 go back 돌아가다 pick up 마중 나가다 arrive 도착하다 What is Not true about the table? What is Not true about the table? 표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① W: Amy wants to be a teacher. ① W: Amy는 선생님이 되고 싶다. ② W: Gloria wants to be a writer. ② W: Gloria는 작가가 되고 싶다. ③ W: Julie’s dream is the same as ③ W: Julie는 Amy와 꿈이 같다. Amy’s. ④ W: Terry’s future dream is to become a scientist. ④ W: Terry의 꿈은 과학자가 되는 것이다. What is Not true about the talk? What is Not true about the talk? 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① The speaker left this message to her mom. ② She is in Korea now. ③ She wants her mom to pick her up. ④ She wants to see her mom. W: Mom. It’s me, Julie. I will go back to Korea next Saturday. W: 엄마. Julie에요. 다음 주 토요일에 한국으로 돌 아가요. 공항으로 데리러 와 주실래요? 오후 2 시경에 비행기가 도착할 거에요. 엄마를 만나는 게 너무 기다려져요. 안녕히 계세요. Will you come and pick me up at the airport? My plane will arrive around 2 p.m. I can’t wait to see you. Bye. Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 119 2/9/09 1:56:06 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 Question & Answer Audio Script translation What is the best response to the question? What is the best response to the question? 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 응답은? 13 ① He forgot to buy a pair of shoes. W: Did you finish shopping for W: 여행을 위한 쇼핑은 마쳤니? ② He forgot to buy a backpack. your trip? ③ He forgot to buy sunglasses. M: Yes. Kind of. M: 응. 어느 정도는. ④ He didn’t forget anything. . W: What did you buy? W: 뭐 샀어? 16 a pair of 한 쌍의 backpack 배낭 sunglasses 선글라스 14 ① There is no park. ② There is no hospital. ③ There is no school. map 지도 next to ~옆에 building 건물 tennis court 테니스 코트 What is Not in the woman’s town? What is Not in the woman’s town? 여자의 마을에 없는 것은? ④ There is no tennis court. M: Where is your school? M: 네 학교는 어디에 있니? M: I bought a pair of shoes and M: 신발 한 켤레와 배낭 샀어. a backpack. W: What about sunglasses? W: 선글라스는? M: Oh my! I totally forgot. M: 오, 이런. 완전히 깜빡 했다. Q: What did the man forget to Q: 남자가 깜빡 하고 사지 못한 것은? buy? M: What are you looking at? M: 뭘 보고 있어? W: I am looking at a map of my W: 우리 마을 지도 보고 있어. town. W: It is the big building next to W: 병원 옆의 큰 건물이야. the hospital. next to the school? M: Is that a tennis court right M: 학교 바로 옆에는 테니스 코트니? W: No, it’s a park. We don’t have W: 아니, 공원이야. 우리 마을에는 테니스 코트가 a tennis court in our town. 없어. What will the man probably say next? What will the man probably say next? 대화의 마지막에 이어질 남자의 응답으로 적절 한 것은? 15 ① They are very sweet. ② They are not good for your health. W: What is your favorite fruit? W: 제일 좋아하는 과일이 뭐야? ③ They are spicy. ④ They are not tasty. M: I have so many. It’s hard to M: 너무 많아서 하나를 고를 수 없어. pick one. pick 고르다 sweet 달콤한 good for one’s health 건강에 좋은 spicy 매운 W: Do you like bananas? W: 바나나 좋아해? M: Yes, I like them very much. M: 응. 진짜 좋아해. W: I really dislike them. Why do W: 난 정말 안 좋아해. 왜 그걸 좋아해? you like them? M: They are very sweet. M: 그것들은 너무 달콤해. 10 Hot Listening ❶ Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 120 2/9/09 1:56:07 PM Question & Answer Audio Script translation 16 What is the best thing to say in the following situation? What is the best thing to say in the following situation? 다음 상황에서 할 수 있는 가장 알맞은 말은? ① Do you want to go outside? ② Which subject do you hate the most? ③ Can you find my math notebook ? ④ Will you help me with my math homework ? be good at ~을 잘하다 no matter how 아무리 ~할지라도 M: You are not good at math. No matter how hard you study, it is still very difficult M: 당신은 수학을 잘하지 못한다. 아무리 열심히 공부한다 해도 그것은 여전히 당신에게 어렵기 만 하다. 당신에게는 매우 어려운 수학 숙제가 for you. You have some math 있다. 당신의 언니의 도움을 받고 싶다. 당신의 언니에게 무엇이라고 말할 것인가? homework which is very difficult. You want to get some help from your sister. What would you say to your sister? Hot Listening 1_정답지.indb 121 2/9/09 1:56:08 PM HOT TEST 0 Answer key & Script 11 Answer key Test 01 Test 06 Test 02 Test 07 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ④ 13 ③ 1 ④ 5 ③ 9 ② 13 ① 1 ③ 5 ② 9 ③ 13 ② 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ③ 13 ③ 1 ④ 5 ③ 9 ③ 13 ③ 2 ④ 6 ③ 3 ② 7 ① 10 ② 11 ③ 14 ③ 15 ② 2 ③ 6 ② 3 ③ 7 ① 10 ④ 11 ③ 14 ② 15 ② 2 ③ 6 ① 3 ② 7 ① 10 ③ 11 ③ 14 ② 15 ① 2 ① 6 ① 3 ④ 7 ① 10 ④ 11 ② 14 ② 15 ① 2 ④ 6 ① 3 ① 7 ④ 10 ③ 11 ③ 14 ④ 15 ① 4 ① 8 ② 12 ③ 16 ② 4 ④ 8 ④ 12 ④ 16 ③ 4 ② 8 ④ 12 ④ 16 ① 4 ③ 8 ④ 12 ② 16 ③ 4 ④ 8 ② 12 ④ 16 ① Test 03 Test 08 Test 04 Test 09 1 ④ 5 ④ 9 ③ 13 ④ 1 ③ 5 ② 9 ③ 13 ② 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ③ 13 ② 1 ④ 5 ④ 9 ② 13 ① 1 ③ 5 ② 9 ③ 13 ③ 2 ① 6 ② 3 ① 7 ① 10 ③ 11 ② 14 ③ 15 ③ 2 ③ 6 ① 3 ③ 7 ④ 10 ③ 11 ② 14 ② 15 ② 2 ② 6 ① 3 ① 7 ④ 10 ③ 11 ① 14 ② 15 ② 2 ② 6 ① 3 ② 7 ③ 10 ④ 11 ① 14 ① 15 ④ 2 ④ 6 ① 3 ③ 7 ① 10 ④ 11 ① 14 ② 15 ① 4 ④ 8 ② 12 ① 16 ③ 4 ③ 8 ① 12 ③ 16 ③ 4 ② 8 ③ 12 ④ 16 ① 4 ② 8 ① 12 ③ 16 ② 4 ④ 8 ④ 12 ② 16 ③ Test 05 Test 10 122 Hot Listening ❶ Hot L1_Answerkey.indd 122 2/10/09 1:44:26 PM Test 11 1 ④ 5 ③ 9 ④ 13 ③ Test 12 1 ③ 5 ④ 9 ① 13 ③ Test 13 1 ② 5 ③ 9 ④ 13 ① Test 14 1 ④ 5 ③ 9 ② 13 ③ Test 15 1 ① 5 ④ 9 ③ 13 ③ 2 ③ 6 ② 3 ④ 7 ② 10 ④ 11 ③ 14 ① 15 ② 2 ④ 6 ② 3 ② 7 ① 10 ③ 11 ② 14 ③ 15 ③ 2 ① 6 ① 3 ① 7 ④ 10 ④ 11 ① 14 ② 15 ② 2 ② 6 ④ 3 ③ 7 ③ 10 ② 11 ② 14 ① 15 ④ 2 ③ 6 ② 3 ④ 7 ② 10 ② 11 ④ 14 ③ 15 ③ 4 ③ 8 ① 12 ③ 16 ① 4 ① 8 ③ 12 ③ 16 ② 4 ④ 8 ① 12 ③ 16 ④ 4 ④ 8 ① 12 ② 16 ④ 4 ① 8 ① 12 ③ 16 ② Test 16 Test 17 1 ③ 5 ① 9 ③ 13 ③ 1 ③ 5 ④ 9 ② 13 ③ 1 ③ 5 ③ 9 ② 13 ④ 1 ④ 5 ② 9 ③ 13 ② 1 ① 5 ③ 9 ② 13 ③ Test 18 Test 19 Test 20 2 ① 6 ② 3 ② 7 ① 10 ① 11 ① 14 ① 15 ② 2 ④ 6 ① 3 ③ 7 ③ 10 ① 11 ③ 14 ④ 15 ② 2 ③ 6 ① 3 ① 7 ③ 10 ① 11 ① 14 ④ 15 ① 2 ④ 6 ① 3 ② 7 ④ 10 ① 11 ③ 14 ④ 15 ④ 2 ③ 6 ① 3 ② 7 ① 10 ④ 11 ③ 14 ④ 15 ① 4 ④ 8 ④ 12 ③ 16 ③ 4 ① 8 ③ 12 ④ 16 ③ 4 ② 8 ④ 12 ④ 16 ④ 4 ③ 8 ① 12 ② 16 ① 4 ③ 8 ④ 12 ② 16 ④ Hot L1_Answerkey.indd 123 2/10/09 1:44:27 PM Answer key 123 Written by Kum Bae Cho•Joanna Kyung-Ah Chung•Young Sil Baek•Young Eun Park 1 Illustrated by Nika Tchaikovskaya First Published February 2009 Sixth Printing February 2014 Publisher: Kyudo Chung Editorial Manager: Meehyun Kim Salesmen: Wonho Lee, Daewook Kim Interior Design: Eunhee Lee, Soonam Park Cover Design: Eunhee Lee Photo Credit: www.photos.com Published and distributed by Editors: Hyunju Jeon, Jieun Kim, Suyeon Jung, Mikyoung Kim, Genie Jeong Darakwon Bldg., 64-1 Jandari-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 121-894 Tel: 82-2-736-2031(Ext. 250) Fax: 82-2-732-2037 Homepage: www.ihappyhouse.co.kr Copyright ©2009, Kum Bae Cho•Joanna Kyung-Ah Chung•Young Sil Baek•Young Eun Park All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior consent of the copyright owner. ISBN: 978-89-5655-594-2 78740 [Components] Test & Dictation Book Answer Key & Script Book 2 Audio CDs Hot L1_Answerkey.indd 124 2014-01-24 오후 4:36:38


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