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듣기는 실전이다 24 중학 1 답지 (2019)



중학영어듣기 만점 솔루션 듣기는 실전이다 중학 1 정답과 해설 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 1 2018-10-08 오후 7:13:22 영어듣기능력 진단평가 01 회 01③ 06④ 11② 16⑤ 02② 07⑤ 12⑤ 17③ 03① 08① 13③ 18② 04② 09④ 14① 19⑤ 05④ 10③ 15① 20④ M Me, too. Let’s take some photos there. W Sure. That’s a good idea. M 지민,여기장미들을봐. W 와!정말아름답다. M 이공원에아주많은종류의꽃들이있어. W 저노란색튤립이좋아. M 나도.거기서사진을좀찍자. M 물론이야.좋은생각이야. 01 ③ W I have four legs and a long tail. I have thick skin. I also have very strong and sharp teeth. I can live both in the water and on the ground. What am I? 05 ④ W Hi, everyone. I’d like to introduce my best friend, Sumi, to you. She goes to Brown Middle School. She has long curly hair. Her hobby is making things with paper. She is kind, so many people like her. W 나는네개의다리와하나의긴꼬리를가졌어요.나는두꺼운피부를 가지고있어요.나는또아주강하고날카로운이빨을가지고있습니다. 나는물속에서도살수있고땅위에서도살수있어요.나는무엇일까 W 모두,안녕.내가장친한친구수미를모두에게소개하고싶어.그녀는 브라운중학교에다니고있어.그녀는긴곱슬머리를가지고있어.그녀 의취미는종이로물건을만드는거야.그녀는친절해서많은사람들이 요? 02 ② W May I help you? M Yes. I’d like to buy a pair of slippers for my sister. W Okay. How about these ones with bears on them? M Not bad. But do you have any others? W Hmm... We have slippers with ribbons. M The ones with ribbons are good. I’ll take them. W 도와드릴까요? M 네,여동생을위한슬리퍼한켤레를사고싶습니다. W 알겠습니다.슬리퍼위에곰이있는건어떠세요? M 나쁘지않네요.하지만다른것도있나요? W 흠...리본이달린슬리퍼도있습니다. M 리본이들린것이좋겠네요.그걸로하겠습니다. 03 ① M Good morning! Here is today’s world weather forecast. In Tokyo, there will be rain all day long. In Bangkok, it’ll be sunny. Paris will be windy and very cold. London will be very cloudy. M 안녕하세요!오늘의세계일기예보입니다.도쿄는하루종일비가내리 겠습니다.방콕은맑겠습니다.파리는바람이불고매우춥겠습니다.런 던은매우흐리겠습니다. 04 ② M Jimin, look at these roses here. W Wow! They’re really beautiful. 2 중1 24 그녀를좋아해. 06 ④ W Sam, did you buy a gift for Mother’s Day? M No. What about you? W Not yet. Why don’t we go shopping together? M Okay. Let’s meet tomorrow morning at 10. W Um... That’s a little early for me. Can we meet at 10:30 a.m.? M No problem. See you tomorrow. W 샘,어머니의날을위한선물샀니? M 아니.너는? W 아직.같이사러가는거어때? M 좋아.내일오전10시에만나자. W 음...나에게좀이른시간인데.10시30분에볼수있을까? M 문제없어.내일보자. 07 ⑤ W Stuart, you look a little tired. M Yeah. I practiced tennis for 4 hours yesterday. W Wasn’t it hard? M It was not easy, but I love tennis. W Oh, I didn’t know that. M I actually want to become a famous tennis player. W I hope your dream comes true. W 스튜어트,너조금피곤해보인다. M 응.어제테니스를4시간연습했어. W 어렵지않았니? M There are so many kinds of flowers in this park. M 쉽지않았지만,난테니스를좋아해. W I like those yellow tulips. W 아,몰랐어. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 2 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:45 M 난사실유명한테니스선수가되고싶어. W 흠...아,봐!나라병원에서환자들을위해바이올린을연주할수있어. W 네꿈이이루어지길바란다. M 잘됐다! 08 ① M Mom, it’s finally picnic day this Friday! 11 ② M See you later, Mom. I’m going to the museum. W Great. I know you waited a long time for it. Do you need to W How are you getting there, Joe? M Yes. Can you make gimbap for me? I really want to have it. W But it’s raining outside. I’ll take you by car. bring lunch? W Of course. M Wow, I can’t wait! 니? W 물론이지. M 와,못기다리겠어요! M 엄마,이번주금요일드디어소풍이에요! W 잘됐네.네가오랫동안기다렸다는걸알고있어.점심을가져가야하 M 네.저를위해김밥을만들어주실수있나요?진짜먹고싶어요. 09 ④ W Eric, let’s go to the concert now. M Okay. [Pause] Wait! W What’s wrong? M I left my jacket in the restaurant. W Are you sure? M I think so. The tickets are in the jacket. W Oh, no! What should we do? W 에릭,지금콘서트에가자. M 좋아.[멈춤]잠깐! W 무슨일이야? M 식당에다내재킷을두고왔어. W 확실해? M 그런거같아.표가재킷안에있는데. W 안돼!어떻게해야하지? M 여기서기다려,내가당장식당에가볼게. 10 ③ W Nick, what are you doing? M I’m looking on the Internet for volunteer work to do. W What kind of work do you want to do? M I want to play the violin for people. Hospital. M Excellent! W 닉,뭐해? M 인터넷으로봉사활동을찾고있어. W 네가하고싶은일이어떤일인데? M 사람들을위해바이올린을연주하고싶어 M I’ll walk there. It’s not far. M Thanks. That will be great. M 나중에봐요,엄마.저박물관에갈거예요. W 거기는어떻게갈거니,조? M 걸어갈거예요.멀지않아요. W 그래도밖에비가오고있어.차로데려다줄게. M 고마워요.잘됐네요. 12 ⑤ W Chris, can you do me a favor? M What is it, Amy? then. W Oh, I see. M Why don’t you ask Betty? W Okay, I will. Thanks. W 크리스,부탁좀해도될까? W Could you help me with my math homework at lunch time? M I’d love to, but I can’t. I have a club meeting in the art room W 점심시간에내수학숙제를도와줄수있니? M 그러고싶은데,그럴수없어.그땐미술실에서동아리모임이있어. W 아,알았어. M 베티한테부탁하는거어때? W 알겠어,그럴게.고마워. 13 ③ M Hi, Dr. Yoon. I’m James King from ABA News. W Good afternoon. M Could you tell us about your new invention? W I invented a cleaning robot to help busy people. M I’m sure many people will love it. W I hope this saves lots of time. M Great. Thanks for the interview. W 안녕하세요. M 선생님의새로운발명에대해말씀해주시겠어요? W 저는바쁜사람들을돕기위한청소로봇을발명했습니다. M 많은사람들이좋아할것이라확신해요. W 이것이많은시간을절약하길바랍니다. M 굉장하네요.인터뷰감사드립니다. 제01 회 영어듣기능력 진단평가 3 W Hmm... Oh, look! You can play it for the patients at Nara M 안녕하세요,윤박사님.저는ABA뉴스의제임스킹입니다. M Wait here, and I’ll go back to the restaurant right now. M 무슨일이야,에이미? #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 3 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:45 W It’ll be on your right between the library and the shoe store. M 흠...이사과들은맛있어보이네요. W 네오른편에도서관이랑신발가게사이에있을거야. W It was delicious, thank you. 18 ② M Good evening, ma’am. How did you like your steak? 14 ① W Hi, Daniel. What’s wrong? M My cell phone is broken. W Really? I know a good service center. M Great! How can I get there? W Go straight two blocks and turn left. M Okay. M Oh, I see. Thanks. W 안녕,다니엘.무슨일이니? M 내휴대전화가망가졌어. W 진짜?나좋은서비스센터를알고있어. M 잘됐다!거기어떻게가? W 두블록쭉간다음에왼쪽으로꺾어. M 알겠어. M 아,알겠어.고마워. 15 ① M Carol, do you remember the plans for Tina’s birthday? W You mean the surprise party? M Yes. Ben will bring a cake and I’ll get some drinks. W Then what do I need to bring? M Can you buy some flowers for her? W Sure. No problem. M 캐롤,티나의생일을위한계획기억해? W 깜짝파티말하는거야? M 응.벤이케이크를가져오고내가음료를살거야. W 그럼나는무엇을가져갈까? M 그녀를위해꽃을좀살수있어? W 물론.문제없어. 16 ⑤ M Wow! Mina, you’re really good at dancing. W Thank you for saying so. M Where did you learn to dance? W I joined a dancing club last year. M Cool! I want to learn to dance, too. W Then why don’t you join our club? M 와!미나,너진짜춤잘춘다. W 그렇게말해주니고마워. M 춤은어디서배웠어? W 작년에댄스클럽에가입했어. M 멋지다!나도춤추는법을배우고싶어. W 그럼우리클럽에가입할래? 17 ③ M Mom, look! They are selling fruits over there. 4 중1 24 W Yeah. Let’s go get some. M Hmm... These apples look delicious. W Yeah. But we have apples at home. M Then how about those strawberries? W Okay. They look fresh. Let’s buy some. M 엄마,봐요!저기서과일을팔고있어요. W 그래.가서좀사자. W 그래.하지만집에사과가있어. M 그럼저딸기들은어때요? W 그래.신선해보이네.좀사자. M Great. Would you like some dessert? W Yes. Could you show me the menu? M Certainly. Here you are. W Um... I’ll have the chocolate cake, please. M Sure. I’ll bring it now. M 안녕하세요.스테이크맛이어떠셨나요? W 맛있었어요,고마워요. M 잘됐네요.디저트를드시겠습니까? W 네.메뉴를좀보여주시겠어요? M 당연하죠.여기있습니다. W 음...초콜릿케이크부탁해요. M 물론이죠.곧가져오겠습니다. 19 ⑤ W Hi, Dave. What are you doing here? M I’m waiting for the bus to go home. W But you left school early. Why are you still here? M The bus didn’t come yet. W Really? Why don’t you just walk home? M I want to, but I hurt my foot yesterday. W Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. W 그런데너학교에서일찍나왔잖아.왜아직도여기에있어? W 안녕,데이브.여기서뭐하니? M 집에가려고버스를기다리고있어. M 버스가아직도안왔어. W 진짜?그냥집에걸어가는게어때? M 그러고싶은데,어제다리를다쳤어. W 아,안됐다. ①만나서반가워 ②그러고싶은데,그럴수없어. ③아니,갖고있지않아. ④조언고마워. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 4 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:46 20 ④ W Hi, Suho. What will you do this summer vacation? M I’m going to travel with my family. W That’s wonderful! Where will you go? M We’ll visit Ulleungdo. W Oh, I went there last year. M Really? What did you do in Ulleungdo? W I had some delicious seafood. W 안녕,수호.이번여름방학때뭐할거야? M 가족과여행을갈거야. W 멋지다!어디를갈거니? M 울릉도에방문할거야. W 아,나작년에거기갔었어. M 진짜?울릉도에서뭐했어? W 맛있는해산물을먹었어. ①난14살이야. ②나는거기기차를타고갈거야. ③난숙제를하고있어. ⑤수영캠프에가입할거야. 영어듣기능력 진단평가 02 회 01④ 06③ 11⑤ 16② 02② 07② 12⑤ 17④ 03③ 08⑤ 13① 18⑤ 04① 09② 14④ 19⑤ 05③ 10④ 15① 20④ 01 ④ M Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and play games on this. We can talk on this. Some people use this too much. We need to use this wisely. M 많은사람들이매일이것을사용합니다.여러분은이것으로많은것을 할수있습니다.여러분은이것으로비디오를보고,사진을찍고,게임을 할수있습니다.우리는이것에대고말을할수있습니다.몇몇사람들 은이것을너무많이사용합니다.우리는이것을현명하게사용할필요 가있습니다. 02 ② W Dad, did you see my blanket? I can’t find it. M What does it look like, Amy? W It has a dog on it. M Does it have anything else? W It also has my name under the dog. M Okay. Let’s find it together. W 아빠,제담요봤어요?찾을수가없네요. M 어떻게생겼니,Amy? W 강아지가그려져있어요. M 다른건없니? W 강아지밑에제이름이있어요. M 알겠다.같이찾아보자. 03 ③ W Here is the weather report for today and this weekend. It will rain all day long today. It will rain until Saturday. But, the air will be cleaner after the rain. On Sunday it will be sunny. You can go out and enjoy the sunshine. W 오늘과이번주말을위한일기예보입니다.오늘은하루종일비가오겠 습니다.비는토요일까지오겠습니다.하지만비가내린후공기가맑아 지겠습니다.일요일에는맑겠습니다.여러분들은나가서햇빛을즐기실 수있습니다. 04 ① M Jane, who is dancing in this video? 제02 회 영어듣기능력 진단평가 5 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 5 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:47 W It’s my friend. He was in a Hip-hop dance contest. M 아...몰랐어. M Wow! He is a great dancer. W 응,대회를위해연습을해야해. W Yes. He won the first prize at the dance contest. M 알겠어. M Why don’t we invite him to our school festival? W 나훌륭한피아니스트가되고싶어. M Jane,이비디오에서춤추는사람누구야? W 내친구야.그는힙합댄스대회에나갔었어. M 와!진짜춤잘춘다. W 맞아.그는댄스대회에서1등상을받았어. M 그를우리학교축제에초대하는거어때? 08 ⑤ M I can’t wait for the class field trip tomorrow! W Me, too. Do you want to play games together? M Yeah, let’s play Catch the Tail. W Good idea. And how about Hide and Seek? M Sounds great! Tomorrow will be fun. M 내일현장학습빨리가고싶어! 05 ③ M Let me tell you about our club activities. We read many kinds of books and talk about them. We make book posters, too. Once a month, our club has a street W 나도.같이게임할래? M 좋아,꼬리잡기하자. campaign for reading. We also read books to sick children W 좋은생각이야.그리고숨바꼭질하는거어때? in hospitals twice a year. M 좋아!내일재미있겠다. M 우리동아리활동을말해줄게.우리는많은종류의책을읽고그것에 대해이야기해.우리는책포스터를만들기도해.한달에한번,우리동 아리는독서를위한길거리캠페인을해.우리는또일년에두번병원 에서아픈아이들에게책을읽어줘. 06 ③ M Mina, will you attend any after-school programs? W Sure. I’m going to take the yoga class. M Really? Me, too. When should I sign up? W Sign up starts at 4 o’clock this afternoon. M Thanks. When does the yoga class start? W It begins at 4:30 p.m. every Friday. M 뭐야? 09 ② W Hi, Mike. How are you doing? M I’m doing very well. Thanks. W I’d like to tell you some good news. M What is it? W Emma won the first prize in the speech contest. M Great! I will call her to congratulate her right now. W 안녕,Mike.잘지내고있니? M 잘지내.고마워. W 좋은소식을말하고싶어. W Emma가웅변대회에서1등을했어. M 잘됐다!지금당장축하한다고전화해야지. 10 ④ M I have something good to tell you. W What is that? M Mina,방과후프로그램에참여할거니? W 물론이야.요가수업을들을거야. M 진짜?나도.언제등록해야해? W 등록은오늘오후4시부터시작이야. M 고마워.요가수업은언제시작해? W 매주금요일오후4시30분에시작해. 07 ② M Hi, Joan, I have musical tickets. Would you like to come? W Sure, when is it? M It’s this Friday. M Our homeroom teacher is going to get married this Saturday. W Wow, that’s surprising! Where is the wedding? M It’s at the “Happy Wedding Hall”. W What time is the wedding? M It’s at 3 p.m. W Um... I have an important piano contest on Friday. W Why don’t we go and sing for her at the wedding? M 안녕,Joan,나음악회표가있어.갈래? M “HappyWeddingHall”에서열릴거야. W 음...나금요일에중요한피아노대회가있어 W 결혼식장에서선생님을위해우리노래를부르는거어때? M 우리담임선생님이이번주토요일에결혼을하신대. M 나좋은소식이있어. W 뭐야? W 와,놀랍다!어디서? W 결혼식은몇시야? M 오후3시야. M Oh... I didn’t know that. W Yes, I need to practice for the contest. M Right. W I want to be a good pianist. W 물론이야,언제야? M 이번주금요일. 6 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 6 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:48 W But there are lots of cars on the road around this time of W 음...내휴대전화를찾을수가없어. 11 ⑤ W Junho, What time does the concert begin? M It begins at 7:30. W 7:30? I think we should leave home now. M It’s too early. It’s not even 6 o’clock yet. the day. M Yeah, then why don’t we go by subway? W You’re right. Let’s take the subway. W Junho,콘서트언제시작이야? M 7시30분에시작해. W 7시30분?지금집에서나와야할거같아. M 너무이른시간이야.아직6시도안됐어. W 하지만이시간에는도로에차가많아. M 맞아,그럼지하철을타고갈까? W 맞아.지하철을타자. W But it’s not there. M Then why don’t you use my cell phone to call yours? W That’s a good idea. [Pause] [Phone Rings] Oh... It’s under the chair. M 무엇을찾고있니,Katie? M 오늘아침에컴퓨터옆에있는걸본거같은데. W 하지만거기없어. M 그럼내휴대전화로네휴대전화에전화해보는거어때? W 좋은생각이다.[멈춤][전화벨이울린다]아...의자밑에있어. 15 ① W Dennis, what are you doing with these blocks? M I’m making a bear with them. W Wow, there are so many different sizes and colors. M Oops. I lost one. Can you find it for me? W Sure. What does it look like? M It’s the small, yellow one for the ear. W Okay. I’ll have a look. W Dennis,이블록들로뭐하고있어? M 곰을만들고있어. W 물론이야.어떻게생겼어? M 찾고,귀부분의노란색이야. W 응,찾아볼게. 16 ② M Guess what, Lisa? I’m visiting Busan this Saturday. W Sounds exciting! What will you do there? M I’ll look around the city. W Are you going to take the city tour bus? M I want to, but it is more expensive than I thought. W Hmm... How about finding discount coupons online? M 그거알아,Lisa?나이번주토요일에부산에간다. W 재미있겠다!거기서무엇을할거야? M 도시를구경할거야. W 도시여행버스를탈거니? M 그러고싶은데,내가생각한거보다비싸더라. W 흠...온라인에서할인쿠폰을찾아보는거어때? M 좋은생각이야. 17 ④ M Diane, do you have any plans this weekend? W Nothing special. Why? M My club will have a “Clean the Earth” campaign and we need some help. W What can I do to help you? 제02 회 영어듣기능력 진단평가 7 12 ⑤ W Excuse me. You can’t ride your bike in the park today. M Really? Why not? W We are having a Kimchi festival here. M Oh, sorry! That’s why there are so many people. W 와,정말많은크기와색깔들이있네. W That’s right. The festival will be held until this Friday. M 아,하나를잃어버렸어.찾아줄래? M We just came back from P.E class. We are still sweating. M That’s a good idea. W Please open the windows and let’s begin the class. M Oh, I see. I should find another place then. W 실례합니다.오늘공원에서자전거를탈수없습니다. M 진짜요?왜요? W 여기서김치축제가열립니다. M 아,죄송해요!그래서사람이이렇게많았군요. W 맞아요.축제는이번주금요일까지열립니다. M 아,알겠어요.그럼다른장소를찾아야하겠네요. 13 ① W Why is it so hot in this room? W Move your desks into groups of four. Let’s start our history M Okay, Ma’am. project. W 이방왜이렇게덥지? M 체육수업후에막돌아왔어요.우린아직땀이나고있어요. W 창문좀열고수업을시작하자. M 네,선생님. M 책상을4명그룹으로만들렴.역사프로젝트를시작하자. 14 ④ M What are you looking for, Katie? W Uhm... I can’t find my cell phone. M I think I saw it next to the computer this morning. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 7 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:49 M I plan to draw some posters on Saturday. Are you good at W Really? Where did you practice? M 우리동아리에서“CleantheEarth”캠페인을하는데도움이필요해. M 와,좋다.나는비보이춤연습을했어. M I practiced at a dance school. W Kyle,휴가어떻게보냈어? M 좋았어.좋은시간을보냈어.너는어때? W 나는가족과대전에여행을갔어. W 진짜?어디서연습했어? M 춤학교에서연습했어. ①응,나도춤추는거좋아해. ②아니,나는춤을잘못춰. ③나는춤에관심이없어. ⑤나는춤대회에나가고싶어. drawing? W Yes, I am. Let’s do it together. M Diane,이번주말에무슨계획이있니? W 특별히없어.왜? W 무엇을해야하니? W 응,잘그려.같이하자. M 토요일에포스터를그릴까하거든.너그림잘그리니? 18 ⑤ M Wow, Sumin. What a lovely dress! W Actually, my mom made it for me. M Really? I like that style. W Thanks. M Does she work in fashion? W Yes, she designs children’s clothes. M That sounds great! M 와,Sumin.드레스예쁘다! W 사실,엄마가나를위해만들어주셨어. M 진짜?스타일이마음에들어. M 어머니가패션일에종사하시니? W 응,엄마는아동복을디자인해. W 고마워. M 멋지다! 19 ⑤ W Are you going to join a school club, Matt? M Yes, I want to join the drum club, but I can’t play drums. W That’s okay. You can learn about it in the club. M What about you, Mina? Do you want to join a club? W Yeah, I’m going to join the photo club. What do you think? M That’s a good idea. W 학교동아리에가입할거니,Matt? M 응,난드럼동아리에가입하고싶은데,내가드럼을잘못쳐. W 괜찮아.동아리에서배울수있어. M 너는어때,Mina?동아리에가입하고싶니? W 응,나는피아노동아리에가입할거야.어떻게생각해? M 좋은생각이야. ①공평하지않아 ②내잘못이야. ③저거내책이야. ④여기서드실건가요가지고가실건가요? 20 ④ W Hey, Kyle. How was your vacation? M Good, I had a great time. How about you? W I took a trip to Daejeon with my family. M Wow, that’s nice. I practiced B-boy dancing. 8 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 8 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:49 영어듣기능력 진단평가 03 회 01① 06⑤ 11③ 16③ 02③ 07④ 12④ 17① 03① 08④ 13⑤ 18⑤ 04② 09④ 14② 19⑤ 05④ 10⑤ 15② 20③ W 아빠,나새로운학교가방이필요해요. M 왜,Jimin?좋은가방가지고있잖아. W 지금저에게너무작아요.더큰걸로사주세요. M 알겠다,이번주말에하나사줄게. 05 ④ M I’d like to introduce my mom to you. She teaches music at Daehan Middle School. Mom goes to work early in the morning and comes back home at 6 p.m. She has short black hair and wears glasses. Her hobby is playing board games. M 우리엄마를소개하겠습니다.엄마는대한중학교에서음악을가르치십 니다.엄마는아침일찍출근하시고6시에집에오십니다.엄마는짧은 검정머리이고안경을쓰십니다.그녀의취미는보드게임입니다. 01 ① M You can find me in Korean traditional stories. I live deep in the mountains and woods. I am a large animal. I am a good hunter. I have black lines on my body. I am a member of the cat family. What am I? M 여러분은나를한국전래동화에서찾을수있습니다.나는산과숲속 깊은곳에삽니다.나는큰동물입니다.나는훌륭한사냥꾼입니다.나는 몸에검정줄무늬가있습니다.나는고양이과동물입니다.나는무엇일 06 ⑤ [Cellphone rings.] M Hello, Jessica! 까요? 02 ③ M Jina, tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. What should I buy for her? W What about socks? M Good! She told me she needed some socks. W I think your sister will like the ones with trees and stars. M Okay, I’ll get those. M Jina,내일내여동생생일이야.무엇을사야할까? W 양말어때? M 좋아!그녀가나에게양말이필요하고말했어. W 네여동생은나무와별이있는양말을좋아할거야. M 그래.그걸로사자. W Hey, Sam! Where are you? M I’m on my way to the concert hall now. W I’m going there, too. But I will be a little late. M No worries. It’s 4 o’clock now. W Then, let’s meet at 4:30 in front of the ticket box. M Okay. [휴대전화가울린다.] M 여보세요,Jessica! W 어,Sam!어디야? M 지금콘서트장에가고있어. W 나도가고있어.그런데조금늦을거같아. M 걱정마.지금4시야. W 그럼,4시30분에매표소앞에서보자. M 그래. 03 ① W Good morning. Here’s the weather report. It’s raining a lot now, but it’s going to stop tonight. After today’s rain, it will be sunny tomorrow. The sky will not be cloudy anymore. You can enjoy outdoor activities. 07 ④ M Look at the cute dog. Do you like dogs, Emily? W Yes, I love dogs. What about you? M I like dogs very much. W Do you like cats, too? M Yes, I love all animals. So I want to be an animal doctor. W 안녕하세요.일기예보입니다.지금비가많이내리고있지만오늘밤그 W I’m sure you will be a good animal doctor. 칠것입니다.오늘비이후에,내일은맑겠습니다.하늘은더없이맑겠 습니다.여러분은야외활동을즐길수있습니다. M 귀여운개좀봐.개를좋아하니,Emily? W 응,개를좋아해.너는어때? M 나는개를아주좋아해. W 고양이도좋아하니? M 응,난모든동물들을사랑해.그래서나는수의사가되고싶어. W 네가훌륭한수의사가될거라고확신해. 04 ② W Dad, I need a new school bag. M Why, Jimin? You have a nice one. W It’s too small for me now. Please buy me a bigger one. M Okay, I’ll buy it for you this weekend. 08 ④ 제03 회 영어듣기능력 진단평가 9 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 9 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:50 W What’s wrong, Mike? W 피아노레슨이끝나고걸어갈거야.너는? M My mom told me to walk the dog yesterday. M 엄마가차로태워주신다고했어. W Then, what happened? W 알겠어,파티에서보자. M When I talked with my friend, my dog ran away. M 거기서봐. W Oh, no! Did you find your dog? M No, I couldn’t find it anywhere. What shall I do? W 무슨일이야,Mike? M 엄마가어제개를산책을하라고했어. W 그런데,무슨일이야? M 친구랑대화할때,개가달아났어. W 이럴수가!개는찾았니? M 아니,어디서도찾을수가없어.어쩌면좋지? 09 ④ M Wow, this school festival is really fun. W Yes, it is. M What do you want to do next? W Let’s make a candle in the gym. painting? W Sounds good! Let’s go right now. M 와,이학교축제진짜재미있다. W 맞아.재미있어. M 다음에뭐하고싶어? W 체육관에서초를만들자. M But it will take too much time. Why don’t we do face M 하지만시간이너무걸릴거같아.페이스페인팅하는거어때? W 좋아!지금바로가자. 10 ⑤ W James, you look excited. What’s new? M Today my class will visit the Bike museum. W Cool. What are you going to do there? M We’ll learn about the history of bikes. W Will you do anything else? M We’ll also ride special bikes. It will be fun. W James,너신나보인다.무슨일있어? M 오늘우리반이자전거박물관에가거든. W 멋지네.거기서무엇을할거야? M 우리는자전거에역사에대해배울거야. W 다른거는안하니? M 특별한자전거도탈거야.신날거야. 12 ④ W Sangmin, you look tired. What did you do last night? M I watched a soccer match on TV until 2 a.m. W Really? Was it a big match? M Yeah, it was the final match between Korea and Iran. W Did Korea win? M Yes, Korea won the match. W Sangmin,지쳐보인다.어젯밤무엇을했니? M 새벽2시까지축구경기를봤어. W 진짜?큰경기였어? M 응,한국과이란의결승전이었어. W 한국이이겼어? M 응,한국이경기에서이겼어. 13 ⑤ M Can I help you? W I think there is something wrong with my car. M Okay. Let me check your car. W Is there any problem? M Well, there is a small hole in the tire. W How long will it take to fix the tire? M It’ll take about one hour. M 도와드릴까요? W 제차에문제가생긴거같아요. M 알겠습니다.차를확인해보겠습니다. W 무슨문제가있나요? M 타이어에작은구멍이하나있네요. W 타이어를고치는데얼마나걸릴까요? M 대략한시간걸립니다. 14 ② M Emily, do you know any good hair shops near here? W Sure, there’s the Smile Shop. M Okay. How can I get there from here? W Go straight two blocks. Then turn right. M Oh, I see. M Thanks. W You will see a bookstore on your left. It’s next to the bookstore. 11 ③ M How will you go to Jake’s birthday party, Stella? W I will walk there after my piano lesson. How about you? M My mom said she would take me there by car. W Okay, see you at the party. M See you there. M Jake의생인파티에어떻게갈거야,Stella? M Emily,이근처에괜찮은미용실아니? W 물론이야,SmileShop이있어. M 그래.여기서거기에어떻게갈수있니? W 두블록쭉가서왼쪽으로돌아. M 아,알겠어. M 고마워. W 왼쪽에서점이있을거야.서점옆이야. 10 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 10 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:51 M 진짜?나숙제를위해그게필요해.나에게빌려줄수있니? M He is sick in bed. W Really? I didn’t know that! I have something to give him. M You do? Why don’t we visit him after school together? M Sure. Here you are. W Please remember to bring it back by April 17th. W 도와드릴까요? M 네,‘TheShortStoriesofSherlockHolmes’라는책을찾고있어요. M My parents gave me a jigsaw puzzle. What about you? W 책목록을확인해보겠습니다.[키보드소리]여기있네요. W I got Korean history books from my uncle. M 지금빌릴수있나요? M Really? I need those for my homework. Can you lend them W 네,신분증갖고계시나요? 15 ② W Jeff, how was your Christmas? M It was great. W What presents did you get? to me? W Sure. W Jeff,크리스마스어땠어? M 멋졌어. W 무슨선물받았어? M 부모님이퍼즐을주셨어.너는? W 나는삼촌에게한국사책들을받았어. W 물론이야. 16 ③ W What will you do on Mother’s Day? M I want to bake cookies for my mom. W I was going to bake cookies for my mom, too. M Really? Then let’s make them together after school. W Good idea. See you then. W 어머니의날에뭐할거야? M 엄마를위해쿠키를굽고싶어. W 나도엄마를위해쿠키를구우려고했어. M 진짜?그럼방과후에같이쿠키를만들자. W 좋은생각이야.그때보자. 17 ① W Alex, what are you looking for? M We need a ruler for our math class, but I can’t find mine. W Maybe you left it at home. M No, I used it in art class today. W Then, we can share my ruler for this class. W Alex,무엇을찾고있니? M 수학시간에쓸자가필요한데내것을찾을수가없어. W 집에두고왔겠지. M 아니야,오늘미술시간에썼어. W 그럼,이번수업에내자를같이쓰자. M 물론이죠.여기있습니다. W 4월17일까지갖고오시는거기억하세요. 19 ⑤ W Hi, Minho. Did you see Youngmin today? M No, he didn’t come to school. W What’s the matter with him? W That’s a great idea. W 안녕,Minho.오늘Youngmin을봤니? M 아니,학교에안왔어. W 무슨일있어? M 아파서누워있대. W 진짜?몰랐어!그에게줄게있어. M 그래?방과후에같이그를방문할래? W 좋은생각이야. ①내잘못이야.②믿을수가없어. ③만나서반가워.④오랜만이야. 20 ③ W Hi, Minsu. What will you do after school? M I will play badminton with my friends. W I like badminton, too. M Do you play any other sports? W I also play table tennis. M How often do you play table tennis? W Three times a week. W 안녕,Minsu.방과후에뭐할거야? M 친구들이랑배드민턴칠거야. W 나도배드민턴좋아해. M 다른스포츠도하니? W탁구도해. M 탁구는얼마나자주하니? 18 ⑤ W Can I help you? Sherlock Holmes’. M Yes, I’m looking for the book, ‘The Short Stories of W Let me check the book list. [Keyboard typing sound] Here it is. M Can I borrow it now? W Yes, do you have your ID card? W 일주일에3번. ①걱정하지마. ②유감이다. ④체육관에서해. ⑤물론이야.여기 제03 회 영어듣기능력 진단평가 11 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 11 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:52 영어듣기능력평가 01 회 01⑤ 06② 11⑤ 16③ 02⑤ 07④ 12② 17② 03② 08③ 13③ 18③ 04①, ③ 09③, ② 14④ 19⑤ 05③ 10③ 15② 20⑤ 01 ⑤ W Are you planning to go camping with your family? Then you must have this. Spray this on your arms and legs. Mosquitos don’t like the smell of this. They won’t come near you. Protect your children from getting mosquito bites. Please do not spray it on your face. If you spray this M 9시뉴스의날씨속보입니다.지금은전국적으로흐립니다.서울은내일도 흐린날이계속되겠습니다.강릉과속초를포함한동부지역은하루종일 비가오겠습니다.또한동부지역은추운날이될것으로예상됩니다.오늘 은세차하지마십시오.강릉이나속초에사신다면내일다시자동차가젖 을것입니다. 04 ① │ M Soyoung, what are you going to do this weekend? ③ W Miran and I are going to study together at my house. Will M Well, I wanted to ask you to go to see a movie together. W There will be a science quiz on Wednesday. Did you finish M Well, not exactly, but I really want to go for a movie. you join us? studying? W Well, enjoy it. M Thank you. in your eyes, wash them well and go to a doctor. M 소영아,이번주말에뭐할거니? W 가족과함께캠핑을계획중이십니까?그러시다면이것을가져가야합 니다.이것을당신의팔과다리에뿌리십시오.모기는이냄새를좋아하 지않습니다.그것들은당신근처에오려고하지않을것입니다.아이들 이모기에물리지않도록보호해주십시오.얼굴에는이것을뿌리지마 십시오.만약이것을눈에뿌린다면,잘씻은후병원에가보세요. W 미란이와나는우리집에서함께공부하려고해.같이할래? M 글쎄,나는같이영화보러가자고말하려고했는데. W 수요일에과학쪽지시험이있잖아.공부는다했니? M 저,꼭그렇지는않지만,난그래도정말영화를보러가고싶어. W 그럼,재미있게보렴. M 고마워. 02 ⑤ W What should I wear for the field trip? I want to dress nicely. M I suggest shorts and a T-shirt. The weather will be hot. 만점 솔루션 여자는주말에다른친구와공부할계획이라며남자에게함께 할것을제안하지만남자는영화를보러가고싶다고말하며제 안을거절하고있다. W I want to wear a dress. It’s nice and cool. M I don’t think that’s a good idea. W Why not? My dress is comfortable. M Yes, but you will walk a lot. Shorts and a T-shirt are better. W Okay. W 현장학습갈때무엇을입어야할까?멋지게입고싶거든 M 반바지와티셔츠가좋을거야.날이더울테니까. W 난원피스를입고싶어.예쁘고시원하잖아. M 그건좋은생각같지가않은데. W 왜아닌데?내원피스는편해. M 그래,하지만넌많이걷게될거야.반바지와티셔츠가더나아. W 알았어. 했다. 만점 솔루션 남자가반바지와티셔츠를입을것을제안했고여자도이에동의 03 ② M 9 o’clock news weather update. It’s cloudy all over the country now. Seoul will have another cloudy day tomorrow. The eastern part of the country including Gangrung and Sockcho, it will rain all day. It will be a chilly day in the east, too. Don’t wash your car today. Your car will be wet 05 ③ ① M Do you have any brothers or sisters? W No, I’m an only child. ② M What does your brother do? W He’s a college student. ③ M What is your sister like? W She likes to cook. ④ M What is your favorite food? W I like bulgogi most. ⑤ M Where can we meet?  W Let’s meet at the bus stop. ① M 너는형제나자매가있니?  W아니,나는외동이야. ② M 너의오빠는무슨일을하시니?  W대학생이야. ③ M 너의언니는어떤분이시니?  W요리하는것을좋아해. ④ M 네가제일좋아하는음식은뭐니?  W나는불고기를가장좋아해. ⑤ M 어디서만날까?  W버스정류장에서만나자. again tomorrow if you live in Gangrung or Sockcho. 만점 솔루션 ③Whatis~like?는사람의성격이나특징,생김새를묻는말이 12 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 12 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:54 므로She’sniceandkind.(친절하고좋은사람이에요.)또는She’ stallandfunny.(키가크고재미있는사람이에요.)등으로대답해야 한다. 06 ② M When does the movie start? I don’t want to be late. W It starts at 7 o’clock. We have lots of time, don’t worry. M Should we leave at 6:30? W Sure. Then we’ll get there about ten minutes early. M Good. We’ll have enough time to get good seats. W Yes, and we can buy some snacks. M 그영화언제시작해?늦게가고싶지않아. W 7시에시작해.우린시간이많으니까,걱정하지마. M 6시30분에떠나야할까? W 물론이지.그럼거기에10분쯤일찍도착할거야. M 좋아.좋은자리를잡을충분한시간도있겠다. W 그래,그리고간식도좀살수있고. 만점 솔루션 영화시작시각인7시보다10분일찍도착한다고했으므로도착시 각은6시50분이된다. 07 ④ [Telephone rings.] M Good afternoon. Green line Lost and Found. How can I help you? W I left my bag behind on the subway this morning. M What station did you get on and get off at? W I got on at Suyoung station and got off at Seomyeon station. M Can you tell me more about the bag? W It’s a black school backpack. A small teddy bear is hanging M 안녕하세요.녹색노선분실물보관소입니다.무엇을도와드릴까요? on the zipper. M I’ll check if it’s here. Hold on, please. [전화벨이울린다.] W 오늘아침에제가방을지하철에두고내렸어요. M 어느역에서승차하시고하차하셨나요? W 수영역에서탔고서면역에서내렸어요. M 그가방에대해좀더설명해주시겠습니까? 09 ③ │ W I’m really busy these days. I have no free time. ② M Why? Are you studying for a test? W Actually, I am planning the class party. It’s hard work. M You mean the end-of-semester party? W Yes, and there’s so much to do. We are inviting the parents M That sounds like a huge responsibility. Could I help you W That would be great. Can you make invitations for the M Sure, I would be glad to. Please email the information to and siblings as well. with anything? parents? me. W 요즘난정말바빠.여가시간이없어. M 왜?시험공부하고있어? W 사실,내가학급파티를계획하고있거든.힘든일이야. M 학기말파티말이야? W 응,그런데할일이너무많아.우리는부모님과형제자매들도초대할 거야. M 책임이큰것처럼들리는구나.내가뭐라도도와줄까? W 그러면좋지.부모님을위한초대장을만들어줄수있어? M 물론이지,기꺼이.나에게정보를이메일로보내줘. 만점 솔루션 학급파티를계획중인여자는남자에게부모님들께보낼초대 장을만들어달라고부탁하고있다. 10 ③ M What are you doing here? The bell already rang. You should go to your classroom. W Well, I don’t know where to go, sir. M Where is your classroom? it’s locked. Nobody’s in there. M Are you a new student? W Yes, sir. Today is my second day here. W I think I have English now and the room is over there. But M Come to the teachers’ office with me. I’ll find out where you should go. W 검은색학교가방이에요.지퍼에작은곰인형이달려있어요. M 그것이여기에있는지확인해보겠습니다.기다리세요. M 여기서뭐하고있니?종은이미울렸는데.네교실로가야지. W 저,어디로가야할지모르겠어요,선생님. 08 ③ M I have a short tail and long ears. I also have soft fur. I like W지금은영어시간이고,교실은저기같은데요.그런데잠겨있어요.아무 M 교실이어디니? 도없고요. M 새로온학생이니? eating vegetables, green grass, and flowers. But I don’t W 예,선생님.오늘이여기온지이틀째예요. eat meat. I like living in groups in the woods or forests. But M 나와함께교무실에가보자.네가어디로가야할지알아볼게. sometimes, people have me as a pet. What am I? 만점 솔루션 여자의첫번째말Idon’tknowwheretogo와남자의마지 M 나는짧은꼬리와긴귀를가지고있어요.나는또부드러운털을가지 막말I’llfindoutwhereyoushouldgo.를통해여자가가 야할곳을찾을수없는상황임을알수있다. 고있어요.나는채소,초록풀,그리고꽃을먹는것을좋아해요.하지만 나는고기는먹지않아요.나는숲에서집단으로사는것을좋아해요. 하지만가끔,사람들은나를애완동물로키웁니다.나는무엇일까요? 제01회 영어듣기능력평가 13 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 13 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:56 11 ⑤ M I’m Minsu. I’m 13 years old. I lived in Incheon when I was young. When I was 10, my family moved to Seoul. My relatives and my close friends live in Incheon, so I sometimes visit my hometown. There are my parents, one sister and one brother in my family. We have a dog, whose name is Mimi. I like to play soccer and basketball with my friends. 고있다.즉,모든사람이초콜릿케이크를좋아한다는긍정의의 미이다. 14 ④ M What are you going to do after school? W My friends and I are practicing a dance for the school festival. M A dance for school festival? That’s great. When is the M 저는민수입니다.13살이에요.저는어릴때인천에서살았습니다.10살 festival? 때,우리가족이서울로이사왔어요.제친척들과친한친구들은인천에 W It’s on the last Thursday of October. 살고있어서,가끔제고향에갑니다.우리가족은부모님과누나한명, M Today is Thursday. You have only one week to practice. 남동생한명이있습니다.강아지가한마리있는데,이름은미미입니다. W That’s right. We’re doing great. Come and see us. 저는제친구들과축구와농구하는것을좋아합니다. 12 ② W Is something wrong? You don’t look well. M I’m very hungry. I can’t wait until lunchtime. W But it’s only 10 in the morning. M I didn’t eat breakfast. I usually get up late and don’t have time to eat. M Of course. M 방과후에뭐할거니? W 친구들과나는학교축제를위한춤연습을할거야. M 학교축제를위한춤이라고?굉장한걸.축제가언제니? W 10월의마지막주목요일이야. M 오늘이목요일이잖아.연습할날이일주일밖에안남았네. W 맞아.우리는아주잘할거야.구경하러와. M 물론이지. W That’s too bad. All scientists say that breakfast is important 만점 솔루션 10월마지막주목요일이축제인데,오늘이목요일이고축제가 for your brain. It’s not good to skip it. 일주일남았다고했다.따라서오늘은네번째주목요일인24 W 무슨일이있니?얼굴이안좋아보여. M 배가너무고파.점심시간까지기다릴수가없어. W 하지만겨우아침10시야. M 나는아침을못먹었어.나는보통늦게일어나서먹을시간이없어. W 정말안됐구나.모든과학자들이그러는데아침식사가뇌에중요하대. 아침식사를거르는것은좋지않아. 일이된다. 15 ② M Good afternoon. 13 ③ W What should we have for dinner? M Let’s order something in. How about fried chicken? W I’m tired of fried chicken. I had that last night. M Then let’s have pizza. W Sounds good. And I already made something for dessert, it weighs. W All right. M Well, it’ll cost $37. M 어서오십시오. W Hi, I’d like to send this package to Sydney. M By airmail or surface mail? W By surface mail. The package has books in it. M Put the box on this scale, please. Let me check how much W 안녕하세요,이소포를Sydney로보내고싶어요. M 항공우편으로보낼까요,해상우편으로보낼까요? W 해상우편으로보내주세요.소포안에들어있는것은책들이에요. M 상자를이저울위에올려주세요.무게가얼마나나가는지확인하겠습 니다. W 좋습니다. M 음,비용은37달러입니다. 16 ③ M I’m going out, honey. See you in the evening. W Dan, why don’t you bring your umbrella? It looks like it’s going to rain. M It won’t rain today. The weather forecast said that. too. M That sounds great. W Do you like chocolate cake? M Are you kidding? Who doesn’t? W 저녁에뭐먹을까? M 뭔가를주문하자.프라이드치킨어때? W 나는프라이드치킨에질렸어.어젯밤에그것을먹었거든. M 그럼피자를먹자. W 좋아.그리고내가후식으로먹을것도이미만들어놨어. M 멋진걸. W 너초콜릿케이크좋아해? M 농담해?누군들안좋아하겠어? 14 중1 24 만점 솔루션 초콜릿케이크를좋아하냐는말에누군들안좋아하겠냐고말하 W The weather forecast might be wrong. Look at the sky. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 14 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:57 M I really don’t want to carry an umbrella. Don’t you remember I lost one the other day? W All right. If you insist. 19 ⑤ M May I help you? W Yes, I’m looking for jeans. M 다녀올게요,여보.저녁에봐요. M Jeans for ladies are in the next row. Is there any particular W Dan,우산을가져가지그래요?비가올것같은데요. style you want? M 오늘은비가오지않을거예요.일기예보에서그렇게말했어요. W I’d like a classic style with no decorations on them. W 일기예보가틀릴지도몰라요.하늘좀보세요. M These jeans over here have a basic design. What size do M 난정말우산을가지고다니고싶지않아요.요전에도내가하나잃어버 you wear? 린것기억안나요? W 알겠어요.정그렇다면. W Size 4. Where can I try them on? M 만점 솔루션 남자의마지막말에서우산을잃어버릴까봐가지고가기싫어 M 도와드릴까요? 한다는것을알수있다. W 예,청바지를찾고있어요. 17 ② W Finally, it’s Friday! M 여성용청바지는다음열에있습니다.원하시는특별한스타일이있으 세요? W 장식이없는고전적인스타일을원해요. M 여기에있는이청바지들이기본디자인입니다.몇사이즈를입으시나 M You look happy. Do you have good plans for the weekend? 요? W Yes, I’m going to Wonderland with my family. W 4사이즈입니다.어디에서그것을입어볼수있나요? M Wow, that sounds interesting. You will have fun! M 탈의실은저쪽에있습니다. W Yes, I’m very excited. What about you, Minho? M We’re just going to go biking in the park. W We? Who are you going with? M With my brother. We are going to have a race. ① 저희는청바지를팔지않습니다. ② 검은색과파란색이있습니다. ③ 더작은것을입어보세요. ④ 다른사이즈를입어보실수있습니다. W 드디어,금요일이야! M 행보해보인다.주말에좋은계획이라도있니? W 응,가족들이랑원더랜드에갈거야. M 와,신나겠다.재미있게보내고봐! W 응,진짜신나.너는어때,민호? M 우리는그냥공원에자전거타러갈거야. W 우리?누구랑같이가? M 남동생이랑.우리는경주를할거야. 18 ③ M Are you OK? You don’t look very good today. W Yeah, just feeling a little down today, that’s all. M Why? Did something happen to you? W It’s my puppy. He is very sick. M Oh, no. Is it something serious? W I hope not. I feel upset because he’s sick. M I’m sure he’ll get better. Don’t be upset. W I will try not to. M 너괜찮아?너오늘그리좋아보이지않아. W 응,그냥오늘마음이약간우울할뿐이야,그게다야. M 왜?너한테무슨일이있었어? W 내강아지한테.그가많이아파. M 오,이런.심각한거야? W 그렇지않기를바라고있어.그가아파서속이상해. M 틀림없이괜찮아질거야.속상해하지마. W 그러지않으려고노력할게. 20 ⑤ [Telephone rings.] W Hello. Jacobson and Brown. How may I help you? W I’m sorry, Mr. Callman. He’s talking on the phone right now. M May I talk to Mr. Robinson? W Who is this, please? M This is Mr. James Callman. Can I take a message? M [전화벨이울린다.] M Robinson씨와통화할수있을까요? W 누구세요? M James Callman이라고합니다. 겨드릴까요? M 제가다시전화하겠다고만전해주세요. ① 통화중입니다. ② 끊지마세요. ③ 예,나중에그에게전화하실수있습니다. ④ 제가그분께안부를전해드릴게요. W 여보세요.Jacobson and Brown회사입니다.무엇을도와드릴까요? W 죄송합니다,Callman씨.지금다른전화를받고계세요.메시지를남 만점 솔루션 통화를하려고했던상대방이전화를받을수없는상황이고, 전화를받은사람이메시지를남겨주겠다고했으므로,남자는 남길메시지를말하는것이가장적절하다. 제01회 영어듣기능력평가 15 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 15 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:58 영어듣기능력평가 02 회 01⑤ 06④ 11③ 16④ 02② 07① 03④ 08④ 12③, ① 13③, ② 17① 18① 04③ 09② 14③ 19③ 05④ 10① 15④ 20④ 01 ⑤ M Today, we drew pictures in art class. We had to draw pictures of the country. Some students drew mountains. Others drew rivers or lakes. But I drew a farm. It was my uncle’s farm. I went there last summer vacation. There were many different kinds of animals. There were lots of cows. There were sheep, too. I helped my uncle feed the animals. W It’s time for the weather report. It’s snowing all over the country including Jeju Island. The snow will continue until tomorrow for most of the country. However, in the Gangwon area, it’ll be sunny tomorrow with no snow. There will be showers in the some southern part of Gyoungsang province. And that’s all. W 일기예보시간입니다.제주도를포함하여전국적으로눈이내리고있 습니다.대부분의지역에서눈은내일까지계속내리겠습니다.하지만, 강원도지역은,내일눈이내리지않고화창할것입니다.경상도남부의 일부지역에서는소나기가올것입니다.이상입니다. 04 ③ W In two weeks, we’ll have summer vacation. M That’s right. So, will you really learn scuba diving and tennis during this vacation? W No. I changed my mind. I’ll take a trip to Asia. M Really? That’s a wonderful plan. But I think you’ll need a lot of money. W Don’t worry. I already saved enough. M 오늘,우리는미술시간에그림을그렸어요.우리는시골그림을그려야 했습니다.몇몇학생들은산을그렸고,다른학생들은강이나호수를그 W 2주만지나면,여름방학이야. 렸습니다.하지만저는농장을그렸습니다.그것은우리삼촌의농장이었 습니다.저는그곳에지난여름방학에갔습니다.그곳에는많은여러종 니? 류의동물들이있었습니다.그곳에는많은소가있었고,양도있었습니다. 저는우리삼촌이그동물들에게먹이주는것을도와드렸습니다. 만점 솔루션 남자는미술시간에지난여름방학때방문한삼촌의농장을그 렸다고했다. M 맞아.그래,이번방학동안에정말스쿠버다이빙과테니스를배울거 W 아니.마음이바뀌었어.아시아로여행을갈거야. M 정말?그거멋진계획이다.하지만돈이많이필요할것같은데. W 걱정마.이미충분히저축해두었어. 만점 솔루션 여자는여름방학동안스쿠버다이빙과테니스를배울계획이 었지만,마음이바뀌어아시아로여행을갈계획이라고했다. 02 ② M Where did you put the popcorn? W It’s in a bowl. M Is it on the counter? W Yes, beside the stove. M I don’t see the bowl. Is it next to the sink? W No, it’s on the other side of the stove. M Oh, I see. There is a big bowl. W Right, that one. M 너팝콘을어디에두었니? W 그릇안에있어. M 조리대위에있어? W 응,가스레인지옆에. M 그릇이안보여.개수대옆에있니? W 아니,가스레인지의다른옆쪽이야. M 오,보인다.큰그릇이있네. W 맞아,바로그거야. 만점 솔루션 팝콘은가스레인지옆큰그릇안에들어있다고했다. 03 ④ 16 중1 24 05 ④ ① W Oh, this jacket looks nice. Where did you buy it? M At the Sunshine Shopping Mall. It was only $30. ② W What are you reading, Sam? M A detective story. It’s very interesting. ③ W Excuse me, can you take a picture of me? M Sure, no problem. ④ W Please put on your helmet before riding your bicycle. M Okay, I’ll buy this helmet. ⑤ W I’d like to send this package to Seattle. M I see. Please put it on this scale. ① W오,이재킷이멋져보이는데.어디서샀니?  M Sunshine쇼핑몰에서.30달러밖에안했어. ② WSam,무엇을읽고있니?  M 탐정소설.정말재미있어. ③ W실례합니다,사진한장만찍어주시겠어요?  M 그럼요,문제없어요. ④ W자전거를타기전에헬멧을착용하세요.  M 좋아요.이헬멧을살게요. ⑤ W이소포를Seattle로보내고싶어요.  M 알겠습니다.이저울에올려놓으세요. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 16 2018-10-05 오후 6:43:59 M Hi, Angela. Where are you now? It’s almost two forty. M What about you, Stella? Do you still want to be a fashion 만점 솔루션 ④헬멧을착용하라는말에헬멧을사겠다는대답은어색하다. 06 ④ [Cellphone rings.] W Hello? Angela speaking. W I’m passing City Hall now. M How long is it going to take from where you’re at? W Well... it will take about ten minutes, I think. I’ll be there soon. M Okay, see you soon. [휴대전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요?Angela입니다. M 안녕,Angela.지금어디니?거의2시40분이야. W 지금시청을지나고있어. M 네가있는곳에서부터얼마나걸릴까? W 음…약10분걸릴것같아.곧그곳에도착할거야. M 알았어,곧보자. 만점 솔루션 현재2시40분인데10분정도후에도착할것이라고했으므로 두사람이만날예상시각은2시50분이된다. 09 ② W What do you want to be in the future? M Well... I want to be a progammer or a computer programmer. W I’m sure you’ll be one of them. You’re very good at computers. designer? designer! 니까말이야. W No, I changed my mind. Now I want to be a jewelry W 넌장래에무엇이되고싶니? M 음…프로게이머나컴퓨터프로그래머가되고싶어. W 네가그것들중의하나가될거라고확신해.너는컴퓨터를아주잘하 M 넌어때,Stella?여전히패션디자이너가되고싶니? W 아니,마음이바뀌었어.지금,나는보석디자이너가되고싶어! 만점 솔루션 남자의장래희망은프로게이머나컴퓨터프로그래머이고,여자 는장래희망은과거에는패션디자이너였으나지금은바뀌어서 보석디자이너라고했다. 10 ① W Hi, do you remember me? 07 ① [Telephone rings.] W Hello, Seven Star Home Shopping. How may I help you? M Yes, please. I’d like to order the computer showing on TV now. W I see. It costs $800. And you can get either a digital camera or a photo printer as a free gift. M Well... I’ll take the photo printer. W I see. How would you like to pay? M Credit card, please. [전화벨이울린다.] M Yes, I do. You bought a rubber tree last weekend, didn’t you? M Is it doing well? W Yeah, that’s right. You have a good memory. W Yes, it is. But I think the pot is a little bit small for the tree. So, I’d like to buy a bigger pot. M I see. Follow me, please. Pots are inside. W 안녕하세요,저기억하세요? M 예,기억해요.지난주말에고무나무를사셨잖아요,그렇죠? W 예,맞아요.기억력이좋으시네요. M 고무나무는잘자라고있나요? W 여보세요,Seven Star홈쇼핑입니다.도와드릴까요? M 예.지금TV에방영되고있는컴퓨터를주문하고싶어요. W 예.하지만,나무에비해서화분이약간작은것같아요.그래서,좀더 큰화분을사고싶어요. W 알겠습니다.가격은800달러입니다.그리고디지털카메라또는포토 M 알겠습니다.저를따라오세요.화분은안쪽에있습니다. 프린터를사은품으로받으실수있어요. M 음…포토프린터로할게요. W 알겠습니다.어떻게지불하시겠어요? M 신용카드로요. 11 ③ M Let me tell you something about myself. My name is Patrick Johnson and I’m 30 years old. This year, I’ll teach you the most difficult subject, mathematics. I live in Green Apartments just next to the school. My hobby is playing tennis. I was a tennis player when I was in high school. I was pretty good and won a few medals at local 08 ④ M You ride this to go to a place. This has a pair of wheels. You don’t need any fuel. But you need to use your legs. It can be hard to go up a hill, but it’s really easy to go down. competitions. What is this? 무엇일까요? M 당신은장소에가기위해이것을탑니다.이것은두개의바퀴가있습니 다.연료는필요없습니다.하지만당신의다리를움직여야합니다.언덕 을올라가는것이어려울수있지만내리막길은정말쉽습니다.이것은 M 저에대한것을말씀드릴게요.제이름은PatrickJohnson이고,나이 는30살입니다.올해,여러분에게가장어려운과목인수학을가르칠거 예요.저는학교바로옆에있는Green아파트에살아요.제취미는테 니스치는거예요.저는고등학교다닐때테니스선수였어요.저는테 니스를상당히잘쳐서지역대회에서메달을몇번따기도했어요. 제02회 영어듣기능력평가 17 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 17 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:00 12 ③ │ W Peter, did you finish your homework? ① M Yes, I did it as soon as I came home. 15 ④ M Did you finish your homework? W Yes, but I need your help. W That’s good, son. How about cleaning your room? M OK. What is it? I think your room is a little bit messy. W I don’t understand number 9. M OK. I’ll do it now. M Oh, don’t worry. I’ll explain the homework to everyone later W Good! After cleaning your room, let’s go out for dinner. I’ll in class. take you to a nice Chinese restaurant. W Then I’ll just hand it in to you now. M Really? Oh, I like Chinese food. W Peter,숙제다했니? M 예.집에오자마자했어요. M 숙제다했니? M 좋아.뭔데? W 예,하지만선생님의도움이필요해요. W 잘했다,얘야.네방청소를하는게어떠니?네방이약간지저분한것 W 9번을이해하지못하겠어요. 같은데. M 오,걱정마라.나중에수업시간에모두에게숙제를설명해줄거야. M 알았어요.지금그것을할게요. W 그럼그냥지금선생님께그것을제출해야겠네요. W 좋아!방을청소한다음에,저녁먹으러나가자.근사한중국식당에너 를데리고갈게. M 정말요?오,저는중국음식을좋아해요. 만점 솔루션 여자가숙제에관해질문하고있고,남자가수업시간에설명해 준다는것으로보아두사람은학생과교사관계이며,‘교실’이 대화장소로적절하다. 13 ③ │ M Judy, how about going to the amusement park with me ② 16 ④ W What should I do now? M Did you clean the storeroom? W Tomorrow? Sorry, I have to write my biology report. W Yes. Should I clean the store shelves? M Didn’t you finish it yet? Poor Judy. Then, how about M That’s a good idea. And then please open all the boxes Sunday? If you don’t have any plans, let’s go there on here. W Sorry, again. I have to work as a volunteer at a senior M Yes, they are. You need to put them on the shelves tomorrow? Sunday. center. M Judy,내일나와함께놀이공원에갈래? W 내일?미안,난생물보고서를작성해야해. M 너아직그것을다못썼니?불쌍한Judy.그럼,일요일은어때?계획 이없으면,일요일에그곳에가자. W 또미안해.난양로원에서자원봉사자로일해야해. W 예.매장선반을청소해야할까요? W Are they newly-arrived items? afterwards. W When can I take a break? M In about half an hour. W 이제제가뭘해야하죠? M 창고청소했나요? 14 ③ W John, you won’t forget my birthday, will you? M Sure! How can I forget your birthday? It’s the end of November. W Right! And your birthday is just the next day. M That’s right! Hey, why don’t we have a birthday party together? W That’s a good idea. W John,내생일잊지않을거지,그렇지? 잖아. W 맞아!그리고,네생일은바로그다음날이고. M 그래!야,우리생일파티함께할래? W 그거좋은생각이다. 18 중1 24 M 좋은생각이에요.그러고나서여기상자들을모두개봉해주세요. W 그것들은신상품들인가요? M 맞아요.나중에그것들을선반에놓아야해요. W 저는언제쉴수있는거죠? M 약30분후에요. 만점 솔루션 남자가여자에게창고와매장선반청소및물품진열등에관한 지시를내리고있으므로상사와직원의관계임을알수있다. 17 ① W Okay, you don’t have a fever. That’s good news. M Really? Does it mean I don’t have the flu? M Yeah, and I have a headache and a stuffy nose. W You have a cold. You should drink lots of water, and you should get lots of rest. M Are you going to give me any medicine? M 물론이지! 어떻게 네 생일을 잊을 수 있겠니? 11월의 마지막 날이 W Yes, that’s right. But you are coughing a lot. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 18 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:01 W 좋아요,열이없네요.좋은소식예요. M 정말요?제가독감이아니라는건가요? W 네,맞아요.하지만기침을많이하네요. M 네,그리고두통이있고코가막혀요. W 감기에걸렸네요.물을많이마시고휴식을충분히취해야합니다. M 어떤약이든처방해주실건가요? 18 ① M Did you do anything fun yesterday? W Kind of. We saw a movie. M Was it a good movie? W Not really. It was kind of boring. M What movie was it? W It was called Battle of Planets. M I’m sorry to hear that you did not enjoy it. W It’s okay. I still had fun hanging out with my friends. W That’s good. Okay, I’ll take the course. M W 이컴퓨터프로그램초급과정은얼마죠? M 한달에80달러입니다. W 음…그다지저렴하지는않네요.아,교재도사야하나요? M 아니요,사지않으셔도돼요.교재를무료로드립니다. W 잘됐군요.알겠어요,그과정을수강할게요. M 감사합니다.먼저이양식을작성해주세요. ① 그럼,교재를사셔야합니다. ② 아니요.이프로그램을배우고싶지않아요. ③ 잠시당신컴퓨터를써도되나요? ⑤ 정말요?이컴퓨터를언제샀나요? 만점 솔루션 컴퓨터프로그램과정에수강신청을하는상황이다.마지막에 여자가선택한프로그램을수강하겠다고했으므로남자는필요 한양식을작성해달라고말하는것이가장적절하다. M 어제재미있는일을했니? W 약간은.우리는영화를봤어. M 영화괜찮았어? W 그렇지는않았어.조금지루했어. M 무슨영화였는데? W Battle of Planets였어. M 그게재미없었다니유감이네. W 괜찮아.그래도내친구들과어울리며즐거운시간을보냈으니까. 19 ③ M Wow, look at the sea! right away. M M 와,바다좀봐! W Oh, it’s really beautiful. The sea looks very nice. M That’s right. Anyway, hurry up. I want to swim in the sea W Me too. But we have to check into the hotel first. W 오,정말아름답다.바다가매우멋있어보여. M 맞아.어쨌든,서둘러.난지금당장바다에서수영하고싶어. W 나도그래.하지만호텔체크인을먼저해야해. M 좋아!그럼,지금바로호텔에가자. ① 죄송합니다,남은객실이없습니다. ② 좋아!네게수영을가르쳐줄게. ④ 여기서해변까지얼마나걸리지? ⑤ 음…스파게티가먹고싶어.넌어때? 20 ④ W How much is this computer program course for beginners? M It’s $ 80 a month. textbook? W Well... that’s not very cheap. Ah, do I have to buy a M No, you don’t have to. We’ll give you one for free. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 19 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:02 제02회 영어듣기능력평가 19 영어듣기능력평가 03 회 01⑤ 06④ 11① 16③ 02① 07⑤ 12④ 17③ 03②, ④ 08② 13③ 18② 04③ 09③ 19③ 14⑤, ③ 05④ 10④ 15② 20② 01 ⑤ M You can use this to send a letter or a postcard. You put your letter or postcard in this, and then someone will pick it up later. The color of this is usually red. But not many people use this nowadays, because they use email. What is this? 04 ③ M Jihye, look at this photo. Isn’t this your dad here? W Yes, that’s him. What is this? M It’s this month’s city magazine. I got it from city hall. W Cool, I didn’t know he was in it. M I didn’t know he is a famous person. It’s awesome. W Yes, he designed some famous buildings in our city. M Wow, that’s great. M 지혜,이사진좀봐.여기이사람너네아빠아니야? W 응,맞아.이거뭐야? M 이번달시잡지야.시청에서얻었어. W 멋지다,아빠가여기실린줄몰랐어. M 너희아빠가유명한사람인줄몰랐어.멋지다. W 응,아빠가우리시의몇몇유명한건물들을디자인했거든. M 와,대단하다. 05 ④ W Honey. Did you send invitation cards to people for our M 편지나엽서를보낼때이것을사용할수있습니다.당신의편지나엽서 를이것안에넣으면누군가가나중에그것을가져갑니다.이것의색은 보통빨간색입니다.하지만요즘에는이메일을사용하기때문에많은 사람들이이것을사용하지는않습니다.이것은무엇일까요? party? M Yes, I did. 02 ① M Mom, I can’t find my memory stick. W Did you check on your desk or on the bed? M Yes, I did. I even checked under the bed, but I couldn’t find them tomorrow. W OK. W Then check on the bookshelf. You usually put your things M 예,보냈어요. it. on it. M Oh, here it is. Thank you, Mom. M 엄마,제메모리스틱을찾을수가없어요. W 책상위나침대위를확인했니? M 예,했어요.침대아래도확인해봤지만,그것을찾을수가없었어요. W 그러면책장위를확인해보렴.너는보통네물건들을그위에놓잖니. M 오,여기있어요.고마워요,엄마. 씩보낼게요. W 좋아요. W How many invitation cards did you send? M I sent the invitation cards to twenty people. W Did you send one to Tom and Mary? M Oh, I forgot to send one to them. I’ll send one to each of W 여보.우리파티를위한초대장을사람들에게보냈나요? W 초대장을몇장보냈나요? M 20명의사람들에게초대장을보냈어요. W Tom과Mary에게초대장을보냈나요? M 오,그들에게초대장을보내는것을잊었어요.내일그들에게각각하나 06 ④ M What are you doing now? 03 ② │ W Here’s the channel 9 weather report. Today it was clear ④ W Can you help me with this box? It won’t take long. M Sure. What do you want me to do with it? and sunny and not too cold. I think you had a great day W Could you move it for me? It’s too heavy for me to lift. if you did something outdoors. However, we’ll have rain M No problem at all. Where should I put it? tomorrow morning. And it will start to get very cold. The W Can you put it on the table? rain will change to snow tomorrow afternoon. So don’t forget to wear your coat. M Of course. It’s easy. W Thank you. W 채널9번의일기예보입니다.오늘은청명하고맑았으며그다지춥지 M 지금뭐하고있니? 않았습니다.실외에서일을하셨다면좋은하루를보내셨으리라고생각 W 이상자좀도와줄수있어?시간이오래걸리지않을거야. 합니다.하지만,내일아침에는비가올것입니다.그리고매우추워지기 M 물론이지.내가뭘해주기를원하니? 시작할것입니다.비는내일오후에눈으로바뀔것입니다.그러니외투 W 나를위해그것을옮겨줄수있어?내가들기에는너무무거워. 입는것을잊지마시기바랍니다. M 전혀문제없어.그것을어디에두면되는거야? 20 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 20 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:02 W 탁자위에그것을놓을수있니? M 물론이지.쉽네. W 고마워. 07 ⑤ [Telephone rings.] W Hello? This is Kim’s Medical Clinic. M This is Mr. Morgan. W How can I help you, sir? two o’clock. that time. OK with you, sir? M Well, it’s fine with me. [전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요?Kim’s의료원입니다. M 저는Mr.Morgan입니다. W 어떻게도와드릴까요,손님? 08 ② ① W What subject do you like best? M I like history best. ② W When are you leaving for America? M I just arrived at the airport. ③ W How’s it going these days? M I’m feeling good. ④ W Shall we go out for dinner? M Really? I’d love to. ⑤ W You look tired. What’s wrong? M I stayed up all night yesterday. ① W넌어떤과목을가장좋아하니?  M 난역사가가장좋아. ② W미국으로언제떠날거니?  M 난공항에막도착했어. ③ W요즘어떻게지내니?  M 잘지내고있어. ④ W저녁먹으러밖에나갈까?  M 정말?나도그러고싶어. ⑤ W피곤해보이네.무슨일이니?  M 어제밤새깨어있었거든. M I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Kim tomorrow at W 표지판을믿어봐요,여보. W I’m sorry. He has an appointment with another patient at 이네요. M Then, how about three o’clock? W I’m sorry. He isn’t free then. He is free at three thirty. Is that M 내일2시에김박사님과약속을하고싶습니다. and study. But I can’t miss the party. He’s my best friend. W 죄송합니다.박사님은그시간에다른환자분과약속이있습니다. W Just enjoy. You can study later. M 그러면,3시는어떤가요? W 죄송합니다.그때는시간이없습니다.그는3시30분에시간이있습니 다.그시간이괜찮으신가요,손님? M 음,좋습니다. W 내일무슨계획이라도있니? M 응,내일내친구네집에갈거야. W 그와함께게임하기위해가는거야? M 아니,그는생일파티를열거야. 09 ③ W Honey, look at the road sign. We have to turn left. M But the navigation system says we have to turn right. W Let’s trust the sign, honey. M OK. [Pause] The sign was right. I can see the parking lot of the concert hall over there. W We are almost there. Thank you for driving, honey. W 여보,도로표지판을보세요.좌회전해야해요. M 그런데네비게이션에서는우회전해야한다고하네요. M 알겠어요.[잠시후]그표지판이옳았어요.저기콘서트홀주차장이보 W 거의다왔어요.운전해줘서고마워요,여보. 10 ④ W Do you have any plans for tomorrow? M Yes, I am going to my friend’s house tomorrow. W Are you going to play games with him? M No, he is having a birthday party. W But you don’t seem so happy. What’s bothering you? M I have a big test next week so I would like to stay home W 하지만넌별로좋아하는것같지가않다.고민거리라도있니? M 다음주에중요한시험이있어서집에서공부하고싶거든.하지만파티 를빠질수가없어.그는내가장친한친구이거든. W 그냥즐겨.나중에공부해도되잖아. 만점 솔루션 남자는내일가장친한친구의생일파티참석을위해친구의 집에갈예정이다. 11 ① M Nora. Do you have a minute to talk with me? W Sure. What do you want to talk about? M Well, Tony and I are going to visit a hospital to sing some songs for patients. Would you like to join us? W I’d love to join you guys. M Nora.나와잠깐이야기할시간이있니? W 물론이야.무엇에대해이야기하고싶니? 할예정이야.우리와함께할래? W 나도너희들과함께하고싶어. M 음,Tony와내가환자들에게노래를몇곡불러주기위해병원을방문 12 ④ W Hi, my name is Yura. There are four family members in 제03회 영어듣기능력평가 21 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 21 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:03 my family: My father, my mother, my younger sister, and W Hi, Ujin. Where are you going? me. My family likes to watch a baseball game together. M Well, I want to go to the library, but I’m lost. My father is a high school teacher. My mother is a nurse. W You have to walk one more block to the main street, and Everyone is very busy, but we have a nice family dinner turn left. every Sunday evening. M Oh, is it next to the bank? W 안녕,내이름은유라야.우리가족은아빠,엄마,여동생과나,이렇게 네명이야.우리가족은함께야구경기를보는것을좋아해.아빠는고 등학교선생님이셔.엄마는간호사이시고.모두가아주바쁘지만,우리 and the convenience store. M Now I got it. Thanks! 는매주일요일저녁에근사한가족저녁식사를해. W 안녕,우진.어디가고있어? W No, it’s on the opposite side. It’s between the flower shop W 사실,네도움이필요해.학교주변에축제포스터붙이는것을도와줄 W Actually, I need your help. Can you help me put up festival posters around the school? M No problem. Did you make the posters already? 13 ③ [Telephone rings.] M Hello? W Hello, Daniel. This is Julie. M Hi, Julie. What’s up? W Yes, I did. M Then, I can do that. W Thank you. [전화벨이울린다.] M여보세요? W 여보세요,Daniel.나Julie야. M 안녕,Julie.무슨일이니? 수있니? M 물론이야.포스터를벌써만들었니? W 응,만들었어. M 그러면,그일을할수있어. W 고마워. 14 ⑤ │ M Where should I put this sofa, ma’am? ③ W Put it over here, please. Be careful. books, and everything else. W You did a good job! M Thanks. Your new house is very nice. W Thank you. M 이소파를어디에놓아야하나요,부인? W 여기에놓아주세요.조심하세요. 들을옮겼습니다. W 잘하셨습니다! W 감사합니다. M 감사합니다.당신의새집이아주좋군요. 15 ② 22 중1 24 M This sofa is the last thing. We’ve already moved your desk, M 이소파가마지막물건입니다.우리는이미책상,책들과다른모든것 M 음,도서관에가고싶은데길을잃었어. W 대로로한블록더걸어가야해,그리고왼쪽으로돌아. M 아,은행옆에있어? M 이제알겠다.고마워! W 아니,반대편이야.꽃집이랑편의점사이에있어. 16 ③ W You should sit at the front seat in the classroom. And pay attention to your teacher. Take notes when the teacher speaks. Don’t think about other things during the class. Think only about the lesson. These things will help you get a good grade. W 당신은교실에서앞자리에앉아야합니다.그리고선생님의말씀에주 의를기울이십시오.선생님께서말씀하실때필기를하세요.수업중에는 다른것에대해생각하지마세요.수업에대해서만생각하세요.이러한것 들이당신이좋은점수를받도록도와줄것입니다. 17 ③ M Soft pretzels are delicious bread treats. They have knot- like shape and they are a little difficult to make. First, you make dough. Let it sit until it becomes bigger. Then roll the dough into long strings. You have to twist the dough. Next bake it. Pretzels are hard to make, but easy to eat! M 부드러운프레첼은맛있는빵간식입니다.그것은매듭모양이고,그것 을만드는것은약간어렵습니다.우선,반죽을만드세요.그것이더커 질때까지그대로두세요.그다음반죽을굴려서긴줄로만듭니다.그 러고나서그반죽을꼬고그것을구우세요.프레첼은만들기어렵지만, 먹기는쉽습니다! 만점 솔루션 반죽이커질때까지그대로두라고했다. 18 ② W Finally the day is over. M What’s up? Did you have a hard day? W Yes. My boss got mad at me. M Were you late for work? W No, but I broke a computer by mistake. M Oh. Was it an accident? W Of course. But he was still angry and made me cry. M That’s too bad. Well, sit down and rest now. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 22 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:04 W 마침내하루가끝났어. M 무슨일이야?힘든하루였니? W 응.내상사가내게화를냈거든 W 회사에늦었어? M 아니,하지만난실수로컴퓨터를망가뜨렸어. W 이런.사고였어? M 물론이야.하지만그래도그는화를냈고나를울게만들었어. W 너무안됐다.음,이제앉아서쉬어. 만점 솔루션 실수로회사컴퓨터를고장낸여자에게상사가화를내서슬퍼 하고있는상황이다. 19 ③ M Where are you going? W I’m going to run. Nowadays I’m afraid I’m gaining weight. M Me too. So we need to exercise every day. W Right. So I’m running around the park now. Do you want to join me? M M 어디에가고있니? W 달리기하러갈거야.요즘살이찌고있는것같거든. M 나도그래.그러니까우리는매일운동할필요가있어. W 맞아.그래서지금공원에서달리기할거야.나와함께할래? M 그래.너와함께갈게. ① 오늘달리기할거니? ② 그래.난배가아주고파. ④ 너는살이찌고있니? ⑤ 아니,나는먹는걸즐기지않아. Park? you? M Me too. I’ve never been there. W How about asking the bus driver? M M 벌써2시네요.우리는몇시에City공원에도착할까요? W 모르겠어요.이번이그곳에처음가는거예요.당신은어때요? M 저도그래요.그곳에가본적이없어요. W 버스기사에게물어보는것이어떨까요? M 좋은생각이네요. ① 아주친절하시군요. ③ 버스에서내려요. ④ 저는공원에서걷는것을좋아해요. ⑤ 저를도와줘서고마워요. 영어듣기능력평가 04 회 01① 06③ 11④ 16④ 02② 07②, ⑤ 12②, ⑤ 17③ 03③ 08⑤ 13④ 18① 04③ 09⑤ 14③ 19② 05④ 10④ 15② 20⑤ 01 ① W This is a useful item when you use a computer. You can save files in it and carry it anywhere you want. It’s small enough to put in your pocket. The files might be documents, video clips or MP3s. You can even put movies in it. Just connect this to any computer. You can access the files in it by clicking a folder. W 이것은컴퓨터를사용할때유용한물건입니다.그안에파일을저장할 수있고당신이원하는어느곳이든그것을가지고다닐수있습니다. 그것은당신의주머니에들어갈만큼작습니다.파일은문서,동영상이 나MP3파일일수도있습니다.영화를그안에넣을수도있습니다.어 느컴퓨터에든연결하기만하세요.폴더를클릭하여그안에있는파일 에접속할수있습니다. 02 ② M Are you going to buy it? W Yes, I need it to wake up in the morning. M But don’t you have a Cellphone? Doesn’t it have an alarm? W It does, but I always turn off the alarm and go to sleep M Do you mean you can’t turn off this one? around. M 그것을살거니? W 응,나는아침에일어나기위해그것이필요해. M 하지만넌휴대전화가있지않아?알람기능이없니? W 있어,하지만나는늘알람을끄고다시자곤해. M 이것은끌수가없다는말이니? W 쉽지않아.바퀴가보이지?이것은울린다음에,굴러다니거든. 만점 솔루션 아침에일어나기위해필요하며바퀴가있어서알람이울린다음 굴러다닌다고했으므로바퀴가달린알람시계임을알수있다. 03 ③ M Good morning. This is today’s weather update. I’m your weather forecaster Steve Coyle. Today is Friday and it’ll be mostly cloudy but it won’t be raining. On the weekend, the weather will be nice and warm. On Monday, we are expecting rain but very little. 제04회 영어듣기능력평가 23 20 ② M It’s already 2 o’clock. What time will we arrive at the City again. W I don’t know. This is my first time to go there. How about W It’s not easy. Can you see the wheels? After it rings, it rolls #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 23 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:05 M 안녕하세요.오늘의날씨속보입니다.저는기상통보관인Steve Coyle ① M 그영화좋았어? 입니다.오늘은금요일이고대부분흐린날이되겠지만비는오지않을것  W응,재미있더라. 입니다.주말에는,날씨가좋고포근할것입니다.월요일에는,비가오겠지 만양은아주적을것으로예상됩니다. 만점 솔루션 오늘이금요일이므로내일은토요일이다.토요일과일요일이라 는말대신weekend라는말을사용했으며주말에날씨가좋 을것이라고예보했다. ② M 5시야?  W응,그래. ③ M 뭘먹을까?  W그래,그거좋다. ④ M 우유어디있어?  W냉장고안에있어. ⑤ M 그녀의직업은뭐니?  W영어선생님이셔. M I’d really like to, but I have a dental appointment on that W Sure. When does the concert start? 05 ④ W Jason, what happened to your leg? Why do you have a M 오늘밤에음악회가기로한거기억하지? W 물론이지.음악회가언제시작하지? M 7시에시작해. WJason,네다리에무슨일이생긴거야?왜깁스를하고있니? 만점 솔루션 음악회가7시에시작하니6시15분에출발하자고남자가제안 하자여자도이에동의하고있다. 04 ③ M What are you going to do this Saturday? W I’m going to go shopping with my friend. M Where are you going to go? W To Dongdaemun. Do you want to come with us? day. M 이번토요일에뭐할거니? W 친구와쇼핑하러갈거야. M 어디로갈거니? W 동대문에.너도우리와같이가고싶니? M 나도정말그러고싶지만,그날치과진료예약이되어있어. cast on? M I broke it. W That’s too bad. Did it happen yesterday? M No, it was on Saturday. W What happened? Did you go skiing? M No. I slipped on the ice on my way home. M 다리가부러졌어. W 정말유감이구나.어제그런거야? M 아니,토요일에. W 무슨일이야?스키타러갔었어? M 아니.집에오는길에얼음위에서넘어졌어. 만점 솔루션 남자는집에오는길에넘어져서깁스를한상황이다. 06 ③ ① M Did you like the movie? W Yes, it was funny. ② M Is it 5 o’clock? W Yes, it is. ③ M What should we eat? W Yes, that’s good. ④ M Where is the milk? W It’s in the fridge. ⑤ M What dose she do? W She’s an English teacher. 24 중1 24 07 ② │ M Do you remember we are going to the concert tonight? ⑤ M It begins at 7. car. W Should we leave at 6:30? It will take about 15 minutes by M That’s too late. Before the concert, we have to eat something. Let’s leave at a quarter past six. W OK. Then we’ll be able to have some snacks. M All right. I’ll pick you up at your house. W 6시30분에출발해야할까?차로15분정도걸릴거야. M 그건너무늦어.음악회전에,우리는뭘좀먹어야해.6시15분에출발 하자. W 그래.그럼간식을좀먹을수있을거야. M 좋아.너의집으로널데리러갈게. 08 ⑤ [Telephone rings.] W Hello, Nick. This is Sandy. M Hi, Sandy. What’s up? W Well, I asked you to send me the pictures. I mean the pictures of our field trip. M I sent them. I sent an e-mail with an attachment an hour W Oh, did you? But I didn’t get it. Can you send them one ago. more time? M OK. That’s not difficult at all. [전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요,Nick.나Sandy야. M 안녕,Sandy.무슨일이니? W 나에게사진을보내달라고부탁했었는데.우리현장학습사진말이야. M 보냈어.한시간전에첨부파일로붙여서이메일을보냈는걸. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 24 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:05 W 오,그랬니?하지만난못받았어.한번만다시그것들을보내줄수있니? W Bill, can you take this garbage out for me? M 그럴게.전혀어려운일도아닌데뭐. M But I’m late for school.     09 ⑤ M Hi, Miranda. Are you waiting for someone? W Hi, Jack. I’m waiting for a bus to the gym. I’m taking swimming lessons. M Wow. I’d like to go swimming, too. It’s really hot. W Where are you going? M I’m going to my aunt’s house. Oh, here comes the bus. M 안녕,Miranda.누구기다리고있니? W 안녕,Jack.체육관에가려고버스를기다리고있어.수영수업을듣고 See you around. W See you. Bye. 있거든. W 너는어디가는데? W 또만나.안녕. M 와.나도수영하러가고싶은걸.정말덥잖아. M 나는이모네집에가.오,버스가온다.또보자. 10 ④ M Did you enjoy the dinner? W Yes, I did. The spaghetti was great. M I’m glad you enjoyed the meal. What would you like for dessert? We have ice creams, pies and cakes. W I don’t want dessert. Can I just have some tea? M Of course. Do you need sugar or milk for your tea? W With milk, please. M 식사는맛있게하셨습니까? W 예,맛있었어요.스파게티가훌륭했어요. M 식사를맛있게하셨다니기쁩니다.후식은무엇으로하시겠어요?아이 스크림과파이,그리고케이크가있습니다. W 후식은먹고싶지않아요.차만마셔도될까요? M 물론이죠.차에설탕이나우유를넣으시겠습니까? W 우유를넣어주세요. W It’s only 8 o’clock and it won’t take much time. M All right. W Don’t forget to take your running shoes for your gym class. I washed them. They will be dry now. M Oh, that’s right. I almost forgot about them. Thank you. W Bill,이쓰레기좀밖에내다놓아주겠니? M 하지만저는학교에늦었어요. W 8시밖에안되었고시간이많이걸리지도않을텐데. M 알겠어요. W 체육수업이있으니운동화가져가는것을잊지마라.내가빨았지.지 금쯤이면말랐을거야. M 오,맞아요.잊어버릴뻔했어요.감사합니다. 만점 솔루션 학교에가기전에쓰레기를버려달라고부탁하고,운동화가져 가는것을잊지말라고말하는것으로보아아들과엄마관계임 을알수있다. 13 ④ M Janet, can I borrow your math textbook? W Sure, but what happened to your book? M It’s totally wet. Kelly spilled water all over my desk. W Oh, no. Can you dry it? M I don’t think so. I guess I have to get a new one. W Maybe Kelly will buy you another one. M Janet,수학책좀빌려주겠니? W 물론이지,하지만네책은어떻게되었는데? M 완전히젖었어.Kelly가내책상에물을엎질렀어. W 저런.말릴수있겠니? M 안될것같아.새것을사야할까봐. W Kelly가한권사줄지도모르지. 14 ③ M Excuse me, how can I get to the Saint George bus station? W Walk up the street and turn right at the first corner. That’s Willow Street. Walk down the street one block. The bus stop is on your left across Coles. M Turn right on Willow Street and it’s on the left across Coles. 11 ④ M I’m a kind of insect. I’m usually bigger than a fly or a mosquito. I have bright and colorful wings, and they W That’s right. come with many different patterns. I fly from one flower to M Thank you very much. another flower. I eat nectar from those flowers. What am I? M 실례합니다만,Saint George버스정류장에어떻게갈수있나요? M 나는곤충의한종류입니다.나는보통파리나모기보다커요.나는밝 W이 길로 가시다가 첫 번째 모퉁이에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. 그곳이 고화려한날개를가지고있고날개는많은다양한패턴이있어요.나는 Willow 거리입니다.한블록을걸어가세요.버스정류장은Coles건너 꽃과꽃으로날라갑니다.나는꽃으로부터꿀을먹어요.나는무엇일까 편당신의왼쪽에있어요. M Willow 거리에서 오른쪽으로 돌아서 Coels 건너편 왼쪽에 있다 요? 12 ② │ ⑤ 고요. W 맞아요. M 정말 감사합니다. 제04회 영어듣기능력평가 25 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 25 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:06 15 ② W How long are you staying in Canada? M A week. W Which cities are you going to visit? 18 ① M I’m so tired. W But it’s only 3 o’clock. M I know. I am always tired. M I have a business meeting in Toronto on next Monday and W Maybe you should take a nap. Tuesday. M But then I won’t be able to sleep tonight. W What will you do after the meeting? W I think taking a nap helps relieve your stress. M I’ll visit my friend in Ottawa and stay there for four days. M Do you think so? W Sounds great. Have a nice trip. W Sure. But do not take a nap for more than 30 minutes. W 캐나다에얼마나머물예정이니? M 일주일. W 어느도시를방문할거니? M Toronto에서다음주월요일과화요일에업무회의가있어. W 회의이후에는뭐할거니? M OK. Wake me up in 30 minutes. M 너무피곤해. W 하지만겨우3시야. M 알아.난항상피곤해. W 낮잠을자야할것같구나. M Ottawa에있는친구네집에서나흘간머물거야. M 하지만그러면오늘밤에잠을못잘거야. W 멋지다.여행잘다녀와. W 낮잠을자는게네스트레스를풀어주는데도움을줄거라고생각해. 만점 솔루션 Toronto에서는회의를하기위해월요일과화요일이틀간머물 것이라고했다. 16 ④ W Fireflies get their names because they make light. Being M 그렇게생각하니? W 물론.하지만30분이상은낮잠을자지마. M 알았어.30분후에나를깨워줘. 19 ② M Where are you going this summer? able to light up has a few benefits for fireflies. Some W I’m not sure. Do you have any suggestions? fireflies use light to scare off animals. Other fireflies use M How about going to Jeju Island? light to catch other bugs to eat. But most fireflies use light to find true love. W 반딧불이는빛을내기때문에그이름을갖게되었습니다.빛을낼수 있는것은반딧불이에게몇가지이점이있습니다.어떤반딧불이들은 동물들을겁주어떼어내기위해빛을사용합니다.또다른반딧불이들 W Jeju Island? Sounds great. M I was there last summer. W Really? How did you like it? M It was fantastic. W 은다른먹을곤충들을잡기위해빛을사용합니다.하지만대부분의반 M 이번여름에어디에갈거니? 딧불이들은자신들의진정한짝을찾기위해빛을사용합니다. W 확실하지않아.어떤의견이라도있니? 만점 솔루션 반딧불이가빛을내서얻는이점은동물을겁주어떼어내기, 먹을곤충잡기,짝찾기등으로설명하고있는담화이다.  17 ③ M I’ll have a birthday party this Saturday. W Really? Happy birthday, Paul. M Can you come to the party? M 제주도에가는것은어때? W 제주도?멋진데. M 내가지난여름에거기에갔었거든. W 정말?거기가얼마나좋았는데? M 환상적이었지. W 그럼,이번여름에는거기에가야겠다. ① 너는좀더신중해야해. ③ 나는팝콘서트에가고싶어. W Thank you for inviting me, but my mom is in the hospital ④ 우리는오늘밤에영화를보러갈거야. and I think I have to be home to take care of my sister. ⑤ 너는지금바로병원에가보는게좋겠어. M Oh, I didn’t know that. I’m so sorry. W That’s all right. My mom will come home next week. 만점 솔루션 남자가제주도에가라고하면서작년에갔었는데환상적이라고 말했을때여자는자신도거기에가겠다는말을하는것이가장 적절하다. W 나를초대해줘서고마워,하지만엄마가병원에입원해계셔서내여동 M 이번토요일에생일파티를해. W 정말?생일축하해,Paul. M 파티에올수있니? 생을돌보기위해집에있어야할것같아. M 저런,그런줄은몰랐어.정말유감이야. W 괜찮아.엄마는다음주에퇴원하실거야. 26 중1 24 20 ⑤ W Good afternoon. May I help you, sir? M Yes. I’m going to Macy’s Department Store before I leave this hotel. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 26 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:06 W Then what can I help you with? M Can you look after these bags? W Sure. How many bags do you have? M Three. W W 안녕하세요.도와드릴까요,손님? M 예.이호텔을떠나기전에Macy’s백화점에가보려고요. W 그럼제가뭘도와드릴까요? M 이가방들을봐주시겠어요? W 물론이죠.몇개의가방들을가지고계신가요? M 세개요. W 그가방들을이쪽구석으로놔주세요. ① 제가지금바로떠나야하나요? ② 당신은운동이좀필요한것같아요. ③ 백화점으로운전해갈까요? ④ 잠시동안공원에산책하러가는건어때요? 영어듣기능력평가 05 회 03④, ① 04④ 01① 06② 11② 16⑤ 02④ 07③ 12① 17④ 08⑤ 13④ 18⑤ 09④, ③ 14② 19④ 05① 10② 15⑤ 20④ M Hey, why don’t we swim in the lake? It’ll be fun. W John, look at the sign over there. It says we can’t swim 01 ① M Wow, this lake is very beautiful. W Yeah, I think so, too. here. M Oh, I didn’t see it. M 와,이호수는매우아름답다. W 그래,나도그렇게생각해. M 야,호수에서수영할래?재미있을거야. 잖아. M 오.그것을못봤어. WJohn,저기에있는표지판을봐.여기서는수영을할수없다고되어있 02 ④ W Sam, what about going bowling with me this Sunday? M This Sunday? Sorry, I have something to do with my classmates. W What are you going to do with them? M We’ll play basketball or soccer. W Then, what about Saturday? If you’re not busy, let’s go bowling that day. M Saturday? Okay, I’ll go with you. W Sam,이번주일요일에나와볼링치러갈래? M 이번주일요일?미안,난반친구들과할일이있어. W 그들과무엇을할건데? M 농구나축구를할거야. M 토요일?좋아,같이갈게. W 그럼,토요일은어때?바쁘지않으면,그날볼링치러가자. 03 ④ │ M Now take a look at the weather for tomorrow. Seoul and ① the Gyoung gi area are going to have a clear and sunny Saturday. However, for the Chungcheong area, it will be cloudy and cold. If you are in Busan, please carry an umbrella. There’ll be a heavy rain from tonight until tomorrow. 제05회 영어듣기능력평가 27 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 27 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:06 M 8월에.새학기가시작하기전에이사한다고하더라. M 아니.사실,오후에내디지털카메라를잃어버렸어. W 그거정말안됐다.그녀가보고싶을거야. W 정말?겨우일주일전에그것을샀잖아,그렇지않니? M 그래.나는왜이렇게부주의한지모르겠어. M 이제내일날씨를살펴보겠습니다.서울과경기지역은맑고화창한토 M 너오래기다렸구나. 요일이될것입니다.하지만,충청지역은구름이끼고추울것입니다. W 맞아.빨리그것을열어보고싶어. 부산에계신다면,우산을챙기세요.오늘밤부터내일까지많은비가내 M 나도그래.나도그것을보고싶어. M In August. She said they’ll move before the new semester M Do I? Nothing special. 릴것입니다. 04 ④ W What’s up? You look sad. M Did you hear Melanie is moving soon? W No, I didn’t. Where will she go? M Her family will go to America. W When will they leave? starts. W That’s too bad. I’ll miss her. W 무슨일이야?슬퍼보이네. M Melanie가곧이사간다는얘기들었어? W 아니,못들었어.그녀가어디로갈거래? M 그녀의가족이미국으로간대. W 언제떠날거래? 05 ① W Hey, Jake. Are you going to the dance party? M I don’t know. I heard we have to dress up. W Yes. Don’t you have a suit? M No. I have to buy one. W It might be expensive, but it is worth buying one. M You are right. I will need it, anyway. W 맞아.너정장이없니? M 없어.한벌사야해. W 비싸겠지만,한벌살가치는있어. M 네말이맞아.어쨌든,그것이필요할테니까. 가동의하고있다. 06 ② W Great! My package finally arrived! M Did it take a long time to get here? month. M You waited for a long time. W Yes. I can’t wait to open it. M Me too. I want to see it. W 좋았어!내소포가마침내도착했네! M 여기도착하는데오래걸렸어? W 응,거의두달.한달정도걸릴거라고생각했거든. W Yes, almost two months. I thought it would take one 28 중1 24 만점 솔루션 여자는두달동안기다려받은소포를어서열어보고싶어흥 분한상태이다. 07 ③ W Peter, is there something wrong with you? You don’t look good. W Hey, tell me. Did you get a bad score on the biology test? M No. In fact, I lost my digital camera in the afternoon. W Really? You bought it just a week ago, didn’t you? M Yeah. I don’t know why I am so careless. W Peter,무슨나쁜일있니?안좋아보여. M 내가?특별한일없어. W 야,말해봐.생물시험에서나쁜점수를받았니? 08 ⑤ ① M Are you busy tomorrow? W Yes, I am. I have to study all day for an English test. ② M Oh, the sky is getting darker and darker. W Right. It will rain soon. ③ M How about having seafood spaghetti for lunch? W To the post office. ⑤ M How was your trip to London? W Sorry, I can’t go with you this time. ① M 내일바빠? ② M 오,하늘이점점더어두워지고있어.  W그래.곧비가올거야. ③ M 점심식사로해산물스파게티먹는게어때?  W좋은생각이야! ④ M 야,지금 어디가니?  W우체국에. ⑤ M 런던여행어땠니?  W미안,이번에는너와같이갈수없어. 만점 솔루션 ⑤런던여행이어땠는지묻는말에대한응답으로는‘좋았어.’또 는‘나빴어.’등의대답이와야자연스럽다. 09 ④ │ W My apartment is too messy. ③ M Why don’t you clean it? W 이봐,Jake.댄스파티에갈거야? W That’s a good idea! M 모르겠어.옷을차려입어야한다고들었어. ④ M Hey, where are you going now? 만점 솔루션 비싸도정장을한벌살만한가치가있다는여자의말에남자  W응.하루종일영어시험공부를해야해. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 28 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:06 W I don’t have time these days. I have extra work. M Yes, it was. I think you’re a really good cook. M You can find a cleaning lady online. W Really? I should do that tonight. W My pleasure! I am glad you enjoyed the meal. M Let me wash the dishes. You just rest and watch TV. M I can help you. I found one through the website the other W Oh, thank you. W 내아파트가너무지저분해. M 왜청소하지않는거야? M오 ,정말배가불러.더이상못먹겠어. W 나도마찬가지야.그래,불고기어땠어?맛있었니? M 그래,맛있었어.넌정말요리를잘하는것같아. W 요즘내가시간이없어.초과근무를하거든 W 천만에!네가음식을맛있게먹었다니기뻐. M 인터넷에서청소해주는아주머니를찾아볼수있어. M 내가 설거지를할게.넌그냥쉬면서TV를봐. W 정말?오늘밤에알아봐야겠네. W 오,고마워. M 내가널도와줄수있어.나도며칠전에웹사이트를통해한명찾았거 day. 든. 만점 솔루션 초과근무때문에집청소를못하는여자에게남자가인터넷을 통해청소해주는아주머니를구할수있다는말을하자,여자 는오늘밤에알아보기로했다. 10 ② M Stella, what time does the musical start? W At 7 o’clock sharp. M Then, let’s meet in front of the theater one hour before the show starts. W Don’t you think it’s too early? M No. To have dinner, we need more than 30 minutes. W Maybe you’re right. I see. See you later at the theater. M Stella,뮤지컬이몇시에시작하지? W 7시정각에. M 그럼,뮤지컬이시작하기1시간전에극장앞에서만나자. 세요. W 너무이르다고생각하지않니? M 아니.저녁을먹기위해서는,30분이상필요해. W 네말이맞을것같구나.알았어.있다가극장에서보자. 만점 솔루션 남자의마지막말Letmewashthedishes.를통해남자가 설거지를할것임을알수있다. 13 ④ W Excuse me, is there a drugstore around here? M Hmm... let me think, yes! Go straight one block and turn right. W Go straight and... Sorry? about 20 meters. W Okay, thanks, and? M Turn right after walking one block from here, and walk M It’ll be on your left side, across from the police station. W 실례합니다.여기근처에약국이있나요? M 흠..생각좀해보고요,네!한블록쭉가서오른쪽으로도세요. W 쭉가서...뭐라고요? M 여기서한블록걸어간뒤에오른쪽으로도세요,그리고20미터걸어가 W 알겠습니다,고마워요,그리고요? M 당신왼쪽에약국이있어요,경찰서건너편이요. 만점 솔루션 뮤지컬은7시정각에시작하지만,저녁을먹기위해1시간전에 극장앞에서만나자고남자가제안했고여자가동의했으므로, 14 ② M Sara, what do you want to be in the future? 두사람은6시에만날것이다. W Well... I want to become a fashion model or a jewelry 11 ② M Many people use this in the summer. It has an electric motor, and it moves the blades. Then, because the air moves in the room, you feel cooler. You can have this on the floor, on the wall, or even on the ceiling. What is this? designer. M Wow, that’s cool! W What about you, Jason? Do you still want to be a teacher? M No. I have a new dream. I want to be a novelist. W Oh, that’s good. As you are good at writing, you’ll become a good writer. M 많은사람들이여름에이것을사용합니다.이것은전동기가있고날개 를움직입니다.공기가방안에서움직이기때문에여러분은더시원하 M 와,멋지다! 다고느낍니다.여러분은이것을바닥에두거나,벽에걸거나,심지어천 장에둘수있습니다.이것은무엇일까요? M Sara,넌장래에무엇이되고싶니? W 음…패션모델이나보석디자이너가되고싶어. W 넌어때,Jason?여전히선생님이되고싶니? M 아니.난새로운꿈이생겼어.난소설가가되고싶어. W 오,멋진데.넌글을잘쓰니까,훌륭한작가가될거야. 12 ① M Oh, I’m really full. I can’t eat any more. W Me too. So, how was the bulgogi? Was it delicious? 15 ⑤ W What time is it now? 제05회 영어듣기능력평가 29 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 29 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:07 M It’s 5:40. taking the train. W Only 5:40? Oh, we still have to wait for one hour before M Yeah, you’re right. The train leaves at 6:40. W Hey, why don’t we eat something? I feel a little bit hungry. M Why not? Let’s go downstairs. There are some restaurants there. W 지금몇시야? M 5시40분. W 겨우5시40분?오,기차를타려면아직도한시간을더기다려야해. M 그래,맞아.기차가6시40분에출발하니까말이야. W 야,뭐라도먹을래?약간배가고파. M 좋아.아래층으로가자.거기에식당이몇개있어. 18 ⑤ W Could you drive today? M Why? I thought you liked driving. W Sometimes, but I don’t know this area. M OK, then. Can you check the map for me? W Sure. Shall I tell you which way to go? M Yes, please. Only in the city, though. W Do you know where to go on the highway? M Yeah, I’ve been here before. W 오늘네가운전할래? M 왜?네가운전하는거좋아하는줄알았는데. W 가끔은,하지만난이지역을잘모르거든. M 좋아,그럼.나를위해지도를확인해줄수있어? 16 ⑤ W Did you try them on? What do you think? M I’m not sure. I think they’re a little too tight. W Would you like to try a bigger size? M Yes, please. W What size did you just try? M Thirty. Actually, can I try both 31 and 32? W Sure, hold on a second. I will be right back. W 입어보셨어요?어떠세요? M 잘모르겠어요.너무딱맞는거같아요. W 더큰사이즈로입어보시겠어요? M 네,부탁해요. W 방금무슨사이즈를입어보셨죠? M 30이요.31과32두사이즈를입어볼수있을까요? W 물론이죠,잠시만요.바로돌아오겠습니다. 17 ④ W Can I talk to you for a minute, Mr. Brown? M Sure! What’s up? W Well... my parents are going to visit me tomorrow from England. M Oh, I didn’t know that your parents live there. W They moved there last year. So, can I have a day off tomorrow and go to the airport to see them? M Sure, you can. Instead of coming to the office tomorrow, just go to the airport. W Thank you. W Brown씨,잠시이야기나눌수있을까요? M 그럼요!무슨일이죠? W 저…내일부모님이영국에서저를보러오시거든요. M 오,부모님이그곳에사시는줄몰랐어요. W 물론이지.너에게어느길로가야하는지말해줘야하는거야? M 응.하지만,시내에서만. W 고속도로에서는어디로가야하는지알아? M 응,전에여기온적이있어. 만점 솔루션 운전을대신해주기로한남자는여자에게시내에서지도를보 고가야할길을말해달라고부탁하고있다. 19 ④ M Oh, I feel hungry. Do you have anything to eat? W Just wait a minute. I’ll make a sandwich for you. M Thanks, Mom. If you need my help, please tell me. W Then, can you go to the mart and buy a jar of mayonnaise? M Sure! I can go to the mart right away. W M 오,배가고파요.먹을것이있어요? W 잠시만기다려라.샌드위치를만들어주마. M 고마워요,엄마.제도움이필요하면,말씀하세요. W 그럼,가게에가서마요네즈한통을사다줄래? M 물론이죠!지금바로가게에갈수있어요. W 좋아!마요네즈값10달러여기있다. ① 나도마요네즈를좋아하지않아. ② 물론이죠!저는햄샌드위치를아주좋아해요. ③ 정말맛있어요.엄마는요리를잘하세요. ⑤ 저녁먹기전에먼저손부터씻어라. 만점 솔루션 엄마가아들에게마요네즈를사다달라고하자아들이바로다 녀오겠다고했으므로,아들에게돈을주며하는말이엄마의대 답으로가장적절하다. 20 ④ M Alice, why don’t we go to the Seven Star Concert Hall this evening? W 그분들은작년에그곳으로이사하셨어요.그래서,내일하루휴가내서 W To the Seven Star Concert Hall? 부모님을마중하러공항에갈수있을까요? M Yeah, I have free tickets for a rock concert. M 물론,그러세요.내일은사무실에오는대신에,바로공항으로가세요. W Really? I like rock music a lot. Thank you, Andy. M Don’t mention it. W 고맙습니다. 30 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 30 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:07 W What time does the concert start? M At 7 o’clock. W M Alice,오늘저녁에Seven Star콘서트홀에갈래? W Seven Star콘서트홀에? M 그래,록콘서트무료입장권이있거든. W 정말?나록음악아주좋아해.고마워,Andy. M 천만에. M 7시에. W 콘서트가몇시에시작하니? W 그럼,6시30분에홀앞에서만나자. ① 좋아,너를위해내가표를살게. ② 그럼,어젯밤에어디갔었니? ③ 미안하지만,이번에는너를도와줄수없어. ⑤ 정말?하지만너는록음악을좋아하잖아,안그래? 영어듣기능력평가 06 회 01⑤ 06④ 11⑤ 16⑤ 02④ 07① 12① 17② 03② 08② 13④ 18③ 09⑤, ① 04③ 14③ 19③ 05② 10③ 15②, ④ 20③ 01 ⑤ M You can use one of these when the power goes out. It will give you some light in a dark room. Or, you can use these on your birthday. After your friends sing “Happy Birthday,” you make a wish and blow these out. What are these? M 여러분은전기가나갔을때이것들중하나는사용할수있습니다.이것 은어두운방안에약간의빛을줄것입니다.여러분은이것들을생일에 사용할수도있습니다.친구들이생일축하노래를부른뒤,당신은소원 을빌고이것들을꺼트립니다.이것들은무엇일까요? 02 ④ M What are you drawing for homework? W I don’t know. I was going to draw a bicycle at first. But I changed my mind. M Why? W I thought it was too hard for me. M Then, how about apples or hands? W My friends are drawing them. So I will draw a bottle. M Sounds good. M 숙제로무엇을그릴거니? W 모르겠어.처음에는자전거를그릴예정이었어.하지만마음을바꿨어. M 왜? W 그게나에겐너무어렵다고생각했거든. M 그럼,사과나손은어때? W 내친구들이그것들을그릴거야.그래서나는병을그릴거야. M 괜찮은데. 03 ② W Good evening. Here’s the weather forecast. Today was nice enough to go out. But tomorrow will be a little different. It will be very windy all day and you will feel very cold. But you don’t have to take your umbrella with you when you go out. We will not have rain tomorrow. W 안녕하세요.일기예보입니다.오늘은외출하기에충분히날씨가좋았 습니다.하지만내일은약간다를것입니다.하루종일바람이아주많 이불고매우추울것입니다.하지만외출할때우산을가지고가실필 요는없습니다.내일은비가오지않을것입니다. 제06회 영어듣기능력평가 31 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 31 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:07 04 ③ M Is there anything I can do for you, honey? W I see. That gives us five minutes to get to class. M Right. The class is a bit longer than ours. W Well, we need to order some meat online today. W 서둘러!우린수업에늦었어.벌써10시10분이야! M Why is that? M 걱정마.우린시간이있어. W My parents will visit us this Saturday. We’re going to have W 농담해?수업이10시에시작했어,그렇지않니? a barbecue party. M I see. How much meat should I order? W Order three kilograms, please. M Okay. I’ll do it right away. M 여보,제가도와줄일이있나요? M 아니,아직5분남았어. W 확실해? M 그의9시수업이10시10분에끝나서그후에시작해. W 그렇군.그럼수업에가는데5분이있는거네. M 맞아.그수업이우리수업보다조금더길어. W 음,오늘은인터넷에서고기를좀주문해야겠어요. 만점 솔루션 현재시각은10시10분인데수업까지5분이남았다고했으므로, M 왜그렇죠? 수업시작시간은10시15분이된다. W 부모님이이번주토요일에우리를방문하실거예요.우리는바비큐파티 를할예정이에요. M 알겠어요.고기를얼마나주문해야하죠? W 3킬로그램을주문해주세요. M 알겠어요.지금바로그렇게할게요. 07 ① [Telephone rings.] W Hello. 만점 솔루션 여자는토요일에바비큐파티를할예정이라며남자에게고기 를주문해달라고부탁하는상황이다. 05 ② ① W Would you tell me the way to the post office? M Sure. Turn right and it’s on your left. ② W I want to take violin lessons. M Really? I just bought this violin. ③ W Can I get you something to eat? M Thank you. I’m so hungry. ④ W What time do you have? M It’s 9:30. ⑤ W I enjoyed the party. Thank you for inviting me. M I am so happy to hear that. ① W우체국에가는길좀알려주시겠어요?  M 그러죠.우회전하면당신의왼편에있습니다. ② W바이올린수업을받고싶습니다.  M 정말요?저는이바이올린을방금샀습니다. ③ W먹을것좀가져다드릴까요?  M 고맙습니다.아주배가고프군요. ④ W몇시죠?  M 9시30분입니다. M Hi! Jenny. It’s me, Tom. W Hi, Tom. Are you getting better? How’s your cold? M I’m feeling better. Thank you for asking. By the way, I’m calling to ask you about the math homework. W Let me tell you about it. The math teacher told us to solve the problems on page 16. M Did he say just one page? W Yes. We were so happy to hear that. [전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요. M 안녕!Jenny.나야,Tom. W 안녕,Tom.건강이좋아지고있는거니?네감기는어때? M 좋아지고있어.물어봐줘서고맙다.그건그렇고,너에게수학숙제에 대해물어보려고전화했어. W 그것에대해말해줄게.수학선생님이16쪽에있는문제들을풀라고말 씀하셨어. M 겨우한페이지라고말씀하셨니? W 그래.그말을듣고우리는기분이아주좋았지. 08 ② W You look lost. Do you need any help? M Oh, yes, please. I’m looking for White Lion. W Oh, I know that restaurant. Go straight to Baker Street, and ⑤ W파티가즐거웠습니다.초대해주셔서감사합니다.  M 그말을들으니기분이아주좋네요. turn left at the corner. M White Lion is on Baker Street? 06 ④ W Hurry up! We are late for the class. It’s already 10:10! M Don’t worry. We have time. from a bank. M Thank you so much. W Yes, it is. After you turn left, walk one more block. Then cross the street. It’s next to the big post office and across W Are you kidding? The class started at 10:00, didn’t it? W 길을잃은거같네요.도와드릴까요? M No, we still have five minutes left. W Are you sure? M 아,네,부탁드립니다.화이트라이온을찾고있습니다. W 아,그레스토랑알아요.베이커가로쭉가신다음에모퉁이에서왼쪽 M It starts later because his 9 o’clock class ends at 10:10. 으로도세요. 32 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 32 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:07 M 화이트라이온이베이커가에있나요? 거야.주말에는농구하는것을좋아해.앞으로언제든너희들과농구를 W 네.왼쪽으로돈다음에한블록더걸어가세요.그리고길을건너세요. 하고싶어. 큰우체국옆,큰은행건너편에있어요. M 정말감사합니다. 09 ⑤ │ M Sarah, what do you want to study in the university? ① 12 ① M These days my hair is falling out. I don’t know why. W Do you wash your hair every day? M Not every day, but once every two days. W I want to study math. What about you? W Then how about changing your shampoo into this one? M When I was young I wanted to major in history or language. M Would it help? But later I changed my mind. W So what do you want to study? M I want to study computer engineering. W Sounds interesting. W Well, this shampoo stops your hair from falling out. M 요즘머리카락이빠지고있어요.그이유를모르겠어요. W 매일머리를감나요? M 매일은아니지만이틀에한번은감죠. M Sarah,너는대학교에서무엇을공부하고싶니? W 그렇다면당신의샴푸를이것으로바꾸는게어떨까요? W 수학을공부하고싶어.너는어때? M 그것이도움이될까요? M 어렸을때는역사학이나언어학을전공하고싶었어.하지만이후에는 W 음,이샴푸는당신의머리카락이빠지는것을막아줘요. 만점 솔루션 여자는howabout~?이라는표현을이용하여샴푸를바꾸어 마음을바꾸었어. W 그러면무엇을공부하고싶은데? M 컴퓨터공학을공부하고싶어. W 재미있겠다. 볼것을제안하고있다. 13 ④ W What are you doing, Matt? 10 ③ M You look so happy. Please tell me the reason. I want to share your happiness with you. W Guess what, Henry. M I’m looking for my notebook. I think I lost it. W Is this your notebook? M Oh! Yes. Where did you find it? W In the classroom. You left it there yesterday. M You got a good grade in math, or you got a new boyfriend? M Thank you, Mrs. Olsen. W Well, no. It’s more than that. Let me give you a hint. It’s W Be careful not to misplace your things. about my writing. M Did you win the first prize in the Book Report Contest? W Exactly! I’m so happy about that. M 기분이아주좋아보이는데.이유를말해줘.네기쁨을함께나누고싶 M 오!그래요.어디서그것을찾으셨나요? W 그게무엇인지맞혀봐,Henry. M 수학에서좋은점수를받았거나아니면새로운남자친구가생겼지? W 물건을잘못놓고다니지않도록주의하렴. W 음,아니.그것보다더한거야.힌트를하나줄게.나의작문에관한거 W 무엇을하고있니,Matt? M 제공책을찾고있어요.그것을잃어버린것같아요. W 이게네공책이니? W 교실에서.그것을어제거기에놓고갔더구나. M 고맙습니다.Olsen선생님. 어. 야. M 독후감대회에서우승했니? W 정확해!그래서너무기뻐. 14 ③ M I can’t wait for our school’s sports day next week. W Same here. What date is today? M It’s May 12th. We have five days to go. W I feel excited. M Me too. This is my first sports day in middle school. 11 ⑤ M Nice to meet you all. My name is Jack Tyler. I’m in the first grade of middle school. I joined this biking club to W I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun on that day. make good friends. Someday I want to be a TV reporter. I will interview famous people. I like to play basketball on weekends. I want to play basketball with you guys sometime in the future. M 너희모두를만나게되어기뻐.내이름은JackTyler야.나는중학교1 학년이야.나는좋은친구들을사귀기위해이자전거동아리에가입했 어.언젠가나는TV기자가되고싶어.나는유명한사람들을인터뷰할 M 다음주학교체육대회가정말기다려져. W 나도그래.오늘이며칠이지? M 5월12일이야.앞으로5일남았어. W 흥분이돼. M 나도그래.이번이중학교에서하는첫번째체육대회잖아. W 난우리가그날아주재미있는시간을보낼거라고확신해. 제06회 영어듣기능력평가 33 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 33 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:07 만점 솔루션 오늘은5월12일이고체육대회까지5일남았으므로5월17일이 W In that case, keep taking it and see me tomorrow. 체육대회날짜이다. M Yes, I’ll do that. 15 ② │ W May I help you? ④ M Yes. I have a project and I need the book The Family. W Well, let me check. [pause] I’m sorry, but somebody has already checked out the book. You have to wait for a few days. M A few days? Exactly how long do I have to wait for? W It is going to come back next Monday. I mean, you have to wait for four days. M I see. W 도와드릴까요? M 예.프로젝트가있어서‘TheFamily’라는책이필요합니다. W 음,확인해볼게요.[잠시후]미안하지만,이미누군가가그책을대출했 네요.며칠기다리셔야해요. M 며칠이라고요?정확히제가얼마나기다려야하나요? W 그것은다음주월요일에반납될거예요.그러니까,4일동안기다리셔 야해요. M 알겠습니다. 만점 솔루션 남자가찾는책이이미대출되었다고하는것으로보아‘도서관’ 에서나누는대화임을알수있다. 16 ⑤ W I can’t wait for Friday. M Because of the field trip? W Yes, I’ve always wanted to go to the new zoo! M Oh, didn’t you hear? The school changed the field trip. W No way, what do you mean? M The weather forecast says it’ll rain Friday, so we’re going to the science museum instead. W What? That sounds boring! W 금요일이기다려진다. M 현장학습때문에? W 응,나새로생긴동물원에항상가고싶었어. M 아,못들었어?학교가현장학습을변경했어. W 안돼,무슨뜻이야? 되었어. W 뭐라고?진짜지루하겠네! 17 ② W Hello, Mr. Johnson. How do you feel today? M A little better. But I still have a stomachache. W Did the medicine I gave you yesterday help you? 34 중1 24 WJohn씨,안녕하세요.오늘은기분이어떠세요? M 조금더나아요.하지만여전히복통이있어요. W 제가어제드린약이도움이되셨나요? M 예,그런것같아요.더이상두통은없어요. W 그럼,그것을계속복용하시고내일다시보시죠. M 예,그럴게요. 만점 솔루션 약을처방해주고병세를묻고답하는것으로보아,의사와환 자의관계임을알수있다. 18 ③ M Can you make copies of this document? W Sure. How many copies do you need? M 10 copies. But it’s only 2 pages long. W Do you want the copies on both sides? M Yes. Then we don’t have to staple it. W That’s good. Then we will only need 10 pieces of paper. M Yes, I’d like to save paper whenever possible. W OK. They will be ready in about 5 minutes. M 이서류를복사해줄수있어요? W 물론이죠.몇부필요하세요? M 10부요.하지만겨우2페이지짜리에요. W 양면복사를원하세요? M 예.그럼스테이플로그것을고정시킬필요가없죠. W 좋아요.그럼10장의종이만필요할거예요. M 예,가능하면종이를절약하고싶어요. W 알겠어요.약5분후면준비될거예요. 만점 솔루션 남자는여자에게2페이지짜리서류를10부양면복사해달라고 부탁하고있으므로10장의종이가필요할것이다. 19 ③ M Which language are you taking this semester? W I’m thinking of taking French. Do you want to take it with M I think it’s too difficult for me. W Actually my family is planning to take a trip to France this me? summer. W M 이번학기에는어떤언어를수강할거니? W 나는불어를수강할까생각중이야.나랑그것을함께들을래? M 그게나에겐너무어려운것같아. W 사실우리가족이이번여름에프랑스로여행을갈계획이야. M 좋겠다.그게네가불어를수강하고싶어하는이유구나. W 맞아.그때내불어를연습할수있잖아. M 일기예보에서금요일에비가온다고해서대신에과학박물관에가게 M Sounds nice. That’s the reason you want to take French. M Yes, I think so. I don’t have a headache anymore. ① 프랑스에서재미있는시간을보냈어. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 34 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:08 ② 불어는나에게도쉽지않아. ④ 그래.여행을위해쇼핑하러가야해. ⑤ 좋아.나는함께여행을하고싶어. 20 ③ W What’s wrong with the computer? M It doesn’t start at all. the dust in it. M Did you have the same experience? W W 컴퓨터에무슨문제가있나요? M 전혀작동이안돼요. W Maybe it’s because there is a lot of dust in the computer. Before you take it to the repair shop, try to vacuum out all W 아마도컴퓨터안에먼지가많기때문일거예요.그것을수리점에가지 고가기전에,그안에있는먼지를진공청소기로다빨아들여보세요. M 같은경험을해보셨나요? W 예.제것은진공청소기로먼지를빨아들인후에괜찮아졌어요. ① 아니요.저는진공청소기로청소하는것을잘못해요. ② 좋아요.저는똑같은것을사고싶어요. ④ 맞습니다.컴퓨터가작동하지않을거예요. ⑤ 예.당신은그것을수리점에가지고갈필요가있어요. 만점 솔루션 남자의컴퓨터가작동되지않는다고하자여자는컴퓨터안의 먼지를진공청소기로빨아들일것을충고한다.이에남자는같 은경험이있었느냐고물었으므로이에대한여자의응답은자 신의경험을말하는것이가장적절하다. 영어듣기능력평가 07 회 01② 06①, ③ 11② 16② 02① 07② 12① 17④ 03① 08⑤ 13④ 18③ 04③, ⑤ 09⑤ 14② 19⑤ 05④ 10① 15③ 20③ 01 ② M I am a bird, but I can’t fly. Instead of flying, I can swim very well. I catch fish while I swim. When I lay an egg, I have to keep it warm. It’s hard work for parents because I live in a cold place. You can see me standing on snow with thousands of my friends. I have a black back and black wings, but my belly is white. M 저는새이지만,날지는못합니다.나는것대신,저는수영을아주잘합 니다.저는수영하는동안물고기를잡습니다.제가알을낳으면,그것을 따뜻하게유지해주어야합니다.저는추운곳에살기때문에그것은부 모들에게힘든일입니다.여러분은제가수천명의제친구들과함께눈 위에서있는것을볼수있습니다.저는검은색등과검은색날개를가 졌지만,저의배는흰색입니다. 02 ① W Look, I got it from my sister for my birthday present. M Do you use it every morning? W Of course. You might not need it. You have short hair, so it dries quickly. But my hair is long. I need it to dry my hair every morning. M I sometimes use it to dry my hair, too. W 이것좀봐,언니한테이것을생일선물로받았어. M 넌그것을매일아침마다사용하니? W 물론이지.너는필요하지않을지도모르겠다.너는머리가짧으니까,금 세마르잖아.하지만나는머리가길어.내머리를말리기위해매일아 침그것을사용해야해. M 나도가끔은내머리를말리는데그것을사용해. 03 ① M Good morning. This is Jim Kelly from the weather center. We are having hot dry summer days. Today, will be another hot and sunny day in the morning, but there is good news: A rain shower in the afternoon. Let’s hope it will cool us down in this hot dry weather. Thank you for listening. M 안녕하십니까.기상청의JimKelly입니다.덥고건조한여름날이계속 되고있습니다.오늘아침역시또하루의덥고맑은날이되겠지만,좋 은소식이있습니다.오후에는소나기소식이있습니다.이덥고건조한 날씨를시원하게식혀주기를기대해봐야겠습니다.들어주셔서감사합 니다. 제07회 영어듣기능력평가 35 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 35 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:08 04 ③ │ M What do you usually do on weekends? ⑤ W My grandmother lives alone, so my family visits her on M 우리의새신발을광고하고싶어요.우리는그것들의멋진그림이필요 해요.몇가지자세한사항은이메일로보내드릴게요. W 좋아요.그것들을검토해보고나서다시전화드릴게요. Saturdays. 만점 솔루션 남자가여자에게그림을그려달라고부탁하고있으므로여자 M Wow. That’s great. Saturday is my basketball day. My 의직업이‘화가’임을알수있다. W 할머니가혼자사셔서,우리가족은토요일마다할머니댁에가. ② W How long is this desk? M 와.대단한걸.토요일은내가농구하는날이야.친구들과나는보통체 M It is over an hour. friends and I usually meet at the gym. W How about on Sunday? M I go to church. M 넌주말에주로무엇을하니? 육관에서만나. W 일요일은어떤데? M 교회에가지. 05 ④ W The Eiffel Tower is a famous building. It is an iconic symbol of France. It is 324 meters tall. It was built in 1889, and it was the tallest building in Paris at that time. Today there are many buildings taller than the Eiffel, but it is still the tallest tower in Paris. Since the Eiffel Tower opened, more than 200 million visitors have visited the landmark. W 에펠탑은유명한건물입니다.그것은프랑스의상징물입니다.그높이 는324미터입니다.그것은1889년에만들어졌고,그당시파리에서가 장높은건물이었습니다.오늘날에펠탑보다더높은많은건물들이있 지만,그것은여전히파리에서가장높은탑입니다.에펠탑이문을연 이래로,2억명이상의방문객이그역사적건물을다녀갔습니다. 07 ② ① W Can I borrow your pen? M Sure. Here you go. ③ W Where did you get that backpack? M I bought it downtown. ④ W Do you think we should leave now? M No, let’s wait for Jenny to come. ⑤ W It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? M Yes, it’s warm and sunny. ① W네펜을빌릴수있을까?  M 물론이지.여기있어. ② W이책상길이가얼마나되니?  M 한시간이상이야. ③ W저배낭어디서났어?  M 난그것을시내에서샀어. ④ W우리가지금떠나야한다고생각해?  M 아니,Jenny가오기를기다리자. ⑤ W오늘날씨좋지,그렇지않아?  M 맞아,따뜻하고화창해.  만점 솔루션 E iffel Tower보다더높은건물들은많지만,파리에서가장높 로답해야한다. 은탑은E iffel Tower라고했다. 만점 솔루션 ②책상의길이를묻고있으므로미터혹은센티미터등의길이 ③ 06 ① │ [Cellphone rings.] W Hello. This is Amanda. M Hello. This is Jackson in A&T Co. I’d like to ask if you can computer? draw a picture for us. W All right, Dad. I’m turning it on. W Sure. What do you want to use it for? M Open the “my document” folder. There is a powerpoint M I need it for an advertisement that will be in a magazine. presentation file. The name of the file is “September M Helen, this is Dad. I need your help. Can you turn on the W What would you like to advertise? M I want to advertise our new sneakers. We need a nice drawing for them. I’ll email you some details. M Good. Can you email the file to me? 08 ⑤ [Telephone rings.] W Hello. presentation.” W Yes, I found it. W All right. [전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요. M 여보세요.A&T회사의Jackson입니다.우리를위해그림을그려주실 M Helen,아빠다.네가좀도와줬으면좋겠구나.컴퓨터를켤수있겠니? M ‘내문서’폴더를열어라.파워포인트프레젠테이션파일이있단다.파일 W 그럼요,아빠.켜고있어요. 이름은‘9월프레젠테이션’이야. W 예,찾았어요. W Fine. I’ll call you back after I review them. [휴대전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요.Amanda입니다. 수있는지여쭤보고싶어서요. W 물론이죠.그것을어디에사용하고싶으신가요? M 잡지에실릴광고를위해그것이필요합니다. W 어떤광고를하기를원하시나요? 36 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 36 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:08 M 그래.그파일을나에게전자우편으로보내주겠니? W 그럴게요.  09 ⑤ M Do you know that the Earth is getting warmer? W I know. Global warming is a real big issue these days. M There are floods and droughts all over the world. I believe [Cellphone rings.] W Hello. This is Ann. Everybody there? M Not quite. W Hasn’t Bob arrived there yet? M No, he’s late as usual. W I can’t believe it! I was sure he would be there by now. M It is not surprising, though. He’s late every day. W But he promised me that he would be on time today. pollution is the reason for that. M No way. W I agree with you. We should know that there is only one Earth and we have to protect it. M 지구가점점더워지고있다는것을아니? W 알아.지구온난화는요즘정말큰논쟁거리야. M 세계도처에홍수와가뭄이있어.나는공해가그것의원인이라고생각 [휴대전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요.나Ann이야.모두왔니? M 물론아니지. WBob이아직거기도착안했어? M 아니,그는항상그렇듯이늦고있어. 해. 야해. W 네말에동의해.지구는하나뿐이라는것을알고우리는그것을보호해 M 뭐,놀랄일도아니지.그는매일늦잖아. W 믿을수가없어!지금쯤이면거기도착했을거라고확신했는데. W 하지만그가오늘은제시간에올거라고내게약속했거든. 만점 솔루션 지구온난화에대해언급하며지구를보호해야한다고말하고 M 말도안돼. 있으므로,대화의주제로는‘환경보호’가가장적절하다. 만점 솔루션 남자의마지막말은Bob이제시간에올리가없다는부정의의미 10 ① M You use these to listen to music or the radio. You put these on your head. If you use these, only you can hear the music. That is good because you won’t disturb other people. But you have to be careful, because you can’t hear other noises. What are these? 이다. 13 ④ [Telephone rings.] M Hello. M 여러분은이것을음악이나라디오를들을때사용해요.여러분은이것 M I’m Juwon from Gwangju. 을머리에써요.이것을이용하면음악만들을수있어요.여러분이다 W Thanks for calling and nice to meet you, Juwon. Please 른사람들을방해하지않으니좋습니다.하지만다른소리를들을수없 으니까조심해야해요.이것은무엇일까요? hang on. We are talking to another person for today’s show. Juwon, are you ready to meet your partner? W Hello, this is the HBS radio quiz show, “Quiz Quiz.” Who are you and where are you calling from?   11 ② M Hey, Sara. What are you doing here? Can you help us and come to the school library? W School library? For what? M We are cleaning the library today. Didn’t you know that? W Oh, no. I forgot that. Just wait a minute. I’ll call my piano teacher and tell her I’ll be late for the lesson. M All right. I’ll see you at the library. M 이봐,Sara.여기서뭐하고있니?우리를도와주러학교도서관에올 M 우리는오늘도서관을청소하고있어.몰랐니? W 저런.잊어버렸어.잠시만기다려.피아노선생님께전화해서수업에늦 수있니? W 학교도서관?왜? 는다고말씀드려야겠다. M 좋아.도서관에서보자.  12 ① M Yes, I am. [전화벨이울린다.] M 여보세요. 신가요? M 광주에사는주원입니다. W 여보세요,HBS의라디오퀴즈쇼‘퀴즈퀴즈’입니다.어디에사시는누구 W 주원씨,전화주셔서감사하고만나게되어반갑습니다.끊지말고기 다리세요.오늘쇼를위해또다른한분과이야기할거예요.주원씨, 상대방을만날준비가되셨나요? M예 . 14 ② W Excuse me, where is the City Information Center? M Go straight. You will meet Ann Street. W Go to the Ann Street. M And turn right. You can see the Information Center on your left. It’s across from the police station, between a coffee shop and a cinema. W Thank you. 제07회 영어듣기능력평가 37 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 37 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:08 M 그리고우회전하세요.안내센터가당신의왼편에보일겁니다.경찰서 M How are you coming? 건너편,커피숍과영화관사이에있죠. W I’m driving. I have a GPS car navigation system. W 실례합니다,도시안내센터가어디인가요? M 곧장가시면Ann 거리가나올거예요. W Ann 거리까지가라고요. W 감사합니다.  15 ③ W When will the fireworks show start? M It should begin at 10 o’clock. W How long will it last? M It’s usually half an hour long. W So it will be over by 10:30? [Cellphone rings.] W Hi, Steve. I’m leaving for your house. Can you tell me your address? drive. 40 minutes. M Well, I don’t think you can come in time for the party if you W Why not? Because of the traffic? M That’s right. Why don’t you take the subway? It’ll only take W All right. I don’t want to be late. Thanks for your advice. [휴대전화벨이울린다.] W 안녕,Steve.너의집으로출발할거야.주소좀알려줄래? M Yes, that’s how it’s scheduled as long as the weather is M 어떻게올거니? nice this evening. W 운전하고갈거야.GPS자동차네비게이션이있거든. W It looks like we’ll have clear skies tonight, but what M 음,네가운전하고오면파티시간에맞춰서오기힘들것같아. happens if the weather is bad? W 왜힘들지?교통체증때문에? M It depends. They might cancel the show or finish it early. M 맞아.지하철을타는게어때?40분밖에안걸릴텐데. W 불꽃놀이쇼는언제시작해? M 10시정각에시작할거야. W 얼마나오랫동안하는거지? M 보통은30분정도야. W 그럼10시30분이면끝나겠네? W 알았어.나도늦기는싫어.충고고마워.  18 ③ W Good afternoon, I’d like to borrow this book. M Can I see your student library card? M 응,오늘밤에날씨가괜찮기만하면그렇게예정되어있어. W 오늘밤에는하늘이맑을것같은데,날씨가안좋으면어떻게되는거 M Oh, you have already borrowed three books. W Here it is. W Have I? 야? M 상황에따라달라.쇼가취소되거나일찍끝날수도있어. M Yes. Students can’t borrow books more than three at a 만점 솔루션 오늘밤에는날씨가좋다고했으므로불꽃놀이쇼는10시30분 time. You have to return one of the books you’ve borrowed. W No way. I’m working on an important file. If I push the button, 만점 솔루션 학생에게는한번에3권이상대출해줄수없는데,이미3권을 에끝날것이다.  16 ② W Paul, please come here and help me. M What’s the matter? W The computer monitor suddenly went black. M Push the reset button. I’ll lose the file. M Do you mean you didn’t save it? W I didn’t. Oh, please, what should I do? W Paul,이리와서저좀도와줘요. M 무슨일인데요? W 컴퓨터모니터가갑자기까맣게되었어요. M 리셋버튼을눌러봐요. 을잃어버리게되잖아요. M 그파일을저장하지않았단말이에요? W 안했어요.오,제발요,어떻게해야하죠?  17 ④ 38 중1 24 W 안녕하세요.이책을빌리고싶어요. M 학생도서관대출카드를보여주시겠어요? W 여기있습니다. M 저런,이미3권을빌리셨네요. W 제가요? 권을반납하셔야해요. M 예.학생은한번에3권이상빌릴수없어요.이미빌린책들중에서1 빌렸기때문에1권을더빌리려면이미빌렸던책중에서1권을 반납해야한다고말하고있다.  19 ⑤ W Hold the elevator, please! M No problem. W Thank you. W Oh, the 5th please. M Do you live here? W W 엘리베이터좀세워주세요! M 그럴게요. W 안돼요.중요한파일을작업중이에요.제가그버튼을누르면,그파일 M What floor are you going to? #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 38 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:08 W 감사합니다. M 몇층에가시죠? W 5층입니다. M 여기에사시나요? W 예.지난주토요일에이사왔어요. ① 아니요,괜찮습니다. ② 아니요,5층이에요. ③ 예,집에가는중이에요. ④ 아니요,저는엘리베이터를싫어해요. 20 ③ W Hi, Arnold. It’s been a long time! M It sure has. How are you doing? W I’m doing fine. I’m working at a bank. W잘 지내고있어.난은행에서근무하고있어. M Great. Do you like it? W W 안녕,Arnold.오랜만이야! M 정말그렇구나.잘지내니? M 잘됐구나.그일이마음에드니? W 좋은직업인것같아. ① 나는그가정말좋아. ② 항상바쁘지뭐. ④ 나는은행매니저가되고싶어. ⑤ 네차례를기다려야해. 만점 솔루션 Doyoulikeit?은직장이마음에드는지묻는말이므로직장 이좋은지어떤지에대해말하는것이가장적절하다. 영어듣기능력평가 08 회 03③, ③ 01③ 06① 11① 16④, ④ 02③ 07① 12④ 17① 08⑤ 13② 18② 04⑤ 09② 14⑤ 19⑤ 05④ 10① 15④ 20⑤ 01 ③ M We can usually see this in the bathroom of almost every house, apartment, or building. Its shape is round or rectangular, and it is a little bit hard. However, once you put water on this, it becomes soft. You can use this when you wash your body; especially your face and hands. M 일반적으로거의모든집,아파트,또는건물의욕실에서이것을볼수있 습니다.그것의모양은둥글거나직사각형이고,그것은약간단단합니다. 하지만,일단이것이물에닿으면,그것은부드러워집니다.당신의몸,특 히얼굴과손을씻을때이것을사용할수있습니다. 02 ③ M What’s wrong? What are you looking for? W I forgot my bag. Can you go back and get it for me? M Did you leave it on the chair? W No, it’s sitting on the table. M Is it beside the flower vase or the lamp? W I think it’s between the flower vase and the lamp. M OK. I’ll be back with it in a few minutes. M 무슨일이야?뭘찾고있는거야? W 내가방을깜빡했어.나를위해다시가서가져올수있어? M 그것을의자위에두고온거야? W 아니,탁자위에있어. M 꽃병옆이야.아니면전등옆이야? W 꽃병과전등사이인것같아. M 알았어.곧그것을가지고올게. 만점 솔루션 여자는가방을탁자위꽃병옆과전등사이에두었다고했다. 03 ③ │ W Now, let’s move on to tomorrow’s weather in East area. ③ Boston will be mostly sunny. However, in New York it’ll rain with strong winds. And, it’ll be quite windy in the Washington area. Same story for Philadelphia. Finally, Delaware will have partly cloudy skies. That’s all for today’s weather forecast. W 이제,동부지역의내일날씨를알아보겠습니다.Boston은대부분화창 할것입니다.하지만,New York의날씨는강풍을동반한비가올것입 제08회 영어듣기능력평가 39 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 39 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:09 니다.그리고,Washington지역에는바람이많이불것입니다.Phila- delphia도마찬가지입니다.마지막으로,Delaware는부분적으로구름 이낄것입니다.이상,오늘의일기예보였습니다. 07 ① M Mom, I’m home! W You’re a little late. I was wondering where you were. M Sorry, Mom. I’m late because I bought this for you on the 04 ⑤ M I’m the biggest among all the land mammals. My favorite way home. W What is this? food is a banana. I can peel my own bananas, because I’m M Tomorrow’s your birthday! very clever. I have a special trunk. I can use my trunk to W Wow, thank you, son. I thought you forgot. drink, smell, pick up food, and touch things. What am I? M I could never forget your birthday. I hope you like it. M 나는육지포유류중에가장큽니다.내가가장좋아하는음식은바나나 M 엄마,나집에왔어요! 예요.나는매우똑똑하기때문에바나나껍질을벗길수도있어요.나 W 조금늦었구나.네가어디있는지궁금했어. 에게는특별한코가있어요.나는내코를이용하여마시고,냄새를맡 M 죄송해요,엄마.집에오는길에엄마를위해이걸사느라늦었어요. 고,음식을집고그리고물건들을느낄수있어요.나는무엇일까요? W 이게뭐니? M 그럼,고속도로에서디즈니랜드까지는얼마나걸리나요? ④ M Will you go bowling with me tomorrow? 05 ④ M Excuse me, how long does it take from here to the Express Way? W To the Express Way? It’ll take about 20 minutes. M Then, from the Express Way, how long does it take to Disney Land? W About one and half hours. It’s not that far. M I see. Thank you very much. M 실례합니다,여기서고속도로까지얼마나걸리나요? W 고속도로까지요?약20분정도걸릴거예요. W 약한시간반이요.그다지멀지않아요. M 알겠습니다.정말감사합니다. 06 ① M Wow! I can’t believe you have this book. Where did you get it? W I bought it online. Why? M It was a bestseller for 237 weeks in Britain. I wanted to read it, but it’s all sold out at bookstores. W I believe it. I thought it was really good. M If you’re done, could I read it? W Sure. You can borrow it now. M 내일엄마생일이잖아요! W 와,고맙구나,아들.네가잊었다고생각했어. M 엄마생일을어떻게잊어요.엄마가좋아했으면좋겠어요. 08 ⑤ ① M Which do you like more, cats or dogs? W I like dogs more than cats. ② M May I speak to Jennifer? W This is Jennifer. Who is speaking? ③ M Why don’t you have one more sandwich? W No, thanks. I’m really full. W That sounds interesting. What time shall we meet? ⑤ M Can you lend me your digital camera? W Oh, this picture is very good. Where did you take it?  W고양이보다개가더좋아요. ② M Jennifer와통화를할수있을까요?  W제가Jennifer에요.누구시죠? ③ M 샌드위치한개더드시겠어요?  W아니요.정말배가불러요. ④ M 내일나와함께볼링치러갈래?  W재미있겠는데.몇시에만날까? ⑤ M 나에게디지털카메라좀빌려줄래?  W오,이사진은정말멋지구나.어디서그것을찍었니? 만점 솔루션 현재있는곳에서고속도로까지20분,고속도로에서디즈니랜드 까지1시간30분걸리므로,총1시간50분이걸릴것이다. ① M 고양이와개중에서어느것을더좋아하세요? M 와!네가이책을가지고있다니믿어지지않는다.어디서구했어? W 인터넷에서샀어.왜? 09 ② W It’s so hot today. There are so many people here. M 그책은영국에서237주동안베스트셀러였어.나도그책을읽고싶었 M It’s always really crowded on days like today. 는데,서점에서는전부품절이야. W 그런것같아.그책정말좋은것같아. M 네가다읽었으면,내가그책을읽어도돼니? W 물론이지.지금그것을빌려도돼. W I can see why. I like swimming in hot weather. M There are a lot of people sitting in the sand, too. W I guess they like sun tanning. M Not me. I prefer the cool salt water. 만점 솔루션 베스트셀러책을구입하지못한남자는여자에게책을다읽으 W 오늘너무더워.여기사람이아주많구나. 면빌려달라고부탁하고있다. M 오늘같은날은항상정말사람이많아. 40 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 40 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:09 W 왜그런지알겠다.난더운날씨에수영하는것이좋아. M 모래에앉아있는사람도많아. W 그들은선탠을좋아하는것같아. M 난아니야.난시원한바닷물이더좋아. 13 ② [Cellphone rings.] W Hello? Sally speaking. 만점 솔루션 sand,suntanning,saltwater등의표현에서두사람은‘해 now? 변’에있다는것을알수있다. W Yeah, I heard that he got in a car accident. M Hi, Sally. It’s me, Tom. Did you know Issac is in hospital M That’s right. He is in Saint Maria Hospital. Sally, why don’t 10 ① M Lucy, did you go to the ABC Shopping Mall in the afternoon? W Yes, I did. But I couldn’t buy anything. M Why? Was the shopping mall closed today? W No. I lost my wallet on the way to the mall. I feel so bad now. M I’m sorry to hear that. M Lucy,오후에ABC쇼핑몰에갔었니? W 응,갔어.하지만아무것도못샀어. M 왜?오늘쇼핑몰이문을닫았니? 좋아. M 그말을들으니유감이네. W 아니.쇼핑몰가는길에내지갑을잃어버렸거든.지금기분이너무안 11 ① W Oh, you skate very well. When did you learn to skate? M When I was in elementary school. I took lessons for more we visit him this evening? W Okay, let’s go together. [휴대전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요?저는Sally입니다. M 안녕,Sally.나야,Tom.Issac이지금입원해있다는소식들었니? W 응,그애가자동차사고가났다는소식을들었어. M 맞아.지금Saint Maria병원에있어.Sally,오늘저녁에Issac에게병 문안가는게어때? W 좋아,같이가자. 만점 솔루션 남자가자동차사고가나서병원에입원해있는친구의병문안 을같이가자고제안하자여자가이를수락하는상황이다. 14 ⑤ W David, did you ever think about what you want to be? M Sure! I want to be an announcer or a reporter. What about you, Jessica? W Well... about a month ago, I wanted to become a nurse or a doctor. But I have a new dream. M Really? What’s your new dream? than three years. W I want to be a tour guide. I want to travel all around the W Wow, you’re great! Hey, if you don’t mind, can you teach world. me how to skate? I’d like to skate as well as you do. M Um... if you want, I’ll teach you. W 오,너스케이트정말잘탄다.언제스케이트를배웠니? M초 등학교때.3년이상수업을받았어. 이생겼어. W 와,대단하다!야,괜찮으면,나에게스케이트타는법좀가르쳐줄래? M 정말?너의새로운꿈이뭐니? W David,넌무엇이되고싶은지생각해본적이있니? M 물론이지!아나운서나기자가되고싶어.너는어때,Jessica? W 음…한달전쯤에는간호사나의사가되고싶었거든.하지만새로운꿈 나도너처럼스케이트를잘타고싶어. M 음…네가원하면,가르쳐줄게. W 난관광안내원이되고싶어.전세계를여행하고싶거든. 15 ④ M Cathy, you look always healthy. W Do I? Thank you for saying so. 12 ④ W Hi, I’d like to introduce myself to you. I’m from Brazil and I’m 14 years old now. I was born in Sao Paulo and my family know it. I want to be as healthy as you are. moved to Rio De Janeiro when I was five. Since then, we W Well... then, why don’t you jog every morning? You’ll be M If you have a secret way to stay healthy, please let me have lived here in Rio De Janeiro. Like any other Brazilian healthy. girl, my hobby is playing and watching soccer. I’m really M I see. Thank you for the tip. happy to meet all of you. M Cathy,넌항상건강해보여. W 안녕하세요,제소개를할게요.저는브라질출신이고지금14살이에요. W 내가?그렇게말해줘서고마워. 저는Sao Paulo에서태어나서5살때가족이Rio De Janeiro로이 M 건강을유지하는비결이있으면,나에게알려줘.나도너처럼건강해지 사왔어요.그때부터,우리는여기Rio De Janeiro에계속살고있어 고싶어. 요.다른브라질소녀처럼,제취미는축구를하고보는것이에요.여러 W 음…그럼매일아침조깅을하는게어때?넌건강해질거야. 분모두를만나서정말반가워요. M 알았어.조언고마워. 제08회 영어듣기능력평가 41 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 41 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:10 16 ④ │ M Alice, you said you wanted to see the musical, Happy ④ House, didn’t you? W Yeah, I really want to see it. 19 ⑤ M Sally, when are you going to Jeju Island? W This Sunday. I am very excited now. M Yeah, you look very happy now. What are you going to do M Good! Then, let’s go see the musical. I have free tickets for there? this Friday. W I will swim at the beach. And I’ll climb up Halla Mountain. W This Friday? Oh, no! I have to visit my grandmother in M Florida on that day. Can you get tickets for Sunday? M No. Well... I have to ask another friend to go with me. M Sally,제주도에는언제가니? W 이번주일요일에.나는지금너무흥분돼. M Alice,너뮤지컬HappyHouse보고싶다고말했지,그렇지않니? M 그래,너지금매우행복해보여.거기서무엇을할거니? W 그래,정말로그것을보고싶어. W 해변에서수영할거야.그리고한라산에오를거야. M 좋아!그럼,그뮤지컬을보러가자.이번주금요일무료입장권이있거든. M 와!거기서재미있는시간을보내겠구나. W 이번주금요일?오,안돼!그날에는Florida에계시는할머니댁을방 문해야해.일요일공연표를구할수있니? M 아니.음…다른친구에게나와함께가자고물어봐야겠네. 17 ① W A group of scientists made an exciting discovery in a T-Rex bone in 2005. They found some blood cells! There was no DNA, but there was some protein. Scientists used the protein to see which animals today are similar to the dinosaur. Can you guess the closest relative? Maybe you think alligators or giant lizards, but it is chickens! Think about that next time you eat chicken. ① 정말고마워,Sally. ② 나도그래.나는등산이싫어. ③ 미안,하지만너와함께갈수없어. ④ 정말?언제서울에갔는데? 20 ⑤ M Cindy, do you like playing tennis? once won a tennis contest. M Really? When? W 한무리의과학자들이2005년에티아노사우루스렉스의뼈에서흥미로 운발견을했습니다.그들은약간의혈액세포를발견했습니다!DNA는 없었지만,약간의단백질이있었습니다.과학자들은그단백질을사용 해서오늘날어떤동물이그공룡과비슷한지를알아보았습니다.가장 가까운친척을추측할수있나요?아마도당신은악어나거대한도마뱀 을생각할수도있지만,그것은닭이었습니다!다음번에닭을먹을때 me? M W When I was an elementary school student. M Oh, I didn’t know that. Then, how about playing tennis with W That’s a great idea. When do you want to play? M Cindy,너테니스치는거좋아하니? W 응,좋아해.테니스는내가가장좋아하는운동중하나야.너아니,나 W Yes, I do. Tennis is one of my favorite sports. You know, I M 오,그건몰랐는걸.그럼,나와테니스를치는것은어때? 테니스대회에서우승도했어. M 정말?언제? W 초등학생이었을때. W 그거좋은생각이야.언제치고싶니? M 이번주토요일오후어때? ① 미안,네테니스공을잃어버렸어. ② 넌어떤운동을가장좋아하니? ③ 좋아,난이테니스라켓을살거야. ④ 응,난축구보다는테니스가더좋아. 그것을생각해보세요. 만점 솔루션 2005년에과학자들이T-Rex에서혈액세포를발견했다고했다. 18 ② M Are you interested in learning Korean? Are you thinking about studying Korean? Then, visit our Korean academy right now! We’re waiting for you. We have lots of good teachers and all of them are from Korea. Once you learn Korean here from us, you’ll be a good Korean speaker soon. M 한국어배우기에관심이있으세요?한국어를공부하려고생각중이세 요?그럼,지금바로저희한국어학원을방문하세요!저희는여러분을 기다리고있습니다.이곳에는훌륭한선생님들이많이계시고,그분들 모두한국출신입니다.일단여기서저희에게한국어를배우시면,여러 분은곧한국어를잘하게되실것입니다. 만점 솔루션 Then,visitourKoreanacademyrightnow!We’rewaiting foryou.등의표현을통해한국어학원을광고하고있음을알 수있다. 42 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 42 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:10 영어듣기능력평가 09 회 01⑤ 06④ 11② 16⑤ 07③, ② 02② 12③ 17③ 03② 08③ 13④ 18⑤ 04③ 09⑤ 14② 19① 10①, ③ 05② 15② 20④ 01 ⑤ W This is my new house. What do you think? M It’s quite big. W It is a two-story house. M I see. Each floor has two windows only. W Yes, it isn’t many, but it’s enough for me. I can open the windows and take a deep breath of fresh air every morning. M I like it. I think it’s a lovely house. W 여기가내새집이야.어때? M 꽤크다. W 2층집이야. M 그렇구나.각층에2개의창문만있네. W 응,많지않아.하지만나한테는충분해.나는매일아침마다창문을열 고신선한공기를깊이들이마실수있어. M 마음에든다.좋은집인것같아. 만점 솔루션 여자의집은2층집으로,각층마다2개의창문이있다고했다. M 안녕하세요,여러분.오늘아침에는서울지역전역에짙은안개가꼈습 니다.하지만안개는정오쯤에사라질것입니다.오후에는,약간의바람 이불고비가와서지금보다더춥겠습니다.그러니우산을가져가시고 반드시외투를입으시기바랍니다. 04 ③ W When people think of hospital jobs, they think of doctors and nurses. But there are many other jobs in the hospital. There are people working in laboratories. They do blood tests and X-rays. Some people take care of medicine. Pharmacists dispense prescription medicine and sell over- the-counter drugs. And there are many who do office work, or do cleaning. These are all important jobs. W 사람들이병원의직업에대해생각할때,의사와간호사를떠올립니다. 그러나병원에는많은다른직업들이있습니다.실험실에서일을하는 사람들이있습니다.그들은혈액테스트와X-선촬영을합니다.어떤사 람들은약을처리합니다.약사들은처방전이필요한약을조제하고의 사의처방없이팔수있는약을판매합니다.그리고사무일을하거나 청소일을하는많은사람들이있습니다.이것들은모두중요한일입니 다. 만점 솔루션 의사,간호사외에병원내의다양한직업군인실험실연구원, 약사,사무직원,청소직원등을소개하고있는담화이다. 05 ② W Did you choose a club to join? M Yes. I’m going to join the tennis club. How about you? W Well, I’m thinking of joining the travel club, but I also want M But you always said you want take trips all over the to join the dance club. country. 02 ② M Hey, would you raise one hand? chair? hand in the air? W OK. Like this? W Like this? Should I stand beside the chair or sit on the W Right. Hmm.... I’ll choose the travel club. M Stand for a moment, please. And would you look at your W 가입할동아리를골랐니? M Yes. Now I’m going to take a picture of you. 도가입하고싶어. M 저,한손을들어줄래요? W 이렇게요?의자옆에서있어야하나요,아니면의자에앉아야하나요? M 잠시동안서계세요.그리고허공에있는당신의손을봐주시겠어요? W 알겠어요.이렇게요? M 그래요.이제당신의사진을찍겠습니다. M 응.나는테니스동아리에가입할거야.너는어때? W 음,나는여행동아리에가입할까생각중이야.하지만난춤동아리에 M 하지만너는전국을여행하고싶다고항상말했잖아. W 맞아.흠….여행동아리를선택해야겠다. 만점 솔루션 여자는춤동아리와여행동아리중에서고민하다가마지막에 여행동아리를선택했다. 03 ② M Good morning, everyone. This morning we have thick fog 06 ④ ① M How was your day, honey? W It was great as usual. around the Seoul area. But the fog will go away around ② M Can I have your name? noon. In the afternoon, we’ll have a little bit of wind and W My name is Kim Bora. rain and it’ll be colder than it is now. So take your umbrella ③ M Why don’t we go see a movie tonight? with you and be sure to wear your coat. W Sorry. I’m busy tonight. 제09회 영어듣기능력평가 43 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 43 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:10 ④ M Are you going there by car? W I bought a new car yesterday. ⑤ M Would you give me two tickets for the 3 o’clock show? W The tickets are all sold out. ① M 오늘하루어땠어요,여보?  W여느때처럼좋았어요. ② M 성함을말씀해주시겠어요?  W제이름은김보라입니다. ③ M 오늘밤에영화보러가는게어때요?  W미안해요.오늘밤에는제가바빠요. ④ M 그곳에차로갈예정이에요?  W나는어제새차를샀어요. ⑤ M 3시공연입장권2장주시겠어요?  W표가모두매진이에요. 07 ③ │ W Did Mr. Kim arrive yet? ② minutes late. W Really? What time is it now? M It’s 2 o’clock. M Yes. 어요. M 2시예요. M 그래요. W 정말요?지금몇시죠? W 그러면,그가올때까지30분남았군요. M Not yet. He just called me. He said that he would be thirty W Then, we have thirty minutes left until he comes. to do. W 김선생님이벌써도착하셨나요? M 아직아니에요.그분이방금전화하셨어요.30분늦을거라고말씀하셨 09 ⑤ W I can’t wait to see the actor. He’s so handsome. M You’re always saying that. W Sorry. We should have gotten some popcorn and Coke before sitting down. M You’re right. But I’ll go and get them. W Thanks. Hurry back. The movie’s going to start in a few minutes. W 그배우를빨리보고싶어.너무잘생겼거든. M 너는항상그렇게말하더구나. W 미안해.앉기전에약간의팝콘과콜라를사왔어야했는데. M 네말이맞아.하지만내가가서사올게. W 고마워.빨리돌아와.영화가곧시작할예정이야. 10 ① │ W What do you have there? ③ M It’s my science project. I’m building a model. W What kind of a model is it? M I’m trying to make a miniature rocket. What are you doing? W I might do a project about making electricity. M That could be fun. It sounds like you have some research W That’s right. I’ll start looking up information online. W 거기있는게뭐야? M 내과학프로젝트야.난모형을만들고있어. W 그건어떤종류의모형이야? M 난축소모형로켓을만들려고하고있어.넌뭐하고있어? W 난전기만드는것에관한프로젝트를할까해. M 그거재미있겠다.넌해야할조사가있는것처럼들리는구나. W 맞아.인터넷에서정보찾는것을시작할거야. 만점 솔루션 현재시각은2시이고Mr.Kim이올때까지30분남았다고했 으므로Mr.Kim이도착할시각은2시30분이된다. 만점 솔루션 과학프로젝트로남자는축소모형로켓을,여자는전기를만들 려고계획하고있다. 08 ③ [Telephone rings.] M Hello, may I speak to Jenny, please? W Speaking. W Yes, I do. M This is Brooks. Do you have some time to help me now? M Would you come to my place and help me with math? I can’t solve some math problems. W OK. I’ll be there soon. [전화벨이울린다.] M 여보세요,Jenny 좀바꿔주시겠어요? M 나Brooks야.지금나를도와줄시간이좀있니? 11 ② M You can find this in any public place or on a bus or a train. In fact, the law requires that every building should have this. If there is a fire, you can use this to put the fire out. M 여러분은이것을어느공공장소나버스안이나기차안에서발견할수 있습니다.사실,법적으로모든건물에는이것이있어야합니다.불이나 면,여러분은이것을불을끄는데사용할수있습니다.이것은무엇일 What is this? 까요? 12 ③ M Christine, can you understand my lesson? W It’s a little hard for me, but I think I can do it. M 우리집에와서수학좀도와줄래?수학문제몇개를풀수가없어. M I’m happy to hear that. If you don’t give up, you can get a W 알겠어.곧그곳으로갈게. good grade. W 전데요. W 응,있어. 44 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 44 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:10 W I’m trying. Nowadays, I am trying hard to take good notes M When are you leaving for your grandmother’s house? in your class. M That’s a good way to follow the class. M Christine,내수업을이해할수있니? W 저에겐약간어렵지만,할수있을것같아요. M 그말을들으니기쁘구나.네가포기하지않으면,너는좋은성적을받 을수있단다. 노력하고있어요. M 그것이수업을따라가는좋은방법이지. 만점 솔루션 남자는자신의수업을이해하고있는지물으면서포기하지않으면 좋은성적을받을것이라고말하고,여자는필기를잘하려고노력하 고있다고말하는것으로보아,교사와학생의관계임을알수있다. W 노력하고있어요.요즘,선생님수업시간에필기를잘하려고열심히 W 다음주월요일에떠날거야. W I’m leaving next Monday. M When will you come back? W I’m staying there until Friday of the same week. M I see. I hope you have a good time there. W Thanks. M 언제할머니댁으로떠날거니? M 언제돌아올거니? W 같은주의금요일까지그곳에서머무를거야. M 알겠어.그곳에서좋은시간을보내길바랄게. W 고마워. 16 ⑤ M Why did you open the window? W I wanted to get some fresh air. It’s stuffy in here. M Just turn on the air conditioner. W But I don’t like air conditioning. It’s too cold. M 왜창문을연거야? W 신선한공기를좀마시고싶었어.이안은답답해서. M 그냥에어컨을켜. W 하지만난에어컨이싫어.너무추워. M 더운날에는,에어컨을켜는것이최고인것같아. W Oh, really? I’m so sorry. Let me bring you another bowl of M On a hot day, I think air conditioning is perfect. soup. W I prefer to open the window and use a fan. M You don’t have to do that. I don’t want to eat anything M Alright. It’s not too hot anyway. 13 ④ M Excuse me. W Yes. What can I help you with? M There is a hair in my soup. here. I feel terrible. W I’m really sorry, sir. M 실례합니다. W 예.무엇을도와드릴까요? M 제수프에머리카락이있네요. 아주안좋네요. W 정말죄송합니다,손님. W 오,정말요?정말죄송합니다.다른수프를가져다드리겠습니다. W 난창문을열고선풍기를사용하는게더좋아. M 그럴필요없습니다.이곳에서어떤것도먹고싶지않습니다.기분이 M 알았어.어쨌든밖이너무덥지는않으니까. 14 ② W Excuse me. Would you tell me where Wilson Bank is? M Go straight one block. And turn left at Maple Street. W Turn left at Maple Street? M That’s right. And you will see the library on your right. W The library on my right? Is it across from the library? M No, the bank is right next to the library. W Now I see. Thank you very much. W 실례합니다.Wilson은행이어디에있는지알려주시겠어요? M 한블록직진하세요.그리고Maple거리에서좌회전하세요. W Maple거리에서좌회전하라고요? M 맞습니다.그러면오른쪽에도서관이보일겁니다. W 오른쪽에도서관이요?그것이도서관맞은편에있나요? M 아니요,은행은도서관바로옆에있습니다. W 이제알겠습니다.정말감사합니다. 15 ② 만점 솔루션 남자는에어컨켜는것을좋아하고여자는창문을열고선풍기 켜는것을좋아한다. 17 ③ M Jane! Was there a problem? You’re thirty minutes late. W Sorry. I thought the musical would start at six. M No, it starts at five. W It’s my mistake. I’m terribly sorry. I’ll buy you dinner M Anyway let’s go into the theater. The musical will start tonight. soon. M Jane!문제가있었니?너는30분늦었어. W 미안해.뮤지컬이6시에시작하는줄알았어. M 아니야,그것은5시에시작해. W 내실수야.정말미안해.오늘밤에저녁은내가살게. M 어쨌든극장으로들어가자.뮤지컬이곧시작할거야. 만점 솔루션 여자가뮤지컬이6시에시작하는줄알았다고하자남자는5시 에시작한다고말한다.따라서여자가늦은이유는공연시간을 잘못알았기때문이다. 제09회 영어듣기능력평가 45 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 45 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:10 18 ⑤ M I have an important meeting at 2, but my tie’s got a stain W 여보,이번주토요일에무엇을할건가요? M 할일이없어요. W 우리는현관문에페인트칠을해야해요.너무낡아보여서요.그래서 on it. W Do you have an extra tie? M No, I didn’t bring one. cleaner? W What are you going to do? Are you going to take it to the 저는이미페인트를좀사다놓았어요. M 정말부지런하군요.그러면페인트붓은요? W 물론이죠.그것들도사다놓았어요. ① 당신은페인트칠을잘하는군요. M Not really. Maybe I should go and buy a new tie. ② 나를도와줘서고마워요. W You don’t have enough time. Is there someone you could ③ 내가당신에게페인트칠하는방법을가르쳐줄게요. borrow a tie from? M That’s a good idea. Who’s here today? W I’ll ask Tim. He always wears a tie. ⑤ 이페인트붓은아주비싸요. 만점 솔루션 여자가페인트를사다놓았다고하자남자는페인트붓도있는 지묻고있으므로,그것도사다놓았다는말을하는것이가장 M 2시에중요한회의가있는데,내넥타이에얼룩이졌어. 적절하다. W 여분의넥타이가있니? M 없어,가져오지않았거든. W 어떻게하려고?그것을세탁소에가져갈거니? M 그건아니야.가서새넥타이를사야할것같아. W 시간이충분치않아.넥타이를빌릴수있는사람이있니? M 그거좋은생각이야.오늘여기누가있지? W 내가Tim에게물어볼게.그는항상넥타이를매거든. 만점 솔루션 넥타이에얼룩이묻어걱정하는남자에게여자는시간이없으 니다른사람의넥타이를빌리라고제안하고있다. 19 ① W Tony. Would you come here for a minute? M Is there anything I can help you with, Mom? W Yes. Would you take out this garbage bag to the front of M That’s no problem. I’ll do it right away. the house? W W Tony.잠깐만이곳에와주겠니? M 제가도와드릴일이있나요,엄마? W 그래.이쓰레기봉투를집앞에내다놓아주겠니? M 물론이에요.바로그일을할게요. W 고맙구나. ② 죄송하지만,할수없어요. ③ 천만에요. ④ 그것을적을게요. ⑤ 그건저에게는너무어려워요. 20 ④ W Honey, what are you doing this Saturday? M I have nothing to do. W We have to paint the front door. It looks too old. So I already bought some paint. M You’re so diligent. And how about paintbrushes? W 46 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 46 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:11 영어듣기능력평가 10 회 01② 06⑤ 11① 16③ 02② 07④ 12④ 17① 03④ 08② 13③ 18④ 04⑤ 09④, ④ 14②, ⑤ 19⑤ 05① 10③ 15② 20③ 01 ② W ① She is planting a tree. ② She is watering a plant. ③ She is buying some flowers. ④ She is picking flowers. ⑤ She is carrying a flowerpot. W ①여자가나무를심고있다.  ②여자가식물에물을주고있다.  ③여자가꽃을좀사고있다.  ④여자가꽃을꺾고있다.  ⑤여자가화분을옮기고있다.  02 ② W Look at the cute kittens. I’d like to have one. M Ask your mom to have a pet. W She doesn’t like cats, dogs and hamsters. M My mom didn’t like pets, either. But she likes Ming Ming now. W When did you get her? M A year before. She was a tiny little puppy then. W 귀여운아기고양이들좀봐.나도한마리있으면좋겠다. M 엄마에게애완동물을키우자고부탁해봐. W 엄마는고양이,강아지,햄스터를싫어하셔. M 우리엄마도애완동물을싫어하셨어.하지만지금은Ming Ming을좋 아하셔. W 언제그것을샀는데? M 1년전에.그때는아주작은강아지였어. 첫눈이되겠네요.제주에도눈이오겠습니다.  04 ⑤ M Where is the meeting place? W In front of Mega World ticket booth. M Can we take the subway? W It’s not very far from here. Why don’t we take a taxi? M Isn’t it too expensive? W It won’t be that expensive if we pay together. M Good idea. M 모이는장소가어디지? W MegaWorld매표소앞이야. M 지하철을탈까? W 여기에서별로멀지않아.택시를타는게어때? M 너무비싸지않을까? W 같이내면그렇게비싸지않을거야. M 좋은생각이야.  05 ① W You are the next speaker, Larry. Are you ready? M I am really nervous. I think I will forget everything as soon as I stand on the stage. W You can’t forget it because you practiced so much. Look at people’s eyes and speak clearly. Don’t talk fast. M Okay. W I know you are going to do great, Larry. Go for it! W Larry,네가다음연설자야.준비됐니? M 정말긴장돼요.무대에서자마자모든것을잊어버릴것같아요. W 넌연습을아주많이했기때문에잊어버릴리가없어.사람들눈을쳐 다보고또렷하게말하도록해.빨리말하지말고. M 알겠습니다. W 넌아주잘할거라는것을알아,Larry.잘해봐!  06 ⑤ W Mr. Gang, I think I have to go home now. M What’s the problem, Nara? W I think I have a fever. I feel cold now. M Oh, I see. I’ll call your mom. Go straight home. W Mr. Gang, what if it is H1N1? M You’ll be okay if you take medicine. Take good care of 03 ④ W Good morning. This is Kim Jisu from HBS weather center. yourself. It is cloudy all around the peninsula. In Seoul and Incheon, W Yes, I will. we are expecting rain soon. However, in the southeastern part of the country in Pohang and Daegu, it will start snowing in the late afternoon. It will be the first snow this year. It will also snow in Jeju. W 강선생님,저지금집에가야할것같아요. M 나라야,무슨일이니? W 열이있는것같아요.지금추워요. M 오,알겠다.내가어머니께전화를드리마.곧장집으로가거라. W 안녕하세요.HBS기상센터의김지수입니다.한반도전체가흐립니다. W 강선생님,만약신종플루면어쩌죠? 서울과인천은,곧비가올것으로예상됩니다.하지만,우리나라남동 M 약을먹으면괜찮을거야.몸을잘돌봐라. 지역인포항과대구는,오후늦게눈이내리기시작할것입니다.올해 W 예,그럴게요. 제10회 영어듣기능력평가 47 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 47 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:11 만점 솔루션 여자는열이나고있으며,신종플루에걸렸을지도몰라걱정하고 있다. 07 ④ W Ryan! Where are you? M I’m fixing the car in the garage. W Can you come and carry this? It’s too heavy. M Oh, I can’t. My hands and clothes are really dirty now. I can’t come inside the house right now. W When do you think you can finish it? M Well, it won’t take long. W Ryan!어디있어요? M 차고에서자동차를고치고있어요. W 와서이것좀옮겨줄래요?너무무거워요. 로들어갈수가없어요. W 언제끝날것같아요? M 음,오래걸리진않을거예요. M 저런,안돼요.내손과옷이지금정말더러워요.지금당장은집안으   10 ③ M Jenny, your Cellphone has a message. W Oh, thank you. M What does it say? o’clock. M What time is it now? W It’s my mother. She said I have to be at home before 8 W It’s 7 o’clock. I have to leave in 30 minutes. M Okay. Let’s practice just two more times and finish today’s M Jenny,네휴대전화에메세지가왔어. practice. W 오,고마워. M 뭐라고써있니? W 우리엄마야.8시전에집으로와야한다고하셔. M 지금몇시지? W 7시야.30분후에출발해야해. M 좋아.두번만더하고오늘연습을마치자. 만점 솔루션 in30minutes는‘30분후에’라는의미이다. 08 ② M You can see this in playgrounds, parks, or schools. First,  11 ① M May I help you? you climb up the stairs, and sit down at the top. Then, you W Yes, I’d like to buy a pack of A4 copy paper. slide all the way down. It is fun, because you can go down M It’s 2,500 won. fast. What is this? M 여러분은이것을놀이터,공원또는학교에서볼수있습니다.우선,여 러분은계단을오르고꼭대기에서앉습니다.그런후여러분은미끄러 져내려옵니다.아래로빠르게내려올수있기때문에재미있습니다.이 것은무엇일까요? 09 ④ │ W Do you like watching documentaries on TV? ④ M Yes, I like nature shows. I enjoy watching what animals do. W I like those, but I prefer history shows. M History shows about wars are interesting. W I’d rather watch shows about kings and queens. M I know you watch the history channel a lot. Can you recommend one? W Sure. WTV에서다큐멘터리보는것을좋아하니? W And this wrapping paper, too. M It’s 1,000 won. W Here’s 5,000 won. M And here is your change. Thank you. M 도와드릴까요? W 예,A4복사용지한팩을사고싶어요. M 2,500원입니다. W 그리고이포장지도주세요. M 1,000원입니다. W 여기5,000원이요. M 거스름돈여기있습니다.감사합니다. 만점 솔루션 여자는A4복사용지한팩(2,500원)과포장지(1,000원)를구입하 며5,000원을지불했으므로,거스름돈은1,500원이된다.  12 ④ M Do we have any flour? M 응,난자연프로그램을좋아해.난동물들이하는일을보는것을즐겨. W I think I put it in the fridge. Check the middle part. W 난그것도좋지만,역사프로그램이더좋아. M 전쟁에관한역사프로그램은흥미롭지. M I checked there already, but it wasn’t there. W Really? Hmm, what about the cupboard right above the W 난오히려왕과여왕에관한프로그램을보는데. fridge? M 네가역사채널을많이본다는것을알고있지.하나추천해줄래? M Let me check. [pause] It’s not here, either. 만점 솔루션 TV다큐멘터리중남자는자연프로그램,여자는역사프로그 램을좋아한다며,각자좋아하는다큐멘터리에관해대화를나 M 우리밀가루있나? 누고있다. W 냉장고에넣어둔거같은데.중간부분을확인해봐. W Then it must be in one of the other upper cupboards. M Yes, I found it. It was in the cupboard on the far right. W 물론이야. 48 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 48 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:11 M 거긴이미확인했는데,없었어. W 알겠습니다.예약하셨나요? W 진짜?흠,냉장고바로위에있는찬장은어때? M 예,Ben Johnson이라는이름으로요. M 한번확인해볼게.[멈춤]여기도없어. W 그럼다른찬장들중에있는게확실해. W 여기있네요, Johnson씨.1인실이시고,3일동안이죠? M 응,찾았어.가장오른쪽에있는찬장에있었어. W 좋습니다,여기키카드가있습니다.731호실입니다. M 예,맞아요. M 감사합니다. 13 ③ W This is your tour guide, Jane. We are arriving in front of the Botanical Gardens. We are staying here for 2 hours. It’s 10 o’clock now, so you have to come back to the bus by 12 o’clock. When you get off the bus, I’ll give you a ticket for the Botanical Gardens. You can’t bring food in the Gardens, but water bottles are okay. W 여러분의관광안내원Jane입니다.우리는식물원앞에도착할것입니 다.이곳에2시간동안머물예정이고요.지금이10시니까,12시까지버 스로돌아오셔야합니다.버스에서내리실때,식물원입장권을드리겠 습니다.식물원에음식물을가지고들어가실수없지만,물병은괜찮습 니다. 만점 솔루션 I’llgiveyouaticketfortheBotanicalGardens.라고했으 므로입장권은각자구입하는것이아니라관광안내원이제공 하는것임을알수있다. 14 ② │ W George, what kind of job do you want to have? ⑤ M I’d like to be an actor. W I believe you will make a great actor. M 우리아버지는그렇게생각하지않으셔.그분은내가의사가되길원하 W George,너는어떤직업을갖고싶니? M 나는배우가되고싶어. W 너는훌륭한배우가될거야. 시지. W 그분처럼? M 맞아.하지만나는의학에는전혀관심이없어.  15 ② W Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you? M Good afternoon. I would like to check in. W Sure. Do you have a reservation? M Yes, under Ben Johnson. M Yes, that’s correct. W OK, here’s your key card. It’s room 731. M Thank you. W 안녕하세요.손님.무엇을도와드릴까요? M 안녕하세요.입실하고싶어요. W I have it here, Mr. Johnson. A single, for three nights? 16 ③ W Do you have some free time tomorrow? M Sure. What do you have in mind? W Actually, I need your help. M What do you want me to do? W I have to go shopping for my sister’s housewarming party. But my car is in for repair. M Do you want me to drive to the department store? W That would be great. M No problem. W Thanks a lot. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. W 내일여유시간이있니? M 물론.뭔가생각하고있는거라도있니? W 사실,네도움이필요해. M 내가뭘해주기를원하니? W 내여동생집들이를위해쇼핑을가야하거든.그런데내차가수리중이 M 넌내가백화점에차로태워다주기를원하는거니? 야. W 그렇게해주면좋지. M 문제없어. 17 ① W Good afternoon. Can I have your prescription? M Here it is. W Thank you. Just wait for a moment while your medicine is being prepared. M I’d like to buy this band-aid, too. W OK. Let me tell you about your medicine. Take this pink syrup four times a day. Take these pills three times a day after a meal. It’s 4,500 won including the band-aid. M Here you are. W 어서오세요.처방전을주시겠어요? M 여기있습니다. W 감사합니다.당신의약이준비되는동안잠시기다리세요. M 이일회용반창고도사고싶어요. W 알겠습니다.제가당신의약에대해말씀드릴게요.이분홍색시럽은하 루에네번드세요.이알약들은하루에세번식후에드세요.일회용반 창고를포함해서4,500원입니다. M 여기있습니다. 제10회 영어듣기능력평가 49 M My father doesn’t think so. He wants me to be a doctor. W 정말고마워.내일아침에보자. W Just like him? M That’s right. But I don’t have any interest in medicine. 만점 솔루션 여자는내일쇼핑을해야하는데차가수리중이라남자에게차 를태워줄것을부탁하고있는상황이다. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 49 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:11 18 ④ W I’m having a problem with my neighbor. M Why? What is he doing to you? M I’d like to join this club. W That’s great. What’s your name? M I’m Lee Hun in 1st grade. W Things from his home keep blowing onto my lawn. M You mean garbage? Maybe you should discuss it with him. W I thought a fence would help. W Nice to meet you, Hun. You look like someone in the second grade. Do you have any brothers or sisters? M M It might not. Anyway, he may not even know there is a M 실례합니다.들어가도될까요? problem. W 물론입니다.신문동아리에오신걸환영해요. W I guess you’re right. But I’m just a little shy. M 이동아리에가입하고싶어요. M I know you are, but you should let him know it. W 내이웃하고문제가있어. M 왜?그사람이네게어떻게하고있는데? W 그의집물건들이계속내잔디밭으로불어넘어오고있어. M 쓰레기말이야?그와그것에대해이야기해봐야할것같구나. W 좋아요.이름이뭔가요? M 1학년이훈입니다. 가있어요? M 아니요.저는외동이에요. W 난울타리가도움이될거라고생각했어. ① 아니요.형은저를좋아하지않아요. M 그렇지않을지도몰라.어쩌면,그가문제가있다는것조차모를수도 ② 예.저는형을아주좋아해요. 있어. ④ 예.저는형이있으면좋겠어요. W 네말이맞을수도있겠다.하지만내가약간낯을가려서. ⑤ 아니요.저는이동아리에아는사람이없어요. W 만나서반가워요.훈.2학년의누군가를닮은것같은데요.형이나누나 M 네가그렇다는것은알지만,넌그가그문제를알게해야해. 만점 솔루션 이웃의쓰레기가바람에날려자신의집으로넘어오는것이불 만인여자에게남자는그사람과이야기해볼것을제안하고 M Hello, Maggie. This is Thomas. Are you going to Greg’s birthday party today? W Yes. I thought you were coming, too. M Actually, I called you because of that. I can’t come to the M 안녕,Maggie.나Thomas야.오늘Greg의생일파티에갈거니? W 응.너도올거라고생각했는데. M 사실,그것때문에너에게전화했어.나는그파티에갈수없어. 있다. 19 ⑤ [Telephone rings.] W Hello. party. W Why not? M [전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요. W 왜못오는데? M 이모결혼식에가야해. ① 난늦고싶지않아. ② 6시전에그곳으로가야해. ③ 친구들도모두올거야. ④ 내선물을Greg에게전해줄래?   20 ③ M Excuse me. Can I come in? W Of course. Welcome to the newspaper club. 50 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 50 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:11 영어듣기능력평가 11 회 01① 06③ 11② 16④ 02③ 07② 17① 12④, ④ 03① 08④ 13③ 18⑤ 04②, ⑤ 09⑤ 14③ 19③ 05③ 10② 15① 20⑤ 01 ① W This is one of our favorite outdoor activities. Unlike other activities such as hang gliding or scuba diving, this doesn’t need anything special. For this you need only a pair of good shoes and your health. When you do this, you climb up a mountain. When you reach the top of the mountain, you will feel refreshed. 03 ① W Taking a look at the weather for Saturday, we’ll have clear and sunny skies in the Seoul area. It will be sunny also in Daegu and Gwangju. However, in Daejeon, there will be strong chance of snow. In the Busan area, it’ll be partly cloudy in the morning and it will snow or rain in the evening. That’s all. I’m Jina Shin. Thank you. W 토요일날씨를보면,서울지역은하늘이맑고화창하겠습니다.대구와 광주지역도화창하겠습니다.하지만,대전에서는눈이올확률이높겠 습니다.부산지역은,오전에는부분적으로흐리고저녁에는눈또는비 가내리겠습니다.이상입니다.저는신진아입니다.감사합니다. 04 ② │ W Where are you going, David? Lunch will be ready soon. ⑤ M I’m going to the bookstore. Dad asked me to buy a sports magazine. W 이것은우리가가장좋아하는야외활동중의하나입니다.행글라이딩 W Really? Then can you buy some milk at the mart next to 이나스쿠버다이빙같은다른활동들과는달리,이것은특별한것을필 the bookstore? 요로하지않습니다.이것을위해서는단지좋은신발한켤레와건강만 M Sure, no problem. 있으면됩니다.이것을할때,당신은등산을합니다.산의정상에오르 W Thank you. Here is $3 for the milk. 면,당신은기분이상쾌해질것입니다. W 어디에가니,David?점심이곧준비되는데. M 서점에가요.아빠가스포츠잡지를사오라고부탁하셨거든요. W 정말?그럼서점옆에있는마트에서우유를좀사다줄래? M 물론이죠,문제없어요. W 고맙구나.여기우유값3달러있다. 만점 솔루션 여자의말Thencanyoubuysomemilk~?를통해여자가 우유를사다줄것을부탁했음을알수있다. 02 ③ W Can I help you? beach. your trip. M Well, I need sandals for a trip. I’m planning to go to the W What about these? I think these are better than sandals for M They look like sneakers. W They’re not. We call them water shoes. You can use them 05 ③ ① W Did you ever try gimchi? in water, and they dry really quickly. M Can I wear them out of water? W Of course. They cover your feet well and they’re good for walking in mountains. M Okay, I’ll take them. W 도와드릴까요? 요. M 운동화처럼보이는군요. M Yes, of course. It was spicy but good. ② W I’d like to stay at your hotel. M How many days are you going to stay? ③ W Can I use your mobile phone? M I’m sorry, but I don’t know his phone number. ④ W Can you speak Korean? M I think so. We have to get an umbrella. ① W김치먹어봤니?  M 그럼,물론이지.맵지만맛있었어. ② W이호텔에묵고싶습니다.  M 며칠이나묵으실건가요? ③ W네휴대전화를사용해도될까?  M 미안하지만,난그의전화번호를몰라. M 저,여행을위한샌들이필요해요.해변으로갈계획이거든요. M A little bit. I learned Korean last winter. W 이것은어떨까요?당신의여행에는샌들보다이것이더좋을것같아 ⑤ W The sky is so dark. It will rain soon. W 그렇지않아요.아쿠아슈즈라고합니다.그것을물속에서사용할수 있고,정말빨리말라요. M 물밖에서도신을수있는건가요? W 물론이죠.발을잘감싸서산에서걷기에도좋아요. M 좋아요,그것으로할게요. 만점 솔루션 운동화처럼생겼지만물속이나물밖에서모두신을수있고 ④ W한국어할줄아니? 아주빨리마른다고했다.  M 약간.지난겨울에한국어를배웠거든. 제11회 영어듣기능력평가 51 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 51 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:12 ⑤ W하늘이너무어두워.곧비가올것같아.  M 내생각도그래.우산을챙겨야겠어. M I have 5 shirts. Can I pay when I get them back? W Yes, you can. Please let me know your name or phone 만점 솔루션 ③휴대전화를사용해도되는지묻는데그사람의전화번호를 모른다는응답은어색하다. number. M My name is Bob Morgan. 06 ③ M Excuse me, I’d like to book a ticket to London for this Saturday. M 실례합니다,이드레스셔츠들을드라이클리닝하고싶은데요. W 셔츠한벌당3달러입니다.셔츠가모두몇벌이죠? M 셔츠다섯벌이에요.찾을때돈을지불해도되나요? W 그럼요.이름이나전화번호를알려주세요. M 제이름은Bob Morgan입니다. W I’m sorry, but there are no flights on Saturday. M How about Sunday? W Let me check. We have two flights. One departs at 10 09 ⑤ W Roger, can you meet me after school? in the morning, and the other departs at 5:20 in the M All right. Do you want to talk about the presentation for M Then, I’ll book the morning flight. W That’s right. You and I are a team for that. W 확인해볼게요.두개의항공편이있습니다.한편은오전10시에출발 하고,나머지한편은오후5시20분에출발합니다. WRoger,방과후에나를만날수있니? afternoon. W Fine. M 일요일은요? M 실례합니다,이번주토요일런던행표를예약하고싶은데요. W 죄송합니다만,토요일에는항공편이없습니다. M 그럼,오전항공편을예약할게요. W 좋습니다. 만점 솔루션 토요일에는항공편이없고,일요일에는오전10시와오후5시 20분항공편이있다고하자,남자는오전에출발하는항공편을 예약하겠다고했다. history class? history. M I’m happy to be a team with you. You are a queen of W I’m glad to work with you, too. I heard you are really good at making presentation slides. I need to learn from you. M Okay. See you after school. M 좋아.역사수업발표에관해이야기하고싶니? W 맞아.너와내가그것을위한팀이잖아. M 너와한팀이돼서기뻐.넌역사의여왕이잖아. W 나도너와같이하게돼서기뻐.난네가발표슬라이드를정말잘만든 다고들었어.난너에게배워야해. M 좋아.방과후에보자. 만점 솔루션 남자와여자는한팀으로역사수업시간에발표를하게되었 고,여자는그것을준비하기위해방과후에만나자고제안하는 W No problem. Let me cancel your reservation. W Really? Congratulations, Peter. Where are you going to 07 ② [Telephone rings.] W Rainbow Hotel. How can I help you? M Hi, I booked your hotel through the Internet. My reservation W Wait a minute, please. Yes, you booked a single room for number is 2024. three nights. M That’s right. But, I’d like to cancel my reservation. [전화벨이울린다.] W Rainbow호텔입니다.무엇을도와드릴까요? M 안녕하세요,인터넷으로이호텔을예약했는데요.제예약번호는2024 입니다. W 잠시만기다리세요.예,1인실로3일동안예약하셨네요. M 맞아요.그런데,제예약을취소하고싶습니다. W 문제없습니다.예약을취소해드리겠습니다. 상황이다. 10 ② W Hi, Peter! work? next Monday. W 안녕,Peter! 08 ④ M Excuse me, I’d like to have these dress shirts dry-cleaned. W It costs $3 per shirt. How many shirts do you have? 11 ② M Hi, Susan! Nice to see you! W Oh, you look quite good. Did you get an A+ on the test? M Well... don’t be surprised. I finally got a part-time job. M At a Korean restaurant on Oxford Street. I start to work M 안녕,Susan!만나서반가워! W 오,너아주좋아보인다.시험에서A+를받았니? M 음…놀라지마.나드디어시간제일자리를구했어. W 정말?축하해,Peter.어디에서일하게되었는데? M Oxford거리에있는한국식당에서.다음주월요일부터일을시작해. 52 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 52 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:12 M You can find me near water like ponds and streams. You can see me the most in summer. I have smooth skin and big eyes. I can jump far because I have long back legs. But my front legs are short. I eat flies and mosquitos. What am 14 ③ M I heard that you’re going on a business trip to Korea. W Yeah, I’ll leave for Korea this Friday. M How long are you going to stay there? W Well... I’ll stay at Seoul for a week. And then, I have to go M 여러분은연못이나개울같은물근처에서날찾을수있습니다.나를 to Daejeon. I’m going to stay there for five days. 여름에주로볼수있을겁니다.나는부드러운피부와큰눈을가지고 M Then, you will come back here, won’t you? 있습니다.나에게는긴뒷다리가있어서멀리뛸수있습니다.하지만 W Yeah, that’s right. 나의앞다리는매우짧습니다.나는파리와모기들을먹습니다.나는무 I? 엇일까요? M Okay, that’s all. Fortunately, you don’t have to have any W 응,맞아. 12 ④ │ M Please open your mouth and say “Ah....” ④ W Ah.... teeth pulled out. W Whew... what a relief! M But you should brush your teeth after every meal. Otherwise, you’ll be in a big trouble. W I see. I’ll follow your advice. M 한국으로출장간다는소식들었어. W 그래,이번주금요일에한국으로출발할거야. M 거기서며칠이나머물거니? W 글쎄…서울에서일주일머물거야.그러고나서,대전으로가야해.나 는그곳에서5일동안머물거야. M 그러고나서,이곳으로돌아오는거지,그렇지? 만점 솔루션 여자는한국에출장을가서서울에서일주일,대전에서5일머문 다고했다.따라서여자가한국에머무는기간은총12일이된다. 15 ① W David, look at all those people! It’s really crowded. M It’s Saturday night. Everyone wants to enjoy their time just M 좋아요,다됐습니다.다행히,치아를뽑지않아도될것같습니다. like us. M 하지만매식사후에는반드시양치질을하셔야해요.그렇지않으면, M Yes, I did. What about Avatar? W So, did you decide which movie to see? W We have you here. Did you book two tickets for the 7 W 내가보고싶은것도바로그거야.좋아,내가지금가서표를사올게. M 입을벌리고‘아…’해보세요. W 아…. W 휴…다행이네요! 큰문제가생길거예요. W 알겠습니다.당신의충고를따를게요. 13 ③ W May I help you? M I’d like to get the ticket. I booked it online. W Can I have your name, sir? M My name’s Paul Kim. W Well, here’s your tickets. Enjoy the play. M 표를받고싶어요.인터넷에서표를예매했거든요, W 성함을말씀해주시겠어요,손님? M 제이름은PaulKim입니다. W 여기있네요.7시연극표2장을예매하셨죠? o’clock play? M That’s right. M Thanks. W 도와드릴까요? M 맞습니다. M 감사합니다. W That’s what I want to see, too. Okay, I’ll go buy the tickets now. You buy some popcorn and drinks over there. M 토요일밤이잖아.모든사람들이바로우리처럼토요일밤을즐기고싶 M Good! I’ll get soda and popcorn. W David,저사람들좀봐!정말복잡하다. 은거야. W 그래,어떤영화를볼지결정했니? M 응.‘아바타’어때? 너는저쪽에서팝콘과음료수를좀사. M 좋아!난청량음료와팝콘을사올게. 16 ④ W Robert, you look excited. Is there something interesting? M Yes, there is. Tomorrow, I’m going to go fishing in the Colorado River with Robin and Lucy. W Go fishing in the Colorado River? Sounds exciting. M Hey, Susan, why don’t you join us? If you do, we’ll have much more fun. work at an orphanage tomorrow. M Do you? Oh, I didn’t know you did such good things. 제11회 영어듣기능력평가 53 W 음,표여기있습니다.연극즐겁게관람하세요. W I’d love to join you, but I can’t. I have to do some volunteer 만점 솔루션 남자가인터넷에서예매한연극표를요청하자여자가명단에서 확인한뒤표를주는것으로보아,극장매표원과손님의관계 W Robert,너들떠보인다.무슨재미있는일이라도있니? 임을알수있다. M 응,있어.내일,Robin과Lucy와함께Colorado강으로낚시를갈거야. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 53 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:12 W Colorado강으로낚시하러간다고?재미있겠구나. W Then when will you clean your room? M 야,Susan,우리와함께하는게어때?네가같이가면,훨씬더재미있 M I’ll do it right after I have dinner. By the way, what’s for W 나도너와같이가고는싶지만,갈수없어.내일고아원에서자원봉사 W I’m going to make chicken curry and tomato salad. 을거야. 활동을해야하거든. M 그래?오,네가그렇게좋은일을하는지몰랐어. dinner this evening? M 17 ① M Suyeon, what’s wrong? You look worried. W I might have to change the topic of my presentation. M You mean for the science class? W Yes, I was going to do it on electric current, but it’s not ① 맞아요,저는아침을안먹었어요. W 방청소했니,Daniel? M 아니요,못했어요.숙제하느라바빴거든요. W 그럼방청소를언제할거니? M 저녁먹자마자바로할게요.그런데,오늘저녁식사는뭐예요? W 치킨카레와토마토샐러드를만들거란다. M 좋아요!저는두음식모두좋아해요. ② 좋아요,치킨카레를주문할게요. ④ 맞아요.이식당은유명해요. ⑤ 맘껏드세요.모두당신을위한거예요. 20 ⑤ W Excuse me, I’d like to buy tickets for the movie, King Kong. M I see. What time do you want to see it? W At 5:30. I need two tickets. How much is it altogether? M It’s $25. How would you like to pay? W I’ll pay in cash. Here is $25. M W 실례합니다,영화King Kong표를사고싶어요. M 알겠습니다.몇시에그영화를보고싶으신가요? W 5시30분이요.2장주세요.모두얼마죠? M 25달러입니다.어떻게지불하시겠어요? W 현금으로지불할게요.여기25달러있습니다. M 표여기있습니다.영화재미있게보세요. ① 걱정마세요.제가25달러빌려줄게요. ② 당신은영화를보기에는너무어려요. ③ 아니요,저는HarryPotter는보고싶지않아요. ④ 좋아요,내일그영화를보러가요. 만점 솔루션 영화표를구입하기위해요금을지불한손님에게극장매표원 은표를건네주며영화재미있게보라는말을하는것이가장 적절하다. going well. M Have you talked to Mr. Brown about it? W Not yet, I’m afraid he will be angry. M No, he is always happy to help us. M 수연,무슨일이야?걱정있어보여. W 나내발표주제를바꿔야할거같아. M 과학수업발표말하는거야? W 응,전류에대해서하고있었는데잘안돼. M 그것에대해브라운선생님이랑말해봤어? W 아직,그가화낼까두려워. M 아니야,그는언제나우릴돕는걸좋아하잖아. 18 ⑤ W Good afternoon. How can I help you? M I’d like to send this box to Britain. W Okay. What do you have inside? M It’s a book. W Would you put it on the scale there? M All right. How long will it take to get there? W It’ll take a week. It’s 6,000 won. M Here it is. W 안녕하세요.무엇을도와드릴까요? M 이상자를영국으로보내고싶어요. W 알겠습니다.안에무엇이들어있죠? M 책입니다. W 저기저울위에그것을올려놓아주시겠어요? M 알겠습니다.그곳에도착하는데얼마나걸릴까요? W 일주일걸릴거예요.6,000원입니다. M 여기있습니다. 만점 솔루션 남자는책이든상자를영국으로보내고싶다며도착하는데걸 리는시간을묻고있으므로‘우체국’에서이루어지는대화임을알 수있다. 19 ③ W Did you clean your room, Daniel? M No, I didn’t. I was busy because of my homework. 54 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 54 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:12 M I don’t think it’s a good idea. She’s a middle school 무엇일까요? 영어듣기능력평가 12 회 01③ 06④ 16⑤ 11⑤, ② 02④ 07④ 12② 17⑤ 03④ 08⑤ 13② 18③ 09④, ② 04④ 14③ 19① 05③ 10④ 15③ 20③ 01 ③ M What are you buying Mary for her birthday? I’m going to buy her a key chain. W Well, I didn’t decide yet. What do you think of a teddy bear? student. W Then, how about a picture frame? M That’s better. W Then, I’ll get one for her. M Mary의생일선물로무엇을살거니?나는열쇠고리를사줄거야. W 음,난아직결정하지못했어.테디베어에대해어떻게생각하니? M 그건좋은생각이아닌것같아.그애는중학생이잖아. W 그럼,사진액자는어때? M 그게더낫다. W 그럼,나는그녀에게그것을사줘야겠다. 02 ④ M This is the living room of my house. There is a big sofa in the middle of the room. A coffee table is in front of the sofa. I usually read newspapers there. Can you see the newspaper on the sofa? My mom will not be happy with that. I have to put it away right now. I have a plant. It’s next to the sofa. Behind the sofa, there is a three-tiered bookshelf. It’s a small living room, but I like to be here. M 여기가우리집거실이에요.거실중앙에큰소파가있어요.커피탁자 bit of wind. The weather will be good enough for outdoor activities. W 다음주월요일에는눈보라가칠것입니다.그때문에많은눈이내리게 될것입니다.그눈을치우는데어려움을겪게될것같습니다.눈은다 음주수요일까지계속될것입니다.그러나,이번주말에는약간의바람 만불것입니다.날씨는야외활동을하기에충분히좋을것입니다. 04 ④ M You can use this when you clean your house. It’s a kind of electric machine. You hold this with your hand, turn the switch on, and move it around on the floor. Then, this sucks all the dust and dirt from the floor. What is this? M 여러분이집청소를할때이것을사용할수있습니다.이것은전기기기 의한종류입니다.여러분은손에이것을쥐고전원을켜고바닥을따라 움직입니다.그러면이것이바닥의모든먼지를빨아들입니다.이것은 05 ③ M Good afternoon. My name is Jason Lee. This is my first time at this camp, but I want to be close to you guys during this camp. I’m good at listening to others, so tell me all the troubles you have. In the future, I want to be a counselor for young people. M 안녕하세요.제이름은Jason Lee입니다.이번캠프에는처음이지만, 저는이캠프동안여러분들과친해지고싶습니다.저는다른사람들의 말을잘경청합니다.그러니여러분이가지고있는모든어려움을제게 말씀해주세요.장래에,저는젊은이들을위한상담가가되고싶습니다. 06 ④ W Would you hurry and get on the bus, please? The bus driver is waiting. M What’s the next place to see? place in this area. M Really? Why is it famous? W We’re going to see Tora Castle. That’s the most famous 가소파앞에있고요.나는보통거기에서신문을읽어요.소파위에신 W When the bus starts going, I will explain to everyone the 문보이죠?어머니는좋아하지않으실거예요.지금당장치워야겠어요. history of the castle. 우리는화분도있어요.그것은소파옆에있죠.소파뒤에,3단짜리책 M OK. Thank you. I’m really enjoying this tour. 꽂이가있어요.작은거실이지만,나는여기에있는것이좋아요. W 서둘러버스에탑승해주시겠어요?버스기사님이기다리고계십니다. 만점 솔루션 주로소파에서신문을읽는다고했으며지금도소파위에신문 M 구경할다음장소는어디인가요? 이있어서치워야겠다고했으므로④가담화의내용과일치하 W 우리는Tora성을구경할예정입니다.그곳은이지역에서가장유명한 지않는다. 곳입니다. M 정말요?그곳이왜유명한가요? 03 ④ W We are going to have a snowstorm next Monday. It will W 버스가출발하면,그성의역사에대해모두에게설명해드리겠습니다. M 알겠습니다.감사합니다.저는이여행이정말로즐거워요. bring us a lot of snow. I’m afraid we’ll have a hard time 만점 솔루션 여자의말getonthebus,explaintoeveryonethehistoryof cleaning up the snow. The snow will continue until next thecastle등을통해여자의직업이‘관광안내원’임을추론할수 Wednesday. However, this weekend we’ll have just a little 있다. 제12회 영어듣기능력평가 55 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 55 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:13 M I have a little bit of a headache. W 응.원하면사전을사용해도되지만,내가에세이에사용할단어를모두 07 ④ ① W What does your mother do? M She’s working for a food company. ② W How’s the weather today? M It’s partly cloudy. ③ W What’s wrong with you? ④ W Who are you waiting for? M He will be back soon. ⑤ W Do you want to go out for dinner? M Yes. I really want to go out. ① W너의어머니의직업은무엇이니?  M 식품회사에다니셔. ② W오늘날씨가어떠니?  M 부분적으로구름이꼈어. ③ W무슨일이있니?  M 두통이약간있어. ④ W너는누구를기다리고있니?  M 그는곧돌아올거야. ⑤ W저녁식사하러나가기를원하니?  M 응.정말나가고싶어. 08 ⑤ W How was your trip to Europe? M We had a good time there. Especially our guide was great. She guided us to many wonderful places. W Sounds great. Would you give me her email address? M Why not? Are you going there? W Yes, in a few weeks. M Great. I’m sure she’ll do a great job for you, too. W 유럽여행은어땠니? M 그곳에서좋은시간을보냈어.특히우리안내원이좋았어.그녀는우리 를많은훌륭한장소들로안내해주었지. W 좋았겠다.나에게그녀의이메일주소를알려줄래? M 그럴게.너도그곳에갈거니? W 응,몇주후에. M 잘됐다.그녀가네게도틀림없이잘해줄거야. M It makes sense. Can I borrow your dictionary? W Sure, but it’s not mine. I borrowed it from the library. M Okay. I’ll return it after I use it. Thanks. M 미나야,너는쉬는시간에도영어공부를하고있는거니? W 에세이쓰기를위해서영어단어를외우고있는중이야. M 영어시간의쓰기평가말이야?우리가사전을사용할수없니? 알면훨씬더쉽지않겠어? M 말이되네.네사전좀빌려도될까? W 물론이지,하지만내것이아냐.도서관에서빌렸어. M 알았어.내가사용한뒤에반납할게.고마워. 10 ④ M Excuse me. How can I get to the train station? W Oh, you have to take a bus. M Where should I take the bus? W Go straight one block and turn right. M One block and turn right. W Yes, then walk two more blocks. M Should I cross the intersection? M 실례합니다.기차역을어떻게가야하나요? W 아,버스를타야합니다. M 버스는어디서타야하나요? W 한블록더가셔서오른쪽으로도세요. M 한블록더가서오른쪽으로돌아라. W 네,그리고두블록을더가세요. M 교차로를건너야하나요? W 네,그럼스타약국앞에서버스를탈수있어요. W Yes, then you can take the bus in front of Star Pharmacy. 11 ⑤ │ M ② Is that your bicycle? not working well. W Yes, but I haven’t ridden it for a few months. I’m afraid it’s M Then, let me check it. I think the chain needs some oil. W Oh, really? Then I can ride it more easily, right? M It will help. Let me give the chain some oil for you. W 응,하지만그것을몇달동안타지않았어.작동이잘될지모르겠어. M 그렇다면,내가점검해볼게.체인에기름칠이좀필요한것같은데. W 오,정말?그러면자전거타기가좀더쉬워지겠구나,그렇지? M 그게도움이될거야.내가너를위해체인에기름칠을해줄게. 만점 솔루션 남자는여자의자전거에기름칠이필요하다고하면서기름칠을 해주겠다고말하고있다. 만점 솔루션 여자의말Wouldyougivemeheremailaddress?를통해 W While you’re doing that, I’ll get a cup of coffee for you. 여자가부탁하는일이안내원의이메일주소를알려달라는것 임을알수있다. M 저것이네자전거니? W I’m memorizing English words for my essay writing. W 네가그것을하는동안,난커피한잔사올께. 09 ④ │ M Mina, are you studying English even during a break? ② M Do you mean the writing test for English class? Can’t we W Yes. You can use a dictionary if you want, but it would be much easier if I know all the words I’m going to use in the use a dictionary? essay, wouldn’t it? 12 ② 56 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 56 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:13 W Oh, Tom. I heard you broke your leg. What happened? M Yes. We’re leaving for the airport at five. I can’t wait to see M Well, I tried to jump over the fence around the parking lot, Randy. but wasn’t successful. W Me too. I haven’t seen him for two years. W I saw some boys sometimes jump over it. I always thought M You’re right. I learned the lesson the hard way. I won’t do it was dangerous. that again. W Randy의비행기가언제도착하지? M 비행기가6시에도착할거라고말했어. W 그러면,2시간남았구나. W 오,Tom.다리가부러졌다고들었어.무슨일이있었니? W 나도그래.그를2년동안보지못했어. M 응.우리는공항으로5시에출발할거야.Randy가정말보고싶다. M 저,주차장둘레의철조망을뛰어넘으려고했는데,성공하지못했어요. W 몇몇남자아이들이가끔그것을뛰어넘는것을보았지.난항상그것이 위험하다고생각했어. M 맞아요.저는어렵게교훈을얻었어요.다시는그러지않을게요. 16 ⑤ W Paul, what do you have in your hand? M It’s a picture book I made. I did it in English class. 만점 솔루션 남자는울타리를뛰어넘으려다다리가부러졌으며다시는그러지 W Great. Let me see it. Did you write the story, too? 않겠다고했으므로,자신이한일에대해후회하고있음을알수 M Yes, but it is not very good. You know, I’m not an artistic 있다. W I think the pictures are nice. Believe your mom, honey. You person. did a great job. WPaul,손에있는것이뭐니? M 제가만든그림책이에요.영어시간에만들었어요. W 훌륭하구나.좀보여다오.네가이야기도썼니? M No, my grandmother is in hospital. I have to take care of M 예,하지만그렇게잘된것은아니에요.아시잖아요,저는예술적인사람 W Jack,이번주토요일에테니스를치는게어때? 만점 솔루션 여자는아들이만든작품을보고기뻐하며칭찬하고있는상황 W 내생각에는그림이좋구나.아들아,엄마를믿으렴.아주잘했어. 이아니에요. 이다. 13 ② W Jack, how about playing tennis this Saturday? M I’d like to do that, but I can’t. W Why is that? Do you have homework to do? her. W Sorry to hear that. M 그러고싶지만,그럴수가없어. W 왜그런데?해야할숙제가있니? M 아니,할머니께서병원에계셔.할머니를간호해야하거든. W 그말을들으니유감이다. 14 ③ W Excuse me, where is Kim’s Company? M Go straight for two blocks along Olsen Street. You’ll see the bookstore on your left. W Two blocks and the bookstore is on my left, right? M Yes. Kim’s Company is right across from the bookstore. So the building is on your right. W Now I see. Thank you very much. W 실례합니다,Kim’s회사가어디에있나요? M Olsen거리를따라두블록직진하세요.왼편으로서점이보일겁니다. W 두블록을가면서점이제왼쪽에있다는말씀이시죠,그렇죠? M 예.Kim’s회사는그서점바로건너편에있습니다.그러니까그건물은 당신의오른편에있는거죠. W 이제알겠습니다.정말감사합니다. 15 ③ W When will Randy’s plane arrive? M He said it would arrive at six. W Then, we have two hours left. 17 ⑤ W London is the capital city of the United Kingdom. People from around the world come to London to travel, to study or to live. It is said that more than 300 languages are spoken in London. London is known as a rainy city. It rains a lot in summer and it rains a lot even in winter. The city hosted the Olympic Games three times. The latest one was in 2012. The city has a subway system. It is called London Underground. It is the oldest subway system in the world. W 런던은영국의수도입니다.전세계의사람들이여행을하거나공부를 하거나또는살기위해런던으로옵니다.런던에서는300개이상의언 어들이사용된다고합니다.런던은비가많이오는도시로알려져있습 니다.여름에비가많이오고겨울에도비가많이옵니다.그도시는3 번올림픽경기를개최했습니다.가장최근의경기는2012년이었습니 다.그도시에는지하철시스템이있습니다.그것은런던지하철이라고 불립니다.그것은세계에서가장오래된지하철시스템입니다. 만점 솔루션 마지막부분에서London의지하철시스템에대해말하고있 으며,2층버스에대한언급은나와있지않다. 18 ③ W How was my singing? Was I good? M You sounded a little tired. 제12회 영어듣기능력평가 57 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 57 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:13 W Actually, I’m very tired. Is today’s schedule over now? ⑤ 걱정하지마.내가널기다릴게. M No, you have to go to Mr. Larry’s Show to sing a song there. W Is that my last appointment today? M Yes, but tomorrow is busy too. Sorry about that. W 제노래가어땠나요?괜찮았나요? M 약간피곤하게들렸어요. W 사실,전아주피곤해요.이제오늘일정이끝났나요? M 아니요,Mr.Larry쇼에노래를부르러가야해요. W 그것이오늘마지막약속인가요? M 예,하지만내일도바빠요.미안해요. 19 ① M Thank you for giving me a ride home. W My pleasure. M How long have you lived in this town? W For more than 10 years. M It’s hard to talk. Would you mind turning the radio off? W M 집까지저를태워주셔서감사해요. W 천만에요. M 이마을에얼마나오래사셨어요? W 10년이넘었어요. W아니요,제가끌게요. ② 그것을켜도괜찮아요. ③ 라디오는나의좋은친구에요. ④ 나는운전할때보통라디오를꺼두죠. ⑤ 예,소리를올려야겠네요. M 이야기하기가어렵군요.라디오끄는것을꺼리시나요? 20 ③ W Do you know how to play this card game? M Yeah, actually, it’s one of my favorite games. W Sounds great! We’re going to have a wonderful time this evening. M W I think so. Let’s get started right away. W 이카드게임을하는방법을알고있니? M 응,사실,그것은내가가장좋아하는게임들중하나야. W 잘됐다!오늘저녁에우리는멋진시간을보내겠는걸. M 나도그렇게생각해.지금바로시작하자. W 좋아.난게임할준비가되었어. ① 이제네차례야. ② 나는이게임을좋아하지않아. ④ 좋아.나는곧나갈거야. 58 중1 24 영어듣기능력평가 13 회 01③ 06④ 11④ 16② 02⑤ 07③ 12② 17④ 03⑤ 08② 13② 18④ 04①, ③ 09①, ③ 14⑤ 19⑤ 05③ 10⑤ 15③ 20④ 01 ③ M I live in Australia. I can jump fast with my back legs. I have a long, strong tail. It helps me balance when I jump. When I was a little baby, my mother carried me in the pouch of her stomach. What am I? M 나는호주에살고있어요.나는뒷다리로빠르게뛸수있어요.나는길 고강한꼬리를가지고있어요.꼬리는내가뛸때균형을잡도록도와 줍니다.내가아기였을때는,엄마복부에있는주머니안에날넣고다 녔어요.나는무엇일까요? 02 ⑤ M Mom, I left my Cellphone on the sofa. Can you get it for me? W Well, it isn’t on the sofa. M Then it may be on the table in the kitchen. W No, it isn’t there. Wait. Let me call your phone. M I can hear the Cellphone ringing. It’s on the coffee table in front of the TV. M 엄마,제휴대전화를소파위에놓고왔어요.좀가져다주시겠어요? W 아니,거기에도없구나.잠깐만.네전화기에전화를해볼게. M 휴대전화가울리는게들려요.TV앞에있는커피탁자위에있어요. 03 ⑤ W Good afternoon. This is Lee Yunjin with the weather update. The rain will stop soon and we’ll be able to see the full moon at night. Temperatures will go up to 25 degrees. It will be foggy throughout the country tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, it will be sunny and nice. W 안녕하세요.기상속보의이윤진입니다.비가곧그치고밤에는보름달 을보실수있을것입니다.기온은25도까지오를것입니다.내일아침 에는전국적으로안개가끼겠습니다.오후에는,맑고청명한날씨가되 겠습니다. 04 ① │ M Last Saturday, there was no class at school. Minju wanted ③ 만점 솔루션 Wouldyoumind~?에대해요청을수락할때는No,Idon’t mind.또는Notatall.등의부정으로,요청을거절할때는긍 W 음,소파위에없는데. M 그러면부엌식탁위에있을지도몰라요. 정으로한다. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 58 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:13 to go to a bookstore with her best friend, Hyuna, but M Let’s go early before a lot of people come. Hyuna got a cold. She had to stay at home. Minju visited W Great. What time can you make it? her sick friend and they went to see a doctor together. M Can you come at 8 o’clock? They watched TV at Hyuna’s house. In the afternoon, Minju W The swimming pool opens at nine and closes at seven. came home and did her homework. She helped her mom M Then let’s make it at 8:30. It will be really hot after nine. cook dinner and set the table. W All right. M 지난토요일에,학교수업이없었습니다.민주는가장친한친구현아와 M 내일City수영장에가는게어때? 서점에가고싶었지만,현아는감기에걸렸습니다.그녀는집에있어야 W 좋아.내일은정말더운하루가될거래. 만했습니다.민주는그녀의아픈친구네집에가서병원에함께갔습니 M 사람들이많이오기전에일찍가자. 다.그들은현아의집에서TV를보았습니다.오후에민주는집에와서 W 좋아.몇시에만날까? 숙제를했습니다.그녀는엄마가저녁식사준비를하고식탁차리는것 M 8시에올수있니? 을도와드렸습니다. W 수영장은9시에열고7시에닫아. M 그러면8시30분에만나자.9시가넘으면정말더울거야. W 좋아. 만점 솔루션 남자가8시에만나자고제안했지만수영장이9시에문을열어 결국8시30분에만나기로했다. G I’m really sorry. Could you call the restaurant, and tell them 05 ③ G Oh, no, I left my Cellphone at home. M Again? I can’t believe it. G Sorry, but can I go back and get it? M But we’ll be late for the reservation. we will be a little late? M Okay. I guess I’ll have to. G Thank you, Dad! I’ll be back soon. G 안돼,휴대폰을집에두고왔어요. M 또?믿을수가없네. G 미안해요,하지만돌아가서갖고오면안될까요? M 하지만예약시간에늦을거야. G 진짜미안해요.식당에전화해서조금늦는다고말하면안될까요? M 알겠어.그래야겠다. G 고마워요아빠!금방돌아올게요. 06 ④ W School soccer tournament starts next Monday. Each class must select 11 players and at least two of them must be girls. The homeroom teacher can play in a team. Games will start at 8 o’clock every morning. The final match will be on school sports day. We hope everybody enjoys the games. W 교내축구토너먼트대회가다음주월요일에시작됩니다.각학급은11 명의선수를선발해야하며선수들중적어도2명은반드시여학생이 어야합니다.담임선생님도팀에서경기를할수있습니다.경기는매일 아침8시에시작될것입니다.결승전은학교체육대회날있을예정입 니다.모두가경기를즐기시기바랍니다. 만점 솔루션 Gameswillstartat8o’clockeverymorning.에서경기는 매일아침8시에시작됨을알수있다.  08 ② ① M Please, have a seat. W Thank you. ② M Can I take your order? W You have to stand in line here. ③ M Can I help you? W Yes, I’m looking for snow boots. ④ M Where is the nearest bus stop? W It’s just around the corner. ⑤ M What season do you like most? W I like summer because I can swim. ① M 앉으세요.  W감사합니다. ② M 주문하시겠습니까?  W여기에줄을서야합니다. ③ M 도와드릴까요?  W예,눈장화를사려고합니다. ④ M 가장가까운버스정류장이어디인가요?  W바로모퉁이부근에있습니다. ⑤ M 어느계절이가장좋으세요?  W수영을할수있어서여름이가장좋아요. 만점 솔루션 ②CanItakeyourorder?는식당종업원이손님에게식사 주문을받기위해하는말이므로손님은I’llhave~.또는I’d like~.등과같은표현을사용하여주문할메뉴를말하는것이 자연스럽다.  09 ① │ M So... what do you think of this apartment? ③ W It’s really clean and nice. How much is it? M It’s $800 a month. 제13회 영어듣기능력평가 59 07 ③ M How about going to the City Swimming Pool tomorrow? W Sounds good. They say tomorrow will be a really hot day. cheaper place? W Wow, the rent is too expensive for me. Do you have any #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 59 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:14 M 아니.그건선생님때문이야.Miller선생님은수업을정말재미있게하 름답네요. W 네말이맞아.나도선생님이이야기해주시는역사적사건들을듣는 물전체가들어가게하고싶으신가요? M Yes, I do have one. Do you want to go and have a look? M How are you going there? W Yes, please. How far is it from here? W Which way is better, bus or subway? M 그래서...이아파트에대해서어떻게생각하세요? W 정말깨끗하고좋네요.얼마죠? M 한달에800달러입니다. M 네,하나있습니다.가서한번보실래요? W 네.여기서얼마나먼가죠? W 와,집세가저에게너무비싸네요.더저렴한곳은없나요? M 어디가는중이니? M No. It’s because of the teacher. Mr. Miller makes the class place is very beautiful. M You’d better take the subway. But if you are in a hurry, take a taxi. W Well, I am not in a hurry. So I’ll take the subway. W Thomson도서관에가는중이야. M 그곳에어떻게갈거니? W 버스나지하철중에서어떻게가는게더낫니? M 지하철을타는게나아.하지만급하면,택시를타. W 음,난급하지않아.그러니까지하철을탈거야. 13 ② W Excuse me, sir. Would you take a picture for me? This M Sure. This is my first time in such a beautiful place. Anyway, do you want to have the whole building in your picture? W Yes, please. You can press this button. M Okay. On the count of three. One, two, three. W Oh, thank you very much. M You’re welcome. W 실례합니다,선생님.제사진을좀찍어주시겠어요?이장소가정말아 M 물론이죠.저도이렇게아름다운곳은처음이에요.어쨌거나,사진에건 W 예,그렇게해주세요.이버튼을누르시면됩니다. M 알겠습니다.셋을셀게요.하나,둘,셋. W 오,정말감사합니다. M 천만에요 만점 솔루션 관광지에서여자가남자에게사진을찍어달라고부탁하는상 황으로,대화의처음에서Excuseme,sir.로시작한것으로보 아두사람은잘모르는사이임을알수있다. 14 ⑤ [Telephone rings.] W Hello. M Hello, Helen. This is Charley. W Hi, Charley. You called me at a bad time. M Oh, I’m sorry. What are you doing? W I’m watching the drama, Ghost. Aren’t you watching it? M No, I’m doing my homework. Helen, do you have James’s phone number? I called you to ask for his number. W Well, I think I have it on my phone. Wait. I’ll look for it. M Thanks. [전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요. M 안녕,Helen.나Charley야. W 안녕,Charley.통화하기힘들때전화를했군. 10 ⑤ M I need to go to history class now. I have a couple of things to ask before the class starts. W Wow, Fred. I didn’t know you liked history so much. Do you have a girl friend in the class? W You’re right. I enjoy listening to his storytelling about really interesting. historical events. M I have to go. See you in the class. M 지금역사수업에가야해.수업이시작하기전에몇가지질문할것이 W 와,Fred.나는네가역사를그렇게좋아하는줄몰랐어.그수업에여자 있거든. 친구라도있니? 셔. 게즐거워. M 이제가야겠어.수업때보자. 11 ④ M You look tired. W Yes, I am. The final exam’s starting next week. M I’m tired, too. I had to finish writing a paper last night. W On the other hand, it means the summer vacation is just around the corner. M Oh, you’re right. I’m really looking forward to it. I can’t wait. M 피곤해보이는구나. W 그래.기말고사가다음주에시작되잖아. M 나도피곤해.어젯밤에보고서작성을끝내야했거든. W 한편으로,그것은여름방학이바로코앞에다가왔다는것을의미하기 도하지. M 오,네말이맞아.나는그것을손꼽아기다리고있어.너무기대돼. 만점 솔루션 lookforwardto,can’twait는무엇인가를몹시기다리고바 랄때쓰는표현이므로남자의기대하는마음을엿볼수있다. 12 ② M Where are you going? W I’m going to Thomson Library. 60 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 60 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:14 M 오,미안해.뭐하고있는데? W 드라마Ghost를보고있어.너는그것을안보니? M 아니,나는숙제를하고있어.Helen,너James전화번호가지고있 니?그의전화번호를물어보려고전화했어. W 글쎄,내전화기에있을거야.기다려봐.찾아볼게. M 고마워. 17 ④ W Welcome to Korea Department Store. For your safety, inline skates and roller shoes are not allowed anywhere in the shopping mall. Also on the 2nd floor where food corners are located, pets are not allowed. It’s for everybody’s comfortable shopping. Thank you for your cooperation. 만점 솔루션 남자의말Icalledyoutoaskforhisnumber.를통해남자 W 한국백화점에오신것을환영합니다.여러분의안전을위해,인라인스 가전화를건목적이James의전화번호를물어보기위해서라 케이트와바퀴달린신발은쇼핑몰어느곳에서도허용되지않습니다. 는것을알수있다. 15 ③ M Mary, what are you interested in? help sick people. M Do you want to be a doctor? W There are so many sick people in the hospital. I’d like to 또한음식점이위치하고있는2층에서는애완동물은출입할수없습니 다.모든분들의편안한쇼핑을위한것입니다.여러분의협조에감사드 립니다. 수있다. 만점 솔루션 인라인스케이트를금지하고,애완동물의출입을제한하는내용 이므로,백화점과쇼핑몰등에서들을수있는안내방송임을알 W No, I want to take care of sick people, give medicine and assist doctors in the operating room. M Then this would be a nice job for you. M Mary,너는무엇에관심이있니? 18 ④ W I have a beautiful daughter. Five years ago, she was sick and in the hospital for three months. She was very weak. After she came home, she started to learn swimming W 병원에는아픈사람들이아주많아.나는아픈사람들을돕고싶어. for her health. At first, she could swim only 10 minutes. M 너는의사가되고싶니? However, she didn’t give up. She went to the swimming W 아니,나는아픈사람들을돌보고,약을주고,수술실에서의사들을돕고 pool three times a week for 5 years. Now she is a 싶어. wonderful swimmer. She is on the swimming team in her M 그럼이것이네게좋은직업일것같다. school. 만점 솔루션 여자는의사가되고싶지는않다고했으며환자를돌보고약을 W 저에게는예쁜딸이한명있습니다.그애는5년전,아파서병원에3 주고의사를돕고싶다고했으므로‘간호사’가장래희망임을알 개월동안입원해있었어요.그애는매우약했습니다.퇴원후,그애는 수있다. 16 ② W Did you finish packing for the trip? M It’s almost done. When are we going to leave tomorrow? W We have to arrive at the airport before 9 o’clock. M Then we have to leave around 6 o’clock. W Isn’t it too early? We need to eat breakfast, too. How about M I think we can have breakfast at the airport. I don’t want to 7 o’clock? be late. W All right. I’ll set the alarm at 5 o’clock. W 여행을위해서짐은다쌌니? M 거의다되었어.내일언제출발할거야? W 공항에9시전에도착해야해. M 그러면6시경에출발해야겠네. W 너무이른것아닐까?아침식사도해야할텐데.7시는어떨까? M 공항에서아침식사를할수있을거야.나는늦고싶지않아. W 알겠어.내가5시에자명종을맞춰놓을게. 건강을위해수영을배우기시작했어요.처음에는,10분밖에수영할수 없었어요.하지만,그애는포기하지않았죠.5년동안일주일에세번씩 수영장에갔어요.지금그애는훌륭한수영선수입니다.그애는학교 의수영팀에소속되어있어요. 만점 솔루션 여자는몸이아팠던딸이건강해져훌륭한수영선수가된것을 자랑스러워하고있다. 19 ⑤ M Excuse me. Would you take a picture for me? W Which button do I have to push? M Push the big round button. Push it until you hear the ‘click’ W Sure. M Thank you. sound. W Pardon? M W 물론이죠. M 감사합니다. M 실례합니다.사진좀찍어주시겠어요?   만점 솔루션 여자는아침식사를하고출발하려고했으나남자는공항에서 W 어느버튼을눌러야하나요? 아침식사를할수있으므로늦지않도록일찍출발하자고말하 M 큰동그란버튼을누르세요.‘찰칵’하는소리가날때까지그것을누르세 고있다. 요. 제13회 영어듣기능력평가 61 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 61 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:14 W 뭐라고하셨죠? M‘ 찰칵’하는소리가날때까지그버튼을누르세요. ① 저는사진을잘찍지못해요. ② “지금”이라고말할때까지기다리세요. ③ 아니요.미안해할필요없어요. ④ 조심하세요.비싼카메라거든요. 만점 솔루션 Pardon?/Sorry?/Excuseme?등은상대방의말을알아 듣지못했을때,다시한번말해달라고부탁하는표현이다. 영어듣기능력평가 14 회 01① 06③ 11② 16② 02① 07④ 17④ 12③, ② 03② 08① 13④ 18④ 09①, ① 04① 14⑤ 19① 05⑤ 10③ 15② 20① 20 ④ M Mom, did you see my MP3 player? W I think I saw it on your desk this morning. M It’s not there. W Did you check your bag? M I did. I checked the pockets of my jacket, too. W Well, when is the last time you saw it? M M 엄마,제MP3플레이어보셨어요? W 오늘아침에네책상위에서본것같구나. M 거기에없어요. W 가방도확인해봤니? M 확인해봤어요.제재킷주머니도확인해봤어요. W 음,언제그것을마지막으로봤니? M 아침식사하기전에책상위에놓은게확실해요. ① 반짝거리는검정색이에요. ② 저는그것으로음악을들어요. ③ 7학년때부터제것이었어요. 01 ① M ① He is making a snowman with his friend.  ② He is walking on the beach with his mom. ③ He is going to school in the morning.  ④ He is brushing his teeth.  ⑤ He is watching a movie with his brother. M ① 그는친구와함께눈사람을만들고있다. ②  그는엄마와함께해변을걷고있다. ③  그는아침에학교에가고있다. ④  그는양치질을하고있다. ⑤  그는형과함께영화를보고있다.  02 ① M Alice, can you take a picture of me in front of the sculpture? M Why not? W Hey, you can’t take a picture here. ⑤ 그것은Margaret이모가생일선물로저에게주신거예요. W Look at the sign over there! The sign says no picture taking 만점 솔루션 마지막으로본것이언제냐고물었으므로MP3플레이어를마 here. 지막으로보았던때를말하는것이가장적절하다. M Oops. I didn’t see it. Thank you for telling me. M Alice,조각상앞에서사진을찍어줄래? W 야,여기서는사진을찍을수없어. M 왜안되는데? W 저쪽에있는표지판을봐!여기서사진을찍을수없다고되어있잖아. M 이런.못봤어.말해줘서고마워.  03 ② W Let’s move on to other parts of Asia for tomorrow’s weather. Beijing is mainly cloudy and it will be much colder with the strong wind. Tokyo’s looking at some clouds and a high of 13. And there’s a 40% chance of thunderstorms expected in Bangkok, and a very strong chance of showers in Singapore. Taipei continues to be windy with a few snow in the evening. W 아시아다른지역들의내일날씨를알아보겠습니다.Beijing은전반적 으로흐리고강한바람과함께훨씬더추워지겠습니다.Tokyo는약간 의구름이끼겠고최고기온은13도가되겠습니다.그리고 Bangkok  62 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 62 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:14 에서는 천둥을 동반한 폭우가 올 확률이 40% 정도입니다. 그리고 ④ W앉으세요.이곳에무엇때문에오셨죠? Singapore에서는소나기가올확률이아주높습니다.Taipei에는저녁  M 감기에걸린것같아요. 에몇차례의눈과함께바람이계속해서불겠습니다. ⑤ W생물보고서다썼니?  M 물론이지.어젯밤에다썼어. 04 ① W It’s 6 o’clock. How about having dinner together? M Sounds good! Do you have anything special to eat? W Well... what about Italian food? There is a good Italian restaurant on Alex Street. M Good! But the sky is so dark. It’ll rain soon, I think. W Yeah, that’s right. Just wait a minute here. I’ll bring an umbrella. W 6시야.함께저녁먹는게어때? M 좋아!특별히먹고싶은음식이있니? 07 ④ W Sam, when did you come back from your trip to Korea? M Last weekend. It was a really wonderful trip. W Was it? So did you visit Seoul? M Of course, I did. I stayed there for five days. And I also visited Daejeon for three days. W How about Busan? You wanted to stay there for about three days. M It was canceled. After Daejeon, I just came back home. W 음…이탈리아음식어때?Alex거리에좋은이탈리아식당이있거든. M 좋아!하지만,하늘이너무어둡다.곧비가내릴것같아. W 그래,맞아.여기서잠깐만기다려.우산을가져올게. W Sam,한국여행에서언제돌아왔니? M 지난주말에.정말멋진여행이었어. W 그랬니?그래,서울은방문했어? 만점 솔루션 마지막여자의말I’llbringanumbrella.를통해여자가할일 이우산을가져오는일임을알수있다. 어. M 물론이지.그곳에서5일동안머물렀어.그리고3일동안대전도방문했 W 부산은?부산에서3일정도머물고싶어했잖아. M 그것은취소됐어.대전을방문한다음에,방금집으로돌아온거야. 만점 솔루션 남자는한국여행에서서울에5일,대전에3일을머물렀다고했 으므로총8일동안머물렀다.부산에서의일정은취소되었다고 했으므로포함시키지않도록유의한다. 05 ⑤ M You can use this to buy various products. For example, you can buy snacks, beverages, tickets, and so on. To use this, you put money in first. Next you simply press a button to choose your item. Then, the item comes out. What is this? M 여러분은여러물건들을사기위해이것을사용할수있습니다.예를들 어,과자,음료,표등을살수있습니다.이것을사용하기위해서여러 분은우선돈을집어넣어야합니다.그리고단순히물건을고르기위해 08 ① [Cellphone rings.] W Hello? Cindy speaking! M Hi, Cindy. It’s me, Brad. 버튼을누릅니다.그러면물건이나옵니다.이것은무엇일까요? W Hi, Brad. I heard that you’re going camping with your 06 ③ ① W What did you do last weekend? M I went fishing on Saturday with my family. ② W John, you look excited. What happened to you? M I got A+ on the math test! ③ W What do you think about my new hair style? M I see. I’ll go with you tomorrow. ④ W Have a seat, please. What made you come here? M I think I have a cold. ⑤ W Did you finish your biology report? M Sure, I did. I finished it last night. ① W지난주말에무엇을했니?  M 토요일에가족과함께낚시하러갔었어. ② WJohn,들떠보이는데.무슨일있었니?  M 수학시험에서A+를받았어! brother during this weekend. M Right. And that’s why I’m calling you. Cindy, if you don’t mind, can I borrow your tent? W Sure, no problem. I’ll lend it to you. [휴대전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요,Cindy입니다! M 안녕,Cindy.나야,Brad. W 안녕,Brad.이번주말에네형과캠핑하러간다는소식들었어. M 맞아.그래서네게전화한거야.Cindy,괜찮으면,너의텐트를빌려줄 래? W 물론이지.그것을너에게빌려줄게. 09 ① │ W Hi, have a seat please. What seems to be the problem? ① M I think I have a bad cold. I have a runny nose and a fever. W Let me take your temperature. Wait a minute.... Well... you ③ W내새로운머리모양에대해어떻게생각하니?  M 알았어.내일내가너와함께갈게. are 37.2 degrees. M Is it serious? 제14회 영어듣기능력평가 63 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 63 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:15 W Well... it’s not that serious. Take medicine and have a good rest, and then you’ll get better. W 안녕하세요,여기앉으세요.어떻게오셨죠? ② 12 ③ │ [Cellphone rings.] M Hello, Laura. I’m in the building now. M 심한감기에걸린것같아요.콧물이나오고열이있어요. W Oh, Jack. Where did you park your car? W 체온을재볼게요.잠시만요….음…37.2도군요. M The parking area on the 4th floor. Where are you now? W I’m on the 2nd floor looking for a jacket for me. W 음…그다지심각하지는않아요.약을복용하고푹쉬세요.그러면더 M Okay, where can we meet? M 심각한가요? 좋아지실거예요. W Let’s meet at the snack corner on the 3rd floor. We can eat M I don’t know. Time just flew. Can you help me with it, M 좋아.당장그곳으로갈게. W 3층의스낵코너에서만나자.거기서뭔가먹을수있어. 10 ③ M Oh, no. Is today already the 22nd? W Yes, it is. Why? M The vacation is almost over! I haven’t finished my homework. W But there are still five days left. M Yeah, but actually I haven’t even started it. W Really? What did you do all this time? please? M 안돼.오늘이벌써22일이야? W 응.왜? M 방학이거의끝나가잖아!아직숙제다못했는데. W 하지만아직5일이남았어. M 그래,하지만사실아직시작도안했어. W 진짜?방학내내뭘한거야? M 모르겠어.시간이그냥흘렀어.나좀도와줄래? something there. M All right. I’ll be there right away. [휴대전화벨이울린다.] M 여보세요,Laura.나지금건물안에있어. W 오,Jack.차는어디에주차했니? M 4층주차장에.너는지금어디에있니? W 내재킷을보느라2층에있어. M 알았어,어디서만날까? 만점 솔루션 남자는건물에들어와4층주차장에차를주차했고,여자는재 킷을보느라2층에있으며,두사람은3층스낵코너에서만나 기로했다. 13 ④ M Oh, Mina, would you stop doing that? W Stop doing what? M You’re checking your Cellphone every other minute. 11 ② W Hi, I’d like to go to Detroit this Friday. Are there any tickets W I am not. talk with you. M You are. You keep looking at it and touching it. It’s hard to left? leave? M On this Friday? Sorry, we don’t have any tickets. Instead, we have tickets on Saturday and Sunday. W Then, I’ll buy tickets for Saturday. What time does the train M There are three trains on Saturday. One is 9:00 in the morning, another is 2:30 in the afternoon, and the other is 6:00 in the evening. W Um... I’ll buy the earliest one. How much is it? M It’s $80. W 안녕하세요,이번주금요일에Detroit에가려고요.표가남아있나요? M 이번주금요일이요?죄송합니다,표가없어요.대신에,토요일과일요 일에는표가있어요. W 그럼,토요일표를살게요.기차가몇시에출발하죠? M 토요일에는3편의기차가있어요.하나는아침9시,다른하나는오후2 시30분,그리고나머지하나는저녁6시입니다. W 음…가장이른기차표를살게요.얼마죠? M 80달러입니다. W Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll put it in my bag. M 오,미나야,그것을하는것을그만두겠니? W 뭘그만두라는거니? M 너는네휴대전화를2분마다확인하고있어. W 그렇지않아. 하기가힘들어. M 넌그러고있어.넌계속그것을쳐다보고만지고있잖아.너와이야기 W 오,미안해.그것을가방안에넣어둘게. 만점 솔루션 남자는여자가계속휴대전화를쳐다보고만지는동작을반복 하고있어대화하기힘들다고불평하고있다. 14 ⑤ [Someone knocks the door.] W The door is open. Please come in. M Hi! pet? W Hi, have a seat, please. So what’s the problem with your 만점 솔루션 여자는토요일에출발하는3편의기차중가장일찍출발하는 M My pet dog has a fever. And she hasn’t eaten anything 기차표를구입하겠다고했으므로,오전9시기차를탈것이다. since last night. 64 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 64 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:15 W Well... I think she has a cold now. Let me take her M I haven’t, but it seems to be a good idea. temperature first. Can you hold on her for a moment? WRodger,너기분괜찮니? M 몸이별로좋지않아.목이아파.무언가를삼킬때마다아파. W 너는따뜻한차를좀마셔야할것같아. M 그게도움이되니? W 물론이지.감기는따뜻한음료를싫어한다는것을들어보지못했니? W 안녕하세요,앉으세요.그래,당신의애완동물에게무슨문제가있나요? M 들어보지는못했지만,좋은생각인것같아. M 저의애완견이열이있어요.그리고어젯밤부터아무것도먹지않고요. W 음…지금감기에걸린것같아요.먼저체온을재볼게요.잠시애완견 만점 솔루션 남자가무언가를삼킬때마다목이아프다고하자여자는따뜻 한차를마셔볼것을제안하고있다. M Yes, I can. [누군가가문을두드린다.] W 문열려있습니다.들어오세요. M 안녕하세요! 을잡아주시겠어요? M 예. 15 ② M Mmm... Your pie was so good. What did you make it with? W I put chicken, green onions, bell peppers, and some spices. Did you like it? M Yes, it was really delicious. Thank you again for inviting me. W You’re welcome. Thank you for coming. Would you like some more? M I would love to, but I’m full now. M 음...네파이정말맛있다.뭘로만든거야? W 닭고기,파,피망,그리고약간의향신료를넣었어.맘에들어? M 응,진짜맛있어.나를초대해줘서다시한번고마워. W 천만에.와줘서고마워.더먹을래? M 그러고싶은데,지금배가불러. 16 ② W Albert, you look happy. Did something good happen? M Yeah, something did. You know, I got a phone call from my brother a minute ago. W You mean, your older brother, Jason in San Diego? M That’s right. He’ll come here to see me this Friday. W Wow, you must be very happy. W Albert,기분이좋아보인다.좋은일이라도생겼니? M 응,좋은일이생겼어.있잖아,방금전에내형한테전화를받았어. W SanDiego에있는형,Jason을말하는거니? M 맞아.형이이번주금요일에나를보러여기올거야. W 와,정말행복하겠구나. 17 ④ W Rodger, are you feeling all right? M I don’t feel very well. I have a sore throat. It hurts every time I swallow something. W I think you should drink some hot tea. 18 ④ M Hi, students. I’m your homeroom teacher, Robert Jackson. I’m 46 years old and I have a wife and a 14-year-old son like you. I graduated from this middle school. So, I’m your senior. My hobby is reading, especially detective stories. I have read more than 100 detective stories. So if you want to read one, please tell me. I’ll lend them to you. M 안녕하세요, 학생 여러분. 저는 여러분의 담임선생님인 Robert Jackson입니다.저는46살이고아내와여러분과같은14살된아들이 한명있어요.저는이중학교를졸업했어요.그러니,저는여러분의선 배죠.제취미는독서,특히탐정소설읽기에요.100권도넘는탐정소 설을읽었어요.그러니탐정소설을읽고싶다면,저에게말하세요.책들 을여러분에게빌려줄게요. 19 ① W Kevin, can I ask you a favor? M Sure! What is it? W You have a digital camera, don’t you? M Yes, I do. Ah, do you want to use my digital camera? W That’s right. I’m going to take a trip to Grand Canyon tomorrow. But my digital camera is broken at the moment. M W Kevin,부탁하나해도돼? M 물론!그게뭔데? W 너디지털카메라있지,그렇지않니? M 응.있어.아,내디지털카메라를사용하려고하는구나? W 맞아.내일GrandCanyon으로여행을가는데.내디지털카메라가지 금고장났거든. M 좋아,내것을너에게빌려줄게. ② 하지만난그것의사용법을몰라. ③ 걱정마.네사진을찍어줄게. ④ 네디지털카메라를어디에두었니? ⑤ 실례합니다,이디지털카메라는얼마죠? W Of course. Haven’t you heard that cold doesn’t like hot 남자는자신의카메라를빌려주겠다는말을하는것이가장적 만점 솔루션 여자가여행을가는데자신의카메라가고장났다고했으므로 M Does it help? drinks? 절하다. 제14회 영어듣기능력평가 65 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 65 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:15 20 ① W Ralph, I called you this afternoon. But you didn’t answer. M I’m sorry. Maybe you called me while I was watching a movie. W Watching a movie? What did you see? M I saw Spider Man 3. I saw it with my family. W Oh, I heard that it was an interesting movie. Did you enjoy it? M W Ralph,오늘오후에전화했었어.하지만전화를안받더라. M 미안.아마내가영화를보고있는동안에전화를했나보구나. W 영화를봤다고?무엇을봤는데? M SpiderMan3을봤어.가족들과함께봤지. W 오,그영화재미있다고들었어.재미있었니? M 물론!너도그것을보는게좋을거야. ② 좋아!네표도내가살게. ③ 맞아,나는영화배우가되고싶어. ④ 아니,그렇지않았어.나는점심을안먹었어. ⑤ 내일쇼핑하러갈래? 영어듣기능력평가 15 회 01⑤ 06⑤ 11① 16④ 02④ 07③ 12⑤ 17② 03③, ① 08③ 13③ 18⑤ 04④ 09② 14③ 19② 05② 10④ 20③ 15①, ⑤ 01 ⑤ M Oh, you’re making the invitation card for your birthday. W Yes, dad. I put my face in the middle. I have a big smile. M Yes. I can see your teeth. You look good. W Thanks. Under my face, I wrote the words, “Happy Birthday!” M Good. I hope you have a great birthday party. M 오,너는생일초대장을만들고있구나. W 예, 아빠. 제 얼굴을 가운데에 넣었어요. 제가 활짝 웃는 얼굴이 에요. M 그래.네이가보이는구나.좋아보이는데. W 고마워요.제얼굴아래에“Happy Birthday!”라는단어를썼어요. M 좋은데.네가멋진생일파티를하기를바란다. 02 ④ W This is my room. Everything in this room is too old. The light is not bright enough. The wallpaper is dark and dirty. I’d like to change them. The bookshelf is too small. I need a bigger one. I think I need a new desk, too. I want to put my desktop computer on the desk. The chair was the birthday present from my parents. I like it. W 여기가제방이에요.이방의모든것이너무낡았어요.전등은충분히 밝지않아요.벽지는어둡고더러워요.저는그것들을바꾸고싶어요.책 꽂이는너무작아요.저는더큰것이필요해요.저는새책상도필요한 것같아요.책상위에데스크톱컴퓨터를놓고싶어요.의자는부모님께 받은생일선물이었어요.저는그것이좋아요. 만점 솔루션 부모님께받은생일선물인의자는마음에든다고하므로바꾸 지않을것이다. 03 ③ │ M Good evening. This is Matt Kim. For Seoul’s weather ① tomorrow, tomorrow will start with a little bit of rain, so don’t forget to take your umbrella with you. In the afternoon, the rain will stop but we will have a strong wind all afternoon. M 안녕하세요.저는MattKim입니다.내일의서울날씨를말씀드리면,내 일은약간의비로시작할것입니다.그러니우산챙기는것을잊지마시기 바랍니다.오후에는,비가멈추지만오후내내강한바람이불것입니다. 66 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 66 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:15 04 ④ M What are all these things? There are coins, spoons, and 07 ③ M Sojin, are you coming to the club meeting? W I got those things when I traveled around the world. M What’s the migrant worker center? M 이것들이뭐니?동전들,숟가락들,그리고우편엽서들이네. M 소진아,동아리모임에올거니? W 내가전세계를여행했을때그것들을샀어. W 미안해,갈수없어.나는이주민노동자센터에가봐야해. postcards. M Wow. W Do you collect anything? M I collect stamps. That’s my hobby. W That’s a good hobby. M 와. W 너도수집하는것이있니? M 나는우표를모아.그게내취미야. W 그거좋은취미구나. 05 ② W Dad, can I ask you a favor? M What is it? W I want to have a pet dog. M But you have an allergy to fur. I don’t think having a pet dog is a good idea. W Then can I have Chihuahua? It has short fur. M I’m sorry, but I don’t want you to be sick. W 아빠,부탁하나드려도돼요? M 그게뭐니? W 애완견을기르고싶어요. M 하지만너는털에대한알레르기가있잖아.애완견을기르는것은좋은 생각이아닌것같구나. W 그럼,치와와를기를수있을까요?그건털이짧잖아요. M 미안하지만나는네가아픈것을원하지않는다. ① M 이바구니는얼마죠?  W2달러입니다. ② M 주문하시겠어요?  W추천좀해주시겠어요? W Sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the migrant worker center. W It’s a center for the workers from other countries. M Why are you going there? W I volunteered to help doctors and nurses take care of the workers. M 이주민노동자센터가뭐야? W 다른나라에서온노동자들을위한센터야. M 네가거기에왜가는데? W 난의사와간호사들이노동자들을돌보는것을도와주려고자원했어. 08 ③ ① M How much does this basket cost? W It costs two dollars. ② M May I have your order? W Would you recommend something? ③ M Would you tell me where Green Bank is? W It takes fifteen minutes on foot. ④ M You don’t look good today. W I think I have a cold. ⑤ M What can I call you? W You can call me Jennifer. ③ M Green은행이어디에있는지알려주시겠어요?  W도보로15분걸립니다. ④ M 오늘표정이좋아보이지않는구나.  W감기에걸린것같아요. ⑤ M 당신을뭐라고부를까요?  WJennifer라고불러주세요. 09 ② W Chulsu, what are you doing this weekend? M My parents and I are going to my grandmother’s house. W Where does she live? M She lives on Jeju Island. We’re going there by ship. W Not by plane? long time. W 철수야,이번주말에뭐할거니? M 부모님과나는할머니댁에갈예정이야. 제15회 영어듣기능력평가 67 06 ⑤ W How was your dance contest? M I don’t want to talk about it. W Why? Did you make some mistakes? M You know, I prepared for the contest so hard. But I couldn’t move my body well. W That’s too bad. M I don’t know why I did that. W 너의춤경연대회는어땠니? M 그것에대해말하기싫어. W 왜?실수라고한거니? 잘움직일수없었어. W 정말안됐구나. M 내가왜그랬는지모르겠어. M 알다시피,나는아주열심히그경연대회를준비했어.하지만내몸을 M Yes. I think taking a ship will be fun even though it takes a 만점 솔루션 남자는춤경연대회에서몸을잘움직일수없었다고말하며자 W 그분이어디에사시는데? 신이왜그렇게했는지모르겠다며자책하고있는상황이다. M 제주도에사셔.우리는배로그곳에갈거야. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 67 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:15 M 그래.시간이오래걸려도배를타는것이재미있을것같아. M 알겠습니다.그러면,그에게555-6236번으로저에게전화해달라고전 W No. I thought the train would leave at two, but I was wrong. Clinton park. The event will begin at nine in the morning W 비행기로가지않고? 10 ④ [Telephone rings.] M Hello? W Hello? This is Sumi. You’re Minsu, right? M Yes. Are you calling on the train? M Then what time does your train leave? W They say it leaves at three. [전화벨이울린다.] M 여보세요? W 여보세요?난수미야.너민수,맞지? M 그래.기차에서전화를거는거니? M 그러면기차가몇시에출발하니? W 3시에출발한다고하더라고. 11 ① M You can buy this in a grocery store. And you should keep this in a cool place. You can cook this, and use it in many different dishes. You can boil or fry it. And you can mix it with other ingredients. If you fry this, you should break the shell first. What is this? 있어요. 해주세요. W 몇시에전화드려야하나요? M 4시경에요. 13 ③ W This Saturday, we’re having a Children’s Basketball Day at and finish at three in the afternoon. This event is free for all children. This will be a good opportunity for the children to play basketball with each other. W 이번주토요일에,저희는Clinton공원에서‘아이들을위한농구의날’ 을열예정입니다.행사는오전9시에시작해서오후3시에끝날것입니 다.이행사는모든어린이들에게무료입니다.이번행사가아이들이서 만점 솔루션 행사는오전9시에시작하여오후3시에끝난다고했다. 14 ③ W Your bag looks heavy. What do you have in there? M It’s my camera and lenses. They are heavy. W Are you a camera man for news reports? M No, I take pictures of food for magazines. I work with many cooks. When a cook make a dish, I take the picture of it. W Wow, do you get to taste the food? W 아니.나는기차가2시에출발할거라고생각했어.하지만내가틀렸어. 로농구를할수있는좋은기회가될것입니다. M 여러분은이것을식료품점에서살수있습니다.그리고여러분은이것 M Sometimes. 을시원한곳에보관해야합니다.여러분은이것을요리할수도있고많 은다른요리에사용할수있습니다.여러분은이것을끓이거나튀길수 있습니다.그리고다른재료들과섞을수있습니다.이것을튀기려면껍 질을우선깨트려야합니다.이것은무엇일까요? W 가방이무거워보여요.그안에무엇이들어있나요? M 제카메라와렌즈들이에요.그것들은무겁죠. W 당신은뉴스기사를찍는카메라맨이신가요? M 아니요.저는잡지용음식사진을찍어요.많은요리사들과함께일하죠. 12 ⑤ [Telephone rings.] W Hello, Nori Communication. M Hello? This is Mr. Lee from Yukee Company. May I speak to Mr. Kinsley? W He just went out and he’ll be back at three. M Would you tell me his Cellphone number? W Sorry, I can’t. But I can leave him a message. M OK. Then, ask him to call me at 555-6236. W What time should he call you back? M Around 4 o’clock. [전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요,Nori통신사입니다. 시겠어요? M 여보세요.저는Yukee회사의Mr. Lee입니다.Kinsley씨좀바꿔주 요리사가음식을만들면,저는그사진을찍어요. W 와,당신은음식을맛보기도하나요? M 가끔은요. 만점 솔루션 남자는무거운렌즈와카메라를들고다니며요리사가음식을 만들면그것의사진을찍는다고했으므로‘사진작가’임을알수 있다. 15 ① │ W Tommy, are you going out? ⑤ M Yes. I’m going to the post office. I have to mail this letter. W Before you go out, would you try this soup? I made it. Have a seat at the dinner table. M Thanks, Mom. Would you pass me the spoon? W Oh, I forgot. Here it is. W Tommy,너외출할거니? W 방금나가셨는데3시에돌아오실거예요. M 예.우체국에가려고요.이편지를부쳐야하거든요. M 그의휴대전화번호를저에게알려주시겠어요? W 외출하기전에,이수프를먹어보겠니?내가만들었단다.식탁에앉아 W 알려드릴수없어서죄송합니다.하지만그에게메시지를남겨드릴수 라. 68 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 68 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:16 M 고마워요,엄마.숟가락좀주시겠어요? W 오,깜빡했구나.여기있어. 만점 솔루션 남자는편지를부치러나가다가엄마가만든수프를먹기위해 식탁에앉았으므로‘부엌’에있음을알수있다. 19 ② M Mrs. Evans, can James and I stay at the gym after school M 맞아. today? 16 ④ M ① Violin Class A begins at nine. ② Violin Class B begins at eleven. ③ Violin Class C begins one hour later than Violin Class A. ④ Ron teaches Violin Class A and C. ⑤ Sam teaches his class in room number 202. M ①바이올린수업A는9시에시작한다.  ②바이올린수업B는11시에시작한다.  ③바이올린수업C는바이올린수업A보다한시간늦게시작한다.  ④Ron은바이올린수업A와C를가르친다.  ⑤Sam은자신의수업을202호실에서가르친다. 17 ② W John, it’s time to pick up Barry. M OK. I’m ready. What time does his school finish? W It finishes at two. Our Barry is doing well these days. M Really? W Me too. W Yes. He began to be interested in studying. M I’m so happy to hear that. And I’m proud of our son. W John, Barry를태우러갈시간이에요. M 알겠어요.준비됐어요.그의학교는몇시에끝나죠? W 2시에끝나요.우리Barry가요즘잘하고있어요. M 정말요? W 예.그애가공부에흥미를갖기시작했어요. M 그말을들으니기분이정말좋군요.그리고우리아들이자랑스러워요. W 저도그래요. 18 ⑤ W Brad, would you help me with my book report this Saturday? M Sorry, I can’t. I have to do something on Saturday. W Are you going somewhere? M No, but I have to show my cousin around the city. He’s coming on Friday. M That’s right. W It’ll be fun to guide your cousin around the city. W Brad,이번주토요일에내가독후감쓰는것을도와주겠니? M 미안해,도와줄수가없어.토요일에해야할일이있거든. W 어디가기라도하니? 오거든. M 아니,하지만내사촌에게도시구경을시켜줘야해.그애가금요일에 W 네사촌에게도시를안내해주는일은재미있겠구나. W What are you guys going to do? M James will help me practice volleyball serves. W Hmm, are you practicing for the match? M Well, you know, I made several service mistakes during the last games. I can’t do that anymore. I believe practice will make perfect. W 요? M Evans선생님,James와제가오늘방과후에체육관에남아도될까 W 너희들은무엇을할예정이니? M James가제가배구서브연습하는것을도와줄거예요. W 흠,시합을위해연습하는거니? M 저,아시다시피,저는이전시합에서서브실수를몇번했어요.더이상 그렇게할수는없어요.연습을하면완벽해질거라고믿어요. W 바로그런정신이중요해. ① 네맘대로하렴. ③ 부끄럽구나. ④ 자업자득이구나. ⑤잘했다. 만점 솔루션 열심히연습을해서같은실수를반복하지않겠다는남자의말 에여자는격려하는말을하는것이가장적절하다. 20 ③ W How was your interview? M I’m afraid I made a lot of mistakes. I was so nervous. W You prepared for the interview a lot. M Right. But I didn’t know what to say at that time. W Don’t worry. Everybody makes mistakes. M Do you really think so? W W 면접은어땠니? M 실수를많이한것같아.너무긴장했었거든. W 너면접준비많이했잖아. M 맞아.하지만그당시에는뭐라고말해야할지모르겠더라고. W 걱정하지마.모두가실수를해. M 정말그렇게생각하니? W 그럼,나도실수를하는걸. ① 그렇게말해줘서고마워. ② 맞아.나는그곳에가지않을거야. ④ 그래.그면접은쉬웠어. ⑤ 아니.나는면접을잘못해. 제15회 영어듣기능력평가 69 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 69 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:16 영어듣기능력평가 16 회 03④, ③ 04④, ① 01③ 06④ 11⑤ 16④ 02⑤ 07① 12⑤ 17④ 08② 13② 18① 09② 14⑤ 19④ 05③ 10④ 15⑤ 20② 01 ③ W You can put it on the wall or on your desk. There are numbers on it. It tells you days and dates. It shows holidays, too. You can circle important days. When you look at this, you will not forget what you should do that day. W 여러분은그것을벽에또는책상위에둘수있습니다.그것에는숫자들 이있습니다.그것은여러분에게요일과날짜를알려줍니다.그것은공 휴일도알려줍니다.중요한날에는동그라미를해둘수있습니다.이것 을보면,여러분이그날무엇을해야하는지잊지않을것입니다.  02 ⑤ W You’ve got a new fish tank! Are they guppies? M Yes. Four guppies and one algae eater. They say algae eater lives at the bottom of the tank and cleans the water. W Some are hiding behind the water plant. M One is here. Beside the shell. W Did you pick the shell from the beach? M No, I bought one. I bought the light, too. I didn’t know I need a light for the fish. W It seems to make the fish tank more beautiful. W 어항을새로샀구나!그것들은구피니? M 응.구피네마리와청소물고기한마리야.청소물고기는어항바닥에 살면서물을청소해준데. W 몇마리는수초뒤에숨어있네. M 한마리는여기에있어.조개껍질옆에. W 조개껍질은바닷가에서주워왔니? M 아니,하나샀어.형광등도샀어.물고기에게형광등이필요한줄몰랐 어. W 그것이수족관을더아름답게보이게하는것같아.  03 ④ │ M This is today’s weather update. Are you enjoying the ③ nice warm weather today? The temperature is higher than average this week. We are going to have this warm weather until the weekend. On Sunday night, however, the temperature will drop down and it will rain through the whole country on Monday. 70 중1 24 주의기온은평년기온보다높습니다.이러한따뜻한날씨는주말까지계 속되겠습니다.하지만일요일밤에는,기온이떨어질것이고월요일에는 전국적으로비가내리겠습니다. 04 ④ │ M How was your English test? ① W It wasn’t that hard. I think I did quite well. M That’s good. Can we play computer games together? You know, the test is finished. W Oh, can we do it tomorrow? I have to go shopping with my M All right. Let’s do it tomorrow afternoon. I’ll send you a text mom now. message. M 영어시험은어땠니? W 별로어렵진않았어.꽤잘한것같아. M 잘됐네.같이컴퓨터게임을할까?시험도끝났잖아. W 오,내일하면어떨까?지금은엄마와쇼핑하러가야해. M 좋아.내일오후에그것을하자.내가문자메시지를보낼게. 05 ③ ① M Are we there yet? W Not yet, honey. ② M How much did you pay for it? W It was 25 dollars. ③ M Do you mind turning off the volume? W That’s not mine but I’ll turn it on. ④ M Who’s the man over there? W He’s our new English teacher. ⑤ M What sport do you like best? W I’m a big fan of baseball. ① M 다왔나요?  W아직이예요,여보. ② M 그것을얼마주고샀니?  W25달러였어. ③ M 소리좀줄여줄래?  W내것은아니지만내가그것을켤게. ④ M 저기있는남자는누구지?  W그분은새로오신우리영어선생님이셔. ⑤ M 너는어떤운동을가장좋아하니?  W나는야구열성팬이야. 06 ④ W How long will it take to get to Seoul Station? M Around twenty minutes. But you know, taxi drivers can’t tell time on Saturday afternoon. Look at the traffic! W Oh, I have to be there by three. My train will leave at three twenty. M It’s two thirty now. I think we can make it. M 오늘의기상속보입니다.오늘맑고따뜻한날씨를즐기고계시죠?이번 W 서울역에도착하는데얼마나걸릴까요? #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 70 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:16 M 20분쯤걸려요.하지만아시다시피,택시운전사들은토요일오후시간 M 맞아. 에대해서는장담할수가없어요.교통상황좀보세요! W 오,3시까지는거기에가야해요.기차가3시20분에출발하거든요. M 이제2시30분인걸요.시간맞춰갈수있을거예요. 만점 솔루션 현재시각은2시30분이고,기차가출발하는시각은3시20분 이다.3시는여자가서울역에도착해야하는시각이다.   07 ① M Sarah, how’s your father doing? W He’s getting better. He’ll come home next Monday. M That’s great. Can I visit him today? W Of course. He’ll be happy to see you. M What time is good? W Can you come before 8 o’clock? M All right. I’ll be there around 6. M Sarah,아버지는좀어떠시니? W 좋아지고계셔.다음주월요일이면퇴원하실거야. M 잘됐구나.오늘그분을문병해도될까? W 물론이지.널보시면기뻐하실거야. M 몇시가좋을까? W 8시이전에올수있겠니? M 좋아.6시쯤에갈게. 만점 솔루션 여자는요리에관심이있어호텔주방장이되고싶고,남자는 오프라윈프리같은토크쇼진행자가되고싶다고말했다. 10 ④ W Nice to meet you, everyone. I’m Mrs. Jones, your English conversation teacher. You will have English class with me every Wednesday. My first name is Gloria but I want you to call me Mrs. Jones. I like to play racquetball and tennis. W 만나서반갑습니다,여러분.저는Mrs.Jones이고여러분의영어회 화선생님입니다.여러분은매주수요일에제영어수업을받게될것입 니다.제이름은Gloria이지만Mrs.Jones라고불러주시길바랍니다. 저는라켓볼과테니스를치는것을좋아합니다.  11 ⑤ M Where are you going, Mary? W To the clubroom. Our band practices every Friday and M Well, Mary. I’ve just met Zoe and she said there was no Saturday, you know. practice today. W Did she? But nobody told me about it. M Didn’t you get the text message? W No, I didn’t. This is not right. Somebody should have told 08 ② M I look like a big fish, but actually I’m not a fish. I live in the me about it. M I agree. sea, but I’m a mammal, like humans. I live all around the M Mary,어디에가고있니? world. But you can also see me in some aquariums. I do W 동아리방에.너도알다시피,매주금요일과토요일에밴드연습을하잖 interesting shows there. What am I? 아. M 나는큰물고기처럼생겼지만사실은물고기가아닙니다.나는바다에 살지만사람과같은포유류예요.나는전세계에살고있어요.하지만여 러분은나를몇몇의수족관에서도볼수있어요.나는그곳에서흥미로 운쇼를하지요.나는무엇일까요? M 저,Mary.방금Zoe를만났는데오늘은연습이없다고하던데. W 그래?하지만아무도그것에대해내게말해주지않았어. M 문자메시지를못받았니? W 아니,못받았어.이건아닌데.누구든내게그것에대해말을해줬어야 W I know what you are going to be. Don’t you want to be a  09 ② M I think you’re interested in cooking. W I am. I’d like to be a hotel chef. M I think you’ll make a good chef. TV producer? M Well, actually I want to be a talk show host. W A talk show host like Oprah Winfrey? M That’s right. M 너는요리에관심이있는것같아. W 맞아.나는호텔주방장이되고싶어. M 너는훌륭한주방장이될거야. 했어. M 맞아.  12 ⑤ M A-choo! W 나는네가무엇이되려는지알아.너는TV프로듀서가되고싶지않니? M 글쎄,사실나는토크쇼진행자가되고싶어. W 오프라윈프리같은토크쇼진행자말이니? M 에취! 만점 솔루션 동아리밴드연습을위해연습실로가는여자에게남자가오늘 은연습이없다는것을알려주고있는상황으로,여자는아무 도연습이취소된것을알려주지않아화가나있다. W Bless you. Brian, look at you! Your hair is still wet. M Because I washed it just before I came out. W You might get a bad cold. M You’re right. Oh, my hair is frozen. W That’s why you keep sneezing. M I didn’t have time to dry it. W It won’t take much time if you use a hair drier. 제16회 영어듣기능력평가 71 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 71 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:16 W 저런.Brian,너좀봐!네머리카락이아직도젖어있어. walking straight, and it’s just past the bank. M 나오기직전에머리를감았거든. W 감기에심하게걸릴지도몰라. M 맞아.오,내머리카락이얼었다. W 그래서네가계속재채기를하는거야. M 머리카락을말릴시간이없었어. W 헤어드라이어를사용하면별로오래걸리지않을거야. W Thanks! W 톰,내휴대전화가고장났어.이근처에좋은수리점알고있니? M 물론,하나알고있어.파인리페어라는곳이야. W 어디에있는지알려줄래? M 그린가까지쭉간다음에오른쪽으로돌아. W 오른쪽으로?알겠어. M 한블록더가면스마일은행이보일거야.계속쭉가.수리점은은행    13 ② M Last week, my class went on a three-day camp trip. First day, we enjoyed rafting in Dong-Gang River. We got all wet on the rafts. It was exciting. The second day, we visited a famous cave. It was hot outside, but inside the cave, it was cool. We visited the beach and played there before we left for home. It was a great trip. 바로지나면나와. W 고마워!  16 ④ M Oh, this is bad. My Cellphone is dead. W It looks like the battery ran out. M 지난주에,우리반은3일간의캠프여행을갔습니다.첫째날,우리는동 message. 강에서래프팅을즐겼습니다.우리는뗏목위에서완전히젖었습니다. W I’m sorry, Mark. I don’t have a Cellphone. Why don’t we 그것은재미있었습니다.둘째날,우리는유명한동굴을방문했습니다. use the pay phone over there? M Can I use your Cellphone, Yolanda? I’ll send just one text 바깥은더웠지만,동굴안은시원했습니다.우리는바닷가에들러서놀 다가집으로출발했습니다.정말즐거운여행이었습니다. M 오,이런.내휴대전화가작동하지않네. W 배터리가다된것같아. 만점 솔루션 3일간의캠프여행에서있었던일들을말하고있는담화이다. M Yolanda,네휴대전화를써도될까?문자메시지하나만보낼게. W 미안해,Mark.나는휴대전화가없어.저기있는공중전화를사용하면 M That’s the first day of vacation. Doesn’t our vacation start W Yes, I can’t find my wallet in my purse. I don’t know where 14 ⑤ M Summer vacation is just around the corner. W I know. But I should come to school anyway during the vacation. M Do you have summer school classes? W I do. My class begins July 19th. on the 19th? W You’re right. M Oh, that’s too bad. It’s not a vacation for you at all. M 여름방학이코앞에다가왔어. W 알아.하지만방학동안에도나는학교에나와야해. M 여름학기수업이있니? W 응.7월19일에수업이시작돼. W 맞아. M 오,정말안됐다.너에게는전혀방학이아니구나. 15 ⑤ W Tom, my Cellphone’s broken. Do you know a good repair shop near here? 어떨까?  17 ④ M That was a really good meal. So, shall we go? W Oh, no, wait. Where is my wallet? M Your wallet? it is. M Maybe you left it at home? W No, I used it to pay for the bus when I came here. M Oh, no. Maybe you should check the washroom. M 정말맛있는식사였어,이제갈까? W 아니,잠깐.내지갑이어디있지? M 지갑? M 집에두고온거아니야? W 아니야,여기로올때버스요금낼때사용했어. M 이런.화장실을살펴봐.  18 ① W It’s raining outside. Take your umbrella. M 방학시작첫날이잖아.우리방학이19일에시작하지않니? W 응,가방안에지갑을못찾겠어.어디있는지모르겠어. M Sure, I know one. It’s called Fine Repair. M Oh, I hate rainy days. I don’t like it when the shoes get all W Can you tell me where it is? wet. M Go straight to Green Street, and turn right. W If you don’t like wet shoes on a rainy day, you can get a W Turn right? Okay. pair of rain boots. M Walk one more block, then you will see Smile Bank. Keep M Aren’t they for girls? 72 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 72 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:16 W I don’t think so. I saw a lot of rain boots for boys. 만점 솔루션 춤동아리에들어가지못하면어느동아리에가입하겠느냐고 M Okay, Mom. W 밖에비가오고있어.우산을가져가라. M 오,저는비오는날이싫어요.신발이완전히젖어버리는게싫거든요. W 비오는날젖은신발이싫다면,장화를한켤레살수있어. M 그것은여자아이들이신는것아닌가요? W 나는그렇게생각하지않는다.남자아이들을위한장화도많이봤어. M 좋아요,엄마. 만점 솔루션 남자가비가오는날신발이젖는것이싫다고하자여자는장 화를구입할것을제안하고있다. 19 ④ M Have some French fries. Aren’t you eating? W No, thank you. I’m on a diet. M Why are you on a diet? W Well, I’d like to lose some weight. M Oh, would you? What else do you do to lose weight? W  M 감자튀김좀먹어.안먹을거니? W 고맙지만,안먹을래.다이어트중이야. M 왜다이어트를하는데? W 음,몸무게를줄이고싶어. M 오,그래?넌몸무게를좀줄이기위해다른어떤것을하니? W 저녁마다공원에서달리기를해. ① 계속다이어트할거야. ② 해야만하니까. ③ 그말명심할게. ⑤ 살을빼는것은결코쉬운일이아니야. 물었으므로여자는춤동아리가아닌다른동아리의이름을말 영어듣기능력평가 하는것이가장적절하다. 17 회 02⑤ 07⑤ 12⑤ 01① 06④ 11④ 16⑤ 03① 08② 13⑤ 17⑤, ③ 18②, ① 04③ 09① 14⑤ 19④ 05⑤ 10④ 15③ 20① 01 ① M You can see this in many rooms. People use this to block the sunlight in hot weather, or to keep the room warm in cold weather. Sometimes, people use it to decorate a room. The room can look cozier and nicer with this. This is usually made of fabric. What is this? M 여러분은이것은많은방에서볼수있습니다.사람들은뜨거운날씨에 햇빛을가리기위해,또는추운날씨에방을따뜻하게하기위해이것을 사용합니다.가끔,사람들은방을꾸미기위해이것을사용합니다.이것 으로방이더아늑하고좋아보일수있습니다.이것은주로천으로만 들어집니다.이것은무엇일까요? 02 ⑤ W Tomorrow we’re leaving for home at last. M Right. I miss my family. W Me too. By the way, did you buy anything for your family? M Yes. I bought T-shirts and postcards. How about you? W I got a small lady doll for my sister. Here it is. 20 ② M What club are you interested in? W Well, I’m thinking of joining a dancing club. M She’s so pretty. W 내일우리는드디어집으로떠나는구나. M 맞아.가족들이보고싶어. M All the girls seem to try to get into the dancing club. W 나도그래.그건그렇고,가족들을위해뭐라도샀니? W You’re right. That’s why there will be an audition. M 응.티셔츠와우편엽서를샀어.너는? M Which club are you going to join if you can’t get in the W 나는여동생을위해작은여자인형을샀어.여기있어. M 아주예쁘게생겼다. dancing club? W M 어느동아리에관심이있니? W 글쎄,춤동아리에가입하려고생각중이야. M 모든여학생들이춤동아리에들어가려고하는것같아. W 맞아.그래서오디션이있지. M 춤동아리에들어가지못하면,어느동아리에가입할거니? W연극동아리를생각하고있어. ① 나는네가잘해내길바라. ③ 춤동아리가매우인기가있어. ④ 나는오디션을위해최선을다할거야. ⑤ 나는오디션을위해연습을해야해. 03 ① M The rain will start this afternoon and continue until around midnight. Rainfall will be from between 1 and 2 inches across parts of Seoul area. However, Seoul will experience a pleasant June day tomorrow. You can enjoy a lot of sunshine, a good day for a picnic. M 오늘오후에비가오기시작하여자정무렵까지계속될것입니다.서울 의일부지역에서강수량은1인치와2인치사이가될것입니다.그러나, 내일서울은쾌청한6월의날이될것입니다.햇빛이많이나고,소풍 가기에좋은날이될것입니다. 제17회 영어듣기능력평가 73 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 73 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:17 04 ③ W Ryan, do you have time tomorrow evening? M Well, I have to go to an evening class at the cultural center. W What class are you taking? A drawing class? M No. I’m learning how to cook Italian food. W Sounds interesting. W Ryan,내일저녁에시간이있니? M 음,문화센터에서하는저녁수업에가야해. W 넌어떤수업을듣고있니?그림그리기수업? M 아니.이탈리아음식을요리하는방법을배우고있어. W 재미있겠다. 05 ⑤ W Let me tell you about our next meeting. We’ll have the ③ M I have a little bit of a fever. W You’d better go see a doctor. ④ M I can’t solve this math problem. W Let me help you with it. ⑤ M Can I borrow your pencil? W Thank you for helping me. ① M 네여동생은몇살이니?  W11살이야. ② M 무엇을도와드릴까요?  W이짐을저쪽으로옮겨주세요. ③ M 난열이조금있어.  W병원에가보는게좋겠구나. ④ M 이수학문제를못풀겠어.  W내가그것을도와줄게. ⑤ M 네연필을빌릴수있을까? meeting at the Wilmar center, room number 201 next  W나를도와줘서고마워. Wednesday 5 PM. It will finish at 7 PM. The topic of the meeting is about how to prepare for the field trip. I hope every member will come to the meeting. 08 ② W Hi, Mr. Jackson. What can I do for you? W 우리의 다음 모임에 대해 말씀드리겠습니다. 우리는 다음 주 수요 M Well, my family is taking a trip. We’ll be back on next 일 오후 5시에 Wilmar 센터, 201호실에서 모임을 갖겠습니다. 모 Monday. So would you take care of our cat while we’re 임은 오후 7시에 끝날 것입니다. 모임의 주제는 현장 학습을 준비 gone? 하는 방법에 관한 것입니다. 모든 회원이 그 모임에 오시길 바랍 W That’s no problem. I love cats. Go down the aisle and it’s on the last shelf. 만점 솔루션 가족여행을가는남자가여자에게고양이를돌봐줄것을부탁 하고있는상황이다. 06 ④ W Excuse me, sir. 니다. class. M Yes. What can I help you with? W Would you help me find this book? I need it for my history M Let me see. You’re lucky. Nobody has checked it out yet. W Thank you for your help. W 안녕하세요,선생님. M 그래.무엇을도와줄까? 필요하거든요. W 제가이책을찾는것을도와주시겠어요?제역사수업때문에그책이 M 어디보자.너는운이좋구나.아무도그책을아직대출해가지않았거 든.통로를따라가면맨끝책장에있단다. W 도와주셔서감사합니다. 만점 솔루션 여자는역사수업에필요한책을찾고있고,남자는그책이있는 위치를설명해주고있다.또한그책을아무도대출해가지않았 다는말로보아,남자의직업은‘도서관사서’임을알수있다. 07 ⑤ ① M How old is your younger sister? W She’s eleven years old. ② M What can I do for you? 74 중1 24 M Thank you for your help. W I hope you and your family have a good trip. W 안녕하세요,Jackson씨.무엇을도와드릴까요? M 음,저희가족이여행을떠나서,다음주월요일에돌아올거예요.그래 서저희가없는동안우리고양이를돌봐주시겠어요? W 그러죠.저는고양이를정말좋아한답니다. M 도와주셔서감사합니다. W 당신과가족이즐거운여행을하시기를바랍니다. 09 ① W Honey, where do you want to visit first? M Well, how about the palace near the train station? W That would be nice. Let me see the map. Hmm... the palace is not far from the Natural History Museum. M You’re right. We can spend the whole afternoon in the museum. I’ve always wanted to visit there. W Do we have to reserve a hotel for the night? M Actually I already booked a hotel. It’ll take about 30 minutes from the museum. W That’s great. I’m so excited. W 여보,어디를먼저방문하고싶으세요? M 음,기차역근처에있는궁전이어떨까요? W 그게좋겠네요.제가지도를보게해주세요.흠…그궁전은자연사박 W Move this baggage over there, please. 물관에서멀지않군요. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 74 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:17 M 맞아요.오후내내그박물관에서보낼수있겠어요.나는항상그곳이 M How many nights will you go for? 가보고싶었거든요. W Just one night. And we go with our teacher, Miss Kim. W 밤에묵을호텔을예약해야하지않나요? M Then you can go there. M 사실이미호텔을하나예약했어요.그박물관에서30분쯤걸릴거예요. W 멋진걸요.너무흥분돼요. W 아빠,드릴말씀이있어요. M 그게뭐니? 만점 솔루션 지도를보고어디를갈지정하고,항상가보고싶었던곳을가 W 다음주에친구들과캠핑하러가고싶어요. 게되어즐거워하고있으며,호텔을예약해두었다는내용으로 M 며칠동안갈거니? 보아,‘여행계획’에대해대화하고있음을알수있다. W 겨우하루에요.그리고저희선생님이신김선생님과함께가요. M 그렇다면그곳에가도좋다. 10 ④ M Sophie, how many T-shirts do we have to make for the festival? 13 ⑤ M What are you doing on the Internet? W Well, we’ll give one to every student in the school. So I W I’m trying to download my favorite song, but it’s not doing think 500 will be good. well. M But you missed our teachers. There are 20 teachers. M Then, let me help you. W You’re right. Is that all? W Thanks. This is my first time to download. M Well, I want to make 100 more to sell to our guests. M I’ll show you how to do it. Next time it will be easy for you. W That’s a great idea. W You’re so kind. M Sophie,축제를위해티셔츠를몇장만들어야하지? M 넌인터넷에서무엇을하고있니? W 음,우리는학교의모든학생들에게한장씩줄거야.그러니까500장이 W 내가가장좋아하는노래를다운로드하려고하는중이야.그런데잘안 좋을것같아. 되네. M 하지만선생님들을빠뜨렸다.20명의선생님들이계시잖아. M 그럼,내가너를도와줄게. W 네말이맞아.그게전부니? W 고마워.이번이내가처음으로다운로드하는거야. M 음,손님들에게판매할100장을더만들고싶어. M 내가그것을하는방법을보여줄게.다음번에는너에게도쉬울거야. W 좋은생각이구나. W 넌정말친절하구나. 만점 솔루션 학생들에게제공할500장,선생님들에게제공할20장,손님들 에게판매할100장이필요하다고했으므로,티셔츠는총620장이 필요하다. 11 ④ W It’s nice weather! Let’s take a walk, Tom. M I want to, but I have to go buy a book. W Really? Can I come along? I need to buy a new novel. W 정말?내가함께가도되니?나는새로운소설책을사야하거든. M Why not? M That’s good. W I can give you a ride to the bookstore. W 날씨가좋네!산책하러가자,Tom. M 그러고싶지만,나는책을사러가야해. M 좋아. M 잘됐다. W 내가서점까지너를태워줄게. 12 ⑤ W Dad, I have something to say to you. M What is it? W Yes. And then go straight one block. It’s on the left corner 14 ⑤ M Excuse me, where is the flower shop? W Go straight and turn left at Pine Street. M Turn left at Pine Street? next to the post office. M One block and it’s on the left corner? W That’s right. M 실례합니다,꽃가게가어디에있나요? W 직진하시다가Pine거리에서좌회전하세요. M Pine거리에서좌회전하라고요? W 예.그런다음한블록직진하세요.그것은우체국옆왼쪽모퉁이에있 습니다. W 맞습니다. M 한블록가면왼쪽모퉁이에있다는말씀이시죠? 15 ③ M Let’s go pick up Tommy, honey. W We don’t have to leave now. His swimming class finishes at 5:30. W I want to go camping with my friends next week. M Really? I thought his class would finish at 4:00. 제17회 영어듣기능력평가 75 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 75 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:17 W His class schedule was changed. M I didn’t know that. W We can leave home thirty minutes before his class finishes. M I see. 18 ② │ W Mr. Brown, I’d like to thank you. ① M Thank me for what? W You always tried your best for your students. M Tommy를태우러갑시다,여보. M That’s my job. Thank you anyway for saying so. And you W 지금출발할필요가없어요.그애의수영수업은5시30분에끝나요. were also a good student. M 그래요?나는그의수업이4시에끝난다고생각했어요. W Thanks. Here is a small present for you. W 그의수업일정이바뀌었어요. M 난그걸몰랐어요. M 알겠어요. W 우리는그애의수업이끝나기30분전에집에서출발해도돼요. W Brown선생님,선생님께감사드리고싶어요. M 뭐가감사하다는거지? W 선생님께서는항상학생들을위해최선을다하셨잖아요. M 그게내일인걸.그렇게말해주니어쨌든고맙구나.그리고너도좋은 만점 솔루션 Tommy의수영수업은5시30분에끝나고,두사람은수업이 학생이었단다. 끝나기30분전에집을나서기로했으므로,두사람이집을나 W 감사합니다.여기선생님께드리는작은선물이있습니다. 19 ④ W Fred, we’re having interviews for the new members of the 서는시각은5시가된다. 16 ⑤ M Did you bring my book? her today. M 내책을가져왔니? W 응.그거내가방에서꺼낼게. club. interview. W Yes. Let me take it out of my bag. M Interviews for the new members? M That’s my sister’s book and I promised to give it back to W Yes, twenty freshmen are expected to come for the W Well, I can’t find the book. I thought it was in my bag. M Wow. I didn’t know that our club is that popular. When is M Could you double check in your bag? the interview? W It’s the day after tomorrow. M On Thursday? Oh, sorry, Jenny. I’m afraid I can’t come. M 그것은내여동생의책이어서오늘돌려주기로약속했거든. W 음,그책을찾을수가없네.그책이내가방에있다고생각했는데. W Why’s that? M M 네가방속을다시한번확인해볼래? WFred,우리동아리새내기회원을뽑는인터뷰를할예정이야. 17 ⑤ │ M I have to finish this report today and the computer isn’t ③ working well. W Oh, what can be the problem? M I think I need a new computer. This one’s too old. W It can’t be. We bought it only last year. M I checked for viruses and it doesn’t have any. I rebooted it several times, but it is still acting strange. W Why don’t you just turn it off and wait some time? That computer might have been on for too long. M 이보고서를오늘끝내야하는데컴퓨터가잘작동되질않아요. W 저런,문제가뭘까요? M 새컴퓨터가필요한것같아요.이것은너무오래되었어요. W 그럴리가요.우리는이것을겨우작년에샀는걸요. M 바이러스를검사했는데전혀없어요.여러번그것을재작동시켜봤지 W 그냥전원을끄고좀기다려보면어때요?그컴퓨터가너무오래켜져 만,여전히이상해요. 있었는지도몰라요. M 새내기회원을뽑는인터뷰라고? W 맞아,20명의1학년들이인터뷰를기다리고있어. M 와.우리동아리가그렇게인기있는줄몰랐는걸.인터뷰가언제야? M 목요일이라고?오,미안해,Jenny.나는갈수없겠어. W 내일모레야. W 그건왜지? M 나는그날치과예약이있어. ① 인터뷰를하게되어기뻐. ② 나는우리가새내기회원이필요하다고생각하지않아. ③ 우리가정말새내기회원이필요하기때문이지. ⑤ 왜냐하면네가올해동아리회장이잖아. 만점 솔루션 Why’sthat?은이유를묻는말이므로남자는인터뷰에가지 못하는이유를말하는것이가장적절하다. 20 ① W John, I want to pay for today’s dinner. M No, you don’t have to do that. W I really want to pay for it. You helped me with a lot of things for the week. 만점 솔루션 컴퓨터가고장난상황에서남자는컴퓨터를새로사야한다고 M Are you serious? 했지만,여자는컴퓨터를끄고잠시둘것을제안하고있다. W Yes, I really want to do that. 76 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 76 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:17 W 저녁을정말사고싶어요.당신이이번주에저를많이도와주셨잖아요. M W John,오늘저녁은제가사고싶어요. M 아니에요,그러실필요없어요. M 진심이에요? W 그래요,정말그렇게하고싶어요. M 좋아요.그러면다음번에제가대접할게요. ② 맞아요.이곳의음식이맛있어요. ③ 그것이얼마인지말해줄래요? ④ 음식에무슨문제가있나요? ⑤ 정말이에요.이번에여기처음왔어요. 만점 솔루션 남자의사양에도불구하고여자가계속저녁을사겠다고하는 상황이므로남자는수락의말을하는것이가장적절하다. drinking water. People think that tap water is not good 영어듣기능력평가 18 회 01① 06④ 11⑤ 16② 02⑤ 07① 12⑤ 17⑤ 03② 08③ 13② 18① 04④ 09⑤, ⑤ 14④, ③ 19① 05① 10⑤ 15④ 20⑤ 01 ① M This is a kind of electronic machine. You can use this when enough to drink. So they use this machine to make tap water better. You can get both cold water and hot water from this. As this is an electronic machine, you can not use this without electricity. M 이것은일종의전자제품입니다.물을마실때이것을사용할수있습니 다.사람들은수돗물이마시기에괜찮다고생각하지않습니다.그래서, 그들은수돗물을더좋게만들기위해이기계를이용합니다.이것으로 부터차가운물과뜨거운물모두를얻을수있습니다.이것은전자기 계이기때문에,전기가없으면사용할수없습니다. 02 ⑤ M Honey, did you see my wallet? I can’t find it. W Didn’t you put it next to the computer? M No, it wasn’t there. W Did you check your pants or jacket? M I already did. But.... W How about under the bed or in your drawer of the desk? M Oh, I got it. I found it in the drawer. Thank you, honey. M 여보,내지갑봤어요?찾을수가없네요. W 컴퓨터옆에두지않았나요? M 아니요,거기에없어요. W 바지나재킷을확인해봤어요? M 벌써봤어요.하지만…. W 침대아래나책상서랍속은요? M 오,찾았어요.서랍속에서찾았어요.고마워요,여보. 03 ② W Taking a look at the weather now. We have cloudy skies this morning with a 50% chance of showers this afternoon. High temperatures today will reach up to 11 degrees. Lows tonight will drop to around zero. However, tomorrow will be warmer and sunnier. You can enjoy outdoor activities in the nice weather. The current temperature in Seoul is 5 degrees. 제18회 영어듣기능력평가 77 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 77 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:18 W 이제날씨를알아보겠습니다.오늘아침에는흐리겠고오후에는소나기 가올가능성이50%입니다.오늘의최고기온은11도까지오르겠습니 다.오늘밤최저기온은0도까지떨어질것입니다.하지만,내일은더 따뜻해지고더화창해질것입니다.화창한날씨속에서야외활동을즐 기실수있습니다.서울의현재기온은5도입니다. 07 ① W Ted, you don’t look good. What’s wrong with you? M It’s because of my parents. They want me to become a lawyer or a professor. W Really? But you already have your own dream, don’t you? M You’re right. I want to be a singer. I really like singing and W Don’t worry about it too much. Someday your parents will 04 ④ W Your dad is visiting us on October 17th, right? M He planned to, but I just got a call from him and he said he dancing. understand you. got something to do for his company suddenly. WTed,너안좋아보인다.무슨일이니? W So does he want to delay the date from October 17th? By M 부모님때문에.부모님은내가변호사나교수가되기를원하셔. how much? A week? W 정말?하지만이미넌네꿈이있잖아,안그래? M Well, he said that five days would be enough for him to M 맞아.난가수가되고싶어.노래하고춤추는것이정말좋거든. W 너무걱정하지마.언젠가너희부모님께서너를이해해주실거야. finish his work. W You mean, he’ll visit us October 22nd. M Yes. W 당신아버지께서10월17일에우리를방문하시는거죠,그렇죠? M 그럴계획이셨지만,아버지께방금전화를받았는데갑자기회사에서 M OK. I’ll turn it off right now. 해야할일이생겼다고말씀하셨어요. ② W Did you buy a birthday present for Jessica? W 그러니까10월17일에서날짜를연기하려고하신다는거죠?얼마나요? M No, I didn’t. What about you? 08 ③ ① W If you don’t use the computer, why don’t you turn it off? ③ W Can you tell me the way to the Green Department M 음,아버지께서일을끝마치시는데5일이면충분할거라고말씀하셨어요. Store? W 그러니까,10월22일에우리를방문하시겠다는거네요. 일주일요? M 맞아요. 05 ① M I have two legs and a beak. People usually think I’m yellow, but I can be a different color. I like eating worms, bugs, seeds, and grains. I come from an egg, and it takes 21 days for me to hatch. What am I? M 나는두개의다리와하나의부리를갖고있어요.사람들은보통내가 노란색이라고생각하지만난여러가지색일수있어요.나는벌레,곤충, 씨앗그리고곡물들먹는것을좋아해요.나는알에서태어나고깨어나 는데21일이걸려요.나는무엇일까요? 06 ④ W Albert, do you know when your mother’s birthday is? M Of course, it’s April 20th. W Then, what about your father’s birthday? Do you remember it, too? M Yes, of course. My father’s birthday is just two days later than my mother’s birthday. W Really? Oh, that’s easy to remember. M No. I don’t want to work there. ④ W Oh, I feel hungry. Is there something to eat? M There is some pizza on the kitchen table. ⑤ W I’d like to borrow these two books. M Can I see your library card, please? ① W컴퓨터를사용하지않으면,전원을끄는게어때?  M 알았어.지금바로끌게. ② WJessica에게줄생일선물샀니?  M 아니,안샀어.너는? ③ WGreen백화점에가는길을알려주시겠어요?  M 아니요.전그곳에서일하고싶지않아요. ④ W오,배고프다.먹을것이있니?  M 부엌식탁위에피자가좀있어. ⑤ W이두권의책을빌리고싶어요.  M 도서관대출카드를보여주시겠어요? 09 ⑤ │ W What seems to be the problem with Bella? ⑤ M She doesn’t eat. She hasn’t eaten for the whole day. W Let me check her eyes and teeth. Hmm… her eyes are okay and her teeth seem to be okay, too. Maybe she just ate something bad. WAlbert,너의어머니생신이언제인지아니? M She might have eaten something from the garbage or from M 당연하지,4월20일이야. the ground while I was walking her in the park. W 그럼,너의아버지생신은?그것도기억하니? W That’s what dogs do. She will be okay in a couple of days M 그럼,물론이지.아버지의생신은어머니의생신보다겨우이틀늦거든. but I think she needs to be in the hospital tonight. W 정말?오,기억하기쉽구나. M Okay. I’ll come again tomorrow. 78 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 78 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:18 WBella의문제가뭔가요? 만점 솔루션 여자는남자에게집에오는길에드라이클리닝맡겼던세탁물 M 먹지를않아요.하루종일아무것도안먹었어요. 을찾아와달라고부탁하고있다. W 눈과이빨을확인해볼게요.흠…눈은괜찮고이빨도괜찮아보여요. 아마그냥안좋은것을먹었을지도모르겠네요. M 공원에서산책시키는동안쓰레기나땅에서뭔가를먹었을지도몰라요. W 개들이원래그렇죠.이틀정도있으면괜찮아지겠지만,오늘밤은병원 에있어야할것같아요. M 알겠습니다.내일다시올게요. 만점 솔루션 여자의말That’swhatdogsdo.(개들이원래그렇죠.)라는 말로미루어보아Bella는개임을알수있으므로‘동물병원’에 서의대화로볼수있다. 10 ⑤ M Hi, I bought these two books yesterday. Here’s the receipt. W Yeah, I remember you. You bought them for your daughter. M That’s right. But my daughter already read one. So, can I exchange this book for another book? W Yes, you can. How about this one? Young girls think it’s interesting. M 안녕하세요,어제이책두권을샀는데요.영수증여기있어요. W 예,기억나요.따님께주려고사셨잖아요. M 맞아요.그런데,딸이이미그것을읽었어요.그래서,이책을다른책으 로교환할수있을까요? W 예,그러실수있습니다.이책은어떠세요?여자아이들이재미있어하 더라고요. 11 ⑤ [Cellphone rings.] M Hello. soon. 12 ⑤ W Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Jennifer Johnson and I’m 14 years old. I moved here last weekend from Seattle. My favorite subject is history and my hobby is playing the violin. I belonged to a violin club at my previous school. I hope to have a good time with all of you. Thank you. W 안녕,만나서반가워.내이름은JenniferJohnson이고14살이야.나 는지난주말에Seattle에서이곳으로이사왔어.내가가장좋아하는 과목은역사이고내취미는바이올린을켜는거야.이전학교에서바이 올린동아리에속해있었어.너희모두와좋은시간을갖기를바라.고 마워. 13 ② [Cellphone rings.] W Carol speaking. weekend? M Hi, Carol. This is John. Do you have any plans this W This weekend? No, nothing special. Why? M Then, will you join us? Robert, Susan, Jessica, and I are going to take a trip to the Redwood National Park. W Really? That sounds interesting. Okay, I’ll join you. [휴대전화벨이울린다.] W Carol입니다. M 안녕,Carol.나John이야.이번주말에무슨계획있니? W 이번주말?아니,특별한건없어.왜? M 그럼,우리와함께할래?Robert, Susan, Jessica와나는Redwood W Hello, honey. Are you coming home now? 국립공원으로여행을갈거야. M I need to talk with my boss a little bit, but I’m coming home W 정말?재미있겠다.좋아,나도같이갈게. W That’s good. Can you swing by the dry cleaner’s on your way home? I got the message that our clothes were ready last week, but I didn’t have time to pick them up. M Okay. What do I have to pick up? W Your suits, my winter coat and my pants. M All right. I’ll get them. W Thanks, honey. [휴대전화벨이울린다.] M 여보세요. W 여보세요.여보.지금집에오고있어요? 만점 솔루션 남자의말Then,willyoujoinus?뒤에전화를건목적이이 어진다.즉,몇몇친구들과국립공원으로여행을갈것이라며여 자에게함께갈것을제안하고있는상황이다. M Sounds great. I’ve wanted to watch the newly released 3D 14 ④ │ W Randy, can we go to a movie tonight? ③ movie. W What time do you finish work today? M Today, I can leave no later than 6. M 상사와이야기를좀해야해요.하지만곧집에갈거예요. W All right. I’ll get the tickets for the 8 o’clock showing so W 잘됐네요.집에오는길에세탁소에들를수있어요?지난주에우리옷 that we can have dinner before the movie. 이준비되었다는메시지를받았지만,그것을가져올시간이없었어요. M Perfect. There’s a spaghetti house just across from the M 좋아요.무엇을가져와야하죠? W 당신양복과제겨울코트그리고제바지예요. M 알겠어요.제가그것들을가져갈게요. W 고마워요,여보. movie theater. W Can we meet there at 7 o’clock, then? M Let’s make it at 6:30. W Okay. Don’t make me wait for you. 제18회 영어듣기능력평가 79 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 79 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:18 W Randy,오늘밤에영화보러갈까? M 좋지.나는새로나온3D영화가보고싶었어. W 오늘몇시에일이끝나니? M 오늘은,늦어도6시에는나올수있어. W 좋아.영화전에저녁을먹을수있도록내가8시영화표를사놓을게. M 완벽해.영화관바로건너편에스파게티식당이있어. W 그럼,거기서7시에만날까? M 6시30분으로하자. W 좋아.나를기다리게하지마. 만점 솔루션 여자는식당에서7시에만나자고했지만남자가6시30분에만 나자고하자여자도그제안에동의했다. 15 ④ W Hi, Jack. Where are you going? M I’m going to the hospital to visit Younghun. W Is he in the hospital? Why? M You didn’t know? He got injured while playing soccer. W No way. That’s too bad. M Yeah, he has to stay there for two weeks. Would you like to come with me? W Sure, I’d love to. I’m free now anyway. W 안녕,잭.어디가? M 영훈이만나서병원에가고있어. W 영훈이가병원에있어?왜? M 몰랐어?축구하다가다쳤잖아. W 말도안돼.안됐다. M 응,병원에2주동안입원해야한대.너도나랑같이갈래? W 물론,같이가자.지금할일도없었고. become seriously ill or even die. Parents, please don’t let your children give anything to the animals. Thank you for your help and enjoy your visit. W 어린이동물원에오신것을환영합니다.동물원의동물들의안전을위 해,여러분의협조를구합니다.동물들에게먹이를주지마세요.동물원 의동물들은저희들에의해규칙적으로먹이를얻고있습니다.사람들 이주는음식때문에,동물들이심각하게아프거나죽기도합니다.부모 님들께서는아이들이동물들에게아무것도주지못하도록해주십시 오.협조해주셔서감사하고즐거운방문되시기바랍니다. 만점 솔루션 동물원의동물들이관람객이주는음식으로병이나거나죽는 다고경고하며동물들의안전을위해먹이를주지말것을부탁 하는내용으로,동물원사육사가관람객에게하는안내방송이 다. 18 ① W I’m planning to go to Australia next month. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ll enjoy summer there. M I think you can try ocean sports. The city is famous for them. W Such as scuba diving? I’m staying there for four days only. Do you think I can learn it in a day or two? M How about snorkeling? It doesn’t need any special trainings. W That sounds interesting. M You’ll be able to enjoy the beautiful tropical sea life. W 난다음달에호주에갈계획이야.그것을정말고대하고있어.거기서 M 넌해양스포츠를해볼수있을것같은데.그도시는그것들로유명하 여름을즐길거야. 거든. 16 ② M Almost every student wants good grades. But only some W 스쿠버다이빙같은것말이니?난겨우4일동안머물거야.하루이틀 안에내가그것을배울수있다고생각하니? students study well and get good grades. Here are some M 스노클링은어때?그것은특별한훈련이필요없어. simple basic secrets of studying well. First, you have to W 재미있을것같구나. study regularly. Try to study even at least 30 minutes every M 넌아름다운열대해양생물을즐길수있을거야. day. Second, focus your mind while you’re studying. Third, listen to your teacher in the classroom. If you keep these simple rules, you’ll be a good student before long. 만점 솔루션 여자가호주로여행을간다는말에남자는해양스포츠를즐겨 보라며구체적으로스노클링을제안하고있다. M 거의모든학생들이점수를잘받기를원합니다.하지만,일부학생들만 이공부를잘하고좋은점수를받습니다.여기공부를잘하는몇가지 간단한기본적인비결이있습니다.먼저,규칙적으로공부해야합니다. 19 ① M What do you think about this hotel? 매일적어도30분씩공부하려고노력하세요.둘째,공부하는동안에집 W It’s nice. But I think $200 a day is too expensive for us. 중하십시오.셋째,교실에서선생님말씀에귀를기울이세요.이러한간 M But you want to stay at a hotel near the beach, don’t you? 단한규칙들을지킨다면,여러분도머지않아훌륭한학생이될것입니다. W Well... that’s true. But I don’t want to spend $200 for just 17 ⑤ W Welcome to the Children’s Zoo. For the safety of the one day. M M 이호텔에대해어떻게생각하니? animals in the zoo, we ask for your cooperation. Please W 좋아.하지만하루에200달러는우리에게는너무비싼것같아. don’t feed the animals. Animals in the zoo are fed regularly M 하지만너는해변근처에있는호텔에머물고싶어했잖아,안그래? by us. Because of the food people give them, animals may W 음…그건사실이야.하지만단지하루머무는데200달러를쓰고싶지 80 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 80 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:18 는않아. M 그렇다면,다른호텔을찾아볼게. ② 너는이호텔을왜좋아하니? ③ 좋아.이호텔에투숙하자. ④ 오늘이호텔에머무를수있을까요? ⑤ 아니,난호텔에서일하고싶지않아. 20 ⑤ W James, I have a good news for you. An Italian restaurant needs a waiter. I think it’s just for you. M Really? Where is it? I can’t work at a restaurant far from W Don’t worry. It’s very close to school. It’s only a 5 minute M That’s good. How much do they pay per hour? W It’s $10 an hour. You know, that’s really good money. M WJames,너에게좋은소식이하나있어.이탈리아식당에서종업원을 구한데.너에게딱맞는것같아. M 정말?그게어디에있는데?학교에서먼식당에서는일을할수가없 W 걱정하지마.학교에서아주가까워.걸어서겨우5분거리야. school. walk. 어. M 좋은데.시간당얼마나주는데? W 시간당10달러야.알잖아.정말로좋은벌이야. M 오,그식당에지금당장가봐야겠어. ① 미안,너에게10달러를빌려줄수없어. ② 좋아,난비프스테이크를주문할게. ③ 괜찮아.점심은내가살게. ④ 네덕분에,식사맛있게했어. 만점 솔루션 여자는이탈리아식당에시간제일자리가있다며남자에게소 badminton. 개하고있다.학교와가까운식당의위치와임금이시간당10달 W Okay! I’ll follow you. 러라는좋은조건에대해들은남자는그식당에당장가봐야 겠다는말을하는것이가장적절하다. 영어듣기능력평가 19 회 01② 02④ 06④, ① 07⑤, ② 11④ 16② 12⑤ 17⑤ 03⑤ 08④ 13③ 18⑤ 04③ 09② 14① 19③ 05③ 10② 15④ 20③ 01 ② M I am a computer’s friend. Whenever I move on the pad, an arrow on the screen moves along too. Click me twice fast with the arrow on an icon on the screen. You can open a program by doing that. I am called as the name of an animal because I look like that animal. M 저는컴퓨터의친구입니다.제가패드위에서움직일때마다,화면위의 화살표또한따라움직입니다.화면위에있는아이콘에화살표를놓은 채저를두번빠르게클릭하세요.그렇게함으로써프로그램을열수 있습니다.저는동물처럼생겼기때문에그동물의이름으로불립니다. 02 ④ W Peter, why don’t we play tennis tomorrow? M Well... I played tennis yesterday. What about swimming? W The weather is too cold to swim, I think. M Then, what do you want to do? W How about an indoor sport such as table tennis or badminton? M I don’t know how to play table tennis. So, I want to play WPeter,내일테니스치는게어때? M 음…어제테니스를쳤어.수영은어때? W 수영하기에는날씨가너무추운것같아. M 그럼,무엇을하고싶니? W 탁구나배드민턴같은실내운동어때? M 나는탁구를칠줄몰라.그래서,배드민턴을치고싶어. W 좋아!네의견을따를게. 03 ⑤ W Good morning. Here’s the weather forecast for tomorrow. Yesterday we had much snow all over the country. Fortunately the snow has stopped today. We’re expecting no more snow. Today in Seoul we’ll have partly cloudy skies, and in Busan we’ll have a little bit of rain. For Busan citizens, be sure to take an umbrella with you. W 안녕하세요.내일의일기예보입니다.어제는전국적으로눈이많이왔 습니다.다행히눈은오늘멈추었습니다.더이상의눈은오지않을것 제19회 영어듣기능력평가 81 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 81 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:18 으로예상됩니다.오늘서울은부분적으로흐린하늘이겠고,부산에는 meeting. 약간의비가내리겠습니다.부산시민께서는,우산을챙기시기바랍니다. 04 ③ W What are you going to do this afternoon? M I’m going to buy a book about dieting at the bookstore. W 모임은4시에끝날거예요. How about you? W Actually, I just called one of my friends to meet her, but she M 그러면만일을대비해서너에게30분을더줄게. W 알겠어요,아빠.동아리모임끝나고30분뒤에만나요. M Jane,너의학교앞에서2시에만나는게어떠니? W 음,제일정을확인해볼게요.마지막수업이2시30분에끝나지만,방 과후에동아리모임이있어요. M 그모임은언제끝나니?5시까지할머니댁에도착해야하거든. said she has to go for a job interview. M Then, why don’t you come with me? W Sounds great. W 오늘오후에뭐할거니? M 서점에서식이요법에관한책을살거야.너는? W 사실,나는내친구들중한명을만나기위해전화했지만,그애가취업 면접에가야한다고말했어. M 그럼,나와함께가는게어때? W 좋아. 05 ③ ① W What a lovely day! M How about going on a picnic? ② W How about playing tennis this afternoon? M I’d love to, but it looks like rain. ③ W When does the movie start? M I think it was a very sad movie. ④ W What can I do for you, sir? M Can you recommend a shampoo for dry hair? ⑤ W Could you turn down your TV? M I’ll turn it down right away. ① W날씨가참좋아요!  M 소풍가는것이어때요? ② W오늘오후에테니스를치는것이어때요?  M 그러고싶지만,비가올것같아요. ③ W그영화가언제시작하죠?  M 그것이아주슬픈영화였다고생각해요. ④ W무엇을도와드릴까요,손님? ⑤ WTV소리를줄여주시겠어요?  M 지금바로줄이겠습니다. 06 ④ │ M Jane, how about meeting at two in front of your school? ① W Well, let me check my schedule. My last class ends at 2:30, but I have a club meeting after class. M When does the meeting finish? We have to arrive at Grandma’s house by five. W It will be finished at four o’clock. 만점 솔루션 여자의동아리모임이4시에끝난다고하자남자는만일의경 우를대비해서여자에게30분을더주기로했으므로,두사람이 만날시각은4시30분이된다. ② 07 ⑤ │ [Telephone rings.] M Hi, Mrs. Schoolings. This is Tim Lopez. I’m calling to inform you that your daughter Lynda didn’t come to school today. W Good afternoon, Mr. Lopez. Lynda couldn’t come to school today. She has a fever. M Oh, have you taken her to see the doctor? W She has an appointment with the doctor at 2. M Oh, I see. I hope she’ll get well soon. W I’m sorry for not calling you first. M That’s okay. I hope I can see her tomorrow. Good bye, Mrs. Schoolings. W Thank you for calling, Mr. Lopez. [전화벨이울린다.] M 안녕하세요,Schoolings부인.저는 Tim Lopez입니다.따님Lynda가 오늘학교에오지않았다는것을알려드리려고전화했어요. W 안녕하세요,Lopez 선생님.Lynda가오늘학교에갈수없었어요.열 이있거든요. M 저런,병원에데려가셨나요? W 2시에의사와예약이되어있어요. M 오,그렇군요.그애가곧회복되길바랍니다. W 먼저전화드리지못해죄송합니다. M 괜찮습니다. 내일 그 애를 볼 수 있기를 바랍니다. 안녕히 계십시오, W 전화주셔서감사합니다,Lopez선생님. 만점 솔루션 남자는Lynda의선생님이고여자는Lynda의어머니로,남자 는Lynda가학교에오지않은것을알려주며무슨일이있는 지묻고있는상황이다. 08 ④ M This is a tool we use a lot in our daily lives. This has two parts. One part works as a handle, and the other part has two sharp metal blades. These blades are screwed  M 건조한머리에맞는샴푸를추천해주시겠어요? Schoolings부인. M Then let me give you thirty minutes more just in case. together, and cut thin things like paper or cloth. What is W Okay, Dad. I’ll meet you thirty minutes after the club this? 82 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 82 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:19 M 이것은우리일상생활에서많이쓰이는도구입니다.이것은두부분이 The concert is for the benefit of poor people in the 있습니다.한부분은손잡이고다른한부분은두개의날카로운금속 neighborhood. For the concert, we invited singer John 칼날입니다.이칼날은같이나사로고정되어있고종이나천같은얇은 Doran and the Baron High School orchestra. I am sure you 것들을자릅니다.이것은무엇일까요? will have fun. 09 ② W Thanksgiving Day is just one week away from now. M Yes. I’m looking forward to seeing my family. W So how are you going home? By bus or by train? M Well, at first I was thinking of going by car, but I thought it would be tiring to drive. So I decided to take a bus. W But I think the plane is better than the bus. M I think so, but the airport is a little far from my house. The bus stops near my house and it’s easy for my dad to pick me up. W I see. W 추수감사절이지금부터딱일주일남았어. M 맞아.난가족들을만나는것을고대하고있어. W 그런데넌집에어떻게갈거니?버스로아니면기차로? M 음,처음에는자동차로갈까생각했었어.하지만운전하는것이피곤할 거라고생각했어.그래서버스를타기로결심했어. W 하지만비행기가버스보다더좋을것같은데. W 안녕하세요,여러분.오늘저는Green콘서트에대해말씀을드리고자 합니다.우선입장권을구입해주신것에대해여러분께감사드리고싶 습니다.콘서트는4월16일저녁6시에Baron고등학교체육관에서있 을예정입니다.콘서트는이웃의가난한사람들을위한것입니다.콘서 트를위해서,우리는가수JohnDoran과Baron고등학교관현악단을 초대했습니다.틀림없이즐거운시간을보내실것입니다. 12 ⑤ W What are you doing, Jack? M My bag got dirty and I’m trying to clean it up with this towel. towel. W Let me see. I’m afraid you won’t get it cleaned with only a M Then what should I do? W Put some alcohol on the towel and rub your bag with it. That will really work. M Thanks for the tip. I’ll try it right away. M 나도그렇게생각하지만,공항이우리집에서좀멀어.게다가버스가 W 뭐하고있니,Jack? 우리집근처에서서니까아빠가나를태우러오시기가쉽거든. M 내가방이더러워져서이수건으로닦으려던중이었어. W 그렇구나. 10 ② W You look happy today, Kevin. M Do I look happy? I have a good reason for that. W Tell me what made you so happy. M Well, I measured my weight and found out that I lost 5 W Congratulations. You succeeded on your diet. I envy you. kilograms at last. You have a strong will. M Thank you for saying so. WKevin,너오늘기분좋아보인다. M 내가기분좋아보이니?그럴만한충분한이유가있어. W 무엇때문에그렇게기분이좋은지말해봐. W 어디보자.너는수건만으로는그것을닦아내지못할것같은데. M 그럼어떻게해야하지? W 수건에알코올을약간묻혀서그것으로네가방을문질러봐.그렇게하 면정말효과가있을거야. M 조언고마워.바로그렇게해볼게. 13 ③ M We’re having the Spring Book Festival this coming Friday. Students are coming to school with their favorite books. In the morning, we are going to make a poster to advertise their chosen books. After that, students will be asked to present about their favorite books to their classmates with the poster. After lunch, all students are coming to the auditorium to watch a play. The drama club prepared a M 음,내몸무게를재어봤는데마침내5킬로그램이빠졌다는것을알게 wonderful play for the festival. I hope all of you enjoy the 되었어. wonderful book festival. W 축하해.식이요법에성공했네.부럽다.너는의지가강하구나. M 다가오는금요일에‘봄맞이책축제’가있습니다.학생들은자신이가장 M 그렇게말해줘서고마워. 11 ④ W Hello, everyone. Today I’d like to make an announcement about the Green Concert. First I’d like to thank you for buying tickets. The concert will be at the Baron High School gym at six o’clock on the evening of April 16th. 좋아하는책을들고학교에올것입니다.오전에는,자신이선택한책을 광고하기위한포스터를만들것입니다.그후에,학생들은그포스터를 가지고자신이가장좋아하는책을반친구들에게소개하도록요청받을 것입니다.점심식사후에는,모든학생들이연극관람을위해강당으로 올것입니다.연극반이그축제를위해멋진연극을준비했습니다.여러 분모두멋진책축제를즐기시기기바랍니다. 만점 솔루션 오전에는학생들이가져온책에대한포스터를만들고그것을 가지고반친구들에게책을소개한다고했다. 제19회 영어듣기능력평가 83 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 83 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:19 14 ① W Excuse me but can you show me how to get to the Modern W Thanks. They’re from XYZ Shoe Store. M Where is that? theater? M Modern theater? That’s just a 10 minute walk from here. You are on the Oak Street. Walk two blocks down the street and turn left on 6th Avenue. W Okay, walk two blocks and turn left. M Just walk another block along the 6th Avenue and turn left. W You know Water Street, right? Go straight to there, and turn left. M Okay, turn left on Water Street, and then? W Walk until you see the post office on your left. It’s just across from it. M Thanks! I’ll go check right now. You will find the building on your right. M 안녕,마리!이운동화어디서샀어?아주멋지다. W Thank you very much. M My pleasure. W 실례지만Modern극장에가는길을알려주시겠어요? M Modern극장이요?여기서10분만걸으면돼요.당신은Oak거리에 있어요.이거리를따라두블록을걸어서6번가에서좌회전하세요. W 알겠어요,두블록을걸어서좌회전이요. M 6번가를따라서한블록을더걸어가서좌회전하세요.그건물은당신 W 고마워.XYZ신발가게에서샀어. M 그게어디에있어? W 워터가알지?거기로쭉간다음에왼쪽으로돌아. M 알겠어,워터가에서왼쪽으로돈다음에? W 네왼편에우체국이보일때까지걸어.바로그건너편에있어. M 고마워!지금바로확인해봐야겠다. 의오른편에있을거예요, W 정말고맙습니다. M 천만에요. 15 ④ W What do you think about this one? I really like the color. M Do you know about the painter? It must have taken a long time to complete the work. W Can I take a picture of this? 17 ⑤ W What’s wrong with you, Tom? You look so sad. You were so happy to join the team finally. What’s wrong? M I made a big mistake during practice. W Tell me what happened. M Our team had its first soccer practice today. I kicked the ball into our own goal by mistake. Can you believe it? W Anybody can make a mistake. They’ll see soon that you are a good player. M You can, but do not use the flash. The sudden bright light W 무슨일있니,Tom?아주슬퍼보이는구나.마침내팀에들어가게되어 is not good for paintings. 아주기뻐했었잖아.뭐가문제니? W Okay. Can you hold my coffee while I take a picture? M 연습하다가큰실수를했어요. M Actually, food and drinks are not allowed here. Please W 무슨일이있었는지말해보렴. remember that next time. W Oh, I’m sorry. M 우리팀이오늘첫번째축구연습을했어요.제가실수로공을우리팀 의골대로차넣었어요.믿어지세요? W 누구나실수를할수있단다.네가좋은선수라는것을사람들이곧알 W 이것에대해어떻게생각해?난색이정말맘에들어. M 그화가에대해아니? 게될거야. M 틀림없이그작품을완성하는데시간이많이걸렸을거야. 만점 솔루션 남자가우울해하는이유가Ikickedtheballintoourown W 이것을사진으로찍어도될까? goalbymistake.에잘나타나있다.즉,팀의첫번째연습경 M 찍어도돼,하지만플래시를사용하지마.갑작스러운밝은빛이그림에 기에서실수로자신의팀의골대에골을넣어우울해하고있다. W 알았어.내가사진찍는동안내커피좀들고있어줄래? M 사실,여기에음식과음료수는허용되지않아.다음번에는그것을기억 는좋지않거든. 해. W 오,미안해. 만점 솔루션 그림과화가에대해이야기하고있고,플래시를사용하지말고 사진을찍어야하며,음식물을가지고올수없다고했으므로, day. ‘미술관’에서의대화임을알수있다. 16 ② M Hi, Marie! Where did you buy those sneakers? They’re very 18 ⑤ W I’d like to visit the museum when we’re there. M Can we do that on the second day? I want to rest first. W But I want to check out the local market on the second M We can go to the museum in the morning and the market in the afternoon. W I guess that could work. M What about on our third day? Do you have any ideas? W 우리가거기갔을때박물관을방문하고싶어. M 둘째날에갈수있을까?나우선쉬고싶어. nice. 84 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 84 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:19 W 하지만둘째날에는지역시장을확인해보고싶어. M 오전에박물관에갔다가오후에시장에갈수있어. W 그래도되겠다. M 셋째날은어떻게할까?좋은생각있어? 19 ③ M Why are you looking so unhappy? W It’s about my hair. I wanted it to be dyed brown. M But your hair is red now. W Well, I asked my hairdresser to dye it brown. M You mean, he made a mistake, right? W Yes. What am I supposed to do now? M What were you doing while he was dying it red? W M 너왜그렇게기분이안좋아보이니? W 내머리때문이야.나는갈색으로염색하기를원했거든. M 그런데지금네머리는빨간색이잖아. W 음,나는미용사에게갈색으로염색해달라고요청했었어. M 그러니까그가실수를했다는거구나,맞지? W 그래.이제나는어쩌지? M 그가빨간색으로머리를염색하는동안너는무엇을하고있었니? W 운이나쁘게도나는잠이들었어. ① 나는내스타일에만족해. ② 내미용사는아주좋아. ④ 나는빨간색보다갈색을더좋아해. ⑤ 나는거울을보고있었어. 20 ③ W You’re playing the computer game again. M I just started. I studied for two hours. Please believe me, W Okay. I believe you this time. And did you finish your M Not yet, but I did half of it. Please give me just thirty Mom. homework? minutes. W W 너는또컴퓨터게임을하고있구나. M 막시작했어요.저는2시간동안공부한걸요.믿어주세요,엄마. W 알겠다.이번에는너를믿어주마.그런데네숙제는끝냈니? M 아직못끝냈지만절반은했어요.저에게30분만주세요. W 좋아.게임후에숙제를끝내야한다. ① 나는막컴퓨터를켰단다. ② 이말을해야겠구나.정말잘했어. ④ 맞아요.숙제하러제방으로가야겠어요. ⑤ 정말미안하다.함께놀시간이충분하지않구나. 만점 솔루션 숙제를절반밖에하지않은아들이엄마에게게임할시간30분 을달라고했으므로게임을한후에숙제를끝내라는말이엄마 영어듣기능력평가 20 회 01① 06④ 02③ 07⑤ 11③, ① 12⑤, ④ 16② 17② 03② 08③ 13⑤ 18① 04③ 09④ 14⑤ 19⑤ 05⑤ 10② 15⑤ 20② 01 ① M You can easily see this in the kitchen of your house. This is an electronic machine. When you want to keep food fresh, you put it in this. Also, when you want to make ice, you can use this. If you put water in this, the water turns into ice. In modern life, many people say that we can’t live without this. M 여러분은이것을집의부엌에서쉽게볼수있습니다.이것은전자제품 입니다.음식을신선하게보관하고싶을때,음식을이것에넣습니다.또 한,얼음을만들고싶을때,이것을이용할수있습니다.이것에물을넣 으면,물은얼음으로변합니다.현대사회에서,많은사람들이이것없이 는살수없다고말합니다. 02 ③ W ① I’m in line. Stand behind me. ② Wait for your turn. Don’t cut in line. ③ Do not run in the hall way. Safety first. ④ Can I have more of the soup? ⑤ What’s for lunch today? W ①나는줄서있어.내뒤에서.  ②네차례를기다려.새치기하지마.  ③복도에서뛰지마.안전이먼저야.  ④수프좀더받을수있을까요?  ⑤오늘점심메뉴가뭐지? 만점 솔루션 ③복도에서학생들에게뛰지말라는내용이므로,식당에서줄 을서서급식을받고있는상황에는어울리지않는말이다. 03 ② M ① It will be raining on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  ② The temperature will be the highest on Tuesday.  ③ On Wednesday, it’s not going to rain.  ④ It will be rainy on Saturday morning, but the rain will  ⑤ On the weekend, the weather will be okay for outdoor stop soon. activities. 제20회 영어듣기능력평가 85 의대답으로가장적절하다. M ①월요일,화요일,그리고목요일에는비가올것이다. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 85 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:19  ②기온은화요일에가장높을것이다.  ③수요일에는,비가오지않을것이다. ① M 그콘서트언제봤니?  W지난주말에.정말좋았어.  ④토요일아침에는비가오겠지만,그비는곧그칠것이다. ② M 너는장래에무엇이되고싶니?  ⑤주말에,날씨는야외활동을해도괜찮을것이다.  W수학선생님.난수학선생님이되고싶어. ③ M 클래식음악과록음악중에서어느것을더좋아하니? 04 ③ M You might use this almost every day at home. You can control other devices with this. By pressing buttons on this, you can turn the devices on or off. You can also control the volume or change the channels with this. What is this?  W음…클래식음악보다는록음악이더좋아. ④ M 너는한달에몇권의책을읽니?  W그래,나는시읽는것을가장좋아해. ⑤ M 이것이네MP3플레이어니?  W그래,지난주말에샀어. M 여러분은아마집에서이것을매일사용할것입니다.이것으로다른장 치를조절할수있습니다.이것의버튼을눌러서여러분은장치를켜고 끌수있습니다.여러분은이것으로소리를조절하거나채널을바꿀수 있습니다.이것은무엇일까요? 07 ⑤ [Cellphone rings.] W Hello, Linda speaking! 05 ⑤ W Honey, we need to buy some winter socks. M Mom, it’s me, Kevin! Where are you now? W At home. I’m washing the dishes now. Why? M Mom, I’m sorry, but I left my history report at home. W You should be more careful. Where is the report? M Clothes sections are over there. Oh, look at this. They’re M It’s on my desk in my room. Can you bring it to me now? having a bundle sale. W Yes, I can. I’ll go to your school right now. W Hmm... $10 for three pairs of socks. That’s not bad. M If we buy six pairs, it would be $19. Look at the prices. W Is it going to be cheaper if we buy more? M I think so. $28 for nine pairs and $37 for twelve pairs. W Nine pairs would be enough. Did you say $27? M No, that would be $28. [휴대전화벨이울린다.] W 여보세요,Linda입니다! M 엄마,저예요, Kevin!지금어디세요? W 집이란다.지금설거지를하고있어.왜그러니? M 엄마,죄송하지만,제가집에역사보고서를두고왔어요. W 좀더조심성이있어야지.보고서가어디에있는데? W 여보,우리겨울양말을좀사야해요. M 제방책상위에있어요.지금제게그것을가져다주시겠어요? M 의류코너는저쪽이에요.오,이것좀봐요.묶음할인판매를하고있어 W 그래,그러지.지금바로학교로갈게. 요. W 흠…양말3켤레에10달러라.나쁘지않은걸요. M 6켤레를사면,19달러예요.가격을봐요. W 더많이사면더싸지는건가요? M 그런것같아요.9켤레에28달러이고12켤레에는37달러예요. W 9켤레면충분할거예요.27달러라고했나요? M 아니요,28달러예요. 08 ③ W Mr. Jackson, what was my time today? M 4 minutes 37 seconds. W Really? Oh, that’s great. I ran about 20 seconds faster than last month. M That’s right. But to become the champion, you must run 만점 솔루션 3켤레에10달러를기준으로더많은묶음으로살수록가격이더 even faster. 싸지고있다.두사람은9켤레를사기로했고가격은28달러라고 W How fast do I have to run to win the gold medal? 했다. 06 ④ ① M When did you see the concert? W Last weekend. It was really good. ② M What do you want to be in the future? M Well.... As you know, your today’s record is 4 minutes 37 seconds. I think you must be 10 seconds faster than this record. W 10 seconds! Okay, I see. I’ll do my best to run that fast! W Jackson감독님.오늘제기록이어땠나요? M 4분37초야. W A math teacher. I want to be a math teacher. W 정말요?오,대단한데요.지난달보다20초정도더빨리달렸어요. ③ M Which do you like better, classical or rock music? M 맞아.하지만챔피언이되기위해서는,훨씬더빨리달려야해. W Well... I like rock music more than classical music. W 금메달을따기위해서제가얼마나더빨리달려야하죠? ④ M How many books do you read a month? M 음….알다시피,네오늘기록이4분37초잖아.이기록보다10초더빨 W Yeah, I like reading poems most. ⑤ M Is this your MP3 player? W Yeah, I bought it last weekend. W 10초요!좋아요,알겠습니다.그만큼빨리달리기위해서최선을다할거 라야할것같구나. 예요! 86 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 86 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:20 만점 솔루션 4분37초의기록을낸여자에게남자는금메달을따기위해서 M I’m going to take a trip to Korea next summer vacation! 는오늘보다10초더빨리달려야한다고말했으므로,여자가 목표로하는기록은4분27초가된다. 09 ④ M Alice, you don’t look good. What’s wrong with you? W It’s because of my sister, Jane. M Your sister, Jane? Why? Tell me in more detail. W She lost my MP3 player. M Again? She lost your digital camera last month, didn’t she? W Yeah, that’s right. She’s really careless. M Alice,너안좋아보인다.무슨일이니? W 내여동생Jane때문이야. M 네여동생Jane?왜?좀더자세히말해봐. W 그애가내MP3플레이어를잃어버렸어. M 또?지난달에는네디지털카메라를잃어버렸잖아,그렇지않니? W 그래,맞아.그애는정말조심성이없어. 10 ② W It’s already 4:30. Don’t you feel hungry? M Yes, a little bit. W Then, I’ll make a sandwich for you. What about a tomato 요. M OK. That’s fine. Ah, can you also bring me a glass of sandwich? orange juice? W Sorry, we don’t have any orange juice. How about milk? M Sure, no problem. W 벌써4시30분이야.배고프지않니? M 응,약간. W 그럼,내가너에게샌드위치를만들어줄게.토마토샌드위치어때? M 응,좋아.아,오렌지주스도한잔가져다줄래? W 미안,오렌지주스가없어.우유는어때? M 좋아,괜찮아. W 오,겨울방학이곧다가오고있어. M 응,맞아.그래,넌이번방학동안에정말수영을배울거니? W 응,배울거야.넌어때,Pedro?스쿠버다이빙을배울거니? M 아니,나는마음이바뀌었어. W 그럼,이번방학에무엇을할거니? M 음…일자리를구해서돈을좀모을거야. W 무엇때문에돈을모으려고하니? M 내년여름방학에한국으로여행을갈거야! 12 ⑤ │ W So, did you say you want regular volunteer job? ④ M Yes, Mrs. Hong. I’d like to find volunteer work that W There is Clean River campaign on every Saturday morning. I can do regularly. How about that? M Oh, no. I have baseball practice every Saturday morning. W Do you? Then, how about Sunday afternoon? M What kind of work is it? W You can help doctors and nurses treating foreign workers at a hospital. It opens only on Sunday afternoon. M That would be very good for me. Thank you. W 그래,너는정기적인자원봉사활동을원한다고했지? M 예,홍선생님.저는규칙적으로할수있는자원봉사활동을찾고싶어 W 토요일아침마다‘깨끗한강만들기’캠페인이있어.그것은어떠니? M 저런,안돼요.토요일오전마다야구연습이있어요. W 그래?그럼,일요일오후는어떠니? M 어떤종류의일이죠? W 병원에서의사들과간호사들이외국인근로자들을치료하는것을도울 수있어.그병원은일요일오후에만문을열거든. M 제게아주좋은것같아요.감사합니다. 만점 솔루션 여자는정기적인자원봉사활동을원하는남자의일정을고려 하여그에알맞은자원봉사프로그램을소개해주고있다. 13th. Is it true? W Half right, half wrong. M What do you mean by that? W Well... I’ll leave for China, but not on the 13th. M Then, when are you leaving? W It’s on the 15th. There were no airline tickets on the 13th. W 절반은맞고절반은틀려. M 그게무슨뜻이니? W 음…중국에가긴갈거야.하지만13일은아니야. M 그럼,언제가는데? W 15일에.13일에는비행기표가없었거든. 제20회 영어듣기능력평가 87 만점 솔루션 여자는배가고프다는남자의말에I’llmakeasandwichfor you.라고말하였으므로,여자는남자를위해샌드위치를만들 어줄것임을알수있다. 13 ⑤ M I heard that you will go on a business trip to China on July W Yes, I will. What about you, Pedro? Are you going to learn M 7월13일에중국으로출장을간다는소식들었어.정말이니? 11 ③ │ W Oh, the winter vacation is coming soon. ① M Yeah, that’s right. So, will you really learn swimming during the vacation? scuba diving? M No, I changed my mind. W Then, what are you going to do this vacation? M Well... I’ll get a job and save some money. W What do you want to save money for? #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 87 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:20 14 ⑤ W Hi, George. What a surprise to see you here! M It is. I didn’t expect to see someone I know here. W Are you here for a swimming lesson? M No, I’m taking a badminton lesson. How about you? W I’m taking a yoga class. The doctor recommended me to do yoga regularly. M Good for you. So, is your class over? W Yes. The class ended at 7:30. M Sure! What is it? know that? W Well, a part of the fence around the farm is broken. Do you M Yeah, I saw it. I’ll take care of it tomorrow. W Good! Ah, we need more food for the cows. Can you buy some this afternoon? M I see. After lunch, I’ll go buy some. W Thank you. The car keys are on the table in the kitchen. WSam,잠시이야기할수있겠어요? M Mine begins at 8. Would you like something to drink? I M 그럼요!무슨일이죠? have a little bit of time before the class. W 저,농장주변울타리일부가파손되었어요.알고있어요? W Great. W 안녕,George.여기서너를만나다니놀라운데! M 정말그렇군.여기서내가아는사람을만나리라고는기대하지않았는데. W 이곳에수영수업을받으러오니? M 아니,나는배드민턴수업을받고있어.너는어때? W 나는요가수업을받고있어.의사가요가를규칙적으로하라고권해줬 거든. M 잘됐다.그래,수업은끝났니? W 응.수업은7시30분에끝났어. W 좋아. M 내수업은8시에시작해.뭐좀마시겠니?수업전에시간이좀있어. M 예,봤어요.내일그것을살펴볼게요. W 좋아요!아,소먹이가더필요해요.오늘오후에좀사올래요? M 알겠어요.점심먹고나서,좀사러갈게요. W 고마워요.자동차열쇠는부엌식탁위에있어요. 17 ② W Excuse me, I’m looking for Green Hotel. Is it around here? M Yes, it’s on White Street. W Where is that? M Go straight two blocks and turn left. W Turn left? 만점 솔루션 수영수업,배드민턴수업,요가수업을함께들을수있는곳은 M Yes, and walk a little bit, then you will see White Street. ‘스포츠센터’이다. Then turn right, and the hotel is just next to the post office. 15 ⑤ M Oh, is this trophy yours? W No, it is Angela’s, my sister. She won it in a tennis competition last year. M Is your sister a good tennis player? W Yes, she is. She is really good at playing tennis. M Sounds good! When did she learn to play tennis? W When she was an elementary school student. M What about you? Can you also play tennis well? W No, I can’t. I should have learned to play it when I was little W 아니,Angela언니것이야.작년에언니가테니스대회에서받았어. like my sister. M 오,이트로피가네것이니? M 너의언니는테니스를잘치니? W 응,그래.언니는테니스를정말잘쳐. M 잘됐구나!그녀는언제테니스를배웠니? W 초등학생이었을때. M 넌어때?너도테니스를잘칠수있니? W 아니,난못쳐.나도언니처럼어렸을때테니스치는것을배웠어야했 M 네,그리고조금만걸으면화이트가가보일겁니다.그러면오른쪽으로 W 실례합니다,그린호텔을찾고있습니다.이근처에있나요? W Do I have to cross the street? M No, you don’t have to. M 네,화이트가에있습니다. W 어디에있나요? M 두블록쭉가셔서왼쪽으로도세요. W 왼쪽으로요? 도세요.우체국바로옆이호텔입니다. W 길을건너야하나요? M 아니요,그럴필요없습니다. 18 ① W Where are you going, Hyunsu? M Hi, Maya! I’m going home. W Home? But you have club activities on Thursdays, don’t M Yes, but my grandparents are coming home today. I want to go wait for them. W Where are they coming from? M They live in Canada, and they always bring nice gifts for you? me. W Ah, now I see why you are skipping your club activities. 16 ② W Sam, can I talk to you for a minute? W 어디가고있어,현수? M 안녕,마야!나집에가고있어. 는데. 88 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 88 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:20 W 집?하지만목요일마다동아리활동있지않았어? M 그것들둘다사자고요?음…그것은너무비싸지않을까요? M 맞아,그런데오늘조부모님이집에오시기로하셨어.집에가서기다리 W 아니요.그것들을싸게살수있는곳을알아요. M 알았어요.그럼내일꼭그것들을사오세요. W 그럴게요!Kevin이우리의선물을좋아할거예요. ① 제야구글러브를사용해도괜찮아요. ③ 당신때문에,제일을끝냈어요. ④ 어젯밤에축구경기장에갔어요. ⑤ 아니요.저는야구와축구둘다좋아하지않아요. 고싶어. W 어디서오시는거야? M 캐나다에사시는데나를위해서항상좋은선물을갖고오셔. W 아,이제왜네가동아리활동을빼먹는지알겠다. 19 ⑤ W Daniel, you have a new bicycle. When did you buy it? M Two days ago. You know, it’s one of the newest ones on the market. W Wow, it looks very good. How much did you pay for it? M Don’t be surprised! It’s only $80. W Only $80? That’s great! I’d like to buy one as well. Where did you buy it? M At the ABC Bike Shop. It’s on Lake Street. W W Daniel,새자전거를가지고있네.그것을언제샀니? M 이틀전에.있잖아,이자전거는시중에판매되는가장최신형자전거 중하나야. W 와,매우좋아보인다.그것에얼마를지불했니? M 놀라지마!겨우80달러야. W 겨우80달러?대단하다!나도하나사고싶다.어디서그것을샀니? M ABC자전거가게에서.Lake거리에있어. W 좋아.난내일그가게에갈거야. ① 알았어.지금바로너를도와줄게. ② 됐어.난좋은자전거가있어. ③ 걱정마.네잘못이아니야. ④ 맞아.난어제자전거를잃어버렸어. 만점 솔루션 저렴한가격에자전거를구입한남자에게여자는어디서자전 거를구입했는지묻자남자는Lake거리에있는ABC자전거 가게에서샀다고말했으므로,여자는그곳에가보겠다는말을 하는것이가장적절하다. 20 ② M Oh, this Saturday is Kevin’s birthday. W Yeah, that’s right. What should we buy our son? M He likes sports a lot. How about a baseball glove or a soccer ball? W That’s a good idea. Then, let’s buy both of them for him! M Buy both of them? Well... aren’t they too expensive? W No, I know where we can buy them cheaply. I see. Then make sure you buy them tomorrow. M W M 오,이번주토요일이Kevin의생일이에요. W 맞아요.우리아들에게무엇을사주죠? M 그애가운동을아주좋아하잖아요.야구글러브나축구공은어때요? W 그거좋은생각이에요.그럼,그애에게그것들둘다사줘요! #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 89 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:20 제20회 영어듣기능력평가 89 고난도 영어듣기능력평가 01⑤ 06② 11④ 16④ 02③ 07② 12⑤ 17② 03① 08⑤ 13② 18①, ③ 04①, ⑤ 09③ 14⑤ 19① 05④ 10⑤ 15③ 20⑤ 01 ⑤ M You can see this in a kitchen. Usually, this looks like a large big spoon with a long handle and a deep bowl. This can be made of metal, wood, or plastic. You use this when you serve a liquid form of food, such as soup or sauce. What is this? M 여러분은이것을부엌에서볼수있습니다.보통,이것은긴손잡이와 깊은그릇이달린큰숟가락처럼생겼습니다.이것은금속,목재또는 플라스틱으로만들어질수있습니다.여러분은이것을국이나소스같 은액체의음식을제공할때사용합니다.이것은무엇일까요? 02 ③ W Hey, Nick, do you know a good electronics service center? M What’s the problem? W My laptop is broken. There is no sound at all. M Did you look into the sound control panel? W Yes, but it didn’t work. M How about the sound driver? You can turn it off and on. W Really? Let me try. [pause] Oh, wow, it’s working again. Thanks! M You’re welcome. W 안녕,닉.너괜찮은전자제품서비스센터알고있어? M 무슨문제있어? W 내노트북이망가졌어.소리가전혀안나와. M 음성제어판확인해봤어? W 응,그런데안돼. M 음성드라이버는어때?껐다켤수있잖아. W 진짜?한번해볼게.[멈춤]아,이제된다.고마워! M 천만에. 런던은약간의비가오겠고,파리는구름이끼고바람이불겠습니다.시 드니는눈이오고춥겠습니다. ⑤ 04 ① │ [Phone rings.] W Restaurant Ciel. How may I help you? M Hi, could I make a reservation for tomorrow? W Certainly. For what time, and how many people, sir? M For four people. Will 6:30 be okay? W I’m really sorry, sir, but I’m afraid we’re already full at that time. What about 8 o’clock? M Hmm.... it’s a bit late, but I guess I can’t help. [전화벨이울린다.] W 레스토랑씨엘입니다.무엇을도와드릴까요? M 안녕하세요,내일예약을하고싶습니다. W 네.몇시에몇분이오실건가요? M 네명입니다.6시30분괜찮나요? W 죄송합니다만그시간은이미예약이다찼습니다.8시어떠세요? M 흠...좀늦지만어쩔수없네요. 만점 솔루션 여자가제안하는시간에만족하지는않지만어쩔수없이그제 안을받아들이고있다.‘Ican’thelp.’가‘도울수없다.’라는뜻이 아닌,‘어쩔수없다.’라는의미인것을알면더쉽게풀수있다. 05 ④ W I’d like to introduce my cousin Ann. She lives in Los Angeles, California. She is one year older than me. Her mother is my mother’s younger sister. I like Ann because she’s very friendly and outgoing. She’s tall, and she has short brown hair. She likes to play beach volleyball with her friends. W 내사촌앤을소개하겠습니다.그녀는캘리포니아의로스앤젤레스에서 살고있습니다.그녀는나보다한살많습니다.그녀의어머니는나의 어머니의동생입니다.앤은매우다정하고활발하기때문에그녀를좋 아합니다.그녀는키가크고짧은갈색머리는가졌습니다.그녀는그녀 의친구들과비치발리볼하는것을좋아합니다. 06 ② M Hi, Chris. Do you still want to go bowling on Sunday? W Sure, why not? What time would you like to go? M What about six? 03 ① W Good morning! Here is tomorrow’s world weather forecast. W Isn’t it too late? We have school on Monday, you know. M Okay, then what about two? In Seoul, it will be cloudy but warm. In Tokyo, it’ll start to W It’s too early. I usually finish my lunch at two. rain in the afternoon. In New York, it’ll be sunny and mild. M Then at three or four? I’m okay either way. London will have some rain, and Paris will be cloudy and W Three sounds good. See you then! windy. Sydney will be snowy and cold. M 안녕,크리스.너아직도일요일에볼링을치러가길원하니? W안녕하세요!내일의세계일기예보입니다.서울은흐리지만따뜻하겠 W 당연하지.몇시에갈까? 습니다.도쿄는오후에비가오겠습니다.뉴욕은많고화창하겠습니다. M 6시어때? 90 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 90 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:20 W 너무늦지않아?월요일에학교도가야하고. okay? M 알겠어,그럼2시어때? W Yes, thanks. It was a very pleasant stay. W 그건너무일러.보통점심을2시에끝마치는데. M How was the room? M 그럼3시나4시?난둘다좋아. W 3시가괜찮겠다.그때보자! 07 ② W Hi, Tony, did you have a good weekend? W Oh, the room was awesome. And it had a great view. M I hope you’re happy with our service, too. W Hmm... Well, actually, it could be better... M I’m sorry to hear that. Could you tell us more? M 머무시는건어떠셨나요?다괜찮나요? M Yes, I helped my mom make kimchi, and it was fun! W 네,감사합니다.아주만족스러웠어요. W I didn’t know you have an interest in cooking. M 방은어떠셨나요? M Yes, I want to be a famous chef one day. W 아,방이아주좋았어요.풍경도훌륭했고요. W Really? I want to be a TV show host. Maybe, I’ll invite you M 저희서비스에도만족하셨기를바랍니다. to my show. M Sounds great. I hope our dreams come true. W 흠...사실,약간아쉬움이있습니다. M 유감입니다.더말씀해주시겠습니까? W 안녕,토니.주말잘보냈니? M 응,엄마가김치담그는걸도왔는데,재미있었어! W 네가요리에흥미를갖고있는지몰랐네. M 응,나언젠가유명한요리사가되고싶어. W 진짜?난TV쇼진행자가되고싶어.내가널내쇼에초대할지도모르겠다. M 멋진데.우리꿈이이루어졌으면좋겠다. 10 ⑤ M Hyeri, what’s wrong? You look down this morning. W I think Bony is sick. She won’t eat and keeps throwing up. M Bony is your cat, right? How long has she been like that? W Yes. Since yesterday. My mom will take her to the vet, but 만점 솔루션 장래희망을나타내는표현을알고있다면쉽게풀수있는문 I’m worried. 제이다.남자는‘Iwanttobe~.’표현을사용하여유명한요리 M Don’t worry. She will be okay. 사가되고싶다고했고,여자는‘Iwanttobe~.’표현을사용 W I hope so. 하여TV쇼진행자가되고싶다고말했다. M Who knows? Maybe you could take a picture with him. W He said it would be five days. 08 ⑤ M Look over there! Isn’t that David Shaw? W What? Are you serious? It can’t be! M Yes, I’m sure it’s him. Why don’t you go say hi? You’re a fan, right? W Yeah, but I’m afraid he’ll run away. M Come on. A chance like this doesn’t come often. W I’d like to, but.... I’m not ready. W You’re right, but I’m scared. M 저기봐!저사람데이비드쇼아니야? W 뭐?진짜?그럴수없어! W 응,그런데그가달아날까두려워. M 이봐.이런기회가자주오지않는다고. W 인사하고싶은데...준비가안됐어. M 누가알아?같이자신을찍을수도있잖아. W 네말이맞지만무서워. M 그래,그가확실해.인사하는거어때?너팬이잖아,맞지? Sunday. M 혜리,무슨일이야?오늘아침기분안좋아보여. W 보니가아픈거같아.먹지도않고계속토해. M 보니는네고양이맞지?그렇게한지얼마나됐어? W 맞아.어제부터.엄마가수의사에게데려갈건데걱정돼. M 걱정하지만.괜찮을거야. W 그러길바라. 11 ④ M Mom, when’s Dad coming back from his business trip? M When did he leave? Was it Tuesday or Wednesday? W He left on Tuesday. Why? What do you need him for? M I was wondering if we could watch a baseball game on W He will be back before then. Let’s all go together. M 엄마,아빠가출장에서언제돌아와요? W 아빠는5일이라고말했어. M 아빠가언제떠났죠?화요일인가요수요일인가요? W 화요일에떠났지.왜?뭐때문에아빠가필요하니? M 일요일에야구경기를같이볼수있을까궁금해서요. W 그전에는돌아올거야.다같이가자. 만점 솔루션 남자는여자가데이비드쇼의팬이라는것을알고우연히보게 된그사람에게인사하길권하지만여자는계속해서준비가안 됐다며다가가고있지못하는상황이다. 09 ③ M How did you like your stay, Madame? Was everything 12 ⑤ M Bye, Sunghee. See you at the soccer game tomorrow. W Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you. I can’t make it. 고난도 영어듣기능력평가 91 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 91 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:21 M Really? Why not? W 저기서오른쪽으로요? W You know there’s a play competition next month, right? M 네,그리고오른쪽에소방서가보일때까지계속걸으세요. M Yeah, I heard about it. W 알겠습니다.그런다음에요? W I decided to take part in it, and we have our first practice M 그건너편에있습니다.꽃집옆입니다. M Oh, I see. That’s too bad I can’t see you tomorrow, but tomorrow. good luck! M 잘가,성희.내일축구경기에서보자. W 아,미안,너에게말하는거깜빡했어.나내일못가. M 진짜?왜? M 응,들었어. W 다음달에연극대회가있는거알고있지? W 거기참여하기로했는데,첫연습이내일이야. M 아,알겠어.내일못본다고하니안됐지만행운을빌게. W 정말감사합니다. 15 ③ W Tony, what are you doing? B I just finished my homework. Can I go out to meet Insu? W Sure, if you finished your homework. But can you take out the garbage first? B Okay. Should I take out these plastic bottles for recycling? W No, that’s fine. I will take them out later with other things. B Just this, then. Okay, see you later, Mom! 만점 솔루션 이유를묻는남자의‘Whynot?’이후여자의말에주목한다.연 W Have fun! 극을뜻하는‘play’와‘~에참여하다’를의미하는‘takepart in’표현을안다면쉽게답을고를수있다. W 토니,뭐하고있니? 13 ② W Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. Can I come in? M Yes, of course, Mrs. Kim. Please sit down. W Thank you. M So, how can I help you? W I was wondering how Susie is doing in class. She doesn’t talk much with me at home. M Susie is doing well. She’s a bit quiet, but she’s a good student. W I feel so relieved to hear that. W 안녕하세요,스미스선생님.들어가도될까요? M 네,물론입니다.앉으세요. W 감사해요. M 무엇을도와드릴까요? B 저방금숙제를끝냈어요.나가서인수를만나도되나요? W 물론,숙제를끝냈다면.하지만우선쓰레기를버려줄수있겠니? B 네.재활용을위한이플라스틱통들도버릴까요? W 아니,괜찮아.나중에내가다른것들과같이버릴거야. B 그럼이것만.알겠어요.나중에봐요엄마! W 재미있게놀으렴! 만점 솔루션 부탁할때쓰이는‘Canyou~?’표현과‘밖에내놓다’라는의 미의‘takeout’을알면쉽게풀수있는문제이다.소년은이 미숙제를끝냈고(justfinishedmyhomework)재활용을위 한플라스틱통은여자가나중에처리하기로했다.(Iwilltake themoutlater~.) 16 ④ W Tom, what are you doing for the long weekend? M I promised my dad to help him wash his car on Saturday W 수지가학급에서어떻게하고있나궁금해서요.집에서는말을많이안 or Sunday. But that’s it. W What about on Monday? M 수지는잘하고있습니다.조금조용하지만좋은학생입니다. W 그말을들으니마음이놓이네요. 14 ⑤ W Excuse me. Do you know where the National Art Gallery 해요. is? M Nothing much. I was thinking about riding a bike. W Would you join us then? We’re going to Main Park for a picnic. M That sounds good. I could ride my bike there, too! W 톰,긴주말동안뭐할거야? M 아빠랑토요일이나일요일에아빠차를세차하는걸돕기로약속했어. M Yes, you should turn right at the next corner. W Turn right over there? M Yes, and keep walking until you see the fire station on your 그냥그거뿐이야. W 월요일에는? right. W Okay. Then? M It’s across from it. And it is also next to a flower shop. W Thank you very much! W 실례합니다.국립미술관이어디있는지아시나요? M 네,다음모퉁이에서오른쪽으로도세요. M 특별히없어.자전거를탈까생각했어. W 그럼우리랑같이놀래?우리메인공원에소풍갈거야. M 재미있겠는데.거기서자전거도탈수있겠다! 17 ② W Minoo, you’re back. I heard you were sick yesterday. Are you better now? 92 중1 24 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 92 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:21 M Yes, I am. Thank you. Did I miss anything? ④다음주에방문할거야. W Well, we’re going to have a test tomorrow in history. ⑤그거좋은생각이다. M What? But I don’t have my notes. W I can lend you my notebook, if you want. 만점 솔루션 남자가사진속의장소를가보았다고말하자여자가어땠냐고 묻고있으므로,그물음에대한남자의대답은장소에대한감 M That would be great. I’ll make a copy and give it right back. W Okay, wait here and I’ll get it. 상을말하는것이옳다. 20 ⑤ M You look very nice, Emily. I like your new jeans. W Thank you. I bought these when I went shopping with my mom last weekend. M Really? Where did you buy them? W At the new mall downtown. Have you been there? M No, not yet. I haven’t had a chance. W It’s a pretty cool place. Would you like to go with me someday? M M 너정말멋져보인다,에밀리.네새바지마음에들어. W 고마워,지난주말에엄마랑쇼핑갔을때샀어. M 진짜?어디서샀어? W 시내에새로생긴몰에서.가본적있어? M 아니,아직.기회가없었어. W 꽤멋진곳이야.언제나랑같이가볼래? M 물론,그럼좋지. ①이번주에거길갈거야. ②물론,그영화보고싶어. ③아니,혼자가고싶지않아. ④아,그거참안됐다. 만점 솔루션 새로생긴몰에함께가자고제안하고있는여자의물음에대한 남자의대답으로는거절이나승낙이올수있다. W 민우,돌아왔구나.어제아팠다고들었어.지금괜찮아? M 응.고마워.내가뭐놓친건없어? W 내일역사시험이있어. M 뭐?하지만난필기를안했는데. W 네가원하면내공책을빌려줄게. M 잘됐다.복사한다음에돌려줄게. W 응,여기서기다려갖고올게. 18 ① │ M Excuse me, can I send this package to Japan? ③ W Sure, there are two ways by air. The express mail takes two days, and it costs $30. M Oh, it’s too expensive. What’s the other way? W It’s called economy air. It’s $15, and it takes four days. M Is there anything cheaper? W Yeah, you can send it by ship, but it can take up to two weeks. M 실례합니다.이소포를일본에보낼수있을까요? W 물론입니다,공항우편은두가지가있습니다.속달우편은이틀이걸리 고30달러입니다. M 너무비싸네요.다른하나는뭔가요? W 이코노미우편입니다.15달러이고나흘이걸립니다. M 너저렴한건없나요? W 네,배로보낼수도있지만2주까지걸릴수있습니다. W I’m looking at this picture. It won the school photo contest W Sure. Isn’t it really nice? I like this green field a lot. M Yes, it’s nice. And actually, I have been there. 19 ① M What are you doing, Kate? this year. M Can I have a look, too? W Really? What was it like? M M 뭐하고있니,케이트? W 이사진을보고있어.이번해에학교사진대회에서우승한거야. M 나도볼수있을까? W 물론.진짜좋지않니?이녹색들판이진짜좋아. M 응,좋다.사실,나거기가본적있어. W 진짜?어땠어? M 진짜좋았어. ②나거기안갔어. ③같이가자. #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 93 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:21 고난도 영어듣기능력평가 93 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 94 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:21 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 94 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:21 #듣기1년(해설)[001~120]-1004.indd 94 2018-10-05 오후 6:44:21
