2019년 좋은책신사고 Writing Wise 라이팅 와이즈 Level 3 - 2.pdf Download | FlareBrick FDS
WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:20 PM 페이지01 SinsagoHitec WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:20 PM 페이지02 SinsagoHitec 관계사 point 1 관계대명사 1 whose 2 what 3 which〔that〕 4 who(m)〔that〕 1 whose 2 which〔that〕 3 what B a s i c p.09 1 what you were looking for 2 that book whose cover 3 the first man that walked 4 player who has scored 5 the very idea that 6 the guitar which〔that〕 1 whose, fur 2 that, happens 3 What, he, says 4 who〔that〕, lives 5 which〔that〕, he, took 6 what, I, have A d v a n c e d p.10 1 I have never eaten what he cooked. 2 She has a friend whose job is a doctor. 3 What I don’t like is the end of the movie. 4 The library doesn’t have the book which I p.08 permission. 1 He didn’t receive the package which 〔that〕she sent. 2 The only thing that matters is my parents’ 3 This is what Tylor showed us last night. 4 The fashion model who(m)〔that〕I interviewed 5 I looked after a sick dog whose life was in was attractive. danger. 6 She is the best actress that has ever performed this part. 서술형 완벽 대비 p.11 1 who〔that〕wants to be a biologist 2 who(m)〔that〕everybody likes 3 who〔that〕shares a room with Robin 4 who〔that〕speak Korean very well 5 whose dream is making exciting movies |해석| 나는 지난 토요일에 Robin의 생일파티에 갔었다. 나는 생물학자 가 되고 싶어하는 미국 소년과 모든 사람들이 좋아하는 일본 소 녀, 그리고 Robin과 방을 함께 쓰고 있는 인도 소년을 만났다. 나는 또한 한국말을 아주 잘하는 두 명의 아프리카 소년들과 이 야기하는 것을 즐겼다. 그리고 나는 흥미진진한 영화를 만드는 것이 꿈인 중국 소년과 친구가 되었다. 1 the best cook that I’ve ever met 2 what I want to eat 3 the only person that knows everything 4 the dress that〔which〕she bought me 5 the same house that she lives in 6 What makes her really happy |해설| 1, 3, 5 선행사에 최상급, the very, the only, the same 등이 포함될 경우에는 주로 관계대명사 that을 쓴다. 2, 6 what은 선행사를 포함하는 관계대명사로 the thing which의 의미이다. 5 She woke up her son who fell asleep on about me want. the sofa. 6 He is the most famous person that has visited our restaurant. 02 Answers 3-2 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:20 PM 페이지03 SinsagoHitec point 2 관계부사 p.12 3 Monday is the day when everybody feels 1 That is the reason (why) Greg hired you. 2 Doing yoga is how〔the way〕I stay in shape. tired. happened. environment. 4 This is the place (where) the car accident 5 This is how〔the way〕we can protect the 6 This is the time (when) he decided to become an actor. 1 how 2 where 3 why 4 when 1 when we first met 2 how〔the way〕she always treats her kid 3 why I complained to the manager 4 where my family spent our winter vacations B a s i c p.13 서술형 완벽 대비 p.15 1 The hotel where she stayed 2 how he fixed 3 the month when 4 the reason why I broke 5 the day when I first visited 6 the place where we used to play 1 how, you, treat 2 why, you, made 3 where, he, works 4 when, everything, is 5 why, he, had 6 where, I, can, eat 7 when, they, became A d v a n c e d p.14 1 2011 is the year when Steve Jobs died. 2 This book explains the reason why the war broke out. 3 This is the beach where I come to suntan. 4 I don’t know why Henry quit his job. 5 You have to change how you deal with stress. 6 Now is the time when the children need their parents most. 1 the month when people celebrate the New Year 2 how we can reduce the amount of trash 3 (the reason) why Earth’s climate is becoming warmer 4 (the place) where visitors can see hundreds of marine animals 5 how you can check your health |해설| 1 선행사가 시간을 나타낼 때는 관계부사 when을 쓴다 2, 5 선행사가 방법을 나타낼 때는 관계부사 how를 쓴다. 단, 관계부사 how와 선행사 the way는 함께 쓰지 않는다. 3 선행사가 이유를 나타낼 때는 관계부사 why를 쓴다. 4 선행사가 장소를 나타낼 때는 관계부사 where를 쓴다. 1 where she can enjoy fresh coffee 2 why she gets good grades in English 3 where she first met her boyfriend 4 when the bus arrives 5 how she respects old people |해설| 1, 3 선행사가 장소를 나타낼 때는 관계부사 where를 쓴다. 2 선행사가 이유를 나타낼 때는 관계부사 why를 쓴다. 4 선행사가 시간을 나타낼 때는 관계부사 when을 쓴다. 5 선행사가 방법을 나타낼 때는 관계부사 how를 쓴다. 단, 관계 부사 how와 선행사 the way는 함께 쓰지 않는다. Chapter 01 03 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:20 PM 페이지04 SinsagoHitec B a s i c p.17 wise. point 3 주의해야 할 관계사의 쓰임 p.16 1 ◯ 2 ◯ 3 × 4 × 1 which 2 when 3 who 4 where 1 a nice guy who〔that〕has 2 the house where〔in which〕the singer 3 which helps me clear 4 who is an English chef 5 which is the capital 6 which Elena recommended 1 the, museum, built 2 The, girl, sitting 3 who, had 4 whom, I, work 5 which, was, made 6 when, she, became A d v a n c e d p.18 1 The cute girl drawing cartoons is Kate. 2 We visited Boryeong, where the mud 3 The pictures taken by Helen Levitt is now 4 Amy told me about her husband, who 5 I remember last summer, when I rode the festival was held. on display. works as a pilot. London Eye. 1 These are the free gifts (which〔that〕are) given to customers. 2 This model airplane is the toy (which 〔that〕) he likes the most. 3 The bed (which〔that〕) I slept in last night was very comfortable. 또는 The bed (in which) I slept last night was very comfortable. 4 Chris called her late at night, which made her angry. 5 I often ask advice of Ms. Clark, who is very 6 I went to the amusement park, where I met Robin by chance. 서술형 완벽 대비 p.19 1 the house (which〔that〕) my sons and I were born in 또는 the house (in which) my sons and I were born 2 The woman (who is) watering the flowers 3 an apple tree (which〔that〕) my family 4 The twin boys (who are) trying to climb 5 The small house (which〔that〕is) made of is my wife planted together the tree red bricks |해설| 1 which가 전치사 in의 목적어로 전치사와 나란히 쓰인 관계대 명사 which는 생략할 수 없다. 2, 4, 5 주격관계대명사와 be동사가 생략되었다. 3 an apple tree와 my family사이에 목적격 관계대명사 that 〔which〕가 생략되었다. 1 which was close to a river 2 where people can enjoy various water sports 3 which flew across the river 4 who had just moved in next door 5 who(m) he misses so much 6 when he became her friend |해석| 마침내, Dave는 꿈에 그리던 집을 샀다! 04 Answers 3-2 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:20 PM 페이지05 SinsagoHitec Dave는 그의 새 집으로 이사를 갔는데, 그 집은 강 가까이에 있었다. 이 강은 유명한 장소이고, 그곳에서 사람들은 다양한 수 상 스포츠를 즐길 수 있다. 그는 아름다운 새들을 보았고, 그 새 들은 강을 가로질러 날아갔다. 그는 새 친구를 사귀었는데, 그 친구는 옆집으로 막 이사를 왔다. 그는 옛 친구 Elena에게 편 지를 받았는데, 그는 그녀를 아주 많이 그리워한다. 그는 여전히 1 Take a deep breath whenever you get 2 Whichever you choose, you will be 3 Whoever you are, you should respect other 유치원에서의 첫날을 기억하고 있고, 그때 그는 그녀의 친구가 4 Whatever other people say, I will follow my 되었다. point 4 복합관계사 5 Wherever you live, the location of your home is important. 6 However fast you run, you won’t catch up p.20 서술형 완벽 대비 p.23 nervous. satisfied. people. dream. with her. 1 Whatever 2 Whoever 3 Whenever 4 However B a s i c p.21 1 whichever〔whatever〕you want 2 who(m)ever you bring 3 wherever you want to 4 Whoever reads the book 5 Whatever I suggest 6 However hard he studied 1 Whichever, you, buy 2 Whenever, I, see 3 Whatever, I, say 4 Wherever, they, have 5 who(m)ever, you, want 6 whoever, visits A d v a n c e d p.22 1 You can have whichever you like. 2 She doesn’t do whatever would harm 3 Elena loses her appetite whenever she others. feels depressed. 4 Whatever I do, my parents always support me. exam. 5 However hard Ted tried, he failed every 6 Whoever wants to use this software can download it for free. 1 Whenever you visit the library 2 Whoever has a library card 3 whichever〔whatever〕books you need 4 whichever〔whatever〕books you want to read 5 However busy you are |해석| 수 있다. Seattle 중앙 도서관 1 당신이 언제 도서관에 방문하더라도 당신은 책을 읽을 수 있다. 2 도서관 카드를 가지고 있는 사람은 누구나 도서관을 이용할 3 당신이 필요로 하는 어느 책이든 도서관에서 빌릴 수 있다. 4 당신이 읽고 싶은 무슨 책이든 찾을 수 있다. 5 당신이 아무리 바쁘다 해도 그 책을 빌리고 싶지 않으면 원래 장소에 다시 가져다 두어라. 1 Whatever he cooks 2 whichever she recommends 3 However he washes the shirt 4 wherever she goes |해석| 1 그가 무엇을 요리할지라도, 나는 그것을 기꺼이 먹겠다. 2 그는 그녀가 추천하는 것은 어느 것이든 볼 것이다. 3 그가 아무리 셔츠를 빨더라도, 그 얼룩은 사라지지 않을 것이다. 4 그녀가 가는 어디라도, 그 개는 Lily를 따라갈 것이다. Chapter 01 05 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:20 PM 페이지06 SinsagoHitec 수동태 point 1 4형식 문장의 수동태 p.26 1 to 2 for 3 by 4 sent 1 was written to / was written 2 was read / was read to 3 was asked / were asked of 1 This story was read to the twins by their 2 The waiter was given a tip by a middle- 3 This painting was shown to us for the first time by the curator. 4 The piano was bought for the boy by his 5 He was passed the room key by his mother. aged man. parents. roommate. B a s i c p.27 a top chef. 6 This food was cooked for the customers by 1 was, sent, to, me 2 am, taught, how, to, swim 3 be, bought, for, Nicky 4 were, brought, to, the, poor 5 was, told, to, me 6 were, asked, of, Linda 7 was, made, for, her 1 My boss will be sent an email 2 Food was thrown to the animals 3 Her friends were given an invitation card 4 The first chapter of the book was read to 5 A bottle of milk was bought for me by mom 6 The change was passed to him 7 Rory was asked some questions about the Sam accident 서술형 완벽 대비 p.29 1 Pasta was cooked for Peter by Cindy. 2 A baseball cap was given to Jane by Peter. 3 A pair of gloves was made for Dean by 4 A bunch of flowers was sent to me by Jane. Dean. |해설| 1, 3 cook, make는 간접목적어 앞에 전치사 for를 쓴다. 2, 4 give, send는 간접목적어 앞에 전치사 to를 쓴다. A d v a n c e d p.28 1 made, by 2 was, bought, for 3 was, never, lent, to 4 was, found, by 5 was, given, to 1 The same text messages were sent to all of |해석| 2 I was taught how to drive by my father. 3 Some jokes were told to people by him at us by him. the party. 4 A few pieces of furniture were shown to the couple by the salesman. 5 He was given a meat pie recipe by his grandmother. 나는 Thomas 씨에 의해 만들어졌고 내 주인을 기다렸다. 어느 날 나는 Mary라는 이름의 소녀를 위해 그녀의 아빠에게 구매되 었다. 그녀는 나를 무척 좋아했고 아무에게도 결코 나를 빌려주지 않았다. 나를 잃어버렸을 때 나는 그녀의 아빠에 의해 발견되었다. 몇 년이 흐른 후, 나는 Mary의 딸인 Kate에게 주어졌고 Mary 에게 사랑받았던 것처럼 그녀에게도 사랑을 받았다. |해설| 2 buy는 간접목적어 앞에 전치사 for를 쓴다. 3, 5 lend, give는 간접목적어 앞에 전치사 to를 쓴다. 06 Answers 3-2 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:20 PM 페이지07 SinsagoHitec point 2 5형식 문장의 수동태 1 She is called a cutie pie by her brother. 2 Her name was heard twice at the awards p.30 3 I was expected to be honest by my ceremony. parents. 1 mayor 2 singing 3 to eat 4 speechless 1 to sting 2 was kept 3 were made household chores. 4 A beggar is seen lying〔to lie〕on the street. 5 Their mother was kept busy by the 6 The soldiers were ordered to stay alert by the officer. B a s i c p.31 1 was, asked, to, mail 2 were, heard, exploding 3 was, called, “Daddy-Long-Legs” 4 was, made, to, clean 5 was, found, empty 6 was, wished, to, be, healthy 7 was, watched, being, built 1 He was wanted to be honest 2 She was named Melissa 3 The door was heard knocked on 4 The front gate was kept closed 5 They are made exhausted 6 The visitors were allowed to take pictures 7 The team is made to practice shooting in the museum every day A d v a n c e d p.32 1 Tears were felt to run down his cheeks. 2 He was watched leaving by his proud 3 The missing man was found alive by the 4 Anna was elected their president by the father. lake. members. 5 I was asked to call an ambulance by a 6 I am made to wash the dishes on pregnant woman. weekends by Mom. 서술형 완벽 대비 p.33 1 was made to pay 2 was elected class president 3 were kept cold 4 was felt touching〔to touch〕 5 was encouraged to sing |해석| 1 그녀는 과속에 대한 벌금을 내게 되었다. 2 그 반에서 수진이는 반장으로 선출되었다. 3 음료수가 냉장고 안에서 차갑게 유지됐다. 4 누군가 그의 어깨를 만지는 것을 느꼈다. 5 그 가수는 팬들에 의해 한 곡 더 부르도록 요청받았다. 1 were made to sleep 2 were not allowed to walk 3 was seen 4 were heard singing〔to sing〕 5 was felt blowing〔to blow〕 |해석| 여름 캠프 때, 나는 숲에서 캠핑을 하고 있었다. 우리는 텐트에서 함께 자야 했다. 우리는 혼자서 주변을 돌아다니는 것이 허락되지 않았다. 텐트 안에서는 아무 것도 정확히 보이지 않아서 나의 다 른 감각들이 강화되었다. 부엉이와 매미가 우는 것이 들렸다. 여름 밤의 공기가 내 맨발에 불어오는 것이 느껴졌다. Chapter 02 07 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지08 SinsagoHitec point 3 주의해야 할 수동태 1 서술형 완벽 대비 p.37 p.34 1 was, satisfied, with 2 was, stuck, be, blocked 3 am, worried, about 4 was, covered, with 1 be 2 with 3 been 1 are being handed out 2 can be fixed |해석| 1 A: 대만 여행은 어땠니? B: 좋지 않았어. 대만 음식은 내 입맛에 맞지 않았지만, 호텔 은 매우 만족스러웠어. B a s i c p.35 2 A: 오늘 아침 교통 체증으로 꼼짝도 못했어. B: 나도 그랬어. 몇몇 길이 퍼레이드 때문에 오늘 오후에 봉쇄 될지도 몰라. 3 A: 나는 Peter가 학교에 결석을 해서 매우 걱정스러워. 그는 전화 또한 받지 않아. B: Peter네 집에 가보는 게 어때? A: 좋은 생각이야. 4 A: 나는 내 집 지붕을 고쳤어. B: 무슨 일이 일어났는데? A: 알다시피 눈이 너무 많이 왔잖아. 지붕이 눈으로 뒤덮여서 무너졌어. 1 is excited about 2 are being cut 3 is being boiled 4 is being roasted 5 has been prepared 6 has been bought 7 is pleased with 8 is taken care of 9 is filled with |해석| 오늘 저녁에 내 가족들은 함께 저녁을 먹을 것이다. 엄마는 우리 가 오랫동안 함께 식사한 적이 없기 때문에 가족이 함께 모이는 감자를 자르고 냄비에 물을 끓이신다. 닭고기가 오븐에서 구워지 고 있다. 또한, 몇 가지 후식이 마련되었다. 여동생이 호두 파이를 사왔다. 아빠는 두 살 난 아기인 손녀를 보시고 기뻐하신다. 주중 에 그 아기는 대전에 있는 이모가 돌보셔서 우리는 아기를 자주 볼 수 없다. 우리 집은 행복으로 가득하다. 1 has been rejected by 2 being played 3 is covered with snow 4 should be finished 5 were very surprised at 6 is made from pineapple 1 was, put, off 2 has, been, known, as 3 will, be, performed 4 was, disappointed, with 5 am, tired, of 6 was, pleased, with A d v a n c e d p.36 1 IU is known for her love for fans. 2 The package must be sent to Kevin. 3 The girl was brought up in the royal family. 4 She is interested in eating organic food. 5 Seoul Plaza was filled with thousands of soccer fans. prepared by her family. 1 The food waste should be thrown away 2 This table was made of white oak in immediately. Indonesia. husband. p.m. 3 Shrimp pasta is being cooked by my 4 All the concert tickets have been sold. 5 A bunch of flowers can be delivered by 7 6 Jenny’s parents were surprised at her decision to live by herself. 08 Answers 3-2 6 The surprise party for Amber is being 것에 대해 들뜨셨다. 엄마는 부엌에서 요리를 하고 계신다. 엄마는 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지09 SinsagoHitec point 4 주의해야 할 수동태 2 서술형 완벽 대비 p.41 p.38 1 had us taste some wine 2 got my money stolen 3 is expected that 4 are thought to be 1 is said 2 to have invented 3 peel 4 polished 5 to tell 1 is, known / known, to, be 2 was, reported / reported, to, have, recovered B a s i c p.39 1 to help 2 repaired 3 is believed 4 put off 5 was thought 6 to have been written 1 cleans 2 is said 3 stolen 4 sent 5 to be spread 6 is known A d v a n c e d p.40 |해석| 1 우리는 프랑스 남부에 있는 포도주 양조장을 방문했다. 그 소믈리에는 우리에게 와인을 조금 맛보게 했다. 2 바르셀로나에서 나는 몇 명의 집시 소녀들에게 둘러싸였다. 나는 내 돈을 도난당했다. 3 이 어린이들은 한국의 미래가 될 것이라고 기대된다. 4 요즘 한국에서 GD와 IU는 천재 음악가로 여겨진다. 그들 둘 다 곡을 쓰고 노래도 부른다. 1 She is said to be mysterious. 2 It is known that she doesn’t like talking with people 3 It is expected that she goes out of her house only when she is called by a delivery man. 4 She is said to have lost her son a few years 1 The woman got these applications filled ago. 2 It is known that Gaudi designed Park |해석| out. Guell. 3 The singer is said to be polite and modest. 4 She is thought to be one of the best Smith 부인은 나의 이웃이다. 그녀는 큰 집에서 혼자 산다. 우리 마을 사람들은 그녀를 거의 본 적이 없고 그녀에 대해서는 거의 알려지지 않았다. 그들은 그녀가 신비하다고 말한다. 그들은 그녀 가 사람들과 이야기하고 그녀 자신에 대해 질문을 받는 것을 좋아 5 The businessman had all of his money 하지 않는다는 것을 안다. 그들은 그녀가 배달원이 부를 때만 그 6 The chef is expected to cook any dish in 한 사람이다. 그녀의 얼굴은 우울과 걱정으로 가득하다. 그녀의 집 녀의 집 밖으로 나온다고 예상한다. 그 배달원은 그녀를 본 유일 designers. donated to charity. only 15 minutes. 은 아주 어둡고 많은 먼지들로 덮여 있다. 사람들은 그녀가 몇 년 전에 아들을 잃었다고 말한다. 1 These grapefruits peel easily. 2 This tribe is known to be good at singing 3 She is said to be the rising star of Korean 4 Most celebrities are thought to always be and dancing. figure skating. happy. 5 It is reported that single-person households are increasing these days. Chapter 02 09 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지10 SinsagoHitec 1 had heard 2 would be 3 had 5 If the weather had been good, they would 가정법 point 1 가정법 과거, 가정법 과거완료 p.44 1 were 2 do 3 decided 4 would have been 5 could have bought B a s i c p.45 1 had a lot of time, could exercise 2 could understand, spoke 3 had been at home, not have had 4 had known, would not〔wouldn’t〕have worn jeans 5 hadn’t put on, would have been injured 6 were Sunday, could stay home and relax 1 were, would exercise 2 had had, could have talked 3 were not raining, could go 4 had brought, would have taken 5 hadn’t broken, could have finished 6 were, would try 7 hadn’t boarded, could have survived A d v a n c e d p.46 1 had gotten up early, I would not have missed the bus 2 had some wood, we could light a fire 3 knew her phone number, I could call her 4 had had enough money, I could have bought her a present 5 had not been sleepy, he might have watched the game 10 Answers 3-2 1 If I won the lottery, I would help poor children. 2 If she had driven slowly, she would not 〔wouldn’t〕have had an accident. 3 If the flowers had been beautiful, Tina would have bought them. 4 If I had more time, I would study longer in the library. have enjoyed their time. 6 If it rained, we couldn’t go on a picnic. 서술형 완벽 대비 p.47 1 had read, would have known 2 had listened, could have answered 3 had had, could have finished 4 had studied, would have been 5 had passed, would have been |해설| 1~5 가정법 과거완료는‘만약 ~였다면 …했었을 텐데’의 의미 로 과거 사실과 반대되는 일이나 실현 가능성이 없는 일을 가 정할 때 쓰이며, 「If+주어+had+p.p. ~, 주어+would 〔could, might〕+have+p.p.」의 형태로 쓴다. 1 would change my job 2 would buy more clothes 3 would go to the gym 4 would drive to work 5 would not be lonely |해설| 1~5 가정법 과거는‘만약 ~라면 …할 텐데’의 의미로 현재 사 실과 반대되는 일이나 실현 가능성이 없는 일을 가정할 때 쓰 이며, 「If+주어+동사의 과거형, 주어+would〔could, might〕+동사원형」의 형태로 쓴다. WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지11 SinsagoHitec point 2 I wish /as if+가정법 1 Jack wishes he could play the guitar. 2 Mr. Smith hurried as if only a few minutes p.48 3 I wish I had brought water. 4 I spoke to Mom as if I had finished my were left. homework. 5 I wish I had met my cousin. 6 It’s very cool these days as if it were 1 had asked 2 had been 3 could stay 4 were 5 had liked 1 could travel 2 had passed 3 knew 4 had seen already October. 7 Sarah wishes she were not sick. B a s i c p.49 서술형 완벽 대비 p.51 1 I were 2 she had known about it 3 I had been elected 4 she didn’t like to eat fast food 5 he had listened 6 I had gotten a good score 7 he had visited New York last year 1 were invited to parties 2 were Saturday today 3 were not raining 4 could travel to New York 5 had a lot of beautiful dresses 1 She talked as if she had seen 2 I wish I could buy a house 3 He talks as if I were 4 I wish I had been 5 He acts as if he were 6 I wish I were A d v a n c e d p.50 1 I wish he had told me the truth. 2 She always talks as if she knew everything. 3 I wish I had seen the movie with you. 4 I wish I could go abroad to study. 5 She kept on working as if nothing had happened. 6 I wish I were at a Hawaiian beach. |해설| 1~5「I wish+가정법 과거」는‘~라면 좋을 텐데’의 의미로 현 재의 실현 불가능한 소망이나 현재의 일에 대한 아쉬움을 나 타낸다. 1 we could eat out together 2 as if it were easy 3 we could study together 4 as if he were a baby |해석| 지호: 나랑 저녁 먹으러 나가는 게 어때? 수진: 안 돼. 우리가 함께 외식을 할 수 있다면 좋을 텐데. 지호: 왜 할 수 없는데? 수진: 엄마가 내가 오늘 저녁을 준비하도록 하셨어. 엄마는 그것이 쉬운 것처럼 말씀하셔. 민희: 오늘 너의 집에서 함께 공부하는 게 어때? 지호: 안 돼. 우리가 함께 공부할 수 있다면 좋을 텐데. 민희: 왜 할 수 없는데? 지호: 나는 내 남동생을 돌봐야 해. 그는 아기처럼 행동해. |해설| 1, 3 「I wish+가정법 과거」는‘~라면 좋을 텐데’의 의미로 현 재의 일에 대한 유감을 나타낸다. 2, 4 「as if+가정법 과거」는‘마치 ~인 것처럼’의 의미로 주절 의 시점과 같은 시점의 일을 가정한다. Chapter 03 11 11 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지12 SinsagoHitec point 3 여러 가지 가정법 구문 p.52 1 Without 2 But, for 3 Had, he, been, here 1 went 2 Had it not been 3 would die / would have died 4 could not〔couldn’t〕 breathe B a s i c p.53 1 it, were, not, for 2 it, had, not, been, for 3 it, were, not, for 4 it, had, not, been, for 5 it, were, not, for 1 Had I known her problem 2 Were I rich 3 Had it not been for your support 4 If it had not been for his final basket 5 Had he been a resident of this city 6 If it were not for rules 1 It’s time you bought new tires. 2 But for the traffic jam, I would not be late for the meeting. 3 Without〔But for〕his driver’s license, he would not be able to drive. 4 Had it not been for your advice, I would have lost my best friend. 5 Without〔But for〕my father’s support, I couldn’t have become a doctor. 6 Were it fine, we would take a walk in the park. 서술형 완벽 대비 p.55 1 you went home 2 you got up early 3 I bought some food |해석| 1 너는 집에 가야 할 때이다. 네가 밤에 홀로 밖에 있는 것은 안 전하지 않다. 2 너는 일어나야 할 때이다. 너는 학교에 늦을 것이다. 3 내가 먹을 것을 좀 사야 할 때이다. 나의 냉장고는 완전히 비 A d v a n c e d p.54 |해설| 1~3「It’s time+주어+동사의 과거형」은‘~(해야) 할 때이다’ 의 의미로 했어야 할 일을 하지 않은 것에 대한 유감을 나타 었다. 낸다. 1 It’s time we came to a conclusion. 2 Had he not been honest, I would not have 3 Had she been careful, she would not have employed him. spilt milk. 4 But for my teacher’s lessons, I could not have passed the exam. 5 Without your assistance, he would have 6 But for passion, nothing great would have failed in his business. been accomplished. 12 Answers 3-2 1 Had it not been for jogging, I couldn’t 2 Were it not for water and air, what would have lost weight. become of us? 3 Had it not been for this invitation, we couldn’t have attended his wedding. |해석| 1 조깅을 하지 않았더라면 나는 몸무게를 줄일 수 없었을 텐데. 2 물과 공기가 없다면 우리는 어떻게 될까? 3 이 초대장이 없었더라면 우리는 그의 결혼식에 참석하지 못했 을 텐데. |해설| 1~3 But for와 Without은‘~이 없(었)다면’의 의미로 if it were not for`/`if it had not been for의 의미이다. 이때 if 를 생략하면, 주어와 동사의 위치가 바뀐다. WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지13 SinsagoHitec 접속사 point 1 시간·이유를 나타내는 접속사 p.58 1 while 2 when 3 As 4 since 1 as 2 since B a s i c p.59 1 when she heard the news 2 as she ate too much 3 since he left school 4 while I was preparing lunch 5 because he knows this area well 1 every〔each〕time you need it 2 since I started playing tennis 3 As soon as I arrived home 4 because he made us do a lot of work 1 until the sun set 2 When the singer appeared on the stage 3 While we were having dinner 4 As soon as I opened the email attachment A d v a n c e d p.60 1 as time passed 2 until the train arrived at the station 3 because I was born in Canada 4 whenever I call on him 5 since he had the flu 6 while he was walking along the road 7 as soon as we saw the thief |해설`| 1 as: ~하면서 4 whenever: ~할 때마다`(= each time, every time) 7 as soon as: ~하자마자`(= on v-ing) 1 don’t know the value of health until we 2 can’t see him anymore since he moved lose it away 3 found myself famous when I woke up 4 has gone down since he went on a diet 5 looked after her youngest brother while her parents went out 6 couldn’t get there on time because there 7 became very cold as the seasons were was a lot of traffic changing 서술형 완벽 대비 p.61 1 since she was in elementary school 2 as his computer broke down last night |해석| 1 Harry: 너는 중국어를 매우 잘하는구나. Jane`: 고마워. Harry: 너는 언제 중국어를 배우기 시작했니? Jane`: 나는 초등학교에 다닐 때 그것을 배우기 시작했어. → Jane은 초등학교 때부터 중국어를 배웠다. 2 Susan : 인터넷에서 그 책을 주문했니? James : 아니, 어젯밤에 내 컴퓨터가 고장 났어. Susan : 안됐구나. James : 오늘 내 컴퓨터를 고칠 거야. → James는 그의 컴퓨터가 어젯밤에 고장 나서 오늘 그의 컴퓨터를 고칠 것이다. |해설| 2 as가 시간을 나타내는 접속사가 아니라 이유를 나타내는 접 속사로 쓰였다. Chapter 04 13 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지14 SinsagoHitec p.62 4 can talk to foreigners although my English A d v a n c e d p.64 1 if you come tomorrow morning 2 unless you skip breakfast 3 even though it looks clean 4 even though I love snowy days 5 if you don’t want to go shopping 6 although he was severely wounded |해설`| 3, 4, 6 양보를 나타내는 접속사에는 although〔though〕(~이 기는 하지만), even though(비록 ~일지라도)가 있다. 1 will learn about Korean culture if you go to the museum 2 watch that movie as long as I get a free 3 eat late at night unless you want to gain ticket weight is not perfect 5 didn’t pass the exam even though he studied hard every day 6 be disappointed if you don’t come to the party |해설`| 1, 3, 6 if(만약 ~하면)와 unless(만약 ~하지 않으면)는 조건 을 나타내는 접속사이며, unless는「if ~ not」의 의미이다. 또한 조건을 나타내는 부사절에서는 현재시제가 미래를 대신 2 as long as는‘~하기만 하면’이라는 의미로 조건을 나타내 한다. 는 접속사로 쓰인다. 서술형 완벽 대비 p.65 1 even if it is not wonderful 2 even though you are very busy 3 if you count all the good things in your life |해설| 1, 2 even though는‘비록 ~일지라도,’even if는‘만약 ~ 할지라도’라는 의미로 양보를 나타내고, even though는 though의 의미를 강조, even if는 if의 의미를 강조한다. 1 while he was watching TV 2 when he arrived at the bus stop 3 as her glasses are broken 4 since she began playing tennis |해석| 1 그는 TV를 보는 동안 잠이 들었다. 2 그가 버스 정류장에 도착했을 때 그 버스는 이미 출발했다. 3 그녀는 그녀의 안경이 부러져서 그것을 읽을 수 없다. 4 Sarah는 테니스를 치기 시작한 이래로 살이 빠졌다. |해설| 4 since가 시간을 나타내는 접속사로 쓰일 경우 종속절에는 과 거시제가, 주절에는 현재완료 시제가 쓰인다. point 2 조건·양보를 나타내는 접속사 1 If 2 unless 3 unless 4 If 5 Unless 1 ⓒ 2 ⓔ 3 ⓐ 4 ⓑ 5 ⓓ B a s i c p.63 1 If he gives me one more chance 2 Even though we are busy 3 Even if you don’t like it here 4 Unless you have a ticket 5 Although summer is a fun season 1 Although〔Though〕there was a traffic jam 2 Even though she was very young 3 If our team wins the championship 4 Unless you try hard〔If you don’t try hard〕 1 Although〔Though〕I don’t understand the lyrics 2 even if they are not yours 3 unless you turn down the radio 4 If you visit Buyeo 14 Answers 3-2 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지15 SinsagoHitec 1 although it was raining〔it rained〕 2 if you keep quiet 3 unless you set the alarm |해석| 1 우리는 비가 오기는 하지만 하이킹을 갔다. 2 너희들이 조용히 하면 새가 노래하는 것을 들을 수 있다. 3 자명종을 맞추지 않으면 너는 학교에 지각할 것이다. |해설| 2, 3 if와 unless는 조건을 나타내는 접속사로, 조건을 나타내 는 부사절에서는 현재시제가 미래를 대신하므로 if가 이끄는 절에 현재시제가 쓰여야 한다. point 3 짝으로 이루어진 접속사 p.66 1 not only 2 as well as 3 Both 4 neither 5 Either 1 ⓓ 2 ⓔ 3 ⓑ 4 ⓐ 5 ⓒ 1 both, and 2 either, or 3 as, well, as 4 not, but 1 Both Jane and I were glad 2 Not only I but also my brother was 3 nor talked to me 4 or meet his friend 1 Not only Jane but (also) Boram〔Boram as well as Jane〕was 2 enjoys either cooking or cleaning 3 both body and mind 4 Not Kate but you have to call A d v a n c e d p.68 1 The play was not serious but funny. 2 He neither said anything nor smiled at me. 3 You can either come with me or go to 4 We need to eat not only vegetables but 5 I bought both fresh apples and a bottle of your home. also fruit. milk. 6 He has experience as well as knowledge. |해설`| 2「neither A nor B」는‘A와 B 둘 다 아닌’이라는 의미이며, 비교되는 A와 B는 문법적으로 대등한 형태여야 한다. 동사구 said anything과 smiled at me가 비교되고 있다. 6「B as well as A」는‘A뿐만 아니라 B도’라는 의미로「not only A but (also) B」와 같은 의미이다. 1 Both milk and cheese are necessary for cooking this dish. 2 Neither my sister nor I want to go to bed 3 Either you or Jessica has to clean the early. house today. 5 Not you but I have to apologize for wasting her time. 6 Neither the teacher nor the students were in the classroom this morning. 7 Either Sue or the girl is going to prepare dinner tonight. |해설`| 1「both A and B」는‘A와 B 둘 다’의 의미로 복수 취급한다. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7「neither A nor B」, 「either A or B」, 「not A but B」가 주어로 쓰이는 경우 항상 B에 수일치를 시킨다. B a s i c p.67 good for your health. 4 Tomatoes are not only delicious but also Chapter 04 15 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지16 SinsagoHitec 서술형 완벽 대비 p.69 point 4 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 1 not only decorate a Christmas tree but also hang our socks over the fireplace 〔hang our socks over the fireplace as well as decorate a Christmas tree〕 2 both my sister and I write Christmas cards 3 Not I but my sister still believes 4 wants either a bike or shoes |해석| 크리스마스가 다가오고 있다! 나는 크리스마스를 고대하고 있다. 크리스마스마다 우리 가족과 나는 크리스마스 트리를 장식할 뿐 만 아니라 벽난로 위에 양말을 걸어둔다. 또한, 내 여동생과 나는 둘 다 우리 조부모님과 친구들에게 크리스마스 카드를 쓴다. 내 가 아니라 내 여동생은 여전히 산타클로스가 존재한다고 믿는다. 우리는 크리스마스 선물을 받기를 기대한다. 내 여동생은 자전거 나 신발 둘 중에 하나를 원한다. 나는 새 스마트폰을 원한다. 크 리스마스 아침에 우리 가족 모두는 모여서 크리스마스 트리 아래 에 있는 선물들을 풀어본다. |해설| 1 not only A but (also) B: A뿐만 아니라 B도(= B as well as A) 2 both A and B: A와 B 둘 다 3 not A but B: A가 아니라 B 4 either A or B: A나 B 둘 중 하나 1 neither watches TV nor reads the newspaper 2 was both boring and long 3 neither the time nor the money to go on a holiday 4 can leave either today or tomorrow |해석| 1 James는 TV를 보지도 신문을 읽지도 않는다. 2 그 노래는 길고 지루하다. 3 나는 휴가를 갈 시간도 돈도 없다. 4 우리는 오늘이나 내일 떠날 수 있다. |해설| 1~4 짝을 이루는 접속사에서 비교되는 대상인 A와 B는 동사 구 watches TV와 reads the newspaper, 형용사 한다. 16 Answers 3-2 p.70 1 if〔whether〕 2 that 3 whether 4 That 1 whether 2 will rain 3 doesn’t 4 that B a s i c p.71 1 whether Tommy will be honest 2 if〔whether〕he broke the window on purpose 3 whether or not my wallet is there 4 What do you suppose she is thinking? 1 It is unbelievable that he got a perfect 2 It was very impressive that he wrote this 3 It is doubtful whether the rumor is true or 1 Can you tell me how much this book is? 2 Who do you think the next chairman will 3 I’d like to know whether John entered the singing contest. 4 Do you know who told him the news? score. good essay. not. be? A d v a n c e d p.72 1 I hope that you will get better soon. 2 I wonder if he will come with me or not. 3 The fact is that Susan has a talent for music. 4 I doubt whether the students can understand what I said. 5 Whether Tom will succeed depends on his boring과 long, 명사구 the time과 the money, 부사 effort. today와 tomorrow처럼 문법적으로 대등한 형태가 되어야 6 When do you think the train will arrive? WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지17 SinsagoHitec |해설`| 1, 3 접속사 that이 이끄는 절은 문장에서 주어, 목적어, 보어 in Seoul? 2 ← Joan wonders. +How long has he been staying 역할을 한다. 2, 4, 5 whether와 if는‘~인지 아닌지’라는 의미로 whether 는 주어, 보어, 목적어 역할을 하는 명사절을 이끌고, if 4 의문사가 없는 의문문을 간접의문문으로 연결할 경우 whether나 if가 쓰인다. ← Joan would like to know.+Does he like Korean 는 목적어절만을 이끈다. pop music? 7 I wonder if〔whether〕you are free tomorrow Bill: 너는 토요일에 콘서트에 갈 수 있니? 1 if〔whether〕I could go to a concert on Saturday (or not) 2 what kind of concert it was 3 that it was a performance by a symphony orchestra 4 if〔whether〕the tickets were expensive 5 that I didn’t have to buy a ticket |해석| : 어떤 종류의 콘서트인데? I Bill: 교향악단이 하는 공연이야. : 표가 비싸지? I Bill: 내가 너에게 무료로 한 장 줄 수 있기 때문에 너는 표를 살 필요가 없어. Bill이 내가 토요일에 콘서트를 갈 수 있는지 없는지 물어 봤다. 나는 그것이 어떤 종류의 콘서트인지 궁금했다. 그는 나에게 교 향악단이 하는 공연이라고 설명해주었다. 나는 그 표가 비싼지 알고 싶었다. 그가 나에게 표를 무료로 한 장 줄 수 있기 때문에 내가 표를 살 필요가 없다고 말했다. 그 덕분에 나는 그 공연을 1, 4 의문사가 없는 의문문을 간접의문문으로 연결할 경우 접속사 whether나 if를 쓴다. 2 의문사가 있는 의문문을 간접의문문으로 만들 경우「의문사+ 주어+동사」의 어순으로 쓴다. 1 It is strange that he hasn’t come to school. 2 I’m not certain if〔whether〕the museum is 3 Do you believe that she told you the truth? 4 I’m not sure if〔whether〕my aunt will like 5 What do you think will happen next year? 6 My question is whether they will leave the open or not. my present. city or not. afternoon. |해설`| 1 접속사 that이 이끄는 절이 문장에서 주어 역할을 하는 경우 「It(가주어) ~ that(진주어)」구문으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다. 5 주절의 동사가 think, believe, guess, suppose 등일 경우, 의문사가 문장의 맨 앞으로 온다. Do you think?와 What will happen next year?가 합쳐진 문장이다. 1 that he is from Beijing 2 how long he has been staying in Seoul 3 what he thinks about his school 4 if〔whether〕he likes Korean pop music (or not) 5 where he wants to visit first in Seoul |해석| 1 Joan은 그가 북경 출신이라는 것을 안다. 2 Joan은 그가 서울에 얼마나 오래 머무르고 있는지 궁금하다. 3 Joan은 그에게 학교에 대해 어떻게 생각하는지 묻고 싶다. 4 Joan은 그가 한국 대중 가요를 좋아하는지 아닌지 알고 싶다. 5 Joan은 그가 서울에서 처음으로 어디를 방문하고 싶은지 궁 금하다. |해설| 1 접속사 that이 이끄는 절이 목적어 역할을 한다. 서술형 완벽 대비 p.73 아주 즐겼다. |해설| Chapter 04 17 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지18 SinsagoHitec 일치와 화법 point 1 수의 일치 p.76 1 were 2 are 3 is 4 has 5 is 1 is 2 is 3 are 4 are 5 is B a s i c p.77 1 is 2 are 3 has 4 has 5 helps 1 The United States is 2 A number of people were present 3 The homeless need help 4 Five years is a long time 5 Collecting old coins is 1 The number of participants is 2 The Netherlands is 3 Half of Korean teenagers have 4 Bread and butter was 1 Every minute of your life is valuable. 2 Sixty miles is a long distance to drive. 3 Somebody was knocking on the window. 4 Each man and woman has an equal right 5 Most of the buildings were destroyed in 6 A number of students do volunteer work to vote. the war. these days. 서술형 완벽 대비 p.79 1 The United States of America consists of 2 The American flag has 50 stars and 13 3 Each state has its own flag. 4 each state has its own unique culture and 50 states. stripes. tradition 5 the young wear fantastic costumes and hold a big parade. |해석| A d v a n c e d 미합중국은 50개의 주로 이루어져 있다. 미국 국기에는 50개의 별과 13개의 줄무늬가 있다. 미국 국기의 50개의 별은 미국 주 p.78 의 수를 나타낸다. 각각의 주는 그 주 고유의 깃발을 가지고 있 1 The Philippines has two official languages. 2 The young are more interested in the 3 Two hours is a short time to spend at an Korean Wave. amusement park. 4 A number of girls are taking part in this 5 Every student studies hard for the exam. 6 The number of elementary schools is |해석| activity. decreasing. 다. 또한 각각의 주는 그 주만의 고유한 문화와 전통을 가지고 있다. 예를 들면, 사과가 한창일 때, 아칸소 주에는 사과 축제가 있다. 그때가 되면 젊은이들이 화려한 복장을 하고 큰 퍼레이드 를 펼친다. 1 wash the dishes 2 clean the bathroom 3 takes too much time 4 does the laundry 나의 누나 Jane과 나는 종종 엄마를 돕는다. 그녀와 나 둘 중 한 명은 식사 후에 설거지를 한다. 그녀와 나는 둘 다 항상 일요일마 다 욕실을 청소한다. 그러나 욕실을 청소하는 것뿐만 아니라 빨래 를 하는 것도 시간이 많이 걸린다. 그래서 나나 누나 둘 중 아무도 빨래를 하지 않는다. 18 Answers 3-2 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지19 SinsagoHitec point 2 시제의 일치 p.80 1 was absent from school 2 had been in the hospital 3 would get better 4 are essential for health 5 would visit her after school 1 begins 2 ended 3 wins 4 starts 5 are 6 travels 1 was held 2 would marry 3 is |해석| 서술형 완벽 대비 p.83 B a s i c p.81 1 boils 2 would be 3 ended 1 she would go abroad to study 2 practice makes perfect 3 Earth moves around the sun 4 this restaurant is a very popular place 1 would, be, late 2 had, been, sick 3 is, the, capital, of 4 was, written, by 월요일 아침에 Jack은 그의 친구인 Kate가 학교를 결석했다는 것을 알았다. 그는 그녀가 주말 내내 병원에 입원해 있었다는 것 을 들었다. 그 선생님은 그녀가 곧 나을 거라고 말씀하셨다. Jack은 충분한 잠과 좋은 음식이 건강에 필수라고 배웠다. Jack은 그가 방과 후에 그녀에게 들러야겠다고 생각했다. 1 Galileo’s ideas were in advance of the age in which he lived 2 the sun traveled around Earth 3 Earth goes around the sun 4 looked at the stars A d v a n c e d 미나는 과학 잡지에서 Galileo의 생각이 그가 살던 시대를 앞선 p.82 것이었다고 읽었다. 그 당시의 모든 사람들은 지구가 중심이고 태 |해석| 양이 지구 주위를 돈다고 믿었다. Galileo는 지구가 태양 주위를 돈다고 증명했다. 1610년에 Galileo는 최초로 망원경을 통해서 별을 보았다. Galileo는“모든 진실은 일단 그것이 발견되기만 한 다면 이해하기 쉽다.”라고 말했다. 1 he had lived with his mother for years 2 she would travel to Jindo on her vacation 3 this drugstore is closed on weekends 4 the building was built in the Chosun Dynasty 5 he visits the museum every weekend 6 Chile lies in South America 1 Alice told me that she takes a shower 2 My grandmother used to say that life is 3 I didn’t know that a whale is a mammal. 4 We learned that Hangeul was created by 5 I realized that I had left my umbrella on every morning. short. King Sejong. the bus. 6 My father said that time is money. Chapter 05 19 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지20 SinsagoHitec 1 Harris told me that he would start early the next morning. 2 She advised me to put on my seatbelt. 3 The teacher asked us not to make a sound 4 He told me that he had forgotten his 5 He advised me not to waste my time. 6 The doctor told me that I would get well during class. password. soon. 서술형 완벽 대비 p.87 1 not to smoke anymore for my health 2 to get some exercise regularly 3 to take that medicine three times a day 4 to visit the hospital the next day〔the following day〕 |해석| 내 주치의의 조언 1 당신의 건강을 위해 더 이상 담배를 피우지 마세요. 2 운동을 규칙적으로 하세요. 3 하루에 세 번 이 약을 드세요. 4 내일 병원을 방문하세요. 1 it was too cold outside that day 2 not to go out 3 she was afraid she had caught a cold 4 to drink hot water and (to) take some rest in her bed |해석| Jane : 오늘 밖이 너무 추워. 나는 몸이 좋지 않아. Tom : 정말 나가야 할 일이 없다면 외출하지 마. Jane : 감기에 걸린 것 같아. Tom : 따뜻한 물을 마시고 침대에서 좀 쉬어. point 3 평서문과 명령문의 화법 전환 p.84 1 before 2 I, you 3 to 1 told 2 would 3 was B a s i c p.85 1 she was very proud of her son 2 I had to be patient then 3 he would take her around the city the next day〔the following day〕 4 she hadn’t made a reservation for dinner that night 5 not to run in the classroom 6 to keep the money in my wallet 7 not to stand close to the fire 8 to bring her a cup of coffee 1 My brother will go on a picnic tomorrow 2 I’ll take my son to school today 3 I am taking this writing class now 4 Drink cold water as soon as you get up 5 Don’t touch the vase on the table A d v a n c e d p.86 1 The man told me that he wouldn’t change his decision. 2 Brenda told me she had watched the movie the day before. 3 They told me to bring a friend to the 4 The police officer warned her not to park concert. on the street. 5 I asked him to visit again later. 6 Jane told me she would move to another school the next day. 20 Answers 3-2 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지21 SinsagoHitec point 4 의문문의 화법 전환 p.88 1 if〔whether〕 2 why, had, stayed 3 if〔whether〕, I, had 1 my sister was 2 if〔whether〕 3 could go 4 I would stay 1 Jack asked Sera where she had bought her 2 Bill asked me if〔whether〕I was interested new bag. in cooking. 3 asked us who had cleaned his room 4 asked me when I had finished my homework 5 Brenda asked me if〔whether〕I had ever 6 Jeremy asked her what she wanted to do seen a musical. on Christmas. B a s i c p.89 서술형 완벽 대비 p.91 1 if she could borrow my umbrella 2 if there was a bakery nearby 3 whether I was having a good time 4 whether I had ever been to Europe 5 whether I would come to her office 6 if I had broken the window the day before 7 if I could speak Spanish 1 when she had visited the senior center 2 who the lady smiling at him was 3 where I was going to travel to 4 how she could know the results of the interview 5 why he had been late for school 6 what time it was then A d v a n c e d p.90 1 He asked me where the nearest market was. 2 Rebecca asked me when I had taken the medicine for a headache. 3 The policeman asked me where I had parked last night. 4 what had made her happy 5 He asked me who had broken the glass on 6 Mom asked me what I wanted to eat for the table. dinner. 1 where is the tourist information center 2 I want a guidebook for tourists 3 Where can I get a map of downtown 4 Is the National Museum open on Sundays |해석| Robin은 지민이에게 관광 정보 센터가 어디에 있는지 물었다. 그는 지민이에게 여행자를 위한 안내 책자를 원한다고 말했다. 그는 지민이에게 그가 시내 지도를 어디에서 얻을 수 있는지를 물었다. 그는 또한 지민이에게 국립 박물관이 일요일에 문을 여 는지를 물었다. 1 what I usually do after school 2 if〔whether〕I was interested in doing some volunteer work 3 that she was going to help clean up the 4 if〔whether〕I had ever done any volunteer park that day work |해석| 1 너는 방과 후에 보통 무엇을 하니? 2 너는 자원봉사를 하는 것에 관심이 있니? 3 나는 오늘 공원을 청소하는 것을 돕는 자원봉사를 하려고 해. 4 너는 자원 봉사를 해본 적이 있니? Chapter 05 21 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지22 SinsagoHitec 특수 구문 point 1 강조 구문 p.94 1 Shakespeare that〔who〕, “Romeo and Juliet” that〔which〕 2 with my friends that 〔who〕, last Sunday that〔when〕 3 does take 1 where 2 who 3 which 4 when B a s i c p.95 1 do, know 2 do, want 1 It was him that 2 where〔that〕the 2002 World Cup was held 3 Dora and Kate do want to travel 4 I did miss my homeland 5 during the lunchtime that〔when〕 1 was to you that I lent the notebook 2 was last month that〔when〕there was a big festival in our city 3 was my brother that 〔who〕entered university this year 4 is coffee and doughnuts that〔which〕they sell at the store 5 do remember A d v a n c e d p.96 1 I did enjoy studying with you last year. 2 It was in Korea that I was born. 3 My grandmother did come to see me last weekend. 4 It was Jake that laughed at my mistake. 5 Jenny does like to share delicious food |해석| 6 It was French toast that my husband with her neighbors. cooked for me. 22 Answers 3-2 1 in 1988 that Korea held the Olympic Games 2 automobiles that the company exports 3 on the radio that I heard the news 4 did tell you that it was dangerous 5 on Saturday that we visited our uncle’s house 6 at the park that I lost my wallet 서술형 완벽 대비 p.97 1 It was Yu Jaesuk 2 It was by accident that 3 It was Kimchi Stew that 4 did get |해석| 내가 어제 만난 사람은 바로 유재석이었다. 내가 그를 만난 것은 식당에서 정말 우연이었다. 그는 내가 모르는 다른 몇몇 사람들 과 함께 식사를 하고 있었다. 그들이 주문한 것은 바로 김치찌개 였다. 너한테는 믿기지 않을 수도 있겠지만, 나는 그의 사인을 정 말로 받았다! |해설| 1~3「it is〔was〕~ that ...」구문을 이용한 것으로, 강조하고 자 하는 내용을 동사와 that 사이에 쓴다. 4 강조하고자 하는 동사 앞에 do〔does`/`did〕를 써서 강조 한다. 1 was Henry that broke the window 2 was a soccer ball that he kicked 3 was during the lunch break that he played 4 was on the playground that he played soccer soccer Jess! Henry가 학교에서 창문을 깨뜨렸어! 그는 점심시간 동안 에 운동장에서 친구들과 축구를 하고 있었는데, 그가 축구공을 너 무 세게 찬 거야. 그는 지금 곤경에 처해 있어! WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지23 SinsagoHitec point 2 부정 구문, 병렬 서술형 완벽 대비 p.101 p.98 1 Nobody dislikes wearing school uniforms. 2 We are not always right. 3 Not all the students like wearing school uniforms. 4 None of the teachers understand us. 1 any 2 child 3 stay 4 anything 5 nice 6 smokes 1 neither of 2 not always 3 no one 4 Not all 5 never |해설| 1, 4 nobody, none은‘아무도 ~하지 않는다’라는 의미의 전 B a s i c p.99 니다’라는 의미의 부분부정이다. 체부정이다. 2, 3 「not+all, every, always」는‘모두〔항상〕~인 것은 아 1 Not all the dolls in the store are 2 building and heating 3 child wants to have 4 ate nor drank 5 knows how to solve 1 don’t, always 2 Not, all 3 Neither 4 never 5 No, one 6 Not, every 1 Every student likes 2 Not all students exercise 3 No one brings |해석| 1 모든 학생들이 영화를 보는 것을 좋아한다. 2 모든 학생들이 매일 운동을 하는 것은 아니다. 3 아무도 학교에 도시락을 가져오지 않는다. A d v a n c e d p.100 미의 부분부정이다. |해설| 2「not+all, every」는‘모두〔항상〕~인 것은 아니다’라는 의 3 no one은‘아무도 ~하지 않는다’라는 의미의 전체부정이다. then. see. 1 Not every boy likes playing soccer. 2 I don’t always take the subway to school. 3 No one has answered that question. 4 Neither of us knew that she was absent 5 Jerry is neither tall nor fat. 6 Neither my brother nor I like fast food. 1 I saw none of the people I’ve wanted to 2 Sara is stronger and faster than Amy. 3 I don’t always go out on Sundays. 4 Henry likes dancing as well as singing. 5 Neither of us prepared for the exam. 6 Exercise is good for both body and mind. Chapter 06 23 WW레벨(해)3-2챕터1~6(인) 2015.9.30 6:21 PM 페이지24 SinsagoHitec point 3 도치 서술형 완벽 대비 p.105 p.102 1 is an old house 2 lives a little girl 3 does she live with 4 does she forget 5 is she afraid of 1 So are you. 2 Neither will they. 3 So did she. 4 Neither do I. |해석| 1 were some bananas 2 have I lied 3 have I heard 4 did I finish 5 comes my bride 어느 작은 마을 한 쪽 끝에 오래된 집 하나가있습니다. 그 집에 는 어린 소녀가 살고 있습니다. 어머니와 아버지 모두 그녀와 살 고 있지 않습니다. 그러나 소녀는 결코 어머니와 아버지를 잊지 않습니다. 소녀는 씩씩하고 아무것도 두려워하지 않습니다. 그 소녀의 이름은 삐삐 롱스타킹입니다. |해설| 1, 2 방향이나 장소의 부사(구)를 강조할 경우「부사(구)+동 사+주어」의 어순으로 도치된다. 3~5 부정어를 강조할 경우「부정어+조동사〔do〕+주어+동사 원형」의 어순으로 도치된다. 1 lay beautiful scenery 2 Never have I seen 3 came the rain 4 do I like rain 5 I walked fast |해석| 나는 한라산에 갔다. 아름다운 경치가 내 밑에 펼쳐졌다. 나는 결 코 그렇게 아름다운 산을 본 적이 없다. 그러나 얼마 지나지 않아 비가 내렸다. 나는 결코 비가 오는 것을 좋아하지 않는다. 나는 젖 은 산길을 따라 빠르게 걸었다. 나는 거의 젖지 않았다. |해설| 1, 3, 5 방향이나 장소의 부사(구)를 강조할 경우「부사(구)+동 사+주어」의 어순으로 도치된다. 단, 주어가 대명사일 경우 「부사(구)+대명사+동사」순으로 쓴다. 2, 4 부정어(never)를 강조할 경우「부정어+조동사〔do〕+주 어+동사원형」의 어순으로 도치된다. B a s i c p.103 1 will I buy things 2 does David come to school 3 sat a butterfly 4 was my room cleaned 1 likes, watching, musicals, so, do, I 2 doesn’t, like, spicy, food, neither, do, I 3 will, learn, Chinese, so, will, Tom 1 the deep sea lived a beautiful mermaid 2 did I dream of buying a big house 3 those hills he has lived for a long time 4 do I have coffee at night A d v a n c e d p.104 1 Scarcely did it rain this summer. 2 Around the corner is a Korean restaurant. 3 Over the rainbow may be a wonderland. 4 Rarely do I have breakfast. 5 Never does he tell me a lie. 6 Here comes the queen! 1 Behind a house hid the boy. 2 Little have I heard about the matter. 3 In the woods saw Judy a beautiful house. 4 Never have I seen such a big frog. 5 Under the desk was found my lost ring. 6 Hardly does the man speak to us all day long. 24 Answers 3-2
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